Registration Form


Registration Form
(One person per form)
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Registration Form
State:__________ ZIP:_________________
Certification Level: (Please Check One)
___ First Responder / EMR
____ EMT-B
___ AEMT/IV ___ Paramedic
____ RN
2 Day Symposium cost $85. Mail completed registration form and check or money order (payable
to TARS) to:
TARS State Office
2906 Tazewell Pike, Suite ‘B’
Knoxville, TN 37918
The State of Tennessee Division of EMS will
recognize up to 12 Contact Hours for program attendance for Tennessee EMS providers.
TARS State Office
2906 Tazewell Pike, Suite ‘B’
Knoxville, TN 37918
Online payments and registration may be
made through PayPal via the TARS website:
Music Road Hotel
and Convention
Pigeon Forge, TN
October 1-2, 2014
Schedule of Events
Wednesday October 1, 2014:
7:00 Registration
8:00 Welcome
8:15 Dr. Joe Spinell, UT Medical Center: Combat Sports Injuries
9:15 - 11:45 Break Out Session: Traci Jennings & Erlanger Physician, Erlanger Health System: Stroke Certification
9:15 Eric Clauss, Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital: Stop the Fear When Pediatrics are Near
10:15 Break (Visit Vendors)
10:45 Donice’ Kaufman, Bridges: Treating Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patients
11:45 Lunch on your own
1:15 Tim Perry, Erlanger Lifeforce: Farm Rescue
1:15 -3:15 Breakout Session: Corey Pittman / Kurt Wieger: Difficult Airways
2:15 Matt Fagiana, LCUB: Electricity - What You Didn’t Know
3:15 Break (Visit Vendors)
3:45 Charlie Elliott, Oak Ridge Fire Department: Trauma – How We Kill Our Patients
4:45 Adjourn
Thursday October 2, 2014:
8:00 Welcome - Announcements
8:15 Angie Bowen, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital: Pediatric Seizure Recognition & Management
9:15 Kenny Trent, State of TN: Top “Health Care” Topics: Do They Influence Our Practice?
10:15 Break (Visit Exhibitors)
10:45 Rick Harrington & Richard Land: History of EMS In TN
11:45 Lunch on your own
1:15 J.R. Gore, UT LIFESTAR: Why We Do What We Do
2:15 Dr. William Bass, UT Anthropology Center: Forensics
3:15 Break (Visit Exhibitors)
3:45 Randolph Mantooth: Remembering Why
4:45 Adjourn
Symposium Location
Music Road Hotel & Convention Center
303 Henderson Chapel Rd.
Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Reservations: 1-800-429-7700 Request “TN Association of Rescue Squads Convention Block”. Or go to to reserve your rooms online.
All room types available at both hotels will be shown. A block of rooms have been reserved for attendees.
There is a special rate of $119.00 for Tuesday night. Wednesday night will be $129.00.
Photo courtesy
We’re excited to announce that this year’s Keynote Speaker and Special Guest is Randolph
Mantooth, well known for his portrayal of
Firefighter/Paramedic Johnny Gage on the
1970’s TV Drama Emergency. Mantooth has
been a popular speaker at EMS and Fire Service events since the early 1980’s. Don’t miss
the opportunity to hear his inspiring presentation that reminds us why we do what we do.
*Autograph session to be held after presentation
**Celebrity Appearance Subject to Change
Symposium Contact:
Stacy Rhodes, Executive Director - TARS
865-689-3256 or
[email protected]