Document 6431010
Document 6431010
SACEAMEXTO DAILY RECORD-UXION, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, ISB9. 2 the bench. DAILY RECORD-UNIOS ||' nial that TUESDAY -..APRIL 23, 1889. PUBLISHED BY THE SACR&MEHTO PUBLISHING COMPANY. I'ubUcatlon Office, Third St., bet. J and K. THE DAILYRECORD-UNION published every day of the week. Sundays eepted. Double-sheet on Saturdays. ex- For one year S6 00 For six months 3 50 For three mouths 2 00 Subscrioers served by Carriers at Fifteen Cents per weeK. In all inteiijrcities and towns the paper can be had of the principal Periodical Sealers, Newsmen and agents. TOE WEEKLY UNION Ie the cheapest and most desirable Home, News Literary and Journal published on the Pacific Coast. Terms, One Year ?2 00 Entered at the Postoffice at Sacramento as second-class matter. To-dsT'n Weather Indications. Fair; nortliVfMer'y v:inds; slightly Cooler in routheni California; stationary temperature I 'ri'jim and Washington—Pair, preceded in Washington and northern Oregon !>y local taint; j wind*; warmer. — California It was because there was dethe killing was political assassination that we charged shame against partisans who advance that plea. Because the men who endeavor to ferret out the Clayton murderers are in turn assassinated. the State has been reproached. The justness of such judgments is fortified by recent developments, the conviction of men for bulldozing and the arraignment of election officers in the Clayton district for fraudulent practices at the polls. IfSheriffs were laggard in California in pursuing the railroad robbers; if the people gener ally refused or neglected to give information that would lead to the detection of the offenders; if public sentiaient was disposed to attribute the crime to other than the real motives that prompted it, California, as a State, and her people, as a body, would be justly subject to reproach, no matter how many cheap resolutions of denunciation of the crime might be passed. HYDRAULIC MINING. United States Attorney Carey Seeking Information on the Subject. At the conclusion of the business before the Board of Supervisors, late yesterday afternoon, the following communication from United States District Attorney Carey was read. The letter is explanatory of the difficulty encountered in securing information regarding the illegal operation of hydraulic mines along the American river, and requests tbe Board to offer a reward for testimony that would convict the violators of the orders of the Federal Courts. Action was taken in accordance with the suggestion. The letter reads : San nusctSOO, April 20,1559. To the Honorable Board of >*wj>emsors of Sacramento County— Gentlemen : Every possible eflort has been made by the Government to stop hydraulic mining, hunful to the navigability of the Yuba, Feather and Sacramento rivers. Actions have been instituted and injunctions issued against all persons operating hydraulic mines on the water-sheds of those rivers, agaiust whom sufficient evidence could te obtained to warrant the issuance of injunctions. As I am informed, since the trial of The People vs. Gold Run, (66 Cal. lots), hydraulic mining has been practically suspended on the American and Bear rivers. I have indefinite information still, Irom such a reliable source to iuduce me to address your honorable body upon the subject, that since the commencement of the present season, hydraulic mines are being operated at Liberty Hill,(iold Run, Dutch Flat lowa Hill, Michigan Bluff and Forest HilL lam informed that the condition of the waters coming from these water-sheds into the river below indicates the existence of active hydraulic mining: that they are debris-laden to an extent not teen since the trial of the Ciold Run case. What information 1 have is confidential and cannot be used, and is insufficient in itself to warrant proceedings. I am further iuformed that the operators have a system ol guards, telephones, and precautions to prevent the presence of a stranger in that section without it being instantly made known to the entire mining district thereabouts. That even-body connected with them is absolutely intimidated to such an extent that it is impossible io obtain information. That no one is permitted to visit or inspect the mines, and that it is hazardous for any one to make the attempt in daytime or night, and that it is believed that pe:s"oual viole&ee would be done any one making the attempt. That owing to this condition of affairs it is impossible to get the necessary information to warrant proceedings. It has occurred to me that the information might be obtained if a \u25a0Offietent reward were offered to induce persons to secure the evidence at all hazards. I have do means at hand and have no authority to oiler a reward on behalf of the (lovernmetit. It has occurred to me that your honorable Hoard has always taken a very great interest and an active pait iv stopping hydraulic iniDing, and that in this matter you are more Immediately interested in the working of the American river mints than any other county, and would, iv fctlf protection, lend every encouragement possible to effectually carry out the purpose and policy of Congress to protect the navigability of the Sacramento and other rivers. 