Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P Providers
Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P Providers
rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. The cou urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts and children, as req quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a C ourse Name A Parenting g & Divorce Cours se Education Programs Transparen nting Children Firrst - Transparenting Class Location Courtyard d Marriott 451 Creig ghton road Pensacola 32504 Fairfield Inn 1280 Eglin Parkway N. Shalimar 32579 Pensacola State College 1000 Colllege Blvd. Pensacola 32504 Pensacola State College 5988 High hway 90 Milton 32 2583 Northwes st Florida State Co ollege Office of Early E Childhood 100 Colle ege Blvd. Niceville 32578 Circ cuit Reg gistration/Pro ovider Co ontact Informa ation ST 1 JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT Course In nformation 1 (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom assroom setting in English/Spanis sh Cla Alsso available onlin ne & corresponde ence, Ind digent Status Acccepted 1 Frances Yeo Y - Continuing Education www.Pens ducation [email protected] (850) 484-1797 assroom setting iin English Cla Ma aterials available in Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted 1 Cora Aaro on (850) 729-5386 aaronc@n Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status Acccepted Beverly Sandlin sandlinb@ 2nd JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT 2 Parents 2 Homes 1931 Wellby Way Suite 5 see 32308 Tallahass 4116 Alpine Way Tallahass see 32303 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 2 Beth W. Hicks, H LCSW 1-800-397 7-1898 m sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis Cla an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas all, MA, NCC Cindy Wa 1-800-397 7-1898 m Page 1 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a C ourse Name Class Location Terem Educcation Services, Inc. Terem Ed ducation 200 W. Park Avenue PO Box 15322 see 32301 Tallahass Circ cuit 2 Reg gistration/Pro ovider Co ontact Informa ation Dr. Mary White W www.terem (813) 951-4991 or (850) 4445-6441 Padahm@ Course In nformation assroom setting and online in Eng glish Cla 3RD JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT There are no classes in this s circuit TH 4 JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT A Positive Divorce Resolutio on Hilton Ga arden Inn 145 Park Avenue P 32073 Orange Park 4 Children Firrst in Divorce Hope Hav ven Children’s Clinic & Family Ce enter 4600 Bea ach Blvd. Jacksonv ville 32207-7700 Kids Need d Both, Inc. Locations s at Community Centers C in Jacksonv ville area 4 1411 Sou uth 14th Street Professio onal Plaza – Bldg K Fernandin na Beach 32034 850310 US Hwy 17 Yulee 32 2097 4 A Healthy Divorce Clear View Concepts Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Course Last Upd dated 8/18/14 4 4 Glenna O. Auxier D. Robert J. Perchalski, Ph.D (352) 375-4399 or (888) 7447-5362 www.divorce-resolution.coom [email protected] JoAnn Ho oza, Ph.D. (904) 346-5100 ext. 232 hozaj@ho Deborah Shooter S Curriculum m/Program Directtor (888) 310-6630 info@Kids www.Kids Robin C. Hampton H (904) 335-0333 [email protected] McPherso on Counseling Seervices Michael McPherson M (904) 548-0160 mike@mc assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Cla n Co orrespondence co ourse available in Sp panish Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status Acccepted ayers On nline registration for credit card pa –w www.hope-haven Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status - re educed fee assroom setting Cla assroom setting in English Cla Re egister and pay online at Page 2 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a C ourse Name 2 Parents 2 Homes Class Location 1601 N. Main M Street Jacksonv ville 32206 Circ cuit 4 Reg gistration/Pro ovider Co ontact Informa ation Terry D. Samuels, S MA, LM MHC, CTC 1-800-397 7-1898 m 138 E. Du uval Street Jacksonv ville 32202 Terry D. Samuels, S MA, LM MHC, CTC 1-800-397 7-1898 m 11555 Ce entral Parkway Suite 704 4 Jacksonv ville 32224 Tracy M. Riley, R LCSW 1-800-397 7-1898 m 1912 Ham milton Street Suite 103 3 Jacksonv ville Irish Beck kles, LMHC, MA 1-800-397 7-1898 m Course In nformation assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla an nd by Individual appointment Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas sis 5TH JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT A Healthy Divorce Kids Need d Both, Inc. Locations s east of Mount Dora 5 2 Parents 2 Homes 115 E 4th Avenue Mount Do ora 32757 5 275 W. Je efferson St Brooksville 34601 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Deborah Shooter S Curriculum m/Program Directtor (888) 310-6630 info@Kids www.Kids Kimberly W. W Capstraw, MS S, LMFT 1-800-397 7-1898 m Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status - re educed fee sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis Cla an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas Stephanie e Moriarty, LHMC C 1-800-397 7-1898 m Page 3 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Crownpointte Parent Education & Family Stab bilization Family Stab bilization Divorce & Itts Impact on Child dren Call for class dates & time es info@ Crownpoiintefamilystabiliza Hope and d Recovery Cente er 2018 Tally Road Leesburg 34748 Rasmuss sen College 4755 SW 46th Court Ocala 34 4474 5 5 5 Dr. William m D. Wallace, Phh.D. (352) 512-3837 (352) 360-6680 webster@ Rebecca Herbst [email protected] (352) 343-9399 www.GOC Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Course Parent Educcation and Stability Recipes forr Successful Parenting A After Divorce Growing Well Family Beha avioral Services ast Pennsylvania Ave. 20114 Ea Dunnellon n 34432 611 S. Ma ain Avenue Groveland d 34736 5 Anointed Community Serv vices, Inc. M Ave 6006 S. Main Minneola 34715 5 5 Mary AnnEllis, M.A.; Ed.SS. www.grow maryaellis [email protected] (352) 465-2444 Groveland d Family & Crisis Counseling (352) 429-5600 [email protected] gfccounse 352-404-7 7898 anointedc [email protected] assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting iin English – tra anslator available with advanced no otice Cla assroom setting iin English Cla ass for Adults and children at sam me loccation and time on 3rd Saturday of evvery month On nline course in En nglish/Spanish Ind digent Status Nott Accepted Byy Individual appointment and online En nglish/Spanish/French r available sh assroom setting in English/Spanis Cla sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis Cla Fe ee based on Slidin ng Scale 6TH JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT Beacon of H Hope for the Fam mily, Inc. Summer Crest Inn kley Boulevard 5639 Oak Wesley Chapel 33544-5305 6 2 Parents 2 Homes 33913 Sta ate Road 54 Suite 102 2 Wesley Chapel C 33542 6 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Mr. Phil Thomas, Presidennt (727) 481-3789 www.beac conofhopeforthefa bohftf@be Vicki L. Ke elley, MSW Mary E. Lopusnak, LCSW 7-1898 1-800-397 m assroom setting iin English Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted when avvailable. sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis Cla an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas Page 4 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Parenting g & Divorce Cours se Education Programs Bay Frontt Medical Center 701 6th Sttreet South St. Peters sburg 33701 6 (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom ep@educ cationprograms.coom www.onlin nedivorceprogram assroom setting in English/Spanis sh