Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England January–November 2004


Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England January–November 2004
Annals Index
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of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Index to Annals Volume 86
January–November 2004
The Royal
Annals Index
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Note: The first figure indicates the issue; the second figure indicates the page
Abayasekara KNW, (Abstract) (1).57
Abbasakoor F et al., implantation anal metastases, (1).38
Acheson AG, see Nisar PJ, (1).59
Acton D, see Trikha SP, (3).161, (6).442
Adair A et al., (Comment) (2).144
Ahmad MA, and Haider K, internet viewings, (4).318
Al-Dahiri A, see Chandrasekaran TV, (6).475
Alakeson N, see Keong N et al., (3).174
Alexander DJ, (Comment) (2).148; see Thornton DJA, (2).87
Allaf N, and Lovell M, mortality in femoral neck fractures,
(5).347; et al., tibial fracture plastering, (5).382
Allison MC, see Stephens MR, (6).478
Alusi G, see Benjamin E, (6).404; see Persaud R, (4).253
Ammori BJ, (Comment) (2).147
Anderson ADG, see Barker P, (4).281
Anderson J, see Arthur J, (6).481
Andrews JG, see Khan AM, (1).11, (2).119
Anikin V, see Batchelor TJP, (2).133
Ansell J, and Rees BI, (Abstract) (6).477
Anwar S, see Macutkiewicz C, (2).96
Arifi AA, see Wan IYP, (2).144
Armenio A, see Durrant C, (4).316
Arnold S, see Hussain T, (4).325
Arthur J et al., (Abstract) (6).481
Arthur J and Nair R, accuracy of operative coding, (3).210
Ashdown DA et al., orchidectomy in testicular cancer, (4)289
Ashford RU, see Frasquet-Garcia A, (3).225
Atkins D, (Editorial) (1).2
Atkinson JJ et al., (Comment) (1).74
Atkinson S, see Putnis S, (6).425
Babbs C, see Macutkiewicz C, (2).96
Baghla DPS, and Peckham T, cylinder cast modification, (1).52
Bajekal R, see Bhalia A, (4).327
Bale L, see Malik MHA, (2).113
Banerjee AK, (Book Review) (5).397
Bann S, see Shah J, (5).381
Banwell PE, see Chennagiri R, (3).232; see Dormand E-L, (5).392;
see Furniss D, (2).137; see Jayakumar P, (5).393
Barker P et al., elective change of intravenous cannulae, (4).281
Baron R, see Sujendran V, (3).229
Barringer C, see Curwen C, (1).56
Barry JD, scrotal support in anorectal surgery, (5).383; see Stephens
MR, (6).478
Barua JM, see Masood J, (3).228
Barwell J, see Weale A, (4).275
Batchelor TJP et al., (Abstract) (2).133
Beale RJ et al., (Abstract) (2).132
Beard JD, (Comment) (1).71
Bebbington A, and Hardy J, pre-operative shaving, (3).226
Beckingham IJ, see Dowson C, (1).58
Belcher HJCR, see Cubison TCS, (4).306
Bell J, see Trikha SP, (6).442
Benfield JEC, see Harvey JR, (2).122
Benjamin E, and Alusi G, head and neck cancer database, (6).404
Bennis M, see Adair A, (2).144
Bentley G, see Skinner JA, (1).15
Best BG, see Marron CD, (3).225
Beynon J, see Chandrasekaran TV, (6).475; see Hirst G, (6).480
Bhalia A, and Bajekal R, (Comment) (4).327
Bhutiani RP, see Younis I, (3).213
Bicknell C, see Hartley N, (4).317
Birch R, (Book Review) (6).488
Black J, (Book Review), (3).235
Blackett R, see Gilmour J, (6).479
Blackshaw GRJC, see Stephens MR, (6).478
Blair S, (Comment) (5).399
Blakeley CJ, see Hashemi K, (6).449
Blom A, see Curwen C, (1).56
Bodiwala D, see Ashdown DA, (4).289
Bolton-Maggs B, see Dussa CU, (3).227
Bond J, see Lagatolla NRF, (1).70
Bowden J, see Ismail H, (4).306
Bowyer GW, see Katsoulis E, (4).272
Boyd J, see Shah J, (3).186
Boyd PJR, see Kouriefs C, (6).432
Bramhall SR, (Comment) (5).401
Brennan P, (Book Review) (2).139
Brightwell RE, see Ojimba TA, (3).227
Brigley S et al., General Professional Practice of Surgery, (5).385
Brook N et al., peritoneal dialysis management, (3).190
Brookes CN, facial injuries in motor vehicle crashes, (3).149
Brown AA, see Sivakumar B, (1).35
Brown I, see De Souza BA, (Comment) (3).237
Browning GGP, see Wallace CG, (2).128
Buckland JR, see Ismail H, (4).307
Bultitude MF, see Dasgupta P, (5).367
Burke M, see Chadha NK, (5).353
Burnett H, see Macutkiewicz C, (2).96
Burns ACR et al., (Abstract) (6).482
Burton DJC et al., proximal tibial fracture stabilisation, (3).224
Butler M, see Kingsnorth AN, (5).363
Calder PR et al., reducing missing fracture radiographs, (5).342
Calleary J, see Masood J, (3).228; see Wiseman OJ, (6).462
Calvert P, see Ravenscroft M, (1).25
Cameron DR, and Goodman AJ, gallstone pancreatitis management,
Campbell P, see Frasquet-Garcia A, (3).225
Campbell S, and Mee AS, treatment of bile duct stones, (6).470
Campbell WB, informed consent, (6).457; (Comment) (3).238; and
Dent T, NICE news, (2).221, (4).296; see Willett S, (5).375;
Camprodon RAM, see Chan YC, (1).47
Cant PJ, see Husain L, (1).58
Carlson GL, insulin resistance, (2).75; see Macutkiewicz C, (2).96,
Carr N, see Hirst G, (6).480
Carr ND, see Chandrasekaran TV, (6).475
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Carrington RWJ, see Skinner JA, (1).15
Carter SR, see Khan MT, (1).18
Caruana MF, and Osman IS, transtibial amputation, skin flap,
Cashman JP, see McKenzie J, (1).53
Chadha NK et al., early discharge after breast surgery, (5).353
Challacombe BJ, and Popert RJ, (Comment) (2).145
Chan YC et al., abdominal complications from crack cocaine, (1).47
Chandrasekaran TV et al., sigmoid volvulus management, (6).475
Chant H, see Weale A, (4).275
Charalambous CP, (Comment) (4).328
Chaudhry A, and Rees BI, (Abstract) (6).478
Chaudhuri A, and Clarke JMF, extended femoral endarterectomy,
Chennagiri R, and Banwell PE, internet viewings, (3).232
Chester DL, and Titley OG, diathermy suction and insulation,
Chunara AM, see Vincent MJ, (5).383
Church R et al., (Comment) (5).401
Clark MPA, and Waddell A, post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage arrest,
Clarke JMF, see Chaudhuri A, (4).308; see Forshaw MJ, (4).308
Clifton MA, see Adair A, (2).144
Coatesworth AP, see Uppal S, (4).243
Colville J, see Mandal A, (4).258
Compson JP, see Malik AK et al., (3).165
Connor S et al., (Abstract) (6).481
Cooksey G, see Wilson JP, (4).284
Cooper JC, see Husain L, (1).58
Cope M, see Dussa CU, (3).227
Corson J, see Johnson R, (2).99
Cowey A et al., gunshot wound admissions, (2).104
Cribb GL et al., orthopaedic workload of metastatic bone disease,
Crumplin MKH, (Comment) (5).402
Cubison TCS et al., hand rehabilitation, (4).306
Cumming S, see Chadha NK, (5).353
Curtis MJ, see Trikha SP, (3).161
Curwen C et al., cerclage wiring, (1).56
Cynk MS, see Dasgupta P, (5).367
Dahabreh Z, internet viewings, (5).395
Darzi A, see Shah J, (5).381
Das S, see Persaud R, (4).253
Dasgupta P et al., flexible ureterorenoscopy, (5).367
da Silva A, see Mendonca AD, (Abstract) (2).132
Dassanayake SK, see Smith MD, (1).60
Davey P et al., endovascular AAA repair, (5).377
Davies CG et al., motor function assessment in carotid
endarterectomy, (4).308
Davies GLS et al., (Comment) (2).146
Davies J et al., (Abstract) (2).133; internet viewings, (5).392
Davis BJ et al., (Comment) (1).69
deAlwis C, see Mehra A, (4).260
de Cossart L, (Book Review) (3).236; and Fish D, curriculum
framework for basic surgical training, (4).309; see Ghosh S,
Dehn T, controversial topics in surgery, (4).298, (5).377, (6).470
Delbridge M, see Shrestha BM, (3).233
Delicata RJ, see Zia MK, (6).455
Deliss L, (Book Review) (2).141; (Comment) (5).399
Demetriades AK, (Comment) (5).400
Dent T, see Campbell WB, (3).221, (4).296
Derodra J, see Posnett H, (6).491
De Silva DJ, and Joshi N, internet viewings, (3).231
De Souza BA et al., (Comment) (3).237
Dick AC, see Milliken IM, (3).229
Dietz D, see Church R, (5).401
Dinah F, (Comment) (4).328
Dolan SJ, see Marron CD, (3).225
Dormand E-L, and Banwell PE, internet viewings, (5).392
Downes B, (Book Review) (2).141
Dowson C et al., (Abstract) (1).58
Dowson HMP et al., transparent drape, (2).129
Drew PJ, see Ramesh AN, (5).334
Driver IK, see Ojimba TA, (3).227
Drury NE et al., fibre-optic light leads (1).40
Dunkow P, see Allaf N, (5).382; see Smith MG, (5).344
Durrant C, and Armenio A, internet viewings, (4).316
Dussa CU et al., (Abstract) (3).227
Dyer JP, see Drury NE, (1).40
Edwards AG et al., (Comment) (3).238
Edwards P, see Stephens MR, (6).478
Edwards TJ et al., risk disclosure in informed consent, (6).458
Eng CY et al., epistaxis cauterisation, (6).475
Erdmann MWH, see Mandal A, (4).258
Evans J, see Connor S, (6).481
Fabri BM, see Karthik S, (6).413
Fairbank JCT, William Adams and the spine of GA Mantell, (5).349
Fassiadis N et al., small umbilical hernia repair in children, (4).305
Fay D, see Davey P, (5).377
Fiddian NJ, (Comment) (1).74
Finlay I, see Edwards TJ, (6).458
Fish D, General Professional Practice of Surgery, (4).312; see de
Cossart L, (4).309
Fleshman J, see Church R, (5).401
Forshaw MJ, and Clarke JMF, non-sutured drain fixation, (4).308
Fountain SW, see Swift S, (3).220
Frasquet-Garcia A et al., viewing overexposed radiographs, (3).225
