Document 6441343


Document 6441343
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Serving the Town of Washington and Surrounding Areas
XDotvn JMetnory
As we see it. .
On the
n £,
By Bob Barraclough
The editor's notebook is full
of pictures that "didn't come
out" this week. We are especially despondent over the failure of the snow scene which we
had anticipated so much.
Bobby and Karen Setaro w i t h *
their friends John Schmalz and
Billy Hurst all performed so
expertly on the ice in Town
Park on Wednesday that we'll
hate to face them again. They
agreed to. skate toward the
camera and even tempt fate by
playing the risky game of whip
for us — but alas all we took
from the camera were blanks !w
Chins Up!
The ability of man to exist in an
often trying world, and even to improve
in character after experiencing reverses,
is indeed a great gift.
The year 1962 was nothing extraordinary in the way of human travail —
but the number of brink situations was
high enough^to cause at least the people
of the United States some concern.
On May 28, for example, the stock
exchange shares lost S20 billion in value
in the greatest one-day drop since Oct.
29, 1929. Much of the paper-value loss
has still not been recovered, but stockholders' faith in the American system
seems to be holding up. There has been
no great tendency .forJnvestors to escape
the market in panic.
of Mississippi personally barred the entrance of negro James H. Meredith into
the University of Mississippi. President
Kennedy subsequently federalized the
Mississippi National Guard and sent in
Army troop. Two were killed on the 30th
of that month In rioting-at the university
as a~- result of the-United States saying
to the rest of the world that the leading
democratic .government in the world belives in equal opportunity for all.
-It was an exciting year in the field
of science and space travel as AT&T sent
aloft Telstar on July 10, and more significant steps were taken in man's effort to outdo the birds. Can there be any
better evidence of man's confidence in the
future than this example of his battle
against stagnation ? His constant struggle against the laws of nature and
against the vaguaries of his fellow mortals leaves us hopeful of his eventual progress.
And, were we to be of the belief
that the end justifies the means, so long
as man points himself heavenward physically—be can be hopeful concerning his
spiritual progress as well.
There can be little doubt that United States prestige grew rather then receded because of the Cuban crisis. By
standing firm in the face of this brink
situation the United States emphasized
. its determination to be adamant in rits
fight against Russian imperialism and
Cuban deviousness.
Orf Sept. 20, Governor Ross Barnett
No Painless Tax
Next year Congress is expected to
get started on updating our 1930 federal
tax system but like reaching the moon,
it will take a while to attain.
Our present federal tax system is
not only straining at the seams to raise
the billions Washington thinks_the government needs to spend, but the way
taxes are raised does a lot of damage
as well.
There are many kinds of damage: tax
handicaps to economic growth which is
needed to make the U.S. stronger: persistent unemployment due at least in
part to tax laws that hamper investment
in new jobs; a tremendous waste of time
and effort by business and individuals in
just trying to understand the confusing
details of the tax law; real and imagined
unfairness in the tax law which prompts
some taxpayers to cheat on their returns
and thus undermines1 the moral strength
of the nation.
Tax law revisions to eliminate those
damaging effects are long overdue but
we may as well recognize that_there is
no painless way to raise $100 billion in
federal taxes.
On-one trip toward, the cam-T
era, the four subjects were
supposed to break off to the
left of the camera just before
reaching it. Two of them went
left, but the other two turned
right, causing quite an interesting chaotic effect oT eight flying arms and legs, and resulting in the bruising of other
parts of the anatomy.
By the way. we've been
around the country to some extent, and have yet to see a
finer winter Town Park than
we have in the Town of
HOLDIXO down the hitching post on the left is-one of an
unidentified group pictured among the collection loaned hyEd Maggiacomo. The picture was probably taken some time
before 1891 because it was then that the Bank of Millbrook
was incorporated. The sign over the door says Dean Bros..
Drygoods and Groceries, and the right part of the sign reads
Queen soap and Ivory soap. The building was originally
built to house the railroad's general offices late in the 1860's
or earlv 70's Millhin-ok wa; tlif northern terminal 'of the
road at that time. Later, as the railroad extended to Pine
Plains, the offices were moved to Mattt-wan, which is now
part of Beacon. The Dean brothers (James and John) took
over the building after the railroad vacated it.
