2006 FOUNTAIN-WARREN COUNTIES HELP DIRECTORY A project of the Fountain-Warren Bi-County Council of Social Service Agencies funded with grants from the Covington Community Foundation, Southeast Fountain Community Foundation, Warren County Community Foundation, and Warren County Learning Center. TELEPHONE SERVICE ** PAGE NUMBERS CORRESPOND WITH THE HELP DIRECTORY BOOKLET NOT THE ELECTRONIC VERSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The purpose of this directory is to provide information to consumers and service providers in Fountain and Warren Counties. The enclosed information is considered to be the most current available. It is hoped that this information will allow expedient access and referral to programs, services, and special interest groups. The Fountain-Warren Bi-County Council of Social Services Agencies provides this information without bias. This directory should not be considered an endorsement by the Council. Special thanks to the Covington Community Foundation, Southeast Fountain Community Foundation, Warren County Community Foundation, and the Warren County Learning Center for their support of this worthwhile project. FOUNTAIN-WARREN BI-COUNTY COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES The Fountain-Warren Bi-County Council of Social Service Agencies was formed exclusively for the professional, charitable, and educational purposes as a not-for-profit organization. The purpose of the Council is to promote and improve the development of human services primarily in Fountain and Warren Counties. Membership in the Council is available to agencies whose work is related to improving the health, education, social, religion, and general welfare of human beings. Meetings are held bi-monthly on the second Tuesday from 11:00 am-1:00 pm. The first meeting of each fiscal year begins in January. Meeting locations rotate between the Beef House Restaurant in Covington and the Harrison Hills Country Club in Attica. For more information contact Cindy Mason, Council President at 765.294.4126. ALPHABETICAL LISTING ALPHABETICAL LISTING Area IV Agency on Aging . ………………………………………. 01 Bartlett Counseling Service ..……………………………….……. 01 Bi-County Opportunity Center …………………………………… 33 Bureau of Developmental Disabilities ……………………………. 02 Child Adult Resource Services, Inc .……………………………… 02 Community Action Program, Inc. of Western Indiana……………. 03 Community Foundations.…………………………………………...22 ConneXions .. .…………………………………………………….. 04 Cooperative School Services ……………………………………… 33 Early Head Start …………………………………………………… 04 Emergency Management Agency/Fountain County ………………. 05 Emergency Management Agency/Warren County ..………………. 05 Families United, Inc ………………….………………………… 07 Family Crisis Shelter, Inc. …...…………………………………… 05 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County .…………………….. 06 Family Nutrition Program/Warren County ……………………...…06 First Steps of Mid-North Indiana …………………………………. 07 Food/Shelter/Clothing Assistance ………………………………… 23 Fountain County Department of Child Services ………………….. 08 Fountain County Division of Family Resources ………………….. 08 Fountain County Government Agencies ………………………….. 23 Fountain County Mentoring, Inc. …………………………………. 09 Fountain County Township Trustees ……………………………… 35 Friendship Circle Center ………………………………………….. 09 Head Start Center ……………………………………………….… 10 Health Department (Fountain/Warren County) ………………….. 10 Homemaker Program ……………………………………………… 11 Hospital/Clinics …………………………………………….. …… 24 Law Enforcement ………………………………………….. ……. 25 Libraries …………………………………………………………. 25 Local Coordinating Councils (Fountain/Warren County) ……….. 26 Mac Van …………………………………………………………. 11 Medical Service Providers ……………………………………….. 27 Newspapers .………………………………………………….……. 28 Nursing Homes .……………………………………………...… … 28 Office of Vocational Rehabilitation ………………………………. 12 Patriot Activity Center ……………………………………………. 12 Pharmacies …………………………………………………….….. 30 Planned Parenthood of Lafayette ………………………………… 13 Preschools ………………………………………………………… 29 Purdue University Extension/Fountain County ………………….. 13 Purdue University Extension /Warren County …………………… 14 School Corporations …………………………………………... 31,32 School Services ………………………………………………….. 33 Seeger Mentoring Program ……………………………………….. 14 Summer Children Programs ……………………………………… 34 Support Groups …………………………………………………… 30 Telephone Service…………………………………………………. 36 Tippecanoe Community Health Clinic …………………………… 15 Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program ……………………….. 15 Toll Free Numbers ………………………………………………… 37 Twenty-First Century Scholars Program …………………………. 