1 therefore suggest the propriety of your county offering a reward of from S'Jfy) to ; .00 for the detection of these mines, or either of them, iv active operation, and for .supplying snmcient information thereof to warrant proceedings by iujunction. The effect of offering a reward might be efficacious in itself, and so intimidate the owners and operatives as to put a stop to hydraulic mining in th&t section. 1 will tie pleased to have your co-operation in this mat- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Assessor Frost has gone to San Francisco. Frank Bullard of Woodland is here, also Miss Bullard. T. B. Dosier and wifeof Redding are visiline Sacramento. PAYMENT OF EXPERTS. Jc CO. APRIL*REPRESENTS* HIGH . *>i^^^ tide at all of our many counters. The stocks are now $2 50 WILL BOY ~ Refrigerat ICB Boxes, replete with the choicest JfiWILLBUYACHBRRY-SrAINED novelties of their kind, and , . at no later time will the va. riety be as extensive as now. We realize how much greater lI Lbhmh T afo Pfi tu.,^ , the power of NSW goods to "HOHTffIGTOH^THOPKIIIS" x COMPAHY," interest you NOW instead of _ "odds and ends," and our ~BON BQN~PARTY~ DON'T stock bears the unmistakBELL able imprint of spring crispPlacer GonntyTand Office ness that surrounds it with PRIVATE SALE AUCTION SALE desirability. Prices in keepBELL Investment. iAn ing with the policy established NINE years ago—the LOWEST! jf PICNIC, » - — THEATER™ I THE LITTLE TYCOON! mma Tuffs Pills I \u25a0 I UK l'H I:sT "»*\u25a0**« f« v ordinaiy ebeezeb is REFRIGEEAToI with aU the laX t Ar, tl, iu;i, r ,,vv. year's White ments ,-,r SXO No h1 , ;.,. >lu) ,. ;i an kxtikkly improveineiU over last new Mountain, inasmucli that it freezes cream wit)umt ;m in about half the time. at tlus low price. «\u25a0 CALL AT ONCE AND SEE THBM. T]?WR a.- AI ASK V REFBIGEB ITOB -KM. FOX OCR CATALOG IK. 6O2andsO4Jst., 1000Finhslrwt sacntl fntrt DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, HOLIDAY JPI^ESSEjONr^PS IN PLAIN AND FANCY CARVING SETS. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES, gaormnouto (lptfTuThSi KEAL ESTATE, W. H. SHERBURN, AY CT lONE E SIKEKAL R ! ETC. Ban Franolaoo AICTIOXS ETC. FOR SToiIK. FAxdIB, GRAIN, VINE. FRUIT AND COLONY LAHD6, ADDS -IHE , —AND— HONN LAND COMPANY Agent for the America Tnfiurance Company, of New York. OFFICE AND SALESROOM. NO. 333 X ST. REDDING. SHASTA CQT'NTY. CAL A>D I.NMKAM'E MHEHCI, j91.. —OF— 3D. 80-vvley 508 X Street Furniture, Carpets, Crockery, Glassware, Stoves, Oil Paintings, -Itfl ds Oo.« \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0Sarrsjnento. H>l WOOL AND HAIR-TOP MATTRESSES, BED LOUHGBB, ETC., AT 323 15. Street- Mar During my abMace of three or four weeks from the oily thero will be sold at my salesroom: One Chicago Cabinet Organ 575. One S. Drueker Pmuo. Price 575 One Oval Pool Table SIO. () le Wauut Secretary CO. One Bookcase, ami a Large assortment cf Walnut, Afth, Antique Out and Pine Furniture. Also, Chairs, Mirrors, Mattresses of all kind. etc. \V. H. SHERBHiN. A.TJCTIOKT Lot 40x180, on I street, near Twelfth, \\ Ith three houses ri'iuint; tor f'-s per month. Price, (8,250. This is one of the best localious in the city. A beantitu! building lot for two or three persons; lJOxlM): corner 11 and Nineteenth streets. Price, 16,500. Lots on H street are getting Corner Ninth and X Streets Thirteenth. Sj^UE ESTABIjISIIETJ * LIST 1860. EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., * Real Estate Agents, NO. 1015 FOURTH ST., SACRAMENTO, CAL., #3,500—Fu1l ++ ++ FOR v^ I \J\Jt <O^i Y^H • • QO 80 ACRES FIXE GRAIN AND FP.UIT I.AND. NEAR Roscville: small orchard, vineyard, good dwelling and other outbuildings, and on!y two miles from town; new buildings. No. 412. * J GRAIN OR FRUIT LAND APRPQ NO\OC\ *«w rvvllL.O s>mall orchard and Tineyard; good • outbuildings; price, JS6O per acre. No. ii:>. ADJOINING ELK GROVE: house and barn, and other APRPQ OSF- MILE FROM FLORIN. IN THE OH nUnCO, district: price, $1,600. Also, 20 acres Fruit Ridge, ? 125 per acre. No. 114. WELL-KNOWN FRUIT Unimproved Land on FINEST FRUIT LAND IN PLACER COUNTY, AND ONLY E\AZ\ APRFQ i"lV^r\l_,Otwo and a half miles from Folsom «J"T«J and Natoma Vineyard, v here the finest srapes in the world are shipped from. This land lies immediately under the mniii water ditch, and can be subdivided into 20-acre tracts and sold for $75 to jIOO per acre. Main rond runs through the tract, making it very desirable for subdividing. Tnis tract is now offered at the low figure of J4.S per acre, on ea>y terms. There is a fine orchard of six acres and five acres vineyard, good house and large barn. Possession given November 1, ls*9. No. 415. very finest land for fruit purposes in placer A(\ T"V» /»>-*llliOcounty, and only two miles from Loomis; will be sold in two twenty ench, tracts of acres at f1,100 each, or $2,000 for whole piece. Also, 4J acres more adjoining said piece,. »t 82, o, ..i ». .00 each. a'SPRFQ ETC. IBRAKD, CAMPBELL! 00., REAL ESTATE, 402 C Street. Light Tract, Near Newcastle, Which we offer at a great bargain. T c only colony land for sale in the vicinity. WSf We are the o»ly Agency in California that issues Monthly Citalognes. Send for one. $;r AAA NKW-COBKEB SEVENTEEXTH aud M streets, on Electric Road; a saie investment. OO.