C-D-S Lettering Ltd.
C-D-S Lettering Ltd.
C-D-S Lettering Ltd. DRY TRANSFER LETTERING SETS SUMMER 2005 PO BOX 65074, NEPEAN, ONTARIO, CANADA K2G 5Y3 FAX (613) 226-5747 C-D-S Lettering sets contain enough material to completely letter one car or locomotive roadname, herald, dimensional data and end lettering. When ordering, please indicate the scale you desire by placing the prefix G, "O," "S," "HO" or "N" in front of the catalogue number for example, O-57, S-421, HO-155, N-367 or G-629. Most sets are now available in large scale ( G ) i.e., 1:24, 1:32 and 20.3. Please ask us about these. The prices are (in Canadian dollars): N $2.50; HO, stripes and alphabets $3.50; S $4.50; O $5.50; G $15.00. Please add $4.00 for postage and handling charges. Prices do not include tax. Canadian customers please include 7% GST on the total, including mailing and handling charges. Ontario residents please include also 8% sales tax on the total before GST. Residents of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland/Labrador please include 15% HST on the total instead of GST. We do not ordinarily back-order unless specifically requested by the customer. We will refund any overpayment. ALGO MA CE NTRAL 39 AC 48' or 52' gondola billboard "ALGOMA CENTRAL", c. 1965 103 AC 40' steel box one only, #2901; bear herald, c. 1950 397 AC woodcaboose bear herald, c. 1970 401 AC 40' single-sheathed box, c. 1950-1970 587 AC 61' wood chip gondola bi llboard lettering, c. 1978 ANN ARBOR 117 AA 40' PS-1 steel box slogan, flag, DF symbol; 8' door; c. 1959 480 AA 40' PS-1 steel box small AA flag; 6' door; c. 1956 481 AA 40' PS-1 steel box large AA flag; 6' door; c. 1957 482 AA 40' PS-1 steel box small flag and slogan; 8' door; c. 1958 483 AA 40' PS-1 steel box compass herald; 8' door; c. 1970 484 AA two-bay covered hopper gr ey car, no herald; c. 1948 485 AA two-bay covered hopper gr ey car, AA flag herald; c. 1956 486 AA two-bay covered hopper bl ack car, AA or Wabash heralds; c. 1956 487 AA two-bay covered hopper gr ey car, compass herald; c. 1970 488 AA USRA-type twin hopper c. 1956 489 AA panel-sided twin hopper c. 1946 490 AA composite twin hopper c. 1943 492 AA caboose c. 1970 ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE 550 ATSFstainless steel passenger cars c. 1950s BALTIMORE & OHIO 344 B&O 50' double door box "SENTINEL SERVICE," c. 1962 355 B&O M-59 40' double door box c. 1947 356 B&O M-61 50' steel box c. 1951 357 B&O M-63 50' steel box c. 1956 358 B&O M-66 40' steel box c. 1964 359 B&O M-53 40' wagon top box as delivered, c. 1937 360 B&O M-53 40' wagon top box large B&O, c. 1961 634 B&O 100 ton, two-bay covered hopper, 2700 cu. ft. c. 1966 743 B&O steamloco black; number and all lettering imitation gold, pre 1943 744 B&O steamloco imitation gold, c. 1943 to end of steam BANGOR & AROOSTOOK 493 BAR 40' steel box large BAR and number; c. 1973 494 BAR 50' PS-1 steel box large BAR and number; c. 1986 BOSTON & ALBANY 755 B&A 40' USRA-design steel box c. 1935 759 B&A 40' USRA-design steel box c. 1940 BRITISH COLUM BIA RAILW AY 236 BCOL40' steel box light green car, dogwood herald, c. 1975 237 BCOL/BCIT 50' auxiliary-door box dogwood herald, c. 1975 238 BCOL61' wood chip gondola dogwood herald, c. 1975 255 BCOL53' bulkhead flat light green car, c. 1972 256 BCIT 53' bulkhead flat dark green car, c. 1974 391 BCNE100 ton coal gondola black car, dogwood herald, c. 1984 679 BCR ext-vision steel caboose doubl e green car; dogwood herald, c. 1973 * 681 BC RAIL ext-vision caboose red/white/blue car, BC RAIL logo, c. 1987 BUFFALO CREEK 172 BCK 40' steel box large flour bag herald, c. 1956 CANADA SOUTHERN RAILW AY 654 Canada Southern Railway 40' steel box, c. 1953 752 CASOoffset-side triple hopper, c.1967 753 CASOrib-side triple hopper (ex P&LE), c. 1970 754 CASOrib-side triple hopper (ex NYC), c. 1967 773 CASO40' flat, c. 1952 775 CASOcovered hopper, c. 1947 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS 314 CGR36' single-sheathed box "Dominion Car," c. 1913 393 CGR40' 9-panel single-sheathed box c. 1917 CANADIAN NATIONAL 1 CN 40' steel box green leaf herald; vertical wafer, c. 1954 2 CN 40' steel box green leaf herald; angled wafer, c. 1944 4 CN triple hopper spelled out roadname, c. 1938 and 1956 5 CN 52' gondola spelled out roadname, c. 1935 and 1956 9 CN passenger car al l green car; imitation gold lettering (pre-1954) 10 CN steam locomotive both wafer and circle heralds 12 CN 36' and 40' outside braced boxes both included, c. 1923 and 1928 25 CN 40' steel box large modern "CN" logo, c. 1960 29 CN wood cabooses morency orange car; white maple leaf, c. 1925, 1942 30 CN 40' steel box early white maple leaf introduced in 1942 32 CN 40' steel reefer grey car; green leaf; red lettering, c. 1954 38 CN passenger car gr een/black car; imitation gold lettering (1954-1960) 41 CN cylindrical grain hopper grey car; modern "CN" logo, c. 1977 52 CN flat cars (assorted lengths) spelled out "CANADIAN NATIONAL" 55 CN 50' steel auxiliary-door box large modern "CN" logo, c. 1962 66 CN50' plug door box large m odern "CN"; some have yellow doors 71 CN wood caboose morency orange car; green leaf herald, c. 1954 72 CN steel caboose modern "CN" logo, c. 1965 73 CN 40' wood reefer boxcar red; with or without green leaf, c. 1931, 1954 81 CN 40' steel box green leaf "CANADA'S LARGESTRAILWAY," c. 1942 100 CN car data five cars -black/gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow 114 CN 75' double deck auto transporter green leaf herald, c. 1956 115 CN 50' mechanical reefer silver car; black modern "CN" logo, c. 1969 116 CN passenger car modern black and white scheme, c. 1960 129 CN passenger car stainless steel modern black lettering, c. 1960 137 CN circular tender heralds, c. 1954 138 CN rectangular tender heralds, c. 1927 to 1954 150 CN passenger alpha (6") black/gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow 151 CN psenger data alpha (5") black/gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow 163 CN roadswitcher original modern "CN" logo (before stripe), pre-1970 166 CN 40' steel reefer silver car; modern black "CN" logo, c. 1960 168 CN 40' wood reefer experimental aluminum paint, c. 1933 169 CN 50' wood express reefer c. 1923 178 CN 40' steel express reefer green and black, c. 1954 186 CN Tempo diesel locomotive orange/red car body, white cab 189 CN 46' wood express reefer as delivered in 1921 212 CN roadswitcher stripe scheme, c.1980 215 CN 40' double door steel box modern logo, c. 1960 