Cla On nline and corresp pondence course avvailable Ind digent Status Acccepted 6 (813) 838-4807 Melissa@ 6 Deborah Shooter S Curriculum m/Program Directtor (888) 310-6630 info@Kids www.Kids assroom setting, individual Cla ap ppointment and on nline in En nglish/Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted on sliding scale basis Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status - re educed fee Springhill Suites merton Road 3485 Ulm Clearwate er 33762 Holiday In nn Express 2580 Gulff to Bay Blvd Clearwate er 33765 Wesley Chapel C Inn 27615 S.R R. 54 West Wesley Chapel C 33544 As We Grow w Counseling A Healthy Divorce Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Fairfield Inn S Highway 19 3060 US Holiday 34691 3 As We Grrow Counseling 2240 Twe elve Oaks Way Suite 101 Wesley Chapel C 33544 Kids Need d Both, Inc. Locations s at community ce enters in Clearwate er, St. Petersburg g, Wesley Chapel Page 5 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Center for Family Enrichmen nt Center for Family Enrichm ment areham Road 13921 Fa Odessa 33556 3 6 Separation and Divorce: A Child’s Poin nt of View St. Peters sburg College (location varies) 6 Divorce & Itts Impact on Child dren Pasco He ernando State Co ollege, Continuin ng Education 10230 Rid dge Road New Port Richey 34654 6 (813) 476-1587 or (305) 8331-6556 www.centterforfamilyenrichhment.Webs .com/pare ent-ed-registrationn mowreyta [email protected] (727) 341-3000 or (727) 3441-4445 lifelong@s 1-877-TRY Y-PHCC (879-74422) 727-816-3 3256 dividual appointm ment or online in Ind En nglish Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting in English He earing impaired in nterpreter availab ble witth advanced noticce Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting iin English Tra anslator available e for hearing impaired all at least 2 weekks prior to class) (ca Ind digent Status Nott Accepted 36727 Bla anton Road Dade City y 33523 11415 Po once de Leon Blvd d Brooksville 34601 erly Court 450 Beve Spring Hill 34606 nsfield Blvd 2727 Man Wesley Chapel C 33544 7TH JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT Family and Parent Stabilization Class Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Mental He ealth America of East Central Florida e 531 S. Ridgewood Avenue B 32114 Daytona Beach 7 Bob Deck ker, Ph.D., NCC, LLMHC (386) 252-5785 (386) 255-7560 fax www.mha bob@mha Cla assroom setting IIn English e. Sp panish offered based on class size Ind digent Status Acccepted Re egistrations excep pted Monday – Friday by phone, fa ax or in person Page 6 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Parenting g & Divorce Cours se Education P Programs Halifax Medical Center 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach B 32114 7 (800) 767-8193 cationprograms.ccom www.educ www.onlin nedivorceprogram assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla On nline and corresp pondence available Ind digent Status Acccepted Crownpointte Parent Education & Family Stab bilization Call for class dates & time es 7 Cla assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted 641 Mark ket Street St. Augus stine 32095 7 Dr. William m D. Wallace, Phh.D. (352) 512-3837 info@ Amanda Swartzlender, S LM MHC 1-800-397 7-1898 m 2 Parents 2 Homes A Positive Divorce Resolutio on 4400 Marrsh Landing Blvd Suite 6 2 Ponte Vedra Beach 32082 Maureen T. T Harper, LMHC C 1-800-397 7-1898 m aves Ave 366 E Gra Orange City C 32763 W. Bryce Laraway, MS, LM MFT 7-1898 1-800-397 m Glenna O. Auxier D. Robert J. Perchalski, Ph.D (352) 375-4399 or (888) 7447-5362 www.divorce-resolution.coom [email protected] Putnam County C Public Library 601 Colle ege Road Palatka 32177-3873 ospital Flagler Ho 400 Healtth Park Blvd. St. Augus stine 32086 2425 S. Volusia V Ave Suite B-4 C 32763 Orange City Last Upd dated 8/18/14 7 Cla assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas glish assroom setting a and online in Eng Cla Co orrespondence co ourse in Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted Allison Bo onilla, LCSW or Eddie Bon nilla (386) 873-1772 or (888) 7447-5362 Page 7 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Page 8 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a 8TH JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT A Positive Divorce Resolutio on Homewoo od Suites 3333 SW42 nd Street Gainesville 32608 8 Crownpointte Parent Education & Family Stab bilization Call for class dates & time es 8 2 Parents 2 Homes 6121 NW W 1st Place Gainesville 33607 8 Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Class In the Best Interest of Childre en & Family Last Upd dated 8/18/14 1505 NW W 16th Avenue Suite B Gainesville 32605 Therapeu utic Alliance Group, Inc. 4432 NW W 23rd Avenue, Suite 4 Gainesville 32606 Gainesville Family Institute e W 6th St., Suite C 1031 NW Gainesville 32601 8 8 Glenna O. Auxier D. Robert J. Perchalski, Ph.D (352) 375-4399 or (888) 7447-5362 www.divorce-resolution.coom [email protected] Dr. William m D. Wallace, Phh.D. (352) 512-3837 info@ Evan H. Hawes, H LMFT 1-800-397 7-1898 m Isabell Sp pringer, PhD, LMF FT 1-800-397 7-1898 m (352) 379-4665 heatherda [email protected] Dr. Bill Fa arley (352) 281-4325 bflmft@ya Cla assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Co orrespondence co ourse in Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis Cla an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas assroom setting and individual Cla ap ppointment in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom Setting In English Ind digent Status Acccepted Page 9 of 41 1 For information on how to beco ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a 9TH JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT A Healthy Divorce Academy y for Family Advoc cacy 5050 S. US U Hwy 17/92 Casselbe erry 32707 9 After Court Solutions 326 W. Oak O St Kissimme ee 34741 9 2 Parents 2 Homes 2281 Lee e Road Suite 102 2 Winter Pa ark 32789 9 Coping with h Divorce Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Deborah Shooter S Author/Pro ogram Director (888) 310-6630 info@Kids www.Kids (407) 944-1155 solutions@gmail .com aftercourts com Olive Tree e Counseling Cathy Marie Stokes, MS 7-1898 1-800-397 m 16 N. Clyde Ave Kissimme ee 34741 Michele R. R Kratochvil, LMH HT 1-800-397 71898 m 6965 Piaz zza Grande Ave Suite 303 3 Orlando 32835 Dr. Darlen ne Treese, PhD 1-800-397 71898 m 237 Lookout Place Maitland 32751 Hillary Strraus, MA 1-800-397 71898 m Dr. John Grbac Office crest Street 1630 Hillc Orlando 32803 9 www.coun nselingcorner.nett support@ @counselingcorne (407) 447-5437 Cla assroom setting iin In English Ind digent Status – re educed fee assroom setting a and online in Cla En nglish/Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted. Ma aterials provided in English/Spanis sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas Cla assroom setting IIn English Ind digent Status Acccepted Page 10 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a All Family Resource Center All Family y Resource Cente er 1318 W. Oak O St Kissimme ee, FL 34741 9 A Better Divvorce Course 815 N. Ma agnolia Ave 2014 W. Colonial C Drive Orlando 32804 9 Aaron Classses LLC James Hu unter, Manager PO Box 533441 5 Orlando 32853 Psycholog gical Affiliates, Inc. 2737 W. Fairbanks F Ave Winter Pa ark 32789 Counselin ng Mediation & Education nal Center 2090 Dixie Ave Sanford 32773 9 Families & D Divorce Helping Children Co ope Beta Center 4680 Lake Underhill Road Orlando 32807 9 Parenting Course Psycholog gical Wellness 815 Orien nta Avenue, Suite e 1010 Altamonte e Springs 32701 1 9 Divided Loyyalties