Document 6447275
Document 6447275
PAGE 8-THE JOURNAL, OGDENSBURG, N.Y.- MONDAY, MARCH 27,19*9 Pete Rose: I'll Have My Turn To Talk PLANT CITY, Fla. (AP) — Pete Rose has broken his silence to deny some of the gambling allegations against him, but he's left untouched the question of whether he bet on baseball. The Cincinnati Reds manager says hell respond to the rest of the allegations when his attorneys tell him ifs OK. "I'll have my turn to talk," Rose said Saturday. "When I have my turn to talk, I hope you guys are there. My turn to talk is when my lawyers tell m e to talk to the right people, to the people I have to talk to." Rose talked about some of the gambling allegations during an interview Saturday with reporters from The Associated Press, The Columbus Dispatch, The Cincinnati Enquirer and The Dayton Daily News. He denied making gestures related to gambling on baseball from the dugout at Riverfront Stadium, as alleged in a Sports Illustrated story last week. He also expressed frustration oyer the allegations made by anonymous sources in the media, and hinted he would con- have said the investigation insider actioii over some* of them. "It sounds to m e like alot of peo- cludes accusations that Rose bet on ple are writing stories without baseball games. checking aaiything out," Rose said. If Rose is found to have bet on "... Well s i t dowxi wheal this thing baseball games, he could be susis over arwl well read everything pended for a year. Proof of betting that's been written. If "there has to on Reds games could bring a lifebe some tfadngs done, t3iere will be time ban. some things done. People better Asked about the allegations he know what; they're writing, better bet on baseball, Rose said, "I'm not have substantial proofl" saying anything about that. I'll Major League Baseball is inves- have my chance to talk. Now my tigating wrhat i t characterizes as best comment is *no comment' beserious allegations against Hose, cause no comment can help me but has declined to reveal t h e na- right now." ture of t h e accusations. Sources Rose, in his first interview about the substance of the allegations, questioned the credibility of sources behind the Sports illustrated story last week that linked him to gambling. "They talked with four guys: two of them go to jail, the other says he's a bookie, and the other one's my friend; they didn't say nothing about him," Rose said. During the interview Saturday at the Reds' offices, Rose also said: —That it's "ridiculous'' to say he made gestures related to making baseball bets from the dugout at Riverfront Stadium, as alleged by Malone's Browning Takes Fame In Stride PLANT CETY, Fla. (AP) — Lefthander Tom Browning is treating his place in baseball history as just that — history. Browning,, a Malone native who played in the Northern Athletic Conference with the Huskies, became the first Cincinnati Reds pitcher to throw a perfect game last Sept. 16 against the Los Angeles Dodgers. It was the 14th perfect game in major-league history and only the third in the National League. Another player might have tried to capitalize with off-season appearances and commercial endorsements. Not Browning. He did only one commercial and limited his autograph signing sessions. Browning preferred to spend time a t his northern Kentucky home with his wife and two children. "I didn't exploit it," he said. "It takes a lot of time in the off-season if you really want to do things Qike that). "I didn't worry about making money. I made enough money on the field. I have more than I need to survive on." After two tough years, Browning returned to the spotlight last year with a season that included the perfect game and a near-miss at a no-hitter. Browning hroke into the major leagues with a 20-9 record in 1985, making him the first rookie since the New York Yankees' Bob Grim in 1954 to win 20 as a rookie. He slid to 14-13 i n 1986, then had arm