\)\J\t. — V.O-'JV/V. rifth and Sixth. O street, GCOD between BARGAIN-TWENTY ACRE3, °AA. A SKO,O\J\J. six miles from the city, near new live-room six Florin; with ten grapes. hoixe, windmills, pumps; all in best varieties of table 1 A ACRE LOTS IX SARGEXT TRACT. NEAR SJX) per acre- easy terms. lv' Moute Vista, 5175 aud Central California Lands FOR SAXjS, TMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED, ON EASY JL terms, and in any quantity desired, at from SIO to SIUO per acre. For particulars call on or address XX •r. -^| jsl. fl**f' z*.A.xt.3B:x9:i=v.. 701 I utmet. Sarramento. Oal. Onion Insurance Company of California (OLD AND RELIABLE), OFFICE AT EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., Sacramento Real Estate AND INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, Office, Northwest corner Third and J «ta> *S-Money to Loan. Rents Collected. Country Property for Saie. and Real Estate Agents, Sacramento. VV. K. FK.LTEK, Agent. ipfcfegPry^ S^^lw^^JP I* Latest Styles! Lowest Prices! Perfect Fit Guaranteed! 420 J street, Sacramento, DR. MCNULTY. *± /i> This Emisk>t cures Private Specialist Chronic and Nervous IMnrases certainty. With absolute Syphilis, Gonorrhea, tc?^ 1\ Gltiet. Stricture, Vonth•s*^ ful Follies, Nervous £-Or\\ Debility .Seminal Weakr^Cq ness. Cost Vijjor anil V-J»« i Manhood, Prostatitis and VT*'/ all Special Bladder and V X&- LATEST PATTERNS OF "«\u25a0 ]\h/L Kjjlney Troublespoj*. jrJ TSjS tirely cured. He has made FOREIGN and DOMESTIC WOOLENS for the Season of 1889. Vfm » \u25a0' these Diseases a life-study. V SAMPLES, WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELF-MEASUREMENT.^ENT FREE. Question Li<! and Hook *i »iij TROUSERS (TO ORDER), FROM *5, "-ife's Secret Krrors" SUITS (TO ORDER), FROM *20. y*3"'-s"y Free to all who write him LjgjaSk I. NICOLL, TAILOR, taB nainre of their trouble. street, Sacramento, 28 W Eg j IBKANCH OF 816 MARKET STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. COAST BRANCHES : LOS \V» / Patients treated at Home, Terms reasonable. ConsulANGELES, 86 NORTH MAIN STREET. PORTLAND, 126 FIRST BTREET. v*s' tat ion Free and Confidential Hours 3to 3 dally; 6:30t0 8 ev'gs, Sundays.lOto .A. CORO mHE NEWS OF THE WORLD IS CONTAINED 12. Call or address P. Roscoe McNulty, M.D, l££i X in the Weekly Union. Ko. It Kearny St., San Francisco, Ca{ BTOVE WOOD, OR A TON OF COAL " your supply rpHE for ta. Get winter's now at WEEKLY UNION—THE LEADING 4S* Beware of all persons who under any pra, _L Waeily of the eoatt. iteCO.D. Yard, Fourth and Is:rettb. tense try to lead or "steer" you to other doctor* tf \u25a0Hnigoll,^-tailor. /rK_~ C-t'\ Orchards Cared for fur Absentee Owners. OBAKGXVAUE COLONIZATION CoMpany, composed of promiucut business men of Sacramento, and indorsed by the Board of Trustees, Board of Supervisors and Board of Trade, own 0.-jni) acres of deep, rich lniit and vine lands, all cleared, on the American river, opposite Katoma vineyard. It has been divided !uto 10-acre tracts, each one fronting on a 60-foot avenue. Water under pressure lor irrigation willbe pi):>ed by the company to each tract free of expense, the water actually used only being paid for by purchasers. Last season 150 acres were planted in trees and vines, and have sold, already been in addition to a large number of unplanted tracts. This year 400 acres are being planted. PLANTED TRACTS, 01,500 each. rXPLANTEI) TRACTS, «1,25U each. 4W- Tracts planted to Orange Trees are of course i much higher, varying with varieties chosen. TOWN SITE. Tlie town site of Orangevale is but ll^' miles from the Folsom railroad depot. Town lots s<ixlso, S3OQ—S'JO down and 810 per mouth. Lots are sold iv series ot twenty, and two cottageF I awarded to for the purchasers in each series. maps and information. M~ Send TBS THE 3E3TJTTS OF 420 J Street, Sacraruento. A. C. SWEETSER & Co. Real Estate & Insurance Agents, *»- ARE NOW OFFERING -» SOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE AT Great Bargains I IF YOU WANT A HOUSE OS LOT in the city, or an improved Ranch, or unimproved Land, in large or small Tracts, we can supply you. WE HAVE A HIGHLY-IMPROVED 20-Acre Farm that is a Great Bargain. Also, two new Houses on the INSTALLMENT PLAN. School Lands In different counties. \u25a0W-SEND FOR CATALOGUE. A C. SWEETSER & CO 1013 Fourth at. W MOXEY TO LOAN. -Q , W. P. COLEMAN, Real Estate Salesroom, 825 J street* 16 ACRES AT RODTIER'S Station; 14 acres in vineyard, half an acre in orchard, half an acre in berries; all fenced ; small house and barn. PRICE, $4,000. f" [&£&*Z&enr. __ i*i~^ • FKUIT LANDS. Ten-Acre Tracts, Planted or Unplanted, as Desired. City N. J. TOLL, Manager Real Estate Department. RECEIVED I^H^^JUST J Immense Assortment! ORANGEVALE! 814 40x160 WITH THREE 4Q ."T AA cottages, on Sacramento. ORISGEVALK COLONIZATION CO., ,1 «*- Agency Nevada County Land Association. ap4-tf-TTS £ WE HAVE A FEW MORE 20-ACRE LOTS LEFT ON THE Real Estate Agents, 1014 Fourth Street CHOICEST A IMPROVED LAND NEAR NEWCASTLE: 60 ACRES PRFQ HIGHLY O« nvntO mil-hearing orchard, of the very linest selected fruits; there was K^MO worth of fruit sold in 1888, and orchard was not ali bearing. Price, 515,000. Fine new buildings. No. 416. Q(~\ A. LEONARD & SON. HEAD OF GOOD HORSES, OXE SPAN OF i fine heavy mares. 