Received an Audit Notice?


Received an Audit Notice?
This IRS Audit Notice Letter sample is provided by, the nation’s
leading Tax Audit Defense firm. For more information, please visit
Internal Revenue Service
Small Business and Self-Employed
915 2nd Avenue, MS/W 122:ad
Seattle, WA 98174-1081
Received an Audit Notice?
We can help!
Department of the Treasury
December 14, 2009
Taxpayer Identifying Number:
Tax Year:
PUYALLUP, WA 98375-8100
Person to Contact:
Contact Telephone Number:
Contact FAX Number:
Employee Identification Number:
Refer Reply to:
MS/W 122:ad
Last Date to Respond to this Letter:
January 13, 2010
We have selected your federal income tax return for the tax year shown above for a correspondence
examination. We examine tax returns to verify the accuracy of income, deductions, exemptions, and credits.
The examination will focus primarily on:
1. All line items claimed on the return.
Attached to this letter is Form 4564, Information Document Request, which also lists the items that we will
examine and specifies the supporting documentation you need to send us. Please provide the requested
documentation within 30 days from the date of this letter. Send the documentation to me at the address shown
at the top of this letter. Be sure the documentation is easily understood and submitted timely.
Letter 2202-B (3-2009)
Catalog Number 49916P
This IRS Audit Notice Letter sample is provided by, the nation’s
leading Tax Audit Defense firm. For more information, please visit
Received an Audit Notice?
We can help!
We will review the documentation and take one of the following actions:
l. If the information fully explains the questioned items, we will make no changes to the tax you reported on
your return. You will not need to take any further action.
2. If the information does not explain the questioned items, we will send you a letter and an examination report
explaining the changes we are proposing to your return. We will ask you to sign and return the examination
If you do not respond to this letter timely, we will disallow the items identified in this letter and send you an
examination report showing the proposed changes to your tax.
If you have any questions, you can call us at the telephone number shown in the heading of this letter. This is
not a toll-free number.
Please include a copy of this letter with your response, Please enter your telephone numbers below, including
the area code, in case I need to reach you. Also indicate the best time for me to call. You may want to keep a
copy of any information you send us.
Home Telephone Number: (
Work Telephone Number: (
) _________ - ______________________________
) _________ - ______________________________
Best time to call: ________________________
Best time to call: ________________________
We’ve also enclosed Publication 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer, and Notice 609, Privacy Act Notice, for your
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely Yours,
Tax Compliance Officer
Form 4564
Publication 1
Notice 609
Letter 2202-B (3-2009)
Catalog Number 49916P
This IRS Audit Notice Letter sample is provided by, the nation’s
leading Tax Audit Defense firm. For more information, please visit
Received an Audit Notice?
We can help!
Request Number
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Information Document Request
(Rev. September 2006)
To: (Name of Taxpayer and Company Division or Branch)
Items for Mailing
SAIN number
Please return Part 2 with listed documents to requester identified below
Submitted to:
Dates of Previous Requests (mmddyyyy)
Description of documents requested
Tax Period(s):
200712; 200812
-- Copies of all documents used to prepare 2007 and 2008 federal tax years.
-- Interview will be conducted by phone at a pre-arranged time after receipt of
the requested documents.
-- All bank statements, both business and personal, saving and checking,
money market account, for the 14 month period from December of the year
prior to the audit year through January of the year following the audit year.
-- Information on any nontaxable income received, such as Social Security
benefits, gifts, inheritances, insurance proceeds, and transfers between
bank accounts.
Child Tax Credit
Copy of Birth Certificate and Social Security Card for each child considered in the Child Tax
For children from divorced Of separated parents, copy of Form 8332, Release of Claim to
Exemption for Child of Divorced or Separated Parents, or similar (e,g. divorce decree or
separation agreement)
Copy of marriage certificate
Dependent(s): Who live with Taxpayer
School, medical, or other records to determine dependent’s place of residence
Information due by
At next appointment
Name and Title of Requester
Mail in
Employee ID number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Office Location:
915 2nd Avenue,MS/W 122:ad
Seattle. WA 98174
Catalog Number 23145K
Part’·1 - Taxpayer’s FIle Copy
4564 (Rev. 9-2006)
This IRS Audit Notice Letter sample is provided by, the nation’s
leading Tax Audit Defense firm. For more information, please visit
Received an Audit Notice?
