Document 6442214


Document 6442214
Wednesday, May 31, 2000
Funeral Home, St. Augustine, Florida, is in charge of arrangements.
Borsuk, Elmer M.
Santa Cruz, Calif.
1^, NEW YORK, NEW YORK Fall Creek
psf| Elmer M. Borsuk died on Friday, May 19, 2000, in New
..Lake Havasu City, Ariz.
York City after a long struggle
against illness. Elmer was born in
Lodi on April 30, 1913, to Isadora
..Apache Junction, Ariz.
and Kaila (Kailin). The family soon
New York, N.Y.
moved to Madison, where Ike BorMonticello
suk operated a grocery store at the
corner of Regent and Mills u n t i l his
death in 1949. Following Kaila's
untimely death in 1919, Elmer was
devotedly raised by Fannie (Berg)
West Bend/Madison
Borsuk, Who died in 1970. Elmer
was a member of the first graduating class at Madison West Senior
High School and obtained his bachCuba City
elor's degree from the University of
Wisconsin School of Journalism in
1937. His firsl venture to New York,
Mount Horeb/Dane
to serve as an apprentice actor and
stagehand in Orson Welles' MerMadison/McFarland
cury Theater, did not quite lead to a
career in show business. A draft notice nine months before Pearl Harbor marked the beginning of more
than 30 years of active and reserve
duty in the U.S. Army. During
World War II, Elmer served as a
combat correspondent and press liaison from the Normandy landings
until the collapse of Nazi' Germany.
In March 1945 he covered the capture of the Remagon Bridge across
the Rhine and several \voeks later
stood next to General George Patton
at the brief dedication of a newly
built railroad bridge nearby. When
Elmer handed Patton a scissors to
cut the ribbon, Pallon demanded a
bayonet instead. Commissioned as
an officer, Elmer retired from the
reserve with the rank of major in
1973. Married in 1941 to Wilma
Berg, Florence M.
PARDEEVILLE - Florence M. Berg, fBartz) of Coloma, Wisconsin, he
age 89, passed away at her home on lived in New York City from 1945
Monday, May 29, 2000. She was on, holding a series of key positions
born on October 1, 1910, in Gala- in public relations and specializing
mine, Wisconsin, Ihe daughter of in community service agencies.
James F. and Luella (Downey) During Ihe 1970s he was public reMcKillip. She was uniled in mar- lations director for the New York
riage to Harold Peter Berg on No- Federation of Protestant Welfare
vember G, 1935, at Galena, Illinois. Agencies, and during the 1980s
Florence was a member of St. held a similar position with the CitMary's Catholic Church in Pardee- izens Committee for Children. After
ville. She was a very loving and car- Willie's death in 1907, he married
ing person. Her family and faith Gwendolyn (Wilson). Elmer enmeant everything to her. Florence joyed theater of every type in New
was always there without hesitation York and traveled the world. 1 lis
whenever needed. She will bo ability to marvel at the accomplishdearly missed. She is survived by ments and interests of everyone he
her five children, Anna Mae (Wes- met never left him. And that big
ley) Johnson of Gratiot, Luella (LaV- grin was a lighthouse to all who
ern) Hying of Pardeeville, Arlene knew him and loved him as hus(Darrellj Skinner of Peoria, Arizona, band, brother, uncle, and friend. He
Mavis (Charles) Czarnezki of Poy- is survived by his wife, Gwendolyn
nette, and Donna (Robert) Moran of of New York; his brother, Gerald of
Montello; nine grandchildren, Rick Madison; and his sister, Anita Mos(Debbie) Bongard of Belleville, serman of Milwaukee. His brothers,
Cindy (Dave) Grotty of Oregon, Ben and Charles, died previously. A
Bremla (Fred) Heller of Oconto graveside service will be held at
Falls, Mike Bongard of Madison, FOREST HILL CEMETERY, 1
Duane (Kay) Bongard of Oregon, Speedway Road, Madison, on
Doug (Carrie) Jones of Stitzer, Pam Thursday, June 1, 2000, at 2:30 p.m.