1 pair well matched; 1 4year-oM. 17 hands high, weighs 1,500 pouuds; 1 tine buggy horse, and farming implements; aUo, household furniture. Terms of sale : All sums under $50, cash: over S5O, six mouths' time with approved notes, interest at 8 per cent, per annum. K. DREW, Proprietor. M. Tuomey, Auctioneer. ap22-4t cfc block, **-The prospects for an immediate advance in all kinds of property were never bitter iv Sacramento thau now. BOOMS may or may not be au advantage to alocality. butihey make things very INIKKK-TINiT to" those lortuuate enough to have property. So prepare for the one which is surely coming. One Mile West of Old Elk Grove. REAL ESTATE, cor- X and S, Thirtieth aud Thirtyiirst. BelDg on the railroad, this is a good location for a factory. SiJ.OOO—.SOxICO, northeast corner Ki£hteenth and U streets. jf THURSDAY, April 25, 18S9. Offer Bargains and Inducements never before offered to secure acreage property. Twelfth and •3,000-Hlgh northeaHt ner Twenty-fourth and Q streets. Auction Sale <" F street. lor, 80x100, OF REAL. ESTATE. -..Auctioneers, BELL & CO Will sell, without reserve, on the premises, Corner of Seventh and X Streets, TUESDAY, AI'KIL23. 18^9, AT 11 A. M. sharp, the west as feet of the south 110 feet oi lot .r>: house of fifteen rooms, containing two kitcheus aud large d'.uing-room. AISO, lot 6, iv the block bounded by I) and E, Sixth and .Seventh streets: a house of eleven rooms with ali modem improvements; lot 72x110. ALSO, the south 60 feet of the west quarter and the south half of the east half of the west half of lot No. 2. in the block bounded by I and J, Fourth and Filth streets, with all improvements, double brick house. By order of MRS. MARY A. AMES. Bell £ Co., Auctioneers. apl!i-td Sacramento. scarce. SZ.BOO-80x160; HALE BROS, cfe CO. OX THE & PUHTERS EXPERIENCE, — ~ family. Our new ALASKA BY . '= DFS aD(I MOTION, FIVE-MINUTE WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE-CREAM FREEZERS, HOLDING TWO QUAF.TS. PRIVILEGES. * GRANGERS' _isS3 " •or one of our new treble. POT PLANTS » & L. L. LEWIS £ CO. Lee Ames of Red Bluff is taking in the sdehts ofthe Capital City. A. L. Nichols, the Chico hardware prince, has gone home from the bay. Thomas Hart, of Chico, and George Harney of Marysville, were in the city yesterday. Professor Clark, the eminent mathematician of the State University, paid his annual visit of examination to the High School yesterday. E. F. Driscoll. of Sau Francisco, and Miss Came Stiemminp, of this city, were married on Sunrlay. at the residence of the bride's parents m this city, Rev. C. P. Massey officiating. 1 hey left on the afternoon traiu for San Francisco where they willreside. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Carrington, accompanied by their daughters Belle and Alice, left for the Eas-t on yesterday morning's train, going br the Southern route. They will visit Washington where they formerly resided, and other Eas-teni places, and will return to Sacramento in July. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holt. Mr. and 1. L Lew-is, Mr. and Mrs. L. Tozer, Mr. Mrs and Mrs. Chas. Robin, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mott Mrs. Albert Gallatin and C. K. Doherty went on a picnic excursion to Orange Vale a lew days ago and had a delightful day. Arrivals at the Capital Hotel yesterday: Charles Wolff, San Fruictsco: Frank Bullard Woodland; Miss Bullard, Woodland: T. L Martin, Wilton: Thomas Lirmer and wife Wisconsin; r. L.Bacon, Rocklin; John F. Long, Sau Francisco; J. K. Reynolds, East Berkeley Geo E. Reynold?, East Berkeley; Lee Ames Red Bluff; J. H. Lean, city. Arrivals at the Golden Eagle Hotel yesterday: W.Z. Harris, M. C. Moptr. Geo. B. Fergersoa. M 1). Rainbow, Jerome E. Young, J. Heaveuer, Wm. E. I'eites, W. Ham Hail, G. G. Baker, H. M. Van Duess, J. R. McElroy, A. H. Williams, San Francisco; E. B. Dana. A. Just K. K. Boyd, Frank Kill Dell, A. B. Meyer. New York: Wm. Know. Stockton: A. Bender, New York- C. E. Smith. Detroit; N. Curtis. Portland; Mrs. M. F. Kahiie, Woodland; John B. Burnett aud wife, Philadelphia; Geo. C. Bencdier, M. 11. Hutchandson. W. S. Maltby, New York; T. B. Dosier aud wife. Reddine; J. Chislett. Santa Barbara: 11. D. A. Steeu, Woodbridge; W. H. Lee, Yuba City. The cry that labor is not rewarded in proportion to its output of energy is a common one, and by a great many accepted as I true. Mr. Mallock has shown that the I doctrine of Mr. Henry George that the I poor are growing poorer, is not sound, and The case of Dr. Mays of Han Francisco I Mr. Edward Atkinson has demonstrated has excited considerable interest, and has that capital up to 1880 had lowered its led our contemporary, the Moming Cull of I share of th,e product to one-tenth, as comthat city, into expressions that we cannot pared to nine-tenths that goes to labor as believe are indorsed by those who have I the result of its energy. The Albany thought most deeply upon the subject. Jm na! calls attention to the fact Jhat The case is simply stated. The Doctor I recently nearly seven and a half millions was for some years a physician at the lof New York bonds bearing only two and SUPERIOR COURT. Stockton Insane Asylum, where he gained I a half per cent, interest were sold at par, a goo'i reputation as an expert in judging I and at a premium of one and one-half per Department One—Armstrong, Judge. Sacramento, April '2-J, ISS9. of the various evidences and phases of in- I cent. The