We can help!
Request Number
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Information Document Request
(Rev. September 2006)
To: (Name of Taxpayer and Company Division or Branch)
Items for Mailing
SAIN number
Please return Part 2 with listed documents to requester identified below
Submitted to:
Dates of Previous Requests (mmddyyyy)
Description of documents requested
Tax Period(s):
200712; 200812
Education Credit
Proof that class was taken at an accredited institution (i.e” transcript)
Proof that tuition was paid or that the TP’s liable for the payment of student loan (Receipt or
cancelled check showing the amount paid for the class)
Copy of Form 1098T that will indicate the amount paid to the school
Verification from employer of the amount of education assistance, if any
Documentation to indicate which class was taken (i.e., class course catalog)
Income W2/1099
Because your return does not report the same income or deductions as those reported to
the IRS by your payers or trustees, provide verification of all income received from the
following sources:
Including, but not limited to, wages, salaries, tips, fees (copies of W-2s)
Including, but not limited to, interest, dividends, unemployment compensation, proceeds
from bartering, gambling, winnings, contributions to IRA’s (copies of 1098s, 1099s, 5498s,
W-2Gs, etc)
Student Loan Interest
Information due by
At next appointment
Name and Title of Requester
Mail in
Employee ID number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Office Location:
915 2nd Avenue,MS/W 122:ad
Seattle. WA 98174
Catalog Number 23145K
Part’·1 - Taxpayer’s FIle Copy
4564 (Rev. 9-2006)
This IRS Audit Notice Letter sample is provided by, the nation’s
leading Tax Audit Defense firm. For more information, please visit
Received an Audit Notice?
We can help!
Request Number
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Information Document Request
(Rev. September 2006)
To: (Name of Taxpayer and Company Division or Branch)
Items for Mailing
SAIN number
Please return Part 2 with listed documents to requester identified below
Submitted to:
Dates of Previous Requests (mmddyyyy)
Description of documents requested
Tax Period(s):
200712; 200812
A record of income or other funds received by or for the dependent including but not limited to
social assistance, Social Security, VA benefits, and child support. Be prepared to show how
these funds were used.
A record of the amounts contributed to household expenses by each person living in the
household with the dependent
A copy of the dependent’s income tax return, if one was filed
A copy of the funds’ spent for the dependent’s support from all sources
A copy of the birth certificate for each dependent claimed
A record of the social security number for each dependent 1 year of age or older
A copy of your divorce decree or separate maintenance agreement if you were divorced or
legally separated, and any written agreement showing which parent will have custody and/or
claim the dependency exemption.
Copy of guardianship/care taker/foster parent/adoption papers for court appointed caretaker of
the dependent
Copy of Form 8332, Release of Claim to Exemption for Children of Divorced Of Separated
Parents, signed by custodial parent, if applicable
A copy of the Green Card, if applicable
Information due by
At next appointment
Name and Title of Requester
Mail in
Employee ID number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Office Location:
915 2nd Avenue,MS/W 122:ad
Seattle. WA 98174
Catalog Number 23145K
Part’·1 - Taxpayer’s FIle Copy
4564 (Rev. 9-2006)
This IRS Audit Notice Letter sample is provided by, the nation’s
leading Tax Audit Defense firm. For more information, please visit
Received an Audit Notice?
We can help!
Request Number
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Information Document Request
(Rev. September 2006)
To: (Name of Taxpayer and Company Division or Branch)
Items for Mailing
SAIN number
Please return Part 2 with listed documents to requester identified below
Submitted to:
Dates of Previous Requests (mmddyyyy)
Description of documents requested
Tax Period(s):
200712; 200812
Verification of amount paid on a qualifying student loan (e.g., statement from the school
showing the course of study)
Verification of how you arrived at the amount claimed for the interest paid on the loan
Copy of the loan agreement. Must show origin of the proceeds
Proof of how the proceeds were spent (e.g., tuition fees, room >and board, books, etc.)
Information due by
At next appointment
Name and Title of Requester
Mail in
Employee ID number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Office Location:
915 2nd Avenue,MS/W 122:ad
Seattle. WA 98174
Catalog Number 23145K
Part’·1 - Taxpayer’s FIle Copy
4564 (Rev. 9-2006)