every three minutes, someone calls Children’s Home + Aid for


every three minutes, someone calls Children’s Home + Aid for
2013 annual report
every three minutes, someone
calls Children’s Home + Aid for
help for a child
Because all vulnerable children, whatever their age or
circumstance, deserve safe, loving homes and the chance
and 24 hours a day,
365 days a year,
we answer that call
to love, to learn, to heal, to dream and to make their
way in the world.
In everything we do, whether it’s working with children
and families in crisis or working to change the systems that
serve them, we have just one goal: to get children on the
path to a better life and keep them there.
Dear Friends,
An annual report is usually the vehicle for an organization to toot its own horn and to summarize the year’s accomplishments.
This year’s report does that, of course. There’s even a special fold out in honor of our 130th anniversary celebrating the
six generations of children we have protected, educated and loved. But the horn we’re tooting this year is yours.
Your support has always made a measurable difference in our ability to care for and protect children in Illinois, and your
250 percent increase in the number of you who shared your time and talents as volunteers.
Whether it was spending the odd Saturday afternoon painting a preschool classroom or being there week after week
for a teen in one of our 9 community schools, you showed up in record numbers: more than 2,200 of you statewide
completed an astonishing 48,513 hours of service.
Preschoolers are learning in a bright and welcoming place. And children who haven’t had
many reasons to believe in the future can see with their own eyes that someone cares.
Several years ago, we distilled our goals into just six words—Best Reputation, Best Results,
Best People—and began the rigorous data gathering and analysis necessary to turn aspiration
into achievement.
In this report, you’ll see some of the highlights of this past year. We’re proud of what we’ve
accomplished so far, and we’re prouder still that you are working with us to accomplish more
for children and families.
For all that you do for the children, families and communities of Illinois, thank you.
Those volunteer hours add up to more than $1.1 million, but their real value is incalculable. Thanks to your
commitment, teens in our community schools are consistently outperforming their more-advantaged peers.
Nancy B. Ronquillo
President and CEO, Children’s Home + Aid
Elizabeth Connelly
Chair of the Board - FY13
Families can get overwhelmed, but with a little support, they don’t have to fall apart. For one couple, that support
began when Children’s Home + Aid found the funds for one month’s rent.
for lupus. Facing eviction and with nowhere to turn, neither had the energy or emotional resources to support the
other. Just coping with the needs of their three young children, a 6-year-old daughter and 2-year-old twins, one of
whom was developmentally delayed and unable to walk, was growing harder. They talked about divorce.
What started with emergency funds turned into ongoing, practical assistance. A Children’s Home + Aid caseworker
children count
on us to keep their
family together
agreed to perform the surgery that would allow the 2-year-old to walk. Things started looking up even more when the
father found employment with a temp agency.
With less stress all around—and with someone willing to listen—the couple was able to start talking again, to their
caseworker and to each other. They still face challenges, of course. Every couple does. But today, they’re better able to
count on each other and to face those challenges together. And that’s good news for the children who count on them.
40,000 children and families
counted on us in 2013
we help struggling parents get better
at parenting
we keep children safe
and protect them from
physical, developmental
and emotional harm
we protect 1 of every 12 children in care
in Illinois
AGES 0–9
AGES 18–21
AGES 10–17
even the children most deeply affected by what
they have lived through
families count on us to help
put their children on the path
to a better future—and keep
them there
From the parent of a preschooler, Tom Thumb Community Child Care Center, Carpentersville
Diego’s teachers provide resources and information to me as a parent on child development, positive discipline and
other parenting skills. I know the impact of high-quality training in improving the care and education that young
these strategies at home and have seen Diego thrive.
My son looks forward to going to school every day. He loves his teachers and all the activities they do. Every week,
they send home with Diego their lesson plan for the week so I can work with Diego at home, too. This has really
made a difference. I know he is picking things up faster, and I have seen the difference in Diego’s independence, his
social skills, his language—he has so many words—and his ability to communicate.
I could not have had better people to be able to care for my son while I work. I know every family is impacted by the
quality of care their children receive. Every day, the love my child gets from every person in the center is something
I will always be thankful and blessed for. They truly have changed my child’s life and my own life. I feel safe leaving
him there and I know they will make sure he is learning.
with early childhood education that
reinforces children’s social and emotional
growth and stability
violent neighborhoods, the incarceration
of a parent, hunger, poverty, frequent
moves—all reduce a child’s chances for
success in school and in life
with the right support, they don’t have to
children with at least 0.5% increase
we help children and families beat the odds
we help foster kids aspire to and work
toward a stable, productive life
Mary Smith was trying to make a home for her three children in Englewood, one of Chicago’s toughest and most
under-resourced neighborhoods. She believed things could change, for her family and her community. All she needed
was encouragement and opportunity.
She found both at A Knock at Midnight, a faith-based organization and one of six community partners participating in
the Englewood Community Violence Prevention Program led by Children’s Home + Aid.
Mary became part of the Parent Leadership Action Network, a summer program that put 50 Englewood parents
to work transforming their neighborhood. The job connected her to others and gave her a broader perspective on the
problems they faced together. It also gave her a chance to discover and use resources she didn’t know she had: leadership
skills, resilience, social connections. She began attending parent “cafes,” where she could work through the challenges she
communities count
on us to tackle their
biggest problems
faced as a mother and learn to cope better with her youngest child’s special needs. Her teens were learning, too. In A Knock
at Midnight’s youth program, they gained job readiness skills and were matched with employers for the summer.
A neighborhood is only as strong as the families who live there. Working together in Englewood made the Smiths stronger
and brought them closer together. And at summer’s end, it brought them—and their neighborhood—something more. Mary
company where he trained.
and address each community’s needs
by matching services to needs, investing
in prevention
and focusing on continuous improvement
Children’s Home + Aid saves lives and more
FY13 cost savings
$16,000/yr.= $6,864,000
so no matter what you count, thanks to you,
Children’s Home + Aid is making an impact
that counts
$49,641/yr.= $1,141,743
total cost savings: $34,968,740
Cash and cash equivalents
Marketable securities
Other investment
Prepaid expenses
Land, building and equipment
Total Assets
Temporarily restricted
Adoption & Foster Care
Accrued salaries and payroll taxes
Permanently restricted
Child & Family Counseling
Impact of The Youth Campus acquisition
Deferred revenue
Early Childhood Care & Education
Change in Net Assets - increase / (decrease) (A)
Child Care Resource & Referral
Net assets at beginning of year
Intact Family Services
Net assets at end of year
Long-term debt
Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Net realized / unrealized gain (loss) on investments
Capital lease obligation
Accounts payable and
accrued expenses
Parent Support
(A) Analysis of Change in Assets
Youth Services
Operation of programs
Program Service Management
Total Program Services
Investment income
Management and general
Fees and grants from
governmental agencies
Net assets released from restrictions
Indirect - United Way
Program services fees
Miscellaneous income
Total Support Services
Total Public Support
Net Other Revenue
Direct - contributions
Foundations & trusts
Total Direct Program Support
TOTAL EXPENSES: $63,598,117
TOTAL REVENUE: $63,199,960
Children’s Home + Aid served 629 children in Early Head Start and Head Start programs in FY13 in center-based
care, day care homes and home visiting programs.
Revenue for the Early Head Start and Head Start programs was $7,749,056, of which $1,090,288 and $6,659,768
came from private and public sources, respectively. The budgetary expenditures of these programs included staff
of client services.
FY13 early head start/
head start summary report
childrenshomeandaid.org RUFRQWDFWRXUKRPHRI¿FH
we’ve been doing it for 130 years
Since 1883, Children’s Home + Aid has been a leader in
responding to the changing needs of disadvantaged children
and families in Illinois. For 130 years, Children’s Home
+ Aid has paved the way by establishing best practices
and shaping laws in child welfare, early childhood and
juvenile justice. Today, Children’s Home + Aid is recognized
as a leading provider of quality programs and services to
children and families in need.
1893 1909
1914 1920S
1920 1925 1930S 1939 1945
Reverend Martin Van
Buren Van Arsdale, seeing
the conditions in which
abandoned and homeless
children are forced to live,
founds Children’s Home +
Aid in Illinois and sparks a
national movement. Van
Arsdale’s idea—to “foster”
children in family homes
instead of putting them in
radical for nearly 50 years.
Van Arsdale dies.
His wife, Isabella, becomes
acting superintendent.
establishing standards of care
Working nationally, Children’s Home
Societies press for government action
on child well-being, including passage
of child welfare and child labor laws.
First Woman’s Board
is formed and led
by Mrs. Potter Palmer.
Dr. Hastings S. Hart, superintendent of
Children’s Home + Aid, chairs committee
that writes child care guidelines for
White House Conference on the Care of
Dependent Children.
During the Depression, Children’s
Home + Aid argues that removing
children from their families because
of poverty does more harm than
good, and provides relief services
to poor families.
Children’s Home + Aid develops standards
for adoption, including the requirement that
adoptive parents be investigated and a
six-month trial period completed before
adopted into law in 1945, remain in place today.
Reverend Martin Van Buren Van Arsdale
Children’s Home + Aid
leads Congress to pass
the revised Adoption Act,
which provides for courtappointed guardians ad
litem to serve the “best
interests of the child.”
Children at the DuQuoin Receiving Home,
one of eight “crisis nurseries” where children
could be cared for day or night.
1990S 2002 2003 2004 2012
promoting educational success
residential treatment
More mental health
professionals are
added to staff, and
residential treatment
services begin for
children suffering
acute psychological
providing clinical and
emotional support for teens
addressing the needs of
the urban poor
Group homes are
established to help teens
struggling to bridge the
gap between childhood
and adulthood.
Partnering with the Black United
The Viva Center, serving the West Town
Methodist Association, Children’s neighborhood’s Spanish speaking families, merges
into Children’s Home + Aid in 1977.
Home + Aid establishes the
Mother’s Enrichment Center
in Kenwood, providing early
intervention services to families
at risk. In 1981, the center moves
to Englewood and becomes
keeping kids out of jail
Englewood Child + Family Center.
Children’s Home + Aid Southern
Region leads efforts to develop
interventions that divert minors
from the juvenile justice system.
The interventions achieve a 95
percent success rate.
recognizing children’s emotional needs
Children’s Home + Aid general director Mabbett
K. Reckford adds a child psychiatrist to staff, noting
that children’s emotional and mental health is as
important as their physical well-being.
Partnering with Chicago Public
Schools, Children’s Home + Aid
launches Community Schools
to provide in-school counseling
and support for at-risk children.
Chauncey and Marion
Deering McCormick House
opens for teenage boys.
Children’s Home + Aid
adoption guidelines become law.
giving children a
voice in court
developing standards for adoption
1960S 1960 1961 1970S
keeping families together
ending child labor
founding a movement
Amy Waller Brewer House
opens for teenage girls.
A puppet show at the Evanston Receiving
Home, which would be remodeled and converted
to a residential treatment center in the 1950s.
keeping foster children in
their own families
NBC Nightly News’ reporter Tom
Brokaw interviews six young girls
and their caseworkers on the issue
of transracial adoption in 1987.
working with teenage parents
A pioneering project launches
to help foster kids who are
pregnant or have children
develop their parenting and
independent living skills.
