CURRICULUM VITAE Gerald Louis Andriole, Jr., M.D. Address:


CURRICULUM VITAE Gerald Louis Andriole, Jr., M.D. Address:
Gerald Louis Andriole, Jr., M.D.
Washington University School of Medicine
Division of Urologic Surgery, Campus Box 8242
4960 Children’s Place
St. Louis, Missouri 63110
(314) 362-8212
(314) 361-2203 FAX
[email protected]
Clinical Research
Urological Research Center
1040 N. Mason Road, Suite 122
St. Louis, Missouri 63141
(314) 996-8285
(314) 996-8519 FAX
Pre-Med. Education: 1973 - Diploma, Scranton Preparatory School, Scranton, PA
1976 - B.S., Pennsylvania State University*, State College, PA
Medical Education:
1978 - M.D., Jefferson Medical College*, Philadelphia, PA
* Participant in 5 year Accelerated Medical Program
Post-Graduate Training:
Academic Positions:
Intern and Resident in Surgery
Strong Memorial Hospital
University of Rochester
Rochester, New York
Resident in Urology
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Expert, Urologic Oncology
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
Assistant Professor of Urologic Surgery
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Chief, Urology Section
St. Louis V.A. Medical Center
St. Louis, MO
Associate Professor of Urologic Surgery
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Professor of Urologic Surgery
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Professor and Chief
Division of Urologic Surgery
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Hospital Appointments:
Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO
Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, St. Louis, MO
Children's Hospital, St. Louis, MO
VA Hospital, St. Louis, MO
Director, Urologic Research Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO
Maryland, License #D30346, January, 1984
Missouri, License #R8E23, June, 1985
Certification: Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners, 1979, #194284
American Board of Urology, 1985, #8510, Recertified, 1992, 2003
Medical Societies:
American Association for Cancer Research
American Association of Clinical Urologists
American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons
American College of Surgeons
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Surgical Association
American Urological Association
National Urologic Forum
Society of University Urologists
Society of Urologic Oncology
Society for Basic Urologic Research
Honors and Awards:
1973 Co-Valedictorian, Scranton Preparatory School
1974 President's Award, Pennsylvania State University
1976 Summa cum laude, Pennsylvania State University
1978 Theodore H. Fetter Award (Urologic Surgery), Jefferson Medical College
1988 American Urological Association Audiovisual Award, First Prize, 83rd Annual Meeting
1994 American Urological Association/European Association of Urology International Academic
Exchange Program
1995 CIAO Award for Medicine
2002 Outstanding Achievement Award, Urologic Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute
Special Committees:
Steering Committee, NIH PLCO Cancer Screening Trial, 1992-present
Chairman, Prostate Subcommittee, NCI, PLCO Cancer Screening Trial, 1993-present
Medical Advisory Committee, Prostate Intervention Versus Observation Trial (PIVOT), 1994-present
Cochrane Collaboration in Prostatic Diseases, 1995-present
Executive Committee, Siteman Cancer Center, 2001-present
Steering Committee, CAMUS Trial (NIH/NIDDK), 2002-present.
Chairman, Steering Committee, REDUCE Trial (Dutasteride Chemoprevention Trial), 2002-present
NCI, Biorepository Scientific Advisory Panel, 2003-present
Society of Urologic Oncology Executive committee, 2005 to present
Oral Examiner, Exam Committee, American Board of Urology, 2006-present
Society of University Urologists Executive Committee, 2007-present
Steering Committee, NIH, NIDDK MAPP Studies, 2008-present
Vice Chairman, Cancer and Leukemia Group B-Prostate Committee, 1992-1998
Chairman, Cancer and Leukemia Group B-Urologic Surgery Subcommittee, 1993-1998
Exam Committee, American Board of Urology, 1997-2000
Executive Committee, MTOPS Trial (NIH/NIDDK), 1997-2002
Chairman, Genitourinary Committee, American College of Surgeons Clinical Oncology Group,
American Joint Committee on Cancer, American College of Surgeons, Genitourinary Task Force, 20002002
Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons, 1994-2002
Steering Committee, Prostate Cancer Chemoprevention Trial, 1992-2004
AUA/Pfizer Visiting Professor Review Board, 2001-2005
Editorial Positions:
Community Editor, Urologic Surgery, American College of Surgeons Web Portal, 2007-present
Editorial Board, Cornell University Medical College Reports on Men’s Urologic Health, 2006-present
Associate Editor, The Journal of Men’s Health & Gender, 2003-present
Urology Times, Hands-On Editor, 2002-present
Editor-in-Chief, Yearbook of Urology, 1997-present
Editorial Board, Urology Research and Treatment, 1999-present
Editorial Board, Urologia Internationalis, 1997-present
Editorial Consultant, The Paget Society, 1999-present
The Prostate Journal, 1997-present
Editorial Board, Infections in Urology, 1991-present
Editorial Advisory Board, Surgical Rounds, 1990-present
Editorial Board, Annals of Surgical Oncology, 1997-2003
Journal of Urology
Urologic Oncology
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Cancer Research
New England Journal of Medicine
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Prostate Cancer
European Urology
Grant Support:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Principal Investigator:
Total Direct Costs:
Percent of Effort:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Principal Investigator:
Total Direct Costs:
Percent of Effort:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Principal Investigator:
Total Direct Costs:
Percent of Effort:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Total Direct Costs:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Total Direct Costs:
Percent of Effort:
Biomedical Research Support Grant, Washington University
The Effect of Pure 5-Alpha Reductase Applied Inhibitors on the Growth of
Human Androgen Responsive Genitourinary Tumors
Gerald L. Andriole, M.D.
American Cancer Society
The Effect of Interleukin-2 and Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells on the
Development of Murine Bladder Tumors
Gerald L. Andriole, M.D.
American Foundation for Urologic Disease/National Kidney
Foundation Fellowship
Experimental Immunotherapy for Bladder Cancer
Gerald L. Andriole, M.D.
National Institutes of Health
Medical Therapy in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Supplement for Minority
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Medical Therapy in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (MTOPS): A Full Scale
Clinical Trial
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Total Direct Costs:
Percent of Effort:
National Cancer Institute
Prostate, Lung, Colorectal & Ovarian Cancer Screening Study (N01-CN-25516)
Funding Agency:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Grant Title:
Total Direct Costs:
Percent of Effort:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Total Direct Costs:
Percent of Effort:
National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
Survivor HRQOL and Spouse Satisfaction after Prostate Therapy
Funding Agency:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
(1 U01 DK82315-01)
Total Direct Cost:
Percent of Effort
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Urological Symptoms
Other Support:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Winthrop Breon Laboratories
The Effect of Low Osmolar Contrast Media on the Interpretation
of Urinary Cytology Specimens
Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories
Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of MK-906 (5-Alpha Reductase
Inhibitor) in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Extension Studies
Mo13-24, Mo 25-36, Mo 37-48, Mo 49-60)
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories
Effect of MK-906 on Stage D Prostate Cancer with Extension study
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Pfizer, Inc.
Doxazosin Therapy for Men with BPH and Mild Hypertension
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories
Early Intervention Medical Therapy for BPH
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
ICI Pharmaceuticals
Casodex versus Castration for Men with Stage D2 Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories
MK-906 Post Radical Prostatectomy Study with Five Open Label Extensions
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
MK-906 Early Intervention-Second Open Extension (Months 25-36)
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Cellcor Corporation
Autolymphocyte Therapy for Node Positive Renal Cell Carcinoma
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Smith Kline Beecham
Effect of SKF105657 on Prostate and Serum DHT Levels
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
Prostatic Testosterone Dihydrotestosterone Tissue Levels After Therapy with
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Sterling Research Group
A Phase II Dose-Ranging, Safety and Efficacy Study of Oral Zanoterone
Administered Daily as Primary Hormonal Therapy in Subjects with Stage D2
Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories
MK-906 Early Intervention Medical Therapy for BPH Extension Study
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Berlex Labs
Atamestane Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Sterling Research Group
A Phase II Dose-Ranging Efficacy Study of Oral Zanoterone, A New Steroidal
Androgen Receptor Antagonist, in Men with Symptomatic Benign Prostatic
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Smith Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
A One-Year, Multicenter, Double-Blind Comparison of the Effects of
Once- Daily dosing with Three Dose Levels of SK&F 105657 or Placebo in the
Treatment of Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Six-Month
Untreated Follow-Up
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
ICI Pharmaceuticals
A Randomized, Comparative Trial of Casodex Versus Flutamide Used in
Combination with Medical Castration in Patients with Untreated Metastatic
Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
1992 - 1996
Grant Title:
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study to
Investigate the Long Term Effects of Finasteride (MK-906) in Patients with
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
1992 – 1994
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study to Examine
Changes in Prostate Morphology Following Six Months of Therapy with
Finasteride in Men with Mildly Elevated PSA Levels and Benign Prostate
Hyperplasia with One year extension Study
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
1992 - 1997
A Randomized, Open Label Study to Determine the Effect of R85,246 on PSA
Levels in Subjects with Relapsed or Progressive Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Schering Laboratories
Finasteride Plus Flutamide Study
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Therapy of Non-Bacterial Prostatitis
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Merck, Sharp & Dohme
Prospective Randomized Trial of the Effect of Finasteride in Free PSA
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
C.R. Bard, Inc.
Antegrade Collagen Injection: A New Technique for Post Prostatectomy Stress
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Applied Immune Sciences, Inc.
Multi-Center Randomized Phase II/III Trial of CD8(+) Tumor Infiltrating
Lymphocyte Cell Therapy and Recombinant Interleukin-2 (rIL-2) in Metastatic
Renal Cell Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Phase II Double-Blind Study to Determine the Tolerability & Efficacy of Three
Different Doses of Liarazole in Patients with Rising PSA Levels After Definitive
Treatment (LIA-INT26)
A Phase II Open Randomized Multicenter Study to Determine the Safety and
Efficacy of Liarazole with Prednisone in Patients with Relapsed Androgen
Independent D-3 Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Alza Corporation
1996- 1999
Feasibility, Functionality and Dose Ranging Study of DUROS Leuprolide
Implantable Therapeutic System on Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Alza Corporation
Safety and Efficacy Study of DUROS Leuprolide Implantable Therapeutic
System in Patients with Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Neoadjuvant Therapy with G1198745 in Men Undergoing
Radical Prostatectomy
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
DUSA Pharmaceuticals
A Phase I/II Open-Label Pilot Study Comparing Bladder Cancer Detection Using
Transurethral Biopsies Guided by White Light and by Levulan (5Aminolevulinic Acid HCl, ALA) Induced Fluorescence
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Alza Corporation
Extended Safety and Efficacy Study of DUROS™ Leuprolide Implant in
Patients with Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
TherMatrx, Inc.
Evaluation of Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy in the Treatment of BPH
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Bayer Corporation
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multi-Center, Fixed-Dose,
Parallel Group, 6-Month Comparison Study To Investigate The Efficacy And
Safety Of the Phosphodiesterase Type V Inhibitor BAY 38-9456 In Males With
Erectile Dysfunction
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Cell Pathways
Neo-Adjuvant Exisulind Prior to Radical Prostatectomy
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Two-Year Parallel Group
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of GI198745 0.5mg In the Treatment and
Prevention of Progression of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Followed By a TwoYear Open Label Treatment Phase
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Bayer Corporation
A Single Arm, Open-Label Phase IV Study of Viadur™ (leuprolide acetate
implant) in Community-Based Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Oncor (Virco)
Detection of Recurrent Bladder Cancer by Microsatellite Analysis of Urinary
Sediment (MAUS)
Funding Agency:
Grant Title
Abbott Laboratories
M00-244 A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Study of the Safety and Efficacy of 10 mg Atrasentan in Men with NonMetastatic, Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Barr Laboratories
Grant Title:
A Phase III, Randomized, Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind,
Clinical Trial to Study the Efficacy and Safety of CyPat® (Cyproterone Acetate
[CA]) for the Treatment of Hot Flashes Following Surgical or Chemical
Castration of Prostate Cancer Patients and Its Impact on the Quality of Life in
These Patients
Funding Agency:
Grant Title
Superficial Bladder Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Ilex Oncology
Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind Study of DFMO vs. Placebo in Low Grade
Bard Diagnostic Sciences
Use of the Bard BTA Dipstick in Monitoring Superficial Bladder Cancer
Patients Receiving BCG
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Superficial Bladder Cancer
Phase IIb/III Chemoprevention Trial of Celecoxib to Prevent Recurrence In
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
1996 - 2000
A Randomized Double-Blind Comparative Trial of Bicalutamide (Casodex)
versus placebo in Patients with Early Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Johnson & Johnson
Controlled Randomized Study Comparing Interstitial Laser Coagulation with the
Indigo Laser System to Transurethral Resection of the Prostate as a Treatment of
Symptoms due to Urinary Outflow Obstruction Secondary to Benign Prostatic
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel
Group Study Of the Efficacy and Safety of Dutasteride 0.5mg
Administered Orally Once Daily for Four Years to Reduce the Risk of BiopsyDetectable Prostate Cancer
Funding Agency:
Grant Title:
Aeterna Zentaris
Study Z033: Cetrorelix Pamoate Intermittent IM Dosage
Regimens in Patients with Symptomatic BPH: A 1 Year Placebo-Controlled
Efficacy Study and Long-Term Safety Assessment
Andriole, G.L., Lack E., Bauer, S.B., Colodny, A.H., Retik, A.B.: Transitional Cell Carcinoma f the
Bladder in Children. 77th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association 1982.