standard rate of interest in New People vs. George Bailey, assault with a deadly weapou—Plea of uot guilty entered; action dissanity. "While in the employment of the ( York'twenty years ago was seven percent.! missed. State he was well paid and in return gave but it is to-day only four per cent, at the .John C. Corea, a native of the Azore Islands, admitted to citizenship ou the testimony of J good service. Upon leaving the asylum maximum. The Journal believes that the (i. Bryte andS. J. Golurke. People vs. John Rowland, burglar}-—Senhfi engaged in private practice. He is Government could to-day easily float a loan teuced to two yeais at Folsom. now called upon, on the demand of persons at two and a half per cent. The profits of charged with crime, to respond to the sub- l:'.l)or have not diminished therefore, while Pears' Soap is the most elegant toilet adunct. penas of the Courts, and to travel to the earnings of capital have. Of course distant parts to testify as an expert in cases the amount of capital has vastly in>"o buffet should be without a bottle of Angostura Bitters, the South American apwhere there is a plea of insanity. He re- creased, and the avenues for its use have petizer. Manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siesponds to the Etibpena, but as a condition immensely multiplied. It is turned over gert & Sons'. Ask your druggist. precedent to testifying demands the ex- now with a rapidity that was not dreamed 's fee, and refusing to testify without of a few years ago. Bat the increase of | KEW ADYERTISKMKyTfs ranee of its payment, he is locked up capital and the lessened interest it deand fined for contempt. His ease, there- mands in its investment, means the greater fore, is an excellent one with which to employment of labor, the enlargement of FORGKT THE BON BON SOCIAL respectfully. illustrate the issues Involved—the State industrial opportunities and really a closer ter. Very 8t Turner Hall WEDNESDAY EVENING John T. Uakev, United States Attorney. April 21i1,. It* could not have a stronger one in its behalf. union, and the more necessity for it, beAuction Sale of Real Estate--No Our contemporary, the < 'a'!, inclines to the tween capital and labor. The truth is, and NOT A NUISANCE. Reserve. belief that the Doctor is entitled to no the most intelligent socialist cannot dis- The Supreme Court Says Loiclul's Cot& CO., AUCTIONEERS. WILL SELL lonwood Trees May fttaml. MONDAY, April 2'J, 1889. at 11 o'clock a. m. more consideration than one who is called prove the assertion, that capital is to-day on the premise*, to the highest bidder The Supreme Court has affirmed the Sharp, the west half of Lot No. 5, 4UxI6J leet, bounded .; n to give the State his knowledge of a more and better distributed than in any judgment of the Superior by of Twenty-fifth Court this and Twenty-sixth, o and P :is a means to the ends of justice. streets, with It previous age or time, and that the condi- county in the case the improremeDts. Nice cotof Andrea Grandona vs. tage ol'orooms,allhard and papered with need have no doubt on that head. The tion and rewards of labor are better to-day Oie Olsen Lovdal. The action was brought fresco paper 4. Good finished barn, woodshed, choice trees. Sale positive, terms cash. physician is entitled to no immunities or than ever before. And it is also true that to abate a nuisance and for $600 damages shrubbery,[B.fruit (.'.] BELL & CO., Auctioneers. _a;.-.jtd rewards superior to those that are the due the massed wealth of this era does not The case was tried by the Superior Court o: any other citizen in proportion to the bear so large a proportion to the gross and judgment given far defendant, from value of the service rendered. But wealth of all the people as is popularly which and from an order denying a new trial plaintiff appealed. & CO.. AUCTIONEERS, WILL SELL our contemporary is in error when supposed—in short, the statistics of the The plaintiff owns a tract of land ia this on WEDNESDAY. April LM, ISSD, al 10 A. M. it advances the argument that the day do not bear out the assumptions of the county, containing about fifteen and one- sharp, o(at salesroom, No. 927 X street, two houses furniture and one lot of housthold physician should contribute, without socialists, but they are now proving to be half acres, and the alleged nuisance is a goods, removed storehouse to salesroom line of cottonwooJ trees standing about lor convenient^ o:from Also, 1 elegant black pay, from the capital and material true in America that which Mallock demon- eight feet apart along his southern boundary waluut bedroom set,sale. costing S2OO ; 3 pieces very parlor furniture in crush plush with of his business, because other citizens strated is true in England, that those who for a distance of about 534 fei-t. The de- elegant silk trimmings; 1 parlor in spun si k, new; must serve as jurors, respond to subpenas take the most are the small, not the large fendant owns the adjoining land, and the 1 walnut wardrobe, 2 faeset, walnut bedroom sets. tees were planted by his grantor in ISGS 1 new upright piano, fine tone; 10 Brussels and to testify to facts within their knowledge, landlords. from eight to twelve inches south of the Ingrain carpets, all sizes; 2 Al top buggies 1 exdividing line. tension table, etc., etc. Sale positive: terms serve on posses, and, in need, do duty in The cash. complaint alleged ap2!