The Carbon Advocate The the following types of items:
The Carbon Advocate The the following types of items:
Births, Marriages & Deaths From The Carbon Advocate, 1884-1885 This is the sixth in a series of vital records extracted from the Lehighton Newpaper, The Carbon Advocate. Like the previous parts, in extracting the births, marriages & deaths, I have not included the following types of items: 1. Items that did not pertain to Carbon or the surrounding counties. I excluded anything west and south of Berks County, and south of Lehigh & Northampton Counties. I generally included anything north of Carbon county. 2. Estate notices. 3. Murder trials. 4. Coroner inquests when they are not part of the original death notice. In extracting these records, I have copied items as completely and exactly as possible. I have not attempted to correct any spelling errors. If I felt a need to add any text, I did so in brackets. Although most of the papers on microfilm were easy to read, there were some times where the image quality made things difficult. Because of this, researchers are advised to consult the original records. Volume 12, Number 7, Saturday, January 5, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. O. J. Smith, aged sixteen, and Amanda Klaze, thirteen years old, both living near Allentown, ran away from their respective homes and were married to each other. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Two unknown tramps were found frozen to death in a deserted barn at Numedia, Schuylkill county, on Friday morning last. When found they were locked in each others arms. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Last week a large sleighing party had a dance at Philip Brengler's tavern, twenty four miles from Catawissa. Before midnight all hands were drunk. Elwood Strausser was dangerously stabbed in a quarrel with Nat Cope's notorious character. A free fight with pistols and knives followed Mary Amos, eighteen years old, was shot in the leg; Henry Snyder got three fatal knive stabs; Benson Irwin was shot in the thigh. Four others were slightly wounded. Cope and three other farmers, named Henry Swayer, Oscar Schultz and Isaac Hose have been arrested. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Barrett, aged 11 years, living with his parents in Pittston, Friday night attempted to jump on a coal train on the Gravity Road, when he slipped and fell. He was dragged half a mile and crushed into a shapless mass. The body of the man found on Friday near Shickshinny, and supposed to have been killed by a bear, was Saturday identified as that of John Robinson, a stonecutter, of Clevelann, O. 1 Parryville Letter. And what interests everybody most is that next week "Dildine Schneider's party" will comeoff. He will celebrate his birthday and he hopes to see all his friends, whom he says are peaceloving, genial and jovial persons. Head Cut off by Cars. On Christmas night the head of Anthony Roley, a young man residing at Shoemaker's, Schuylkill county, was found near the station at that place and taken to his late home. Some hours later his body was found some distance off. Roley, was 22 years of age and unmarried. He had been to Mahanoy City on Christmas and left on the six o'clock train for his home. He was perfectly sober and the manner in which he met his death is not positively known. It is believed, however, that in jumping off the train, which did not stop at the station, he fell under the wheels and had his head and arm cut off, and that his clothing catching on the cars his body was dragged some distance further on. MARRIED. ZIMMERMAN-HILL.--On the 7th ult., by Rev. Ab. Bartholomew, Franklin E Zimmerman and Mary J. Hill, both of West Penn Schuylkill county. MARRIED. TROXELL-LONGACRE.--On the 11th ult., by the same, Pierce J. Troxell, of West Penn, and Emaline Longacre, of New Mahoning. MARRIED. KISTLER-GERBER.--On the 25th ult., by the same, John W. Kistler and Savina Gerber, both of West Penn. MARRIED. REDLINE-CREITZ.--At Tamaqua, on the 25th ult., by Rev. I. E. Graeff, John Redline and Lizzie Creitz, of Mauch Chunk twp., this county. MARRIED. KIMMEL-ROHRBACH.--At Hazleton, on the 25th ult., by Rev. E. A. Bauer, John Kimmel and Anna E. Rohrbach, both of Tresckow, this county. MARRIED. EDWARDS-PEARSON.--At Hazleton, on the 29th ult., by Rev. J. R. Shipe, Ed. W. Edwards, of Harleigh, and Miss Annie Pearson, of Lansford. DIED. SCHEIN.--At Tresckow, on the 26th ult., Cornelius Schein, aged 62 years. DIED. GALLAGHER.--At Tresckow, on the 26th ult., Mary Gallagher, relict of the late Patrick Gallagher. DIED. DOUGHERTY.--At Yorktown, on the 27th ult., Mary, daughter of Michael Dougherty, aged 9 years and 3 months. DIED. WATKINS.--At Audenried, on the 26th ult., of scarlet fever, Joseph, son of T. T. Watkins, aged 4 years. Volume 12, Number 8, Saturday, January 12, 1884 Mahoning squibs. Last Sunday Frank B. Steigerwalt was married to Miss Mary Delp, both of this place. 2 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Dr. John Romig, the oldest physician in Lehigh county, celebrated his 80th birthday recently. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Luke Clark, a veteran Fenian, at one time sentenced to death by the British Government, died at Scranton last week aged 82 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. By an explosion of fire damp in the Oxford colliery, at Hyde Park, Scranton, on the 3rd inst., three men were severely burned and one fatally. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Sadie Marsden, aged sixteen, and Ollie Major, aged eighteen years, of Forty Fort, Luzerne county, while skating in company with Mr. Clark, a school teacher, on the Susquehanna river, on Saturday, glided into an unseen opening in the ice and were drowned. They were among the brightest and most promising girls in the neighborhood. Suffocated by Furnace Gas. On Thursday night of last week a German named John Bower, 35 years of age, was suffocated by inhaling the sulphurous fumes issuing from one of the furnaces of the Lehigh Iron Company, near Allentown. Bower, with a companion, on that evening entered the furnace to get a night's lodging and lay down in front of the hot blast. After midnight an employe came along and tried to rouse the men, but Bower was beyond relief. His companion escaped injury. This is the fifth death of the kind in that vicinity in a few weeks. Parryville Items. Dildine Snyder's birthday party was a success. Parryville Items. The birthday surprise party of Theo. Pettit last Saturday evening was a success. Weissport Letter. An infant child of Mr. Charles Hahn died suddenly on last Tuesday. It was buried on Sunday afternoon. A Lunatic Commits Suicide. On Tuesday of last week Owen Conley, an inmate of the Lehigh County Almshouse, failed in an attempt to commit suicide. He renewed the effort on the following Thursday night and succeeded. He was found hanging in his cell half an hour after his attendant had taken off his drawers and slipped on his pantaloons again. Then he fastened one leg of the drawers to the shutter and, using the other as a noose, he carried out his purpose. He was nearly sixty years of age. The coroner held an inquest Friday. Ghastly Discovery in a Barn. What is known as the Mile House, situated between Tremont and Branchdale, Schuylkill county, was the scene of a sensational discovery Monday morning. An unknown man, badly mutilated and with a bullet hole in his left breast, was found in the stable at the rear of the hotel. The persons who first made the discovery at first first believed that he had been frozen to death, but an examination of the body revealed the fact that rats had feasted on his head and face. A revolver, with an empty barrel, was found in the barn, and a verdict of suicide was rendered by the Coroner's jury. There is no clue to the identity of the man. MARRIED. HORN-CARPENTER.--At Barnesville, Scuylkill Co., Pa., January 8th, at 10 o'clock a. m., by the Rev. A. M. Woods, Rev. Alfred P. Horn, to Miss Katie F. Carpenter, only daughter of the late N. L. Carpenter, Esq. 3 Volume 12, Number 9, Saturday, January 19, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Our townsman, James Walp, residing on Bank street was made happy on Monday morning, by his wife presenting him with a bouncing baby girl. Mother and child are doing well. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Ex-Congressman S. A. Bridges, of Allentown, died Monday evening of dropsy, aged 82 years. He was a member of Congress from the Tenth district during the years 1848 49, 1853 to 1855 and 1876 to 1878. He leaves a wife, but no children. Death of Hon. Samuel A. Bridges. Another link connecting the past with the present was sundered last Monday evening in the not unexpected demise of one of Allentown's oldest, best known and most highly respected citizens, Hon. Samuel A. Bridges. He had for some time been in feeble condition, and last week was made bedfast under an attack of dropsy in a severe form. He gradually weakened under it until Monday towards evening, when the shadows of death gathered fast and dark upon his countenance, his respiration became feebler, and at last, at near 8 o'clock, died. Whilst not unlooked for, as he had been very ill for a few days, the announcement of his his decease was received with surprise, and many could scarcely credit that he had been called hence, owing to the briefness of his sickness. As a lawyer, statesman and citizen Mr. Bridges, to use his own language, had filled the full measure of his life's ambition, and when he retired from Congress in 1878 he felt that his work was done, and he so expressed it. Since that time he has been living a quiet, retiring life, and until he was overcome by his late feebleness, the result of the weight of his years, he enjoyed himself greatly in the society of his wife and friends. He was near 82 years of age, and had performed his full share of life's duties in many honorable positions.--Allentown Democrat. Big Creek Squibs. A child of Charles Meinhart died of diphtheria last week, and was buried in St. Paul's cemetery on Monday. Prof. Snyder, on Bank street, was made happy by his wife presenting him with a baby girl. Volume 12, Number 10, Saturday, January 26, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel Bigeley, a well known citizen of Shickshinney, was run over and killed Tuesday afternoon at that place, while walking on the track of the Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railroad. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Robert Morris, a prominent young merchant of Pottsville, was married Tuesday morning at St. Patrick's Church, to Miss Eleanor Hennessy, also of that place. The happy couple started on an extended wedding trip. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Rimm, a cigar dealer, residing in Tuscarora, in attempting to cross the Lehigh Valley Railroad in a sleigh at Brownsville, a small station near Shenandoah, was run over and killed by an east bound passenger train Monday night. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Max Shields, a driver of a beer wagon, while carrying a cask of 4 beer into the basement of a saloon at Nanticoke Monday morning slipped and fell to the bottom of the stairs, the cask striking him on the head, crushing his skull and instantly killing him. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A frightful explosion took place at the Lehigh Mountain Dynamite Works, on Friday morning last, by which three men were instantly killed and several others more or less injured. The explosion occurred in a frame structure used as a mixing house, and caused several other buildings in the neighborhood to shake as though an earthquake had occurred. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Early Tuesday morning a terribly frightened woman ran down stairs at the Scranton House, Scranton, and said she had found her husband dead beside her when she awoke. It was Mrs. Engle, of Wilkesbarre, who, with her husband, John E. Engle, went to Scranton Monday night. An inquest showed that he had died of heart disease. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joshua Davis, of Pottsville, and a man named Wagner, started on Tuesday morning in search of Patrick Whalen, charged with robbery. When at Glen Carbon Davis fell under the wheels of the train and had an arm and leg cut off and died soon after being taken home. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Last Wednesday a party of men employed at Haddocks & Steel's colliery, Luzerne borough, Luzerne county, were working through a gangway, when they noticed a threatening piece of roof. They endeavored to dislodge it, but it resisted removal and appeared safe. A little while later it fell without warning, burying beneath it John Starbird. His four companions set to work to extricate him, but when the weight was removed he was found crushed to death. He was 26 years of age and single. He came from Millbrook, N. Y., some two months ago. Death of an Old Resident. Mr. Peter Gensel aged 73 years, died at Beaver Meadow on Monday night at about eleven o'clock. Interment in Beaver Meadow cemetery. Mr. Gensel had been a resident of Beaver Meadow for 55 years and was highly esteemed by those who knew him. He leaves a family of five to mourn his death, namely Mrs. Harry Ervin, Miss Lizzie Gensel, Mrs. Fannie Bowden, Mr. Charles Gensel, of Plymouth, and James Gensel, of Philadelphia.-Hazleton Plain Speaker. Obituary. Bernard McGee.--Bernard McGee died Friday, of last week, at his residence on Susquehanna street, Mauch Chunk, after a brief illness, aged 86 years. The deceased was one of the very oldest and most respected citizens. He was born in Ireland and came to Mauch Chunk to seek his fortune nearly a half a century ago. Upon landing in New York it had been his intention to take up a tract of land which he had already paid a small sum on. He was to have it for $2000, and had he secured it and remained there he would have been one of Brooklyn's millionaires, for the land is now the very wealthiest portion in that city. A number of his friends and countrymen had located at this place in the early days of the canal business and he was persuaded to join them. After years of honest toil he succeeded in accumulating considerable means and valuable property, and some years ago through the assistance of relatives he became involved, and was almost forced into bankruptcy. By indomitable pluck and the most rigid economy he succeeded in clearing off his indebtedness, and from that time to the day of his death was living from his income and rentals which were a very handsome annuity. Previous to the war he engaged on a small scale in the distilling of whiskey, in which he had become proficient 5 in the old country, having turned out the well known "Mountain Dew" while so engaged in the land of his birth. He was the oldest hotelkeeper in this town, and probably in the county, and to his credit be it said his habits of life were strictly sober and temperate. He was industrious, saving and law-abiding, in politics an unflinching Democrat of the Jeffersonian school, who always voted the straight ticket. He was strict in his dealings, always honest and conscientious. He died, as he lived, a peaceable, upright and honorable citizen, a shining example to all his countrymen. His funeral took place on Monday, Rev. Father Bunce, pastor of the church of the Imaculate Conception, of which the deceased was adebout and cosistent member, conducted the services.--Daily Times. Volume 12, Number 11, Saturday, February 2, 1884 Editorial Mention. Judge Harry E. Packer died at 2:30 o'clock this (Friday) morning. Our Neighborhood in Brief. By an explosion of dynamite cartridges, on the Erie and Wyoming Railroad, a short distance from Scranton, foreman Jn. Mack and Thomas Norton, a workman, were killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Richard, a five-year old son of J. H. Campbell, the watchmaker, of town, died, after a few hours illness of membranous croup, on Saturday evening last. He was a bright little fellow. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jacob Schott received severe injuries in a Slatington slate quarry, on Wednesday of last week, and was taken to St. Luke's hospital, died on Friday evening. His remains were sent to Slatington for interment. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Maggie Blanchard, step daughter of Councilman Reading, of Upper Mauch Chunk, was married on Friday last, to Mr. Noble Bradley, by Rev. Mr. Yost, of the M. E. church. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles McGee, of Yorktown, was found frozen to death on Friday morning of last week, between Jeanesville and Beaver Brook. He leaves a wife and large, helpless family to mourn his untimely end. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Early Saturday morning the body of a man, about thirty-four years old, apparently a tramp, was found lying above the boilers of the Keystone Furnace, at Chain Dam. There is no telling how or when he came to his death; but it is believed that he was suffocated by gas, and that the body had lain there about a week. The remains were so bloated and blackened from the steam, as to have the appearance of those of a negro. Decomposition had already set in. There was nothing found on him by which he could be recognized. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Richards, inside superintendent at the Greenwood Colliery, near Tamaqua, met with a terrible death shortly after going to work Monday morning. He was moving about the top of the slope, waiting to enter the mine, when he suddenly slipped on the ice and fell to the bottom of the slope, a distance of one hundred and thirty five yards. He was instantly killed. Mr. Richards was an expert miner and very popular as a mine official. He was 6 fifty years of age, married and resided at Gear town. Weissport Letter. An agreeable surprise party was given to mother Schreiber, one of the oldest residents of Weissport, last Saturday evening. The party was in honor of her eighty-second birthday. A youth named William Hancock, employed in No 1 shaft, Nesquehoning, was caught between two cars in the gangway, on Tuesday of last week, and crushed to death. Mahoning Squibs. Mrs. Solomon Kemerer died very suddenly last week from apoplexy. Her remains were interred at the Ben Salem church, East Penn, on Monday. Death on the Rail. One of the saddest accidents that we have been called upon to chronicle for some time, says last Saturday's Weatherly Herald, occurred here on Wednesday afternoon, resulting in the death of Amos Heller, a car inspector, employed at the car shops. A section of loaded cars were being run upon one of the numerous tracks opposite the shops when Mr. Heller, who was evidently unaware of their rapid approach, attempted to cross the track and was knocked down, the first four cars passing over him and crushing the left side of his body in a most horrible manner. The wheels of the fifth car were sliding, and when they struck him the unfortunate fellow, who was doubtless then beyond all physical suffering was shoved along before them for more than a quarter of a mile. An inquest was held over the mutilated remains by Coroner L_hain [illegible], the verdict of the jury being accidental death. Mr Heller was formerly a resident of Bushkill, Pike county, were the remains were taken Friday morning for interment. He was about 45 years old and was married, but had no children. His heart broken wife, who survives him, has the sympathy of the entire community in her sad affliction. Volume 12, Number 12, Saturday, February 9, 1884 Under Falling Walls - Men Burned or Crushed to Death. Allentown, Feb. 6.--It was smoky and dull about 9 o'clock to night, when the clangging bells announced that a building was on fire in this usually quiet little city. Four steam engines, mounted by strong volunteers from among the best people of place, sped to the scene as fast as swift horses could draw them. It was 9:15 o'clock when the first engine reached a point near the bridge that spans the Jordan Creek. It found the extensive furniture factory of Grossman & Kluenter, which was built almost flush against the bridge, in flames. The fire had caught in the frame structure used as a bending factory by Becker & Bro. All the bending was done in the frame where the fire is supposed to have caught. The engines were quickly at work, for this place has one of the most efficient volunteer fire departments in the country. It was probably ten minutes after the alarm before the firemen mounted the building. This structure had been erected as fire proff, hence there was no hesitation in going in. The roof was of brick, and arched with iron girders. Hardly had the firemen put their ladders up when the heat or steam inside burst the building with a loud explosion, and a sheet of flame some fifty or sixty feet in width swept out with a horrible hiss. Ladders and men went down beneath the falling walls. It was a terrible sight as the walls crumbled, burying the men in the ruins. The flames that illumined the scene died away almost as quick as it had startled those 7 who were watching the pregress of the fire, leaving all in darkness, with the dead and wounded lying almost within the reach of their friends. The report that many citizens were buried beneath the ruins spread like wild fire, and thousands rushed to the spot. The buried men were known to every one who stood around the blazing mass, and they came forward to save them. One of the first taken out was Harry K. Kurtz, superintendent of the Allentown Gas Works, and son of W. W. Kurtz, broker, No. 19 South Third Street, Philadelphia. His leg is broken below the knee and face badly burned. He acted brave as a lion, for while his gas works were threatened and his life in the balance, he said: "Leave me and help those who were on the ladder." His life was only saved because he stood near a doorway. When he was taken out there was almost a panic, for every one at first supposed him dead. Then rumors spread that other prominent citizens were in the burning building. People rushed frantically about calling for relatives and friends, and all the doctors in the city were at once summoned. One after another of the wounded men were taken out, until by 1 A. M., the following list of casualties were reported: Killed. Clause, David, a member of the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company; still in the ruins. Lehr, William J., son of Henry E. Lehr, both arms and leg broken, and skull crushed. He lived about two hours. Miller, Charles, a member of the America Hose, skull crushed and internally injured; died shortly after being taken home. Unknown man, who was standing on the ladder with Clauss, also known to be buried in the ruins. How many more are buried cannot be known to night. Injured. Beisel, Peter, a member of the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company; leg slightly hurt. Bohlinger, Charles, a member of the Liberty; face badly cut. Kurtz, Harry K., leg broken and face burned. Kennert, Emanuel, a member of the America Hose; badly burned and cut about the face; also teeth knocked out. Martin, Edward, a German, head badly cut. Moyer, Peter, a member of the America Hose; left leg broken and internally injured. Saeger, Frank, a member of the America Hose; face badly cut. It is impossible to describe the picture that is presented as people are frantically digging in the ruins to succor those that are supposed to be beneath them. The explosion was so sudden that no one was prepared for the emergency, and who may yet be beneath the ruins no one knows. It is now 2 o'clock, and the citizens are still working with energy approaching to madness to clear away the debris and give relief to the wounded. There is a feeling of intense sorrow throughout the community. Telegrams are coming in from all the surrounding towns with offers of assistance. The factory is a complete loss, say $20,000, but no one can yet tell the actual loss of life. The engines are working with their tireless whirr, while hundreds of people are standing about in breathless suspense. It is the greatest disaster that has befallen this city for years. A subscription for the families of the dead and injured has already been circulated and generously responded to. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Colonel M. D. Poster, a highly respected citizen of Wilkesbarre, died Tuesday. He was appointed colonel of the State militia by Governor Bigler. 8 Our Neighborhood in Brief. E. W. Moloney, of Pottsville, and Miss Kate Duffy were married Tuesday at the Church of the Holy Family, at New Philadelphia, by Rev. William A. Duffy, brother of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left on an extended bridal tour. The presents were numerous and handsome. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jonas Long, a well knwon merchant of Wilkesbarre and a member of the City Council, died Saturday evening, aged 54. His business relations with New York and Philadelphia dry goods houses were extensive. Mr. Long leaves an estate of over $100,000. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A terrific explosion of fire damd occurred in the Dorrence shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company's mine Friday morning, doing considerable damage to the brattice work in the mines. Cornelius McCall was so seriously burned that he cannot recover. The explosion is supposed to have been caused by the naked lamp on McCall's hat. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mattie, daughter of Sheriff Lentz, died Tuesday, aged about 5 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A six year-old child of Frank Acker, died of diphtheria, Monday last. Obituary--Harry E. Packer. In last week's issue of the Advocate we briefly announced the death of Harry E. Packer, president of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and youngest son of the late Judge Asa and Sarah Blakslee Packer, at his home in Mauch Chunk, on Friday morning, after a long and painful illness. The immediate cause of death was internal hemorrhage, brought about by a complication of ailments, enlargement of the liver and dropsy. His wife, his sister, Mary E. Packer, and Dr. McBride, an eminent physician from New York, were among those at his bedside when he died. Harry E. Packer was born at Mauch Chunk June 4, 1850. He spent his younger days at the home of his parents and was prepared for college at Danville, N. J., in a private academy. He entered the Lehigh University September 14, 1866, being a member of the first class of that institution, which was founded and munificently endowed by his father. He was graduated in June, 1870, with the highest honors of his class. Immediately after finishing his college course Mr. Packer joined the engineer corps of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and shortly afterwards was appointed superintendent of the Easton and Amboy Branch of the Lehigh Valley Road. He performed the duties of this responsible office with great credit, and for one so young, developed wonderful executive ability. Shortly after attaining his majority he was made a member of the Board of Trustees of Lehigh Univeristy and St. Luke's Hospital, and was added to the Board of Directors of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, holding the position of vice president of the latter corporation for a number of years. In January, 1883, at the annual meeting of the company, Chas. Hartshorne, who had held the position of president since the decease of Judge Asa Packer, having expressed a determination to retire from the office in favor of the late president's youngest son, Mr. Packer was elected to the Presidency, which he held from that time to the day of his death. He was also the president of the Schraeder Coal Company and was interested generally and particularly in all the many corporations and enterprises controlled and owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. Mr. Packer was a Democrat and took an active interest in local and State political affairs. He was elected an Associate Judge of Carbon County and held the office up to the time of his 9 death. He was frequently mentioned in connection with the nomination for Congress in the Eleventh district, but did not allow his name to go before the conventions. The Commonwealth club, of Philadelphia, prized him as a most valued and influential member, and he was a frequent liberal contributor to the State campaign fund. He was well knwon in political as well as business circles in this and other States and numbered among his friends many of the prominent statesmen of the present time. Judge Packer was married August 29, 1872, to Miss Augusta Lockhart, daughter of the late Alexander Lockhart, of Mauch Chunk, and niece of Robert Lockhart, of Bethlehem. Mr. Packer was a member of St. Mark's P. E. Church, Mauch Chunk, and in his lifetime had contributed largely of his means to the work of the church at home and abroad. He was a member of Carbon Lodge F. and A. M., and Mauch Chunk Chapter, R. A. M. The funeral took place on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. The body being laid to rest in the family vault in Upper Mauch Chunk Cemetery. An immense concourse of people were present to pay a last tribute to his memory, including prominent citizens from New York, Philadelphia and all the towns along the L. V. R. R. Expressions of Sympathy: On Tuesday evening, the citizens of Mauch Chunk, assembled in public meeting, in the Court House, to pay tribute to the memory of Harry E. Packer. The meeting was called to order by M. G. Brodhead, and Wm. Lilly was unanimously called to the chair. A number of vice presidents and secretaries were then appointed. Very appropriate addresses were then made by Wm. Lilly, E. H. Rauch, Hon. Allen Craig, Hon. S. S. Dreher, Hon. Robert Klotz and others. The following resolutions, offered by Hon. Allen Craig, were unanimously adopted: Whereas the death of Judge Harry E. Packer, in the prime of his life, and in the zenith of his usefulness, is a dispensation which has filled the hearts of his friends and fellow townsmen with sadness and sorrow. Born and reared in our town, he never in his riper years, or amid the absorbing enjoyments of manifold business, forgot the place of his birth. He was a true and loyal son of Mauch Chunk. His sense of loyal pride, his commanding influence, and his generous wealth had done much for our muncipality, and if a kind Providence had spared him, we know his impulses and dispositiou would have led him to do much more for us in the future; therefore, be it Resolved, That it is entirely fitting and proper for the riends and neighbors and fellow townsmen, of Judge Harry E. Packer, in public meeting assembled, to give public expression of the great loss which has befallen them and their muncipality in his death. Resolved, That his liberal employemnt of his grat wealth deserves public commendation. To do good was characteristic of the man and we regard his death in the light of a public misfortune. Resolved, That in the administration and management of the official and public interests with which he was connected, he exhibited singular good judgment, kindly consideration for others and a cheerful disposition to accommodate himself to the general weal. Resolved, That his plainness of manners, conduct and speech; his urbanity at all times and to all persons; his firm devotion to his friends, neighbors and home endeared him to all and deserve recognition and exemplification. Resolved, That the President and secretaries of this meeting be requested to transmit a copy of these proceedings to the family of the deceased, and also that they be published in the different newspapers of the county. Rev. Joseph Gross Dead. Rev. Joseph Gross, one of the oldest and most widely known ministers of the Evangelical denomination, died Monday morning in Allentown, after an illness of sixteen 10 weeks, in the 78th year of his age. He was born in Allentown and spent most of his years in the vicinity. A Lutheran in early life, he joined the Presbyterian Church in 1836, and was connected with that denomination several years, when he associated himself with the Evangelical Church. In 1840, when 34 years of age, and after he was married and the father of several children, he studied for the ministry, and two years later began to preach. He was first called to the Milford circuit which, in those days included a district of nearly 200 miles, reaching from Philadelphia to the middle of the State. A year or two later he retired from active work in the ministry but occasionally filled appointments. In 1851 he accepted a charge at Pottsville and later on he served in the Bethlehem, Montgomery, Dauphin, Lebanon, Pottsville and Easton circuits. About twenty-five years ago he retired and became the agent of the Lehigh County Bible Society. He also served the Bucks County Bible Society and several times canvassed both counties and supplied poor families with bibles. The deceased was the author of a number of religious books and essays, the more important of which are "An Exposition of Cremation" and "Millennial Glory." Mr. Gross was married three times and was the father of eighteen children -eleven of whom survive. Fatal Runaway Accident. While J. L. Gabel, of this borough, was getting in his sleigh at Little Gap, on last Saturday, about 5 o'clock p. m. the horses took fright, and ran away, knocking Mr. Gabel down and dragging him about two hundred yards through the narrow lane at that place, and slightly injuring him. The team coming out upon the main road is supposed to have come in contact with another team, causing to run away, throwing its occupant, a Mr. Reuben Bettz, a well-to-do farmer, near Mt. Bethel, out and killing him. Mahoning Squibs. The death of Judge Packer is very much regretted by our people. MARRIED. SMITH-JONES.--On the 19th ult., by the Rev. J. H. Hartman, Seffellan Smith, of Stemton, and Laura Jones, of Trachsville, Pa. MARRIED. WISLER-MILLER.--On the 20th ult., by the same, Reinhard Wisler, of Weissport, and Ellen Miller, of Lehighton. MARRIED. SMITH-RUCH.--On the 6th day of January, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. John Smith, and Miss Ellen Mauda Ruch, both of East Penn, Carbon county. MARRIED. HARTUNG-STAHLER.--On the 15th day of January, by the same, Mr. Amandus Hartung, and Miss Mary Jane Stahler, both of West Penn, Schuylkill Co. MARRIED. STEMLER-BEER.--On the 26th day of January, by the same, Mr. Oliver A. Stemler, and Miss Emma J. Beer, both of Towamensing, Carbon county. MARRIED. HOFFMAN-OLDT.--On the 27th day of January, by the same, Mr. William E. Hoffman, and Miss Emma J. Oldt, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. DIED. KEMERER.--On the 24th ult., in East Penn, Maria, wife of Solomon Kemerer, aged 75 years and 22 days. DIED. BEAR.-On the 29th ult., in West Penn, John, husband of Sarah Bear, aged 47 years, 6 11 months and 17 days. Volume 12, Number 13, Saturday, February 16, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Ceal Redmahr was found on Monday morning, at Clader's lime kiln, suffocated to death by inhaling sulphur. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John J. Kaircher, chief of General Custer's during the war, when he was known as "Jack Cade," died in Pottsville, on Saturday, of cancer of the stomach. He was forty-two years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. W. L. Beaver, an old and respected citizen of Tresckow, died at the residence of his son in Catasauqua, on Wednesday of last week, of miners' asthma with which he had been afflicted for a number of years. Deceased was 59 years of age, and leaves a wife, five sons and two daughters to mourn an affectionate husband and father. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A heavy fall of top coal occurred in the Red Ash slope of the Empire Mine, Wilkesbarre, Wednesday afternoon. A mass of coal fell upon Mathew Cisolo, a miner, 35 years of age, and killed him instantly. Alexander Stevens outside foreman of the Mill Creek mine, was caught between the bumpers of two mine cars same afternoon and squeezed to death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Nicholson, of Weissport, died last week, very suddenly of typhoid fever, leaving a wife and two children in very distressed circumstances--both children being very low with fever. Betsey Harp has been soliciting aid for them, and up to yesterday (Thusday) had collected a total of $12.20. The charitable will find this an excellent opportunity to indulge in a great christian virtue--"He that giveth to the poor lendeth unto the Lord." Lower Towamensing Squibs. Benjamin George is the happiest man in this neighborhood just at present all on account of a little boy, which has arrived at his residence. Lehigh Gap Items. Died.--Mr. George Souders died on Saturday evening, February 9th, 1884, aged 21 years, 1 month and 14 days, of typhoid fever. He was loved by all who knew him; he was a kind young man--on account of intense suffering and unconsciousness, he left no special testimony, but he was always kind and tried to please all, and attended Sunday school and church, which gives ample assurance of his final triumph; he was patient in affiction and resigned to the will of God. He has gone to live with Christ. A father and mother, four brothers and two sisters are left to mourn their loss. Funeral took place on Feb. 13th, Rev. J. E. Freeman officiating. Death in a Dentist's Chair. Mrs. James Stevenson, of the First ward, Scranton, died in a dentist's chair Thursday, of last week, at the office of W. H. Heist, after undergoing a terrible ordeal in dentistry. She was accompanied to the dentist's office by her family physician, Dr. A. Strang, who had administerred the anaesthetic in equal quantities of chloroform and ether. After the first was given two teeth were pulled; then another dose was given and nine teeth were extracated, after which a third was administered and five more teeth were taken. The frightened dentist then 12 realized that his patient was dead and had been for several seconds before the last tooth had been taken out. Efforts were made to restore her, but they were useless. Mrs. Stevenson was forty years old and the mother of seven children, the youngest being four months old. The treatment she received in the dentist's chair is the subject of severe comment. A Madman's Fatal Leap. Thomas Shea, of Nanticake, a single man of about forty years of age, deliberately jumped from the railroad bridge at that place at noon Wednesday, a distance of about fifty-five feet, and sustained injuries that will prove fatal. About two years ago he became a victim of the graveyard insurance craze and lost considerable money in his investments. This so preyed upon his mind that he lost his reason and often threatened to end his troubles by committing suicide. His reason, he said, for attempting to end his life by a fall instead of shooting was that he wanted "to jump square into the other world." Mahoning Items. Our "band," under the leadership of Prof. Samuel Snyder, turned out one evening last week to serenade Mrs Mahlon Nothstein, in honor of her birthday. The members of the band looked handsome in their new uniforms, and were cordially received by Mr. and Mrs. Nothstein. With Her "Little Hatchet." Martin McLaughlin, a peddler, living in the First ward of Scranton, was attacked in his sleep Monday night by his wife, who crushed his skull with an axe and inflicted a number of gashes about the head and body. Thinking she had finished him the wife decamped, taking her two children with her. The wounded man rallied sufficiently Tuesday morning to raise an alarm and succeeded in atracting the attention of neighbors. The bloody axe with which the deed was done was found by McLaughlin's bedside. The wounded man's death is hourly expected. Mrs. McLaughlin was arrested while in the act of escaping through the rear of a neighbor's house, in which he took refuge. She denies all knowledge of the crime. Her husband frequently remonstrated against her drinking and it is thought that she attacked him while in one of her drunken fits. A Lehightonian Wedded. The Washington (Kansas) Republican, of Feb. 1st, gives us the following, which no doubt will interest the young folks of this section: "A quiet wedding took place at the residence of J. A. Thomas, three miles west of town, at 1 o'clock last Tuesday, at which time Miss Mary, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thomas, was married to Fred Weidenheimer, the young gentleman who has for several months so acceptably filled the post of salesman in the music house of L. A. Mundis, of this city. The Republican extends hearty congratulations to its young friends, who have thus at the dawn of spring time united their fortunes for life, and wishes them the brightest realization of their fancy picture of wedded bliss. The following is a list of the wedding presents left with the young couple: Nice eight day clock, from the parents of the groom. Large family bible, from the parents of the bride. Silver butter knife and cake stand, from James M. Veatch, grandfather of the bride. Beautiful glass pitcher, from Mrs. James M. Veatch, grandmother of the bride. Set silver knives and forks, from L. A. Mundis and wife. Majolica cream mug from Miss Della Thomas.. 13 Set of glass ware, from A. J. Morrison, and wife. Pair of goblets, from Pearl Thomas. Ice pitcher, from Mrs. Decker. Glass bread dish, from Miss G. Thomas. Silver butter knife, from Frank Christman. Salt dish, from Miss Edna Thomas. Lamp, from Sherman and Annie Veatch. Pair brackets, whisk broom, and fancy case, from Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. Brown, Washington. Table linen, from Mrs. Kingsbury, Reiter. Silver sugar spoon, from Miss Mattie Veatch, Beloit. Pickle dish, from Miss Hattie Thomas. Table linen, from Mrs. Pozell, Beloit. Pepper castor, from Miss Maud Thomas. Set glass ware, from J. J. Veatch and wife. Fancy towel, from H. Thomas, Seymour, Indiana. The young couple are spending a two weeks honeymoon at Beloit. We extend our congratulations to the youthful pair. Volume 12, Number 14, Saturday, February 23, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joah Bear, one of Allentown's oldest and most respected citizens, died suddenly on Saturday morning about nine o'clock of apoplexy. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Lucretia Hill, aged 100 years and six months, died at her residence at Easton, Monday night. She leaves one child eight grand-children, twenty great grandchildren and eighteen great great grandchildren. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William H. Thomas, aged 51 years, a mine boss for the last twentyfive years, was killed in the Franklin mines, near Wilkesbarre, Saturday evening. On entering the tunnel it caved in, and crushed him to death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. Julius Remmel and Miss Josephine Babcock, were married on Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. M. A. Tolman, at Gen. Wm. Lilly's residence, in Mauch Chunk. The party started on their wedding trip on 5 p. m. L. V. train for Philadelphia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Van Campen, daughter of John T. Van Campen, proprietor of the Dimmick House in Milford, was married Saturday to Clarence Livingston, of New York, the wedding being one of the most elegant ever seen in Pike county. The presents aggregated several thousand dollars in value. Our Neighborhood in Brief. After a very brief illness Ex-Judge Solomon Foster died Monday night at his residence in Pottsville, aged 85 years. He was born in Connecticut and went to Pottsville with his brother with whom he was always associated, fifty years ago. Judge Foster was never married. He leaves a large estate. 14 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. Stephen Remely, a laborer in the Union Foundry at Catasauqua, complaned on Friday evening as he quit work of dizziness in his head, and the following morning he was a corpse. He leaves a wife and five or six children. Congestion of the brain is supposed to have been the cause of his speedy death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Eugenie Coppee, daughter of Professor Henry Coppee, LL.D., of the Lehigh University, was married Thursday afternoon of last week, to Edwin L. Griffith, a merchant of San Francisco, Cal. The ceremony took place in the Church of the Nativity, Fountain Hill, South Bethlehem. Rt. Rev. Cortland Whitehead, Bishop of Pittsburg, officiated, assisted by Rev. C. K. Nelson, rector of the parish. A reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents after the ceremony. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Millbaugh, confined in the Wilkesbarre Jail on a charge of embezzlement, was released on bail to attend the funeral of his child, which died suddenly on the train near Wilkesbarre. His wife had the child with her and was on her way to try to secure the husband's release when the little one died. Trouble at a Funeral. Captain John Munday, a gallant soldier in the late war and junior vice commander of the Grand Army Post Wilkesbarre, was buried Sunday. The veterans of the post had taken charge of the funeral and attended in a body in full regalia. The funeral services were to be held in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, which in his lifetime Captain Munday attended, but on the arrival of the procession at the door of the edifice Father O'Haran, the pastor, refused to admit the G. A. men unless they took off their badges. This they refused to do and declining to take any further part in the funeral, wheeled round and marched back to their hall. Father O'Haran's action has created a bitter feeling among the Grand Army men there, not one of whom, though many are catholics, but denounces his course. A Curious Case. Miss Bridget Kelly, of Olyphant, Lackawanna county, died on Monday evening of last week, very suddenly, after a short illness. She was attended by Dr. Travis, who pronounced the case typhoid pneumonia. She had told her friends who were with her that her hands, feet and limbs felt cold and she at once stopped breathing. For several hours afterward perspirataion was noticed on her face. She was placed in an ice box, and on Wednesday morning put in a coffin. At the hour for the funeral her sister would not give her up. The doctor and Father O'Rouke were sent for, and they examined the body which had a slight indication of warmth. By pressing the fingers against the face and then removing them the imprints left red marks. The doctor said it would do no harm to keep her another day. After a consultation she was taken to the church and then the burying ground.--Ex. Birthday Surprise. On Wednesday evening of last week, it being the eve of the 52nd birthday of Mrs. John Arner, of Weissport, a large number of her friends made a surprise visit to her residence, each laden with basket or package of the luxuries of life. The evening was spent in lively conversation, music, and dancing, and the doing justice to an elegant luncheon by those present. It was indeed a happy party, and will long be remembered by visitors and visited. The following is a list of those present: J W Raudenbush and wife, Eli Snyder and wife, W E Reed and wife, Thomas Weaver and wife, Jno Gilham and wife, F A Graver and wife, D L Arner and wife, J G Zern and wife 15 Mrs Henry Boyer, Mrs Jno Kromer Mrs Thos Arner, Mrs Thomas Harleman, jr., Mrs Frank Laury, Mrs Jos Bennet, Misses Ella Snyder, Emma Boyer, Annie Wassem, Emma Rapp, Lillie Guth, Belle Conner, Clara Whitehead, Sallie Whitehead, Messrs. C A Goth, E A Yundt, Austin Boyer, George Miller, J Musselman, Milton G. Clauss, Henry Trapp, C H McDaniel, Frank Kast, Frank Mertz, Silas M Rhoads. Volume 12, Number 15, Saturday, March 1, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Probst, an old and wealthy resident of Allentown, is dead, aged 85 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jacob Mummey, of Berlinsville, died of cancer on Thursday morning a week at the age of 86. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The body of Patrick Gilmartin, an old man who disappeared from his home in Scranton several weeks ago, was found in the Lackawanna river Saturday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Amandus Boyer, superintendent of Henninger's ore bed, near Ruchsville, was killed Tuesday morning by a bank slide. He leaves a widow and two children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Patrick Dermott, of Nesquehoning, died of lockjaw, resulting from a cold taken while engaged filling an ice house, on Friday last, and was buried on Monday afternoon. Deceased was highly respected by those who knew him. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Baer, elected Auditor last week in Luzerne county, died suddenly on Saturday night while reading a letter from a friend congratulating him upon his election. In the campaign he had met with much opposition, which had unnerved him, and it is thought that the revulsion of feeling caused his death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A boy named Harvoth was killed at Eckley, Friday morning, at No. 3 breaker. His coat caught in the cog wheels and he was thrown under the screen. His one arm was entirely torn from his body and only the hand recovered; the rest of the arm has not yet been found. He was about fifteen years old. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Alfred Campbell, son of Henry Campbell, Esq., of East Weissport, died of consumption on Wednesday last. Deceased was a very exampliary young man, and his host of friends mourn their loss. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Susan, wife of Mr. E. Hibbler, resident on Bankway, this borough, died of consumption, at about 9:45 o'clock on Monday evening last, aged 46 years. A loving wife and an affectionate mother, she leaves a husband and three children to mourn their loss. The funeral took place on Thursday at the Lehighton cemetery, Revs. G. W. North and H. S. Watt officiated. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Peters, superintendent of the Wyoming Valley Coal Company's farms at Port Bowkley, while crossing the tracks of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at 16 Mill Creek late Wednesday night of last week in a wagon, was struck by an express train. Peters and the vehicle were carried a distance of 1,000 yards before the train could be stopped. When found he was upon the pilot of the engine with his head crushed, and dead. The horse was killed and the wagon demolished. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Two terrible mine accidents occurred at Nanticoke on Saturday, which were reported to the Mine Inspector Monday. Joseph Davey, aged 28, employed at Shaft No. 1, charged a hole and fired it and before he could get away the blast went off. A large piece of coal struck him on the back of the head and tore away a considerable portion of it. He died Sunday evening. At Slope No. 2 David H. Davis, aged 45, fired a hole and before he could get away received fatal injuries from the flying coal and rock. Buried in One Grave. An Allentown despatch, last Monday, says: The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Romig and her daughter, Emma, took place this afternoon. The daughter, a most estimable young lady, twenty-four years of age, died on Tuesday night of pneumonia, after a four days' illness. All the arrangements had been made for the funeral, when the mother; who had been suffering with rheumatism, suddenly became worse and died on Thursday. It was then decided to hold a double funeral on Monday afternoon. Within a period of about six months there has been ten deaths in the immediate family circle of the Romigs. One of the sons lost four children in three weeks by diphtheria and a cousin lost three children in five days by the same malady. "Gone and Forgotten." Quite a sensation was created in Scranton on the 22nd ult., by the announcement of the marriage Thursday of Mr. John R. Farr, a Christian, to Miss Justine Levy, a prepossessing young woman of 17, of the Jewish faith. The marriage was brought about under somewhat romantic circumstances, young Farr having been forbidden the lady's house by her parents. Farr is a young man of excellent character, a graduate of Lafayette College, and until lately local editor of the Scranton Republican. Miss Levy's brothers are wholesale dry goods merchants of Scranton. The family caused the following card to be inserted in Friday's Republican, surrounded by a heavy black border: Gone and forgotten. We mourn the marriage of our sister, Justine Levy, to John Farr as death, and disown her for life. Levy Family. Killed on the L. & S. R. R. On last Saturday Michael Cadden, a resident of Nesquehoning, with his brother visited Mauch Chunk, where they spent the day, occasionally indulging in a drink Michael, being somewhat intoxicated; they took the 7 o'clock train for home--taking different cars, when just above the Liberties the conductor approached Michael for his ticket, and was tendered one from "Lansford to Nesquehoning, which he refused and demanded payment, when a dispute arose, and the conductor (Cocher) put Cadden off the train. He staggered along the track until he had nearly reached the junction where the main line crossing the Lehigh, when he was overtaken by passenger No. 12, the engine of which struck and instantly killed him. The train stopped and Cadden was picked up and the train backed with the corpse to the Mauch Chunk depot. The body was most terribly mutilated. Later in the night, the remains were identified, and on Sunday taken to his home at Nesquehoning, where an inquest was held on Monday and adjourned over till Friday. Deceased was about twenty-one years of age. MARRIED. LENTZ-KUNTZ.--On the 26th ult., at the Lutheran parsonage, Cherryville, 17 Northampton county, by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Charles W. Lentz, Sheriff of Carbon county, to Miss Atlas B. Kuntz, of Millport, this county. Volume 12, Number 16, Saturday, March 8, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. While a party of Hungarians were encamped at Roaring Creek, ten miles from Centralia, Saturday night, a fight occurred among them, during which Shupski Lowenthalisky stabbed and fatally wounded two men and one woman, all Hungarians. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Four mine accidents, two fatal, occurred at Drifton, Tuesday. August Gusso, an Italian laborer at No 2 Slope, was struck by a mine locomotive and fatally injured. George Bird was kicked by a mule in the abdomen and died soon after Michael Curres, a Hungarian laborer, was seriously injured, as was also Thomas Morgan. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Heil, a blacksmith, living in Lower Mount Bethel township, Northampton county, was killed on Saturday by a team of horses running away, upsetting the sleigh and dragging him a considerable distance. He was dead before assistance reached him. He was sixty years of age and well known. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Boyle, one of the oldest employes of the Lehigh Valley Railroad shops in South Easton, was knocked down and crushed to death under the wheels of a locomotive at the works Monday morning He was nearly seventy years old, and met his death by stepping on an unprotected crossing in front of a locomotive that was being backed from the round house. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While an engineer was letting a trip of cars loaded with pig-iron down a grade toward the machine shop of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, at Scranton, Saturday afternoon, the front car became uncoupled and ran swiftly down the grade. It crushed through the doors of the machine shops and instantly killed John Barrett, who was working on the bumpers of an engine. Another workman had both of his legs broken. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joseph Walsh, miner at Thomaston Colliery, near Pottsville, on the morning of the 28th ult., was engaged in blasting in his breast, and was carrying a keg of powder to where he was working when a spark fell on the keg from the naked lamp which he had on his hat. An explosion followed. Walsh was killed and was blown a considerable distance and badly disfigured and burned. He was taken to the surface and conveyed to his home at Heckscherville. He was 32 years of age and married. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Ludwig Brantmire, a farmer and owner of the extensive coal lands mined by M. S. Kemmerer, at Pond Creek, Luzerne County, and an employee of his named Peter Speer, were driving across the Berwick Street crossing in White Haven, Monday night, of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, when a passenger train ran into their sleigh, it was upset. Speer was killed instantly and Brantmire probably fatally injured. The harness of the horses became entangled in the locomotive. They were carried 100 feet along the track, one on each side of the engine. 18 Torn to Pieces. Wensil Maenner was struck by a train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Allentown, Tuesday, and killed. The body was so mangled that identification was almost impossible. The track was splashed with blood for a distance of one hundred yards and pieces of skull and brains were scattered on the ties. The back part of the head was cut off, leaving only the face. One leg was severd close to the body and the other was mangled, while both arms were torn out of their sockets. Maenner was a well-known musician and a member of the Allentown Band and the Eureka Orchestra. He leaves a widow and four children, the youngest one a year old. Boiler Explosion. A terrible explosion took place Monday morning at the California Lumber Mills, owned and operated by A. Lewis & Co., at Bear Creek, near White Haven, by which three men were killed and two injured. The killed are Rudolph Sipler, aged 36, who leaves a widow and six children; Whitney Whitebread, aged 48, unmarried, and Jesse Knecht, aged 32, a widower. The injured are William Hendrick, aged 23, leg broken, head cut and back injured, and Joseph Stiner, badly cut and bruised. The explosion took place a few minutes after 6 o'clock, and, as no one was in the mill at the time except the three men killed, it is impossible to ascertain the cause of the disaster. The force of the explosion was terrific. The mill, a large one story structure, was entirely demolished, and the material and machinery hurled on every side to a great distance. The fire box was found embedded in the earth 120 yards away, and the front of the boiler had crashed right through the mill and was found under the ruins on the other side. The loss will reach about $25,000, fully covered by insurance. The mill was the largest and best equipped in this part of the state, and when working full time employed a large number of hands. Obituary. Christian Pretz, one of the oldest wealthiest and most respected citizens of Allentown, died at his residence on Walnut Street, on the evening of the 28th ult., at the ripe old age of 83 years. From early life Mr. Pretz has been actively and prominently engaged in all the leading enterprises tending to the improvement and welfare of Allentown, and grew very rich. He was always regarded as one of the most charitable men in this valley. He was one of the founders of Muhlenburg College, and one of its trustees for a number of years. Mr. Pretz represented this county in the Legislature in 1832 and 1833. He was an ardent Republican and contributed liberally to the party's campaign fund, and received frequent recognition in a complimentary way from his party. Five sons and one daughter survive him. After a lingering illness, during which there were few rays of hope of recovery, James Hess, one of the most prominent and widely known citizens of Easton, died Sunday evening. He was a Democrat in politics, a leading member of the Third Street Reformed Church, a director in the Easton National Bank, a largely interested slate operator, with quarries at Slatington, a large real estate owner and a man of considerable wealth. His children are Dr. Robert Hess, of Philadelphia; John Hess, Harlan H. Hess and Mrs. F. W. Burke, of Easton. Shot Down by a Former Friend. Intense excitement was created in Hazleton Saturday night by a tragical shooting affray, which will result in the death of William Nichols, a young man, aged 28, well-known and respected there. He was shot by Edwin Botheras, an Englishman. The two men were formerly fast friends, boarding in the same house. In October, Botheras was joined by his niece a young 19 and very attractive girl, named Elvira Lutt. Nichols paid her very marked attention, and it was currently reported that he was about to marry her. A month or two ago, however, a coolness sprang up between Botheras and Nichols, and the later left the house and took rooms elsewhere, after a terrible quarrel with Botheras, in which the latter accused him of ruining his niece and demanded that he should marry her. From that time they did not meet until Saturday evening. Nichols was standing alone on the street corner when Botheras came up and spoke a few words to him in an angry tone. Nichols made no reply, when Botheras stepped back and, exclaiming: This must be settled here," drew a pistol and fired twice. One shot took effect in Nichols' arm, and the other in his head, near the ear. He fell, bleeding profusely, and Botheras ran away, but was pursued and captured. Nichols was removed to his home, and soon he became unconscious. Botheras was locked up, and was sent to the county jail at Wilkesbarre Monday morning. There is great excitement here. Both men have hitherto borne good characters. Nichols died of his wounds at about 2:30 a. m., Tuesday. Miss Lutt makes affidavit before Esq. Schutter that no improper intimacy had existed between the murdered man and herself, and denounces the shooting of Nichols by her uncle as "cruel and without any excuse." Lower Towamensing Chips. A child belonging to Lewis Anawalt, died last week of croup. Lower Towamensing Chips. Joseph Souders was made happy again, one day last week, by his wife presenting him with a little boy. Lower Towamensing Chips. Several week's ago Mrs. Souders, of Franklin township, gave birth to triplets--two girls and a boy--the girls survive. MARRIED. ISAAC-GALLAGHER.--On the 6th ult., by the Rev. A. Bartholomew, William Isaac, and Miss Maggie Gallagher, both of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED. WEISS-BARTHOLOMEW.--On the 10th ult., by the same, William Weiss and Mrs. Maria Bartholomew, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. SPENGLER-HUFFORD.--On the 11th ult., by the same, James Spengler and Ella M. Hufford, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. BOWMAN-BLOSE.--On the 23rd ult., by the same, Wilson Bowman, of East Penn, and Mrs. Jane Blose, of Lehigh Township, Northampton county. MARRIED. AGTHE-THOMAS.--On Thursday, Feb. 24th, 1884, by the Rev. James A. Little, at the bride's home, Hokendauqua, J. F. Oscar Agthe, of Middletown, near Harrisburg, Pa., to Kate, daughter of William R. Thomas, esq., of Hokendauqua. MARRIED. BUCH-MUSHLITZ--On the 7th ult., by the Rev. G. W. Gross, Albert W. Buck, of Allentown, to Miss Eva Mushlitz, of Lehigh Gap. DIED. HARTUNG.--On the 7th ult., in West Penn, Lizzie J., daughter of David and Kate Hurtung, aged 10 years, 2 months and 21 days. 20 DIED. BRITTON.--At Eckhart's hotel, Albrightsville, Carbon county, on Saturday morning, February 23rd, William Britton, aged 66 years. Volume 12, Number 17, Saturday, March 15, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Peter Friell and James Roche were killed in mines near Nanticoke on Friday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John McLaughlin aged about 50 years died at his home in Tresckow, last Tuesday morning, and was buried Thursday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Michael McDonald, one of Nesquehoning's popular hotelists, died their last week, after an illness of about one week. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A young man, named James Nilly, in attempting to jump on a moving coal train at Shenandoah Tuesday evening fell under the wheels and was instantly killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The marriage of our young friend, John Kline, of Bethlehem, formerly of Mauch Chunk, to Miss Lizzie M. Souder, of Catasauqua, is announced to take place next Wednesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A 9 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trethaway, of Packerton, died on Saturday last, and was buried at Lehighton on Thursday, the children of the primary school attending the funeral. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Stephens, aged twenty-eight, a brakeman on the Philadelphia and Reading road, while coupling cars Monday near Shamokin, was caught between the bumpers of two loaded cars and instantly killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John T. Audenried, of the well known coal firm of Audenried & Co., died about 2 o'clock Monday morning, at his residence, 1823 Walnut street, Philadelphia. He had been ill for five weeks with an affection of the kidneys and during this time suffered extreme pain. He died surrounded by his immediate relatives and near friends. Deceased was in his 47th year of his age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Clara Halfpenny, a widow, residing in West Pittston and proprietress of the Luzerne House, in that borough, committed suicide Monday night by taking a dose of insect powder. She suffered great torture until relieved by death. She was a woman of dissipated habits. Her husband, Thomas Halfpenny, committed suicide three years ago. Three children are left orphans and destitute. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A number of relatives and friends of Daniel Schoch tendered him a surprise party on Thursday night. The occasion being Dan's 54th birthday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edward Bellas, aged 22, was killed in the new air shaft of the Deleware, Lackawanna and Western Colliery, near Avondale, Wednesday afternoon. The shaft is 21 now about 200 feet deep, and a gang of six men were at work sinking it, when a mass of rock fell from the surface. Bellas was instantly killed, his body being crushed into an unrecognizable mass. His five companions were all injured, but none seriously. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The wife of Mr. Frederick Leuckel, of this borough, died on Thursday morning last. Deceased was between 60 and 70 years of age, and has been ailing for some time past. Shot Himself. Andrew J. Weaver committed suicide at Greenville, a small station six miles south of Scranton, Tuesday. He was forty-three years old. At the breakfast table he was morose and quarrelsome and, drawing a revolver, threatened to shoot his daughter. She fled in terror from the house. Weaver then began breaking the furniture. Finally he was quieted by his son, who appeared upon the scene, after which he lay for half an hour on a lounge. Weaver then went into an adjoining room and after an absence of a few minutes the family were startled by a pistol shot. On going to the room they found him dead upon the floor. The fatal ball had entered his temple and passed through his right cheek. The family say that he has on several occasions within the past month shown symptoms of insanity. MARRIED. SAWYER-GABERT.--At the home of the bride's parents, near Lehighton, on Feb. 24th, 1884, by Rev. W. K. Wieand, Geo. W. Sawyer, of Hudson, Columbia county, N. Y., and Miss Tillie J. Gabet, of Lehighton, Pa. Mahoning Squibs. A child of C. Frank Sitler died last week, and was buried at St. John's church on Monday. Volume 12, Number 18, Saturday, March 22, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Sullivan fell from a coal train near Scranton on Friday, and was killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Andrew Hartaka, aged 40 years, a miner in the Midvale Colliery, and Michael Jones, aged 50, a miner in the Nottingham mines, near Wilkesbarre, were instantly killed Wednesday morning, the former by falling rock and the latter by falling coal. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Barnes, a prominent citizen of Milford, died at his home there after a lingering illness, aged 84 years. He was the father of Lucian F. Barnes, one of the most brilliant lawyers in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and was connected by marriage with the Wells and Crossley families, well known throughout the State. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A frame house, situate on on Railroad street, Wilkesbarre, occupied by the family of Tilghman Newhart, was destroyed by fire about noon on Monday. The mother was absent at the time the house took fire, and no one was near excepting four small children. One of the youngest, aged fourteen months, was burned to death. The fire is supposed to have been started by one of the older children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. Jacob McGinty, of Buck Mountain, this county, died at that 22 place Wednesday morning, of last week, aged about 85 years, the cause of his death being a cancer in the throat, from which he had been suffering for a year past. Mr. McGinty is well known in the Lehigh Valley, having formerly resided in Wilkesbarre, and was the uncle of Mr. Manus McGinty, of Wilkesbarre, and the grand uncle of Deputy Treasurer John S. McGroarty. He was born in the parish of Inniskeel, County Donegal, Ireland.--Ex. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The body of Daniel O'Donnell, largely advertised for throughout this valley recently, was found in the Lehigh river at Easton Wednesday morning, in an advanced state of decomposition. Didn't Think it Would go Off! At Hecksherville, near Pottsville, Sunday Thomas O'Niell, a boy, playfully pointed a shotgun at Patrick McAniny, a companion, saying he was going to shoot him. McAniny replied: "Shoot away," when O'Niell fired, killing McAniny instantly. The Coroner's jury exonerated O'Niell from all blame. He claimed he did not think it would go off, as it was only on half cock. O'Niell's father, however, took him to Minersville Monday and gave him up to the authorities. After a hearing he was committed to Pottsville Prison. He is but fourteen years of age and his victim sixteen years. Lehigh Gap Items. John Ruch is happy because it is a girl, and Lewis Lichtenwalder can't keep from dancing because it is a bouncing boy. So both are happy. Lehigh Gap Items. Emma Beltz, daughter of Joseph Beltz, of Hazardsville, died this week, aged a little over four years. Lower Towamensing Items. Mrs. John Seem departed this life last week; she was buried in the Evangelical church cemetery. Lower Towamensing Items. John Anthony was made happy one day last week by his better half presenting him a boy baby. Wesley Snyder on the same day came in possession of a girl baby. DIED. KINSEL.--At Packerton, on March 16th, Mary, daughter of Charles F. and Mary A. Kinsel, aged 11 years, 4 months and 18 days. Volume 12, Number 19, Saturday, March 29, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. The wife of Rev. T. M. Griffith, formerly pastor of the Mauch Chunk M. E. church, died at Tamaqua, on Sunday afternoon. Interment at Mount Morian cemetery, Philadelphia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Nicholas Ramaley, aged 70 years, died at White Bear, (Bloomingdale), near Summit Hill, on Tuesday morning. Interment at the Brick Church, Lizzard Creek Valley. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Willie, infant son of Mrs. Lucy Laub of this borough, died on Tuesday morning last, after about one week's illness, aged a little over eight months, of membranous croup. 23 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Daniel Arner, jr., died at his home in Weissport, on Tuesday night about ten o'clock, of typhoid fever, aged about 25 years. Deceased leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss. Packerton Items. Miss Mary Lomison, a maiden lady, died at the residence of her Nephew, James Long, Packerton, on Wednesday morning. She has been an invalid for long time. The funeral will take place on Saturday, March 29, at Lehighton Cemetery. Obituary. Miss Elizabeth C. Gould died at the home of her broher, C. J. Gould, on Monday, March 24th, after a lingering illness. She had been a sufferer for many years with that dread disease, consumption, possessing an indomnitable will she did not succumb until the wearied body was worn out. Her life was one of usefulness, caring for others. No case of suffering or want passed her notice; always ready and willing to attend at the bedside of the sick, kind, gentle, and solicitous, she was sought for and welcomed in the sick room. She will be missed by many, yet none will wish her back from that rest which is her's with Him she so lovingly served. She was born at Mauch Chunk, Nov. 1st, 1827, and was always a devoted daughter. It was her privilege to smooth the drying pillow of both her parents, her mother died in 1867; her father in 1875. She was an earnest christian, identified herself with the church many years ago, was an active communicant of the Presbyterian church under the late Richard Webster, she had charge of the Infant Sunday School under the Rev. Mr. Hodge. In '69 the family removed from Mauch Chunk to Packerton. Upon the organization of a Presbyterian church at Lehighton she joined by certificate. The funeral services were held at the residence of her brother, Rev. R. Webster, of Wilkesbarre, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Marcus Tolman, of Mauch Chunk. By her request no other services were held; her favorite humns: "Asleep in Jesus," and "Rock of Ages," were sung. The interment took place at the Mauch Chunk cemetery Thursday afternoon. She leaves a brother, C. J. Gould, and two sisters, Rebecca J. Gould and Mrs. George Ratcliffe to mourn the loss of a loving sister. Shoots at a Woman and Kills a Man. A young man named Eli, aged 19 years, the son of Butler Eli, a well known citizen of Yorktown, near Hazleton, was shot and killed at that place Sunday by Mrs. Thomas Rees. Ill-feeling had existed between Mrs. Rees and a neighbor named Mrs. Simmons for some time, Mrs. Rees alleging that Mrs. Simmons had enticed her husband and made him prove unfaithful to her. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Rees went to Mrs. Simmons' house and bitterly upbraided her. A quarrel ensued when Mrs. Rees, driven to desperation by the taunts and jeers of Mrs. Simmons, and suddenly drew a revolver, and, screaming out, "I'll have your life, you brazen devil," attempted to shoot her. Eli, who happened to be in the house at the time as a visitor, leaped forward to prevent the murder, but his attempt to save Mrs. Simmons' life cost him his own, for, the pistol going off just as he dashed between the women, the bullet struck him on the side of the head and he fell mortally wounded. The whole population of the village was soon crowding around the house, and muttered threats against the murderess were heard on all sides. Eli was taken home, but died within an hour. Mrs. Rees was arrested and put under a strong guard, for fear an attempt would be made to injure her. She was subsequently placed in the lockup, and was removed to the county jail, at Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday. The Coroner summoned a jury, viewed the body and a verdict in accordance with the above facts was rendered. 24 A Woman's Suicide. The wife of Edward Allen, an engineer at the Crane Iron Works, at Catasauqua, has for some time been suffering with melancholia over financial losses. After returning from shopping expedition to Allentown, Thursday of last week, she did not go to her home, but jumped into the canal, from which she was fished by several men who worked near by. She was taken home and her husband took her in charge, but being overcome by sleep during the night he awoke at three o'clock to find her gone. He had hidden the key, but she found it and left the room so quietly that her husband was not awakened. Search was made long the canal and at daylight this body was found. The Allens came from England four years ago and were of good family. John Geary, a boy employed as a slate picker in the Heilman breaker of the Heilman Vein Coal Company at North Wilkesbarre, met with a frightful death on Monday morning. He was endeavoring to push some lumps of coal into the rolls and began kicking them with his foot, when his leg was caught by the swiftly revolving rolls, and, in an instant, he was drawn in and literally torn to pieces, portions of his flesh and limbs being hurled around on all sides. The machinery was stopped; the remains gathered up and removed to his home. MARRIED. On Dec. 3rd, 1883, by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Jonas Hartman and Miss Sarah J. Strohl, both of Maria Furnace. MARRIED. On Jan. 13, 1884, by the same, Albert Rinker and Miss Amelia Auge, formerly of Parryville and later of Mahoning. MARRIED. On Feb. 23rd, by the same, Frank Weiss and Miss Mary Markley, both of North Weissport. MARRIED. On the 6th inst., by the same, Wesley C. Levan and Miss Alice Snyder, both of Franklin. MARRIED. On the 11th inst., by the same, Abraham Smith and Miss Emma Strohl, both of Stemlersville. MARRIED. On the 13th inst., by the same, Abraham D. Smith and Miss Mary A. Bufton, both of Parryville. MARRIED. On March 19, 1884, at the residence of the bride's parents, Catasauqua, by the Rev. J. Richards Boyle, of Wilmington, Del., assisted by Rev. H. R. Yost, of Mauch Chunk, John Kline, Esq., of South Bethlehem, formerly of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Lizzie M., youngest daughter of Mr. Henry Souder, of Catasauqua. Volume 12, Number 20, Saturday, April 5, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Bridget Fagan, wife of John Fagan, section foreman for the Lehigh Valley railroad company, died on Saturday morning, at the residence of her husband, at Coplay. 25 Our Neighborhood in Brief. John O'Brien, familiarly known as "Gen. Jack O'Brien, the War Horse," died of miner's consumption, at his home in Tamaqua, on Friday night of last week. The laboring men have lost in his demise a true friend. He was buried on Tuesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A Tramp printer, aged 48 years, while walking on the Lehigh Valley track near Glen Onoko, was struck by passenger train, No. 3, Monday afternoon, which arrives here at noon, and instantly killed. The body was removed to Mauch Chunk and an inquest held on the body. Deceased had stopped at Mauch Chunk and was on his way to Weatherly. The jury rendered a verdict according to the above facts. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Andrew Hennessy, aged about 60 years, a resident of Allentown, was killed on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad at Catasauqua Monday morning. With several others he was loading furnace slag on cars and during the high wind took refuge behind a train. Suddenly a shifting engine backed up and moved the cars, throwing the men on the track. They all escaped except Hennessy, who was run over and so badly injured that he died in ten minutes. He leaves a widow and one child in destitute circumstances. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Haggerty, 12 years of age, accompanied by several boys of his own age, went into the woods near his father's home on Sunday, plucked some berries from a poisonous shrub and ate them; in a few minutes he was seized with convulsions, which ended in death. Fatally Burned. Mamie, a four year and two months old grand-daughter of Mr. T. D. Clauss, of this borough, on Monday morning last, about 10 o'clock, was so badly burned that she died at 12:15 o'clock the same day. Just how the clothing of the child took fire is not known; she had not yet come down stairs, when terrible screams were heard, and Webster Clauss immediately ran to the child's room where he found her enveloped in flames, he extinguished the fire, and lifted the little one on to the bed, the skin adhering to his arms as he laid her down. She was in her night dress, and it is supposed that she had got out of bed and, finding some matches, had lighted them and so set her clothes on fire. She was a very interesting little thing, loved by all whom she approached. She was buried on Wednesday afternoon. Oh, sad, the though, our Mamie's dead, In silence, rests her peaceful head; Her soul, renewed with early grace, In heaven has sought a resting place. Oh, sad our hearts to day. When we see thy mortal clay; No more thy pleasant face we'll see, We will ever think of thee. Weatherly Chips. Nuss and Faust.--On last Saturday evening Mr. Harry Nuss and Miss Nora Faust, both of this place, were bound together by the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. E. T. Schwartz was the officiating clergyman. Their many friends wish them a happy union. MARRIED. On the 7th day of March, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Jefferson Weidner and Miss Ida Precilla Kaiser, both of Lehighton, Pa. 26 MARRIED. On the 13th day of March, by the same, Thomas F. Shelhamer, and Miss Sarah Amanda Miller, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. On the 22nd day of March, by the same, James Franklin Ashner, and Miss Emma Jane Shaefer, both of Mahoning, Carbon county. MARRIED. On the 17th ult., by Rev. J. H. Schmidt, at Freeland, Alfred Nothstein to Miss Ella Solt, both of Sandy Run. DIED. On the 17th day of March, near Jacksonville, Lehigh county, Theresa, widow of Michael Shuck. Aged 59 years, 9 months and 11 days. DIED. On the 19th day of March, in Bowmansville, Henry, husband of Rebecca Peter. Aged 85 years, 3 months and 21 days. Volume 12, Number 21, Saturday, April 12, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thos. Ryan, brakeman on L. V. road while coupling cars near Centralla, Friday fell under the wheels and had both legs cut off. He died in a very short time after the accident. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A fourteen-year-old-boy, named Harry Seibert, living at Cressona, while playing with a number of companions jumped from a store-box on the side walk and struck his head on the pavement, fracturing his skull and causing his death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Andrew Cartash was killed at the top of No. 12 plane, Lansford, on Monday. While in the act of unhitching the car he was knocked down, the car virtually "doubling him up." One of his ribs was forced through the lung. Until death came to his relief his sufferings were terrible. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at the Protestant cemetery on Summit Hill. Our Mahoning Letter. Charles Musselman died last week aged 82 years, 10 months and 2 days. The funeral of the deceased took place last Saturday at St. John's church. Old Settlers Passing Away. Mary Van Gorden, known all through Pike county as Aunt Mary Van Gorden, is dead, aged 97 years. She lived six miles below Milford. She never lived more than seven miles from the farm where she was born, and was never but once in her life more than fifteen miles away from home. She was left a widow in 1854. For over forty years she has lived off the farm where she died. For more than thirty five years Mrs. Betty Brooks, who survives Aunt Mary at the age of 96, spent every Thursday afternoon with the deceased lady. Of her fourteen children, but one is living, a daughter, Mrs. Daniel D. Van Etten. Over eighty grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren; all of them residing in Pike county, survive her. Her old friend Betty Brooks is now the oldest resident of Pike county, although within ten miles of her house there are twenty people over 85. Mrs. Margaret Grambs; mother of the Hon. L. Grambs, Associate Judge of Wayne 27 county, has just died in Honesdale, aged 84. Judge Gramb's father died three years ago aged 85. Judge Grambs himself, at the age of 60 is the father of twenty children. The Execution of John Dillman. John Dillman was executed Tuesday for the murder of his wife. Early Monday evening Rev. J. G. Marquardt called on him and prayed with him. At ten o'clock a fellow-prisoner; who spent the night with Dillman; offered prayer, the murderer being very attentive. From that time until two o'clock Dillman slept; but then he arose and paced his cell nervously, talking to himself. He finally lay down, but did not sleep. At five o'clock he was up, washed and dressed. He knelt, said a fervent prayer in German and then lighted a cigar and smoked with an air of satisfaction. His breakfeast--eggs, coffee, bread; butter and cake--was served at 6:30 and he ate heartily. After that he walked about his cell and conversed freely with those who called to see him, mostly reporters; remarking--"I am ready to go, I have faith in God and think I have made my peace. Good-bye, I hope to meet you above." He shed tears at times, but he spoke in a strong, natural tone and put on a brave front. At half past nine the Rev. Mr. Stein, of St. Mark's Reformed Church, and Rev. Mr. Marquardt, the Evangelical minister, went into his cell and the doors were closed. They talked and prayed with him for over an hour and administered communion. When the Sheriff and his deputies came Dillman said: "I am ready." He walked firmly and quietly from the cell through the corridor, out of the jail and up the scaffold steps. Rev. Mr. Stein attended him. His hands were pinioned when he left the cell. He looked at the scaffold and the rope curiously. He did not flinch and when the Sheriff bound his feet he watched the operation with interest. When asked if he had anything to say he replied, in a low tone: "Jesus is with me and I am ready to go home." Sheriff Stocker placed the rope over his head and adjusted it carefully. The black cap was drawn down, the platform was cleared and an instant later, at 11.10 A. M., the drop fell. The body twitched nervously for a minute, then was still. Death was caused by the spinal column being broken between the first and second vertebre and was evidently painless. The body was cut down in twenty minutes. The body was taken to the Poorhouse for burial. About eight hundred people in the jail yard witnessed the execution. On March 29, 1883, Dillman and his wife set out from the County Poor House to go to Bethlehem, where Dillman said he had rented a house. The two had been seperated for some time, as Dillman had been shiftless and had not supported his family. Mrs. Dillman was disinclined to go with her husband, but finally yielded to him. On the way he told her that the day before he had been kicked out of the house of George McNear, of Bethlehem, brother of Mrs. Dillman. After he related his story Mrs. Dillman, so the murderer says, remarked that it was a pity McNear had not had killed him. "This angered me, and I made up my mind to kill her." He threw her to the ground, tied her hands and cut her throat from ear to ear with a pocket knife. He then fled. Mrs. Dillman lived to tell the story and to wish that her husband would be hanged. He was captured, tried, convicted, sentenced to be hung and the date fixed for February 12, but a commission in lunacy was obtained and a respite granted until Tuesday. The commission found Dillman sane, but his counsel asked the Governor to appoint an other. He declined to interfere, and the law took its course. Notes from Big Creek. The Big Creek String band was out last Saturday evening, serenading C. W. Levan on his marriage. The music was excellent. MARRIED. KRUMANOCKER-SMALE.--At the residence of the groom's parents at Bridge 28 port, Carbon county, Pa., on Sunday, March 30, 1884, by Rev. H. H. Bruning, Lawrence Krumanocker, of Bridge port, and Miss Sarah Etta, daughter of Mr. Joseph Smale, of Kresgeville, Monroe county, Pa. Volume 12, Number 22, Saturday, April 19, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. Joseph McCool, of Pottsville, died Tuesday, after a long and painful illness. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Boggy, for many years a resident of Minersville, was moving to Newcastle, about four miles distant, Tuesday afternoon. When the wagon, heavily loaded with furniture, was going down a hill Boggy attempted to tighten the brake and fell under the wheels and was instantly killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. During a fight in Mahanoy Plane on Saturday a Pole named Hoeflich was struck on the head with a stone. He died Tuesday from the affects of the wound. Mahoning Twinklings. Mr. Charles Musselman died on Wednesday morning, April 2nd, at the residence of his son, Josiah Musselman, near New Mahoning. Mr. Musselman was born on May 28, 1801, in Upper Milford Township, Lehigh county, Pa. He was one of the oldest citizens of this place, and will be missed by many. The funeral was held on Saturday morning, April 5th, at St. John's church, Mahoning Valley. Was it a Murder? Mahanoy Plane, was thrown into a state of great excitement Tuesday afternoon by the death of Thomas Russel, a Pole. On Saturday evening Russel entered a saloon kept by John Casper and fell on his face and began to groan as if in great agony, at the same time telling the bystanders that some one had kicked him. He lingered until Tuesday morning. A postmortem examination showed that his bowels had been ruptured. An inquest was held and the jury rendered a verdict of death from peritonitis produced from causes unknown. There is widespread belief that the man was foully dealt with. R. R. Conductor Killed. Douglass Packer, one of the best-known freight conductors on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, met his death Thursday morning of last week, near Slatington. Packer left the caboose for the forward part of the train. His absence was so prolonged that his associates became alarmed. Search was made and he was found dead on a car loaded with lumber, his head terribly crushed. Just how the accident occurred will probably never be determined. The theory of the engineer of the train is that in running over a box car Packer stumbled and fell down on the lumber car. Other think he was on some lumber extending from the side of the car and was struck by a projecting rock and thrown on the train. Packer was 35 years of age and leaves a family at East Mauch Chunk. Michael Curran Killed. While Michael Curran was crossing the L. and S. Railroad at what is known as the Northern Liberties or the Round Houses Saturday morning, between six and seven o'clock, he was struck by an engine running down the track and instantly killed. He left his house and was walking to the river side where he intended to take a boat and cross the stream to Coalport, at which place he was employed. The body of the man was picked up in a terribly 29 mangled condition. He was a brother to Christopher Curran, of East Mauch Chunk. The fact is noteworhty that a few years ago, John Moore, of Upper Mauch Chunk, was killed in the same way and at the same place and at the same time in the day while walking across the railroad on his way to the river to take a boat to Coalport to go to work. The number of the engine that struck Michael Curren is 224. he was about fifty-five years of age.--Gazette. Lower Towamensing. John Reppert is a happy fellow on account of a little boy that arrived at his domicile. Lower Towamensing. George Shafer and Miss Ella Walp were married recently. MARRIED. KEMMERER-GRAVER.--On March 27, at the residence of Mr. Reuben Kuntz, of Cherryville, by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Geo. Kemmerer, of Ashley, and Miss Sarah Graver, of Petersville. MARRIED. GREEN-DEITER.--On April 11th, at the Lutheran parsonage, by the same, Oliver Green, of Lower Towamensing, and Miss Sabylla Deiter, of Towamensing. DIED. GATES.--In Beaver Meadow, on the eveing of the 13th inst., Martha Gates, aged 64 years. DIED. HARTMAN.--At Beaver Meadow Mines, on the 12th inst., Dora, infant daughter of Daniel and Rose Hartman, aged 11 months and 18 days. Volume 12, Number 23, Saturday, April 26, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Heacock, a brakeman, aged 30 years, of Catawissa, was killed Saturday, by being crushed between the roof of the P. & R. Depot and a freight car. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edward Hodson, a decorative painter, committed suicide at Easton on Friday, by drowning, because he was unable to find work. He leaves a wife and five children in Brooklyn, N. Y. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Two accidents, one very serious, the other fatal, occurred on last Saturday night on the Lehigh Valley tracks. Oscar Smith, a brakeman, was run over at Glendon and lost his right leg. It is thought he will recover. Frank Schug, of Chain Dam, was struck by a freight engine about midnight, had both legs crushed and died soon after. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A young man named Samuel Druckenmiller, of Weatherly, was instantly killed at that place on Wednesday morning. He was employed in the foundry, and, in attempting to board a car to ride to his work, caught his foot in a Switch and was thrown under the wheels. The top of his head was cut off, and death was almost instant. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Harris, an Englishman, aged 45, was struck by a train Wednesday on the Bangor and Portland Railroad, near Easton, and fatally injured. He was hard of hearing. 30 Obituary. Jonathan Kressley, an old and very highly respected resident of Mahoning Valley, died at his home on Wednesday morning. Deceased was born in Heidelberg township, Lehigh county, this State 1796; come to this county 36 years ago, and has continually resided in Mahoning during that time. He leaves a wife, aged 83 years--who has for some time been in poor health-and four children--2 daughters and 2 sons--Daniel and J. F., the latter resident at Weatherly. Francis Stocker died at his home in Mahoning Valley on Friday evening, the 18th inst., aged about 63 years, of dropsy. Deceased came to this county in or about 1840 from Stockertown, Lehigh county, and some years afterward was electged Sheriff of this county. Until a few years ago he was a resident of this borough, when he purchased the hotel stand, at Pleasant Corner, in Mahoning township, where he resided up to within a few weeks of his death, when he had moved on to a farm recently purchased by him. Deceased leaves a wife and six children-five sons and one daughter--to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at the Lehighton cemetery, and was very largely attended by relatives and friends, the pall bearers being Messrs. M. C. Trexler, J. W. Raudenbushf Sam'l Graver, Wallace Seiple, Laf. Rehrig and Godfrey Peter. Samuel Cherington Williams died at Packerton, of apoplexy, on Thursday of last week. He was born in Roaring Creek Valley, Columbia county, in the year 1821. He moved to Mauch Chunk when thirteen years old and resided in that neighborhood about fifty years. He was a machinist by trade, and worked years ago at the old Upper Foundry, then owned by Lippincott & Miner. In his early days he worked for the old Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company and was one of three men who was on the safety car when it made its first trip down Mt. Pisgah Plane. He was a devout christain, a kind father, a member of the Methodist church, and was highly respected by all who knew him. For the last fourteen years he was employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company at Packerton. The deceased was for a number of years a member of the I. O. O. F., of Mauch Chunk. He leaves a wife and four children. The funeral took place from the residence of B. F. Williams, Mauch Chunk, on last Sunday at two o'clock, and was largely attended by relatives and friends of the family. Calm on the bosom of thy God, Dear Father, rest thee now, Even while with us thy footsteps trod His seal was on thy brow. Dust to its narrow house beneath, Soul to its place on high; They that have seen thy look in death, No more may fear to die. Lone are the paths and sad the bowers Whence thy meek smile is gone; But, oh, a brighter house than ours, In heaven, is now thine own. Down the Valley. Tuesday afternoon an unknown man was killed in the Lehigh Valley yard at Bethlehem. He had stolen a ride in a box car and when the train was shifted into the yard, he got out of the car and walked across the tracks, and was struck by a flat car which was being shifted at the time and instantly killed. A few cigar stumps and a Reading paper were the only things found in his pickets. Coroner Martin was notified and held an inquest on the remains last evening. The body will be taken to the poor house for burial Wednesday. 31 New Mahoning Items. Ex Sheriff Stocker died on Friday of last week and was buried at Lehighton on Tuesday. On Tuesday Jonathan Kressley aged about 85 years, died. He was one of the oldest citizens of this place. Death has visited us quite frequently of late. Within the past two weeks Mr. Charles Musselman and Mrs. Wehr and the two above named died. One by one they ford the mystical river and join the grat majority. The remains of Mr. Kressly will be interred at St. John's church this (Saturday) morning. Volume 12, Number 24, Saturday, May 3, 1884 At the saw mill of the Tobyhanna and Lehigh Lumber Company, near White Haven, Wednesday morning, David Horn, an employee, was working at a large revolving saw when he slipped and falling against the saw was literally cut to pieces. His arms and legs were scattered in every direction. MARRIED. MERTZ-KEMMERER.--On the 26th ult., in Allentown, by Rev. J. C. Bliem, Amandus Mertz, of Bethlehem, and Miss Laura Kemmerer, of Ashely, Luzerne county Pa. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Marshman, a miner, in the employ of Coxe Bros. & Co., at Drifton, was instantly killed Friday afternoon by a fall of slate. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A miner named Edward Robinson, shot and killed himself at Wilkesbarre on last Saturday because of his poor health and inability to support his family. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Wm. Maxwell, of Laury's Station, who was so badly burned about the legs one night last February while sitting lcose to a stove in his office, died at St. Luke's Hospital, on Thursday of last week from the effects of his injuries. Weatherly Chips. Samuel Kreitzer, who was instantly killed here last week, was buried in West Penn on Monday. Volume 12, Number 25, Saturday, May 10, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Miller, aged 60 years, and working on the ore bed in South Whitehall township, committed suicide by hanging on Saturday morning. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. J. W. Wood, D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian church, Allentown, died, at his home in that city, on Monday last, aged 70 years, 6 months and 10 days. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Finnessy, aged 25, was instantly killed on the Lehigh Valley Road at Catasauqua Tuesday. he was leaning over picking up spikes, when an engine struck him. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The body of John Saeger, of Easton, who disappeared on April 24, was found Friday in the Lehigh Canal. Sager had fallen into the canal while intoxicated, and the body had lodged against a feeder gate. 32 Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Thursday, May 15th, Dr. Thomas E. Cooper, of Coopersburg, is to be united in the holy bonds of wedlock with Miss Mary Herman, daughter of ex Sheriff George F. Herman, of Bethlehem. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While a seven year-old son of Thomas Watkins of Audenried, was playing on the railroad near No. 4 breaker, last Saturday, about 2 p. m., he was run over by a train of empty cars and instantly killed. His head was cut in two by the wheels. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A frightful accident occurred Tuesday morning at Marshall's Creek, a small village near Stroudsburg. Peter Terpening, a miller, started his machinery and turned to go about his duties. His clothing was caught by a cog and he was instantly drawn into the burrs and crushed to death. His body stopped the machinery. Our Weatherly Letter. George, a three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Musselman, died last Sunday morning. Georgie was a bright little fellow and loved by all. He was the only son. The funeral took place here Tuesday. Ceremonies being performed by Rev E T Swartz, pastor of the M E church, of which both father and mother of the deceased are members. My sweet one, my sweet one, thy life's brief hour is o'er, And a mother's anxious fears for thee can fever me no more; And for the hopes, the sun-bright hopes, that blossomed at thy birth, They, too, have fled to prove how frail are cherished things of earth. It came at length o'er thy bright blue eye, the film was gathering fast, And an awful shade passed o'er thy brow, the deepest and the last. In thicker gushes strove they breath--we raised thy drooping head,-A moment more--the final pang--and thou wert with the dead. He sleeps at last on yonder hill, to ne'er more shade our door; But for him one chair will stand vacant that never did before, Our Georgie's gone from our embrace but for a little while; We soon will follow and embrace him never more to part. Lower Towamensing Items. Death calls in our midst frequently. Miss Mary Snyder departed this life last week, and Adam George, of Little Gap, about the same time, and Mrs. George Walck about three weeks ago. An Old Man's Solitary Deathbed. Timothy Hallihan, an old resident of Tuscarora, Schuylkill county, was found dead in his bed Monday morning. He was somewhat of a miser and lived alone, his wife having died several years ago. He was missed by the neighbors, but search was not instituted until on Monday morning. It is believed that he had been dead some time. He was reputed to have been worth a large sum of money, but only a few dollars were found in his humble dwelling. He was seventy five years old. DIED. YENSER--In this borough on the 27th ult, Maimie, only daughter of Charles and Mary Yenser, aged 5 years, 5 months and 15 days. 33 Volume 12, Number 26, Saturday, May 17, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Col. Nicholas Fox, aged seventy-eight years, one of the oldest citizens of Pottsville, died Friday afternoon. He was an officer in the early militia of the State and was Chief Burgess of Pottsville for many years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Tuesday a hoisting carriage in the Nottingham Mine at Plymouth fell back twenty feet. Upon it was a loaded car of coal and Joseph Knight, a driver boss. The latter was thrown to the bottom of the shaft and killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Keller, aged 17 years, was instantly killed at North Ashland Colliery Tuesday. He was caught between a train of loaded mine cars and the gangway timbers. A Bridegroom Fatally Shot. George Smith lives about half a mile East of Stairway, a little hemlet on the Erie Railroad in Pike County, Pa., and nine miles West of Port Jervis. About two months ago his wife died. A month afterwards he went to New York City, and at Castle Garden secured the services of a German girl named Annie Schmidt for a housekeeper. Boarding with him at the time of her arrival was a young man named Frank Heitz, a bright, active fellow about 25 years of age. Heitz fell in love with the housekeeper. She reciprocated his affection, and showed such a decided preference for his company that Smith, who was also infatuated with her, became intensely jealous, and the result was that Heitz obtained a new boarding-house. Last Wednesday a week Heitz and Miss Schmidt went to Hoboken and were married. They returned to Stairway on Saturday, and Mrs. Heitz returned to Smith's house until she and her husband could arrange to keep house. Monday evening they started out to find a house. About 10 o'clock Heitz took his wife back to Smith's to spend the night. He left her at the gate and started up the track to his boarding-house at Stairwty. When about half way he was shot. As he fell he heard some one say "look-out," and he jumped up and started on a run towards Stairway. Another shot came whistling by his ears. When within twenty five feet of a house he fell exhausted. The inmates heard his cries and took him in. The wounds are two in number, and were evidently caused by two bullets from a gun. Heitz will die. Smith was at once accused, as he had been heard to make threats against Heitz, but he denies the crime. He was seen at the place the shooting was done only a few minutes before. MARRIED. FENSTERMACHER-SMITH.--On the 17th of April, by the Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Nelson F. Fenstermacher and Miss Alice Smith both of East Penn. MARRIED. WEAVER-HABERMAN.--On the 4th inst, by the same, Jacob O. Weaver, of East Brunswick, Schuylkill county, and Miss Sarah J. Haberman, of East Penn. MARRIED. GEIGER-LUTZ--On the 10th inst, by the same, George Geiger, and Miss Sarah J. Lutz, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county, Pa. MARRIED. XANDER-FRANTZ.--On the 11th inst., by the same, C. E. Xander, of Mahoning, and Miss Alice Frantz, of East Penn. 34 MARRIED. LOCH-STOUDT--On the 11th inst., by the same, Daniel Loch and Miss Fianna Stoudt, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. DIED. MUSSELMAN.--On the 2nd day of April, in Mahoning, Charles Musselman, aged 82 years, 10 months and 4 days. DIED. BALLIET.--On the 11th day of April, in East Penn, Bertha May, daughter of Lewis and Henrietta Balliet, aged 3 years, 1 month and 22 days. DIED. WEHR.--On the 14th day of April, in East Penn, Elizabeth, widow of Peter Wehr, aged 73 years and 13 days. DIED. STOCKER.--On the 18th day of April, in Mahoning, Francis, husband of Louisa Stocker, aged 62 years, 9 months and 7 days. DIED. SCHUMACHER.--On the 21st day of April, in Lehighton, Mary Ellen, wife of Owen Schumacher, aged 26 years, 6 months and 13 days. DIED. On the 21st day of April, in Weatherly, Samuel Edward, son of Wilson Kreitz and Sophia Kocher, aged 18 years, 6 months and 13 days. DIED. FRITZINGER.--On the 27th day of April, in East Penn, Leah Amanda, wife of Levi Fritzinger, aged 52 years, 10 months and 6 days. DIED. MILLER.--On the 30th day of April, at Summit Hill, Eliza, wife of Solomon Miller, aged 51 years, 9 months and 7 days. DIED. TRINE.--On the 5th inst., in Tamaqua, Maria Anna, wife of Jonas Trine, aged 71 years, 8 months and 20 days. Volume 12, Number 27, Saturday, May 24, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Tobias Winterstein, an old resident of Schuylkill county, died at Port Carbon on Thursday of last week. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Marsh, Jr, aged 24 years, was instantly killed at Connor Colliery, near Girardville, Saturday, by a fall of coal He had just recovered from a severe attack of smallpox. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Allen Harwick, aged twenty three years, a son of John Harwick, residing on the road between Friedensville and Hellerton, committed suicide Saturday afternoon by hanging himself in the loft his his father's barn. No cause is known for his committing the rash act. A Terrible Suicide. Daniel Bloom, son of a wealthy farmer in Pike township, Pike county, has been suffering with a severe mental trouble for some time and on two different occasions 35 attempted suicide by drowning. He was rescued by friends both times. Monday, while walking through a field with his father and while the latter was walking a short distance ahead of him, he suddenly threw himself in the centre of an immense burning log heap. His father rushed in and dragged him out, but the unfortunate boy was literally roasted alive, and expired in the arms of his agonized parent in a few minutes. Death From Laudanum. Mrs. Anna Riegle, wife of Benjamin F. Riegle, a prominent citizen and drygoods merchant, of Easton, died Tuesday morning from the effects of laudanum taken during the night. Mrs. Riegle has been a sufferer in mind and body for some time, her chief malady arising from a brain affection. She was in the habit of taking a mild anodyne to produce sleep, and the theory of the family is that during the night she arose to take her dose, when she picked up a bottle containing laudanum and ether and swallowed a large portion. She was discovered unconscious at 5 o'clock and died at 9, despite efforts of physicians to counteract the effects of the drug. Another Warning to Boys. On Monday night a number of boys of Locust Gap walked to Alaska, a station on the Reading road between Mt. Carmel and Locust Gap, to get a ride on a coal train. In jumping on Thomas Noble, aged 14, made a misstep, fell under the wheels and was ground to pieces. When the train was stopped his frightened companion ran madly to Locust Gap, but did not tell of the accident. The body, which was strewn on the track, was put in a sheet and taken to Locust Gap depot, where scores of people viewed the remains, though nobody identified him. At last a young man rushed into the depot, picked up a boot worn by the dead boy, and screamed out, "It's our Tommy! it's our Tommy!" his cries bringing tears to the eyes of those who witnessed the scene. Lower Towamensing Items. Zachariah Stout is now the happy fellow, because it is a boy. Weatherly Chips. Golden Wedding.--On Tuesday the 26th inst, Mr. and Mrs. John Brong celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding. Among the visitors present were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graver, of Weissport, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brong, of Mountain Top, and about fifty others. The presents were very costly and numerous. Mr. Masonheimer officiated at the mock marriage ceremonies. About ten o'clock the band serenaded the couple playing a number of pretty pieces. About eleven o'clock the hapy party returned to their homes ever to remember the pleasant time they had at the 50th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Brong's marriage. Weatherly Chips. Susie, a 10 year old daughter of Timothy Houser, died last Friday of scarlet fever. She was buried in the Union cemetary on Monday. Rev. Masonheimer officiated. DIED. MORTHIMER.--On Friday morning, at 2:30 o'clock, of Chorea, Sallie Lee, daughter of H. V. and E. B. Morthimer, aged 12 years and 15 day. Funeral Monday, 26th at 2 p. m. MARRIED. HALLMAN-JOHNSON.--On the 9th inst, by Rev. B F. Powell, at the M E parsonage, Mr George F. Hallman and Miss Ida Johnson, both of Packerton. 36 Volume 12, Number 28, Saturday, May 31, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Pills, an Edglishman, living in Plymouth, Luzerne county, was drowned in the Susquehanna river on Sunday while bathing. Our Neighborhood in Brief. In Memoriam.--It is with sincere regret and sympathy for our esteemed friend and brother of the craft, Mr. Harry V. Morthimer, proprietor of the Carbon Advocate, that we record the death of his eldest daughter. Miss Sallie Lee, daughter of H V. and E. B. Morthimer, aged 12 years and 15 days, died of chorea, at Lehighton, on Friday morning, May 23, 1884. She was a bright, graceful and interesting child, of kind and affectionate dispesition and beloved by all who knew her. Her death leaves a great gap in the circle of one of the most united families of Carbon county.--Slatington News. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. David Peter, formerly of Upper Macungie, but since last spring resident with his son in law, David McClellan, in Upper Milford, on the turnpike leading from Macungie to Shimersville, died on Wednesday last. He had been in ill health for a considerable time, the cause of his death having been dropsy. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mary, daughter of Mr. Charles Schoch, of this borough, died of consumption on Monday afternoon, and was buried on Thursday afternoon from the M. E. church. A large circle of friends mourn her death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Schoenfedt, wandered away from his home, at Upper Mauch Chunk on Wednesday morning of last week, and the body was found Sunday morning at about four o'clock in the Lehigh canal. It was discovered floating in the water alongside of a canal boat off from the old school house near the weighlock, by a boatman. George was about eight years of age, and was of weak intellect. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Knickerbocker, the widow of the late George Knickerbocker, died at her residence in East Mauch Chunk, of consumption, on Friday afternoon of last week, aged 68 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. W. W. Scott, died at his residence in Mauch Chunk, on Saturday morning last of paralysis, aged 55 years. His funeral took place on Monday afternoon. He left a wife and eight children to mourn their loss. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An only child, a bright little boy, of Wm. Reed, of Weissport, died very suddenly of croup, on Wednesday morning last. Suicide of a Murderer. An Easton despatch of the 22d, says ever since Sabato d'Allesandro, the Italian, was found guilty of murdering Phillip Petrie fears have been entertained that he would commit suicide. Though he made one attempt and afterwards promised Father Graetzer not to take his life, the fear that he would kill himself was justified to-day. Shortly after one o'clock, when Warden Reed opened the blind doors on Sabato's cell to give him his dinner, the body of the murderer was found on the floor, face downwards. Examination proved that life was extinct and that Sabato had committed suicide. By some means, probably through the prisoners in the carpet department, Sabato had obtained a quantity of carpet chain and made it into a rope about a 37 yard long and a third of an inch thick. This he had tied to the upper portion of the grated door on his cell, having first fastened a noose about his neck. He had then thrown his feet back, intending to choke himself to death. After hanging awhile the rope broke, but the noose about his neck held firm and strangulation followed. He fell on his face and blood flowed from his nose. A handkerchief was tied over his mouth. The deed has been done soon after noon, for at 12 o'clock, when the deputy Warden received Sabato's plate to get him his dinner, he was in his usual mood. Both the Warden and his deputy had talked with the prisoner in the morning and they say that they noticed nothing unusual in his manner. The refusal of the Board of Pardons to commute his death sentence to imprisonment for life undoubtedly led to the crime. The prisoner had not been informed by counsel or officials of the refusal, but three prisoners testified at the inquest that having read of the action of the Board in last evening's papers they told Sabato, and he said he would kill himself. To one he said he would do it to-night. Volume 12, Number 29, Saturday, June 7, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Henry Fisher, of Wilkes Barre, ate two plates of ice cream while overheated from exertion. Her funeral took place a few days after. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Evan Davis and David James, brothers in-law, residing in the outskirts of Scranton, became involved in a bitter fight there shortly before nooon Tuesday, the result of a long and deadly fued. After several minutes of rough and tumble fighting James hit Davis a heavy blow, severely wounding him. Opening his garden gate, near which the fight occurred, Davis procured an axe and the struggle was renewed. It ended with James being hit with the pole of the axe and he died the same night. Davis was arrested Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edwin A. Glanz, a wine merchant, the commander of the Sons of Veterans of Easton, and a young man of very extensive acquaintance in that section of the State, committed suicide Tuesday evening by shooting himself with a revolver. The deed was done on what is known as Marble Hill, a mile from Easton. Financial embarrassment was the cause. He was a son of the late colonel Charles Glanz. Cave-In With Fatal Results. About 8 o'clock on Thursday morning the track of the Phila. and Reading Railroad between Turkey run and Brownsville, below Shenandoah, caved in and a large force of men were set to work to fill up the breach, which, at first appeared to be of small account. Scarcely were the men at work when another large part of the surface went down with a crash, carrying with it a workman named Thomas Christ. He sank down among the falling earth and disappeared, while his fellow-workmen stood looking on horror stricken. Means were immediately used to rescue him. When carried down with the debris he had $1300 on his person. He had no faith in banks and always carried his money with him. Death of an Exiled Nobleman. A Russian nobleman, who lived under the assumed name of George Leeder and who has resided at St. Nicholas, Schuylkill county, was found dead in an outhouse near the railroad station, near that place, Monday morning. He was driven from the land of his birth in 1860 for some political offense and landed in this country some twenty years ago without a cent in his pocket. He enlisted as private in the Ninety sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers and distinguished himself during the war by his bravery. After the close of the 38 rebellion he returned to Schuylkill county and secured a clerkship at one of the collieries, which he lost through the change of the owners. He was about fifty years of age, highly educated, but always kept his own counsel. Heart disease was the cause of his death. Suicide of a Merchant. A group of children playing in the woods a short distance from Scranton were startled Sunday morning by four pistol shots, which were followed by a cry of pain. They ran off and informed the police, who, on going to the scene, found Michael Levy lying face downwards in a clump of laurels, a seven shooter close by his right hand and a small mirror in his left, upon which his head was resting. It was evident that he had used the mirror to aid him in taking aim at his right temple, against which two bullets were flattened. A hole over the region of the heart showed where the fatal ball was sped. Levy, a few years ago, was a wealthy merchant in San Francisco, but since moving to Scranton has had bad luck. A letter was found in his pocket, bidding an affectionate farewell to his wife and five children, and attributing his death to failure in business and the coldness of his rich relatives. He was 45 years old. Weatherly Letter. Will H. Koons was made happy on the 30th ult., by his wife presenting him with two boys. Weatherly Letter. E E. Seitz and Charles Sevinson both had smiling faces on the 1st inst. Both were boys. Hymeneal.--Butler--Morris. On Thursday, May 29, 1884, at the Presbyterian Church, by Rev. Edsall Ferrier, D. D., Miss Bessie, daughter of Mr. Wm. C. Morris, Jr, was united in marriage to Charles Ellsworth, son of Robert Q. Butler, Esq. At precisely 2 o'clock p. m., the organ, under the skillful touch of Mrs. Arthur Wells, of Bethlehem, announced the arrival of the wedding party entering the church, to the beautiful strains of Wagner's Lohengrin Wedding March, in the following order: Ushers, William Cullen Morris, O. O. Jarrard, R. C. Butler, Harry A. Butler, Asa L. Foster, A. C. Bruner, of Columbis; Theodore F. Kampman, of St. Louis, and Dr. R. B. Kirby. Then the bride leaning on the arm of her father, was met at the altar by the groom. After the ceremony was performed, the parties returned to the American Hotel where a reception was held, from the hours of 2:30 until 4 o'clock. The congratulations were many and cordial, and the presents in great variety well selected and very fine. The refreshments served were furneshed by Blank, of Philadelphia, and they were in every respect the finest that could be produced by human skill. The happy couple left town at 4:50 p. m. for Philadelphia and the West. After their return they will reside at Mahanoy City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Butler, have the best wishes of their many friends for a successful journey through life.--M. C. Democrat. Among the many friends who honored the occasion by their presence were John S. Lentz and wife and Lulu Zehner, of Lehighton. "One who was present" desires us to state that the Democrat was in error in stating that Mr. Blank, of Philadelphia, furnished the refreshments; he only furnished the ice cream and small cakes. All other refreshments, such as fruit, orange, lady and bride cake, &c., being furnished by the popular landlord of the "American," Mr. Jarrard, and were excellent. "Honor to whom honor is due." 39 Volume 12, Number 30, Saturday, June 14, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Harry Protz, aged 26, committed suicide Monday evening by shooting himself with a revolver. He lived with his father, John Protz, a mile from Easton, and was in good circumstances. A year or so ago he married, and, to all appearances, lived happily with his wife. He was in ill health, and this is the only reason ascribed to the deed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. About nine o'clock Tuesday morning the dead body of Mrs. Monohan, mother of Colonel P. H. Monohan, of Girardville, was found in the pond above the dam at the Red bridge, about one mile outside of Shenandoah. Mrs. Monohan was 57 years of age and an estimable and highly respected lady, who had lived there for many years. It is supposed she was taking a walk and accidentally fell into the water and was drowned. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Love, aged fifty five, for thirty years boss founder for the Thomas Iron Company, at Hokendauqua, was found dead alongside of the railroad track there at five o'clock Tueday morning with the front of his skull crushed in. It is supposed that while descending a small hill near where he was found he stumbled and was killed by striking his head against a railroad sleeper. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At the Pennsylvania Colliery, at Green Ridge, near Mount Carmel, Anthony Larenzoni, an Italian laborer, was instantly killed by a fall of rock. Before leaving Italy he promised to marry a young woman and a few days ago he sent her money to bring her here to make her his wife. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Duffy, a brakeman, fell between two coal cars on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Road at Scranton Tuesday and had both legs torn off by the wheels. His scalp was also torn off and he died shortly after the accident. Found Dead. Tuesday evening last Josiah Wohlbach, of Easton, late an inmate of the County Alms House, applied to the Swan Hotel, Easton, for lodging, and asked to sleep in the stable, and was shown to the hay loft. As he did not make his appearance in the morning, the hostler on going to awake him, found that he had died during the night. Wohlbach was about 65 years of age and has several children in and around Easton. Coroner Uhler was notified and the jury rendered a verdict of death from unknown causes. Mahoning Squibs. Last week J H. Kerchner, the teacher of the Centre Square Select School, was home to attend his uncle's funeral, but returned on last Friday afternoon. Mahoning Squibs. Frank Ebert's and Agnes Sitler were married on the first of this month. Lower Towamensing Items. Laf. Kern is now happy at the arrival of another member to his family. A wee little one. Death of Mary E. Leuckel. Mary E., daughter of Mr. Fred. Leuckel, of this borough, died very unexpectedly of typhoid-malaria, on Monday night. She had only been sick for about two weeks, and was thought by her friends to be convalescing, and was sitting up on the previous day. She was a very exemplary young lady and was highly respected by a large circle of friends, 40 and her death has caused a void in the family which cannot be filled. On account of a portion of the family residing in Colorado, the funeral will not take place until Monday next, 16th instant, at one o'clock p. m., by which time it is expected that the relatives will be here. The funeral services will be held in the M. E. church, and interment in the Lehighton Cemetary. Friends of the family are kindly invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her father on Bank street. The family have our deepest sympathy in their bereavement. Volume 12, Number 31, Saturday, June 21, 1884 Obituary. Ex-Congressman Heister Clymer was suddenly prostrated by a stroke of apoplexy at 5 o'clock Wednesday evening of last week, at his residence on Perkiomen avenue, Reading, and at once became insensible. Doctors Davis and Muhlenberg were summoned and did all in their power for the relief of their patient, but he remained in a comatose state until Thursday morning at 7 o'clock when he died without uttering a word. Mr. Clymer had been in his usual health on Wednesday and there were no preliminary symptoms of the attack. Deceased leaves a wife but no children. Hon. Heister Clymer, was a native of Berks county, where he was born December 3rd, 1827. He was a graduate of Princeton and was admitted to the bar in Reading in 1847. In 1851 he changed his location to Pottsville, where he practiced his profession until 1856, when he returned to Reading, where he always afterwards resided. Originally a Whig, he early associated himself with the Demoratic party, and was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention of 1859. In the fall of 1860 he was chosen to the State Senate to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Muhlenberg, who had been elected to Congress, and he continued to represent Berks county in the Senate until March, 1866, when he resigned to accept the Democratic nomination for Governor. He had been a prominent candidate for the Gubernatorial nomination in 1863 and was the highest candidate on the several ballots but Judge Woodward was finally taken as a compromise candidate. Mr. Clymer entered the State Senate when there were but six Democrats in the body, including himself, and he at once took the leadership of his party; a position he well maintained even when such men as Wallace were by his side. He was always dignified and able in debate, courteous to the fellow Senators, and highly respected by all parties. He made a most vigorous campaign for the Governorship in 1866 against Governor Geery, stumping every section of the State, but he was defeated. In 1872 he was elected to Congress, and re-elected in 1874, '76, and '78, where he was admittedly the Demomcratic leader of the Pennsylvania delegation and one of the accepted Democratic leaders of the House. He was the most formidable competitor of Mr. Wallace in 1875 for the United States Senatorship, but finally submitted to the decided expression in favor of his competitor, and resissted the efforts of some Democratic politicians to prevent Wallace from receiving the solid Demmocratic vote. It was pretty generally understood then that Clymer should have the field in 1879, and it was given him, but it brought only the empty honor of a nomination that did not give an election. In 1880 Mr. Clymer was succeeded in Congress from the Berks county district by Hon. Daniel Ermentrout, and after that time practiced his profession in Reading. During his last term in Congress Mr. Clymer was married to Mrs. Von Schroeder, of St. Louis; he leaves no children. His discussion with State Senator A. K. McClure, in February, 1881, on the repeal of the tonnage tax on the traffic of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, brought him prominently before the people. The crowning act of his Congressional life was his presentation to Congress 41 of the special committee's report touching the rascalities of William W. Belknap, President Grant's Secretary of War, which created a great sensation throughout the land. It is rumored that Mr. Clymer died from the effects of an overdose of morphia, taken with suicidal intent on account of business troubles. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The funeral of Miss Mary E. Leuckel took place on Monday afternoon and was one of the largest ever witnessed in Lehighton. The floral tributes were beautiful. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joseph Dymond, aged 28, a farmer living near Wilkesbarre, killed himself last Sunday because the girl he loved would not marry him. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Our young friend Fred. Leuckel, Jr., of Kokomo, Col., who was called home by the death of a beloved sister, will remain in town for a few weeks. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A two year-old child of William Madara, of Upper Mauch Chunk, died last Monday morning. Death is supposed to have resulted from laurel flowers, which the child had gathered in the woods on the day previous. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mother Heberling celebrated her 75th birthday the other day, she had her heart cheered with a present of an easy rocking chair and in the evening a surprise visit from her children and their wives and husbands. In reference to her easy chair she says she is now better off than better people, having an easy chair for every room. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Monday Mrs. John Gessner met an untimely death at her residence in Catasauqua. The family had moved into the new building but a few days previous, and it appears that Mrs. Gessner was not fairly acquainted with the different apartments. She fell down a flight of stairs and sustained serious injuries, which culminated in death five hours afterwards. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Matthew Rogers, aged 24 years and Mary McLogue, aged 16 years, both inmates of the Lackawanna county jail and serving short terms, became smitten with each other. A few days ago Rogers was discharged from jail, and the jailer granted Mary leave of absence under a guard long enough to be married. After this was accomplished she was returned to her cell to serve out her term, which will be of short duration. A Boy Killed with a Base Ball. While Joseph Coyle, aged thirteen, and a number of companions were on their way to school Thursday afternoon 12th inst., they stopped at an open lot in the Sixth ward, Allentown, to play ball. A boy named Roxberry, in answer to Coyle's request that he knock him a fly, hit the ball and Coyle, who was eighty feet distance tried to catch it. It passed through his hands and struck him in the pit of the stomach. For a few minutes Coyle staggered about in a doubled-up position, fell over on his face and died in a few moments. The Coroner's jury exonerated Roxberry. At first Coyle's companions thought he was merely shamming, but when he fell over and died they were overcome with horror. Killed on the Rail. One of the most melancholy accidents we have been called on to record, occurred at the village of Walnutport, near Slatington, Wednesday afternoon at 5.16 p. m. Mrs. 42 Anna Stem, a venerable lady in her 70th year, the mother of Mr. George H. Stem, of Stemton, and Mrs. Sarah Koons, of Walnutport, met an almost instantaneous death on the Lehigh Valley track at the hour named. It appears that Mrs. Stem had been visiting her friend Mrs. Koons, and the two ladies were on their way to the Lehigh and Susquehanna depot, whence Mrs. Stem was about to take the train to Bethlehem. On crossing the down track Mrs. Stem fell, and Mrs. Koons going immediately to her assistance and trying to cross the track, a west bound coal train, No. 66, on the Lehigh and Susquehanna road, struck them both simultaneously. Mrs. Koons died a few minutes after the sad acccident, but Mrs. Stem survived for almost an hour, when death put an end to her suffering.--Critic. Obituary. Miss Mary E. Leuckel died at Lehighton, Pa., June 9, 1884. She was the daughter of Frederick and Lucetta Leuckel. Her father is an old and honored member of the Evangelical church, to which her mother also belonged until her decease in the forepart of last March. The child of christian parents she was early taught the way of righteousness, and while young in years she gave her heart to God, and united with the M. E. church of the above named place. Miss Leuckel was of a quiet temperament and a sweet and loving disposition. She made no loud prefession before the church, yet all who knew her felt that in her heart dwelt the spirit of Christ. Almost two years before her death she became the teacher of the Infant Class. In this new field of labor she performed her duties faithfully and won and held until the day of her death the love and esteem of those committed to her care. Some two weeks before she was taken ill with typhoid-malaria. As she saw the end approaching she said: "I am not afraid to die; I am going home to Jesus;" and passed sweetly away to her reward in heaven. The funeral took place June 16th, 1884. Prayer was offered at the residence by the Rev. O. R. Cook; from where the funeral cortage repaired to the M. E. church. One of her favorite humns, "O, how He loves," was sung by the choir; Rev. S. S. Chubb, pastor of the Evangelical church, lead in a fervent prayer, and the hymn "Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame" was beautifully rendered. Rev. G. W. North, pastor of the Newtown M. E. church, was introduced and preached an interesting and appropriate sermon from the words, "Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory, "1 Cor. 15:54; followed by Rev. Chubb who delivered an address from 1 Thess. 