Andriole, G.L. and Yalla, S.V.: Non-neurogenic Bladder Neck Obstruction in Adult Males -- Fact or
Fiction. 78th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association, 1983.
Andriole, G.L. and Mahoney, E.M.: Benign Intratesticular Cysts. 78th Annual Meeting, American
Urological Association, 1983.
Andriole, G.L. and Yalla, S.V.: Alterations in Urinary Continence Mechanisms Following Radical
Prostatectomy. 78th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association, 1983.
Linehan, W.M., Kish, M.L., Santora, A.C., Andriole, G.L., Gray, T.K.: DU94, Human Prostate
Carcinoma causes hypercalcemia in the Athymic Nude Mouse/ 6th Annual Meeting, American Society
for Bone and Mineral Research, Hartford, Connecticut, 1984.
Andriole, G.L., Loriaux, L.D., Rittmaster, R.S., Kish, M.L., Linehan, W.M.: Treatment of androgen
responsive human genitourinary tumors with 4MA, a potent inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase. 80th Annual
Meeting, American Urological Association. J. Urol. 133:123A, 1985.
Andriole, G.L., Frank, M.M., Mostofi, F.K., Linehan, W.M.: Danazol-induced cystitis in patients with
hereditary angioneurotic edema. 80th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association. J. Urol.
133:169A, 1985.
Andriole, G.L., Magrath, I.T., Linehan, W.M.: The uroprotective role of 2-mercaptoethane (MESNA) in
patients receiving high dose cyclophosphamide or isophosphamide chemotherapy: Experience with 25
patients. 80th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association. J. Urol. 133:169A, 1985.
Andriole, G.L., Macher, A., Masur, H., Fauci, A., Lane, H.C. and Linehan, W.M.: Genitourinary
manifestations in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 80th Annual Meeting, American
Urological Association. J. Urol. 133:192A, 1985.
Kelly, D.R., Kavoussi, L.J., Andriole, G.L.: Bladder cancer progression in patients treated with
prolonged intravesical BCG therapy. 81st Annual Meeting, American Urological Association. J. Urol.
135:285A, 1986.
Andriole, G.L.: MBT-2 is Sensitive to Lysis by Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells Derived from C3He
Mice. 82nd Annual Meeting, American Urological Association. J. Urol. 137:146A, 1987.
Andriole, G.L., Rudloff, M.A., and Becich, M.: Initial Experience with Needle Aspiration Cytology in
the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer. 82nd Annual Meeting, -American Urological Association. J. Urol.
137:192A, 1987.
Andriole, G.L., and Ratliff, T.L.: The Effect of Interleukin-2 and Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells on
the Development of Murine Bladder Tumors. 73rd Clinical Congress of the American College of
Surgeons, 1987.
Andriole, G.L., McClennan, B.L., Becich, M.J.: The Effect of Low Osmolar Contrast Materials on the
Interpretation of Urinary Cytology Specimens. 83rd Annual Meeting, American Urological Association
J. Urol. 139:177A, 1988.
Robertson, C.A., Miller, E.T., Andriole, G.L., Santora, A.C., Steinberg, S.M., and Linehan, W.M.:
Conditioned Media from a Prostate Cancer Cell Line, PC-3, Stimulates Bone Resorption in a
Transforming Growth Fact-Like Manner. 83rd Annual Meeting, American Urological Association J.
Urol. 139:191A, 1988.
Andriole, G.L., and Ratliff, T.L.: The Effect of Interleukin-2, Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells and
Cyclophosphamide Administration on the Development of Bladder Tumors in a Murine Model. 83rd
Annual Meeting, American Urological Association J. Urol. 139:306A, 1988.
Andriole, G.L., Becich, M.J. and Catalona, W.J.: Needle Aspiration Cytology in the Diagnosis of
Prostate Cancer: Is There a Learning Curve? 83rd Annual Meeting, American Urological Association J.
Urol. 139:468A, 1988.
Bahnson, R.B., Andriole, G.L., Clayman, R.V. and Catalona, W.J.: Catecholamine Excess: Probable
Cause of Postoperative Tachycardia Following Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Testicular
Carcinoma. 83rd Annual Meeting, American Urological Association J. Urol. 139:499A, 1988.
Andriole, G.L., Petros, J.A., Kavoussi, L.R., and Middleton, W.D.: Color Doppler Ultrasound of Normal
and Abnormal Testes. 84th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association J. Urol. 141:177A, 1989.
Coplen, D.E., Andriole, G.L., and Catalona, W.J.: Transrectal Prostatic Ultrasonography as a Means of
Guiding Prostatic Biopsy in Patients with Palpable Prostatic Abnormalities. 84th Annual Meeting,
American Urological Association J. Urol. 141:277A, 1989.
Andriole, G.L. and Ratliff, T.L.: Inability of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes to Lyse MBT-2 Tumor
Cells In Vitro. 84th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association J. Urol. 141:279A, 1989.
Andriole, G.L., Mikkelsen, D.J., Coplen, D.E., and Catalona, W.J.: Transrectal Prostatic
Ultrasonography in the Local Staging of Prostate Cancer. 84th Annual Meeting, American Urological
Association J. Urol. 141:518A, 1989.
Clayman, R.V., Andriole, G.L., Garvin, T.J., Denstedt, J.D., and McClennan, B.L.: Lithostar: Results of
electromagnetic acoustic shockwave lithotripsy in over 250 patients. 84th Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association. J. Urol. 141, 1989.
Andriole, G.L., Yuan, J.J., and Ratliff, T.L.: Interleukin 2 is Detectable Locally, Regionally and
Systemically after Intravesical Instillation in Murine Bladders. 85th Annual Meeting, American
Urological Association J. Urol. 143:106A, 1990.
Yuan, J.J., Andriole, G.L. and Ratliff, T.L.: The Effect of Systemic Interleukin 2 and Interferon on a
Murine Model of Pulmonary Metastatic Bladder Cancer. 85th Annual Meeting, American Urological
Association J. Urol. 143:150A, 1990.
Marcus, M.D., Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E. and Catalona, W.J.: Detection of Prostate Cancer by
Digital Rectal Examination, Prostate Specific Antigen and Transrectal Ultrasonography. 85th Annual
Meeting, American Urological Association J. Urol. 143:132A, 1990.
Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E., and Catalona, W.J. The Ability of Systematic Transrectal Ultrasound
Guided Biopsy to Detect Prostate Cancer prior to TURP. 85th Annual Meeting, American Urological
Association J. Urol. 143:109A, 1990.
Petros, J.A., Andriole, G.L., Middleton, W.D., Picus, D.A.: Correlation of Color Doppler Ultrasound
Findings of varicocele with Physical Examination and Venography. 85th Annual Meeting, American
Urological Association J. Urol. 143:83A, 1990.
Way, W., Brown, J., Lee, J.K., Gatienez, M. and Andriole, G.L.: Varied Magnetic Resonance
Appearance of BPH at High Field Imaging. Amer. Roentgen Ray Society, 1990.
Darcy, M., Picus, D., Hicks, M., Marx, V., Clayman, R.V., Garvin, T.J., and Andriole, G.L.: Failure of
Penile Vein Coil Embolization for Venous Leak Impotence. Amer. Roentgen Ray Society, 1990.
Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E., and Catalona, W.J.: Excision of Renal Cell Carcinoma with Inferior Vena
Caval Extension: Analysis of Morbidity and Survival in 20 Consecutive Patients. American Society of
Clinical Oncology, 1990.
Gibbons, J.J., Parra, R.O., Andriole, G.L., and Johnson, F.E.: Testicular Circulatory Isolation - Phase I
Human Study. 77th Clinical Congress American College of Surgeons, 1991.
Johnson, F.E., Gibbons, J.J., Parra, R.O., and Andriole, G.L.: Human Trial of Testicular Circulatory
Isolation. Missouri Chapter - American College of Surgeons, Lake Ozark, MO, 1991.
Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E., Catalona, W.J.: Prostate Specific Antigen "Density": Does it Enhance
Detection of Prostate Cancer in Men with Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and/or Digital
Rectal Exam Findings of Prostatic Enlargement? 86th Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Toronto, Canada, June, 1991.
Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E., Catalona, W.J.: Sonographic (TRUS) and Pathologic Staging of Clinically
Localized Prostate Cancer. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Toronto,
Canada, June, 1991.
Gibbons, J.J., Parra, R.O., Andriole, G.L., Johnson, F.E.: Testicular Circulatory Isolation-Phase I
Human Study. 53rd Annual Meeting of The Society of University Surgeons, Cincinnati, Ohio, February,
Andriole, G.L., McCarthy, J.F., Coplen, D.E., Yuan, J.J.J., Petros, J.A., Chandhoke, P, Clayman, R.V.:
Selection of patients with prostate cancer for laparoscopic lymph node dissection: Use of serum PSA and
PSA index. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Washington, D.C., May,
Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E., Telle, W.B., Catalona, W.B.: Serum PSA index as a staging tool for
patients with otherwise clinically localized prostate cancer. 87th Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, Washington, D.C., May, 1992.
Andriole, G.L., Telle, W.B., Coplen, D.E., Catalona, W.J.: PSA index as a predictor of prostate cancer in
men with persistent serum PSA elevation. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association,
Washington, D.C., May, 1992.
Andriole, G.L., Ponas, S.H., Catalona, W.J.: The implication of focal well differentiated prostate cancer
in men with elevated serum PSA and palpably normal prostates. 87th Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, Washington, D.C., May, 1992.
Gormley, G., Ferguson, D., Lieber, M., Smith, J., Kadmon, D., DeKernion, J., Andriole, G.L., Soloway,
M., Boake, F., Schroeder, D., Crawford, J., Perreault, E., Ramsey, E., Rajfer, J., Trachtenburg, and
Fradet, Y.: Effect of Finasteride on Patients with Elevated PSA Following Radical Prostatectomy.
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Antonio, TX, May, 1993.
Gormley, G., Andriole, G.L., Lieber, M., Smith, J., Soloway, M., Schroeder, F., Ramsey, E., Kadmon,
D., Fradet, Y., Rajfer, J., Trachtenberg, J., Perreault, J., Boake, R., Patterson. L., DeKernion,d J., Cox, C.,
Block, N., Crawford, D., Ng, J., Ferguson, D.: Hormonal effects of finasteride in men with prostate
cancer after radical prostatectomy. Endocrine Society Meeting, June, 1994.
McMurtry, J., Keetch, D.W., Smith, D.,S., Andriole, G.L., and Catalona, W.J.: PSA Density vs. PSA
Slope as Predictors of Prostate Cancer in Patients with Initially Negative Prostatic Biopsies. Annual
Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Francisco, CA, May, 1994.
Andriole, G.L., Block, N., Boake, R., Cox, C., Crawford, D., Kadmon, D., DeKernion, J., Lieber, M.,
Middleton, R., Patterson, L., Perreault, J., Rajfer, J., Ramsey, E., Schroeder, F., Soloway, M., Smith, J.,
Trachtenberg, J. Ng, J., Ferguson, D., Gormley, G.J.: Two Years of Treatment with Finasteride after
Radical Prostatectomy. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Francisco, CA,
May, 1994.
Andriole, G.L.: Finasteride Induced PSA Reductions in Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer.
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Francisco, CA, May, 1994.
Andriole, G.L., Ul Hasan, M., Humphrey, P.: Finasteride Induced Changes in Prostate Histomorphology.
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Francisco, CA, May, 1994.
Andriole, G.L., Shepherd, D.L., Monk, T.G., Goodnough, L.T., Colberg, J.W., and Catalona, W.J.
Preoperative Recombinant Erythropoietin Enhances the Efficacy of Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution.
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Las Vegas, NV, April, 1995.
Monk, T.G., Goodnough, L.T., Andriole, G.L., Colberg J.W., Lemon, D.J., Martin, K.: Preoperative
recombinant human erythropoietin therapy enhances the efficacy of acute normovolemic hemodilution.
Anesth. Analg. 80:S320, 1995.
Smith, J., Andriole, G.L., Ahmann, F., Nemunaitis, J., Schellhammer, P., Stein, B., Chodak, G.,
Kozlowski, J., Kreis, W., Strum, S., Ding, C., Connolly, M., and Kremer, A.: Effects of Liarazole on
PSA Levels in Patients with Relapsed Stage D Prostate Cancer. American Society of Clinical Oncology.
May, 1996.
Monk, T.G., Goodnough L.T., Keetch D.W., Andriole, G.L.: Use of recombinant human erythropoietin
in Jehovah Witness patients undergoing radical retropubic prostatectomy. Anesth and Analg 1996.
Andriole, G.L., Ornstein, D.K., Rao, G.S. and Smith, D.S.: Impact on Systematic Ultrasound-Guided
Prostate Biopsy on Prostate Cancer Incidence in Men Undergoing Transurethral Resection of the
Prostate. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May 1996.
Andriole, G.L., Rao, G.S., Kawakita, M., Smith, D.S., and Ornstein, D.K.: Reduced Serum Testosterone
Levels after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May 1996.
Keetch, D.W., Andriole, G.L., Ratliff, T.L., Catalona, W.J.: Improvements in Treatment of BPH.