troubles and struggled to 10-13 in 1987. "The only bad year I've had was '87," Browning said. "In the other years I was consistent, more so last year than in the previous ones. I'm THE LOCAL ANGLE Kiwanis Baseball Signups The Ogdensburg Kiwanis Club has announced its signups sessions for its Summer Baseball Program. Signups will be held for the Grasshopper League, the Junior League, the Farm League and Tee-Ball on April 1 and April 8 at City Hall from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rosters for all leagues will be posted in The Journal. Coaches will contact players about practices. Farm, T-Ball and Grasshopper League seasons will be start on May 8. Pertinent information on each league follows. Junior L e a g u e : Commissioner Ron VanHouse (393-7502). League is for players 13-15 years old born between June 1, 1973 and May 31 1976. Junior League tryouts will be scheduled later at a posted date. Grasshopper l e a g u e : Commissioners Joe O'Hare (393-4610) and Mike Gebo (393-1630). League is for 10-12 year olds born between these dates June 1, 1976 and July 31, 1979. Farm League: Commissioner Don Hooper (393-7502). League is for 8-9 year olds born between these dates: Aug. 1,1979 to July 31,1981. T-Ball League: Commissioner Dave Sickler 393-2198. League is for 6-7 year olds born between these dates: Aug. 1, 1981 to July 31, 19o3, Spring Basketball League The Ogdensburg Boys and Girls Club has announced that signups are now underway for the club's Spring Intramural Basketball Program. The program will once again offer a Junior and a Senior League. Interested players should sign up at the Boys Club as soon as possible or call 393-1241. The league is once again open to any boys and girls from Ogdensburg and surrounding communities. Volleyball Tournament April 8 The Ogdensburg Volleyball League will hold an open tournament on April 8th at the OFA gym. The tournament will be a co-ed event with one female player required to be on the court at all times. vPl? f^F? f e e i s $ 7 5 a n d anyone wishing to enter a team should call Debbie at 393-4507 or Penny at 383-1755. Hazetton 520. HIGHLIGHTS: Don Venette 507, Ray Wells 466 on 133 average, Francis Morrison 406-179 on 109 averge, Derick Hubsch 213 game, Gord Akerton 216 game. NOTE: Another fantasllc In the league, Crawlord's is 5th learn to lead league during the year. CHy "A" League RESULTS: Custom Clubs took 3 from Dixie Lee, Pepsi Cola took 3 from Kiwanis Angelo* took 3 from AustinLayng, Shade Roller took 2 Irom Culllgan. TOP SIX TEAMS: Custom Clubs 65, Austin Layng 60, Kiwanis 59.5, Dtxle Lee 55, CulBoan 54, Joanna 53.5. , SCHEDULE: Kiwanis Vs. Austin Layng, Pepsi Cola vs. AngekVs, Dixie Lee vs. Joanna, Culligan vs. Custom Clubs. LEAGUE LEADERS: Steve Lalonde 213-584, Jim Brown 199-567, Walt Wright 218-564, Scotty Tortorlello 211-561, Ron French 228-557, Chris Clegg 187-550, Joe Montgomery 213-547, Mike Armano 203-544, Darin King 193-544, Rick Bromley 194-537, Mke Weaver 198-537. Storm ClUey 218-528. HIGHLIGHTS: Mike Weaver a 537 on a 144 average. Mike Estes a 502 on a 142 average. Town and Country League RESULTS: Vinn's 4 - Agway 0. Eddy's Market 3 Moose Lodge 1, Corner Deii 3 - Howland Purrp 1, Capplone's 3 • Klrb/s 1, Wright's 2 — Champion's 2, Larry's Taxidermy 2 • Lawton's Electric 2. STANDINGS: Vinn's 82.5, Wrights 69, Comer Dell 69, Lawton's Electric 66, Howland Pump 66, Larry's Taxidermy 64, Capplone's 55.7, Agway 54.5. Champion's 54.5, Eddy's Market 51, Kirbys 50, Moose Lodge 14. SCHEDULE: Wright's vs. Capplone's, Howland Purrp vs. Vinn's, Agway vs. Champion's, Eddy's Market vs, Larry's Taxidermy, Lawton's Electric vs. Comer Dell, § NBA Standings A N O T H E R STR03SG S H O W I N G - Three young Ogdensburg, -wrestlers came home with awards from t h e Malone Pee Wee Tournament on Saturday. Chris IBarley (left) took second a t Baseball 143 pounds, Ken Stull took second at 99 pounds and Andy