CURRICULUM VITAE LORANN STALLONES 4112 Green Ridge Drive Laporte, Colorado 80535 970-491-6156 (work) 970-407-0468 (home) Place of Birth: San Francisco, California Family: Children, John Byler Nuckols, 11/13/85-10/16/2010 Erin Lorann Nuckols, 11/14/87 Jesse Marie Nuckols, 2/20/92 EDUCATION: B.A., March 1974, University of California, Santa Barbara (Cultural Anthropology) M.P.H., September 1975, The University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas (Community Health) (Thesis: An Assessment of Active Participants of a Family Planning Clinic, Crockett, Texas) Ph.D., June 1982, The University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas (Epidemiology) (Dissertation: Marital Status and Cardiovascular Risk) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 7/08-present, Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Colorado School of Public Health, Denver, Colorado. 9/07-present, Director, Graduate Degree Program in Public Health (Colorado School of Public Health), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. 8/01-present, Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Natural Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 7/04-7/08, Adjunct Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 7/96-6/04, Professor, Department of Environmental Health, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 1/90-7/96, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 7/95-6/04, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 07/2009 7/89-12/89, Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky 7/84-6/89, Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky 7/82-7/84, Research Fellow in Epidemiology, The Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, New York 1/77-7/78, Public Health Analyst, NIH-NHLBI Epidemiology Branch, Bethesda, Maryland 9/76-12/76, Coordinator, Swine Influenza Immunization Program, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 1/76-5/76, Health Planner-Peace Corps, Koror, Palau, Western Caroline Islands REFEREED PUBLICATIONS: 1. Feinleib, M., R.J. Garrison, L. Stallones, W.B. Kannel, W.P. Castelli, and P.M. McNamara. A comparison of blood pressure, total cholesterol and cigarette smoking in parents in 1950 and their children in 1970. American Journal of Epidemiology 110(3):291-303, Sept. 1979. 2. Mueller, W.H. and L. Stallones. Anatomical distribution of subcutaneous fat: skinfold site choice and construction of indices. Human Biology 53(3):321-335, Sept. 1981. 3. Stallones, L., W.H. Mueller, and B.L. Christensen. Blood pressure, fatness and fat patterning among USA adolescents from two ethnic groups. Hypertension 4(4):483-486, July-August 1982. 4. Hoffman, G.S., W.A. Franck, D.A. Raddatz, and L. Stallones. Presentation, treatment and prognosis of idiopathic inflammatory muscle disease in a rural hospital. American Journal of Medicine 75(3):433-438, Sept. 1983. 5. Olenchock, S.A., J.J. May, D.S. Pratt, D.M. Lewis, J.C. Mull, and L. Stallones. In vitro and in vivo changes in human complement caused by silage. Environmental Health Perspectives 66:91-96, 1986. 6. Stallones, L., D.S. Pratt, and J.J. May. Reported frequency of dairy farm associated health hazards, Otsego County, New York, 1982-1983. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2(4):189-192, 1986. 7. May, J.J., D.S. Pratt, L. Stallones, P.R. Morey, S.A. Olenchock, I.W. Deep, and G.A. Bennett. A study of silo unloading - The work environment and its physiologic effects. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 10(3):318, 1986. 8. Pratt, D.S., L. Stallones, D. Darrow, and J.J. May. Acute respiratory illness associated with 07/2009 silo unloading. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 10(3):328, 1986. 9. May, J.J., L. Stallones, D. Darrow, and D.S. Pratt. Organic dust toxicity (Pulmonary Mycotoxicosis) associated with silo unloading. Thorax 41(12):919-923, 1986. 10. Pratt, D.S., L. Stallones, N. Johnson, L. Chiarello, and J.J. May. Nosocomial Pneumonias in a community teaching hospital, 1980-1981. New York State Medical Journal 87(4):199-202, 1987. 11. Marx, M.B., L. Stallones, and T.F. Garrity. Demographics of pet ownership among the elderly. Anthrozoos 1(1):36-40, 1987. 12. Johnson, T.P., J. Hendricks, H.B. Turner, L. Stallones, M.B. Marx, and T.F. Garrity. Social networks and depression among the elderly: Metro-nonmetro comparisons. Journal of Rural Health 43(3):71-83, 1988. 13. Stallones, L., M.B. Marx, T.F. Garrity, and T.P. Johnson. Attachment to companion animals among older pet owners. Anthrozoos 2(2):118-124, 1988. 14. Marx, M.B., L. Stallones, T.F. Garrity, and T.P. Johnson. Demographics of pet ownership among adults 21-64 years of age. Anthrozoos 2(1):33-37, 1988. 15. Garrity, T.F., L. Stallones, M.B. Marx, and T.P. Johnson. Pet ownership and attachment as supportive factors in the health of the elderly. Anthrozoos 3(1):35-44, 1989. 16. Stallones, L. Education, equipment modification and injury control among farm workers in Kentucky. Journal of Occupational Accidents 10:293-303, 1989. 17. Stallones, L., E.J. Kasarskis, C. Stipanowich, and G. Snider. Secular trends in mortality rates from motor neuron disease in Kentucky, 1964-1984. Neuroepidemiology 8(2):68-78, 1989. 18. Stallones, L. Fatal unintentional injuries among Kentucky farm children. Journal of Rural Health 5(3):246-256, 1989. 19. Stallones, L. Surveillance of fatal and nonfatal farm injuries in Kentucky. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 18:223-234, 1990. 20. Stallones, L. Suicide mortality among Kentucky farmers, 1979-1985. Suicide and Life Threatening Behaviors 20(2):156-163, 1990. 21. Stallones, L., T.F. Garrity, T.P. Johnson, and M.B. Marx. Quality of attachment to companion animals among U.S. adults 21-64 years of age. Anthrozoos 3(3):171-175, 1990. 22. Stallones, L., T.F. Garrity, and M.B. Marx. Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms among the elderly. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 6(5):295-303, 1990. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 4 23. Stallones, L., T.F. Garrity, T.P. Johnson, and M.B. Marx. Pet ownership and attachment in relation to the health of U.S. adults 21-64 years of age. Anthrozoos 4(2):100-112, 1990. 24. Kearney, P.A., L. Stallones, C. Swartz, D.E. Barker, and S.B. Johnson. Unintentional injury death rates in rural Appalachia. Journal of Trauma 30(12):1524-1532, 1990. 25. Johnson, T.P., L. Stallones, T.F. Garrity, and M.B. Marx. Components of self-rated health among adults: Analysis of multiple data sources. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 11(1):29-41, 1990. 26. Pratt, D.S., L.H. Marvel, D. Darrow, L. Stallones, J.J. May, P. Jenkins. The dangers of dairy farming: The injury experience of 600 workers followed for two years. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 21:637-650, 1992. 27. Johnson, T.P., L. Stallones, T.F. Garrity. Psychometric evaluation of the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale. Anthrozoos 3 (5):160-175, 1992. 28. Stallones, L., M. Cook. Suicide rates in Colorado 1980-1989: Metropolitan, NonMetropolitan and farm comparisons. Journal of Rural Health. 8(2):139-142, 1992. 29. Stallones, L., J.R. Nuckols, J.K. Berry. Surveillance around hazardous waste sites: Geographic information systems and reproductive outcomes. Environmental Research. 59:81-92, 1992. 30. Stallones, L., J.F. Kraus. The occurrence and epidemiologic features of alcohol-related occupational injuries. Addiction 88 (7):945-951, 1993. 31. Rajaram, S.S., T.F. Garrity, L. Stallones, and M.B. Marx. Bereavement - Loss of a pet and loss of a human. Anthrozoos 6 (1):8-16, 1993. 32. Stallones, L., Gunderson, P. Epidemiological perspectives on childhood agricultural injuries within the United States. Journal of Agromedicine 1(4):3-18, 1994. 33. Stallones, L. Pet loss and mental health. Anthrozoos 7(1):43-54, 1994. 34. Stallones, L., Marine, W., Garrett, C., Krafft, K. Identifying fatal agricultural occupational injuries in Colorado, 1982-1989: A comparison of two surveillance systems. Journal of Agromedicine 2(3):29-38, 1995. 35. Gabella, B., Reiner, K., Hoffman, R., Cook, L., Stallones, L. Relationship of helmet use and head injuries among motorcycle crash victims in El Paso County, Colorado, 1989-1999. Accident Analysis and Prevention 27(3):363-369, 1995. 36. Stallones, L., Leff, M., Garrett, C., Criswell, L., Gillan, T. Depressive symptoms among 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 5 Colorado farmers. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 1(1):37-43, 1995. 37. Stallones, L. (Editorial). Following in father’s footsteps: a commentary on “A Theory and methods of epidemiologic study of home accidents”. Injury Prevention 2:4-6, 1996. 38. Champney, M.R., Stallones, L., Blehm, K.D., Tucker, A., Merchant, D. A survey of respiratory symptoms in a farming population in Northeasterm Colorado. Journal of Agromedicine 3(3):47-58, 1996. 39. Merchant, D.L., Stallones, L., Keefer, S., Rickard, R. An ecologic analysis of congenital anomalies and agricultural chemicals in Colorado, 1989-1991. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 2(4):197-206, 1996. 40. Hwang, H.C., Stallones, L., Keefe, T. J. Childhood injury deaths: rural and urban differences, Colorado, 1980-8. Injury Prevention. 1:35-37, 1997. 41. Gabella, B., Hoffman, R.E., Marine, W.W., Stallones, L. Urban and rural traumatic brain injuries in Colorado. Annals of Epidemiology 7(3):207-212, 1997. 42. Stallones, L., Keefe, T.S., Xiang, H.Y. Characteristics associated with increased farm-work related injuries among male farm operators in Colorado, 1993. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 3(3):195-201, 1997. 43. Gallagher, M., Nuckols, J.R., Stallones, L., Savitz, D.A. Exposure to trihalomethanes and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Colorado. Epidemiology 9(5):484-489, 1998. 