224 CNA 50' steel outside-post box US-built car, c. 1974 227 CNIS 50' steel outside-post box Canadian-built car, c. 1979 234 CN 40' steel grain box small yellow wheat sheaf 235 Wheat Sheaves and rebuilding information for CN/CP 40' grain boxes 257 CN 40' 9-panel outside-braced box and auto cars c. 1923 275 CN 40' steel auto car boxcar red car, c. 1938 to mid-50s 276 CN 40' steel auto car green leaf scheme, c. 1952 CANADIAN NATIONAL (cont) 278 CN 40' insulated box green leaf scheme, c. 1959 279 CN 40' insulated box modern logo, c. 1960 293 CN airslide car grey car, large spelled out "CANADIAN NATIONAL" 350 CN 50' mechanical reefer, yellow leased car, c. 1964 391 BCNE100-ton coal gondola (northeast coal cars), c. 1984 394 CN 40' 9-panel single-sheathed box (ex-CGR cars), c. 1954 399 CN K5a(Hudson) and U1f (Mountain) locos gold/imitation gold lettering 400 CN U4a (Northern) steam loco gol d/imitation gold lettering 433 CN 61' wood chip gondola modern logo, c. 1974 435 CN 86' hi-cube box modern logo, c. 1986 436 CN (NFLD) narrow gauge G-8 diesel loco c. 1954 437 CN RDC Railiners green/imitation gold ends, c. 1952 470 CN 36'/40'stock cars, c. 1947 500 CN 40' aluminum box red l ettering; green leaf herald, c. 1944 522 CN 40' rebuilt USRA single-sheathed box, c. 1937, 48 & 54 538 CN slab-side covered hopper block lettering, c. 1952 539 CN slab-side covered hopper modern lettering, c. 1970 540 CN 22' ore car block lettering, c. 1944 541 CN 22' ore car modern lettering, c. 1972 556 CN 65' mill gondola boxcar red car, 12" roadname, c. 1956 557 CN slab-side covered hopper grey car, 12" roadname, c. 1958 558 CN slab-side covered hopper original boxcar red car, c. 1951 559 CN 36' and 40' general service gondolas c. 1945 560 CN twin hopper boxcar red car, white lettering, c. 1950 561 CN two-bay covered hopper boxcar r ed car, c. 1948 562 CN airslide car grey car, black lettering, c. 1962 566 CN 3800 cu. ft. tank hopper (salt car) c. 1992 588 CN 50' double-door auto green leaf herald c. 1958 to mid-1970s 611 CN 40' steel reefer grey car, red lettering, green herald, c. 1948 617 CN steel reefer boxcar red car, c. 1940 618 CN steel reefer grey car, red leaf herald, lettering, 1944 to early 50s 624 CN through baggage oli ve green car, as built, c.1943 625 CN through baggage black and green car, c. 1954 626 CN transfer van c. 1985 627 CN steam generator black and green car, c. 1956 628 CN steam generator black and white car, c. 1964 632 CN RS-18 diesel locomotive green and yellow scheme, c.1950 724 CN 2000 cuft cylindrical ore hopper c.1967 725 CN 2300 cuft cylindrical ore hopper c. 1975 735 CN triple hopper offset side, modern CN logo, c. 1965 736 CN 52' gondola, modern CNlogo, c. 1979 778 CN GP7/9 roadswitcher green and yellow scheme, c. 1956 CANADIAN NORTHERN 57 CANADIAN NORTHERN 36' double-sheathed box c. 1912 59 CANADIAN NORTHERN 36' reefer white car, c. 1910 351 CANADIAN NORTHERN twin hopper c. 1913 392 CANADIAN NORTHERN 36' single-sheathed box c. 1918 CANADIAN PACIFIC/CP RAIL 3 CP 40' steel box "SPANSTHE WORLD" herald, c. 1947 6 CP 36' wood reefer (Bohn Convertible), c. 1912 7 CP 36' double-sheathed box arched "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1910 8 CP passenger car gol d before 1935; imitation gold after 1935 11 CP large steam locos gold before 1935; imitation gold after 1935 14 CP 36' and 40' outside-braced boxes both included, c. 1925 15 CP cylindrical covered hopper script "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1959 16 CP 52' gondola spelled out "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1935 17 CP twin hopper spelled out "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1935 18 CP woodcaboose s pelled out "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1920-1978 19 CP 40' steel box stepped "CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY," c. 1951 24 CP 40' steel box script "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1959 31 CP twin hopper script "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1959 33 CP 40' steel reefer stepped "CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY," c. 1954 42 CP woodor steel caboose script "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1959 43 CP 32' double-sheathed box "CANADIAN PACIFIC DESPATCH," c. 1912 69 CP INTL OF MAINE DIVISION 40' steel box block lettering, c. 1952 77 CP 40' wood reefer boxcar red; no herald, c. 1935 94 CP small steam locos gold before 1935 imitation gold after 1935 101 CP car data five cars -black/gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow 104 CP 50' steel auto large script "CANADIANPACIFIC," c. 1967 105 CP 53' flats spelled out "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1966 106 CP bathtub gondola red car; black and white multimark, c. 1969 107 CP bathtub gondola black car; red and white multimark, c. 1972 121 CP 40' steel reefer script "CP"; white "SOFT RIDE" shield, c. 1959 2 CANADIAN PACIFIC (cont) 122 CP RAIL 40' steel insulated box yellow car; black lettering, c. 1969 149 CPfreight car roadnames and numbers white 156 CP steam locomotive cab heralds first version (globe), c. 1936 157 CP steam loco cab heralds (beaver) "SPANS THEWORLD," c. 1941 177 CP 40' steel reefer "SPANSTHE WORLD," c. 1948 187 CP 40' steel reefer plain, as delivered, c. 1944 188 CP INTERNATIONAL OF MAINE DIVISION 40' PS-1 box as del. in 1952 190 CP INTERNATIONAL OF MAINE DIVISION 40' PS-1 box script, c. 1960 192 CP 40' grain-door box small doors in the plug door, c. 1954 193 CP 40' insulated box script "CANADIAN PACIFIC," c. 1964 194 CP50' plugdoor box larg e red shield; script "CANADIANPACIFIC" 195 CP 50' plug door box pinetree herald, c. 1967 198 CP INTERNATIONAL OF MAINE DIVISION 36' outside-brced box c. 1930 216 CP 40' steel box small red shield, small script, c. 1959 217 CP 50' steel box small red shield, small script, c. 1965 218 CP 50' steel double-door box staggered doors (one only), c. 1960 221 CP passenger car gol d lettering, c. 1912 228 CP RAIL extended-vision caboose yellow carbody, c. 1973 235 Wheat Sheaves and rebuilding information for CN/CP 40' grain boxes 259 CP Rail roadswitcher early narrow stripe scheme, c. 1968 277 CP 40' steel auto car "SPANSTHE WORLD," c. 1948 to mid-50s 280 CP 40' steel auto car boxcar red car, c. 1938 to mid-50s 283 CP diesel switcher block lettering, c. 1950 to 1980 284 CP diesel roadswitcher block lettering, c. 1950 to 1980 285 CP diesel cab unit block lettering, c. 1950 to mid-70s 286 CP 36' single-sheathed box "Dominion Car," c. 1912 296 CP diesel switcher script lettering, c. 1965 to 1980 297 CP diesel roadswitcher script lettering, c. 1965 to 1980 298 CP diesel cab unit script lettering, c. 1965 to 1980 299 CP RAIL roadswitcher modern wide stripe scheme, current 300 CP stainless steel passenger c. 1954 to 1970 301 CPRAIL stainless steel passengerc. 