16 Utilities …………………………………………………………… 36 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services ………………………………..16 Warren County Department Of Child Services ……………………17 Warren County Division of Family Resources …………………… 17 Warren County Government Agencies ……………………………. 23 Warren County Learning Center …………………………………... 18 Warren County Township Trustees ………………………………...35 Water/Sewage ………………………………………………………36 West Central Indiana Special Services Cooperative ……………… 33 West Central Regional Community Corrections …………………..19 Williamsport/Attica Area Senior Center, Inc. ……………………...19 WIC Clinic/Fountain & Warren County...…………………………. 20 Women’s Resource Center ………………………………………. 20 YWCA (Domestic Violence & Intervention Prevention) ………. 21 SERVICE ASSISTANCE INDEX ABUSE/NEGLECT Family Crisis Shelter …………………………………….. Families United, Inc. …………………………………….. Fountain County Department of Child Services …………. Warren County Department of Child Services …………… YWCA (Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention Program) ……. 05 07 08 17 21 ADOPTION/FOSTER PARENTING Fountain County Department of Child Services ………….. 08 ADVOCACY/LEGAL Family Crisis Shelter …………………………………….. 05 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services ……………………… 16 YWCA (Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention) …………… 21 CHILD CARE/EARLY CHILDHOOD Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN…………. 01 ConneXions……………………………………………….. 04 Early Head Start ………………………………………….. 04 Head Start Center …………………………………………. 10 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 COUNSELING Bartlett Counseling Services ……………………………… 01 Families United, Inc. ……………………………………… 07 Planned Parenthood ………………………………………. 13 Support Groups …………………………………………… 30 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program ……………… 15 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services ………………………. 16 WIC Clinic/Fountain & Warren County…………….….….. 20 Women’s Resource Center ……………………………….. 20 DISABILITIES Area IV Agency on Aging ………………………………. 01 Bureau of Developmental Disabilities …………………… 02 Child-Adult Resource Services, Inc. ……………………… 02 ConneXions……………………………………………… 04 Early Head Start ………………………………………….. 04 First Steps of Mid-North Indiana …………………………. 07 Head Start Center………………………………………….. 10 Office of Vocational Rehabilitation ………………………. 12 EDUCATION Bi-County Opportunity Center …………………………… 33 Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN ………… 03 ConneXions ……………………………………………….. 04 Cooperative School Services …………………………….. 33 Emergency Management Agencies ……………………… 05 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County ……………… 06 Family Nutrition Program/Warren County. ………………. 06 Health Department ……………………………………….. 10 Libraries (Public) …………………………………………. 25 Preschools ………………………………………………… 29 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ……………………… 13 Purdue Extension/Warren County ………………………. 14 School Corporations ……………………………………. 31,32 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program ……………… 15 Twenty-First Century Scholars Program ………………… 16 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services ………………………. 16 Warren County Learning Center …………………………. 18 West Central Indiana Special Services Cooperative. ……… 33 WIC Clinic/Fountain & Warren Counties…………………. 20 EMPLOYMENT Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN ………… 03 Warren County Learning Center …………………………. 18 EMERGENCY RELIEF Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN ……….. 03 Emergency Management Agencies ………………………. 05 FAMILY/PARENTING Bartlett Counseling Services ……………………………… 01 Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN ……….. 03 ConneXions ………………………………………………. 04 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County ……………. 06 Family Nutrition Program/Warren County….…………… 06 Families United, Inc. ……………………………………… 07 First Steps of Mid-North Indiana …………………………. 07 Early Head Start ………………………………………….. 04 Head Start Center …………………………………………. 10 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 Purdue Extension/Warren County ……………………….. 14 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services ………………………. 16 Warren County Division of Family Resources ……………. 17 Women’s Resource Center ………………………………… 20 YWCA (Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention ) …………… 21 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Community Action of Western IN ……………………….. 03 Twenty-First Century Scholars Program …………………. 16 WIC Clinic ……………………………………………….. 20 FOOD/HOUSING Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN ……….. 03 Family Crisis Shelter ……………………………………… 05 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County..…………….. 06 Family Nutrition Program/Warren County ………………. 