-Jt that It is said the branches to be the intention of Presithe army. .So far ; s all these and similar of the trees extend over and upon plaintduties of citizenship are concerned, the dent Harrison to make his office head- iff's land and shade the same, and tnereby Auction Sale destroy the crops upon about an acre of his physician has no absolute right to exemp- quarters in one of the Department build- land; — OF CHOICE — that the roots of trees extend tion any more than any other citizen. He ings. This is right; the President's house upon plaintiffs land for the the distance of must sacrifice his time and business in should not be the place of his business. He about thirty feet ail along the Hue of the so near the surface of the ground From the Union Nursery, F. Kunz , proprietor, corcmon with others to testify to facts that should not, as one of our contemporaries trees, a* to prevent him lrom plowing and cultiago expressed some time well "live it, have come within his knowledge and that — by — vating the land; that the trees, and the the Courts determine to be essential to the over the shop." The subject has revived branches and roots thereof, destroy the BELL & CO AUCTIONEEES, of plaintiffs land for a space of administration of justice. It is a very the old question of rebuilding the White substance AT SALESROOM, 'JS7 X STREET, about feet wide along the whole line silly different case when the witness is com- House, and the debate is now progressing of the trees, and so impoverish the same as THIS AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK. make it wholly unproductive; that the manded to contribute, without due com- in the Eastern press. The nation should to trunks of many of the have grown so NO LIMIT. lt_ pensatien by the State, service which is make it more a suitable residence for the that a large part of the trees trunks are extended Chief Magistrate, where he do can the over and upon plaintiff's land and have Capital in business, bu skill acquired honors of the country with greater ease crowded out and pushed down the fences r long apprenticeship and at great outan) less exposure of his health and that erected upon the dividing line. If the medical expert must bring lay. The answer generally denies the allegaof his family. The testimony is uniform tions of the complaint, and is sustained By Jiis tools of trade into Court and give the the Court. The latter, in concluding its T)ID3 WILL HE RECEIVED AT THE >-: ite free use of them, and himself use that the Executive Mansion, a.- now used, decision, indulges in the following bit of GRANGERS' STORE up to 2 o'clock P. M., them at the command of the Courts, by lits been outgrown by the needs of the dry humor : day, as it certainly has by the importance It is further specified that the decision of the SATURDAY, April iTth, for privileges at the parity of reasoning the c rpenter should lower Court »a> contrary to the evidence fur not complain if nsked to come into Court of the nation. It is admitted to be un- the reason that defendant maintained tne tied tot purpose of supplying himself with fuel and construct a building, bringing his tools wholesome as a residence, because ill aud thehop poles, and thereby utiiii? plaiutit!\s drained and not fitted with the most land for his own profit ami advantage. But apand supplying tbe material at his own how can this maintain plainitTs contention? cost. According to the same reasoning proved sanitary appliances. But the White The iuel aud hop poles Riowing over plaintiffs —TO BE HELD ATwere his, ami could have been claimed rjy House should not be destroyed. In many land the chemist who has acquired great skill m as against h the defendant. And the lact Boach's Grove the balance of the limbs and branches a.ter years of laborious research, can l>e respects it is a fine structure ; in the sim- that were useful to the defendant in no way harmed of its it is plicity style in its American; the gave plaintiff or him cause for complaint. compelled to come into Court and — ON We conclude that the judgment cannot be reanalysis make an without due massiveness it is suggestive of the char- rened on the prouml that the decision was conMay 2, 1889. trary to the evidence or the law : and as no erand forsake his daily acter of the Government; in its home- ror* compensation, of law are specified or relied on, we advise like plainness it is attractive and repubjudgment that the ami order be affirmed. vocation to serve the St:ite for a ——\u2666 \u2666 :;ong. The newspaper reporter who is lii an. It is the one building ot the capital *S- Bids for Ear and for Ice Cream and reLOCAL BREVITIES. about city whicli cluster the most stirring skilled in phonography can be compiled freshments must be separate. The Grand Jury held a brief session yesio .stand up for days in Court and read memories, and to which attach historic and till terday adjourned May 22d. apr-5t THE COMMITTEE. .