Divorce Made Easy Last Upd dated 8/18/14 9 9 Debra Rosado, BA, MS, C CMHP (321) 206-6560 (321) 206-6681 6) 901-7203 Fax – (866 Allfamilyre [email protected] Beverly Y. Y Dabrio, MA Maurice Martinez, M MA (407) 276-1808 or (813) 7886-2140 info@bettterdivorcecourse. com [email protected] www.FlaP (407) 740-6838 www.psyc Cla assroom setting, individual ap ppointment and co orrespondence in n En nglish/Spanish. Ind digent Status Acccepted Viola Posley, Ph.D., LCSW W, HS-BCP, MSW 407) 688-1307 Phone - (4 Cell – (407) 619-6620 Fax – (407) 878-7870 www.cme drposley@ (407) 277-1942 (407) 381-0907 (fax) www.beta mpacheco [email protected] (407) 830-6033 [email protected] psycholog Cla assroom setting a and individual ap ppointment in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Co orrespondence co ourse available in n Sp panish Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla Alsso available onlin ne Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting IIn English Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting iin English Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status Acccepted Page 11 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Families Ma atters Osceola and a Orange Coun nty Libraries 9 YaSheem ma Marshall, RFS,, Inc. (407) 218-6113 info@rena www.rena Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Class 6150 Mettro West Blvd Suite 103 Orlando 32835 9 Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Course Orange County C Libraries Call for ex xact locations Time and Dates vary 9 Parent and Family Stabilization Divorcing Parents s Course for D S Group, Inc. It’s Your Solutions 13538 Village Park Drive 5F Suite 125 Orlando 32837 all for class locatio ons in Please ca Orange, Osceola, O Seminole Call for class schedule of classes c in Orlando & Longwood and Orange, Osceola, Seminole countie es 9 Advanced d Psychiatric Soluutions (407) 730-3837 m www.adps Stephen@ 3JB Paren nting Education & Training Consultan nts Brenda Y.. Person, PhD Jane K. Fieldings, BA erson, BA Jibri K. Pe (407)421--2957 parentingE [email protected] To registe er: 3jbparentiingeducationtrainningconsulta Ailyn Gonzalez, B.S. ersi, M.S. Evist Ghe (321) 442-5185 “Parenting ffor Life” Parent Education a and Family Stabilization n Course Last Upd dated 8/18/14 9 Linda H. Streeter, S MA Radiant Living Life Solutionns, Inc. (321) 438-3051 m [email protected] www.myra assroom setting iin English Cla Ma aterials available in English and Sp panish Ind dividual appointm ments available Sliiding fee scale avvailable assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla Alsso available onlin ne Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting iin English, individ dual Cla cla asses by appointm ment Ind digent Status Acccepted sh Cla assroom setting iin English/Spanis Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting a and individual Cla ap ppointment in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted Page 12 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Healthy Divorce Kids Need d Both, Inc. Locations s north of Maitland d 9 A Parenting g & Divorce Cours se Education Programs Comfort Inn 1936 McC Coy Road Orlando 32809 9 Transparen nting Orange County. C Call for lo ocation and time 9 Surviving D Divorce: A Guide for Parents 4412 N. Apopka A Vineland Road Orlando 32751 9 Deborah Shooter S Curriculum m/Program Directtor (888) 310-6630 info@Kids www.Kids (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom Dr. Sheryl Ferguson 6-0255 (954) 476 www.thep thepsychc [email protected] (877) 695-4377 (561) 324-3450 [email protected] com Jorgegom Better Life e Community Church Address: 1603 Mickler Stre eet ee 34744 Kissimme Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status - re educed fee assroom setting in English/Spanis sh Cla On nline and corresp pondence available Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting in English Cla assroom Setting in English. Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted On nline in English att ww ww.parentssuppo On nline in Spanish a at ww ww.padresparasie e Co orrespondence avvailable in Creole 10TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT A Healthy Divorce Kids Need d Both, Inc. 1020 W. Pipkin P Road Lakeland 33811 10 A Better Divvorce Course 2425 Fron ntage Road Davenporrt 33837 10 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 (888) 310-6630 S Deborah Shooter Curriculum m/Program Directtor info@Kids www.Kids Beverly Y. Y Dabrio, MA Maurice Martinez, M MA (407) 276-1808 or (813) 7886-2140 info@bettterdivorcecourse. com Cla assroom setting iin in English Ind digent Status – re educed fee glish Cla assroom setting a and online in Eng n Co orrespondence co ourse available in Sp panish Ind digent Status Acccepted Page 13 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a After Court Solutions After Cou urt Solutions 120 Broad dway Ave Suite 206 2 Kissimme ee 34741 10 (407) 944-1155 aftercourts solutions@gmail .com com Courtroom Creations Parents, Ch hildren and Divorc ce orida State Colleg ge South Flo 600 W. College C Drive Avon Parrk 33825 10 A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education Programs Courtyard d Marriott 3725 Harrden Blvd Lakeland 33803 10 Positive Co-Parenting Locations s in Bartow, and Lakeland 10 Surviving D Divorce: A Guide for Parents 1410 Dun ndee Road Winter Ha aven 33884 10 Lauren Re edick redickl@s (863) 784-7388 (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom Mediation n Services 255 N. Bro oadway Ave Bartow 33830 3 (863) 534-4595 or (863) 5334-4698 (877) 695-4377 (561) 324-3450 [email protected] com Jorgegom 2901 Lucerne Park Road Winter Ha aven 33880 assroom setting and online in Cla En nglish/Spanish Ma aterials available in Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting in English Ind digent Status Nott Accepted assroom setting in English/Spanis sh Cla On nline and corresp pondence available Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting iin English Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom Setting in English. Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted On nline in English att nd in ww ww.parentssuppo an On nline in Spanish a at ww ww.padresparasie e Co orrespondence avvailable in Creole 11TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT A Child’s Liffe… Depends on n a Peaceful Resolution Times and dates vary plea ase visit g or our website: worksparentingtoo www.lifew Divorce Witth Children Contact fo or exact location Last Upd dated 8/18/14 11 1 Sue Dock kerill (772) 288-9886 tmlpsued@ Joy Pyngo olil, Ph.D. (772) 633-5728 jpyngolil@ Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status: Re educed Fee Ind dividual appointm ment in English Ind digent Status not Accepted Page 14 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco o1rt corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Assisting Pa arents Through Divorce Email or call c for Miami-Dad de, Broward or o Palm Beach lo ocations at Parenting [email protected] or 954456-2850 0 or 305-899-9910 0 11 Children of Divorcing Parentts Miami-Da ade Community College C Call camp pus where you wo ould like to attend the course 11 Children in the Middle 13200 SW W 128th Street Unit F2 Miami, FL 33186 11 Healthy Marriages/Matrimon nios Saludables 3483 Torrremolinos Avenue e Doral FL 33178 11 MDM Counseling and Media ation Services MDM Cou unseling and Med diation Services W. 87th Avenue 3611 S.W Miami 33 3165 11 Parent Educcation and Family y Stabilization n Course Pastoral Care C Institute 18191 NW W 68th Avenue Suite 212 2 Miami 33 3015 Call