Furniss D, and Banwell P, internet viewings, (2).137
Galland RB, endovascular AAA repair, (5).377; see Manimaran N,
Gambhir AK, see Malik MHA, (2).113
Gaunt ME, (Comment) (1).68
Georgalas C, see Persaud R, (4).253
Ghaneh P, see Connor S, (6).481
Ghosh S et al., surgical high dependency unit, (1).44
Giannakas K, see Khan AM, (1).11; see Khan AM, (2).119
Giannoudis PV, see Tan HB, (3).156
Gibbs J, see Dowson HMP, (2).129
Gibson JNA, see Wallace CG, (3).42
Gillams A, (Book Review) (6).486
Gilliam AD et al., stapled colorectal anastomosis, (3).223
Gilmour J et al., (Abstract) (6).479
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Gladman LJ, see Gladman MA, (3).196
Gladman MA et al., intra-operative culture in appendicitis,
Glass JM, see Dasgupta P, (5).367
Godsiff SP, see Vincent MJ, (5).383; see Vincent MJ (6).476
Golby M, see Brigley S, (5).385
Goldie B, see Thomas RJ, (1).51
Goodbourne C, see Thomas RJ, (1).51
Goodier WD, see Calder PR, (5).342
Goodman AJ, see Cameron DR, (5).358
Gordon AB, see Davies GLS, (2).146
Gough MJ, see Beale RJ, (Abstract) (2).132
Graham N, see McMurtrie A, (6).466
Gray JM, see Khan MT, (1).18
Grayson AD, see Karthik S, (6).413
Green I, see Pilkington SA, (5).400
Gregory J, see Cowey A, (2).104
Grimer RJ, see Khan MT, (1).18
Guryel E et al., hip fracture management, (3).171
Haider K, see Ahmad MA, (4).318
Haji A, see Haq A, (4).307
Hamm RS, and MacDermott SM, renal function in lower urinary
tract symptoms, (3).182
Haq A et al., neck support in thyroid surgery, (4).307
Haray PN, see Barry JD, (5).383; see Shah PR, (5).402
Hardy J, see Bebbington A, (3).226
Harries PG, see Ismail H, (4).307
Harrod J, see Gilmour J, (6).479
Hartley N, and Bicknell C, internet viewings, (4).317
Harvey JR, and Benfield JEC, preventing MRSA infection in
joint replacements, (2).122; and Thomas NP, regional
orthopaedic courses, (6).451
Hashemi K, and Blakeley CJ, infection in day-case hand surgery,
Hashems-Nejad A, see Skinner JA, (1).15
Hayes N, (Book Review) (1).64
Hegde S, see Williams MR, (6).465
Hellier WP, see Ismail H, (4).306
Henderson J, (Comment) (1).69
Heriot AG et al., liver resection for colorectal metastases, (6).420
Hill JT, see Wiseman OJ, (6).462
Hilmi O, see Eng CY, (6).475
Hirst G et al., (Abstract) (6).480
Hobman J, internet viewings, (5).391
Hogg C, digital image preparation, (2).131
Homer-Vanniasinkam S, see Beale RJ, (2).132
Hopper N, see Davies CG, (4).308
Hornick P, see Swift S, (3).220
Howes N, see Connor S, (6).481
Hughes R, see Hirst G, (6).480
Huntley JS et al., doctors’ attitudes to alcohol abuse, (5).329
Husain L et al., (Abstract) (1).58
Husband A, see Ismail H, (4).306
Hussain T, and Arnold S, (Comment) (4).325
Hutchinson C, see Khan AM, (2).119
Hynes MC, see Calder PR, (5).342
Ibrahim T, new consent form, (3).206; et al. (Comment) (6).467
Isaacson K, and Thom A, (Book Review) (1).67
Ismail H et al., Foley catheter fixation in epistaxis, (4).307;
et al., frontal sinus drain, (4).306
Jah A et al., tuberculosis of the breast, (6).416
Jayakumar P et al., internet viewings, (5).393
Jennings AG et al., acute Achilles rupture repair, (6).445
Jindal M, see Davis BJ, (1).69
Johnson R et al., palliation of large bowel obstruction, (2).99
Jones DRB, see Gilmour J, (6).479
Jones H, see Arthur J, (6).481
Jones JW, see Losanoff JE, (5).384
Jones M, see Mandal A, (4).258
Jones O, see Pilkington SA, (5).400
Jones SM et al., telemedicine in trauma management, (4).239
Joseph A, see Barry JD, (5).383
Joshi N, see De Silva DJ, (3).231
Kaltsas DS, infection after hip arthroplasty, (4).267
Kambhampati C, see Ramesh AN, (5).334
Kanatas AN, and Rogers SN, quality of life survey in head and neck
cancer, (1).6
Kane PA, see Chan YC, (1).47
Kangesu L, see Sivakumar B, (1).35
Kaniyur S, see Persaud R, (4).253
Karanjia N, see Heriot AG, (6).420
Karthik S et al., myocardial protection practice in CABG, (6).413
Katsoulis E et al., septic arthritis of the knee, (4).272
Kempshall P, see Davies CG, (4).308
Kennedy DWG, (Book Review) (4).321
Kennedy RH, and King PM, laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery,
Keong N et al., pressure sores after hip arthroplasty, (3).174
Khan AA, see Jayakumar P, (5).393
Khan AM et al., cross-match protocols in femoral neck fracture,
(1).11; et al., pain in hip osteoarthritis, (2).119
Khan MT et al., giant-cell tumours of distal radius, (1).18
Khan SN, and Stansby G, Paget-Schroetter syndrome, (1).29
Kidd AJ, see Gilliam AD, (3).223
King DG, see Frasquet-Garcia A, (3).225
King PM, see Kennedy RH, (4).298
Kingsnorth AN et al., incisional hernia repair, (5).363
Kinmont JC, see Payne R et al., (3).177
Kir, RM, (Book Review) (1).65
Kirk RM, (Book Review) (1).65
Kirkup J, history of surgical instruments, (3).202
Kisku W, see Davis BJ, (1).69
Knight T, (Comment) (1).73
Knowles CH, see Gladman MA, (3).196
Kouriefs C et al., patients’ perspectives on ESWL treatment, (6).432
Krahé D, see Persaud R, (4).253
Kumar B, see Davies J, (2).133
Kumar P, (Book Review) (4).322
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Lagatolla NRF, and Bond J, (Comment) (1).70
Lambert AW, testicular tunnelling technique, (2).131; see Edwards
TJ, (6).458
Lane T, see Masood J, (3).228
Lang DM, see Smith MG, (5).344
Larking A, see Kouriefs C, (6).432
Lawes D, and Refson J, debridement of diabetic foot infection,
Lawrence FD, see Jah A, (6).416
Lawrence T, internet viewings, (1).62
Lear FA, see Edwards AG, (Comment) (3).238
Lear PA, see Weale A, (4).275
Lee L, (Book Review) (1).64
Lewin RJ, see Newell R, (6).407
Lewis MH, see Mittapalli D, (6).466
Lewis WG, see Stephens MR, (6).478
Liu S, see Ashdown DA, (4).289
Lloyd MS, bull gore injury, (1).3
Lobo DN, see Dowson C, (1).58
Losanoff JE et al., sutureless obturator hernia repair, (5).384
Loveday DT, (Book Review) (5).398
Lovell M, see Allaf N, (5).347, (5).382
Lovell ME, see Atkinson JJ, (1).74
Lowry J, (Book Review) (2).140; (Book Review) (4).321; (Book Review)
Lumley J, (Editorial) (1).1
McCabe J, internet viewings, (4).319
McClelland D, see McMurtrie A, (6).466
MacDermott SM, see Hamm RS, (3).182
Macdonald DA, see Tan HB, (3).156
McDonald J, (Book Review) (2).139
MacFie J, see Barker P, (4).281
McGrath DR, and Spigelman AD, (Abstract) (3).228
McKenzie J, and Cashman JP, wound irrigation device, (1).53
Maclennan I, see Cowey A, (2).104
McLoughlin E, see Khan AM, (2).119
McMahon MJ, see Davies J, (2).133
McMurtrie A et al., (Comment) (6).466
Macutkiewicz C et al., opiate withdrawal syndrome, (2).96
Maguire P, internet viewings, (4).317
Majeed AW, and Price C, hepatobiliary surgical services, (2).91
Majeed MA, and Zia MK, internet viewings, (3).230
Makin CA, see Arthur J, (6).481
Malik AK et al., scaphoid views, (3).165
Malik MHA et al., practice in total hip replacement, (2).113
Mallick IH, internet viewings, (2).136
Mandal A et al., haemorrhagic median neuropathy, (4).258
Manimaran N, and Galland RB, digital rectal examination in
abdominal pain, (4).292
Mann BS, see Skinner JA, (1).15
Manson J, see Shah J, (3).186; see Shah J, (5).381
Marks CG, see Heriot AG, (6).420
Marron CD et al., mesh splenorrhaphy, (3).225
Marsh R, see Johnson R, (2).99
Masood J et al., (Abstract) (3).228; see Wiseman OJ, (6).462,
Masoud AG, see Barry JD, (5).383
Matthews SJ, see Tan HB, (3).156
Maude KM, see Davies J, (2).133
Mayahi R, see Singh S, (5).339
Maynard N, see Sujendran V, (3).229
Mayor AID, see Beale RJ, (Abstract) (2).132
Mearns AJ, see Batchelor TJP, (2).133
Mee AS, see Campbell S, (6).470
Mehra A et al., blood transfusion in total knee replacement,
Mehta SP, and Shearman CP, internet viewings, (5).393
Mendonca AD et al., (Abstract) (2).132
Merville-Tugg R, see Putnis S, (6).425
Milliken IM, and Dick AC, (Abstract) (3).229
Milroy C, see Jones SM, (4).239
Mitchell DA, (Book Review) (6).486
Mitchell DC, see Weale A, (4).275
Mitchell P, see Cowey A, (2).104
Mittapalli D et al., (Comment) (6).466
Moalypour SM, see Payne R et al., (3).177
Monson JRT, see Ramesh AN, (5).334
Moos KF, (Comment) (4).326
Moran BJ, laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery, (4).300
Morgan D, internet viewings, (1).61, (2).135
Morgan R, see Hirst G, (6).480
Motson RW, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, (4).302
Mughal M, (Book Review) (1).66
Mulla R, see Jah A, (6).416
Munz Y, see Shah J, (5).381
Murad M, see Burns ACR, (6).482
Murphy M, see Connor S, (6).481
Murray J, see Mehra A, (4).260
Mushtaq N, see Khan AM, (1).11
Nadig S, see Uppal S, (4).243
Nagesh HV, (Comment) (4).326
Nair R, see Arthur J, (3).210
Neal KR, see Nisar PJ, (1).59
Neoptolemos JP, see Connor S, (6).481
Newell R et al., information needs of head and neck cancer
patients, (6).407
Newman RJ, see Jennings AG, (6).445
Ng WT, (Comment) (1).71
Nicholson ML, see Brook N, (3).190
Nielsen DM, and Twyman R, (Comment) (6).491