Children’s Home + Aid is one
Care—reducing the trauma
of placement by giving foster
children an opportunity to
stay with members of their
biological family.
expanding foster care services
The Youth Campus, in Park Ridge, merges
with Children’s Home + Aid; proceeds from
the sale of the Park Ridge campus are used
to establish the Youth Campus Fund for
Practice and Policy Innovation, an ongoing
initiative whose goal is lasting change for
abused and neglected children statewide.
MotherHouse Crisis Nursery
in Rockford becomes part
of Children’s Home + Aid.
The Children’s Foundation in
Bloomington becomes the Mid-Central Region
headquarters of Children’s Home + Aid.
leading innovation in policy
and evidence-based practice
Mother and daughter
entering the Mitzi Freidheim
Englewood Child + Family
Center on opening day.
Center for Policy, Practice
and Innovation advances public
policy responses to the needs of
vulnerable children and families,
incubates new techniques, and
disseminates research.
Investor’s Circle
(Gifts of $100,000 and above)
2013 Annual Donors
Hilda T. and Albert J. Johnson Fund
Rice Leadership Committee of
Children’s Home + Aid
JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Edward & Charles Kirkpatrick Trust
Gifts received from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013
The donors listed in our
Honor Roll include gifts from
corporations, foundations,
individuals and families. Our
work would not be possible
without our thousands of
generous donors and friends.
Loomis, Sayles & Company
Don Martin
Charles E. Marks, Jr. Charitable Trust
Founder’s Circle
(Gifts of $25,000–$49,999)
Chauncey and Marion D.
McCormick Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
Col. Stanley R. McNeil Foundation
Trust of Herbert N. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ahlquist
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Michael Reese Health Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William Perez
United Way of Metro Chicago Impact
Fund, a McCormick Fund
Associate Board of Children’s
Home + Aid
May Josephine Rogers Trust
Ward C. Rogers Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America
Hinsdale Auxiliary of Children’s
Home + Aid
Baxter International Foundation
The Searle Fund at The Chicago
Community Trust
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bermingham, Jr.
Angela D. Stearns Trust
Woman’s Board of Children’s
Home + Aid
BMO Harris Bank
Andrea and Jim Thome
Champion’s Circle
(Gifts of $50,000–$99,999)
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sabl
Helen Brach Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tresnowski
Trust of Thomas Campbell
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Chicago Tribune Charities –
Holiday Campaign, a McCormick
Foundation fund
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Connelly
The Honorable Corinne G. Wood
and Mr. Paul R. Wood
Trust of Burridge D. Butler Memorial
The Chicago Community Trust
Ms. Rachel Cowen and
Ms. Sharon Llamas
Mary F. S. Worcester Fund of the
Chicago Community Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Darnall
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Rhind
Discover Financial Services
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
DHR International
Elizabeth A. Straut Trust
Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Foundation
Chair’s Circle
(Gifts of $10,000–$24,999)
State Farm
Leo S. Guthman Fund
Anonymous (2)
Sun Life Financial
Help For Children: Prevent and
Treat Child Abuse
Alexander Charitable Foundation
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg
Foundation, Inc.
Trust of Dorothy M. Jevne
Wells Fargo Foundation
Alton Woman’s Home Association
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sheehan
Mrs. and Mr. Susan Murray
George A. Bates Memorial Foundation
D. Martin Enterprises, Inc.
John and Paula Lillard
Siragusa Foundation
Oberweiler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Beck
Mr. Matthew Mantei
Mr. and Mrs. David Spruance
Mr. and Mrs. Neil S. Novich
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bernard
George M. Eisenberg Foundation
for Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Maziarz
Mr. and Mrs. Alain Stephan
Mr. Ric A. Peña and
Ms. Kimberly Peña
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bernick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elden
Tracy E. Anderson Charitable
Ms. Tracy A. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Russ M. Strobel
Ms. Sunil Dedhia
EQUIP Quality Improvement
Aqua Aerobic Systems, Inc.
Harry S. Black & Allon Fuller Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. McNally
Mr. David Sullivan
Azteca Foods Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Deitrick
The Bogosian Quigley Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
McGraw Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tank
Mr. Tom Bagley
Destination Church Inc.
Bossy Family Foundation
Fifth Third Bank
Swati and Siddharth Mehta
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Crowe Horwath LLP
Mr. James Bradbury
First Midstate Inc.
Ms. Nicole A. Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Tilton
Trust of Clifford W. Barnes
Mr. Chris L. Dickerson
Mr. Keith Bragg
Foundation for Health Enhancement
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S.A. Beck
Mr. Thomas Dutton
Ms. Jennifer L. Rogers
Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund
Million Dollar Round Table
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Tolbert
Paul A. Funk Foundation
UPS Foundation
Bright Promises Foundation
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Montgomery
Vedder Price P.C.
The Bergstrom Inc. Charitable
Emerson Charitable Trust
Fred Shott Charitable Trust
Ms. Beverley A. Sibblies
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie S. Gofen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murphy
Mr. Robert J. Wilker, Jr.
Ms. Lisa M. Betts
Employees Community Fund of
Boeing St. Louis
Sponsor Parent Board of Children’s
Home + Aid
Milton R. Brown Family Foundation
Grainger Matching Charitable
Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Myers, Jr.
Jack Wolf Auto Group
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blew
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Wooldridge
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Fitzgerald
Ms. Jovina Young
Boyle Family Foundation
Turtle Wax Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Buggy
General Mills Foundation Belvidere
Community Action Council
The Warranty Group
Mr. William Buhr
William Blair & Company
Butler Family Charitable Fund
Grace Bersted Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moskow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy
A.N. and Pearl G. Barnett
Family Foundation
Chicago White Sox Charities, Inc.
Circle of Friends of Children’s
Home + Aid, Northern Region
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Crawford, III
Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gookin
Grosvenor Capital Management, L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Henderson
PNC Bank
Prince Charitable Trusts
Quest Foundation
Ravenswood Health Care Foundation
Judson and Joyce Green
Mr. Gary Neilson and Ms. Trudy
A. Havens
John Kaul Greene Foundation
Ms. Diane E. Offereins
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Grier
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn
Mr. James Harding
Pajeau Children’s Foundation
Carl W. Zepp Fund
Children’s Home + Aid
Mother House Auxiliary
Trust of Dwight J. Harris
PNC Financial Services Group
Zurich North America
Color Vibe, LLC
Ms. Megan Havlin
Mrs. Deborah K. Price
John R. Houlsby Foundation
Ms. Alice White Zarov and
Mr. Herbert Zarov
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Huebner
Drs. Carolyn and Henry Wiggins
Lavin Family Foundation
Mrs. Joan C. Wing
Sheldon L. & Pearl R. Leibowitz
Madison Dearborn Partners
Mr. Adrian Busso
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bynan
Ms. Mary Ellen Cagney and
Mr. Lee J. Schoen
Calamos Asset Management Inc.
Campagna - Turano Bakery, Inc.
Ms. Mary Ellen Hennessy
Mr. Anthony Rentz
Hertz Corporation
James Campbell Rhind Fund of
Chicago Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Abdallah
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Holcer
Chicago Board of Trade
Constance Rhind Robey Fund of
Chicago Community Foundation
American Chartered Bank
Child Care Resource & Referral Network
Circle Of Wellness
Mr. and Mrs. Terence R. Rogers
David J. Anderson Charitable
Jeffrey R. Anderson Charitable
Oscar Cohn Trust
McDonald’s Corporation
President’s Circle
(Gifts of $5,000–$9,999)
Ms. Erin McInerney
Anonymous (4)
Mrs. Bette M. Cordes
Trust of Robert & Jeanette McMurdy
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Trust of Lynnie B. Cornwell
Frederick E. and Ida H. Hummel
Allstate Insurance
Ms. Adriana Crocker
Illinois Bar Foundation
Allyn Foundation Inc.
Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund
Mr. Edouard Jean-Pierre Senechal
Guardians for Children
(Gifts of $2,000–$4,999)
Schneider Electric Buildings, LLC
Charitable Fund of the Community
Foundation of Northern Illinois
Ms. Michelle M. McCarthy
Ms. Yolanda M. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sennett
Ms. Devi Koya
Ms. Necia DeGroot
Chicago Blackhawks Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cory
Ralph and Elizabeth Anderson
Charitable Foundation
Johnstone Supply of Rockford, Inc.
Ms. Susan K. Darby
Baker & McKenzie
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine
Chaddick Foundation Inc.
Linda and John Anderson
Charitable Foundation
Discover Matching Gift/
Workplace Giving Program
Ms. Ardell Arthur
Ms. Chris C. Moore
Patricia Bro Trust
ComEd - Rockford
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Seidman
Mid American Group, Inc.
Bozarth Trust
Kristin L. Anderson Charitable
Invest in Others Charitable
American Cancer Society,
Illinois Division
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Samis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Carlino
Clarcor Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Concklin
Mr. and Mrs. David Cunningham
Ms. Pamela O. Dean
Ms. Patrice DeCorrevont
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gochnauer
Golub & Company
Green Goddess
Mr. Howard Green
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Guinn
Ms. Doris Hardaway
Ms. Nancy Hartung
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Heiberger
Mr. and Mrs. David Hess
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hofmann
Home Run Inn Foundation
Hub International Illinois
Illinois Prairie Community
Pepsico Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. Stephen G. Balsley
Deloitte, LLP
Mrs. Rosalie C. Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Melman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wasson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Deneen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hay
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Killian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Metzler
Herman and Katherine Peters
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Baskes Family Foundation
Mrs. Janet Dorée
Knights of Columbus, Council #574
Midwest Exchange Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wey
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Berghoff, Jr.
Ms. Denise Doyle
Heartland Bank & Trust Co., Main
St. Branch
Ms. Adela Milano and Mr. Amol Mhatre
Ms. Karlene Dryer
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Heinke
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Kolschowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Moldauer
Mr. Greg Edwards
Henning & Carey Trading Co.
The Gerald A. & Karen A.
Kolschowsky Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. George Morvis
Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Holmes
Ms. Sandra M. Shamie-Kodziolka
and Mr. Thomas W. Kondziolka
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Honnold
Ms. Holly Kost
Ms. Jill Huletz
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kunewa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson
Mr. Colin Lancaster
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. James Roppel
Ms. Patricia B. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bemi
Saint Clement Community Foundation
Ms. Nancy A. Wieboldt and
Mr. T. L. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bero
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jacobs
BMO Harris Bank, Rockford Branch
Feitler Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Jarosz
S & C Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wilcox
The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jarosz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Scales
Wilson Dow Group Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brandau
First Congregational Church
of Wilmette
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schwalb
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Branstad
Mr. Michael E. Fisher
Trust of Emaroy June Benevolent
John G. Searle Family Trust
Ms. Margo C. Brown
Mr. William A. Flagler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Katz
Seidler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Ford
Kishwaukee Community Hospital
Young Men’s Christian Association
of Metro Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Silva
Ms. Maree G. Bullock
Dr. and Mrs. James Freeman
IBM Employee Giving Campaign
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Landsberg
Koroluk Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Smithburg
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burtness
Mr. and Mrs. Coley Frucci
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Lane
Carl and Pansy Larsen Memorial
Social Solutions Global
Mr. Sean Campbell
Mr. Craig Funkhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Larkin
Northern Trust Bank Matching
Gifts & Volunteer Grant Program
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Lawson
Suburban Journals Old Newsboys
Day Charities
Patrons for Children
(Gifts of $1,000–$1,999)
Cargill Inc. Oilseed Processing Division
Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Fuwa
Illinois State Council Knights
of Columbus Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Larrea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. O’Meara
Imperial Crane Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Norton O’Meara
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Child
Mr. and Mrs. David Geake
SwedishAmerican Medical Foundation
Mr. Alan Iovine
Mrs. Mary M. Lesch
Ms. Christine M. O’Reilly
Abelson Taylor
Mr. Donald C. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gerstman
Mr. E. Thomas Thilman
Mr. Craig Isacson
Ms. Lisa Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. James Patch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Martin
Ms. Loretta Abrams
Ms. Juliana Clark
James and JoAnn Gillman
Thorn River Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Peek
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mastrapa
Mr. and Mrs. Hall Adams, Jr.