By Louise Tompkins
n.rr/fafrr tcetecmes
Item its indcrs. AH Utters must be
signed; t :rerer, the name cf thr
trriter zcCte tcithhcld ufon request,
- if far t>*~>-reanm.-^kttttrt
be kept a brief as possible to insure
The-first-or-der-of-business-when-thenew Congress convenes should be reduction of the tremendous tax burden and
reduction of the excessive government
spending that causes it.
Three other boys whose
names we do not know caught*
us snapping blanks of them as they-sledded down the hill be•hind Tribute Garden.—Not that
it will do all of these people
any good after the action is all
gone, but we promise that the
camera will be repaired by next
Then we moved over to Clinton Corners to try our luck or-J
the Wilson Guernsey family.
Dave and John, with their
friends, were tobogganing down
a nice little hill behind-their
home and we asked "Ifiem to go
back up and come right down
as_close-to us -as-possible.—We—
felt not unlike bullfighters as
we nimbiy (?) stepped out of
the path of the swishing toboggan.
soon after the catastro- al of Tuesday. March 25.-ISOfL-a
notice signed by Gilbert Livphe."
of a Broken Heart
ingston, senior trustee of the
A Little Unusual
Aside from what might be
Academy-restating that
the advertiseDear Edi:or:
ments, the reader of the local that any of the foregoing acci- complaints had been received
Christmas is here and tomornewspaper in the early 1800's dents or ailments had caused respecting the conduct of James
J u s t _ a "note to remind you
it~w7ir be~^oneT As I give
.gathered—much_of— the— news-of- deathr-but-there-was-jusi one j DrSKetciuey and that the trusthat the students of Carroll
his neighbors from the mar- instance in which the local j tees had unanimously resolved thanks this Christmas, I am Hall at Bennett College are exhumbly
" a broken; to dismiss James D. Sketchley
riage and death notices. If no newspa~per gave
of both Mr. and Mrs. Samuel tending a cordial invitation to
other descriptive and flattering: heart" as the cause of- -a-marrs from the employment of the
Morrison for their encourage- all residents of the Millbrook
adjective could be found to des- demise. It was not the result of Academy. It also stated that
area-to attend their-open_house_
mr^Tr^ndTtfrs-trrat-came-fromcribe the brideT she was usually a love affair and it was probably i Mr. Parker was unanimously
on Sunday, Jan. 6.
Let's pause a few. minutes during the
your reaction time, vision and coordina- mentioned as "the amiable really and quite sadly true that retained in the Academy.
James Sketchley, as his friend
daughter" of her father.
holiday festivities to consider some facts
tion are weakened.
Without A Trial
Mike Brands is now the R o u n d these two fine people who could
stated, died of a broken heart.
which involve your life and the future of
Poor Mr. Sketchley could not
Even small amounts of alcohol imTable's
permanent Jll-yeatold**l_
James D. Sketchley was oneunderstand how men who call- find time in spite of Mrs. Mor- boy model for photographs. Or
wise and acquainted with
your family.
pair your driving ability. With no out- were
rison's illness to expend .of
the editor, he saw that a piece of the instructors of the DutchWe frequently hear the slogan "don't
ward sign of intoxication you can .lose, of wedding cake was sent to the ess Academy. He was well ed themselves gentlemen could themselves in the behalf of at least it seemed so last week
turn him with his wife and three
when we walked into the Milldrink and drive" during the year-end celthe clearness of mind and critical judg- printer. The result was that the thought of as a teacher and small children adrift at the un-others less fortunate. I have brook
Library and asked Mrs.
ment needed to drive—especially at this marriage notice"covered" a few scholar and highly praised as seasonable hour of ten o'clock voted since I was of age and Winant if there happened to be
_ebrations But many otherwise good motoften wondered if those we elect
orists don't think the advice applies to- time when road conditions are hazardous. more lines; was a little more such. But he incurred the dis- from the shelter of the academi- I in office could find time for anyone around who would like
flowery and complimentary and pleasure of the Board of Trus- cal roof to seek shelter in a
them. They feel a few drinks never afThe New York State Citizens Council mention was made that the tees of the academy. He outI personal jimblems of t h e . in- to pose with the Creche on dishumble
play there.
fect their driving ability. The uncomforton^raffic Safety points out that 55 per printer had been remembered. raged their patriotism and was : trial or any previous intimation. I dividual.
We saw Mike and asked him.
able truth is these motorists are just
cent of fatal traffic accidents during the This was followed by the well relieved of his position (and his He made this statement in a Now I r.t only know the an- "Sure," he said. "I know w h a t ^
wishes of the editorial staff and living quarters) and "died of a long-paid advertisement in the I swer but am also a recipient of
lucky if they haven't had an accident.
holiday season involve drinking drivers.
the trust we have when we to do."
