Insider’s Guide to Passing a Drug Test By: Insider Insider


Insider’s Guide to Passing a Drug Test By: Insider Insider
Copyright 2010 by Insider
Smashwords Edition
Insider’s Guide to Passing a Drug Test
What the Labs Don’t Want You to Know
By: Insider
Current Drug Testing Lab Technician
Many other books have been released on drug testing. These books have provided some insight
on how the labs operate, and the different methods used to fail a drug user. The problem is
these books haven’t been updated to the new testing standards. Most are filled with technical
information that is over the heads of most people. Even worse, some techniques once used to
pass a test are now detectable. This book will take a non-technical approach in explaining
how the drug testing labs operate, and ways to pass any drug test in existence.
All information presented in this document has been known to work as of January 2nd, 2013.
You can visit to learn about how the drug testing industry works and if
you have any drug testing questions you can visit my forum where I help answer questions
about drug testing.
Introduction: Why am I doing this?
Message from the Author
How does Drug Testing Work?
Urine Testing
Hair Testing
Saliva Testing
Blood Testing
Employment Testing
How to Pass a Urine Test
The Substitution Method
The Dilution Method
The Adulteration Method
How to Pass a Hair Follicle Test
How to Pass a Saliva Test
When Drug Testing Goes Wrong
Drug Testing Myths
What is a False Positive?
False Positive Chart
Drug Classification
Drug Detection Times
Working America is bombarded by this infringement on civil rights, but somehow it is still
legal to collect our pee, and run diagnostic tests on it, usually against our will. This is not
only a violation of our privacy but against our Fifth Amendment right to not incriminate
ourselves. Well, if you want a job, and want to get paid, you’re pretty much out of luck. You
have to do it, but there are ways to protect yourself against this invasion on our privacy. Yes
you can beat them, and I know how, because I work for a drug testing company. I know all
the secrets of beating them, without anyone ever knowing.
You’re probably asking yourself, “Why would someone who works for a lab release this
information?”. Five years ago I graduated college and was offered an entry level position in a
lab testing bio-hazardous human waste for eight hours a day with promises of advancements
and salary increases. Every year I hear about how great our company is doing, breaking
records in Revenue, Profit and Margin. Sure enough, when my annual review comes up they
say times where too challenging and the company can’t give me a raise or a promotion.
The economy is horrible, no one is hiring in my field, and I’m being taken advantage while my
company’s executives continue to get their huge yearly bonuses while I continue to handle
human urine all day. So, that’s why I’m here. I’m going to tell you what works, what doesn’t
work, and even give you a list of products that the labs are terrified of. Why are they
terrified? BECAUSE THEY WORK! And there is nothing they can do about it.
Most drug testing is broken down into four categories: urine, hair, saliva, and blood. The labs
are not looking for actual drugs, but drug metabolites, which are the bi-product of drugs.
Once a body takes in a substance, it processes that substance, and the end product looks
much different than the beginning product.
Urine Testing
Urine testing is the most common drug testing around. This is typically broken up into two
types of tests: drug screen and drug test. Yes, these are two different things and most people
are not aware of the differences.
First, let me explain the drug screen. This is a very simple dipstick test, where the technician
simply dips a litmus strip directly into the urine sample, and will have a result within minutes.
These are the same tests you can get in your local pharmacy or online. There are different
types of these tests, but the most commonly used is a 5 panel test which tests for THC,
Opiates, PCP, Amphetamines, and Cocaine. These tests are sometimes referred to EMIT,
which stands for something long and hard to remember (Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay
Test), but most commonly it is referred to as a dipstick test, or instant screen.
Now this brings us to the drug test. This is scientifically referred to as a gc/ms test (Gas
Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) but is more easily referred to as a lab test. This is the
most accurate type of urine testing. Basically what they do is send your urine through a
machine, and the machine will spit out numbers that tell the levels of toxins if present. Most
of the time, these two tests are used in conjunction with each other. What many labs will do
is use the cheaper less accurate instant screen to initially screen your urine. This will give the
lab a preliminary result as to if you are a drug user or not. If the instant test is negative, you
pass. Way to go! If the test is positive, then they will do a confirmation lab test. This will give
them a more precise result, eliminating any false positives that may have occurred on the
instant test.
Certain people are subject to DOT drug tests, or Department of Transportation drug tests.
These types of tests are regulated by the Department of Transportation and if the guidelines
are not followed then the results are considered invalid. On these tests, an instant screen is
always done first, and if the result is positive, the sample is sent for confirmation with a lab
test. DOT will only test for five different substances: Marijuana, Opiates, Cocaine,
Amphetamines, and PCP.
It is obvious to drug testing labs that people will try to manipulate their urine sample in order
to pass their tests. For this reason, integrity tests are done on the urine sample in order to
make sure this is a human urine sample that has not been tampered with. They will also
check to make sure the urine is not diluted, meaning there is too much water in the urine.