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May 1996.
Ornstein, D.K., Rao, G.S., Charlton, E.T. and Andriole, G.L.: Combined Finasteride and Flutamide
Therapy in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May 1996.
Colberg, J.W., Andriole, G.L., and Catalona, W.J.: Long Term Follow-Up of Men Undergoing Modified
Inguinal Lymphadenectomy for Carcinoma of the Penis. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May 1996.
Ratliff, T.L., Rao, G.S., Humphrey P.A., and Andriole, G.L.: Mast Cell Induced Smooth Muscle
Contraction in the Prostate. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May
Keetch, D.W., Andriole, G.L., Ratliff, T.L., and Catalona, W.J.: Comparison of Percent Free PSA Levels
in Men with BPH Treated with Finasteride and Terazosin. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May 1996.
Smith J, Andriole GL, Ahmann F, Schellhammer P, Stein B, Chodak G, Kozlowski J, Kreis W, Strum S,
Ding C, Ouyang P, Connolly M, and Kremer A: Effects of Liarozole on PSA Levels in Patients with
Relapsed Stage D Prostate Cancer. 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
(Abstract 636).
Monk, T.G., Goodnough, L.T., Pulley, D.D., Folger, W., Martin, K.J., Colberg, J.W., and Andriole,
G.L.: Safety of Acute Normovolemic hemodilution in Elderly Patients. American Society of
Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, October, 1996.
Andriole, G.L. and Charlton, E.: Biochemical Response to Testicular Androgen Ablation Among
Prostate Cancer Patients Who Failed Flutamide and/or Finasteride. Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, New Orleans, LA, April, 1997.
Keetch, D.W., Andriole, G.L., Ratliff, T.L. and Catalona, W.J.: Prospective Randomized Trial of the
Effect of Finasteride on Serum Free PSA Levels. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, New Orleans, LA, April, 1997.
Ratliff, T.L., Rao, G., Ritchey, J.K., Humphrey, P.A. and Andriole, G.L.: Animal Model for Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, New Orleans, LA, April,
McConnell, J.D., Andriole, G.L., Crawford, E.D., Slawin, K., Kusek, J., Miller, G., and Bain, R. For the
MTOPS Investigators: Prostate Cancer Detection: Preliminary Analysis of Baseline Biopsy Data From
the NIH BPH Trial. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, New Orleans, LA, April,
Gelmann, E.P., Reding D., Buys, S., Andriole G.L., Crawford D., Gohagan, J., Prorok, P. For the PLCO
Investigators: Multicenter Screening Trial for Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer (PLCO).
Abstract #1492, American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, May, 1997.
Andriole, G.L. and Civitelli, K.: Prolonged Biochemical Response to Combined Androgen Receptor
Blockade and 5-α Reductase Inhibition for Patients with Biochemical Relapse After Definitive Therapy
for Early Stage Prostate Cancer. Innovators in Urology, February, 1998. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic
Diseases (1998) 1, Suppl 1, S17.
Bonilla, J., Hudson, P.B., Bruskewitz, R., Fuselier, H.A., Rosenblatt, S., Harrison, L.H., Malek, G.H.,
Schellhammer, P.F., Matsumoto, A., Walsh, P.C., Resnick, M., Roy, J.B., McConnell, J., Andriole, G.L.,
Best, S., and Taylor, A.M.: The Effect of Finasteride on the Natural Progression of Increasing Prostate
Volume Over Time. European Association of Urology Congress, Barcelona, Spain, March, 1998.
Chhikara, S., Klutke, C.G. and Andriole, G.L.: Long Term Follow-Up of Antegrade Collagen Injection
for Post Radical Prostatectomy Stress Urinary Incontinence. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, San Diego, CA, May, 1998.
Andriole, G.L., Walsh, P.C., Epstein J.I., Hudson P., Romas, N., Cook, T.J., Waldstreicher, J., Guess,
H.: Treatment with Finasteride Preserves the Usefulness of PSA in Prostate Cancer Detection. 93rd
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Diego, CA, May, 1998.
McConnell, J., Malek, G., Bruskewitz, R., Hudson, P., Geller, J ., Albertsen, P., Saltzman, B., Walsh,
P.C., Andriole, G.L., Wang, D., Waldstreicher, J.: Acute Urinary Retention and BPH-Related Surgery:
Predicting Those at Highest Risk and Prevention with Finasteride. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, San Diego, CA, May, 1998.
Fowler, J.E., Gottesman, J.E., Bardot, S.F., Reid, C.F., Andriole, G.L., Bernhard, P.H., Rivera-Ramirez,
I., Libertino, J.A., and Soloway, M.S.: A Phase I/III Dose Ranging Study of DUROS (Leuprolide)
Implantable Therapeutic System in Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer. 93rd Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association, San Diego, CA, May, 1998.
Naughton, C.K., Smith, D.S., and Andriole, G.L.,: Does Nerve-Sparing Radical Cystoprostatectomy
Compromise Tumor Control? Annual Meeting of the South Central Section of the American Urological
Association, Cancun, Mexico, January, 1999.
Levin, D.L., Gelmann, E.P., Andriole, G.L., Chia, D., Crawford, E.D.: Free and Total PSA in 7,183
Pilot Study Participants in the PLCO Screening Trial. 94th Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Dallas, TX, May, 1999.
Fowler, J.E., Gottesman, J.E., Bardot, S.F., Reid, C.F., Andriole, G.L., Bernhard, P.H., Rivera-Ramirez,
I., Libertino, J.A., Soloway, M.S.: Duros Leuprolide Implantable Therapeutic Systems in Patients with
Advanced Prostate Cancer: 14 Month Results of a Phase I/II Dose-Ranging Study. 94th Annual Meeting
of the American Urological Association, Dallas, TX, May, 1999.
Andriole GL, Fowler J, Feldman R, Gittelman M, Gleason D, Klimberg I, Morton J, Harris R, Aronson
W, Fitch W, Gottesman J, Rivera-Ramirez I, Marks L, Sharifi R, Wiatrak O, Tully N, Bardot S, Reid F,
and Soloway M: A Phase III Efficacy and Safety Study of DUROS™ Leuprolide Implantable
Therapeutic Systems in Patients with Prostate Cancer. Abstract #1288, Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Clinical Oncology, Atlanta GA, May, 1999
Diaz, N.A., Yan, Y., Kibel, A.S., Li, B.D., Vollmer, R., Hudson, M.A., Humphrey, P.A., Swanson, P.E.,
Andriole, G.L.: Prognostic Significance of p53, Ki-67, EGFR, c-erbB-2, and bcl-2 for First Recurrence
of Bladder Cancer. 95th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Atlanta, GA, AprilMay, 2000.
Yan, Y., Andriole, G.L., Diaz, N.A., Hudson, M.A., Swanson, P.E., Humphrey, P.A.: Use of
Clinicopathological and Immunohistochemical Factors to Predict Multiple Recurrences Among Patients
With Superficial TCC of Bladder. 95th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Atlanta,
GA, April-May, 2000.
Albala, D.M., Koleski, F., Nuzzarello, J., Davis, B.E., Eure, G.R., Andriole, G.L., Sundaram, C.P.,
Lingeman, J., Kabalin, J.N.: Periurethral Prostatic Microwave Thermotherapy Using the Thermatrx
TMX-2000 Follow-Up of a Randomized, Blinded, Sham-Controlled Study in Patients with BPH. 95th
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Atlanta, GA, April-May, 2000.
Sundaram, C.P., Diaz, N.A., Duijndam, I, Michalski, J.M., Yan, Y., Elnady, M., Andriole, G.L.,
Correlation of AUA Symptom Score and Prostate Volume to Urinary Morbidity after Brachytherapy. 95th
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Atlanta, GA, April-May, 2000.
Miller, T. R., Oyama, N., Dehdashti, F., Siegel, B.A., Fischer, K.C., Michalski, J.M., Kibel, A.S.,
Andriole, GL., Picus, J., Welch, M.J.: Imaging of Prostate Cancer Recurrence with PET. Society of
Nuclear Medicine, Annual Meeting, 2001.
Crawford ED, Chia D, Andriole GL, Reding D, Gelmann EP, Gohagan JK, Pinsky P, Hayes R, Levin D,
Fagerstrom R, and Kramer BS: PSA Changes as Related to the Initial PSA: Data from the Prostate Lung
Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer (PLCO) Screening Trial. 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Society
of Clinical Oncology, Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 20:2001(Abstract 706)
Collyer, W., Landman, J., Olweny, E., Andreoni, C., Kibel, A.S., Andriole, G.L., Clayman, R.V.: Use of
a Novel Electrosurgical Snare To Perform Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy in a Porcine Model. 96th
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Anaheim, CA, June, 2001.
Bhayani, S.B., Landman, J., Figenshau, R.S., Andriole, G.L., Brandes, S.B., Bullock, A.D., Carlin, B.I.,
Sundaram, C.P., and Clayman, R.V.: Evolving Surgical Treatment of Renal Neoplasia: The Washington
University Experience. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Anaheim, CA,
June, 2001.
Yan, Y., Andriole, G.L., Humphrey, P.A., Elnady, M.: Estimation of Cumulative Incidence and Hazard
Rate for First Recurrence of Superficial Bladder Cancer. 96th Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, Anaheim, CA, June, 2001.
Kabalin, J.N., Albala, D.M., Koleski, F., Andriole, G.L., Sundaram, C.P., Davis, B.E., Eure, G.R.,
Lingeman, J.E., Nuzzarello, J.: Office-Based Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy for Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia Using the TherMatrx TMX-2000: Results of a Multi-Center Prospective
Randomized Sham-Controlled Trial. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association,
Anaheim, CA, June, 2001.
Crawford, E.D., Chia, D., Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., Gelmann, E.P., Gohagan, J.K., Pinsky, P., Hayes,
R.B., Level, D.L., Fagerstrom, R.M., Kramer, B.: PSA Testing Interval, Reduction in Screening Intervals:
Data from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer (PLCO) Screening Trial. 97th Annual
Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May , 2002.
Nobuyuki, O., Miller, T.R., Dehdashti, F., Kibel, A.S., Michalski, J.M., Fischer, K.C., Picus, J., Siegel,
B.A., Andriole, G.L., Welch, M.J.: Carbon-11-Acetate PET Imaging of Recurrent Prostate Cancer. 97th
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May , 2002.
Andriole, G.L., Roehrborn, C.G., Nickel, C., Boyle, P.: Effect of the Dual 5α-Reductase Inhibitor,
Dutasteride, on Serum Total PSA, Free PSA and the Ratio of F/T PSA. 97th Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May , 2002.
Roehrborn, C.G., Andriole, G.L., Nickel, C., Boyle, P., Ramsdell, J., Rosenblatt, S.: Effect of
Dutasteride, a Novel Dual 5α-Reductase Inhibitor, on BPH Related Signs and Symptoms. 97th Annual
Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May , 2002.
Roehrborn, C.G., Andriole, G.L., Nickel, C., Boyle, P.: Effect of the Dual 5α-Reductase Inhibitor
Dutasteride on Endocrine Parameters. 97th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association,
Orlando, FL, May , 2002.
Albala, D.M., Nuzzarrello, J., Kabalin, J.N., Andriole, G.L., Eure, G.R., Beach, V., Davis, B.E.,
Lingeman, J.E.: Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy Using the TherMatrx TMX-2000: A
Quantitative Assessment of Patient Tolerance. 97th Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May , 2002.
Boyle, P., Siami, P., Wachs B.H., Roehrborn, C.G., Andriole, G.L., Nickel, C.: Effect of Dutasteride on
the Risk of Acute Urinary Retention and the Need for Surgical Treatment. 97th Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association, Orlando, FL, May , 2002.
Crawford ED, Chia D, Andriole GL, Redding D, Gelmann EP, Gohagan JK, Pinksy P, Hayes RB, Levin
DL, Eagerstrom RM, and Kramer BS: PSA Testing Interval Reduction in Screening Intervals: Data from
the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer (PLCO) Screening Trial. 2002 Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Clinical Oncology, Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 21:2002 (Abstract 4).
Roehrborn, C.G., Andriole, G.L., Nickel, C.J., Boyle, P., and O’Leary, M.: Baseline Border and
Symptom Scores Determine which BPH Subjects will be Bothered Following Treatment. XVIIIth
Congress of the European Association of Urology, Madrid, Spain, March, 2003.
Andriole, G.L., Humphrey, P., Gleave, M., and Rittmaster, R.: The Impact of Dutasteride, A Novel Dual
5α-Reductase Inhibitor, on Both Serum and Intraprostatic Androgens. XVIIIth Congress of the European
Association of Urology, Madrid, Spain, March, 2003.
Roehrborn, C., Andriole, G.L., Schalken, J., Wilson, T., and Clark, R.: Dutasteride, a Novel Dual 5αReductase Inhibitor, Reduces Serum DHT to a Greater Extent Versus Finasteride and Achieves
Finasteride Maximal Reduction in a Larger Proportion of Patients. XVIIIth Congress of the European
Association of Urology, Madrid, Spain, March, 2003.
Andriole, G.L., Bautista O.M., Crawford, E.D., Kusek, J.W., McConnell, J.D., Lucia, S., Nubert, L.M.,
Slawin, K.M., Smith, J.A., Jacobs, S.C. for the MTOPS Research Group: 98th Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April-May , 2003.
