WMT International Treatment Protocol 11/2005 HEENT
WMT International Treatment Protocol 11/2005 HEENT
11/2005 WMT International Treatment Protocol HEENT Disease Headache Conjunctivitis, acute Cinjunctivitis, Inclusion (Trachoma) Acute Otitis Media (AOM) Otitis Externa Criteria • • • • • • • • History No infections Carries? Vision Problems? Red conjunctiva +/- Purulence No eyeball pain Vision OK • • • • Swollen conjunctivae Cobblestone conjunctivitae Scarring Mainly adults & teens • • • Dull, red eardrum. Eardrum may bulge or retract. No light reflex. • • Swollen ear canal. Drainage Treatment Peds: No treatment. Look for cause. Adult: APAP 325mg 1-2 po qid prn #30 Neonate < 4d: Assume gonorrhea. Ceftriaxone 25mg/kg/day x 7d. Treat mother and partners. Peds: Erythromycin Opthalmic tid x 7d. 3 tubes. Adults: Erythromycin Opthalmic tid x 7d. 3tubes. Peds: Erythromycin Opth Ointment tid x 14d. 6tubes + Erythromycin 250mg po qid #56. Adults: erythromycin Opth Ointment tid x 14d. 6tubes + Doxyclycline 100mg po bid #28. Peds: amoxicillin 6-13 mg/kg tid x 7d. (can break capsules) Adults: Amoxicilllin 250mg tid #21. Peds: Ear drops (Polymycin B + Neomycin + Hydrocortisone) 1 gtt qid. Adults: Same as peds. • Alternative Adults: ASA 325mg 1-2 po qid #30 Neonate: Aqueous Penicillin G 250,000 u IV qid x 7d. Peds: Erythromycin 12.5mg/kg po qid x 14d. Adults: Doxycycline 100mg po bid # 28 or Erythromycin 250mg po qid #56. Adults: Tetracycline Opth. Ointment tid x 21d. (in-country) + Tetracycline 250mg qid #84. Peds: TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component) bid or Ceftriaxome 50mg/kg IM x 1. Adults: TMP-SMX DS bid #14 or Erythromycin 250mg qid #28. Peds: Consider adding Amoxicillin or Erythromycin as in AOM. Disease Acute Sinusitis vs URI Allergic Rhinitis Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) Acute Gonococal Pharyngitis Acute Pharyngitis Oral Moniliasis (Thrush) *Cottage cheese of the mouth-if see in in adult, think HIV* • • • • • • • Criteria 14 days duration. Purulent nasal discharge. Face pain. Red, swollen nasal passage. Rhinorrhea, clear. Sneezing Conjunctival edema. • • • Rhinorrhea, coryza. Sneeze, cough. Low grade fever. • • • • • • • • • .Exudate ‘shaggy” Less pain Urethritis Conjunctivitis Red pharynx, enlarged tonsils Exudate Fever Pain Primarily in newborn and infants up to 6mo. White patches on tongue and mouth, hard to remove. • Treatment Peds: Amoxicllin 6-13 mg/kg tid x 10d. Alternative Peds: TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component) bid x 10d. Adults: Amoxicllin 500mg tid #30. Adults: TMP-SMX DS bid #20. Peds: Diphenhydramine syrup 1.5 mg/kg pot id 1 bottle. Adults: Chlorphreniramine 4mg tid #30. Peds: Oral rehydration. Adults: Diphenhydramine 50mg hs #10. Peds: Adults: Oral rehydration Adults: Ciprofloxacin 500mg po now #1 + Doxycycline 100mg po bid #14. Adults: APAP 325mg 2 po tid for pain #30 or Diphenhydramine 50mg hs for sleep #10 or APAP #3 ½ tab po qid for cough #10. Adults: Ceftriaxone 125mg IM now + Doxycycline 100mg po bid #14. Peds: Amoxicillin 6-13mg-kg tid x 7d. Adults: Penicillin V 500mg qid #40. Peds: TMP-SMX 5 gg/kg (TMP component) bid x 7d. Erythromycin 250mg qid #40. Infants: Nystatin suspension 1000,000 u/ml ½ tsp pot id x 5-7d. Peds & Adults: Consider HIV. See physician. Respiratory Disease Acute Bronchitis Asthma • • • • • Criteria Productive cough Fever Rhonchi which clears with cough No consolidation Intermittent wheezing, reversible