Rainbow Children’s Centre Information and Timetable May - July 2014 01908 227925


Rainbow Children’s Centre Information and Timetable May - July 2014 01908 227925
Rainbow Children’s Centre
Information and Timetable
May - July 2014
01908 227925
About Rainbow
Rainbow is a Children‘s Centre based in Pepper Hill School.
Supporting young children and their families by bringing together family support,
health, childcare and education.
Rainbow Children’s Centre is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of
children and young people. We expect all families, staff and volunteers to share this
Please remember that you are responsible for your children whilst at the centre.
Priority is given to families from estates in our Reach Areas:
Bradville, Neath Hill, Pennyland, Downshead Park, Bancroft, Bancroft Park and
Introducing the Rainbow Team:
Nikki & Elaine
Centre Coordinator
Senior Family Support Worker
Family Support Worker
Family Support Worker
Support Workers
We offer support to families, with children from pre-birth to five years of age, by
working together with parents, carers, health services and other organisations, with the
ultimate common goal being to improve and enhance life chances for children.
Opening Times:
Monday – Thursday: 8.15am - 4.30pm
Friday: 8.15am - 4.00pm
Advisory Board:
Rainbow Children’s Centre has an Advisory Board, made up of partner agencies and
community members, to help steer our services.
Parent Forum: known as ‘Rainbow Voices’
Parents’ views, opinions and participation are very important to us and we have a
Parent Forum which comes together to represent parents’ views and ideas. We would
value your input in making future decisions, so that we can get it right for you and your
family. Members produce a newsletter, have regular meetings and help us by
supporting the Centre.
New members are always welcome, see a member of the Team for more information.
Parenting Courses:
ESOL, Nurture Programme, Budgeting, Speakeasy and Baby Massage. These support
parents by increasing their confidence in dealing with aspects of parenting, including
children’s behaviour, supporting a healthier lifestyle and learning skills.
This course is designed for parents to learn how to confidently discuss and explore the
difficult subject of Sex and Relationships with their children.
Family ESOL & Story Sacks (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Weekly English language lessons for parents with English as a foreign language.
• Story Sack Course starting September 2014
• ESOL starting Autumn 2014
To book on to one of our courses please speak to a member of our Team
Nurture Programme
10 Weekly interactive sessions for parents and children to improve emotional literacy
and relationship skills.
We offer one off workshops, taken from the Nurture Programme - Starting May 2014
Money Matters Budgeting Course
Offering practical guidance and effective tools for budgeting, managing your money
and achieving financial freedom
6, 13, 20 & 27 June, 10.00am – 11.00am
Priority given to families living in Reach Area Only
To book a place please speak to a member of the team.
Volunteer Programme
Supporting parents to access volunteering opportunities in the centre and community
by building parents confidence and basic skills. Many parents use this experience to
go on to paid employment or training.
Next course: Tuesday 13 & Thursday 22 May, 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Please speak to a member of the Team if you would like a place on the course
Baby Massage
Birth – 6 months. This is for small groups of mums and babies. Mums may benefit from
an increase in confidence or in developing a stronger mum to baby bond. It can also
support relaxation and help babies who have colic.
Only for families in our reach area or through referral from health visiting teams and
For further information, dates when the Baby Massage course is running and to book
your place, please contact the Centre on 01908 227925.
Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
Rainbow Children’s Centre is committed to the safeguarding of all
children and adults who use the centre and follows local safeguarding
board procedures.
Childcare and Pre-School Information:
Call into our Centre for information, advice and guidance on childcare or pre-school
provision, including information on 2 year-old nursery education funding entitlement.
Speech & Language Development:
Our Family Support Workers can sign post you to the NHS Speech & Language
Therapist, who provides specific sessions to enhance speech and language
Nursery/School Readiness
Is your child starting Foundation 1 in Nursery in September 2014?
If so, these sessions will support you in preparing your child for Nursery.
The sessions will be held monthly for 3 months, you will need to book by calling
Rainbow or speaking to a member of our Team.
A Crèche will be available for younger siblings who will not be starting Nursery in Sept
The sessions will include:Tues 6 May – Sharing and taking turns
Tues 3 June – Circle time & outside
Tues 1 July – What about Me?
(This session is for Parents/Carers only – a Crèche will be provided)
Job Centre Plus and Children’s Centres – Working together to support
Parents in Milton Keynes
Advice on CV writing, confidence building, job hunting, “better off at work“ calculations,
childcare options, and much more….
FREE information sessions will be held monthly in children’s centres throughout Milton
Keynes supporting you in making decisions about returning to work.
These sessions are by invitation only. Please ring Lynne McCluckie on 01908 975254 for
more details, or speak to one of our children’s centre Family Support Workers
Family Support
The family support team at Rainbow Children’s Centre can offer 1:1 sessions. Please
speak to a member of the team or call the Centre for more information.
Registering at your local
Children’s Centre is free!
Speak to our Family Support Workers or your Health Visitor about how Children’s
Centre services can support you and your young family.
Rainbow Children’s Centre Timetable
Midwife Clinic
For appointments please call the centre 01908 227925.
9.30am - 11.00am
Weekly play session for toddlers aged 11 months - 2 years.