O’Leary, M., Roehrborn, C.G., Andriole, G.L., Nickel, J.C., Boyle, P., Hofner, K.: Baseline Bother and
Symptom Scores Predict Men Likely to Benefit from the Treatment with the Novel Dual 5α-Reductase
Inhibitor Dutasteride. 98th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, AprilMay , 2003.
Anast, J.W., Catalona, W.J., Andriole, G.L., Figenshau, R.S., Bullock, A.D., Yan, Y., Humphrey, P.A.:
Prediction of Insignificant Prostate Cancer in a Screening Population. 98th Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April-May, 2003.
Albala, D.M., Andriole, G.L., Davis, B.E., Eure, G.R., Kabalin, J.N., Lingeman, J.E., Nuzzarello, J.,
Risk, I.: Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy Using the TherMatrx TMX-2000: Durability Exhibited
in a Study Comparing TUMT with a Sham Procedure in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. 98th
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Chicago, IL, April-May , 2003.
Sakoda, L.C., Hayes, R.B., Huang, W.Y., Peters, U., Chatterjee, N., Andriole, G.L., Church, T.R., Chia,
D., Hoover, R.N., and Hsing, A.W.: Use of aspirin and ibuprofen in relation to prostate cancer risk.
Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Pinsky, P.F., Levin, D.L., Gelmann, E.P., Crawford, E.D., Reding, D., Prorok, P.C. and
Gohagan, J.F.: The Prostate. Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial: Biopsy Rates
and Cancer Characteristics of Initial (T0) Screen (II). 99th Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Roehrborn, C., Schulman, C., Slawin, K., Somerville, M, and Rittmaster R.: Effect of
dutasteride on the incidence of prostate cancer (CaP) in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. 99th
Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Francisco, CA, May, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Humphrey, P., Ray, P., Gleave, M.E., Trachtenberg, J., Thomas, L.N., Lazier, C.B. and
Rittmaster, R.R.: Effect of the Dual 5α-Reductase inhibitor Dutasteride on Markers of Regression in
Prostate Cancer. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San Francisco, CA, May,
Schulman, C. and Andriole, G.L., Effect of the dual 5α reductase inhibitor dutasteride on the detection of
prostate cancer in men with BPH in a four-year study, European Association of Urology, 2004
Cross, A.J., Peters, U., Hayes, R.B., Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., and Sinha, R.: The heterocyclic amine,
PhIP, found in meat cooked at high temperatures may increase prostate cancer risk. American Society of
Clinical Oncology, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Noble, W.D., Lucia, M.S., Kusek, J.W., Roehrborn, C.G. for the MTOPS Research
Group: Baseline body mass index and the development of prostate cancer in the Medical Therapy of
Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) Trial. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, San
Antonio, TX, May, 2005.
Andriole, G.L., Noble, W.D., Slawin, K.M., Crawford, E.D., Lucia, M.S., Kusek, J.W., Roehrborn, C.G.
for the MTOPS Research Group: Distribution of Gleason scores among men discovered to have prostate
cancer in the Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) Trial. Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, San Antonio, TX, May, 2005.
Albala, D.M., Andriole, G.L., Davis, B., Eure, G., Kabalin, J.N., Lingeman, J.E., and Nuzzarello, J.:
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy using the TherMatrx TMX-2000™; long-term results in a study
comparing TUMT with a sham procedure in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Annual Meeting
of the American Urological Association, San Antonio, TX, May, 2005.
Hayes, R.B., Pinsky, P., Riley, T., Prorok, P., Andriole, G.L., and Crawford, E.D.: Prostate cancer
incidence following a negative screening exam. American Association for Cancer Research.
Grubb RL, III, Levin DL, Pinsky PF, Mabie J, Riley TL, Greenlee R, Urban DA, Ragard LR, Crawford
ED and Andriole, GL: Body Mass Index and Impact on PSA Screening and Prostate Cancer Detection in
the PLCO Trial. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Atlanta GA, May, 2006.
Levin DL, Pinsky PF, Mabie J, Riley TL, Reding DL, Ragard LR, Crawford ED and Andriole, GL:
Relationship of PSA Velocity and Gleason Score in the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial. Annual Meeting
of the American Urological Association, Atlanta GA, May, 2006.
Hu JC, Wood DP, Andriole GL, Dunn RL, Dahl DM, Hollenbeck BK, Kibel AS, Saigal CS, Litwin MS,
Pisters LL, Klein EA, Montie JE, Wei JT and Sanda MG: Perioperative Quality Care Indictors of
Retropubic Laparoscopic and Robotic Prostatectomy: Results from a National, Multi-Center, Prospective
Cohort. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Atlanta GA, May, 2006.
Radwan MH, Yan Y, Luly J, Figenshau RS, Brandes SB, Bhayani SB, Bullock AD, Andriole, Gland
Kibel AS: Prostate Specific Antigen Density Predicts Adverse Pathology and Increased Risk of
Biochemical Failure. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Atlanta GA, May, 2006.
Andriole GL, Yan Y, Gonzalez FD and Humphrey PA: 3 Dimensional Prostate Mapping Biopsy (3DPMB) Predicts Radical Prostatectomy (RP) Findings. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Atlanta GA, May, 2006.
Andriole GL, Brawley O, Somerville MC and Fowler I: Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer: Racial
Differences in Baseline Characteristics of Men in the REDUCE Trial. Abstract # 26, 2006 Prostate
Cancer Symposium, American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Humphrey PA, Gonzalez F, Yan Y, Ferguson GG, Maxwell K, Tran V, and Andriole GL: Detection of
High-Grade Gleason Pattern 4/5 Prostate Cancer with Saturation Biopsy Technique. Abstract #64, 2006
Prostate Cancer Symposium, American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Wagner AA, Wei JT, Dunn RL, Hollenbeck BK, Andriole GL, Wood DP, Dahl DM, Hu, JC, Hembroff
L, Litwin MS, Saigal CS, Klein EA, Kibel AS, Pisters LL, Montie JE, and Sanda MG: Patient-Reported
Outcomes after Retropubic Laparoscopic or Robot-Assisted Prostatectomy: Results from a Prospective,
Multi-Center Study. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Anaheim, CA, May, 2007.
Venkatesh R, Vardi I, Duan J, Bhayani SB, Figenshau RS and Andriole, GL: Laparoscopic Radical
Prostatectomy and Bilateral Pelvic Lymph Node dissection by Trans or Extraperitoneal Approach in
Patients with Different Types of Previous Inguinal Hernia Repair. Annual Meeting of the American
Urological Association, Anaheim, CA, May, 2007.
Grubb RL III, Pinsky P, Levin D, Hickey T, Mabie J, Riley TL, Izmirlian G, Ragard L, Crawford ED and
Andriole GL: Outcomes of Men with Initial elevated PSA over Three Subsequent Annual Screening
Rounds in PLCO. Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Anaheim, CA, May, 2007.
Grubb RL III, Miller DC, Church TR, Hickey T, Greenlee RT, Izmirlian G, Mabie J, Riley TL, Ragard L,
Prorok PC, Berg CD, Crawford ED and Andriole GL: Prostate Cancer Risk and Initial Treatment
Decisions in the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May, 2008.
Venkatesh R, Katz MD, Frisella MM and Andriole GL: Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical
Prostatectomy: Washington University Technique. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May, 2008.
Ferguson GG, Humphrey PA and Andriole GL: Margin Status of Men Undergoing Extraperitoneal
Extrafascial laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy. Annual Meeting of the American Urological
Association, Orlando, FL, May, 2008.
Grubb RL III, Black A, Church TR, Hickey T, Izmirlian G, Pinsky P, Mabie J, Riley TL, Ragard L,
Prorok PC, Berg CD, Crawford ED and Andriole GL. Does BMI Impact PSA Concentration by
Variation in Plasma Volume? Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando, FL,
May, 2008.
Grubb RL, Miller DC, Church T, Greenlee R, Hickey T, Izmirlian G, Mabie J, Riley TL, Ragard L,
Crawford ED, Andriole, G.L.: Cancer Risk and Initial Treatment Decisions in the PLCO Cancer
Screening Trial. Abstract #43, 2008 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium, American Society of Clinical
Andriole, G.L., Bettmann, M.A., Garnick, M.B. and Richie, J.P.: Indwelling Double-J Ureteral Stents for
Temporary and Permanent Urinary Drainage: Experience with 87 Patients. J. Urol. 131:239-241, 1984.
Yalla, S.V. and Andriole, G.L.: Vesicourethral Dysfunctions Following Pelvic visceral Ablative Surgery.
J. Urol. 132:503-509, 1984.
Andriole, G.L. and Sugarbaker, P.H.: Perineal and bladder necrosis after bilateral internal iliac artery
ligation. Disease of the Colon and Rectum 28:183-185, 1985.
Andriole, G.L., Richie, J.P.: Unusual Behavior of Low Grade-Low Stage Transitional Cell Carcinoma of
the Bladder. Urology 25:524-26, 1985.
Miller, D.L., Andriole, G.L., Linehan, W.M., Keiser, H.R., and Doppman, J.L.: Pheochromocytomas
Supplied by the Dorsal Pancreatic Artery. Amer. J. Roentgenol. 145:385-87, 1985.
Andriole, G.L., Mule, J.J., Hansen, C.H, Linehan, W.M., and Rosenberg, S.A.: Evidence that
Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells and Natural Killer Cells are distinct based on an analysis of
Congenitally Immunodeficient Mice. J. Immunol. 135:2911, 1985.
Andriole, G.L., Brickman, C., Lack, E.E., Sesterhenn, I.A., Javadopour, N., Linehan, W.M., Frank,
M.M.: Danazol-Induced Cystitis: An undescribed source of hematuria in patients with hereditary
angioneurotic edema. J. Urol. 135:44-46, 1986.
Linehan, W.M., Andriole, G.L., Kish, M.L., Chen, S.L., Santora, A.C.: Human Prostate Carcinoma
causes hypercalcemia in athymic nude mice and produces a factor with parathyroid hormone-like
bioactivity. J. Urol. 135:616-620, 1986.
Garfield, J.M., Andriole, G.L., Vetto, J.T., Richie, J.P.: Prolonged Diabetes Insipidus Subsequent to an
Episode of Chemical meningitis. Anesthesiology, 64:253-54, 1986.
Kavoussi, L.J., Gelstein, L.G., Andriole, G.L.: Encephalopathy and an elevated serum aluminum level in
a patient receiving intravesical alum irrigation for severe urinary hemorrhage. J. Urol. 136:665-67, 1986.
Andriole, G.L., Linehan, W.M., Reichert, C.M., Masur, H. and Macher, A.: AIDS-Cases for Diagnosis.
Military Medicine 151(8):49-56, 1986.
Catalona, W.J., Hudson, M.A., Gillen, D.P., Andriole, G.L., and Ratliff, T.L.: Risks and Benefits of
Repeated Courses of Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Therapy for Superficial Bladder Cancer. J.
Urol. 137:220-24, 1987.
Andriole, G.L., Sandlund, J.T., Miser, J.S., Arasi, V., Forquer, R., Linehan, W.M., and Magrath, I.T.:
The efficacy of Mesna as a uroprotectant inpatients with hemorrhagic cystitis receiving further oxaza
phosphorine chemotherapy. J. Clin. Oncol. 5:799-803, 1987.
Andriole, G.L., Jr., Jablons, D.J., and Andriole, G.L., Sr.: The Descent of the Testis: The Hidden
Allegory in Dante Aligheri's The Divine Comedy. Pennsylvania Medicine 90:66-68, 1987.
Bahnson, R.R., Andriole, G.L., and Clayman, R.V.: Office Flexible Cystoscopy. J. of Endourology
1:61-64, 1987.
Andriole, G.L.: Computed tomographic diagnosis of ureteral obstruction caused by a sloughed papilla.
Urologic Radiology 9:45-47, 1987.
Andriole, G.L., Rittmaster, R.S., Loriaux, D.L., Kish, M.L., Linehan, W.M.: The Effect of 4 MA, a
potent inhibitor of 5 Alpha-reductase, on the Growth of Human, Androgen Responsive Genitourinary
Tumors Grown in Athymic Nude Mice. The Prostate 10(3):189-97, 1987.
Andriole, G.L., and Ratliff, T.L.: The effect of Interleukin-2 and Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells on
the Development of Murine Bladder Tumors. Surgical Forum 38:683-85, 1987.
Andriole, G.L. and Catalona, W.J.: The early diagnosis of prostate cancer. Urologic Clinics of North
America. 14(4):657-61, 1987.
Andriole, G.L.: Detection, Prevention and Management of Urinary Tract Infections: A Review. World J.
Surg. 12:134, 1988.
Freeman, M.A., Andriole, G.L., Sicard, G.A., Torrence, R.T., and Anderson C.B.: Transluminal repair of
large intrarenal arteriovenous fistulas. J. Urol. 139:1292-95, 1988.
Andriole, G.L., Kavoussi, L.R., Torrence, R.T., Lepor, H., and Catalona, W.J.: Transrectal prostate
ultrasonography in the diagnosis and staging of carcinoma of the prostate. J. Urol. 140:758-61, 1988.
