Document 6430509
Document 6430509
' CALL, SUNDAY, THE SAX FRANCISCO MARCH 3, l»01." 25 DOINGS OF WEEK WOOS MAIDEN IN A TERRIFIC EXPLOSION NO ROOTERS' CLUB WILL ANGLICIZE LIFE PASSES OUT CORDES' THE FILIPINOS FORM CO-EDS IN REALTY WORLD WITH A RAZOR Aged Alameda Manufacturer, Killed by Giant Powder, Conditions Are Deemed Very Dnsky Don Juan, Failing to FtTorable by tht Capture Girl, Cuts Her Dealers. Clothes. . Cetera People Are Undoubtedly Looking: Tocrard California. and Commission Authorizes the Pair Students Draw the Lim Is Supposed to Have Committed Suicide. Building of Ample Schcol Structures. Menaces Her Walta Employer Will* He Accomplishes Destruction of of Public Instruction Pounded and Schools WillBe Established in Every Pueblo. BERKELEY. March 2. The United States Philippine Commission has passed an act for the establishment of public schools on the islands at an estimated cost of $100,000. The act Is dated January 21. 1901, and went Into effect at that time. President Wheeler of the University of California has received a copy of It, sent to htm by the commission. Under the act a department of public instruction has been established in the Philippines, with headquarters at Manila. Charles Heath, colored, chased the colthrough the rfeocr^ei during: the werk show a. total of ored servant of M. 8. Ayau family residence at 2526 Hilleffass avenue. tiZZ.ry*. The ia_ea th«.t b*en recorded morning, and falling to durlr.g the \eeelt number 106 and amount Berkeley, this wardrobe with his her catch her slashed tranafera en record placed 1725,221 to Tt« the scandalized proprietor ror the month cf February aspresated In raeor. holding the houee at bay with the same trusty T»Itse SX.7U.CSS. AH cosdltlons are-excep- of Ayau that If that t:or_ai:y fatvorable. Ttiere has b«en much weapon. H> told Mr. would blow the top of did cot sufSce he month aiout the Interest talk la the raat that the Eastern people are taking In his head off withhla revolver. Heath la minus an eye, and emphasizes Allprimary ' lice* bar© picked this port out for the Fanny and engaged her In conversation. Every The young woman related afterward that irateway for Oriental commerce. caller wanted her to fly with him and few <!&,}-¦ som© new use for crude x>etro- her lesni Is found and power la comlne down be his own. frcni the manu- The young woman demurred mountains for the use of Additional railways will press forward to San Francisco. ¦Wareare sougrht to accomrnothe inevitable demand of trade to rocs. The announcement cf the Intention cf the Market Street Railway system to turn the dummy line west or Central avenue Into tn electric road and to replace tbe Sacramento and Jackson etreet cables west of Fl'.lmore street with electric lines will do much to stimulate the growth of the section north of Golden Oate Paxfc, which has not had the beat facilities in the past. house enter properties cate Some Big Sales. that have to so sudden an elopement, whereupon her ebony edrairer ardently pressed his suit— so ard- ently, paid Fanny, that she thought proper to retreat. Heath vainly tried to soothe her alarms with a loaded slx-ehooter, but Fanny fled, Heath being a close second. The master of the house, hearing Charles and Fanny dashing about the house to an accompaniment of crashing bric-a-brac, ventured a protest. The broom peddler turned his attention to that gentleman and promised to carve him to the queen's taste Ifhe made himself tco officious. Then he went to the girl's room and cut and tore Into shred* every piece of wear- Ing apparel he could find. Hats, shoes. A'LAMEDA. March 2.—Under cir- is placed principal eaJes during the p&st CRAM'S WORLD. 1 line of Francisco street, between Mason trA Taylor, for $10,000. The total frontage cf the most reliable atlas published in America. Do not order any other •work until you have carefully examined The Call's premium atlas and fully satisfied yourself as to its vast superiority over any other atlas. in large By purchasing quantities we are enabled to offer all Call readers this superb book of reference for the small sum of §1.50, or about one-fifth of the regular sub- lots is C1:S. Country realty continues to move well (a favored localities. J. H. Henry has just purchased t(M acres of land near San two \ • the agony. "Give me a drink of water! writhing in was adopted from the football of th« boys; organization;*— boating, athletic, literary and social— were formed. Just like - ; ¦¦ outside. "I live within a hundred yards of the Hebard. "and felt the groaning ¦ place." said Mr. concussion more than anybody else. At first I could not locate- tho trouble, but as Iwas walking down the street that skirts the tidal canal Iheard the groan- Tlve English language the bait to Nation that thsre ticable shall be jnade the basis of all pub- sundry "blind, tiger?" in Berkeley's mile ••;. ;.;.:¦; .•¦/ .:.¦¦• lic school Instruction and soldiers may umit. : . be detailed as instructors until such time as they may be replaced by trained VEBDICT IN FAVOR OF teachers. Authority Is given the general super. . PONY EXPRESS SYSTEit intendent of public Instruction to obtain from the United States 1030 trained Amer- United States District Judge Kohlican teachers ot monthly salaries of not saat Sustains the Action of less than $75 nor more than $125. their traveling expenses from their residences the Jury, to Manila to be paid by the Government. CHICAGO. >Iarch 2.