Bloomington Golden K Club of
Kiwanis Service Project
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Liezert
Sharon and Michael Tiknis
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Mrs. Adrienne Ives
Shirley and Dick Jaffee
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Liddy
Ms. Frederica S. Pederson
Rob and Cyndy McClung
Mr. Eugene Tkalitch
Alliance for Community Health Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. James
Trust of Virginia W. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perkins
Destanie Milo
Trickie Enterprises
Alpine Bank
Elizabeth Hekman Gordon Family
Trust of Edgar S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loudin
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Pinkert
Miner, Barnhill & Galland, P.C.
Trivest Partners
Alpine Kiwanis
Mrs. Patricia Graft
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lower
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Miske
Ariel Capital Management, LLC
Mr. Joseph Gurney
Mr. and Mrs. Twyman Jones
Mr. William E. Lowry, Jr.
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. Don Mizerk
United Stationers Charitable
Ari’s Extra Inning - A Fund of American
Endowment Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Hafner
Andrew and Cindy Kalnow
Ms. Diane MacWilliams
Ms. Sarah M. Ratty
Ms. Marguerite D. Hark
Dr. Linda Markowitz
Ms. Lynn Donaldson and
Mr. Cameron Avery
Country Financial
Mr. Larry M. Kaplan
U.S. Bancorp Foundation Employee
Matching Gift Program
Mr. Scott Rediger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Harris
Kemp Foundation
Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Reid
N.W. Harris Reserve Fund
Mr. Paul Van Ness
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Balch
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Davis
William T. Kemper Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Maxson
Mrs. Marianne Reinisch
Mr. and Mrs. David Kerbow
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McClung
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lenny
John D. & Catherine MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. John Myers, IV
Ms. Nancy L. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Walker
Geary Rimmer Vincent Wolf Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Balsley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Coleman
Commerce Bancshares Foundation
Mr. Alan Conkle
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Connelly
Conversus Asset Management, LLC
Crain’s Chicago Business
DeKalb County Community Foundation
Mrs. Warren C. Haskin
Mr. Jason Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt G. Moser
Mr. and Mrs. David Mullen
Chris Murphy
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nichols
Richard and Marianne Reinisch
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stoffer
Advocates for Children
(Gifts of $500–$999)
Mr. Willie Brown
Mr. Stephen P. Dorton
Ms. Judith A. Gambrel
Mr. Michael Jackson
Mr. Thomas L. Mallman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stucker
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum
Kenneth Douglas Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur H. Gantz
Ms. Erin Jacobsen
Mr. Jason Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Revord
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Surrette
Robbin S. Burr
Ms. Sara Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Geake
Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Jenner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Mandichak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rippey
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Szczepanik
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Durako, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Geake
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones
Ms. Marsha D. Mansour
Mr. Andrew Thorrens
Abbott Laboratories Employee
Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Butler
Rockford Health System
Ms. Mary J. Cahillane
Mr. Jerrold Eberhardt
GE United Way Campaign
Mr. Neil Joshi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marsh
Michelle Cahoon
Ms. Marian L. Edelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Glenn
Mr. Timothy J. Joyce
Mr. John W. McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. David Caldarelli
Edelstein Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gofen
Mr. Jeff Jozwiak
McGrath Foundation
Mr. Richard Campbell
Mr. Peter M. Ellis
Ms. Teri L. Elsing
JPMorgan Chase Foundation Matching
Gift & Volunteer Grant Program
Mr. Timothy E. McGuire
Ms. Rachel L. Cantor
Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching
Gift Program
Mr. Paul Cantwell
Ellwood Associates
Mr. Lee Golub
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Capitanini
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gregoire
Kamerlink Stark McCormack &
Powers LLC
Mr. Mark Cavins
Mr. Bruce Ettelson
Groupon, Inc.
Mr. Sheldon Keyser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Megurichian
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Clarke
Mr. William G. Eubanks
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Guido
Kiwanis Club of Bloomington
Mr. Jerrod W. Melman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fedea
Ms. Sabrina Gulley
Ms. Nancy S. Klehm
Mr. Darryl H. Mertz
Ms. Dana Colcord
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Y. Feiertag
Mr. Erik Gustafson
Ms. Elaine E. Klemm
MetLife Foundation
ComEd, An Exelon Company
Mr. and Mrs. William Feldman
Ms. Na-Young Han
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Knapp
Ms. Mary E. Meyer
Commerce Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hall
Ms. Karen Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Meyers
The Community Foundation
in Jacksonville
Fire & Safety Equipment of
Rockford Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hart
Ms. Judy Kopelman
Mortgage Services III, LLC
Hon. Neil Hartigan
Mr. Philip Koszyk
Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Muchin
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hartigan
Mr. Mitchell L. Kotermanski
Ms. Holly Mueller
Mrs. Lindsey A. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kracum
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Murley
Ms. Mary Henneman
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Myers
Roscoe United Methodist Men
Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Trana
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Traskell
SAP Matching Gift Program
Tri Mom Events
Mr. Matthew T. Schmeltz
Mr. Thomas Tyndorf
Mr. Todd D. Schneider
U.S. Cellular
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I. Segal
Mr. Jonathan L. Van Ness
Segal Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vartabedian
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Shumway
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simanton
Ms. Barbara L. Velcich
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vilutis
Ms. Virginia Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. David Vitale
Mr. Terence P. Smith
Ms. Joan H. Von Leesen
Smith Amundsen LLC
Mrs. Karen M. Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Smits
Mrs. Hannah Warmanen
Mr. Dennis Sparacino
Mr. Marcus D. Wedner
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Sparks
Spencer Foundation
Stark Excavating Company, Inc.
State Farm Companies Matching
Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Steans
Mrs. Henry F. Stec
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Stein
Stillman Bank
Ms. Jane Wells and Mr. Burt Ferrini
Westminster Presbyterian Church
WH Trading LLC
Wieland Family Foundation
Wilson Sporting Goods
John T. Wolf Charitable Fund
Women’s Club Of Inverness
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago
Ms. Joanne Zolomij
Mrs. Nancy B. Ronquillo and
Mr. Thomas A. Ronquillo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Abraham
Mr. Kevin Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Adamany
Advanced Machine & Engineering Co.
Mr. James Alexander
All-Tech Decorating
Alton Gaming Company
Ms. Laura F. Anderson
Ms. Marva Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Anos
Mr. and Mrs. James Athans
Jim Bachleda and Mary Prescott
Mr. John Balanoff
Mr. Robert Barr
Ms. Norma Bauer
Clarks Fork Foundation
First Farmers State Bank
McLean County Chamber of Commerce
neXt Professionals
Ms. Stephanie V. Meara
Dr. and Mrs. Herb Becker
Ms. Nora Daley Conroy and
Mr. Sean Conroy
Mr. Blake Berish
Prof. John J. Costonis
Mr. Trayce Biancalana
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Birringer
Mr. Allan R. Crevi
Mrs. Carol Henrichs
Bloomingdale Lions Club
Mr. Jeff Cummings
Florists’ Mutual Employees
Contribution Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. John Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Lang
Network for Good
Bob Evans
Mr. Thaddeus Davis
Mr. Nicholas Ford
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Higgins
Adm. Sara Larsen
Ms. Rachel E. Nichols
The Bobins Foundation
Mr. Matthew Deans
Mr. Jess Forrest
Mr. Donald R. Hudgins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lassandrello
Mr. and Mrs. Jamin Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bodeen
Mr. Peter DeGroot
Mrs. and Mr. Adrian Foster
Mrs. Lisa Humphrey
Mrs. Shari S. Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nopar
Bridgestone Americas Tire
Operations, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dennison
Mr. Thomas Fox
Hurley Consolidated Enterprise
Lockton Companies St. Louis Series
Mr. John Norbot
Mr. Keith Dorée
Mrs. Carolyn L. Fritsch
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Lozanoski
Dan J. Nykaza DDS Ltd.
First State Bank
First State Bank of Bloomington
Mr. David C. Fleisner
Ms. Lee Nykaza
Mr. Ryan M. Sachtjen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland
Ms. Jacqueline Bauer
Ms. Bonnie L. Bernardi
Ms. Nora M. Brady
Ms. Lisa Saldivar
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tate
Sponsors for Children
(Gifts of $100–$499)
Another Word For...
Hon. James M. Obbish
Mr. Larry D. Appelson
Ms. Rosemary K. Baumgartner
Ms. Carolyn Berndt
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Brandt
Ms. Martha T. O’Bryan
Louise V. Sanborn
Mr. Robert Tennis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Baumhardt
Ms. Katharine Bero
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Brannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Thomson
175 Bar & Grill, LLC
Ms. Deborah Apps
Western Tap
Mr. Alan M. Berry
Ms. Anne A. Branning
Ms. Laura Tilly
3M Community Support Group
ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts Program
Miss Malia A. Baynes
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Trosino
ABC Run for Adopt A Family
Ms. Jill Armstron
B & B Awards and Recognition
Ms. Judie A. Bey
Mr. Robert Brazeal
Mr. Brian Schipper
Mrs. Dona-Lee A. Trotter
Mrs. Alice J. Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Beam
Ms. Karen Bieschke
Mr. Robert Breit
Mr. and Mrs. Ygal I. Ozechov
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schrank
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tunnell
Ms. Cassie M. Abraham
Arrow Gear Company Employees
Mr. Ken Beard
Ms. Ruth A. Biesman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Breitsprecker
Palatine Women’s Club
Ms. Amy Seratt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Tyska
Acquisitions of Fine Art, LLC
Ms. Joyce Aston
Becker Consulting
Mr. Malcolm Bihm
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Paley
Sew Crafty Studio LLC
Unitarian Church of Hinsdale
Ms. Patricia H. Adams
Mr. Drew Becker
Ms. Virginia Clark Bing
Ms. Jeanna D. Bridges
Mr. Eric J. Palm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Sharkey
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Urick
Adisi Chiropractic and Massage
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Becker
Ms. Theresa Bird
Mr. and Ms. Glenn Britt
Mr. James Parker
Mr. Michael Shaver
Ms. Kristina A. Valaitis
Mr. Kevin Adkins
Ms. Josephine Auster
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bizub
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brodarick
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford E. Perl
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. David Vallas
Ms. Janet E. Ahern
Ms. Karina Ayala-Bermejo
Ms. Janice K. Becker and
Mr. David A. Shaw
BKD Fund
Ms. Debra Brody
Mr. Mark Vande Hey
Ms. Mary L. Albanese
Ms. Patricia Aylward
Ms. Rachel Bedeker
Ms. Kelsie Block
Village of Shiloh
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Albertina
Mr. James J. Babbitt and
Ms. Michele Odorizzi
Ms. Terry Beem
Mrs. Constance V. Blomquist
Tom Brokaw Insurance, a State
Farm Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Beine
Mr. and Mrs. Jim J. O’Connor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Connor, Sr.