44. Sweitzer, K., Stallones, L. Significant contributing causes of cancer deaths among Hispanics in Colorado, USA, 1983-1992. Reports in Public Health (Brazil) 14 (suppl 3): 187191, 1998. 45. Darragh, A. R., Stallones, L., Sample, P.L., Sweitzer, K. Perceptions of farm hazards and personal safety behavior among adolescent farmworkers. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. Special Issue 1:159-169, 1998. 46. Xiang, H., Stallones, L., Chiu, Y., Epperson, A. Non-fatal injuries and risk factors among female farm residents. Journal of Agromedicine 5(4):21-33, 1998. 47. Xiang, H., Stallones, L., Keefe, T.J. Back pain and agricultural work among farmers: An analysis of the Colorado Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance Survey. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 35:310-336, 1999. 48. Xiang, H., Stallones, L., Hariri, S., Darragh, A., Chiu, Y., Gibbs-Long, J. Back pain among persons working on small or family farms-Eight Colorado counties, 1993-1997. MMWR 48(15):301-304. April 23, 1999. 49. Xiang, H., Stallones, L., Chiu, Y. Non-fatal agricultural injuries among Colorado older male 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 6 farmers. Journal of Aging and Health 11(1):65-78, 1999. 50. Xiang, H., Wang, Z., Stallones. L., Yu, S., Gimbel, H.W., Yang, P. Cigarette smoking among medical college students in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China. Preventive Medicine 29:210-215, 1999. 51. Xiang, H., Nuckols, J.R., Stallones, L. A geographic information assessment of birth weight and crop production patterns around mother’s residence. Environmental Research 82:160-167, 2000. 52. Stallones, L., Sweitzer, K. Fatal head injuries among Hispanic farmworkers and farmers in Colorado. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 5(2):201-206, April, 2000. 53. Xiang ,H., Wang, Z., Stallones, L., Keefe, T.J., Huang, X., Fu, X. Agricultural work-related injuries among farmers in Hubei, People's Republic of China. American Journal of Public Health. 90(8):1269-1276, 2000. 54. Scarth, R.D., Stallones, L., Zwerling, C., and Burmeister, L.F. The prevalence of depressive symptoms and risk factors among Iowa and Colorado farmers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 37:382-389, 2000. 55. Viet, SM, Buchan R, Stallones, L. Acute respiratory effects and endotoxin exposure during wheat harvest in Northeastern Colorado. Applied Occupational and Environmental Journal. 16(6):685-697, 2001. 56. Cooper, S.P., Darragh, A.R., Vernon, S.W., Stallones, L., MacNaughton N., Robison T., Hanis, C., and Zahm, S.H. Ascertainment of pesticide exposures of migrant and seasonal farmworker children: Findings from focus groups. American Journal Industrial Medicine 40(5):531-537, 2001. 57. Colt, J.S., Stallones, L., Cameron L., Dosemeci, M., Zahm, S.H. Proportionate mortality among US migrant and seasonal farmworkers in twenty-four states. American Journal Industrial Medicine 40(5):604-611, 2001. 58. Zahm S.H., Colt, J.S., Engel L.S., Keifer, M.C., Alvarado A.J., Butterfield, P., Cladera S., Cooper, S.P., Garcia, D., Hendrickson, E., Hunt, L.M., Krauska, M., MacNaughton, N., McDonnell, C.J., Mills, P.K., Mull, L.D., Nordstrom, D.L., Outterson, B., Slesinger, D., Stallones, L., Stephens, C., Sweeney, A., Sweitzer K., Vernon, S.W., Blair, A. Development of a life events/icon calendar questionnaire to ascertain occupational histories and other characteristics of migrant farmworkers. American Journal Industrial Medicine 40(5):490-501, 2001. 59. Stallones, L. and Beseler, C. Pesticides and depressive symptoms among farm residents. Annals of Epidemiology, 12(6):389-394. 2002. 60. Stallones, L., and Beseler, C. Pesticide illness, farm practices, and neurological symptoms. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 7 Environmental Research, Section A, 90:89-97. 2002. 61. Xiang H., Stallones, L. Deaths associated with snow skiing in Colorado 1980-81 to 2000-01 ski seasons. Injury, International Journal Care of Injured. 34:892-896. 2003. 62. Stallones, L., Xiang, H. Alcohol consumption patterns and work-related injuries among Colorado farm residents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 25 (1): 25-30, 2003. 63. Stallones, L., Beseler, C. Farm work practices and farm injuries in Colorado. Injury Prevention 9:241-244, 2003. 64. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. Safety practices, neurological symptoms and pesticide poisoning. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 45(10):1079-1086. 2003. 65. Darragh, A.R., Stallones, L., Bigelow, P.L., Keefe, T.J. The effectiveness of the HomeSafe pilot program in reducing injury rates among residential construction workers, 1994-1998. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 45(2):210-217. 2004.. 66. Leff, M., Stallones, L., Keefe, T.J., Rosenblatt, R., Reeds, M. Comparison of urban and rural non-fatal injury: Results of a statewide survey. Injury Prevention. 9:332-337. 2003. 67. Xiang, H., Stallones, L., Smith, G. Downhill skiing fatal injuries among children. Injury Prevention. 10:99-102. 2004. 68. Stallones, L. Beseler, C. Safety practices and depression among farm residents. Annals of Epidemiology 14:571-578. 2004. 69. Peek-Asa, C., Zwerling, C., Stallones, L. Acute traumatic injuries in rural populations. American Journal of Public Health. 94(10):1689-1693. 2004. 70. DeArmond, S.E., Stallones, L., Chen, P. Y., Sintek, E.E. Depression and somatic symptoms within the farming community. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 12(1):5-15. 2006. 71. Xiang, H., Leff, M., Stallones, L. Nonfatal injuries among adults with activity limitations. Injury Prevention. 11:157-162. 2005. 72. Xiang H., Smith G., Wilkins J., Chen G., Hostetler S., Stallones L. Obesity and risk of nonfatal unintentional injuries. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 29(1):41-45. 2005. 73. Xiang, H. Stallones, L., Chen, G., Smith, G.A. Work-related eye injuries treated in hospital emergency departments in the US. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 48:57-62. 2005. 74. Kakefuda I., Stallones, L. Comparisons of Colorado women’s cancer screening practices by residence: Metropolitan, nonmetropolitan and farm. Journal of Agriculture Safety and Health. 12(1):59-69. 2006. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 8 75. Xiang H., Stallones L., Chen G., Hostetler S., Kelleher K. Nonfatal injuries among U.S. children with disabling conditions. American Journal of Public Health. 95(11):1970-1975. 2005. 76. Gujral I, Gabella B, Stallones L, Keefe T. Sex differences in mortality after traumatic brain injury, Colorado 1994 – 1998. Brain Injury. 20(3):283-291. 2006. 77. Xiang H, Zhu M, Sinclair S, Smith G, Stallones L, Wilkins J. Risk of vehicle-pedestrian and vehicle-bicyclist collisions among children with disabilities. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 38:1064-1070, 2006. 78. Stallones, L., Beseler C., Chen P. Sleep patterns and risk of injury among adolescent farm residents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 30(4):300-304. 2006. 79. Beseler C., Stallones L., Hoppin J., Alavanja, M., Blair, A, Keefe T., Kamel F. Depression and pesticide exposures in female spouses of licensed pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study cohort. Journal Environmental and Occupational Medicine 48(10): 1005-1013, 2006. 80. Rosales M., Smith S., Stallones L. Newspaper coverage of injury reports affecting the Hispanic surname population in two counties in Colorado. Psychological Reports. 99(2):651658, 2006. 81. Stallones, L. Suicide and occupational exposure to pesticides, Colorado, 1990-1999. Journal of Agromedicine 11(3/4):107-112, 2006. 82. Beseler C., Stallones, L. Structural equation modeling of the relationships between pesticide poisoning, depressive symptoms and safety behaviors among Colorado farm residents. Journal of Agromedicine.11(3/4):35-46, 2006. 83. Stallones L., Leff, M., Canetto S., Garrett C., Mendelson B. Suicidal ideation among lowincome women on family assistance programs. Women & Health. 45(4):65-83, 2007. 84. Wilkins J.R. III, Crawford J.M., Stallones L., Koechlin K.M., Shen L., Hayes J., Bean T.L. Using Participant Event Monitoring in a Cohort Study of Unintentional Injury among Children and Adolescents. American Journal of Public Health. 97(2):283-290, 2007. 85. Xiang, H., Yu S., Zhang X., Scurlock C., Smith G., Stallones L. Behavioral Risk Factors and Unintentional Injuries among US Immigrant Adults. Annals of Epidemiology. 17:889-898. 2007 86. Kakefuda, I., Stallones, L., Gibbs-Long, J. Readiness for community-based bicycle helmet use programs: A study using community- and individual-level readiness models. Journal of Health Psychology. 13(5):639-643.2008. 87. Cigularov, K., Chen, P., Thurber, B. W., & Stallones, L. What prevents adolescents from seeking help after a suicide education program? Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.38: 7486. 2008. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 9 88. Gallagher,L.M., Kliem, C., Beautrais,A.Stallones, L. Suicide and occupation in New Zealand, 2001-2005. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 14:45-50. 2008. 89. Cigularov, K., Chen, P. Y., Thurber, B. W., & Stallones, L. Investigation of the Effectiveness of a School-Based Suicide Education Program Using Three Methodological Approaches. Psychological Services. 5(3):262-274. 2008. 90. Kakefuda, I., Yamanaka, T., Stallones, L., Motomura, Y., & Nishida, Y. Child restraint seat use behavior and attitude among Japanese mothers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40, 1234 1243. 2008. 91. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. A cohort study of pesticide poisoning and depression in Colorado farm residents. Annals of Epidemiology. 18(10):768-774, 2008. 