196 8 to VIA 330 CP 65' mill gondola c. 1960 331 CP 45' wood express reefer c. 1948 332 CP 45' steel through baggage c. 1948 402 CP 45' express reefer "Dominion Express," c. 1926 406 CP 40' wood reefer beaver herald, c. 1928 443 CP 50' auxiliary-door box small script, c. 1962 444 CP 50' auxiliary-door box stacked roadname, c. 1959 445 CP 50' auxiliary-door box large script, c. 1968 446 CP RAIL 50' double-door box red car, c. 1979 447 CP RAIL triple hopper black car, c. 1970 448 CP RAIL triple hopper extended-side coke car, c. 1970 451 CP RAIL 40' steel box 6' door, red car, c. 1978 452 CP RAIL 40' steel box 8' door, red or green car, c. 1978 453 CP RAIL 40' steel double-door box red car, c. 1978 454 CP RAIL cylindrical grain car black car, c. 1977 456 CP INTERNATIONAL OF MAINE DIVISION 40' PS-1 box red car, c. 1975 462 CP 32' double-sheathed ventilator box boxcar red car, c. 1906 463 CP 34' double-sheathed ventilator box buff car, c. 1906 466 CP steam loco l arge number on tender; gold lettering, c.1915-28 471 CP 36'/40' stock cars, c. 1956 498 CP INTL OF MAINE DIVISION 60' double-door auto parts box c. 1966 499 CP INTL OF MAINE DIVISION 60' single-door auto parts box c. 1966 542 CP slab-side covered hopper block lettering, c. 1954 543 CP slab-side covered hopper script lettering, c. 1965 544 CP RAIL slab-side covered hopper red and white multimark, c. 1974 564 CP 40' steel box 1932 standard c. 1936 and 1948 637 CP triple hopper block lettering, c.1947 638 CP triple hopper script lettering, c. 1965 659 CP 1400 cu. ft. ore car block lettering, c. 1940s 660 CP 1400 cu. ft. ore car script lettering, c. 1958 to late 1980s 662 CP RAIL three-platform double stack well-hole flat c. 1996 684 CP steel snowplow black car; red plow, c.1950 and 1965 685 CP service cars c. 1950 (enough for five cars) 687 CP RAIL FP7/FP9 action red carbody, black and white multimark, c. 1970 734 CP three window woodcaboose ar ched roadname, c. 1909 764 CP RAIL ex UP SD-40-2 r ed lettering, c. 1999 774 CP SD-40/C-630 extended script, c. 1965 796 CP 40' minibox as delivered and SPANSTHE WORLD , c. 1936 797 CP 40' minibox block style, c. 1952 798 CP 40' minibox script style, c. 1960 802 CP Alco FA1 and FB1 (as delivered in 1949) C-D-S Lettering Ltd Summer 2005 CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY 95 CNJ 40' steel box large Statue of Liberty herald, c. 1957 118 CNJ steel cabooses pre-1950; 1950/60; post-1960 CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY (cont) 119 CNJ twin hopper ribbed sides, c. 1940 120 CNJ twin hopper offset sides "CRP," c. 1944 125 CNJ 52' steel gondola lettered "CNJ" or "CRP," c. 1944 126 CNJ 40' steel box small Statue of Liberty herald, c. 1953 127 CNJ work service combine 128 CNJ passenger car modern let tering 242 CRR of NJ passenger car gold lettering pre-1954 264 CNJ twin covered hopper grey car, black lettering, c. 1956 265 CNJ twin covered hopper grey car, black lettering, c. 1954 266 CNJ/CRPtwin covered hopper black car, white lettering, c. 1950 267 CNJ large steam locomotive c. 1940 to end of steam 268 CNJ camelback steam locomotive c. 1940 to end of steam 269 CNJ steam switcher c. 1940 to end of steam 270 CNJ diesel switcher c. early 1960s to the end 271 CNJ FMH16/44 roadswitcher c. early 1960s to mid-1970s 272 CNJ EMD/BLW diesel cab units c. 1965 273 CNJ diesel roadswitchers c. 1965 715 CRR of NJ steam locomotive c. 1930s to 1943 719 CRR of NJ covered hopper c. 1932 to early 1950s 721 CRR of NJ small steel box c. 1927 722 CRR of NJ small steel box c. 1930 CENTRAL VERMONT 27 CV 50' plug door box large modern "CV" logo, c. 1969 34 CV single- and double-door 40' outside-braced boxes bot h included 67 CV woodor steel caboose modern "CV" logo, c. 1976 158 CV woodcaboose or iginal version, c. 1949 225 CV 50' steel outside-post box boxcar red, c. 1974 226 CV 50' steel outside-post box white car, c. 1974 527 CV steam locomotive c. 1948 CHESAPEAKE & OHIO 47 C&O 40' PS-1 box earlier roman style lettering, c. 1954 551 C&O streamlined passenger car c. 1950 635 C&O 100 ton, two-bay covered hopper, 2700 cu. ft c. 1966 656 C&O 1932 standard 40' box c. 1934 to 1960 780 C&O 1930 40' steel box c. 1930 781 C&O 1930 40' steel automobile c. 1930 809 C&O rib-side triple hopper black car, c. 1975 CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS 44 C&EI 40' steel box large modern "C&EI," c. 1960 COLORADO & SOUTHERN (cont) 232 30' wood coal car oxide red carbody, c. 1935 233 30' wood reefer yellow side, tuscan roof, end and facia, c. 1935 241 30' wood reefer yellow sides, black lettering, c. 1910 247 40' steel box EVERYWHERE WEST/ROUTEOF THE ZEPHYRS, c. 1947 477 30' wood box c. 1899 478 30' gondola c. 1899 479 30' wood reefer c. 1899 514 passenger equipment gold/imitation gold lettering, c. 1930 568 30' wood box c. 1905 569 28' wood reefer c. 1905 570 coal, flat and stock cars c. 1905 DELAWARE & HUDSON 62 D&H 40' steel box boxcar red, large white shield c. 1964 63 D&H 40' steel box LINKING NEW ENGLANDAND CANADA c. 1956 567 D&H wood cabooses c. 1960s 591 D&H two-bay covered hopper fr eight-car red, c. 1933 592 D&H twin hopper of fset sides, c. 1952 593 D&H 40' steel box welded, c. 1942 594 D&H 40' PS-1 box as delivered scheme, c. 1952 DELAWARE LACKAWANNA & WESTERN 53 DL&W40' steel box "ROUTEOF THE PHOEBE SNOW," c. 1957 361 DL&W50' steel box billboard "LACKAWANNA," c. 1956 363 DL&Wtwin hopper "ROUTEOF ANTHRACITE" herald, c. 1953 364 DL&Wtwin hopper billboard "LACKAWANNA," c. 1965 365 DL&W40' double-sheathed box c. 1930 366 DL&W40' steel box early small steel car, c. 1928 367 DL&W40' steel box "ROUTEOF THE PHOEBE SNOW," c. 1941 371 DL&Wtwo-bay covered hopper (cement car) c. 1952 372 DL&W4-bay covered hopper billboard "LACKAWANNA," c. 1965 791 DL&Wwood or steel caboose c. 1954 DENVER & RIO GRANDE 176 D&RG30' wood box (narrow gauge) c. 1903 206 D&RG30' wood reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1908 352 D&RG28' wood reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1898 515 D&RG30' billboard reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1884 643 D&RG24' ventilated box CALIFORNIA