Nisar PJ et al., (Abstract) (1).59
Nor F, and Plusa SM, career intentions of basic surgical trainees,
Norton MR, see Williams MR, (6).465
Novell J, (Comment) (6).491
O’Connor R, see Chadha NK, (5).353
Ojimba TA et al., (Abstract) (3).227
Ong SM, see Ibrahim T, (3).206, (6).467
Oo AY, see Karthik S, (6).413
O’Riordan D, (Book Review) (3).235
Osman IS, see Caruana MF, (1).54; see Ojimba TA, (3).227
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Pallett A, see Katsoulis E, (4).272
Panchbhavi VK, knee stabilisation device, (1).54
Paris H, see Stephens MR, (6).478
Patel B, see Hirst G, (6).480
Paton R, (Book Review) (6).487
Patton R, see Huntley JS, (5).329
Payne JG, see Gladman MA, (3).196
Payne R et al., closed fracture-dislocation of the ankle, (3).177
Pearson R, see Cowey A, (2).104
Peckham T, see Baghla DPS, (1).52
Persaud R et al., necrotizing fasciitis of the neck, (4).253
Pickford MA, see Jones SM, (4).239
Pilkington SA et al., (Comment) (5).400
Pittam M, see Jah A, (6).416
Platt A, see Sillitoe AT, (4).304
Playdon Z-J, General Professional Practice of Surgery, (5).388
Plusa SM, see Nor F, (2).125
Pollard R, see Drury NE, (1).40
Pollard TCB et al., (Comment) (6).465
Popert RJ, see Challacombe BJ, (2).145
Porter ML, see Malik MHA, (2).113
Posnett H, and Derodra J, (Comment) (6).491
Power D, see Prasad V, (2).134
Pradhan N, see Malik MHA, (2).113
Prasad B, see Mendonca AD, (Abstract) (2).132
Prasad V et al., internet viewings, (2).134
Price C, see Majeed AW, (2).91
Prosser G, see Cribb GL, (6).436
Purushotham AD, see Turner MJA, (3).218
Putnis S et al., one-stop hernia surgery, (6).425
Quatan N, see Kouriefs C, (6).432
Qureshi AA, see Prasad V, (2).134
Raftery AT, see Shrestha BM, (3).233
Rainsbury RM, see Sotheran WJ, (2).82
Rajagopalan S, and Zia MK, internet viewings, (2).136
Rajakumar V, see Zia MK, (6).455
Rajasekhar C, internet viewings, (3).232
Ram B, see Eng CY, (6).475
Ramesh AN et al., artificial intelligence, (5).334
Ranger GS, (Comment) (1).70
Raraty M, see Connor S, (6).481
Ravenscroft M, and Calvert P, shoulder arthroplasty, (1).25
Ravichandran D, see Jah A, (6).416
Redfern DJ, see Guryel E et al., (3).171
Rees BI, see Ansell J, (6).477; see Chaudhry A, (6).478
Rees M, see Pilkington SA, (5).400
Refson J, see Lawes D, (2).129
Reynolds J, see Heriot AG, (6).420
Rhodes M, see Rourke K, (5).399
Ribeiro BF, see Haq A, (4).307
Richman BW, see Losanoff JE, (5).384
Ricketts D, see Keong N, (3).174
Ricketts DM, see Guryel E et al., (3).171
Robbé I, see Brigley S, (5).385
Robertson S, see Thornton DJA, (2).87
Rocker M, see Mittapalli D, (6).466
Rogers S, (Book Review) (4).323
Rogers SN, see Kanatas AN, (1).6
Rose J, see Davey P, (5).377
Rosenberg IL, see Gilliam AD, (3).223
Rourke K, and Rhodes M, (Comment) (5).399
Rowlands P, see Connor S, (6).481
Russell DA, see Beale RJ, (Abstract) (2).132
Rust P, see Keong N et al., (3).174
Sacks NPM, see Davies GLS, (2).146
Sairikejr S, (Comment) (4).325
Sait MS, see Spencer JD, (5).371
Samee A, see Gilmour J, (6).479
Sanghrajka AP, see Pollard TCB, (Comment) (6).465
Scholefield JH, see Nisar PJ, (1).59
Scott-Coombes DM, see Chan YC, (1).47
Seath MHM, see Cubison TCS, (4).306
Sefton GK, see Jennings AG, (6).445
Seymour K, see Johnson R, (2).99
Shah AJ, see Gilmour J, (6).479
Shah J et al., recruitment in urology, (3).186; et al., tying a knot at
depth, (5).381
Shah P, see Barry JD, (5).383
Shah PR, and Haray PN, (Comment) (5).402
Shandall AA, see Davies CG, (4).308; see Zia MK, (6).455
Shaw DL, see Burton DJC, (3).224
Shearman CP, see Mehta SP, (5).393
Sherman KP, see Thonse R, (4).263
Shetty AA, see Malik AK et al., (3).165
Shibu MM, see De Souza BA, (Comment) (3).237
Shrestha BM et al., internet viewings, (3).233
Siddiq MA, and Sood S, pharyngeal pouch surgery, (4).247
Siddiqui MRS, see Dussa CU, (3).227
Sidebottom A, (Comment) (4).326
Sillitoe AT, and Platt A, Z-plasty simulator, (4).304
Singh S, (Comment) (1).73
Singh S, internet viewings, (1).62
Singh S, DHS guidewire placement, (3).223; Kirschner wiring,
(3).226; and Mayahi R, consent in orthopaedic surgery, (5).339
Sivakumar B et al., circumcision in ‘buried penis’, (1).35
Sivarajasingham N, see Kingsnorth AN, (5).363
Skinner JA et al., corticosteroids and avascular necrosis, (1).15
Smith A, see Spencer J, (2).108
Smith L, see Uppal S, (4).243
Smith MD, and Dassanayake SK, internet viewings, (1).60
Smith MG et al., treatment of osteoporosis, (5).344
Smith SP, tension band wiring of olecranon fracture, (1).51
Sochart DH, see Khan AM, (1).11
Soin B, see Sujendran V, (3).229
Sood S, see Siddiq MA, (4).247
Sotheran WJ, and Rainsbury RM, skin-sparing mastectomy, (2).82
South LM, see Fassiadis N, (4).305
Spencer J et al., time delays in open long-bone fractures, (2).108
Spencer JD, and Sait MS, acetabular index measurement in cerebral
palsy, (5).371
Spigelman AD, see McGrath DR, (3).228
Sreenivas M, see Thonse R, (4).263
Srivastava V, see Abbasakoor F, (1).38
Stafford N, see Newell R, (6).407
Annals Index
12:18 pm
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Stansby G, see Khan SN, (1).29
Stephens MR et al., (Abstract) (6).478
Stephenson BM, see Abbasakoor F, (1).38
Stower MJ, see Wilson JR, (6).428
Strasberg S, see Church R, (5).401
Sujendran V et al., (Abstract) (3).229
Sutton R, see Connor S, (6).481
Swarnkar K, see Abbasakoor F, (1).38
Swift S et al., calculophagia? (3).220
Tan HB et al., mortality of acute orthopaedic and trauma patients,
Targett C, see Malik AK et al., (3).165
Taylor GJStC, see Ibrahim T, (3).206, (6).467
Taylor PR, (Book Review) (2).142
Theordorides A, see Fassiadis N, (4).305
Thom A, see Isaacson K, (1).67
Thomas AP, see Cribb GL, (6).436
Thomas MH, see Dowson HMP, (2).129
Thomas NP, see Harvey JR, (6).451
Thomas RJ et al., MRSA transmission, (1).51
Thomas SK, and Wishart GC, parathyroid adenoma excision,
Thompson MH, treatment of bile duct stones, (6).471
Thomson WH, (Comment) (1).70
Thonse R et al., antibiotic prophylaxis in hip fracture surgery,
Thornton DJA et al., pre-operative complications of gallstones,
Tillman RM, see Khan MT, (1).18
Tiptaft RC, see Dasgupta P, (5).367
Titley OG, see Chester DL, (2).130
Toms AD, see Cribb GL, (6).436
Torella F, see Ghosh S, (1).44
Touquet R, see Huntley JS, (5).329
Trikha SP et al., avulsion of common origin of MCL and MPFL,
(6).442; et al., reconstruction of acromio-clavicular joint,
Trott PA, see Davies GLS, (2).146
Trotter M, see Batchelor TJP, (2).133
Turner MJA, and Purushotham AD, accidental Epipen injection,
Twyman R, see Nielsen DM, (6).491
Waddell A, see Clark MPA, (6).411
Wallace CG, and Browning GGP, reducing needlestick injuries,
(2).128; and Gibson JNA, mobile image transfer, (3).42
Wallace T, see Batchelor TJP, (2).133
Waller JR, see Brook N, (3).190
Walsh C, see Arthur J, (6).481
Wan IYP et al., (Comment) (2).144
Wan S, see Wan IYP, (2).144
Warren J, see Gilmour J, (6).479
Watkin NA, see Kouriefs C, (6).432
Weale A et al., training in vascular access surgery, (4).275
Weale AR, see Edwards AG, (Comment) (3).238
Webb CJ, removal of ruptured cysts, (5).384
Webb MR, see Atkinson JJ, (1).74
Wells G, see Burton DJC, (3).224
West C, (Book Review) (1).66
White SA, see Brook N, (3).190
Wijewardena M, see Wiseman OJ, (6).462
Wilkins DC, see Edwards TJ, (6).458
Willett KM, see Pollard TCB, (6).465
Willett S, and Campbell WB, NICE news, (5).375, (6).469
Williams MR et al., informed consent and surgical trainees,
Williams SC, (Comment) (4).327
Wilson AJ, see Trikha SP, (3).161
Wilson JP, and Cooksey G, testicular cancer presentation, (4).284
Wilson JR et al., changing practice of transurethral prostatectomy,
Wilson R, (Book Review) (2).143
Winstanley J, (Book Review) (5).398
Wiseman O, see Masood J, (3).228
Wiseman OJ et al., patient attitudes to informed consent, (6).462
Wishart GC, see Thomas SK, (6).474
Wolfe JHN, endovascular AAA repair, (5).379
Wong S, see Kingsnorth AN, (5).363
Wood D, see Masood J, (3).228
Woods D, see Spencer J, (2).108
Wroblewski BM, total hip arthroplasty, (6).439
Wu A, see Burns ACR, (6).482
Wyatt MG, see Davey P, (5).377
Wyman A, (Book Review) (2).142
Yim APC, see Wan IYP, (2).144
Younis I, and Bhutiani RP, buffered xylocaine, (3).213
Unwin A, (Comment) (3).237
Uppal S et al., follow-up of nasal septal surgery, (4).243
Urwin GH, see Wilson JR, (6).428
Zia MK et al., resident general surgical cover, (6).455; see Majeed
MA, (3).230; see Rajagopalan S, (2).136
Ziegler L; see Newell R, (6).407
Vincent MJ, and Godsiff SP, lignocaine gel in ACLR, (6).476; et al.,
arthroscopy instrument arrangement, (5).383
Annals Index
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Page 8
Note: The first figure indicates the issue; the second figure indicates the page
Abdominal pain, rectal examination, (Manimaran and Galland)
Abdominoplasty, incisional hernia repair, (Kingsnorth et al.)