92. Stallones, L., Gunderson, P.D. (Invited Editorial) News clippings offer intriguing injury prevention possibilities. Journal of Agromedicine 12(3):1-2. 2008. 93. Stallones, L., Gibbs, J., Gabella, B., Kakefuda, I. Community readiness and prevention of traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 22 (7):555-564. 2008. 94. Rosales, M., Stallones, L. Coverage of motor vehicle crashes with injuries in US newspapers, 1999-2002. Journal of Safety Research 39:477-482; 2008. 95. Zhang, X., Yu, S., Scurlock, C., Wheeler, K., Kelleher, K., Stallones, L., Xiang, H. Workrelated injuries among foreign born and US born workers: Findings from the US National Health Interview survey, 1997-2005. American Journal Industrial Medicine. 52:25-36. 2009. 96. Beseler, C., Stallones, L., Hoppin, J., Alavanja, M., Blair, A., Keefe, T., Kamel, F. Depression and pesticide exposures among private pesticide applicators enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 116(12):1713-1719. 2008. 97. Postal M, Jaung M, Chen G, Yu S, Stallones L, and Xiang H. Farm work-related injury among middle school students in rural China. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 15 (2):129-142. 2009. 98. Kakefuda I, Henry, K. L., Stallones, L. Associations between childhood bicycle helmet use, current use and family and community factors among college students. Family and Community Health. 32(2):159-166. 2009. 99. Douphrate D., Rosecrance J., Stallones L., Reynolds S., Gilkey D. Tractor-Related Injuries: An Analysis of Workers' Compensation Data. Journal of Agromedicine. 14:1-8. 2009. 100. Douphrate D., Rosecrance J., Stallones L., Reynolds S., Gilkey D. Livestock-Handling Injuries in Agriculture: An Analysis of Colorado Workers’ Compensation Data. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 52(5):391-407. 2009. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 10 101. Stallones, L., Vela-Acosta, MS., Sample, P., Bigelow, P., Rosales, M. Perspectives on safety and health from hired farm workers in Colorado and Mexico: A qualitative field study. Journal of Rural Health, 25(2):219-225. 2009. 102. Kakefuda I., Stallones L., Gibbs J. Discrepancy in bicycle helmet use among college students between two bicycle use purposes: commuting and recreation. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41(3):513-521. 2009. 103. Shen M., Yang S., Han J., Shi J., Yang R., Du Y., Stallones L. Patterns of Nonfatal Injury among Left-behind Children, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China. Injury Prevention, 15(4):244-247. 2009. 104. Jaung M., Yu S., Stallones, L., Xiang, H. Road traffic injuries among middle school students in a rural area in China. Traffic Injury Prevention. 10:243-251. 2009. 105. Shi, J., Xiang, H., Wheeler, K., Smith, G., Stallones, L., Groner, J., Wang, Z. Costs, Mortality Likelihood, and Outcomes of Hospitalized U.S. Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries. Brain Injury. 23 (7):602-611. 2009. 106. Brackney M., Marfin A., Campbell G., Staples E., Black W., Stallones, L., Keefe T. Epidemiology of Colorado Tick Fever, 1995-2003. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2010 (4):381-385. 107. Cigularov, K., Chen, P., Stallones, L. Effects of Farm Safety Climate and Farm Safety Locus of Control on Error Communication: Perspectives from Young Farm Workers. Work and Stress. 2009; 23; 297-312. 108. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. Pesticide poisoning and respiratory disorders in Colorado farm residents. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 2009; 15(4):327-34. 109. Wang L, Sun Y, Hang Y, Xiang H, Stallones L, Xue H, Cheng Y, and Li S. Epidemiological study on alcohol consumption and agricultural work-related injuries among Minority Nationality residents from the northern parts of China. Chinese Journal Epidemiology 2009;30(12):1243-1248. 110. Beseler, C., Stallones, L., Safety knowledge, safety behaviors, depression and injuries in Colorado farm residents. American Journal Industrial Medicine. 2010; 53(1):47-54. 111. Wang H, Smith G, Stallones H, and Xiang H. Injury-related childhood mortality in migrant households in a southern city of China. Injury Prevention. 2010; 16:161-165. 112. Wang L, Wheeler K, Bai L, Stallones L, Dong Y, Ge J, and Xiang H. Alcohol consumption and work-related injuries among farmers in Heilongjiang province, People’s Republic of China. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2010; 53(8): 825-835. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 11 113. Alhajj T, Wang L, Wheeler K, Zhao W, Sun Y, Stallones L, and Xiang H. Prevalence of disability among adolescents and adults in rural China. Disability and Health. 2010; 3: 282-288. 114. Wheeler, K., Kelleher, K., Stallones L, Xiang H. Immigrants as crime victims: Experiences of personal victimization. American Journal Industrial Medicine. 2010: 53:435-442. 115. Wesseling C, van Wendel de Joode B, Keifer MC, London L, Mergler D, Stallones L. Symptoms of psychological distress and suicidal ideation among banana workers with a history of poisoning by organophosphate or n-methyl carbamate pesticides. Occupational Environmental Medicine. 2010;67:778-84. 116. Leff, M., Stallones, L., Xiang, H., Whiteneck, G. Disability, Environmental Barriers, and Injury. Injury Prevention. 2010; 16:411-415. 117. Zhang X., Xiang, H., Wheeler, K., Smith, G., Stallones, L., Road traffic injuries to foreigners in the People’s Republic of China, 2000-2008. Journal of Safety Research. 2010; 41:521-523. 118. Beseler, C. Stallones, L. An Item Response Theory analysis of safety knowledge in Colorado farm residents. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2011; 53(4): 388– 395. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e31820f3843 119. Han X, Wu C, Wang C, Cui N, Hao Z, Xiang H, Stallones L. Survey on the vegetable-base workers related disease and its time distribution. Modern Preventive Medicine. 2010; 37 (24): 4606-4608.[Chinese]. 120. Cui N. Wu, Han X, Wang C, Hao Z, Xiang H, and Stallones L. Risk factors of injury among greenhouse farmers. Chinese Journal of Public Health 2010; 26(9): 1130-1131.[Chinese] 121. Wang C, Han X, Cui N, Hao Z, Xiang H, Stallones L, and Wu C. Analyzing the factors influencing the greenhouse vegetable producer’ behavior of seeing doctors. The Chinese Health Service Management. 2010; 265(7):459-463. [Chinese] 122. Asti L, Canan BD, Heaney C, Ashida S, Renick K, Xiang H, Stallones L, Bean T, Jepsen SD, and Wilkins III JR. Compliance with the North American guidelines for children’s agricultural tasks among youth working with large animals. Journal of Agromedicine 16(3):174193, 2011. 123. Zhang X, Zhao W, Jing R, Wheeler K, Smith GA, Stallones L, Xiang H. Work-related pesticide poisoning among farmers in two villages of Southern China: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health 2011, 11:429. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-429. Article URL 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 12 124. Betz ME, Valley MA, Lowenstein SR, Hedegaard H, Thomas D, Stallones L, Honigman B. Elevated suicide rates at high altitude: Sociodemographic and health issues may be to blame. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior 41(5):562-573. October 2011. 125. Canan BD, Asti L, Heaney C, Ashida S, Renick K, Stallones L, Jepsen SD, Crawford JM, Wilkins JR III. Compliance with NAGCAT Work Practices Recommendations for Youth Cleaning Service Alleys in Stall Barns. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 17(2): 127146. 2011. 126. Stallones, L. Enhancing surveillance of injuries and diseases among agricultural youth. Journal of Agromedicine 17(2):94-108. 2012. doi 10.1080/1059924X.2012.658007. 127. Price, J., Shi, J., Lu B., Smith, G., Stallones, L., Wheeler, K., Xiang H. Non-occupational and Occupational Injuries to U.S. Workers with Disabilities. American Journal of Public Health 102(9):e38-46. 2012. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2012.300888. 128. Liu X, Wang L, Stallones L, Smith GA, and Xiang H. Back pain among farmers in a northern area of China. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 37(6):508-514. 2012. 129. London L, Beseler C, Bouchard M, Bellinger D, Colosio C, Grandjean P, Harari R, Kootbodien T, Kromhout H, Little F, Meijster T, Moretto A, Rohlman D, Stallones L. Neurobehavioral and neurodevelopmental effects of pesticide exposures. NeuroToxicology 33:887-896. 2012. 130. Shao J, Zhu H , Yao H, Stallones L, Yeates K, Wheeler K, Xiang H. Characteristics and Trends of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injuries Treated at a Large Pediatric Medical Center in China,2002-2011. PLOS Online. 7(12):1-7 December 2012. 131. Shen M., Wang Y., Yang S., Du Y., Xiang H., Stallones L. Agricultural exposures and farm work related injuries among adolescents in rural China. Injury Prevention. doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2012-040326. Published Online First: 30 August 2012. 132. Yao H., Liu J., Zheng W., Stallones L., Xiang H. Review of the definition of agricultural injury in agricultural injury research and prevention. Modern Preventive Medicine [Chinese] Vol. 39, no. 13. (December): 3197-3199. 2012 133. Li K., Xue L., Pang S., Guan W., Stallones L., and Xiang H. Work-related injuries sustained by dairy workers in Tangshan, China. Injury Medicine. 1(3):10-20. 2012. doi: 10.3868/j.issn.2095-1566.2012.03.004 [Chinese]. 134. Xue L., Pang S., Xiang H., Stallones, L., Guan W., Liu R., Cui L., Gong J., Zhang M. Status of non-fatal injuries among dairy farm workers in Tangshan. Modern Preventive Medicine. 40(11):2024-2033. 2013. [Chinese]. 135. Stallones L., Doegnes T., Dik B., Valley M. Occupation and suicide: Colorado 2004-2006. American Journal Industrial Medicine. 56:1290-1295. 2013. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 13 136. Kolstrup C., Kallioniemi M., Lundqvist P., Kymalainen H-R., Stallones L., Brumby S. International perspectives on psychosocial working conditions, mental health, and stress of dairy farm operators. Journal of Agromedicine. 