FRUIT LINE, c. 1883 644 D&RG24' refrigerator c. 1880 704 D&RGshort caboose c. 1885 to 1905 CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QUINCY 245 50' steel box EVERYWHERE WEST/ROUTE OFTHE ZEPHYRS, c. 1957 246 40' steel box EVERYWHERE WEST/ROUTE OFTHE ZEPHYRS, c. 1947 554 36' stock cars c. 1948 555 CB&Qwood caboose c. 1950 645 CB&Qstainless steel passenger car c. 1948 720 CB&Q52' 6" gondola c. 1952 DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN 79 D&RGW 40' steel box modern lettering, c. 1941 to present 82 D&RGW steam loco modern lett ering, c. 1940 to end of steam 112 D&RGW 40' steel cookie box silver car, black lettering, c. 1950 201 D&RGW 30'/34' wood stock car (narrow gauge) c. 1941 to end 202 D&RGW 30' wood caboose (narrow gauge) c. 1924 & 1936 203 D&RGW 30' wood caboose (narrow gauge) c. 1941 to end 204 D&RGW 30' wood box (narrow gauge) c. 1924 and 1936 205 D&RGW 30' wood box (narrow gauge) c. 1941 to end 207 D&RGW 30'/40' wood reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1926 and 1936 208 D&RGW 30'/40' wood reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1941 to end 209 D&RGW 30' wood gondola (narrow gauge) c. 1924 & 1936 260 D&RGW diesel switcher c. 1948 to present 262 D&RGW diesel road switcher c. 1960 to present 263 D&RGW diesel road switcher c. 1974 to present 302 D&RGW steam loco (narrow gauge) c. 1924 to early 1940s 305 D&RGW coach/parlour car (narrow gauge) gold /imit. gold/white 306 D&RGW postal/baggage/combine(narrowgauge) gold/im it. gold/white 326 D&RGW drop bottom gondola (narrow gauge) c. 1945 327 D&RGW coal car (high side gondola), (narrow gauge) c. 1945 343 D&RGW 41' steel flat (narrow gauge), c. 1941 to 1971 349 UTLX frameless "GRAMPS" narrow gaugetank, c. 1955 387 D&RGW "bumblebee" steam loco (Montezuma) c. 1949 465 D&RGW 30' drop bottom gondola, (narrow gauge) c. 1924 and 1936 799 D&RGW 50' 1 ½door composite automobile car flying Rio Grande, c. 1940 800 D&RGW 50' dbl-door composite automobile car flying Rio Grande, c. 1942 COLORADO & SOUTHERN 222 steam loco (narrow gauge) c. 1910 and 1935 (silver or white) 223 cabooses (narrow gauge) c. 1912 and 1938 229 30' wood box oxi de red carbody, large C&S, c. 1910 230 30' wood box oxi de red carbody, c. 1935 231 30' wood coal car oxide red carbody, large C&S, c. 1910 DENVER SOUTH PARK & PACIFIC 170 UP (DSP&P) 26' and 27' wood reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1885 171 DSP&P26' and 27' TIFFANY reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1883 173 DSP&Psteam loco (narrow gauge) original and final versions 174 DSP&P28' wood box (narrow gauge) c. 1881 175 UPD&G 27' wood box (narrow gauge) c. 1880 CHICAGO & GRAND TRUNK 432 C>34' double-sheathed box boxcar red, yellow herald, c. 1898 CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN 78 40' steel box ROUTE OF THE 400 STREAMLINERS/OVERLAND ROUTE 691 40' ACF box ROUTE O F THE 400 FLEET/OVERLAND ROUTE, c. 1945 692 40' PS-1 box large billboard C&NW, 1956 to late 1980s 693 40' PS-1 box as built, large billboard C&NW, 1956 to late 1980s 694 CNW40' steel box black and white herald, c. 1970 695 CNW50' PS-1 box large billboard C&NW, c. 1954 696 CNW40' steel box boxcar red body, yellow lettering and herald, c. 1967 697 repainted 40' steel box large billboard at left of door, 1956 to early 1980s 699 40' steel box ROUTE OF THE CHALLENGERS, 1944 to early 1960s 700 40' steel box ROUTE OF THE 400, 1941 to late 1960s C-D-S Lettering Summer 2005 3 DENVER SOUTH PARK & PACIFIC (cont.) 636 DSP&Pwood caboose (narrow gauge) c. 1887 703 DSP&Psteam locomotive c. 1884 805 DSP&SMason-Bogie loco (as delivered) c. 1885 DOMINION ATLANTIC 197 DAR steamlocomotive gold before 1935, imitation gold after 1935 317 DAR wood passenger car gold lettering, c. 1912 DULUTH WINNIPEG & PACIFIC 28 DW&P 40' double door box modern lettering, c. 1974 70 DW&P 50' plug door box large "DW&P," c. 1970 606 DW&P wood caboose green wafer herald, 1927 to 1961 607 DW&P wood or steel caboose large herald, c. 1950 to late 1960s 608 DW&P steel extended-vision caboose DELIVERED WITHPRIDE, current 750 DW&P RS-11 diesel locomotive, c. 1956 ERIE 46 375 376 377 378 383 384 385 386 655 782 783 ERIE 40' PS-1 box l arge 6' black and white diamond, c. 1954 ERIE 50' and 53' steel flats black cars, c. 1934 and 1942 ERIE 40' steel box small black and white herald, c. 1941 ERIE 50' double-door auto small black and white herald, c. 1941 ERIE 50' double-door box large black and white herald, c. 1959 ERIE twin hopper black car, small black and white herald, c. 1949 ERIE four-bay covered hopper black car, c. 1957 ERIE 65' mill gondola black car, small black and white herald, c. 1945 ERIE three-bay covered hopper large "ERIE," c. 1962 ERIE 1932 standard ARA40' box c. 1934 to 1960 ERIE 1930 40' steel box c. 1930 to 1950s ERIE 1930 40' steel box c. 1930 ERIE-LACKAWANNA 48 ERIE-LACKAWANNA 40' steel box boxcar red; white lettering, c. 1960 154 ERIE-LACKAWANNA twin hopper black car; white lettering, c. 1960 ESQUIMALT & NANAIMO 219 E&N passenger car gold lettering, c. 1912 243 E&N steamlocomotive gold lettering, c. 1929 338 E&N wood caboose c. 1927 455 E&N 40' double-door box red car, c. 1978 FLORENCE & CRIPPLE CREEK 139 F&CC30' double-sheathed box gold belt herald, c. 1900 185 F&CC22' cabooses two versions, c. 1900 339 F&CCsteam locomotive gold lettering, c. 1905 FORT DODGE, DES MOINES AND SOUTHERN 698 FDDM&S 40' steel box boxcar red car, black and white herald, c. 1970 FORT WORTH & DENVER 248 40' steel box EVERYWHERE WEST/ROUTE OFTHE ZEPHYRS, c. 1947 GENESEE & WYOMING 388 GNWR 40' steel box orange and black car, c. 1965 and 1971 GODERI CH & EXE TER RAILWAY 571 GEXRGP9 diesel roadswitchers c. 1993 GRAND TRUNK/GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC 35 GRAND TRUNK woodcaboose boxcar red; white lettering, c. 1910 58 GRAND TRUNK 36' outside-braced box c. 1910 182 GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC 36' double-sheathed box c. 1912 184 GRAND TRUNK/GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC passenger car c. 1913 353 GRAND TRUNK twin hopper c. 1910 354 GRAND TRUNK 36' double-sheathed wood box c. 1906 368 GRAND TRUNK steam locomotive c. 1913 374 GRAND TRUNK 36' double-sheathed reefer c. 1912 526 GRAND TRUNK steam locomotive c. 1948 GRAND TRUNK WESTERN 26 GTW40' steel box boxcar red or blue; large "GT" logo, c. 1960 36 GTW40' steel box green leaf herald; white lettering, c. 1953 37 GTW50' steel auto green wafer herald, c. 1944 68 GTWwood or