UCT partnership agreements
UCT partnership agreements
UCT partnership agreements Country Name of Institution in that Country Time-frame for which this Agreement will be Valid Denmark Aalborg University continuing Denmark Aarhus University continuing Norway Bodo Universeity College continuing Norway Bergen University College continuing Sweden Karlstad University continuing Sweden Lund University continuing Sweden Nordic Africa Institute continuing Norway Oslo University College continuing Norway University of Bergen continuing Iceland University of Iceland continuing Finland University of Jyvaskyla continuing Denmark University of Southern Denmark continuing Finland University of Turku continuing Main Thrust of this Agreement (e.g. formal instruction, student and/staff exchange, research etc. Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner 1|Page UCT partnership agreements Sweden Uppsala University continuing England University of Southampton Continuing since 2009 China Nanjing University Continuing since 2009 USA Pennsylvania State University Continuing since 2009 New Zealand University of Auckland Continuing since 2009 Australia University of Western Australia Continuing since 2009 Canada University of Alberta Continuing since 2009 Norway University of Bergen Continuing since 2009 England University of Bristol Continuing since 2009 England University of Leeds Continuing since 2009 Southern African Nordic Centre SANORD partner Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University 2|Page UCT partnership agreements England University of Sheffield Continuing since 2009 Australia University of Sydney Continuing since 2009 USA University of Washington, Seattle Continuing since 2009 USA University of Wisconsin Madison Continuing since 2009 England University of York Continuing since 2009 China Zhejiang University Continuing since 2009 Botswana University of Botswana continuing Belgium Leuven University 2011 Germany Freie Universitat Berlin 2011 Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Worldwide University Network partner; research collaboration and academic exchange Academics: University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Erasmus Mundus ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange Erasmus Mundus 3|Page UCT partnership agreements France Pierre et Marie Curie Universite 2011 Sweden Karolinska University 2011 Czech Republic Brno University 2011 Spain University de Granada 2011 Netherlands University of Amsterdam 2011 Belgium University of Antwerp 2011 England London School of Economics 2010 continuing Germany Freiburg University 2009 continuing USA 1997 ongoing USA CIEE Council on International Education Exchange InterStudy USA IES Abroad continuing USA Arcadia University continuing continuing ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange Erasmus Mundus ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange Erasmus Mundus ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange Erasmus Mundus ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange Erasmus Mundus ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange Erasmus Mundus ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange Erasmus Mundus ema2sa partner university; staff and student exchange General MOU; research collaboration and staff and student exchange Global Studies programme: student exchange Semester study abroad students Semester study abroad students Semester study abroad students Semester study abroad students 4|Page UCT partnership agreements USA Connect 1-2-3 continuing Egypt MISR International University, Cairo University of Asmara University of Peking Not available 3 years (2007 – 2010) Norway Sibelius Academy of Music Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) University of the Ryukyus University of Oslo Sweden Uppsala University continuing Uganda Makerere University 5 years (2011-2016) USA Albany College 3 years (1998 – 2001) USA USA American University American University of Paris Arcadia 5 years (2005 – 2010) To continue indefinitely from 2001 To continue indefinitely from 2008 Eastern Illinois University Marywood University To run indefinitely from 2005 Since 2010 University of North Carolina 5 years (2007 – 2012) Eritrea China Finland France Japan USA USA USA USA 5 years (2000 – 2005) Since 2000 To run indefinitely from 1999 5 years (2006 – 2011) 5 years (2010 – 2015) Semester study abroad students Academics Academics General MOU; Academic exchange Academic & student exchange Undergraduate & Postgraduate student exchange General MOU; Academics Undergraduate and postgraduate student exchange Undergraduate and postgraduate student exchange Academics & Postgraduate student exchange; University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Undergraduate student study abroad Academics Academics Undergraduate student Semester Study Abroad Semester Study Abroad students Semester study abroad students Undergraduate dance student exchange and semester study abroad 5|Page UCT partnership agreements USA Vanderbilt University 5 years (2007-2012) USA Yale University 5 years (2005 – 2010) Botswana University of Botswana continuing Kenya Jomo Kenyatta Uni. For