18(3):244-255. 2013. doi:10.1080/1059924X.2013.796903. 137. Douphrate D., Stallones L., Kolstrup C., Nonnemann M., Pinzke S., Hagevoort G., Lundqvist P., Jakob M., Xiang H., Xue L., Work-related injuries and fatalities on dairy farm operations-A global perspective. Journal of Agromedicine. 18(3):256-264. 2013. doi:10.1080/1059924X.2013.796904. 138. Beseler C., Stallones L., Structural equation modeling of pesticide poisoning, depression, safety and injury. Journal of Agromedicine. 18:1-10. 2013. doi:10.1080/1059924X.2013.826117. 139. Zhang X., Chui M., Gu Y., Stallones L., Xiang H. Trends in electric bike-related injury in China, 2004-2010. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. Published online 4 October 2013. Doi:10.1177/1010539513496840. BOOKS/BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Stallones, R.A. and L. Stallones. U.S.-Mexican Border Public Health: A Policy Analysis. In: United States Relations with Mexico: Context and Content. R.D. Erb and S.R. Ross (Eds), pp. 89-95, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, 1981. 2. Nuckols, J.R. Berry, J.K. Stallones, L. Defining populations potentially exposed to chemical waste mixtures using computer-aided mapping and analysis. in: Toxicology of chemical mixtures: Case studies, mechanisms, and novel approaches. R.S.H. Yang (ed), pp 473-504. Academic Press, San Diego, 1994. 3. Stallones, L. Education, equipment modification and injury control among farmers in Colorado. In: Agriculture Health and Safety: Workplace, Environment and Sustainability. CRC Press Inc., Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 1995. 4. Stallones, L. (Chapter) Forage crops. ILO. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Geneva, Switzerland. Volume 4, 1998. 5. Garrity, T.F., and L. Stallones. Effects of pet contact on human well-being: Review of Recent Research. In: C.C. Wilson and D.C. Turner (Eds). Companion Animals in Human Health. Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks., 1998. 6. Stallones, L. Rural occupational safety and health. In: S. Loue and B. Quill (Eds.) Handbook of Rural Health. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York. 2001. 7. Stallones, L. Agricultural work. In: S. Loue (Ed) Encyclopedia of Women’s Health. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York. 2004. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 14 8. Stallones, L. (Brief) Women in the workforce. In: S. Loue (Ed) Encyclopedia of Women’s Health. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York. 2004. 9. Stallones, L. and H. Xiang. Children in agriculture. In: J. Lessenger (Ed). Agricultural Medicine: A practical guide. Springer. New York. 2006. 10. Stallones, L. and Thoreson S. Community readiness as a tool in engaging community and researchers in injury prevention programs. In: Doll LS, Bonzo SE, Mercy J, and Sleet DA (Editors). Handbook of Injury and Violence Prevention. New York: Springer; 2006. 11. Stallones, L. Machinery and equipment safety. in: Safety and health in agriculture: ILO code of practice. International Labour Organization. Geneva, 2010. 12. Chen, P. Y., and Stallones, L. Hidden occupational fatalities in the agricultural industry. In E.K. Kelloway, and C.L. Cooper (Eds.). Occupational Health and Safety in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. London: Elgar. 2011. 13. White F., Stallones L., Last J. Global public health: Ecological perspectives. Oxford University Press. February, 2013. OTHER PUBLICATIONS: 1. Haynes, S.G., M. Feinleib, J.A. Ross, and L. Stallones (Eds). Second Conference on the Epidemiology of Aging. USDHHS, PHS, NIH, NIA. NIH Publication No. 80-969, July 1980. 2. Stallones, L. Leukemia and farming: A literature review. Chinese Journal Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases 4(1):118-120, 1986 (in Chinese). 3. Tucker, T.C., G.H. Friedell, L. Stallones, and J.R. Thompson. Cancer mortality in rural Appalachian Kentucky. Appalachian Data Bank Report #6. November 1988. 4. Morey, P.R., J.J. May, D.S. Pratt, L. Stallones, S.A. Olenchock, and W.G. Sorenson. Dust and microbial exposures during silo unloading. Principles of Health and Safety in Agriculture. J.A. Dosman and D.W. Crockcroft (Eds), pp. 182-184, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1989. 5. May, J.J., D.S. Pratt, L. Stallones, P.R. Morey, S.A. Olenchock, I.W. Deep, and G.A. Bennett. A study of dust generated during silo opening and its physiologic effects on workers. Principles of Health and Safety in Agriculture. J.A. Dosman and D.W. Crockcroft (Eds), pp. 7677, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1989. 6. Pratt, D.S., L. Stallones, D. Darrow, and J.J. May. Injuries on dairy farms in Otsego County, New York. Principles of Health and Safety in Agriculture. J.A. Dosman and D.W. Crockcroft (Eds), pp. 349-351, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1989. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 15 7. Olenchock, S.A., J.J. May, D.S. Pratt, D.M. Lewis, J.C. Mull, and L. Stallones. Activation of complement by silage. Principles of Health and Safety in Agriculture. J.A. Dosman and D.W. Crockcroft (Eds), pp. 116-118, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1989. 8. Nuckols, J.R., L. Stallones, and J.K. Berry. Conceptual design: integration and analysis of hydrological and epidemiological data in a health effects study for a hazardous waste site. In: Proceedings: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Hydrology and Hydrogeology. Portland, Oregon. October 16-22, 1992. American Institute of Hydrology. Minneapolis, Minnesota. 9. Baker SP, Conroy C, Johnston JJ, Bender TR, Cattledge G, Chu GST, DeJoy D, Duffy R, Eisnberg WM, Elisburg D, Fell JC, Fine LJ, Gerberich SG, Kinney JA, Kraus JF, Marine W, McDougall V, Pollack E, Revve GR, Roettger RH, Runyan CW, Seymour T, Smith GS, Spieler E, Stallones L, Travnick J, Weeks JL, Zwerling C, Fenley MA. Occupational Injury Prevention. Journal of Safety Research. 23(2): 129-133. 1992. 10. Robertson L, Stallones L, Branche-Dorsey CM, Nowak N, Baker S, Bender TR, Dufour M, Lumpkin J, McLoughlin E, Micik S, Ory M, Planek TW, Rivara F, Rutherford G, Scheidt PC, Widome M, Lezin N. Home and Leisure Inury Prevention-Part 1: Selected Injuries. Journal of Safety Research 23(2):121-126. 1992. 11. Stallones, L. Fatal injuries among males on Colorado farms, 1980-1988. Third International Symposium: Issues in health, agriculture and the environment, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium: Issues in health, safety and agriculture. May, 1992, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 12. Stallones, L. Methodological issues in farm injury research. In: Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics. Volume 1. USDHHS/PHS/CDC/NCHS #95-1252, March, 1995, Bethesda, MD. CONTRACT REPORTS: Gesell, T.F., S. Poizner, S. Mendez, L. Stallones, and R.A. Stallones. A report on epidemiological approaches to problems of human health effects of microwave exposure. Contract No. L800181, F33615-78-D-0629, TAMRF project No. (3919) Task 0009. Buffler, P.A. and L. Stallones. Behavioral aspects of mortality in Alaskan populations (1950-78): Nontechnical report. Submitted to Alaska Area Native Health Service, USPHS. ABSTRACTS/PRESENTATIONS: 1. May, J.J., L. Stallones, and D.S. Pratt. Acute respiratory illness associated with silo unloading. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. (Suppl.) 129(4), April:A157, 1984. 2. Kremers, P., L. Stallones, J. May, B. Thompson and D. Pratt. Increased levels of carbon monoxide associated with home use of kerosene heaters. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. (Suppl.) 129(4), 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 16 April:A152, 1984. 3. Piercy, L.R. and L. Stallones. Fatal accidents on Kentucky farms. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Orleans, LA, December 1984, Paper No. 84-5508. 4. Galaid, E.I. and L. Stallones. Agricultural injury and respiratory morbidity and mortality surveillance system. Presented PREVENTION '85, Atlanta, GA, March 1985. 5. Stallones, L., D.S. Pratt, J.J. May, and D. Darrow. Dairy farm injuries among farm residents. Presented PREVENTION '85, Atlanta, GA, March 1985. 6. Morey, P., G. Kullman, R. Patnode, J. May, D. Pratt, L. Stallones, S. Olenchock, and W. Sorenson. Dust and microbial exposures during silo unloading. Presented American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 1985. 7. Pratt, D.S., L. Stallones, D. Darrow, and J.J. May. Injuries on dairy farms in Otsego County, New York - Results of Active Surveillance for One Year in an Established Cohort. Presented International Symposium on Health and Safety in Agriculture, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 1985. 8. May, J.J., D.S. Pratt, L. Stallones, P.R. Morey, S.A. Olenchock, I.W. Deep, and G.A. Bennett. A study of dust generated during silo opening and its physiologic effect on workers. Presented International Symposium on Health and Safety in Agriculture, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 1985. 9. Morey, P., J. May, D. Pratt, L. Stallones, S. Olenchock, and W. Sorenson. Dust and microbial exposures during silo unloading. Presented International Symposium on Health and Safety in Agriculture. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 1985. 10. Olenchock, S.A., J.J. May, D.S. Pratt, D.M. Lewis, J.C. Mull, and L. Stallones. Activation of complement by silage. Presented International Symposium on Health and Safety in Agriculture, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 1985. 11. Stallones, L., E.J. Kasarskis, C. Stipanowich, and G. Snider. Epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Kentucky, 1964-1984. VI .International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases, Los Angeles, CA, July 1986. Muscle Nerve 9:108, 1986. 