for lo ocation and time 11 Transparen nting Last Upd dated 8/18/14 11 Taught by y Jerome R. Tabaas, B.S., M.S., J.D.., Florida Suprem me Court Certified Family F Mediator, Qualified Parenting Coordinator, Divvorce and Litigation Consultant Kendall - (305) 237-2142, 05) 237-1019, North - (30 Interamerrican - (305) 237-66138, Wolfson - (305) 237-3120 Metamorp phosis – Transforrming Lives, One Famiily at a Time Bettina M. Lozzi-Toscano, Ph.D. m [email protected] (305) 964-7598 Dr. Gina Diaz D or Nicolas D Diaz 786-229-9 9868 or 786-536--5260 www.tuma [email protected] Dr. Maria D. Martinez (305) 215-7501 m [email protected] drmartinez Dorcas Iris De Jesus, MFT T (786) 413-8487 www.pasttoralcareinstitute. org irisdejesus [email protected] Dr. Sheryl Ferguson (954) 476-0255 www.thep thepsychc [email protected] assroom setting, individual Cla ap ppointment or correspondence cou urse in English aterials available in Spanish Ma Ind digent Status not Accepted Cla assroom setting a and online in En nglish/Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh, Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting iin Spanish In English upon req quest digent Status Acccepted Ind Cla assroom setting a and correspondence co ourse in English. Ind digent Status Acccepted. Cla assroom setting a and online in En nglish/Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted sh assroom setting in English/Spanis Cla Page 15 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Parenting fo or Divorce (Serving Bro oward and Dade Counties) Counselin ng and Empowerment Group nes Blvd. #242 10031 Pin Pembroke e Pines 33024 11 Pro-Active P Parenting and Divorce 7401 Wile es road Coral Sprrings 33067 11 2 Parents 2 Homes 1666 Ken nnedy Causeway Suite 207 7 North Bay y Village 33141 11 7601 E Treasure Drive 6 Suite – Ground Floor Cu-6 North Bay y Village 33141 Dr. Percy Ricketts (954) 438-5661 or (866) 438-5661. entingfordivorce.ccom www.pare percyricks [email protected] Family Th herapy Associatess (954) 341-2555 www.FYIc info@FYIc Yazmine Marimon, M LMHC assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting, individual ap ppointment in Eng glish Ma aterials available in Spanish/Frenc ch On nline in English/S Spanish Co orrespondence co ourse in En nglish/Spanish/Frrench. Ind digent Status acccepted – reduced fee. assroom setting iin English Cla sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas Maritza Montano, M MS, PhD D 1-800-397 7-1898 m 9620 NE 2 Avenue 5 Suite 205 Miami Shores 33138 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 7 Street 735 NE 72 Miami 33 3138 Rosemary y DeFaria, LCSW W 1-800-397 7-1898 m 1390 S Dixie D Hwy Suite 110 06 Coral Gab bles 33146 Iris Pitalug ga, MS 1-800-397 7-1898 m Page 16 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Page 17 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education Programs Surviving Divorce: A Parent’s Guide Citrus He ealth Network (Family Health H Center Roo om 420-A) 4125 W. 20 2 th Ave (Entranc ce on 20th) Hialeah 33012 3 510 East 41st Street Hialeah 11 11 (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom (877) 695-4377 (561) 324-3450 [email protected] com Jorgegom assroom setting, online and Cla co orrespondence co ourse in En nglish/Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom Setting in English. Cla On nline in English att ww ww.parentssuppo an nd in On nline in Spanish a at ww ww.padresparasie Co orrespondence avvailable in Creole e Ind digent Status Acccepted 12TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT TransParen nting Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Program 2 Parents 2 Homes Creative Counseling C Soluttions of Sarasota,, Inc. 2803 Fruiitville Road, Suite e 137 Sarasota 34237 Behavior Management Se ervices 2803 Fruiitville Road Suite 149 Sarasota 34232 9040 Tow wn Center Parkwa ay Lakewood d Ranch 34202 1531 Tam miami Trail South Suite 703 3 Venice 34285 3 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 12 12 12 Natalie La ampkin, LMHC (941) 932-1134 www.crea Natalie@c Alison Pla att - (941) 954-11005 www.beha aviormanagemenntservices.n et Alison@behaviormanagem mentservice David L. Kaus, K MA, CAP, LLMHC 1-800-397 7-1898 m assroom setting a and individual Cla ap ppointment in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted. Cla assroom setting and individual ap ppointment in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis Cla an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas Karen J. Murdock, M LMFT 1-800-397 7-1898 m Page 18 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Children & Divorce A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education Programs State College of Florida e & Community Corporate Developm ment, CIT 7131 Proffessional Pkwy. East E Sarasota 34240 12 (941) 363-7203 5840 26th Street West Bradenton 34207 (941) 752-5203 T Trail (US S Hwy. 41) 8000 S. Tamiami Venice 34293 3 (941) 408-1412 Holiday In nn Express 5730 Gan ntt Road Sarasota 34233 12 [email protected] (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram assroom setting iin English Cla Ma aterials available in Spanish Ind digent Status not Accepted sh assroom setting in English/Spanis Cla On nline and corresp pondence course Ind digent Status Acccepted Days Inn Bradenton S West 3506 1st Street Bradenton 34208 nn Express Holiday In 4450 47thStreet Bradenton 34210 13TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT A Healthy Divorce Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Kids Need d Both, Inc. Locations s at community ce enters in Plant City y, Brandon, Tamp ps 13 (888) 310-6630 S Deborah Shooter Curriculum m/Program Directtor info@Kids www.Kids Cla assroom setting iin English Ind digent Status – R Reduced Fee Page 19 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Better Divvorce Course 11551 Dis scovery Lane Seffner 33584 3 13 Shielding Children from Conflict Hillsborou ugh County 13 2 Parents 2 Homes 505 East Jackson 9 Suite 209 Tampa 33602 3 13 Destin Fam mily Solutions FCC Anth hem College – Ta ampa Campus ncess Palm Ave 9950 Prin Tampa 33 3619 310 Hugh hes Street Brandon 33510 13 Interventions Enterprises, Inc. 1016 W. Hillsborough Ave e Tampa 33603 13 Parents for Life Hillsborou ugh Community College C Dale Mab bry Tampa Campu us Brandon Campus y Campus Plant City 5108 N. Habana Avenue Suite 3 Tampa 33614 13 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Cla assroom setting a and online in Eng glish Co orrespondence co ourse available in n Sp panish Ind digent Status Acccepted Patsy B. Evans, E LMHC, DO OM 1-800-397 7-1898 m assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla an nd by Individual appointment Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas sis En nglish language D. Nekeshia Hammond, Psy.D 7-1898 1-800-397 m The Interventions Parenting Education and Family Stabilization n Course Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Course Beverly Y. Y Dabrio, MA Maurice Martinez, M MA (407) 276-1808 or (813) 7886-2140 info@bettterdivorcecourse. com (813) 684-5048 13 Marietha Destin, D MA, MFT T-RI (813) 720-5191 [email protected] destinfam destinfam milysolutions@vpw Gordon A. Pilet, Ph.D., LC CSW (813) 933-8865 (813) 933-7285 fax drpilet@in nterventionsinc.coom Brian Eng gland (813) 259-6528 bengland@ www.pare Caridad V. Sanchez cary@tam mpamediations.coom www.tamp m (813) 503-3370 assroom setting iin English, Haitian Cla Crreole Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting and individual ap ppointment in Eng glish Ind digent Status Acccepted sh Cla assroom setting iin English/Spanis Ind digent Status Acccepted Byy appointment in English/Spanish Page 20 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education P Programs Gaither High H School 16200 N. Dale Mabry Hwy y. 3 Tampa 33618 13 (800) 767-8193 cationprograms.ccom www.educ www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ m assroom setting E English/Spanish Cla Alsso available onlin ne and co orrespondence, Ind digent Status Acccepted 13 Patricia E. Phelps, BSW, M SW Ana Iosipa an, LMHC LMFT (Spanish, Hebrew, French) F Todd Pulle en, LMHC (USAF F Veteran) Jacqueline e Rich, LCSW Phelpsfore [email protected] 813-223-7 7990 (office) 813-435-2 2457 (fax) Dr. Mary White W www.terem (813) 951-4991 (850) 445-6441 Padahm@ sh Cla assroom setting in English/Spanis Ind digent Status Acccepted Wingate Inn I (near USF) 3751 E. Fowler F Avenue Tampa 33612 3 Spring Hill Suites C Street 4835 W. Cypress Tampa 33607 3 La Quinta a Brandon 310 Grand Regency Road d Tampa 33510 3 Phelps Fo orensic Services, Inc. 607-A We est Dr. MLK Blvd Tampa 33603 3 Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Course Terem Educcation Services, Inc. Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Terem Ed ducation 7625 Palm m River Road Tampa 33619 3 13 Cla assroom and Online courses offerred in English Page 21 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a 14TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT A Positive Divorce Resolutio on Transparen nting 4 Family Ad dvocacy Program m Building 1404 1 340 Magn nolia Circle Tyndall AFB A 32403 All-N-One e 1011 Gra ace Avenue 1 Panama City C 32401 14 Jae Pate, MSW, LCSW or Michelle Lasater, MSW,, LCSW (850) 283-7511 assroom setting IIn English Cla Fre ee to military mem mbers Ind digent Status not Accepted (850) 784-7888 [email protected] allnonethe Cla assroom setting IIn English Ind digent Status Nott Accepted Alsso offered online at fam o. 15TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT Assisting Pa arents Through Divorce Email or call c for Miami-Dad de, Broward or o Palm Beach lo ocations at Parenting [email protected] or 954456-2850 0 or 305-899-9910 0 15 Taught by y Jerome R. Tabaas, B.S., M.S., J.D.., Florida Suprem me Court Certified Family F Mediator, Qualified Parenting Coordinator, Divvorce and Litigation Consultant A Healthy Divorce Kids Need d Both, Inc St. Grego ory’s Episcopal Church 100 NE Mizner M Blvd Boca Raton 33429 15 2 Parents 2 Homes 9325 W. Glades G Road Suite 208 8 Boca Raton 33602 15 (888) 310-6630 S Deborah Shooter Curriculum m/Program Directtor info@Kids www.Kids Jo Whalen n, Psy.D., PA Boca Med dical Center 1-800-397 7-1898 m Children Firrst Last Upd dated 8/18/14 3140 W Kennedy K Blvd Tampa 33609 3 Palm Bea ach State College e (Lake Wo orth and Belle Gla ade campuses s) 15 Lake Worrth - (561) 868-37702 barretts@ Belle Glad de – (561) 993-11175 finleyb@p palmbeachstate.eedu assroom setting iin In English Cla Ma aterials available in Spanish by req quest Alsso available as a correspondence co ourse or by individ dual appointment Ind digent Status not Accepted Cla assroom setting iin English and Sp panish Ind digent Status – re educed fee sh assroom setting iin English/Spanis Cla an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas sh assroom Setting in English/Spanis Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Alsso offered online at om ww ww.palmbeachsta Page 22 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a West Boc ca Medical Center 21644 Sta ate Road 7 Boca Raton A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education P Programs Surviving D Divorce – A Guide e for Parents Parent Educcation and Family y Stabilization n Course Positive Parenting through Divorce Transparen nting 15 (800) 767-8193 cationprograms.ccom www.educ www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom assroom setting E English/Spanish Cla Alsso available onlin ne and co orrespondence, Ind digent Status Acccepted 15 (877) 695-4377 (561) 324-3450 [email protected] com Jorgegom Successful Unions, Inc. P Park Ro oad 1489 W. Palmetto Boca Raton 33486 Atrium Fa amily Center 8551 Sun nrise Blvd Plantation n FL 33322 15 (561) 750-6037 or (561) 7550-6031 fax m www.succ successfu [email protected] m (954) 252-9130 or (866) 7778-3349 www.positiveparentingthrooughdivorce. com support@ New Options of Royal Palm m Beach, ates Inc. and Ingram & Associa ng & Consulting, Inc. Counselin 12794 W.. Forest Hill Blvd Suite 18 Wellington 33414 15 (561) 790-3200 www.welliingtoncounseling .com assroom Setting in English. Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Avvailable online in English ww ww.parentssuppo an nd in om Sp panish www.padre Co orrespondence co ourse in Creole assroom setting a and by individual Cla ap ppointment in In E English Ind digent Status not Accepted assroom setting IIn English Cla Co ourse materials also available in Sp panish and Indige ent application Alsso available onlin ne in English/Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted assroom setting iin In English Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted (561) 616-1222 www.ctrfa Cla assroom setting E English/Spanish Ind digent Status not Accepted Holy Nam me of Jesus Churc ch 345 S. Miilitary Trail West Palm m Beach Vickers House H South Com mmunity Center m Beach Lakes Blv vd 811 Palm W. Palm Beach 33401 The Center for Family Services of Palm Bea ach County 4101 Parker Ave Last Upd dated 8/18/14 15 Page 23 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a West Palm m Beach FL 334 405 Pro-Active P Parenting and Divorce 7401 Wile es Road Coral Sprrings 33067 15 Family Th herapy Associatess (954) 341-2555 www.FYIc info@FYIc Cla assroom setting E English materials s avvailable in Spanish/French so Re educed fee for Ind digent Status. Als avvailable online in E English/Spanish and a co orrespondence co ourse in En nglish/Spanish/Frrench. able Ind dividual and priva ate classes availa 16TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT Parent Educcation and Family y Stabilization n Course Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Michael G. G Holler Counselling Services verseas Hwy 91831 Ov Suite A Tavernierr FL 33070 16 (305) 393-1230 www.Mich [email protected] Cla assroom setting a and by individual ap ppointment in In E English Ind digent Status Acccepted on a case by ca ase basis Page 24 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education P Programs Key Westt Wesley House Family F Services nn Street 175 Wren Tavernierr, FL 33070 16 (305) 809-5000 ext. 229 cationprograms.ccom www.educ www.onlin nedivorceprogram assroom setting E English/Spanish Cla Alsso available onlin ne and co orrespondence, Ind digent Status Acccepted Marathon n Community Chu urch 3010 Ove erseas Highway Marathon n 33050 3114 Flag gler Avenue Key Westt 33040 1304 Trum man Avenue Key Westt 33040 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Page 25 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a 17TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT Assisting Pa arents Through Divorce Email or call c for Miami-Dad de, Broward or o Palm Beach lo ocations at Parenting [email protected] or 954456-2850 0 or 305-899-9910 0 17 Taught by y Jerome R. Tabaas, B.S., M.S., J.D.., Florida Suprem me Court Certified Family F Mediator, Qualified Parenting Coordinator, Divvorce and Litigation Consultant Cla assroom setting iin In English Ma aterials available in Spanish by req quest Alsso available as a correspondence co ourse or by individ dual appointment Ind digent Status not Accepted Children of Divorce The Glass s House 4700 N. State S Road 7 Bldg A Suite 112 Lauderda ale Lakes 