Once the urine sample has passed the integrity tests, it is free to be tested with an instant
screen or lab test. Integrity tests are just a piece of litmus paper that they dip into the urine.
This stick will test for several constituents of urine which include pH level, specific gravity,
and creatinine. The lab will also check for several substances that could indicate the donor
tried to adulterate the sample. Adulterating the sample means to put something in the urine
that would cause it to test negative.
Hair Testing
Hair testing is another type of test that labs will do to test for drugs. Toxins are circulated
through your body via blood. When hair is formed, blood is deposited into the hair follicle.
Your old blood actually becomes your hair. When you have toxins in your blood, the toxins are
also deposited into the follicle and become trapped in your hair. The level of toxins is
greatest near the scalp. Sunlight, shampoo, and chemicals used in hair dyes will help reduce
the level of toxins in your hair. For this reason, they will clip the hair sample near the scalp,
on the back (nape) of your neck.
The hair will then be sent to a laboratory where they dissolve the hair in organic chemicals.
Once the hair is dissolved, the sample is tested just like a urine sample would be tested in a
lab, with a gc/ms machine.
Saliva Testing
Saliva testing is a very simple and fast way to test someone for drugs. This test is mostly done
for pre-employment tests and is done onsite. Basically a stick with a sponge, sometimes
called a swab, is put into your mouth. The tester is to run the swab over the tongue and
against the cheek. It is then held in the mouth until the swab is fully concentrated with
saliva. This saliva is put into a testing tube that contains a dropper on top. The tester will
then drop saliva on a testing cartridge that contains litmus paper. The results will be ready in
ten minutes.
Blood Testing
Blood testing is really nothing to be concerned with when testing for drugs. Usually, if you are
taking a blood test they will also perform a urine test. The blood is not being taken to test for
drugs, but for diseases. You will usually see this when taking a test for life insurance. If for
some reason they are doing a blood drug test, stay clean for two days. Drug toxins can only
be detected in blood for 48 hours after consumption.
Employment Testing
The number one question I get from friends getting ready to take a urine test is, "What am I
going to have to do?" Some companies will give you a couple days notice of a pending drug
test; some will just pop it on you randomly. Typically, the collection process is the same for
both situations.
When you arrive at the collection site, you will sign in and wait your turn. Depending on the
lab, your wait could be a couple minutes or it could be 45 minutes. When the technician calls
you, you will be required to have a photo id, and any paperwork your employer gave you. You
will be required to give them your social security number, and phone number. Once the
paperwork is filled out they will take you back to the collection room. You will be asked to
leave your jacket outside in plain view, and if you are carrying a bag or purse, you must lock
it up. They may ask you to empty your pockets, but this isn’t the case in all labs. Remember,
they do not have the authority to frisk you or go through your personal items. If they ask to
do this, it is a violation of your privacy. You should leave the lab and report them to your
employer immediately. Before you get a sample cup, you must wash your hands. The
technician will make sure the toilet has been flushed and the bathroom is clear. You will
then be asked to select a sample cup. The technician will take the sealed sample cup out of
the plastic wrapping and show you where you must urinate up to. Typically, they will ask for
one to two ounces of urine, but if you are being tested under DOT guidelines, they cannot ask
for more than 1 ½ ounces (45 ml).
You will then be told to not flush and to not run water. The water in the toilet is blue. I don’t
know how many times I have been asked about the blue water. People seem to think there
are secret chemicals in it that can detect if you are using synthetic urine. The blue water is
just that - blue water. It is basically used so people don’t use the water to dilute their urine
sample. It also keeps the toilet bowl fresh and clean.
Now it’s time for you to give your sample. You will go into the bathroom or stall ALONE. They
cannot legally watch you unless you sign a waiver. Of the few freedoms we have left in this
country, a private urine test is one of them. This is of course as long as your test is not court
ordered, for the military, or a retest for one you botched earlier. It is also illegal to have
cameras or two way mirrors inside the bathroom. If you see this, leave immediately and call a
After you urinate into the cup, you will bring it out to the technician. The first thing they will
check for is the temperature. There will be a temperature strip directly on the cup that
ranges from 90 to 100 degrees. Checking the temperature proves that the urine sample came
from your body. The sample will immediately begin to cool, so get the sample out to the
technician fast. The urine must be within the acceptable temperature range. If it is not, they
will dump the sample out, and ask you to go give them another one. If you leave without
giving another sample, this will be considered a refusal to test and you will fail. Once the
technician confirms that the urine is within the correct temperature range, they will indicate
on the paperwork that your sample is acceptable.