12. Marx, M.B., T.F. Garrity, and L. Stallones. Demographics of pet ownership among the elderly. Delta Society International Conference, Boston, MA, August 1986. 13. Garrity, T.F., M.B. Marx, and L. Stallones. Pet ownership as a protective factor influencing the health of the elderly. Delta Society International Conference, Boston, MA, August 1986. 14. Pratt, D.S., L. Stallones, and D. Darrow. Active surveillance of farm injuries Otsego County, New York, 1984-1985. American Rural Health Association, White Haven, PA, 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 17 September 1986. 15. Stallones, L. and T. Stipanowich. Farm equipment safety: legal impacts on design improvement. Society for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, Bethesda, MD, April 1987. 16. Stallones, L., T.F. Garrity, and M.B. Marx. Differences in predictors of depression among elderly blacks and whites in America. American Journal of Epidemiology 126(4), 1987. 17. Stallones, L., E.J. Kasarskis, and C. Stipanowich. Secular trends in mortality from motor neuron disease in Kentucky, 1964-1984. World Federation of Neurology, Research Group on Neuroepidemiology Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, April 22, 1988. 18. Stallones, L., M.B. Marx, T.F. Garrity, and T.P. Johnson. Pet ownership as a protective factor supporting the health of United States residents, 21-64 years of age. Delta Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, September 1988. 19. Stallones, L. Surveillance of fatal and nonfatal farm injuries in Kentucky. Agricultural Occupational and Environmental Health: Policy Strategies for the Future Conferences, Iowa, September, 1988. 20. Thompson, J.R., T.C. Tucker, G.H. Friedell, L. Stallones, and J.W. Bagby. Lung cancer mortality in rural Appalachia. Kentucky Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, March 1989. 21. Stallones, L. Fatal and nonfatal injuries among the farm population in Kentucky. First World Conference on Accident and Injury Prevention, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1989. 22. Stallones, L., M.B. Marx, T.F. Garrity, and T.P. Johnson. Pet ownership, attachment and depressive symptoms during midlife years (ages 30-38). Fifth International Conference on the Relationship between Humans and Animals, Monte Carlo, Monaco, November 1989. 23. Stallones, L., L.A. Hall, T.P. Johnson, T.F. Garrity, and M.B. Marx. Depressive symptoms in women during young and middle adulthood. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 1989. 24. Stallones, L. Fatal injuries among the Kentucky farm population. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 1989. 25. Piercy, L.R. and L. Stallones. Identifying fatal injury rates for Kentucky farm residents. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Orleans, LA, December, 1989. 26. Kearney, P.A., L. Stallones, C. Swartz, D.E. Barker, and S.B. Johnson. Unintentional injury death rates in rural Appalachia. Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Naples, FL, January 1990. 27. Pratt, D.S., L. Marvel, L. Stallones, D. Darrow, J.J. May. The dangers of dairy farming: 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 18 Occupational injuries on 199 farms followed for two years. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, October, 1990, New York City, NY, 1990. 28. Stallones, L. Farm chemical use in the 1990s. Agrichemicals: The present dilemma. October, 1990, Albany, New York. 29. Stallones, L. Fatal and nonfatal injuries among Kentucky farmers. May, 1991, CDCWorks-in-progress Workshop, Iowa City, IA. 30. Stallones, L. Fatal farm injuries among children. Society for Epidemiologic Research, June, 1991, Buffalo, NY. 31. Stallones, L., T. Garrity, T. Johnson. Depressive symptoms among rural elderly: Farm and non-farm residents. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November, 1991, Atlanta, GA. 32. Stallones, L. Suicide rates among male farmers in Colorado, 1980-1989. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November, 1991, Atlanta, GA. 33. Stallones, L. Fatal farm injuries among children on Colorado farms, 1980-1988. Third International Symposium: Issues in health, agriculture and the environment, May, 1992, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 34. Stallones, L. Fatal injuries among males on Colorado farms, 1980-1988. Third International Symposium: Issues in health, agriculture and the environment, May, 1993, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 35. Stallones, L. Education, equipment modification and injury control among farmers in Colorado. Third International Symposium: Issues in health, agriculture and the environment, May, 1993, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 36. Nuckols, J.R., R. Reich, E. Windesheim, L. Stallones. Use of spatial autocorrelation analysis in health risk assessments for hazardous waste sites (poster). International Congress on the Health Effects of Hazardous Waste. Atlanta, Georgia. May 3-6, 1993. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Atlanta, GA. 37. Nuckols, J.R., R. Reich, E. Windesheim, L. Stallones. Use of spatial autocorrelation analysis in health risk assessments for hazardous waste sites (paper). Stochastic Spatial Models in Forestry. Thessaloniki, Greece. May 18-21, 1993. IUFRO. London. 38. Nuckols, J.R., L. Stallones, C.R. Chiou, K. Sweitzer. Integration of environmental and epidemiological data in a health effects study for a hazardous waste site. American Journal of Epidemiology. 138(8):667. 1993. 39. Gabella, B., Reiner, K., Hoffman, R., Stallones, L., Cook, L. Helmet use and head injuries among motorcycle crash victims in El Paso County, Colorado, 1989-1990. American Journal of 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 19 Epidemiology. 138(8):592. 1993. 40. Cook, L., Hoffman, R.E., Stallones, L., Dunn, S. Epidemiology of suicide in Colorado. American Journal of Epidemiology. 138(8):593. 1993. 41. Stallones, L., W.C. Marine, C. Garrett, K. Krafft. Comparison of two surveillance systems for measuring agricultural occupational injuries. Second World Conference on Injury Control, Atlanta, GA. May 20-23, 1993. 42. Stallones, L. Alternate sampling methods for agricultural research. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. October, 1993. 43. Criswell, L., J. Reif and L. Stallones. Ovarian cancer in Colorado-1975-1988. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. October, 1993. 44. Stallones, L. Methodologic issues in farm injury research. International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics. Bethesda, MD. May 18-20, 1994. 45. Stallones, L. and L. Criswell. Mental health among farm residents. 12th International Congress of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health, Stockholm, Sweden. July 10-13, 1994. 46. Stallones, L., D. Merchant, L. Criswell and S. Keefer. Congenital anomalies and pesticides. 12th International Congress of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health, Stockholm, Sweden. July 10-13, 1994. 47. Stallones, L. Farm children and injuries. Madison, WI. March 4-5, 1995. Rural childhood and adolescent injuries. 48. Stallones, L. Rural injuries. 2nd Annual Safety and Prevention Conference, Breckinridge, CO. April 25-26, 1995. 49. Stallones, L. Stress among farmers. American Psychological Association and NIOSH. Stress and Work Symposium. Washington, DC. June 14-15, 1995. 50. Stallones, L. Depressive symptoms among farmers. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. October 28-November 2, 1995. 51. Stallones, L. Alternative methods for sampling farms. National Institute for Farm Safety, Fort Mitchell, KY. June 23-27, 1996. 52. Stallones, L. Environmental estrogens. Colorado Coalition to prevent breast cancer. Denver, CO. September 28, 1996. 53. Stallones, L. Injuries in the United States. Keynote Address. North Dakota Conference in Injury Prevention. November 5-7, 1996. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 20 54. Stallones, L. Child farm injuries. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. New York City, NY. November 16-21, 1996. 55. Sample, P., Darragh, A., and Stallones, L. Perceptions of intervention efficacy: A qualitative care access study. 2nd World Congress on Brain Injury. Seville, Spain. May 10-14, 1997. 56. Stallones, L. Overview of the Colorado Injury Control Research Center. 4th World Conference: Accident and Injury Prevention. Amsterdam, Netherlands. May 16-21, 1998. 57. Sweitzer, K., and L. Stallones. Significant contributing causes of cancer deaths among Hispanics, Colorado, USA, 1983-1992. International Conference of Environmental and Occupation Cancer in Developing Countries, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 30-August 1, 1998. 58. Stallones, L. and Sweitzer, K. Cancer mortality among farmworkers in Colorado. International Conference Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture on the Boundary of Two Millennia, Kyiv, Ukraine. September 8-11, 1998. 59. Darragh, A., and L. Stallones. Depressive symptoms and pesticide exposure among Colorado farmers. International Conference Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture on the Boundary of Two Millennia, Kyiv, Ukraine. September 8-11, 1998. 60. Stallones, L. Prevention methodologies in agricultural exposures: Are we there? Fourth International Symposium Rural Health and Safety in a Changing World. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 18-22, 1998. 61. Stallones, L. and K. Sweitzer. Fatal head injuries in Hispanic Colorado farm workers and farmers, 1983-1992. Fourth International Symposium Rural Health and Safety in a Changing World, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. October 18-22, 1998. 