steel caboose modern "GT" logo, c. 1960 400 GTWU4b streamlined steam loco gold/imitation gold lettering 525 GTWsteam locomotive c. 1948 4 GRAND TRUNK WESTERN (cont.) 563 GTW40' rebuilt USRA single-sheathed box c. 1935, 1948, 1954 612 GTWwood cabooses green leaf herald, 1957 to early 1970s 613 GTWwood cabooses green wafer heral d, late 1940 to late 1960s 664 GTWsteam freight and switching locomotive white lettering, c. 1950 GREAT NORTHERN 155 40' steel box black and white goat herald, c. 1955 320 40' plywood-side box vermilion sides, goat herald, c. 1974 321 52'/53' flats c. 1969 322 40' steel box sloped "GREAT NORTHERN, c. 1970 323 40' steel double-door box goat herald, c. 1955 324 50' steel double-door box sloped "GREAT NORTHERN, c. 1957 325 40' double-sheathed wood box 6' goat herald, c. 1952 334 40' single-sheathed wood box small goat herald c. 1927 345 40' composite box SEE AMERICA FIRST, front facing goat, c. 1937 346 40' composite box SEE AMERICA FIRST, side facing goat c. 1942 347 twin hopper SEE AMERICA FIRST, side facing goat, c. 1945 407 two-bay covered hopper timken roller bearing, c. 1951 408 40' aluminum box #2500, SEE AMERICA FIRST, c. 1944 409 40' plywood box either 11 000 or 44 000 series, c. 1945 410 40' stock car either mineral red or vermilion car, c. 1951/1956 411 longitudinal hopper c. 1953 553 50' double-door box "750,000th car over Gavin Hump," c. 1965 565 EMPIREBUILDERpassenger car 585 airslide car grey car, black and red herald, c. 1962 683 40' waffle-side rebuilt box glacier green car, three-colour goat herald, 1968 779 GN wood caboose r ed car, black and white goat herald, c. 1939 GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA 56 GRT NORTHERN RY OF CANADA double-sheathed box c. 1890 GREEN MOUNTAIN 109 GMRC 40' steel box dark green car; yellow lettering, c. 1966 INTERCOLO NIAL 183 IRC passenger car gold lettering, c. 1913 315 IRC 36' single-sheathed box "Dominion Car," c. 1913 403 IRC 36' double-sheathed box c. 1908 KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN 768 KCS diesel locomotive white with red lettering, c. 1972 LEHIGH & NEW ENGLAND 713 L&NE offset-side twin hopper c. 1948 714 L&NE ACF 70-ton covered hopper c. 1938 and 1960 739 L&NE caboose (both wood and steel) c. 1940 LEHIGH VALLEY 294 LV airslide car grey car, black lettering, c. 1958 333 LV twin hopper freight-car red carbody, black and white herald, c. 1942 589 LV airslide car grey car, black billboard lettering, c. 1975 590 LV airslide car freight-car red carbody, white lettering, c. 1966 649 LV steel caboose Route of the Black Diamond slogan, c. 1940 682 LV 40' double-sheathed box route of the Black Diamond slogan, c. 1945 729 LV steam locomotive silver lettering, c. 1930 to mid-1950s LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE 578 L&N airslide car grey car, black lettering with large L&N, c. 1957 MILWAUKEE 159 MILW 40' steel box horizontal rib and regular cars, c. 1944 160 MILW 50' steel auto horizontal rib, c. 1941 161 MILW 40' double-door auto horizontal rib, c. 1942 162 MILW 50' double-door auto horizontal rib, c. 1937 MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS 244 M&StL 40' steel box dark green car, PEORIA GATEWAY, c. 1952 MIS SOU RI-KANSAS-TEXAS 516 MKT 40' steel box "Serves The Southwest," c. 1948 517 MKT 50' steel auto "Serves The Southwest," c. 1937 518 MKT 40' PS-1 box "Serves The Southwest," c. 1954 519 MKT 50' double-door box "Serves The Great Southwest," c. 1955 520 MKT 40' steel box (ACF) "Serves The Great Southwest", c. 1956 C-D-S Lettering Ltd Summer 2005 MISSOURI PACIFIC 572 MP 40' steel box 6' door c. 1974 573 MP 40' steel box 8' door c. 1973 574 MP 40' flour service box (rblt reefer) c. 1969 575 MP 50' single-door box c. 1973 576 MP 50' double-door box c. 1972 MISSOURI PACIFIC (cont.) 577 MP 50' auxiliary-door box c. 1973 584 MP airslide car grey car, black lettering, c. 1970 737 MP offset-side twin hopper, c. 1941 MONON 508 MONON airslide car grey car, black lettering, c. 1978 MONTREAL & ATLANTIC 304 M&A 36' single-sheathed box "Dominion Car," c. 1914 434 M&A 40' double-sheathed reefer beaver herald, c. 1922 MONTREAL & SOUTHERN COUNTIES 552 M&SCinterurban car c. 1950 NEW FOUNDLAND RAILW AY 335 36' single-sheathed wood box boxcar red, black and white herald, c. 1941 336 36' single-sheathed wood reefer grey car, c. 1945 337 steam loco deep brunswick green, black frame, c. 1940 436 CN (NFLD) G-8 diesel loco, green scheme, c. 1954 NEW HAVEN 467 NH 36' outside-braced wood box (modernized), c. 1929 468 NH 40' steel box rivetted car; large script herald, c. 1944 474 NH 40' PS-1 box lar ge script herald, c. 1948 475 NH twin hopper (USRA style) black car, c. 1950 476 NH quad hopper freight-car red; script herald, c. 1968 495 NH panel-side twin hopper black car, c. 1933 496 NH 36' double-sheathed box (rebuilt) boxcar red car, c. 1937 524 NH wood and steel caboose freight-car red, c. 1920-1960s NEW YORK CENTRAL 97 NYC PACEMAKER40' steel box early version, c. 1940 98 NYC 40' PS-1 box boxcar red; white herald and lettering, c. 1951 164 NYC PACEMAKER40' steel box as repainted, c. 1950 165 NYC 40' steel box boxcar red; black and white herald, c. 1956 395 NYC PS-1 PACEMAKER box ser ies 175 000 to 175 024, c. 1951 396 NYC repainted PACEMAKER box c. 1954 438 MDT 40' composite reefer yellow sides, c. 1941 439 NYC smaller steam locomotive (5" lettering) c. pre-1938 440 NYC larger steam locomotive (8" lettering) c. pre-1938 457 PMCK&Y 40' steel box (rebuilt USRA) lines herald, c. 1934 458 P&LE 40' steel box boxcar red; black and white herald, c. 1949 459 NYC 40' steel box 6' door, rivetted sides, c. 1948 460 NYC 50' steel box 8' door, black and white herald, c. 1941 461 NYC 50' double-door box assigned service, c. 1941 528 NYC PACEMAKERplywood-sided caboose c. 1946 529 NYC steel bay-window caboose c. 1956 530 NYC wood caboose c. 1936 and 1950 531 NYC USRA single-sheathed box c. 1941 532 NYC two-bay early covered hopper c. 1939 and 1940 533 NYC PS-2 two-bay covered hopper c. 1953 534 NYC USRA twin hopper (rebuilt) c. 1943 535 NYC panel-side twin hopper c. 1936 536 NYC 46' steel gondola c. 1937 537 NYC 52' steel gondola c. 1951 650 NYC passenger-carrying car gold 5" lettering, c. 1915 to 1935 651 NYC passenger-carrying car gold 5" lettering, c. 1935 to 1939 652 NYC electric locomotive aluminum lettering, c. 1935 657 NYC 1932 standard 40' box one only, #100 000, c. 1935 to 1960 667 NYC andsubsidiary lines head end cars imitation gold lettering, c. 