Agriculture & Technology continuing Kenya University of Nairobi continuing Malawi University of Malawi continuing Mauritius University of Mauritius Namibia University of Namibia To run indefinitely from 2007 To run indefinitely from 2005 Nigeria University of Port Harcourt University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania Not Available continuing students Postgraduate student exchange Yale / Fox Fellowship International Programme (postgraduate student exchange) Academics; University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Academics; University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Academics; PhD student exchange University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Academics; PhD student exchange University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Academics Academics and postgraduate student exchange Academics Undergraduate Student Leadership exchange; 6|Page UCT partnership agreements South Africa University of the Western Cape continuing South Africa Cape Peninsula University of Technology University of Stellenbosch continuing continuing Uganda Afhad University for Women Makerere University Zambia University of Zambia continuing Zimbabwe University of Zimbabwe continuing Australia Australia University of Adelaide University of Newcastle University of Western Australia University of Queensland continuing 2009 - 2014 South Africa Sudan Australia Australia continuing Continuing To run indefinitely from 2005 To run indefinitely from 2008 University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Member of Cape Higher Education Consortium Member of Cape Higher Education Consortium Member of Cape Higher Education Consortium Undergraduate student exchange Academics and postgraduate student exchange: University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Academics: University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) Academics; University Science, Humanities and Engineering Partnerships in Africa (USHEPiA) General MOU General MOU; student exchange Not available Undergraduate student exchange 7|Page UCT partnership agreements China continuing General MOU Not available General MOU China Jiao Tong Shanghai University City University of Hong Kong Sun Yat Sen University To run indefinitely from 2009 China University of Peking Japan International Christian University To run indefinitely from 2000 2008 General MOU; Confucius Institute partner General MOU Singapore National University of Singapore Nanyong Technical University National Tsing Hua University 2009 - 2011 Hong Kong Not available Research Collaboration in peace studies General MOU; student exchange General MOU continuing General MOU Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz Katholieke Universitiet Leuven To run indefinitely from 2002 To run indefinitely from 2001 Postgraduate student exchange Academic exchange; Erasmus Mundus partner university Belgium University of Ghent Not available Belgium Belgium Czech Republic Denmark University of Utretcht Vrije Unit Antwerp Charles University Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen Business School Regents Business School University of Derby Not available Not available Not available Not available Postgraduate and undergraduate student exchange , Academic research cooperation and exchange General MOU General MOU Academics General MOU Not available General MOU Not available Semester Study Abroad General MOU Singapore Taiwan Austria Belgium Denmark England England Undergraduate students 8|Page UCT partnership agreements England Sheffield Hallam University Southampton Oceanographic Centre University of Birmingham Sibelius Academy of Music Oulu University To run indefinitely from 2000 Not available Academics Not available Research Not available General MOU Continuing France American University of Paris Not available France College International de Philosophie, Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) ESC Grenoble ESC Clermont Not available General MOU; student exchange through CIMO-funded programmes Undergraduate students semester study abroad Academics L’ecole Superierure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) L’école Normale Supérieure de Cachan Paris 7 Not available England England Finland Finland France France France France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Paul Valery Montpelier II Pierre & Marie Curie University Bucerius Law School Hamburg Fachhochschule Konstanz Hamburg School of Economics & Politics demics 2010 onwards General MOU; student exchange Not available continuing Academics Undergraduate and postgraduate students General MOU Not available Undergraduate and postgraduate students Not available Postgraduate students semester study abroad Postgraduate students Not available Undergraduate and postgraduate students General MOU Not available General MOU To run indefinitely from 1999 Not available General MOU Postgraduate students 9|Page UCT partnership agreements Germany Hamburg University Germany Hochschule Bremen Germany Germany International School of Management, Dortmund FH Kiel Germany FH Wedel Not available Germany Karls Eberhards Universitat Tuebingen Humboldt