Bible and Christian related sites - All theological perspectives TLCbookmark
Bible and Christian related sites - All theological perspectives TLCbookmark
Bible and Christian related sites - All theological perspectives TLCbookmark - Bible.htm - version 03-20-12 Judaeo-Christian Ministries Wilmette, Il60091 (773-934-0592 Cell) [email protected] Check out our Blog site: & (JX will have material, but is currently empty.) "Assisting Believers in developing a Biblical Worldview and Lifestyle" Remember! "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good!" 1 Thes 5:21 *note sites are basically Alpha arranged under categories. However, the last part of this list slipped. Apologetics Albert Mohler Apologetic Press Apologetic Index Anchor Stone International - Sodom & Gomorah, Noah's Ark, etc. The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute Barna Group - George Barna Church Research The Berean Call - Dave Hunt Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARMS) Christian Research Institute ~ Bible Answer Man, HankHanegraaff The CRI Archive - Christian Research Institute The Evangelical Philsophical Society Phil Johnson's Bookmarks -Theology, Apologetics and Anti-Cult Literature Ravi Zacharias International Ministries The Center for Reform Theology and Apologetics Stand to Reason - Greg Koukl StrangeBaptistfire Understanding the Times - Missionary & Discernment Ministry - Calvary Chapel Walter Martin's Religious InfoNet - Group for CRI Accountability Bible Translations and Resources Audio Bible & Audio Resources The Audio Bible Audio Treasure The Blue Letter Bible - Bible study tools, articles, archives Gospelcom - Gospel Communications, Christian Resources Gospel Gems - Sermons & Audio The Jesus Film - The Gospel of Luke - Audio & Video in various Languages Jesus Film – Different Languages Late Great Planet Earth - In audio - Hal Lindsey Mount Zion Online - Spurgeon (audio) & John Bunyan - Multiple Ministries and Audio Online Online Sermons - Christians Unite Pastors, Theologians, Philosophers, etc - Audio sermons etc. Bible Greek Interlinear Resources The Apostolic Bible : Online Bible & studies- Greek Interlinear Online Parallel Bible- Greek etc. Bible Explorer - Free Bible Software, commentaries and helps New Testament Gateway - Learning N. T. Greek Scripture4all - Concordant Greek & Hebrew Online Interlinear StudyLight - Greek translations & Greek lexicons etc. TextKit - Greek & Latin Learning Tools Bible Research Bible Research - history of the canon, texts, and versions of Scripture Catholic Resources - Bible- Electronic N.T. Educational Resources New King James Version Bible Versions Controversy - Subject page Majority Text vs. Critical Text: Part Three The New King James Version NKJV Translators - Article The King James Only Resource Center - KJVONLY.ORG -Anti-KJVonlyism The King James Issue Other Bible Translations English Standard Bible - Text and Audio Inner Mongolian New Testament 2003 Olive Tree Bible Software World English Bible TNIV: TRANSLATION TREASON TNIV - The Controversy Christian History & Archaeology Biblical Archaeology Christian History Institute - Glimpses - Ante-Nicea Fathers Early Christian Writings Erasmus Center for Early Modern Studies Library of Liberty - numerous historical works Ron Wyatt Archaeology - Ark of Covenant, Noah's Ark, Red Sea Crossing, Sodom etc. Ron Wyatt Museum Christian Magazines - Christian Magazine - Christian News and Commentary Creationism and Intelligent Design Answers in Genesis - Creation, Evolution, Christian Apologetics Institute for Creation Research - ICR Devotionals and other Resources RBC Ministries—ResourcesFor Christian Growth Evangelism & Church Growth Evangelism materials -Tracts, Books, & Booklets American Tract Society - ATS Campus Crusade for Christ PDA & PDF page. Campus Crusade Online - Answer Questions -following Jesus foreign languages. Chick Publications - tracts Evangelical Tract Distributors ***** Fellowship Tract League ***** Four Spiritual Laws - Different Languages Glad Tidings Bible Studies - Evangelistic studies - various languages God's Simple Plan of Salvation - Ford Porter Good News / Crossway (Good News Publishers) Here's Life - Bi-lingual Tracts Here's Life - Reaching Multilingual Communities with the Gospel Here’s Life – Home Has multitudes of