(Dennis) Low of Phoenix, Arizona,
Cress Funeral Home
Lynn (Bob) Trembley of Peoria, Ari(608) 238-3434
zona, and Andy Hying of PardeeBrusveen, Thomas H.
ville; 17 great-grandchildren; a
sister, Amy (Henry) Heins of Dar- MONTICELLO - Thomas H. Bruslington;
and veen, age 91, a well-known Montibrolhers-in-law; nieces, nephews, cello resident, died on Tuesday,
other near relatives and friends. May 30, 2000, at Monroe Manor
She was preceded in death by her Nursing Home. Funeral services
parents; husband; daughter, Belly will be held on Thursday, June 1,
lean; son, Joseph Lawrence; Iwo 2000, at 11:00 a.m. at ZW1NGLI
brolhers, Joseph "Larry" and Frank; UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST in
and Iwo sisters, Lillian Stayer and Monticello. Burial will be in York
Annie Bartels. Funeral services for Memorial Church Cemetery, rural
Florence Berg will be held on Blanchardville. Friends may call at
Thursday, June 1, 2000, at 10:30 VOEGELI-NEWCOMER FUNERAL
a.m. at ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC HOME in Monticello TODAY,
CHURCH in Pardeeville. Father Wednesday, May 31, 2000, from
Thomas Schroeder will officiate. 4:00 until 8:00 p.m.
Friends and relatives may call at
the church on Thursday from 9:00
a.m. until the time of the services.
Following services, a time of fellowship and lunch will' be held at the
church basement. Burial will take
place at Immaculate Conception
Cemetery in Kindall Township, Lafayette County, at 3:00 p.m. on
Thursday. The family suggests memorials be made in Florence's name
to the American Cancer Sociely.
Smith Funeral Home of Pardeeville
is serving the family.
To Live in Hearts We Leave Behind
Is Not to Die
Do not stand at my grave and weep
Cowan, Donald L.
I am not there, I do not sleep
Ife. MADISON - Donald L. Cowan,
I am a thousand winds that blow
Ptf Sr., age 03, died on Monday,
I am the diamond glints on snow
May 29, 2000, at his home. He
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
was born on June 13, 1910, in FenI am the gentle autumn rain
When you awaken in the morning's nimore, Grant County, Wisconsin,
the son of Ben and Mabel (Wagner)
Cowan. Donald and his family
I am the swift uplifting rush,
moved to North Freedom and then
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night to Madison, where ho attended
Brayton School and Madison CenDo not stand at my grave and ciy.
tral High School, graduating in June
1 am not there ... I aid not die.
1933. During his younger years he
Blakely, Guy
]•*, VERONA - Guy Blakely, age sold Madison newspapers at the old
^sfj 83, passed away on Monday, post office on Mifflm Street and
May 29, 2000, at Badger Wisconsin Avenue and at the BelPrairie Health Care Center. Guy is mont Hotel. He worked at the C &
survived by his daughters, Laura NW Railroad, Oscar Mayer and
Allen of Madison, and Kay Fehr- Company, and Madison Bus Comman of Poynelte; his brother, Jerry pany before going to the Madison
Moritz of Colorado Springs, Colo- Post Office. Ho was drafted into the
rado; his sister, Marg Kreifel of U.S. Army Signal Corps in January
Rhinelander; and many grandchil- 1942, serving 52 months, the last
dren, nieces and nephews. Guy was eight months in the Philippines and
preceded in death by his parents, in Japan on Occupation Day. He reGuy Sr. and Susan (Harvey) turned to the post office in March
Bla"kely; his wife, Inia; a son, Gary 1946. Don married Kathryn ThorBlakely; a brother, Charles Blakely; stad on December 7, 1946. They
a sister, Agnes Jahnke; a grand- were blessed with two sons, Donald
daughter and grandson. There will L. Cowan, Jr., and Richard H.
be no services held. Special thanks Cowan. Don worked as the public
to the staff of Badger Prairie Health address announcer for the UniverCare Center for me excellent care sity of Wisconsin, where he was the
voice of the Badgers for 37 years
given to Guy.