Streeter placed third a t 166 pounds. The trio will be wrestling at Watertown or Peru on Saturday. (Shea Photo) Roundup Houston's Scott Is Ready For Time; Expos Nip Mets By The Associated Press The exhibition season still has a week to rum, but Houston's M k e Scott i s ready for- the real thing. Scott didm't allow a l i t Sunday until Pittsburgh's Ken. Oberkfell opened the seventh with* a popup in front of the plate that fell among Scott, catcher Craig 33iggio and first baseman Greg Gross. That was the only h i t off Scott in seven s,cor&less innings- He struck out eight and a.dded a two-run single in trie Astros' 5-3. exhibition victory over* the Pirates. "All I'm worried about down here is getting m y 90 pitches, in. M y arm felt great. I'm ready -fco go right now," said Scott, -who bias a spring ERA of 0&4. In 28 innings, Scott has allowed! two earned runs and 13 hits wraile walking: three and striking out 17. Pittsburgh's Doug D>Tabek gave up all five Houston runs a n d six hits i n six timings, including Terry Puhl's two-Tun homer. Texas' other team, tfcie Rangers, got five innings of one-run, threehit pitching from Bra-d Arnsberg and beat t h e Chicago White Sox 11-2. The -only run off Arnsberg, who had a ligament transplanted from bis ledt wrist to fais right elbow last April, "was a homer by Carlton Fislc. Arnsberg lowered his spring BRA. to 2.46 in 22 innings. Ruben Sierra, and J i m Sundberg homered for the Eangexs, who battered Bill Long for eiglit runs and nine hits i n 4 2-3 innings. Elsewhez-e, it was Los Angeles 5, Atlanta 4; Montreal 3 , New York Mets 2 in 1C innings; Minnesota 10, Boston 9; Toronto 6, S t . Lonis 0; San Diego 6, California 5; New York Yankees 3, Baltimore 2 . Cincinnati a n d Philadelphia played to at 4-4 13:inning tie •while t h e . Cle v e l a n d - O a k l a n d , Milwaukee-Chicago Cubs and Seattle-San Francisco games were rained outDodgers 5, Braeves 4 Pinch-kltter Mickey Hatcher singled home t h e winning run off Jose Alvarez with one out i n the Alley Highlights MONDAY Maple Leaf League RESULTS: Pete's Delivery 3 - P and C 1, Comer Deli 3 - Mllla's 1 , Ogd. Auto Parts 3.5 - Green's .5, Seaway Valley Motors 4 • Abar's Auto Sales 0, Don's Garage 2 K of C 2. Donut King 3 • Maple City Softball 1. STANDINGS: Maple City Softball 73, Pete's Delivery 67.5, Green's 64.5, Corner Dell 64.5, S.V. Motors 62, Mllia's 61. Ogd. Auto Parts 52.5, Donut King 52, Abar's 47, K ol C 45.5, Don's Garage 42, P and C 40.5. TOP BOWLERS: Loren Beard 231-630, Dick Lesperance 234-627, Dave Jones 220-626, Geoff Ramm 220-595, Ron Conant 243-583, Howard Kench 205-583, Phil Clldmer 221-582, Marc Gagnon 234-581, Ron Van House 203-579, Aubrey Duvall 201-572, Paul Amo 203-570, Dick Garvey 229-567, Russ Wood 219-566, Steve LaFtoee 202-564, Dick Moore 219-561, Hugh BeauReu 202-553, Jeff Hooper 202-553. Richard Volans 200-550. SCHEDULE: Comer Doll vs. Don's Garage, Donut King vs. Abar's Auto Sates, Seaway Valley Motors vs. Mllla's, Pete's Delivery vs. Green's, Ogd. Auto Parts vs. Maple City Softball, K ol C vs. P and C. HIGHLIGHTS: Bob Bradley 226-554, Joe Montgomery 162-533. Hauvsiton "B" STANDINGS: Crawford's 63. Mt Lona 62, Robinson's 61.5, Heuv. Laundry 61, Agway Petr. 60.5, Gams 56, Seguin's Bite Shop 55.5, Blevhs 53, Heuv. Whey 5 a 5 , Heuv. Lumber 35, RESULTS: AgWay Petr. 4 - Robinson's 0, Gafns A • Heuv. Lumber 0, Crawford's 3 - Heuv. Whey 1, Seguin's Bike* 3 - Heuv. Laundry 1, Blevins 3 - Mt. Lona 1 . LEAGUE LEADERS: Al Klrby 581-202, Stv. Ferrton 562-202, Earle Johnston 559-244, Wayne Withered 557-224, Bob Gagnon 534-216, Dv. Wltherell 521, Tim C SPORTS STATS more confident now in what I can do." The confidence showed in his 18-5 record that included a careerlow 3.41 earned run average. He had two particularly shining moments. On June 6, in San Diego, he took a no-hitter into the ninth inning, only to give up a single to Tony Gwynn with one out. He