Glazer, H.S., Dehdashti, F., Siegel, B.A., McClennan, B.L., Balfe, D.M., and Andriole G.L.: General
Diagnosis Case of the Day: Multilocular Cystic Nephroma. Am. J. Radiol. 152:1317-22, 1989.
Andriole, G.L., and Coplen, D.I.: The use of sonographically guided biopsy in the diagnosis of prostate
cancer in symptomatic patients. J. Endourology 3:163-166, 1989.
Andriole, G.L., McClennan, B.L., and Becich, M.J.: The effect of low osmolar, ionic and nonionic
contrast media on the cytologic features of exfoliated urothelial cells. Urologic Radiology 11:133-136,
Kavoussi, L.R., Yuan, J.J. and Andriole, G.L.: Urethral Fistula and History of Bladder Neoplasms.
Urol. Rad. 11:194-197, 1989.
Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E., Mikkelsen, D.J., and Catalona, W.J.: Sonographic and pathological staging
of patients with localized prostate cancer. J. Urol. 142:1259-62, 1989.
Clayman, R.V., McClennan, B.W., Garvin, T.J., Denstedt, J.L., and Andriole, G.L.: Lithostar: An
Electromagnetic Acoustic Shock Wave Unit for Extracorporeal Lithotripsy. J. Endourology 3:307-313,
Bahnson, R.B., Andriole, G.L., Clayman, R.V., and Catalona, W.J.: Catecholamine excess: Probable
cause of postoperative tachycardia following retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testicular
carcinoma. J. Surg. Oncol. 42:132-135, 1989.
Andriole, G.L., Yuan, J.J., Catalona, W.J.: Cystotomy, Temporary Urinary Diversion and Bladder
Packing in the Management of Severe Cyclophosphamide-induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis. J. Urol.
143:1006-1008, 1990.
Middleton, W.D., Siegel, B.A, Melson, G.L., Yates, C.K., and Andriole, G.L.: Acute Scrotal Disorders:
Prospective Comparison of Color Doppler Ultrasound and Testicular Scintigraphy. Rad. 177:177-181,
Andriole, G.L. and Catalona, W.J. Techniques of Modified Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection for Penile
Cancer. Contemporary Urology 3:26-37, 1991.
Petros, J.A., Andriole, G.L., Middleton, W.D. and Picus, D.A.: Correlation of Testicular Color Doppler
Ultrasonography, Physical Examination and Venography in the Detection of Varicoceles. J. Urol.
145:785-788, 1991.
Coplen, D.E., Andriole, G.L., Yuan, J.J. and Catalona, W.J.: The Ability of Systematic Transrectal
Ultrasound Guided Biopsy to Detect Prostate Cancer in Men with the Clinical Diagnosis of Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia. J. Urol. 146:75-78, 1991.
Andriole, G.L., Coplen, D.E.: Comparison of methods to detect prostate cancer. Infections in Urol.
4(3):82-84, 1991.
Catalona, W.J., Smith, D.S., Ratliff, T.L., Dodds, K.M., Coplen, D.E., Yuan, J.J., Petros, J.A. and
Andriole, G.L.: Measurement of prostate specific antigen in serum as a screening test for prostate
cancer. New Eng. J. Med. 324:1156-61, 1991.
Andriole, G.L.: Hormonal manipulation of benign prostatic hyperplasia. J. Endourol. 5:89-93, 1991.
Andriole, G.L. and Catalona, W.J.: Screening for Prostate Cancer. The Report on Urologic Techniques,
1(2):12-15, 1991.
Ratliff, T.L. and Andriole, G.L.: Putting BCG to Best Use in Superficial Bladder Cancer. Contemp.
Urol. 48:50-56, 1991.
Bullock, A., Andriole, G.L., Neuman, N., and Sicard, G.: Renal autotransplantation in the management
of an ureteroarterial fistula: A case report and review of the literature. J. Vasc. Surg. 15(2):436-441,
Way, W.G., Brown, J.J., Lee, J.K.T., Gutierrez, E., and Andriole, G.L.: MR Imaging of benign prostatic
hypertrophy using a Helmholtz-type surface coil. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 10:341-349, 1992.
Andriole, G.L., Catalona, W.J., Becich, M.: Predicting radionuclide bone scan findings in patients with
newly diagnosed, untreated prostate cancer: Prostate specific antigen is superior to all other clinical
parameters. Letter to the Editor. J. Urol. 147:474, 1992.
Fox, L.A., Forman, H.P., Heiken, J.P., Levitt, R.G., Andriole, G.L.: Inguinal mass in a 66 year old man.
Urol. Rad. 14:62-64, 1992.
Keetch, D.W., Andriole, G.L.: Systemic manifestations of intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy.
Infections in Urology. 5(5):136-138, 1992.
Andriole, G.L.: Serum PSA: The Most Useful Tumor Marker. J. Clin. Oncol. 10(8):1205-1207, 1992.
Gormley, G.J., Stoner, E., Bruskewitz, R.C., Imperato-McGinley, Walsh, P.C., McConnell, J.D.
Andriole, G.L., Geller, J., Bracken, B.R., Tenover, J.S., Vaughan, D.E, Pappas, F., Taylor, A.,
Binkowitz, B., and Ng, J.: The effect of Finasteride in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. N. Eng. J.
Med. 327:1185-1191, 1992.
Presti, J.C., Fair, W.R., Andriole, G.L., Sogani, P.C., Seidmon, E.J., Ferguson, D., Ng, J., and Gormley,
G.J.: Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study to investigate the effect of
Finasteride (MK-906) on Stage D prostate cancer. J. Urol. 148:1201-1204, 1992.
Andriole, G.L.: Intravesical Therapy for Superficial Bladder Cancer. Current Opinion in Urology.
2(5):375-379, 1992.
Gibbons, J.J., Parra, R.O., Andriole, G.L., and Johnson, F.E.: Testicular Circulatory Isolation - Phase I
Study. Surg. Oncol. 1:413-416, 1992.
Horstman, W.G., Melson, G.L., Middleton, W.D., Andriole, G.L.: Ultrasonography of Testicular
Tumors. Radiology 185:733-737, 1992.
Andriole, G.L. and Winfield, H.N.: New Option in Urology. Patient Care 27:12-27, 1993.
Andriole, G.L.: Serum PSA: Expanding its Role as a Measure of Treatment Response in Patients with
Prostate Cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. (Editorial) 11(4):596-597, 1993.
Andriole, G.L.: The Case for Prostate Cancer Screening. Seminars in Urology 11(2):50-53, 1993.
McDougall, E.M., Clayman, R.V., Anderson, K., Andriole, G.L., and Coffin, C.M.: Laparoscopic
Gonadectomy in a Case of Testicular Feminization. Urol. 42:201-204, 1993.
Andriole, G.L. and Gerber, G.S.: Screening for Prostate Cancer: American View. Current Opinion in
Urology 3:373-376, 1993.
Ratliff, T.L., Ritchey, J.K., Yuan, J.J.J., Andriole, G.L., and Catalona, W.J.: T-Cell Subsets Required for
Intravesical BCG Immunotherapy for Bladder Cancer. J. Urol. 150:1018-1023, 1993.
Petros, J.A. and Andriole, G.L.: Serum PSA after Anti-Androgen Therapy. Urologic Clinics of North
America 20(4):749-756, 1993.
Andriole, G.L. and Catalona, W.J.: Using PSA to Screen for Prostate Cancer: The Washington
University Experience. Urologic Clinics of North America 20(4):647-651, 1993.
Andriole, G.L.: Surgery or Radiotherapy for Early Prostate Cancer: The Surgical Rationale.
Contemporary Oncology 3(11):61-66, 1993.
Keetch, D.W., Andriole, G.L., Catalona, W.J.: Complications of Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy.
AUA Update XIII:6, 1993.
Andriole, G.L., Nutting, P., Barry, M., Frame, P., McConnell, J., Whitmore, W.: Summary of Workshop
on the Early Detection of Prostate Cancer, National Cancer Institute, June, 1993 Annals Int. Med.
Stoner, E. and Members of the Finasteride Study Group: Three-Year Safety and Efficacy Data on the Use
of Finasteride in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology. 43:284-294, 1994.
Stoner, E., Round, E., Ferguson, D., Gormley, G.G., and the Finasteride Study Group. Clinical
Experience of the Detection of Prostate Cancer in Patients with BPH Treated with Finasteride. J.
Urology 151:1296-1300, 1994.
Andriole, G.L., Smith, D.S., Rao, G, Goodnough, L., and Catalona, W.J.: Early Complications of
Contemporary Anatomic Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy. J. Urology 152:1858-1860, 1994.
Andriole, G.L.: Utility of Prostate Specific Antigen Density for Determining the Management of
Patients Referred for Urologic Evaluation. Oradell NJ: American Urological Association Consultant
Urologist, 1994; Consultation 2152.
Andriole, G.L.: Screening for Prostate Cancer Based on Prostate-Specific Antigen. Eur. Urology
27(2):6-8, 1995.
Keetch, D.W. and Andriole, G.L.: Medical Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Am. J.
Roentgenology 164:11-15, 1995.
Andriole, G.L., Lieber, M., Smith, J., Soloway, M., Schroeder, F., Kadmon, D., DeKernion, J., Rajfer, J.,
Boake, R., Crawford, D., Ramsey, E., Perreault, J., Trachtenberg, J., Fradet, Y., Block, N., Middleton, R.,
Ng, J., Ferguson, D., and Gormley, G.: Treatment with Finasteride Following Radical Prostatectomy for
Prostate Cancer. Urology 45:491-497, 1995.
Andriole, G.L.: How Potent is Potent Before Nerve Sparing Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy? J.
Urology 154:1102,1995 (Editorial Comment).
Berger, B.M., Naadimuthu A., Boddy, A., Fisher, H.A., McConnell, J.D., Milam, D., Mobley, D., and
Rajfer, J. for the Zanoterone Study Group: The Effect of Zanoterone, A Steroidal Androgen Receptor
Antagonist, in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. J. Urology 154:1060-1064,1995.
Klutke, C.G., Nadler, R.B., and Andriole, G.L.: Surgeon’s Workshop: Antegrade Collagen Injection:
New Technique for Post Prostatectomy Stress Incontinence. J. Endourology 9(6):513-515, 1995.
Andriole, G.L.: 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors After Radical Prostatectomy. PROSpectives 5(3)1-8,
Andriole, G.L.: Discussion session: Clinical Trials of Bicalutamide as Monotherapy for Prostate Cancer.
Urology 47(1):48-53, 1996.
Andriole, G.L., Thompson, I.M. and Goldenberg, I.: Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate. Urology
International 3(1):5-6, 1996.
Andriole, G.L.: Technical Changes in Contemporary Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy. Canadian J
Urology 3(1):66-68, 1996.
Nadler, R.B. and Andriole, G.L.: Who is Best Benefitted by Radical Prostatectomy.
Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America. 10:(3) 581-503, 1996.
Klutke, C.G, Tiemann, D.D., Nadler, R.B., and Andriole, G.L. : Antegrade Collagen Injection for Stress
Incontinence after Radical Prostatectomy: Technique and Early Results. J. Endourology 10(3):279-282,
Keetch D.W. and Andriole, G.L.: Prostate Cancer Screening: What are Physicians to do? What have we
learned? 1996 Monographs in Urology. 17(3)29-48, 1996.
Keetch, D.W., McMurtry, J.M., Smith, D.S., Andriole, G.L. and Catalona, W.J.: PSA Density vs. PSA
Slope as Predictors of Prostate Cancer in Men with Initially Negative Prostatic Biopsies. J. Urology
156:428-431, 1996.
Klutke, C.G., Nadler, R.B. and Andriole, G.L.: Early Results with Antegrade Collagen Injection for Post
Radical Prostatectomy Stress Urinary Incontinence. J. Urology 156:1703-1706, 1996.
Monk, T.G., Goodnough, L.T., Pulley, D.D., Folger, W., Martin, K.J., Colberg, J.W., and Andriole,
G.L.: Safety of Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution in Elderly Patients. Anesthesiology 85(No. 3A)A33,
Andriole, G.L.: Watchful Waiting Versus Early Intervention: Are There Guidelines for Prostate Cancer
Today? Advances in Oncology 12(4):8-13, 1996.
Ornstein, D.K., Rao, G.S., Johnson, B., Charlton, E.T. and Andriole, G.L.: Combined Finasteride and
Flutamide Therapy in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer. Urology 48:901-905, 1996.
Colberg, J.W., Andriole, G.L., and Catalona, W.J.: Long Term Follow-up of Men Undergoing Modified
Inguinal Lymphadenectomy for Carcinoma of the Penis. Br. J. Urology 79:54-57, 1997.
Ornstein, D.K., Arcangeli, C.G. and Andriole, G.L.: Renal Masses: Urologic Management. MRI Clinics
of North American 5(1)1-12, 1997.
Ornstein, D.K., Rao, G.S., Smith, D.S. and Andriole, G.L.: Impact on Systematic Ultrasound-Guided
Prostate Biopsy on Prostate Cancer Incidence in Men Undergoing Transurethral Resection of the
Prostate. J Urology 157:880-884, 1997.
Arcangeli, C.G., Ornstein, D.K., Keetch, D.W., and Andriole, G.L.: PSA as a Screening Test for Prostate
Cancer: The United States Experience. Urologic Clinics of North America. 24(2):299-306, 1997.