Arthur P. O’Hara, Inc.
Old Stone Church
Mr. S. J. Perlow and
Ms. Sandra J. Allen
Jason and Sara Schad
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Schaffer
Ms. Debby Schell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sheehan
Shelter Mutual Insurance Company
Mrs. Karen Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sippel
Miroslaw J. Walo, M.D.
Bloomington Columbian Home ASC
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bronner
PharMedium Services, LLC
Skandal, Ltd.
Mrs. and Mrs. Sue Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Babineau
Bel Consulting Group, Inc.
Bloomington Offset Process Inc.
Brooke Road United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Posthuma
Skinner Family Charitable Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Waples
Ms. Allison Alexy
Mr. William Baedke
Bella Baby Photography, Inc.
Mr. Adam Blough
Mr. and Mrs. Terrel W. Brostoff
Rader Family Farms, LLC
Mr. Jackson Smart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Wechsler
Allstate The Giving Campaign
Ms. Heather A. Bailey
Belleville Optometrists, Ltd.
Mrs. Wendy Blumeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Brouillet
The Snyder Companies
Mr. Thomas J. Wedell
Dr. Shakeab Alshabkhoun
Ms. Jane Bajeaux
Mr. Thomas P. Benrus
Mr. Andrew L. Weil
Mr. Arturo Alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Benziger
Ms. Sara Irmen and
Mr. Harper Bohlen
Ms. Elana Brown
Mr. David Snyder
Ms. Mary E. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Snyder
Mr. William R. Welke
Always Clear Glass
Mr. Robert Ballin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Berens
Mr. Richard J. Bohne
Ms. Mary Brown
Mr. Jeffrey D. Steele
Mrs. Kathleen L. Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Amatangelo
Ms. Rhea P. Balsley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berger
Mr. Charles G. Boles
Ms. Valerie R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wingren
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Ambrose
Ms. Kelly Balthaser
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Berger
Mrs. Casey Boll
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Browning
Mr. Robert M. Steiner, Jr.
Ms. Katie Winslade
Ms. Karen Ament
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ban
Mr. Michael S. Booher
Mr. Joe Bruscato
St. Luke’s Union Church
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wirtz
American Lombardi Society
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Ban
Dr. Laurie L. Bergner and
Dr. Raymond M. Bergner
Mr. Keith Bosker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brunke
Jerome H. Stone Family Foundation
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Anderson
Ms. Anne Larrea Barclay
Mrs. Juliet Berger-White
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bower
Ms. Alexandra A. Brzezinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Stone
Mr. Bernard Wrezinski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baroni
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Bergethon
Mr. Carl Boyer
Mr. Michael C. Buenzow
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stroup
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yovovich
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Orazio Bartolomeo
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bergner
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bradbury
Ms. and Mr. Lorraine A. Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin J. Anderson
Mr. Jeff Bascou
Ms. Barbara Bermudez
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse N. Bradford, Jr.
Mr. Ryan Bunn
Ms. Collette Rau
Ms. Jane Bowden Redhead
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham P. Reese
Mr. Samuel A. Remy
Ms. Eileen F. Byrne and
Mr. Jeffrey W. Richards
Mr. Michael J. Roberts
Rockford Register Star
Rotary Club of Palatine
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Rowe
Mr. David L. Stein
Ms. Janet Stupec
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Burjek
Mr. Dave Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Constantino
Mrs. Geraldine Davenport
Donnelly Consulting
Ms. Nancy J. Emrich
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Finnegan
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Friedberg
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Burmeister
Ms. Diane K. Chappel
Coppertop Lounge
Mr. William R. Davidson
Ms. Kim Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Engdall
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Burns
Mr. John J. Cherry, Jr.
Ms. Marilyn J. Corrado
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davis
Mr. Christopher Dooley
Ms. Arlisa M. Engelbrecht
First Congregational United
Church of Christ
Elizabeth Englehart
First Community Title Services, Inc.
Terri Friel
Mr. Richard D. Engling
First United Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Fries
Enivar Charitable Fund
Ms. Isabella C. Fischer
Mrs. Debby Fries
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Frizzell
Ms. Lynn Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burr
Ms. Kaye Buss
Mr. George Chester
Ms. Donna R. Chiles
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Chilton
Mr. Gerald Corrigan
Ms. Kristin A. Cortes
Costal Southern Properties Inc.
Mr. Vincent J. Davisson
Ms. Jennifer Davitt
Mrs. Ethel W. Dean
Ms. Chanel Dorée
Ms. Victoria J. Dorgan
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dorsey
Mr. Michael Friedrichs
Ms. Sharon Chomish
Trust of Thomas G. Cottell
Mr. and Mrs. William Decker
Ms. Dawn M. Dottl
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Fischer
Mr. Phillip L. Cacioppo
Christ Lutheran Ladies Guild
Mr. Warren Cotton
Mr. Bryan T. Deely
Ms. Sara Doubt
Mr. Sidney Epstein
Ms. Meagan Fitzgerald
Ms. Nancy H. Froelich
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cain
Mr. Eric Christensen
Mrs. Margaret Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Delaney
Mr. Mark A. Dow
Mr. Michael D. Eshoo
Ms. Ann S. Fitzgerald
Frontier Title Company, LLC
Mr. Robert Calvert, Jr.
Marc Churchill
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Counts
Mr. Michael Deluca
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Doyle, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Craig Espevik
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Flagg
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frost
Mrs. Gerthrude K. Cameron
Mr. Robert S. Churchill
Ms. Elaine B. Cousins
Mr. Andy Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Evans
Ms. Dorothy V. Fleener
Mr. Garrett M. Frye
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Cameron
Ms. Jean L. Churchman
Mrs. Delores Covert
Mr. Thomas C. Denison
Drive Appraisal, LLC
Ms. Merri Ex
Ms. Veronica Fleischmann
Mr. Paul Fuligni
Mr. John C. Campbell, Jr.
Mr. Vincent Cirrintano
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clay Cox
Ms. Catherine Mary Denny
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duda
Mr. and Mrs. Neale R. Fadden
Ms. Dianne M. Fleming
Mrs. Mary A. Fulton
Mr. Andrew Fairchild
Mrs. Donna Fleming
Mr. Ted H. Funk
Ms. Eunice M. Faleti
Mr. Walter Florence
Ms. Lisa Fusek
Alderman and Mrs. Jackie Fallon
Shawn Flowers
Ms. Sherry L. Gabrielatos
Ms. Diane Gaerlan
Ms. Sarah Butler
Mrs. Shelly M. Cantwell
Mr. Dino A. Capitani
Carl’s Pro Band, Inc.
Citizens for Dan Cronin
Citizens For Esther Golar
Ms. Joanne Clark
Mrs. and Mrs. Kelly Coyne
Mr. Stephen Crawford
Crevi Fund, via Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Mrs. Shivani Desai
Mr. Daniel D. Deuble
Ms. Jane H. Deuble
Mr. Tim Dunneback
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dusky
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dusky
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Dr. Mary M. Dwyer
Ms. Janet E. Farkas
Mr. Dennis P. Foley
Mr. William R. Crist
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Farr
Ms. Tiffeni Fontno
Mr. Kevin Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carmazzi
Ms. Rebecca Clarkin and
Mr. David Clarkin
Mr. Allen L. Devary
Mr. Corey Dyer
Ms. Anita Carney
Karmor Cleary
Ms. Michelle Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Devine
Mr. and Mrs. Orlyn Edge
Fat Jack’s, Inc.
Mr. Michael D. Ford
Ms. Beth E. Gallagher
Ms. Susan Carsello
Ms. Jeannine M. Cleary and
Mr. Frank J. tenBrink
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crowe
Ms. Margaret Devito
Edison’s Entertainment Complex
Ms. Diana Faulhaber
Mr. Peter H. Fornof
Mr. and Mrs. Sarah Gardner
Mr. Michael Crowe
Diggers Again
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Edwards
Mr. Alfredo Favela
Foster-Stephens, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Garvey
Clemens and Associates
Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Culpepper
Ms. Emilia Dimenco
Mr. Wilbur S. Edwards
Ms. Patricia Federico
Mr. and Mrs. Brain G. Fought
Mr. and Mrs. James Gauet
Ms. Kathy Clements
Ms. Judith B. Cunningham
Dinky Dozen BMW Riders
Ms. Phyllis Egan
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Fedor
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Fox
Ms. Teresa A. Gauger
Mr. Alan D. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Franchini
GCS Credit union
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Fennell
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Gehrt, III
Ms. Hilary Freeman and
Mr. John Grubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Geier
Ms. Michelle Carlson
Ms. Elizabeth M. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cason
Mr. David R. Casper
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cassidy
Mr. Brian Caster
Mr. Edward Caster
Ms. Sheila Cawley
Centennial Christian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cerny
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Click
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curley
CNA Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno R. Cyzowski
Ms. Barbara Dirks and
Mr. Ronald Fink
Mr. and Mrs. David Coe
Ms. Darlene Czaja
Ms. Rita Dixon
Mr. Alan C. Eidsness
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Czlonka
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dobski
Ms. Maureen Eisenberg
Mr. David E. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Collens
Mr. Patrick Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dodd
El Rincon Community Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Fike
Ms. Sally A. Collins
Mr. Dean Dang
Mr. Michael Donald
Ms. Nikki M. Elsing
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Filetti
Ms. Madlyn Daniel
Mrs. Margaret Doner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ehrlich
Ms. Ruth C. Eickenberg
Mr. Patrick Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. John Freese
Mr. and Mrs. Henry French
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Frerichs
General Electric Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Flavio Gentile
Ms. Nona George
Mrs. Joan Gerling
Dr. and Mrs. Raju Ghate
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gray, III
Ms. Ann J. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William Kerber
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Krueger, M.D.
Ms. Brenda C. Green
Ms. Lisa Harvey
Mr. Donald D. Higgins and
Dr. Patricia A. Higgins
Illinois Brewing Co.
Mr. Gaylord A. Gieseke
Illinois Farm Bureau
Mr. Raymond Johnson
Ms. Barbara Kern
Krystal Dairy, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Greenbaum
Ms. Mary Ann Hass
Mr. and Mrs. Jennifer Hildreth
Illinois Oncology, Ltd.
Ms. Dawn Johnson
Arnel Kernaghan
Ms. Gale Kryzak
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hauser
Mr. Michael Hill
Invest in Others Matching Gift Program
Ms. Kathy Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kerrigan
Ms. Deb C. Kubes
Ms. Kim Hawkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Hill
Ms. Sara Irmen and Mr. Harper Bohlen
Ms. Lisa Johnson
Ms. Cynthia Kersten
Mr. James J. Kubik
Ms. Mary Lou Haxel
Mrs. Brenda Hilton
Mrs. Adrienne Ives
Ms. Nancy Z. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Killian
Mrs. Dorothy Kugel
Mr. John Gremer
Ms. Patricia Hayden
Mr. Robert W. Hinchsliff
Ms. Shirley Jackson
Ms. Risikat Jolaosho
Mr. John M. Kimpel
Mr. Mark R. Kuhlman
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Girardy
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grob
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hayden
Judy Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jacob
Mr. Shane Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kindermann
Mr. Justin Kumar
Girl Scouts Troop #188
Mr. James H. Grotelueschen
Hayes, Hammer, Miles & Cox LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hinrichs
Ms. Debra J. Jacobs
Mrs. Michelle Jones
Ms. Julie King
Miss Carolyn A. LaBahn
Give With Liberty
Ms. Mary Ann Grumman
Lt. Gina Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hirsch
Mr. John A. Jacobs
Ms. Frances C. Jones
Ms. Michele King
Trust of Shirley M. Lacey
Mrs. Katherine Gjaja
Ms. Monica J. Guttmann
Mr. Kyle Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodges
The Jaffee Foundation
Ms. Nancy Jones
Megan Kirkpatrick
Mr. Albert J. Lacher
Ms. Kristy Glykofridis
Mr. David Gwarda
Ms. Cheryl Hayward
Mr. and Mrs. David Hoffman
Mr. Frederick Jaicks
Junction West, Inc.
