Learn from the experts… REVISIT THE CONFERENCE!
Learn from the experts… REVISIT THE CONFERENCE!
Learn from the experts… REVISIT THE CONFERENCE! The 2003 Conference may be over—but you still have the unique opportunity to learn from the expert presenters. As a special service to APhA members, recordings of the conference sessions are available for purchase in audiocassette and audio CD formats. Whatever your choice of format, you and your fellow staff members can experience the 2003 APhA conference long after the meeting is over. Check the listing below and order your selections today. AUDIO CASSETTE TAPES • may be purchased individually (see pricing below) • specially priced complete set = 995.00 SAVE 35% AUDIO CDs - playable in car and computer • may be purchased individually (see pricing below) • specially priced complete set = $1150.00 SAVE OVER 35% FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2003 010A-C 020AB 3 Tapes=$30 Menopause Basics 3 CDs=$36 2 Tapes=$20 Methodological Issues: Working with Databases 2 CDs=$24 Containing Clustered Data SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2003 200AB 210AB SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2003 030AB 040AB 050AB 060AB 070AB 080AB 090AB 100AB 110AB 120AB 130AB 140AB 150AB 160AB 170AB 180AB 190AB 2 Tapes=$20 Unraveling the Mysteries of Syndrome X 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Legislative & Regulatory Update 2 CDs=$24 Landmark Trials in Cardiovascular Disease: 2 Tapes=$20 Reshaping Management of Hyperlipidemia and 2 CDs=$24 Heart Failure 2 Tapes=$20 Partners in Self-Care: Prevention and Treatment 2 CDs=$24 of Heartburn: Sorting Out the Options 2 Tapes=$20 Regulatory Issues in Nuclear Pharmacy Practice 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Partners in Self-Care: Preventing and Minimizing 2 CDs=$24 the Risk for Drug Interactions Pharmacist as Primary Care Provider: HRSA 2 Tapes=$20 Demonstration Projects and the Pharmacy 2 CDs=$24 Services Support Center 2 Tapes=$20 New Options in Herpes Management 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Beyond JNC VI: New Directions in Hypertension 2 CDs=$24 Management 2 Tapes=$20 Using the PDA as a Point of Care Tool 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Coaching Skills for Pharmacists 2 CDs=$24 Supportive Care of the Cancer Patient: Emerging 2 Tapes=$20 Options for Managing Chemotherapy-Induced 2 CDs=$24 Nausea and Vomiting 2 Tapes=$20 Current Concepts in HIV/AIDS Treatment 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 How to Build Your Academic Research Career 2 CDs=$24 Using Federal Funding Sources 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 Optimizing Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis 220AB 230AB 240AB 250AB 260AB 270AB 280AB 290AB 310AB 320AB 330AB 340AB 350AB 360AB 370AB 380AB Why Wrestle When You Can Dance: Optimizing Outcomes with Motivational Counseling 390AB The Use of Power and Influence: Managing Without Authority 400AB 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 Pastries and Policies: Patient Privacy Under HIPAA: Preparing for a New Era Is it Legitimate? Tips for Assessing Prescriptions for Controlled Substances What It’s Worth: Certification in Pharmacy Practical Tools for Medication Safety in Acute Care Innovations in Pharmacy Practice Pharmaceutical Calculations for the Pharmacy Technician Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure Collaborative Practice Opportunities for Providing Emergency Contraceptive Patient Care Services Case Law Update Building Working Relationships with Providers Minimizing Medication Errors in Community and Ambulatory Pharmacy Integrating the Internet into Point of Care Prostate Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment Establishing and Expanding Patient Care Services Qualifying the Job Opportunity: Tips and Techniques for Employers and Job Candidates Successfully Navigating a Career Change Beyond “the Pill:” New Contraceptive Options for Women Risk Management from a Collaborative Perspective OTC Medicines Update Botanical Pharmacy: Opportunities to Optimize Care MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2003 Enhancing the Role of Preceptors in the Practice 2 Tapes=$20 Environment: Developing Effective Preceptor 2 CDs=$24 Skills 2 Tapes=$20 Research in Women’s Health 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 PET Practice in Nuclear Pharmacy 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Case Studies in Diabetes Care 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 How to Get Paid for Pharmaceutical Care 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Historical Pharmacy in the South 