4:24, "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him." The floral offerings were may and beautiful, among them we mention "The Gates Ajar," "The Crown," and the "Broken Column," for which the family extend their hearty thanks to the friends. We wended our way slowly to the cemetery where was laid to rest the body of Mary beside her mother, until the morning of the resurrection when she shall arise and put on immortality. O. R.Cook, Pastor. Weatherly Chips Mr Isaac Harleman was interred in the Union Cemetery on Monday last. Services were held at the home of his son, Samuel, where the old gentleman has been making his home. He was 84 years old and an old resident of Weatherly. Rev. J. P. Moffat officiated. Weatherly Chips Mrs. Jas. Milhime, after a long and painful illness, passed away about 5 o'clock last Friday afternoon. The deceased had scores of warm friends in town, and her premature death leaves a deep wound in many an aching heart. She was a devout member of the Presbyterian church, and died in the full belief of a rich inheritance in Heaven, and with the 43 expectation of meeting loved ones gone before around the throne of her creator. The funeral took place last Sunday at 2 p. m. and was very largely attended. The members of W. C., No. 179 P. O. S. of A., to which organization the husband of the deceased belongs, joined the friends and relatives in paying the last tribute of respect to the deceased. Services were held in the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. J. Moffat. Text, 1 Chron. 29th chap. and 15th verse. Volume 12, Number 32, Saturday, June 28, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Phillips, aged 30 years, was killed at Baltimore Colliery, at Mount Carmel, Saturday, by a fall of coal. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Will Boyd, at one time resident in this place, died of consumption at his home in Bethlehem on Monday last. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Loeb, a saloon keeper at South Easton for twenty five years, dropped dead on Monday night, aged sixty three. He was at one time a brewer in Philadelphia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Monday night, while Cornelius Rogan, aged 33 years, was bathing in the Delaware river, at Easton, he was taken with cramps and drowned. He was a well knwon resident of Phillipsburg. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Elisabeth A. Fidler, of Mauch Chunk, died at about four o'clock on Sunday afternoon, of heart disease. She was born March 28, 1825, in Northampton county, and has been a resident of Mauch Chunk since 1850. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn the loss of a loving wife and an affectionate mother. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon. Our Neighborhood in Brief. About one hundred and fifty Hungarians were bathing in the Susquehanna river at Wilkesbarre Sunday evening, when one of them ventured out to the middle of the stream. He suddenly disappeared and by the time he had come to the surface another swimmer reached him and endeavored to rescue him. The drowning man seized his would-be rescuer, who was unable to save his companion or himself and both were drowned. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William, a 7 year old son of John Kulpher, of Upper Mauch Chunk, was killed on the Switchback railroad Tuesday afternoon. He had gotten into the pit at the foot of Mount Pisgah, and his head was caught in a fly wheel and torn from the body. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Elizabeth Gish, of Berlinsville, widow of the late Abraham Gish, died on Monday week. She was the mother of Mr. Wm. H. Gish, cashier of the Slatington National Bank. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Phillips, a contractor at Bellmore colliery, near Mount Carmel, was instantly killed by the premature discharge of a blast on Monday last. His head was blown from his body, which was horribly mutilated. It is thought the matches Phillips used to light the fuse were too short and that he could not get away in time to save his life. He was 30 years of age and unmarried. 44 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Heintzleman, widow of Lawrence Heintzleman, and Mrs. George Heintzleman, sister-in-law, died on one and the same day in the early part of last week at their homes in Lynn tsp. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Elizabeth Handwerk, who reared a large family of children, and who attained the age of 77 years, 4 months and 22 days, died at Slatington on the 10th inst. She was born in Heidelberg township. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A bloody fight occured in a camp of Italian laborers from Scranton, Monday night, and after a short, fierce struggle with stilettoes one of the combatants was left mortally wounded on the grass, his intestines protruding from a dozen gashes inflicted upon him by his antagonist. The culprit, Victor Cahore, who is said to be a wild, devil-may-care fellow, was arrested and confined in the county jail. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Samuel Snyder, of Packerton, died very suddenly Thursday, in child-bed. The funeral will take place Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at her late residence to proceed to Weissport for interment. Weatherly Chips. Joseph Lowe on Tuesday received a despatch that his father was sick at Easton. While he was waiting fer the train he received the second dispatch stating that his father was dead. Sad news travels fast. Weatherly Chips. Johnnie, a 7 year old son of Frank and Ettie Hoover, died on Sunday morning. He was sick but 5 days. Scarlet fever was the cause. Rev. E. T. Swartz officiated at the funeral services, which were held at the house. MARRIED. EBERTS-SITTLER.--On the 1st inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Frank Eberts, and Miss Agnes V. Sittler, both of Mahoning, Carbon county. MARRIED. ZAHN-REHRIG.--On the 14th inst., by the same, Mr. Lewis Aaron Zahn, of Lehighton, Carbon county, and Mattie E. Rehrig, of Slatington, Lehigh county. DIED. HOUSER.--On the 5th inst., in West Penn, Isaac Houser, aged 80 years, 5 months and 2 days. Volume 12, Number 33, Saturday, July 5, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. The funeral of the late Will Boyd, of Bethlehem, last Friday, was very largely attended. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Nicholas C. Strohl, of Lower Towamensing, died on Wednesday of last week, aged 88 years. Deceased was married three times, the fruits of the three marriages were 32 children. The third wife and twenty-four children survive him. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Bright, a prominent citizen of Pottsville, died suddenly of heart disease Sunday morning. He was born in Reading in 1812 and was married to a daughter 45 of the late George Lerch. He moved to Pottsville about forty-two years ago and opened a hardware store. He retired from business fifteen years ago. He was identified as one of the founders of the First Presbyterian Church and the Palo Alto Rolling Mill. Weissport Letter. Mother Kast died last week and was buried a few days later. She was one of the oldest residents of the town, had lived here many years and was the faithful spouse of the late lamented Dr. Kast. Mrs. Kast was a good mother, beloved and esteemed by all who knew her. Her memory will be revived and for years to come she will be remembered as one who was "beloved in life and in death lamented." Let her spirit live in peace. Weissport Letter. The death of Mrs. Samuel Snyder, who was a former resident of town, is one of the sadest and most sorrowful occurrences of the kind that has come under our notice for a long time. Our heart wells out in sympathy to Mr. Snyder who is left alone with eight small children, the oldest not over eleven years. It is a sad case, but we hope that a bountiful God will treat with Mr. Snyder in a merciful manner. The best way for sympathizers to show their sympathy for the bereaved husband and children is to give them a succoring and helping hand. Obituary. On Friday, 27th ult., Edwin K. Hyndman, well known in railroad circles, died at his residence at Pittsburg, of that dread disease consumption. He had been suffering for a period of about one year. Deceased was a former resident of Mauch Chunk and leaves many relatives and a large number of friends in this neighborhood to lament his early demise, being but a little over forty years of age. Previous to 1869 he was train master at Wilkes Barre for the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. In 1870 he removed to Mauch Chunk having been made in that year master of transportation of the L. & S. Division of the Central Railroad, which position he held until February, 1871, when he resigned. He was succeeded by W. S. Polhemus, the present able and courteous superintendent of that division. Immediately upon relinquishing this position he went to Connellsville, and entered upon the duties of chief engineer of the Pittsburg and Connellsville Division of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, of which he was afterward appointed superintendent, and rebuilt the line. He retired from this position to push the affairs of the Connellsvile Coal and Iron Company, of which John Leisenring is now the president, of which coal beds near Uniontown it is said he was one of the discoverers. During this time he was appointed general manager of the Wabash system, with his headquarters in Pittsburg. He was afterward employed in a similar position on the Pittsburg and Western which road was built under his superintendency. He was also president of the Pittsburg Junction Railroad. Last fall with his family he went South and remained in Georgia the following winter, but the atmosphere of that section not being conductive to any favorable change in his condition, he ventured to Pittsburg in the spring unimproved in health. From this time he sank rapidly until life was extinct. A wife and child survive him, and a mother, who resides at East Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Charles Leisenring and Mrs. Bella Bennett, of East Mauch Chunk, are half sisters of the deceased and Mark Hyndman, of Mauch Chunk, is an uncle. The funeral took place on Monday, at Pittsburg. The Late William Love, of Hokendauqua. The subject of this sketch was born in Aghandoe, County Derry, Ireland, on February 12th, 1823, and died June 10th, 1884. He arrived in this country May 2, 1846, and soon engaged with the Crane Iron Co., at Catasauqua. Later he removed to Hokendauqua entered into the employ of the Thomas Iron Co. as head founder, and remained faithful to his employers until death claimed him for its own. In the death of William 46 Love the Thomas Iron Co. has lost a valuable and trusty employee. Whether the call came at midnight, or in the morning, he was always ready to respond and quick to act, for the interests of the company were his interests. The men ovr whom he was placed remember him as a kind friend, and as they silenty passed by to take the last look of the familiar face they so soon were to see no more, the esteem in which he was held was plainly to be seen, many being moved to tears. No more shall they hear his pleasant jokes as he passed through amongst them. Where danger was he was first, and no man was allowed to go where he did not deem it safe; he was first everywhere, this showing the true nobility of his character and his courageous will and thoughtfulness for others. Wherever he could do good he could alway sbe found. His charitable acts were done in a quiet way; he was a plain, unassuming, big hearted, honest, upright man. For five years he was a member of the Hokendauqua School Board, and so well did he discharge the duties of the office that when his term had expired the people again chose him to refill it. He united with the Bridge Street Church at Catasauqua during the pastorate of the late Rev. Leslie Irwin, and in him the old church had a warm friend. In 1870 he joined the young church at Hokendauqua, and for a number of years was a trustee of the same. He left five children to mourn the loss of a loving, indulgent parent. He was an affectionate husband, a good father, and a true friend. His partner in life answered the summons, "Come up higher," January 24, 1880. We go about the streets in sorrow, and can only say he is gone. The places that knew him shall know him no more forever. To his stricken family, to the officers of the Thomas Iron Co., the employees, to all that knew him, this sudden closing of a busy and well spent life is a reminder that we must all sooner or later join the great majority, and it bids us "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." Volume 12, Number 34, Saturday, July 12, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Sammy Hayward, a young lad residing at Kingston, was srruck by a locomotive on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad on Saturday, while he and his younger brother were walking on the track. His skull was crushed in and a piece of it pressed into the brain. He died in a short time afterwards. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Hannah McGee, wife of the late Owen McGee, of Upper Mauch Chunk, died on Saturday evening at about nine o'clock and was buried in the Catholic cemetery at East Mauch Chunk. She leaves two grown up daughters and one boy to mourn her loss. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jacob Fetter, of Hazleton, aged twenty years, accompanied by his brother and a companion, went to Crystal Ridge dam, on the outskirts of town, Wednesday afternoon of last week, for the purpose of bathing. They had been in the water about fifteen minutes when young Fetter was attacked by cramps. His companions attempted to rescue him, but before they reached him he had sunk, never to rise alive. The depth of the water where he was drowned was about fifteen feet.--Plain Speaker. Death of Mrs. Caroline Seiple. Mrs Caroline Seiple, the wife of Conrad Seiple, at one time landlord of the "Carbon House," of town, now proprietor of the Upper Lehigh Hotel, died Monday morning at 8 o'clock of pneumonia. Deceased was sixty seven years of age, and was the mother of three sons and one daughter, all of whom are living. She was ever known to be a kind 47 neighbor and an affectionate wife, and she will be greatly missed in the community in which she resided. Mr. Seiple and family have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. The funeral cortege left Upper Lehigh at 10 o'clock on Wednesday for Hazleton, and the remains were intered in Vine street cemetery. Services were conducted in the Presbyterian church previous to the interment. Weissport Letter. On Thursday evening at the residence of the bride, Alger Nimson, of East Penn, was married to Miss Emma Arner, of Weissport. The happy couple no doubt believe, with Carlyle, that "each sex has what the other has not; each completes the other, and is completed by the other, they are in nothing alike, and the happiness and perfection of both depends upon each asking and receiving from the other what the other only can give." The happy couple left on Monday morning for North Carolina, their future home. We wish them an abundance of success and much joy in their new role as man and wife. Obituary--Another old Soldier Gone. James H. Campbell, the watchmaker, for the past five years resident on Bank, this borough, died of consumption on Monday afternoon last, aged 50 years. He was born in Leesport, Berks county, Pa., Nov. 6, 1833. He worked in Allentown for a a number of years, removing to this place about five years ago. Deceased served one year and nine months in Co. B, 199th Regt P. V., and afterwards entered the regular army serving a three years term. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn their loss. He was interred in the Catholic cemetery on Thursday forenoon. Requiescat in pace. Cheated the Gallows. The usually quiet little borough of Milford, Pike county, was the scene Sunday evening of the wildest excitement, caused by the announcement that George Jacob Schmidlin, the murderer of Frank Heitz, had committed suicide. At eight o'clock Albert Helms, the jailer, saw him pacing his cell. At nine he entered the cell to shackle him and found the prisoner suspended from a hinge of the door, strangled. Before hanging himself the murderer had punctured his right arm one inch above the elbow while lying on his bed. This had bled profusely, but finally clotted, when, fearing death would not come, the doomed man tied a towel around his neck and fastening the end to the hinge jumped from the bed. The murder was committed on May 12 last and Judge Seeley sentenced Schmidlin to be hanged on June 30. The Governor had not appointed a date for the hanging. Fashionable Wedding. We noticed last week the marriage of Mr. Alger Nimson son of Charles Nimson, esq., to Miss Emma L. youngest daughter of John Arner, esq. The ceremonies were performed at the residence of the bride's parents on White street, Weissport, by Rev. Brugel, of Cherryville. A large number of friends were present, composed of relatives and acquaintances of the bridal party. The short services which thus united this happy couple, to live together as man and wife, during the journey of life, were most beautiful and impressive. After receiving the congratulations of the assemblage an elegant repast was served. Everything that could tempt the appetite and please the most fastidious was spread before the guests. On Monday last they left for their new home in North Carolina where they expect to go to house-keeping. Thus one by one are the fair daughters and manly sons following in the foot steps of those who have gone before, and taking their places in that arena of social and moral duty where so many fail and so few meet with absolute and uninterrupted success. We can but add that it is our sincere wish and hope that the days and years of the above happy couple, who are thus united, may be smooth and tranquil--that they may enjoy abundance of sunshine and but little of clouds and darkness-that 48 life may be to them a season of joy and peace, a delightful foreshadowing of that brighter and better world that awaits us all in the future. May angles of love descend from above, And give them success and good cheer, Happiness, health, true friends and wealth, And never a cause for a tear. DIED. REESE.--On the 3d inst., at Audenried, Jane, wife of Wm. D. Reese, aged 52 years, 10 months and 29 days. DIED. DALY.--On the 3d inst., at Audenried, Peter Daly, aged 70 years. MARRIED. SCHMEAR-LAMBERT.--On the 1st inst, by the Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. John Schmear and Miss Anna Lambert, both of Jeanesvile. MARRIED. NIMSON-ARNER.--On the 3rd inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Arner, of Weissport, by Rev. G. A Bruegel, Alger Nimson, of Cranberry, N. C., and Miss Emma L. Arner, of Weissport, Pa. Volume 12, Number 35, Saturday, July 19, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Leerch, a well to do farmer, committed suicide Saturday morning on his farm, near Farmersvile, Northampton county, by hanging himself in his barn. A fruitless attempt was made to resuscitate him. For a number of years he has been hard of hearing. Recently an operation was perfoed upon him, which it is claimed caused insanity. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel Straussburger, who for some time had been an inmate of the Lehigh county almshouse, was killed on the Perkiomen Railroad by a freight, a short distance above East Greenvile, Montgomery county, on Monday last. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A three year-old son of Mr. W. W. Bowman, died very suddenly at Wilkes-barre, on Sunday last, of convulsions. Mr. B. had taken the child to Wilkesbarre on Saturday morning on the way to meet Mrs. Bowman who had been absent for two or three weeks, and was on her way home, when thechild sickened and died as above. The child was brought to Lehighton Monday morning and buried Wednesday afternoon. The parents have our deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement. A Surprise Party. Last Monday being the 60th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Dr. Chas. S. German, a large number of the relatives and friends of the family assembled at her residence on the corner of Bank and Iron street to do honor to the occasion, each one loaded with basket or bundles to contribute to the enjoyment of the happy event. The following are the names of those present: Mr. and Mrs. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zehner, Mesdames. F. R Semmel, L. F. Kleppinger, T. D. Clauss, H. Kriedler, J. W. Raudenbush, John Seaboldt, Thomas Kemerer, G. Clauss, J. T. Nusbaum, N. B. Reber, S. Wheatley, A. J. Durling, Thomas Fath, J. E. Dreiblebies, A. W. Raudenbush, E. Hunsicker, J. 49 Hauk, T. A. Snyder, C. Lauchnor, J. S. Lentz, and Misses Ella Clauss, Lulu Zehner, Lollie and Gussie Clauss, and Harry Clauss, all of Lehighton. Mr. and Mrs. Culton, Mr. and Mrs. Ahner, Mesdames. A. Stout, E. Weiss, L. Weiss, Kemerer, C. Hill, W. Whitehead, D. Krum, J. Gilham, F. Smith, H Boyer, J. Diterline, Emery, W. Reed, O. Moyer, J. Arner, F. Reed, Misses Ella and Louisa Rapp, from Weissport, and Miss Smith, of Philadelphia. Lower Towamensing Splinters. Griffith Shindler rejoices over a little girl that made its appearance recently. Volume 12, Number 36, Saturday, July 26, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Neal Garrah, an old and respected Irishman, residing on High street Mauch Chunk, and employed at Packerton, was knocked from a platform car on the L. V. R R., near Packeston, on Monday night and instantly killed. He was sitting on the edge of a flat car which was being pulled by an engine and loaded with other workmen when a switch struck him and threw him off on the ground. His skull was broken and death was instantaneous. Deceased was upward of 50 years of age, and leaves a family of several children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. William Horn went on the mountains, near Tannersville, Monroe county, to pick beries, leaving her three children, aged two. four and six, at home alone. They went into the barn to play, and having matches soon ignited the straw and a fire started, and before the children could escape the flames cut them off. The people who ran to their aid were driven off by the fire and all the children perished. The mother on returning, was so shocked that she lost her reason. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Henry Schmauch, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Beaver Meadow, died Tuesday morning after a prolonged illness. The deceased was born in Soltz, Kreis Rothenburg, Kurhessen, Germany, Oct. 25, 1811, and was, therefore, 73 years old. He emigrated to this country in 1848, and has lived in Beaver Meadow ever since, excepting one year, when he resided in Wilkesbarre. He was the oldest patternmaker employed in the Lehigh regions, having worked at the old foundry of Hudson & Co., Beaver Meadow, more than thirty-five years ago. He continued to work at his occupation until the foundry was destroyed by fire about fourteen years ago, since which time he has lived retired. Obituary. Alfred Lentz, a long-time resident of Beaver Run Valley, and an old time hotel keeper of Mauch Chunk, died very suddenly at the American Hotel, in the latter place, on Saturday morning last, aged about 65 years. Deceased for a long time had been complaining of rheumatic afflictions but no one anticipated his death so suddenly. He had in the spring removed from this section, and taken up his home with his daughter at Sayre, and had returned here on a visit to his friends a few days prior to his death. He arose on Saturday morning and partook of a slight repast, and after conversing with his friends complained that he did not feel well, and returned to his room to lie down, and shortly thereafter, Mrs. Jarrard entered his room and found him dead. Deceased was a son of the deceased John Lentz, of this borough, and was respected by all who knew him. The funeral took place on Tuesday, and was largely attended by relatives and friends. Requiescat in pace. 50 MARRIED. ESCH-DIEHL.--At the residence of the bride's parents, Saturday, July 19th, by Rev. J. H. Kuder, James H Esch and Miss Emma Diehl, both of Lehighton. Volume 12, Number 37, Saturday, August 2, 1884 A Boiler Bursts with Terrible Fatal Results. There was a terrible accident Friday morning at a lonely spot on the Lehigh Valley Road, about two miles above White Haven, known as Brady's Switch. Engine 146, known as Mohawk, was returning from Fairview to White Haven, after assisting a heavy coal train up the mountain, when her boiler bursted and the four men on board at the time were instantly killed. Their names are. Jacob Hassell, aged 42, engineer, residing at East Mauch Chunk. He leaves a wife and nine children. John Hassel, son of Jacob, aged about 18, acting as brakemem. John Armbruster, aged about 30, fireman, residing at East Mauch Chunk. He leaves a wife and one child. R. S. Smith, aged 21, telegraph operator at Nescopek, residing at White Haven As none of those on board the engine lived to tell the tale, and as not a soul was within a mile of the spot at the time, how the disaster happened and to what it was due will never be known. The wreck was first seen by Engineer Michael Greaney, of engine 345, who, a few minutes before nine, came down the mountain with a train of one hundred and twenty-five loaded coal cars. He saw the wreck about one hundred yards ahead, but his train was too heavy to be stopped. Whistling down brakes, he reversed his engine and jumped from the cab. His example was instantly followed by the fireman, and the brakemen of the train and all escaped without serious injury. The coal train, however, dashed into the wreck and in an instant engine and cars were piled in a promiscuous heap of ruins over both tracks. About twenty coal cars were smashed and piled up and many others broken and derailed. Force of the Explosion. The crew of the coal train hastened to White Haven and sent word of the disaster to Superintendent Mitchell, at Wilkesbarre, who promptly started a wrecking train to the scene, accompanying it himself, and the work of clearing the track was begun. Mr. Mitchell forwarded the bodies to their homes and telegraphed for an undertaker to give them the necessary attention. By the violence of the explosion the mass of the wrecked engine had been thrown clear off the track. It was terribly shattered. The strong iron sheets and bars were rent, snapped and twisted into the most fantastic shapes. The machinery was altogether destroyed and fragments of wheels, bars, boiler sheets, etc., were hurled around on all sides. So great was the violence that the tracks wes destroyed for a considerable distance, the railroad iron torn from its fastenings and the road bed transferred to a hole in the ground. The body of Jacob Hassell was found one hundred yards from the engine, among a mass of wreck, mangled so horribly that it was difficult to identify. His two arms were gone and his left side was crushed in. Armbruster's body was found two hundred yards distant, in another direction, under a pile of bebris. His head was severed from the body. The remains of Smith were found under the engine crushed to a shapeless mass. The body of John Hassell was found in a ditch one hundred yards away, with the legs blown off. Clearing the Track. It was 12 o'clock ere the track was cleared and rebuilt, though a large gang of men were at work all day. The Lehigh Valley trains were run over the Philadelphia and Reading tracks between Wilkesbarre and Penn Haven. The news of the accident created great excitement, as it was rumored that an excursion train containing 1,400 people from Wilkesbarre to Mauch Chunk 51 was the train that ran into the wrecked locomotive. A farmer who was mowing wheat in a field three miles away heard the report, which he says resembled an earthquake. His horses became unmanageable in the reaper. Hassell, the engineer, told his wife a few months ago that he thought his days as a railroader were about over and that he felt it in his mind that some great disaster would soon occur. His wife tried to persuade him from believing anything of the kind, but he was firm in his belief and told her, in order that she might not suffer, that he would have his life insured, which he did. He joined the Knights of Honor, from whom she will receive $2,000. Smith was the only support of a widowed mother. The loss to the company by the wreck will be fully $50,000. The funeral of the victims. The remains of Jacob Hassell, John Armbruster and John Hassell, the victims of last Friday's railroad accident, were interred last Sunday in the Evergreen cemetery, East Mauch Chunk, services were conducted at the residence of the two Hassells. Before the formation of the funeral procession the choir of Christ Lutheran church, who were in attendance, sang several beautiful selections, after which the funeral formed in line, headed by a delegation of Knights of Honor numbering about forty, of which the older Hassell was a member. The funeral then proceeded to the Lutheran church, when a brief and impressive sermon was delivered by the Rev. M. Freyman who spoke in eulogistic terms of the deceased as always being good christians whose lives we all might be guided by. Services over the remains of John Armbruster were conducted in the M. E. church, of which he was a member. The Rev. R. D. Nailer officiated. The remains were taken in charge by the Sons of Veterans, who numbered twenty-five members. The funerals then formed into one line, making it the largest procession of the kind witnessed in Mauch Chunk in some years. Engineers, firemen and brakemen from all divisions of the Lehigh Valley Railroad were present. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Downey shot himself fatally while playing with a loaded revolver at Centralia Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Houstin, aged 12, residing at Centralia, was bitten by a rattlesnake on Saturday night and is dead. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Williams, a large slate quarry owner, of Slateford, died at his residence, aged about 70 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. In a breast at the Burnside Colliery, near Shamokin, Monday, Henry Haupt, a miner, was instantly killed by a premature explosion. Our Neighborhood in Brief. In passing between the cars of his train, near Tamaqua, Saturday night, Conductor Daniel Schock, aged 23, of Port Clinton, feel to the track, both of his legs being cut off near the body. After several hours of agony Schock died. He was recently married. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Lou E Bauer, daughter of Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Hazleton, formerly of this place, was quietly wedded to Phil V. Weaver, Esq., a well known lawyer of Hazleton, on Tuesday morning. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father in the presence of immediate relatives and friends. After an elegant repast the happy couple left for an extensive tour through the West. The presents were many and handsome. May peace and prosperity attend them is the earnest wish of the Advocate. 52 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Wednesday morning at ten o'clock an Italian named Frank Rotta, working in Joel Neff's state quarry, at Slatington, was instantly killed by a block of slate weighing forty pounds which fell from the top to the bottom of the quarry, striking Rotta on the head and crushing his skull. Weissport Letter. W. H. Knecht every day rejoices ove the fruits of his labor. The Postoffice and the baby continually keep him busy. Weissport Letter. One of the very sad occurrences of the week is the drowning of the little boy Mertz. On Monday morning this unfortunate child wended its way from its home in East Weissport to the wharves of Mr. Josiah Ruch, where in the fullness of innocence and youth it enjoyed itself by its childish pranks and plays until it approached the cripping too close which landed it at the bottom of the deep stream and lo! the poor little fellow was no more. The sorrow-stricken father has our sincerest sympathy. Caught on the Track and Killed. Martin Geraghty, a brakeman, met with a shocking death Monday in the Deleware, Lackawanna and Western Company's freight yard, Scranton. He was in the act of shunting some cars and in stepping out of the way his foot was caught in a frog, where he was held fast until the train crushed upon him and split his body in two. Another brakeman, named Walter Walsh, was killed on the Erie Road, between Carbondale and Uniondale the same day. He was applying a chain-braken when the chain suddenly broke and let him fall under the wheels. His back was broken and he died in a few minutes. Birthday Party. Birthdays come and go. The birthday of our friend and student from Millerville, Mr. Howard Chubb, was celebrated at his home in Lehighton on Monday night last. The affair was a well conducted and a grand success, and speaks well for the party who persuaded him to go along in the afternoon for a drive through our beautiful valley of Mahoning for the purpose of viewing the grand and picturesque scenery, in one of David Ebberts handsomely furnished teams. Among the many present we note the following: Mrs. Robt. Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bowmnn, Mrs. Groo, Mrs. David Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weiss, Mrs. Andrew Raudenbush, Mrs. Buchman, Mrs. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Houser, Mrs. Koons, of Allentown, Misses Kate Weaver, and Lulu Koons, of Allentown, Misses Laura Hofford, Sallie Hofford, Laura Master, Mary Barr, Emma Reber, Carrie Weiss, Messrs. Ed Chubb, C. A. Harding, E. A. Radcliff, C. S. Weiss, and Robert Weaver, of Packerton. Among the features of the evening were quite a number of old county style parlor games, such as "Spin the plate," "Going to Jerusalem," "Guess who kissed you," "Bob's Excursion Train from Niagara Falls to Buffalo," took the cake. Refreshments were then served of which they all heartily partook. Midnight drawing near the party dispersed highly pleased and benefitted by the evenings entertainment. One Who Was Present. MARRIED. REX-BECHTEL--On the 3rd of July, by the Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Elvin Rex and Miss Mary E. Bechtel, both of Mahoning. MARRIED. HOHNCHEU-REX--On the 12th da of July, by the same, Edwin J. Hohnchue and Miss Emma J. Rex, both of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED. FRITZINGER-BOWMAN--On the 19th day of July, by the same, Elanius 53 Fritzinger and Miss Mary A. Bowman, both of East Penn, Pa. DIED. KOONS--On the 30th day of June, in Lehighton, Harry Oscar, son of Richard and Salinda Koons. Aged 5 years, 7 months and 25 days. DIED. HILL--On the 19th day of July, in West Penn, Harvey Willie, son of Levi and Lydia Hill. Aged 9 years, 11 months and 20 years. Volume 12, Number 38, Saturday, August 9, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. A 14-year old son of Engineer Gaumer, of this borough, was engaged picking coal in the Packerton yard, on Saturday last, when he was run over and instantly killed by a shifting engine. His body was cut in two and presented a horrid sight. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Shargo, a miner at Plymouth, was run over by a trip of cars Thursday afternoon of last week and terribly crushed He died in great agony. He leaves a wife and five children. Thomas Kearns, miner, thirty-six years of age, employed at Plymouth, lost his life while firing a shot. He had fired a squib and waited for the blast to go off, when he approached for the purpose of investigating the cause of its failure. An explosion followed and he was instantly killed. Michael Mando was squeezed to death between moving cars and the timbers of a breaker at Kingston Colliery, all on the same day. Franklin News. The little boy Harry Mertz, who was drowned, was buried a few days later at Stempton. His life wes insured for $65.00. This fully defrayed his funeral expenses. Lower Towamensing Items. Joel Strohl, of Big Creek, departed this life recently, of diarrhoea. Pleasant Corner Dots. There was a birthday party at the house of J. T. McDaniel, last Saturday a week. About 30 couples enjoyed the occasion. Married on Her Death-Bed. A strange marrage took place at Dunmore on the 30th ult. The bride, Miss Jennie Freeman, daughter of Superintedent Freeman of the Pennsylvania Coal Company's Works, was on her death-bed, a victim of consumption, and it was her dying wish that she might be married to her lover, Edward Muckalow. Muckalow consented and the sad ceremony was performed by Rev. George Corry, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, in the presence of the bride's father and sister. Miss Freeman's anxiety for this marrage was due to the fact that she had willed considerable property to Mucklow and she wanted him to be able to claim it with a husband's right. She grew unconscious shortly after the ceremony. M ARRIED. RUCH-NOTHSTEIN--At the house of the bride's parents Aug. 2, 1884, by Rev J. H. Kuder, Nathaniel Ruck and Miss Emma L. Nothstein, both of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED. CAFFRAY-ECK--On June 28, 1884, at the M. E. parsoeage, Packerton, by the Rev. B. F. Powell, John Caffray and Miss Alice Eck. MARRIED. EVERETT-HOPKINS--On July 9th, 1884, at the residence of Mr. McDaniel, 54 Packerton, by the Rev. B. F. Powell, Jackson Everett and Miss Ernestina Hopkins. MARRIED. ECK-YOUSE.--On the 3d inst., at Cherryville, by Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. Jacob Wilson Eck to Miss Ellen S. Youse, both of East Penn. Volume 12, Number 39, Saturday, August 16, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. At a late hour Friday night Samuel Shoppell, an inmate of the insane department of the Schuylkill County Almshouse, broke through the bars and got on the roof of the building, from which he fell to the ground, a distance of thirty feet, and was instantly killed. He was a wealthy farmer and prior to his affliction was one of the most prominent citizens of the Schuylkill Valley. He was 50 years of age and leaves a large family. Our Neighborhood in Brief. For the past week the daughters of Ambrose and Eliza Mease, have been lying very ill at their parents' home, on Garrison street, Bethlehem, with dysentery of a typhoid character. On Saturday at about 7 P. M. Helen Gertrude, aged six years, died. Sunday evening at 10.50 o'clock Bella Irene, the youngest, aged three years, died and twenty minutes later Sadie Elsie, aged five years, also died. During the night the infant and only surviving child, Fernie, was also taken very ill. An Engineer Killed. A landslide occured on the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad at Belt's bridge, near Stroudsburg, Sunday morning, just before an east-bound loaded coal train was due. The engine dashed into the mass of rock and earth and a terrible wreck followed. The engineer, Henry Post, was instantly killed, his body being frightfully mangled. One of his legs was not found until in the afternoon. He leaves a wife and three children. John Cortwright, the fireman, was very badly injured, but may recover. A large force of men were at work at the wreck and the track was cleared Monday morning after working all night. Hymenial--Sellers--Skelton. On the 30th day of July, 1884, at the residence of the brides' parents, in Lykens, Dauphin county, Penna., our popular young druggist E. J. Sellers was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Sadie Skelton, the Rev. R. A. McIlvaine officiating. After spending about ten days in various parts Mr. Sellers has returned to this place accompanied by his bride. It is the sincere wish of the Advocate that their path through life may be strewn with the most beautiful and fragrant of blossoms; we would not wish that their journey through life be void of all care, for we are all governed by the hand of God and as he directs so we must abide, but we do hope that these troubles shall be but a mist which fading away leaves brighter prospects in life before them. Brothers Suoffcated in a Well. An accident occurred at Nescopeck Thursday, 7th inst, by which two brothers named Slosser lost their lives and a third very narrowly escaped a like fate. The three men were employed in digging a well and had gained a depth of eighteen feet without reaching water. It had been the custom of the men, in order to ascertain the purity of the air, to lower a light before going into the well, but on that morning they forgot to do so. Solomon was the first to descend, but was immediately overcome by gas. In answer to his cries for help Frank started to the the rescue, but was also overcome and fell from the rope before reaching the bottom. David Slosser, with the assistance of some neighbors, tied a rope around his body and 55 was dopped down into the death-trap. He did not stay long, however, and was pulled to the surface in an unconscious state. No one else would make the attempt to go below and grapling irons had to be procured to hoist the bodies. When brought up both men were tight in each others arms and stone dead. The victims are both married men, with large families. Volume 12, Number 40, Saturday, August 23, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Frank Hance, aged 15 years, son of Henry Hance, a commission merchant of Chicago and a visitor at Wilkesbarre, was drowned in the Susquehanna river Saturday while bathing in swift water in company with a number of young men. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Drake, of Stroudsburg, Monroe county was kicked so severely by a vicious horse recently that he was thrown twelve feet and had his brains knocked out by the blow. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Several days ago William Reilly, a notorious colored man, living in a disreputable part of Pottsville known as "Italy," attacked a colored woman named Mary Washington, from the effects of which she died Friday night. A number of her ribs were broken, her skull crushed in and several deep gashes were cut in her face with a razor, which the brute had in his hand. Immediately after the assault Reilly left town and up to the present time his whereabouts are unknown. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The thirteen year old son of Anthony Gallagher was instantly killed in the Prospect Colliery, Wilkesbarre, Friday by being crushed between a prop and a moving car. His father is in the County Jail, where he was taken the same morning on a commitment from the Mayor's office for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. The body of the boy was taken to his home, but no one was there, his mother being down town. Later in the day she returned to find the mangled remains of her son lying on the bed. Joined in Wedlock. Mr. William Koons, of Lehighton, and Miss Mary Alwell, of Hollywood, were married at the bride's residence last Saturday evening. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Christ Lutheran Church, Hazleton None but the immediate friends and relatives of the bride and groom were present. Mr. and Mrs Koons have our best wishes for their success in life.--Hazleton Plain Speaker. Infanticide at Pinegrove. Sheriff Boyer went to Pinegrove Schuylkill county, on the 14th inst., to arrest Miss Alice Etter, of that place, on a charge of infanticide. On Wednesday, Gottlieb Crowse, a farmer of Pinegrove township, while walking over his land, came to a small mound which seemed to be newly made, and curiosity prompted him to make an investigation. Taking a stick, he proceeded to remove the earth, when to his great horror and astonishment he uncovered the body of an infant. Mr. Crowse went to Pinegrove and notified the authorities, who at once telegraphed for coroner Halberstanct. On the arrival of the coroner, a jury was empaneled and an inquest held upon the body. The investigation divulged the fact that the infant belonged to Alice Etter. The evidence was that the child was born alive, and that it had been strangled by its mother, and buried upon the land of Mr. Crowse in hopes of concealing her crime The verdict of the jury was: Death by stangulation at the hands of Alice Etter. 56 Lower Towamensing Dots. Mrs. Charles Blose was surprised last Monday a week ago by a number of friends and relatives, who had assembled with their baskets filled with eatables, to celebrate her birthday. Volume 12, Number 41, Saturday, August 30, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Connor, aged 30 years, committed suicide Saturday morning at Ashland by hanging himself. The cause of the act is not known. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Martin Graver, of Packerton, died on last Saturday, and was interred in the cemetary at Lehighton on Tuesday morning; services were held in the Reformed church. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Frank Ranua, an unmarried Italian, who had been in this country a little over two years, while walking home from his work at Hazleton Tuesday was struck by a passenger engine and injured so badly that he cannot recover. Our Neighborhood in Brief. W. R. Kingman, of Charleston, S. C., formerly a Professor in a select school in that city, stopping with a friend in Wilkesbarre, walked from his bedroom while asleep Friday night on to a porch in front of the house and fell to the sidewalk below, a distance of twenty feet. He was picked up unconscious by a policeman and taken into the house. He died Saturday morning. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Elmer Santee, aged twenty, met with a frightful death Tuesday by having his head caught between a fly-wheel and belt in Williams' soapstone mill, at Easton, and crushed in the narrow space between the wheel and the wall of the pit in which it revolved. Death was instantaneous. His father, John Santee, is a slater, working at Wilmington. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Shaffer, aged 62 years, of Coopersburg, Northampton County, attemped the descent of a well 104 feet deep. When ten feet down from the surface the rope broke, he was precipitated to the bottom and died. Our Neighborhood in Brief. About two weeks ago a little son of Frank Held, residing in one of the suburbs of Allentown, swallowed a grain of coffee, which lodged in his windpipe. He was in great distress and for several days lay at the point of death by strangling. The coffee grain finally worked its way into the lung and the boy became very sick. Friday of last week, after a great deal of suffering, he died. Mahoning Squibs. Miss Polly Hunsicker was agreeably surprised last Saturday evening by her many friends who came to help her celebrate her birthday. The party numbered about eighty. Around Pleasant Corner. Sebastine Bocher, of Mahoning, died on the 21st inst., aged 68 years, 8 months and 14 days. Obituary--John Leisenring. Hon. John Leisenring died at his residence early Friday morning, 22nd inst., Bright's 57 disease of the kidneys being the immediate cause. He had beed complaining for many years and at times was a great sufferer. Recently he was troubled with increasing deafness. He was confined to his room since April last. In 1880, with members of his family, he visited Europe, and his health was temporarily improved. Lately he lived a retired life, having acquired a large fortune, being quoted a millionaire. His mansion is on an elevation in the centre of a three-acre plot cultivated to perfection, making the surroundings as beautiful and pleasant as any in the State, and adjoining the palatial residences of the late Hon. Asa Packer, and Judge Harry Packer. Doctor Wentz, of Jeddo, his brother-in-law, was his family physician, and had sole charge of the patient. John Leisenring was born in Philadelphia in 1819, and went to Mauch Chunk in 1828. At 17 years of age he was civil engineer, working under the late Asa Packer. He assisted in building the Belvidere Delaware Railroad, as well as the first railroad from White Haven to Wilkesbarre, the Morris Canal and the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's canals, but his masterpiece of engineering was the construction of the iron bridges crossing the Lehigh and Delaware Rivers at Easton, Pa. He was one of the first to engage extensively in the coal business. He organized many coal companies, and was president of several. He built the famous Switchback Railroad to convey coal mined by himself and others. In 1859 he was superintendent of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. He was a director of the Central Railroad Company of New Jersery and president of the Connellsville Coke and Iron Company. In 1871 he was elected associate judge, and this year the Republican State Convention placed his name at the head of the list of presidential electors. In 1844 he was married to Caroline Bertsch, whom he survived with four children, named E. B. Leisenring, of Audenried; Mrs. Dr. Wentz, Jr., of Jeddo; Mrs M. S. Kemerer and John Leisenring, Jr., of Mauch Chunk. Mr. Leisenring was of a generous, kind hearted nature and an ardent public spirited man. His acts of charity and beneficence will long be remebered in the vicinity of Mauch Chunk. The funeral took place on Monday in the family cemetery in that place. During his long active business life, Mr. Leisenring is said to have accumulated great wealth, leaving an estate valued at nearly $3,000,000. Volume 12, Number 42, Saturday, September 6, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Agnes Struthers departed this life at East Mauch Chunk, after a lingering illness, Tuesday morning. Our Neighborhood in Brief. David Lambert, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, at Freemansburg, committed suicide Monday by hanging himself to a rafter in a shed. He had been melancholy over the death of a son. He was 68 years old. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edward F. Merritt, a traveling paper agent, while descending a flight of stairs on Penn street, Reading, on Monday night, fell to the floor below and broke his neck. He was about 40 years old and came from Brooklyn. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Capt. Jos. N. Abbey died at his home in Philadelphia on Monday last, of spinal disease, in his 45th year. Deceased was Captain of Battery H, 2nd Heavy Artillery, (112th Regt.,) Penna. Vols., and will be kindly remembered by his old comrades in this section. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Fox, one of Pottsville's leading citizens was stricken with 58 paralysis on Wednesday morning and died at noon. He possessed considerable wealth, and was a director of the Miner's National Bank and a member of the School Board. He was 60 years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel Thomas, a miner, living at Plymouth, quarrelled with his wife last Sunday night and the two separated, the latter going to visit friends in Lackawanna county. Thomas locked himself up in the house and during the night or next day shot himself in the head. His lifeless body was found in his house in the afternoon by the police, who broke open the door. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The wife of Edward Paetzel, of this borough, while engaged washing on Monday morning last was taken with a fainting spell, fell to ground, striking her head on a step, and died in a short time. Mr. P. has our sympathy in his bereavement. A Young Girl's Suicide. When at twelve o'clock Thursday night of last week the mother of Mary Fatzinger, aged eighteen years, of Allentown, went down stairs to see whether her daughter had arrived home, a terrible sight met her eyes. On the back porch, suspended from a rope used as a swing, the girls body was hanging stiff in death. On that evening Mary left home in good spirits to visit a friend, Miss Evans, in another part of the city. While there two young men called and the party had a pleasant time. About half past ten o'clock Miss Fatzinger and her lover, Alfred Menges, left for home. What transpired on the way home is not known, but it is presumed they had a quarrel and that she suddenly formed the resolution to commit suicide. Lower Towamensing Items. Harry, a six year old son of Benjamin George, died the other week of diphtheria. Kills his Daughter-in Law. Thomas Zorowiski keeps a Hungarian boarding house at Slabtown, three miles distant from Hazleton. One of his boarders is his father, Peter Zorowiski, a man aged three score and ten years. Monday morning Peter arose later than the other guests and requested his daughter-in law to prepare his breakfast. The repast did not suit him and he demanded something else. This was refused him and he seized a knife from the table and plunged it into her abdomen making a wound three inches deep and seven inches long. Seeing her fall and realizing what he had done he stabbed himself and then ran out of the back door to the garden, where he fell from weakness. Several hours later two of the Hungarians who boarded at the house returned and found both pools of blood. Dr. Lazarus was at once summoned. He says Mrs. Zorwiski cannot live and does not think the old man will recover. He has since committed suicide by hanging. Around Pleasant Corner. On the 25th inst there was a birthday party at J. T. McDaniel's place. They had a lively little dance. MARRIED. OHL-REX--On the 3rd day of August, by the Rev. A. Bartholomew, Jefferson Ohl, of West Penn, Schuylkill county and Miss M. C. Rex, of Mahoning. MARRIED. BORHOR-WETZEL--On the 9th day of August, by the same, Lewis Borhor and Mrs. Sevilla Wetzel, both of Hudsondale, Pa. 59 MARRIED. BORGER-REX.--On the 16th day of Aug., by the same, Arron Borger, of Eldred twp., Monroe county, and Miss Lucy A. Rex, of Mahoning, Pa. MARRIED. GULDNER-FINK.--On the 17th day of August, by the same, Owen Guldner, of East Penn, and Miss Lydia Fink, of Heidelberg, Pa. MARRIED. MOYER-SEMMEL.--On the same day, by the same, David Moyer and Miss Louisa J. Semmel, both of East Penn, Pa. DIED. LAPP--On the 6th day of August, in Lehighton, Scott Winfield, son of Charles and Adaline Lapp, aged 2 years and 19 days. DIED. REX.--On the 18th day of August, in Lehighton, Eva M. daughter of Aaron and Emma Rex, aged 10 months and 28 days. DIED. BORHOR.--On the 21st day of August, in Mahoning, Sebastian, husband of Salome Borhor, aged 68 years, 8 months and 14 days. DIED. GRAVER.--On the 22nd day of August, in Lehighton, Martin B., husband of Regina E. Graver, aged 39 years, 9 months and 11 days. DIED. HESS--On the 28th day of August, in West Penn, Lillie A. daughter of Mandus M. and Kitty A. Hess, aged 2 months and 23 days. Volume 12, Number 43, Saturday, September 13, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. In the village of Little Gap, this county, on Thursday of last week, Harry and Laura Kostenbader, aged 8 and 6 years respectively, got hold of a loaded shotgun during the absence of the family. While playing with the weapon it was exploded and the girl instantly killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Otto Praga, representing Pond & Co., of Boston, while attempting to jump on a Lehigh Valley Railroad passenger train at White Haven on Monday, missed his footing and fell under the cars. The wheels passed over his leg, crushing the bones. Mortification set in Tuesday and he died Wednesday morning. An Old Couple Cross the River. Dr. Kistler's father and mother, of West Penn township, Schuylkill county, died last week within a few hours of each other. Mrs. Kistler died on Tuesday evening, and on Wednesday morning Mr. Kistler passed away. Both were born in Lehigh township; Mr. Kistler in the year 1803 and his wife in 1804. Of the 59 years of their married life, 50 had been spent in West Penn. The old couple reared a large and respected family. Their surviving children are Dr. Kistler of Summit Hill; William H and David H. of West Penn; Mrs Jacob Mantz, Mrs. Longacre, Mrs Dauber and Mrs. Shock. The funeral took place on Tuesday last, at Zion's cemetery, West Penn. The services were conducted by Revs. Bowers and Bertholmew, of the Lutheran Church. 60 Murdering Her Illegitimate Child. Miss Theresa Nocele, an English girl, aged 25, entered an outhouse at Pen Argyl Friday morning and remained there till evening. As she was missed during the day her friends suspected something wrong. After she left the closet it was discovered that she had given birth to a child and had drowned it in a cesspool. The body was recovered and Miss Nocele placed under arrest. The child is full grown, and, the doctors say was alive when born. Not withstanding that Miss Nocele is very sick and that the evidence is against, her, she positively denies that she is the mother of the baby. This is her second illegitimate child. The first one is a girl 2 years old. Miss Nocele lived with her father, who, notwithstanding that he is blind--having been blown up in a quarry--carries the mail from the depot at Pen Argyl to the town. Killed by a Shot Gun. On Tuesday evening of last week, about dusk, the village of Lehigh Gap, in Carbon county, was suddenly thrown into a state of excitement at the announcement of the murder of a little girl. The facts in the case seem to be as follows: Harry, aged 8 years and Laura May, aged 6 years, in the absence of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kostenbader, managed in some way to get possession of a loaded shot gun that hung above the mantel piece in the kitchen for a plaything. The sport was indulged in for a short time, when the gun was suddenly and it is supposed accidently discharged, the contents taking effect in the back of the little girl's head and neck causing instant death. Her little brother gave the alarm and the grief-stricken parents, together with the neighbors of the whole village, were quickly upon the scene. The little girls face was disfigured almost bepond recognition. An inquest was held, but we were unable to learn the verdict of the jury up to the time of going to press.--Slatington News. New Mahoning Squibs. Mrs. Elizabeth Kressley, widow of the late Jonathan Kressley, deceased, died on last Friday aged about 82 years. Her remains were interred at the St John's church on Monday. MARRIED. FESSLER-PIERCE--At Lehighton, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. O. R. Cook, Albert Fessler, of Lansford, and Miss Celia M. Pierce, of Nesquehoning. DIED. PAETZEL--Very suddenly on Sept. 1, Sarah Anna, wife of Edward Paetzel, aged sixtytwo years and two month. DIED. BILLMAN--On Sunday Sept. 7, Mary Jane, a child of Chas. B. and Harriet A. Billman, aged one year, one montha nd twenty eight days. DIED. CLAUSS--On Tuesday noon, Sept. 9, at Fairview at the house of Mr Jacob Brong, Mrs. Mary J. Clauss aged thirty-nine years, ten months and twenty-nine days. Funeral to day (Saturday) afternoon, at half-past one o'clock. Obituary.--Mrs. Mary J. Clauss. It is with the deepest sorrow we are called upon th chronicle the death of Mrs. Mary J. Clauss, widow of the late Granville Clauss, who died very suddenly of apoplexy on Tuesday morning at Solomon's Gap. Mrs. Clauss, with a number of relatives, left Tuesday morning for Solomon's Gap, where they intended to spend a week. About half an hour after their arrival, and while sitting in the parlor laughing and talking, she complained of a pain in the head and almost immediately afterward fell to the floor dead. Mrs. Clauss was a daughter of Frank Reed, 61 deceased, late of the borough of Weissport, and was 40 years of age. She leaves four children-two daughters and two sons. She was a consistent member of the Lutheran church and a teacher in the Sunday school. She was a kind and indulgent mother and a true friend. Her death has cast a shadow of gloom over the entire community. We tender our warmest and heartfelt sympathy to the children, who, thus, at the time when most needed are deprived of a mother's tender care and guidance. The funeral will take place from her late residence on Bank street, this (Saturday) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Sevices will be held in the Lutheran church, after which the remains will be interred in the Lehighton cemetery. Requiescat in pace. Thou art gone to the grave,--we no longer deplore thee, Though sorrows and darkness encompass the tomb; The Saviour has passed through its portals before thee, And the lamp of his love is thy guide through the gloom Thou art gone to the grave,--we no longer behold thee, Nor tread the rough path of the world by thy side; But the wide arms of mercy are spread to enfold thee, And sinners may hope, since the Sinless has died. Though art gone to the grave,--and, its mansion forsaking, Perhaps thy tried spirit in doubt lingered long. But the sunshine of heaven beamed bright on thy waking, And the song which thou heard'st was the scraphim's song. Thou art gone to the grave,--but 't were wrong to deplore thee, When God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy guide; He gave thee, and took thee, and soon will restore thee, Where death hath no sting, since the Savior hath died. Volume 12, Number 44, Saturday, September 20, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Wittuhuhn, of South Bethlehem, aged eight years, was drowned in the canal Sunday afternoon. The little fellow, who could not swim, had, in company with a younger lad, gone in the water. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At the Eagle Colliery, near St. Clair, Saturday, Michael Duffy was filling a lighted lamp with oil when a spark fell into a keg of powder, which exploded, burning Duffy fatally and James Quirk seriously. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The iron rope attached to the carriage used for lowering the miners at the Port Bowkley mine, Wilkesbarre, broke Saturday morning and John Harrison and Michael Calley, who were in the carriage, were hurled to the bottom of the shaft, a distance of eighty feet, and instantly killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. John Fidler, a highly esteemed citizen of Mauch Chunk, died on Tuesday morning. He was confined to his bed for about ten days, but had been sitting ever since the death of his wife who died several months ago, which bore heavily upon him. Mr. Fidler was 58 years of age. The funeral took place on Thursday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Christian Fagan, an engineer on passenger train No 21, of the 62 Hazleton division of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and for twenty seven years engaged in railroading, was Saturday morning instantly killed by striking his head against the fixture of a watertank near Hazle Creek bridge while alighting from his engine. Fagan was an old soldier and a respected citizen of high standing in his occupation. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Eugene Clark, the thirteen year-old son of Peter Clark, living at Ashley, met with a horrible death on the morning of the 10th inst. He was assisting in the shifting of cars at Ashley, when the train upon which he stood parted and he fell between the cars upon the track and some three hundred cars passed over him. His head was cut in two and his body mangled into a shapeless mass. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The funeral of Mrs. Mary J. Clauss, which took place last Saturday afternoon was one of the largest if not the largest ever witnessed in this place. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Services were held in the Lutheran church which was filled to overflowing. Revs. E. Bauer, of Hazleton, and J. H. Kuder, the pastor of the church, officiated. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Saturday evening last Robert J. Hongen, of this place, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock with Miss Katie J. Walck, of Weissport. The ceremony was witnessed only by the respective families interested and the nearest personal friends of the contracting parties. The young couple have our best wishes for a long life of uninterrupted happiness and prosperity. Daniel Kershner's Violent Death. Daniel Kershner sixty years of age, a prominent citizen of Tuscarora, Schuylkill county, and postmaster at that place for over twenty years, was struck by an engine on the Reading road Saturday morning and instantly killed. Mr. Kershner left home early in the morning to go to Brockville to attend to some business and was walking on the railroad track when a West bound train came along. The engineer whistled and tried to avert the accident, but the old man was hard of hearing and did not hear the approaching train. He leaves a wife and family. Mahoning Squibs. A surprise party came off at Aaron Snyder's residence last Sunday evening, the occasion being the birthday of his daughter, Emma. Death of Major D. S. Bennett. major D. S. Bennett, Republican candidate for the Legislature from the first district of Luzerne, comprising the city of Wilkesbarre, died at an early hour Tuesday morning from typhoid fever after an illness lasting two weeks. He was born near Williamsport September 3, 1853, and graduated at the Pennsylvania State College. He was admitted to the Luzerne bar in 1877. Up to a recent period he was major of the Ninth Regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania, but resigned to accept the position of quartermaster on the staff of General Sigfrid, commanding the Third Brigade. Just one month ago he was nominated by the Republicans as their candidate for the Legislature. He was well-known and very popular. The republican convention will have to be reconvened to fill the vacancy. Lower Towamensing Splinters. Peter Rebbert, one of the oldest citizens of this place, died the other week. He was interred in the Catholic cametery at Fire Line. 63 Lower Towamensing Splinters. Tilghman Lower was made happy by his wife presenting him with a little girl last Friday. Fatal Collision on the Reading Road. The fast peach train from Philadelphia on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad collided with a coal train about three miles west of White Haven Sunday morning. The engineer of the peach train, Sam Cole, did not notice the train ahead until within about forty yards off. He immediately reversed his engine and together with the fireman, John Ruft, jumped to the ground. Cole escaped uninjured; but the fireman was not so lucky and received serious and perhaps fatal injuries by striking his head against a rock when he leaped. The engine ran into the rear of the coal train, throwing seven or eight cars off the track, wrecking them completely and throwing their contents about in all directions. The colliding engine, after running into the cars still remained on the track and started to return back. Cole then attempted to jump on to stop it, but in attempting to do so was thrown under the wheels and killed. Deceased was a married man with two children and resided in Mauch Chunk. Wreckers were engaged all day clearing up the wreck. Volume 12, Number 45, Saturday, September 27, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. On last Monday night Anthony Padden, residing at Centralia, was run over by a team-driven by James Hayden, of Locust Gap, and fatally injured. Padden is about fifty years of age and has a large family. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An unknown man bearing the name of John Sullivan laid down beside a limekiln, near Easton, on Friday night, and was suffocated. He was apparently about 24 years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Tuesday afternoon of last week, Susannah, wife of Jonas Andreas, aged 80 years, 6 months and 20 days, died of paralysis at her husband's residence, in East Penn, this county. The funeral took place on Thursday morning at ten o'clock at the Andreas church, Revs. Strauss and Bartholomew officiating. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Two children of Patrick Chambers, a boy and girl, residing at Pleasant Valley, Luzerne county, were viewing a picnic train going down the Lehigh Valley Road Monday morning from the Pennsylvania railroad bridge, which passes over the Lehigh Valley Road, when they were struck by a Pennsylvania train. The boy was instantly killed and the girl fatally injured. MARRIED. WATERBOR-LAUB--On the 20th inst., by the Rev. Alfred Dubs, Wm. Waterbor and Lucinda Laub, both of this borough. Volume 12, Number 46, Saturday, October 4, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. A wealthy widower named Albert Grimley, who lived alone near Boyertown, was found dead in bed on last Friday. The body was badly decomposed, and it is supposed that he had been dead for about a week. 64 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Emma Bower, daughter of Sheriff Bower, of Catasauqua Wednesday played the march at the wedding of Mr. Verbeck, of St. Louis, and Miss Alice Shoemaker, of Pittstown, which occurred at the latter place.--Item. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Elizabeth Williams died at her home in Mauch Chunk on last Friday, after suffering twelve years with some disease. She was a daughter of the late Judge Dodson, one of Mauch Chunk's pioneers and highly esteemed citizens. She leaves three daughters. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. H. G. B. Artman, a missionery of the Lutheran church in India, died some time ago in said far off heathen land. He left this country in 1880, preaching a sermon in Allentown shortly before his departure. A widow and two children survive him. He was the eldest son of Mahlon Artman, formerly of Quakertown. Our Neighborhood in Brief. R. C. James, a miner, got into a dispute with a traveling umbrella mender at the General Grant Hotel at Alden, Luzerne county, on the afternoon of the 25th ult., when he procured an old army musket standing in the corner of the bar room, and dealt the umbrella man a fatal blow on the heard. James resides at Alden and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Both men were intoxicated. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George R. a four months' old son of Mr. Wm H. Kaercher, of town, died on last Sunday morning. The little one had been sick for some time with cholera infantum and was convalescing when it had a relapse and died as stated. Funeral services were held at the house on Monday evening and on Tuesday morning the body of the child was taken to Pottsville where it was interred. The family have our sympathy in the loss of their little one. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs William Hammann, of Easton, was celebrated Thursday evening of last week by a gathering of the family and friends, many of whom were from Philadelphia and Bethlehem. Mr. Hammann was from its organization until within a few years teller of the First National Bank and his seven sons now hold positions of trust and importance in that community. Quite a number of valuable presents were bestowed on the aged couple. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Robert W. Tobias, oldest son of A. H. and Hester Tobias, died at his late residence on West Broadway, Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday morning, the cause of his death being typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Tobias' age was 32 years and 17 days. Railroad Perils. A fatal accident occurred at Neely's Cut, on the L & S Railroad, about three miles above White Haven on Monday night. The watchman stationed at the cut, John Fitzmorris by name, was signalling two trains which were approaching from opposite directions, when he became confused, and in stepping out of the way of one he got on the track of the other, and was instantly crushed to death. He was aged about 35 years, and was one of the company's most trustworthy watchmen. Taking Bonds of Fate. An aged German couple, residing about two miles from Easton: came to to town this morning attired in their best clothing, and repaired to the office of Justice T. O. Fradeneck, where they stated that their intention was to be united in the holy bonds of 65 matrimony. The Justice pulled down his "jersey" and immediately began to look serious. The couple gave their names as Joseph Scheibelhut and Gertrude Woehrie, born in Germany and resident of this country for twenty five or more years. When questioned by the Justice they related the following story: In the year 1869 Scheibelhut sought the hand of Miss Woehrie in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Justice John Transue, of Easton, now deceased. As man and wife the couple had lived happily since that day. Several months ago they became alarmed upon the discovery that their marriage certificate was lost. Inquiry was made for the Justice of the Peace, when it was discovered that he was dead and it was impossible to gain access to his docket. As no children blessed their union, and wishing to provide for each other in case of death, they requested to be married over again. The story being satisfactory the knot that once bound them together as man and wife, was tied the second time. Marriage certificate No. 2 was made out, signed by the witnesses and given to the happy old couple with the advice to keep their weather eye upon it. They left on the afternoon train for their home, enjoying the trip from Bethlehem to Easton as much as though it were their first wedding trip.--Bethlehem Times. Towamensing Items. Death calls quite frequently in our midst--a five-year old son of Alex Beers was called hence by croup last week. A young child of John Anthony was buried on last Monday, it died of diarrohea, and a child of Frank Ash died of the same complaint. Towamensing Items. A young son of Nathan Hoffman, of East Penn, was kicked by a colt and instantly killed a few days ago. A Tribute. For as much as we, the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School of Lehighton, Pa., have been deprived of one of our most faithful teachers by the death of Mrs. Mary J. Clauss, it is but proper for us to express our sorrow in the following resolution: Resolved, That, whilst we humbly bow to the Divine will, we hereby express our sorrow at the decease of our much lamented sister, friend and co-laborer, Mrs. Mary J. Clauss. As a personal friend her heartiness and courtesy, as a teacher, her devotion and faithfulness, as a neighbor, her love and sympathy, all combine to make our sense of the loss we have sustained the more painful. Yet the consciousness of her many graces quickens our gratitude to God, and inspires us with the cheerful hope that the school which she devoutly loved and served, as well as ourselves, will long continue to enjoy the blessed fruits of her earnest Christian life and of her zealous labors. Resolved, that this resolution be entered upon the minute book of the school, and that a copy of the same be handed to the survivors of her family. Signed by the Committee, Thos. Kemerer, J. J. Kuder, Jno. T. Semmel. Weatherly Items. P. G. Rouse greeted us with a smile on Friday morning--'tis a girl. Weatherly Items. A two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Wallaesa was laid to rest in the Union Cemetery on Wednesday at 2 p. m. Services were held in the Methodist church Rev. E. T. Swartz officiating. MARRIED. STROHL-BOYER.--On Sept. 27, 1884, at the parsonage, by Rev. N. Z. Snyder, W. L. Strohl, and Miss Abbie S. Boyer, both of Millport, Pa. 66 MARRIED. CLAUSS-NOLF--On September 6th, by by the Rev. Wm. H. Strauss, Calvin J Clauss and Miss Mary Nolf, both of Palmer township, Northampton county. MARRIED. STEIGERWALT-ZEHNER.--On Sept. 21, by the same, David Steigerwalt and Miss Mary Zehner, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. SEAGER-NOTHSTEIN.--On Sept. 21, by the same, Julius Seager, of New York, and Miss Rosa Nothstein, of Bloomingdale, Carbon county. MARRIED. NEUSTIEL-SELLERS--On Sept. 13, by the Rev. J. S. Erbi Henry W. Neustiel and Miss Christina Sellers, both of Weissport, Pa. MARRIED. BUCK-HANDWERK--On Sept. 27th, by the Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Wesley Buck, of Millport, and Miss Hattie Handwerk, of East Penn. DIED. KRESSLEY.--On Sept. 8th, in Mahoning, Mrs. Elizabeth Kressly, wife of the late Jonathan Kressly, dec'd., aged 81 years, 3 months and 8 days. DIED. ZEHNER.--On Sept. 14th, in West Penn, Mrs. Christina Zehner, wife of the late John Zehner dec'd., aged 80 years and 12 days. DIED. BREINERD.--On Sept. 16th, in West Penn, Lewis, son of Joseph and Kate Brienerd, aged 6 months and 10 days. DIED. KAUP--On Sept. 17th, in Mahanoy Plaine, Fred Clayton, son of Wm. and Ellen Kaup aged 2 months and 8 days. Volume 12, Number 47, Saturday, October 11, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. The inhabitants of Lloyd street, Shenandoah, were thrown into consternation Tuesday evening by the appearance of a woman with her throat cut and bleeding profusely. She had walked into town from the Ringtown Mountain, where she had been at work. She said that her husband had cut her. Her name is Osenbach. She is about twenty years of age and has been separated from her husband for some time. Her death is expected momentarily. Osenbach is still at large. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A young child of Joseph Bennit, residing at Packerton, was drowned last Monday morning. Mr. Bennit's residence is on the banks of the Lehigh, and a fence runs along the river bank, in one place a few pailings are broken off and it is supposed that the child fell through said place into the river with the above result. Weissport Letter. A little child belonging to Warren Seidle died on Sunday afternoon. The burial took place on Wednesday. The bereaved family has our warmest sympathy. 67 Volume 12, Number 48, Saturday, October 18, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Dr. E. S. Solliday, a well known physician of Tamaqua, died on Tuesday of last week, of pneumonia, after a short illness, aged 50 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Conrad Weising, of Hazleton, a young man, 16 years of age, Monday was fatally wounded by the accidental discharge of a revolver that he was carrying in his pocket. He jumped off the platform of his wagon, and as he landed the revolver was discharged and the bullet entered his abdomen. Dr. Smith pronounced the case hopeless. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While crossing the track of L. & S. R. R. at Bowmans's on Tuesday evening, Joseph Albright, of Pennsville, was struck by a passing train, and so seriously injured about the head, that he died about two hours after the accident. Deceased was about twenty years of age, a brother-in law of Mr. James Balliet, of East Penn, and a nephew of the late Gen. Chas. Albright, of Mauch Chunk. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At noon Tuesday the wedding of Miss Mary L. Drake and Mr. Harry O. Emory, of Cheltenham, Montgomery, county, Pa., took place in Trinity Episcopal Church, Bethlehem, the rector, Rev. George Pomeroy Allen, officiating. The bride is the daughter of the late Col. G. L. Drake, the discoverer of petroleum in this country. The wedding was a fashionable and brilliant one. The reception took place in the rooms of the bride's mother in the Eagle Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Emory, after a tour in the South, will reside in Philadelphia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Cairus, a well known resident of Avondale, a mining town near Plymouth, while gathering chestnuts from a large tree in his garden on Sunday afternoon, was hurled thirty feet to the ground by the breaking of a limb. He fell on a fence and sustained a fracture of the spinal column, near the base of the neck. Total paralysis of all organs below the seat of injury set in, and, though he may live a day or two, his death is certain. He was removed to the hospital in Wilkesbarre. He has a wife and seven children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Robert Packer Linderman, son of Dr. G. B. Linderman, general manager of the Bethlehem Iron Company, and grandson of the late Judge Asa Packer, was married at South Bethlehem Wednesday afternoon to Miss Ruth May Sayre, youngest daughter of Robert H. Sayre, president of the new South Pennsylvania Railroad. The ceremony took place in the Episcopal church of the Nativity at five o'clock, after which there was a reception at the residence of the bride's parents. Six maids of honor and two flower girls attended the bride. There were six ushers. Lower Towamensing Items. Alex Beers, of Lehigh Gap, buried a second son, two years old, last week. He died of membranous croup, within less than two weeks of the other. A Man Found Dead at Mud Run. Saturday morning a couple of gentlemen, who visited Mud Run, a short distance above Sandt's Eddy, in seach of fish bait, found the dead body of a man lying at the foot of the wall of the bridge leading across the run. The body owas identified as that of Gotleib Mushart, a stone cutter, who has been working for Jacob Luthenberg, the contractor, for the past three years. During the time he has lived by himself and done his own cooking. On Wednesday he went to the hotel at Sandt's Eddy and remained there Wednesday and Thursday 68 nights. Friday he left there about 10 30 o'clock and started for the stone quarry where he worked. He took with him three loaves of bread and about three pounds of bologna tied up in a handkerchief. When he reached the bridge across Mud Run he sat down to rest. The supposition is that he fell asleep and rolled off the wall to the ground below, a distance of thirty feet, and was killed by the fall. The body was considerably bruised. Coroner Uhler was notified as soon as the body was found. He empaneled a jury and an inquest was held which resulted in a verdit of accidental death by falling from the bridge. The man has a wife and children residing on the Philadelphia road in South Bethlehem, but has not been living with them for some time.-Hazleton Plain Speaker. Packerton Items. Maime, daughter of Joseph Bennett, aged about eighteen months, was drowned in the Lehigh River just back of their residence on Monday afternoon Oct 6th. The little one was playing in the yard as it was wont to do, the mother was busily engaged in domestic duties and did not notice the child's absence for several moments. Search was immediately made, when one of the neighbors discovered the little one in the water at the foot of a high wall just back of the house, the body was quickly recovered by the father. Willing hands done all that was possible to rescuscitate the child but too late, the vital shark had fled. The fence enclosing the yards of the several residences along the river was insecure, the bottom sill decayed so that the nail did not hold the paling, it is supposed that with child like curiosity she was looking at the river below, two misplaced palings gave evidence where she fell through. Maime was a bright winsome child, the pet of the household. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon attended by a large number of sympathizing friends and relativls, there were several beautiful floral offerings. The interment took place at the Lehighton Cemetery. Volume 12, Number 49, Saturday, October 25, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. Isaac Price, the oldest postmaster in Pennsylvania, died at his home in Schuylkill township. He was 83 years of age. He was appointed during the first administration of Jackson and has held office uninterruptedly to the time of his death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Michael Klinger, of Hazleton, a married man, aged about thirty years, committed suicide Tuesday evening by shooting himself through the right temple with a revolver. He died instantly. He was a machinist and was employed in the Lehigh Valley shops. His health had been declining and he was compelled to leave, and about a week ago he entered a grocery store as a clerk. He returned from his work Tuesday evening, passed to hts bed room and fired the fatal shot. He leaves a wife and two children. Two Men Killed by a Fall of Coal. A terrible accident occured Friday at New Castle, near St. Clair, Schuylkill county, by which John F. Quinn, Jr., a prominent citizen of St. Clair, was instantly killed, and Captain Joseph H. Denning, a veteran of the late war, was fatally injured. The mine where the accident occurred was formerly owned and operated by George S. Repplier, but, owing to continual strikes and the destruction of the breaker twice by fire, he finally abandoned the place, which, after removing the machinery, was allowed to fill up with water. Several years ago John S. Quinn, Sr., father of the young man who lost his life Friday, leased the abandoned mine and was successfully working it, making regular shipments of coal ever since. At noon Friday, when Quinn and Denning were putting in new prop timber, a heavy fall of top 69 coal occured completely burying both men. Assistance, however arrived and Denning was extricated terribly bruised and cut, but Quinn was killed instantly. He was 27 years of age and unmarried. Captain Denning served with distinction through the late war. He is 55 years of age and married. MARRIED. NEBB-BEHLER--On August 2nd, at the Reformed parsonage, by the Rev. J. E. Freeman, Henry Nebb and Miss Elmira Behler, both of Stemlersville, Pa. MARRIED. FISHER-SELLERS--On August 3d, by the same, Oscar Fisher and Miss Sophie Sellers, both of Long Run, Pa. MARRIED. KROMER-HAGENBUCH--On August 23d by the same, Frank Kromer and Miss Mary Hagenbuch, both of Packerton, Pa. MARRIED. BELTZ-LEVAN--On August 10th, by the same, A. A. Beltz, of Beltzville, and Miss Emma Levan, of Big Creek. MARRIED. KRESGE-ZIMMERMAN--On September 4th, by the same, Daniel Kresge, Jr., and Miss Mary A. Zimmerman, both of Big Creek. MARRIED. WERT-MILLER--On September 7th, by the same, Wm. H. Wert and Miss Annie M. L. Miller, both of Lehighton, Pa. DIED. GEORGE--At Lehigh Gap, on August 21st, Harry Albert, son of Benjamin and Martha George, aged 6 years, one month and 26 days. DIED. BEER--At Lehigh Gap, on October 22nd, Charles Daniel, son of Alexander and Sarah Beer, aged 5 years, 6 month and 5 days. DIED. BEER.--In Lehigh Gap, on October 12, Allen Ffloyd, infant son of Alexander and Sarah Beer, aged 2 years, 1 month and 5 days. DIED. SEIDEL--At Weissport, on October 7th, Hattie May, daughter of Warren and Emma Seidel, aged 2 years, 9 months and 11 days. DIED. HOWETT-At Wilkesbarre, on September 28th, James Howett, aged 39 years, 2 months and 29 days. Funeral services were held at Mauch Chunk the Rev. J. F. officiating. Volume 12, Number 50, Saturday, November 1, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Celinda Hilliard, of Easton, daughter of Edward Hilliard, and Amos Dinkey, chief clerk of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at Mauch Chunk, were married Thursday morning 23d ult., at 8 30. After the wedding breakfast the couple started for Watkins and Elmira Falls. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Schwenk, an old and prominent citizen of Schuylkill 70 Haven, was found dead in bed on Tuesday. He retired apparently in good health. He was seventy-five years of age. Apoplexy was the cause of his death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Catharine Wennor, with one exception the oldest woman in Allentown, died Friday, after a few hours illness, at the age of ninety-three. For twelve years she was blind, but she retained the use of all her other faculties until her death. Her husband, in his time one of the leading citizens, died twenty years ago. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A postal from Thomas A. Williams, formerly of Mauch Chunk, now of Lehigh, Wilbarger county, Texas, informs us of the death, on the 15th ult., of his little twin son, George, aged 17 months and two days. He has our deepest sympathy in his bereavement. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Adam Bachman, one of Hazleton's oldest citizens, was killed Saturday, while working in a breast of A. Pardee & Co.'s colliery by a heavy fall of coal. Bachman was a highly respected citizen and a thoroughly experienced miner, having been in the employ of A. Pardee for thirty five years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Louis Wenner, of Allentown, a German, aged 40 years, and a machinist by trade, was found dead in the Lehigh canal at Bethlehem Saturday morning. A flask half filled with whiskey was found on him, together with papers concerning his identity. Wenner went to Bethlehem Saturday evening to attend a political demonstration. He imbibed too freely and accidentally fell into the canal. He leaves a family of seven children in poor circumstances. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Daniel L. Bexler and wife, of Easton, celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday evening. Mr. Bexler is book-keeper in the Easton National Bank. One of his sons is Lieutenant L. E. Bexler, U. S. N. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The body of John Jordon, of Minooka, near Scranton, who left his home on the 8th of September, was found on Sunday afternoon by several boys who were playing in the woods. A jury was empanelled and a verdict rendered that the deceased came to his death from suffocation from cause unknown to the jury. He was 22 years of age and unmarried. The Coal Oil Can Again. Mrs. George Focht met with a terrible death on Tuesday afternoon. She was making a fire in the kitchen stove and for the purpose of hasting it used kerosene. The flames communicated to the can in her hand, an explosion followed and in a moment she was enveloped in flames. Her clothing was completely burned from her body, which was shockingly disfugured. She gave an alarm, but before assistannce reached her she was dead. She was fortysix years of age and lived at Mount Hope, near Pottsville, Schuylkill county. Lower Towamensing Items. Mr. Jacob Albright, of East Penn, an employe of the Pipe Foundry at Parryville, was run over and almost instantly killed by a down freight train on the L V. RR, while going home from his work in the evening on the 14th inst. He cleared the track of a passing coal train above Bowman's Station and got on the other track and thus met his sad fate. 71 Wedding Bells. Mr. J. J. Kutz and Miss Ida M. Clauss, daughter of T. D. Clauss, were joined together in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. J. H. Kuder, at the residence of the bride's parents on Bank street, this borough, last Sunday afternoon. The Advocate joins with the host of friends in wishing the young couple a long life of happiness and prosperity. Killed by Jumping From a Train. A terrible accident occured Friday after noon at Dry Hollow, Schuylkill county, by which John Fiest was instantly killed and Charles Sill fatally injured. They were residents of Tamaqua and were employed at the Lehigh Coal and Navigation colliery at Dry Hollow, three miles from Tamaqua. The colliery only worked three-quarters of a day and about the time the colliery stopped a coal train was going in the direction of Tamaqua, which Fiest and Sill boarded. In their attempt to jump off while the train was running at a high rate of speed they were caught. Fiest was dragged under the wheels and frightfully mangled. Sill was terribly bruised, but managed to lay quietly under the cars until they passed over him. His injuries are fatal. Sill was 16 years and Fiest 19 years of age. Hymeneal. On Tuesday of last week, Millport had a delightful sensation in the wedding of one of its belles. Miss Mary A. Snyder, daughter of Mrs. Eliza Snyder, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Mr. Chas. W. Horn, of Slatington. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Wingard, of Parryville, at the residence of the bride's mother and was witnessed by the immediate friends and relatives of the parties, after the ceremony a reception was held. The happy couple left with the 1 o'clock train over the Schuylkill and Lehigh Railroad on a wedding tour to the West. They will take in Harrisburgh, and Pittsburgh, Pa., Akron, and Cleveland, Ohio, Niagara Falls and Buffalo, New York. Miss Snyder is a lady who is highly esteemed in this community, and bride and groom will enjoy the hearty congratulations of a host of warm friends, and to these we add our own, wishing for them all the blessings such as a happy union can give. They will return about the 1st of November.--Slatington News. People in and out of Town. Dr. E. J. Sellers, druggist, of town, was called home on last Wednesday to at the funeral of his grandmother at Windsor Castle, Pa. Weissport Items. The very pleasant and intellgent daughter of our friend Mr. Solomon Yeakle died on Friday morning and was buried Tuesday afternoon. It is a sad bereavement fo the family, for she was the only daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Yeakle have the honest and heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. DeLong, of the Evangelical faith. The services and interment were attended by the vast number of friends from abroad and here. MARRIED. KUTZ-CLAUSS--On Sunday, October 26, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Bank street, by the Rev. J. H. Kuder, J. J. Kutz and Miss Ida M. Clauss, both of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED. KUNTZ-RAMALY--On October 18th, by the Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Wm. C. Kuntz, of Franklin, Lehigh county, and Miss Ramaly, of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED. PHILLIPS-RONEMUS--on October 21st, by the same, at the residence of the bride's father, Joseph Phillips, of Lansford, and Miss Mary E. Ronemus, of Mahoning, Pa. DIED. LAPP--On the 10th day of September, in Lehighton, Lizzie J., daughter of Frank and 72 Catharine Lapp, aged 2 years, 8 months and 11 days. DIED. ANDREAS--On the 16th day of September, in East Penn, Susanna, wife of Jonas Andreas, aged 80 years, 6 months and 20 days. DIED. LAUCHNOR--On the 27th day of September, in West Penn, Martha V., daughter of Lewis and Louisa Lauchnor, aged 1 year, 10 months and 19 days. DIED. SCHWARTZ--On the 12th day of October, in Lehighton, Jennie M., daughter of Thos. and Elmma Schwartz aged 1 month and 29 days. DIED. ALBRIGHT--On the 14th day of October, in East Penn, Jacob H. son of John and Sarah Albright, aged 45 years, 10 months and 26 days. Volume 12, Number 51, Saturday, November 8, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. The body of an unknown man, in advanced state of decomposition, is said to have been found in the woods near Hauto. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Monday morning while Mrs. Lewis Leslie, of the Sixth Ward, Allentown, was out of the house, a child 18 months old fired its clothes with a match, and by the time the other children saw the flames the little one was so badly burned that death will result. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Dewitt Clinton Boutelle, a well known American artist, who has lived many years in Bethlehem, died suddenly Wednesday evening at seven o'clock of paralysis of the heart or apoplexy, in the Eagle Hotel while conversing with friends. Mr. Boutelle was a member of the New York Academy and has contributed many fine works to American art collections. He was about sixty-seven years of age and was a native of Troy, N. Y. He leaves two sons and a daughter, all of mature age. MARRIED. PETER-EMERY.--On Nov. 1st, by Rev. W. J. Peters, Mr. Benjamin L Peter, of Rockdale, to Miss Alvaretta E. Emery, of Weissport. MARRIED. CUSHNEER-CHERENOCK.--At Lansford, on the 1st inst., by J. F. Werner, J. P., John Cushneer and Susana Cherenock, both of Lansford, Pa. DIED. DUNN.--On the 1st inst., at Audenried No. 2, Christie, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Dunn, aged 20 years. Volume 12, Number 52, Saturday, November 15, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Anna B. Coxe, eldest sister of Hon. Eckley B. Coxe, who had been lying ill for almost two years, died at her residence in Drifton Sunday morning at about 3 o'clock. Her death was unexpected, although she had been so long an invalid. She was a lady who had a large circle of friends, all of whom will regret to hear of her demise. 73 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Naomi Evelyn Albright, widow of the late General Charles Albright, at one time Congressman-at-Large from this State died on Sunday in Mauch Chunk, after a painful and ligering illness from cancer in the breast. She was a consistent and exemplary member of the M. E. Church up to the time of her death, and in company with her husband was among the early founders of Methodism in Mauch Chunk. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joseph Butz, a well-known resident of Easton, fell dead Monday of heart disease, aged 63. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Judge John Smith, aged nearly ninety-one years, died in Williamsport yesterday. He was born in 1794 and voted at every presidential election from James Monroe to the present one, when he cast his vote for Cleveland. Twice he served as Associate Judge in Lycoming county and was on the bench with Judges Jerdan and Gambler. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Patrick Christopher, of Minersville, was found dead on the mountain, two miles from that place, Tuesday morning. He left home early Monday evening to go to Mount Pleasant, but never reached there. He had been suffering from a complication of diseases for some time and his death was due to natural causes. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Eliza Edmonds, an aged lady, died at Summit Hill last Sunday a week, after an illness of but a few days, from pneumonia. She was about 60 years of age, and was a resident of Tamaqua about 36 years. She was buried in the M. E. graveyard, on Wednesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Squire Thomas' wife, of Lansford, last week presented him with twins, and he calls them respectively by the name of Blaine and Logan. Had he an eye to the future he would have named them Butler and West--names that grace a new era in the politics of this country.--Tri-Weekly. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Grandmother Lentz, mother of Mr. Chas. Lentz, of Nis Hollow, died in this borough on Tuesday morning last. Towamensing Dots. Dallas Blose was made happy the other day because it is a boy. Murdered in a Saloon Fight. Word has been received in Easton that Rudolph Larrison, who moved from that place to Albany, N. Y., two years ago and there married, has been murdered. First report said he had been killed by cars, but it seems that he became involved in a quarrel with four men in a saloon over political matters and that a fright ensued. Larrison managed to knock two down, but the others overpowered him. He freed himself and left the saloon, but was followed and choked to death. His body was then thrown under the car to avert suspicion, but the true facts came out at an inquest, and the assailants are in jail. One has turned State's evidence. Larrison was known in this section as Douser George and was famous for jumping from high bridges into the water. A sixty foot dive was nothing for him. He once jumped into the Schuylkill from the Market street bridge, Philadelphia. Emma, a three-year-old daughter of Mr. James Walp, of town, died on Monday last after an illness of only two days of membranous croup. The funeral took place Wednesday. 74 Volume 13, Number 1, Saturday, November 22, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. While walking home in the dark Isaac Danbert, of Parryville, fell into the Lehigh canal and was drowned. He was fifty years old. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A little daughter of Wm. H. Montz, of town, died of croup on Monday last, and was buried on Wednesday afternoon. She was about 1 year and 10 months old. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The new double-track Lehigh Valley Railroad, running from Glen Summit to Fairview, was opened for travel Monday afternoon. The first passenger train west struck J. Gabel, of Scranton, who was standing on the track watching the eastbound train, and he was instantly killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An an early hour Monday morning Ex-Judge Joseph Laubach died in Bethlehem after an illness of about seven week. He was a Democrat. He had served as Associate Judge of Northampton county for ten years before the law was passed abolishing lay Judges in certain counties. He had held many other positions of trust and responsibility. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Laura, the sixteen year-old daughter of George Troutman, a prominent coal operator at Centralia, eloped with a barber named J. Cook, on last Saturday and has not been heard from since. The pair were married by an Ashland clergyman on Saturday morning and they left on a Northbound Reading train. No effort at pursuit has been made. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Weidner, a young mail carrier residing at Sugar Notch, attempted to cross the Lehigh Valley Railroad near the depot at that place in the rear of a freight train on the 14th inst., when an incoming express train, which he had not noticed, struck him with terrific force, hurling him from the track. His right side was crushed in, all the ribs broken, and his skull fractured. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An accidental shooting took place in Pittston Sunday morning which will result in the death of Mrs. Patrick McLean at the hands of her husband. McLean had taken a revolver from a bureau drawer and was examining it when his wife, who was in the same room, cautioned him against handling it carelessly. He replied that there was no danger, but scarcely had the words passed his lips when the revolver was discharged, the bullet striking Mrs. McLean in the abdomen and inflicting a mortal wound. McLean surrendered himself to the authorities. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While three men, named Elias Wilmer, Adam Mertz and Henry Camp, were blasting out a well on the farm of William Mertz, at Brush Valley, five miles from Mt. Carmel, Wednesday, a charge of powder exploded prematurely, fatally injuring all three. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Dave Howard, a former Luzerne county outlaw, who was lynched recently in Dakota, is said to have confessed that he had helped kill fourteen men during his lifetime; that he had helped kill the man that was found in a Plymouth mine, and had something to do with all the crimes in Luzerne county until the neighborhood became too hot for him. His remarks were taken down by the Sheriff, who refused to make them public, as they contain valuable evidence against persons living in Pennsylvania. 75 A Track-Walker Killed. At an early hour on the morning of the 13th inst., when Lehigh Valley shifting engine No. 30 arrived at Slatington, the engineer found a hat on the tank of the engine and blood on the pilot. Surmising that an accident had happened the engineer of the next coal train going North was told to be on the look out. A few miles up the road the mangled body of Charles Brinkman, a track-walker, was found. The skull was crushed and the body terribly mutilated. Brinkman had been in the company's employ many years and during his service on the road walked about forty-eight thousand miles. He was fifty five years of age and leaves a wife. He resided in the neighborhood of Lehgh Gap, this county. Volume 13, Number 2, Saturday, November 29, 1884 Two Fatal Accidents. Two accidents occurred in the mines near Wilkesbarre last Monday, both of which resulted fatally. At the Horton shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, Thomas Barrett, aged 15, fell from the carriage on which he was ascending the shaft. When near the top he fell 309 feet, and was literally cruched to atoms. At the Prospect Colliery, of the same company, the same afternoon, Patrick Dailey, aged 27 years, was caught under a fall of top coal and crushed to death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Lewis Wehr, of town, was made extremely haypy on last Thursday, by his good wife presenting him with a bouncing baby girl weighing about twelve pounds. Mother and child are doing well. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hon. Desire Bournique, a prominent citizen and proprietor of a watch case factory, at Milford, Pike Co., died suddenly Thursday night of last week. He was born in France fifty one years ago. He had held several public offices, including that of associate judge of Pike county. Mr. Bournique had many relatives in New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Levi Hubbert, formerly publisher of the Tamaqua Daily Item, died on Wednesday, of consumption. He had been connected witha number of other papers devoted particularly to the interests of labor and was well known throughout the State. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Last Monday, Henry Spoonheimer, a brakeman, in stepping from his train in the Packerten yard, was struck by a passing train, and was severely cut and bruised about the head and face. He is a resident Franklin Later--Since the above was put in type, we learn that the unfortunate man died, at St. Luke's Hospital, on Wednesday afternoon. He leaves a wife and family. Weatherly Chips. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuholtz lost a very bright three year old child on Tuesday. This is the second one within a month. MARRIED. SHELHAMER-HOPPES.--On the 1st inst., by Rev. Wm. H. Strauss, Ephraim Shelhamer and Miss Louisa Hoppes, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county, Pa. MARRIED. HOUSER-SHIRES--On the 2nd inst., by the same, Benj. F. Houser and Annie Shires, both of Summit Hill. 76 MARRIED. KURTZ-STOUDT.--On the 20th inst., by the same, Jonathan E. Kutz and Miss Emmaline Stoudt, both of Summit Hill. DIED. GROH.--On the 1st inst., in Mahoning twp., William Groh, aged 44 years, 7 months and 6 days. Volume 13, Number 3, Saturday, December 6, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Griffith, aged eighteen, while out hunting on Bear Ridge Tuesday afternoon was killed. His gun was discharged accidentally, its whole contents entering his brain. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. James Hanley, residing on Buttonwood street, South Bethlehem, while in the cellar of her house Friday evening had in her hand a coal oil lamp. The lamp exploded and the woman was so badly burned that she died at nine o'clock Saturday morning. The house was set on fire by the explosion, but the firemen soon quenched the flames. Mrs. Hanley, who recently arrived from England, leaves a husband and three children. Franklin Letter. Miss Kate Eaches, one of the fair and promising belles of Franklin, took the notion unto herself that single blessedness had not as much virtue and recompense about it as the felicitus and joys of married life, hence, she obeyed the divine injuction and took unto herself Mr. Flicker More, of Upper Mauch Chunk. The ceremonies were performed at the bride's residence on Saturday evening. May neither the troubled or disturbed waters or the vicissitudes of an unhappy union overtake them. He and this sentiment should be emulated by her, they can exclaim with the poet: Come, let me take thee to my breast, And pledge we ne'er shall sunder, And I shall spurn as vile as dust-The world's wealth and grandeur. Franklin Letter. A very painful and sad accident overtook Allen Spoonheimer one day last week while on his way to work at Packerton. He was struck by an engine and had his skull crushed; he was taken to the St. Luke's Hospital, where he died the following day. He was buried last Saturday amidst a concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. MARRIED. PORTER-TROXELL.--At the residence of E. A. Troxell, Esq., Catasauqua, Lehigh county, Pa., on Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 27th, by the Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, Mr Hugh Porter of Hokendauqua, and Miss Ida C. Troxell, of Catasauqua. Carbon and Berks county papers please copy. MARRIED. HIGHLAND-GRAVER.--On the 1st inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Charles W. Highland, of Parryville, and Miss E. Graver, of Mahoning, Carbon Co., Pa. MARRIED. GOLLUS-BRANDON.--On the 27th day of November, Mr Charles C. Gollus and Miss Emma B. Brandon, both of Mauch Chunk, Pa. 77 MARRIED. MEYERS-KRUM--On the 29th day of November, Mr. George R. Meyers, of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Isabella A. M. Krum, of Lehighton, Pa. DIED. WEAVER.--On the 28th ult., in West Penn, Daniel, son of Wellington D. and Franna Weaver, aged 5 days. DIED. HOFFMAN.--On the 29th day of Oct., in East Penn Clyde Sylvester, son of Jerrane and Sallie Hoffman, aged 1 year 2 months and 19 days. DIED. DAUBER.--On the 18th ult., in Parryville, Isaac, husband of Catharine Dauber, aged 51 years, 10 months and 3 days. DIED. HARTUNG.--On the 17th ult., in West Penn, Abigail, wife of Samuel Hartung, aged 70 years, 1 month and 24 days. DIED. BALLIET.--On the 25th ult., in West Penn, Anna Maria, widow of the deceased George H. Balliet, aged 87 years, 7 months and 27 days. Mahoning Items. A surrise party came off at Stephen Fenstermacher's last Tuesday evening, the occasion being the 17th birthday of his daughter Agnes. About 75 persons were present. Miss Fenstermacher received the congratulations of her friends and then the party sat down to a sumptuous feast. After the good things had been done full justice to, the party dispersed wishing Miss F. many more such happy recurrences of her birthday. Volume 13, Number 4, Saturday, December 13, 1884 Child Scalded to Death. Wednesday morning while Mrs. Thomas Reichard, of Centralia, Schuylkill county, was washing she poured a boiler full of scalding water into a tub. She went into an adjoining room and on her return was horrified to find that Sarah, her four year old daughter, had fallen into the tub and was scalded to death. How the little girl came to fall into the water is a mystery, but it is supposed she was running across the room and did not see the tub. Death of Dr. W. H. Romig. Dr. William H. Romig, one of the leading physicians in the Lehigh Valley, died Wednesday morning of an effection of the heart, after an illness of nearly six weeks He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann Medical College. After graduation he began practice with his father Dr. John Romig, in Allentown, and achieved marked success He was in his thirty ninth year and leaves a widow and two children. His father who is eighty one years old, was one of the pioneer homeopathists and retired from active practice about eight years ago. His sons, Drs. W. H. and George, succeeded him. The funeral will take place this (Saturday) afternoon Cutting His Throat in a Butcher's Shop. J. N. Helmes, a prominent citizen of Schuylkill Haven, attempted suicide Tuesday by cutting his throat. He entered a butcher shop and called for some meat. While the butcher was getting what Helmes called for he suddenly picked up a large knife and drew it across his neck, inflicting a frightful gash, but not severing any of the arteries. The 78 wound will prove fatal. Financial embarrassments, together with poor health, are assigned as reasons for the act. Mr. Helmes was a captain in the Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania Veterans and had a leg shattered in front of Petersburg He was the first national president of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, and for over twenty years was scribe of Schuylkill Haven Lodge of Masons, a post-commander in G. A. R. Post and for sixteen years a Justice of the Peace and an active Republican politician. He is about fifty years of age and married. A Family Burnt to Death. A small mining village known as Trenton, or Park Place, situated four miles from Mahanoy City, was the scene of a big fire at 4 o'clock Tuesday morning, by which a block of houses were destroyed and six persons were burned to death. Park Place, as it is generally called, has a population of nearly 200 people, exclusively miners and their families, who work at a colliery, upon which the inhabitants soley depend for a livelihood. The houses are all threestory frame structures and are built in blocks of six houses in each block. The fire broke out in the dwelling occupied by Frank Barlow. Peter Alspach, who lives next door to Barlow, in describing how the fire was discovered said he heard a loud noise, as if something very heavy had fallen. A moment later smoke and flames began to pour into his room. He aroused his family and all rushed out in their night clothing. Alspach gave an alarm and tried to awaken the Barlow family, who were apparently sound asleep. The whole neighborhood soon reached the scene of the fire, but all efforts to arouse Barlow or his family proved unavailing. Several miners broke in the front door, but were obliged to retreat owing to the smoke and flames. They, however, effected an entrance into the building from the rear ran up stairs, where at a window they beheld the arm of a man protruding. An effort was made to reach him, but the rescuers were driven back, and the spectators were compelled to stand helplessly by and witness the Barlow family perish in the flames. While a number of men went to the rear with ladders, in the hope of reaching some of the family, they stumbled over what proved to be one of Barlow's children. The little fellow was picked up and carried into a neighbor's house, where medical aid soon brought him around. He said his name was George and when they awoke and found the house on fire they tried to get down stairs, but were cut off by the flames. He said his father took him in his arms, carried him to the window and, after kissing him good bye, threw him out. The heroic father also made an effort to save his son Thomas, but was overcome and fell with his arm partly out of the window, as he was subsequently found. The following are the victims who perished in the flames: Frank Barlow, aged forty five; Mrs. Barlow, aged forty-five; Annie Barlow, aged fourteen; Walter Barlow, aged ten; Thomas Barlow, aged four, and James Fitzgerald, aged twenty one, who boarded with the Barlow family. Recovering the dead bodies. The wildest excitement prevailed when the flames communicated to the adjoining houses and spread so rapidly that in twenty minutes the entire block of six houses were enveloped and completely destroyed, together with their contents The families who occupied them were so overcome by the fate of the Barlow family that they were powerless to move from the spot. When the flames had nothing else to burn the fire was soon extinguished and a search for the dead bodies commenced. Portions of the bodies were recovered, but were burned beyond all indentification and presented a most sickening sight. There was some doubt at first as to whether the boarder, Fitzgerald, was one of the victims, from the fact that he was on the night shift and could not be in bed more than half an hour before the fire broke out, but the finding of a lantern which Fitzgerald's helper says he carried with him when he left the breast at 2 o'clock and the 79 fact that three full-grown trunks were exhumed from the ruins is sufficient evidence that he was in bed at the time and perished with the others. Three of the other burned houses were occupied by Michael Drumheller, David Bevan and Peter Alspach. Two of the dwellings were empty, the families having moved out only a few days ago. The loss will be about $10,000. The property was owned by the Delano Land Company and leased by Lentz, Lilly & Co., who are the colliery operators. Deputy Coroner Taggar, of Frackville, drove to the scene and empaneled a jury, whose returned a verdict that "the victims were accidentally burned to death in the house of Frank Barlow on the morning of December 9, 1884, and the origin of the fire is to the jury unknown." The scene of death and destruction was visited by at least two thousand people during the day. Barlow and Fitzgerald were miners and usually worked together at the New Colliery Park, No. 2 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel Riegel, proprietor of the Sun Inn, at Bethlehem, died Monday, aged 58 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Reuben Hoffert, of South Bethlehem, an aged and respected resident, died suddenly in an out-house Monday of heart disease. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John F. Garis, of South Easton, was missed from his home Saturday, and Monday hnis dead body was found hanging to a rafter in his carpenter shop, adjoining his house. He was 62 years old and had been melancholy for some time. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At three o'clock on the 5th inst., a terrific explosion of gas occurred at the Philadelphia Coal Company's colliery No. 2, near Shenandoah. The gas had accumulated in a man-way and was ignited by a workman. Thomas Sheridan, a resident of No. 3, was fatally burned. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Peter Hendershot, of Millville, Pike county, attempted to board a coal train on Saturday night, half a mile east of Hawley and was instantly killed. Hendershot was was a laborer and leave a wife and five children in destitute circumstances. He was about thirty five years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Kellot, a Hungarian laborer working at the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company's Schuylkill Colliery, near Mahanoy City, was instantly killed Wednesday by a fall of coal. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Simon Andesner, died at his late residence, in Summit Hill, about 12:30 o'clock last Wednesday, in his 57th year. Deceased was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, August 9th, 1827, he came to America when a boy, became an apprentice to James Munday then living near Easton, with whom he learned the shoemaking trade and married a daughter of Mr. Munday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bleckley, of Penn Haven, died of croup on Wednesday and will be buried in the Lehighton cemetery on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. She was an interesting little girl of four years. The family have the sympathy of the entire community. 80 A Miner's Terrible Fall. William McCabe, aged twenty-four, employed as head man in the Hollenback Colliery, No. 3, of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, was instantly killed Sunday evening by falling down the shaft. They were hoisting water in a large bucket and McCabe, in reaching out to swing in the bucket, missed his balance and fell over. The shaft is nearly four hundred feet deep and he was dashed to atoms. He was the only support of his widowed mother and her family, his father having been killed in the mines some time ago. Mahoning Squibs. Osvil Heintzleman and Miss Libbie Benninghoff were married on last Sunday. They have our best wishes for success in their journey through life. Explosion in a Mine. A Pottsville dispatch of the 8th says: Four men were killed outright, another was fatally injured, and a sixth is missing through an explosion of sulphuretted hydrogen gas at Henry Clay shaft Monday afternoon. The explosion was caused by the men themselves. They were working with naked lamps and cut a large feeder of the gas. The victims are Jonathan Fox, Joseph Duzeman, Peter Kable, and Dick Tucket, killed; Thomas Williams, fatally injured, and James Carley, missing. They were working together in a new slope off the main shaft. Williams was taken out alive but shockingly burned, and the bodies of Duzeman and Kahle have been recovered. The presence of "black damp" in immense quantities makes all attempts to recover the others so hazardous that it was not attempted Monday night. The men cannot be alive, and all present efforts are directed toward preventing the mine from taking fire. All the victims were married men and had large families. Intense excitement exists, and the vicinity of the mine, which is on the outskirts of Shamokin, is crowded. The colliery is owned and operated by Jno. Langdon & Co., whose principal office is at Elmira. Franklin Letter. Prof. A. Beltz was married to Miss Ida Levan about two weeks ago. The professor is at present pursuing a scientific as well as a classical course at the Polytechnic Institute, at West Chester. A high and brilliant future is in store for the young adonis. Volume 13, Number 5, Saturday, December 20, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel B. Lichler, of Tunkhannock, a promising young civil engineer, was killed in the Vosburg tunnel, on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, recently, by a fall of rock. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Beatty, Henry Klinger and Emanuel Gross were fatally injured Saturday afternoon by the explosion of a boiler at Bittler's saw mill, in Union township. Cut to Pieces by the Cars. About five o'clock Sunday morning a serious railroad smash-up occurred in East Newark, in which one man was killed and two others injured. Engine No. 393, of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, was drawing a train of over thirty freight cars bound for New York. The train had passed over the Passaic bridge, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and got one hundred yards beyond the bridge; in East Newark, when the engine struck a frog and was thrown off upon the other track. The tender was derailed and three box cars and one platform car were thrown from the track and wrecked. Both tracks were torn up for several hundred feet. The fireman, John Pfetzinger, of Easton, and the engineer, E. P. Black, of Easton, were buried in the wreck. Black was severely injured internally and Pfetzinger was killed. The body of the latter 81 was literally cut to pieces. The legs and arms were torn off, the body cut in two and the head crushed in. The conductor, Ross Parker, was also buried beneath the ruins, but was not seriously hurt. He was taken to his home in Jersey City. Death of an Estimable Lady. Mrs. Harriet Hofecker, of Weatherly, the respected wife of Master Mechanic Philip Hofecker, died at her home in that place on Sunday evening after an illness of several months duration. Mrs. Hofecker was the daughter of Isaiah Longshore, one of the oldest settlers of Salem township, in which place the deceased was born in 1824, being at the time of her death 64 years of age. Her father died in 1836, after which she removed to Beaver Meadow with the family, where she first met Mr. Hofecker, who at the time was master mechanic for the old Beaver Meadow Coal Company. After a residence of ten years at Beaver Meadow with her husband, she removed to Weatherly, where Mr. Hofecker obtained employement in the old Watters Machine Shops, and has had a residence there ever since. She was the mother of a family of five, all of whom survive her--two sons and three daughters. William, the oldest son is employed as Master Mechanic at the railroad locomotive works at Youngstown, this State, and Ashbel, the second son, is employed as chief clerk at the locomotive works at Weatherly. She was the mother-in-law of Charles W. Dewitt, assistant master mechanic of the Weatherly shops. Besides her husband and family, she leaves one brother and two sisters, Mrs. R. F. Russel, of Abilene, Kansas, and Mrs. James Lewis, of Leesburg, Virginia, who resided in Weatherly for a number of years. A. R. Longshore, Esq., of Hazleton, was her brother, as was also the late Dr. A. B. Longshore. Deceased was an affable lady, with a kind disposition, and was widely known and greatly esteemed, and her departure will be lamented by a large number of friends. Her life was pure and charitable, and she did many a good turn and kindley deed. She was a kind tempered lady and was never known to speak ill of anyone. She was active in body and mind until prostrated by illness.--Hazleton Plain Speaker. Weissport Letter. Mr. Thomas Solt, an old and well-known resident of Franklin, died on Sunday morning. Franklin Items. A child of Mr. Markley died last Friday and was bureid on Sunday. Franklin Items. Mr. Thomas Solt, an old and reliable resident of this township, was buried on last Wednesday. Mahoning Items. On Wednesday evening of last week the venerable Mr. Henry Arner, the oldest citizen of New Mahoning, passed away at the ripe age of eighty-nine. Death resulted from old age. Deceased was born in Lehigh township, Northampton county, May 28th, 1795. He came to Carbon county at an early age; he was a shoemaker by trade, and followed the calling for many years after locating here. He then engaged in farming which he carried on until about eight years ago when he became totally blind and remained so up to the time of his death. Mr. Arner had been married twice, his second wife surviving him. He was the father of fourteen children--eight sons and six daughters--of which number three sons have died. He had thirty-nine grandchildren and forty-five great-grand-children. The funeral took place on Monday morning at ten o'clock, at St. John's church, and was very largely attended. Rev. A. Bartholomew officiated. 82 Mahoning Items. Among the persons attending the funeral on Monday we noticed the following: Mrs Eliza Kuntz, of Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lechleiter, of Allentown; Messrs. Edward and Aaron Arner, of Whitehall; Mr. Morris Arner, of Wilkesbarre, and Henry Lorach, of Saegersville. Weatherly Chips. S. C. Tobias, of town, and Mrs. Alice Weyant, of Philadelphia, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Saturday, at the home of the bride. The happy couple arrived here at 6:30. They were serenaded by the shop boys and a party of singers soon after arriving, and then on Wednesday evening by the Citizens' band. His many friends wish them a pleasant voyage. Lower Towamensing Items. John Sterling died on Tuesday morning, 9th inst. He was afflicted with dropsy. Wedding Bells. Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, in the Church of the Nativity, Fountain Hill, Bethlehem, Miss Nannie Beuhler Lamberton, daughter of Dr. Robert A. Lamberton, president of Lehigh University, was married to Mr. Rolin Henry Wilbur, son of E. P. Wilbur, president of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The chancel and altar were decorated with rare and beatuiful flowers. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. C. K. Nelson, rector of the church assisted by Bishop Howe and Assistant Bishop Rulison. Dr. Lamberton gave the bride away. The groom's best man was Mr. Francis H. Dairymple, of Lock Haven. The ushers were Messrs. William B. Lamberton and James M. Lamberton, brothers of the bride; Ed. M. McIlvaine, of Reading; G. B. Linderman, Jr., of South Bethlehem; M. A. DeHowe, Jr., of Reading, and William A. Rice, of Upper Lehigh. The brides-maids were Misses Isabella E. Wilbur, sister of the groom; M. Pauline Coppee, of South Bethlehem; Marie Dodson, of Bethlehem; Elros Buehler, of Harrisburg; Jennie Giltroe, of Lebanon, and Helen Rice, of Pottstown. A reception was held at President Lamberton's residence, in the Universit park, which was largely attended. The bride's presents were numerous, elegant and costly. Volume 13, Number 6, Saturday, December 27, 1884 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Anthony Cariane, a miner, employed in the Sugar Notch shaft, was instantly killed by a fall of top coal last Saturday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. David Evans, a freight conductor on the L. V. R. R., was fatally beaten in a saloon at Wilkesbarre, at an early hour on Sunday morning last. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joel Klotz, an old and respected citizen of Weissport, died on Monday morning. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Our young friend, Thomas Reese of Weatherly, and Miss Lizzie Schrimshaw, of Beaver Meadow, were united in marriage at Scranton, last Wednesday. Mr.and Mrs. Reese have the best wishes of a large circle of friends for their prosperity in the future. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edward King, son of John King, of Easton, aged 15, died Monday from the effects of a pistol shot received Sunday night. He was playing with a revolver when it 83 was discharged, the bullet lodging in the brain. The police say there are scores of boys under twenty-one in that town who habitually carry revolvers. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While E. T. Shaefer, his wife and twelve year-old daughter were returning from Shenandoah to their home near Catawissa Friday morning, after visiting friends at the former place, their horses ran away on the Ringtown Mountain. The occupants of the carriage were thrown over a steep and rocky embankment, fatally injuring Mr. Shaefer and his wife. The little girl escaped with slight injuries. A School Boys's Tragic Death. Considerable excitement was manifested in Nanticoke Monday morning over the death of James Shea, aged seven years. It is alleged that Miss Brader, a teacher in one of the public schools there, while in a passion recently, threw the child down stairs, inflicting such injuries as to cause his death. This is depied by the teacher and her friends, who claim that the child fell accidentaly The Coroner will make a thorough examination. Miss Brader is now seriously ill, the result of the shock sustained by the unexpected death of the scholar. Walking Four Squares With His Throat Cut. Eugene Danamoto, an Italian, living at Steurmerville, Luzerne county, committed suicide on Sunday night. He returned to his boarding house cast down in spirits early in the evening. Taking a large butcher knife from a drawer he drew it across his throat, inflicting a terrible gash. Then he rushed out of the house and ran down the road toward Wyoming. When about two squares away from his houss he took a razor from his pocket and severed an artery in his right arm. A party of friends started out in search of him with miners' lamps and trailed his blood for about four squares, when they found his prostrate form. Killed in a Mine. A fatal accident occurred in the Barnum shaft, near Pittston, Monday. A number of men were employed in making repairs and improving the ventilation. Considerable gas had accumulated over Sunday and the mine appeared to be more gassy than ever before. A naked light came in contact with the gas and an explosion followed. Patrick Eagan was instantly killed and Andrew McMilland and Jefferson Yandle were injured. The former was blown against the chamber wall and seriously hurt internally, while the latter was partially covered up by the masonry of the wall that was blown down by the concussion, but miraculously escaped serious injury. He drew himself out from under the fallen stone, leaving his boots sticking in the debris. Eagan was quite an old man and leaves several children to mourn their loss, his wife having died some years ago. Obituary. James Boyle, who had resided in Honey Brook during the past twenty two years, died at that place Monday morning, after an illness lasting several months. Mr. Boyle was well and favorably known on the South Side, having worked in the mines at Jeanesville thirty years ago, from which place he removed to Honey Brook. He was aged about seventy two years and was a highly respected citizen. Mrs. Mary Connor died Monday morning at Laurytown She lived in Jeanesville for upwards of twenty-five years, whence she removed to Laurytown. She was the mother of Mrs. Maria McLaughlin and John Connor, of Ebervale.--Hazleton Plain Speaker. 84 Volume 13, Number 7, Saturday, January 3, 1885 MARRIED. THOMAS-GRAVER--On Christmas day, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Thomas D. Thomas and Miss Emma Graver, daughter of Lewis Graver, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. SMITH-SILFIES--At the "Sunnyside Parsonage" at Hokendauqua, on Sunday, December 11, 1884, by the Rev. James A. Little, William R. Smith, of Catawissa, Pa., and Miss Kate, younger daughter of Mr. Reuben Silfies, of Hokendauqua. MARRIED. BUSTER-GEWEHR.--On Nov. 20, 1883, by J. F. Werner, Esq., Thomas Buster, of Hauto, Carbon county and Miss Kate E. Gewehr, of Lansford. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William H. Lawall, a prominent merchant of Easton, died on the 25th ult., aged 69 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. Dr. C. H. Edgar, for 29 years pastor of the American Reformed Church, at Easton, died on the night of the 25th ult., after an illness of three days, aged 73 years. Golden Wedding. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graver, of Weissport, Pa., was celebrated on last Saturday, Dec. 27, 1884. Fifty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Graver were married by the Rev. Mendsen, in Northampton county, Pa. GUESTS. John Graver and wife, and their children, Daniel, Emma and Andrew; Sam. Graver and wife, and their children, Allen, Edward, May, William, and Ella with her husband W. T. Colburn, and their child, Roth; Andrew Graver and wife, and their children, Robert, Lulu, Gussie and Lizzie; Owen Graver and wife and their children, Minnie, Jennie, Lillie, Ida, Clara and Mattie; Mr. Joseph Feist and wife and their children, Laura, George, Elmer, Gertrude and Herbert; Jacob Brong and wife and their children, Albert and Harry; Daniel Graver and wife and their children, Harry and Mamie; Mr. Lewis Graver, a brother of Mr. Andrew Graver, Sr., and his wife; Mr. John Evert and wife, who is a sister of Mr. Andrew Graver's; Mrs. Mary Moyer, a sister of Mrs. Andrew Graver; Mr. John Brong and wife; Peter Krum and wife; Rev. J. E. Freeman and wife; Rev. A. Bartholomew and wife; Mr. O. P. Steckel, of Lancaster, Pa. PRESENTS. Golden glasses from son John; two golden napkin rings, from son William and wife; two five dollar gold pieces from son Andrew and wife, the date on each of them is 1884; two twoand-a-half dollar gold pieces, and two gilded vases, from son Owen and wife; two golden candlesticks from daughter Sallie and her husband, Mr. Jos. Feist; two golden table souvenirs (small casters holding a gold lined small butter plate, salt and pepper box) from daughter Anna and her husband, Mr. Jacob Brong; a hunting case gold watch from son Daniel. Inscription on the outside: "From Daniel to Father. Golden Wedding, Dec. 27, 1884." RENEWAL OF MARRIAGE AND ADDRESS. The Pastor of the aged couple began by saying: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost Dear children, children's children and friends. We are assembled before God and you, to honor your father and mother on this their Golden Wedding Day. Fifty year ago to-day their hands were clasped. God blessed them. God blessed you, dear children, that they 85 were spared for your joy and happiness. Andrew: Fifty years ago you promised to love, honor and comfort your wife Elizabeth. Andrew, you have kept the promise--God bless you. Elizabeth: Fifty years ago you promised to obey, love, honor and kept your husband Andrew. Elizabeth you have kept the promise--God bless you. Then the aged couple arose and gave each other the right hand. Then the minister said: For in as much as you have lived together in holy wedlock for fifty golden years; in as much as God has spared your lives to this very moment; and in as much as we all, you Pastor, the Rev. Bartholomew your former Pastor, your children and their children and your friends rejoice with you on this you Golden Wedding Day I solemnly renew your marriage in the name of the Father and of Son and of the Holy Ghost--Amen. The Rev. Bartholomew said in his address in the German language that Mr. Andrew Graver and wife attended the Golden Wedding of Mr. John Brong and wife in Weatherly Pa., last May; and that now Mr. John Brong and wife were attending the Golden Wedding of Andrew Graver and wife. The son of and the daughter of these aged couples are father and mother of two children who have witnessed both these Golden Wedding. A rare and important occurence. He spoke of the Golden days as well as of the silver and iron days of married life. He spoke of their first and Golden Wedding. He spoke te the children of their kind and assisting parents, of their love and of their parental oversight over them. His address was seasonable, full of pathos and kindly regard even to all the Golden Wedding guests. After the Benediction followed one of the most beautifully arranged and finest refreshment tables which eye can possibly behold. All were happy. Golden Wedding, Golden Days, Golden City, Golden Ways, Golden Thoughts and Golden Lays. J. E. Freeman. People in and out of Town. Our popular young druggist, Thomas D. Thomas was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Emam Graver on December 25th. We wish them much joy in their journey through life. On the same day they left for Philadelphia, returning on Saturday evening. Mahoning Items. Mr. Frank Sendel, of Mahoning, and Miss Mary Fisher, of Lansford, were married on Christmas. Mahoning Items. On Christmas Sylvester Ruch, of West Penn, was happily married to Miss Kate Kugler, of this place, Rev. Bartholomew officiating. The young couple start in this, the new epoch in their life, with the best wishes and hearty congratulations of their friends. As they glide along life's uneven highway may their path be strewn with roses and no cloud interrupt the sunshine of their joy or sorrow ever mar or corrode their pathway through life is our wish. Volume 13, Number 8, Saturday, January 10, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. On last Monday three men were killed in the collieries near Hazleton. 86 Our Neighborhood in Brief. James McKee, employed by the Glendon Iron Co., at Easton, made a misstep on the edge of a precipice Monday, and fell to a railroad track, receiving injuries from which he soon after died. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George W. Woodyat, a miner at the Henry E. colliery, Luzerne borough, was instantly killed Saturday by a fall of top coal. Woodyat was an experienced an intelligent miner, well known throughout the anthracite coal fields and also a prominent member of the Odd Fellows order and other societies. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Two brothers, Patrick and Peter Campbell, employed in No. 5 mine, Upper Lehigh, were killed by the fall of a mass of rock and coal burying them beneath it on Friday. After an hour's hard labor their bodies were recovered, horribly mangled. Michael Nast, an Italian, employed in Pardee & Co's mine, at Laurel Hill, was killed by a rock weighing several tons falling on him. Patrick Connyngham, employed at the Yorktown Mine for the past forty years was killed the same day by the caving of a coal bank. Mahoning Items. Manual Rex was made happy by his good wife presenting him with a bouncing baby boy. Lower Towamensing Items. Mrs. Elizabeth Queen, of Lehigh Gap, died Jan. 2nd, 1885, and was buried last Tuesday, aged 74 years and 1 day. MARRIED. BRETNEY-PETERS--On December 14th by the Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Granville A. Bretney and Miss Ella Peters, both of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED. RUCH-KUGLER--On December 25th, by the same, Sylvester Ruch, of East Penn, and Miss Kate A. Kugler, of Mahoning, Carbon County, Pa MARRIED. KRUMM-FENKNER--On January 1st, 1885, by the same, William W. Krumm, and Miss Susanna Fenker, both of West Penn, Schuylkill County, Pa. MARRIED. WALCK-KEMERER--On Christmas day Thursday, December 25, 1885, at the house of the groom's parents by the Rev. J. H. Kuder, Wm. H. Walck and Miss Kate Kemerer, both of Lehighton. DIED. ARNER--On December 10th, in Mahoning, Henry, husband of Harriet Arner, aged 89 years, 6 months and 12 days. Volume 13, Number 9, Saturday, January 17, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Cornelius McCarty, died at his residence at Dingman's Ferry, Pike county, on last Saturday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jeremiah Griscom and his 4-year old daughter were thrown from a carriage down an embankment near Locust Dale, Schuylkill county, Saturday, and were both fatally injured. Griscom is a wealthy farmer, residing at Hepler's, Pa. 87 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Andrew Bond and Mrs Michael Washie both Hungarians, of Centralia, Schuylkill county, attempted to elope Saturday. They were pursued and overtaken by the husband of Mrs. Washie, when a fight ensued, in which Bond was fatally and Washie seriously stabbed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. McEvers Forman, president of the First National Bank of Easton since 1876, died Sunday, aged seventy nine years. He was born in Pottstown, N J., but has resided at Easton sixty three years. In 1851 he was made cashier of the First National Bank and held the position until he became president. He was a director in several companies in Easton and was highly esteemed. His wife is a sister of John T. Hager, of California. He was buried on Wednesday at three o'clock. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Herleman, who was one of the oldest persons in Schuylkill county, died at his home at Germantown, near Pottsville, Friday evening at six o'clock. He was born in Alsace, France. He came to America in 1834 and located in Pottsville. He raised a family, five children, two sons and three daughters, all of whom survive him, with fifty grandchildren, a hundred great-grandchildren and six great geat-grandchildren. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John R. Crellen, a wealthy retired lumberman of White Haven, aged sixty years, fell dead Wednesday in a palace car on a Lehigh Valley train while on his way to Mauch Chunk. Four Boys Drowned. Hewes' Dam, Pottsville, was the scene of a sad catastrophe Friday. The dam is used by the boys of Pottsville for skating, and about 12 o'clock four boys tried to slide across the surface of the ice, which was very thin and rotten. As they reached the centre it gave way and all found a water grave. The names of the victims are William, aged 14 years, and Harry, aged 11 years, sons of William Lewis, porter at the Merchants' Hotel, Isaac H. Hoover, aged 12 years, son of Albert Hoover, and Frank Krause, aged 11 years, son of Jacob Krause. Lower Towamensing Items. Solomon Snyder, jr., was married to Miss Emma Kramer on New Year's day. A Birthday Surprise Party. Birthday's come and go bringing with them sunshine or gloom. But during the fore part of the week one young folks decided that the birthday anniversary of Miss Aggie Reichard should be one of joyous surprise. Miss Aggie was spirited away by some of the conniving friends in order to give the invited guests an opportunity to assemble. At half past seven the "happy surprisers" who had assembled at the home of Miss Sallie Raudenbush, on Bank Street, proceeded in a body to the home of Miss R. on Northampton street. Miss Aggie soon made her appearance the very picture of surprise. The Lehighton Orchestra was present and discoursed some very beautiful music. The usual convivalities were indulged in till a late hour; at about twelve o'clock a very sumptuous repast was served, and about an hour later all wended their way homeward delighted with Wednesday evening's enjoyments, and wishing Miss R. many more such happy anniversary's. Son Killed by his Drunken Father. Friday night about 11 o'clock, Charles Carl, aged 22 years, living on the Lehigh Mountain, back of South Bethlehem, with his parents, went home and found his mother lying on the floor in his room. He asked the cause of this, and his mother told him his 88 father Louis Carl, was drunk and she was afraid to stay in the room with him. The son went to the room of his father and asked for an explanation, when the latter sprang upon him and stabbed him in the abdomen with a common pocket knife. The young man died in an hour. The murderer fled at once, but soon returned and went to bed. At 7.30 A. M. he got up and, seeming for the first time to realize that his son was dead, burst into tears and asked his son-in-law to shoot him, but subsequently fled. A Coroner's jury was impaneled and found a verdict in accordance with the above facts. None of the Carl family, consisting of the wife and five childred (brothers and sisters of the murdered young man), seemed to have prsence of mind sufficient or the desire to have the murderer taken into custody, and the crime was only discovered by neighbors next morning. Carl has since been arrested and lodged in jail. MARRIED. FINK-LORENTZ--On the 4th instant by by the Rev. J. D. Schindel, Francis Fink, of Lehighton, and Miss Sarah C. Lorentz, of Catasauqua. Volume 13, Number 10, Saturday, January 24, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Sister Theresa, neice of Hon. James G Blaine, died Wednesday, in a convent at Wilkesbarre. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Paul Pollusky, a laborer at No. 2 shaft Nanticoke, was fatally injured between a car and a prop on Friday, and he died the same night. He lived in the Nanticoke suburb of Honey Pot. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edward Bretzius on a wager attempted to climb a liberty pole in Washington twp., Schuylkill county, a few days ago, and after reaching a height of fifty feet became dizzy and fell, sustaining such injuries that he died on Friday night. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Saylor, boss car inspector in the Glendon Yards of the Lehigh Valley Road, was instantly killed by a train on Thursday of last week. Snow was falling fast and he did not notice that as he stepped out of the way of one train he was getting himself directly in the way of another. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Christopher Curran, one of the oldest residents of Mauch Chunk, died on Saturday morning. He was born in Ireland and was a resident of Mauch Chunk for forty six years. He was a contractor for years and built the Weatherly, Packerton and South Easton engine houses for the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, and several bridges. Groom and Bride Both Dead. On last Thanksgiving the principal topic of conversation in Easton and Phillipsburg was the marriage of Miss Mollie Stewart, of the latter place, to Mr. Jesse Snyder, a young jeweler, of Easton. The ceremonies took place in the Presbyterian church and were attended by crowds. Shrotly after returning from their wedding trip Mr. Snyder was taken ill and quick consumption developed. Mrs. Snyder also soon complained and was prostrated. She died on Tuesday of last week, and was buried Friday. Mr. Snyder died while the mourners were returning from the cemetery. Both were widely connected in Easton. Another distressing circumstance is that Mr. Josiah Stewart, father of Mrs. Snyder, is seriously ill with heart trouble. 89 Five Fatal Accidents in a Village. The village of Starucca, in the northern part of Wayne county, has been the scene of a remarkable number of fatal accidents within the past fortnight. Dr. Utter, a prominent physician, fell down stairs, and was instantly killed. A day or two later a team ran away with J. B. King and his wife, Mrs. King was thrown from the wagon and killed. Later, Peter Huffling was felling a tree near the village. The tree fell on him and crushed him to death. Last week W. H. Stanton was caught by his clothing in a mill shafting, and was torn to pseces. On Friday William Greiner, while at work in Osborn's umbrella stick factory, was struck on the head by a large piece of wood that flew from a saw table, and almost instantly killed. Five Men Killed. At Good Spring, a small station on the Schuylkill and Susquehanna branch of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, about two o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the boiler of Abraham Ernst's saw mill exploded, with terrible fatal effect, five men being killed outright. The mill has been run by Ernst for fifteen years, making mine timber for the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company's colleries in the west end of Schuylkill county. It employs from eight to ten men. Saturday half the force were in the woods, some distance from the mill, loading and hauling logs. About 2 o'clock the explosion occurred It is supposed to heve been caused by a defect in the boiler. The killed are Albert Ernst, aged twenty years, nephew of the mill owner; Henry Coller, twenty-seven years, leaves a wife and four children; Jacob Gehres, aged 35 years, leaves a wife and five children, and two others whose names have not been learned. Good Spring is an isolated place and difficult to reach. All the bodies were terribly mangled and parts of them were picked up four or five hundred yards from the scene. A Misplaced Switch. Thursday morning of last week some section men ran a car of coal out of a short siding at Stony Creek to the main line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and after emptying the car, pushed it back upon the siding, but neglected to close the switch. Passenger train No. 10 came thudnering along at its usual speed, and as it was snowing, engineer John Rice was unable to see that the switch had been left open. In an instant the train left the main line and ran up the siding, colliding with the coal car, behind which were several cars of logs. These cars the engine shoved ahead of it, and pushed them out of the siding, over a wagon road, and into Stony Creek, dragging the train of passenger cars along with it. The coal and log cars and the locomotive, plunged into the creek, while an empty passenger car nearest the engine ran part way down the bank. The fireman, A. T Evans, of Wilkesbarre, jumped from the engine as it was going down the bank, and was instantly killed upon falling upon some logs in the creek. Fortunately none others were injured, except the engineer, who was slightly scalded by steam, and who remained at his post until rescued. The passengers knew nothing of the wreck until after it had occurred.-White Haven Journal. Weatherly Chips. The happiest man in town is G. W. W. Driesbach--it is a girl. MARRIED. AYERS-GIFT.--On the 15th inst., by Rev. C. E. Hay, T. F. Ayers, of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Alice E. Gift, of Allentown. MARRIED. BREYFOGEL-KLOTZ.--On the 10th inst., by Rev. W. J. Peters, Benj. J. Breyfogel, of Slatington, and Miss Emma W. Klotz, of Weissport. 90 Volume 13, Number 11, Saturday, January 31, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. A. D. McLaughlin, a freight brakeman, on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, was accidentally thrown from a moving car at South Easton Saturday and killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Anthony Maloney, of Oregon, a small village a few miles from Wilkesbarre, was struck Sunday morning by the express passenger train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Pittston. The whole train passed over him at a high rate of speed, and his body was cut to pieces and scattered along the track, the head being found at the foot of the embankment while one leg was discovered 200 feet distant. He was about 25 years of age and unmarried. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Abraham Kocher, of White Haven, entererd the service of the Lehigh Valley Railroad on the night of the 20th inst., as freight brakeman in place of Henry Swanke, of Mauch Chunk, who was cut to pieces on the previous Sunday by falling under the wheels at Coxton While passing over the cars at White Haven on the morning of the 21st inst., the roof of which was covered with ice, he slipped, fell to the ground and fractured his skull, and died after being carried to his wife and child. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Joseph Keef, aged fifty three years, was discovered lying by the side of an open fire-place at her residence at Fourteenth and Walnut streets, Ashland, Schuylkill county, Monday night and died soon after. Part of her clothing was burn-off and various bruises were found on her person. How she met her terrible death was a mystery and all sorts of rumors floated around. Deputy Coroner Deegan empaneled a jury Tuesday and a number of witnesses were examined, among them the husband and son of the dead woman. They said she was under the influence of liquor at the time, and a verdict was rendered accordingly. Mahoning Items. John Shaefer and Miss Ellen Heigh were married last week. Killed on the Railroad. Jane Purcell, aged 34 years, was found horribly mangled upon the Lehigh Valley Railroad, three miles from Delano, Monday morning by a party of boys. She was returning from a visit with her husband Sunday evening, and complaining of the intense cold on the way, she stopped in to warm herself, while her husband went on. As she did not come her husband concluded she had decided to remain all night. As soon as she became warm she resumed her trip, and probably fell upon the track and was run over by a passing train. Portions of her remians were distributed over nearly a quarter of a mile. Suicide by Drowning. Daniel Davis, for fifteen years in the employ of the Crane Iron Company, at Catasauqua, as blacksmith, committed suicide Monday morning by drowning For a year he had been suffering with a complication of diseases and was troubled with insomani. He was subject to fits of melancholy and lived in constant fear of becoming insane and frequently said to his wife and fellow laborers that suicide was a way out of his trouble. Sunday he seemed in unusual good spirits and attended church twice. Monday morning he left the house at an early hour. At six o'clock a workman found a hat on the canal bank which was indentified as belonging to Davis. Search was instituted and in a short time the body was found. He leaves a wife and two children. 91 Fell a Thousand Feet. A terrible acident occurred at the Woodward shaft, operated by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company, at Kingston, at noon Monday. Daniel Egan and Edward Devans were being hoisted up in a bucket when an accident to the machinery of the engine prevented its being stooped in time. When the men neared the surface they noticed a perceptible decrease in speed of the bucket and reaching the surface both jumped out. Devans clung to a timber and was uninjured. Egan fell back into the shaft and went to the bottom, a distance of a thousand feet. He was picked up dead and horribly mangled. The bucket was dashed through the head house and had both men remained in it they would have been killed. Condolence. The following resolutions on the death of Amos Daniel Kresge, a member of the Zwigli Reformed Missionary Society, were adopted: Resolved, That, while we lament our loss, we nevertheless bow in submission to the Lord's will, hoping that our loss may be the eternal gain of our departed brother. Resolved, That we tenderly condole with the bereaved family in their affliction, and commend them in this trial to Him who orders all things to our good. Resolved, That we, as a society, by this death may be admonished to more earnestly seek to perform the Christian duties devolving upon us as members of the Missionary Society. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Messenger House Friend, Carbon Advocate, Sentinal and Herald, and that a copy of them be handed to the family of the deceased. J. F. Snyder, Milton Flory, J. E. Freeman, Committee. MARRIED. WILLIAMS-BLAY--on December 26, by Rev. S. S. Chubb, Mr. Evan Williams, of Hazleton, and Miss Ella Blay, of Lehighton. Volume 13, Number 12, Saturday, February 7, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Celia Sharkey, aged ninety-three years, died at her home in Beaver Meadow Friday. The funeral will take place at nine o'clock on Monday morning. The body was taken to Easton for interment. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Nelson Gable, of this borough, died on Thursday evening of last week, after a long and painful illness from cancer of the womb, aged 50 years and 10 months. Her funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was largely attended by relatives and friends. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Exceedingly happy, our young friend O A. Clauss, and all because it is a daughter. Mother and child are doing well. A Scranton Girl Elopes. A despatch dated Scranton Jan 31st says: Lizzie Bogart, the charming 18 year-old daughter of Assistant Superintendent Garrett Bogart, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, has caused a social sensation by eloping with a young brakeman named George J. Fowler, who is employed on a passenger train between Buffalo and New York. Fowler is not much more than 20 years old and quite handsome. The young people met accidentally shortly after Miss Bogart's return home from Europe with her father a few months ago, and the 92 acquantance has been continued until it ripened into love. They usually met at the skating rink in Scranton. Of course the lovers knew that Superintendent Bogart would never consent to their union, and so shortly after five o'clock Friday evening, accompanied by Fowler's sister, they went to the office of Alderman Fuller and were married. When the Alderman asked Miss Bogart if she was related to Superintendent Bogart she replied that she was a sister, and he believed her. After the ceremony the party drove a short distance out of town and had a friendly engineer stop his train to take them on board. After reaching Binghamton Fowler telegraphed the news of their marriage to Superintendent Bogart, who is very much incensed over the affair. Miss Bogart is pretty and accomplished, and had hosts of friends in Scranton. Lower Towamensing Items. A great number of friends and relatives of Wm. Muschlitz assembled at his house last Thursday a week ago to celebrate his birthday. He was enticed away, and on his return he was highly surprised. Some seventy persons, partook of a rich repast. Lehigh Gap band furnished the music for the occasion. Lower Towamensing Items. A child of Benjamin Weidaw died the other week of diphtheria. Death of Aged Hermit. Bernvile, Pa., Feb. 2.--Sallie Ketner, a mountain hermit, died yesterday in the 85th year of her age. She lived for forty-eighty years in a hut which stood midway between Bernville and Shartlesville. She owned thirty acres of ground. The hut was a very delapitated structure. The roof was so full of holes that she frequently used an umbrella to keep herself dry in rainy weather. Finally the hut tumbled in and Miss Ketner was taken out of the ruins and found to be fatally injured. Several of her dogs were killed by the falling timbers. The woman was fond of dogs and owned about a dozen. She was taken to the house of Frederick Epting, who cared for her up to her death. A number of men at one time went to her place and killed a number of her dogs because they thought they had enough to do to provide for the old lady. She began her hermit life about fifty years ago, owing to a disappointment in love. She was frequently seen on foot in the chase following her pack of hound over the hills. When old age came on the farmers in the valley cared for her. MARRIED. NOTHSTEIN-NEWHARD--On the 10th day of January, 1885, by the Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, James M. Nothstein and Miss Rosa L. Newhard, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. SCHAEFFER-HAYDT.--On the 17th day of January, by the same, John C. Schaeffer, of Mahoning, and Miss Elmira Haydt, of Trachsville, Carbon county, Penn'a. MARRIED. MORGAN-SHIREY.--On the 20th day of January, by the same, Frederick Morgan and Miss Catharine Shirey, both of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. STOUDT-HOUSER--On the 31st day of January, by the same, Hiram H. Stoudt, and Miss Mary E. Houser, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county, Pa. MARRIED. BAMFORD-PETTIT--On the 31st day of January, by the same, Robt. G. Bamford and Miss Clara Pettit, both of Parryville. DIED. BECK--On the 4th day of January, in the Borough of Lehighton, Torrance C., son of 93 Thomas J., and Christiana Beck, aged 7 months and 11 days. DIED. WEIDAW--On the 20th day of January, near Bowmansville, Amanda, daughter of Banjamin and Elizabeth Weidaw, aged 7 years, 4 months and 17 days. Volume 13, Number 13, Saturday, February 14, 1885 Freddie Foulk, 10 years old, the slate-picker boy that was crushed in the rolls at breaker No. 6, Summit Hill, on Saturday, died about an hour after being taken home. He was buried Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Scherr, a stage driver on the line between Port Jervis and Milford, committed suicide Firday by taking laudanum. No cause is assigned. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William T. Roberts, one of Slatington's oldest citizens died on Sunday a week, of chronic diarrhoea, at the age of 76. He came to this country from North Wales in the year 1850. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A telegram from our esteemed friend P. T. Brady, of Red Bank N. J., last Monday, informed us of the death of his seven-year-old daughter, Florence, from scarlet fever on Sunday afternoon. The parents have our deepest sympathy in thier sad bereavement. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A large number of the friends of John Walters, assembled at his residence last Wednesday evening to celebrate the anniversary of his birth. The enjoyment of refreshments and dancing was kept up till "among the wee sma' hours of the morning," when all retired to their homes, wishing John many happy returns of the occasion. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The Rev. Charles Gilliatt of Pottsville, Pa., not long ago married the niece and adopted daughter of the wealthy Mr. H. Allen Wright of New York, who died a few days ago at his cottage at Newport. In order to be near Mrs. Wright, who survives her husband, Mrs. Gilliatt and her husband were anxious to settle at Newport. An opportunity has been afforded them, for at a meeting of the corporation of Zion Church Monday afternoon, Mr. Gilliatt was called to the rectorship of that place. This action did not please some of the officers and members, who have withdrawn from the church and taken pews in the old Trinity Church. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Casper, Bear, of Allentown, while walking on the Lehigh Valley Railroad on the evening of the 5th inst., stepped out of the way of a prssenger train and was struck by a coal train coming from an opposite direction, which cut him literally in pieces. The engine and forty-eight cars passed over his body. Bear was in search of work. His wife and five children are in Germany and one son lives in Catasauqua. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Derr, general State agent of the Franklin Fire Insurance and Pennsylvania Fire Insurance companies, of Philadelphia; the Hanover, of New York, and other companies throughout the State, died Sunday morning, after an illness of two years. He was fifty-one years of age. He had been in business at Wilkesbarre for thirty years and was one of the leading insurance men of Pennsylvania. He amassed a fortune of $700,000. 94 Our Neighborhood in Brief. William H. Gerspach, who has been well knwon in Easton for twenty years and in that time has served as a Tax Collector, a church sexton and followed the carpentering trade, has committed suicide by cutting his throat from ear to ear. He was very saving and could not endure the thought of losing money or being deprived of his income. Some of his investments were not remunerative and he said he had trouble with tenants. He had made nearly $30,000. Killed by Revolving Shafts. When Daniel Kullman, who worked in the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company's rail mill, Scranton, went to adjust the shafting to his drill press Friday morning his clothing got caught in the belt and he was whirled about at a wonderful rate of speed. His fellow-workmen witnessed the accident and heard the force with which he was struck against a stout beam in his whirling flight. They saw also saw both his feet and an arm torn off, while his blood was dashed like rain against the wall. The machinery was brought to a standstill, but Kullman was dead and disfigured beyond recognition before he could be extricated. Peter Daum, a millwright, employed at W. Fairchild's grist mill, West Nanticoke, met with a horrible death Friday morning. He was engaged in repairing some machinery, when his clothes were caught in the belting and he was whirled around the rapidly revolving shaft at a terrific rate of speed. Before the machinery could be stopped almost every bone in his body was broken. One arm was torn off and his skull was crushed in by coming in contract with the walls. Died on Her Wedding Day Willam Duffy and Miss Mary McCrystal, sister of Dr. McCrystal, were married at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Minersville, at six o'clock Sunday eveing. The wedding was the fashionable event of the season. The couple held a reception until midnight. The bride complained of feeling badly all day, and at two o'clock Monday morning the young husband startled the household by announcing her serious illness. A doctor, on arriving, said that the case was hopeless, and the priest who but a few hours before had pronounced the benediction at the completion of the wedding ceremony was called to administer absolution. She died at five o'clock Monday morning, of paralysis of the heart. Volume 13, Number 14, Saturday, February 21, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. One man was killed and a dozen were injured by an explosion of gas in the Hillman Vein, near Wilkesbarre. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At Ebervale, Luzerne county, Tuesday night, a Hungarian struck Edward Tolan, a well-known citizen, with an axe. Tolan's head was split open and his chin cut off. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Reuben Ball, aged 28 years, was fatally injured at Centralia Colliery Saturday by a fall of coal. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Nolan, aged fifty years, while taking rails our of the pumping slope at Mine Hill Gap Colliery Saturday, slipped on the ice and fell down the slope, a distance of fifty yards. He died the same evening. He leaves a wife and grown up family. 95 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Monday morning John McTaggert, foreman at No. 8 colliery of J. C. Haydon & Co., at Jeanesville, was accidently killed by falling down the slope. Mr. McTaggert, with a gang of men, was employed on the slope standing timbers, when he missed his footing in some manner and was precipitated to the bottom a distance of fifty feet. He leaves a wife and five children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Saturday afternoon the frozen remains of Mrs. Jacob Dick, of Tremont, who on Thursday previous left her home while suffering from a temporary mental derangement, were found lying beside the Mine Hill Railroad, eight miles from her home. She had with her a quantity of quilts and clothing and had evidently sunk upon the snow from exhaustion. She was sixty years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. N. C. Northup, representative of the Seventh district of Lackawanna in the Legislature, died Friday afternoon at his home in Glenburn, Lackawanna county. Mr. Northup was in his sixty third year. He was born in North Abington township and belonged to one of the oldest families in that region. He was a leading spirit in the community and had filled a number of township and borough offices. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Law, of Upper Mauch Chunk, celebrated their silver wedding last Saturday evening. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Lydia Haney, aged about 20 years died in this borough, of typhoid fever, on Monday last, and was buried at Parryville on Thursday forenoon. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Annie Miller, the eleven-year old daughter of Jacob Miller, of Easton, died suddenly Wednesday. Subsequently it was learned that while returning from school she had slipped and fallen on the ice, striking her head. Fatal Explosion in a Mine. Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock Tuesday morning the engineer in charge of the fan used for supplying air to the miners employed in the Hillman vein mine, situated in the northern part of Wilkesbarre, discovered that the journals were heated and that a brief stop of the machinery was necessary. He accordingly notified the inside superintendent of the mine to tell the miners employed in the "gassy" portions to seek a place of safety. Some of them did so, while others remained in their gangways, thinking that when the fan resumed operations all would be in working order again. One of the men, however, neglected to put out his lamp, although told to do so. He was in a portion of the mine where the gas accumulates rapidly when the fan is not working. A terrific explosion followed, and two or three men were thrown with great force against the gangways. John Soloman had had his skull fractured and sustained other internal injuries. He was removed to the hospital, where he died shortly afterwards. Daniel Richards had his thigh broken and eye blown out and was badly burned. The following were seriously burned by the gas: William Eustice, John O'Donnel, Harry Dunstan, Harry Grieble, Harry Jenkins, William Reed, Thomas S. Jones, John Williams, John O'Donnell. The sufferings of the burned men were horrible. Physicians were sent for as soon as possible and dressed their wounds. Some were taken to the hospitals and others to their homes. The greatest excitement followed the news of the exposion and great crowds gathered around the mine, among them the relatives and friends 96 of the unfortunate victims, who cried bitterly when the injured men were brought to the surface. The doors and partitions in the mine were torn down by the force of the explosion and the loss is considerable. Boiler Explosion--Two Men Killed. A boiler at North Mahonoy colliery Schuylkill county, at eleven o'clock Friday evening, 13th inst., startling the neighborhood with its terrific report. There were twelve boilers in the house, in nests of four each. The boiler nearest the breaker exploded, throwing the remainder out of the nest, breaking all the steam connections, demolishing the house and scattering masonry in all directions. The scene of the explosion presents a confused mass of broken timbers, upturned boilers, fractured steam pipes and other debris. In the boiler house were Joseph Lloyd, fireman, and James Swank, helper. Watchman Frank Bartelsay, who was first at the scene after the explosion, found Lloyd lying in front of the boilers, half covered with bricks and stones, with his head thrown back over a bar of iron. Nothing could be seen of the boy Swank and it was learned from the fireman that at the time of the accident he was in the alley between the nests of boilers. The work of getting him out began as soon as help arrived, but it was nearly two o'clock before his dead body was extricated. He was found buried under a mass of hot bricks and masonry. Lloyd was married and leaves a wife and seven children. He died two hours after being taken out. Swank was only eighteen years of age. Volume 13, Number 15, Saturday, February 28, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Doyle, residing in Shenandoah, was sleeping by a grate, when her clothing ignited and she was so badly burned before the flames were extinguished that death ensued. She was quite aged. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Smith, a native of England, but living in America 18 years, and popular in the coal region, was killed by a fall of coal at the "Shoo Fly Mine," near Pottsville on last Monday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Manning, employed as a miner at the Mount Carmel Shaft, was killed Tuesday by a fall of coal. He was a widower, with two small children. This makes the third brother killed at the same shaft. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Francis Smith and William Holbert, lumbermen, got into a quarrel in the woods near Equinunk, Wayne county, on Saturday. Smith struck Holbert with his axe, nearly severing his head from his body. He then went to the village and gave himself up. Holbert was from Lackawaxen. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Richard Ryan, an active politician of Mount Carmel, drank five drachms of laudanum Wednesday morning and shortly afterwards died. He took a prominent part in the recent township political fight and took the drug as a tonic. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Dr. Harrison Wright, of Wilkesbarre, aged thirty five years, died Friday morning from pneumonia, after a week's illness. He was a descendant of one of Pennsylvania's oldest families and a member of many learned societies. He was a graduate of 97 Heidelburg University and well known in historical and scientific circles throughout the country. He was also a member of the Luzerne county bar. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Silas Clapper, aged 77, living with his son on the eastern border of Wayne county, was greatly annoyed by cats several days last week. On Saturday he shut several of them in the kitchen, and going among them with a heavy club beat a number of them to death. Whe he got through the kitchen floor and walls were covered with blood, and the sight of it horrified the old man after he got over his excitement. He went to the barn, and half an hour later he was found hanging by his neck from a rope tied to the rafters dead. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Spotted Tail, a Warm Spring Indian, was Friday married at St. Mauritus' Catholic Church, Pottsville, to Mary Young, a buxom German girl. He met her some months ago while visiting Pottsville with a medicine company. He is an athletic young buck and won several long-distance foot races there last fall, defeating pale-faced champions. Among Mary's numerous suitors all were white men, except Spotted Tail, and the fact that he has carried off the prize has created a much greater excitement than his previous feats as a pedestrian. The couple left the same day to join the company in the South. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The railroad employes reported Tuesday evening that a man supposed to be a Slavonian, while walking on the Jersey Central Railroad about one hundred yards above the Penobscot station the same morning, was struck by No. 8 passenger train and killed, one of his legs being cut off and his head severed from his body. Nothing was found on his person whereby he could be identified. Several dollars were found in his pocket. He wore a dark coat, light colored doeskin pant, a shirt of the kind knwon as hickory, and was about eighteen or twenty years of age. Upon the soles of his boots was the inscription in brass nails, "a lucky boy, you bet." Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Anna Burke, of Easton, was seized with cramp on Tuesday, on her way home from a visit to Bethlehem, and died at the Halfway House. Our Neighborhood in Brief. E. V. Curry, of Bethlehem, mail agent on the North Penn Road, has lost three children within a week by scarlet fever, and a fourth is down with the disease. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Frank Strittmater, of Washington D. C., formerly of Mauch Chunk, and Sarah M Solt, of Packerton, were married at the residence of the bride, by Rev. B. F. Powell, on Saturday evening last. Mahoning Tquibs. V. F. Neumoyer and Miss Savannah Eberts were happily married last Sunday. Rev. W. H. Strauss officiating. We wish the young couple a prosperous journey through life. On Thursday last Joseph Stites, of Easton, died at the asylum of the insane at Harrisburg, where he was taken six months ago, aged 82 years. He was a cabinetmaker by trade and his mind gradually became impaired. 98 Volume 13, Number 16, Saturday, March 7, 1885 Lower Towamensing Items. A sad accident occurred at Packerton last Sunday morning. A 16 months old child, of James Gaumer, was scalded by spilling hot beans over his person. He died Monday morning; burial took place on Wednesday in St. John's cemetery, at this place. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Stewart Wassell was found dead at Silver Creek, Schuylkill county Thursday morning of last week. It is supposed he fell from fatigue and was frozen to death while returning home on Tuesday night. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Lillie, a two year-old child of James J. Anspach, of Heidelberg township, Berks county, was attacked by rats and fatally injured. The little one lay in a cradle and the rodents jumped up during the night and bit it in the nose, ears, arms and hands, which swelled to enormous proportions. The rats had to be off driven with a club. Our Neighborhood in Brief. We noticed last Sunday morning that a broad luminous smile pervaded the contenance of our neighbor S. R. Gilham, the attorney, and upon inquiry as to the cause, we learned that a "young lawyer had arrived there on Saturday evening. mother and child are doing well. Samuel, we will take soda! Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Coughlin, a miner, and Samuel Morris, his laborer, were at work Monday in the Larry colliery, Wilkesbarre, when they were both crushed by a heavy fall of coal. Coughlin was fatally injured, but Morris, it is thought, will recover. The superintendent of the mine notified Coughlin to prop up his roof before entering his chamber, but he did not heed the warning Our Neighborhood in Brief. Leonard Masar, an old German junk dealer, died Sunday morning at his home in Rittersville, after a week of terrible suffering from peritonitis, caused, as is alleged by his attending physician, by being kicked in the abdomen by his stepson, Fiedele Roebuck. A coroner's jury found a verdict to this effect, and Roebuck, who says he acted in self-defence was committed to the Lehigh county jail. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Micheal Hoeflich, a well-known saloonkeeper at Mahanoy Plane, committed suicide by hanging in his bed room Monday morning. It is stated that this family intended moving from there to Pottsville against his wishes. This so preyed on his mind that he decided to kill himself to escape what he thought would be a disastrous change to himself and family. He was seventy years of age and leaves a wife and three children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The wedding of Miss Nellie Nightingale, daughter of John Nightingale, of Easton, and S. S. Lesher, a wealthy Eastonian, took place late Thursday afternoon of last week, at the bride's home. Quite a number of near friends were present. The bride wore cream satin trimmed with point applique, the only ornaments, the gift of the groom. Her bridesmaids were Misses Florence Lecke, of Quincy, Mass; Carlotta Zulich, of Newark; Florence Nightingale, of Easton; M. Alice Lesher, of Easton; Mary M. Boas, of Reading, and Florence Pyle, of Easton. Birthday Surprise Party. 99 Last Wednesday, the 11th inst., being the anniversary of the birth of the estimable wife of our friend W. W. Bowman, Esq., of town, a number of the friends of the family gave them a genuine surprise party in the evening. Among those present were the following: Rev and Mrs Chubb, Mr and Mrs H H Peters, Dr and Mrs W W Reber, Mr and Mrs R L Sweeny, Mr and Mrs J W Raudenbush, Mr and Mrs C M Sweeny, Mr and Mrs L S Houser, Mr and Miss Weiss, Mrs I S Koch, Mrs John Obert, Mrs A W Raudenbush and Miss Barr, of Lehighton; Mr and Mrs Peters, Mr and Mrs George Bowman and Mr and Mrs Thomas, of Parryville; Mr and Mrs Wentz, of Millport; Mrs P Wannamaker, of Hokendauqua, Mr and Mrs Koons, of Slatington; Mr and Mrs W C Weiss, of Weissport. The party enjoyed themselves in a most social manner in conversation, music, and in partaking of delicious refreshments. During the evening the Arion Cornet Band tendered a serenade. The party broke up at about 10 o'clock, each heartily congratulating host and hostess and wishing them many happy returns of the occasion. MARRIED. HAGENBUCH-SCHERER.--On the 5th day of February, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. James M. Hagenbuch, of Hazards, and Miss Ellen Jane Sherer, of Bowmansville. MARRIED. HANEY-EBBERTS.--On February 21, by Rev. Wm. H. Strauss, Albert Haney, and Mary Ebberts, both of East Penn, Carbon county. MARRIED. NEWMOYER-EBBERTS.--On February 22, by the same, Valentine Newmoyer and Savannah Ebberts, both of Mahoning, Carbon county. MARRIED. HOUSER-MILLER--On February 22, by the same, Frank Houser and Angeline Miller, both of Summit Hill, Carbon county. MARRIED. DUNBAR-BRIEGEL.--At the "Sunnyside Parsonage," Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, by the Rev. James A. Little, on Sabbath evening, March 1, 1885, John G. Dunbar and Miss Lucy A Briegel, of Hokendauqua. Carbon and Schuylkill county papers will please copy. DIED. MIMM.--On February 27, at White Bear, Catharine Mimm, aged 71 years, 8 months and 2 days. DIED. KEMMERER--On February 28, in Mahoning, Joseph Kemmerer, aged 19 years, 8 months and 10 days. DIED. SCHELHAMMER--On the 3rd day of February, in West Penn, Phenus C., husband of Josephina Shelhammer, aged 33 years, 3 months and 10 days. DIED. HOUGH.--On the 12th day of February, in Lehighton, William Wilson, son of Edwin and Mary Ann Hough, aged 10 months and 8 days. MANTZ--On the 29th day of February, in West Penn, Clara Agnes, daughter of Francis G. and Sarah Mantz, aged 4 months and 1 day. DIED. KNEPPER.--On the 24th day of February, in West Penn, John Knepper, aged 71 years, 100 11 months and 29 days. DIED. FOLLWERBER.--On the 27th day of February, in Rush, Clinton W., son of Wilson Harrison and Polly Follwerber, aged 1 month and 27 days. Volume 13, Number 17, Saturday, March 14, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Leonard Glessner, a married man, with a large family, was fatally injured Tuesday by a fall of coal at North Ashland Colliery. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A seven-year old son of Alex Snyder, of town, died Friday afternoon of last week. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Maurice Ridgeway, a Lehigh Valley brakeman, was killed at Coxton on Monday morning, by falling under a moving train. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Patrick and John Whalen, father and son, miners, employed at Packer Colliery, No. 2, at Shenandoah, owned and operated by the Philadelphia Coal Company, were burned Monday by an explosion of gas. The gas was fired by the son appearing in the breast with a naked light. The father's injuries are said to be fatal. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A Hungarian, bound for the old country, and desirous of reaching New York without paying his fare, attempted to jump on a coal train on the Lehigh Valley Road at Mauch Chunk Saturday night, but fell under the wheels and was fatally injured, having both legs cut off. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joseph Beltz, for many years section boss for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company at Mahanoy Plane, was instantly killed Tuesday afternoon. He stepped out of the way of a south-bound train when another one going north struck him, killing him instantly. He was forty yaars of age and leaves a wife and four children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mikel Magyur, a Hungarian, was instantly killed on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Rockdale, Wednesday, his skull being crushed and his body shockingly mangled. Big Ned Monoghan Buried. Big Ned Monoghan, well known in this section, and one time Chief of Police, High Constable and Tax Collector of Shenandoah, who died in a Philadelphia hospital on Sunday, was buried at Shenandoah Wednesday. "Ned" at one time was a leader of the Mollies. He was arrested and tried as an accessory after the murder of Gomer James and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment. While in prison he was a constant sufferer from physical ills and family bereavements. He was taken by two different wardens to attend funerals of his children. Mahoning Items. Mr. Till Balliet, of West Penn, and Miss Levina Herring, of this place, were married last Sunday. 101 Coffin Opened on the way to the Grave. On Thursday afternoon of last week Thomas Duffy, of Wilkesbarre, was killed in the mines. The next morning Coroner O'Malley notified the family that he would hold an inquest on Saturday afternoon and that the body must not be removed from the house until he came. The family of the dead man waited until 2 30 o'clock, and the Coroner not coming the lid of the coffin was fastened and the funeral cortege left the house. On the way to the cemetery Coroner O'Malley, his Deputy, J. F. Donohue, and the jury came up. The Coroner ordered the driver of the hearse to stop, and pulling the coffin out of the hearse took the lid off and showed the remains to the jury. The body was lifted up again and the funeral cortege resumed its journey. The whole affair took place in ten minutes, and its occurrence was not known until some time after. When it did become generally known considerable excitement prevailed among the friends of the dead man, who denounced it as an outrage and threatened to attack the Coroner. MARRIED. SERFOSS-MILLER.--On Thursday Feb. 26, 1885, by Rev. J. H. Kuder, Mr. Aaron Serfoss and Ellen E. Miller, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. WHITE-HECKMAN.--In this borough, on the 17th ult., by Rev. G. W. Stibitz, Geo. H. White of New Tripoli, Lehigh county, and Miss Rosa Heckman, of Weatherly, this county. DIED. GABEL.--On Friday March 6th, Louisa Florence, child of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gabel, aged, nine years, eight months and ten days. DIED. SNYDER--In this borough, on the 6th inst., Herbert H., son of Alex. Snyder, aged six years, two months and eight days. Volume 13, Number 18, Saturday, March 21, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Huntzinger, a prominent citizen of Schuylkill Haven, died recently, aged 82 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Halderman, an engineer at a colliery near Mahanoy City, fell down a slope a distance of sixty feet on Thursday of last week, and broke his neck. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Gearney was killed at Honesdale, Saturday morning while loading coal from the Delaware and Hudson pockets into Erie cars. The frozen coal which had been undermined fell, burying him. Two others were slightly injured. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George W. Matchin and Wm. Huntzinger, the two most prominent men of Schuylkill Haven, died on Thursday of last week. Matchin was a lawyer of forty year's standing. He died after a lingering illness, aged seventy six years. Huntzinger was eighty-six years of age and died suddenly of paralysis. He was the wealthiest man in town. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Conrad Deisenroth, a miner in the employ of A. Pardee & Co., at Hazleton, was instantly killed Tuesday by a fall of coal while at work in one of the breasts of No. 6 slope. His body was terribly mangled and his neck broken. He had been employed by the 102 company as a miner for many years and leaves a wife and large family of children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. J. L. Richardson, editor of the Bloomsburg Journal, and a prominent temperance orator, died suddenly at ten o'clock Monday morning, at the home of Isaac Keisers A few weeks ago he had a narrow escape from being killed on the railroad at Bloomsburg and it is supposed that the fright brought on heart disease, which was the cause of his death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Monday afternoon a man was knocked off the bridge over Saucon creek, near Freemansburg, by a passenger train and killed. A coroner's inquest failed to discover his identity. He was respectably dressed in a dark suit and check shirt. He had dark hair, full beard and blue eyes. He was about forty five years old, five feet seven inches tall, weighed one hundred and fifty pounds and carried a satchel and a cane. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A few weeks ago a shoemaker named Michael Stellman, while going from Highland to Eckley, in Luzerne county, was lost in the woods, and although diligent search was made at the time he was not found. Miss Hattie Pettit, while going from Eckley to her home at Highland last Monday afternoon, discovered the body of a man lying near a log, with the skull crushed in. There are various suppositions as to the cause of Stellman's disappearance and death, but nothing authentic. Shot by a Coal and Iron Policeman. John Harris, a member of the coal and iron police force, Saturday night shot and almost instantly killed Hugh Coyle at Rappahannock station, on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Coyle, with two men, named Dougherty and Guffy, were on a passenger train, and began breaking the windows of the car door. A brakeman attempted to put them off at Rappahannock, and Harris went to his assistance. He was pulled off the car twice, and had to struggle each time to get back. The second time, after freeing himself, he declared that he would shoot the next man who laid hands on him. While on the car steps pistol in hand, Coyle rushed at him, and was shot through the heart. Dougherty and Guffy fled, but Harris remained with the wounded man until he died. He then boarded the train to Mahanoy Plane, where he surrendered to another policeman, and was taken to Pottsville, where he in jail. Coyle leave a wife and nine children. Fatal Boiler Explosion. Monday morning about 9 o'clock, one of a nest of twenty three boilers at Lawrence's Colliery, Mahanoy Plane, exploded with terrific force, tearing the boilerhouse to fragments and throwing the remaining boilers outside of the nest, fatally scalding one man and seriously scalding two others. Jacob Gunder, Fred Smith and John Crawford, the only persons in the boilerhouse at the time of the accident, were taken out shockingly scalded, and Gunder has since died. The others may recover, though Smith's injuries are very serious. The damage done to the property is estimated at $1000. The colliery is owned and operated by J. S. Lawrance, of Minersville, and is one of the largest in the anthracite coal regions. Lower Towamensing Items. Wesley Snyder's youngest child died of pneumonia last Sunday. MARRIED. DREIBELBIES-KEMERER.--In this borough, on the 14th inst., by Rev O R 103 Cook, Ambrose E Dreibelbies and Miss Emma A. Kemerer, both of town. MARRIED. HAGENBUCH-SCHARER--On the 5th ult., by Rev. E. J. Fogel, James M. Hagenbach, of Hazards, and Miss Ellen J. Scharer, of Bowmansville. DIED. PILZ--At Packerton on March 13, William, a child of Ferdinand and Wilhelmina Pilz, aged 7 years, 7 months and 10 days. Volume 13, Number 19, Saturday, March 28, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Isreal Hoffman a brakeman on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad while preparing to go out on a train early Monday morning at Odenwellertown, one mile west of Easton, when going down the track to turn a switch, was struck by a shifting engine and killed. He was cut into pieces. He leaves a wife and four children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Frederick Margroff, a teamster employed by the Ebervale Coal Co., committed suicide Tuesday evening by blowing his brains out with a load of small shot. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Major L. B Speece, a veteran of the late war, suddenly died of heart disease at his home, in Wilkesbarre, on Sunday morning. He was a member of Co. F, 7th Pennsylvania Reserves, and participated in many hard-fought battles He was taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness, but escaped after a short confinement in a Southern prison and rejoined his regiment. He was never wounded At the close of the war he was honorably discharged with the rank of lieutenant. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Friday of last week the wife of Peter Schmale, residing near Albrightsville, Carbon county, was delivered of a male child weighing 19 pounds. This is an actual fact, the infant, owing to its extraordinary size, having on the day of its birth been placed on a scale by one of the jury commissioners of the county. The babe, however, lived but five days. The medical works have but few instances of such wonderful births, and when they do occur the children have scarcely been known to live for any length of time.--Exchange. Weissport Items. Mrs. Derbyshire, of Philadelphia, mother of Mrs. William Miner, of this place, died at their residence on last Saturday, forenoon. The body was taken to Philadelphia on Monday afternoon, and buried at the latter place on Tuesday. We sympathize with Mrs. M. in her bereavement. Volume 13, Number 20, Saturday, April 4, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Carl Sweitertz aged five years tumbled into a stream near Fairlwan Colliery, Scranton, Friday, and whirled into narrow culvert. The body was found in the Lackawanna river the same day, after being carried an eighth of a mile through an under ground culvert. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Isaac Ott, a retired farmer, of Lower Saucon Township, 104 Northampton county, died Monday of apoplexy, in the 94th year of his age. He was the oldest resident of the township and the last surviving member of a company of soldiers mustered into service from that township during the war of 1812 and encamped at Marcus Hook. He received a pension from the Government. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Alois Knecht, a well known liquor dealer, was found dead upon the floor of his room in Pottsville, Saturday morning, having died of hemmorrhage. He had been drinking heavily of late on account of domestic difficulties and Friday night was locked in his room in a helpless state of intoxication. He leaves a wife and six children. Towamensing Budget. Josiah Stroup died on Friday morning of last week and was buried Monday. It has cast a gloom in the bereaved family. They have our heartfelt sympathy. Weatherly Items. Thos Gangwer, formerly of this place now of Wilkesbarre, burried a bright fourteen month old daughter here on Tuesday. Volume 13, Number 21, Saturday, April 11, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Al. Klotz, son of Ammon Klotz, of Franklin township, died of consumption on Monday last. Deceased was about 20 years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An unknown man committed suicide at Tamaqua, Saturday by leaping from the Broad street bridge into the Little Schuylkill River. His body was not recovered. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles H. Cummings, passenger agent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at New York, was married at Mauch Chunk Tuesday to Miss Mary Packer, daughter of the late Asa Packer. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Irons, a resident of Big Mine Run, near Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, was almost instantly killed at Turkey Run Colliery, Shenandoah, Saturday, by a fall of coal. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Nathan Gray, thirty years a boss on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's coal docks at Honesdale, was instantly killed there Tuesday in jumping from a moving car. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rumor as we go to press says that a Hungarian at Penn Haven Junct., entered the L V depot and was taking all the time tables, when he was told to desist by the operator, Thomas Hogan. He retired and shortly after returned with a revolver and shot Hogan to death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While a schoolhouse was being demolished at Mauch Chunk on Monday the walls fell and buried a boy and a man in the debris. The former was instantly killed, and the latter had a shoulder and an arm broken in two places. 105 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Helen Eckhert, a fat woman, who traveled some years ago with Barnum's Circus, died at Glendon, Northampton county, Tuesday. Her weight at one time was 590 pounds, but sickness reduced it at the time of her death to 400 pounds. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Baber, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Pottsville, died Saturday morning after a lingering illness, aged 93 years. He was a man of large wealth, President of the People's Street Railway Company and of the Safe Deposit Bank, a Director of the Schuylkill Navigation Company and prominently identified with many other public interests. Weissport Items. A child of Mr. Ditterline died last Sunday and was buried on Tuesday morning. An Appalling Colliery Disaster. At 1 o'clock Monday afternoon a terrible mine accident occured at the Cuyler Colliery, operated by S. M. Heaton & Co., situated at Raven Run, Schuylkill county, by which ten persons lost their lives. At the time mentioned an extensive cave-in took place four hundred feet from the bottom of the slope. The wind occasioned by the cave in had such a force as to throw wagons off the track, knock out timbers and otherwise cause great damage. Ten hands who worked inside of the point, where the top gave way are imprisoned. Their names and occupations are as follows: Frank McLaughlin, driver, aged 19. Bernard Smith, driver, aged 20. John Cavanaugh, laborer, aged 21. William Anderson, miner, aged 45; leaves a wife and four children. Mike Herrity, miner, aged 50; leaves a wife and six children. Benjamin Maurer, miner, aged 37; leaves a wife and three children. M. Mervine, miner, aged 30; leaves a wife and two children. Daniel Kennedy, miner, aged 42; leaves a wife and seven children. Nicholas Purcell, miner, aged 50; leaves a wife and six children. The cave-in occurred on what is known as level No. 1 and swept everything ahead of it to level No. 4, increasing in size and velocity as it went. Rescuing party after rescuing party have been going into the mine since the accident occurred, but have been unable to reach the entombed men. William Heaton, one of the owners of the mine, accompanied by Mine Inspector, Mauchline, went down at four o'clock. They returned after being down two hours and reported they were unable to reach the men. The gangways were blocked, timbers were knocked out and the mine was working. They considered the situation a hopeless one. Another party of miners made an attempt to go down through an abandoned airway, but after reading level No. 1 their course was impeded and they were compelled to return to the surface. The opinion is ventured by practical miners that with all available help to clear a road through it will be a week or ten days before the men can be reached. At seven o'clock the inside foreman, Charles Esgar headed a body of men and went down the mine by the travelingway. An hour later they returned, stating their course was blocked. There is no doubt whatever that the imprisoned miners are dead. The supply of fresh air has been entirely cut off and even if they are alive at present before they can be rescued they will all have parished. The greatest excitement prevails. thousands of people were on the scene all afternoon and evening. Women and children are weeping and the only stoutest and strongest miners are venturing in the mine. Continued cave-ins are expect. The coal and rock is cracking 106 at all ponts and it is considered dangerous for any one to venture close to the point where the gangways are blocked. The cause of the cave in is not exactly known. Different theories have been advanced for it. The colliery was not working Monday. The men who have lost their lives were engaged in timbering. Had the mine been in full operation over one hundred men and boys would have met the fate of the ten. The operators and superintendent are doing all in their power and say they will spare no pains or expense to reach the bodies. The Cuyler Colliery has been operated for years by Heaton & Co. and was always considered a fine operation. The lease of the colliery expires in June, when the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company will take hold of it. Three mules were killed by the force of the cave-in. Attempts will be made to reach the men, but as no other means is known for the purpose than those indcated but little progress will be made. The damage done to the colliery cannot be ascertained at present, but it will reach fully $20,000. Mr. Heaton, the superintendent, said that work could not be resumed before two months, if then. The colliery may be permanently ruined. He continued: "We cannot tell till the mine settles. The pillars of the colliery had been pretty extensively honeycombed and this may have been the cause of the cave in. The old miners say nothing like it has ever occurred within their recollection in the Schuylkill coal region." At 7.30 o'clock another rush of stuff took place and the report it made could be heard on the surface. Later--The ten men entombed at Cuyler Colliery are thought to be dead, and the bodies cannot be reached for about a week. MARRIED. KLOTZ-DENTINGER.