Mr. Michael C. Kizman
Ladies Auxiliary of Harmony
Ms. Dianna Gniadek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Haab
Healthscape Advisors
Mrs. and Mr. Charlotte Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. James
Ms. Sharon Junge
Mr. Richard Klawiter
Ms. Michelle E. Lambert
Healthy Living Family Chiropractic
Holly Duran Real Estate Partners
Mr. Kenneth J. James
Mrs. Lindsay Klebenow
Ms. Beth Langlois
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Healy
Ms. Maria Holmes
Mr. Robert C. Janssen
Mr. Harvey Kaiser
Mr. Daniel Kloss
Ms. Joann Lansbarkis
Heartland Bank & Trust Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John Holmbeck
Ms. Deborah M. Jarol
Ms. Patricia A. Kaisner
Ms. Dee Koffron
Ms. Mary A. Larrea-Young
Dr. and Mrs. Larry L. Heck
Ms. Sarah J. Homan
DeAnna Jarvis
Mr. Chris P. Kallos
Ms. Mary Kohberger
Mrs. Dayna M. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jasper
Mr. David Kamande
Ms. Allison Kollar
Mr. Dustin S. Lasky
Mr. Daniel T. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gillman
Mr. James Gillette
Gill Street Sports Bar
Mrs. Julia Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Goldfarb
Gonzalez Companies, LLC.
Ms. Diane Gregart
Ms. Marlene Gregor
Gregory M Randolph & Assoc LTD
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley W. Haberer
Ms. Rebecca A. Hakes
Ms. Holly Halsted-Smirl
Ms. Tina C. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Halvorson
Ms. Josephine Heil
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Gonzalez
Mr. Gregg Hamilton
Mr. Wayne Heinmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Hood
Mr. John D. Jawor
Mr. Stuartt R. Kammer
Konica Minolta Danka Imaging
Ms. Alyse Lasser
Ms. Christine Good
Mr. Peter Hand
Mr. Robert Henderson
Ms. Ruth Hoover
Ms. Hillary Jebbitt
Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Kaplan
Ms. Jason Korczak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Latin
Ms. Ann Gookin
Mr. Michael Hanley
Mr. Timothy G. Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hornbeck
Mrs. Susie H. Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Kaplanes
Mr. Barry K. Korecky
Mrs. Dorothea D. Lattyak
Ms. Cristy Gookin
Ms. Wendy Hannibal
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hennip
Mrs. Betty A. Jenkins
Mr. John F. Karstrand
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kotler
Mr. Thomas Laughlin
Mr. L. S. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hansel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry
Mr. Bob Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Jennings
Ms. Jennifer Kaufman
Mrs. Helen P. Koulos
Mrs. Donna Lawder
George and Myra Gordon
Ms. Julie Hanson
Ms. Jeanne Hepding
Ms. Frederica Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jentes
Mr. Gregory Kay
Ms. Karen Kozlow
Mr. William J. Lawlor, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herguth
Mrs. Trudy Hruska
Mr. Marc Jeske
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kehl
Mrs. Diane M. Kraml
Ms. Mary Lois H. Lawson
Rev. and Mrs. Dan J. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. M. Colin Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Jessopp, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krehbiel
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Lee, Jr.
Mr. Louis J. Herrera-Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes
Johns Classic Tile and Marble Inc.
Ms. Pamela Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kristinus
N. Ned Leiken
Ms. Susan M. Harrigan
Ms. and Mrs. Mary Herrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson
Mr. James P. Kennedy
Ms. Ginger Kroll
Mr. Steve Lemons
The Irving Harris Foundation
Mr. David A. Heth
Mr. and Mrs. Murray P. Hynes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson
Ms. Mary A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John Levi
Ms. Joan W. Harris
Mrs. Barbara A. Hickey
Ms. Judy Iantosca
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Johnson
Hon. Susan L. Kennedy
Mr. Michael J. Kropp and
Ms. Anne Relias
Mr. and Mrs. David Gorter
Grant Thornton
Mr. Peter J. Grant
Mr. Kevin Gratkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Harezlak
Mr. Eric D. Hargan
Ms. Mary Harnden
Ms. Kristen Lewis
Ms. Jennifer Lewis
Main Street Grill
Ms. Taffy Jo Mayers
Ms. Sally McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Denny R. Myers
Mr. John C. Norton
Neel Parel
Mr. Paul Liebenson
Mr. and Mrs. Atis Makstenieks
Mr. Michael N. Mayo
Mrs. Mindy McSparin
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George Myers
Ms. Jennifer Novakoske
Park-Stoutamoyer & Associates
Ms. JoAnn S. Lilek
Ms. Pamela Malchow
Mrs. Pauline Mayo
Ms. Erin W. McWilliams
Mr. James F. Miller
Mr. John Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Novatney
Ms. Melissa J. Paschold
Ms. Judith R. Lindsay
Ms. Nancy Maldonado
Ms. Kaitlin McAuley
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mecklenburg
Mrs. Rhoda A. Miller
Mrs. Dorothy D. Myers
Ms. Kristen Novelline
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pasquinelli
Mr. Brian Little
Mr. Patrick Maley
Mr. John M. McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. John Mecklenburg
Ms. Jamie E. Miller
Ms. Marilyn C. Myers
Nu-Way Transportation Services, Inc.
Ms. Tanja Patarova
Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Livingston
Ms. Mary C. Malloy
Ms. Elizabeth McCarthy
Mrs. Barbara A. Medley-Thomas
Ms. Jennifer Misiora
Mrs. Rebecca Nabakowski
Mr. and Ms. Robert Obrochta
Mr. Norman J. Patinkin
Mr. Lester M. Lobel
Ms. Valerie Mamalis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCarthy
Ms. Judith Meltzer
Mr. Patrik Modig
Ms. Patricia R. Naguib
Ms. Elizabeth Obrochta
Ms. Elizabeth A. Patterson
Mr. Diego Lombana
Mrs. Rose K. Mandell
Mr. Michael McCarthy
Merkle International, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Mogentale
Lekshmi Nair
Mr. Brady O’Connell
Ms. Patricia A. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Long
Mr. John Manner
Mr. Steven McCoin
Merlin 20,000 Mile Shops
Mr. and Mrs. James Molloy
Ms. Elizabeth Nani
Ms. Andrea E. O’Connor
Mr. John M. Payne
Loopy Yarns
Mr. Onya Manning
Mr. Jonathan D. McConnell
Ms. Sophia Meskos
Ms. Helene M. Molnar
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Neff
Mr. Raymond C. Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Payne
Mr. Rob Loudin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Marguerite
Mr. Steve McConnell
Ms. Kathleen J. Messmer
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Montgomery, IV
The Neighbors of Kenilworth
Ms. Maria Ojeda
Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. Pearl
Catherine Mark Loevner Family
Mr. Peter Maris
Mr. Thomas McCormick
Metrodesign Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Montney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neiman
Windjammer Lounge
Mr. Bryan Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marovitz
Mr. Steve McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Meyer
Mrs. Donna D. Moore
Mr. Dale A. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. O’Leary
Ms. Jean E. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Martin
Mr. Joseph McCune
Ms. Danielle Meyer
Ms. Judy O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Perkins
Ms. Holly Martin
Mr. Kevin McCune
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers
Ms. Susan J. Moran and
Mr. John M. McDonough
Mr. Paul Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lu
Mrs. Peggy A. Nelson
Ms. Patricia O’Neill
Ms. Sally J. Perkins
Mr. Regan Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Nemergut
Mr. Robert O’Neill
Mr. Richard Perrott
Ms. Janet F. Michaelsen
Mr. Eric M. Morin
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Nersesian
Ms. Ruth V. O’Neill
Mr. Marc Peters
Mr. David W. Nesnidal
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Petersen
Ms. Melissa Ludington
Ms. Rosemary Lunghuhn
Ms. Mary Lynn Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Martin
McCurdy Tool & Machine Company
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McDermott
Ms. Erin Luther
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marushka
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michalsen
LV Ventures, Inc.
Ms. Joanne M. Marut
McDonald’s of Bloomington-Normal
& McLean
Morris Packaging LLC
Mrs. Kathleen Michelotti
Ms. Jessica Moyer
Ms. Joan C. Netzbandt
Ms. Donna J. Opatrny and
Mr. Gordon G. McClain
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Marx
Mr. Dennis McDowell
Ms. Nicole Michelotti
Cynthia Mufarreh
Mrs. Michelle A. Newbold
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Orput
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. MacArthur
Mary’s By Design
Mr. Brian McFaul
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Michelotti
Mugsy’s Pub, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Newell
Ms. Julie Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Cash MacDiarmid
Dr. Nicole Massey-Hastings
Mrs. Kathleen Michelotti
Dr. Janice R. Muhr
News America Marketing
Our Redeemer Lutheran,
Welfare/Social Concern
Mr. Francis X. Mastroianni
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuigan
Carol Rian Mullins
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean McGuire
Mid-America Building Maintenance
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Matlock
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mikel
Ms. Rosemary E. Matzl
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. McKeirnan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Mikel
Mr. Timothy P. Murphy and
Ms. Martha Hill
Mr. Joseph Maul
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. McKenzie
Adele M. Milano Revocable Trust
Miss Jessica L. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. David V. May
McLean County Child Protection
Network, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Milano
Mrs. Melissa A. Murray
Dr. Roger Miller
Mrs. Sally R. Muschott
Ms. Steffani McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Miller
Drs. Alexander and Margaret Muster
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Mack
Ms. Maureen Madigan and Mr. John
T. Hubley
Mr. James C. Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Maier, III
Taylor M. Mailhot
Mr. Frank D. Mayer, Jr.
Mr. James Mayer
Ms. Jean M. Mulvihill
Nicholas E. Baker DMD, PC
Mr. Harvey Nixon
Mr. Larry Nodulman
Noonmark Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Nopar
Mr. Gary Norgren
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. North
Northern Illinois Corvette Club
Mr. Benjamin Owen
Ms. and Mr. Margaret Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pabian
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pacione
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Pang
Dr. Patricia Panzica, M.D.
Ms. Cleo Pappas
Parda Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Pfaff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Phelan
Ms. Barbara J. Phillip
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Pickett
Mr. Jerry Pienaizek
Mrs. Lisa Pieper and Mr. Jeff Pieper
Ms. Carol Pirog
Ms. Jean Platt
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Platt, Jr.