If your urine test is a split sample (sometimes done if they are performing a screen and then
lab test), they will pour the contents of the cup into two smaller sample cups. If it is not a
split sample, the urine will remain in the original cup and the lid will be closed. Tamper-proof
seals will be placed over the lid(s). You will initial the seal(s) which indicates that you saw
the technician seal the sample cup(s). Your sample will now be placed in the sample bag. You
will be instructed to sign, initial, and date the paperwork. The technician will detach and
give you your copy of the paperwork that you will keep for your employer. The rest of the
paperwork is now put in the sample bag and the bag is sealed. Now you can wash your hands
and gather your personal items. The hard part is over. You’re free to go.
Now for the section you have all been waiting for. How do you beat these pesky things? There
are many methods that people claim work, and there are many myths that don’t work. Most
importantly, there are products that work and the labs know they work. In fact, these labs
are so terrified of these products, a major company that makes drug testing machines and
materials holds a conference yearly to discuss what products are being used and how to
combat them. Fortunately, they have not found a solution or a way to detect products being
The Substitution Method
One of the most effective and popular ways to be a urine test is simply by substituting a clean
synthetic urine sample for your own. Synthetic urine is basically a chemical solution designed
to mimic human urine. The samples are drug free and contain the same properties of human
urine so they pass any integrity checks the labs may perform. Synthetic urine rarely fails and
when it does, it is usually due to not having it at the proper temperature. To a lab, synthetic
urine is the biggest problem when it comes to defrauding a drug test. There are many
different forms of synthetic urine. You can find it in concentrated liquid form, in powdered
form, but of course the most popular is premixed form. The one synthetic urine that has
caused the most stir is Quick Fix Synthetic Urine, by Spectrum Laboratories (available at This company has managed to create synthetic urine that is stable,
that has an elongated shelf life, and it has NEVER FAILED! It even comes with a 200% money
back guarantee.
Thousands of people have used Quick Fix to pass their urine tests. The labs know about this
product, but can do nothing about it. See, certain laws disallow genetic testing on urine
samples because it is a direct violation of privacy. Basically what this means is that companies
cannot test for hormones that would indicate the gender of the donor. This allows Quick Fix
Synthetic Urine to be unisex. All the labs can legally test for are certain properties of urine
which include temperature, pH level, specific gravity, and creatinine level. As long as the
sample contains the properties consistent with human urine, it is considered an acceptable
sample. This is why Quick Fix works. What the manufacturer of Quick Fix has done differently
is they have created premixed urine that contains preservatives that will allow for an
elongated shelf life of over two years. They have even gone as far as patenting this formula.
All the other synthetic urines require mixing and after it is mixed it is only good for 24 hours.
This makes Quick Fix by far the most demanded and most feared synthetic urine in the
business. Labs have even gone as far as posting pictures of the Quick Fix, with a caption that
says, "If you are planning on using this, we will know." This is just a scare tactic that the labs
use to deter donors from using this product. The posters may work on a small number of
nervous donors, but for the most part, they make no difference. The labs know they cannot
detect Quick Fix, and know that people are using it.
Now the question, if you can substitute synthetic urine for your own, why not a friend’s clean
urine sample? Well, as a lab technician, I have seen my fair share of horror stories while using
real urine. One of the most memorable was when a donor accidentally sat on his urine filled
condom and it broke all over his pants, and all over our chair. What is more disgusting than
having your friend’s pee all over you? Another thing to consider would be the prescription
drugs your friend may be taking. Even though it is a prescription, it is still a drug, and if you
don’t have a script, you’re guilty. My very close friend used a friends "clean" urine sample for
a test (against my advice) and they tested positive for barbiturates. My friend was shocked
and learned a little too late that their friend had chronic migraine headaches and periodically
took a prescription medication that contained barbiturates. This was very easy for their friend
to forget since they took them as part of their daily life. Needless to say, my friend didn’t get
the job. If you still insist on using a friends clean urine sample there are a few things you
need to know about the handling of real human urine. While condoms make a great carrying
device for urine, they break. Try using a sterile travel shampoo bottle or something
comparable to the size. The more air in the bottle, the easier the urine will break down. The
container must be sterile or bacteria will eat away at the creatinine and your sample will be
unacceptable. Human urine can be frozen for up to six months, can be refrigerated for up to
24 hours, and can be at human body temperature for no more than 8 hours. If you keep it
longer than recommended, it will be unacceptable for testing because it breaks down. Human
urine cannot be microwaved because it is a biohazard and it will contaminate your
microwave. Last thing you want is particles of your friends pee in your popcorn. For all these
reasons I recommend synthetic urine, because it’s easy, stable, and not real.
If you are subject to observed tests you still can get away with using synthetic urine. The
most publicized device to use when you are observed is called the Whizzinator(available at, which is a prosthetic penis. It comes in virtually every skin tone and is
very realistic. It stays warm by using organic heating pads which will last up to eight hours.