Treatment Peds: Amoxicillin 6-13mg/kg tid x 7d. Adults: Doxycycline 100mg po bid #14. Alternative Peds: TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component) bid x 7d. Adults: TMP-SMX DS bid #14 or Amoxicillin 500mg tid #21. Peds: Albuterol nebulizer tx + • Albuterol syrup 0.1 mg/kg tid to max 2mg tid +/ • Prednisone 2mg/kg/d x 4d then 1mg/kg/d x 4d. • Return in 3 days. • Hydrate Peds & Adults: Treat suspect infection as per acute bronchitis Adults: Albuterol nebulizer tx + • Theophylline Ext. Release 300mb bid #60 +/• Prednisone 10mg 4qd x 4d then 2qd x 4d #24. • Return in 3 days. Bronchitis (RSV) • • • < 5yrs of age Marked expiratory wheezing Respiratory distress: retract Pertussis (Whooping Cough) • • • • • • • • • Cough < 14d Afebrile Not asthma Cough: whoop Foamy sputum Cough Fever Evidence lung consolidation Possible pleural pain Pneumonia Chronic Cough Peds; Oral rehydration. Albuterol nebulizer tx. Return tomorrow. May use antibiotics, steroids. See Physician. Peds: Erythromycin estolate 10mg/kg qid x 7d. Adults: Erythromycin 500mg qid #28. Neonate: Ampicillin 50mg/kg IV q 8hr + Gentamycin 2.5mg/kg IV q 8hr. Peds: < 8yr: Amoxicillin 6-13mg/kg tid x 7d. Return 1-3 days. 2tsp 2-3x/day Peds: TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component) bid x 14d. Adults: TMP-SMX DS bid #28 Peds: < 8yr: C-R Bicillin IM 1.24m 900/300 + Erythromycin 10mg/kg o tid #21. Return 1-3d. Respiratory (cont’d) Disease Pneumonia (cont’d) Tuberculosis Criteria • • • • Treatment Peds > 8yr: Erythromycin 250mg po qid #28. Return 3days. Severe: Erythromycin + Ceftriaxone 500mg IM x 3d. Return tomorrow. Productine cough + fever > 2wks + Failure to respond to bronchitis tx + ESR > 30 May have ehmotysis + wt loss Positive chest x-ray Alternative Peds > 8yr: Amoxicillin 250mg pot id #21. Adults: Doxycycline 100mg po bid #14 or Amoxicillin 500mg tid #21. Adults: Erythromycin 500mg po qid #28. Severe: Erythromycin + Ceftriaxone 1mg IM x 3d. Return tomorrow. All: Refer to tuberculosis center Adults: Tetracycline 500mg po qid # 40. Ketek 2tabs 1x/d x 5d Malaria Treatment Sierra Leone *Recommended treatment for uncomplicated Malaria Age Infants < 1 yr 1-6yrs 7-13 yrs 14yrs > Day 1 AS ( ½ ) AQ ( ½ ) AS ( 1 ) AQ ( 1 ) AS ( 2 ) AQ ( 2 ) AS ( 4 ) AQ ( 4 ) Day 2 AS ( ½ ) AQ ( ½ ) AS ( 1 ) AQ ( 1 ) AS ( 2 ) AQ ( 2 ) AS ( 4 ) AQ ( 4 ) Amodiaquine (AQ) 153mg Artesunate (AS) 50mg Day 3 AS ( ½ ) AQ ( ½ ) AS ( 1 ) AQ ( 1 ) AS ( 2 ) AQ ( 2 ) AS ( 4 ) AQ ( 4 ) Cardiovascular Disease Arrhythmia Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Treatment See physician Peds: See physician • Criteria Per auscultation Wet rales or crackles Peripheral edema without other cause eg. Kidney or live disease UA- no proteinuria Hypertension, Mild • BP < 150/100 Hypertension (HTN), Moderate • BP > 150/90 x 3 or BP 150/100 – 180/120 Adults: • Low salt diet • Recheck BP • Refer for follow-up. Peds: see physician Hypertension, Severe • • • • BP > 180/120 or not controlled on 1-2 drugs Adults: • Low salt diet + Furosemide 40mg po q d #360 + • KCL Ext release 10meq po qd #360. Refer for follow-up. Alternative Adults: • Low salt diet + • HCTZ 25mg po qd #360 Adults: HCTZ 25mg po qd #360. recheck 5days + consider adding 2nd drug. Refer for follow-up. Adults: Methyldopa 250mg qd #360 or Resperine 0.25 mg po qd #360 or Atenolol 50mg po qd #360. Pregnant: Methyldopa 250mg po qd #200. Refer for follow-up 1 week. Adults: • HCTZ 25mg po qd #360 + • Atenolol 50mg po qd #360 • Return 3-5 days Adults: HCTZ 25mg po qd #360 + Methyldopa 250mg po qd #360 (May increase Methyldopa to 500mg po qd) OR Murmur • Per auscultation • • • • Criteria Distended abdomen or Pruritis or Worms seen Imperative tx • Refer for follow-up See physician Resperine 0.25 mg po qd #360. Treatment Peds < 2 yr: consult physician Peds 2-5yr: Albendazole 400mg ½ tab po x 1 5 yr – adult: Albendazole 400mg po x 1. TREAT HOUSEHOLD. DO NOT GIVE ALBENDAZOLE Alternative Peds < 2 yr: consult physician Gastrointestinal Disease Intestinal parasites (pinworm, roundworm, hookworm, ascaris) Peds 2 yr – adult: Mebendazole 100mg po bid #6 MEBENDAZOLE TO PREGNANT WOMEN Dietary changes Mild Dyspepsia • Intermittent indigestion or heartburn Adult: Avoid offending foods + Antacids 2 quid prn # 60. Moderate Acid-peptic Disease • Gastritis • GERD • Peptic Ulcer • Disease (PUD) Severe Acid-peptic Disease • Gastritis • GERD • Peptic Ulcer Disease • • • Daily indigestion or heartburn 1 week or more duration Night-time symptoms Peds: Ranitidine 75mg po q hs # 20. Peds: Cimetadine 200mg po q hs #30 Adults: Ranitidine 150mg po q hs # 20. Adults: Cimetadine 400mg po q hs #30. • • • • Daily epigastric pain 1 month or more duration GI bleading Weight loss Peds > 10 yr: Ranitidine 150mg po bid # 60 + Albendazole 200 – 400mg x1 Peds: Cimetadine 200mg po bid # 60 + Mdbendazole 100mg bid # 6. Adults: Ranitidine 150mg po bid # 60 + treat for H. Pylori: • Pepto-Bismol 2 tabs po qid #112 + • Tetracycline 500mg po qid #56 + • Metronidazole 500mg pot tid #42. Adults: Cimetadine 400mg po Bod #60 + treat for H. Pylori: • Pepto-Bismol 2 tabs po qid #112 + • Tetracycline 500mg po qid #56 + • Metronidazole 500mg po tod # 42. Diarrhea, Mild • • • • • < 1 week < 5 % dehydration < 3 liquid stools / day Afebrile, alert Peds: neg UA Infant < 2 yr: Supplement breastfeeding with oral rehydration solution (ORS) + recheck tomorrow Peds > 2 yrs: ORS + recheck 2-3 days. AdultsL ORS + TMP-SMX DS 1 po bid #6. Adults: ORS Treatment Infants < 2yr : • Supplement breast milk with ORS + • Amoxicillin 6-13mg/kg po tid x 5-7 d + • Recheck tomorrow. Alternative Infants < 2 yr: • Supplement breast milk with ORS + • TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component) po bid x 5-7 d • Recheck tomorrow. Peds > 2yr: • ORS + • TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component) po bod x 5-7 d + • Recheck tomorrow. Peds > 2yr: • ORS + • Amoxicillin 6-10 mg/kg tid x 7 d or Amoxicillin 250mg po tid # 21 • Recheck tomorrow. Adults: • ORS + • TMP-SMX DS po bid # 14 + • Metronidazole 500mg po quid x 10 d # 40 + • Return in 3 d. Adults: • ORS + • Tetracycline 500mg po qid #40 (in place of TMP-SMX) • Albendazole 400mg po q d # 5 (for Giardia in place of Metronidazole). • Return in 3 d. Gastrointestinal (cont.) Disease Diarrhea, Moderate Criteria • • • > 1 week < 10% dehydration > 4 liquid stools / day Diarrhea, Severe • • • > 2 weeks or > 10% dehydration or > 10 liquid stools / day Infants < 2yr : • ORS in clinic or feeding tube hydration + • TMP-SMX 10 mg (TMP component) po bid x 7 d + • Room in. Peds > 2yr: • ORS in clinic or feeding tube hydration + • TMP-SMX 10 mg (TMP component) po bid x 7 d • Consider adding Metronidazole 15mg/kg po tid • Return tomorrow or room in. Infants < 2yr : • IV hydration + • Ampicillin 200mg/kg IV q 6 h + • Room in. Peds > 2yr: • IV hydration + • Amoxicillin 13mg/kg po tid or Ampicillin 1 gm IV q 6 h + • Albendazole 200-400mg po q d # 5+ • Room in. Gastrointestinal (cont.) Disease Diarrhea, Severe (cont.) Constipation, Mild • • • Criteria > 2 weeks or > 10% dehydration or > 10 liquid stools / day Treatment Adults: • ORS in clinic + • Ciprofloxin 500mg po bid # 20 + • Metronidazole 500mg po qid # 40 + • Return tomorrow. • • 1-2 bowel movements per week Nontender abdomen Peds: • Dietary adjustment Adult: • Dietary adjustment • DOSS 250mg qd #30 Constipation, Severe • • • Bowel movement < 1 per week Abdomen nontender Rectum not obstructed Peds: consult physician Adults: • Mineral oil 30ml BID # 4oz. + • DOSS 250mg qd # 30 Alternative Adults: • IV hydration • TMP-SMX DS BID #20 + • Metronidazole 500mg po qid # 40 + • Room in. Genitourinary Disease Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) (Cystitis) Pyelonephritis • • • • • • Criteria Dysuria & frequency + Uninalysis Can cause fever & diarrhea in a child Fever Flank or abdominal pain + Urinalysis Treatment Peds: Amoxicillin 6-13 mg/kg pot id x 5d Alternative Peds: TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component0 po bid x 5d. Adults: TMP-SMX DS 1 po bid #6 Adults: Amoxicillin 500mg 6tabs po x 1 or Doxycyline 100mg po bid #6. If pregnant within 2 weeks of EDC: Ciprofloxin 250mg po bid #14. Peds: ORS + TMP-SMX 5mg/kg (TMP component) pobid x 14d. Peds: Amoxicillin 13mg/kg pot id x 14d Peds unable to take po: • IV hydration + • Ampicillin 50mg/kg IM or IV q 8h+ • Gentamycin 2.5mg/kg IM or IV q 8h x 14d. Peds unable to take po: • IV hydration + • Ceftriaxone 25mg/kg IM or IV q 12h x 14d. • May switch to protocol when patient able. Adults: Ciprofloxin 500mg po bid #28. Adults unable to take po: • IV hydration Adults: • Ceftriaxone 1gm IM or IV q d x 14d. • May switch to protocol when Vaginitis – no exam Vaginitis-examined, Monilial • • • Vaginal discomfort Discharge Normal abdominal exam • • Pruritis Thick, white cheesy discharge • • Criteria Copious, foamy discharge Fishy or malodorous • Ampicillin 2mg IV q 8h + • Gentamycin 1.5mg/kg IV q 8h. Peds: consult physician Adults: (not pregnant) • Miconazole vaginal tab q hs #7 + • Metronizadole 500mg po bid #14. • Pregnant adult: Miconazole vaginal tab q hs #14. Peds: consult physician Adults: Miconazole vaginal tab q hs #7. patient able. Pregnant adult: Betadine vaginal douche qd x14d. Genitourinary (cont’d) Disease Vaginitis-examined, Trichomonas or bacteris Gonorrhea (GC) Urethritis, non gonococcal Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Syphillis • • Purulent urethral discharge Purulent cervical drainage or purulent prostatitis • • • • • • • • Older men Non-purulent discharge Lower abdominal or pelvic pain Tender cervix or adenexa + Bowel sounds Normal urinalysis -Pregnancy test Painless chancre or ulcer on genitalia Treatment Peds: consult physician. Alternative Adults: Metronidazole 500mg po bid #14. Peds: Consult physician Adult: Betadine vaginal douche q d x 14d. Adults: Ciprofloxin 500mg po x 1 + Doxycycline 100mg po bid #14 Adults: Doxycycline 100mg po bid #14. Peds: consult physician AdultsCeftriaxone 125mg IM x 1 + Doxycyclline 100mg po bid #14. Adults: Erythromycin 500mg po qid #28. Adults: Ciprofloxin 500mg po bid #28 + Metronidazole 500mg po bid #28. Adults: Ceftriaxone 250mg IM x 1 + Doxycycline 100mg po bid #28. Peds: consult physician Adults: Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 million u IM x1. Adults: Doxycycline 100mg po bid #28 Musculoskeletal Disease