with the basketball team and 27
Fitch Law'rence Sanfillippo Cress
years with the football team. He
Funeral and Cremation Service
also announced for girls and boys
(608) 238-8406
high school basketball state tournaBlau, Lois Haswell
ments for 37 years and six years for
APACHE JUNCTION, ARIZONA - the boys high school state football
Lois Haswoll Blau, age 89, of championships. He was inducted
Apache Junction, Arizona, died on into . the Wisconsin Basketball
Monday, May 29, 2000, at Mesa Lu- Coaches "Friends of Basketball Hall
theran Hospital in Mesa, Arizona, of Fame" in 1984. Don was also ring
after a briefillness. She was born in announcer for the Pan Am Boxing
Waterloo, Iowa, and was a retired Tournament. He served as lake dishigh school librarian, having trict commissioner for five years on
worked in Madison for 18 years. Lake Puckaway. Don was active for
She was a member of Alpha Chi many years in the following organiOmega, the ALA and served as a zations: 51 years at Bethel Lutheran
representalive for Ihe Secondary Church, where he ushered for 10
Schools Library Association. She years; 58 years in Masonry, origiwas a member of Congregalion nally with Madison Lodge #5 and
Church. Survivors include Iwo for tne past 39 years with Doric Masons, Frank M. Blau, Jr., Norcross, sonic Lodge #356, where he curGeorgia, and Timothy Blau, Mesa, rently had a perpetual membership
Arizona; and five grandchildren. and liad received a Grandmasters
She was preceded in dealh by her Service Award; 53 years with the
husband of 50 years, Frank M. Blau. Madison Scottish Rile Bodies,
Sr. Memorial services will be held where currently he had a perpetual
at a later date at Arlington National membership and had. received the
Cemetery, Arlington ^Virginia. Craig Meritorious Service Ai'ard
1" in 1987;
Aronin, Rose Blachman, 87....
Bellmore, Mae, 87
Benson, Jerry, 70
Berg, Florence M., 89
Blakely, Guy, 83
Blau, Lois Haswell, 89
Borsuk, Elmer M., 87
Brusveen, Thomas H., 91
Cowan, Donald L, 83
Davis, Celia A., 92
Dunnick, Janet E., 48
Heidner, Dorothy W., 84
Jorgenson, Celia C., 89
Kroll, CletusJ., 78
Loring, Guerdon, 75
McLeish, Gerald C
Richards, James A., 70
Schmitt, Louanne M., 61
Smith, Josephine Theresa, 85.
Szymanski, Herman A
Aronin, Rose Blachman
Blnchinan A r o n i n , aclivo in Jewish
causes, died on May 20, 2000. in
Santa Cm/., California. She was 87
years old. The of death was
congestive heart failure. She was
born in 1913, in Sloboda, Russia,
the youngest of nine children, Aronin came to America with her
mother and siblings to join her father, Benjamin Ulachman, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The family later
moved to Madison where Aronin
attended Longfellow Elementary
School, and where, in 1932, she
married Hyman E. Aronin, a medical student. Together they had
throe children. During Ihe 4()s, Aronin worked with Jewish agencies in
Wisconsin to resettle Jewish war
refugees, was elected president of
the Wisconsin State B'nai B'rith
Women's Council, served on the
Board of Trustees of Ihe liellefaire
(Ohio) Regional Child Care Service,
and was an advisor to the B'nai
B'rilh Girls, ;i Jewish youth organization. Following the death ul her
husband in 1950, Aronin began
work as a secretary at the Slate of
Wisconsin's A d j u t a n t General's office. Two years later she moved lo
Los Angeles, California, where she
worked as a secretary for a Jewish
synagogue. In 1959, Aronin returned to Madison. Aronin completed high school requirements
and graduated at the age of 47. She
also worked as an administrative
assistant for the Mathematics Department al. the University of Wisconsin at Madison. In 1968, she
moved (o Los Angeles when; she
worked as an administrative assistant for the Mathematics Department at the University of California
at Los Angeles. She retired in 1977.
An avid bridge player, Aronin became a Life Master in 1982. Family
members recall her passion for
cooking — cheese blintzes and cinnamon rolls were her specialties—
as well as her gusto for life, an attribute which earned her the affectionate nickname "I lot Rod Rosie"
among her grandchildren. Aronin is
survived by her three children,
Loeb Aronin of Woodland Hilts,
California, Sandy Silver of Santa
Cruz, California, Meryl Aronin of
Stamford, Connecticut; ton grandchildren
grealgrandchildren. Funeral services
will bo held at CRESS FUNERAL
HOME, 3010 Speedway Road at
11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 1,
2000. Rabbi Kalz will officiate.
Burial will be in FOREST HILL
CEMETERY, 1 Speedway Road. In
lieu of flowers, contributions can be
made to the local youth group of
Temple Beth Israel.