All you need to do is use synthetic urine in this device and you can pass any observed urine
test. This product is great for male donors.
Ladies there are products for your observed tests too! The most popular device on the market
for women is called the Urinator (available at This device operates on
two nine volt batteries that keep the urine warm for four hours. The device is strapped on
you similar to a belt, and a tube runs down to allow for the urine to exit in a very realistic
manner. This device is also favored by men and is a terrific way to beat any observed test.
The Dilution Method
The dilution method is a very effective way to pass a drug test. Basically, the dilution method
is watering down your urine just enough so the toxin level is undetectable, but not so much
that the urine still will pass the integrity tests. This method can also be dangerous because if
you water down your urine too much, the urine test will come back diluted, which will cause
a retest. Sometimes in this situation, they will not retest you at all, and fail you based on this
The dilution method works by abstaining from toxins at least 48 hours before your test.
Through the 48 hours you want to start taking large amounts of creatine. On the day of the
test do not eat, and drink large amounts of cranberry juice or sports drinks. You also want to
be taking vitamin b to add color to your urine. When you urinate, your urine should be diluted
enough to lower the toxin levels, but have enough creatinine (the byproduct of creatine) to
pass the integrity tests.
While this method is effective for some, for others it is totally ineffective and has gotten
many people in trouble. First off, this method will not work for heavy users. The toxin level in
heavy users is too high to be able to dilute your urine enough to lower it below detection.
This method is only ideal for light users, which is four times or less a week. Also, not having
enough creatine and vitamin b can cause your urine to be so dilute that the sample is untestable. Having too much will also cause your sample to become suspect.
A popular method dilution is using detoxifying drinks as opposed to trying the more
complicated method as discussed above. These drinks come in all kinds of different flavors
and sizes, and are very effective on light users. They are much easier to stomach because
you’re not drinking an excessive amount of fluid. The vitamin b and creatine is already in the
drink so you don’t have to take extra supplements. You do still need to abstain from toxins
for 48 hours before your test. Rapid Clear (available at offers a line
of detoxifying drinks. This is one of the more popular drinks people use. It comes in several
different flavors, and two different sizes to account for different body masses. You just drink
the detoxifying drink one hour before your test, followed by some water. You will urinate
frequently during the first hour. You will be able to give your urine sample one hour after
drinking the juice. This drink is only a temporary solution, and only lasts for five hours.
Emergency Detox Capsules (available at, also manufactured by Rapid
Clear offers the same type of dilution method that the Rapid Clear Detox drinks offer, but in
a different form. These work great for people who have a hard time drinking a lot of liquid.
An hour before your test you take all 18 capsules with 16 ounces of water. Fifteen minutes
later you drink another 16 ounces of water and urinate frequently. You can take your test one
hour after consuming the pills. Emergency Detox Capsules offer the same five hour window as
the drinks to take your test.
Rapid Clear Detox Drink is not the only drink that works on the dilution method. There are a
number of other products that utilize this same method and offer excellent ways of passing a
drug test. Clear Choice is another manufacturer, which offers a product called Green Clean.
Green Clean is a 0.7 ounce tube of liquid concentrate you drink on the day of the test. You
will drink the liquid, followed by water and pre-cleanse pills that come with it. You urinate
clean for up to five hours.
Ultra Klean, another manufacturer of detoxifying products, offers an herbal tea called Power
Flush Tea (available at This is a tea that you brew and drink over a
three hour period. It also comes with vitamin b capsules to take during the consumption of
the tea, so your urine has color when testing. It is important to urinate frequently while using
this product so you can totally flush your body. Like all dilution products, this is only a
temporary solution.
As you can see, there are many different ways use the dilution method in order to pass your
drug test. As with all dilution, remember, it is only for light users which is one to four times a
week. This is ideal for the weekend user, especially if you are observed. If you do not fall into
this category, then it is best to explore other options to pass your drug test, such as
substitution, or adulteration, which I will discuss next.
The Adulteration Method
People have been attempting to adulterate samples as long as there has been urine testing.
Adulteration is the act of putting something in your urine to fool the drug tests. This is
because of the way the chemicals (adulterants) react to the toxins. There is a long and
scientific explanation, but I won’t bore you with that. The bottom line is adulteration only
works on lab tests and not instant screens.