33319 Contact fo or exact location 17 (954) 938-0055 [email protected] www.theg assroom setting o or by individual Cla ap ppointment in In E English Ind digent Status Acccepted Joy Pyngo olil, Ph.D. (772) 633-5728 jpyngolil@ Byy appointment in IIn English Ind digent Status not Accepted Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Joel I. Kim mmel, Ph.D. 5571 N. University U Dr Ste 101 1 Coral Sprrings 33067 17 (954) 755-2885 www.kimm melpsychology.coom denise@k Partners in Parenting alm Beach, Browa ard (Serving Pa and Miami-D Dade Counties) L Psychothera apy Labor of Love 5491 Norrth University Driv ve Suite 101 Coral Sprrings FL 33067 17 Parent Educcation and Family y Stabilization n Course Successful Unions, Inc. P Park Ro oad 1489 W. Palmetto Boca Raton 33486 17 Dr. Edwarrds Randerson, LLMHC, LMFT and d Lissette Ayala, LMHC 954-227-2 2530 www.thelo [email protected] (561) 750-6037 or (561) 7550-6031 (fax) m www.succ successfu [email protected] m assroom setting also by individuall Cla ap ppointment and co orrespondence al in In English. digent Status Acccepted Ind Cla assroom setting a and by individual ap ppointment e In English and Spanish, Portuguese anslator available w/ advanced nottice tra Ind digent status acce epted at reducedfee assroom setting a and by individual Cla ap ppointment in In E English Ind digent Status not Accepted Divorce Witth Children Last Upd dated 8/18/14 7 Page 26 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a 2 Parents 2 Homes 2400 W Cypress C Creek Rd d Suite 125 5 Ft. Laude erdale 33309 4801 S University Dr 5 Suite 255 Davie 33 3328 7 Jody L. Pfflanzer, LMFT, M M.Ed. 1-800-397 7-1898 m assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla an nd by Individual appointment Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas sis Jacqueline e K. Clarke, LMF FT, CAP 1-800-397 7-1898 m 1 2425 E Commercial C Blvd Ft. Laude erdale 33308 Parenting fo or Divorce (Serving Bro oward and Dade Counties) Parent Educcation and Family y Stabilization n Course 3325 Holllywood Blvd Suite 301 d 33021 Hollywood Sloane Ve eshinski, PhD, LM MFT 1-800-397 7-1898 m 1761 W. Hillsboro H Blvd Suite 323 3 Deerfield Beach 33442 Counselin ng and Empowerment Group nes Blvd. #242 10031 Pin Pembroke e Pines 33024 Karen E. Sherman, S MS, LM MHC 1-800-397 7-1898 m Dr. Percy Ricketts (954) 438-5661 or (866) 438-5661. entingfordivorce.ccom www.pare percyricks [email protected] Dorcas Iris De Jesus (786) 413-8487 Basil T. Phillips, MHC (954) 501-4017 954) 237-7774 Office – (9 www.glob balvillagecares.orgg irisdejesus [email protected] 7 Global Village Impact, Inc.. 2131 Holllywood Blvd Suite 407 7 Hollywood d 33020 1 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 17 assroom setting a and Online Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting a and online in En nglish/Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted Page 27 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Healthy Divorce Kids Need d Both, Inc. St. Nicholas Episcopal Church S Road 1111 E. Sample Pompano o Beach 33064 17 (888) 310-6630 S Deborah Shooter Curriculum m/Program Directtor info@Kids www.Kids Cla assroom setting iin English and Sp panish Ind digent Status – R Reduced Fee 17 Michele Martin. M (954) 979-0712 [email protected] Edutherap 17 Dr. Sheryl Ferguson (954) 476-0255 www.thep thepsychc [email protected] (954) 252-9130 or (866) 7778-3349 www.positiveparentingthrooughdivorce. com support@ Cla assroom setting iin English Ma aterials available in Spanish Ind digent Status Acccepted. Alsso available by co orrespondence assroom, English h and Spanish Cla La anguages St. Bened dict’s Episcopal Church C 7801 NW W 5th St Plantation n 33324 PATCH Pro ogram (Parent and d Their Children’s s Happiness) Transparen nting St. Bened dict’s Episcopal Church C 2701 W. Oakland O Park Blv vd Oakland Park P 33311 MH Martin Educational Therapy 5379 Lyons Road, #118 C 33073 Coconut Creek, Call for sp pecific class locattions Call for lo ocation and time Positive Parenting through Divorce Antrium Family F Center 8551 Sun nrise Blvd Plantation n FL 33322 17 Pro-Active P Parenting and Divorce 74012 Wiiles Road Coral Sprrings 33067 17 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Family Th herapy Associatess (954) 341-2555 www.FYIc info@FYIc assroom setting IIn English Cla Co ourse materials also available in Sp panish Ind digent Status Acccepted Alsso available onlin ne in English/Spanish Cla assroom setting E English with ch ma aterials available in Spanish/Frenc so Re educed fee for Ind digent Status. Als avvailable online in E English/Spanish and a co orrespondence co ourse in En nglish/Spanish/Frrench. Page 28 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education Programs Coral Sprrings Medical Offiice Building F 3000 Corral Hills Drive 1st Floor Coral Sprrings 17 (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom 17 1-877-695 5-4377 561-324-3 3450 Jorgegom [email protected] com dividual and priva ate classes availa able Ind assroom setting English/Spanish Cla Alsso available onlin ne and co orrespondence Ind digent Status Acccepted Memorial Regional Hospittal 3501 Johnson Street d Hollywood Memorial Hospital West nference room in lobby, 1st (Main con floor) amingo Road 703 N. Fla Pembroke e Pines 33028 Surviving D Divorce: A Guide for Parents Memorial Hospital Pembro oke eridan Street 7800 She Pembroke e Pines 33024 Call for lo ocation and time assroom Setting in In English. Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Alsso available onlin ne in English at nd in ww ww.parentssuppo an Sp panish at ww ww.padresparasie nce Avvailable in Creole by corresponden 18TH JUD DICIAL CIRCUIT I Child of Divvorce Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Child & Family Consultants nn Street Suite 12 2 1800 Pen Melbourne 32901 18 (321) 768-6800 [email protected] childandfa Cla assroom setting IIn English Ind digent Status Acccepted Page 29 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a (888) 310-6630 S Deborah Shooter Curriculum m/Program Directtor info@Kids www.Kids (407) 678-6655 x 3 [email protected] Cla assroom setting iin English. Ind digent Status – R Reduced Fee 18 (321) 632-5792 Cla assroom setting in In English Ind digent Status Acccepted 18 (321) 951 1-3993 18 Stephanie e Byrd, MS, LMFT T 1-800-397 7-1898 m Cla assroom setting a and Individual Ap ppointment in In E English Ind digent Status Acccepted sh Cla assroom setting iin English/Spanis an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas A Healthy Divorce Kids Need d Both, Inc. Call for class location 18 Helping Fam milies Cope with Divorce Concepts of Cooperative g Coparenting Children of Divorce Transparen nting Center for Counseling & Consulting, C Inc. 661 Semiinola Blvd Casselbe erry 32707 Family Co ounseling Centerr of Brevard ard Ave 840 Breva Rockledge 32955 Alternativ ve Behavior Services 1900 Palm m Bay Road NE -Suite D Palm Bay y 32905 2306 S Babcock Melbourne 32901 18 Parenting E Education and Divorce Sta abilization Course e 2 Parents 2 Homes “Parenting for Life” Parent Education and Family Stabilization n Course Last Upd dated 8/18/14 2020 Hwy y A1A Suite 104 4 Indian Ha arbour Beach 329 937 Teresa Ha arris, Psy.D, LMH HC 1-800-397 7-1898 m 3270 Sun ntree Blvd Melbourne 32940 MHC Nancy Ve ega-Brady, MA, LM 1-800-397 7-1898 m Linda H. Streeter, MA Radiant Living Life Solutionns, Inc. (321) 438-3051 m [email protected] Call for class schedule of classes in Orlando & Longwood and Orange, Osceola, Seminole countie es 18 Cla assroom setting a also by individuall ap ppointment in In E English Ind digent Status not