Belimore, Mae
FALL CREEK - Mae Bellmore, 87,
passed awav on Monday, May 29,
2000, at Fall Creek Valley Nursing
Home in Fall Creek. She was born
in Wilson, Michigan, the daughter
of Joseph and Cecelia (Bunno) Prcaseau. Mae married Theodore Bellmore in May 1936 in Povyers,
Michigan. They resided in Michigan, laler moving lo Chippewa
Falls, and in 1960, Madison. Upon
retirement in 1972, they moved to
the Cadolt area. She is survived by
her daughters, Mary Joy (Bernard)
Peterson of Cadotl, and Jan Klausmuior of Madison. Funeral services
will be held on Thursday, June 1,
2000, at 11:00 a.m. at ST. ROSE OF
LIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH in Cadolt. Friends may call at LEISER
FUNERAL HOME in Catlott on
Wednesday, May 30, 2000, from
4:00 until 8:00 p.m.
Benson, Jerry
LAKE HAVASU CITY, ARIZONA Jerry Benson, age 70, of Lake Havasu City, Arizona, a business
owner, died on Monday, May 29,
2000, at his residence. He was born
on August 10, 1929, in Madison,
Wisconsin, to Martin and Nina
(Neuhauser) Benson. Ho was married lo Margie (Pliner) June 11,
1955, al Grace Lutheran Church in
Kirov, Wisconsin. Ho'was preceded
in death by his parents; a sister,
Belle; and two sons, Marty and
Mike, all of Elroy, Wisconsin. Survivors include his wife, Margie Benson of Lake Havasu City, Arizona; a
daughter, Gail Benson of Lake Havasu City, Arizona; a son, Mark (Ty)
Benson of Rural Richland Center,
Wisconsin; a granddaughter, Danielle Benson of Lake Havasu City,
Arizona; as well as numerous relatives and friends. He was a veteran
of the U.S. Army in the Korean
War. Following the war, he owned
and operaled Benson Fruit, Inc. in
Elroy, Wisconsin, for 23 years. He
retired in 1993, selling his business
to his nephew, David. He enjoyed
his remaining years in Lake Havasu
City, Arizona. He always said,
"When I {jet up in the morning, I
have nothing to do and by noon I
have it half done." Honey, we will
all miss you, but you always said
you will Be waitingJusl beyond Ihe
mooju Good-bye foijfnow, w i t h love.
Obituary information: Marci Rosen, (608) 252-6320
53 years with the Zor Shrine Tem- parents; her first husband, Charles;
where he had co-chaired the and a brother, Harold, in 1985. She
hrine Al}-City Football Banquet was a member of Our Savior's Luand received the membership theran Church of West Bend, the
award; 50-year member of VFW Oscarettes, and past member of the
Post #1318, where he was post West Bend Women's Club. Funeral
commander in 1950 and was a life services will be held on Thursday,
member; 29 years with the National June 1, 2000, at 11:00 a.m. at THE
Association of Retired Federal Em- PHILLIP FUNERAL HOME of West
ployees, where he was also a life Bend, with Pastor Oscar Kraft officimember; 10 years vyith the Badger ating. Interment will take place at
Chapter of the American Red Cross, Roselawn Cemetery, in the chapel,
where he was an instructor and on Friday, June 2, 2000, at 10:00
taught first aid; 12 years with the a.m. Visitation will be at the funeral
Four Lakes Council of Boy Scouts home from 9:00 a.m. until the lime
of America, where he received the of Ihe service on Thursday. MemoScouters Statuette award; a member rials are appreciated lo Ihe Wisconof the East Side Business Men's sin Osteoporosis Foundation.