1905 668 NYC head end cars imitation gold lettering, c. 1915 to 1932 669 NYC head end cars imitation gold lettering, c. 1932 to 1939 670 NYC passenger-carrying cars gold lettering, c.1905 to 1914 671 NYC (subsidiary lines) passenger-carrying gold lettering, c. 1915 to 1935 672 NYC (sub lines) non-passenger-carrying imitation gold lettering, c. 1915 673 NYC (subsidiary lines) passenger-carrying gold lettering, c. 1935 to 1939 674 NYC (sub lines) non-passenger-carrying imitation gold lettering, c. 1935 733 NYC modern steam locomotive (both 5" and 8"), 1938 to end of steam 755 B&A 40' USRA-design steel box, c. 1935 C-D-S Lettering Summer 2005 NEW YORK CENTRAL (cont.) 756 CCC&StL 40' USRA-design steel box, c. 1934 757 MC 40' USRA-design steel box, c. 1935 758 NYC 40' USRA-design steel box, c. 1933 759 B&A 40' USRA-designed steel box, c. 1940 760 NYC 40' USRA-designed steel box, c. 1939 761 NYC 40' USRA-designed steel box, c. 1952 762 P&LE 40' extended height USRA-design steel box, c. 1939 763 NYC 40' extended height USRA-design steel box, c. 1948 765 NYC offset-side triple hopper, c. 1952 766 NYC rib-side triple hopper, c. 1957 767 P&LE rib-side triple hopper, c. 1957 769 NYC 40' extended height USRA-design double-door box, c. 1952 770 MC 40' double-door USRA-design steel box, c. 1934 777 NYC offset side twin hopper, c. 1952 788 NYC stainless steel car black lettering, c. 1948 to1958 789 NYC stainless steel passenger car alumin grey lettering, c. 1958 to 1968 790 NYC Pullman standard passenger car alum grey lettering, c. 1953 to 1968 792 NYC Empire State Express passenger cars black lettering, c. 1941 NICKEL PLATE ROAD 45 NKP 50' double-door box c. 1949 295 NKP airslide car grey car, black lettering, c. 1959 414 NKP 50' auxiliary-door box c. 1963 415 NKP 1932standard 40' steel box (NYC&StL), c. 1934 416 NKP 40' PS-1 box c. 1948 417 NKP twin hopper of fset sides, c. 1944 418 NKP 40' steel box 9' 11" high, (NYC&StL), c. 1943 419 NKP 40' double-sheathed box, c. 1917 420 NKP 50' insulated box plug door, c. 1960 421 NKP 50' and 53' flats c. 1934 and 1942 422 NKP 4-bay covered hopper c. 1951 423 NKP two-bay covered hopper c. 1944 614 NKP wood or steel caboose boxcar red or red, 1940 to late 1960s 615 NKP war emergency 40' box composite car, 1944 to mid-1960s 616 NKP composite twin hopper built 1917, c. late 1960s NORFOLK & WESTERN 390 N&W40' steel box black car, large "NW" logo, c. 1975 741 N&Wsteel caboose, circular herald, c. 1967 742 N&W(NJI&I) 50' steel dbl box, circular herald, c. 1976 NORTHERN ALBERTA 76 NAR steel caboose bl ue and grey body; yellow lettering, c. 1970 108 NAR diesel blue and grey carbody; yellow lettering, c.1970-1980 NORTHERN PACIFIC 501 NP 40' steel box (rebuilt) 60" NP herald, c. 1956 502 NP 40' composite box no herald, c. 1938 503 NP 40' single-sheathed box 36" NP herald, c. 1950 504 NP 50' single-sheathed box no herald, c. 1951 505 NP 50' steel box 36" NP herald, c. 1950 506 NP 40' steel box 36" NP herald, c. 1942 507 NP 40' PS-1 box 36" NP herald, c. 1950 509 NP airslide car large roadname in black on grey car, c. 1977 748 NP 40' war emergency box c. 1944 and 1950 749 NP sand car (covered hopper) c. 1972 ONTARIO NORTHLAND 20 ONT 40' steel box red or green car; oval herald, c. 1948 21 ONT 40' steel box large stylized "ON" herald, c. 1970 398 ONT steel caboose si lver carbody; yellow/black herald; c. 1953 404 T&NO36' double-sheathed box c. 1908 661 ONT extended vision caboose c. 1980 to present 663 ONT 40' steel box, modern c. 1981 688 ONT FP7 diesel green and yellow scheme, c. 1965 726 ONT 2000 cu ft cylindrical ore hopper large ON herald, c. 1967 727 ONT 2300 cu ft cylindrical ore hopper chevron scheme, c. 1975 751 ONT passenger car striped scheme, c. 1975 771 ONT road switcher unit chevron scheme, c. 1975 772 ONT FP-7 cab unit chevron scheme, c. 1975 808 ONT diesel switcher green and yellow scheme, red lettering, c. 1960 OTTAW A CENTRAL 745 OC diesel loco black, lettering white, c. 1999 5 PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN 13 40' steel box caribou herald, c. 1947 64 50' plug door box large black and white map herald, c. 1967 80 40' steel box stacked "PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN," c. 1963 83 40' insulated box stacked "PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN," c. 1961 84 40' steel box large black and white map herald, c. 1970 85 40' steel reefer large black and white map herald, c. 1970 86 52' gondola caribou herald, c. 1954 87 52' gondola large "PGE" initials, c. 1965 88 52' gondola boxcar red; black and white map herald, c. 1970 89 40' wood reefer silver sides; black lettering, c. 1941 90 36' stock car caribou herald, c. 1955 93 40' steel reefer stacked "PACIFIC GREAT EASTERN," c. 1958 123 wood caboose cari bou herald, c. 1955 124 wood caboose yell ow car; large "PGE" in black, c. 1965 191 40' steel reefer caribou herald, c. 1954 379 50' auxiliary-door box grey/black/white map herald, c. 1971 472 sleeping, dining and official cars imitation gold lettering c. 1950 473 coaches and head end cars i mitation gold lettering c. 1950 675 PGE slab-side cov d hopper grey car, black lettering, as delivered, c. 1962 676 PGE slab-side covered hopper grey car, map herald, 1978 677 PGE 40' auxiliary-door box large PGE initials, c. 1965 678 extended-vision caboose gr ey/black/white map herald, early 1970s to 1980 680 extended-vision steel caboosegree n/black/white herald PEN NSYLVAN IA RAILROAD 240 PRR GLca twin hopper "COAL GOES TO WAR," c. 1942 281 PRR T1 duplex steam locomotive c. 1945 282 PRR H21a/H25 quad hopper c. 1919 to early 1950s 287 BAKER-WHITELEYCOALCO. GLatwin hopper, c. 1905 288 JAMISONCOAL& COKE CO. GLa twin hopper, c. 1905 289 WESTMORELANDCOALCO. GLatwin hopper, c. 1914 290 PRR GLa twin hopper c. 1940 to late 1950s 307 PRR K7a stock car c. 1917 308 PRR X23 40' single-sheathed box c. 1929 309 PRR X25a 40' steel auto car c. 1930 310 PRR X26 40' single-sheathed box c. 1930 311 PRR X28 40' 1 1/2 door steel auto car c. 1930 312 PRR X29 40' steel box c. 1930 313 PRR X31 40' steel auto car c. 1930 586 PRR airslide car grey car, large PENNSYLVANIA, c. 1961 658 PRR X35 1932 standard 40' box one only, #36989, c. 1935 to 1960 665 PRR H31a/31b twin hopper 1943 to 1949/1952 666 PRR G22 46' gondola c. 1947 706 PRR H30 covered hopper c. 1960 707 PRR H34a covered hopper c. 1955 708 PRR H39 triple hopper c. 1960 730 PRR N5/N5A/N5B/N5C caboose shadow keystone, c. 1954 747 PRR ND wood caboose c. 1940 PENNSYLVANIA-READING