62. Stallones, L. and A. Darragh. Perceptions of risk exposure to pesticides: The views of children of migrant farmworkers. Fourth International Symposium Rural Health and Safety in a Changing World. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, . October 18-22, 1998. 63. Stallones, L. Work practices among women on Colorado farms. Four International Symposium Rural Health and Safety in a Changing World. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 18-22, 1998. 64. Hariri S., Xiang, H.,, Stallones, L. Health insurance characteristics among Colorado. Seventeenth Annual Epidemiologic Research Exchange. November 6, 1998. 65. Sweitzer, K., and L. Stallones. Cancer mortality risks and rates among farm workers in Colorado. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 15-November 19, 1998. 66. Stallones, L. 07/2009 Feasibility of epidemiologic research on cancer among migrant farm Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 21 workers. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 15-November 19, 1998. 67. Stallones, L. Rural injuries. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.,, November 15-November 19, 1998. 68. Xiang, H., Stallones, L. A composite risk score system for predicting agricultural injury among Colorado farmers. Eighteenth Annual Epidemiologic Exchange, Denver, November 19, 1999. 69. Stallones, L. Colorado perspectives on child agricultural injuries. Strategies for Forming Community Partnerships to Promote Community Partnerships . Natchez, Mississippi, January, 2000. 70. Sample, P., Darragh, A.R., Stallones, L., Krieger, S. Care access and life outcomes following traumatic brain injury: A multicultural, gender, and geographic study. 5th World Conference Injury Prevention and Control. March, 2000. Delhi, India. 71. Stallones, L. Hired farm workers-Full and part-time adult workers. Agricultural Safety and Health Conference: Using past and present to map future directions. Baltimore MD, March 23, 2001. 72. Sample, P., Stallones, L. Community cultures of care for persons with traumatic brain injuries. 4th World Congress on Brain Injuries, Torino, Italy, May, 2001. 73. Stallones, L., Sample, P. Community readiness and prevention of traumatic brain injuries. 4th World Congress on Brain Injuries, Torino, Italy, May, 2001. 74. Stallones, L. Community readiness and injury prevention. 6th World Conference Injury Prevention and Control, Montreal, Canada, May, 2002. 75. Beseler, C. and Stallones, L. Safety practices, neurological symptoms, and pesticide exposures. Society for Occupational and Environmental Health, Bethesda, MD, June, 2002. 76. Stallones L, Beseler C. Time dependent effect of pesticide illness on depression and depressive symptoms. EPICOH2002-16th Congress on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2002. 77. Stallones, L., Beseler C. Respiratory conditions and pesticide-related illness among farm residents, Colorado. EPICOH2002-16th Congress on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2002. 78. Stallones, L. Community readiness and prevention of traumatic brain injuries. Society for Public Health Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November, 2002. 79. Stallones, L., Beseler, C. Farm work practices and farm injuries among women and men 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 22 in Colorado, 1992-1997. National Occupational Injuries Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October, 2003. 80. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. Relationship between depression, pesticide poisoning and safety practices. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 2004. 81. Xiang, H., Stallones, L., Smith, GA. Downhill skiing and snowboarding fatal injureis among children. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. San Francisco CA, May, 2004. 82. Leff, M., Stallones, L., Canetto S., Garret, C., Mendelson, B. Suicidal ideation among women on family assistance programs. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 2004. 83. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. Safety knowledge, practices and farm injury severity. International Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, Vienna, Austria, June, 2004. 7th 84. Xiang H., Smith GA, Wilkins JR, Chen G, Hostetler S, Stallones L. Obesity and risk of nonfatal injuries. The Epidemic of the 21st Century: Obesity. Columbus, Ohio, December, 2004. 84. Rosales M., Smith S.A., Stallones L. Newspaper coverage of injury reports affecting the Hispanic surname population in two counties in Colorado. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. Phoenix, AZ. April, 2005. 85. Xiang H, Stallones L, Chen G, Hostetler S, Kelleher K. Nonfatal injuries among US children with disabling conditions. Triathlon for Health: Mind, Body, and Spirit, Pacific Rim 2005 Conference. Waikiki Hawaii March 2005. 86. Cigularov, K.P., Thurber, B., Mazurkiewicz, M.D., Neilson, R.J., Chen, P.Y., Stallones, L. An innovative evaluation of suicide prevention. American Association of Suicidology. Broomfield, CO. April, 2005. 87. Stallones, L, Beseler, C, Chen, P. Sleep patterns and injuries among adolescents on farms. The Center for Injury Research and Policy at the Columbus Children’s Research Institute/Hospital. Columbus, Ohio. April, 2005. 88. Stallones, L. Pesticide poisoning, depression and self-harm among farmers. University of Illinois, School of Public Health. Chicago, IL. April, 2005. 89. Stallones, L. Gibbs-Long J., Kakefuda, I. Community partnerships for safe school playgrounds. National Injury and Violence Prevention Conference. Denver, CO. May 2005. 90. Stallones, L., Beseler, C., Chen, P. Sleep patterns and injuries among adolescents on farms. National Injury and Violence Prevention Conference. Denver, CO. May 2005. 91. Stallones, L., Vela-Acosta, M.S., Bigelow, P. Improved methods for obtaining injury information from migrant farmworkers. National Injury and Violence Prevention Conference. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 23 Denver, CO. May 2005. 92. Stallones, L. Organophosphate pesticides, depression and self harm. Harvard School of Public Health. NIEHS Center, Organics Core Seminar. May, 2005. 93. Stallones, L. Pesticide poisoning and depression among farm residents. Nacional Autónoma de Heredia, Costa Rica, May, 2005. Universidad 94. Stallones, L. Investigation of suicide and occupational exposures to pesticides. 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention, Durban, South Africa. April, 2006. 95. Stallones, L. Farm safety for children, US perspectives. Safe Communities Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, April, 2006. 96. Stallones, L. Engaging the community in agricultural injury prevention. The University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, April, 2006. 97. Stallones L., Xiang H. The USA-China Agricultural Injury Prevention Training Program. Fogarty International Center Trauma Program Network Meeting, Portland, OR. August, 2007. 98. Stallones, L. The Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture- Vision for the Future. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May, 2007. 99. Stallones, L. Self-harm and pesticides, University of Reno, Reno Nevada, May 2007. 100. Xiang H, Chen G, Postel M, Yu S, Stallones L. School activities, sleep patterns, and traffic injuries in rural middle school students in China. Ninth World Congress in Injury Prevention and Control. Merida, Mexico. March, 2008. 101. Xiang H, Chen G, Yu S, Stallones L. Sleep disturbance and farm work related injuries among Chinese adolescents. Ninth World Congress in Injury Prevention and Control. Merida, Mexico. March, 2008. 102. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. Smoking interacts with pesticide poisoning to reduce lung function in Colorado farm residents. Epidemiology International Conference Occupational Health-Neurotoxicology Environmental Occupational Health Joint Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 9-13, 2008. 103. Stallones, L., Xiang, H. Work-related injuries among US immigrant workers. Epidemiology International Conference Occupational Health-Neurotoxicology Environmental Occupational Health Joint Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 9-13, 2008. 104. Stallones, L., Beseler C., Cohort study of the association between pesticide poisoning and depression. Epidemiology International Conference Occupational Health-Neurotoxicology Environmental Occupational Health Joint Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 9-13, 2008. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 24 105. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. Pesticide exposure and depression in the Agricultural Health Study cohort. Epidemiology International Conference Occupational Health-Neurotoxicology Environmental Occupational Health Joint Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 9-13, 2008. 106. Wheeler K, Stallones L, Kelleher K, Xiang H. personal victimization among US immigrants by employment. 136th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. October, 2008. 107. Stallones, L. USA-China Agricultural Injury Research Training Project, CSU Colloquium on China, August, 2010. 108. Wang L, Yunfeng H, Xiang H, Bai L, Stallones L. Sleeping disorders and work-related injuries among farmers. Injury Prevention. 2010. 16:A97-A98 109. Stallones, L. Preventing injuries among rural youth. Grand Rounds, Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, June 21, 2010. 110. Stallones, L. History of injury prevention in the US and the role of regional injury prevention research centers. Digital Human Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Tokyo, Japan. August 13, 2010. 111. Stallones, L., (and the Injury Surveillance Workgroup on Poisonings). ISW on poisonings. World Safety Conference, London, England. September 20-24, 2010. 112. Stallones, L. , Xiang, H., Wang, Z. USA-China Agricultural Injury Research Training Project, World Safety Conference, London England, September 20-24, 2010. 