(5).363; internet viewings, (Furniss and Banwell) (2).137
Accident and emergency department, screening for alcohol
misuse, (Huntley et al.) (5).329
Acetabular index, in cerebral palsy, (Spencer and Salt) (5).371
Achilles tendon, acute rupture repair, (Jennings et al.) (6).445
Acromio-clavicular joint, dislocation and reconstruction, (Trikha et
al.) (3).161
Adams, William, (Fairbank) (5).352
Adenomatosis, erosive, of nipple, (Davies et al.) (Comment) (2).146
Airbag, motor vehicles, (Brookes) (3).149; neck support for
thyroid surgery, (Haq et al.) (4).307
Alcohol misuse, attitudes of doctors, (Huntley et al.) (5).329
Amputation, 19th century, (Demetriades) (Comment) (5).400;
lower limb, quality, (De Souza et al.) (Comment) (3).237;
transtibial, skin flap technique, (Caruana and Osman) (1).54
Anal sphincter, artificial implantation, NICE guidelines, (5).375
Anastomosis, colorectal, (Gilliam et al.) (3).223
Aneurysm, abdominal aortic, endovascular repair, (Davey et al.)
(5).377, (Wolfe) (5).379; repair using transparent drape,
(Dowson et al.) (2).129
Ankle, closed fracture-dislocation, (Payne et al.) (3).177
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, (Vincent and Godsiff)
Antibiotics, prophylactic in hip fracture surgery, (Thonse et al.)
Anus, implantation metastases, (Abbasakoor et al.) (1).38
Appendicectomy, intra-operative culture, (Gladman et al.) (3).196;
negative in Wales, (Ansell and Rees) (Abstract) (6).477
Arteriovenous fistula, training and outcomes, (Weale et al.)
Arthritis, septic, of the knee, (Katsoulis et al.) (4).272
Arthroplasty, hip, augmentation of dislocating replacement,
(Atkinson et al.) (Comment) (1).74, (Fiddian) (Comment) (1).74,
practice variations, (Malik et al.) (2).113, pressure sores
following, (Keong et al.) (3).174, results and consequences,
(Wroblewski) (6).439; knee, blood transfusion protcol, (Mehra
et al.) (4).260, prevention of MRSA infection, (Harvey and
Benfield) (2).122; shoulder, (Ravenscroft and Calvert) (1).25
Arthroscopy, acromio-clavicular joint reconstruction, (Trikha et al.)
(3).161; instrument arrangement, (Vincent et al.) (5).383
Artificial intelligence, (Ramesh et al.) (5).334
Attitudes, alcohol misuse, (Huntley et al.) (5).329
Audit, Achilles tendon rupture repair, (Jennings et al.) (6).445;
arrest of post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage, (Clark and Waddell)
(6).411; infections in day-case surgery, (Hashemi and Blakeley)
(6).449; information needs of head and neck cancer patients,
(Newell et al.) (6).407; metastatic bone disease, (Cribb et al.)
(6).436; mortality after acute orthopaedic and trauma
admissions (Tan et al.) (3).156; myocardial protection in CABG,
(Karthik et al.) (6).413; open tibial diaphyseal fracture
management, (Unwin) (Comment) (3).237; operative coding
accuracy, (Arthur and Nair) (3).210; patient expectations of
extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy, (Kouriefs et al.) (6).432;
resident general surgical cover, (Zia et al.) (6).455; shoulder
arthroplasty, (Ravenscroft and Calvert) (1).25; transurethral
prostatectomy, (Wilson et al.) (6).428
Avascular necrosis, femoral head after corticosteroid therapy,
(Skinner et al.) (1).15
Basic surgical trainees, career intentions and prospects, (Nor and
Plusa) (2).125; experience of central venous catheterisation,
(Davies et al.) (Abstract) (2).133; timetable, (Blair) (Comment)
(5).399, (Deliss) (Comment) (5).399
BASO, see British Association of Surgical Oncology
Best practice, hip arthroplasty, (Malik et al.) (2).113
ß-blockers, use in peripheral vascular disease, (Mendonca et al.)
(Abstract) (2).132
Bile duct stones, spontaneous passage, (Rourke and Rhodes)
(Comment) (5).399; surgical management, (Campbell and Mee)
(6).470, (Thompson) (6).471
Bilirubin levels, (Rourke and Rhodes) (Comment) (5).399
Blood transfusion, cross-match protocols in femoral neck fractures,
(Khan et al.) (1).11; total knee replacement, (Mehra et al.)
BOA, see British Orthopaedic Association
Bone metastases, orthopaedic workload, (Cribb et al.) (6).436
Book Reviews
Appropriate Orthopaedics, (Deliss) (2).141
Combat Medicine: Basic and Clinic Research in Military, Trauma
and Emergency Medicine, (Kennedy) (4).321
Developing a Unified Patient Record: A Practical Guide,
(Brennan) (2).139
Diseases of the Lymphatics, (Taylor) (2).142
Endocrine Pathology: Differential Diagnosis and Molecular
Advances, (Kumar) (4).322
Essential Practice of Surgery: Basic Science and Clinical
Evidence, (Kirk) (1).65
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, (Lee)
General Surgery Outpatient Decisions, response to review
(Gaunt) (1).67
Handbook of Pain Relief in Older Adults: An Evidence-based
Approach, (Banerjee) (5).397
Image-guided Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer, (Harris)
Improving Cancer Services Through Patient Involvement,
(Rogers) (4).323
Infection in Surgical Practice, (Wilson) (2).143
The Insider’s Guide to the NHS: How it Works and Why it
Sometimes Doesn’t, (Black) (3).236
Instructional Course Lectures Volume 53, (Helfet ed) (6).487
Introducing Palliative Care, (Downes) (2).141
Make Your Healthcare Organisation a Learning Organisation,
(de Cossart) (3).236
Management of Pituitary Tumours – The Clinician’s Practical
Guide, (West) (1).66
Annals Index
12:18 pm
Page 9
Maxillofacial Trauma and Esthetic Facial Reconstruction,
(Lowry) (4).321
Orthodontic Radiographs – Guidelines, response to review
(Isaacson and Thom) (1).67
Outcome Measures in Orthopaedics and Trauma (2nd edn),
(Loveday) (5).398
Personal Development Plans for Dentists: The New Approach to
Continuing Professional Development, (McDonald) (2).139
Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology, (Lowry)
Source Control – A Guide to the Management of Surgical
Infections, (Hayes) (1).64
Surgery MCQs and EMQs: A Companion to Fundamentals of
Surgical Practice, (Winstanley) (5).398
Surgical Anatomy of the Hand, (Schmidt and Lanz) (6).488
Teaching Made Easy: A Manual for Health Professionals (2nd
edn), (Mohanna et al.) (6).486
Why the New NHS will Fail and What Should Replace It,
(O’Riordan) (3).235
Wilfred Fish and a Profession in the Making, (Lowry) (2).140
Breast, erosive adenomatosis of nipple, (Davies et al.) (Comment)
(2).146; tuberculosis, (Jah et al.) (6).416
Breast augmentation, on NHS, (Davis et al.) (Comment) (1).69,
(Henderson) (Comment) (1).69
Breast cancer surgery, discharge with drains, (Chadha et al.)
(5).353; skin-sparing mastectomy, (Sotheran and Rainsbury)
Breast clinics, delays, (Husain et al.) (Abstract) (1).58
Breast reconstruction, immediate, (Sotheran and Rainsbury)
(2).82; internet viewings, (Hartley and Bicknell) (4).317
Breast reduction, internet viewings, (Durrant and Armenio)
British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO), guidelines for
metastatic bone disease, (Cribb et al.) (6).436
British Orthopaedic Association (BOA), guidelines for hip
arthroplasty, (Malik et al.) (2).113; guidelines for open tibial
diaphyseal fractures, (Unwin) (Comment) (3).237
Buffering, xylocaine, (Younis and Bhutiani) (3).213
Bull gore injury, (Crumplin) (Comment) (5).402; (Lloyd) (1).3
Calculi, see also Gallstones, urinary tract, ESWL, (Kouriefs et al.)
