Document 6445655


Document 6445655
November 26,1980
Suffolk county n e w s / 1 7
yrap pag
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"I ; ; : ; ;
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farm/from 1
possible use of the now vacant land and
During a-recent meeting between Islip
Councilman Norman DeMott and
Sheridan/one of the suggestions from the
Town to the state included turning back
the hands of time, for in the 1870's, the
original farm building housed stables
which produced race horses. "That could
very well be an idea for future use. We
also believe that the market for campustype office development is strong right
now; tax abatements and IDA financing
are available from the Town and this
type of use can e designed to repsect the
site. First, however; we must provide the
economic incentive needed to make the
facility an attractive one for the private
sector," said Commissioner Jones.
Currently, the state is researching the
deed to the Westbrook F-acnv property.
The land was acquired by New York
State in 1968. If it was donated, the state
coulqUhen place it on the auction block,
at a relatively low figure. That could, in
turn, make it attractive and provide the
wherewithal for additional investment.
Michael LoGrande who served as the
Town's Planning Commissioner from
1974 to 1980 sees the Catch-22 type situation that both the Town and state are in,
but says the ideas and possibilities are
thereLoGrande and Parks Commissioner
Sheridan are slated to make.a formal
tour of the facility in the not too distant
years ago/from 15
S.S.'B./from 1
• an eight-room operating suite and
recovery room on the fifth floor.
ed lease agreement states that if the
• 17 patient rooms, a dayroom and two
school is sold, the town would vacate the
isolation rooms on the fourth floor.
One Gold and One Silver went to Dawn
building. Boardmember Travis sug» a five-room radiology and x-ray D'Amico, FRancesca Schikaloni,
gested that the district include a clause
department on the third floor.
Jeanine Farley, Felicia Orefice, Lisa
allowing the district to terminate the •
• 24 rooms for pediatric patients, with a Trueman and Carolyn Pokowitz.
lease agreement if the center proved to
playroom and outside play area on the
One Gold and One Bronze went to
be a problem.
second floor.
Ginochhio and Maureen Quinn.
But for now, officials agree it is better
• kitchen, dining room and housekeepSingle Gold Medal Winners were:
to have the building occupied. "In a
ing department on the first floor.
technical sense, we are not gaining
In the existing .building, sixth floor Tammi Vesting, Kerri O'Neill, Catherine
anything," said Peter Allen, school
operating rooms will be modified to han- Lahiff, Meredity Bauer, April Drew, Lee
board president. "But the intention of the
dle same-day operations such as ton- Sougstad, Joanne Giaccolone, Jennifer
district is to improve on the situation."
sillectomies. Admissions, communica- Curran, Tara Guzas, Jennifer .Harter,
Last year, the building was leased to
tions, finance and pharmacy areas will Cynthia Hamm, Sharon Fleishauer,
Michelle Vesting, Debra Ulmer, Patty
the Board of Cooperative Educational
all be remodelled and enlarged.
Services for $40,000. But this year,
This will be the fourth extension of the Sougstad, Tricia Waring, Sui-Kuen Lyn,
BOCES decided not to renew the lease,
hospital since it was first built in 1959. Christine Pinter, Kelli Regan, Sharon.
and the building is now empty.
The first, 1966, was a four-story annex on . Baker, Dorothy .Sougstad, Christine
While the district has received three ofthe southwest corner, providing larger Hamm, Stephanie Ladd, Monica Fry,
fers from builders who want to construct
x-ray and linen service facilities. The se- Cathy Helm and^SabrmaXterbone.
high-density housing projects on the site^
cond, in 1970, added 120 beds. The third,
school officials say they have not pur- '. rMn4<T73, added 60 beds and facilities to the
sued the offers because^tfie1 property 4- e'inergfcn^cy room- laboratory and
would require a thange ;Tn zoning:Nl)ut\ ^medical Records department.
•the increased support given by the
when Couneilhmn/Nofman DeMott was
The hospital provides service for about boys' swim team and the parents
asked if the town vtould considerthe zon18,000 patients a year, Schiebler said.
Last year's disheartening situation for
ing change, hejeplied; "It's hard to say.
There are 1,100 full-time employees in the girls' swim team and this year's good
I am an advocate of more housing in the
the hospital. That figure is expected to in- news and new additions is a true rags to
'town." DeMott added that the recreacrease with the completion of the exten- riches saga. "We have alot of good years
tional center seems to be the "best
sion, Schiebler added.
ahead even if we move up a league," said
thing" at the present time.
Although the extension is still not what
Hannon thinking not only of her already
" School officials, however, remain less
hospital officials say is needed, they are accomplished stars but of the quality of
enthusiastic, "we are going to try it,"
happy with the approval.
swimmers she has that give the team
Allen said. "We have enough ways to get
"We have been working under stress good depth. "The entire team is improvout of it — it's worth a try if we don't have
ing a great deal," she explained.
and strain trying to make the best out of
a suitable tenant."
the circumstances," Schiebler said.
The team members bringing Sayville
The school board is expected to ap"This is going to help."
their first League championship in swimprove a final lease agreement at its
ming are: LoriBalken, Pam Bishop, Lori
December meeting.