Association; and had officiated high
Jorgenson, Celia C.
school football and basketball
games for many years. Don is sur- WIOTA - Celia C. J9rgenson, age 89,
vived by his wife, Kathryn of Madi- of \Viota, Wisconsin, passed away
son; two sons, Donald L. (Sue) on Monday, May 29, 2000, at LaCowan, Jr., of Oregon, and Richard fayette Manor Nursing Home in
H. (Ellen Schwartz) Cowan of Madi- Darlington. She was born in Argyle
son; two grandsons, Benjamin Paul Township on December 14, 1910,
Cowan and Patrick William Cowan, the daughter of J. Selmer and H.
both of Oregon; and also cousins. Elina (Hendrickson) Everson. Celia
He was preceded in death by his attended Andrews Country School
parents; and a sister, Irene McDer- in Lamont. On January 24, 1934,
mott. Funeral services will be held she was united in marriage to Clarat GUNDERSON FUNERAL HOME, ion Jorgenson at the Apple Grove
5203 Monona Drive, at 11:00 a.m. Lutheran Church Parsonage, rural
on Friday, June 2, 2000, with the Argyle. Clarion and Celia lived and
Roverencf Don Jacobson presiding. farmed in both Wiota and Wayne
until Clarion's death in
Burial will follow at Roselawn Me- townships
1961, when she moved into Wiota.
morial Park. Friends may call from Celia
working for Swiggum
4:00 until 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Cheesebegan
Factory as a packager, retirJune 1, 2000, at the funeral home, ing in 1972.
Celia was also a skilled
where a Masonic service will be seamstress, making
many wedding
held at 7:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, and prom dresses Tor
many people
memorials may be made to the in Ihe area. Survivors include
a son,
Shriners Hospital for Crippled Chil- Rolyn (Judy) Jorgenson of Valders,
dren, c/o Zor Shrine Temple, 575 Wisconsin; her sisters-in-law, WiZor Shrine Place, Madison, WI nogene and Joan Everson, both of
53719; Bethel Lutheran Church, Monroe, Ruth Jorgenson, Marie Jor312 Wisconsin Ave., Madison, WI genson, and Eleanor Schultz, all of
53704; or to Doric Masonic Lodge South Wayne, and Marion Jorgen#356, 3564 Cottage Grove Road, son of Darlington; a brother-in-law,
Madison, WI 53716.
Vinal (Ingal Jorgenson of Janesville;
13 grandchildren;
greatDavis, Celia A.
step-greatMADISON - Celia A. Davis, age 92, grandchildren;
of Madison, died on Monday, May grandchildren; and very special
29, 2000, at a local nursing home. friends, Dallas and Barb Cecil of
She vvas born on February 28, 1908, Wiota. Celia was preceded in death
in Mineral Point, the daughter of by her husband, on July 29, 1961; a
William and Jessie Smith. She mar- son, Roger Jorgenson, in 1990; a
ried Lawrence Davis on July 30, daughter, Sandra Stoll, in 1981; a
in Dubuque, Iowa. She great-granddaughter, Amy Rose
worked as a private duty nurse and Tracy, in 1987; four brothers, Lawwas a director at Attic Angel Retire- rence, Burdean, Robert and Harlow
ment Center for many years. She Everson; and two sisters, Ruth
was a member of Firsl United Meth- Goebli and Joanne Metcalf. Celia
odist Church in Madison. She is was a member of Wiota Lutheran
survived by a daughter, Jessie Jor- Church, its WELCA, and was a fordan, Madison; a granddaughter, mer Sunday school teacher. She
Karen (Donald) 'Benz, Onalaska; was a member of the Lafayette
three great-grandsons, Nicholas, County Extension Homemakers and
Tofld and Chad Benz, Onalaska; for many years was a sewing leader
and many nieces and nephews. She for the Jennings 4-H Club. Celia
was preceded in death by her hus- was a true Milwaukee Brewers fan
band, Lawrence, on July 15, 1968; and also enjoyed reading. Funeral
her parents; and four sisters. Fu- services will be held at 11:00 a.m.
neral services will be held at RYAN on Friday, June 2, 2000, at WIOTA
man Ave., on Friday, June 2, 2000, Rev. Victoria Shepherd officiating.
at 11:00 a.m., with Pastor Joan Burial will be in West Wiota CemeDoming officiating. Burial will be al tery. F'riends may call on Thursday,
Roselawn Memorial Park Cemetery. June 1, 2000, from 4:00 until 8:00
Friends may call al Ihe funeral p.m. .at ERICKSON FUNERAL
home on Friday from 10:00 a.m. HOME in Argyle.
unlil Ihe service lime.
Kroll, CletusJ.