(6).432; flexible ureterorenoscopy, (Dasgupta et al.) (5).367,
Calculophagia, (Swift et al.) (3).220
Cancer, colorectal, see Colorectal cancer; gastric, prognostic value of
alarm symptoms, (Stephens et al.) (Abstract) (6).478; giant-cell
tumours of the distal radius, (Khan et al.) (1).18; head and
neck, information needs of patients, (Newell et al.) (6).407,
quality of life assessment, (Kanatas and Rogers) (1).6;
mesothelioma, survival, (Batchelor et al.) (Abstract) (2).133;
prostate, internet viewings, (Majeed and Zia) (3).230; renal,
internet viewings, (Mallick) (2).136; testicular, pain on
presentation, (Wilson and Cooksey) (4).284, radical
orchidectomy, (Ashdown et al.) (4).289
Cardioplegia, practice in CABG, (Karthik et al.) (6).413
Career choices, BST intentions, (Nor and Plusa) (2).125; urology,
(Shah et al.) (3).186
Carotid endarterectomy, learning curve, (Ojimba et al.) (Abstract)
(3).227; motor function assessment, (Davies et al.) (4).308
Carpal tunnel syndrome, secondary to haemorrhagic median
neuropathy, (Mandal et al.) (4).258
Carpus, scaphoid radiographic views, (Malik et al.) (3).165
Case reports, accidental Epipen injection, (Turner and
Purushotham) (3).218; avulsion of common origin of MCL and
MPFL, (Trikha et al.) (6).442; online-only, (6).489, tuberculosis
of the breast, (Jah et al.) (6).416
Cast, modifed brace hinges used with Ilizarov ring fixator, (Burton
et al.) (3).224; modified to protect extensor mechanisms repair,
(Baghla and Peckham) (1).52;
Casting, tibial closed fracture, (Allaf et al.) (5).382
Central venous catheterisation, BST experience, (Davies et al.)
(Abstract) (2).133
CEPOD, see Confidential Enquiry into Peri-Operative Deaths
Cerclage wiring, (Curwen et al.) (1).56
Cerebral palsy, acetabular index measurement, (Spencer and Salt)
Children, accidental epinephrine injection, (Turner and
Purushotham) (3).218; cerebral palsy, acetabular index
measurement, (Spencer and Salt) (5).371; laparoscopic surgery,
(Milliken and Dick) (Abstract) (3).229; umbilical hernia repair,
(Fassiadis et al.) (4).305
Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde, (Campbell and
Mee) (6).470
Cholecystectomy, laparoscopic, day-case, (Dowson et al.) (Abstract)
(1).58, delayed after gallstone pancreatitis, (Cameron and
Goodman) (5).358; pre-operative complications, (Thornton et
al.) (2).87
Cholelithiasis, see Gallstones
Circumcision, in ‘buried penis’, (Sivakumar et al.) (1).35
Club foot, internet viewings, (Rajasekhar) (3).232
Cocaine abuse, abdominal complications, (Chan et al.) (1).47
Colon, sigmoid volvulus treatment, (Chandrasekaran et al.) (6).475
Colorectal cancer, impact of age on treatment, (McGrath and
Spigelman) (Abstract) (3).228; implantation anal metastases,
(Abbasakoor et al.) (1).38; laparoscopic surgery, (Kennedy and
King) (4).298; (Moran) (4).300; liver metastases, resection,
(Bramhall) (Comment) (5).401, (Church et al.) (Comment)
(5).401, (Heriot et al.) (6).420, surgical services, (Majeed and
Price) (2).91; palliation of bowel obstruction, (Johnson et al.)
(2).99; referrals, (Adair et al.) (Comment) (2).144, (Novell)
(Comment) (6).491, (Shah and Haray) (Comment) (5).402
Colorectal surgery, anastomosis technique, (Gilliam et al.) (3).223;
early feeding and recovery, (Arthur et al.) (Abstract) (6).481
Comorbidity, pressure sores in hip arthroplasty, (Keong et al.)
Compartment syndrome, after surgery in lithotomy position,
(Lagattolla and Bond) (Comment) (1).70
Complications, closed fracture-dislocations, ankle, (Payne et al.)
(3).177; postoperative, opiate withdrawal, (Macutkiewicz et al.)
(2).96; pre-operative in cholelithiasis, (Thornton et al.) (2).87
Computers, hand-held for head and neck cancer data, (Benjamin
and Alusi) (6).404
Confidential Enquiry into Peri-Operative Deaths (CEPOD), list,
(Gilmour et al.) (Abstract) (6).479; national, (Guryel et al.)
(2).171; (Spencer et al.) (2).108
Congenital abnormalities, ‘buried’ penis, (Sivakumar et al.)
Consensus, risk disclosure in consent process, (Edwards et al.)
Consent, see Informed consent
Consultant-led training, (Dussa et al.) (Abstract) (3).227
Annals Index
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Contagious disease, SARS, (Wan et al.) (Comment) (2).144
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, (Brook et al.) (3).190
Coraco-clavicular ligaments, (Trikha et al.) (3).161
Coronary artery bypass grafting, myocardial protection practices,
(Karthik et al.) (6).413; off-pump, NICE guidance, (3).221;
saphenous vein harvesting, internet viewings, (Ahmad and
Haider) (4).318
Corticosteroids, avascular necrosis of femoral head, (Skinner et al.)
Cost-benefit analysis, nurse-led nasal septal surgery follow-up,
(Uppal) (4).243
Crack cocaine, abdominal complications of use, (Chan et al.)
Crash Injury Research Engineering Network (CIREN), (Brookes)
Creatinine, in men with LUTS, (Hamm and MacDermott) (3).182
Crohn’s disease, opiate withdrawal syndrome, (Macutkiewicz et al.)
Cross-match transfusion, total knee replacement, (Mehra et al.)
Curettage, giant-cell tumours, distal radius, (Khan et al.) (1).18
Curriculum, new framework, (de Cossart and Fish) (4).309,
educational evaluation, (Brigley et al.) (5).385, (Fish) (4).312,
management evaluation, (Playdon) (5).388
Cysts, removal of ruptured, (Webb) (5).384
Cytoreduction, NICE guidance, (4).297
Dartos muscle, ‘buried penis’, (Sivakumar et al.) (1).35
Data collection, pressure sores after hip arthroplasty, (Keong et al.)
Database, head and neck cancer, (Benjamin and Alusi) (6).404
Day-case surgery, hand, infections, (Hashemi and Blakeley)
(6).449; laparoscopic, (Dowson et al.) (Abstract) (1).58; ‘onestop’ for inguinal hernia, (Putnis et al.) (6).425
Debridement, diabetic foot, (Lawes and Refson) (2).129; larval
therapy, (Gilmour et al.) (Abstract) (6).479; pancreatic
(Alexander) (Comment) (2).148; (Ammori) (Comment) (2).147;
(Connor et al.) (Abstract) (6).481
Decision making, IPAC, (Willetts and Campbell) (6).469
Deep venous thrombosis, internet viewings, (Prasad et al.) (2).134
Delphi technique, (Edwards et al.) (6).458
Diabetic foot, management of infection, (Lawes and Refson) (2).129
Dialysis, see also Haemodialysis, peritoneal, (Brook et al.) (3).190
Diathermy, insulation and smoke extraction, (Chester and Titley)
Digital images, preparation, (Hogg) (2).131
Digital rectal examination, routine, (Manimaran and Galland)
Discectomy, laser lumbar, NICE guidance, (3).221; percutaneous
endoscopic laser, NICE guidelines, (5).375
Disclosure, in consent process, (Edwards et al.) (6).458
Dislocation, acromio-clavicular joint, (Trikha et al.) (3).161; closed
fracture-dislocations ankle, (Payne et al.) (3).177; patella,
(Trikha et al.) (6).442
District general hospital (DGH), pancreatic debridement,
(Alexander) (Comment) (2).148, (Ammori) (Comment)
(2).147Doppler, hand-held in valvular competence assessment,
(Posnett and Derodra) (Comment) (6).491
Drainage, breast surgery, early discharge, (Chadha et al.) (5).353;
frontal sinus, (Ismail et al.) (4).306; non-sutured drain fixation,
(Forshaw and Clarke) (4).308
Drapes, transparent in AAA repair, (Dowson et al.) (2).129
Drug abuse, crack cocaine, (Chan et al.) (1).47
Dysphagia, oesophageal foreign body, (Swift et al.) (3).220
Echocardiography, hip fracture, (Guryel et al.) (3).171
Editorials, Board activities and actions (Lumley) (1).1; online
journal, (Atkins) (1).2
Elderly, delays in hip fracture treatment, (Charalambous) (Comment)
(4).328; (Dinah) (Comment) (4).328; mortality after acute
trauma admissions, (Tan et al.) (3).156
Elective surgery, informed consent, (Ibrahim et al.) (3).206
Electrothermal therapy, percutaneous intradiscal, NICE guidance,
Emergency admissions, (Campbell) (Comment) (3).238; (Edwards et
al.) (Comment) (3).238
Endoscopic perforator vein surgery, NICE guidelines, (5).375
Endoscopic stapling diverticulotomy, (Siddiq and Sood) (4).247
Endotoxin, and insulin resistance, (Carlson) (2).75
Endovascular interventions, abdominal aortic aneurysm, (Davey et
al.) (5).377, (Wolfe) (5).379; internet viewings, (Mehta and
Shearman) (5).393; laser, (Beale et al.) (Abstract) (2).132; long
saphenous vein, NICE guidance, (4).297
Epinephrine, accidental injection, (Turner and Purushotham) (3).218
Epistaxis, cauterisation, technical tip, (Eng et al.) (6).475; Foley
catheter fixation, (Ismail et al.) (4).307
ERCP, see Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde
Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL), patients’
expectations and experience, (Kouriefs et al.) (6).432
Eye injuries, motor vehicle crashes, (Brookes) (3).149
Facial injuries, fracture diagnosis, (Moos) (Comment) (4).326,
(Sidebottom) (Comment) (4).326; motor vehicle crashes,
(Brookes) (3).149
Feeding, after colorectal surgery, (Arthur) (Abstract) (6).481
Femoral endarterectomy, (Davies et al.) (4).308
Femoral head, avascular necrosis after corticosteroid therapy,
(Skinner et al.) (1).15
Femoral neck fracture, blood transfusion practice, (Khan et al.)
(1).11; management priorities, (Guryel et al.) (2).171;
mortalities, incidence and causes, (Tan et al.) (3).156; rates,
(Allaf and Lovell) (5).347; osteoporosis, (Smith et al.) (5).344
Foley catheter, fixation in posterior epistaxis, (Ismail et al.) (4).307
Foreign body, oesophagus, (Swift et al.) (3).220
Fracture clinics, entrusting radiographs to patients, (Calder et al.)