--On March 29th by the Rev. G. W. Stibitz, Robert Klotz and Miss Fannie Dentinger, both of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED. BACHMAN-MCLEAN.--On the 21st day of March, by the Rev. A. Bartholomew, Lewis Bachman, of West Penn, and Miss Mary J. Mclean, of East Brunswick, Schuylkill county, Pa. MARRIED. GREEN-SCHAFEER.--On the 4th day of April, by the same, Alvin H. Green and Miss Lillie Schafer, both of Franklin, Pa. MARRIED. SANDEL-FISHER--On the 26th day of March, by Rev. Wm. Strauss, John F. Sandel, of Mahoning, and Miss Mary S. Fisher, of White Bear, Pa. DIED. ZEIGLER.--On the 9th day of March, in Quakake, William J., infant son of Josiah and Fianna Zeigler, aged 6 months and 16 days. DIED. NOTHSTEIN--On the 17th day of March, in East Penn, Emma S., infant daughter of Benjamin Nothstein, aged 4 months and 15 days. DIED. HILL.--On the 19th day of March, in West Penn, Lillie J., daughter of Amandus and Elizabeth Hill, aged 9 years, 1 month and 26 days. DIED. KEMERER.--On the 26th day of March, in West Penn, Levi, husband of Salome Kemerer, aged 37 years, 5 months and 10 days. DIED. HILLMAN.--On the 27th day of March, in Tamaqua, Rebecca, widow of the late Augustus Hillman, aged 45 years, 6 months and 12 days. 107 DIED. LESSMAN.--On the 29th day of March, in East Penn, Belig A., husband of Amelia Lessman, aged 55 years, 10 months and 5 days. DIED. KOLB.--On the 4th day of April, in East Penn, Henry, husband of Margaret Kolb, aged 71 years, 6 months and 20 days. DIED. HAAS.--On the 23rd day of March, in West Penn, Robbie, infant son of David and Mary Alice Haas, aged 1 month and 9 days. DIED. WAGNER.--On the 5th day of March, in West Penn, Minnie, infant daughter of Levi and Catharine Wagner, aged 5 months and 26 days. DIED. LORAH--On the 29th day of March, in West Penn, Mary Lorah, aged 78 years, 9 months and 1 day. Volume 13, Number 22, Saturday, April 18, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Stewart, aged 89 years, died at Easton Monday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edward Garrecht committed suicide by hanging at Easton Monday afternoon while insane. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William W. Reed, proprietor of the Pennsylvanna Hall, Pottsville, died Monday of pneumonia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Daniel Geister, living near Raubsville, Northampton county, committed suicide Thursday, 9th inst., by hanging He was 52 years of age and leaves a family. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Michael Singon fell to the bottom of a coal shaft, near Wilkesbarre, Monday, and was instantly killed, making the sixth person who has been killed in this shaft in the same way. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Death made its appearance at Presbyterian parsonage of Hokendauqua, April 8th, taking Florence Ethel, youngest daughter of Rev. James A., and Sarah J. Little. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Mary M., wife of Dr. L. A. Snyder, and daughter of Rev. E. A. Bauer, died at her home in Ashland, on Monday last, aged 30 years, 6 months and 12 days. Her death was unexpected, although she had been sick for several months. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Daniel Bittner, one of the best known citizens of Lehigh county, died Tuesday after a short illness. About twelve years ago he served a term as County Treasurer, and since then has been proprietor of the Pennsylvania Hotel in Allentown. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mary, wife of John Seabold, sr., and mother of William and John Seabold, of this borough, died on Saturday last, aged 77 years, 6 months and 14 days. She was 108 buried at Birdsboro, Berks county. Fatal Railroad Accident. Last Friday morning Patrick Ward, of East Mauch Chunk, a brakeman on the P. & R. Railroad, met with a fatal accident in the yard at White Haven. He had uncoupled some coal cars from the engine tank, and when about to step from between them, his foot caught in the frog, and he fell to the ground, the tank of the engine passing over his left leg and arm. Fortunately the engine was moving slowly, and was stopped before it reached him. He was taken to the depot, and by his request Rev. M. J. Bergrath was sent for, who administered to the unfortunate man the rites of the Catholic church. Ward was soon after sent on his way to St. Luke's hospital, but died before reaching that institution. He leaves a wife and child at East Mauch Chunk. "Murder Most Foul." We clip the following particulars of the murder of Thomas J. Hogan from the columns of the White Haven Journal, at which place deceased lived: "Seldom does a more diabolical and dastardly murder occur than that which transpired in the Lehigh Valley station at Penn Haven Junction Thursday, the 9th instant. The victim was our well-known townsman, Thomas J. Hogan, who for the past four years had been employed as station agent and operator at the Junction. The perpetrator of the cowardly murder was a Hungarian, named Michael Colyer, who resided at the Junction. From an eye witness we learn the following particulars of the sad event: The Hungarian had for some time been employed as a track hand on the Lehigh Valley railroad in the vicinity of Penn Haven. Two weeks ago he was discharged from the company's employ, and it seems attributed his dismissal to Mr. Hogan, who was in reality his earnest friend. He evidently thought to revenge himself, and began annoying Mr. Hogan. Several days ago he went into the station and removed some time tables from the rack, that had been placed there for the exclusive use of the employees. Thursday afternoon about one o'clock he again went into the gentlemen's room at the station, and began handling the time tables, when Mr. Hogan went from his office to the room, and told the Hungarian to not handle them, and to leave the building. The Hungarian started for the door, and on reaching it, turned suddenly around and walked up to Mr. Hogan, and immediately shot at him twice with a revolver. The first shot took effect in Mr. Hogan's left breast, and caused him to exclaim, 'Oh ! My God,' at the same time he threw up his hands, and pushed aside the Hungarian's arm as the second shot was being discharged, which lodged in a picture frame on the adjoining wall. Hogan, after being shot, ran out the side door; thence around the building to the Junction Hotel in the rear of the station. On entering the hotel he placed his arms on the bar, tried to speak but could not, and the next instant sank to the floor and died within a minute. The Hungarian then walked into the fartherst end of the ladies' room, and stood there in a defiant mood, evidently awaiting further developments of the atrocious deed. The fireman of the shifting engine, learning of what had been done, went to the door and beckoned the Hungarian to him, and when the latter reached the door, the plucky fireman felled the murderer to the floor with a blow of his arm. The revolver was taken from him, and he was placed on an engine to be taken to Mauch Chunk. At this time a policeman arrived, and the Hungarian was taken to jail. A jury was empanelled, and a post mortem examination made by Dr. Leonard, of Mauch Chunk, assisted by a Weatherly physician. The testimony of th witnesses, and finding of the jury, is substantially the same as the above. The news of the murder reached here soon after its occurence, and was a great shock to 109 our people, who highly esteemed the unfortunate young man. He was brought to this place by a special train, at 6 o'clock. His amiable wife was grief stricken, and is scarcely able to with stand her great affliction. Mr. Hogan resided in this place nearly fifteen years, where he married Miss Jennie Brown, daughter of Capt. Anthony Brown. The husband and wife were very dearly attached to each other, and won the affections of many friends, who extend to the bereaved lady their heart felt sympathy. As an evidence of his care for his wife he recently informed her of his intention to take an insurance policy for her benefit, and on the 26th of March was insured for $1,000 in the Fidelity Insurance Company, of Philadelphia. He was highly esteemed by the Lehigh Valley officials, who found in him a capable, trustworthy and reliable employee. He was buried at White Haven, Saturday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended; Rev. F. V. Krug officiating. The grand jury returned a true bill against Michael Colyer and the trial has been postponed until next term. A Murder Near Wilkesbarre. A Wilkesbarre despatch of the 13th to the Philadelphia Press, says: About 11 o'clock on Sunday evening, the body of Andrew Macnack, a Pole, was discovered lying on the Lehigh Valley Railroad track two miles from Wilkesbarre, at Mill Creek, bearing unmistakable evidences of foul play, and evidently placed there in hopes a train would mangle it. The head was cut and bruised almost to a jelly, and a bullet hole was discovered in the back of the neck and another in the right arm. Tuesday morning Charles McNamee, the keeper of a saloon near the point where the body was found, Hugh Trainer, John Kennedy and William Kennedy were arrested and charged with complicity in the murder. The crime had created great excitement here and at the trial Monday night a crowd was in attendance. The testimony showed that on Sunday evening Macnack and three Hungarians entered McNamee's saloon drunk, and began a fight. They were thrown out by those present and went away, but came back in a few minutes and renewed the fight. A hard struggle ensued, windows and furniture were broken, chairs, pokers and other weapons used, and Macnack, who seemed mad with drink, was badly beaten. The Hungarians finally went a way, two in one direction and two in another. A few minutes after a pistol shot was heard but no attention paid to it. John Madure, the Hungarian who went off with Macnack, swore that when they had gone a short distance, Macnack said he was going back for his hat, which he had lost in the fight. Madura tried to persaude him not to do so, but he went, saying he would get his bad or they would have to fight for it. Madura went home and did not see Macnack again. When the body was found the pockets were turned inside out and there was evidence of a struggle near by, and foot prints, as if two men had gone away from the body. The prisoners were all discharged, except McNamee, who was held in $500 for assaulting Macnack. Later developments point Joseph Maduro as the murderer, who fled upon learning that he was to be arrested. Fatal Boiler Explosion A sound such as is caused by a peal of distant thunder startled the inhabitants of Yorktown last Friday evening about half-past seven o'clock. In a short time people congregated in groups on the streets anxious to ascertain whence the sound originated or what caused it. Their anxities were soon relieved when the announcement was made that a boiler at No. 5 breaker had exploded Large crowds of people flocked to the vicinity of the explosion 110 where it was discovered that one of a plant of eighteen boilers had exploded, killing one of the firemen, Edward Geatens, and seriously if not fatally injuring James Boyle, assistant fireman. Boyle was found in the reservoir about foty feet from the boiler house, trying to extricate himself from the water. He was immediately assisted from the water, and an ambulance procured and taken to his home and Dr. McComb summoned. Boyle was scalded terribly about the hands and face and the greater portion of his clothing was torn into shreds. He presented a pitiable sight and was suffering the most extreme pain. Nothing of the whereabouts of Geatins could be discovered, but after rigid search he was found lifeless about twenty feet from the boiler house, lying alongside of a steam pump, which supplies the boilers with water. A four inch steam pipe was resting on his body, and a mass of debris had almost covered it. Every particle of clothing had been torn from his body and his face burned almost to a crisp Boyle had been in the country but two years and was known as a careful and competent workman, at all times sober and industrious. The sad occurrence has caused much sorrow in the community for the unfortunate victims. It was intimated that some of the boilers at this colliery have been in use for twenty years.--Hazleton Plain Speaker. Weissport Items. Milton Gegges and Miss Mary J. Deibert, both of East Weissport, were joined in the holy bods of matrimony last Saturday evening. We extend to the young couple our sincere congratulations May the bright present of the newly wedded pair ever continue so, changing only to the mellow beauty of advancing years, and may they be as happy as the happiest, live long and be prosperous. Weissport Items. Mattie, a daughter of John Deiterline, died last Monday of heart disease. Weissport Items. Joseph Ruckel, of Hickory Run, buried his wife here last Tuesday. Rev. Egge officiated. Volume 13, Number 23, Saturday, April 25, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Robert Castle was fatally injured by cars at Mahanoy Plane Saturday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Philip Galligan, one of the earliest settlers in South Bethlehem, died Tuesday, aged 75 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A little daughter of Horace Ashenfelter, of Oaks Station, Schuylkill county, died on Saturday night of injuries received by falling into a bucket of boiling water. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Seigel, aged 17 years, in attempting to board a freight train on the Philadelphia and Reading Road, at Mount Carbon, on Saturday night, fell under the wheels and was killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Manus O'Donnell, an old boatman of East Mauch Chunk, was drowned in the Lehigh Canal, between Williamsport and Lockport, Monday night. He was 55 years of age and leaves a family. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Morrow, a member of the Archibald (Luzerne county) School 111 Board, died Friday morning from the effects of injuries received in a fight with Thomas Murley and Richard Fleming, who have been arrested. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Witmeyer died at Bethlehem Tuesday, after several weeks suffering from the effects of Paris green, which, it is not known, whether he swallowed with accident or intention. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joseph Folya, an Italian, aged 35 years, working in the mines near Moosic and residing near Pleasant Valley, Luzerne county was shot and fatally wounded late on Thursday night, 16th inst., by a fellow countryman named Salvadore Coros. The two men were drinking in a saloon when a quarrel arose, and Anton Sylvester handed Coros a pistol, with which he shot Folya through the chest. Coros and Sylvester fled and have not been found. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. James Swindells, father of Rev. J. T. Swindells, formerly of this place, died at West Chester, on April 21, aged eighty years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Schiffert, of this borough, was married to Miss Mary A. Peter, of Slatington, on Saturday, April 11, Rev. J. S. Erb, officiating. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Our young friend Ed. R. Raudenbush and Miss Tillie Person were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, by Rev. Breugel, of Cherryville, on Thursday. We, with a host of other friends extend our hearty congratulations. The young couple have our best wishes for a long life of uninterrupted prosperity and happiness. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joseph Yoder was on Tuesday morning engaged with a farm hand named Roth burning brush on his farm, near St. Luke's Hospital, Bethlehem. The flames spread very rapidly and threatened to reach the hospital. Both men worked so hard fighting the fire that they were overcome by the heat and smoke, and in falling Mr. Yoder received injuries from which he died at the hospital the same afternoon. Roth was unconscious at last accounts. The Bride of a Week Elopes. A Wilkesbarre despatch says, quite a sensation was created in West Pittston last Saturday morning by the lopement of a bride of a week with an engineer on this Reading Railroad, named Gibson. Miss Celia James, a prepossessing young woman of that town, was courted by a young man named Walter Huff, and the wedding took place on the previous Saturday. At noon Saturday, 18th inst., upon the husband returning from his office, he found the following note on the table: Dear Walter: I never loved you. The man whom I truly loved I now elope with. Goodby. Celia. Gibson and Mrs. Huff, it is thought, went to Philadelphia. Hanged Himself to Avoid Disgrace. Isaac Foltz, a well-known resident of South Bethlehem, aged about fifty years, committed suicide last Friday by hanging himself in the stable in the rear of his home. It is thought that Foltz committed suicide to avoid the disgrace consequent upon a threatened arrest for arson. The incendiary fire which occured on the previous Saturday night in the South Bethlehem Knitting Mills, in which Foltz operated a shirt factory, has been generally attributed to him, and he was warned on the 16th inst., that he would be arrested, and on that day 112 he aided the representasives of the insurance companies to adjust the losses and acted in a very nervous manner. Weatherly Items. Cheesman-Hann. On Saturday, April 18th, 1885, at the residence of the bride's parents, in this borough, R. D. Cheesman and Miss Jennie Hann were happily united in the golden bonds of matrimony by the Rev. E. T. Swartz. We hope that their journey through life will be unattended by sorrow and misfortune but will prove one long bright holiday. Suicided. Rev. Dr. David Stern committed suicide on Saturday at the Wyoming hotel, Wilkesbarre, by taking laudanum. Letters were found addressed to relatives and friends, bidding them good-bye. Dr. Stern was known throughout New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, having preached on many occasions in New York and Philadelphia, his sermons being printed by newspapers. He was a remarkable man, an eloquent and profound thinker. A number of the most wealthy citizens of Wilkesbarre were members of his congregation. Weissport Items. The funeral of Miss Mattie Ditterline was very largely attended. Volume 13, Number 24, Saturday, May 2, 1885 Mrs. John Berkey, of Easton, a bride of two weeks, eloped Friday with Herbert Archer, of Philadelphia. MARRIED. SHERRY-OCKERHOUS.--On April 16, by Rev. O. R. Cook, Wm. T. Sherry, of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Rosa C. Ockerhouse, of Lehighton. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Alexander Campbell was instantly killed and Michael Dugal fatally injured by a fall of top coal at the Harleigh Colliery on Monday afternoon. Our Neighborhood in Brief. In a drunken quarrel near Nanticoke on Monday, a Hungarian named Charles Haworth, was shot and killed by John Svebel, who made his escape. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The remains of an unknown man, apparently a Hungarian laborer, were discovered in the Little Schuylkill River, near Drehersville, Berks County, on Monday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Richard H. Davis, a State contractor, of Plainfield Township, Northampton county, was struck on the head by a windlass on the 23rd ult., and instantly killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A carriage occupied by John and Henry Stires was run into by a railway train at Midvale near Easton, on Tuesday, and the former was killed and the latter badly injured. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Claywell, a stable boss at Wanomie, seven miles from Wilkesbarre, driven insane by drink and domestic unhappiness, committed suicide Tuesday by placing the muzzle of a loaded gun to his side and pulling the trigger with his toe. 113 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Gano, a Frenchman, committed suicide at Wilkesbarre, on Thursday of last week. He served in the French Army in the Crimean war and in the Federal army during the rebellion, and was a member of Ely Post, G. A. R., of Wilkesbarre. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Augustus Schweinbintz, a fireman on a Lehigh Valley coal train, died at Bethlehem on Sunday, having fallen through the drop doors of a car near Phillipsburg, N. J., and been rolled beneath forty cars. Deceased was about 25 years of age, and lived at Packerton. The funeral, which took place on Tuesday, was largely attended by relatives and friends. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At New Castle, Schuylkill county, on Monday evening John Anspack, aged 12 years, aimed a musket, which he found in an old store room and which had not been used for twenty years, at Frank Quinn. It was discharged, the contents taking effect under Quinn's left ear, killing him instantly. Quinn is the son of a very prominent coal operator and the sad affair has caused considerable excitement. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jacob E. Epling, who has lived in Pottsville since 1820, when the town contained but half a-dozen houses, died there Wednesday, aged 79, after a life of local prominence and usefulness. Murdered and placed on the Track. The engineer of a Pennsylvania train, while running up to Wilkesbarre Monday night, saw by the gleaming of his headlight the body of a man lying on the track near Nanticoke, and before he oculd stop the whole train passed over the body. He returned and found that the head had been completely severed from the body. The remains were taken to the poorhouse, where examination caused suspicion of foul play, and the Coroner made a post-mortem examination A twenty-two calibre pistol bullet was found embedded in the brain. Tuesday a verdict of willful murder against some persons unknown was returned. The body has not yet been identified, but it is thought to be that of a Hungarian. The 52d Anniversary. Mr. David Arner and wife Mary celebrated the 52d anniversary of their wedded life on Tuesday evening last. It proved a very delightful occasion to those present. The evening was spent in pleasant conversation and the discoursing of sweetest music. The guests sat down to supper at 10 o'clock, and appeared to highly enjoy the good things provided for the occasion, included in the edibles was a monster wedding cake baked for the occasion. Among the guests were: Mrs Emanuel Clauss, Mrs Gus Miller, Mrs Edwin Hunsicker and daughter Clara, Mrs James Esch, Mr Kelly and wife and daughter, Blanche, Mrs Spangler, Mr Diehl and wife, Mr George Diehl and wife, Mrs Klinger, son and daughter, Mrs Lewis Werner, Mrs Henry Drumbore, Mrs Ed Ohl, Mr Jacob Shingler, wife and daughter, and Mrs John Nothstein. On account of the storm many expected guests did not attend. The body of an unknown man was found in the canal at Bethlehem Saturday. Volume 13, Number 25, Saturday, May 9, 1885 Buried With Military Honors. James Johnson, a member of Robinson Post, No. 2, G. A. R., Hazleton, died last Saturday, after a prolonged illness. Post Commander Captain J. E. Giles 114 waited upon the Revs. J J. Crommisky and E. S. Phillips, of St. Gabriel's Catholic Church, to obtain permission for the Post to attend the funeral attired in full uniform and conduct the obsequies afterward according to the Grand Army of the Republic rttual. The request was granted and the funeral took place Monday afternoon. It was attended by the members of the Robinson Post and a large delegation of William Lazarus Post, of Audenried, in full uniform. After the liturgy Rev. E. S. Phillips, who officiated, preached an impressive and eloquent sermon. The members of the Grand Army of the Republic are highly elated, as this is the first instance on record in this State where they have been permitted to exercise the privilege of burying a Catholic comrade with the full rites and honors of their order. Failing to Kill his Family, he Hanged Himself. William Smith, aged 70 years, owned a farm in Damascus Wayne county, adjoining which was a small farm belonging to his son Charles. The son, needing money, sold his farm a few months ago against his father's wishes. The old man began to abuse his family after the sale of the son's farm. Last March he attacked his daughter with an axe and almost killed her before she was rescued from him. He was arrested and lodged in Honesdale jail. Last week he was to be tried, but his daughter refused to appear against him. He was discharged and returned home. He at once drove all the members of his family from the house, threatening to kill the first one who returned. One of his sons ventured to go back toward evening and was greeted with a pistol shot. The next day Smith was found hanging dead by a bed cord from an apple tree in his orchard. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Kelley died at Wilkesbarre Tuesday from the effects of injuries received in the mines. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Thomas Richards, of Wilkesbarre, gave birth to triplets on Sunday, two boys and one girl. One died soon after birth. All were feeble. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An English miner named John Toukin, was killed in the mines, near Wilkesbarre, on Saturday, by the premature explosion of a blast. He had two weeks previously sent money to his wife in England to enable her to join him in this country. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The wife of Henry Richards, of Scranton, died late on Sunday night at the house of Mrs. Mary Fredericks, Wilkesbarre, where she was employed as a domestic, from an over dose of laudanum, taken with suicidal intent. Letters in her trunk showed that she was unhappy because of her seperation from her husband, whom she only occasionally visited. Shattered by an Explosion. The boiler in the saw mill of John Bishop & Co., on Bowman's creek, near Wilkesbarre, exploded Saturday evening. The building was entirely demolished. The heaviest timbers were hurled about like straws and the debris covered the ground for a circuit of five hundred yards. Coray Baker, the fireman, a married man with two children, was instantly killed, his body being crushed out of all semblance to humanity. William May, the watchman, was badly scalded by the steam and is not expected to recover. The loss is estimated at $10,000. Obituary. Mrs. Elizabeth Graver, wife of Andrew Graver, sr., of Weissport, died, after a protracted illness, on Saturday, the 2nd inst., aged 71 years, 1 month and 9 days Deceased joined the Reformed church in 1830, and has ever proved a faithful and consistant member thereof, a 115 faithful wife, a fond and indulgent mother, and an ever kind neighbor, she will long be missed in her circle. On the 27th of December last deceased with her husband celebrated their golden wedding, which was attended by the entire family and proved a happy occasion. She leaves a husband, 7 children, 27 grand-children and 1 great grand child to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and mother. She was buried in the Weissport cemetery on Tuesday, followed by a large number of friends. Revs. J. E. Freeman and A. Bartholomew officiated. Mahoning Items. Mrs. Anna Fenstermacher, widow of the late Jacob Fenstermacher, died last week from cancer of 35 years standing. She was 78 years old. Her body was interred in St. John's Church Friday. Volume 13, Number 26, Saturday, May 16, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Theodore Smith, of Pleasant Valley, near Wilkesbarre, was found dead in bed Monday night, having swallowed three quarts of whiskey within a few hours before. Our Neighborhood in Brief. We know the cause of the benigant smile of George Sandhers--it's a bonny girl baby. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. Paul Schweinbintz and Miss Ida Zimmerman, both of East Weissport, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony last Saturday, Rev. Egge officiating. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Burke, aged 25 years, a resident of Plainsville, Luzerne county, was shot Wednesday and fatally wounded by Mrs. John Harris, at her residence near Nanticoke, The woman, who is about 40 years of age, went to Wilkesbarre, accompanied by her husband and three small children, and surrendered herself. She maintains that the shooting was entirely accidental. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hon. James R. Struthers of Wilkesbarre died Friday morning. He was a graduate of Lafayette College, Easton, at which place he studied law with Ex-Governor Porter. He lived at Mauch Chunk for a number of years and represented Carbon county in the State Legislature for three terms. He was well known throughout the county and had a large circle of friends. The Death Roll. Zachariah H. Long, Died very suddenly, in this borough on Monday forenoon, the 11th inst. The deceased was born in Jacksonville, Lehigh county, on June 3rd, 1819, his parents being Henry Long and Magdalena, a born Harmony, who died about fifteen years ago at a very ripe old age; they (his parents) emigrated from Norristown, Pa., at the age of twenty years. The deceased received his education in the country schools which were then meagre, (three or four months during the winter season of each year), but, possessing energy and perseverance, he soon mastered the branches then taught, and having an aim for mercantile business, he used to help during the winter season in his uncle's store, this he did for several years, working on the farm during the summer. At the age of about 16 years he entered his uncle's store permanently, as a clerk. Being faithful and strictly honest in this capacity, as well as in all his dealings, his uncle concluded to open a store in West Penn township, (now Sitler's P. 116 O.,) and sometime in the year 1837, deceased being 18 years old, he was given charge of this store; being obliging and courteous he soon had a host of friends, at the same time building up a large and profitable business for his employer. Some years later his uncle offered to sell out to him, but having no funds, save a few hundred dollars scraped together by strict economy, he was at a loss to know how he could pay for a stock, probably worth two thousand dollars, but his uncle having implicit confidence in him offered to sell him the stock on credit, paying for it in his own time; having this offered to him he concluded to risk on his own account. Having launched his frail bark he determined to succeed, working hard early and late, carrying the produce he took in for store goods, himself to Summit Hill, and in a few years he found himself free from debt and with a nice stock on hand. This business he very successfully carried on for a number of years. On the 12th of May, 1846, he was married to Louisa Arner, a daughter of the late Henry Arner, of Mahoning Township. In later years a co-partnership was formed with his brother-inlaw, the late Tilghman Arner, trading under the firm of Arner & Long, when two stores were opened, four miles apart. This partnership was dissolved by mutual consent several years later, deceased continuing with the West Penn store. Later on he began to take an active part in politics, and in the year 1859 he was elected to the State Legislature, and reelected in 1863. In 1867-68 he closed out his business in West Penn and Mahoning Township, and removed to Lehighton, and again engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years. In 1872 he was elected a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention, in the deliberations of which body he took an active part. He also held many office of local importance, such as assessor of taxes, president of school board, chief burgess, etc. With an excellent constitution, inured to toil in early life and preserved by regular habits and strict sobriety, he was a useful citizen, he was a member of the Lutheran church and a faithful believer in its doctrine. On Monday forenoon having occasion to go down town he stopped at different places, and, always being of a social nature, he had chatted with quite a number of those whom he met, and feeling comparatively well, he strated for his home, reaching it about 11:45. His wife was out, having just gone to his son's three doors below and on her return, entering the yard by the alley, she saw his prostrate form lying on the board walk in the rear of his residence, hurrying to him and lifting his head, his face being all blue, changing to a yellow, she found no sign of life, terribly shocked she called for help, when some of the neighbors arriving he was carried into the house and Dr. Horn sent for, who arrived promptly and after an examination pronounced life extinct and the cause of his death apoplexy. He could not have laid there, when found, at the longest more than three minutes, death no doubt was instantaneous. The deceased leaves a wife and two sons to mourn the sudden loss of a beloved husband and father. Deceased was a kind neighbor and a warm friend, and his absence upon our streets will be long mourned by his host of friends. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon, followed by a large circle of relatives and friends. Requiscat in pace. The Death Roll. Lizzie Edwards. "There is a sweet rest in Heaven." Miss Lizzie Edwards was born in Luzerne county, on February 24, 1867, and died of consumption, at Lansford, May 9, 1885, aged 18 years, 2 month and 16 days. At the age of 14 years she was converted to God under the labors of Rev. O. R. Cook, (of Lehighton), and united with the M. E. church; father, mother, three brothers, four sisters and a large circle of relatives and friends mourn her early departure. Last January she performed her last service in the Sunday school, and ever since then until the time of her death she was under medical treatment; but the best of medical aid and the 117 most faithful nursing could not avert the steady progress of the fell disease, she was, however, resigned to her condition and in her quiet spirit no murmuring or complaint ever escaped her lips; she comforted her almost heart broken parents with the thought that they would meet again to part no more. On Saturday evening, May 9th, her spirit rose with the clouds to the noon of glory and her sufferings were over forever; her last words were: "All is glorious, I am going home." The funeral services were held in the English Congregational church, Revs. Edwards and Wisegarver officiating. The funeral was largely attended. The remains were interred in the soldier's beautiful cemetery to await the morning of the resurrection. May the Lord comfort the bereaved. A. L. W. The Death Roll. Charles M. Runk. Charles M. Runk, one of the most prominent members of the Lehigh County Bar, died Monday morning of a complication of diseases, in the 67th years of his age. Mr. Runk was born in Columbia county, August, 1818. His parents were originally from New Jersey. While a youth he taught school and saved money to pay his way to Yale College, which he entered in 1841, but owing to causes beyond his control, was not able to complete the full collegiate course with his class. In 1864 the college conferred upon him the degree of A. M., thereby restoring him to a position in the class. He read law under the direction of his uncle, Samuel Runk, in Allentown, and was admitted to the bar in 1846. In August, 1848, he was appointed deputy attorney-general for the county of Lehigh, a position he resigned in 1850. In 1864 he was a delegate to the National Republican Convention, at Baltimore, which renominated Abraham Lincoln, and he was one of the presidential electors that year. From 1866 to 1874, he was a member of the Board of Education, being president nine years. Twice he held the office of city solicitor, and several times refused nominations for congress. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1873. His widow, one son and two daughter survive him. The son is a member of the bar. The Death Roll. Esaias Rehrig. Esaias Rehig, president of the Allentown National Bank and one of the leading citizens of Allentown, died Thursday of last week, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, suffered on the previous Saturday afternoon while on a vist to his farm. He was born in Carbon county in 1831 and was the grandson of a revolutionary soldier. He early took to business and in 1858 settled in Allentown, and served two terms as deputy prothonotary. Subsequently he was twice elected prothonotary. During the Winter of 1872-73 he was message clerk of the State Senate. In 1866, in conjunction with the late Adam Woolever and David O. Saylor, he established the Coplay Cement Works. He was also interested in the slate trade and was president of the Star Company, in August, 1883, he was elected president of the Allentown National Bank. The Death Roll. Rev. Solomon Neitz. Rev. Solomn Neitz, a prominent Evangelical minister and author, died in Reading Monday, of apopletic prostration. The deceased preached for forty-five years, was presiding elder eighteen years, established the first church of his denomination in Canada and Germany, held charges at Buffalo and Albany N. Y., Philadelphia, Pottsville, Allentown, Lebanon and other places. He also took a prominent part in the proceedings of the Evangelical Conference of the United States and traveled and wrote much in the interest of the Church. The Death Roll. A Descendant of Tory Butler. Zebulon Butler, aged 47 years, a prominent resident of the Wyoming Valley, and a man of marked ability as an ingenious machinist and 118 practical inventor, died in Wilkesbarre Monday last. He was a son of the late Lord Butler and great-grandson of Colonel Zebulon Butler, who commanded the forces of Tories and Indians at the Wyming battle and massacre a century ago. Mahoning Squibs. Last Friday morning the funeral of Solomon Sitler, one of the oldest men in this community, took place. His remains were taken to the Bensalem Cemetery in East Penn. Lower Towamensing Item. Martin Beer and Mrs. Mary Ramaly were united into the bonds of holy matrimony. May happiness crown their future. People in and out of Town. Moses Rehrig and wife, and numerous others from this section attended the funeral of Esaias Rehrig, at Allentown, last Monday. At the Luke Fidler colliery, near Shamokin, Saturday afternoon a car broke loose and ran down the incline plane into the boiler, causing an explosion. Enoch Sandusky was killed, Martin Maloney fatally scalded, and William Katighan, John Marose and John Thomas severely injured. DIED. WAHL.--On the 8th day of April, in East Penn, John, husband of Louisa Wahl, aged 51 years, 1 month and 24 days. DIED. FRITZINGER.--On the 13th day of April, in East Penn, John J., husband of Catharine Frtizinger, aged 86 years, 4 months and 6 days. DIED. WILLMAN.--On the 20th day of April, in East Penn, Louisa S., daughter of J. H. A. and L. F. H. Willman, aged 17 years, 1 month and 8 days. DIED. BAER.--On the 20th day of April, in East Brunswick, John Baer, aged 68 years, 3 months and 3 days. DIED. KOLB.--On the 29th day of April, in East Penn, Margaret, widow of Henry Kolb, aged 71 years, 7 months and 16 days. DIED. EVERT.--On the 27th day of April, in Beaver Run, Ira Sylvester, son of Charles and Mary A. Evert, aged 10 months and 9 days. DIED. FENSTERMACHER.--On the 28th day of April, in Mahoning, Anna M., widow of Jacob Fenstermacher, aged 78 years, 3 months and 4 days. Volume 13, Number 27, Saturday, May 23, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Frederick Snyder, of Baltimore and Carl Wilhelm, a butcher, were killed by cars near Easton on Friday night. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John C. Stokes, at one time editor and proprietor of the Hazleton Sentinel, died at his home in Scranton on Monday last, aged 55 years. He was born in Muncey, 119 Lycoming county, in 1830, and locaed at Hazleton, Luzerne county, in 1858. As an editor, teacher and soldier he will be missed by a host of friends. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jennie Yarnell, a young lady of 19 years, residing at Shenandoah, committed suicide there at noon Saturday by shooting herself through the heart. The cause assigned for the act is that her father had been drinking heavily, and to avoid the disgrace which she imagined it brough upon her she decided to take her own life. She was young, handsome and vivacious, and her rash act surprised those who knew her. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Wednesday evening last week a tramp jumped off a Lehigh Valley coal train near Bethlehem, and before he could get out of the way a coming passenger engine struck and killed him. The Coroner held an inquest. The name of the unfortunate was Richard Cooney, and he belonged to Shenandoah, Pa. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Allen Remmel, a well-known citizen of Allentown, committed suicide Tuesday morning by hanging. He had recently married and lived alone in his house while preparations to begin housekeeping were going on. He fastened one end of the rope to a door-knob, threw the other end over the door, slipped his head through a noose and while standing on tiptoe slowly strangled. His body was discovered by his son and was still warm. Remmel was worried about money matters. Fatal Collision of Locomotives. A collision occurred on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Saturday afternoon between Rock Cut and Solomon's Gap, three miles from Wilkesbarre. The local freight was on its way to the top of the mountain when it met an empty engine coming from the opposite direction. It was impossible to stop the engine on the heavy down grade, and both locomotives, in the crash that followed, were wrecked. Philip Street, Assistant Superintendent of the motive power for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was thrown from the empty engine and killed; William Shank, fireman of the freight was also killed. Street belongs in Green Ridge, and Shank in Ashley. Both were married men, with families. Hiram Bosard and Edward Cole, engineers of the respective engines, were seriously hurt. Street was on a trial trip with a new engine, and expected to gain a switch before the freight train was due. Later.--Coroner O'Malley has discoverd that Saturday's fatal accident was due to the gross carelessness of Jacob Hoover, the train despatcher, who gave the right of way to the two engines moving in different directions on a single track at the same time. Hoover, on learning that Engineer Street and Fireman Shank had been killed, at once left his post at Ashley, and when last seen was on a Pennsylvania train en route for Sunbury or Harrisburg. The coroner's jury adjourned until Thursday. Meantime every effort is being made to capture Hoover. It is alleged that he was of intemperate habits and that of late, when off duty, did considerable drinking. A Mysterious Tragedy. A Pottsville despatch of the 15th inst., gives the following particulars of a mysterious shooting affair in that locality: "Three months ago George Bickert, a German, who came to this country in 1884, located in Lavelle, boarding with Mrs. David Stringer, a widow. Their relations soon became intimate, and a month ago it was reported that they had been married. It was known that Bickert had left a wife and three children in Germany. Friday night a woman was seen to enter the house where he lived, and soon afterward two shots were heard. 120 Neighbors entered, and Mrs. Stringer, who was at the village store, came with them. Bickert was found seated in a chair with blood spurting from a wound hear the left nipple and another under the left arm. In front of him, on the floor, lay a pistol with two chambers empty. The unknown woman had evidently retired by the back door and escaped. Bickert was conscious and was pressed for an explanation. He declined to make any statement, and in a few moments swooned from loss of blood. He died before morning. A detective who was put on the case Saturday has a theory that the German wife was written to by some person in Lavelle who discovered her address; that she came here prepared to kill, and was aided to escape by a confederate. The mystery that shrouds the case has added to the excitement, and any number of amateur detectives have undertaken to solve it." Shot by a Rejected Lover. Miss Julia Kramer, 18 years of age, was shot and fatally injured Sunday morning by Peter Knolbauch, a rejected lover, at Locust Gap, Schuylkil county. Miss Kramer was conversing with William Neuman, an accepted suitor, when Knolbauch approached and joined in the conversation. A moment later he drew a revolver and sent a ball through Miss Kramer's head, remarking that he would either marry or kill her. A second shot passed through the young lady's hand. A third shot, aimed at Neuman did not take effect. Knolbauch was arrested and an attempt was made to lynch him, but the timely arrival of officers prevented it, and he was conveyed to jail. Hanging Himself in an Attic. Valentine Bowman, a German Pole, has been boarding at the corner of Gilbert and Line streets, Shenandoah. He contemplated bringing his family over here this month, but finding himself unable to meet the expenses became despondent. Monday afternoon he climged up into the unplastered attic, hitched one end of a strap to a rafter, looped the other around his neck and dropped through the trap-door. His lifeless body was allowed to swing there for several hours. The landlady locked up the house and from the roof of the rear building threatened to club any one who entered. There was great excitement for a time. MARRIED. DERR-BENNETT.--On the morning of Ascension Day, 1885, by Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, Miss Maggie Edith Bennett to Mr. Obadiah B. Derr, of Slatington, formerly fo Hokendauqua. Volume 13, Number 28, Saturday, May 30, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Levi Fritz, landlord of the hotel at Narrowsville, near Easton, fell into the Delaware Canal Friday night and was drowned. It is presumed he was attacked by heart disease while walking along the bank and fell in. He was forty-nine years old and leaves a family. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Offhouse, of Hokendauqua, after months of sickness with consumption, died at his home on Monday of last week. He was a member of the late Co. F., 47th Reg'd Pa. Vols., under Capt. Edwin Gilbert, and also a member of Yeager Post, G. A. R., of Allentown. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Two tramps, Fritz Jonas, aged 31 years, and Frederick Snyder, aged 35 years, while walking on the Lehigh Valley railroad tracks at Glendon, on Friday night 121 last, were run over by a pusher. The former was cut to pieces, and the latter seriously cut about the head and internally injured. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Dugan, of Mauch Chunk, a brakeman on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad was killed Tuesday morning. It is believed he was walking on the track, when he was struck by a freight train. His head was severed from his body. He was aged about twenty-five years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Catharine Bohn and Adam Brumm, children of neighboring farmers of Hanover township, Luzerne county, were shortly to be married, but on Sunday night they had a quarrel. On Monday Brumm called, but Miss Bohn refused to be reconciled, when Brumm shot at her twice, without effect,and then beat her over the head with a revolver, injuring her seriously. Brumm then jumped into the Susquehanna river. His body has not been found. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Lewis, a boy, aged fifteen years, employed as slate picker at the William Penn Colliery, about two miles from Shenandoah, was instantly killed in the breaker Saturday. Young Lewis, with several other boys, was playing about some machinery while the breaker was stopped for a few minutes and the engineer starting the machinery suddenly, Lewis was caught by a screen and killed. His body was terribly mangled. He lived with his parents at William Penn village. Our Neighborhood in Brief. M. C. Apt, at one time a well-to-do citizen of West Pittston, was found dead in the Susquehanna river at Port Blanchard Saturday by two boys. He had been missing from his home for five weeks and nothing had been heard of him. The body was much decomposed. On the day of his disappearance he told a friend that the ups and downs of this life were too much for him and that he meant to put an end to his existence. He was about fifty years old, a veteran of the late war and leaves a wife and four children. Mahoning Squibs. Mr. Granville Reinsmith and Miss Ida Frantz, both from this place, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday. Was He Murdered? The Hazleton Plain Speaker, of the 28th inst., is responsible for the following: An employe of the Lehigh Valley Railroad who resides in this borough stated yesterday that the rumor is current in Mauch Chunk that John Dugan, whose lifeless body was found on the railroad track near the East Mauch Chunk depot on Tuesday morning had been foully dealth with. It was noticed that on the evening preceding his death he had in his possession forty-six dollars and was in company with several of his associates who were intoxicated. A railroad conductor while on his way to work on the morning of Dugan's death was accosted by two men under the influence of drink, who stopped him. Dugan was with this party at the time and their names have been given to the authorities, who will proceed to investiage the affair. No money was in Dugan's possession when found, but a marriage certificate was found in his pocket which led to his identity. Many of the railroad hands allege that Dugan although addicted to drink did not belong to that class who would lie down on the track as many presume he did. The case is the subject of much comment, especially among the railroad employes. Lower Towamensing Items. The wife of Wm. Smith, of Parryville, died last week and was 122 buried on Saturday in St. John's Cemetery. Lower Towamensing Items. A child of Jacob Hanshue's died after a few days illness. It was buried last Friday. Revs. Breugel and Freeman officiating. MARRIED. NICHOLAS-SMITH.--On May 9th, by Rev. O. R. Cook, Martin M. Nicholas and Lizzie E. Smith, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. HEIM-BELTZ.--On the 16th inst., by Rev. A. Barthelomew, Lewis F. Heim and Miss Amanda Beltz, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. SHOEMAKER-HONTZ.--On the same day, by the same, Lanius A. Shoemaker, of Mahoning and Miss Emma J. Hontz, of Lehighton. MARRIED. KUEPPER-GERBER.--On the 23d inst., by the same, Thomas Kuepper, of Weatherly and Miss Emma Gerber, of West Penn. MARRIED. REHRIG-BELTZ.--On the same day, by the same, Augustus Rehrig, of Bowmansville and Miss Ida E. Beltz, of Hazard. MARRIED. REINSMITH-FRANTZ.--On the 24th inst., by the same, Granville Reinsmith and Miss Ida L. Frantz, both of Mohoning. MARRIED. KISHBAUGH-BACHMAN.--On the 26th inst., by the same, at the residence of the bride's parents, Wilson Kishbaugh and Miss Emma L. Bachman, both of East Mauch Chunk. DIED. HIESTER.--On the 17th inst., at Summit Hill, Joseph Hiester, aged 88 years, 5 months and 29 days. DIED. SEIPLE.--On the 26th inst., at Upper Lehigh, Jane, infant daughter of J. A. And Jane Seiple, aged 10 months. Volume 13, Number 29, Saturday, June 6, 1885 An Old Man Murdered. A crime of unparalleled brutality was committed Thursday of last week, in Browntown, a suburb of Pittston. Michael Gilroy, an old man of some property, has lived there. Several years ago he married a second wife, and his children by his first wife deserted him. His second wife's nephew, James Flanagan, lived with them. Gilroy and his young wife quarreled, the nephew taking the wife's part. Thursday of last week the old man was found lying in the house, weltering in blood, with his head shockingly lacerated. The furniture was disordered, the walls and floor were smeared and spattered with blood, and there were other eviences of a violent struggle. In one corner was a poker covered with blood and hair, and near it a heavy stone also smeared with blood. The old man was alive, but senseless, and thus he died Friday. Mrs. Gilroy was found in a neighbor's house. She said she was absent from home all night. Flanagan could not be found, but it was learned that about the time the crime must have 123 been committed he was seen going from the house. Detectives are on his track and he has been traced as far as Dunmore, Lackawanna county. Mrs. Gilroy has been arrested. She refuses to talk. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Colonel Robert Gorrell, at one time a prominent coal operator in Schuylkill county, died near Douglassville Tuesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Thursday forenoon a very distressing accident occurred at Hokendauqua, by which John V. Thiess, aged 20, in the employ of the Thomas Iron Co., was so badly crushed by being caught between the bumpers of two cars that he died two hours later. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The widow of the late A. L. Patterson, died of cancer, at her residence in this borough, on Friday last, aged about 49 years. She had been sick for nearly two years. Her funeral took place on Monday afternoon. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. John Remmel, of Kingston, was fatally shot Wednesday by a gun accidentally discharged while in the hands of a son of Mrs. T. H. B. Lewis, of that place. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Wilson J. Dorward, driver of the Philadelphia and Reading express at Slatington, committed suicide Wednesday morning by hanging. He was found in the stable where the team is kept and while the body was still warm, but life was extinct. The only cause which can be assigned is the fact that he lately purchased the express team, and being unable to dispose of it he became despondent. He was in comfortable circumstances, having $1,000 on deposit in the local bank. Dorward bore a good reputation and was unmarried. He was twentythree years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Disconsolate Brumm's Suicide The body of Adam Brumm, the young man who murderously assaulted his sweetheart, Miss Katie Bohn, at her residence in Hanover township, Luzerne county, last Monday a week, because she would nt become reconciled to him after a quarrel, was found in the Susquehanna river opposite Plymouth Thursday morning, 28th ult. A bullet pierced the temple of the dead man. It is the presumution that Brumm first waded into the water and then shot himself. About six months ago young Brumm sent to Germany for a friend, Fred. Warker, paying his passage to this country. When Warker arrived here Brumm procured employment for him on the farm of Mr. Bohn, his sweetheart's father. The new comer had not been in the Bohn family long till he began making love to Miss Bohn. This made Brumm very angry and in a fit of jealousy he went to Miss Bohn's house and demanded an explanation. She treated him coolly and returned to him the engagement ring. MARRIED. SENSINGER-KERSHNER.--On May 24, at the pastor's residence, by Rev. J. H. Kuder, Mr. Elias Sensinger and Miss Polly L. Kershner, both of Germansvile, Lehigh county, Pa. DIED. SCHULTHEIS.--On Thursday last at Packerton, John A., son of Peter and Wilhemina Schultheis. DIED. SEILER.--On last Sunday morning, in this borough, Lottie, child of Samuel and 124 Elizabeth Seiler. DIED. LONGKAMERER.--On Monday evening at Packerton, George, child of Adam and Margaretha Longkamerer, aged 7 years, 1 month and 16 days. DIED. PATERSON.--On May 29th, in this borough, Mrs. A. L. Patterson, aged 49 years. Services were held in Zion's Reformed church, Rev. G. W. Stibitz officiating. Volume 13, Number 30, Saturday, June 13, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel Ramsdell was fatally injured by a fall of coal in Girard colliery, near Girardville, Tuesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Elmer Close, aged 14 years, was seized with a fit while walking on the canal bank at Bethlehem Tuesday, and falling into the water was drowned. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Thomas Love, of Reddington, Northampton county, while playing with a pistol on Saturday, accidentally shot and fatally wounded her husband. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Margaret Cavanaugh, while crossing the railroad at Mahanoy Plane, Saturday night, was struck by the shifting engine and instantly killed. Her husband lives at Locust Gap. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Stephen Petch, a young man 19 years of age, was found lying dead early Tuesday morning in one of the slopes of Pardee, Sons & Co., at Mount Pleasant. He was employed as a driver, but it is not known how he came to his death. The skull was fractured and there were several other wounds on the head. The case is to be investigated. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The Coroner was called upon to three deaths Sunday. James Shovelin was found at Bummer's Retreat, a suburb of Plymouth, with a jug of whiskey by his side. He received $50 from a son in the West on the Monday previous and went on a spree. David Williams, a carpenter, was found dead outside the Larksville Hotel. There is suspicion of foul play in the case. Thomas Cullen, a miner at Plymouth, was taken violently ill while in St. Vincent's Catholic Church. Returning to his house he dropped dead as he entered the door. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas K. Ott, aged 65 years, of Limeville, Lehigh county, Wednesday hanged himself to an apple in his orchard. Divorced. Some four or five years ago Dr. T. D. Koons, now of Macungie, then living somewhere up country, made the acquaintance of one of the handsomest of Carbon county's daughters in the person of Miss Annie Ziegenfuss, daughter of ex-Sheriff Reuben Ziegenfuss, a farmer residing near the Lehigh Gap, and after a brief courtship they were married. They soon after moved to Macungie, and for a time got along smoothly, as all newly married couples do, but later on the demon of discord came into the household, serious disagreements were matters of frequent occurrence, and the Koons domicile divided against itself. Their troubles were ever present, and finaly there was a break-up, the wife, with an only child, going back under the 125 parental roof. She later instituted proceedings for maintenance in the Carbon county court, but the husband made deference on the ground of desertion on her part without cause, and by a large number of witnesses from Macungie proved good treatment and proper support of her and on his part, and owing to which the application was refused. The wife continued to live with her parents, and the husband some time ago in turn instituted proceedings for a divorce fron the wife in the Lehigh county court on the ground of gross neglect of duty and wilful absence for more than three years, and on the case coming up last week, upon the testimony taken recently by a duly appointed examiner, a decree annuling the existing nuptial bonds between the pair was entered in the Doctor's favor without condition, the wife having made no defence or objection.-Allentown Democrat. Frank P. Merkel, a student at the Allentown Business College, was seized with cramps Wednesday while bathing at that place and was drowned. The "Naked Lamp" Again. An explosion of gas, which resulted in the burning of five men, three of them fatally, occurred at No. 4 slope, Nanticoke, on the morning of the 4th inst. A number of company men were engaged in shutting up a heading, which necessitated the changing of the air current from its usual outlet. The men were told not to enter the mines when the air was defective. They disobeyed the orders and entered the forbidden portion of the mine with naked lamps, causing a terrific explosion. The burned men were removed to the surface as soon as possible and medical aid was summoned. They presented a sickening sight, their clothes being burned almost entirely from their bodies and their faces and bodies burned and torn with flying pieces of coal. In some cases the flesh burned from their limbs in large pieces. The names of the victims are Frank Kanithoushi, Joseph Grodousi, Benjamin Ford, John Hughs and an German laborer. The first three were fatally burned. An unknown man about seventy years old, was killed Tuesday morning by a freight train, on the Lehigh Valley R. R., one mile from Delano. On Saturday afternoon, while loading boats at Coal Port, John Jaick, a German, resident of the place and a man of family, having a wife and several children, was drowned. The boss said that he was passing between docks No. 1 and No. 2, where he espied a hat in the canal, and not having missed any one nor heard of any trouble he was surprised indeed, to find on getting assistance, with the hat or near by the body of the man who was quite dead. It is supposed he must have stepped or fell off the chute while loading.--Gazette. Wedding Bells. James H. Handwerk, our popular Register and Recorder, of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Standa Yundt, the accomplished daughter of Francis Yundt, of Weissport, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock last Saturday, by Rev. Erb, of Slatington. We extend to them our sincere congratulations. May the bright present of the newly wedded pair ever continue so, changing only to the mellow beauty of advancing years, and may they be as happy as the happiest, live long and prosper, is the wish of all their friends. MARRIED. REICHARD-KEMERER.--On June, at the pastor's residence, by Rev. J. H. Kuder, Charles L. Reichard and Miss Alvenia Kemerer, both of Lehighton. DIED. SCHULTHRISS.--On Saturday morning, at Packerton, Mary M., child of Peter and 126 Catharine Schulthriss, aged 4 years and 9 days. DIED. FEICH.--On Saturday evening, at Coal Port, by drowning, John Feich, aged 40 years, 10 months and 4 days. Volume 13, Number 31, Saturday, June 20, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Gabriel Frick was struck and instantly killed by a train of cars at South Bethlehem Monday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Ignatius Buckingham, a prominent farmer of East Bethlehem, died suddenly Friday morning while at work upon the road in front of his residence. Heart disease was the cause. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Singmaster, a native of Lehigh county, died at Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa., on Sunday evening a week, after a protracted illness, at the age of 71 years, seven months and eighteen days. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The one-year-old son of Henry Sigman, of Easton was placed on a bed to sleep Tuesday morning, but soon awoke and crawled to the foot. It put its head through the rungs, while its body slipped through the rungs, while its body slipped off the side. The result was that the child was hanged. It was quite dead when found. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Ex-Senator John P. Colihan, a prominent coal operator in Clearfield county, died at his home Ashland, at eleven o'clock Thursday morning of last week. He had been bedfast for over two weeks, and was reported fast recovering and out of danger, but a sudden change took place and which resulted in death as above stated. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Powers, a puddler employed in the Ferndale rolling mill, near Allentown, walked out of his rear gate Thursday evening, of last week, and stepped on the Lehigh Valley Railroad track. As he did so he was struck by a passenger train and instantly killed, his body being fearfully mangled. He leaves a large family in destitute circumstances. This is the fourth violent death within thirty six hours in this vicinity. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Tuesday last the wife of Samuel B. Carpenter, of Mauch Chunk, presented him with twins--a boy and girl, and friend Samuel's joy thereat is exceedingly great. Lower Towamensing Items. August Walter, of Lehighton, and Miss Emma, daughter of Fred. Wissler, of this place were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, in the Catholic church, last Monday. Many invitations were sent out and a large number of relatives and friends were present to witness the ceremony and take part in festivities. The young couple received a number of valuable presents and the best wishes and hearty congratulations of all. May they live long and prosper. Mahoning Items. A party of about seventy-five assembled at Mrs. Amos Miller's home to 127 celebrate her birthday. Killed Without Cause. A party of men, including Richard Coleman, Anthony Walsh, Thomas Jordan and George Cuff, were enjoying what they considered a jolly Sunday morning at the residence of Cuff, near Carbondale, Lackawanna county, playing cards and drinking beer, when Richard Duffy passed by the door on his way home. Coleman ran to the door and called Duffy in to take a hand in the game. He did so, somewhat reluctantly. The game was kept up for about an hour, when Duffy said it was time to go. Cuff called his attention to the clock and said it was quite early, but Duffy, in the spirit of banter, remarked that the clock was no good, anyhow. To prove that it kept correct time Cuff pulled out a gold watch and handed it to Duffy, saying that it was the best time-keeper in the county. Duffy admitted that it was a good watch, and added jokingly that he thought he would keep it. Then he made a movement as if to go away. Cuff grew very angry and said: "if you don't hand back that watch I'll blow your brains out." "Ah! you wouldn't kill anybody," retorted Duffy. The next moment Cuff had his revolver out and placing it within an inch of Duffy's forehead fired. The large ball made a ghastly mark in Duffy's face, penetrated his brain and he staggered into the arms of the startled bystanders. He was dead in a few minutes. Cuff's rage was uncontrollable when he did the deed and his remorse was as swift as his anger. Weatherly Briefs. Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock the marriage of Rev. Moffett, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Weatherly, and Miss Mary Hoffecker, daughter of Mr. Philip Hoffecker, daughter of Mr. Philip Hoffecker, master-of-mechanics of Weatherly shops, was celebrated at that place, by Rev. A. B. Jack, of Hazleton. After receiving the congratulations of their many friends the contracting couple started on a wedding tour. MARRIED. WOODRING-MILEER.--On Saturday the 13th inst. by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. Russel Woodring to Miss Minnie Miller, both of Beaver Meadow. Volume 13, Number 32, Saturday, June 27, 1885 MARRIED. RATZ-MILLER.--June 5th, by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. John Dietrick Ratz, of Hazleton, to Miss Millie Miller, of Summit Hill. Our Neighborhood in Brief. David Sigfried of town, who was admitted to St. Luke's Hospital, at Bethlehem, several weeks ago, suffering from a broken leg and foot, caused by a kick from a horse, died at the institution a few days ago. Our Neighborhood in Brief. W. H. Ruttman, of Allen township, Northampton county, committed suicide Wednesday by shooting. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Some time since Mr. David Seigfrid, of Lehighton, hurt a leg and foot on the railroad and was brought down to St. Luke's Hospital for treatment. Gangrene set in and the man died at the hospital yesterday. The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker Naedler and forwarded to Lehighton this afternoon on the 4:20 train on the Lehigh Valley Rilaroad.--South Bethlehem Star, 22nd inst, Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Saturday evening at about 8 o'clock while a Swiss was walking 128 on the L. V. R. R., a short distance North of Lehigh Gap, he was struck by train No. 9 and instantly killed, having just a moment before stepped out of the way of engine 152, which was going West. Fashionable Wedding. The residence of Dr. A. S. Miller, at Saegersville, Heidelberg tsp., was the scene of a happy social event on Tuesday afternoon, 16th, in the marriage of his pretty and amiable daughter, Miss Cora, to Mr. James Armstrong, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Nevin W. Helfrich, in the presence of a goodly number of relatives and friends of the happy couple. The bride was attired in a handsome white silk dress, and carried a boquet of white roses. The groom wore a suit of black, and a golden button-hole boquet. The bridesmaids were Miss Fannie Armstrong, sister of the groom, and Miss Clara Miller, cousin of the bride, accompanied by Mr. Peter W. Miller, brother of the bride, and Mr. Harry Armstrong, brother of the groom. The bridesmaids were attired in cream surah silk and lace, each carrying a small basket of Marschal Neil and Mermot buds, wearing corresponding corsage boquets. Congratulations followed the ceremony, after which the company repaired to the dining room, where an elegant repast was in readiness. The collation was a sumptuous one, and the guests were equal to the emergency. The bridal presents were numerous and valuable, evidences of the esteem in which the bride is held--one of the most valuable being a set of diamonds from the groom to the bride. On towards evening the happy couple started on a bridal tour to Niagara Falls, towns and cities in Canada, and along the Hudson. The happy pair begin their married lives under pleasant auspices. Each is in all respects worthy of the other, and both are highly esteemed by all who know them. That their future may be peaceful, happy and prosperous is the sincere wish of their many friends.--Allentown Democrat. Volume 13, Number 33, Saturday, July 4, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Wm. J. Miley, (the sprinter) and Miss Mary Brady, of Summit Hill, were married last Thursday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Ex-Sheriff Samuel Van Loon, of Luzerne county, aged sixty years, died suddenly Sunday afternoon, at his home in Plymouth, of paralysis. Deceased was a prominent Democratic politician of Luzerne county, having been one of the leaders of the party for many years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Mary Moyle, of Everett, attempted to light her kitchen fire with a can of kerosene. The oil caught fire, the can exploded and fragments of glass and tin were scattered all over the room. Mrs. Moyle was ablaze in an instant. She ran out of the house, but before the flames could be extinguished she was horribly burned. She lingered a few hours in misery and died. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A party of gentlemen from Lost Creek went to the Catawissa creek, six miles distant, on Sunday, to bathe. They spent some time in the woods before they entered the water, where they remained only a short time. Almost immediately after they came out Jacob B. Ledden, one of the party, fell in the arms of his companions and died. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause. 129 Our Neighborhood in Brief. The body of a pretty-featured woman was found Monday in the Morris canal, near Jersey City. It was removed to the Morgue and in the evening was identified as that of Kate Snyder, aged twenty-eight years, of Scranton, Pa. She is thought to have been employed on a canal boat. There are no marks of violence on the body, but the police are making a thorough examination. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss C. Virginia Praetorus, of Wilkesbarre, was last week united in wedlock with Mr. John Nichol, of Mauch Chunk. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Reuben Walp, a flagman on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, was struck by an overhead bridge while riding on a car near Freemansburg Wednesday and killed. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel B. MacQuade, a journalist, of Hazleton, while sitting at his desk in his house, writing, dropped from his chair, dead, Monday afternoon. He was forty-six years old and until two years ago was the editor of the Daily Bulletin, which suspended publication at the time of his retirement. He was a prominent member of the G. A. R. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While John Kelly and Philip Hahn, both married and residents of Frackville, were engaged in robbing a pillar in the mines at East Bear Ridge Colliery Monday they were buried by a fall of coal. Hahn was instantly killed. Kelly's injuries are serious. He was removed to the Miners' Hospital, Ashland, for treatment. A Sudden Death. "It is but a space between life and death." This saying was never more fully verified than Monday whent he sad announcement was made that Samuel B. MacQuade, one of Hazleton's respected townsmen, died suddenly at his residence on Green street. The news spread in a short time over the borough and expressions of profound sorrow were uttered on all sides. He arose in the morning in his usual health and partook of a light breakfast, after which he took a walk around town as was his daily custom. About 12 o'clock he returned home and shortly after 1 o'clock ate a light dinner. He complained to his wife, after the meal had been finished, that he had a severe pain in the region of the heart. He retired to the front sitting room and began writing. Mrs. MacQuade, a brief period after he had entered the room heard a sudden thud which sounded as if something had fallen to the floor. On entering the room she discovered him lying prostrate on the floor. Dr. Brundage was called in and pronounced him dead. He evidently died of heart diseae from which he has been suffering for some years. Mr. MacQuade was born in Mauch Chunk forty-six years ago on the 11th of last May. At the breaking out of the rebellion he resided at Port Carbon, Schuykill county, and like many other young men he offerred his services in defence of his country's flag by enlisting in the Marion Rifles, Company C., of the 6th Regiment, recruited at Port Carbon, and were included in President Lincoln's call for the three months' men, which regiment was one of the first according to Bates' history to arrive at the National Capital. He enlisted a second time, May 7th, 1863, in Co. K., 67th Regiment, and for distinguished services rendered, was promoted to first Sergeant, He was mustered out of serice June 2nd, 1865, and returned to Minersville, Schuylkill county, where he formed the acquaintance of Miss Sallie A. Williams, daughter of Richard and Mary Williams, whom he married shortly afterward. After his marriage he removed to Hazleton, and 130 with his brother-in-law, the late Dr. Dimmick, of Audenried, and Reuben Drake, he opened the first drug store in Hazleton. He next engaged in the hardware and insurance business. During the Mollie Maguire trials he was the correspondent of the Shenandoah Herald for this region, which was his first experience in journalism. On December 16th, 1878, in company with George Mauey, as business manager, the publication of the Daily Bulletin was begun, which suspended about two years ago, since which time he has been the correspondent of the Wilkesbarre News Dealer for the Lehigh region. His writings were always interesting, crisp and pungent, and widely read by the people in this section. He leaves a wife and family of four children, three boys, William, Richard and Samuel, and an adopted daughter, to mourn his sudden death, and who have the sympathy of all in their sorrow. He was an honored and respected member of Robinson Post, G. A. R., since its organization. "Sam," as he was familiarly known, was kind and generous to a fault, and all who knew him will learn of his death with sorrow.--Hazleton Plain Speaker. Weatherly Dottings. Charles Moore, a much respected citizen of town, was buried in Union Cemetery, on the 21st ult. The funeral was largely attended by friends and relatives. Weatherly Dottings. A very enjoyable affair in honor of Mrs. J. F. Kressley's birthday took place at her her home on the evening of the 24th ult. There were upward of 50 guests present. Over a Precipice to Death. Shortly after dark Monday night Mrs. Christian Smith, wife of a well-known citizen of Pittston, accompanied by 14-year-old son, was driving along the river road near the village of Ransom, two miles from Pittston, with a spirited young horse. The road runs close by the river, and on the other side, at the distance of only a few yards, is the track of the Lehigh Valley road. A train passed at full speed, and the horse, frightened by the noise, dashed off and plunged headlong over the steep bank into the water. Some men rescued Mrs. Smith alive, but in an unconscious condition, and she is now in a critical state. The body of the boy was recovered an hour afterward. Lower Towamensing Items. Last Saturday evening Mrs. Robert A. Sherer celebrated her birthday. Quite a number assembled to participate in the event. After the presentations of presents, the evening wound up in a dance. Volume 13, Number 34, Saturday, July 11, 1885 George Jacoby, proprietor of the Northwestern Hotel, Pottsville, was fatally beaten at 1 o'clock Sunday morning by a mob, who had taken possession of the house and who refused to leave when ordered to do so. Jacoby, who had been sleeping, was aroused by the disturbadce below and went down to close the house. When he ordered the mob out they jumped on him and broke several ribs, besides injuring him internally. Jack Temple was arrested. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Ex-Associate Judge Henry Van Reed, of Reading, died on Tuesday morning of last week after a long illness. 131 Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Lawthers, of Binghamton, N. Y., in attempting to jump on a moving passenger train at Bethlehem on Saturday morning last, fell under the cars. Both legs and arms were severed from the body. He was taken to St. Luke's Hospital, his injuries resulting in death soon after his arrival there. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The wife of Daniel Donnelley, who was killed at the Hellman mine, near Wilkesbarre, on Monday, has since become insane over the death of her husband is now a raving maniac. Application was made to the police authorities Tuesday to aid in controlling her actions. The family concists of five small, helpless children, who will be cared for by the Guardians of the poor. The unfortunate mother will be sent to the Danville Asylum after the funeral. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hon. James Harvey, aged 89 years, one of the oldest citizens of the Wyoming Valley, died at Wilkesbarre, Saturday morning. He was the first extensive operator and shipper of coal in the anthracite region, continuing up to 1863, when he retired from active business with a large fortune, He was the son of Elisha Harvey, who was prominent among the Wyoming settlers, and who was made prisoner by the Indians in 1780 and conveyed to Canada. Deceased leaves an estate of over $2,000,000. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rocco Carminio, Antonia Franc and Guiseppi Franc were fatally injured Saturday while blasting a rock in a railroad cut at Schuylkill Haven. Carminio was in charge of the work and the blast having failed to explode in the proper time he went to examine it. The others followed on his heels and while all were bending over it the load went off. Carminio had both hands cut off and was knocked twenty feet into the ditch with a stone in his abdomen. Guisseppe Franc had his jugular vein severed by a sharp stone. His brother, Antonio, was badly cut about the head also. Around Pleasant Corner. Milton Miller, of Centre Square, and Miss Emma Ruch, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock at the residence of Nathan Mosser, J. P., on Saturday evening. We congratulate them on the happy event, and wish them a successful journey through life. Around Pleasant Corner. Mrs. Charles Xander died on Wednesday evening of last week, and was buried on Saturday forenoon. The funeral was largely attended. A Pleasant Surprise. The Unionville, Tuscola county, Mich., Sun of July 4th, contains the following notice which will be read with great pleasure by a number of our citizens: "On Monday last a very merry party of 50 ladies and gentlemen met at the residence of Mrs. Mary Longstreet one mile south of town, celebrating, by surprise, her birthday anniversary. The complete surprise was evinced by the emotional medley of joy and tears. After a season in which the air rang, the banquet adorned, the parlor accomodated, the hammock endured and the table satisfied, and all manifested superior enjoyment, the hostess courteously accepted the gift of a handsome silver syrup cup and a gold lined cream pitcher, which were presented by Mr. D. E. Dozer in a brief extempore in behalf of the visitors. The event was further fitted for memory by devotional songs and concluding prayer by Rev. Wills. The recipient of these honors desires to express heartily her cherished appreciation and thanks for these tokens of high regard, through the columns of the Sun." 132 Volume 13, Number 35, Saturday, June 18, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Patrick Welds, a laborer was killed in the White Oak Mine, near Carbondale, Monday, while loading his first car of his first day's work. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Lizzie Bechtel, aged 20, committed suicide at Allentown on Friday night by drowning, Her body was recovered Saturday morning, A love affair is said to be the cause of the girl ending her life. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A seven-year-old boy named Charles Swingle, of Scranton, while playing with his brother Monday night, near the Central coal breaker, stepped into the shaft and fell a distance of seventy-five feet. He was promptly carried to the surface and died shortly afterward. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A party of half a dozen boys went bathing Friday afternoon in an old mine breach at William Penn Colliery, Shenandoah, Among the number was Daniel Maley, 14 years of age, who ventured out into the deep water, and before assistance could reach him was drowned. His companions, who were all about the same age, ran from the scene and gave an alarm. Maley was taken out of the water an hour later. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Early Saturday morning Charles Spaid, son of John Spaid, was instantly killed in David Williams' slate quarry, near Walnutport, He was in the act of stooping to pick up a board to make a scaffold, when a stone weighing about ten pounds fell from the top of the quarry, striking him on the back of the head and neck, The force of the stone threw him into a deep pond of water, He was at once brought out by his fellow workmen, but he was dead, his neck having been dislocated and his head badly mashed, The deceased was aged about twenty years, and was unmarried. Allentown Democrat. Towamensing Items. David Snyder, of Aquashicola, departed this life on the 8th inst., after a lingering illness of gangrene. He was buried last Saturday in the new cemetery at this place. Death of Moses Brownmiller. Moses Brownmiller, an old and well known citizen of Hamburg, died Monday, July 7, after an illness of several weeks of typhoid fever, aged 67 years, The deceased was a tanner by trade, Since the death of his wife seven years ago, he has assisted and resided with his youngest son, Moses Brownmiller, jr, He leaves five sons, Charles, Aaron and Levi, residing at Mahanoy City; Jacob at Lehighton, and Moses, of Hamburg; and three daughters, Mrs, Elias Wagner, Hamburg; Mrs., Henry R, Miller, Wernersville, and Miss Lizzie Brownmiller, milliner, Hamburg; a brother, Nicholas Brownmiller, Pottsville, and a large circle of friends to mourn his death. His fnneral took place Friday last from the residence of his son-inlaw, Elias Wagner, and was largely attended. A Fatal Accident. Mr. John Bixler, a well-known citizen of Upper Mauch Chunk, met with a serious and probably fatal accident Friday morning at about ten o'clock while engaged in his duties as switchman on the L. & S. Railroad at Nesquehoning junction. He stepped on the track in front of engine No. 259 and was seen by the engineer. He was so close to the engine that it was impossible to check the train and he was run down. His right arm was cut off and one of his legs 133 was also severed. He was brought to his home. Mr. Bixler was a Union soldier and had lost one arm in the war. He has a family of five children. He is highly respected by his neighbors and both he and his family have the sympathy of a wide circle of acquaintances. He has since died.--Mauch Chunk Gazette. MARRIED. YOUSE-AMBODY--On the 12th instant in East Penn, by the Rev. G. A. Bruegel, John H. Youse, of East Penn, and Miss Anna Ambody, of West Penn. MARRIED. SCHWAB-MISSIMER--At Catasauqua, July 14, 1885, by the Rev. J. J. Crist, Mr. William A. Schwab, of East Mauch Chunk, and Miss Minnie M. Missimer, of Catasauqua. DIED. WEAVER.--East Catasauqua, July 12, 1885, Enos Weaver, aged 62 years, 5 months and 10 days. Deceased was the father of Mr. Enos Weaver, of town. Volume 13, Number 36, Saturday, July 25, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Matchin, aged 40 fell into the canal at Schuylkill Haven Sunday and was drowned. Our Neighborhood in Brief. George Furman died at the Scranton Hospital of peritonitis, brought on by his swallowing a cherry stone. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Will Daly, of East Weissport, aged 13 years, employed on a canal boat, fell from the boat while it was lying at New York, Monday, and was drowned. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Eli Benedict, who died in New York on Friday last, was a member of the slate firm of Benedict & Davis, of Northampton county, and the largest slate owner in the United States. His property at Pen Argyl is valued at $500,000. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. William DeFrehn, of East Mauch Chunk, died very suddenly of paralysis at Weatherly on Monday. He was one of the early settlers of Mauch Chunk and was well and favorably known throughout the county. He was about seventy years age. He was a brother of our townsman Mr. Eli DeFrehn. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Benjamin Morgan, of Mauch Chunk, who has been employed at Mt. Carmel, for three weeks in superintending the erection of an addition to Mt. Carmel colliery breaker, was choked to death at the National Hotel Tuesday while attempting to remove from his throat a piece of beef which he had neglected to properly mastricate. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Coyle died at Upper Lehigh Tuesday morning of pulmonary consumption after a prolonged illness. Deceased was twenty-six years of age and was born in Beaver Meadow where he resided until about four ago when he took up his residence in New York City, at which place he contracted the fatal disease. He had been sojourning in this section for several months to improve his impaired health. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Nicholas Streniskie had his back broken by a fall of coal at Mount 134 Carmel Wednesday, and John Kearney received fatal injuries in the same way at Ashland on the same day. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While holding a picnic at Easton Wednesday evening or the benefit of his church Rev. Maurice Craotzer, pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, South Easton, was taken suddenly ill and died in a few minutes. Obituary. On Monday evening, very suddenly, of hemorrhage, Sara A., wife of Mr. Thomas Mantz, of the Exchange Hotel. Deceased was the daughter of Solomon and Mary Kemmerer, of East Penn twp.; was born on the 2nd day of January, 1833, and entered the holy bonds of matrimony with Thomas Mantz December 6th, 1858, the ceremony being performed by the late Rev. Eisenberger, in Franklin township, and in 1867, with her husband, moved to this borough. She was the mother of six children, two only survive her. For a long number of years she had been a consistent member of the German Reformed church. A loving wife, an affectionate mother and a kind neighbor, with an open hand to relieve the poor and distressed, she will be sadly missed in our community. The funeral took place this (Friday) morning, at ten o'clock, and was attended by a large concourse of relavies and friends. Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb; Take this new treasure to thy trust. And Give these sad relicts room To slumber in the silent dust. Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear, Invade thy bounds; no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch the soft repose. MARRIED. PRUTZMAN-MILLER.--On the 12th inst., by Rev. G. W. Stibitz, Milton Prutzman, of Lehigh Gap and Miss Ida Miller, of Drehersville. MARRIED. YOUNG-GEORGE--On the 14th ult., by the Rev. J. W. Mabry, Mr. Thomas W. Young, of Siegfried's Bridge, to Miss Ellen L. George, of Little Gap. Volume 13, Number 37, Saturday, August 1, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. William P., 2-year-old son of Wm., and Kate Gilham, of Franklin twp., died on Saturday evening last of dropsy in the head. He was buried in the Weissport cemetery on Tuesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. M. P. McSwiggan, aged 66 years, of Heckscherville, one of the most popular Catholic devines in that region, sustained two strokes of paralysis on Monday night, resulting in his death Tuesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. B. Marshall, aged 20 years, telegraph operator at Landingville near Schuylkill Haven, got his foot fast in a frog in front of his office Saturday morning and was crushed to death by a passing coal train on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad. His body was horribly mangled. 135 Death of Esquire Hower. John M. Hower, Esq., died on Sunday afternoon, at 6 o'clock, at his home in Cherryville. He had been suffering about four years from a cancer. The disease lately assumed a fatal form, and finally resulted in his death. Mr. Hower was for a long time one of the most prominent men of Lehigh township. He successfully carried on the mercantile business for the past thirty-five years, and was extensively engaged in the slate business. Mr. Hower was also prominent in politics. During President Lincoln's administration he was appointed postmaster at Cherryville, which place he held ever since. He was also, for about thirty years, a justice of the peace. His wife and four children, Mrs. Naylor, Mrs. Mummy, Mrs. Minnich, and Miss Estella Hower, survive him.--Allentown Democrat. MARRIED. MCLEAN-PRY.--On Thursday evening, July 23, 1885, at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. J. H. Doremus, Mr. Andrew McLean, of Summit Hill and Miss Mary Pry, of Lansford. DIED. MEYER.--On Friday, July 24, 1885, Mr. Friedrick W. Meyer, aged 68 years, 5 months and 23 days. Volume 13, Number 38, Saturday, August 8, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Theodore Bartz, aged 35, while despondent, Monday hung himself at his home, five miles from Allentown. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Theodore Bortz, thirty-one years of age, hung himself at his father's house in Upper Macungie. Three years ago he separated from his wife, with whom he had lived for six years previously. Since then he frequently complained of the trouble caused by his wife's departure, but had never threatened suicide. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A telegram from Effingham, Kansas, announces the death, at the age of 56, of Charles D. Hipple, who in 1852 was admitted to the Schuylkill county bar. He was afterwards Distict Attorney and represented Schuylkill county in the Legislature. He moved to Kansas twelve years ago and amassed a competency at his profession and has since been living in retirement. Wedding Bells at Pottsville George R. Kaercher, general solicitor for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co., and Miss Annette, youngest daughter of Hon. Francis W. Hughes, were married Monday morning at Trinity Episcopal Church, Pottsville, in the presence of a large and brilliant assembly. The ceremony was performed by Rev. James F. Powers, assisted by Rev. Messrs. Hawkes and Atwood. The chancel was beautifully decorated with flowers and rare plants, The bridal party was preceded by a little neice and nephew of the bride, Assistant United States Attorney-general Dewees with Mrs. Farquhar, a sister of the bride, Mrs. Hughes and a grandson and Guy E, Farquhar with the bride followed. Mr. Kaercher was escorted by his brother, Daniel, a Lafayette College student. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Kaercher left for a tour of the Northern lakes and St. Lawrence River. Mrs. Kaercher inherits much of her father's intellectual brilliance. Driven to Suicide. On Friday last the coroner investigated the death of Mrs. Antoinette Bastid, 136 the wife of John Bastid, a loomfixer in the Adelaide Silk Mill, Allentown. The Bastids had not lived happily for some time, the husband cruelly beating their only child, a son six years old; when the mother interferred the husband's fury was directed upon her. Wednesday evening of last week, Bastid again beat the boy, using a piece of heavy rope. The mother interferred to save him and was badly beaten herself. She brooded over her misery until the following morning; when she sent her child and a neighbor's wife for arsenic, saying she wished to have it to kill rats. The boy got the poison and in the afternoon she took a portion of it. She suffered intensely and in the evening told a neighbor what she had done. Medical aid was summoned, but by ten o'clock she was dead. The evidence was conflicting and the jury rendered a verdict of suicide by poison. The Bastids are French and have been in Allentown several months. They had few associates and little is known of their antecedents. Towamensing Items. A child of John Anawalt died Friday of last week; it was buried on Tuesday. Three Persons Drowned. Hugh Cannon and Kate McDonald, both about 22 years of age, were drowned at Wilkesbarre on Sunday in an old cave-hole in the second ward. The hole was formed two years ago by a cave-in in the mines and has become filled with water to the depth of about twenty feet. Cannon is a miner and resided in that vicinity. Kate McDonald's home is in Dunmore, Lcakawanna county, and she was visiting relatives in Wilkesbarre. The two got on board a raft which a boy named Patrick Friel was paddling around. When about twenty feet from shore the raft tilted a little. The girl, who was deaf and dumb, became frightened and sprang towards Cannon and seized him around the body. This tilted the raft still more and both fell off. Cannon was a good swimmer, but the girl held on to him with the strength of despair. A short and desperate struggle followed. Cannon tried to swim and, forgetting that the girl was deaf, called out in agonizing tones: "Let go, let go, and I'll save you." She clung tight to him, however, and despite his utmost efforts dragged him down. Friel could not swim; neither could several men who were near by, and no effort was made to save them. Their bodies were recovered with grappling irons and were found tightly locked in each other's arms, so that considerable force had to be used to separate them. Another sad drowning accident took place the same morning in the river. Thomas Jones, aged 45, a miner, living in Luzerne borough, went down to the river with several companions to bathe. He swam across the river several times, but was suddenly seen by his companions, when he was near the middle, to throw up his arms and sink. It was supposed that he had been seized with cramp, but when two hours after the body was recovered by means of a boat and drags it was found that a blood vessel had burst in the throat. He leaves a wife and six children, entirely destitute. Died at a Revival Meeting. Rev. Mr. Hartzell, pastor of the Reformed Church at Leithsville, Lehigh county, has been conducting revival meetings in the house of a farmer named Mitchell, below Centre Valley, for several evenings past. On the evening of the 29th ult., the usual meeting was held and a large number of people were present. A short time before the hour for closing the services the clergyman asked if there was anyone in the assembly who felt that he or she was not yet converted. A veterinary surgeon named Hartline arose from his seat and said he was not quite converted. Rev. Mr. Hartzell said they would begin anew. Hartline started for the front and after taking several steps forward sank to the floor. Before medical aid could be 137 summoned he died. The sudden death of the man caused great consternation among those present. Obituary. Anna Maria, widow of the late Daniel Schoch, died at her residence in Weissport, on Monday morning last, about half-past seven o'clock, aged 80 years, 9 months and 5 days. Deceased was born on the 28th day of November, 1804, and was married to Danl. Schoch on the 27th of June, 1824. She was the mother of 15 children--10 sons and 5 daughters--seven of whom survive her, 4 sons and 3 daughters, with 43 grandchildren and 19 great-grand-children. She will be buried in the Weissport cemetery this (Friday) morning at ten o'clock. Volume 13, Number 39, Saturday, August 15, 1885 The Receipt Cost Him His Life. Daniel Vaughan, a dealer in pictures and books, was killed at the Dodgetown crossing, near Scranton, at noon Monday. Mr. Vaughan was walking on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad track when he met a woman who owed him some money. The woman decided to make payment and Vaughan stopped to write a receipt. While he was writing the receipt the paper was blown from his hands by a gust of wind. He stepped to the track which runs parallel with the one on which he was standing, picked up the receipt and handed it to the woman. A coal train was approaching at the time and the watchman at the crossing warned Mr. Vaughan. He then stepped from one track to the other and as he did so he was struck by the engine of the passenger train which leaves Scranton at 11:55. Mr. Vaughan clung to the engine for a time and then fell under the wheels. The train passed over his body, terribly mangling it. His head was completely severed from his body and both his legs were torn off. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Deterline, died at his home in Weissport, on Sunday evening last, aged about 53 years. He leaves a wife, two sons and a daughter to mourn the death of a kind husband and farmer. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Lizzie Evelyn Lewis, wife of Mr. Albert Lewis and daughter of the late John R. Crellin, of White Haven, died at the Glen Summit Hotel on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, on Monday, August 10. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A terrible explosion of gas occurred at the Haddock & Steele's mine at Luzerne borough, Luzerne county, Friday morning. James Drumage, miner, and Barrett, his laborer, had entered a chamber with a naked light, which coming in contact with the gas which had accumulated caused an explosion. Drumage was thrown with terrible force against the side of the chamber, breaking almost every bone in his body. Barrett was so badly burned that his flesh peeled off. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At Dallas, Luzerne county, Monday morning Thomas Casterline and Oliver Rousby quarreled over the location of a fence line. Rousby claimed that Casterline was trespassing on his property, and ordered him off. The latter refused to go, whereupon Rousby fired at him with a shotgun, fatally wounding him. Rousby was lodged in jail to await the result of Casterline's injuries. Both men are wealthy farmers. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Llewellyn, a 10-year-old son of James Scarlet, a merchant of 138 Reading, hanged himself on Tuesday of last week, in his father's stable. His father, who was about going to Philadelphia on business, had a short time previously directed the lad to weed the garden and do other work in his absence, and this being contrary to his notions he straitway went and hung himself. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Samuel Kramas, of Auburn, employed as a boatman on the Schuylkill Canal, accidentally fell into the water near Pottstown Tuesday and was drowned. DEAD IN THE COAL MINE! Many Miners Lose Their Lives. Horrible Carelessness and Indifference of a Boss Who Allowed Workmen to go into a Mine Without a Fan. List of Killed. Wilkesbarre, August 11, One of the most fearful accidents that has occured in this section for many years took place to-day at the mines of West End Coal Company, at Shickshinny, eighteen miles below Wilkesbarre, on the Susquehanna river. The accident is due to gross carelessness and mismanagement. Just how many are killed is not known. There are still a number in the mine, but the following is a list of the victims as far as can be present obtained: John Bilby, miner, 40 years, married, with five children. Hiram O. Meade, miner, 40 years, married, with two children. James Fry, miner, 32 years, married with two children. Nicholas Bertels, miner, 39 years, married, with five children. Wilson Rymer, laborer, 28 years, married, with two children. James Wheelan, miner, 54 years, widower. William Zeinty, Polish laborer, 24 years, single. Peter Bronski, Polish miner, 27 years, single. Anthony Boraski, Polish laborer, 24 years, single. John Brofskoski, Polish miner, 29 years, married, with three children. Lubin Uywikofski, Polish miner, 29 years, married, with three children. William Price, laborer, 22 years, single. Situation of the Mine. The mines of the West End Coal Co., are situated near the summit of the mountain on the opposite side of the river from Shickshinny and about two and one-half miles distant from that place. They have been opened only a few years and the portion where the disaster occurred is in the newest part of the mine. Access to the workings is gained through a slope in the hillside. This slope is some 1400 feet long and near the bottom of it is situated the fan, which keeps the workings supplied with pure air. The seams of coal which are now being worked are particuarly free from gas and an explosion is an unknown thing. The coal, however, gives out considerable sulphurous fumes, which are extremely deadly in their nature, and it is to keep the mine clear of these fumes that the fan is necessary. At present the colliery is working night and day. The Broken Fan. Just before 12 o'clock last night, when the night shift quit work, the eccentric on the fan engine broke and the shaft of the fan became bent. Of course the fan was disabled. No difficulty was experienced by the night shift, however, and shortly after midnight they came out. At 7 in the morning the men on the day shift came to work. They heard that the fan was broken and before going to work spoke to the mineboss, Christian Conrad. He told them that the mine was all right; that the fan would be working in an hour, and that they should go to work. Sixty went down the slope, but many, fearing the sulphur fumes, refused to go down. Nor 139 were their fears unfounded. Scarcely had the men got to their working places--in fact, many were still on their way down the slopes--when they began to feel the suffocating fumes, mixed with the nauseous gases that had accumulated in the mine over night and permeated every crevice. Unlike the usual mine gas, or black damp, these sulphur fumes gave their victims no time. How the Men Were Overcome. Without warning, without a minute's time to help themselves, the unfortunate men were overcome and dropped where they stood. Their companions who could fled back to the open air near the ground, partially recovered and crawled towards the surface. The news spread rapidly. The men at work in the breaker, lower down the hill, hastened to the rescue. Relief parties were formed and the first party that went down the mine was headed by Boss Conrad himself. This party reached the foot of the slope in safety. They met a few men half stupefied with the fumes struggling to reach the surface and crawling on their hands and knees or staggering from side to side like drunken men. They were assisted to fresh air and stimulants administered. An attempt to penetrate into the workins resulted in half the relief party being rendered unconscious and the others were left in little better shape. One of the party, Peter Beraski, who had joined the party in hopes of saving his brother, Anthony, crawled into the workings and never came out alive. The Second Relief Party. A second party had meanwhile been formed, and they being well equipped with stumulants and their faces covered with cloths wet with ammonia succeeded in penetrating deeper into the workings and brought out a number of men. They were found, as a rule, just where they had dropped, and were sent to the surface in rapid succession. Doctors had by this time arrived from Shickshinny, and restoratives were speedily applied, and at first all brought to the surface were revived. The most intense excitement prevailed in Shickshinny and vicinity. A crowd of many hundreds had assembled around the colliery, among whom were the wives and children of many of the miners inside. The grief was terrible and it was only with difficulty that order was maintained and the work of relief carried forward promptly. Bringing Out the Dead. The first dead man brought out was James Wheelan. John Teasdale, superintendent of the company and one of the chief stockholders, arrived on the spot and entered the mine with one of the relief parties. He was overcome by the gas, brought to the surface unconscious and remained so for many hours. Dr. Hughes, of Shickshinny, also went in and was brought out unconscious. By noon all but six men were recovered, and it was certain that by this time all must be dead and as the gas was accumulating in such quantities as to render it dangerous to enter the mines the work of relief was abandoned for a time. The Number of Dead Not Known. About 3 o'clock Mine Inspector Williams, a number of expert miners and a force of doctors arrived and another effort was made. A relief party was organized and entered the mine from another opening. They recovered three bodies and brought them to the surface; a second party went down and recovered four more bodies and so far as known there are now only two left inside. It may be, however, that several Polanders are in the mine. A large number were employed, and not speaking English they are difficult to keep track of. Said He Was Only Sunburned. "Doc" Wheelock, a well-known colored character in Wilkesbarre, is quite good-looking 140 and known among his companions as "the dude." Recently he became acquainted with a young white girl named Rosalina Kimafishi, who had only been in this country seven weeks. She said she like Wheelock, but would like him better if his skin was not so dark. Shen she consulted her parents about the matter they frowned upon her intentions and told her it was very unbecoming for a white girl to receive attentions from a colored man. But the girl was devoted to her lover and he to her. Wheelock told his sweetheart that he was only sunburned and that when cold weather came again he would be as white as she was. The girl consented to marry him and, going to 'Squire Groff's office in the middle of the night, they roused the justice up and were married. Polish circles were greatly excited and 'Squire Groff is being condemned for his action in marrying a black man and a white girl. Groff, who is an old man, says he could not distinguish colors in the dark and had he known of the circumstance he would not have performed the ceremony. Strangled Himself With a Plow-Line. Joseph Hensinger, a young farmer in the upper end of Lehigh county, committed suicide on the evening of the 5th inst., by strangling himself with a plow-line. He had lately shown signs of mental depression and the fact that the previous week his farm had been appraised and he was asked to take it at appraisement added to his melancholy feeling. He had an idea that the appraisement was too high and that he could not see his way clear to assuming it at the figures named. Some time during the day Hensinger talked to his hired man about suicide, but gave the latter the impression that he would not make away with himself for fear that his soul would be lost. He was a single man, twenty five years of age and of steady habits. MARRIED. PERSON-BENNINGER.--On August 9th, at the pastor's residence, by Rev. J. H. Kuder, Mr. Benjamin J. Person and Miss Mary A. Benninger, both of Walnutport, Pa. Volume 13, Number 40, Saturday, August 22, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Gabriel Avino Stabbed and fatally wounded Gaitano Mariano during a spree at the Italian shanties at Mount Carbon, Schuylkill county, on Sunday evening. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Clement D. Parlaman and a daughter of George Shappell, both deaf mutes, were married by a deaf mute clergyman, who was assited by another similarly afflicted, in Shoemakers, Berks county, on Saturday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Drury, a miner, while standing near Stetler's colliery, Moosic, on Saturday, waiting for the rain to stop, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. A fellow-workman who was standing with him escaped, receiving only a slight shock. Our Neighborhood in Brief. In attempting to leap from a moving train of coal cars going down Mahanoy plane, Monday evening, Thos. Morin, aged twelve years, fell under the wheels and had one leg cut off, the other broken and a foot crushed. He died from his injuries. Our Neighborhood in Brief. U. G. Messinger, aged 22 years, of Nazareth, was fatally injured on Saturday by attempting to board a train as it was moving. He was squeezed between the car and 141 platform and died soon afterward. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mary Hurd Cortright, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan W. Cortright, of Broadway, Mauch Chunk, died at two o'clock Monday afternoon. Killed the Woman and Himself. Andrew Ondu, a Polish miner, residing at Nanticoke, Monday shot and fatally wounded Amelia Tomaski, the wife of the man with whom he boarded, and then killed himself. Ondu has been boarding with the Tomaski family for about two years and for some time has been on terms of intimacy with Mrs. Tomaski. The husband knew of this, but as Ondu gave his whole earnings to the support of the family and threatened to shoot him if he made any trouble he submitted. Mrs. Tomaski seemed infatuated with her young lover, although she has five children. In the frequent quarrels which ensued she always sided with Ondu. Once Tomaski had Ondu arrested, but Mrs. Tomaski rushed to the lock-up and attempted to break the door down to get him out. Sunday night Tomaski had a quarrel with Ondu and the latter beat him. Monday morning he ordered Ondu out of the house, but he refused to go unless Mrs. Tomaski would go with him. Tomaski then started out of the house to get a Constable to have Ondu arrested, leaving the pair alone in the house. A few minutes after the neighbors heard two shots in quick succession. They ran to the house, but found the door locked. Breaking it open they found the two lying on the floor, locked in each other's arms. Ondu still grasped a pistol and both had pistol-shot wounds in the throat. Ondu was dead, the ball having taken an upward course and lodged in the brain. Mrs. Tomaski was shot through the neck and her recovery is very improbable. Drowned in a Mine A accident occurred Thursday, 13th inst., in No. 5 slope, at Tresckow, by which Evan Owens, a miner, met with a terrible death. He, his son, Evan Owens, the boss, and two others were engaged in timbering in the second lift when the bottom of the first lift fell in, letting a large body of water down on them. The water rose quickly in the left and the men clung to the timbers for safety. Their fellow-workmen threw ropes to them and all were rescued but Owens, who became exhasted and was drowned. The unfortunate man was married and leaves several children. DIED. SHIVE.--On the 7th inst., in Beaver Run, Elizabeth, wife of Aaron Shive, aged 69 years, 4 months and 6 days. DIED. BREYFOGLE.--On the 9th inst., at White Bear, Nathan S. Breyfogle, aged 83 years and 5 months. Volume 13, Number 41, Saturday, August 29, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. L. L. Ayers, aged 45 years, for many years a prominent dealer in oils, died at Wilkesbarre Monday, from cancer of the stomach. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Finnegan, of Reading, employed on the Reading and Pottsville Railroad, on Sunday morning took a drink of poison, thinking it was whisky, and died shortly afterward. 142 Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Wednesday of last week an unknown man committed suicide by jumping into the canal at Mauch Chunk. The corpse came to the surface after a a heavy clap of thunder on Sunday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Wm. R. Butler, of Mauch Chunk, died at West End Hotel, Long Branch, Thursday afternoon, of last week, after a short illness. Deceased was the only daughter of C. O. Skeer, of Mauch Chunk, whose wife is the adopted daughter of the late Judge Asa Packer. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Polcher, a Hungarian, died of injuries received in a singular way at Catasauqua. Seeing a train approach he slipped into the path between the double tracks. Another train was standing on the track at his left. While the moving train was passing a car jumped the track and pinned Polcher against the motionless cars, injuring him internally. Our Neighborhood in Brief. J. C. Waldron, 40 years old, a prominent cattle dealer of East Smithfield, Bradford county, was found dead in bed at the Summit Hotel, Wilkesbarre, Saturday morning. On going to his room during the night he failed to properly turn off the gas, and was suffocated. In a pocket of his vest, which was found lying beside the bed, was found $1675. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While working in a breast at the Council Ridge mine, at Eckley, on the night of the 19th inst., two brothers, Thomas and John Denneny, were terrible burned by an explosion of fire-damp. The former lingered in great agony until next morning, when he died. He was married and leave a wife and children. John Denneny is seriously injured, but may recover. Killing Himself After a Quarrel. Shortly before 12 o'clock Sunday night a terrible tragedy occurred in the quiet little mining town of Sandy Run, five miles from Hazleton. William Leonhart, a young man about twenty-two years of age, went to his home in an intoxicated condition and began to quarrel with his sister, who was several years his junior. During the quarrel Leonhart drew a revolver from his pocket and threatened to shoot her. In attempting to get away from him she tripped and fell to the floor and at the same instant the revolver was discharged. Thinking he had shot and killed her the young man ran out of the back door of the house into the yard and there placed the end of the revolver in his mouth. He pulled the trigger and sent a ball crashing through his head, almost the entire back portion of which was blown off, killing him instantly. Volume 13, Number 42, Saturday, September 5, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hugh Harkins, aged eighteen, of Mauch Chunk, fell under a Lehigh Valley coal train, near Slatington, Tuesday morning, while trying to steal a ride, and had both legs cut off. He was taken to St. Luke's Hospital. He died from the effects of his injuries Tuesday evening, and his remains were taken to Mauch Chunk Wednesday morning on passenger train No. 10. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William McCullough, of Eckley, a small mining town near Hazleton, was Monday handling an old musket which he though was not loaded, when it was 143 accidently discharged, the load entering his head and inflicting injuries which caused his death shortly after. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A very large and successful birthday party was given in honor of Miss Emma Heberling, at her mother's residence, on Lehigh street, last Tuesday evening. The usual convivalities were indulged in until about ten o'clock, when a very rich and sumptuous repast was spread to which all did full justice. We congratulate Miss Heberling on the happy termination of her anniversary and hope that she may have many more just as pleasant. Obituary. Miss Hattie B. Polk, daughter of Mrs. Emeline Polk, departed this life on Sunday morning at half-past three o'clock at her home on Broadway, Mauch Chunk Miss Hattie was greatly respected by all who knew her, and had a large circle of friends who will deeply mourn her departure. Her affable and lady-like manners will always be remembered by the people of that place. She had just reached the prime of life, being in her thirtieth year at the time of her death. She leaves a mother and several sisters to mourn her loss, who have the heartfelt sympathy of this community in their bereavement. The funeral took place from her late residence on Broadway, Mauch Chunk, on Wednesday afternoon at quarter-past three o'clock.-Gazette. A Young Bride's Suicide. Mrs Peter Burns, of Pottsville, a young woman who has been married but six weeks, shot herself Saturday night in the right breast, inflicting a fatal wound. The deed was prompted by groundless jealousy. At six o'clock her husband returned home from his work and soon after went to a barber shop round the corner to be shaved. A loud report was heard, and Burns, thinking the explosion had occurred in his house, ran over. He found his wife lying on the bed in an upper room with a pool of blood about her and the red stream gushing from her breast. Doctors were sent for at once, but offered no hope for her recovery. The ball, a twentytwo calibre, had penetrated her lung and lodged in her back. She admitted having shot herself, but when questioned as to the cause remained silent and a little later became unconscious. Mrs. Burns was well-known among the young people of Pottsville as was her husband, and the affair has produced great excitement. Lower Towamensing Items. Elwin Blose was made happy the other week by a little baby boy. Four Killed in a Mine Crushed Under a Shower of Rocks A Party of Miners at the Oakwood Shaft in Wilkesbarre Overwhelmed by a Mass of Loosened Stone While Descending in the Cage. A terrible accident, resulting in the death of four men and the serious and perhaps fatal injuring of two others, occurred this morning at the Oakwood shaft of the Prospect Colliery, belonging to the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, in the northern part of the city. About seven o'clock this morning Patrick Smith, John J. Martin, John Gallagher, Patrick McGroaty, William Harrington, Patrick Purcell, James Peterson and Thomas Jenkins took their places on the "cage," to make the descent of the shaft for the purpose of going to work. The shaft is seven hundred feet deep and ten men are let down at a time. When the men had almost reached the bottom of the shaft a loud, rumbling noise was heard overhead and immediately there was a great crash, a shower of heavy rocks, some weighing as much three hundred pounds each, crushing in the top of the cage and breaking through the sills and floor, killing three of the men outright and 144 injuring the fourth so bad that he died shortly after being taken to the hospital. The names of the killed are as follows: John J. Martin, a miner, aged about thirty-five years, unmarried and living with his widowed mother. James Kearney, a laborer, aged about twenty-five, unmarried. John Peterson, miner, aged about twenty-six, married and living at Parsons. Thomas Jenkins, laborer, about twenty-eight years of age, single and residing at Miners' Mills. Peterson, when dragged out, was still breathing and struggled a little, but it was evident that death was certain. He was, however, removed in the ambulance to the hospital, where he has since died. He was bruised about the head beyond recognition. The four-inch steam pipe had been broken and he was scalded with the steam and water. He was a Swede and leaves a wife, to whom he has been married less than three months. Martin had a large cut in the right side of his head. His hand was cut and there were other bruises on other parts of the body. Kearney had a gash in the side of his head just back of his ear and his back was crushed. He had been employed in the colliery a long time. Jendins was the most horribly mangled of all. His head was split open and his brains fell to the ground and had to be gathered up by the men. The injured. Patrick Smith, bruised in back and head. Patrick Purcell, badly cut in the back; probably fatally injured. Patrick Kearney, bruised in the hip and on the right leg; in a precarious condition. When the news of the accident became known there was great excitement, men, women and children flocking to the scene. The relatives and friends of the dead men gave vent to their fellings by expressions of deep grief and sorrow. After the accident a force of men were put to work clearing away the shattered wreck of the carriage, which had been drawn to the top. Many of the iron bars and casting belonging to it were shattered and one of the sills, a stick of oak timber about eight by twelve inches in size, was broken, as was also an iron rail of the track laid upon the cage for accommodation of the cars when run on it to be raised or lowered from or into the mine. A piece of the rock lay upon the ground near by, which had been drawn up on the cage. This piece would weigh upwards of two hundred pounds. The distance that the stone fell and the weight of it is not known, but from the damage there must have been several pieces and the fall must have been a hundred feet or more. MARRIED. WARDELL-BAUER.--August 27, by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. Julius F. Wardell and Miss Augusta L. Bauer, daughter of the said pastor, all of Hazleton. We join with their many friends in this vicinity, in wishing them a long and prosperous life. "May their joys be as deep as the ocean, and their sorrows as light as its foam." Volume 13, Number 43, Saturday, September 12, 1885 Naked Lamps in a Mine. Pottsville, Sept. 9.--An explosion of sulphur gas at Otto Colliery at Half-past one o'clock this morning instantly killed one boy, fatally injured three men and severely burned ten others. The names of the victims are: John Lynn, driver boy, aged 17 years, instantly killed; Thomas Lynn, aged 27 years, single, burned very badly about hands and face; Robert Lynn, aged 24 years, severely burned about head, breast and arms. These three young men were sons of John Lynn, who was killed by 145 a fall of coal ten years ago. Thomas and Robert are miners and had only started on the work last evening. John Graham, 30 years of age, wife and two children, miner, seriously burned about the body. John Frew and his sons Alexander and Robert, all working on repairs. John and Robert, all not badly burned, but Alexander, who has a wife and two children, was thrown by the explosion against the side of the gangway and had several ribs broken, his back injured and his head and body badly burned. His injuries are expected to prove fatal. James Wilson, burned about the head. Joe Larkin, aged 18 years, not fatally burned. Barney McGarvers, miner, wife and four children, probably fatally burned. All of the above live at Branchdale. The following live at Forestville: Charle Macauley, 45 years of age, married, very badly burned; not expected to recover. James Lynch, married, not serious. Francis Reilly, aged 30 years, married, not serious. The Scene of the Disaster. Otto Colliery, the scene of the disaster, is operated by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company and is located ten miles west of Pottsville. It gives employment to four hundred men and boys. For the last five months but little coal--not over sixty or seventy cars a day--has been shipped, most of the men being employed on repairs and new work, such as driving tunnels. Two of these have been finished and open up a white ash vein which promises big returns for the outlay. The colliery has always been regarded as remarkably free from gas. In the new level and airway has been under way, however, and in this the coal was pretty free run, throwing off large quantites of sulphur. This rose to the upper or red ash level, where the gang of men mentioned were at work. How it Happened. A quarter of an hour before the explosion occurred Patrick Kilrain and his son came out of the upper gangway with naked lights and noticed no gas present. At half-past 1 o'clock when the party came out on a truck and John Lynn, the driver, opened the door a cloud of gas burst upon their lights and exploded with a shock that was felt in every part of the mine. Every light was extinguished and the burned and bleeding victims had to grope about in darness. The elder Lynn boys found the lifeless remains of their little brother some time after the first excitement had subsided, and though the flesh was hanging from their hands and faces groped their way through the black recesses of their mine for nearly a mile before they reached the surface through the second outlet. The force of the explosion was expended on the three doors in the gangway, passed by the truck-load of men coming out. These were brushed away like so many straws. The amount of wreckage, as compared with other explosions of even less force, was not considered great and the damage will be quickly repaired. The gangway at the mouth of which the explosion happened is three hundred and sixty yards below the surface. No blame is attached to any one, for the fire boss had been through that part of the mine but a little while before and had there been any gas he would have reported to the men. It is not known at what hour the coal in the lower workings run and forced the gas out. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While Arthur Winters, son of Thomas Winters, was, with his two sisters, attending a picnic near Stroudsburg, the lad fell into a deep creek and drowned, his sisters witnessing the calamity. 146 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Peter Burns, of Pottsville, who, on the night of the 29th of Aug., shot herself in the right breat, and who was then reported to have died, survived her wound till Monday, when she died. A post-mortem examination was made last night. The verdict of the jury was death by suicide. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John C. Morgan, a resident of Eckley, a small mining town near by Hazleton, while walking from the latter place to his home, on Tuesday night, fell into a mine hole about forty feet deep. He managed to crawl out add was found Wednesday morning by some passers-by. He cannot survive his injuries. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A child of Oliver Downing, a Wilkesbarre colored man, killed a cat belonging to Mrs. Henrietta Matthews, also colored, by throwing stones at it. Subsequently one of Downing's children died of a dropsical affection. During her illness Mrs. Matthews called and gave the sick child some cake. The colored people believe that Mrs. Matthews charmed or bewitched the child to death with the cake. The parents had Mrs. Matthews arrested, but the Mayor discharged her. MARRIED. McNALLY-GLYNE--In White Haven, Sept. 3, by Rev. M. S. Bergrath, Wm. McNally, of White Haven, and Miss Mamie, daughter of John Glyne. MARRIED. CLARK-WEHR--In Summit Hill, Aug. 28, by Rev. A. P. Horn, William Clark and Miss Clara Wehr. MARRIED. MINNICK-McNEILUS--In Summit Hill, August 27, Samuel Minnick, of Summit Hill, to Miss Bridget McNeilus, of Lansford. MARRIED. MULHEARN-BOYLE--In Summit Hill, August 25, James D. Mulhearn, of Summit Hill, and Miss Bridget Boyle, of Coal Dale. MARRIED. BOLLINGER-HOATS--In Wilkesbarre, August 18, Alfred Bolinger and Miss Lizzie Hoats, both of Mauch Chunk. Volume 13, Number 44, Saturday, September 19, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Our young friend Granville Bretney, is the happiet man in town--it is a girl. Mother and child are doing well. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Robert Brown, of Easton, a brakeman on the Jersey Central Railroad, was killed on Sunday morning by falling between the cars. Our Neighborhood in Brief. James Ferris, an aged man who formerly lived in Mauch Chunk, died at his home in Summit Hill on Monday forenoon of kidney complaint at the age of about 78 years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Seager and John Bainbridge, young men, were instantly killed at the Indian Ridge colliery, Shenandoah, Monday afternoon. They were loading coal 147 from underneath the breaker, when six empty cars, which broke loose from a train above, rushed down the siding and ran into the cars the men were loading, crushing them to death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mary, widow of Lewis Klinger, died in this borough, on Monday morning last, aged about 43 years. Some six or seven children are left to mourn the loss of an affectionate mother. Our Neighborhood in Brief. David Jones, of Summit Hill, was killed in the Hoyt mine, No. 8, on Wednesday of last week, by a rush of dirt. He was a Welshman 39 years old, a member of Lansford Lodge I. O. O. F. and Ashton Lodge K. of P., and a member of the Baptist Church. He left a wife and three children to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mother De Chantal, Mother Superior of St. Mary's Convent at Wilkesbarre, died rather suddenly Friday from a combination of heart and liver disease. She was about 69 years of age, was born in Butler county, Pa., and was known in the world as Mary Jane Donnelly. She took the veil at Westmoreland, Pa., in 1855, and went to Wilkesbarre in 1877. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A party, in honor of the birthday anniversary of Miss Mary Smith, was held at her father's residence on Lehigh street, last Monday evening. The usual convivalities were indulged in until a late hour; at about eleven o'clock a supper was spread for the merrymakers to which they did justice. We hope that Miss Smith may live to celebrate many more such happy occasions. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Colonel Daniel Krebs, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Pottsville, died Monday afternoon of paralysis, aged 79 years. Mr. Krebs was an active business man, and held many civil and military offices. He represented Schuylkill county in the State Legislature in 1838, was Postmaster of Pottsville under President Buchanan, and Inspector of Customs at Philadelphia under Collector Cake. He was one of the oldest Masons in the that county. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Pflueger, mother of Dr. Pflueger, of Seidersville, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Koch, in South Bethlehem, on Thursday last. Her age was eighty-one. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hon. John K. Findlay, president judge of the district composed of Lehigh and Northampton counties from 1857 to 1871, died on Sunday last, at Spring Lake, N. J., where he had been spending the snmmer with his family. His place of residence was Philadelphia. He in politics was a staunch democrat. He was 82 years of age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fegley, of Mauch Chunk, were most agreeably and thoroughly surprised by a large party of their neighbors who called at their home on West Broadway and celebrated for them their tin-wedding anniversary. All sorts of tinware were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Fegley. The refreshments were fine. Music was furnished by Messrs. Bedford and Williamson and dancing and singing were indulged in and the party did not break up till one o'clock. The affair was a very pleasant one. Weatherly Items. Last Saturday evening three couples of town were united in the holy bonds of 148 matrimony by Rev. A. M. Meisenheimer, viz: Mr. Albert Weeks to Miss Myra Anthony; Mr. William Acker to Miss Emma Montz; Mr. Charles Heater to Miss Aggie Andrews. Obituary. Mary wife of Charles Maloy, of Summit Hill, died on Wednesday morning in the 61st year of her age. Deceased had been bedfast since the first of the year, having been disabled by a paralytic stoke She was visited by a second attack on Monday last, resulting as above stated. Deceased was a native of Ardara, Donegal county, Ireland, where she was born in 1824. Her husband survives her. She leaves a large family, all grown up, namely P. F. Gildea, of Newark, N. J., J. M. Gildea of Philadelphia; Hugh Gildea, of Ireland; Mrs. Wm. Aubrey, of Nesquehoning; J. W and F. J. Maloy, of Lansford; Mrs. P. C. McHugh and Miss Kate Maloy, of Summit Hill. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon. The burial will be in the old Catholic cemetery.--Mauch Chunk Gazette. Around New Tripoli. Amanda Everit was buried on last Thursday; aged 33 years. MARRIED. BLIEM-YOST.--On the evening of September 10, Dr. Milton J. Bliem, of Chicago, to Miss Emma L. Yost, of Cleveland, Ohio, daughter of Rev. Wm. Yost, junior publisher for the Evangelical Association. Dr. Bliem is a son of Rev. J. C. Bliem, formerly of Lehighton. He graduated at the Homeopathy Medical College at Chicago and has for the last year and a half been house physician and surgeon in the city hospital of Chicago. MARRIED. McLAREN-HOGAN.--On the 7th inst., by Rev. Mr. M. V. Alyward, in St. James' church, New York city, Alexander T. McLaren and Miss Annie Hogan, both of New York city. The young couple will make their home in this borough, and we join with their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life. MARRIED. HAWK-ZIMMERMAN--On August 8th, by Rev. G. W. Gross, Alfred Hawk, of Effort, and miss Alice Zimmerman, of Weissport. MARRIED. GEORGE-HEFFILFINGER--On August 24th, by the same, Jacob F. George, of Slatington, and Miss Ella E. Heffelfinger, of Jamestown. DIED. DRIESBACH.--At Summit Hill, on the 10th, Mrs. Mary J. Dreisbach, wife of Frank Dreisbach. DIED. McNELIUS.--At Summit Hill, on the 5th inst., Mrs. Margaret McNelius, of consumption, aged 36 years. Volume 13, Number 45, Saturday, September 26, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Peter Bowrski was killed and Thos. Hines fatally injured in the Clear Springs colliery, at Wilkesbarre, Monday, by a fall of rock and coal. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Wm. Donnelly, of Weatherly, was found dead Monday noon by her husband who had returned from his work at the shops at that place. Her death was caused by heart-disease. She was aged 65 years. A family of three daughters mourn their mother's 149 sudden demise. She was buried at Laurytown on Wednesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A despatch received from Rev. W. Laitzle, of Lebanon, formerly pastor of the Lutheran church, of this borough, informs us that Mrs. Laitzle died, after a lingering illness, on Wednesday last. The numerous friends of the Rev. Gentleman here deeply sympathize with him in his bereavement. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. James Lanigan, of Pottsville, and two daughters visited a friend in Reading and while going to the depot on Monday night it was noticed that her head has sunk upon her shoulder. She was about falling when she was caught and carried into a drug store. She was already dead from heart disease. Her husband was formerly an extensive coal operator. Killed by a Maniac. Sally Lyons was a blooming and buxom country girl when, three years ago, she was married to Richard O'Neill, an industrious young countryman, and they made their home with his aunt, Kitty Keefe, who had a house near Silver Creek, a little mining patch ten miles East of Pottsville. Because of being an Albino Mrs. Keefe was a local curiosity and known for miles around as "Kitty with the blinking eye and white hair." From the start of their joint housekeeping the two women were inharmonious, and, as time passed on without the wedlock being blessed with children, Mrs. Keefe frequently taunted her niece with the fact. Other women around the neighborhood took up the cry, until the young wife became almost a monomaniac upon the subject. O'Neill ardently wished for children, and this added to his wife's unhappines. On Sunday many neighbors were gathered at the house of O'Neill's brother-in-law to celebrate the christening of his youngest child. Sally and her husband were there and the women made jokes at her expense. Plenty of beer and whiskey was provided, and towards the afternoon everybody was feeling jovial except Sally O'Neill, whom the liquor and the references made to her childlessness had driven into a morose passion. Suddenly she roused from her passion, threw a glass at her husband, stormed at him in the harshest language and then flung herself out of the house in a fury, screaming that she was "going to see Dick's aunt." About 9 o'clock in the evening the people in the little cabins near the Albino woman's heard a noise like chopping, and in a few moments Sally O'Neill rushed from the door. Her eyes were blazing, her hair streaming out behind her and her dress front streaked with blood, in which her hands and bare arms seemed to have been bathed. She presented the horrid appearance of a raving maniac. Close upon her heels followed two men, who shouted that Kitty Keefe was lying dead in her doorway and that Sally O'Neill had killed her. Men gathered around the screaming and hysterical woman, who cried out, "If she's kilt, I'll be happy to swing for it. She ought to have been kilt long ago." A dozen strong hands were laid on her, but, with the strength of insanity, she tore herself loose, and, breaking through the throng, flew back to the stiffening corpse of her victim, grasped it by the shoulders and dragged it into the middle of the road, shrieking at the top of her voice, and defying any one to touch her. It was a difficult task to secure her, but at last she was bound and taken to jail at Pottsville at 2 o'clock Monday morning. Mrs. Keefe had on but one garment, and this and the condition of the interior of the cabin showed that a terrible struggle had taken place. Mrs. O'Neill had evidently found an axe inside the house and pounced on the old woman while she was in bed. The latter had been dragged to the floor, fighting for her life, and had been repeatedly struck with the weapon until her strength 150 failed her. Then the murderess had severed her head from the trunk, cutting away the last thread of skin. In the jail on Monday Mrs. O'Neill raved incessantly and recognizes no one. Weatherly Specials. The invitations are now out for the wedding of Prof. J. L. Potteiger, principal of our schools, and Miss Annie Sherman, of Audenried, on the 30th. MARRIED. STOUT-SNYDER--On Saturday, 19th of Sept., at the pastor's residence, by the Rev. J. H. Kuder, Alvin P. Stout and Miss Emma L. Snyder, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. HOUSER-ZEHNER--On the 22d day of August, by the Rev. A. Bartholomew, Jacob M. Houser, of Brunswick twp., an Miss Polly A. Zehner, of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. KLOTZ-FREEBY--On the 6th inst., by the same, R. Milton Klotz, of Lehighton, and Miss Polly A. Freeby, of East Penn, this county. MARRIED. MILLER-HAMILTON--On the 9th inst., by the same, Henry F. Miller, of Mahoning, and Miss Eliza A. Hamilton, of Summit Hill. MARRIED. GERMAN-ZIMMERMAN--On the 12th inst., by the same, Edwin F. German and Miss Viola Zimmerman, both of West Penn. MARRIED. REED-FRAME--On the 17th inst., in Union M. E. church, Twentieth and Diamond streets, Philadelphia, by Rev. Noble Frame, assisted by Rev. J. J. McCullough, D. D., Morton W. Reed, of Durham, N. C., to Mary A. Frame, daughter of the officiating clergyman. DIED. KLINGER--On September 14, in this borough, Mrs. Mary E. Klinger, aged 39 years, 2 months and 11 days. DIED. REMALY--On September 14, in Mahoning, Nathan, husband of Salome Remaly, aged 68 years and 11 months. Volume 13, Number 46, Saturday, October 3, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Monday morning Thomas Shireman, of Georgetown, Northampton county, went to Nazareth, transacted business, went home, walked into his barn and hanged himself. He was sixty years of age and at times was out of his himd. He was determined on death, having once before attempted self-destruction. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An octogenarian, named Henry Reed, committed suicide by hanging himself to a branch of a tree in the woods near Tremont, Schuylkill county, Sunday evening. He was missed from his home at ten o'clock in the morning. His body was found by some boys while playing in the woods. Since losing his wife, about a year ago, the old man has grieved a great deal and concluded to end his loneliness in death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. One George Wolf, supposed to have emigrated from these parts to Nebraska years ago, died on the 10th inst., at McCook, in said State, of typhoid fever, and, 151 having left some property, his nearest relatives are requested to make themselves known. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The late George W. Cole, one of the pioneers of the anthracite coal business and one of the most prominent citizens of Shamokin, was buried at Tamaqua Wednesday. The Reading Railroad furnished a special car for the funeral escort. Death of Garrett B. Linderman. Dr. Garreett Brodhead Linderman died at Bethlehem, Monday evening of a complication of diseases. Dr. Linderman was born in Pike county in 1829, studied medicine in New York and subsequently engaged in the coal business. During the latter years of his life he was general manager of the Bethlehem Iron Company. At the time of his death he was president of the Lehigh Valley National Bank, of Bethlehem, and a stockholder of the Linderman National Bank, of Mauch Chunk. He was a director of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. His estate is a large one. His first wife was a daughter of the late Judge Asa Packer. Suicide in His Cell. Coroner Berlin, of Allentown, held two inquests Monday. One was a case of suicide and the other death from heart disease. Sunday afternoon William Klotz, a simpleminded inmate of the County Poorhouse, confined in a cell for bad conduct, fastened his suspenders to a cell bar, made a noose, slipped his head through it and choked to death. He was found leaning against the wall at the side of the cell window. The body was still warm. It is supposed by some who knew Klotz well that he did not intend to commit suicide, but that he wanted to play a trick on the poorhouse authorities and scare the next person who should call around to see him. He kept his head in too long, however. He had been an inmate of the poorhouse from infancy, his father having died in the institution. He was thirty-five years of age. Murdered After the Ball. Henry Gloss and Charles Sharpwell, two young men, who had attended a ball Monday night given by the Liedertafel Society, at Wilkesbarre, drank freely and, becoming boisterous, were ejected from the ball room at about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning. Determined to have satisfaction out of some one, they laid in wait. Charles Tischer, accompanied by his wife, came along soon after, when they rushed upon the former with clubs and brutally assaulted him. Being satisfied with their revenge, they fled, leaving their victim almost lifeless upon the sidewalk. Mr. Tischer was removed by the police to his home, where he died during the afternoon. His assailants have been arrested and are now in jail. Mr. Tischer was a tailor by trade and was highly respected. Great excitement prevails among the dead man's friends, who swear vengeance against the murderers. MARRIED. SCHOLL-HOFFMAN.--On Saturday, Sept. 26th, by Rev. G. W. Stibitz, John E. Scholl, of Weissport, and Miss Malvina J. Hoffman, of Lehighton. MARRIED. NEWHART-NEWHART.--On Sunday, Sept. 27th, by the same, Derlas W. Newhart and Miss Lizzie C. Newhart, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. PFEFFER-MILLER.--At Hazleton, Sept. 24, by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Henry Pfeffer and Miss Mary Miller, both of Audenried. MARRIED. KLECKNER-LESLIE.--At Summit Hill, Thursday, Sept. 24, by Rev. A. C. Wuchter, Mr. Wallace Kleckner, and Miss Clara Leslie. 152 MARRIED. EVANS-WILLIAMS.--At Lansford, Sept. 13, by Rev. Mr. Edwards, John T. Evans and Miss Sue Williams. MARRIED. SCHOCH-RUCH--On Sept. 19, by Rev. J. S. Erb, Horatio Schoch and Miss Agnes Ruch, both of Weissport. DIED. GREENAWALT.--On Friday, Sept. 25th, William C., son of Charles Greenawalt, aged 11 years, 6 months and 15 days. The parents of the deceased have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in their deep bereavement. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. Services were held in the Reformed church, Rev. G. W. Stibitz officiating. The Reformed Sunday School, of which he was a member attended. DIED. KISTLER.--At Minneapolis, Minn., on the 10th of Sept., Erwin David, only child of Mr. and Mrs. James Kistler, formerly of Mahoning Valley, this county. DIED. VOLKE.--On Tuesday, Sept. 22, Wm. H. Volke, aged 74 years, 6 months and 20 days. Volume 13, Number 47, Saturday, October 10, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. On Monday, at White Haven, an 8-year-old boy named Costello, while playing on a coal train, fell to the rails as the train started, and was killed. His head was cut off and his legs were horribly mangled. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Henry Clay, aged seventeen years, while walking on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, track, below Mauch Chunk, was struck and instantly killed by a passenger train, Saturday morning. He had stepped on a track to avoid a freight train approaching on the other. The top of his head was crushed in and his neck was broken. The Coroner's jury in the afternoon rendered a verdict of accidental death. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joshua Stahler, one of the most widely known citizens of Allentown, died on Sunday night, aged 71 years. He was the oldest of eight children and was born in Lower Milford, Lehigh county. In 1851 he was elected Register of Wills, but in 1853 was defeated for re-election by the Know-Nothing candidate. In 1854 he was elected Associate Judge and filled the position for two terms. For fifteen years he was Alderman of the Second ward and for nineteen years was secretary of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society. Lower Towamensing Items. Elizabeth, wife of John Walk, of Hazards, departed this life on Wednesday of last week, the 30th ult. An Old Mauch Chunker Dead. William H. Brown, formerly a prominent citizen of Mauch Chunk, died at his home at Conyngham last Friday, after a long illness. Mr. Brown was a native of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, where he was born in 1816. He came to this section while yet a young man and was employed in various capacities by the L. C. & N. Co., and by Pardee and Company. When Carbon county was erected, Mr. Brown was elected the first Prothonotary. He was a man of good principles and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. His wife is still living at Conyngham. No children were born to them. Mr. Brown's remains were brought to 153 Mauch Chunk Monday and buried in the Upper Mauch Chunk cemetery.--Mauch Chunk Gazette. Trouble Caused Her to Take Her Life. A woman, who registered as Ellen Watton, came to the Summit Hotel, in Wilkesbarre, about one o'clock Saturday morning and immediately retired. When called she did not respond. About ten o'clock one of the employes noticed a smell of gas in the corridor. Suspicion was aroused and the door of the room burst open. The woman was found dead in bed and the room full of gas, which had escaped from the open burner. It is believed that it is a case of suicide. The woman, who has gone by the names of Ellen Gilroy and Ellen Quinn, went to Wilkesbarre from New York six months ago and had since been leading a questionable life. A man named Evelyn, with whom she had lived, got in trouble two weeks ago and left Wilkesbarre. This seemed to trouble her greatly and it is believed caused her to take her life. She was about twenty-six years old and handsome and said she had a husband living in New York. An Engineer's Horrible Death. When the day engineer at Steckel's ore mines, about seven miles north of Allentown went to the mines Monday morning, to relieve the night engineer, a horrible sight met his gaze. Mangled almost out of all human resemblance Nathan George, the night engineer, lay dead between two cog-wheels. To keep the mines going it is necessary to run the pumps night and day so that the laborers can work on a dry surface. George was required to be on duty on Sunday as well as other nights. Sunday evening he left his wife and five children at a happy home and that was the last they saw of him until Monday morning, when his mutilated remains were taken home. It is supposed that while oiling some part of the machinery he slipped and fell between the cogs. Some bank notes in his pockets were torn into shreds and silver coins were bent and twisted out of shape. Early Tuesday morning a coal train bound north collided with a mixed train on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Division of the Reading Road at Glendon, smashing both engines and causing the death of George Transue, a brakeman, who was caught in the wreck by lumber siding from a car. The cause of the accident was wrong orders given the coal train. Transue lived within bowshot of the scene of his death. MARRIED. LEWIS-PHILLIPS.--At Lansford, Sept. 29, by Rev. Edwards, Daniel Lewis and Miss Lizzie Phillips. MARRIED. FRACE-ROSS.--At Summit Hill, Sept. 27, by Rev. Doremus, Harvey Frace and Miss Nannie Ross. MARRIED. GALLENBERG-YOHANSON.--At Tamaqua, Sept. 36, by Rev. Mr. Graeff, John Gallenberg and Miss Eva Yohanson, both of Lansford. MARRIED. McHUGH-McGINTY.--At Summit Hill, Sept. 29, by Rev. Father McGarvey, Edward McHugh and Mrs. Cecelia McGinty, both of Lansford. MARRIED. LOWEN-BUSTER.--In East Mauch Chunk, October 1, by Rev. Heinan, A. W. Lowen, of Reading, and Miss Annie Buster, of Hauto. MARRIED. HARTRANFT-HEFFILFINGER.--At Summit Hill, Sept. 28, by Rev. A. C. 154 Wuchter, Amos Hartranft and Miss Matna Heffilfinger, both of Lansford. MARRIED. POTTEIGER-SHERMAN.--At Audenried, Sept. 30, in the M. E. church, by Rev. W. H. Hesser, Prof. J. L. Potteiger, principal of the Weatherly schools, and Miss Annie Sherman, of Audenried. MARRIED. STEIGERWALT-HILL.--On Sept. 26, by Rev. Wm. H. Strauss, Noah Steigerwalt and Miss Flora Hill, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. RABENOLD-DRUMBORE.--On Sept. 29, by the same, Charles Rabenold and Miss Emma Drumbore, both of Mahoning. DIED. KRAMER.--On Sept. 5th, in Tamaqua, Lizzie Irene, daughter of Lewis and Rebecca Kramer, aged 1 year, 7 months and 16 days. DIED. DREISBACH.--On Sept. 10th, in Lansford, Mary Jane, wife of Frank Dreisback, aged 27 years and 23 days. DIED. STEIGERWALT.--On Sept. 19th, in West Penn, Daniel Steigerwalt, aged 89 years, 3 months and 25 days. DIED. STEIGERWALT.--On Sept. 25th, in East Penn, Maria Steigerwalt, aged 89 years, 6 months and 29 days. DIED. DREISBACH.--On Sept. 28th, in Lansford, Catharine J., daughter of Frank and Mary Jane Dreisbach, aged 25 days. DIED. NUSBAUM.--In this borough, on Friday, October 2nd, Carrie A. infant daughter of Geroge W. and Mame A. Nusbaum, aged 3 months and 24 days. Volume 13, Number 48, Saturday, October 17, 1885 James Macfarlane, of Towanda, died Monday, of heart disease. He was one of the most prominent coal men of the State, a recognized authority on coal matters and the author of the "Coal Finds of America." Our Neighborhood in Brief. Miss Ella Reichard, daughter of Simon Reichard, died last Saturday morning in the twentieth year of her age. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Isaac Smith, died at his home in Upper Mauch Chunk, on Saturday afternoon last. Aged about 66 years, of consumption. Deceased was an old resident of Mauch Chunk. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Wm. Ryan, of East Mauch Chunk, died in that borough on Monday, at the age of eighty years, of general debility. 155 Our Neighborhood in Brief. While Henry Constantine and his son were working in a breast at Morris Ridge Colliery, at Centralia, Tuesday, they were caught in a fall of coal. The boy escaped with slight injuries, but his father was so badly hurt that he died shortly after the accident. He leaves a wife and four children. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist Parsonage on September 24th, Mr. Elvin Houpt and Miss Annie M. Wamsley being joined in wedlock by Rev. J. J. Timanus.--Phoenixville Star. We congratulate the young couple and wish them much happiness in their journey through life. Mr. Houpt was a former Lehightonian and numerous friends hereabouts join with us in wishing him success. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Cardinal McClosky died at 12:50 Saturday afternoon. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A young son of Jeremiah Sandt, of South Easton, began to vomit blood early Friday morning. He was well when he retired for the night. The bleeding continued despite the untiring efforts of several physicians and the boy died in the evening. About six weeks previous the boy cut his tongue on a tooth by falling and he bled nearly a week from an apparently insignificant wound. Before noon Friday this scar reopened and also continued to bleed until the boy died. The case, which is known as hemorrhagic diathesis, is a rare one and generally fatal. Matrimonial-Kuntz-Butz. In Allentown, on Thursday afternoon at five o'clock Mr. Marvin O. Kuntz, a prominent young business man of this place, and Miss Eva M. Butz, a very estimable young lady of Allentown, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rev. Samuel J. Sagner, D. D., of that city. We extend to the young couple our hearty congratulations; wishing for them a safe and prosperous journey through life, unattended by the many cares which fall to the lot of some. They left the same evening for New York and Boston where they will spend some time. Volume 13, Number 49, Saturday, October 24, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Joor Williams, door-tender of the Dodson mine, at Plymouth, was killed on the 15th inst., by falling down the shaft, 600 feet deep. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An old man named Hugh McNelis, while picking coal on the railroad at Allentown last Saturday, was struck by an engine and died shortly after from the effects of his injuries. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At Wilkesbarre, on the 15th inst., William Elgis, of Mauch Chunk, a brakeman on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, fell from a freight train while attempting to fasten a brake and eight cars passed over him, cutting off both legs above the knee. He died a few hours after the accident. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Robert Perry, a miner, married, with eight children, living at Sugar Notch, went to Wilkesbarre on Saturday and got drunk. In the evening he returned to Sugar Notch, but instead of going to his home wandered around on the railroad track. He was struck by 156 a freight train and killed. A bottle of whisky was found in one of his pockets. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Wilson Hildebrand, a Justice of the Peace in Easton, died suddenly Saturday. His death is supposed to have been caused by a beating he received nine months since at the hands of Howard McIntyre, who is now in jail. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Three intoxicated young men, named Robert Fichter, Edward Burtley and Thomas Scott, were handling an old gun at Hazleton Friday afternoon and Burtley loaded both barrels with a heavy charge of powder and shot. In attempting to put on a cap the hammer of the gun fell and the cap was exploded. The barrels, being overcharged, burst and one of the flying pieces of iron entered Fichter's head. He ran about thirty yards and then dropped dead in the road. Scott was terribly cut about the head and face and body and can't recover. Burtley's right arm was so badly mangled that it had to be amputated and he was otherwise injured, his face being badly burned. Mahoning Items. Mrs. Charles F. Remeley gave birth to a child that had two teeth, last week. The teeth were loose and were extracted before the child was a day old. Brutal Double Murder. The usually quiet little village of Seybertsville, nine miles from Hazleton, was the scene Thursday night, 15th inst., of a most shocking double murder. In a small frame house near the village two bachelor brothers, John and William Kester, aged respectively 56 and 50 years, have lived for thirty years and by frugality had managed to accumulate several thousand dollars, which they kept hidden, it was supposed. In the house with them lived John Kester, Jr., an illegitimate son of the elder of the two brothers. When he returned home from work on the night of the 15th at 9 o'clock he entered the front room of the house and in the darkness stumbled over some object. On lighting the lamp he saw it was his father lying dead in the middle of the room, surrounded by a pool of blood and with a bullet wound through his head, the ball entering above the left eye and coming out at the back. In the next room lay the dead body of his uncle, with his hands tied behind him and his head and face beaten into an unrecognizable mass. The alarm was quickly given and a crowd gathered at the house. An examination of the rooms showed that there had been a terrible struggle between the two men and their assailants. During the day four tramps were noticed prowling around in the vicinity of the house, and all the evidence obtainable points to them as the murderers. About 8 o'clock in the evening they were seen by several parties running along the road in a westerly direction, and one lady says she overheard one of them say: "We killed the --------." The authorities have a good clue to the identity of two of them and think they will be captured. One of them is a stout-built man, thirtyfive years old, wore a black suit and Derby hat. The other wore a bottle green coat, had sandy hair and light complexion and a heavy moustache. Both spoke with an Irish brogue. It is supposed that the tramps had learned of the money being secreted about the house and their object was robbery. The drawers of a bureau were drawn out and rensacked, two trunks were broken open and every cupboard and closet was searched. No money was found by them, as it had been hidden outside of the house. All that was missing was an old shot gun belonging to young Kester. A later despatch says: County Detective Reilly has obtained an important clue to the murderers of the Kester brothers in Sugar Loaf township. They were not tramps, but members of a murderous gang from Northampton county. The ringleader of the gang told a resident of 157 Hazleton last May that the Kester brothers had a pile of money in the house and that he meant to put them out of the way and secure it. He also told the same man that if he ever uttered a word about it he would be killed, too. The robbers and murderers in their hurry to secure booty overlooked an old book which was in the bureau drawer and which contained over $400. A Romantic Marriage. Miss Minnie Lampman, the handsome 18-year old daughter of Elkanah Lampman, a prosperous farmer of Clifford township, Lackawanna county, last spring fell in love with Horace Gilbert, a muscular mill-hand, and he asked her to marry him. Her parents insisted that she should not marry him. A few days ago Minnie went to Benton to visit some acquaintances. She told her friends that a young man would come after her at the end of her visit. The young man was Gilbert. Minnie bade her friends good-bye, asked them to come and see her, and went away with her lover. Instead of going toward Minnie's home Gilbert drove to Hatford, where he asked a clergyman to marry them. He was unable to produce a certificate from the Clerk of the Court, which the new law in this state requires, and the minister refused to marry them. "What are we going to do now?" asked the young man, as they drove away. "I'll tell you what we'll do," said the girl. "It is not such an awful way from here to the New York State line, and I told ma I wouldn't be home until tomorrow. Say we go across the line and get married." Gilbert was pleased with the suggestion, and late that evening they got a Broome county, N. Y., clergyman to marry them. The next day they drove back home. On the following morning Minnie boldly told her parents all about their romantic marriage, and assured them that she would be happy if they would forgive her. The old folks talked the matter over in private. Then the groom was sent for, and that night there was a big jollification in the old farm house. Volume 13, Number 50, Saturday, October 31, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. David Kocher, an old resident of Weatherly and well known in the lower end of Carbon county, died on Thursday morning of last week, of pneumonia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mr. J. Welder McMullen, son of conductor John McMullen, of the L. V. Railroad, was married Wednesday afternoon to Miss Mary Schillinger, daughter of engineer Fred Schillinger, of East Mauch Chunk. The ceremony was performed at one o'clock by Rev. J. Lindenstruth, pastor of the Lutheran church, at the home of the bride's parents. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rt. Rev. Henry Shultz, a minister of the Moravian church, died at his home in Bethlehem on Thursday, 22nd inst., in the eightieth year of his age. The aged pastor had lived in retirement since 1871. The funeral took place Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Harry Doyle, a young man of South Bethlehem, was fatally injured Monday morning, on the railroad at that place. In company with several others he was standing on the track. An irregular freight train came thundering along, striking him and crushing his skull. He was removed to St. Luke's Hospital for treatment, where he died three hours after the accident. 158 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Abraham Gabel, father of our respected fellow townsman, Josiah L. Gabel, died at his home in Boyertown, Berks county, on Friday evening of last week, aged 86 years. His funeral took place on Tuesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Weatherly Items. David S. Kocher, an old and respected citizen, was buried in the Union Cemetery on Sunday last at 2 p. m. He was 70 years old. Death of Francis W. Hughes Francis W. Hughes died at his home in Pottsville at 8 o'clock on the evening of the 22nd inst. Mr. Hughes was born near Norristown, Montgomery county, August 20, 1817. While Mr. Hughes was yet only a boy it was determined for him that he should be a lawyer. He was sent to the academy of the Rev. David Kirkpatrick, at Milton, then regarded as one of the best schools in Pennsylvania, where he had as school mates Ex-Governors Curtin and Pollock and others. He began the study of law in the office of the late George Farquhar, of Pottsville, in the autumn of 1834, and in the following winter he entered the office of John B. Wallace, of Philadelphia. In 1837 Mr. Hughes was admitted to practice at the bar of Schuylkill county and established himself at Pottsville, where he was immediately successful in gaining a large and profitable practice, which he retained until the last. Mr. Hughes held a high rank as a land lawyer and was well versed in the practice of equity and the intracies of commercial and patent laws. He was no less accomplished as a criminal lawyer. When the Mollie Maguire cases came up he took an active and successful part int heir prosecution. Though it was as a lawyer that Mr. Hughes made his reputation, he took a fairly prominent part in politics. In party faith a Democrat, he was an advocate of a tariff for the protection of American industry. In 1839 he was appointed Deputy Attorney General by Attorney General Ovid F. Johnson, was reappointed and held the office in all for eleven years. In 1843 he was elected State Senator from Schuylkill county by nearly a unanimous vote, but only served one year when he resigned for the purpose of resuming his law practice. When Governor Bigler was elected, in 1851, he appointed Mr. Hughes Secretary of the Commonwealth. He resigned this office in 1853 to succeed Judge James Campbell as Attorney General, in which position he remained about two years. In 1856 he was on the Buchanan electoral ticket. He has been frequently a delegate to State and national Democratic conventions, where his influence was generally felt by reason of his positions upon important committees. MARRIED. GONGLOFF-SHUTT.--On Sept. 6th, by Rev. O. R. Cook, at the M. E. parsonage, Lehighton. Mr. Daniel Gongloff of Orwigsburg Pa. and Miss Louisa Shutt, of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED. OCKENHOUSR-KEMERER.--On Sept. 29, by the same, Mr. Bernard Ockenhouser and Miss Mary Eva Kemerer both of this place. Volume 13, Number 51, Saturday, November 7, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Christian Seigel, of Hokendauqua, while entering the house of Mrs. Wiliam Brader, in Catasauqua, to see a dead child of the latter, dropped dead of heart disease. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Shortly before seven o'clock Monday morning the dead body of 159 Michael McCann, a prominent citizen of Tresckow, this county, was found in the road leading from Beaver Meadow to Tresckow. He had been away Sunday visiting relatives, and as the night was very cold it is though he was frozen. Our Neighborhood in Brief. The infant daughter of Mr. Alfred Hufford died, of inflamation of the bowels, on Wednesday morning. Funeral at two p. m. Friday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hugh Gallagher, of Colerain, died at his home in that place on Sunday morning. Deceased, it is asserted, was over one hundred years old, and was a native of Ireland. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John S. Gilham, of Shamokin, a brother of our townsman S. R. Gilham, died of paralysis on Friday night, aged 55 years, 6 months and 2 days. He was a single man. Mr. Gilham attended his funeral, returning home on Tuesday evening. Weissport and Vicinity. Mrs. Walker, of this place, mother of Mrs. David O'Brian, was buried on Wednesday. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends. Lower Towamensing Items. Last Tuesday a week ago a large number of friends and neighbors assembled at the house of Moses Stroup, to celebrate the birthday of their daughter, Amanda. She had been enticed away to a husking bee, after her return in the evening she found a large table set with all kinds of delicacies of which all feased. MARRIED. DICK-TEUFEL.--On October 29, by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. Arthur E. Dick and Miss Antoniette A. Teufel, both of Hazleton. Volume 13, Number 52, Saturday, November 14, 1885 A Brilliant Wedding at Hazleton. One of the most brilliant society events that has ever taken place in Hazleton was the wedding Thursday 5th inst., of Dr. J. W. Cole, a prominent young physician and son of late Samuel Cole, of Allentown, to Miss Bessie, daughter of Morgan B. Silliman, one of the wealthiest residents of Hazleton. The ceremony was performed in St. Peter's Episcopal Church by the rector, Rev. I. C. Washburne. The church was very elaborately decorated with rare plants and cut flowers. The ushers were T. Milnor Morris, of Jeanesville; Will C. Day, Philadelphia; Eli Connor, Harleigh; and William C. Kent, Mauch Chunk. Many guests were present from Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Reading, Wilkesbarre, Allentown and Mauch Chunk. After an elegant reception at the residence of the bride's father, Dr. and Mrs. Cole left for an extended wedding tour through the South. Death by Drowning. On Thursday morning, 5th inst., Bernard Moye, aged about thirty-five years, of Tresckow, left his home, sayng to his wife that he was going to the reservoir west of town to take a bath. Moye presented the appearance of a person who had lost his reason, and was therefore closely followed by his wife and Mr. Gildea. Arriving at the reservoir Moye plunged into the water and was drowned. His body was taken from the water and carried to his home, where it was viewed by many of the residents of the town in which he resided. It appears that several weeks ago the deceased man was left a small legacy and since that time he has been 160 drinking rather heavily, thus becoming somehwat deranged in mind. Whether he plunged into the water with suicidal intent or whether he was seized with cramps is not known. The affair has created considerable excitement among the residents of the South Side.--Hazleton Standard. Frederick Rackawack, an old resident of Bloomingdale Valley, died Tuesday night. He was about seventy years of age. His funeral took place Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Rev. E. Bradley Meaker, professor of mathematics in Ulrich's Preparatory School, died of heart disease at five o'clock Friday afternoon while exercising in the gymnasium at Lehigh University, Bethlehem. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An accident under peculiar circumstances happened near Mill Creek Station, Luzerne county, on the Reading Railroad, Monday morning. Mrs. Rocky Hughes was walking on one track, when she stepped out of the way of a freight train, only to be struck by a passenger train on the other track. She was horribly mangled. Her son was killed at the same spot just one year ago and some three weeks ago her son-in-law was killed at the Mill Creek slope. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A birthday surprise party, in honor of L. S. Held's 43d year, came off at his residence one evening, this week. A large number of friends were present who enjoyed themselves immensely. Supper was served at 10:30 o'clock to which all did justice. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Rebecca Whitehead Sherry, wife of the late John Sherry, of Mauch Chunk, departed this life on Saturday morning at a quarter of 1 o'clock, after a lingering illness. She was born March 15th, 1829, and at the time of her death was in her 57th year. She leaves five children, four sons and one daughter, to mourn her loss. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Harry Lynn, manager of the Lehigh Valley telegraph office at South Bethlehem, and Miss Minnie Romig will be made one on Thanksgiving day. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At Glendon Tuesday morning two sons of John Sharkey were playing about the railroad track and seeing a fast express approaching started to run across the track in front of it. One escaped, but the other was caught and crushed under the wheels. He was nine years old. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hugh Donahue, of Beaver Run, died on last Sunday week, aged about 80 years. He was buried at East Mauch Chunk on the following Tuesday. MARRIED. SNYDER-LIESER.--On the 8th day of October, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. David Snyder, and Mrs. Sannia Lieser, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county, Pa. DIED. STEIN.--On Wednesday afternoon, the 11th inst., Hymen A. Stein, aged 73 years. The funeral will take place, from the residence of his son-in-law, John Bohn, in this borough, this (Saturday) afternoon, at one o'clock. DIED. MILLER.--On the 6th day of October, in Mauch Chunk, Maria Elizabeth, wife of William Miller, aged 41 years, 3 month 14 days. 161 DIED. ANDREAS.--On the 9th day of October, in East Penn, Jonas Andreas, aged 81 years, 6 month 8 days. DIED. LEVAN.--On the 12th day of October, in Weissport, Martha, widow of Isaac Levan, aged 78 years, 6 month 9 days. DIED. KERSHNER.--On the 22nd day of October, in West Penn, Jane Snvilla, daughter of Nathan Alfred and Carolina Kershner, aged 11 month, 28 days. DIED. MERTZ.--On the 3rd day of November, in Mahoning, Emaline, wife of Granville Mertz, aged 22 years, 23 days. Volume 14, Number 1, Saturday, November 21, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. The better-half of Will Sitler presented him with a bouncing daughter a few evenings ago, whereat Will smileth immensely. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Stocker, a conductor on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, was crushed to death between cars at Mauch Chunk on Friday night. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Charles Buckalew, aged 32 years, of Tamaqua, a brakeman on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, was run over and instantly killed by the cars at Philadelphia, Saturday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Custador, a Hungarian laborer at Buck Mountain, who had been spending Saturday in Mahanoy City with some of his countrymen, on his way home with them in the evening was shot. John Yonito, one of the men with him, was charged with the murder and Monday was lodged in jail. He claims that Custador shot himself accidentally. The autopsy reveals a wound such as no man could inflict on himself. Yonito denies that they had any quarrel and claims that he was very friendly with the dead man and had loaned him money which was to have been paid this week. Custador, before he died, accused Yonito of doing the shooting. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Cards are out announcing the marriage of George Poe and Miss Laura S. Focht, of Allentown, to be solemnized on Thanksgiving Day. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Thomas Siegfried, of East Mauch Chunk, died Sunday morning. She was highly respected in that community, and she leaves a husband and a large family to mourn her loss. Our Neighborhood in Brief. At five o'clock Sunday morning, Mr. Robert Harlan, died at his home on West Broadway, Mauch Chunk, of typhoid fever, from which sickness he has been suffering for three weeks. He was in his 26th year. He leaves a widowed mother, sister and brother, to mourn his loss, who depended mostly upon him for their support. Mahoning Items. Mr. James Wehr and Miss Ellen Troxel were united in the holy bonds of 162 matrimony last sunday. We'll take soda, Jim. A Birthday Surprise Party. Mrs. Cook, wife of our well known townsman, Rev. O. R. Cook of the M. E. church, will have reason to remember Monday Nov. 16, not only because it was the occasion of her birthday, but that her neighbors and friends to the number of about thirty-five quietly "stormed" the house while Mr. Cook (who had been let into the secret) and Mrs. Cook found some "business" to attend to down street, and when they returned Mrs. Cook was taken completely aback to find the house filled with her friends, and not upon her special invitation. Some one explained matters by quietly telling her that it was her birthday, and her friends had taken this method to show their good will, and offer their congratulations. The evening was spent pleasantly in social intercourse, while the musical members of the party favored the company with some choice vocal and instrumental selections, and last, but not lease, came the "flow of soul" in the shape of cake, lemonade, oranges, bananas and other fruit, which the ever thoughful ladies had not neglected to bring with them. Short impromptu speeches pertinent to the occasion were made by Prof. Barr, Rev. Stibitz, Rev. Cook, and Miss Belle Nusbaum, after which Mrs Cook being called upon sang several nice selections, playing her own accompaniment upon the guitar. After spending a very pleasant evening the party broke up at a seasonable hour, all wishing Mrs. Cook many happy returns of the day. Volume 14, Number 2, Saturday, November 28, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. John J. Coughlin, a teacher at Lehigh Tannery, near White Haven, died last week suddenly. He leaves a wife and six children at Gilberton, Schuylkill county. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Bessie, the 8-year-old daughter of George E. and Carrie Williams, of Mauch Chunk, died Monday afternoon. She was buried on Wednesday afternoon. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Erwin L. Force and bride, of Montgomery county, spent part of their honeymoon with relatives in this place. Towamensing Items. Wesley Brown, who was recently married, moved into Fred Voshart's house last week. Towamensing Items. Thomas Swartz is the happiest man in this neighborhood--it is a girl. Crystal Wedding. The crystal wedding anniversary of Daniel Graver and wife, of Fairview, Luzerne county, Pa., formerly of this place, was celebrated last Tuesday and was a very enjoyable occasion. A large number of friends and relatives from Fairview, Penobscot, Wilkesbarre, Lehighton and Weissport were present. The marriage service was read by Rev. J. Day, of Ashley. At about four o'clock the party sat down to a feast of good things to which they did ample justice. Mr. and Mrs. Graver were the recipients of a large number of handsome and useful presents. The following from this section were present: Andrew Graver, Sr., Jacob Straussberger 163 and wife, and Miss Miller, of Weissport; J. W. Raudenbush and wife, Jonathan Kistler and wife, B. J. Kuntz and wife, and Miss Lulu Zehner, of Lehighton; F. J. Moyer and wife, and Morris Weaver and wife, of Petersville. Volume 14, Number 3, Saturday, December 5, 1885 J. J. Kutz is the happiest man in town--it is a bouncing boy. Mother and child are doing well. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Tyler, of Tamaqua, 60 years of age, committed suicide by hanging. He had long been a victim of melancholia. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William Lichards, of Fullerton, was married a few days since to Margaret James, of Wales, who crossed the sea to become his bride after keeping him waiting fifteen years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Hugh, the eldest son of Mr. Dominick McFadden, of West Broadway, Mauch Chunk, died on Sunday evening at half-past six o'clock. The deceased was in his 18th year, and had been confined to his bed for the past three months. Our Neighborhood in Brief. An unknown Turk, while walking on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at the cut below Bethlehem Station, Wednesday, was run over and instantly killed. He arrived from Philadelphia on Monday and had been peddling trinkets in the town. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William H. Butler, aged 69, one of the oldest residents of Wilkesbarre, died Sunday, of paralysis of the brain. He was a grandson of Colonel Zebulon Butler, who commanded the patriot forces at the battle of Wyoming on July 3, 1778. His father, the late Steuben Butler, was Postmaster of Wilkesbarre under President Taylor. For some years past and up to the time of his death Mr. Butler was adjuster for the Royal Fire Insurance Company of Liverpool. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Lenora Tariton, aged two years and six months, daughter of Laurence Tariton of the Carbon House, Weatherly, died Wednesday, 26th ult., of congestion of the brain. The remains were taken to Nesquehoning on Friday and interred at that place. She was a pretty child and much beloved by all the neighbors. Wedding Bells. Harding-Derhamer. Charles A. Harding and Miss Annie Derhamer, of this place were united in the golden bonds of matrimony at 11:30 a. m., Thanksgiving Day, 26th ult., at Trenton, N. J., the Rev. Hewitt officiating. The marriage ceremony was performed in the presence of only a few of the most intimate friends. After spending several days with friends at the latter place, the young couple returned home Saturday evening, when a reception was held at the residence of Mr. George W. Derhamer, on Iron street. Relatives and friends from Trenton, N. J., Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and Centre Square were present; at about seven o'clock supper was announced and headed by the bride and bridegroom, the guests moved into the dining hall where the tables were literally bearing down with "all things that are good," and to which all did ample justice. After spending a very pleasant evening the guests departed at a late hour. The young couple were the recipients of many very valuable presents. The Advocate 164 joins their large circle of friends in wishing them a prosperous voyage through life, unattended by the many cares which fall to the lot of some. Yet we do not hope their married life will be totally free from dark clouds, for this is impossible--little troubles will only make them cling still closer to each other, and when the clouds fade away it will still find two loving hearts bound more closely than ever with the ties of perfect and happy love. Wedding Bells. Poe-Focht. George E. W. Poe and Miss Laura S. Focht, of Allentown, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thanksgiving Day, at Stockertown, Northampton county, Rev. C. E. Sandt, officiating. We join with their host of friends in tendering hearty congratulations. May the bright present of the newly wedded pair ever continue so and may their journey through life be one of unalloyed happiness and prosperity. Volume 14, Number 4, Saturday, December 12, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas Kerby, a brakeman on the Reading Railroad, was instantly killed by cars at Mahanoy Plane Saturday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Dennis Donlan was instantly killed and John Felter seriously injured and considerable property was destroyed by runaway cars at the Pennsylvania Colliery incline, at Mt. Carmel, Monday. Donlan was a large real estate owner in Mt. Carmel. The accident was the result of negligence. Our Neighborhood in Brief. A letter from Jerry A. Koch, of Stewartsville, De Kalb county, Missouri, informs us himself and family are well, and that on the 22d of October last Mrs. Koch presented him with a baby boy, which tipped the beam at 10 pounds, and Jerry is happy. He sends kind regards to friends. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Alexander Montieth, aged 30 years, died at Audenried on Saturday. Funeral took place at on Monday afternoon at Beaver Brook cemetary. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Reuben Leh, at one time landlord of the Fort Allen House in Weissport, died at his residence in this place, on Monday last, aged 68 years. The body was taken to Catasauqua for interment on Wednesday. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Maria Miller, widow of the late Isaiah Miller, of Weissport, died at her residence in this borough, at about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning, after a few weeks illness, aged about forty-six years and seven months. Funeral on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ground to Pieces by the Car Wheels. Thomas Colihan, brakeman on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was instanly killed at Mahanoy Plane Saturday night. When Colihan attempted to run along the top of the cars toward the engine he accidentally slipped and fell between them and was ground to pieces. He was 21 years of age, resided at Mahanoy Plane and was a brother of Ex-Senator J. P. Colihan, deceased, of Ashland. Waltman-Bertolette. Mr. John Waltman, of Bethlehem, and Mrs. Sadie J. Bertolette, of West Broadway, Mauch Chunk, a sister of Attorney James S. Loose, were married Tuesday morning at 165 the residence of the bride. Rev. J. B. Groff, pastor of Wesley M. E. Church, Bethlehem, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Waltman left Mauch Chunk on the 11 a. m. train, via Lehigh Valley Railroad for New York. At 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon they sailed on the steamship Alene of the Atlas line for Kingston, Jamacia, W. I., and will remain in that land of flowers and sunshine until next spring. Upon Mr. and Mrs. Waltman's return to this country they expect to take up their residence in Bethlehem.--Gazette. Weissport Items. Lafayette Moyer, aged 45 years, died of consumption on Tuesday morning. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn their loss. Weissport Items. Daniel Arner and Miss Hattie O'Brian were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony on Monday evening last, Rev. A. Bartholomew officiatied. The young couple have our best wishes for a life of happiness and prosperity. Lower Towamensing Items. Mrs. Sheckler died last week after a long illness of consumption. Lower Towamensing Items. Dallas Blose, of Lehigh Gap, is a happy man, owing to the arrival of a little boy. Lower Towamensing Items. Nelson Fenstermacher, of East Penn Township, accidentally shot himself Thursday of last week, while hunting rabbits; having shot one, he held it up, when the dog suddenly sprang to seize it, thereby causing the other barrel of his gun to discharge into his body, killing him almost instantly. MARRIED. ZIGLER-SHULTZ.--On Sunday, Dec. 6, at the pastor's residence, by Rev. J. H. Kuder, Henry Zeigler and Miss Hannah Schultz, both of Packerton. Volume 14, Number 5, Saturday, December 19, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Edward Burd Patterson, of the firm of Patterson & Llewellyn, coal operators and one of the most prominent citizens, fell dead at his home in Pottsville Saturday afternoon of paralysis. Our Neighborhood in Brief. William H. Weiss, of South Easton, while walking on the Lehigh Valley Railroad Friday night, stepped out of the way of a coal train and was run down by another and shockingly mangled. Death followed instantly. Our Neighborhood in Brief. John Coleman, aged 48 years, of Marion, O., was struck by a passenger train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Pittston, Pa., Saturday afternoon and instantly killed. He was on his way to Elmira. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Monday morning an explosion of gas took place in one of the workings of the Mill Creek mine, at Plains, near Wilkesbarre. Seven men were dangerously injured, one of whom, George Martin, is dead. Two others, Joseph Cleasby and Peter Coffey, are not expected to recover. 166 Our Neighborhood in Brief. James O'Donnell, one of the oldest miners in the Lehigh region, met with a horrible death in No. 7 slope, at Drifton, Saturday. He was standing near a hole filled with powder, which he had prepared for a blast, when the charge exploded prematurely, blowing the unfortunate man to pieces. O'Donnell was fifty years of age and leaves a large family. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas M. McIlhaney, ex-Prothonotary of Monroe county and President of the Stroudsburg Bank, died very suddenly, in the Court House, at Stroudsburg, of heart disease, on Tuesday morning last at 9:00 o'clock, aged 62 years, 7 months and 2 days. He leaves a wife and six daughters--three married and three single. Volume 14, Number 6, Saturday, December 26, 1885 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Mrs. Elizabeth Brelsford died at Mauch Chunk on Saturday morning. She was aged seventy-nine years. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Thomas K. Reichard, Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Northampton county, was stricken with paralysis on the 17th inst., and died the following day. Our Neighborhood in Brief. While John Mishki was feeding a pair of rollers at the Darringer coalbreaker, near Hazleton, on the 17th inst., he lost his balance and fell between the rollers and his whole body was drawn through them and crushed to a jelly. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Dr. Henry Detwiller, of Easton, was ninety years old on Friday. He is the oldest homoeopathic physician in this country in active practice and has spent his entire professional life in Eastern Pennsylvania. He is still a leading physician in Easton. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Our genial friend Mertz, is a papa. It is a bouncing baby girl. Mother and child are doing well. Mertz says, "I'd rather have two boys," and declares he will have the babe christened "Enough." Our Neighborhood in Brief. A 12-year-old son of E. J. Kirlin was instantly killed at Port Clinton by his head being caught between the bumpers of two cars. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Jacob Flommer, of Minersville, fell under a train on the Mine Hill Railroad and was ground to pieces, his remains being gathered up in a sheet. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Israel Trexler, aged 70, who, though well off, spent most of his time picking up coal along the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, near Allentown, was struck and killed by a passing train Tuesday. Franklin Items. Modest Ruff will have seen, if he lives until Jan. 1, 1886; eighty-six birthdays. He was born A. D. 1800. A Mysterious Murder at Catasauqua. Tuesday morning at nine o'clock, when Michael Murphy and his son entered Benjamin Kiefer's barn at Catasauqua to do some threshing, they discovered a man lying on the straw 167 whom they at first thought was asleep, but when the noise of the threshing did not disturb him they made an examination and found he was dead. There was a cut in his head, about an inch and a half above the left ear. There were bruises on his head which showed that the man had been beaten with a club or stone and then stabbed to make the murderous work more sure. The nature of the man's injuries and other circumstances preclude the idea of suicide. No trace of the weapons that inflicted death has as yet been found. An empty bottle, that had contained either vinegar or whiskey, was found with the dead man. No one knows who he is and it is not known that he has ever been seen in Catasauqua. From a card found on his person it appears that he is a Pole and at one time had charge of a gang of twelve men. As the inscription on the card is in Polish, and as no one has been found to translate it, nothing definite as to the man's identity has been learned. He was lying on a bedtick such as emigrants bring with them in the steerage. From this it is inferred that he had not long been in this country. His shoes are missing. His age seems to be about 35 years; height 5 feet 7 inches; weight, about 145 pounds. He has sandy hair and an intelligent look. Tuesday night, shortly after nine o'clock, a man who said he was from Hazleton and had been attacked between Catasauqua and Hokendauqua by a gang of tramps and stabbed, was looking for a doctor in Catasauqua, but on Wednesday no traces of the man could be found. Wednesday morning four tramps were arrested in Catasauqua on suspicion of being concerned in the murder. They are in the town lock-up. There are circumstances which seem to make a strong case against the tramps. On the person of one of them was found a formidable looking knife. The Coroner held an inquest Wednesday afternoon, but little light was thrown on the affair. A verdict was rendered to the effect that the man came to his death from blows with a club or stone and the stab in the head at the hands of a person or persons unknown. Detectives are at work on the case, but the prospects of its being unraveled are not very promising. A Mine Disaster at nanticoke. A terrible result followed when Oliver Kivler fired a blast in No. 1 slope of the Pennsylvania Coal Company's workings at Nanticoke last Friday morning. Huge masses of rock came down and in another instant water flooded in, filling up the gangway, and bringing with it an immense quantity of quicksand. In less time than it takes to tell it the water had filled up the gangway to a depth of five and six feet, and a desperate struggle took place on the part of the miners to escape the deluge. All escaped except the following persons: William Kivler, Oliver Kivler, Frank Kivler, Abram Lewis, Edward Lewis, William Dennigy, Thomas Clifford, William Donahue, William Elkie, Isaac Sarber, Andrew Lowe, John Schutt, John Hawks, John Sarbe, Albert Snittul, Edward Hardgraves, Edward Matthews. The presumption is that the men still occupy their respective chambers and are above the water level, but if they have escaped drowning there is great danger that death will result from foul air or starvation. Between the imprisoned men and the air shaft there are, it is estimated, fully sixty feet of coal, rock and debris. To dig this out or tunnel through it is the work that the relief party is engaged at, and which is watched with interest by hundreds of people. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 20.--To-day was the gloomiest Sunday ever witnessed in Nanticoke. Thousands of people poured into the town in vehicles, on horseback and afoot. Hundreds of them gathered in groups around the various workings, where they discussed the situation of the men imprisoned in the flooded mine. The rescuing party worked with a will this morning, and in one hour they cleared away twenty-seven feet. The fact that the quicksand is not piled up to the roof allows the air to circulate, and if the men lived through Saturday they will not die of suffocation. An important 168 fact established is that the men must have escaped to the highest part of the mine in safety, for had they been caught in the flood, which carried everything before it, they would certainly have been drowned, and their bodies carried along the gangway. Had they met the latter fate their bodies would have been discovered by the rescuers while making a passageway through the gangway. It is estimated that about 50,000 tons of coal dirt were precipitated into the mine. To remove this will require weeks of labor, and the loss to the company will be great. The miners will not return to work until the bodies of their comrades are found. The Superintendent of the Susquehanna Coal Company has telegraphed to the officials to spare neither pains nor money to get the missing. The rescuing party consists of 100 men--as many as can work in the place. At 6 o'clock to-night, when the rescuers were within twenty feet of where the men are supposed to be, they knocked on the pipes which run through the gangway but received no response. The first repott, which obtained wide currencey, that the disaster was caused by a blast fired by Oliver Kivler, is now denied by the officials of the company. They say that the real cause of the disaster was a settling of about one hundred and fifty yards of the floor of a new tunnel, in which fifty-two men were at work. This settling caused the sides of the tunnel to bulge and made a break in the rock roof overhead, which left a hole large enough for two to pass themeselves through. By this break a twenty foot vein of quicksand was surged into the tunnel. The quicksand underlay the surface above, on which was a mammoth culm bank, over fifty acres in extent and two hundred and fifty feet high. Following the quicksand thousands of tons of this culm pressed into the tunnel, and with it came water from a pond underneath the culm, which is estimated to have contained upwards of 20,000,000 gallons and which was, as a result, drained of the last drop. Wilkesbarre, Dec. 21.--About 9 o'clock this evening the work of the rescuing party was suddenly interrupted by another fall of sand-rock and culm. The men were working on a steep incline, when a vast mass of debris came crashing down toward them with great violence. They fled for their lives and although they escaped uninjured several of them had very narrow escapes. The work of digging for the imprisoned men is for the time suspended, but the officials in charge are making strenuous efforts to overcome the difficulties, and continue their labors. They hope to have matters so arranged in an hour or two, that the work may be proceeded with. Wilkesbarre, Dec. 28.--At 12:30 this morning the mine officials at Nanticoke decided to abandon work in the air shaft on account of the cave-in and the presence of fire-damp. All attempts to get the missing men out alive have now been abandoned, but the work through the tunnel will be pushed steadily forward. It will probably be about two weeks before the bodies of the missing men are reached. Latest.--The buried miners have not been as yet reached, and it is now believed that all are dead, still the search will be prosecuted until the bodies are found. MARRIED. MILLS-ACKER.--On the 21st inst., by Rev. S. A. Heilner, John Mills of East Mauch Chunk, to Elizabeth Acker, of Weissport. MARRIED. JERMYN-WARREN--On the 12th inst., by Rev. W. W. McNair, at the Presbyterian parsonage, Audenried, Wm. Jermyn and Miss Belle Warren, both of Coleraine. MARRIED. SEWELL-DUNCAN--By the same, on the 16th inst., at the residence of Mrs. Jeanette Duncan, Audenried, Chas. W. Sewell, of Weissport, and Miss Agnes C. Duncan, of 169 Audenried. The young couple have our best wishes for a prosperous journey through life. MARRIED. ARNER-O'BRIEN.--On the 7th day of November, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Daniel Arner and Miss Hattie O'Brien, both of Weissport. MARRIED. MINNICH-BLOSE.--On the 26th day of November, Mr. John Minnich, of Weatherly, and Miss Emma Blose, of Lower Towamensing. DIED. REED.--On the 25th day of November, in West Penn, Daniel, husband of Rebecca Reed, aged 70 years, 2 months and 13 days. DIED. FENSTERMACHER.--On the 2nd day of December, in East Penn, Nelson F., husband of Rosa Alice Fenstermacher, aged 24 years and 13 days. DIED. NUNEMACHER.--On the 7th day of December, in West Penn, Lewis James, husband of Hetty Nunemacher, aged 53 years, 2 months and 14 days. Prepared by Tony Bennyhoff, August 4, 2010. 170