Rapid Circular Press Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roby
Ms. Dana Schauf
Mr. Patrick M. Sheahan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Stockton
Mr. Andy Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Platt
Ms. Pamela P. Rashid
Rockford Process Control, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell G. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Snyder
Ms. Alaina Stojic
Ms. Cherryl Thomas
Mr. William K. Platt, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Raymond
Miss Jennifer L. Rogers
Mr. Paul L. Schmelzer
Mr. Charles L. Shemely
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sola
Mrs. Judith Stone
Mr. Fredrick B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Polan
Ms. Mary J. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rollinson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Schmid
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Shepherd
Mr. Jeff Sorensen
Ms. Marica Stone
Ms. Nicole Thomas
Mr. Charles E. Pollard
Ms. Catherine Read
Mr. Chad Ronholm
Dr. Stephen A. Schmidt
Ms. Barbara Sherlock
Ms. Rosaura M. Soto
Richard F. Stoneham
Ms. Rebecca L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Readey
Ms. Ronda L. Roop
Mr. Herwig I. Schmidts
Ms. Patsy W. Sherrard
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stover
Mrs. Jill Freund Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pontarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Redick
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Roos
Ms. Sydney W. Schneidman
Ms. Sanjay Shivpuri
Mrs. Barbara Speer
Ms. Lyndsey Stranahan
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Thomas
Ms. Barbara J. Pope
Mr. Sam Reed
Ms. Doris Rosander
Mr. and Mrs. Duward F. Shriver
Ms. Linda Spielman
Mr. Andy Strimaitis
Ms. Sharon Thomas Parrot
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Poremski
Regions Bank
Mr. Bob Rose
Ms. Joanne Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shryock
Splash Publications LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James Stucker
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Thompson
Ms. Janet Wollaeger Powell
Ms. Mary K. Rehkemper
Mrs. Midge Stirling Roth
Mr. Marc Schroeder
Ms. Joni L. Shulman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Spong
Ms. Veronica Stump
Mr. and Ms. Duke Tomei
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Prado
Mr. Robert Reichner
Mr. Peter Roth
Mr. Todd B. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sianta
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stutzman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Topping
Presbyterian Womens Assoc.
Ms. Dee A. Reid
Ms. Michaela A. Rowland
Mr. Steve Schupbach
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Sick
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Styron
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Trainor
PR Newswire
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Reif
Timothy J. Ruby
Ms. Linda G. Schub
Mr. Richard Sieg
Staff Organization of Rockford
Public Library
Sulaski & Webb, CPAs
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Trauger
Mr. Stephen L. Siemer
Mrs. Myca Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Sullivan
Treehouse of Bloomington
Silicone Valley Community Foundation
Steam Green
Mr. and Ms. Robert F. Sullivan
Ms. Rachel N. Trent
Ms. Tomekia Simeon
Ms. Beverly Steel Guin
Sunset Foods
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Trosino, Jr.
Ms. Ottilie Schulze
Ms. Jan M. Simone
Ms. Ellen Steinbrunner
Ms. Mary Sutherland
Ms. Whitney B. Trusty
Mr. Clay Stelzer
Mr. George F. Sutherland
Ms. Cindy Tsai
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Prosser
The Protectoseal Company
Ms. Katherine Pryor
Ms. Laurel Puchner
Mr. Matthew Rembold
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rhodes
Richard V. Lynch Family Foundation
Ms. Marissa Rudman
Mr. Rod Russell
Ms. Diane Rutherford
Saint Francis Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Schuessler
Mr. Dan Schuette
Ms. Deborah Schulte
Mrs. David Purdie
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Richards
Ms. Diane Sakach
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Kristi Simpson
Mrs. Susan Purdie
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Riehl
Mr. Eric S. Salisbury
Ms. Hilary Bishop Scott
Ms. Sarathraj Sivaraman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stendel
Mr. Stephen R. Sutovsky
Mr. James Tuck
Mr. Joseph R. Rigel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Salyers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stenhouse
Mr. James Svajgl
Mr. Adam Tupper
Ms. and Mrs. Katherine Queenan
Mr. Stephen Riley
Ms. Latisha A. Samuels
Mr. Paul M. and Mrs. Leann S. Seal
Ms. Patricia Sklar and Mr. Samuel
J. Polsky
Stephan Zouras LLP
Ms. Karen Swaback
Ms. Pam Turley
Ms. Vanessa Quimpo
Mr. Rocco Rinaldi
Mr. David P. Sanders
Mr. Kane K. Senda
Mr. Charles Slamar
Mr. Ronald A. Stepp
Mr. Thomas Swann
Ms. Carol S. Turner
Mr. John Quinn
Aaron and Shannon Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime F. Sanz
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Sender
Dr. David Slife
Steve Petersen Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ms. Helen L. Swanson
Ms. Roberta Turner
Ms. Tracy Seneca
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Slingsby
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stevenson
Mr. Paul W. Swanson
Ms. Sherrie A. Senkfor
Ms. Bettina A. Slusar
Mr. William B. Stevenson
Ms. Dawn M. Swearingen
Tyco Employee Matching Gift
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Raj R. Rajasekhar
Ms. Mary Raleigh
Mr. Pat J. Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Ringer
Mr. Andrew B. Sarver
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Sarver
Ms. Maura Raleigh
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Riordan
Mr. Richard Sawdey
Mr. Michael Sessa
Dr. Barbara E. Smith
Ms. Mary Ellen Tainer
Mr. and Mrs. Herny W. Tymick
Dr. Laura Randolph
Ms. Nancy Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schaeffer
Mr. Andrew Seward
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stieglitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Talkington
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Uehara
Mrs. Margaret Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn K. Rittmueller
Mrs. R. Erika Schafer
Mrs. Rene K. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stiles
Mrs. Dorothy B. Unger
River Tower Associates
Mr. Michael E. Schafer
Ms. Sheri A. Shaker
Ms. Stella Smith
St. John’s United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tatelli
United Technologies
Roar Food Group LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schaub
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Shea
Mr. Anthony M. Smyth
Ms. Katrina Stobbe
Ms. Gail Tennant
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Unterman
Unum Group
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Walsh
Ms. Sue Wiemer
Mr. Ralph J. Zito
DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington
Ms. Jeanne Picerne
U.S. Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wannemacher
Nat Wilburn
Ms. Karen K. Zook
Mr. Mike Dougherty
Levy Restaurants
United Stationers Charitable
Ms. Lori Zsitek
Mr. and Mrs. Amy Usher
Ms. Danielle Warden
Ms. Anne Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Usher
Ms. Joyce Washington
Ms. Martha Wilken
Mrs. Margaret C. Vail
Ms. Liz Waters
Mr. Kyle T. Williams
Mr. Richard L. Valde, Jr.
Ms. Ethelmae Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Valeo
Ms. Jen Webb
Gloria J. Wilson
Ms. Joan Vanden Eynden
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Week
Mrs. Carolyn E. Winter
Ms. Dana Vanderhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Weidig
Mr. David Withall
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk van Dongen
Mr. Alan I. Weintraub
Mr. Mark Witt
Mrs. Dolores J. Van Kampen
Mr. Richard Weisenritter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Witte
Mr. Robert A. Vanzo
Ms. Ann Welch
Mr. Jeffrey S. Wohlford
Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. Vath
Mr. James Welch
Mr. Jan Robert Wolansky
Mr. Ricardo Vences
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weldon
Mr. James R. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Vertin
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Wood
Lindsay Vetter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Welsch
Mr. and Mrs. Alain Wood-Prince
Mr. David Vickers
Weskar Corporation
Victory Academy
Wesley United Methodist Women
Ms. Vicki Woodward and
Mr. John J. Glier
Mr. John C. Vidinich
K.B. Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Woodward
Charles E. Larson, Inc.
Mrs. Jennifer Virant
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westhoff
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wood
Chicago Blackhawks Charities
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Vogelsinger
Ms. Daphne H. Wetmore
Mr. Michael D. Wright
Chicago White Sox
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Vogrinc
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Wexler
Ms. Amanda Wycoff
Ms. Kim Cieslewisz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Volini
Mr. Jonathan R. Wey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wylie
City Escape Garden Center
Ms. Jessica Wacker
Mrs. Betty Sue Wharton
Mr. Jared Yeater
Ms. Valeri Cooke
Ms. Joyce M. Wade
Mrs. Florence F. Wheeler
Mrs. Beverly T. Yoder
Crestwicke Country Club
Ms. Betty Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wheeler
Mrs. Lisa B. Yondorf
Ms. Maryann Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Zagorin
Ms. Erin Walsh
Mrs. Andrea White
Ms. Becky Zajac
Mr. Mike DeNoma
Ms. Margie Wiedenhoefer
Ms. Irena Zekthi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wiedner
Ms. Carol Zink
Mr. Timothy Donmoyer
In-Kind Support
(Gifts with a value of $250
and above)
Assurance Agency Ltd.
Avis Budget Group
Balsley Printing
Basically Bows LLC
Bredemann Chevrolet
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Buggy
Busch Jewlers
Ms. Erin Carney
Ms. Alicia Carroll
CBM Trading
Ms. Katie Duffy
Lockton Companies, LLC
PNC Bank
Weaver’s Rent-All
Ms. Debra Fennell Butler
Lost Dunes Golf Club
Ms. Deborah Poulin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fey
Mrs. Leila MacQueen
Mr. Jose L. Prado
Ms. Ali Warshawsky
Ms. Christine Filipy
Ms. Maggie Maestre
Grenzebach Glier + Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Makanoeich
PS Designs & More
Mr. Thomas Wheeler
Ms. Erica Geil
Maverick Media
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Rasmussen
Ms. Jessica White
Mr. Harilaos Georgakopoulos
Ms. Michelle M. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberts
Ms. Amanda Whitlock
Golf Shack
Mr. Samuel McDaniel
Royal Carwash & Detail
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. David Greenberg
Mr. Francis Mentone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Saia
Machonne Williams
Mr. Dean Gregory
Merlin 200,000 Mile Shops
Mr. Michael Saia
Weaver’s Rent-All
Ms. Corene Miller
Ms. Beverley A. Sibblies
Windy City Limousine
Gurley-Leep Motors
Ms. Sidra Miller
Silk Road Technology, Inc.
Hanna Andersson
Ms. Kate Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hansel
Mr. Don Mizerk
Ms. Vanessa Sims
United Way Support
Ms. Nancy Hartung
Ms. Gayla Moore
Society of Resource Management
Brown County United Way
Jamie Hasselbring
Ms. Marge Mundo
Mr. John Spaight
Kishwaukee United Way
Mr. Thomas Hutchinson
Neiman Marcus
Ms. Julie Stellwagen
Mile High United Way
iNG Restaurant
Mr. Morris Ng
Ms. Lisa Sterba
United Way of Boone County
Mr. George Jacobs
Ms. Danielle Nunnally
Ms. Eunice Suber
United Way of Central Illinois
Ms. Christina Janik
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan O’Connor
Ms. Sara Swenson
Ms. Hillary Jebbitt
Ms. Helen Odom
Ms. Colette Tam
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
Jet Blue Airways
Ms. Katie Olinger
Ms. Julie Thomas
Jody O’Connor Photography
Ms. Kathy O’Malley
Tim & Co.