University of Berlin HWP Hamburg Technical University of Munich continuing Germany University of Stuttgart To run indefinitely from 2007 Italy L’Aquila University Not available Italy University of Florence Not available Italy University of Florence Not available Ireland University College Dublin Not available Netherlands University of Amsterdam continuing Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Tilburg University continuing Germany Germany Germany Netherlands To run indefinitely from 2001 To run indefinitely from 2000 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available continuing Academics Students General MOU Undergraduate students Undergraduate students General MOU; student exchange Postgraduate students and academics Postgraduate students Postgraduate students and academics General MOU; student exchanges in Engineering Postgraduate students and Academics Academics and research collaboration in Science Research and postgraduate students General MOU; undergraduate semester study abroad Undergraduate and postgraduate students; Erasmus Mundus partner Postgraduate student exchange Postgraduate students and Academics 10 | P a g e UCT partnership agreements Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands University of Leiden University of Twente Erasmus Business School at Rotterdam School of Management NTNU (Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology) Not available Not available Not available Postgraduate students General MOU General MOU continuing Norway University of Bergen To run indefinitely from 2007 Norway University of Oslo 2009 continuing Norway Oslo University College Bergen University College Norwegian Academy of Music continuing Institute of Isotopic and Molecular Technology Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Glasgow School of Art Aberdeen Law School ESADE Business School Royal Academy of Music Jonkoping University College Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Columbia Business School Not available Undergraduate and postgraduate students on semester study abroad Undergraduate and postgraduate students exchange; study abroad; research collaboration; Worldwide University Network Partner General MOU; semester study abroad General MOU; semester study abroad General MOU; semester study abroad General MOU; NORAD funded student exchange programme Research Not available Research Not available Not available Not available Students General MOU General MOU continuing Undergraduate student exchange General MOU; staff exchange in nursing General MOU; student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Norway Norway Norway Romania Russia Scotland Scotland Spain Sweden Sweden Sweden USA continuing continuing Not available continuing continuing 11 | P a g e UCT partnership agreements Denmark University of Copenhagen continuing England Cranfield School of Management continuing USA Emory University continuing Netherlands continuing France Erasmus Business School at Rotterdam University ESADE France ESC Grenoble continuing France ESSEC continuing USA Fuqua School of Business, Duke University Jonkoping International Business School continuing England London Business School continuing Norway Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Ohio State University continuing USA Stern Business School at New York University continuing USA UCLA continuing Sweden USA continuing continuing continuing Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange 12 | P a g e UCT partnership agreements USA University of Chicago continuing USA University of Washington continuing USA University of St Thomas continuing USA Union College continuing USA Brooklyn College continuing USA Johns Hopkins University continuing USA New York University (Wagner School of Public Service) continuing USA University of Texas continuing USA Northwestern University continuing USA Arizona State University continuing Graduate School of Business student exchange Graduate School of Business student exchange International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term 13 | P a g e UCT partnership agreements USA State University of New York (Oswego) continuing France Vanderbilt University Continuing Australia University of New South Wales continuing Netherlands University of Amsterdam continuing France Amiens University continuing Norway Oslo University College continuing USA Arcadia University continuing USA College of William and Mary continuing Norway Oslo University continuing not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme 14 | P a g e UCT partnership agreements USA Richmond University continuing France IESEG continuing USA Stanford University continuing USA University of North Carolina continuing USA Connecticut University continuing USA University of California at Davis continuing USA CIEE Council on International Education Exchange continuing USA IES Abroad continuing USA Interstudy continuing (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Facultyled programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) International Faculty15 | P a g e UCT partnership agreements led programme (‘island’ / short-term not for UCT credit programme) 16 | P a g e