Accepted assroom setting and individual Cla ap ppointment In English digent Status Acccepted Ind Page 30 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Parenting Course Family Stab bilization and Divo orce Mommy, Da addy and me Transparen nting A Parenting g & Divorce Cours se Education Programs Gee Resolu utions Counseling g Centers Divided Loyyalties Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Psycholog gical Wellness 815 Orien nta Avenue, Suite e 1010 Altamonte e Springs 32701 1 Yellow Um mbrella Exchange e Club – Child Abu use Prevention Ce enter 260 Breva ard Ave Cocoa FL L 32922 4680 Lips scomb Street Palm Bay y 32905 Seminole e County, call for exact location Courtyard d Marriott 2101 W. New N Haven Melbourne 32904 Courtyard d by Marriott Lake e Mary 135 Intern national Parkway y Lake Marry 32746 Gee Reso olutions Counseling Center 190 McIve er Lane Rockledge 32955 Parenting g Education Family Counselin ng Center Viera – Brevard B County Psycholog gical Affiliates, Inc. 2737 W. Fairbanks F Ave. Winter Pa ark 32789 18 18 18 18 www.myra (407) 830-6033 [email protected] psycholog www.pwcs Terri Merm mis Executive e Director (321) 723-2927 (office) (321) 433-3570 (office) (321) 723-2928 Fax @yellowumbrella.oorg Director@ www.yello Dr. Sheryl Ferguson 6-0255 (954) 476 www.thep (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom Cla assroom setting IIn English Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom setting in In English Sp panish by advancced notice Ind digent Status Acccepted Cla assroom, English h Language assroom setting English/Spanish Cla Alsso available onlin ne and co orrespondence, Ind digent Status Acccepted 18 Kevin Lew wis, LMHC (321) 631-8569 or (321) 631-8570 (321) 631-6530 (fax) parenting@ Cla assroom setting IIn English th Cla asses every two w weeks (2nd and 4 Friday of each mon nth) 18 (407) 740-6838 www.psyc gent assroom setting iin In English Indig Cla Sta atus Accepted Page 31 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Page 32 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization n Course Western Judicial Services, Inc. 1600 Sarno Rd Melbourne 32953 18 (321) 631-6976 Christine.pataluch@weste m assroom setting in In English Cla Ind digent Status not Accepted 19TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT Family Survviving Divorce Mental He ealth Association Indian Riv ver County 820 37th Place P Vero Bea ach 32960 A Child’s Liffe… Depends on n a Peaceful Resolution Palm City y Immanuel Luthe eran 2655 SW Immanuel Drive 1 Palm City y 34990 9 19 (772) 569-9788 (772) 569-2088 Fax www.mha cheryl@m Cla assroom setting iin In English Ind digent Status Acccepted Sue Dock kerill (772) 288-9886 www.lifew [email protected] assroom setting English Cla Port St Lu ucie Community Center C 2195 SE Airoso Blvd ucie 34984 Port St Lu Okeechob bee Library 206 SW 16 1 th St Okeechob bee 34974 Vero India an River Library 1600 21stt Street Vero Bea ach 32960 Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Page 33 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Families Firrst A Parentin g & Divorce Courrse Education Programs 3824 SE Dixie Highway 4997 Stuart 34 19 (772) 781-4510 148 Vista a Royale Square Vero Bea ach 32962 (772) 567-5700 Okeechob bee County Healtth Departme ent 1728 NW W 9th Avenue Okeechob bee 34972 (772) 461-0863 2967 Wes st Midway Road Ft. Pierce e 34981 (772) 461-0863 Fawcett Memorial Hospital 21298 Ole ean Blvd. Port Charrlotte 33952 assroom setting iin English/Spanis sh Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted ww 20TH JUD DICIAL CIRCU UIT 20 (800) 767-8193 www.educ cationprograms.ccom www.onlin nedivorceprogram ep@educ cationprograms.coom Cla assroom setting English/Spanish Alsso available onlin ne and co orrespondence, Ind digent Status Acccepted 20 Carol “Crissie” Carter, LCS SW, CAP, CEAP 7-1898 1-800-397 m sh Cla assroom setting iin English/Spanis an nd by Individual appointment sis Ind digent Status on ccase by case bas Courtyard d Marriott 3250 Tam miami Trail Naples 34103 3 2 Parents 2 Homes Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Edison Mall Woman’s Mac cy veland Ave. 4125 Clev Ft. Myers s 33901 94 Hall Sttreet Labelle 33935 3 Page 34 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Putting Chilldren First Mental He ealth Associationof Southwes st Florida 2335 9th St. North Ste 404 Naples 34103 20 (239) 261-5405 www.mha pjones@m assroom setting IIn English Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted Alsso available onlin ne in English/Spanish Transparen nting Families First F 3131 Lakeview Blvd Port Charrlotte 33948 20 (941) 255-7480 x 23 www.yourrcharlotteschools .net assroom setting iin In English Cla Ind digent Status Acccepted ONLINE/DISTANCE LEA ARNING Some e Florida counties t have Administrative i Orders e requiring parents to takethe Course i n a live-classro oom setting. B Before taking a disttance learning course, please s contact yourr local Family Court Office to o ensure that d istance learnin ng courses are e Accepted. Course Name Providerr & Contact In nformation Registratiion Informatio on Focus on th he Children Parent Education 1-830-372--4555 A Co Paren nting Class Putting Kids First 707 888-300-47 customerse ervice@puttingkid A Florida Divorce Education Program All-N-One Co-Parenting Last Upd dated 8/18/14 All-N-One Therapy T (850) 784-7 7888 [email protected]. om om 100% onlinee Mobile Frienndly Also availabble in Classroom ssetting and Corre espondence 888-777-22998 Online and C Correspondence Available in 64 languages Indigent Stattus Accepted Works on alll mobile devices – Available 24/7 (800) 344-03335 Fax registrattion (561) 791-73 380 Indigent Stattus not accepted In English Page 35 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a A Parenting g & Divorce Cours se Education P Programs Sari Lesins ski 800.767.81 193 A Child’s Liffe… Depends on n a Peaceful Resolution Live Works s Parenting Tools s Guy and Sue Dockerill A Positive Divorce Resolutio on Robert Perrchalski, PhD Glenna Aux xier American Safety Institute Assisting Pa arents Through Divorce As We Grow w Counseling Aaron Classses LLC Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Jerome Tabas, B.S., M.S., J.D. J preme Court Certtified Family Florida Sup Mediator, Parenting P Coordin nator, and Litigation Consultant C Parentingis [email protected] As We Gro ow Counseling 2240 Twelv ve Oaks Way Suiite 101 Wesley Ch hapel 33544 Melissa@a James Hun nter PO Box 53 33441 Orlando 32853 3 www.Florid daParentingClass admin@floridaparentingclas www.FlaPa www.onlineddivorceprogram.ccom English/Spa nish Classroom ssetting and corresspondence also available Indigent Stattus Accepted Register for access number and code www.lwpt.orrg 772-288-98886 Indigent Stattus Accepted for reduced rate (888) 747-53362 Correspondeence in English a and Spanish Indigent Stattus Accepted www.floridapparentingcourse.ccom info@americcansafetyinstitute (800) 800-71121 [email protected] (954)456-28850 (305)899-99910 www.asweg rowncounseling.ccom (813) 838-48807 Pay by PenP Pal or check (prio or to taking course e) or credit card Also availabble in classroom ssetting English and Spanish, ed Indigent appplications Accepte Page 36 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a C Parentin g Depot Too Arlyne Galllow agallow117 [email protected] 954-967-98 878 www.mdc.e edu/ce/kendall 305-237-21 163 Children of Divorcing Parentts Center of Solutions Kathy Garb ber, LMFT (888) 606-1 1962 centerofsolu [email protected] m Children Firrst www.palmb beachstatechildre Palm Beac ch State College Lake Worth h - (561) 868-3514 nicholsg@p