Mr. Jerry Jurasek
Mr. Owen O’Neill
TransNational Bankcard LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Walid A. Karim
Ms. Heather Oxley
Emmanouil Tsimouris
Ms. Kimberly A. Kayiwa
Ms. Neysa Page-Lieberman
Ms. Carol A. Ungaretti
Mr. and Mrs. John Lacci
Mr. Joseph Papa
Mr. Joseph Perrino
United Way Greater Twin Cities
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
United Way of Northwest
Illinois, Inc
United Way of Rock River Valley
Jennifer and Thomas Hay
In Memory of:
Mrs. Jan Recher
Public Funders
Karen Henderson’s Birthday
Mr. John Alexander
Mr. James T. Rhind
Chicago Public Schools
David and Jerrilyn Hoffmann
Ms. Lolly Ambers
Luba Riley
City of Chicago
We gratefully acknowledge
the many gifts of tribute
given for the following:
Mr. John Hughes
Melvin H. and Virginia T. Beckman
Mrs. Virginia Rogers
Kathleen and Konrad
Mr. Joseph Bosi
Mr. Matthew Ronquillo
DeKalb County Community
Mental Health Board
Stacie Killian’s Dad on Father’s Day
Mrs. Robin Chessick’s beloved father
Rev. George Skirna
Illinois Capital Development Board
Children’s Home + Aid is committed to the environment of collaboration with our community
partners, essential to any successful collective impact initiative.
Mr. John Killian
Mr. James G. Clinnin
Mr. David Speer
LD Team
Mr. William Connolly
Staats Girls
Illinois Criminal Justice
Information Authority
Kim Lawson
Mr. Charles J. Crump
Ray and Loretta Steil
Mr. Brian Letton
Ms. Edith Kraft Dahlberg
Marge Van Allen
Ms. Melissa Ludington
Mrs. Ellen Doree
Mrs. Judy Van Ness
Allie Wills and Megan Lytle’s Wedding
Dorothy Fike
Ms. Anne Wolf
“Teddy” Gathany
Illinois Department of Human
Susan and James Moran
Ann Mary Woods Glover
In Memoriam
Illinois Department on Aging
Mr. Thomas Murphy’s Birthday
Mr. Frederick G. Jaicks
Mr. Kenneth Neher
Elizabeth Johnson
Ms. Rae Nichols
Mr. Pete Joyce
We wish to honor the
memory of these devoted
friends and patrons.
In Honor of:
Adreanna, Elena and Natahlea Alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atherton
Mrs. Connie Blomquist
Ms. Mary Ellen Cagney
Darcy Combs
Mia Combs
Mrs. Elizabeth Connelly
Val and Mike Cooke
Karli Cooke
Kris Cooke
Ms. Vanessa Quimpo and
Mr. Rob Obrochta’s Wedding
Mrs. Elaine Klemm
Mrs. Marletta Darnall
Carole Ringer
Alice Gorham
Mrs. Clare Lagattuta
Kristen Ringer
Mr. and Mrs. A. Lasusa
Mr. Ted Gouens
Mr. Perry W. Koulos
Mrs. Nancy Ronquillo
Jack and Duncan Leichtenberg
Ms. Beverly Sibblies
Mrs. Sandra Guthman
Ms. Sara Corry Maguire
Donna Trana
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.
Hafner’s Grandchildren
Marguerite McBridge
Kelly Vallas
Mr. Russ Milano
Ethelmea Waters
Debbie Novich’s mother
Mrs. Joan Wing
Ms. Ellen Perez
Ms. Alice White Zarov
Hammersley Family
Pat and Lee Harper
Mr. James T. Rhind
Board of Trustee Member
A Knock At Midnight
Center for Contextual Change
The Dreamcatcher Foundation
Illinois Department of Children
and Family Services
ACCESS Community Health Network
Changing Life Education Initiative
Advocate BroMenn Medical Center
Changing Worlds
Illinois Department of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity
Alfred Campanelli YMCA
Chess Brilliance
Englewood Technical Preparatory
Alliances Counseling Service
Chestnut Health Systems
Enterprising Kids
Alternatives Counseling
Chicago Children’s Museum
Erikson Institute
Antioch Community Social Services
Chicago Family Health Center
Family Counseling Services
Chicago Opera Theater
Family Focus
Illinois State Board of Education
Assault and Abuse Services of
Stephenson County
FHN Family Counseling Center
Illinois Violence Prevention
Chicago Public Library
Assist Her
The Field Museum
Athena Dental
Childhood Education
The Baby Fold
Child and Family Connections
Bailey Boy A.D.E. Foundation
Children’s Home Association of Illinois
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and
Northwest Indiana
Barrington Youth & Family Services
Girls in the Game
Beloved Community Family Services
Christian Social Services of Illinois
Ben Gordon Center
Clarity Counseling and Mediation, Inc.
Madison County
St. Clair County
Township of Palatine
Mrs. Virginia Rogers
Board of Trustee Member +
Honorary Woman’s Board Member
Township of Schaumburg
Mrs. Ross D. Siragusa
Honorary Woman’s Board Member
US Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Birthright International
Common Threads
Bloomington School District 87
Mr. Stanley Vachta
Sustaining Sponsor Parent
Board Member
US Department of Justice
BraveHearts Therapeutic Riding &
Educational Center
Community and Economic Development
Association of Cook County, Inc. (CEDA)
US Department of Health and
Human Services
Friend Family Health Center
Gray M. Sanborn Elementary School
Health and Disability Advocates
Heartland Community College
Heartland Head Start
The Bridge Youth & Family Services
Crittendon Centers
Henry Booth House
Mrs. Katherine S. Platt
Caregiver Connections
David L. Gates & Associates
Hidden Treasure Academy
Randy’s Birthday
deLacey Family Education Center
HOPE Child and Family Counseling
Dolphin Swim Club
Illinois Action for Children
Village of Schaumburg
Illinois Association for the Education
of Young Children
Illinois Children’s Mental Health
Ms. Marguerite (Mitzi) Freidheim
Ms. Kenyatta “Nicole” Vaughn
Ms. Jill Landsberg
Mr. Charles S. Gofen
Ms. Hannah Brown Warmanen
Ms. Judith Locke
Ms. Tina Chan Gonzalez
Ms. Nancy Wieboldt
Ms. Felicia Middlebrooks
Ms. Kelly Grier
Life Trustees
Ms. Susan J. Moran
Mr. Derrick Harden
Mr. Steven Bono
Mr. James J. O’Connor Sr.
Ms. Rosalie Hawley
Ms. Maree G. Bullock
Ms. Allison Rosati
Mr. Mark Tresnowski
Mr. Karen Henderson
Mr. D. Cameron Findlay
Ms. Sylvia Stec
Dr. Jamilah R. Jor’dan
Mr. Gerald Grant, Jr.
Mr. James Thome
Mr. David Gookin
Ms. Nancy Kempf
Mr. John K. Greene
Ms. Andrea Thome
Ms. Nancy Koenig
Ms. Lucile Ish
Ms. Deborah Traskell
Mr. Paul Wood
Ms. Suzanne Kopp-Moskow
Mr. John S. Lillard
Ms. Joset Wright
Ms. Amber LaBee
Mr. William Lowry, Jr.
Governing Trustees
Mr. David Abdallah
Ms. Christine Leahy
Mr. Stephen Mack
Ms. Dianne Lerman
Mr. Stuart M. Mamer
Mr. Gary Ahlquist
Mr. Paul Mastrapa
Ms. Karen Ross
Mr. George Bermingham
Ms. Michelle McCarthy
Mr. David Scholz
Ms. Suzanne M. Bernard
Ms. Tracy A. McCormick
Mr. Richard Schwartz
Mr. Sean Blair
Ms. Erin McInerney
Mr. Jerome H. Stone
Ms. Cheryl Church
Mr. Michael Miske
Mrs. William G. Stratton
Urban Gateways
Mr. Cecil Coleman
Ms. Christine C. Moore
Mr. Alan Conkle
Mr. Thomas J. Murphy
West Town Bikes
Mr. Timothy P. Connolly
Mr. Neil S. Novich
Western Avenue Community Center
Ms. Rachel Cowen
Ms. Diane Offereins
Will County Health Department
Mr. James Crawford III
Mr. Michael Rippey
Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House
Ounce of Prevention Fund
St. Clair County Child Advocacy Center
Lewis and Clark Community College
Our Saviour’s United Methodist Church
St. Clair County Health Department
Leyden Family Services
P.E.A.C.E. Community Center
St. Clair County Mental Health Board
Liberated, Inc.
Palatine Township
LINC, Inc.
St. Clair County Probation and Court
Services Department
Pastors of Englewood
St. John’s Hospital
Living Alternatives
Pioneer Center for Human Services
Child and Family Connections
Lutheran Child and Family Services
of Illinois
Planned Parenthood
TASC, Inc.
Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Macon County Health Department
Tasteful Manners
Illinois National Guard
Mad Science
The Puppet Place
Teamwork Englewood
Illinois Network of Child Care Resource
and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA)
Madison County Child Advocacy Center
Real Men Cook
Teen Living Programs
Recycling for Families
Teen Parent Connection
Illinois State Board of Education
Madison County Probation and
Court Services Department
Totally Positive Productions
RobotCity Workshop
Illinois State University
Rockford Park District
Illinois Wesleyan University
Marquette Bank
Uhlich Children’s Advantage Network
Imagine Englewood If...
May I Have This Dance
Infant Welfare Society of Chicago
McLean County Health Department
Institute for Juvenile Research
McLean County Unit District No. 5
Illinois College of Optometry
Rust Youth Connection
Ryan Lawrence Cheerleading
Safe from the Start
Safe Kids McLean County
Joffrey Ballet
Mid Central Community Action, Inc.
Josselyn Center for Mental Health
Midwest Eye Clinic
Sangamon County Department
of Public Health
Mindful Practices
Schaumburg Park District
Mount Prospect Public Library
Schaumburg School District 54
MuzicNet School of Music
Schaumburg Township District Library
New Horizons Counseling Center
Scott Air Force Base Family
Assistance Center
Junior Achievement of Chicago
Corps (JROTC)
Just Because Mentoring Services
K.L.E.O. Community Family
Life Center
Northwest Cook Community
Agency Network
Kaleidoscope, Inc.
Northwest Treatment Associates
Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation
Karla Smith Foundation
Oakton Community College
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Lawrence Hall Youth Services
One Hope United
OSF St. Joseph Medical Center
Seven Generations Ahead
Southwestern Illinois College
St. Bernard Hospital
United Way of McLean County
University of Illinois at Chicago Jane
Addams School of Social Work
University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Family Resilience Center
Ms. Elizabeth Connelly
Vice Chair
Ms. Beverley A. Sibblies
The Women’s Treatment Center
Mr. Yolanda Daniel
Ms. Jennifer L. Rogers
YMCA of Edwardsville
Ms. Marletta Darnall
Mr. Terence R. Rogers
YMCA of Southwest Illinois
Ms. Pamela Dean
Ms. Alice Sabl
Youth at Peace
Mr. Michael E. Fisher
Mr. Michael Sennett
Youth Services Network
Mr. Pete Fornof
Mr. Frank Smola
Mr. Paul Van Ness
Ms. Sue A. Walton
Emeritus Trustees
Mr. Paul Carbone
Ms. Peggy Echols
Mr. John Fraser
Mr. Paul R. Wood
Vice Chair
Mr. Stephen Freidheim
Mr. George Bermingham
Ms. Tracy McCormick
Mr. Stephen C. Freidheim
Ms. Suzanne Bernard
Ms. Diane Garonzik
Mr. James Crawford III
Mr. Steve Fedea
Ms. Penny Johnson, Ph.D.