~rom his private notes, that are the result recollections that nothing should disturb. The river is IS feet 5 inches high, as of acquired skill and personal industry, But it can be improved, and by the re- shown by the gauge at the foot of X street. AMUSEMENTS, ETcT^ box office for the Little Tjcoon Opand to which the Court, we contend, has B \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 il of the executive office from it made eraThe Company engagement opens tkis mornmore roomy and still mare homelike. Adnot the right of without compensaing. METROPOLITAN tion. Some of the Courts have, however, dition can be made to it, probably, withAt the Christian Church this evening C. Proprietor and Manager compiled reporters to leave their employ-' out endangering its original design, and it H. l>unn will address the Temperance CHAS. P. HALL L. HEXKY Business Manager Tnion. ruent and for days serve the State in that can be put into first-class condition, and The picnic given by the Plasterers' a Tliumday and Friday Nlght.% manner for the pittance that i> allowed made fitting home for the first officer of Union at Richmond Grove was largely at- Wednenrtay. Saturday Matinee, April L>l, 25, 98, 27. American nation. man a tent.ed. tbe who testifies io simple matter PRODUCTION OF WILLAP.D Locomotive No. 44, which has been GORGEOUS of fact. On the other hand, and opposed Speu^er'g Popular Comic Oi«.-ra flnrnf. thoroughly overhauled aud painted, la at 'iTHofT declaration of martial law. to the doctrine of the Odl that the State work again. action of the authorities in ordering may take the citizen's intellectual propJudge yesterday dismissed the disarming of the Oklahoma boomers the charge Armstrong against George Baiiey of assault erty or manual ski!! without other reward Surpassing all previous presentations in Elea stretch of authority, invading the with a deadly weapon. than tbe witneM ree, wo have the decisions gnuce, Kiriaement, Costumes aud scenery. Young Americas on Saturday de'• bear arm*."' But the order fortto The Oi" three departments of the Superior 52 ±xx Cast : People the Young Alias by a score of 17 to ing the carrying of liquor into the feated .09-The Original aud Only Company present10, with an inning to spare. Ooortin Ban Fi.uuisco that have held in ing only the Opera. The Comic Opera traveling itory and its sale or other dispensing Joaquin Miller, having failed to qualify with its own antire Orchestra. favor of the expert's fee and have required *l; no higher. Pe»i!» ng the was lost FUlOs—aii cents and invasion, wige Forestry opCommissioner, and not as has nis open .1- payment in a reasonable amount, in on sale TtESDAY. ap2O-td le slightest objection. And while the portunity to serve on that Board. a rases of pbyticuLDS and ex|>ert in penThe railroad company's steamer otllce at Oivi.ucl Xjooture r concerning arms was probably justithe foot of X street is being moved farther -hip, as a condition precedent to testiTHE VERY REV. JOSEPH SABSIA, S. Ji, by the fear that there would be blood- south, to make room for the new wharf. Provinpia'.of the Jesuits' Older in Califorfyiug. Take tbe case of Dr. Mays. If he nia, WEDNESDAY KVJiNINti, Ajiril 21th, at S and possible resistance of lawful auA new switch engine, No. 301, was \u25a0:i?.y jiwlly 1c compelled to serve a week at Cluuie O]>era House, in aid of the turned out of the shops yesterday and o'clock, thority, the Sister* of Mercy. regulation concerning Subject—"Modern Warfare whi»ky in San IVrnaniino in the practice of his wm, sent to Oakland for work in the yards Ag*inst Catholicity." Admissloi., Fifty cents; unquestionably the exercise of a police there. reserved seats. 51. Pox shett wHIbe opened at profession for the St.ite, to the abandonbookstore. .1 street, beginning MonAt Grangers" Hall to-morrow evening Houghton's ment of bis practice in San Francisco, he power that willmeet with approval on all d«y. having Fifty Cent tickets may exSumner Relief Corps, G. A. R., will give a thaugoParties lor reserved seat tickets. ap17,22,'*.:.-;-4i the next »«\u25a0.. be called to Nevada to bon-bon party for ihe benefit ol the So«s of Ckntrai. American States, to wit, Guts Veterans. 181»—SKVE311ETH ANNIVERSARY—IBBO. Kirn the State, tiie next to Humboldt and In Judge Armstrong's Court yesterday the next to some other county, and so on Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Salvador and 0. i Tim. a native of the Azore Island^, I. O. O. \u25a0\u25a0. PICNIC ! the year round, to the utter abandonment Honduras, have agreed that hereafter they John was admitted to citizenship on the-testiTHE KVEST: THE KVJENTI and ruin of his IllllilW Tbe illustration will not go to w,ir without first attempting mony of J. G. Bryte and t5. J. (iolarke. OL>D FELLOWS OF THIS applies a* well for any other skilled man. to arbitrate their difficulties. AndthiThere was an executive consultation by r:ly v.ilV ctli-lirnti! their 7":h sV^f%.''L by giving a GKAND The State should no more take the skill means that they will arbitrate. 'When the River Commissioners yesterday. The aiinivcrsarv J»!»*^^ conference was a brief one. and it was PICMC AND EXCURSION at of a citizen without compensation than it nations advance so f:ir that they can agree stated that no important business was l.e«t'a Grove, Friday, April 2Cih, (Jrove is in excellent condiwould his tangible property. The State, to choose arbitrators they are unlikely to transacted. tion, pjenic haviug been held there for N. 1). Sickles, who was confined in the severalnoyears. with as much justness, can compel the refuse to be bound by the judgment. The large A and well shaied DANCCity Prison several days ago aud IV. PLATFORM has bten erected ou the witacat to part with his household goods conclusion rcicheil by these petty States quently released, reports that he lost subsea five gmnnds. TWO IJANhH OF MIMIC (the Fin.t Artillery and Hussnr Bauds,<have been engaged, for public use wit&OOt compensation as to willhave :i decidedly stimulating influence amethyst ring in his cell, but a search one to discouiM' dan^e nwt the oths-r concert reveal the lost failed to article. hi.