—Judge Kohlsaat. In No teacher or any other person shall teach or criticize the doctrine of any the United States District Court to-day church, religious .sect or denomination, sustained the action of a jury which gave -¦ MAN WHO MET DEATH. SPOT SHOWS PLACE WHERE HE LAY WHEN FOUND. Cordes had been manufacturing eucalyptus oil for some time, having extracted it from eucalyptus leaves. He owned two told John Llclch. the proprietor, that he buildings, one of which contained a boil- would not see him again. He went toward er and two stills and the other his office a private room and remarked that he had and storeroom. It was in this latter that played cards there once with an old Oh, for he kept the giant powder. and shoes have been adopted from the wardrobe of the steener sex- basket ball board of education* composed of the gtn- and the dally papers that the roll would of to be op?n for signatures in various"¦¦parts eral superintendent and four membersThey ¦<'••" ° be appointed by the commission. the collese building?. -•'.--.-• shall hold office three years, meet reguThen the young- ladies wa!te<4 for their strons larly every two months and receive $10 companions "with strong lunga.and " ': each for regular or special meetings. The minds to sign. .-. !- : =. : •: •; city superintendent -of schools at Manila open for Several The." rolls remained shall receive an annual salary of $3000 weeks, and an. even half-dozen signed, : not less been destroyed an«t: and the division superintendents N.ow tbe rolls have ' than $2000 nor more than $2500. In each the Sports and Pastimes. Association is municipality a local school board of four corjsldrlng a proposlton • to brlns . Carrie for the or six members shall be appfiinted by the Nation out as a special "rooter" division superintendent. basket ball: team.' They are holding out as soon as pracMrs. i ara ment she was stunned, but as soon as she recovered she dressed hurriedly and went to the assistance of the man she heard ing and then saw the wreck. I asked Mr. Cordes how It happened, but he could not answer." exploded The amount of powder is not definitely known. As near as any one knows it was about 100 sticks. The con* cussion was terrific for such a comparatively small quantity, but the theory Is that pome chemicals that were stored there went up with the powder. Cordes powder to blow tree stumps. He up used bought a box containing 100 sticks two weeks ago, but only used a few. Thomas Pellow. a former employe of Cordes, urged the old man to get rid of It, but for some reason he did not do so, though ho promised that he would. Believe Cordes Committed Suicide. BERKELEY. March *.—The university "co-ed" Is ¦willing to adopt co-education In its general features, but when it come* to some of the masculine details sha draws a hard, sharp line. The members have drawn one of these lines at a Co-. ed Rooters' Club. Collars, ties, shirti - interior is a wreck. awakened by a piece of board, cumstances which Indicate the She was forced through a break in the act of a despondent man bent that was upon ending his own life, a Quan- wall, striking her on the head. For a mo- towns and false hair were sacrificed to been on record the fervor of his fancy for Fannv. tity of giant powder was exploded ¦week are &» follows: Deputy Sheriff. Striker happe'ned upon tearing G. the scene and Interrupted the offering on at an early hour this morning, Cordes, Estate cf Joan N. G. Hunter ts Robert Hooker, toutheAst cerrer cf Lajr^r.a ar.a E11H the altar of Venus "by gathering Heath into shreds the body of Herman taking him off to jail. Later a an aged resident An hour after the exstreet*. 1:0x137:6. 135,000; Apn V. Nolan to in and complaint was sworn to by Fanny John- plosion the old man expired In the hosI*eter Dean eouth^i'eet corner Klllrr.ore and "I Just raid $30 for one of them Eacnmtnto, 103:6x75:6, CSLSM; Eliza Kargtr to son. pital ambulance and the destination of line of MJ»»l«n. cresses." she said. Kenry E. ;Bothir. Foatieast the vehicle wa3 changed to the Morgue. 117:6 ecuthweiit from Second. KxS3, J20.000; Ker.ry E. and Jennie VT. Bothln to Thomas The city and Its suburbs was shaken CrelUn, eoutheaft line of Mission. US:S T» 6outhby the terrific concussion a few minwes-t irom Seoor.d.- JS:'9 ;^xSfxruxS'^xrj'T,x»Oxlov4 utes ¦•-">: LillyF. Char>s T. and after 5 o'clock. Windows half a Inches by SC. ISC. ATLAS OF THE away trom the seen© of the explosion F. Tildes' tj the Haf=>tt Warehouse Company, mile ¦otKhuett Ur.e c'. street, 13T:« southwest were broken. Wild rumors spread about from F.-is. rv.. 1374x23.' tl<&.00»; J. A. Simpthe streets that a terrible accident had Ci>well, fon IJenr^* northwest corner al. t $45,200: Po'.iL and Turk. 137 :txlS7:«. IJorrls Holler occurred, with consequent loss of life. In to Julius Schary. couth- llni? of Ellis street. 137:6 a short time hundreds of people had betl5.5C«O; I^giina, William Levistcn to ca*: :r rr. The Coll is offering its readcome spectators of the devastation reof Christ. Scientist, southwest First «. .c:r:h sulting from the explosion. c;ott ani Sacramento. lTT^^xi":*, ers the best atlas on the marearner McCarthy. |U.a«; Tiancis Mc«Jee to Patrick H. The scene of the happening was at the ket for $1-50. v *f: Jtoe of Ccnir^^roodl. 