SEASHORE LINES 747 P-RSL NDwood caboose 1940 PERE MARQUETTE 545 PM 40' steel box c. 1942-1950s 546 PM 50' steel double-door box c. 1944-1950s 547 PM 50' steel automobile car c. 1942-1950s 784 PM 193040' steel box, c. 1930 to 1950s 793 PM USRA-style twin hopper c. 1940 794 PM offset-side triple hopper c. 1940 795 PM 40' double-door automobile car c. 1936 PITTSBURG & LAKE ERIE 458 P&LE 40' steel box boxcar red, black and white system herald, c. 1948 762 P&LE 40' extended height USRA-design steel box, c. 1939 767 P&LE rib-side triple hopper, c. 1957 786 P&LE offset-side triple hopper as delivered in 1948 PITTSBURG & SHAWMUT 99 twin hopper spelled out PITTSBURG AND SHAWMUT, c. 1968 QUE BEC CENTRAL 521 QC 36' stock car c. 1938 811 QC 36' single sheathed box boxcar red, c. 1945 READING 49 RDG40' steel box black and white herald; speed lettering, c. 1964 50 RDG40' steel box green car; yellow speed lettering, c. 1971 51 RDG40' steel box earlier small READING onright side, c. 1956 648 RDG40' rebuilt steel box large RDG, c. 1974 716 RDGsmall and medium steam locomotive 1920s to 1950s 717 RDGroadswitchers and GM switchers 1940s to early 1950s 718 RDGAlco and Baldwin diesel switchers 1930s to early 1950s 728 RDGpassenger cars 1930 to 1960s RHAETIAN RAILWAY (SWITZERLAND) 464 RhB coach red carbody; silver roof, doors and lettering, c.1988 RIO GRANDE SOUTHERN 133 RGS steamlocomotive white or silver, c. 1945 to end 303 RGS passenger car pullman green car, gold or white lettering 316 RGS 30' wood refrigerator yellow car, black lettering, c. 1940 340 RGS steamloco silver smokebox, white or silver lettering, c.1935 342 RGS 30' wood box c . 1935 373 RGS #20 4-6-0 steam locomotive clipper ship herald, c. 1950 382 RGS ten-wheeler locomotives c. 1935 and 1951 705 RGS short caboose c. 1885 to 1905 RUTLAND 424 RUTLAND 40' nine-panel single-sheathed box #7999, c. 1956 425 RUTLAND 40' PS-1 box green and yell ow car, c. 1954 426 RUTLAND two-bay hopper r ibbed sides, c. 1949 427 RUTLAND two-bay hopper of fset sides, c. 1960 428 RUTLAND 40' double-sheathed box c. 1948 429 RUTLAND wood caboose c. 1940 430 RUTLAND 40' double-sheathed reefer c. 1939 431 RUTLAND 40' wood-sided gondola c. 1942 SIL VER TON RAILROAD 653 SILVERTON RRsteam locomotive gold and black lettering, c. 1880 SILVERTON GLADSTONE & NORTHERLY 702 SG&Nsteam locomotive c. 1889 SOO LINE 75 SOOLINE 40' steel box early large billboard lettering, c. 1955 SOUTH PACIFIC COAST 491 SPC 28' woodbox c. 1888 803 SPC24' wood box1888 804 SPC24' wood flat 1888 SOUTHERN 449 50' PS-1 box "GIVES A GREENLIGHT TOINNOVATIONS," c. 1974 450 40' box "GIVES A GREENLIGHT TOINNOVATIONS," c. 1974 510 40' steel box circular "SR" herald, c. 1938 511 50' steel auto circular "SR" herald, c. 1938 512 40' PS-1 box circular "SR" herald, c. 1951 513 50' PS-1 box circular "SR" herald, c. 1957 SOUTHERN PACIFIC 249 40' steel box large SOUTHERN PACIFIC, B-50-27, c. 1966 250 50' double door box large SOUTHERN PACIFIC B-50-36, c. 1972 251 50' steel box circle herald B-50-22, c. 1971 252 40' steel box circle herald B-50-20, c. 1940 253 50' steel auto circle herald A-50-14, c. 1940 254 50' steel auto circle herald A-50-17, c. 1950 SPOKANE PORTLAND & SEATTLE 74 SP&S 50' double-door auto oval herald, c. 1957 134 SP&S 40' steel box boxcar red; as delivered 1948 135 SP&S 40' steel box 3.5' high "SP&S", c. 1957 136 SP&S 40' steel box 5' high stepped "SP&S," c. 1957 152 SP&S 40' steel box 5' high in line "SP&S," c. 1957 787 SP&S caboose THE NORTHWEST S OWN RAILWAY, c. 1965 ST. JOHNSBURY & LAMOIL LE COUNTY 196 ST.J&LC 70 ton diesel cream yellow and burnt orange scheme ST. LAWRENCE & HUDSON 723 SL&Hdiesel locomotive 1997 6 C-D-S Lettering Ltd Summer 2005 ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO 595 SL-SF 50' PS-1 box modern scheme, c. 1978 596 SL-SF 40' PS-1 box as del ivered, c. 1951 597 SL-SF two-bay covered hopper grey car, c. 1980 598 SL-SF 50' double-door box, c. 1981 599 SL-SF 40' PS-1 box modernized, c. 1972 600 SL-SF airslide car grey carbody, lettering black, c. 1968 601 SL-SF 65' mill gondola, c. 1979 602 SL-SF 52' gondola, c. 1971 603 SL-SF twin hopper offset sides, c. 1953 604 SL-SF 50' insulated box, c. 1974 605 SL-SF 40' PS-1 box c. 1972 ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN 179 SSW40' steel box boxcar red; blue lightning flash herald, c. 1957 180 SSW50' steel auto boxcar red; blue lightning flash herald, c. 1955 609 SSW40' steel box boxcar red; blue lightng flash herald, 1941 to mid-1960s 610 SSW40' steel auto boxcar red; blue lightn flash herald, 1948 to mid-1960s 686 SSW40' double-door auto boxcar red; blue lightning flash herald, c.1951 TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO 404 T&NO36' double-sheathed box c. 1908 TEMISCOUATA 362 TEM 36' double-sheathed wood box c. 1935 TEXAS & PACIFIC 738 T&P offset-side twin hopper, c. 1938 TORONTO HAMILTON & BUFFALO 22 TH&B 40' steel box boxcar red; white lettering, c. 1950 23 TH&B 40' steel box yellow car; black herald and lettering, c. 1954 54 TH&B 40' steel box yellow car; black and white herald; black lettering 130 TH&B 52' flats spelled out roadname, c. 1974 131 TH&B triple hopper spelled out roadname, c. 1960 132 TH&B 52' gondola spelled out roadname, c. 1976 199 TH&B steel caboose 70 series cupola version, c. 1967 210 TH&B steel caboose modern 80 series CP-buil t version, c. 1974 213 TH&B cylindrical covered hopper black car, c. 1967 214 TH&B slab-side covered hopper; black, c. 1956 370 TH&B passenger car c. 1940 413 TH&B diesel locomotive switchers and roadswitchers, c. 1956 469 TH&B steamlocomotive white or silver lettering TORONTO TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 291 TTC streetcars Peter Witt and PCC, c. 1940 to late 1980s UNION PACIFIC DENVER & GULF 170 UP (DSP&P) 26' and 27' wood reefer (narrow gauge) c. 1885 175 UPD&G 27' wood box (narrow gauge) c. 1880 VER MON T RAILWAY 40 VTR 40' steel box three-peaks herald, c. 1968 VERMONT & PROVINCE LINE 405 V&PL 34' double-sheathed box c. 1896 VIA RAIL CANADA 110 VIA passenger cars blue cars 111 VIA diesel locomotives-FPs and FPAs 113 VIA stainless steel passenger cars 292 VIA ex-CPR stainless steel cars c. 1978 to present 412 VIA F40PH-2 locomotive c. 1987 VIR GIN IAN 801 VIRGINIAN C1 or C2 wood caboose c. 1952 WABASH 91 40' steel box large FOLLOWTHE FLAG herald, c. 1961 92 50' double-door auto SERVES THEHEART OF AMERICA, c. 1966 523 wood and steel cabooses c . 