finished with a one-hitter in a 12-0 Reds' victory. The Sept. 16 game gave him a place in baseball history. The game at Riverfront Stadium was delayed 2 hours, 27 minutes, by rain. Browning then got locked in nohitters with the Dodgers' Tim Belcher, who gave up his first hit and the game's only run in the sixth. Browning breezed through the last three innings, finally striking out Tracy Woodson to end a game that took only 1:51 to play. Browning shook his fist in celebration as his teammates tackled him near the mound. He became the talk of baseball, cooperating with a flood of r e q u e s t s for interviews. Although Browning is one of the most cooperative Reds players, he didn't necessarily embrace his sudden fame. "The accolades and press stuff, I can do without," he said. The perfect game was one of the few Reds' games not televised anywhere. As a result, only the last few innings, recorded by the scoreboard crew and Cincinnati-area television s t a t i o n s , a r e p r e s e r v e d on videotape. "That's all right with me," Browning said. "It doesn't bother me. His mementos include a copy of the radio broadcast, photographs and newspaper clippings. He also a n SI source* — That all the taxes have been aid on a Pik-Six ticket that has een mentioned in news reports as part of baseball's investigation. , —That he doesn't know whether' a n alleged bookie has any betting slips with his name on them. — That he has "no idea" of the basis for reports that he has had ambling debts exceeding 500,000. Sports Illustrated descnbed Ron Peters, a southwest Ohio restaura n t owner, as Rose's "principle 'bookmaker." Asked whether Peters was his principle bookmaker, Rose said, "Not mine." Klrb/s v s . Moose Lodge. LEAGUE LEADERS; Roger Todd 574, Jim Lalonde 569, Tim Waito 3 5 5 , Al Lawton 5 5 3 , John Mayne 549, Mike Denoncourt 541, Rusty McQawv 535, Dais Reed 534, Bill Baikley 5 3 2 , Tom Manning 5 2 9 , Bemfe Lawton 526, Art Davlss S 2 1 , Jerry Mack 5 1 5 , Lee Griffith 512, Carl DashnaW 5 1 0 , John Porter 5043,, Jr, Mack 504. HIGHLIGHTS: D o c Chambers, Tim Markw. Art Davies, Skip Lawton, Cari Dashnaw 3-10, BiR Fay, D a v e Griffith 5-6,3-10. Larry FBobeition, Scon LaJonde 5-1 o . Bill Fay John Mayns, frSMO, Tom Mannings 5-8, J o e Lalonde 4-5, Rock Motley- 6-7*10. TUESDAY Senior M I x a d L w g u a RESULTS: Coda/as took 4 from Ctierxyjaplee look 4 from Poputa, Spruces took 3 Irom Birches, Apple look 3 from Ash, Oaks too* 2 from Pines, Willows look 2 from Redwoods, STANDINGS! Maples 70.5. Birches. 70, Spruces 6 8 , Pines 58, Cherry 5 7 , Oaks 55,5, Willowi 54, Rextooods 54, Apple 54, Pojpulan 53.5, Ash 4 3 . SCHEDULEI Redwoods v s . Blrchees, Maples vi, Ash, Oaks vs. Apple, Cedars v s . Spruce*, Pines vs, Populars, Chany vs. SMHote. LEAGUE LEADERS! P. MMap 1*0-361, S . Caloren 142-396, A, Balcer 200-463, B.:Patdtln 149-399* R. Becker 188-423, I . Mover 148-393, SH, Griffith 160411, H. Thrrall 17MM8. H. Brenno 2^52-496. C . Ashley 182-490. V,Blacry 155433.L. Perry- 167-430. F.Martin 160407. L Crofcar 164-4435, L Psdchln 178-485, D. Place 2OO-508, SPLITS: H, Paro 4-6, B. Patchln 2-7,3<10. R . Becker 9-10, L. Meyer, 1 . Perry 5 * 1 0 . bottom of the ninth. Atlanta tied the score in the eighth on Gerald Perry's two-run homer off Alejandro Pena. Los Angeles starter Tim Belcher allowed two runs and four hits in seven innings, including a home run by Ron Gant. Atlanta's Zane Smith gave up four runs — two earned — and seven hits in seven, innings. The game marked the return of Dodgers left fielder Kirk Gibson, who missed a week-with the flu. Gibson, who played in only one previous exhibition game, was 0-foi-3. Expos 3, Mets 2 Hubie Brooks singled home the winning run off Mets relief ace Randy Myers with one out in the bottom of the 10th. Randy Johnson, Montreal's 6-foot-10 rookie lefthander, allowed two runs and five hits in seven innings while striking out eight. New York's