An opportunity for toddlers to explore, play, meet new
friends and learn new songs/rhymes. A suggested
donation of 50p per child is very welcome!
Push and Tone New Venue & Time
10.00am - 11.00am
Have time with your baby while keeping fit!
Meet Ana at The Quaker Centre for a brisk walk, strengthening and core toning
exercise session. A suggested donation of £1.00 is very welcome.
Bumps/Baby Rainbows New Session
1.00pm - 2.30pm
For mums to be and babies up to 10 months.
Baby Clinic
9.30am - 11.15am
1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month
Come to our Weigh-in session with the health visiting team.
Toddler Time for Childminders only
9.30am - 10.15am (Term time only)
This session is for any childminder in Milton Keynes. 50p donation per child.
Toddler Time
10.45am - 11.30am (Term time only)
This weekly session is aimed at toddlers and children up
to 5 years. A fun lively music session for toddlers, parents
to sing, dance and rhyme together. A suggested donation
of 50p per child is very welcome.
Tuesdays - continued
Nursery Readiness Sessions
Including Write Dance Session
1.30pm - 2.30pm
1st Tuesday of each month May - July
Priority given to reach area Schools or families living within our reach area. A suggested
donation of 50p per child is very welcome!
RANGE Additional Needs Group New Starting May 2014
11.30am - 12.30pm
Starting May 2014
4th Tuesday of each month
Does your child have additional needs? An opportunity to meet other parents/carers of
children with additional needs, for a chat while the children play. This session will be
supported by a member of our Team. A suggested donation of 50p per child is very
Lone Parent’s Group
1.30pm - 2.30pm
3rd Tuesday of each month
Are you a single parent, would you like to meet other
single parents while your child enjoys a playtime in
relaxed surroundings.
Barbers Mews Group
11.00am - 12.00 noon
Starting in May 2014
4th Tuesday of Month
Information Drop In and Play Session for families living in Barbers Mews. Further details
from the Centre on 01908 227925
Parenting Courses
Starting May 2014
Priority given to families living in Reach Area Only
The Nurture Programme Workshops
Workshop 1 Tues 10 June 1.00pm – 2.30pm
Workshop 2 Tues 8 July
1.00pm – 2.30pm
Workshop 3 Fri 18 July
All bookable in advance
Choices, Consequences & Feelings
Praise and Discipline
Did you know that your two year old child
could qualify for up to
15 hours FREE childcare education a week?
Ask your local Children’s Centre or find out more at: www.timefortwos.com
or call 01908 253338
Health Visitors 1 and 2 year old Development Checks
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 1.00 – 2.00pm - Oakridge Park Surgery Health
Visitors attending
Every 4th Thursday of the month, 10.00 – 11.00am - Neath Hill Surgery Health Visitors
attending. An opportunity to come in and have a chat with a Health Visitor. For details
speak to your health visitor.
Toddler Time – Reach Area Families Only
9.15am - 10.30am (Term time only)
Outreach at The Quaker Centre
1 Oakley Gardens, Downhead Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9BH
This weekly session is aimed at toddlers and children up to 5 years. A fun lively music
session for toddlers, parent/carers to sing, dance and rhyme together. A healthy snack
will be provided at the end of the session. A suggested donation of 50p per child is very
Baby Clinic at Neath Hill New
10.30am - 11.30am
Please call centre for more information
Parent and Toddler – Reach Area Only
10.00am - 11.30am
A fun, lively play session for children aged 0 to 5
years (Primarily focusing on toddlers) with their parents/carers. An opportunity to
support your child in learning through
play. There are many activities on offer and a healthy snack. A suggested donation of
50p per child is very welcome!
For further information please contact the Children & Family Information Service
01908 253918 or [email protected]
The CFI provides free, impartial and up to date information on childcare and related
matters in Milton Keynes.You can also visit their website at
Midwife Clinic
For appointments please call the centre 01908 227925.
Employment/Training Support
Are you looking to get back into work/training? Rainbow can support you
Please speak to a member of our Team.
Fridays - continued
Baby Massage Course
Priority given to families living in Reach Area Only
For more information or to book on to one of our courses please speak to a member of
the Team.
Partnerships and Support
We work in partnership with:
• ACE – Adult Continuing Education
• CFI – Children and Families Information
• MK College – Adult Education
• MK ACT – Confidential advice and help on Domestic abuse
• EMASS – Ethnic Minority Achievement and Support Services
• MKPA – MK Play Association
• MKPCT – Local Health Authorities and Public Health
• CAMHS – Children and Adults Mental Health Services
• MKLC – Milton Keynes Language Centre
• NEP – Neighbourhood Employment programme
• CAB – Citizens Advice Bureau
• CRI – Substance Misuse Counselling
• Oakridge and Neath Hill Health Teams – Health visitors and Midwife
• Money Matters – Support with handling finances and debt advice
• Job Centre Plus
• Children and Family Practice – (North)
• Relate – One to One and Family Counselling
• Community Mobiliser
01908 227925
Available in audio, large print,
braille and other languages
01908 227925
Rainbow Children’s Centre
Pepper Hill School,
Bradville MK13 7BQ
T 01908 227925