(5).342; identifying osteoporosis, (Smith et al.) (5).344
Fractures, see also Femoral neck fracture, Hip fracture, ankle, closed
fracture-dislocation, (Payne et al.) (3).177; facial, diagnosis,
(Moos) (Comment) (4).326, (Sidebottom) (Comment) (4).326;
long-bone, time delays and infection, (Spencer et al.) (2).108;
olecranon, tension band wiring, (Nielsen and Twyman)
(Comment) (6).491, (Smith) (1).51; tibia, closed fracture
reduction and casting, (Allaf et al.) (5).382, intramedullary
nailing, (Nagesh) (Comment) (4).326, open diaphyseal,
management, (Unwin) (Comment) (3).237; scaphoid,
radiography, (Malik et al.) (3).165
Frontal sinus, drainage, (Ismail et al.) (4).306
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Gallstones, bile duct, spontaneous passage, (Rourke and Rhodes)
(Comment) (5).399, surgical management, (Campbell and Mee)
(6).470, (Thompson) (6).471; pancreatitis, delayed
cholecystectomy, (Cameron and Goodman) (5).358;
pre-cholecystectomy complications, (Thornton et al.) (2).87
Gastric cancer, prognostic value of alarm symptoms, (Stephens et
al.) (Abstract) (6).478
Gastro-oesophageal reflux, endoscopic injection of bulking agents,
NICE guidance, (4).297
Gender re-assignment surgery, internet viewings, (Smith and
Dassanayake) (1).60
General surgery, resident surgical cover in smaller hospitals, (Zia et
al.) (6).455
Giant-cell tumours, distal radius, (Khan et al.) (1).18
Google search, (Turner and Purushotham) (3).218
Guidelines, see also National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
news, hip arthroplasty, (Malik et al.) (2).113; hip fracture
management, (Guryel et al.) (2).171; metastatic bone disease,
(Cribb et al.) (6).436; open tibial diaphyseal fractures, (Unwin)
(Comment) (3).237
Gunshot wounds, (Cowey et al.) (2).104
Haemodialysis access, training and outcomes, (Weale et al.) (4).275
Haemorrhoidectomy, circular stapled, NICE guidance, (3).221;
stapled versus conventional, (Nisar et al.) (Abstract) (1).59
Haemorrhoids, treatment causing implantation metastases,
(Abbasakoor et al.) (1).38
Hand rehabilitation, colour coding, (Cubison et al.) (4).306
Hand surgery, day-case, infections, (Hashemi and Blakeley)
(6).449; internet viewings, (Lawrence) (1).62
Head and neck cancer, database, (Benjamin and Alusi) (6).404;
patient information needs, (Newell et al.) (6).407; quality of life
assessment, (Kanatas and Rogers) (1).6
Health-related quality of life, questionnaires used in head and neck
cancer patients, (Kanatas and Rogers) (1).6
Hepatobiliary surgical services, (Majeed and Price) (2).91
Hernia, incisional, open mesh repair, (Kingsnorth et al.) (5).363;
inguinal, laparoscopic repair, (Motson) (4).302; round ligament
varicosities in pregnancy, (Pilkington et al.) (Comment) (5).400;
obturator, sutureless plug repair, (Losanoff et al.) (Comment)
(5).384; umbilical, repair, (Fassiadis et al.) (4).305
High dependency unit, training, (Ghosh et al.) (1).44
Hip, avascular necrosis, (Skinner et al.) (1).15; osteoarthritis pain,
(Khan et al.) (2).119; resurfacing, internet viewings, (Morgan)
(1).61; (2).135
Hip arthroplasty, augmentation of dislocating replacement,
(Atkinson et al.) (Comment) (1).74, (Fiddian) (Comment) (1).74;
infection after, (Kaltsas) (4).267; practice variations, (Malik et
al.) (2).113; pressure sores following, (Keong et al.) (2).174;
preventing MRSA infection, (Harvey and Benfield) (2).122;
results and consequences, (Wroblewski) (6).439
Hip fracture, antibiotic prophylaxis, (Thonse et al.) (4).263;
blood transfusion practice, (Khan et al.) (1).11; delays in
treatment, (Charalambous) (Comment) (4).328, (Dinah)
(Comment) (4).328; dynamic hip screw fixation, (Singh)
(3).223; management priorities, (Guryel et al.) (3).171;
mortality incidence and causes, (Tan et al.) (3).156; mortality
rates, (Allaf and Lovell) (5).347
Hydrogen peroxide, necrotizing fasciitis of the neck, (Persaud
et al.) (4).253
Image preparation, digital, (Hogg) (2).131
Image transfer, mobile telephone, (Wallace and Gibson) (1).42
Imaging systems, minimally invasive surgery, (Drury et al.) (1).40
Infection, see also Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant (MRSA);
after total hip arthroplasty, (Kaltsas) (4).267; day-case hand
surgery, (Hashemi and Blakeley) (6).449; diabetic foot,
management, (Lawes and Refson) (2).129; and insulin
resistance, (Carlson) (2).75; long-bone fractures, (Spencer et al.)
(2).108; necrotizing fasciitis of the neck, (Persaud et al.)
(4).253; septic arthritis of the knee, (Katsoulis et al.) (4).272;
transmission via marking pens, (Thomas et al.) (1).51
Infertility, male, corticosteroid use and avascular necrosis, (Skinner
et al.) (1).15
Information, operative coding, (Arthur and Nair) (3).210; patient
in head and neck cancer, (Newell et al.) (6).407
Informed consent, (Campbell) (Editorial) (6).457, new form,
(Ibrahim et al.) (3).206, (Ibrahim et al.) (Comment) (6).467,
(McMurtrie et al.) (Comment) (6).466, (Mittapalli et al.) (Comment)
(6).466, (Pollard et al.) (Comment) (6).465; in orthopaedic
surgery, (Singh and Mayahi) (5).339; patient attitudes to trainee
surgeons, (Williams et al.) (6).465, (Wiseman et al.) (6).462;
post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage arrest, (Clark and Waddell)
(6).411; risk disclosure, (Edwards et al.) (6).458
Insulin resistance, (Carlson) (2).75
Internet, clinical information search, (Turner and Purushotham)
(3).218; patient information, (Knight) (Comment) (1).73
Internet viewings, abdominoplasty, (Furniss and Banwell) (2).137;
bilateral breast reduction, (Durrant and Armenio) (4).316;
breast reconstruction and cancer surgery, (Hartley and Bicknell)
(4).317; club foot, (Rajasekhar), (3).232; deep venous
thrombosis, (Prasad et al.) (2).134; endoscopic harvesting of
saphenous vein in CABG, (Ahmad and Haider) (4).318;
endovascular intervention, (Mehta and Shearman) (5).393;
gender re-assignment surgery, (Smith and Dassanayake) (1).60;
hand surgery, (Lawrence) (1).62; hip resurfacing, (Morgan)
(1).61, (2).135; kidney transplantation, (Shrestha et al.) (3).23;
laser surgery, (Jayakumar et al.) (5).393; lower limb
reconstruction, (Chennagiri and Banwell), (3).231;
lymphoedema, (Hobman) (5).391; ophthalmic surgery, (De
Silva and Joshi), (3).231; orthopaedic registrar training groups,
(Singh) (1).62; osteoporosis, (Maguire) (4).317; Perthes
disease, (Dahabreh) (5).395; prostate carcinoma, (Majeed and
Zia) (3).230; prostatitis, (McCabe) (4).319; radiotherapy,
(Dormand and Banwell) (5).392; renal cancers, (Mallick)
(2).136; total parenteral nutrition, (Davies) (5).392; vacuumassisted wound closure, (Rajagopalan and Zia) (2).136
Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee (IPAC), decision
making processes, (Willett and Campbell) (6).468
Intestinal obstruction, colorectal cancer, (Johnson et al.) (2).99;
opiate withdrawal mimicking, (Macutkiewicz et al.) (2).96
Intravenous cannulae, elective re-siting, (Barker et al.) (4).281
IPAC, see Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee
Junior doctors, see also Basic surgical trainees, Specialist registrar,
patient attitudes to surgery by, (Wiseman et al.) (6).462
Annals Index
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Kidney transplantation, internet viewings, (Shrestha et al.) (3).23
Kirschner wiring, soft tissue protection, (Singh) (3).226
Knee, extensor mechanism repair, (Baghla and Peckham) (1).52;
patella dislocation, (Trikha et al.) (6).442; patella fracture,
cerclage wiring, (Curwen et al.) (1).56; septic arthritis,
(Katsoulis et al.) (4).272; stabilisation in lower limb orthopaedic
procedures, (Panchbhavi) (1).54; total replacement, blood
transfusion, (Mehra et al.) (4).260
Knot tying, at depth, (Shah et al.) (5).381
Laparoscopy, bile duct calculi, (Thompson) (6).471;
cholecystectomy, delayed after gallstone pancreatitis, (Cameron
and Goodman) (5).358, pre-operative complications, (Thorton
et al.) (2).87; colorectal cancer surgery, (Kennedy and King)
(4).298; (Moran) (4).300; day-case surgery, (Dowson et al.)
(Abstract) (1).58; fibre-optic light lead damage, (Drury et al.)
(1).40; inguinal hernia repair, (Motson) (4).302; paediatric,
training, (Milliken and Dick) (Abstract) (3).229; port closure,
(Ng) (Comment) (1).71; (Sairkejr) (Comment) (4).325; (Singh)
(Comment) (1).73; pyeloplasty, NICE guidance, (4).297
Laparotomy, incisional hernias, (Kingsnorth et al.) (5).363
Larval therapy, (Gilmour et al.) (Abstract) (6).479
Laryngectomy, information needs of patients, (Newell et al.)