The adulteration method seems to be one of the biggest discussed methods of defrauding a
drug test at the labs. This is always the topic of discussion at drug testing conferences. The
labs only seemed concerned with the one major manufacturer of urine additives designed to
adulterate a urine sample. This is definitely the most popular and widely used urine additive
and is totally undetectable. Spectrum Laboratories, known for their famous urine additive,
Urine Luck, has been causing a stir at the labs for over 15 years. The labs are terrified of this
product because no matter what the do to detect it, the manufacturer of this product keeps
coming up with formulas that are undetectable to the labs’ testing standards. About two
years ago, at a drug testing conference in Florida, one of nation’s biggest drug testing supply
companies went as far as calling the creator of Urine Luck an "evil genius.". These labs are
losing money trying to come up with a method of detecting this product, and have all come
up empty handed. Perhaps the creator of Urine Luck is an evil genius, which is good news for
you. If history keeps repeating itself, Urine Luck will continue to be upgraded and
undetectable so you can pass any drug test.
How does it work? The Urine Luck comes in two vials: clear and yellow. The clear vial kills off
the drug toxins in the urine, and the yellow vial kills of the clear vial. It takes about 90
minutes from the time the Urine Luck is poured into the urine to finish it’s job. This is one of
the reasons it is important to not use this product for an instant screen. After the Urine Luck
has completely run its course, the chemicals in it will break down to nothing but air and
water. This is why it is undetectable. The Urine Luck is perfect to those who are subject to
random testing because it is small and you need no preparation in order to use it. In fact, it
will even work if you used drugs the same day as your test - no kidding. The Urine Luck has
proven to work over and over on DOT drug tests and any test that is sent to a lab.
Since the entire basis of how the Urine Luck works is advanced chemistry, it is important to
follow the directions EXACTLY how they are listed on the instruction sheet. The only way
someone can fail using this is by NOT following the directions. I was able to obtain the
directions from a popular distributor of this product,, in order to give
you a full run down on how to use Urine Luck. They even offer an instruction video on their
website, which is very helpful. This is the only company that I am aware of that has how-to
videos on the use of their detoxifying products, so it is worth checking out. . It is very
important to remember Urine Luck is only effective on LAB TESTS and will NOT work on
Directions: Shake both vials and add entire contents of both vials to 2-3 ounce(s) (60-90 ml) of
Best Results: Urinate 2-3 times before use. Eat and drink normally, do not skip meals, and do
not drink more than 10 ounces of fluids per hour on day of use.
If you’re looking for a urine additive that works for an EMIT tests, also known as drug
screens, instant screen or quick screens, Instant Clean SPIKE Additive is a new revolutionary
product that can handle those test.
SPIKE additive (available at is a urine additive product unlike any
of those on the market. This urine additive was formulated for EMIT testing. Enzyme
multiplied immunoassay test or EMIT tests are quick drug screens which are the initial
screenings for 99% of workplaces. Spike additive also works with the new eCup instant drug
It is up to you to choose the right method that meets your needs. Remember, it is always best
to use the substitution method with Quick Fix Synthetic Urine (
because it is a sure thing every time. If your situation does not allow for the use of synthetic
urine, the other two methods are completely acceptable methods to use. Remember to do
your research on the products before you make your purchase. This is your life, and the
outcome of this test could determine where your future is headed.
Hair Follicle drug testing is by far the hardest type of drug test to beat. This testing is so
precise that even the smallest trace amounts of drugs can be detected. There are shampoos
out there that can be used for this test. Luckily, these tests are very expensive, and most
employers do not use them. Out of all the drug tests, on average only 5% is hair testing.
Hair testing usually goes back 90 days, but it is not uncommon for them to go back even
further. The good news is that normal everyday hair damage will naturally remove toxins.
Coloring, bleaching, cutting, and even shampooing your hair gradually removes drug toxins.
The darker your hair, the longer your hair is going to hold toxins. Also, the more you got high,
the longer the toxins are going to stay in your hair. If you find out you are going to have to
take a hair follicle test, stop using immediately. Any continued use is just going to make it
harder for you to pass. Next get a haircut. The more you cut the more toxins you lose. Make
sure you leave at least one inch of hair on your head because this is what they require to do
the test. If your hair is shorter than this, they will take the hair from under your arms, on
your arms, legs, and if there is no hair in any of these places, they will go to your pubic
region. Some people will shave all their hair thinking if they don’t have hair they’ll just give
them a urine test. Labs are not stupid and know what you are doing. They will fail you based
on trying to avoid a hair test.
It is now time for a new hair color. Bleaching is the best way to remove toxins besides cutting
your hair. Basically what bleaching does is strips your hair of its pigment. This also will strip
out some toxins but not all. Coloring your hair is the next best thing to bleaching. You won’t
remove as many toxins as you would if you bleached it, but you will remove some. While
bleaching and cutting are effective in removing drug toxins from your hair, it’s not going to
completely clean it. Like I said before, hair testing is very precise and hard to beat. If you
have been doing drugs you MUST use something on your hair or you’re going to fail miserably.
There are two different types of shampoos on the market; those that strip your hair of the
toxins, and leave in conditioners that mask the toxins. If I were going to have to take a hair
follicle test, I would use both types of products. What better way to be safe?