Poughkeepsie Journal.
The first part of your brain affected
We join the Council in urging you the expression of kind thoughts broken- heart."
He had been a subject once
elect those <o represent us.
—The Dutchess Academy had
by alcohol when you drink is the section
to bear in mind these facts about drink- for—the—luturo-happiness—of—mtr
for Mrs. John Plummer
contracting parUes.
This is one Christmas I shall
originally been built at Brinker- followed by a short notice insertwhen she took a picture of
which controls- your judgment. Then
ing and driving when you celebrate.
death notices
were hoff and, in 1791, the building ed in the paper and signed by never forgt!.
Mayor John Murtaugh and a
usually quite frank. The ail- was removed to Poughkeepsif Richard Davis. He said, that
My thanks go out to Mr. and group of trick or treaters for •
ment, which had removed a and placed in the lot at the they had met "for the purpose of Mrs.
Samuel Morrison. I am UNICEF, back in October.
resident, was of interest to hissouthwest corner of Cannon and taking
into consideration the j P r o u d t 0 h ; u e f e l t t h e i r P * r s o n a l Every time we suggested he
friends and neighbors and has Academy streets.: giving the statements made by Mr. Sketch-1 i n , c n ? t w h p n i l i s m o s t n c c d e d
step a little closer, or smile a
remained a matter of record in name to the latter. It was in- lev. Thev realized that he w a s | a n < i P r a y " ^ , h c i r endeavors
little, he would say. "I know,
many instances. Many a "justly corporated by the Regents of
Writing in Nation's Business, Walinflation. And one of the surest ways to esteemed and respectable (the the State'of New York in 1791dangerously ill but observed that Will alway 1K> remembered in I know." Like a real pro.
my heart an i returned someday
ter W. Heller, who is chairman of the produce inflation is found in successive, meaning of the word was slight- and was opened for the recep- his situation would warrant that two-fold.
We hope that a lot of you
ly different in that day) inhabi- tion of scholars in November the public should-know the Mine
President's Council of Economic AdvisA happy new year goes out went to the college while the
growing and huge government deficits. tant"
passed on after a "short of the following year.
ors, says that the taxes, must be cut. In
- I to these two fine people of pub- children's a r t was on display.
lic office, your concern will AH of the paintings were very
his words: "It now seems clear that one
ering illness" which he had the Reverend George H. Spieiin - Though nearly a score of years never In? foi gotten.
inferesfing, although s o m eto
accomof the chief reasons for the sluggish beborne "with unusual Christian was in charge of the school, un- had passed since peace was de- Grateful i. cipients of kindness, times unexplainable as we found
posshavior of our economy over the past five
fortitude and resignation." And, der the supervision of the Board clared, there were many perMr. nnd Mrs. J H out when we asked Karen Mcible reductions in non-essential govern- he died with "an abiding faith of Trustees. The trustees were sons in the community, staunch
years or so is the persistant drag exerted
Wharter what she was thinking
ment spending. This means less welfare and a vision of celestial joy", or proud of their academy n n r j | patriots.whe had fought in the left ,i wife nnd infant family to of when she painted her work
by our present federal tax system." state — a renewed dependence on local a "full assurance of a happy considered it a great asset toj' war, who still resented anything deplore him.
hanging there. She just d i d n ' t *
There will be general agreement
immortality beyond the grave." the community when it was in- British. The "English Church"
Mr. Bramble was an older remember.
with that statement. And a tax reducthad very quickly become the |
Number of Causes
of some wealth. His backion will come as welcome news to all of a similar renewal- in individual self-reliProtestant Episcopal Church in
One lady died "after a tedious
was British but he had
ance and responsibility.
disorder which baffled the skill
us — if!
James D. Sketchley was an the United States. And certain boon in this country before the
The "if" lies in whether or not the
. Welfare f Inters may, or may not, of all her physicians but she en- Englishman. He ami Joseph it is, 1800 was not time to be time of the Revolution.
dured it with resignation to the Parker came to Poughkeepsie singing Rule Britannia!! This is
Mr. Sketchley was undoubtedtax saving is offset and more by in- like this prescription. But, either way, devine
The Junior Snippers 4-H Club
will." A number of
evidently the "misconduct" and ly buried in the churchyard of
of Pleasant Volley had a Christcreased living costs, due to the surge of
it is the one the national health demands. deaths were attributed to '."the in June 1799 from Lansingburgh cause for the dismissal.