06 Food/Shelter/Clothing Assistance ………………………… 23 Fountain County Division Of Family Resources …………. 08 Friendship Circle Center…………………………………… 09 Pine Village Food Pantry …………………………………. 23 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 Purdue Extension/Warren County ………………………. 14 Warren County Division of Family Resources …………… 17 WIC Clinic/Fountain & Warren County……………...…… 20 GOVERNMENT Emergency Management Agencies ………………………. 05 Family Nutrition Program/Warren County ………………. 06 Fountain County Division of Family Resources……………08 Government Agencies ……………………………………. 23 Law Enforcement …………………………………………. 25 Purdue Extension/Warren County ………………………… 14 Township Trustees ………………………………………… 35 Warren County Department of Child Services ……………. 17 Warren County Division of Family Resources ……………. 17 West Central Regional Community Corrections …………. 19 HEALTH/MENTAL HEALTH Bartlett Counseling Services ……………………………… 01 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County …………….. 06 Families United, Inc. …………………………………….. 07 Early Head Start ………………………………………….. 04 Head Start Center …………………………………………. 10 Health Department ………………………………………… 10 Hospitals/Clinics ………………………………………….. 24 Medical Service Providers ………………………………… 27 Nursing Homes …………………………………………… 28 Patriot Activity Center ……………………………………. 12 Pharmacies ……………………………………………….. 30 Planned Parenthood ………………………………………. 13 Tippecanoe Community Health Clinic ……………………. 15 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services ………………………. 16 HOMEMAKING Homemaker Program ……………………………………. 11 INFORMATION & REFERRAL Area IV Agency on Aging ………………………………… 01 Community Action Program, Inc. of Western Indiana……. 03 ConneXions…………………………………………...…… 04 Early Head Start……………………...……………………. 04 Family Crisis Shelter………………………………………. 05 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain & Warren County…… 06 First Steps of Mid-North Indiana………………...………… 07 Friendship Circle Center…………………………………… 09 Head Start………………………………………..…….….. 10 Planned Parenthood…………………...……………….….. 13 INFORMATION & REFERRAL cont., Purdue Cooperative Extension/Fountain County...…………13 Purdue Cooperative Extension/Warren County…..……… 14 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program………..…… 15 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services……………………… 16 Warren County Learning Center………………………….. 18 WIC Clinic/Fountain & Warren Counties…………………. 20 YWCA (Domestic Violence & Intervention Prevention)….. 21 OUTREACH/TRAINING ConneXions……………………………………………….. 04 Community Action of Western IN ………………………… 03 Family Crisis Shelter ……………………………………… 05 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County ……………….06 Family Nutrition Program/Warren County ………………. 06 Office of Vocational Rehabilitation ………………………. 12 Planned Parenthood ………………………………………. 13 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 Purdue Extension/Warren County ………………………… 14 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program ……………… 15 Warren County Learning Center ………………………….. 18 PHYSICAL FITNESS/ SPORTS Patriot Activity Center ……………………………………. 12 SENIOR SERVICES Area IV Agency on Aging ……………………………….. 01 Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN ……….. 03 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County ……………… 06 Friendship Circle Center …………………………………. 09 Homemaker Program…..………………………………….. 11 MAC Van …………………………………………………. 11 Williamsport/Attica Area Senior Center …………………. 19 SUBSTANCE ABUSE Bartlett Counseling Services ……………………………… 01 Local Coordinating Councils. ……………………………. 26 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program ……………… 15 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services……………………….. 16 SUPPORT GROUPS Early Head Start ………………………………………….. 04 Family Crisis Shelter ……………………………………… 05 Head Start Center..………………………………………… 10 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program ……………….. 15 Women’s Resource Center ……………………………….. 20 YWCA (Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention) …………….. 21 TRANSPORTATION Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN..………… 03 Friendship Circle Center …………………………………. 09 Mac Van ………………………………………………….. 11 UTILITIES Community Action Program, Inc. of Western IN ………… 03 Utilities/Water/Sewage …………………………………… 36 VOLUNTEER ConneXions ……………………………………………….. 04 Early Head Start ………………………………………….. 04 Emergency Management Agencies ………………………. 05 Family Crisis Shelter ……………………………………… 05 Friendship Circle Center ………………………………….. 09 Fountain County Mentoring, Inc. …………………………. 09 Head Start Center …………………………………………. 10 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 Purdue Extension/Warren County ……………………….. 14 Seeger Mentoring Program ……………………………….. 