FENNIMORE - Cletus /. Kroll, age
78, passed away on Monday, May
29, 2000, in Boscobel. He was born
on June 23, 1921, in Highland, Wisconsin, the son of Ben and Teresa
(Eiling) Kroll. He married Betty
Nechvatal on August 23, 1950, in
Montfort, Wisconsin. He is survived
by his wife, Betty, of Fennimore;
four children, Gary Kroll of Cobb,
Wisconsin, Diane (Bruce) Novinska
of Chugiak, Alaska, Christy (Bill)
Kirschbaum of Stitzer, Wisconsin,
and Donna (Phil) Edge of Belleville;
eight grandchildren; two sisters, Lucille (Arnold) Volenec of Cobb, and
Kalherine Papierniak of Madison;
Dunnick, Janet E.
three brothers, Earl (Virginia) Kroll
MADISON - Janel E. Dunnick, age of Cobb, Wisconsin, Delbert (Ann)
48, died unexpectedly on Salurday, Kroll of Highland, Wisconsin, ana
May 27, 2000. She was born on Louie (Marian) Kroll of Buffalo,
March 2, 1952, in Madison to New York; and many nieces and
Franklyn and Gladys (Hustad) nephews. He was preceded in death
Blase. Janet graduated from West by his parents. Funeral services will
High School in 1970. She was em- be held at ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC
ployed by WPS for 12 years. Family CHURCH in Fennimore on Friday,
meanl a lot to Janel. She was an un- June 2, 2000, at 11:00 a.m., with Faselfish, compassionate, loving and ther George Horath officiating.
forgiving woman. Janet, is survived Burial will be in St. Mary's Catholic
by her nusband, John Dunnick; a Church Cemetery. Friends may call
step-son, Joe Dunnick; her mother, from 4:00 until 8:00 p.m. on ThursGladys (Hustad) Blase; Ihree sislers, day, June 1, 2000, at LARSON
Linda (Bill) Merz, Carol (Bill) Flem- FAMILY FUNERAL HOME in Fening, and Gail (John) Barrelt; nieces nimore, where a Parish Rosary will
and nephews, George, Paul, Denver, be said at 8:00 p.m.
Carrie, Bill, and Amy; a great-niece,
Loring. Guerdon
Keila; and aunts, uncle, cousins,
friends, and her cals, J.R. and |fe- CUBA CITY - Guerdon Loring,
of Cuba City, WisconSpunky. She was preceded in dealh
sin, died on Tuesday, May 30,
by her father, Franklyn W. Blase;
grandparents, Garfield and Elsie 2000, at Southwest Health Center,
Hustad, Franklin and Alma Blase. Platteville. Guerdon was born on
Funeral services will be held at November 21, 1924, in rural PlatteGUNDERSON FUNERAL HOME, ville, Wisconsin, tbe son of Mat5203 Monona Drive, at 2:30 p.m. on thew and Josephine fSeipker)
Thursday, June 1, 2000, with the Loring. He worked at Dubuque
Reverend Brad Homan presiding. Packing Company for 27 years. He
Burial will be at Roselawn Memo- served in the armed forces in Okirial Park. Friends may call on nawa and was a member of VFW
Thursday from 1:30 p.m. unlil Ihe Post #8318. He married Ruth Bustime of Ihe services al the funeral chor of Darlington on July 12, 1949,
home. The family would like to in Holy Rosary Church, Darlington,
lhank Ihe EMS and slaff at Meriter and had celebrated their golden
Hospital. Our mosf precious gift wedding anniversary last year. One
of his greatest joys in life was
came in a small package.
spending time with his grandchilHeidner, Dorothy W.