75 feet northeast foot of Park street, near the tidal rroni J^, 4&:4xi;3 JCO.iOO; Jonathan R. Call at the business offlce of canal bridge. One building had be,en Taicott t) Pa -lice Cousin, southwest line of this paper and satisfy yourfpear. :37:6 toutheast from Market, 45:l.Cx leveled to the ground, every 'piece 127 :u tTO.OCO. self as to the merit of this ofof timber having been broken Into bits. A. JL Ssecic & Co. have sold for Wilfer. Ifyou •want a really fin© j Two or three other buildings had their liam Ilir.kel the southwest corner of Sacsides and roofs crushed Inward. A great book of reference it is imposramecto and leaven worth streets to Jean hole in the earth showed where the powChiax for H5J50QL The lot is C0xD6 and has sible to secure a book to equal der had done Its work. It was beside this upon it thrtt two-story frame buildings. Cram's Atlas of the World. Cordes," Benjamin M. Ounr. & Co. have sold for ' hole that the body of "Old Man Thomas I. Be-rgin two lots on the north Cram's Atlas is the best and a« he was familiarly called, was found Seme cf the caved In and be free and They Are Willing to Go In for Athletic or Literary Organizations, but Will Not Shout on the Bleachers. lnstruction.shall schools established by the military gov- those of their brothers and other sirla' ; but whfn It came to a Rooters' ernment shall become a part ol the de- brothers * Club, to b^ composed entirely of th© partment. gentler generally Imitative sex the and The chief officer shall be a General Superintendent of .Public Instruction, ap- girls balked. They could stand for much pointed by the commission at an annual that savored of bratvn.buf when It carae salary of toot*..-. He shail have power to to brawn of the voral chords it became every pueblo establish school? in in the too much for even the feminine " • : courag* • . archipelago, where practicable, and to re- of Berkeley. The. plan originated with th«* Associated. organize those already established, where Students, an organisatior that necessary. He stiuii appoint a city Su- Wom»n much to advance th? co-ed in1'erintenuent of Scnools lor Manila, divis- has done It orgaptzatlnn. In athletics and ion superintendents tor other parU of terest was proposed that a fem'ale Rooters' the Islands, teacners and clerks and fix Club, attached, to the Pastimes clerks, Sports and the sajanes of the teachers and . very nice.' and that lie shall ittso tlx the curriculum for pri- Association, would be mary, secondary ana other public schools. the club -might do like the Rooters' CTv«t» cheer th« He shall divide the archipelago into attached to the football. ?e?ison— on to vicschool divisions, not to exceed ten In hearts of the basket ball team number, with Manila as one. He shall the souls of. the football men are victory to to in the supposed power to determine in what towns be <-"hWred ha\e English teachers, to be paid out of the days of- the great intercolles^ate Kame. as may worfc; girls, just teach exwent to the treasury, shall and So the Insular a yeil ercise discretion in favoring those towns boys did last fair. Th*>y selected Marguerite showing loyalty to the United States or leader in the rersdri of Miss Scott, and Miss Scott, was delegated to towns that shall construct and maintain organize her assistants. . ••- ".'¦¦ school buildings by local taxation. Notices were put tn the college paper* There shall be a superior aQvlsory Calirorsla. "VTkatever basl* of fact there this affliction a* a basis for shelter In the has beeri fcr such an Idea, there Is no Home for the Adult Blind on Telegraph douht that the facts Justify Itnow. Line avenue, utilizing the good eye In pursubeing by ing added coy damsels and hla calling of oroom altar line cf cteaziers Is He called at the Ayau dwelling larff* corporations whose standing !m- peddler. morning this and asked to see Fanny pUe« tliat they have corne to> Btey. Other Johnson, the maid of all work. He was lines are dickering. The transcontinental referred to the ba£k door, where he found facturers. — • Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 1113 Broadway, March 2. Vocr Bale» xa2»cac*& u tucvlajr takes r'xco finiltt tr;« vxek l&at past aggrer«.ted V3JX& Tea othtn tka.t have been fied Scheme. Department Tronkful of Feminine Finery. In, State's Prospects. gaVrtng Xntezwst on a Novel but Undig- friend the night before he died. He did or shall attempt to Influence the pupils for or against any church or religious sect In any public- school. It Is provided, however, that a priest or minister of the church established In the pueblo, either In- person or by a designated teacher of religion, may teach religion for one-half hour three times a week In the school building to those children whose parents or guardians desire it. A normal school shall be established In Manila for training the natives In the This school shall science of teaching. cost J25.000 and shall be paid for out of Treasury. A trade school for the Insular the Instruction of the natives In useful trades shall be established In the same city at a cost of $15,000. This sum shall also be paid out of the Insular Treasury as well as a like sum for the establishment of an agiiculutral school on the Island of Xegros. The cost of the buildings and equipments for the present time. Including the normal, trades and agricultural schools, shall not exceed $400,000. a verdict In favor :«f the Kxprea* Pony system against the United States Express Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad. Company. He decided, however, that the verdict for C i0O in ' favor oC the plaintiff. Joseph F. Lunrl. was excessive and that half that amount if a new 'trial would have to be. returned • '.