Myalgias or arthralgias, minor Osteoarthritis • • Criteria History Minimal physical findings • • • • Painful joints Hx trauma or weight-bearing Osteophytes Adults > 40yrs Treatment Alternative Peds: no tx Adults: APAP 325mg 1 or 2 po qid #30. Adults: APAP 235mg 1 or 2 po qid #100 Adults: Ibuprofin 400mg po bid #20 Adults: Ibuprofin 400mg po bid #60 Neurological Disease Meningitis • • Criteria Fever, headache, stiff neck, altered consciousness Cerebrospinal fluid: increased glucose, + WBC’s + bacteris. Treatment Peds: Dexamethasone 0.4mg/kg IV q 12h, 1st dose 15 min before antibiotic + Ampicillin 50mg/kg IV q 6h + Ceftriaxone 50mg/kg IV q 12h. Adults: Dexamethasone 0.4mg/kg IV q 12h, 1st dose 15 min before antibiotic + Ceftriaxone 2gm IV q Alternative 12h. Seizure • • General shaking with loss of awareness Focal shaking Staring or falling episodes • • • • • • • • • Criteria Child or young adult Polydipsia, ployuria Weight loss ↑ Blood glucose ↑ Urine glucose Adult Polydipsia, polyuria +/- weight loss ↑ Blood glucose • • • • Symmetrically enlarged thyroid Non-tender Normal pulse Adult • Prophylaxis for contacts: Cipro 500mg po x 1. Peds: ule out infectious cause. Phenobarbital 2-3mg/kg po bid for 12mo. Adults: Complete neuro exam by physician. Phenytoin 100mg 1 q am, 2 q pm #1100. Endocrine Disease Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Goiter Treatment Refer to medical facility • Diet instruction • Hydration • Glucotrol XL 5mg po qd #360. • Return 2d. • Refer to medical facility. Adult: Iodized salt Alternative Dermatological Disease Impetigo • • Criteria Multiple crusts Pruritic Treatment Infants: Scrub lesions gently with disinfectant soap and water + Amoxicillin 6-14 mg/kg pot id x 5d. Severe infants: Scrub lesions gently with disinfectant soap and water + Erythromycin 10mg/kg up to 250 mg po qid x 7d. Severe Peds: CR Bicillin 600,000 u IM + return 2 days. Scabies Pediculosis (Lice) • • • Multiple small lesions Pruritic Adults: Advise scrubbing + Erythromycin 250mg po qid #28 Peds < 2yr: Permethrin 5% cream: Apply head to foot. Wash off 8-14hrs. Parasitic arthropods in scalp and Peds & Adults: Linadana 1% lotion neck to toes, leave on 12hrs + may repeat in 1 wk. Treat household. Peds & Adults: Lindane 1% shampoo Alternative Infants: Erythromycin 10mg/kg po qid x 7d or Mupirocin 2% Ointment apply tid 5d. hair areas 10 min wash. May repeat in 1wk. Treat household. Criteria Dry, scaly skin, itches Typical areas Treatment Peds: Hydrocortisone cream 1% bid #15 gm tube. Alternative Peds: Chlorphreniramine syrup 2mg/5ml: ½ tsp qid # 4 oz. Adults: Triamcinolone cream 0.1% bod #30 gm or #60 gm tube. Peds 5-12yr: Chlorphreniramine 4mg po qid #20. Severe Adult: Prednisone 10mg 2 tab q d x 10d, then 1 q d x 10d #30. Adults: Chlorphreniramine 4 mg po qid #40 or Diphenhydramine 50mg po q hs #20. Tolnaftate cream bid x 14d Dermatological (cont’d) Disease Eczema Tinea • Capitus-head • Corpora-body • Crura-creases feet Acne • • • Raised, scaly anular lesions with central clearing Miconazole Cream bid x 14d. Seborrhea (dandruff) • • • 14yr to adult: tetracycline 250-500mg bid #60 Selenium shampoo twice a week. Pruritis • • < 14yr old Whiteheads & blackheads Oil scales on scalp, eyebrows or ears + itching Generalized itching Look for cause: scabies, tinea, eczema Adult: Erythromycin 500mg bid #40 • Dry skin Peds: Diphenhydramine 1.5mg/kg pot id x 7d. Adults: Diphenhydramine 50mg po q hs #20 Adults: Diphenhydramine 50mg