Wolf, J.S. and Andriole, G.L.: The Selection of Patients for Cross-Sectional Imaging and Pelvic
Lymphadenectomy Before Radical Prostatectomy. AUA Update 16:114-119, 1997.
Goodnough, L.T., Monk, T.G., and Andriole, G.L.: Erythropoietin Therapy. NEJM 336:933-938, 1997.
Andriole, G.L.: Adjuvant Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients at High Risk of Recurrence following
Radical Prostatectomy. European Urology. 32(3):65-69, 1997.
Monk, T.G., Goodnough, L.T., Brecher, M.E., Pulley, D.D., Colberg, J.W., Andriole, G.L., and
Catalona, W.J.: Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution Can Replace Preoperative Autologous Blood
Donation as a Standard of Care for Autologous Blood Procurement in Radical Prostatectomy. Anesth
Analg, 85:953-958, 1997.
Keetch, D.W., Andriole, G.L., Ratliff, T.L., and Catalona, W.J.: Comparison of Percentage-Free Prostate
Specific Antigen Levels in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated with Finasteride, Terazosin,
or Watchful Waiting. Urology 50:901-905, 1997.
McConnell JD, Bruskewitz R, Walsh PC, Andriole, GL, et al: The effect of finasteride on the risk of
acute urinary retention and the need for surgical treatment among men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
New Engl J Med 338(9):557-563, 1998.
Andriole, G.L., Guess, H.A., Epstein, J.I., Wise H., Kadmon, D., Crawford, E.D., Hudson, P., Jackson,
C.L., Romas, N.A., Patterson, L., Cook, T.J., Waldstreicher, J., and the PLESS Study Group: Treatment
with Finasteride Preserves Usefulness of Prostate-Specific Antigen in the Detection of Prostate Cancer:
Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Urology 52:195-202, 1998.
Ornstein, D.K., Oh, J., Herschman, JD and Andriole, G.L.: Evaluation and Management of the Man who
has Failed Primary Curative Therapy of Prostate Cancer. Urologic Clinics of North America 25(4):591601, 1998.
Ornstein, D.K., Smith, D.S., and Andriole, G.L.: Biochemical Response to Testicular Androgen
Ablation Among Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Failing Flutamide and Finasteride Therapy.
Urology 52(6):1094-1097, 1998.
Ornstein D.K., Beiser, J.A., and Andriole, G.L.: Anaemia in Men Receiving Combined Finasteride and
Flutamide Therapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer. British Journal of Urology 83:43-46, 1998.
Roehrborn, CG, McConnell JD, Lieber M, et al: Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen Concentration is a
Powerful Predictor of Acute Urinary Retention and Need for Surgery in Men with Clinical Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology 53:473-480, 1999.
Alexander F.E., Andriole, G.L., Aus G., et al: Rationale for Randomized Trials of Prostate Cancer
Screening. European Journal of Cancer, 35(2):262-271, 1999.
Andriole, G.L.: Editorial Comment: The Controversy About Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate
Cancer. Infections in Urology 12(3):73, 1999.
Niemczyk, P., Klutke, C.G., and Andriole, G.L.: Technical Aspects of Umbilical
Appendicovesicostomy. Contemporary Urology: Surgeon’s Corner 11(8): 76-87, 1999.
Klutke, J.J., Chhikara, S., Andriole, G.L., and Klutke, C.G.: Long-Term Results After Antegrade
Collagen Injection for Stress Urinary Incontinence Following Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy.
Urology 53:974-977, 1999.
Hudson, P.B., Boake, R., Trachtenberg, J., Romas, N.A., Rosenblatt, S., Narayan P., Geller, J., Lieber,
M.M., Elhilali, M., Rittmaster, R., Cox, C.E., Perreault, J.P., Malek, G.H., Bruskewitz, R.C., Roy, J.B.,
Ko, A., Jacobsen C.A., Stoner, E., and the North American Finasteride Study Group: Efficacy of
Finasteride is Maintained in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated for 5 Years. Urology
53(4):690-695, 1999.
Bhayani, S.B. and Andriole, G.L.: Hormonal Manipulation for Rising PSA after Radical Prostatectomy.
Seminars in Urologic Oncology. 17(3):148-153, 1999.
Monk, T.G., Goodnough, L.T., Brecher, M.E., Colberg, J.W., Andriole, G.L., and Catalona, W.J.: A
Prospective Randomized Trial of Three Blood Conservation Strategies for Radical Prostatectomy.
Anesthesiology 91(1):24-33, 1999.
Andriole, G.L.: Editorial Comment: Bladder Cancer in the Next Millennium. Journal of Urology
161(1):66, 1999.
Krumholtz, JS and Andriole, G.L.: The Surgery of Prostate Cancer: An Update of Contemporary Radical
Prostatectomy and Brachytherapy Series. Seminars in Surgical Oncology. 17(3):213-218, 1999.
Roehrborn, C.G., Boyle, P., Bergner, D., et al: Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen and Prostate Volume
Predict Long-Term Changes in Symptoms and Flow Rate: Results of a Four-Year Randomized Trial
Comparing Finasteride Versus Placebo. Urology 54:662-669, 1999.
Bruskewitz, R., Girman, C.J., Fowler, J., et al: Effect of Finasteride on Both and Other Health-Related
Quality of Life Aspects Associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology 54:670-678, 1999.
Ornstein, D.K. and Andriole, G.L.: Screening for Prostate Cancer in 1999. AUA Update Series, Lesson
1, Vol. 18.
Roehrborn, C.G., McConnell, J., Bonilla, J., Rosenblatt, S., Hudson, P.B., Malek, G.H., Schellhammer,
P.F., Bruskewitz, R., Matsumoto, A.M., Harrison, L.H., Fuselier, H.A., Walsh, P.C., Roy, J., Andriole,
G.L., Resnick, M., and Waldstreicher, J., for the Proscar Long-Term Efficacy and Safety Study: Serum
Prostate Specific Antigen is a Strong Predictor of Future Prostate Growth in Men with Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia. Journal of Urology 163:13-20, 2000.
Carlin, B.I. Andriole, G.L.: Natural History, Skeletal Complications and Management of Bone
Metastases in Patients with Prostate Cancer. Cancer 88(12):2989-2994, 2000.
Akakura, K., Akaza, H., Altwein, J., Anderssen, L., Anderstroem, C., Andriole, G.L., and the Prostate
Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group (PCTCG): Maximum Androgen Blockade in Advanced Prostate
Cancer: An Overview of the Randomised Trials. Lancet 355:1491-1498, 2000.
Fowler, J.E., Gottesman, J.E., Reid, C.F., Andriole, G.L., and Soloway, M.S.: Safety and Efficacy of an
Implantable Leuprolide Delivery System in Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer. J. Urology 164:730734, 2000.
Fowler, J.E., Flanagan, M., Gleason, D.M., Klimberg, I.W., Gottesman, J.E., and Sharifi, R. for the
Viadur Study Group: Evaluation of an Implant that Delivers Leuprolide for 1 Year for the Palliative
Treatment of Prostate Cancer. Urology 55:639-642, 2000.
Prorok, P.C., Andriole, G.L., Bresalier, R.S., Buys, S.S., Chia, D., Crawford, E.D., Fogel, R., Gelmann,
E.P., Gilbert, F., Hasson, M.A., Hayes, R.B., Johnson, C.C., Mandel, J.S., Oberman, A., O’Brien, B.,
Oken, M.M., Rafla, S., Reding, D., Rutt, W., Weissfeld, J.L., Yokochi, L., Gohagan, J.K., FACE for the
PLCO Project Team: Design of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening
Trial. Control Clin Trials 21:273S-309S, 2000.
Albala, D.M., Turk, T.M.T., Fulmer, B.R., Koleski F., Andriole, G.L., Davis, B.E., Eure, G.R., Kabalin,
J.N., Lingeman, J., Nuzzarello, J., and Sundaram, C.P.: Periurethral Transurethral Microwave
Thermotherapy (P-TUMT) for the Treatment of BPH: An Interim 1-Year Safety and Efficacy Analysis
Using the TherMatrx TMx-2000. Techniques in Urology 6(4):288-293, 2000.
Huang, JJ, Taguchi, A., Hsu, H., Andriole, G.L., Kurz, A.: Preoperative oral rofecoxib does not decrease
postoperative pain or morphine consumption in patients after radical prostatectomy: a prospective,
randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. J Clinical Anesthesia 13(2):94-97, 2001.
Andriole, G.L.: Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: CON. Urology 58(4):506-507, 2001.
Gelmann, E.P., Chia, D., Pinsky, P.F., Andriole, G.L., Crawford, E.D., Reding, D., Hayes, R.B., Kramer,
B.S., Woodrum, D.L., Gohagan, J.K. and Levin, D.L. for the PLCO Screening Trial Investigators:
Relationship of demographic and clinical factors to free and total prostate-specific antigen. Urology
58(4):561-566, 2001.
Roehrborn, C.G., Bartsch, G, Kirby, R., Andriole, G.L., Boyle, P., delaRosette, J., Perrin, P., Ramsey, E.,
Nordling, J., DeCampos Freire, G, and Arap, S.: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Comparative, International Overview. Urology 58(5):642-650, 2001.
Collyer, W.C., Landman, J., Olweny, E.O., Andreoni, C., Kibel, A.S., Andriole, G.L., Bostwick, D.G.,
Sundaram, C.P., and Clayman, R.V.: Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy with a Novel Electrosurgical
Snare in a Porcine Model. J. Endourology 16:673-679, 2002.
Albala, D.M., Fulmer B.R., Turk, T.M., Koleski F., Andriole, G.L., Davis, B.E., Eure, G.R., Kabalin,
J.N., Lingeman, J.E., Nuzzarello, J., Sundaram, C.: Office-based transurethral microwave thermotherapy
using the TherMatrx TMx-2000. J Endourol. 16(1):57-61, 2002.
Roehrborn, C.G., Boyle, P., Nickel, J.C., Hoefner, K., Andriole, G.L., and the ARIA 3001
ARIA3002and ARIA 3003 Study Investigators: Efficacy and Safety of a Dual Inhibitor of 5α-Reductase
Types 1 and 2 (Dutasteride) in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology 60(3):434-441, 2002.
Bhayani, S.B., Grubb, III, R.L. and Andriole, G.L.: Use of Gelatin Matrix to Rapidly Repair
Diaphragmatic Injury During Laparoscopy. Urology 60(3):514, 2002.
Yan, Y., Andriole, G.L., Humphrey, P.A., and Kibel, A.S.: Patterns of multiple recurrences of
superficial (Ta/T1) transitional cell carcinoma of bladder and effects of clinicopathologic and biochemical
factors. Cancer 95(6):1239-1246, 2002.
Oyama, N., Miller, R.R., Dehdashti, F., Siegel, B.A., Fischer, K.C., Michalski, J.M., Kibel, A.S.,
Andriole, G.L., Picus, J., and Welch, M.J.: 11C-Acetate PET Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Detection of
Recurrent Disease at PSA Relapse. J Nucl Med 44:549-555, 2003.
Quayle, S.S. and Andriole, G.L.: Diagnosis and Treatment of Early-Stage Prostate Cancer:
Contemporary Urology, 1(23):1-6, 2003.
Perez, C.A., Michalski, M.M., Baglan, K., Andriole, G.L., Cui, Q. and Lockett, M.A.: Radiation Therapy
for Increasing Prostate-Specific Antigen Levels After Radical Prostatectomy. Clinical Prostate Cancer
1(4):235-241, 2003.
Andriole, G.L. and Kirby, R.: Safety and Tolerability of the Dual 5α-Reductase Inhibitor Dutasteride in
the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. European Urology 44(1):82-88, 2003.
Oh, J. and Andriole, G.L.: Carcinoma of the Penis: Epidemiology: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Clinical
Presentation. UpToDate May, 2003.
Andriole, G.L.: Editorial Comment: Prospective Trials Needed. Infections in Urology, 16(2):35, 2003.
Emberton M, Andriole, G.L., de la Rosette J., Djavan B. Hoefner ,K., Vela Navarrete, R., Nordling J.,
Roehrborn, C., Schulman, C., Teillac, P., Tubaro, A. and Nickel J.C.: BPH: A Progressive Disease of the
Aging Male. Urology 61(2):267-273, 2003.
Lowe, F.C., McConnell, J.D., Hudson, P.B., Romas, N.A., Boake, R., Lieber, M., Elhilali, M., Geller, J.,
Imperto-McGinely, J., Andriole, G.L., et al: Long-Term 6 Year Experience with Finasteride in Patients
with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology 61(4):791-796, 2003.
Landman, J., Venkatesh, R., Lee, D., Vanlangendonck, R., Morrissey, K., Andriole, G.L., Clayman, R.V.
and Sundaram, C.P.: Renal Hypothermia Achieved by Retrograde Endoscopic Cold Saline Perfusion:
Technique and Initial Clinical Application. Urology 61(5):1023-1025, 2003.
Bhayani SB, Clayman RV, Sundaram CP, Landman J, Andriole G, Figenshau RS, Bullock A, Brandes S,
Shalhav A, McDougall E, Kibel AS. Surgical treatment of renal neoplasia: evolving toward a
laparoscopic standard of care. Urology. 2003;62(5):821-826.