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 New Drugs Update 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 The Legal Elements of HIPAA: Impact on Your 2 CDs=$24 Practice 410AB 420AB 430AB 440AB 450AB 460AB 470AB 480AB 1 Tape=$10 The Pharmacy Technician: Enhancing Patient 490 1 CD=$12 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 500AB 510AB 520AB 530AB 540AB 550AB 560AB 570AB 580AB COMPLETE AUDIO TAPE SET COMPLETE AUDIO CD SET Safety 590AB 600AB 610AB 620AB 630 640AB 650AB 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 1 Tape=$10 1 CD=$12 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 Optimizing Diabetes Management: Focus on Insulin Therapies Smoking Cessation: Pharmacist’s Helping Patients Kick the Habit Current Concepts in the Treatment of Hepatitis How Did They Do It? Success Stories in Pharmaceutical Care A Clinical Review of Cardiovascular Disease in Men Cultural Competency in Pharmacy: A Hispanic Model MenoPAUSE: Taking a Second Look at the Role of HRT TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2003 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 2 CDs=$24 660AB 670AB Emerging Technology at the Point of Care 680AB Preventing Medication Errors in Pediatrics 690AB New Approaches for Predicting Risk and Managing Unstable Angina 700AB The Pharmacist’s Role in Managing Patient’s with Alzheimer’s Disease 710AB Legal Issues in Compounding 720AB Leadership Skills: Maximize Your Message To Improve Results 730AB New Pathways to Drug Discovery 740AB Practice Issues in Nuclear Pharmacy 750AB Partners in Self-Care: The Pharmacist's Role in Assuring Appropriate OTC Medication Use 760AB Emerging Trends in Immunizations: Shots of Disease Prevention Persistent Pain Management for Improved Quality of Life Prostate Disease: Strategies for Managing BPH and Prostatitis HIPAA Privacy: Are You Ready? Practical Tips to Ensure Compliance Heartburn and Beyond: Evolving Strategies in Management Practice-based Research Primer: Lessons 2 Tapes=$20 Learned from Pharmaceutical Care 2 CDs=$24 Demonstration Projects 2 Tapes=$20 Asthma Guideline Review: What’s New? 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Migraine Management in Women 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Current Trends in Sepsis Management 2 CDs=$24 2 Tapes=$20 Managing Dyslipidemia: Putting the New 2 CDs=$24 Guidelines to Work 2 Tapes=$20 Erectile Dysfunction: Closing the 2 CDs=$24 Communication Gap PURCHASE THE COMPLETE AUDIO TAPE PACKAGE and save over 35% = $995.00 Complete package comes in attractive storage albums at no extra charge. PURCHASE THE COMPLETE AUDIO CD PACKAGE and save over 35%! = $1150.00 + shipping ORDER ON-SITE AND RECEIVE FREE (DOMESTIC) SHIPPING (or up to $15.00 off total shipping) ORDER: BY PHONE: With your credit card, please call: (800) 747-8069; (818) 957-0874 - 8:30-4:00 PST, Monday - Friday When ordering, please identify program by #230328 BY MAIL: Complete this form, with payment to: Content Management Corp. 3043 Foothill Blvd., Suite #2, La Crescenta, CA 91214 BY FAX: FAX your order form with credit card information to: (818) 957-0876 24 hours/day; 7 days/week BY EMAIL: Submit your order with credit card information to: [email protected] MAIL ORDER FORM – APHA 2003 All tapes are covered by a lifetime guarantee - Defective tapes will be replaced free-of-charge * FREE CASSETTE STORAGE ALBUM WITH EACH 6 TAPE PURCHASE * ALL SALES FINAL AFTER 30 DAYS - All returned tapes within 30 days subject to 25% restocking fee * We accept VISA, MC, AmExpress, & personal/company checks payable to CONTENT MANAGEMENT CORP. _____Total Audio Tape Selections ...............................................$_______ _____Special Audio Tape Set Packages at $995.00 ....................$_______ _____Total Audio CD Selections...................................................$_______ _____Special Audio CD Set Packages at $1150.00 .....................$_______ _____Additional 6 tape storage albums at $4.00 each .................$_______ _____Additional 12 tape storage albums at $6.00 each ...............$_______ Mailing & Handling: $1 per unit to a $15 maximum per order .......$_______ (ON-SITE CD ORDERS ONLY – free shipping ($15 max)) * * * * * * * Foreign Mail/Hand. - ADD $2/tape/CD to $75 max.......$_______ TOTAL AMOUNT…. ALL PRICES ARE IN U.S. FUNDS ................ $ ______ Check VISA MC AmEx Exp. Date ___________ Credit Card Acct Number _______________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________ Ship to: Name ________________________________________________ Company _____________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number __________________________________ email address__________________________________________