tid #30 Treatment Peds: Chloroquin phosphate syrup 85mg base/5ml – 10mg/kg (max 600mg) po now, then 5 mg/kg in 6hr, then 5mg/kg po q d x 2d. Alternative Cerebral or Adult, severe: Inable to take po: Quinine Gluconate 15mg/kg IV over 4hrs, them 7.5mg/kg IV over 4hrs, then q 8h x 72hrs or until able to take po. Systemic Febrile Illness Disease Malaria • • • Typhoid • • • • Tetanus • • Criteria Periodic fevers q 1-3days, often in pm Headache, body ache, but few localizing signs + Malaria smear Malaise, headache, sore throat, cough Diarrhea or constipation Bradycardia Negative UA + malaria smear Difficulty swallowing Jaw stiffness Adults: Chloroquin phosphate 250mg salt-4tabs po now, then 2 tabs po in 6hr, then 2 tabs po q d x 2d #10. Peds: TMP-SMD 10mg/kg (TMP component) now, then 5mg/kg po bid x 14d. Adults: Ciprofloxin 500mg po bid #20. Adults severe: In shock altered mental status: Dexamethasone 3mg/kg IV now, then 1mg/kg IV q 6hr x 8 doses + Ceftriaxone 2.0 gm IV q d x 5d. Immediately move to a quiet place. Minimize stimuli. Tetanus immune Adults: TMP-SMX DS po bid #28 • • • Muscle spasms, rigidity Convulsions Neck extension in children globin (Hypertet) 5,000 u IM. Start IV 0.9% NaCl or lactated ringers. Peds: Penicillin G 50,000 u IV q 6h. Adults: Penicillin G 6,000,000 u IV q 6h + Diazepam 5-10 mg IV q 1-2 h prn muscle spasms. Start tetanus immunization. Adults: Chlorpromazine 25-5-mg po q 6hr. Treatment Neonate: Ampicillin 25mg/kg IV q 6 h + Ceftriaxone 25mg/kg IV q 12 h. Alternative Systemic Febrile Illness (cont.) Disease Septicemia • • • • Criteria Fever Hypotensive Normal UA No localizing signs Peds: Ceftriaxone 25mg/kg IV q 12 h. Adults: Ceftriaxone 1 gm IV q 12 h. General Disease Anemia Animal Bite • • • • Criteria Pale conjunctiva, nailbeds Low HcT/Hb + hemoccult + malaria smear Treatment Peds: Albendazole + Ferrous sulfate 300mg qod # 30. • • + HX of bite Open or infected wound Peds: Clean & debride. Erythromycin 250mg qid # 28. Tatanus toxoid. Tetanus immunization if no Hx immunization. Adults: Albendazole + Ferrous sulfate BID # 60. Adults: clean & debride. Erthromycin 500 mg qid # 28. Tetanus toxoid. Tetanus immunization if no Hx immunization. Infected Wound • • Wound > 6hrs Dirty, purulent Clean and debride. Peds: Amoxicillin 6-13mg/kg pot id. If no tetanus immunizations: a) Peds tetanus immuniglobin 4u/kg, b) Tetanus toxoid or Td IM.. Be sure Alternative Treat Malaria if smear +. Treat acid-peptic disease if hemoccult +. Peds: AMoxicillin 6-13mg/kg tid x 7 d or Rocephin. Adults: Amoxicillin 500mg tid # 21 or Cephtriaxone 125 mg IM q d x 3 d then oral as indicated to give at different site than tetanus immune globin. If had tetanus immunization, give pediatric tetanus toxoid to Td IM. Adults: Amoxicillin 500mg: 4 po now then 1 po tid # 24. If no tetanus imminixationL a)Tetanus immuniglobin 250u IM, b) Tetanus toxoid IM. Be sre to the at different site that tetanus immuniglobin. If had tetanus immunization, give adult tetanus toxoid or Td IM. General (cont.) Disease Malnutrition HIV Well Baby Check Pregnancy Immunizations Criteria • • • • • • • • Often disseminated herpes or Non vaginal yeast infections or Lymphoma or Kaposi’s sarcoma Nutrition assessment Exam: look for acute infection / congenital defect. Exam BP Check. If elevated do UA Treatment Counseling. Food if available Comfort care. Start tetanus immunization. Worm medication if appropriate Adult vits with Iron 1 po q d #300 Alternative