-, be gains which liveinvestments by upon the of American capital DUxde. Cash prizes will lie awarded to the Best part with that of fancy bicycle riding Wall/ing Couple. Two ol Sacramento's best An exhibition lihood without satisfactory recompense. in those countries. Baseball Nines willcompete for a cash was c;iveti by W. S. Maltby at tiie Old Pa- Amateur ion. The <'< nunittee ha« prepared a Except when martial law supersedes tbe vilion last evening. It was one of the consider* long asd varied programme ol Games for cltl Il.LrxoiS has adopted, by a law just en- most scientific and interesting entertainand young, and liberal cash prices will be law Courts, it ktt not the right, injustice, of the kind ever here. awarded tho lu< given ments to contestants ky arted, the Bertillion, or French system of to do cither. The best of order will bo prefen-cd, and no pi-tol shot at Fourth street, between liquors will be allowed to be sold on IHMMHIing criminals for identification. All J A and X, last night, about 10 o'clock, at- spirituous the grounds. charges Alta tbe RaOOUhUsioa crowd The criminals will be accurately described on tracted quite a to that vicinity. A F»r<> for Knnmt-trip Ticket, SI. boy proved to be the cause ot the exwith unfairness in hyinu the Clayton niur- j entering the prison, and the record kept small Children from 5 to U years of age, 5O cent"; citement, he having discharged a small tinder f> years, free. <!i at tbe <lwr of the people of the State j for official inspection only. It is a valua- p:stol "for fun,' as he said. Trains will leave depot at « A. M. precontends that with as of Arkansas It ble aid in keeping track of criminal-:, and The Oregon express did not arrive until cioeljr, nt«|<plti|; at way station*. midnight last ni s iit. owing to its havmuch reason the recent robbery of a train has been found potential in preventing afterLuejmt al9-6t COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. by way of ilariiutifujastockID Southern California mny l>e charged to , the commission of crime. It h in use in :iv ton. The ferryboat Solano was hauled off all the people of this State bMBSM the many prisons, and whore once tried is for the nieht to undergo the scraping proShe will resume her regular trips thieves have not l>eeu caught. The cases never abandoned. Anything that will cess. this morning, it is understood. However, the EtaoOßPparallel*. OBt the terrors the in augment tn of iaw the estiMrs. Bloom and Mary Cnrran were "Myplantation in in a malarial «li<trict where fever and aßiie preflkils. I'.vios did not lay the crime of murder at mation of the offender is useful to society. brought in by officers Agner and Stafford J.">o hands; frequently tiatf employ about 11 o'clock last night and booked for 1 the door of all the people of AlkaßMß beof them were si<k. I »»» nearly Uisdisturbing the peace. It seems that they roiira^ed when Ibegan the use of the assassios of Clayton have not Bori.AXfiEß goes to-morrow to England, have been carrying on at a great rate at the Hotel, at Twelfth and J lieen discovered. It went no farther in its Belgium having notifieil him that it can- American Kagle streets, where they were rooming. expression than one of the Couris of that ;, I maintain peaceful relations with These arrests were recorded at the City the political sys- France and tolerate his revolutionary Prison last night: Slim Morgan and £. St^te has gone. It was employed tisine vulgar language, and Dan Lewis, iv that assemblies. France makes a mistake in tem and partisan means Kelly, drunk, by otlicer Kldred; Charles The resnlt was marvelloruu My tnen S*;ite against which we inveighed. It Ls thus following the General, not less serious 1 Jayner, drunk, by officers Simmons and became KtroaK and hearty, and I kave had no furtliur trouble. With tlics.. John Conway, misdemeanor, by tbe spirit that seeks to excuse the BMudar than his in plotting for the overthrow olf Hissrins:Chambers; pilN, I Trould not fear to live in any officer Pat Gallagher, \u25a0warn p." K. XIVAL,Bayou Sara, La. by shifting the responsibility upon com- the Republic, which, it appears to us, i> the by officers Eldred and Hirvey:drunk, Mrs. SOLD EVERYWHERE. mon aanatSas that we object to, and which meaning of his demand for a free StaW s j Bloom and Mary Curran, disturbing the I f eace, by officers Agner and Stafford. I Office, 44 Murray St., Hew Tork. the Arkansas Court has condemned from without Parliamentary bodies. \u25a0 ADTEBTISEMEXT OF HALE BROS. Money P. BOHL. to Loar. E. A. CROUtA-t.lpU THIS IS TO CERTIFY fTUIAT I HAVE THIS DAY SOLD TO J. H. _|_ Brunini all of my interest In the Coffee House aixl business at No. 524 X street, Sacramento City. HENRI PETERS. Dated. Sacramento, March 23,1889. mr23- 1m THE WEEKLY UNION TO YODB friends in the East. SEND