Mr. Thomas Murphy
Mr. Paul Konerko
Mr. Michael Sennett
Ms. Jennifer Konerko
Mr. Thomas Tyndorf
Central Regional Advisory Board
Mr. Paul Van Ness
Mr. Stephen G. Balsley
Mr. Ajay Kansal
Ms. Chanel Dorée
Mrs. Cyndi Brush
Mr. Sheldon Keyser
Mr. Stuart Fisher
Mrs. Debra D. Butler
Mr. Kenneth Krieg
Mr. William Fritz
Mr. Bill Decker
Mr. Daniel Lewis
Ms. Jessalyn Garvey
Mr. Chuck Hansel
Mr. Ted Lewis
Mrs. Lindsey Hayes
Mrs. Glenda Hildreth
Mrs. Camille McCaskill
Mr. Kyle Hays
Mrs. Leila MacQueen
Mr. John McCracken
Mrs. Megan Hoffmann
Mrs. Holly Anderson
Mrs. Michelle Marcomb
Mr. Kenneth Neher
Ms. Nicole Hoida
Mrs. Carol Bock
Ms. Pat Meyers
Rev. Sheryl Palmer
Ms. Catrese Kilgore
Mrs. Fran Brandau
Mrs. Rae Nichols
Mrs. Joyce Shelton
Ms. Allison Kollar
Mr. Jordan Carpenter
Mrs. Carol R. Nortridge
Mrs. Peggy Stimson
Mr. Justin Kumar
Mr. Dave Fedor
Dr. Patricia Panzica
Ms. Mary Kay Way
Ms. Carolyn LaBahn
Mr. Dennis M. Fries
Mrs. Theda Patch
Ms. Beth Langlois
Ms. Jennifer Kaufman
Mrs. Tara Romano
Mr. Jeff Marano
Mrs. Stacie Killian
Ms. Eileen Redzepi
Mrs. Shari Lauer
Mrs. Patricia Saunders
Mr. Scott Murphy
Mr. Kelly Schwenk
Associate Board
Mr. Anthony Petersen
Mr. Joe Sosnowski
Mrs. Lisa A. Sparks
Mrs. Joan Tunnell
Mr. Ryan M. Sachtjen
Mrs. Jill Freund Thomas
Mrs. Amy J. Wilcox
Ms. Sherry Polachek
Mrs. Donna Trana
Rev. Doug Williams
Ms. Cassie M. Abraham
Ms. Marta J. Traylor
Mrs. Peggy Wolf
Mr. J.C. Asensio
Ms. Vanessa Quimpo
Mrs. Diana L. Witte
Southern Regional Advisory Board
Ms. Malia Baynes
Mrs. Alyssa Quinlan
Dr. Maranda Wyatt
Mr. Pete Fornof
Ms. Renee Bell
Ms. Maura Raleigh
Mr. Malcolm Bihm
Mr. Samuel Remy
Ms. Pamela C. Alexander
Northern Regional Advisory Board
Mrs. Cheryl Church
Mr. Sam G. Balsley
Ms. Jennifer Albertina
Ms. Inger Burnett-Zeigler
Mr. Brian Caster
Ms. Steffani McLean
Child Care Resource +
Referral Advisory Committee
Kristin Fritz
Laura Glenn
Judy Sarwark
Mary Ann Fulton
Alyssa Guido
Heather Stoffer
Mary Kay Prader
Debbie Gerwick
Lara Heiberger
Shirley Tolbert
Sharon L. Jaeger
Elaine Hoffman
Ethelmae Waters
Ms. Dawn Andell
Stephanie Jaeger
Eydie Jarosz
Hinsdale Auxiliary Men’s Association
Ms. Carolyn Beal
Ms. Denise Chipman
Ms. Gloria Crowder
Ms. Rebecca Fudge
Ms. Regina Greer
Ms. Robin Hannon
Ms. Kelly Kampwerth
Mr. Kenneth Neher
Ms. Elizabeth Sherwood
Ms. Tina Suarez
Brenda Jagla
Kristi Knapp
Steve Berger
Anissa Kavelman
Lisa Kramer
Eric Bilenko
Ann Larkin
Dayna Larson
Sean Blair
Julie Marron
Mary Lozanoski
Stephen Bunting
Mary Mikel
Kristen Meyers
Steve Cook
Rita Mikel
Nancy Neiman
Scott Gillman
Carol Myers
Jill Rasmussen
Tom Gleason
Pat O’Dell
Rawea Schwalb
John Heiberger
Flora Poling
Sheri Shaker
Lance Klobach
Becky Thomas
Stephanie Silva
Michael Lorr
Nancy Ward
Virginia Smits
Scott Lundmark
Mr. Eric Morin
Helping Hands Auxiliary
Gina Wey
Christine Valeo
Mark Margason
Ms. Jessica Murray
Stacie Killian
Dr. Lucy Wisdom
Patricia Wheeler
Jim Prisby
John J. Zietlow
Associate Members
Pauline Brannigan
Eric Thompson
Ms. Cindy Miles
Ms. Jen Novakoske
Mr. Jose Prado
Mr. Rod Russell
Mr. Jason Schad
Mrs. Joy Baltz
Ms. Alicia Carroll
Mr. George Chester
Mr. Ryan Clark
Ms. Rachel Trent
Mrs. Keely Giles
Mr. Michael Crowe
Ms. Danielle Warden
Pamela Alexander
Hinsdale Auxiliary
Luann Anderson
Heather Hester
Maria Dusky
Active Members
Elena Baroni
Marcella Klein
Ms. Margaret Cunningham
Shannon Murante
Ms. Genie Miller Gillespie
Meg Berger
Nancy Newell
Mrs. Jacquelyn Haddad
Jan Burr
Kathy Pearse
Ms. Gale Kryzak
Ann Bynan
Chris Pequet
Mr. Justin Kumar
Julie Constantino
Nancy Jo Peters
Ms. Karen Ross
Angi Courtney
Heather Richter
Mrs. Sue Walton
Jennifer Ferguson
Lauri Sarver
Pam Bristow
Barbara F. Brouwer
Ann Dady
Kathy Dewerff
Donna Edwards
Peggy Flynn
Donna Foli
Janet Fries
Lee Gillman
Steve Woodward
Parent’s Care + Share
Mrs. Ross D. Siragusa †
Sustaining Members
Ms. Suzanne Dunn
Mr. Kevin Buggy
Ms. Alice Young Sabl
Mr. Douglas Johnson
Mrs. David C. Seidman
Mrs. Ben T. Stevenson
Ms. Diane Garonzik
Mr. Michael Sennett
Ms. Maria Smithburg
Mrs. William G. Stratton
John Balanoff
Mrs. George F. Kahle
Mr. Mark Tresnowski
Ms. Gayle B. Spruance
Ms. Pamela B. Strobel
The Woman’s Board
Mrs. James B. Stucker
Mrs. Philip W.K. Sweet, Jr.
Carmind Burns
Mr. Stanley J. Vachta†
Mrs. Charles R. Walgreen III
Mrs. Jack A. Wollam
Ms. Michelle McCarthy
Mrs. Melissa Surrette
Julia Coppelman
Mrs. James Szczepanik
Mrs. Joseph M. Wells
Katie Cory
Honorary Members
Mrs. Austin P. Dorée†
Active Members
Mrs. Gary Ahlquist
Mrs. Bradley Tank
Mrs. Clayton E. Whiting, Jr.
Carin Frucci
Mrs. Andrea Thome
Jennifer Geake
Mrs. Byron M. Kolling
Mrs. Martin S.A. Beck
Mrs. Thomas F. Wechsler
Associate Members
Mrs. Nicholas S. Amatangelo
Heather Ma
Mrs. Ralph E. Maxson
Mrs. Philip S. Beck
Mrs. John A. Wing
Mrs. James N. Bay
Melissa Marguerite
Mrs. Richard M. Schwartz
Mrs. John C. Blew
Ms. Alice White Zarov
Mrs. Charles A. Comiskey II
Kathy McCarthy
Mrs. Lawrence I. Smith
Ms. Mary Ellen Cagney
Senior Vice President, Statewide Programming
Terry Peek
Mrs. Miriam Swanson
Ms. Susan K. Darby
Honorary Members
Mrs. William Aldinger
Mrs. James Denny
Lee Nykaza
Ms. Nancy Jones Emrich
Tomekia Simeon
Morgan Washington Board
Mrs. William E. Deitrick
Mrs. Gregory Antonucci
Mrs. Richard W. Gochnauer
Roger Theis
Mr. Paul Van Ness
Ms. Nancy Brewer Ford
Mrs. David L. Conlan
Mrs. Denis Healy
Vice President, Quality + Performance
Hilary Freeman
Mrs. Benjamin Gerstman
Mrs. John F. Cuneo, Jr.
Mrs. Morton Lane
Vice Chair
Ms. Lisa Sparks
Mrs. David Gookin
Mrs. John W. Elias
Mrs. Edward Liddy
Sponsor Parent Board
Mrs. Warren C. Haskin
Mrs. Michael P. Emmert
Mrs. Siddharth Mehta
Ms. Virginia Simpson
Ms. Suzanne Bernard
Ms. Michel Hauser
Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
† deceased
Ms. Jennifer S. Hay
Mrs. Robert Edmund Kramer
Active Members
Ms. Theresa Abila
Mr. Cecil Coleman
Mrs. David H. Hoffmann
Mrs. Thomas J. Lee
Mr. Michael E. Fisher
Ms. Devi S. Koya
Ms. Pamela A. Lenane
Mrs. James Athans
Mr. Paul Mastrapa
Mrs. Edward C. Maier III
Ms. Deborah Weiner Novich
Mrs. James Dagley
Mr. Thomas Murphy
Ms. Cyndy McClung
Mrs. Thomas V. O’Neill
Mr. Austin P. Dorée
Ms. Donna Trana
Mrs. Michael R. McKenzie
Mrs. Charles A. Pollock
Mrs. Janet Dorée
Ms. Nancy Wieboldt
Mrs. Alan McNally
Mrs. Allin W. Proudfoot
Ms. Nancy S. Klehm
Youth Campus Board
Ms. Cindy Montgomery
Mrs. Ward C. Rogers †
Mr. Thomas Murphy
Mrs. David F. Myers, Jr.
Mrs. Richard Santamaria
Mr. William D. Perez
Mrs. William H. Schniedwind
Rice Leadership Committee
Kelcy Vallas
Dan Zagorin
Joanne Zolomij
Mrs. Nancy K. Muenzer
We regret any inaccuracies which may
have occurred in this acknowledgment
of donors and friends. We welcome your
that may be required. Please contact
Sharon Tiknis at 312.424.6808
In order to protect the identity and
have been changed and photographs
may not depict actual clients.
Licensed by Illinois Department of Children
and Family Services.
Nancy B. Ronquillo
Michael Shaver
Frank Poremski
Senior Vice President of Development
Sharon Tiknis
Vice President, Human Resources + Training
Greta Jones
Vice President, Clinical + Community Services
Anne Larrea Barclay
Vice President, Northern Region
Eileen Liezert
Vice President, Family Centered Services
Melissa Ludington
Vice President, Central Region
Lisa Pieper
Vice President, Early Childhood Services
Jan Stepto-Millett
Vice President, Southern Region
Renae Storey
125 South Wacker Drive, 14th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60606

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