The detoxifying company, Ultra Klean, manufacturers a product called Ultra Cleanse Shampoo
(available at This shampoo strips the toxins from the hair for 24
hours. On the day of your test you wash your hair with the shampoo twice. Your hair will be
clean all day.
Along with the shampoo I recommend using the Get Clean Shampoo (available at by Spectrum Laboratories. This is not actually a shampoo but is a
leave in conditioner that will mask the toxins in the hair when being tested. After you wash
your hair with the Ultra Cleanse, start applying the Get Clean Shampoo. The Get Clean
Shampoo is a one hour application and requires a shower cap. It is very important to not rinse
your hair. You can comb out any excess, blow dry, style, and even put hair products in your
hair (such as hair spray, gel, etc.). Do not towel dry your hair because this will remove some
of the shampoo. The Get Clean Shampoo is good for five to six hours after application.
You may consider hair detoxification to be costly and inconvenient, but it will all be worth it
in the end, when you beat the most difficult drug test out there. If you’re not willing to do
all of this, I recommend looking for another job that requires a simple urine drug test,
because anyone can pass one of those.
Saliva testing is becoming more and more common, because it is a very cost effective and fast
way to test a person for drugs. It’s not common for someone in a drug testing lab to perform
one of these tests. Some employers collect the saliva during an interview or when you apply.
There is one product that I know of that will work for this type of test called Rapid Clear Spit
Clean. Rapid Clear Spit Clean (available at gives you a 2 hour window
to take your test. It’s a very simple product to use and has great results.
It’s the worst feeling in the world. You come home and your answering machine is
flashing. You hit play and hear the worst news possible. There is something wrong with
your drug test. You begin to panic. What do you do?
First, remain calm. You don’t know what happened. It could be absolutely nothing. After you
gather yourself, calmly call the laboratory back. Find out what the problem is. Remember get
details. Innocent people will be especially inquisitive because they did nothing wrong, and
want to get to the bottom of what happened. Always maintain your innocence. DO NOT admit
to anything. This is why they are calling you. Once you admit you did something, then its over
and the lab wins.
There are several reasons they can be calling you. The biggest one is you simply failed, and
tested positive for drugs. Insist you did nothing wrong and ask for a retest. Do not try the "I
was at a party and people were smoking around me" method. You will not test positive for
drugs because you are around it. This is a myth and these labs see right through it. In this
instance you may get a retest, you may not. It’s up to the person paying for your test. Just
remember; never admit anything, even if you’re guilty.
One of the most common reasons you’re being called by the lab is that your urine sample was
too dilute. You probably tried the dilution method and over diluted your sample. In most
cases you have nothing to worry about. They will retest you. A diluted sample can happen to
the best of us. People that have nothing to hide have diluted urine samples all the time. The
only cause is that you drank too much fluid. An easy way to avoid this is to keep your fluids
down to eight ounces an hour on theday of your test. Use synthetic urine on your retest.
Obviously the dilution method did not work for you. What you do not want to do is have a
dilute sample on two consecutive tests. This will look fishy and you probably won’t get a third
Another reason they could be calling is because they found something in your urine that is not
supposed to be there. Your urine probably did not pass the integrity check. They will ask you
what you poured into your urine. Tell them nothing. Deny, deny, deny! If you are being called
for this reason then you probably did put something in your urine.
If you used a urine additive, check the expiration date or formula number. Remember, the
labs have caught on to older urine additives and if the one you used is old, then this is why
your sample failed. Another thing is to reread the directions. Did you do everything correct?
Did you have the correct amount of urine in the cup? Did you pour the additive in first? If you
are dumbfounded, call the company who makes it. Most of these products have customer
service numbers and they will help you find out what went wrong.
If you put anything else in your urine besides a urine additive, this is why they are calling you.
An old myth is to put bleach or soap in your urine to kill off the drug toxins. Well this used to
work great, but the labs realized, if you put soap in urine, the pH level changes. Hence the
integrity tests for pH level. A good rule of thumb is, "If you can get it at the grocery store or
from your kitchen cupboard, it’s not going to work." Remember this and live by it if you are
subject to drug tests. If you can’t afford a detoxifying product to pass your test, then how
can you afford drugs? You got your priorities all messed up and probably need to fail this test
in order to learn a valuable lesson.
In order to avoid these calls, make sure you are using detoxifying products according to the
directions. If you don’t understand the directions, call the company that makes it. Do not
assume anything about the instructions. If you are not planning on using a detoxifying
product, please make sure you test yourself with a home test kit prior to going to the lab. You
can get these tests online or from your pharmacy for around $15. Even though you think
you’re clean, you do not know for sure. You do not want to gamble with your future, because
you could be on the other end of a phone call with a very inquisitive lab technician.