Bolze, Cathy Boyle, Jean Bruhl, Chris
In other action the board;
Chapman, Ann Cleary, Mary Cleary,
• rejected a motion to ban smoking
Although new to Suffolk County, (open- Paula Codey, Theresa Connors, Meg Fitduring public meetings;
ing, in Brentwood in 1971, before moving zgerald, Karen Hackmann, Leigh Haas,
• discussed energy conservation imCaren Kropp, Danielle LaFouhtaine,
to Patchogue in 1979) St. Joseph's main
.provements in the schools, and decided
Lucchese, Lisa Marjani, Elizabeth
campus in Brooklyn was established in
to do those with short-term pay-back
1916. The College has developed a reputa- McAllister, Maureen McGinty, Jean
tion for a high standard of academic ex- Mclver, Michele Niclas, Susan Peirce,
•'discussed the class size of the junior
Debbie Rempe, Jeanine Rempe, Marcie
cellence over the years.
Rosenzweig, Bahla Sacks, SueShephard,
The 27 acre Suffolk campus is located
neurologically-impaired students. The
on the shores of the Great' Patchogue Gail Siuzdak, Sue Young, and managers,
board considered appointing an aide to
Lake. With sprawling lawns, trees, abun- Valerie Golder and Debbie Olsen.
help the teacher of the program, but
Only Bruhl, Lucchese, Marjani and
dant foliage and manicured athletic
decided to wait and see if the class in.
will be graduating in '81. This is a
fields, St. Joseph's College presents a
creased to over the 15-student limit set by
with the majority of girls bepicturesque setting and a bright sports
thfc^state Education Department. The
ing sophomores or in lower classes.
district would then hire an additional
• announced the 1980-^81 school tax
rate, which is five cents higher than the
district had estimated. The rate is $3.10
per $100 of full value assessment. That is
31 cents more than last year's figure, and
would cost the owner of a house assessed ,
at $50,000 an additional $15.30.
girls' track/from 22
, swim team/from 22
St. Joe's/from 22
Wilber Frail had been elected to the
Board of Fire Commissioners in Bayport
to succeed VV. Kintzing Post. Herman
Mack in Holbrook succeeded Harold
Worzel, who was killed in a wreck of the
Long Island Railrcadr .
Miss Marilyn Lazzer of Sayville had
been married to mark Smith of Hempstead.
A meeting of officials of four school
districts now sending children to high
school here had been informed that anticipated increases in the number of nonresident pupils would far ^exceed the
capacities of the'local buildings within a
few years.
Theodore Frear had died at his home in
Bayport at the age of 83 years. Another
Bayport death that week was that of F.
Meele Johnson, 51, the father of the boy
who is now Troy Donahue, movie picture
B.BOE/from 1
Bruce Stasiuk, 17 year old Sayville
High School varsity football and basketball player, was fighting for his life in
Huntington Hospital following an injury
suffered when he fell on his back while
jumping on a trampoline in Commack.
Sayville teenagers had vandalized the
First Reformed Church in West Sayville
and two adjacent buildings.
The cornerstone had been laid at
Nokomis E l e m e n t a r y School in
Holbrook. Donald J. Fenner was to be
principal of the new school.
The Oakdale station of the West
Sayville-Oakdale Fire District was nearing. completion and the department was
planning to move its equipment into the
new building in the near future.
$50,000 on new books each year. Between
35 and 45 per cent of each order are
workbooks, "books that are consumed by
the students," said Pecorale.
Though acknowledging explanations
from Pecorale and the board, Stevens
said he- did not accept them. "I don't
think the district has tried hard enough to
get rid of the books. At the very least,
they should return them to the taxpayers. They could put them on display
. for a while and let anyone who wanted
them have them."
But a district spokesperson said
Wednesday that an attempt to implement Stevens' suggestion had already
been tried. "What we got were kids who
took the books and ripped the pages out
and threw them in the halls."
Officials at other school districts contacted this week say they dispose of some
books by burning them at the town incinerator at Hauppauge, but recycle or
give away texts in good condition.
Representatives from 28 civic associations, representing a membership of approximately 3,100 Islip Town residents
had voted to form a United Civic Council,
consolidating the voices of groups
throughout Islip Town into the combined
voice of a council-type association. The
principal objectives of the council was to
become more aware and involved in the
development of plans for the future of
MacArthur Airport.
The United Church Pre-School had
hired Mrs. Suzanne Huggard of Sayville
to teach the afternoon session of its preschool classes.
Jack Geoghan had been elected president of the Sayville Chamber of Commerce for the year 197K < •• > \ n t » t
i \\ D
'rf Jfr •
Producid By
* Wed.
* Dec.
Coliseum V V I I a S S M I ' '
r H{MPSUAOlURNPlM UfiiONDilt > ' s:
Good Samaritan/16
Samaritan officials said. This year,
however, the hospital got low-interest,
tax exempt hospital revenue bonds
through another state agency - the
Medical Care Facilities Finance Agency.
The new wing, which was designed by
Wiedersum Associates of Valley Stream,
will cost $10.2 million to build.-The addiUonaf $13.33 million will pay for beds,
operating room and x-ray equipment,
supplies and other renovations, Schiebler
\\ tTho new wing will inolude> »vrv i»»%»
WH.OtC.I .
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15.50 J UAO • $7.50 • I f 5 0
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(11.08 itrt** P a r H r t « i Or**)
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Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York