Laser surgery, internet viewings, (Jayakumar et al.) (5).393
Laser treatment, endovenous, (Beale et al.) (Abstract) (2).132
Learning curves, carotid endarterectomy, (Ojimba et al.) (Abstract)
Letters, online-only, (6).489
Ligament, anterior cruciate, reconstruction, (Vincent and Godsiff)
(6).476; medial collateral, avulsion of common origin with
MPFL, (Trikha et al.) (6).442; round of uterus, varicosities,
(Pilkington et al.) (Comment) (5).400
Light leads, fibre-optic, (Drury et al.) (1).40
Lignocaine gel, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,
(Vincent and Godsiff) (6).476
Lipopolysaccharide, and insulin resistance, (Carlson) (2).75
Lithotomy position, and compartment syndrome, (Lagattolla and
Bond) (Comment) (1).70
Liver resection, colorectal cancer, (Bramhall) (Comment) (5).401,
(Church et al.) (Comment) (5).401, (Heriot et al.) (6).420;
surgical services, (Majeed and Price) (2).91; minimally invasive,
(Burns et al.) (Abstract) (6).482
Local anaesthetics, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,
(Vincent and Godsiff) (6).476; reducing pain of infiltration,
(Younis and Bhutiani) (3).213
Lower limb amputation, (De Souza et al.) (Comment) (3).237
Lower limb reconstruction, internet viewings, (Chennagiri and
Banwell) (3).232
Lower urinary tract symptoms, renal function, (Hamm and
MacDermott) (3).182
Lymphoedema, internet viewings, (Hobman) (5).391
Manpower, hepatobiliary surgical services, (Majeed and Price)
Mantell, Gideon Algernon, (Fairbank) (5).349
Mastectomy, skin-sparing, (Sotheran and Rainsbury) (2).82
Maxillofacial injuries, motor vehicle crashes, (Brookes) (3).149
Medial collateral ligament, avulsion of common origin with MPFL,
(Trikha et al.) (6).442
Medial patello-femoral ligament, avulsion of common origin with
MCL, (Trikha et al.) (6).442
Median nerve, intraneural haemorrhage, (Mandal et al.) (4).258
Medical audit, pressure sores after hip arthroplasty, (Keong et al.)
Mesothelioma, long-term survival, (Batchelor et al.) (Abstract)
Metastases, bone, and orthopaedic workload, (Cribb et al.) (6).436;
colorectal cancer, anal implantation, (Abbasakoor et al.) (1).38,
liver resection, (Bramhall) (Comment) (5).401, (Church et al.)
(Comment) (5).401, (Heriot et al.) (6).420
Microbiology, intra-operative in appendicectomy, (Gladman et al.)
Minicraniotomy, for intracranial aneurysms, NICE guidance,
Minimally invasive surgery, fibre-optic light lead, (Drury et al.)
(1).40; liver resection, (Burns et al.) (Abstract) (6).482;
pancreatic necrosectomy, (Connor et al.) (Abstract) (6).481
Mobile telephone, image transfer, (Wallace and Gibson) (1).42
Mortality, acute orthopaedic and trauma admissions, (Tan et al.)
(3).156; femoral neck fractures, (Allaf and Lovell) (5).347
Motor function, assessment in carotid endarterectomy, (Davies et
al.) (4).308
Motor vehicle crashes, maxillofacial and ocular injuries, (Brookes)
MRSA, see Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant
Myocardial protection, in CABG, (Karthik et al.) (6).413
Nasal septal surgery, nurse-led follow-up, (Uppal et al.) (4).243
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) news, (Campbell
and Dent), (3).222, (4).296, (Willett and Campbell) (5).375,
(6).468; Interventional Procedures decision making, (Willett
and Campbell) (6).469; Interventional Procedures Programme,
(Willett and Campbell) (4).296, (5).376; Specialist Advisors
(Campbell and Dent) (3).222
NCEPOD, see Confidential Enquiry into Peri-Operative Deaths,
Neck, necrotizing fasciitis, (Persaud et al.) (4).253; support in
thyroid surgery, (Haq et al.) (4).307
Necrosectomy, pancreatic, (Alexander) (Comment) (2).148,
(Ammori) (Comment) (2).147, (Connor et al.) (Abstract) (6).481
Necrotizing fasciitis, neck, (Persaud et al.) (4).253
Needlestick injuries, prevention, (Wallace and Browning) (2).128
Nephrectomy, laparoscopic live donor, NICE guidelines, (5).375
Neural networks, (Ramesh et al.) (5).334
Nipple, erosive adenomatosis, (Davies et al.) (Comment) (2).146
Nurse, nasal septal surgery follow-up, (Uppal et al.) (4).243
Nurse-led clinics, (Bhalia and Bajekal) (Comment) (4).327;
(Williams) (Comment) (4).327
Ocular injuries, motor vehicle crashes, (Brookes) (3).149
Oesophagectomy, performance by trainees, (Sujendran et al.)
(Abstract) (3).229
Oesophagus, foreign body, (Swift et al.) (3).220
Olecranon fracture, tension band wiring, (Nielsen and Twyman)
(Comment) (6).491; (Smith) (1).51
Annals Index
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‘One-stop’ surgery, inguinal hernia repair, (Putnis et al.) (6).425
Online-only case reports and letters, (6).489
Open mesh repair, inguinal hernia, (Putnis et al.) (6).425
Operative coding, accuracy, (Arthur and Nair) (3).210
Ophthalmic surgery, internet viewings, (De Silva and Joshi) (3).231
Opiate withdrawal, mimicking intestinal obstruction,
(Macutkiewicz et al.) (2).96
Orchidectomy, testicular cancer, (Ashdown et al.) (4).289
Orchidopexy, testicular tunnelling technique, (Lambert) (2).131
Orthopaedic surgery, consent, (Singh and Mayahi) (5).339;
workload and bone metastases, (Cribb et al.) (6).436
Osteoarthritis, hip, pain location, (Khan et al.) (2).119
Osteoporosis, identifying patients, (Smith et al.) (5).344; internet
viewings, (Maguire) (4).317
Otorhinolaryngology, nurse-led follow-up of nasal septal surgery,
(Uppal et al.) (4).243; pharyngeal pouch surgery, (Siddiq and
Sood) (4).247
Out-of-hours surgery, CEPOD list and, (Gilmour et al.) (Abstract)
Out-patient clinics, breast, delays in, (Husain et al.) (Abstract)
(1).58; nurse-led (Bhalia and Bajekal) (Comment) (4).327;
(Williams) (Comment) (4).327
Paediatrics, laparoscopic surgery, training, (Milliken and Dick)
(Abstract) (3).229
Paget-Schroetter syndrome, (Khan and Stansby) (1).29
Pain, hip osteoarthritis, (Khan et al.) (2).119; testicular neoplasms,
(Wilson and Cooksey) (4).284; xylocaine infiltration, (Younis
and Bhutiani) (3).213
Palliative care, intestinal obstruction in colorectal cancer, (Johnson
et al.) (2).99
Pancreas, debridement, (Alexander) (Comment) (2).148; (Ammori)
(Comment) (2).147, minimally invasive, (Connor et al.) (Abstract)
Pancreatitis, gallstone, delayed cholecystectomy, (Cameron and
Goodman) (5).358
Parathyroid adenoma, excision, (Thomas and Wishart) (6).474
Patella, dislocation, (Trikha et al.) (6).442; fracture, cerclage
wiring, (Curwen et al.) (1).56
Patient information, internet, (Knight) (Comment) (1).73
Patients, attitudes to surgery by junior doctors, (Wisean et al.)
(6).462; entrusting with fracture radiographs, (Calder et al.)
(5).342; expectations of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy,
(Kouriefs et al.) (6).432
Penis, ‘buried’, (Sivakumar et al.) (1).35; tumescence in
anaesthesia, (Challacombe and Popert) (Comment) (2).145
Pens, transmission of MRSA, (Thomas et al.) (1).51
Peripheral vascular disease, fl-blockers, (Mendonca et al.) (Abstract)
Peritoneal dialysis, (Brook et al.) (3).190
Personal digital assistant, (Benjamin and Alusi) (6).404
Perthes disease, internet viewings, (Dahabreh) (5).395
Pharyngeal pouch, current management, (Siddiq and Sood)
Photodynamic therapy, NICE guidance, (6).468
Plastic surgery, amputation stump salvage, (De Souza et al.)
(Comment) (3).237; breast augmentation on NHS, (Davis et al.)
(Comment) (1).69, (Henderson) (Comment) (1).69; telemedicine,
(Jones et al.) (4).239; Z-plasty simulator, (Sillitoe and Platt)
Pneumoperitoneum, crack cocaine abuse, (Chan et al.) (1).47
Postoperative care, breast cancer surgery, (Chadha et al.) (5).353
Practice, blood transfusion in hip fracture, (Khan et al.) (1).11; hip
arthroplasty, (Malik et al.) (2).113; myocardial protection in
CABG, (Karthik et al.) (6).413; transurethral prostatectomy,
(Wilson et al.) (6).428
Pre-operative shaving, method, (Bebbington and Hardy) (3).226
Pregnancy, round ligament varicosities mimicking inguinal hernia,
(Pilkington et al.) (Comment) (5).400
Pressure sores, after hip arthroplasty, (Keong et al.) (3).174
Primary subclavian vein thrombosis, (Khan and Stansby) (1).29
Problem-based learning (Beard) (Comment) (1).71, (Ranger)
(Comment) (1).70
Prolapse, pelvic organ, rectocele repair, (Hirst et al.) (Abstract)
Prophylaxis, antibiotic, hip fracture surgery, (Thonse et al.) (4).263
Prostate carcinoma, internet viewings, (Majeed and Zia) (3).230
Prostatectomy, laparoscopic, NICE guidance, (3).221; transurethral,
changing practice, (Wilson et al.) (6).428
Prostatitis, internet viewings, (McCabe) (4).319
Prosthesis, shoulder, utilisation in UK, (Ravenscroft and Calvert)
Pseudomyxoma perintonii, cytoreduction, NICE guidance, (4).297
Pyeloplasty, laparoscopic, NICE guidance, (4).297
Quality of life, head and neck cancer patients, (Kanatas and
Rogers) (1).6
Questionnaires, early discharge after breast surgery, (Chadha et al.)
(5).353; informed consent, (Ibrahim et al.) (3).206; myocardial
protection in CABG, (Karthik et al.) (6).413; quality of life in
head and neck cancer, (Kanatas and Rogers) (1).6
Radiofrequency thermocoagulation, percutaneous intradiscal, NICE
guidance, (6).468
Radiographs, fractures, entrusting to patients, (Calder et al.)
(5).342; visualising overexposed, (Frasquet-Garcia et al.)
Radiography, ankle, closed fracture-dislocation, (Payne et al.)
(3).177; facial fractures, (Moos) (Comment) (4).326,
(Sidebottom) (Comment) (4).326; scaphoid views, (Malik et al.)
Radiotherapy, internet viewings, (Dormand and Banwell) (5).392
Radius, distal, giant-cell tumour, (Khan et al.) (1).18; distal
fracture, detection of osteoporosis, (Smith et al.) (5).344
Rationing of health care, breast augmentation, (Davis et al.)