O’Leary, M., Roehrborn, C., Andriole, G.L., Nickel, J.C., Boyle, P., Hoefner, K.: Improvements in
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia-Specific Quality of Life with Dutasteride, the Novel Dual 5α-Reductase
Inhibitor. British Journal of Urology 92(3):262-266, 2003.
McConnell, J.D., Roehrborn, C.G., Bautista, O.M., Andriole, G.L., Dixon, C.M., Kusek, J.W., et al for
the Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) Research Group: The Long-Term Effects of
Doxazosin, Finasteride and the Combination on the Clinical Progression of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
NEJM 349(25):2385-2396, 2003.
Andriole, G.L.: Dutasteride: A Viewpoint by Gerald L. Andriole. Drugs Aging 29(12):918, 2003
(Editorial Comment).
Andriole, G.L., Roehrborn, C., Schulman, C., Slawin, K.M., Somerville, M. and Rittmaster, R.S.: Effect
of Dutasteride on the Detection of Prostate Cancer in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Urology
64:537-543, 2004.
Anast J.W., Andriole, G.L., Bismar, T.A., Yan, Y., and Humphrey, P.A.: Relating Biopsy and Clinical
Variables to Radical Prostatectomy Findings: Can Insignificant and Advanced Prostate Cancer be
Predicted in a Screening Population? Urology 64(3):544-550, 2004.
Landman J, Venkatesh R, Vanlangendonck R, Andriole GL. Application of a fixed retractor system to
facilitate laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Journal of Urology. 2004;171(2 Pt 1):783-785.
Kang, D., Andriole, G.L., van de Vooren R.C., Crawford, E.D., Chia, D., Urban, D.A., Reding, D.,
Huang, W.Y., and Hayes, R.B.: Risk Behaviors and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. BJU International
93:1241-1245, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Humphrey, P., Ray, P., Gleave, M.E., Trachtenberg, J., Thomas, L.N., Lazier, C.B. and
Rittmaster, R.S.: Effect of the Dual 5α-Reductase Inhibitor Dutasteride on Markers of Tumor Regression
in Prostate Cancer. J Urology 172(3):915-919, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Bostwick, D., Brawley, O., Gomella, L., Marberger, M., Tindall, Breed, S., Somerville,
M. and Rittmaster, R., for the REDUCE Study Group. Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer in High Risk
Men: Rationale and Design of the REDUCE Trial. J Urology 172(4):1314-1317, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Bruchovsky, N., Chung, L., Matsumoto, A., Rittmaster, R., Roehrborn, C., Russell, D.,
and Tindall, D.: Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and the Prostate: The Scientific Rationale for 5α-Reductase
Inhibitors in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. J Urology 172(4):1399-1403, 2004.
Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., Hayes, R.B., Prorok, P.C., Gohagan, J.K., on behalf of the PLCO Steering
Committee. The Prostate, Lung, Colon, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial: Status and
Promise. Urol Onc 22:358-361, 2004.
Pinsky, P.F., Andriole, G.L., Kramer, B., Hayes, R., Prorok, P. and Gohagan, J for the Prostate. Lung,
Colorectal and Ovarian Project Team: Prostate Biopsy Following a Positive Screen in the Prostate, Lung,
Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. J Urology 173(3):746-751, 2005.
Iczkowski, K.A., Qiu, J., Qian, J., Somerville, M.C., Rittmaster, R.S., Andriole, G.L., and Bostwick,
D.G.: The Dual 5-Alpha-Reductase Inhibitor Dutasteride Induces Atrophic Changes and Decreases
Relative Cancer Volume in the Human Prostate. J. Urology 65(1):76-82, 2005.
Andriole, G.L., Levin, D.L., Crawford, E.D., Gelmann, E.P., Pinsky, P.F., Chia, D., Kramer, B.S.,
Reding, D., Church, T.R., Grubb, R.L., Izmirlian, G., Ragard, L.R., Clapp, J.D., Prorok, P.C., and
Gohagan, J. K. for the PLCO Project Team: Prostate Cancer Screening in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal
and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial: Findings from the Initial Screening Round of a
Randomized Trial. JNCI 97(6):433-438, 2005.
Reisinger, K., Tran, V., Figenshau, R.S., Andriole, G.L., Landman, J.: Single-setting bilateral
laparoscopic renal surgery: assessment of single-stage procedure. Urology 65(5):892-897, 2005.
Andriole, G.L.: Prostate Specific Antigen Based Prostate Cancer Screening: Accumulating Evidence of
Efficacy but Persistent Uncertainty. Editorial Comment J Urology 174(2):413-414, 2005.
Andriole, G.L., Bostwick, D., Civantos, F, Epstein, J., Lucia, M.S., McDonnell, J., and Roehrborn, C.G.:
The Effects of 5α-Reductase Inhibitors on the Natural History, Detection and Grading of Prostate Cancer:
Current State of Knowledge. J Urology 174(6):2098-2104, 2005.
Bhayani, S.B. and Andriole, G.L.: Pure Laparoscopic Radical Heminephrectomy and Partial
Isthmusectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma in a Horseshoe Kidney: Case Report and Technical
Considerations. Urology 66(4):880, 2005.
Bhayani, S.B. and Andriole, G.L.: Three Dimensional (3D) Vision: Does It Improve Laparoscopic
Skills? An Assessment of 3D Head-Mounted Visualization System. Rev Urol 7(4):211-214, 2005.
Kraft P, Pharoah P, Chanock SJ, Albanes D, Kolonel LN, Hayes RB, Altshuler D, Andriole G.L., Berg
C, Boeing H, Burtt NP, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Calle EE, Cann H, Canzian F, Chen YC, Crawford DE,
Dunning AM, Feigelson HS, Freedman ML, Gaziano JM, Giovannucci E, Gonzalez CA, Haiman CA,
Hallmans G, Henderson BE, Hirschhorn JN, Hunter DJ, Kaaks R, Key T, Marchand LL, Ma J, Overvad
K, Palli D, Pike MC, Riboli E, Rodriguez C, Setiawan WV, Stampfer MJ, Stram DO, Thomas G, Thun
MJ, Travis R, Trichopoulou A, Virtamo J, Wacholder S.: Genetic Variation in the HSD17B1 Gene and
Risk of Prostate Cancer. PLoS Genet. 2005 Nov 25;1(5):e68.
Cross, A.J., Peters, U., Kirsh, V.A., Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., Hayes, R.B., and Sinha, R.: A
Prospective Study of Meat and Meat-Mutagens and Prostate Cancer Risk. Cancer Res. 2005 Dec
Kirsh, V.A., Hayes, R.B., Mayne, S.R., Subar, A., Dixon, L.B., Albanes, D., Andriole, G.L., Urban, D.
and Peters, U.: Supplemental and dietary vitamin E, β-carotene and vitamin C, and risk of prostate cancer
JNCI 98(4):245-254, 2006.
Grubb, R.L., III, Andriole, G.L.: Can Preoperative PSA Doubling Time and PSA Velocity Predict
Outcomes Following Radical Prostatectomy? Nat Clin Pract Urol 3(6):306-307, 2006.
Bullock, T.L., and Andriole, G.L.: Emerging drug therapies for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Expert
Opin. Emerging Drugs. 11(1):111-123, 2006.
Crawford, E.D., Pinsky, P.F., Chia, D., Kramer, B.S., Hayes, R., Fagerstrom, R, Andriole, G.L., Reding,
D., Gelmann, E.P., Levin, D., and Gohagen, J.K.: Prostate Specific Antigen Changes as Related to the
Initial Prostate Specific Antigen: Data from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer (PLCO)
Screening Trial. J Urol 175:1286-1290, 2006.
Andriole, G.L., Marberger, M. And Roehrborn, C.G.: Clinical usefulness of serum prostate specific
antigen for the detection of prostate cancer is preserved in men receiving the dual 5α-reductase inhibitor
dutasteride. J Urol 175:1657-1662, 2006.
Koralek, D.O., Peters, U., Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., Kirsh, V., Subar, A., Schatzkin, A., Hayes, R., and
Leitzmann, M.F.: A Prospective Study of Dietary Alpha-Linolenic Acid and the Risk of Prostate Cancer
(United States). Cancer Causes Control 7:783-791, 2006.
Venkatesh, R., Weld, K., Ames, C.D., Figenshau, R.S., Sundaram, C.P., Andriole, G.L., Clayman, R.V.
and Landman, J.: Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for renal masses: effect of tumor location. Urology
67(6):1169-1174, 2006.
Andriole, G.L., Bostwick, D., Civantos, F., Epstein, J., Lucia, M.S., McConnell, J. and Roehrborn, C.G.:
Re: The Effects of 5α-Reductase Inhibitors on the Natural History, Detection and Grading of Prostate
Cancer: Current State of Knowledge. Letter to the Editor, J Urol 176(1):408-409, 2006.
Pinsky, P.F., Kramer, B.S., Crawford, E.D., Grubb, R.L., Urban, D.A., Andriole, G.L., Chia, D., Levin,
D.L., Gohagan, J.K.: Prostate volume and prostate-specific antigen levels in men enrolled in a large
screening trial. Urology 68(2)352-256, 2006.
Koralek, D.O., Peters U., Andriole, G.L., Reding, D., Kirsh, V., Subar, A., Schatzkin, A., Hayes, R.,
Leitzmann, M.F.: A Prospective Study of Dietary Alpha-Linolenic Acid and the Risk of Prostate Cancer
(United States). Cancer Causes Control 17(6):783-791, 2006/
Andriole, G.L., Djavan, B., Fleshner, N., and Schroder, F.: The Case for Prostate Cancer Screening with
Prostate-Specific Antigen. European Urology Supplements 5:737-745, 2006.
Andriole, G.L.: 5α-Reductase Inhibitors and Chemoprevention: The PCPT and Beyond. European
Urology Supplements 5:746-751, 2006
Marks, L.S., Andriole, G.L., Fitzpatrick, J.M., Schulman, C. and Roehrborn, C.G.: The interpretation of
serum prostate specific antigen levels in men receiving 5-alpha reductase inhibitors: A review and clinical
recommendations. J Urol 176(3):868-874, 2006.
Marks, L.S., Roehrborn, C.G. and Andriole, G.L.: Prevention of BPH disease in men with enlarged
prostate. J Urol 176(4):1299-1306, 2006.
Skolarus, T.A. and Andriole, G.L.: Prostate-Specific Antigen in 2006: Effective Use in Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer. Men’s Urologic Health 1(3):1-8, 2006.
Venkatesh, R., Sundaram, C.P., Figenshau R.S., Yan, Y., Andriole, G.L., Clayman, R.V. and Landman,
J.: Prospective Randomized Comparison of Cutting and Dilating Disposable Trocars for Access During
Laparoscopic Renal Surgery. JSLS 11:198-203, 2007.
Andriole, G.L.: Words of Wisdom. RE: Extended 21-Sample Needle Biopsy Protocol for diagnosis of
Prostate Cancer in 1000 Consecutive Patients. Eur Urology 52:430-5, 2007.
Peters, U., Foster, C.B., Chatterjee, N., Schatzkin, A., Reding, D., Andriole, G.L., Crawford, E.D.,
Sturup, S., Chanock, S.J. and Hayes, R.B.: Serum selenium and risk of prostate cancer- a nested casecontrol study. Am J Clin Nutr 85(1):209-217, 2007.
Pinsky, P.F., Crawford, E.D., Kramer B.S., Andriole, G.L., Gelmann, E.P., Grubb, R.L., Greenlee, R.,
and Gohagan, J.K.: Repeat prostate biopsy in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer
Screening Trial. BJU Int 99(4):775-779, 2007.
Yeager, M., Orr, N., Hayes, R.B., Jacobs, K.B., Kraft, P., Wacholder, S., Minichiello, M.J., Fearnhead,
P., Yu, K., Chatterjee, N., Wang, Z., Welch, R., Staats, B.J., Calle, E.E., Feigelson, H.S., Thun, M.J.,
Rodriguez, C., Albanes, D., Virtamo, J., Weinstein, S., Schumacher, F.R., Giovannucci, E., Willett, W.C.,
Cancel-Tassin, G., Cussenot, O., Valeri, A., Andriole, G.L., Gelmann, E.P., Tucker, M., Gerhard, D.S.,
Fraumeni, J.F. Jr., Hoover, R., Hunter, D.J., Chanock, S.J., and Thomas, G.: Genome-wide association
study of prostate cancer identifies a second risk locus at 8q24. Nat Genet 39(5):645-649, 2007.
Daugherty, S.E., Hayes, R.B., Yeager, M., Andriole, G.L., Chatterjee, N., Huang, W.Y., Isaacs, W.B.
and Platz, E.A.: RNASEL Arg462Gln polymorphism and prostate cancer in PLCO. Cancer
Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention Prostate 67(8):849-854, 2007.
Schumacher, F.R., Feigelson, H.S., Cox, D.G., Haiman, C.A., Albanes, D., Buring, J., Calle, E.E.,
Chanock S.J., Colditz, G.A., Diver, W.R., Dunning, A.M., Freedman, M.L., Gaziano, J.M., Giovannucci,
E., Hankinson, S.E., Hayes, R.B., Henderson, B.E., Hoover, R.N., Kaaks, R., Key, T., Kolonel, L.N.,
Kraft, P., LeMarchand, L., Ma, J., Pike, M.C., Riboli, E., Stampfer, M.J, Stram, D.O., Thomas, G., Thun,
M.J., Travis, R., Virtamo, J., Andriole, G.L., Gelmann, E., Willett, W.C. and Hunter, D.J.: A Common
8q24 Variant in Prostate and Breast Cancer from a Large Nested Case-Control Study. Cancer Res
67(7):2951-2956, 2007.