dren. Survivors include tiis wife,
WEST BEND/MADISON - Dorothy Ruth; five children, Daniel (Patsi)
W. Heidner, age 84, of West Bend, Loring, Dubuque, Iowa, Bill Loring,
and formerly of Madison, died on Lansing, Michigan, Matthew (Lori)
Monday, May 29, 2000, at Cedar Loring, Lancaster, Mrs. Robert
Bay of West Bend. Born and raised (Rose Ann) Beinborn, Cuba City,
in Madison, she atlended Madison and Jane Loring, Dubuque, Iowa; 13
Wesl High School, later attending grandchildren, Heather and Jeff
Madison Business College. She Loring, Kim (fiance Jeff Runue),
married Charles E. Stewarcl on Au- Brian and Brad Beinborn, Julie, Stegust 31, 1940. The couple lived in ven and Katie Leifker, and Kelly
Madison. She was employed as a (Dan) Esser, and Sarah Ann Loring;
clerk at Oscar Mayor, where she two
was also an "Oscaretle." Charles (Scott) Klieman and Jill (Roger) Carpreceded her in dealh on May 16, penter;
step-great1962. After her marriage to Richard grandchildren, Jessica and Justin
Heidner on May 23, 1964, Ihe cou- Klieman, and Scott and Joshua Carple lived in Galesburg, Illinois, fi- penter; and five sisters, Marie Lornally settling in West Bend in 1968. ing, Madison, Mrs, Dorothy Griffith,
She is survived by her husband, Waunakee, Mrs. Emil (Bernadinel
Richard Heidner, of West Bend; two Lauber, Madison, Mrs. Raymond
children, Gerald (Sandra) Stewarcl (Eileen) Pickett, Madison, and Mrs.
of Madison, and Susan Gould of Velma Moe, Juda. He was preceded
Madison; three step-children, Marty in death by his parents, Matt and
Heidner of Wausau, Charles (Ju- Josephine Loring; two sisters, Lodith) Heidner of Adams, and Wil- retta Heins and Marilyn Moore; and
liam (Melba) Heidner of Anacoco, two brothers, Pete and Frank LorLouisiana; seven grandchildren and ing. Services will be held at 11:00
two great-grandchildren; a sister, a.m. on Thursday, June 1, 2000, at
Maxine (Everett,) Hermanson of ST. ROSE OF LIMA CATHOLIC
Madison; two brothers, Roland CHURCH in Cuba City, with the
fAnn) Zerbel of Madison, and Allen Rev. Monte Robinson officiating.
(Mary) Zerbel of Madison; a sister- Burial will bo in the church cemein-law, Sada Zerbel of Madison; tery, where military honors will be
further survived by nieces, neph- accorded by VFW 'Post #8318.
ews, other relatives and friends. Friends may call from 3:00 until
She was preceded in chfyth by her 9:00 p.m. TODAY, Wedf^sday, May
31, 2000, at CASEY FUNERAL
HOME in Cuba City. A parish Rosary will be held al 8:00 p.m. on
Wednesday. A Guerdon Loring memorial has been established.
McLeish, Gerald C.
MONONA - Gerald C. McLeish of-• ,.Momma passed away on Tuesday, , .
May 23, 2000, at his home, follow-;1 .
ing a battle with cancer. He was ,
bom on February 5. 1919, to Roy -^
and Grace (Marshall) McLeish in ' '
Portage. He married Aida Stevenson ,
in Dubuquc, Iowa. Jerry graduated
from Portage High School and al-,..,
tended UW-Madison. He was em: ,.
ploved at Oscar Mayer for 42 years ;
and was a member of the East Side
Business Men's Associalion, the •
Moose Club, and IOTA Crescent,
jerry was. very committed to his <
family and always look care of us. .
He enjoyed many hunting and fish- ^ ,
ing excursions with family and ,
friends. He and Aida also took great:
pleasure in dancing. After his re •
tiroment, they spent many winters .
in Arizona, where he enjoyed daily
walks in the desert noting the ever- v
changing scenery and wildlife. He ''
will be greatly missed. Jerry is sur- ;•.?
vived by his wife, Aida; a son, -•-'
Douglas (Eleanor) McLeish of Be-j ,
loil; a brother, Marvin McLeish 6f~ -'
Portage; granddaughters, Krisline
(Jason) Erdahl of Winlhrop Harbor,
Illinois, Jennifer McLeish of Fricl- '•
Icy, Minnesota, arid Susan McLeish ':•
Madison; and
great- .1:
granddaughter, Katherine Grace Er j , u ,
dahl. He was preceded in death by ,,;
his parents; a son, Charles; and a,'..
daughter, Patricia. For those wish:
ing lo attend, a memorial service
will be hold at GUNDERSON FU^''
NERAL HOME, 5203 Monona ,:
Drive, on Friday, June 2, 2000, at, ••
7:00 p.m. Friends may call froni : ,
5:00 p.m. until the time of the serv ; /
ice on Friday al Ihe funeral home; ''
Memorials will be donated to Jerry's
favorite charities.