palmbeachstate.e edu Belle Glade e – (561) 993-117 75 finleyb@pa almbeachstate.ed du Bradley Craig Between Two Homes LLC www.Makin ngtwohomeswork support@c 1-800-239--3971 (phone) 972-704-29 912 (fax) Dr. William m D. Wallace, Ph.D D. (352) 512-3 3837 wnpointefamilysta info@ Crow Millard Ripley 2368 (877) 602-2 admin@courtroomcreations Between Tw wo Homes Crownpointte Parent Education & Family Stabilization n Courtroom Creations Inc. Last Upd dated 8/18/14 954- 353- 31182 Easy accesss Online in Ennglish/Spanish Indigent Stattus Accepted Also availabble in classroom setting English/Sp panish or http://www w.parentingclasso Course avai lable in English a and Spanish. Online In Ennglish Also availabble in classroom ssetting Indigent Stattus Accepted In English ed Indigent appplications Accepte Online in Ennglish Indigent Stattus Accepted Also availabble in classroom setting m cant Online and C Correspondence in English/Spanissh Indigent applic Accepted wiith prior applicatio on. Also availabble in classroom ssetting English/Sp panish Page 37 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Course for Parents Center for D Divorce Education n's Children In Between On nline (Formerly: Children C in the Middle) Divorce Cla ass Divorce & Itts Impact on Child dren Elite Contin nuing Education 14DollarParrentEducation Florida Pare enting Class On-lline Last Upd dated 8/18/14 eLearning Systems, LLC s Street 110 Athens Suite 202 Tarpon Sprrings 34689 407-431-09 955 Courseforp info@cours m Don Gordo on, Ph.D. Executive Director D http://online 877-874-13 365 (toll free) 740-594-25 521 (fax) E-mail: info o@divorce-educa Onlinepare om 866-504-28 883 805-550-36 663 Rebecca Herbst H [email protected] 6710 or (352) 343 3-9399 (800) 803-6 Lisa Steven ns, Office Manager Lisa@elitec (888) 857-6 6920 ext. 305 (877) 503--4867 Pensacola State College eo Frances Ye 850-484-17 797 [email protected] m Online in In English Indigent Stattus Accepted English & Sppanish, Online on nly. Court Approoved Fee Waiverss honored, d. Indigent appplicants Accepted www.onlinepparentingprogram Indigent appplicants Accepted d. Course avai lable in English a and Spanish www.GOCE English/Spa nish Classroom aavailable see Circcuit 5 (Ocala) om Indigent Stattus Accepted www.14DollaarParentEducatio Online In Ennglish Indigent Stattus Accepted ntinuingeducation n Indigent Stattus Accepted Page 38 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Growing We ell Family Behavioral Services Healthy Divvorce Healthy Kids Helping Chiildren After Divorc ce Informed/My Children First KidCare forr CoParents Kids in Divo orce Situations Lowest Pricce Parenting CLA Video Paren nting m om Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Mary Ann Ellis, E M.A.; Ed.S. maryaellis@ (352) 465-2 2444 Dr. Justin D’Arienzo D www.livebe admin@live (904) 379-8 8094 Stephen B. Mayville, Ph.D., B.C.B.A.-D 218 775-826-62 www.helpin ngchldrenafterdiv Tracey Fos ster questions@ 800-547-03 308 For The Pa arent Education Group G www.Paren nteducationonline 978-409-91 100 [email protected] University of Continuing Edu ucation, Inc. David L. Th homas Attorney att Law (ret.) 386-235-39 949 Email: vide [email protected] m Michelle Muncy 883 866-504-28 michelle@o Online In Ennglish Also availabble in English/Spa anish/French by In ndividual appointmentt Online in Ennglish English and Spanish (800) 547-03308 or (904) 354--2657 Online or alsso available by co orrespondence In English Indigent Stattus Accepted Internet courrse English and S Spanish 24/7 Custom mer Care – 1-800-732-4135 www.LowesttPriceParentingC www.VideoP 4-hour videoo presentation in English and Span nish 4-hora la preesentation video en English o espanol www.onlinepparentingprogram Available in English and Spanish Discounts avvailable to Indigent and military Customer Seervices hours 6:0 00 am – 8:00 pm PST Page 39 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Online Pare ent Class PATCH Pro ogram (Parent and d Their Children’s s Happiness) Parenting Class Parenting Choice Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization Courrse Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization Courrse Parent Educcation & Family Stabilization Courrse Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Ari Novick S Suite 4 333 Third Street, Laguna Be each 92651 [email protected] MH Martin Educational Therapy artin. Michele Ma 5379 Lyons s Road, #118 Coconut Creek, 33073 (954) 979--0712 Edutherapy [email protected] www.mhas 239-261-54 405 Robyn Sold devilla ParentingC Choice Inc. (305) 989-8 8118 www.paren administrattor@parentingcho Advanced Psychiatric Solutions m www.adpsy (407) 730-3 3837 Stephen@adpsychsolutions Family Cou urt Education & Mediation M Services 8 Broadwa ay Ste. 226 Kissimmee e 34741 familycourtteducation@gma www.courtc (407) 931-1 1778 Mark Banschick (949) 715-26694 Correspondeence Course Materials avvailable in Spanish Indigent Stattus Accepted. Also availabble in Classroom ssetting in English Online in Ennglish/Spanish Indigent Stattus Not Accepted d Also availabble in classroom ssetting In English Online in Ennglish/Spanish Indigent Stattus Accepted Online in In English Also availabble in classroom ssetting English/Sp panish d for online Indigent Stattus not Accepted Online Engliish/Spanish Also availabble in classroom ssetting In English Indigent Stattus Accepted In English, o nline only, Indige ent applicants Accepted Page 40 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850 rida Departmen nt of Children & Families Parent Educa ation and Fam mily Stabilizattion Course P roviders Flo The follo owing providers s are approved by the Florida De epartment of Children and Families to offer the Parent Educatio on and Family Sttabilization courrse. urse is a minimu um of 4 hours an nd designed to educate, train, and assist divorc cing parents in r egard to the con nsequences of divorce on paren nts The cou quired by Florida a Statute 61.21. and children, as req NOTE: Toregister ple a ase call the nu umber listed in the column “Registration n/Provider Co ontact Information” a Parent Educcation Group, Inc c. customerse [email protected] m Pro-Active Parenting and Div vorce Dr. Debbie Swayman Karen Kaplan Positive Parenting through Divorce Atrium Fam mily Center (954) 252-9 9130 or (866) 778 8-3349 English www.positiveparentingthrou w Spanish – www.spanishpare support@p positiveparentingo Jorge Gom mez 4621 Carth hage Circle S. Lake Worth h 33463 Tom Wilson chard, Suite 101 514 S. Orc Boise, ID 83705 8 Dr. M.L. White (813) 951-4 4991 (850) 445-6 6441 IRIS Educa ational Media (877) 343-4 4747 Surviving Divorce: A Guide for Parents Tom Wilson n Counseling Cen nter Terem Educcation Services, Inc. Two Familie es Now – Effectiv ve Parenting During Separation and Divorce Ahora Somo os Dos Familias (Spanish version of Two Familie es Now) Last Upd dated 8/18/14 Correspondeence Only www.parenteeducationonline.ccom [email protected] (954) 341-25555 (877) 227-59955 Reduced feee for Indigent Status. Online and C Correspondence available in E English/Spanish//French Online Engliish/Spanish Also availabble in Classroom ssetting Indigent Stattus Accepted (English) m (Spanish)) (561) 324-34450 support@tom mwilsoncounselin 1-877-368-99909 Email [email protected] Online in En glish/Spanish www.twofam support@iri Page 41 of 41 ome a provider off the Parent Educ cation and Familyy Stabilization Course, For information on how to beco ort corrections and d updates, please e contact or to repo Audrey y Ressler at the Florida Departmen nt of Children & Families, Office off Child Welfare 0) 717-4680 [email protected] or (850