¦ '• •: # is to be avoided. The Pony Express system is the name given the methods employed by out-oftown "purchasing agents" who buy good* carry city and them back as perin the sonal baggage, the express companies He was accustomed to working late. not pay for the drink he got, saying he God's sake give me a drink of water!" but always came home. Last night he had no money. '•. were the words the wounded man groaned not come home at all and his son and Other friends of the old man say that out to Mrs. Mary Lambert, .the first to did daughter, with whom he lived at 1216 Post he has been despondent for some time come to his assistance. Martin, Santa Clara County, for $73,00). street, were worried about him. Still they money mutters. They pay that 4t he Henry A. Chase of Sari Francisco has Woman Attends Mangled Man. thought he would be able to take care of over money Brave some got could have he would bought the Knglewood orchard of IIS thus being deprived of what they considMrs. Lambert, herself nearly a victim of himself. have made a fortune out of the plant he • acres, rear Cajrijjtx'll, for J&5."»0. Th© though strange running. the old man's tended the old man. It is conversation was ered their legitimate business. explosion, the la both salts were Wooster & broken body sickened her. last night that leads many to believe that Herman Cordes was a native of Gersicht of his torn v the 1 \\".:itton asd T. S. Montgomery of San • She administered to him until the ambu- he deliberately committed suicide, though many, aged 74 years. He amassed a forMOBS PREVENT THE Jcse. specutake him away. She had pome of his friends scout the suggestion. tune in this State, but lost Itall indaughlance came to however, * Reports cf Dealers. city he had been He came to Alameda from the on lation. He leaves sons and* a OPERATION OF TRAMWAYS once, that the two seen at Thomas Magee & Sons report the folof 10:10 narrow-gauge train and dropped in ter. Herman Cordes Jr. Hose Company • fatally hurt. His body was a. mass clothing at the saloon of P. A. Dean in the Park Is named for his deceased son. lowir.jsalts: not stitch of shreds, quivering a Obstructions Are Placed on the Tracks * The Coroner's lmjuest was held thlp being left on it. The left foot was torn Hotel. He played cards with some friends .*trr»-ty. ccraer of Califorr.ia and Drumm and Overhead Wires Are Cut theory for a few minutes and then sat at o'clock. The of distance. The face outside afternoon 5 someunrecognizable. off and thrown and TCsCl:S. the consisting on a bench with Mr. Dean until after 11 suicide was further strengthened by tho in Rome. blackened • •h-»*-Ff-r>- brick buUdine. with basement. was In the course of the conversation testimony of Asa Perkins, who said that LtM ;r:ce beinjr between Il«u.000 and I15O.0O0; Just after having been given the water o'clock. * ROME. March 2.—According to the press he said he needed money to run his plant Cordes had told him yesterday. In reply .t-.-^« lots, t-et. each, on the east line the old man lapsed into unconsciousness. XIHG TO OMIT Bcription price. manifestations to-day .prevented the oper>r 1V>bsier street, between Fiibert and Union. The appeals for drink were his last words. and asked Mr. Dean where he could get to a casual remark about his walking up ASSS ation of tramways by the placing of obstreet, '. r r:ijeach; (ot, 2::?x70. en the eouth line cf some. told him would Hebard, His friend he did not and down Park that he not who was second to reach H. E. PORTION OF HIS OATH structions on the tracks and the cutting Butter strvet, CO feet west from lxtrkir.. for spot, attempted to get a statement as know. Before he went away Cordes took do it many more times. The other witthe of overhead wire?. Thp crowd attempted remarking J":": lot. C:?x600. en tke southeast corner of that It nesses were those whose connection with Cntario House of Commons Passes to the cause of the explosion, but he was a drink at the bar. to enter the Olympian Theater, .but wm PoiSf I^5bo» and Twelfth evenueg. for JflOO: sion blocks, a portion of the Pratt estate, unsuccessful. would be the last one he would take the matter has already been stated. The '. '. (0x129. on the ncrth«a«t line of t-ixth street, unsuccessful.. On Candelia- street billby Strong there. to Costigan's yesterday, George Jury brought under direction of II. The home of Mrs. Lambert Is within In a verdict the effect Motion t 'tween Bryant and Brannan, for $7600. boards were overturned and set on fire. exBuckingham, referee. The prices ob- twenty From Dean's Cordea went to the Bank that death was the- result of an explosion, feet of the place whereherthe Affirmative Vote. were called out to extinguish The firemen The Von Ilhein Real Estate Company r<u tained were as follow?: a There, taking drink, house saloon. after he the cause of which is unknown. plosion occurred. The rear of prrt the sale of the .northwest corner of Polk flames. Women Were most active ia OTTAWA. Ont., March 2.—The House of the *.r.i Turk streets. the crowd. Calm- has been restored. 