Academy. The Poughkeepsie
Christ Church, then located on mas party at the home of Barprevailing epidemic." clv>lera Journal of June 11, 1799, pubAnd So, the Obituary
Maikct at Church street. Sketch- bara Hole on Dec. 21. After
or yellow fever, and sometimes lished a quotation stating that,
On April 29, 1S00, J a m e s ley's family irmalned in the vil- carol singing, refreshments wcre^|
to smallpox. Consumption and at a public examination. the Bramble, a propserous merchant lage for s.nne months. The adserved. Members exchanged
congestion of the lungs removed students of I^nn'ingburgh Acad- of Poughkeepsie inserted the vertisements of the school kept
gifts and games were played.
numbers of young people. There emy had acquitted themselves following notice in the Pough- by his sisters were continued unThe Christmas party com-,
were drowning accidents and very well in different branches keepsie Journal:
til the year 1501.
miiiee included Susan Gott-^
during the summer months, it of science In which they .were
The T.-rm ef H'tihinelen
e*d Surre^'dinf
Died, on Thursday morning
There was no further mention hardt, Candacc VokAll, Cynthia,
was not unusual to read that a examined, "to the high satisfac- last, of a broken heart occasionTUESDAY. JANUARY 1. 1953
Hinsch, And Barbara Hale. 2Ci
man had died from the effect of tion of the trustees of that in- ed by unmerited and cruel per- of Mr, Sketchley In the newspaMembers Attended.
PuMiihfd e t r r r TharMijr t t MilI>.r.v>V. Dotcfcm Cotinty. N. Y. Tfltphone OR 7-3125 and
UtO heat or the "drinking of cold stitution."
secution, Mr. James D I k e r death given. He had been popuby MiliJiff)''; T f f n . In?.
water imprudently."
Tilings went well with the Sketchley.. aged 29 years. -On lar nnd hippy B nd apparCTitly
Members: N t w York Vtf% Att.vUti.-n — Nttinni] E d i t o m l Ai*o<Utinn
—Then.~ft9 - now—mrn d i e d _ a r AcHTfpTrTy"ar7u''a".sTt"6r'rTi"me laJOHN" W . N A S H ,
the result of highway accidents;- tor—-it- watt-—announfwJ— thnt Friday afternoon his remain* en^y^d.ijfc.Jn^tha.vulaKe-unul
K U n F R T J. HAKRACT.OrGTT. General Mcmaoer
MRS JOHX P M ' M M K R , S'e-it
a. horse ran away;
a wheel Sketchley's two sisters w e r e wn»~-iitttnidCT!---Cvinr^r5r<'InTr:ihP sang Rule Rritannln. When Table a w o n d e r f u l ' p a p e r — ^
C i . A f D I A T. N A S H , Seeiel
came off a wagon; a heavily opening n hoarding and dayhonors to the place of intcrmor.t he was so bitterly disappointed broader coverage of news, good
H U G H B A R N H A R T . J r . Adteetiti-t
P H H . i r S. S C I A R R A . Plan! Hanojer
loaded wagon upset; a bridge school for the education of by a large body of citizens of over his dismissal and had noeditorials and lAst but not IcAst,
B E R T H A KF.t.LY, Offiee
Prospects.- to ^nrme—lll.-He- TOmimnstTXWTJc' T6Tnpk!n<rOuT"
ffavft way* o rld^r-foH-frwrrhrr
Trrmi af SutKiu-dofi
yoxmjf lird!fsT~~
lfe WAS A nihn of science, ten- may have had no will to recov- of the Pastrithi*-Dut**»«« Cjmfitjr) -rrr; rrrrrr:
horse, or there was a sleighing
) Y*»r (irithtvDBtd*»»»
oatitdt DrtcbtM Cgimij».
Covfllr) . ; : . . . . .
It WAS therefore surprising to def husband, nn Indulgent fAth- er and may truly h a w "died of
Harry G. Thorn
accident. In one case "the horse
road in the Poughkeepsie Journ- er And sincere friend. He has A broken heart".
Ccaftf* Sf*<W (votir* tchtxt T**t)
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Stop. Look and Think
Big 'If
Junior Snippers
Exchange Gifts
JffflllnWt<®>jftoiinfc mhh
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York 13069
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