Bob Ojeda allowed six hits and two runs — one earned — in six innings. Twins 10, Red Sox 9 Dan Gladden hit a game-tying homer off Rob Murphy and Tim Laudner singled home the winning run later in the bottom of the ninth inning. The Red Sox, who got two homers from Rich Gedman and one from Nick Esasky, had rallied from a six-run deficit to take the lead. Boston starter Wes Gardner gave up eight runs and eight hits in 1 2-3 innings. Minnesota's Allan Anderson, the American League ERA leader a year ago, gave up four runs and seven hits in five innings. Blue Jays 6, Cardinals 0 Dave Stieb allowed two hits in six innings and Ernie Whitt homered, doubled and drove in three runs. Stieb retired the first 10 batters and got 14 of 18 outs on ground balls. Cris Carpenter, who is being counted on to replace injured Danny Cox in the Cardinals' rotation, gave up four runs and five hits in five innings, including Tony Fernandez's solo homer. Whitt homered off Todd Worrell. Padres 6, Angels 5 Bip Roberts hit a two-run single with two outs in the ninth inning, capping a three-run rally against Vance Lovelace. San Diego's Walt Terrell went 7 1-3 innings, allowing nine hits and five runs, four earned. California's Chuck Finley yielded three runs and five hits in six innings. Tigers 5, Royals 2 Torey Lovullo hit a two-run homer and Charles Hudson won in his first game with Detroit. Hudson, obtained from the Yankees on Thursday, pitched three scoreless innings, allowing one hit. Kansas City's Bret Saberhagen allowed seven hits and three runs in six innings. He has given up 13 earned runs in 26 spring innings. Yankees 3, Orioles 2 Andy Hawkins, Lee Guetterman and Lance McCullers combined on a five-hitter and Don Slaught homered. Hawkins allowed three hits and one run in seven innings. Baltimore's Pete Harnisch allowed four hits and two runs in six innings. Slaught homered off Mike Smith. Reds 4, Phillies 4 Jeff Reed* tied the game with a run-scoring single in the sixth inning. The game was called after 13, with Cincinnati using seven pitchers and Philadelphia four. Reds pitchers walked 14 batters and the Phillies stranded 15 runners. Philadelphia's Mike Maddux gave up four runs and 11 hits i n six innings, including homers by Paul O'Neill and Kal Daniels. Larry McWiiiiams, Steve Bedrosian and Todd Frohwirth didn't allow a hit the rest of the way. Bedrosian has not given up a run in 14 consecutive innings, allowing four hits over that span. Cincinnati's Jeff Sellers went four innings, allowing only one run and two hits but walking, seven. 'Tut me in with the bases loaded and I'll get out of it. Put me i n to start the inning and 111 walk the world," he said. EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L P e t GB New York 44 2 * .647 — Philadelphia 37 31 .544 7 Boston 35 32 .522 8V4 Washington 32 35 .478 1114 New Jersey 23 45 .338 21 Charlotte 17 -51 .250 27 Central Dlvleion y-Detrolt 49 17 .742 — y-Cleveland 49 19 .721 1 Milwaukee 43 23 .652 6 Chicago 41 26 .612 8K Atlanta 40 27 .597 9K Indiana 20 47 .299 29W WESTERN CONFERENCE MWwMt Division W L P e t GB Utah 43 25 .632 — Houston 37 30 .552 5V4 Denver 37 31 .544 6 Dallas 31 36 .463 11V, San Antonio 18 50 .265 25 Miami 12 55 .179 30K Pacific Divlelon y-L.A. Lakers 47 20 .701 — Phoenix 44 25 .638 4 Seattle 39 28 .582 8 Golden Slate 38 29 .567 9 Portland 32 35 .478 15 Sacramento 20 48 .294 27'/. LA. Clfepers 14 53 .209 33 y-cllnchod playoff berth Saturday's Games Washington 111. Indiana 108, OT Detroit 113, Charlotte 101 Miami 107. San Antonio 105 Atlanta 115, New York 108 Houston 144, Golden State 104 Milwaukee 113, Cleveland 105, OT Utah 112, Denver 90 Chicago 111, Seattle 110 Phoenix 123, L A Clippers 103 Sacramento 106, Portland 105 Sunday's Games Boston 105, Philadelphia 103 LA. Lakers 118, Phoenix 116 Monday's Gamas New York at Charlotte, 7 3 0 p.m. New Jersey at Miami, 730 p.m. Dallas at Detroit 7 3 0 p.m. Cleveland at Indiana, 7 3 0 p.m. Golden State at Milwaukee, 8 3 0 p.m. Seattle at Utah, 9 3 0 p.m. Denver at L.A. Clippers, 1030 p.m. Tuesday's Games Atlanta at New Jersey. 