127:?i:137:6 feet., with fix Irr^rular lot fronting 1S5 feet en west line passed 125 19 has by Commons a vote of to cwi»:i:r.c houses, bririirtm? in a- rental of 1255. Of Harrii«on street, between Army etreet and Mr. Costigan's motion that an address be block fronttX ~. A. ard William P. Simpson an*i Srp^ntine avenue. $1000; irregular and large Industrial affairs In the Sacra- presented Italians .Released. EABX FRUIT COMPANY to .King Edward "VJII asklnjc the •^tat*of Mary Grace to Henry Cow-- ing 2fO f»et 3 inches on Army street, with mento Valley. that the portion of the coronation oath a d>V'th of SS feet on Alabama street to ITi ell fcr UZ.'M. . RIO JANEIRO. March 2,-The two ItalNOW IN NEW HANDS Catholics be eliminated. relationship irregular block frontThe Question of of the new so offensive to feet on Harrison. $1450: Company to the Porter Fruit Leaders on both stdt?3 of the House spoke ians who wer« arrested because they were Hawks & Skelton report sales as fol- ing rS4 feet 5S Inches on the east line of HarEarl Fruit lows: Former Head, of the Concern. Steps Company or to the car lines Is raised in in favor of the motion, but there was a cognizant of an attempt to kill the rison etre«M, 100 feet 3 Inches on Army street. many quarters, but the new men deny any difference of opinion on Its phraseology, of Italy, were released to-day. It was \\"«st line of Fll'more street. ET:2 feet eouth K2 fe*t 5 Inches on Alabama street and 133 Out and the New Directorate triangular 11300; avenue. shown that they had assisted- In th* araffiliation, either with other fruit compa- the debate lasting from early yesterday Jwt on Preclta irr.provem*-nt». from 60iIC3.. vrith to to east reaching morning. line of Howard Takes Charge. . nies or car lines. rest of the main conspirator: aJilton S. Eisner, for J1C.O90; lot and two-story lot until 2 o'clock this Twenty-thrM and Twentytrick, building. ;i:SxS7:6. on the east line cf ] itreet. between LOS ANGELES. March 2.—The Earl feet 6 inehe« . Front etrwt. US:* n->rth of California, to I>. fourth. 74 feet wide In rear. IK to way Licensed Wed. Company facing right the of on Fruit deal was consummated t=. barker, for «i-.COl; lot. £5x114. on the south <n south line and OAKLAND, March 2.—The following 73 feet . this evening. Mr. Earl has disposed of his OCEAN TBAVEIi. OCEAN TRAVEL. V . .. lir»* «f Kfhteenth «reet, ICIi feet east fro^n Han 3cm» railroad, JilO; corner fronting inches on west line of Treat avenue, with In the fruit company, after hav- marriage licenses were Issued by the interests •Noe. to B.- CaltTStar tlifti: let. en I 6 inches on north line of depth County a of 122 feet ing to-day: Joseph corner retired from the Continental Fruit Clerk's office C. the inortfcwen of Larkinand Chestnut street and fronting streets, Express. It is claimed by those who are Goetze, San* Francisco, aged 24 years, and to- E. «.*. I.rttr.dl*. for flJjO: «outheA:-t j Twenty-sixth street to rear corner of Taylor nv^z and llontgomery ive- i OarneM Square, $I9r.O; irregular lot fronting Hu Marie I. Mills, Santa Rosa, aged IS; familiar with the details of the transac*> t on oast line of Alabama street and 103 leave Broadway Steamers sire, core lot. .to A. Suaecl. fcr fliwO. tion that he steps out of active business Michael P'Toole. San .Francisco, aged 22. j« • . "Will Dispatch Steamer f*-et on Florida street, and also on Serpentine wharf. San Francisco: and Cella A. Sorensen, San Francisco, bfa pockets. with a cool million In his report fronting O.D. Baldwin & Sen 73 feet on * pgte. these sales: ! avenue, $1^,50; irregular lot Fcr Alaskan Ports— 11 a. m.. aged 20; Solomon personnel Oakland, aged The of the new Crokner. company Serpentine April street and Is west line of Alabama K. 27. . Ncrtheast cornet of\6 Lombard and Buchanan i sS^hk. MarchChange 2. 7. V. 17. not made public In full, but the new di- 28, and Dora Schary, Oakland, aged 18; company to '. Mfey^fv*1^ L Oeorge M. Mitchell for I avenue, with a depth of ICO feet, narrowing to FDR streets. 13t.Ck:rT:6. .21, and Annie rectorate, $700. elected in Los Angeles last George Oakland, Arlett. Selby, aged ¦Homer for.JoOC-O: lot. stfiraTs at Seattle. PvK'WSA r7:CxlOT. on the 20 feet in the rear. IS; Leonard Sles(B. Jones, evening, aged consists of William E. For Vancouver !<v&.5SS| Gerber. Victoria. I;:.* ; purchased < :: rUJ I :Gr^ie ctreet. 110 feet west from the property >»i*i Sp*»ck ras A. M. Francisco, 2a, slnger, aged Tovrniwnd, and cashier of the California State Bank of San Annie Port Seattle. fiBSjjO3*?au C.). .h'reu. Cor.tSOO; lot.' with Improvements, on tee i on the north '.ine of Sixteenth street, beSacramento; Hon. Fred Cox, president of McDonald, San Francisco, aged 23; Clem- ! Special Dispatch to The Call. Tacoma. Everett. Anacorfs t^f-SS^aii »«t line oT StontpOMMXT street, ilfeet north i Vis; Katmat. tween Castro and Noe streets, the lot ~^^aOl and New Whatcom <Wa*h->— company; Calvin W. Clark, for- ent P. Kirk, Oakland, aged 23. and Ethel .roiri.Jackson, for JCrOOu. same the two flats from it, by 7, 11". with on being 25 11 l 12. 17. ¦VANCOUVER, B. C-. March 2.—Definite merly extensively engagf-d In the cattle G. IMckerson. Oakland, aged 19. tn.. March 2. • report the Charlotte H. Foulkes. for J4S00. day thereafter. 27, April every frhainwaid. Buekbee &. Co. and fifth business; 1. Heilbron, to-day by Adolph formerly 22. was made here a • oiktvir.g *ales : Henry P. Sonntag has bought for an In- announcement Change at Seattle for this company's steamers ",'¦1 For Inforrnatlon Apply to ¦•• wholesale butcher and extensive land Pugilists Still in Jail. a water lot at the northeast officials of the Crows Nest Pass Coal owner for Alaska and G. N. Ry.: at Seattle or TaWHITE STAR STEAMSHIP CO.. .• •' In the San Joaquln Valley, and Eobtbwest corner of Sacramento and Fill-] vestment • Ky. C. P. by Ry.: Front 30 business to N. P. at Vancouver to Oregon and Company, whose coal and coke streets. . Union nor* etreew, TS:?x:06:3. for $11,500. this being j rcrner of GAL.VESTON. Tex.. March 2.