resources Here’s Life – Bi-lingual Foreign Tracts Here’s Life Audio of Bible – God’s Story – Good News Living Water Gospel of John - Logos 21 translation (nkjv translators) Missing Link Moments with the Book - Some Spanish Tracts Multi-Language Media - Foreign Language Christian Resources North American Mission - Southern Baptist - Tracts Pocket Power - Gospels of John The Tract League The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life- Different Languages Transferable Concepts – In several foreign languages Evangelistic Ministries Awana International Discipleship Library - Dawson Trotman - Navigators Exploring Christianity Families for Bible Memory Living Waters - Ray Comfort - Excellent site for Evangelism resources Scripture Memory Fellowship International - Dr. N. A. Woychuk Other Evangelism and Growth Resources Books: Picture Bible: Story Book Edition Bible Comics Available Christian Book Summaries Cook Communications Ministries - Formerly David C. Cook Publishing Co. The Evangelical Christian Library - Online Books for the Whole Family Expository Outlines Wiersbe in Spanish Grace Life Grace Notes Home Page iChristian Life The Interactive Word Interview with Jesus Fact or Fiction New Testament Restoration Foundation Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition) Bible Translations in Different Languages Go Bible Forum - DHS Welcome to the Biblecentre Ethnic Harvest Faith Comes By Hearing Christian web sites Pocket Testament League Biblica – Foreign language translations and resources Biblephone – multiple language Bibles Georgian Bible – Gospel of John Institute for Bible Translation – Russian, Georgian, non-Slavic Eschatology & Prophecy Daniel, Revelation & Prophecy Book of Daniel Study Resources - Excellent Daniel - God's Messenger to the future Daniel Papers - Daniel 9 - RBC Daniel & Revelation - Ray Stedman End-Time Prophecy The August Review - Global Elite Research Center Born to Watch – Pre-Wrath Hal Lindsey Oracle Jack Van Impe Ministries International The Last Trumpet-Post-Trib Research Center The Last Trumpet - Grant Jeffrey's Apocalypse Debacle PreteristArchive - Anti-millennial Pre-Trib Perspectives Journal Prophecy about Alexander the Great - Neb's Image Prophecy Watch Pseudo-Pseudo-Ephraem, Grant Jeffrey II, the Sequel Rapture Ready In Search Of The Origins Of The Pretrib Doctrine: Part 2: Psuedo-Ephraem The Second Coming Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ- Posttribulational Society of Dispensational Theology Sola Scriptura – End-times (Pre-Wrath) Southwest Radio Church Ministries Messiah & TheTemple Lev HaShem Messianic Congregation - Messianic Jewish site Third Temple - Jewish site promoting Rebuilding of Third Jewish Temple The Temple Mount in Jerusalem The Temple Mount Faithful Temple Institute - Get a video guided tour Expositors, Preachers, & Sermons Bible Bulletin Board - Bibles, Sermons, John MacArthur etc Calvary Chapel - series of ministries and Chapels Calvary Memorial Church - Oak Park - Pastor Ray Pritchard Christian Classics Ethereal Library Desiring God Ministries - John Piper The Enduring Word - commentaries by David Guzik Grace to You - John MacArthur Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute Jonathan Edwards Ligoner Ministries - Dr. R. C. Sproul The Ministry of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Peninsula Bible Church - Ray Stedman & others Preaching Today The Spurgeon Archive Threshold - The Church on the Threshold - Thru The Bible - J. Vernon McGee Ministries and Denominations Anabaptists Back to Bible Broadcast Bill Gothard's Official Web Site Breakpoint - Prison Fellowship Ministries Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church Christian Computing Magazine The Christian and Missionary Alliance Concerned Women for America The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry Institute for Nouthetic Studies ~ The Voice of Lutheran Radio! Issues Etc - Archives Issues, Etc. - links Janet Parshall's America - St Mary of the Lake - Scriptures Noah's Ark Search - HOME PAGE National Liberty Journel - Jerry Falwell Official Statements of Faith of various Churchs & Denominations Pacific Garden Mission - Online - Unshackled - The Old LightHouse PGM Precept International Ministries - The Inductive Bible Study People (Kay Arthur) Probe