7 3 0 p.m. Boston at Philadelphia, 7 3 0 p.m. Dallas al Cleveland, 730 p.m. Seattle at Houston, 8 p.m. Portland at New York, 830 p.m. Golden State at Chicago, 8 3 0 p.m. Washington at San Antonio, 8 3 0 p.m. LA. Lakers at Phoenix, 9 3 0 p.m. NHL Standings , WALES CONFERENCE Patrick Divlaion W L T Pt. GF GA y-Washlnglon 40 26 10 90 287 238 x-Pittsburgh 38 32 7 83 331 333 x-NY Rangers 37 32 8 82 301 292 x-Phlladelphia 35 34 7 77 292 268 New Jersey 25 39 12 62 261 307 NY Islanders 25 46 5 55 246 309 Adama Divlaion y-Montreal 51 18 8 110 304 212 x-Boston 35 28 14 84 279 245 35 34 7 77 277 288 x-Buffalo 35 36 5 75 280 277 x-Hartford 27 42 7 61 259 326 Quebec CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Norrie Divlaion W L T Pta GF GA X-Detroit 33 31 12 78 304 301 X-St. Louis 29 35 12 70 260 275 x-Mlnnesota 26 34 16 68 248 268 Chicago 25 40 12 62 289 325 27 44 Toronto 27 44 6 60 250 333 Smyth* Divlaion y-Calgary 51 17 9 111 343 221 x-Los Angeles 39 31 6 84 360 323 37 33 B K 3 t a 3QQ x-Edmpnton 33 36 x-Vancouver 74 241 237 Winnipeg 25 40 11 61 292 344 x-clinched playoff berth; y-dlnched division title Saturday'a Games Boston 6, Chicago 3 Hartford 4, SI. Louis 0 Quebec 4, Buffalo 1 Philadelphia 6, New York Rangers 1 Pittsburgh 5. New Jersey 4 Minnesota 1, Montreal 1, tie Toronto 6, Detroit 5 Los Angeles 4, Edmonton 2 Sunday's Gamee Vancouver 7, Winnipeg 3 Washington 3, New York Islanders 2 Pittsburgh 6, New York Rangers 4 Calgary 7, Chicago 5 Monday's Games Boston at Montreal, 7 3 5 p.m. St. Louis a! Detroit, 7 3 5 p.m. Philadelphia at New Jersey, 7:45 p.m. Calgary at Minnesota, 835 p.m. Simpson Captures USF&G In 'Last Chance* Tourney Effort NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Tim Simpson was giving his golf career one last chance, and it paid off. Simpson shot a final-round 69 Sunday for a 274 total and his first tournament victory since 1985 in the $750,000 USF&G Classic. His 2-stroke margin over Greg Norman a n d Hal S u t t o n was w o r t h $135,000. Before this season started, Simpson said he wrote to his wife and his parents, telling them he wanted to play his way back into the Masters. 1 told them I was going to play very heavy up until the Masters, because I'm not in the Masters and I wanted to be," he said. "I also said — and I'm not usually much of a predictor — that I would win a tournament and be back in. "I told my wife that if I couldn't win this year, I was coming home," he said. Simpson said he is emotionally and physically drained by his heavy schedule, so he's skipping this week's event at Houston to rest up for the Masters. "Maybe about the middle of the week. 111 go to Augusta and play a practice round. It's only three nours from my home," said Simpson. "That tournament means more to me than almost anything. Since I was old enough not to make noise, my mom and dad started taking me there." T m really, really thrilled. For ' the past two years, I've been struggling with my confidence, wondering if I'd ever win again," he said. It was only the second professional victory for Simpson in a career that beean in 1977. He won the Southern" Open in 1985. The tournament was played over the 7,106-yard, par-72 course at English Turn. It was the inaugural professional event at the course designed by Jack Nicklaus. Simpson went into the day a stroke behind Norman, who shot 72 on Sunday, while Sutton had a 70. Each earned $66,000 for second place. After 66 holes, Simpson and Norman were tied at 13 under par. Simpson took the lead for good with an 8-foot birdie putt on 13 and made it a 2-stroke lead with a birdie putt on 15. Simpson bogeyed No. 17, but so did Norman. "I guess fate determined that Greg Norman was not going to win this tournament, and that's that, Norman said.