Pinsky, P.F., Andriole, G.L., Crawford, E. D., Chia, D., Kramer, B, Grubb, R.L., Greenlee, R. and
Gohagan, J.K.: Prostate Specific Antigen Velocity and Prostate Cancer Gleason Grade and Stage. Cancer
109(8):1689-1695, 2007.
Anast, J.W., Andriole, G.L. and Grubb, R.L.: Managing the Local Complications of Locally Advanced
Prostate Cancer. Curr Urol Rep 8(3):211-216, 2007.
Radwan, M.H., Yan, Y., Luly J.R., Figenshau, R.S., Brandes, S.B., Bhayani, S.B., Bullock, A.D., Liefu,
Y, Andriole, G.L. and Kibel, A.S.: Prostate-specific antigen density predicts adverse pathology and
increased risk of biochemical failure. Urology 69(6):1121-1127, 2007.
Andriole, G.L., Humphrey P.A., Serfling, R.J. and Grubb, R.L.: High-Grade Prostate Cancer in the
Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial: Fact or Artifact? JNCI 99(18):1355-1356, 2007.
Chen, Y.C., Kraft, P., Bretsky, P., Ketkar, S., Hunter, D.J., Albanes, D., Altshuler, D., Andriole, G.L.,
Berg, C., Boeing, H., Burtt, N., Bueno-de-Mesquita, B., Calle, E.E., Cann, H., Canzian, F., Crawford,
E.D., Chanock, S., Dunning, A., Feigelson, H.S., Freedman, M., Gaziano, M.J., Giovannucci, E.,
Gonzalez, C.A., Haimen, C., Hallmans, G., Hayes, R., Henderson, B.E., Hirschhorn, J., Kaaks, R., Keyes,
T.J.A., Kolonel, L.N., LeMarchand, L., Ma, J., Overvar, K., Palli, D., Pharaoh, P., Pike, M., Riboli, E.,
Rodriguez, C., Setiawan, W.V., Stampfer, M., Stram, D.O., Thomas, G., Thun, M.J., Travis, R., Virtamo,
J., Trichopoulou, A. and Wacholder, S.: Sequence variants of estrogen receptor beta (ESR2) and risk of
prostate cancer in the NCI breast and prostate cancer cohort consortium (BPC3). Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers & Prevention 10:1973-1981, 2007.
Ahn, J., Albanes, D., Peters, U., Schatzkin, A., Lim, U., Freedman, M., Chatterjee, N., Andriole, G.L.,
Leitzmann, M.F., Hayes, R.B., for the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Trial Project
Team: Dairy Products, Calcium Intake and Risk of Prostate Cancer in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and
Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention Cancer Epidemiol
Biomarkers Prev. 16(12):2623-263030, 2007.
Andriole, G.L., Bullock, T.L., Belani, J.S., Traxel, E., Yan, Y., Bostwick, D.G., Humphrey, P.A.: Is
There a Better Way to Biopsy the Prostate? Prospects for a Novel Transrectal Systematic Biopsy
Approach. Urology 70(6A):22-26, 2007.
Danforth, K.N., Hayes, R.B., Rodriguez, C., Yu, K., Sakoda, L.C., Huang, W.Y., Chen, B.E., Chen, J,
Andriole, G.L., Calle, E.E., Jacobs, E.J., Chu, L.W., Figueroa, J.D., Yeager, M., Platz, E.A., Michaud,
D.S., Chanock, S.J., Thun, M.J. and Hsing, A.W.: Polymorphic Variants in PTGS2 and Prostate Cancer
Risk: Results from Two Large Nested Case-Control Studies. Carcinogenesis, 29(3):568-572, 2007.
Bostwick, D.G., Waters, D.J., Farley, E.R., Meiers, I., Rukstalis, D., Cavanaugh, W.A., Ragde, H.,
Dineen, M.K., Bahn, D., Scionti, S., Babaian, R., Ellis, D.S., Newcastle, J.C., Burke, H.B., Andriole,
G.L., Onik, G., Barqawi, A.E., Maksem, J., Barzell, W.E.: Group consensus reports from the Consensus
Conference on Focal Treatment of Prostatic Carcinoma. Urology 70(6):42-22, 2007.
Thomas, G., Jacobs, K.B., Yeager, M., Kraft, P, Wacholder, S., Orr, N., Yu, K., Chatterjee, N., Welch, R.,
Hutchinson, A., Crenshaw, A., Cancel-Tassin, G., Staats, B.J., Wang, Z., Gonzalez-Bosquet, J., Fang, J.,
Deng, H., Berndt, S.I., Calle, E.E., Feigelson, H.S., Thun, M.J., Rodriguez, C., Albanes, D., Virtamo, J.,
Weinstein, S., Schumacher, F.R., Giovannucci, E., Willett, W.C., Cussenot, O., Valeri, A., Andriole,
G.L., Crawford, E.D., Tucker, M., Gerhard, D.S., Fraumeni, J.F. Jr., Hoover, R., Hayes, R.B., Hunter,
D.J., Chanock, S.J.: Multiple loci identified in a genome-wide association study of prostate cancer. Nat
Genet 40(3):310-315, 2008.
Danforth, K.N., Rodriguez, C., Hayes, R.B., Sakoda, L.C., Huang, W.U., Yu, K., Calle, E.E., Jacobs, E.J.,
Chen, B.E., Andriole, G.L., Figueroa, J.D., Yeager, M., Platz, E.A., Michaud, D.S., Chanock, S.J., Thun,
M.J., Hsing, A.W.: TNF polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk. Prostate 68(4):400-407, 2008.
Weiss, J.M., Huang, W.Y., Rinaldi, S., Fears, T.R., Chatterjee, N., Hsing, A.W., Crawford, E.D.,
Andriole, G.L., Kaska, R., and Hayes, R.B.: Endogenous sex hormones and the risk of prostate cancer: A
prospective study. Int J Cancer 122(10):2345-2350, 2008.
Danforth, K.N., Hayes, R.B., Rodriguez, C., Sakoda, L.D., Huang, W.Y., Yu, K., Chen, B.D., Chen, J,
Andriole, G.L., Calle, E.E., Jacobs, E.J., Chu, L.W., Figueroa, J.D., Yeager, M., Platz, E.A., Michaud,
D.S., Chanock, S.J., Thun, M.J. and Hsing, A.W.: Polymorphic Variants in PTGS2 and Prostate Cancer
Risk: Results from Two Large Nested Case-Control Studies. Carcinogenesis 29(3):568-572, 2008.
Giles, T., Jacobs, K.B., Yeager, M., Kraft, P., Wacholder, S., Orr, N., Yu, K., Chatterjee, N., Welch, R.,
Hutchinson, A., Crenshaw, A., Cancel-Tassin, G., Staats, B.J., Wang, Z., Gonzalez-Bosquet, J., Fang, J.,
Deng, X, Bernts, S.I., Calle, E.E., Feigelson H.S., Thun, M.J., Rodriguez, C., Albanes, D., Virtama, J.,
Weinstein, S., Schumacher, F.R., Giovannucci, E., Willett W.C., Cussenot, O., Valerie, A., Andriole,
G.L., Crawford, E.D,., Tucker, M., Gerhard, D.S., Fraumeni, J.F., Hoover, R., Hayes, R.B., Hunter, D.J.,
Chanock, S.J.: Multiple Novel Loci Identified in a Genome-Wide Association Study of Prostate Cancer.
Nature Genetics 2008 Published On-Line.
Lettre, G., Jackson, A.U., Gieger, C., Schumacher, F.R., Berndt, S.I., Sanna, S., Eyheramendy, S., Voight,
B.F., Butler, J.L., Guiducci, C., Illig, T., Hackett, R., Heid, I.M., Jacobs, K.B., Lyssenko, V., Uda, M., the
Diabetes Genetics Initiative, FUSHIO, KORA, The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer
Screening Trial, The Nurses Health Study, Sardinia, Boehnke, M., Chanock, S.J., Groop, L.C., Hu, F.B.,
Isomaa, B., Kraft, P., Peltonen, L., Salomaa, V., Schlessinger, D., Hunter, D.J., Hayes, R.B., Abecasis,
G.R., Wichmann, H.E., Mohlke, K.K., and Hirschhorn, J.N.: Identification of ten loci associated with
height and previously unknown biological pathways in human growth. Nature Genetics 2008 Published
Leitzman MF, Ahn J, Albanes D. Hsing AW, Schatzkin A, Chang SC, Huang WY, Wiess JM, Danforth
KN, Grubb RL, Andriole GL; for the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Trial Project Team:
Diabetes mellitus and prostate cancer risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer
Screening Trial. Cancer Causes Control 2008 Published On-Line.
Megwalu II, Ferguson GG, Wei, JT, Mouraviev V, Polascik, TJ, Taneja S, Black L, Andriole, GL and
Kibel, AS: Evaluation of a Novel Precision Template-Guided Biopsy System for Detection of Prostate
Cancer. BJU International 102:546-550, 2008.
Katz MD, Andriole GL. Are changes in US practices for androgen deprivation for prostate cancer
financially motivated? Nat Clin Pract Urol. 2008 (In press.)
On Behalf of the NCI Institute Breast & Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium: Schumacher FR, Cheng I,
Freedman ML, Mucci L, Allen N, Pollak MN, Hayes RB, Stram DO, Linseisen J, Henderson BE, Hunter
DJ, Virtamo J, Manjer J, Gaziano JM, Kolonel LN, Tjønneland A, Albanes D, Calle EE, Giovannucci E,
Crawford ED, Haiman CA, Kraft P, Willett WC, Thun MJ, Le Marchand L, Kaaks R, Spencer Feigelson
H, Peters PHM, Palli D, Riboli E, Lund E, Amiano P, Andriole, GL, Dunning AM, Trichopoulos D,
Clavel-Chapelon F, Stampfer MJ, Key T, Ma J: Common Variants in IGF1, IGFBP1 and IGFBP3 are
Associated with Blood IGF Levels and Prostate Cancer Risk Among Caucasians. Human Molecular
Genetics (submitted for publication).
Gonzalez, F., Andriole, G.L., Yan, Y., Ferguson, G., Maxwell, K., Fernandez-Salvador, V., and
Humphrey, P.A.: Detection of High-Grade Gleason Pattern 4/5 Prostate Cancer with 3 Dimensional
Prostate Mapping Needle Biopsy Technique. J Urol (submitted for publication).
Crosswell, J.M., Kramer, B.S., Kreimer, A.E., Prorok, P.C., Xu, J.L., Baker, S.G., Fagerstrom, R., Riley,
T.L., Clapp, J.D., Berg, C.D., Gohagan, J.K., Andriole, G.L., Chia, D., Church, T.R., Crawford, E.D.,
Fouad, M.N., Gelmann, E.P., Lamerato, L., Reding, D.J., and Schoen, R.E.: Cumulative Incidence of
False-Positive Screening Tests and Resulting Diagnostic Procedures in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and
Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Lancet (submitted for publication).
Schroder, F.H., Roobol, M.J., Fleshner, N., and Andriole, G.L.: Defining Men at Increased Future Risk
of Prostate Cancer: Evidence from a Population-Based Screening Cohort. J Urol (submitted for
Crawford, E.D., Andriole, G.L., Marberger, M., and Rittmaster, R.: Reduction in the Risk of Prostate
Cancer: Future Directions after PCPT. J Urol (submitted for publication).
Andriole, G.L., Macher, A.: Genitourinary AIDS. Monographs on AIDS, Williams and Wilkins, 1988.
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Andriole, G.L.: New Considerations for Staging Prostate Cancer. In: Controversies in the Management
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Andriole, G.L.: Tumors of the Scrotum. In : Current Urologic Therapy #3. PM Hanno and EJ Seidmon
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Andriole, G.L.: Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer. In: Tumours in Urology. DE Neal (ed)
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Andriole, G.L. and Catalona, W.J.: Prostate Carcinoma. Annual Review of Medicine. 45:351-59, 1994.
Andriole, G.L.: Prostate Cancer Detection and Screening. In: Clinical Urologic Practice. BS Stein, AA
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Andriole, G.L.: Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer. In: Frontiers in Uro-Oncology (Accepted
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Catalona, W.J. and Andriole, G.L.: "Total Bladder Replacement with a Completely Detubularized
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Catalona, W.J. and Andriole, G.L.: "Modified Groin Dissection for Carcinoma of the Penis with
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the American Urological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, 1988.
Klutke, C.G., Nadler R. and Andriole, G.L.: Antegrade Collagen Injection: A New Technique for Post
Prostatectomy Stress Incontinence. J. Urol. 155:303A, 1996. Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the
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Klutke, C.G., Wainstein, M.A., and Andriole, G.L.: Flexible Cystoscopy Antegrade Collagen Injection
for Post Prostatectomy Stress Urinary Incontinence. Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the
American Urological Association, New Orleans, LA, April 1997.

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