—Joe Cho- coma Eureka., numboldt Bay— S p. m.. March George B. Katzensteln. formerly treasurer : Block. Seattle. th* present location of a tranrh jxtstoffice and I Or ' Ci fe^t with a two-story and basement is the largest In Western Canada, that a of the Earl Fruit Company, and for years ynskl and Jack Johnson, arrested last 4. For 9. 14. i9. 24, 29, April 3. and every fifth day " the garden cf a *on?t;' north line of Clay building thereon, for $13,000. SSt Market .St., Room *•• S-. V. . the company's widely known through the State as a high Monday night by State Rangers on the thereafter. proprietary Interest in Balfour, Guthrie & Co. have purchased by ftre«t. between Powell and Mason. CSxfo:-.), week purchased organization. had been this charge of prizefighting, will have a haofficial of various fraternal For San Diego." stopping only at Santa Bar$r;00: east line of Baker -street 30 feet Bouth the Interest of the Home Fire and Insur- shares Smelting Trust. The new men in the Earl Fruit Com- beas corpus hearing before Judge Allen bara. Port Los Angeles and Redondo (Los AnAmerican from- Uotr.i-arti. CZx?i:3. 11000: for Sutro e^ta.e ance Company in the three-story brick the New ' Wednesdays, ? a. m.: • Jielra. south* art cornet of L&ke and Second James J. Hill of the Great Northern and pany have been associated with the prime in the Criminal Court in this city Mon- jr.le,,)—Steamer Queen. Sunday*. building on the north line of California 5 a. m. nTTOME. SCCTHAXPT05,'LOJTDOS. 7ABZS. of New York are ac- movers In several colonization projects day. The men are still in Jail. steamer Panta Rosa. avenues. 50x112:6. Jl^ :CtW Wilson estate, U(n street, 43:6 feet east from Sansome. The J. Pierpont Morgan • Monterey. CaySan The For Panta Crux. Simeon. at StoppinginJthe deal. amount Cherbourr. westbound. Ijeavenwcrth street, .45:Cxi27:6. JSOOO. price is reported to have been about tively Interested ucos ' Port Harford <Pan Luis Oblspo). Gavi- From New Tbrk Every Wednesday at 13 a. m. •. * Involved was nearly $1,000,000. JiO/.M). To Cut Up a Tract. ota. Santa Barbara. Ventura. Hueneme. j 8an St. Louis.. .,....Mar. l3|St. Louis.. ..:.:. April 3 at Fernle are lia miles north The mines Angeles)(Los and New Tork New Telephone Building. Pedro. Ea«>t Pan Pedro Rayrr.or.<5 & Baldwin announce that Mar. 2C|Xew Tork...:..April tn of the International boundary line, and Newport Steamer Corona, Fridays. 9 a. m.: Vaderland ......Mar. 171 Vaderlahd :..,.. April 11 they are about to cut up the Chadbume The Pacific States Telephone and Tele- the Dominion Parliament has promised Steamer Bonlta. Tuesdays, 9 n. m. Magdalena Bunriaa block, bounded by Castro, Twen- graph Company has contracted for the the company a charter for a railway from Jcse tiet . Bay, Pan RED. STAR L1N2. : For Ensenada. ty-secend, Noe ar.d Alvarado streets. Into concrete walls, pumping, and twisted iron Crows Nest to the boundary, so thjit coke Cabo Mazatlan. AHata. La Fa«. Santa Rosalia Umw York and Antwar*. each month. forty-six lots, acd (Mex.)— Guaymas also the Excelsior work for a building on the lot bounded may be supplied to the smelters of Mon10 a. m.. 7th and From New Tork Every Wednesday, l£ Xoca. . tract, bourded by Mission street and Lon- by New Montgomery, Natoma and Minna tana and other United States centers. The For further information obtain company's Weateroland ...Mar. MlFriesland April t don. Brazil and Persia avenues, the lat- etreets. folders. company present output of the mines is 450 tons of ....ApriliJ 20 Soathwark reserves the right to change Kenatnrton ....Mar. ter making fifty-two lots. They are also A. Busalachi will build a three-story coke a day. A thousand new ovens will The .'...April Mar. 27l Weaterland It sailing sailing Noordland dates and hours of «t*amers. up the work of road making and and basement frame building on the be DUt in. making it the largest coking INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO.. without nr*vious nntlce. • bridpe buildln? to tirir.g Into the market south line of Bay street, 22:11 feet west plant in the world, and 1800 tons per day Agent. Montgomery CHAS. D. TATLOK. General TICKET OFFICE—* New • • the Koes Valley Park tract and are plant- from Mason. Pacific" Const. .30 Montgomery st.. will be shipped by June. The Canadian street fPalnce Hotel). Ing irtes alon^ the avenues.' Anna T. F. Gray has contracted for a Railway made a big fight against Nine lots GOODALL, PERKINS &CO.. Gen. Agts... two-story and attic frame building on the Pacific was futile. deal, opposition fcave.bec-n sold. but its Francisco. the 10 Market St.. San Lyon & Hoag report the following re- east line of First avenue, north from cent sa>s: Clay, to cost $4359. HEADFORT OF licrm. Holier to Julias Eharr. lot 27:6x123. on MARQUTS C. W. Haufe will erect a three-story and to the Affected the south lire. of £;:::¦ etreet, xr::6 ea« of frame building to contain six flats on the SS. SIERRA, for HonoluW, Samba, New TENDERS HIS RESIGNATION latrzr&. V.Z.10Q. ¦with lmproi-eineT.ta consisting north line of McAllister street. 112:6 feet and Australia ''. DISPATCH FAST STEAMKRS TO Zealand ci a thrc*-«tory house, containing flat*; lot "Webster, at a cost of $13,200. -...'..^...Widnesday. March 8, 3 p. aa. west from We answer the INTERNAL DRUGGING TO RUIN THE _^^^ tOxlK. with two-story brute, on the south elde AUSTRALIA, for Tahiti The cost of the four-story hotel build- Apparently Determined to Marry briefly. If STOMACH. The St. James treatment "SS. ¦&OC^^^ftk<> eT«:k etreet. 