1930s to early 1950s 629 40' steel box large flag herald, c.1967 630 52' steel gondola large billboard lettering, c. 1960 631 40' steel box small flag herald, c. 1958 633 NJI&I 50' double-door box small flag herald, c. 1957 639 40' steel box SERVES THEHEART OF AMERICA, c. 1958 C-D-S Lettering Summer 2005 WABASH (cont.) 640 40' steel double-door box c. 1950 641 50' steel box SERVES THEHEART OF AMERICA, c. 1958 WABASH (cont) 642 NJI&I 40' ACF steel box c. 1957 646 panel-side twin hopper c. 1946 647 panel-side twin hopper billboard WABASH, c. 1960 WESTERN MARYLAND 583 WMairslide car grey car, black speed lettering, c. 1957 619 WM40' steel box speed lettering, c. 1971 620 WMH-27 twin hopper speed lettering, c. 1977 621 WMtwo-bay covered hopper speed lettering, c. 1980 709 WMchannel-rib covered hopper c. 1937 710 WMchannel-rib twin hopper c. 1946 711 WM52' 6" gondola c. 1937 712 WMsteel caboose c. 1951 WHITE PASS & YUKON 140 WP&Y steam locomotive original gold lettering, c. up to 1940s 141 WP&Y steam locomotive intermediate and modern lettering 142 WP&Y diesel locomotive (90 class) green and yellow scheme 143 WP&Y passenger car green car; yellow lettering 144 WP&Y 30' double-sheathed wood box early spelled-out name 145 WP&Y 30' double-sheathed wood box intermediate scheme (square) 146 WP&Y 30' double-sheathed wood box modern scheme 147 WP&Y 30' double-sheathed wood reefer intermediate scheme 148 WP&Y steel tank modern lettering black tank; white lettering 181 WP&Y wood caboose Thunderbird herald, c. 1955 328 WP&Y diesel locomotive blue and white scheme, c. 1982 380 WP&Y steam locomotive gold lettering, c. 1899 381 WP&Y 30' double-sheathed wood box white lettering, c. 1901 389 WP&Y Alco/MLW DL535E diesel locomotive c. 1975 785 WP&Y steel caboose or diesel loco white with orange stripe, c. 1980 806 WP&Y cabooseblue and white scheme, c. 1982 [formerly 328(b)] 807 WP&Y caboosegreen an d yellow scheme, 1975 [formerly 142(b)] 810 WP&Y container silver with green lettering, c. 1975 WINDSOR & HANTSPORT 701 W&HRS-23 diesel 1997 YOUNGSTOWN & SOUTHERN 239 Y&S 50' outside post box jade green car, c. 1977 PRIVATE OWNERS 548 ALBERTA grain car (ALNX) latest version with "visit..." slogan 549 ALBERTA grain car (ALPX) latest version with "visit..." slogan 287 BAKER-WHITELEYCOALCO. GLatwin hopper c. 1905 622 BERWIND-WHITE COAL CO. Gla twin hopper c. 1947 623 BERWIND-WHITE COAL CO. Gla twin hopper c. 1907 689 BRITISH AMERICAN10 000 gallon tank circle herald, c. 1950 690 BRITISH AMERICAN8000 gallon tank bowtie herald, c. 1940 776 BUCHANS MINING CO. ore car boxcar red or grey car, c. 1976 211 CANADIAN WHEAT BOARDgrain car brown car; yellow lettering 497 CHAMPION OILS (HJMX) 8000 gallon tank car green tank, c. 1955 258 CAPILANOTIMBERCO. logging locomotive c. 1920 153 CGTX10 000 gallon chemical tank black car; white lettering, c. 1960 167 FINLAY PREMIUM40' plug door box white car; dark blue lettering, c. 1970 579 GACXairslide car grey car, black lettering, c. 1963 746 GACXdouble airslide car grey car, black lettering, c. 1989 200 GATX20 000 gallon tank "BASF WYANDOTTE," c. 1967 581 GOLDEN LOAF FLOUR airslide car grey car, c. 1964 61 GOV'T OF CANADA grain car brown car; yellow herald and lettering 96 GOV'T OF CANADA grain car aluminum car; brown lettering, c. 1975 261 GOV'T OF CANADA grain car red; large CANADA wordmark, c. 1981 65 HEINZ 50' insulated box bright red car; white lettering, c. 1972 318 HERITAGE FUND (ALNX) grain hopper blue car, yellow lettering, c. 1980 319 HERITAGE FUND (ALPX) grain hopper blue car, yellow lettering, c. 1980 220 HLC Hillcrest Lumber Co l ogging loco, as delivered and 1960 341 IMPERIAL OIL LTD 8000 (10 000 US) gallon tank c. 1920 274 INDUSTRIAL GRAIN PRODUCTS tank hopper grey car , c. 1981 580 INTERNATIONAL MILLING COMPANYairslide car c. 1963 288 JAMISONCOAL& COKE CO. GLa twin hopper, c. 1905 60 MACMILLAN BLOEDEL 40' double-door box red-white car, c. 1972 438 MERCHANTSDESPATCH(MDT) 40' reefer yellow sides, c. 1941 7 PRIVATE OWNERS (cont) 369 REDPATH (Dominion Sugar Co.) 8000 gallon tank car c. 1934 582 REXALL CHEMICAL airslide car grey car black lettering, c. 1959 441 SASKATCHEWAN GRAIN CORP grain hopper brown car, c. 1981 442 SHELL CANADA 8000 gallon tank orange tank, red lettering, c. 1927 740 SPERRY RAIL SERVICE detector car c. 1950 329 UTLX 8000(10 000 US ) gallon tank c. 1940-1975 349 UTLX frameless "GRAMPS" narrow gaugetank, c. 1955 289 WESTMORELANDCOALCO. GLatwin hopper, c. 1914 348 WESTSIDE LUMBER CO. loco white, c. 1940; yellow, c. 1945; orange, c. 1955 MISCELLANEOUS SETS CAR DATA 100 CN car data five cars black/gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow 101 CP car data five cars black/gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow 102 ROMAN car data for five cars black/gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow 731 Fire extinguisher symbols red/white, c. present 732 Safety symbols white cross on green square, c. present OTHER MN-1 "N" Reefer car doors hinges, latches, kickplates, etc., 3 pr $2.50 ILLUSTRATED DIAGRAM BOOK No. 15 $9.00 This diagram book contains a drawing of each set with instructions on painting and lettering the cars, and the dates these schemes were in service. ALPHABETS $3.50 each. Order by X-, i.e., X-1W, X-4B, X-7Y All Alphabets available in Black/Gold/Imitation Gold/Red/Silver/White/Yellow/CP Yellow X-1 3/32 inch Roman X-2 3/32 inch Extended Roman X-3 3/32 inch Gothic X-4 3/32 inch Extended Gothic X-5 1/16 inch Railroad Roman X-6 X-7 X-8 X-9 3/32 inch Railroad Roman 1/8 inch Railroad Roman 3/16 inch Railroad Roman 1/4 inch Railroad Roman PASSENGER CAR LETTERING orde r by scale 150 passenger alpha (6") black /gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow/ CP yellow 151 psngr data alpha (5") black /gold/imitation gold/red/silver/white/yellow/CP yellow 150 passenger letterboard alpha (6"0 imi tation gold only 151 passenger data alpha (5") imita tion gold only STRIPING approx. 4' in each package $3.50. Order by ST-, i.e., ST-2G, ST-4Y All Striping available in Black/Gold/Imitation Gold/Red/Silver/White/Yellow/CP Yellow ST-1 1/64 inch ST-2 1/32 inch ST-3 3/64 inch ST-4 1/16 inch NAME__________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Date of Order____________________________________________________ C-D-S Lettering Ltd. PO BOX 65074, NEPEAN, ONTARIO, CANADA K2G 5Y3 E-mail: [email protected] QUANTITY SCALE SET NO. COLOUR FAX (613) 226-5747 DESCRIPTION PRICE POSTAGE AND HANDLING $4.00 (TAXES, IF APPLICABLE) TOTAL 8 C-D-S Lettering Ltd Summer 2005