•_ •
Richards, James A.
' '
MARSHALL - James A. Richards', '"
age 70, died on Tuesday, May 3O,' •
2000. He was born on July 18, 1929;.
in Milwaukee, Ihe son of Spencer, •
and Lettie Richards. Jim graduatedi
from Palmyra High School. He married the former Alice Bennells in.
November 1955. Jim worked as a <
sales representative for Wisconsin_ .
Gas Company for 37 years until his".'_
retirement. He is survived by his
wife, Alice of Marshall; his chii*! V
dren, David Richards of Marshall,
Dennis (Lois) Richards of Oregon.,
Susan Richards of Marshall, Linda,, r
(Van Travnick) of Waterloo and Patr .,
ricia (Troy) Messer of Jefferson; his,
grandchildren, Dan and Julia Rich'- .',
ards. Amber and Justin Messer, and '
Alicia Deppe; his brothers, Tom" 11
(Judy) Richards, Alan (Diane) Rich--'"'
ards, Gary (Shannon) Zimmerman;
sisters, Bey (Al) Waller and Ruth- ,
Reese. He is also survived by nu-, /•
merous nieces and nephews, and
other relatives and friends. He was .
receded in death by his parents;" •
is brothers, Bob Richards, Bill- '
Richards, and Wes Richards; and by"-;
a nephew, Steve Waller. Funeral
services will be held on Friday, .;
June 2, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. a t , ' .
5203 Monona Drive. Burial will fol-. ''
low in Highland Memory Gardens: "
Friends may call on Friday from ''-'
1:00 p.m. until the time of the services at the funeral home. In lieu of-,
flowers, memorials may be made to , -\
the American Cancer Society.
.' (.
Schmitt, Louanne M.
. • >. j
MOUNT HOREB/DANE - Louanne,. ;
M. Schmitt, age 61, of Mount Horeb
and formerly of Dane, Wisconsin, n
died on Monday, May 29, 2000, at' •<
Meriter Park Hospital. Louanne was
born on October 31, 1938, in Madi-,. i
son, lo Peler P. and Margarel R', "
(Wipperfurth) Schmitt. She resided ')l
in Dane for 35 years before moving"
to Mount Horeb. She was a member' '
of St. Ignatius Catholic Church;, <>
Mount Horeb, and attended MARC',;
Mount Horeb Center for 23 years, i;
Survivors include two brothers.' ''
Roman (Mary Lou) Schmitt of Lodi, !
and Eloi (Mary Lou] Schmitt of' •
Lodi; a brother-in-law, Martin
Gilles of Lodi; two sisters, Margaret: i
(Urban) Werla of Dane, and Janet P.
Slace of Waunakee; 21 nieces and ,
and many friends.', :
Louanne was preceded in death by1 -i
her parents; Ihree sisters, Helen '
Schmitt, Viola Schmitt and Evelyn '
Gilles; a brother, Norbert Schmitt;'-0
and a niece, Kay Stace. A Mass o f i '
Christian Burial will be held at.-',
11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 1
CHURCH, Mount Horeb, with Fa-': •
ther Thomas Monaghan officiating. *
Burial will be at St. Michael's Cemetery in Dane. Friends may call •>
from 5:00 until 8:00 p.m. TODAY ,
Wednesday, May 31, 2000, at,'!
N. Eighth St., Mount Horeb. Friends' *
may also call after 10:00 a.m. on '<•
Thursday until the service time at'''
CHURCH. In lieu of flowers, memo-. ,
rials may be given to MARC Mount .,
Horeb Center, 225 Blue Mounds St " .
Mount Horeb, WI 53572.
Remember me with smiles and''*
laughter, for that's how I'll rementber you. If you can only remember: I
me with tears, then don't remember, ••
me at all.
We love you.
' '',[
Smith, Josephine Theresa
phme Theresa Smith, age 85, of,'!
™™SO!Vdied V" Mo"c'fiy, May 22.,
2000, a Columbus Nursing and Re-' "!
habilitalion Center. She was born''1'
in Waunakee on July 27, 1914, the'daughter of Frank and Adline (Do-.1 lefen) Kneubuehler. She married-! •
Harry P. Smith in Madison, and.',
they farmed for many years in '
^Continued on pag^SA