(Comment) (1).69, (Henderson) (Comment) (1).69
Rectocele, repair, (Hirst et al.) (Abstract) (6).480
Rectum, digital examination in abdominal pain, (Manimaran and
Galland) (4).292; modified anastomosis technique, (Gilliam et
al.) (3).223
Referrals, suspected colorectal cancer, (Adair et al.) (Comment)
(2).144, (Novell) (Comment) (6).491, (Shah and Haray)
(Comment) (5).402
Refugee doctors, (Hussain and Arnold) (Comment) (4).325
Renal cancer, internet viewings, (Mallick) (2).136
Renal failure, peritoneal dialysis, (Brook et al.) (3).190
Renal function, lower urinary tract symptoms, (Hamm and
MacDermott) (3).182
Annals Index
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Renal transplantation, (Shrestha et al.) (3).23
Resources, and gunshot wound management, (Cowey et al.)
(2).104; hepatobiliary surgical services, (Majeed and Price)
(2).91; refugee doctors, (Hussain and Arnold) (Comment)
Risk assessment, cholelithiasis, (Thornton et al.) (2).87
Risk disclosure, consent process, (Edwards et al.) (6).458
Road traffic accidents, see Motor vehicle crashes
Sacral nerve stimulation, NICE guidelines, (5).375
Salmonella montevideo, septic arthritis, (Katsoulis et al.) (4).272
Saphenous vein, endoscopic harvesting, internet viewings, (Ahmad
and Haider) (4).318; endovenous laser treatment, NICE
guidance, (4).297
Scaphoid views, (Malik et al.) (3).165
Scoliosis, Gideon Mantell, (Fairbank) (5).352
Screening, alcohol misuse, (Huntley et al.) (5).329
Scrotum, support in anorectal surgery, (Barry et al.) (5).383
Sepsis, and insulin resistance, (Carlson) (2).75
Septic arthritis, knee, (Katsoulis et al.) (4).272
Service provision, and gunshot wound admissions, (Cowey et al.)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), surgeon contraction of,
(Wan et al.) (Comment) (2).144
Shaving, pre-operative, (Bebbington and Hardy) (3).226
Shoulder, acromio-clavicular joint dislocation, (Trikha et al.)
(3).161; arthroplasty, (Ravenscroft and Calvert) (1).25
Silver nitrate, cauterisation of epistaxis, (Eng et al.) (6).475
Simulators, Z-plasty, (Sillitoe and Platt) (4).304
Small peripheral hospitals, resident general surgical cover, (Zia et
al.) (6).455
Sore throat, necrotizing fasciitis, (Persaud et al.) (4).253
Specialist registrar, perceptions of hip pain distribution, (Khan et
al.) (2).119; urology, (Masood et al.) (Abstract) (3).228
Splenectomy, pancreatic debridement, (Alexander) (Comment)
(2).148, (Ammori) (Comment) (2).147
Splenorrhaphy, mesh, (Marron et al.) (3).225
Standardisation, scaphoid radiographic views, (Malik et al.) (3).165
Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant (MRSA), prevalence,
(Chaudhry and Rees) (Abstract) (6).478; prevention in joint
replacements, (Harvey and Benfield) (2).122; transmission,
(Thomas et al.) (1).51
Stent-graft, abdominal aorta, NICE guidance, (3).221
Stenting, intestinal obstruction, (Johnson et al.) (2).99
Stereotactic radiosurgery, NICE guidance, (6).468
Sugarbaker technique, NICE guidance, (4).297
Supervision, costs, (Dussa et al.) (Abstract) (3).227;
oesophagectomy, (Sujendran et al.) (Abstract) (3).229; urology
training, (Masoon et al.) (Abstract) (3).228
Surgical instruments, history, Park XII, (Kirkup) (3).202
Survival, mesothelioma, (Batchelor et al.) (Abstract) (2).133
Systematic review, haemorrhoidectomy, (Nisar et al.) (Abstract)
Technical notes and tips, cast modification for extensor mechanism
repair, (Baghla and Peckham) (1).52; DHS guide wire
placement, (Singh) (3).223; diabetic foot debridement, (Lawes
and Refson) (2).129; diathermy safety, (Chester and Titley)
(2).130; digital image preparation (Hogg) (2).131; Kirschner
wiring, soft tissue protection, (Singh) (3).226; knee
stabilisation, (Panchbhavi) (1).54; knot tying at depth, (Shah et
al.) (5).381; modifed cast brace hinges used with Ilizarov ring
fixator, (Burton et al.) (3).224; needlestick injuries, reducing,
(Wallace and Browning) (2).128; obturator hernia repair,
(Comment) (Losanoff et al.) (5).384; olecranon fracture repair,
(Smith) (1).51; pre-operative shaving, (Bebbington and Hardy)
(3).226; removal of ruptured cysts, (Webb) (5).384; scrotal
support in anorectal surgery, (Barry et al.) (5).383; stapled
colorectal anastomosis, (Gilliam et al.) (3).223; testicular
tunnelling technique, (Lambert) (2).131; tibial fractures,
reduction and casting, (Allaf et al.) (5).382; transmission of
MRSA, (Thomas et al.) (1).51; transparent drape in AAA repair,
(Dowson et al.) (2).129; transtibial amputation, skin flap
technique, (Caruana and Osman) (1).54; visualising
overexposed radiographs, (Frasquet-Garcia et al.) (3).225;
wound irrigation device, (McKenzie and Cashman) (1).53
Telemedicine, mobile image transfer, (Wallace and Gibson) (1).42;
trauma management, (Jones et al.) (4).239
Tension band wiring, olecranon fracture (Nielsen and Twyman)
(Comment) (6).491; (Smith) (1).51
Testicular cancer, pain on presentation, (Wilson and Cooksey)
(4).284; radical orchidectomy, (Ashdown et al.) (4).289
Testicular tunnelling, technique, (Lambert) (2).131
Thrombophlebitis, peripheral venous, (Barker et al.) (4).281
Thrombophylaxis, venous, (Abayasekara) (Abstract) (1).57
Thrombosis, deep vein, internet viewings, (Prasad et al.) (2).134;
primary subclavian vein (Paget-Schroetter syndrome), (Khan
and Stansby) (1).29
Thyroid sugery, neck support, (Haq et al.) (4).307
Tibia, closed fracture reduction and casting, (Allaf et al.) (5).382;
intramedullary nailing, (Nagesh) (Comment) (4).326; open
diaphyseal fracture management, (Unwin) (Comment) (3).237
Timetables, basic surgical (Blair) (Comment) (5).399, (Deliss)
(Comment) (5).399
Tonsillectomy, haemorrhage management, (Clark and Waddell)
Total parenteral nutrition and insulin resistance, (Carlson) (2).75;
internet viewings, (Davies) (5).392
Trainees, see also Basic surgical trainees, operating, and informed
consent, (Williams et al.) (6).465, (Wiseman et al.) (6).462
Training, career intentions of BSTs, (Nor and Plusa) (2).125;
consultant-led, (Dussa et al.) (Abstract) (3).227; curriculum
framework, (Brigley et al.) (5).385, (de Cossart and Fish)
(4).309, (Fish) (4).312; (Playdon) (5).388; and gunshot
wound admissions, (Cowey et al.) (2).104; oesophagectomy,
(Sujendran et al.) (Abstract) (3).229; orthopaedic, internet
viewings, (Singh) (1).62, regional courses, (Harvey and
Thomas) (6).451; problem-based learning, (Beard) (Comment)
(1).71; (Ranger) (Comment) (1).70; surgical high dependency
unit, (Ghosh et al.) (1).44; vascular access surgery, (Weale et al.)
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), audit of practices,
(Wilson) (6).428
Trauma, bull gore injuries, (Crumplin) (Comment) (5).402; (Lloyd)
(1).3; gunshot wounds, (Cowey et al.) (2).104; incidence and
causes of mortalities, (Tan et al.) (3).156; motor vehicle crashes,
(Brookes) (3).149; telemedicine, (Jones et al.) (4).239
Tuberculosis, breast, (Jah et al.) (6).416
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Ureterorenoscopy, flexible, (Dasgupta et al.) (5).367
Urinary tract, calculi, (Dasgupta et al.) (5).367; (Kouriefs et al.)
(6).432; lower symptoms and renal function, (Hamm and
MacDermott) (3).182
Urology, patients’ attitudes to surgery by junior doctors, (Wiseman
et al.) (6).462; recruitment of surgical trainees, (Shah et al.)
(3).186; renal function in LUTS, (Hamm and MacDermot)
(3).182; supervised training, (Masood et al.) (Abstract) (3).228
Uterus, round ligament varicosities, (Pilkington et al.) (Comment)
Valsalva manoeuvre, crack cocaine abuse, (Chan et al.) (1).47
Varicose veins, clinical assessment, (Posnett and Derodra)
(Comment) (6).491; endovenous laser treatment, (Beale et al.)
(Abstract) (2).132
Vascular disease, Paget-Schroetter syndrome, management, (Khan
and Stansby) (1).29; peripheral, fl-blockers in, (Mendonca et
al.) (Abstract) (2).132
Vascular surgery, abdominal aortic aneurysm, endovascular repair,
(Davey et al.) (5).377, (Wolfe) (5).379, use of transparent
drape, (Dowson et al.) (2).129; carotid endarterectomy, learning
curve, (Ojimba et al.) (Abstract) (3).227, motor function
assessment, (Davies et al.) (4).308; endovascular, internet
viewings, (Mehta and Shearman) (5).393; femoral
endarterectomy, (Davies et al.) (4).308; haemodialysis access,
(Weale et al.) (4).275
Venous thrombophylaxis, (Abayasekara) (Abstract) (1).57
Volvulus, sigmoid colon, (Chandrasekaran et al.) (6).475
Wound closure, laparoscopy port, (Ng) (Comment) (1).71, (Singh)
(Comment) (1).73; vacuum-assisted, internet viewings,
(Rajagopalan and Zia) (2).136
Wound debridement, see Debridement
Wound irrigation, device, (McKenzie and Cashman) (1).53
Wroblewski wedge, (Atkinson et al.) (Comment) (1).74; (Fiddian)
(Comment) (1).74
X-rays, see Radiographs; Radiography
Xylocaine, local infiltration, (Younis and Bhutiani) (3).213
Z-plasty simulator, (Sillitoe and Platt) (4).304
Zenker’s diverticulum, (Siddiq and Sood) (4).247
Annals Index
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