There are hundreds of myths when it comes to drug testing. Unfortunately for thousands of
people, theses myths were proven to be just that - a myth. With as many rumors, urban
legends, and stories floating around, it is hard to distinguish fact from fiction. I have already
told you what does work. Now here is what doesn’t work.
Drinking Tons of Fluid Cleans Out Marijuana
FALSE! Marijuana is very unique because of the way it is stored in your body. Most drugs are
water soluble and therefore can pass out of the body easily just by drinking water, or other
fluids. Marijuana however, is fat soluble and stored in your fat cells indefinitely until your
body burns that fat. When the cell is burned, your body releases the marijuana back into your
blood, it is filtered out of the blood by your body, and it ends up in your urine. This is why
marijuana can be detected in your urine stream for 30 - 90 days after the initial usage.
Golden Seal Rids the Body of Marijuana
FALSE! Golden Seal is a root extract that can be found in solid or liquid form. The root is
known to have the ability to rid the body of harmful toxins. While this might work on some
toxins, Golden Seal does NOT work on marijuana. How this myth started is not known but
scientific research has been done to confirm Golden Seal does not work at all. Many people
will swear by Golden Seal, and say it will pass any drug test. These people probably were not
heavy marijuana users and could have been clean on their own. The most probable thing that
could have occurred was that they consumed gallons of water, which is required to take with
Golden Seal. These people passed by simple dilution of their urine. They would have passed
the drug test anyway, by consuming gallons of water without the Golden Seal.
There is no way that Golden Seal will work in present day because of the integrity tests that
are performed on the urine. Years ago, when drug testing started, there was not integrity
tests performed on urine, like now. Dilution was not an issue, therefore drinking gallons of
water worked. Now days, your urine must pass the integrity tests or the sample is refused.
Golden Seal will cause your sample to be rejected and you will need a retest.
Bleach will Kill the Toxins
FALSE! When drug testing started, this was the most popular way of passing a drug test.
Putting a couple drops of bleach in your urine definitely blocked the tests from detecting
drugs. People would hide bleach, or some type of soap under their fingernails and in small
containers. However, labs began catching on to this practice and began integrity checks for
bleach and soap. They now check for the pH level of your urine to make sure it is within
human range. If you are using bleach or soap, the pH level will be too high and they will know
you did something to the sample. There is no way to explain a pH level that is too high. There
is nothing you can eat, drink, or there is no sickness that will cause this. If your urine was at
this pH level, you would be dead or in too much pain to be taking a drug test.
Vinegar will Clean Your Urine
FALSE! Many people believe drinking vinegar before a test will help them give a clean sample.
There is no scientific backing to this myth at all. If you do not vomit after drinking a whole
bottle of vinegar, it will cause you to feel sick, and you will still fail your drug test. It was not
known how this myth was started, but it never has worked, and never will. Another variation
of this myth is to pour the vinegar in your urine sample. This will not work due to the
integrity tests that they do. Vinegar is very acidic and if you pour this in your urine, the
sample will test out of the acceptable range.
Congratulations Mr. Smith! You’re Pregnant!
There are not only myths on how to pass a drug test, but several myths on drug testing. The
most common and overly told story is about a man who used his wife’s urine to pass a drug
test. After the test was complete, his employer called him to congratulate him on passing his
drug test, and being pregnant. This is a humorous and almost believable story. There are ways
to check gender and pregnancy with a urine sample, but when it comes to drug testing, this is
impossible. As discussed earlier, there are strict regulations the drug testing laboratories
must go by. They CANNOT check for gender due to privacy laws. More importantly, there is
no way a company can prescreen ANYONE for pregnancy!
Pregnancy is detected by one hormone, HCG. This hormone is not something you accidentally
stumble upon when testing for drugs. A person would specifically need to test for this
hormone, with a pregnancy test. Employers are not allowed to ask people, let alone test
people, to see if they are pregnant. This is discrimination. If this ever happens to you, don’t
worry, you will be able to sue the company for millions of dollars and never have to work
another day in your life. Kiss those silly drug tests good-bye!
I was at a Willie Nelson Concert
Many people who test positive for drugs try to blame it on being at a concert, a party, or in
the car with someone doing drugs. It is impossible to test positive for drugs by touching them
or inhaling second hand smoke. The drug tests do allow for a very minute amount of toxins in
your system, in order to account for being in situations like concerts, parties, etc. The only
way to test positive for drugs is to actively consume the drugs.
False Positive is a technical term for a substance, which tests positive falsely for another
compound. A false positive only occurs on a drug screen and not a drug test. The reason false
positives occur is because certain substances are similar to drugs. These substances will fool
the drug screens into thinking that a drug is found. If the drug screen is positive, a
confirmation test is done. This test eliminates all possibilities of false positives.