1ZZ fc»t wwt of Sanchez. Questions .".„. p. m. is .'.'Wednesday.- March 13. erected by Ella and Maurice you cut an artery local, direct and positive. Miss Rosa Boote of the <53d». 54000. bo-JEt-.t by CtaHtai Musant; lot and im- ing to be From Spear-street Wharf at 11 a. in. . : (Honolulu only* Schmltt on the northwest corner of Sutter M /x**^"* in your arm you do including Berth SS. MARIPOSA I>rovemcnt» on the west fide of Second avenue The St. James treatment Is prepared In CADE $12 First Class Gaiety Chorus. '^WS2*Pl -Saturday. March 18, 2 p. m. Gough $16,000. streets willexceed ....: M«als, and Crayons, 175 feet north of Cleai^t «trr«t, Z>xU0, 12SJ0; tak e Internal the form of and very narrow lAnC $8 Second Clasi / -V^JM not H. H. Young has let contracts for the LONDON. March 2.—Lieutenant, the lot ar.d lmtrox-ementB or the west elde of Normedicine to stop tho smooth, flexible and wholly soluble, Jt&* >e>*2ISMv# 327 Harttt SI Mar. 4. 14. 24. Apr, iI D.SP2EHELS k BHOS. 60., Cthera! Jlasnts. COLUMBIA sails of a two-story residence, Marquis of Headfort, of the First Life flow of hlood. YOU are Inserted Into the folk street. US feet .- .• :.¦ : /*?"¦ .,t of Folsom fiO construction passagewhich fx*rftl8t water W. ELDER sails Mar. 9. ». 29. Apr. » at toangr Otto, 813 torfct St.. Pig »o. 7, Hefc St OEO. basement, y on the south- Guards, Bta'l K2&0; A. r. Conrad t^ight the lot Z3xl~ 6 on with attic and USE APnight, they deposit whose determination to make LOCAL where dissolve and the, Butte, Walla, Spokane. fliS?4«f7 V\ Short Line to Walla the north Pi-le of Bajrea «rett. S.1 feet east of west corner of Vallejo and Stelner streets PLICATIONS. Slm- medication in Its full strength upon the Helena Rosa Boote of the Gaiety chorus all points In th« Northwest. r Harly when tho ure- Prostate Gland, contracting and strength- Through and etrtner.- |»»; lot 37:6xy2:» on the Bouthwest which indicates a cost of about $18,000, for Miss /r\ }T ; PACI7I0 STEAM HA7I8ATI0H CO. AND has created so tickets to all points East. of Headfort comer of Fillmore ani Union streets, a. cart of brick, ptone, carpenter, glass and plumb- Marchioness thral ening ducts become ducts and FOREVER STOPC0MPASIA SCD AXXKICA3ASZ YAF03Z3 talk, is under orders to Bail for the E. C. WARD. General Agent. much "C54r ; Plxlfy estate. StS'.T l^t Ing the 25x137 6 on th» /\lSjfl$(t*^ weakened and re- PING DRAINS A>TD EMISSIONS Montgomery at. work. and Is confronted with tha .^K 1 Africa Mexican. Central and To -Valparaiso, stopping at : «outh Bide of Filbert ftreet, 212 feet east of Iaxed ll is ridicu- curing while the patient sleeps. James Mearns will plac* a three-story South American, ports. Sailing: told and fight- .^ag^JU^t^ar tad South Ftelner. 1900. part cf the .I'lx'.ry estate- for XV attic and basement frame building on the necessity of going when ous to. take lnteri i, ilancee. March 1.1301 ' giving up hi? He declares or COLOMBIA • W. KedralU a r.fv hovire. IZ& San Enino ave- west line of Cole street, 100 feet north nal treatment, March 20. 1301 SS. TIXAPEL JS600: tr> J. P. -Kcnetsky. Si7 Else" street he will accept the stigma of resignation r.ue. through the stomach pass -April 4. 1901 street. from Page, to contain three dwellings. which must forego tr-m M. rriee. 521OTthan his resolution to 83. AREQTTIPA ;....:. ..April 17. is an accumulation of slujrContracts have been awarded by Amelia rather the seat of Varlcocele In SS. LJMARI 19C1 marry. The case has been brought to the and urine before it reaches project l/von & Hoag alt) hive. »oia three lots each 2, the veins of from glsh The seminal ducts into blood Section Seawall. the At 12 m. ::xl00. on. th«.e«Juth Btt? cf ElKhteeath street. E. Sherman and Elizabeth K. Dana for notice of no less a personage than King disease. scrotum solely to Imperfect circulation, expressly for Central two-story the are bullr through 7C, feet west of Mli^isstppt. at $>» basement and attic the urethral canal Prostate due LEAVE These steam-m frame Edward, who has handed It over to and WILL WHARF. COReach: a cor- a passenger service. (No Gland, arid are easily reached by LOCAL has Its origin in a diseased and torpid r.t^T Jot. lixl&O. on the. Bouthwest comer of building on the north line of Pacific ave- Prince Edward of Sixe- Weimar, colonel ner First and Brannan streets, at 1 o. m.. and South American Prostate Gland. Operations In this dis- for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at change at Acapulco or Panama.) Freight and J"i|rnie« nUi and illKiis-sirpl etreete. sold for nue, 242 :C feet west' from Gough Street. First Life Guards. The Prince of TREATMENT. pasaenser of the tlS California «treet only temporary, Nagasaki Shanghai, and office. J12f*; lot ca the west- r.'de of Missouri street approximate $12,000. (Hiogo). and no me- Kobe and The cost wtH Dr. Carter'sdissolve, "Gran-Solvent" soluble ease are wrot's a letter pointing out BALFOUR. GCTirRIE & CO.. Agents. digest and "forever chanical device yet discovered has cured connecting at Hongkong with steamers fcr IA feet «'.uth of Klght^nth. Andrea Sbarboro will build a new resl- Saxe-Welmar Sixioo. Bold iOr Marquia the ruin of his career If Bougies will cargo to the received on board on India, day case. Gran-Solvent No purchaser, I10C«. The will a slnele heals the etc. himself at Asti. Sonoma County. insisted on marrying Miss Boote, as remove restores healthy circulation COMPAGSTIZ QSXXHAL5 TKA33ATLAXTIQT73. fcewe, . : : erect a. two-story dence'for of sailing. A. F. Nelson will erect three flats on he Prostate anddisappears Friday. March 15. 