113. Zhang X, Xiang H, Chen Z, Jia J, Smith G, Stallones L. Road traffic injuries in the People’s Republic of China. World Safety Conference, London England, September 20-24, 2010. 114. Wang L, Yunfeng H. Xiang H, Bai L, Stallones L. Sleeping disorders and work-related injuries among farmers. World Safety Conference, London England, September 20-24, 2010. 114. Beseler, C., Stallones, L. An Item Response Theory (IRT) analysis of safety knowledge in Colorado farm residents. American College of Epidemiology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. September 12-14, 2010. 115. Stallones, L. Food matters. Presidential Address, American College of Epidemiology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. September 12-14, 2010. 116. Stallones, L., Nowacki, E., Chen, PY., Doenges, T. Exploring race, sex, and age-adjusted rates of suicide across agricultural and construction workers. 138th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2010. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 25 117. Zhao W, Xiang H, Wheeler K, Smith G, Stallones L. Medical care utilization among US adults with disabilities. 138th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2010. 118. Stallones L. Should “Disability Status” be a Covariate in Most Epidemiological Research? Symposium discussant. North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montreal Canada, June, 2011. 119. Menger, L.M., Lustgarten, S.D., Stallones, L., Moore, J.T., & Hindman, J. Barriers to and facilitators of interagency collaboration in two suicide prevention networks. 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida. August 2012. 120. Stallones, L. Global perspectives in agricultural injury prevention. American College of Epidemiology Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, September, 2012. 121. Menger, L. M., Stallones, L., Cross, J., Henry, K. L., & Chen, P. Y. Strengthening suicide prevention networks: Examining interorganizational collaboration and relationship strength dimensions. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA. May, 2013. 122. Le, T., Stallones, L., Gobert, J. Translating and implementing a mindfulness-based youth suicide prevention program in a native American community. Annual Meeting American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. November, 2013. MEMBERSHIPS/ACTIVITIES: American Heart Association, Council on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology, Member, 1984-1995. American Public Health Association, Epidemiology Section Council, 1988-1993 Member, 1975-present, Action Board 1991-1993, Joint Policy Committee 1994-1995. American College of Epidemiology, Member, 1985-1989; Fellow, 1990-present; Membership Committee, 1997-2005; Nominations Committee, 1998, Board Member 2003-2006, Chair Membership Committee 2003-2005; Secretary 2006-2008; Executive Board 2006-2011; Chair Mentoring Committee 2006-2007; President-Elect 2008-2009; President 2009-2010; Past-President 2010-2011. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Member, 1975-present, Secretary Treasurer 1991-1993. National Rural Health Association, Member, 1989-1996. Kentucky Farm and Home Safety Council, Board Member, 1987; Chair of Farm Committee, 1987-1989; Vice-Chair, 1988; Chair, 1989. Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation Advisory Committee Safety, Rural Health and Crime Prevention, Ex-Officio Advisor, 1985-1989. Gateway Health Coalition, Injury Control Committee, Advisor, 1986-1989. Ad Hoc Reviewer Research in Nursing and Health, International Journal of Obesity, Journal of Rural Health, Journal of Agromedicine, American Journal of Public Health, 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 26 Epidemiology, Annals of Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine, Anthrozoos, Basic and Applied Psychology. Editorial Board Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 1994-present; Injury Prevention, 19941999; Journal of Safety Research, 2008-present. Editorial Advisory Board: Journal of Agromedicine 1994-2005; 2008-present. Delta Society Member, 1989-1998. Panelist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Injury Control and Prevention Grant Reviews, 1989; 1991; 1999. Ad Hoc Reviewer, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Small Business Innovation Research Grants, April 1990. Reviewer, Injury Abstracts for Society of Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, 1990-1994; Chair of Scientific Session SER, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. Planning Committee Member, Colorado Epidemiologic Exchange, 1990-1996. Unintentional Injury Prevention Panelist, National Agenda for Injury Control for the 1990s. Centers for Disease Control, Division of Injury Control, 1990-1991. Ad Hoc Reviewer, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, 1990. Injury Research Grant Review Committee, Centers for Disease Control, 1991-1995. National Advisory Council, Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Symposium, 1991-1992. Task Force on Suicide Prevention, Colorado Department of Health, 1992-1993. Injury Prevention Advisory Board Member, Colorado Department of Health, 1993-1994. Grant Reviewer, British Columbia Health Research Foundation, 1995, 1996. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Panelist, Reviewer of pre-doctoral fellowships, 1996, 1998, 1999, Chair of Epidemiology Committee 2000, 2001. Steering Committee: National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, 1998-2002. Scientific Advisory Board, 2008-present. National Association of Injury Control Research Centers, President 1998-1999. Farm Safety 4 Just Kids, Board Member 1994-2000. Community Rehabilitation Connections, Board Member 1995-2000, Vice President, 2000. National Academy of Sciences, Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowship Program, Reviewer of fellowship applications, 2003. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Community Partners Grant Review, 1999; Agricultural Injury Centers Grant Review, 1999, 2003; Educational Research Center Site Visits, 1999, Educational Research Center Grant Application Reviews, 2002; Special Review Panel, 2001, 2002; Study Section Review Panel, 2003-2007. Chair, Special Emphasis Review Panel for Centers for Excellence to Promote a Healthier Workforce, 2006. Consultant Study Section Review Panel, 2009. HONORS AND AWARDS Delta Omega Society, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, inducted 2009. Faculty Award for contributions to International Education, Colorado State University, 20092010; 2010-2011. Professor Laureate, College of Natural Sciences, Colorado State University, 2011-2013 Faculty Excellence in Research, Colorado School of Public Health, 2011. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 27 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES: University of Kentucky: Medical Institutional Review Board, Human Subjects, 1987-1990 Medical Research Review Committee, 1986-1989 Ad Hoc Review Committee, College of Pharmacy Review, 1989 Member, Appalachian Center Environment and Technology Conference Planning Committee, 1989 Colorado School of Public Health: Curriculum and Education Committee, 2008-2009. Executive Committee, 2008-present. Colorado State University: PVM Curriculum Study Committee-Epidemiology Section, 1990. Institutional Review Board (Human Subjects Committee), 1990-2001; 2004-2006 Chair 19951998 Faculty Council, 1993-1995. Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Registration, 1994. Department of Environmental Health, Academic Programs Committee, 1993-1995. (Chair, 19941995). Department of Environmental Health, Epidemiology Section Head, 1997-1998, 2000-2001. Department of Environmental Health, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1996-1999 (Chair, 1998-1999). Department of Psychology, Graduate Committee (2003-2005; 2008-2010; 2012-present). Search Committee, Department of Psychology (2004). University Disciplinary Committee, 2000-2008. College of Veterinary Medicine, Secretary of Faculty, 2000-2003. Women’s Studies Advisory Board, 2003-2006. Chair of Steering Committee, CSU MPH Graduate Program Initiative, 2005-2007. Chair Executive Committee, CSU MPH/Colorado School of Public Health Program. 2008present. Search Committee, Department of Human Development and Family Studies (2011). University Review Committee, Department of Human Development and Family Studies (20092010). University Review Committee, Department of Anthropology (2011-2012). University Review Committee, Department of Philosophy (2012-2013). TEACHING ACTIVITIES: University of Kentucky: Course coordinator, second year medical student preventive medicine course, 1985-1989. Epidemiology seminar for graduate students, fall semesters, 1986-1989. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 28 Guest lectures in College of Dentistry, College of Allied Health, College of Nursing on infectious disease, epidemiology methods and cancer epidemiology. Colorado State University: Undergraduate courses: EH438, Environmental Health-Applied Epidemiology. EH332, Environmental Health-Principles of Epidemiology. Graduate courses: EH532, Environmental Health-Epidemiologic Principles and Methods. EH515, Environmental Health-Women’s Health. PY515, Psychology-Women’s Health EH680, Environmental Health-Field Epidemiology. PY680, Psychology- Prevention of Occupational Illnesses and Injuries. PSY517/IE517, Psychology/International Studies- Global Perspectives in Health. PSY516A,B,C Psychology-Public Health Practice. FUNDED RESEARCH: Epidemiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Kentucky, 1964-1984, $8,300, 1/1/85-3/31/86, PSP University of Kentucky, Principal Investigator. Pet Ownership as a Protective Factor Supporting Health of the Elderly, $48,213, 5/1/85-4/30/86, Delta Society/Pet Food Institute, Co-Investigator with M.B. Marx, Dept. of Family Practice and T.F. Garrity, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences. Epidemiologic Community Laboratory for Eastern Kentucky, $2,000, 7/1/86-6/30/87, Interinstitutional Grant from American Cancer Society to the Lucille Parker Markey Cancer Center, Co-investigator with T.C. Tucker. Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries Among Kentucky Farmers, $56,700/year, 4/1/87-3/31/89, Centers for Disease Control, Center for Environmental Health, Principal Investigator. Pet Ownership as a Protective Factor Supporting Health, $26,000, 5/1/87-4/30/88, Delta Society/Pet Food Institute, Co-Investigator with M.B. Marx and T.F. Garrity. Analysis of Cancer Mortality in Bell County, Kentucky, 1980-1984, $2,020, 11/01/87-10/31/88, Biomedical Research Support Grant, Division of Research Facilities and Resources, NIH, CoInvestigator with T.C. Tucker. Consulting Contract, $20,000 per year, 2/1/87-12/15/89, Kentucky Labor Cabinet, CoInvestigator with A.L. Frank. Antioxidant Micronutrient Status of Coal Miners, $40,000, 9/1/87-2/28/89, Hoffman-LaRoche, Co-Investigator with C. Chow, S. Quandt, and A.L. Frank. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 29 Colorado Fatal Farm Injuries, $1,400, 1/1/90-6/30/90, Career Enhancement Award, Equal Opportunity Council, Colorado State University, Principal Investigator. Psychometric Evaluation of Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS), $7,200, 5/1/90-4/30/91, Delta Society/Pet Food Institute, Co-Investigator with T.F. Garrity and T.P. Johnson. Pet Loss and Mental Health, $8,000, 6/1/90-5/31/91, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, College Research Council, Colorado State University, Principal Investigator. Injury Surveillance/Epidemiology, $13,400, 5/1/90-9/30/94, Colorado Department of Health and the Environment, Consultant. Colorado Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance, $2,158,000 9/28/90-9/27/98, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control, Principal Investigator. Preterm Labor, $630, 12/90-5/91, Career Enhancement Award, Equal Opportunity Council, Colorado State University, Principal Investigator. Reproductive, Neurobehavioral and other disorders in communities surrounding the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, $890,503, 10/1/91-9/30/94, Agency for Toxic Substances, Disease Registry, Co-Investigator. Pilot study to evaluate the relationship between birth weight and exposure to byproducts of disinfection, $50,000/year, 10/1/93-9/30/96, Environmental Protection Agency, Co-Investigator. Colorado Injury Control Research Center, $350,000/year, 9/1/95-8/31/98, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Director, Principal Investigator. Death certificate and cancer registry linkage for farm workers, $23,000, 6/1/96-5/30/97, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Principal Investigator. Feasibility study of estimating pesticide exposures among migrant/seasonal workers, $24,000, 5/1/95-4/30/97, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Principal Investigator. Colorado Injury Control Research Center, $500,000/year, 9/1/98-8/31/01, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Director, Principal Investigator. Colorado Injury Control Research Center, $900,000/year, 10/1/01-7/31/12, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Director, Principal Investigator. Adolescent farm work, fatigue, and injuries in Colorado, $103,629/year, 9/1/02-8/31/04, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 30 Principal Investigator. Colorado Booster Seat Promotion Program, $13,000/year, July 1, 2001-September 30, 2003, subcontract with Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment. Principal Investigator. Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research, Testing a state-wide method for increasing rural prevention efforts, $102,000/year, July 15, 2000-November 30, 2004, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Drug Abuse, Co-investigator. Community-Based Intervention to Reduce Motor Vehicle-related Injuries. Submitted to CDC/NCIPC. June, 2003-June 2007. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. $214,500. Principal Investigator of subcontract. Improving Injury Information from Migrant Farm workers. in High Plains Agricultural Safety and Health Center. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. September 1, 2003-August 30, 2007. $241,690 (total), Principal Investigator. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Colorado Communities-Linking Practitioners to Community Service. Conference grant. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. September 1, 2003August 30, 2004. $15,000. Principal Investigator. Community Readiness: Enhancing State Capacity to Address Child and Adolescent Health through Violence Prevention, $22,4000, 9/21/06-2/28/07, Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, Principal Investigator. USA-China Agricultural Injury Prevention Training, $150,000/year, 4/1/07-3/30/12, National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, Principal Investigator. Education and Training Research Center, $1,147,000/year, 07/01/07-06/30/10, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, CoDirector, Occupational Health Psychology Training. Multiple exposures, multiple effects: EPICOH-NEUROH, Conference Grant, $29,000, 4/1/083/31/09, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Principal Investigator. Graduate students-advisor or co-advisor Master of Science in Environmental Health-Colorado State University Hui-Chia Hwang. MS. (1992). Fatal injuries among children in Colorado, 1980-1988. Deborah Merchant. MS. (1994). An ecologic analysis of congenital anomalies and agricultural chemicals in Colorado, 1989-1991. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 31 Deborah Hastings. MS. (1996). Plague in Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties, New Mexico, 19701994. Kathi Solt-Dangerfield. MS. (1997). The epidemiology of suicide among farmers in New Zealand, 1979-1992. Lela Criswell. MS. (1997). Northeast Colorado farm operators’ personal use of pesticides and characteristics of farms and farm operators. Theodore Larson. MS. (1999). A case control study of the association between parental occupational in farming and cryptorchidism and hypospadias among children born in Colorado (1989-1992). Stephanie Moraga-McHaley. MS. (1999). Hazardous exposures among children living on farms in Colorado, 1998. JoRene Peden. MS. (2000). Cancer mortality among farmworkers in Colorado, 1983-1992. Cheryl Beseler. MS. (2000). Aggregate measures of individual level risk factors show fewer significant associations with birth weight: Ecological fallacy or protective social effect? Indira Gujral. MS. (2002). Traumatic brain injury severity among males and females in Colorado, 1994-1998. Monica Olkowski, MS. (2005). Current epidemiology and evaluation of morbidity and cost of Colorado Tick Fever (CTF). PhD in Environmental Health-Epidemiology at Colorado State University Kimberley Sweitzer. PhD. (1995). Development and application of a new small-for-gestational age criteria. Huiyun Xiang. PhD. (1999). A composite risk score system for predicting agricultural injury among Colorado farmers. Susan Viet. PhD. (2000). Acute respiratory effects and endotoxin exposure during wheat harvest in Northeastern Colorado. Amy Rowntree Darragh. PhD. (2001). Patterns of injury among residential construction workers before and after a safety intervention program, 1994-1998. James Herrington. PhD. (2002). A national survey of risk perceptions and practices to prevent tick-borne Lyme Disease and mosquito-borne encephalitis. Cheryl Beseler. PhD. (2005). Diagnosed depression and low, intermediate, and high pesticide exposures in Iowa and North Carolina farm applicators and their spouses enrolled in the 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 32 Agricultural Health Study. Indira Gujral. PhD. (2007). Understanding the association between the abbreviated injury scale score for the head region and outcomes following traumatic brain injury, Colorado 1998-2000. Marilyn Leff. PhD (2008). An exploration of depressive symptoms and drinking patterns among Colorado farm residents and the impact of these on farm-work injury. Graduate students-advisor or co-advisor Master of Science in Psychology-Colorado State University Sarah DeArmond (2005). The role of occupational stressors in sleepiness: A quantitative review. Monica Rosales (2006). A culturally based intervention to influence Latina’s Intentions to participate in mammography screening. Itsumi Kakefuda (2006). Bicycle helmet use attitudes and behaviors among adults: An exploratory study of community readiness and stages of change. Lauren Menger (2013). Strengthening suicide referral networks: Examining the relationship between interorganizational collaboration and tie strength. PhD in Psychology at Colorado State University Sarah DeArmond (2007). Workplace sleepiness: Organizational antecedents and consequences. Monica Rosales (2008). Life in the field: Migrant farm workers perceptions of work related injuries. Itsumi Kakefuda (2008). Identifying factors associated with bicycle helmet use behavior among college students. Janet Craighead (2012). The ICER Model© measure of an evidence-based nursing culture. Served as faculty member on committees at Colorado State University (1990-2013) in the following Departments: Occupational Therapy: MS degrees 6. Foreign Languages (Spanish): MA degree 1. Psychology: MS degrees 9; PhD degrees 9. Environmental Health: MS degrees 16; PhD degrees 5. Food Science and Nutrition: MS degrees 2. PhD 1. Statistics: MS degrees 2; PhD degrees 2. 07/2009 Lorann Stallones, Ph.D. - Page 33 Journalism and Technical Communication: Masters degrees 5. Health and Exercise Science: MS degree 1. Anthropology: MA 2 07/2009