A common example is poppy seeds testing positive for opiates. Poppy seeds come from the
poppy plant, from which opium is also made. While the actual poppy seeds do not contain
narcotics, they are very similar. If you ate a poppy seed bagel on the morning of your drug
screen, it is very possible you will test positive for opiates. This is considered a false positive
because you are not testing positive for drugs, but something similar to drugs. When your
sample is sent to the lab for the confirmation test, it will come back clean.
There are several other things that can cause false positives on drug screens. Please see the
following list for common substances and conditions that will cause a false positive on drug
screens. Remember, false positives ONLY occur on DRUG SCREENS. This is the dipstick test
that is done instantly. If you believe you are subject to a false positive, make sure your test
gets sent away for a confirmation lab test.
False Positive Chart
THC - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives
Dronabinol (Marinol)
Ibuprofen; (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin, Excedrin IB etc)
Ketoprofen (Orudis KT)
Kidney infection (Kidney disease, diabetes) Liver Disease
Naproxen (Aleve)
Promethazine (Phenergan, Promethegan)
Riboflavin (B2, Hempseed Oil)
Amphetamines - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine
(Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc)
Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil
Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim)
Over-the-counter nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin)
Asthma medications (Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets)
Prescription medications (Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone,phendimetrazine,
phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine,dexdenfluramine,Redux,
mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine,amineptine, Pholedrine,
hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex,fenproyorex, mefenorex,
fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin,pemoline, Cylert, selegiline,
Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone) Kidney infection, kidney disease, Liver disease, diabetes
Opiates - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives
Poppy Seeds
Tylenol with codeine
Most prescription pain medications
Cough suppressants with Dextromethorphan (DXM)
Kidney infection, Kidney Disease
Diabetes, Liver Disease
Ecstacy - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine
(Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc)
Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil
Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine (Dexatrim, Accutrim)
Over-the-counter nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin)
Asthma medications (Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets)
Prescription medications (Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone,phendimetrazine,
phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, dexdenfluramine,Redux,
mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine, amineptine, Pholedrine,
hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex, fenproyorex, mefenorex,
fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin, pemoline, Cylert,
selegiline, Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone) Kidney infection, kidney disease
Liver disease, diabetes
Cocaine - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives
Kidney infection (kidney disease)
Liver infection (liver disease)
Amoxicillin, tonic water
Just about everyone that could potentially test positive on a drug test wants to know how
long substances stay in the body. I have compiled a chart that indicates the detection times
and classifications of drugs. You will also find descriptions of the classifications, in order for
you to better understand what the drugs’ effects are.
Analgesics - Also known as Narcotics. These drugs are used as medicine to relieve pain but
they have a high potential of abuse. Analgesics cause relaxation with an immediate rush and
euphoria. One of the side effects is drowsiness.
Depressants - These are used to relieve anxiety and tension, but have a high potential for
abuse. Users can build up a tolerance to these drugs and often increase consumption. The
effects of depressants are similar to alcohol.
Stimulants - These drugs are used to increase alertness. People often use stimulants in order
to combat fatigue, or to get a euphoric effect. Stimulants make users feel stronger.
Hallucinogens - These drugs are chemical substances which can distort perceptions to induce
delusions or hallucinations. These drugs have no medical use and are usually made secretly.
Urine- 1 – 3 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - 24 -36 hours
Urine- 1 – 3 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - 24 – 36 hours
Urine - Occasional Use: 45 days, Chronic Use: up to 60 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - 24 – 48 hours
Urine -1 – 3 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - 24 -36 hours
Urine - Occasional Use: 1 – 5 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - 24 – 36 hours
Urine – 1 -10 days
Hair- Up to 90 days
Urine - 1 – 14 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - Not currently tested
Urine - 1 – 3 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - Not currently tested
Urine - 1 – 7 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - Not currently tested
Urine - 2 – 4 days
Hair - Up to 90 days
Saliva - 24 – 36 hours
Urine - Up to 72 hours
Hair - Not currently tested
Saliva - Not currently tested
Urine - 1 – 3 days
Hair - Not currently tested
Saliva - Not currently tested
Urine - 1 – 2 days
Hair - No currently tested
Saliva - Not currently tested
Urine - 8 hours
Hair - Not currently tested
Saliva - Not currently tested
So there you have it - everything you need to know about your drug test that the labs do not
want you to know. As you can see drug testing standards and products change quite often.
This e-book will be updated whenever there is a change made or a new effective product is
put on the market. If there is anything that this book did not answer, I’m available at to answer questions on my forum.
Remember, your best weapon against these tests is knowledge. You need to know what you’re
up against, and you need to be prepared for any type of testing. Once you arm yourself with
everything you need to know, it will be impossible to fail a drug test. Enjoy your life, job,
freedom, and privacy.