1X1 she could not be received by the regi-and the sluggish SS AMERICA MARU.... TO" HAVRE-PARIS. Varlcocele DIRECT LINE Thursday. the northwest corner of Hartford street . Bovee. Toy.& Sonntap have sold t*ntInstead of prot>on SS HON'GKOXO MARU.-Tuesday. April 3. 1301 • replaced by Is Sallins tverr pure, avenue. accumulation «C»323 Eighteenth , and replied, regretting May <rt3cs as follows: that he In15 days, without pain, injury or Marquis Friday, Saturday, at 10 a. m.. from Pier C. -T*W«9K The NIPPON MARU S. 1X1 SS. healthy blood. put up a two-story inconred Taylor will way, Round-trip Elizabeth tickets at reduced street. First-class bougies River, not see but he sent his rates. For foot of Morton could it that are Inserted at men strictured, North N'orjh «de nt Minna ftreet. 212:8 fw>t from venience. The of weak, Thousands on the southeast corner passage freight apply company's upward. $25 buildlnz and at Second class to resignation papers to Lord Roberts. The ofQcs.. to Havre. and Fourth, SSxSO feet, Patrick Goan to Fn;nk Mc- frame night and act while you sleep. despondent were cured and "Gran- wasting street, -corner First. of Myrtle avenue and Laguna street, to commander in chief apparently AGENCY invented Solvent" removes every symptom of stric- restored and Havre H3 and upward. GENERAL by the St. James method last 421 Market Allister for SSfXXi; cast: side of Hroderlck cost $4500 approximately. Agent. W. II. AVERT. General and CANADA. 33 accepting FOR UNITED STATES a little plot, for Instead of hi3 ture, leaving the canal as healthy as when year. A' vast army of men In whom the Mre»-t. 87:6 from Pine, 27:6x100 feet, with nlneBroadway < Hudson buildlnc). New Tork. J. Anna M. Wulzen has leased a room for resignation he ordered the Marquis to nature room house, from Mary I^agenia to S. N. TurIt. No penetrated formed BRUTAL CUT- light of life has the fearful Coast Agents. $ branch postofflce In a building on the hold himself in readiness to go to the TING OR F FTTGAZI A CO., PacificFrancisco. fect. for JT7:^; lot on the east tide of Masonic asouth DILATING. NO INJECTIONS Tickets nightmare of stricture and seminal deMontgomery avenue. Fan street, between line U?(t of Seventeenth Jara, expected 7S nouth of SxlGO avenue. Transvaal. The denouement is fe»>t. for TO IRRITATE THE MEMBRANE. NO cay. sold by *M Railroad Ticket Agents. . $j6*>, to M. Curtis; n6rrhwest corner of Hoff Castro and Collingwood, for five years at to be a quiet marriage and the retirement $4£0 per $2-100 annum, or for the of the young peer from his Majesty's seravenue «md S<»venteeT)th- street, for J. J. Cro-w- the rate of will not permit a complete description of the incompar- mma nk agasa . • .l*y to. Thomas F. Berry, for $££0; to Leon term. vice . ableSpace BAY AND BIVEH STT3ATYTTCRS. St. James Treatment in urethral diseases Every sufferer WT^ HTl B^gK I>* "ebrfie for S4K)0. Tot en the west clde of m Stricture and Its H offspring, from Seminal WeakB I | | Prostatitis and etreet, $105 Steerage, :. : T.:.-\ south of Chestnut: north «lde of Cabin. 840. PHOENIX. March 2.—The smallpox epidemic Army Bills Signed. ness should write to the St. James Association, 2:4) St. James R- WmZ. yard vallejo. B9 5. S. St. Paul sails Wednesday, Mar. 6. Eutter >«•»>•*. 64 fe*t *>»Et of Brodericfc, L',x\) 1« fpreadlng rapidly among the Oocopah lnHldg.. Cincinnati. Ohio, for their wonderful illustrated work show- ¦" W^ W^ Jr WASHINGTON. March 2.—The Presidi&ji:=. near the mouth of the Colorado Rlrer. fe»>t. for $2>/0 to Itrb^cca. Gasque: lot on the Fifty Ing the parts, of the human .Steamer "'Monticello.** . ¦ system army north eld* of fiar-rarnento etreet, 275 feet east involved In urethral allsails March 10. Argyll Tuesday, "appropriato-night signed reported and four deaths have dent the 5. S. caszb are BBS H ¦ they ¦ package, Tues., Wed., will send securely wrapped In plain I I-L Thnrs. and Sat. at l:«s occurred. of First avenue, mfP'ttt] for 52)00. tion bills, which contain the provisions ments. which 6. S Roanoke sails Tuesday, April 2. a MON-. m.. J:15, 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thursday night);Frirelating to the relations of the United Sales £t Auction. wharf, foot of Lombard st., at 3 p. m. days. 1p. m. and 3:30: Sundays. 13:30 a. m.. I From oge commands respect— except la States to Cuba Old government and the of the St. James Freight and passenger office. 33) Market st. p. m. Laadlcg and office. Mlsilcn-itrwt Dock. Assn., Philippines. S. P. Middleton auctioned 'off some Mis- poultry and Jokes. St. James Block, Cincinnati, ->-f >. T. CONNOR. Pacific Coast Agent ;pier No. 2. Telethons Mala ISM- .\ '. ¦ ¦ I GREATEST COKING INPLANT WORLD ¦ One Thousand New Ovens ¦ -¦ Pacific Coast Steamship Co. to Bs Put in at Crows Ntst. . • 1 ' 1 - ¦ — . ¦ ¦ OREGON NOME MARGH5th. — —¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ AMERICAN LINE. 1 — ¦ Why the Frightful Tension of Stricture is Dissolved L&e Snow Beneath the Sun— IN FIFTEEN DAYS. Why Weak Men Are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatment Applied Locally Directly Parts. - THE 0. R. & R. CO. oceanics.sxo,ss * - - Wi^^W- ¦ Varicocele. ¦ ~ TOYO KISEN KAISBA. , STEAMERS - Urethral Stricture ¦ - - —— ¦ fa 250 O. PANAMA R.R.HSS To NEW YORK via PANAMA Direct "^toTuTsTnavy and