Ministries Roman Catholic encylopedia - New Advent Sonlife Ministries Southern Baptist Wesley Online - Nazarene Xenos Christian Fellowship Online Discount Book Stores - Discount books Christian Book Warehouse - discountchristianbooks Scripture Truth Book Company - Best Christian Book Company! Thrift books Xulon Press - This Little Church Went to Market - Gary E. Gilley Religion, Cults & Misc. Christian Cults CARMS Evalution - Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray Good news of God's love for all mankind - find it here at Tentmaker - TeachsUniveralism The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-Mormon-Official Site- A Religious Cult Official: It Is Written : main menu - Seventh Day Adventist Program The Shepherd's Chapel- Arnold Murray - A Cult Islam & Muslim Information Answering-Islam Jihadwatch - dhimmiwatch - Robert Spenser Prophet of Doom - Mohammad and Islam - Craig Winn Jewish Sites The American Jewish Committee Don Feder's Cold Steel - Caucus Report Jewish World Review: Cal Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Dr. Laura, Ann Coulter, Etc. Jews for Morality International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Outreachjudaism - Jewish Response to Christian Missionaries - exploring Judaism in contradistinction to fundamentalist Christianity. Toward Tradition - Rabbi Daniel Lapin - Excellent site- not Christian but Pro-Christian Zionism and Israel Information Center Misc. Oddens' bookmarks. The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping Open Directory - Reference: Maps: Directories - MAPS OF THE WORLD W. James: The Varieties of Religious Experience (Table of Contents) Steve Quayle - News, oddities, and little reported things. Social, Ethical, Human Dignity, and Cultural issues Illinois Right to Life Committee Bioethics The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Christian Family Crown Financial Ministries - Christian Financial Concepts Debt-Proof Living (CheapSkate Monthly Newsletter) - Mary Hunt EagleForum - Phyllis Schlafly - Leading the Pro-Family movement since 1972 - A Website of Focus on the Family Focus on the Family - Dr. James Dobson Gary North's Specific Answers - Wealth Building Strategies Life Innovations - Prepare, Inc. Pre-marital counseling - Pre-marital and Post-marital counseling Dating Services AdamMeetEve - Christian Dating. *AGAPE* Christian Dating and Christian Singles - Christian Singles Site eharmony - Interviewed by Focus On the Family A Singles Christian Network: Christian Singles Resources Doctors who Practice Integrated Medicine Caring Medical - Dr. Ross Hauser and associates HomeFirst - Dr. Mayer Eisenstein Dr. Mercola Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center And Adam Knew Eve - A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood Island of freedom Ladies Against Feminism Home Schooling Christian Liberty Academy Christian Liberty Academy School System Home School Enrichment Illinois Christian Home Educators Homosexual and Sexual Orientation Exodus International NARTH Statement on Sexual Orientation Change List of resources Theology and Biblical studies The Abraham Kuyper Center for Public Theology Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Study Light BAPTIZO- Believers' Immersion Page The World’s Largest Online Resource For Biblical Material Bible Research- Internet Resources for Students of Scripture THE CHRISTIAN ARSENAL A Christian Think Tank Biblestudytools Truth In Action – Coral Ridge Ministries The Evangelical Theological Society Biola University - Biblically Centered Education Institute for Spiritual Formation Kingdom Truth The Blue Letter Bible The Blue Letter Bible – The Fundamentals The Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding Institute For Intellectual Discipleship The Journal of Biblical Accuracy Kept The Faith LAMBERT DOLPHIN'S Library New Testament Resources -Dispensational Study Group -ETS Leadership University The Pristine Faith Restoration Society Reasoning from the Scriptures Jeremiah Project GraceLife The World’s Largest Online Resource For Biblical Material Bible Study Manuals Reformation Theology The Five Solas of the Reformation Sola Scriptura Septuagint Theological Studies TouchStone – A Journal of Mere Christianity Trinity Foundation Trinitarian Bible Society