14 YWCA (Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention) ……………. 21 YOUTH Bartlett Counseling Service ………………………………. 01 Family Nutrition Program/Fountain County……………… 06 Family Nutrition Program/Warren County ………………. 06 Families United, Inc. ……………………………………… 07 Fountain County Mentoring, Inc. …………………………. 09 Purdue Extension/Fountain County ………………………. 13 Purdue Extension/Warren County ………………………… 14 Seeger Mentoring Program ……………………………….. 14 Summer Children Programs ………………………………. 34 Twenty-First Century Scholars Program …………………. 16 Wabash Valley Outpatient Services ………………………. 16 COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AREA IV AGENCY ON AGING 18 West 2nd Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.6059 FAX: 765.762.6059 WEB ADDRESS: HOURS: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Our agency has three main functions for Fountain and Warren Counties. 1.) Set up, coordinate and monitor home health services, which can allow people who otherwise might need to go to nursing homes, to remain in their own homes. 2.) Pre-admission screening for nursing facilities. 3.) Information and referral service. BARTLETT COUNSELING SERVICES 101 North Main Street Veedersburg, IN 47987 PHONE: 765.294.3100 ext. 3 765.294.3111 FAX: HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Affiliated with West Central Regional Community Corrections. Providers of low or no cost counseling to clients on home detention and provide emergency counseling to juveniles in the holdover or WCRCC if necessary. Counselors are provided to the county schools when requested by the school’s administration. BUREAU OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 1007 Mill Pond Road, Suite A Greencastle, IN 46135-1887 PHONE: 765.653.2468 or 877.218.3096 FAX: 765.653.7152 WEB ADDRESS: HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Services available for persons with developmental disabilities are community based, residential alternatives to placement in state institutions and health facilities. Programs support independent living in the least restrictive setting possible and are based on a Person Centered Planning process. Services include: * Supervised group living programs * Semi-independent living programs * Alternative family programs * Independent living support services * Supported living service arrangements CHILD-ADULT RESOURCE SERVICES, INC. PO Box 170 210 North Dormeyer Ave. Rockville, IN 47872 PHONE: 888.547.2076 / 765.569.2076 FAX: 765.569.3444 WEB ADDRESS: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Providing Employment for Individuals with Disabilities. Child-Adult Resource Services, Incorporated is a not-for-profit agency dedicated to providing services for children, families and adults who have a variety of support, education and rehabilitation needs. C.A.R.S. provides services in 11 counties in West Central Indiana: Clay, Fountain, Hendricks, Montgomery, Morgan, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Vermillion, Vigo, and Warren. CARS started providing services to individuals, families and the community in 1969. COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA 418 Washington Street PO Box 188 Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.4881 765.793.4884 FAX: WEB ADDRESS: HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: CAP is a private, not-for-profit corporation administering state, federal and local programs to those of low-income and the elderly. Some of our services include: Head Start and Early Head Start WIC (Women, Infants, Children) Employment and training services Mac Van-elderly transportation Sponsor of the senior center Homemaker Program services for the elderly Section 8, safe and affordable housing Energy assistance Education Resource and referral CONNEXIONS 1100 Elizabeth Street Lafayette, IN 47904 PHONE: 765.742.7105 / 800.932.3302 FAX: 765.423.7416 WEB ADDRESS: SERVICES AVAILABLE: Assisting families in finding quality childcare: support families by promoting parental choice and equal access to childcare for all families. Training and supporting childcare providers: offer support for the growth and development of quality childcare through technical assistance and training services to providers. Sponsoring through enrollment in the childcare and adult care food program: supply childcare information and support services to other community agencies. EARLY HEAD START (DIVISION OF CAP, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA) 1325 Second Street Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.5314 765.793.4884 FAX: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: The Fountain/Warren Early Head Start program offers home-based services for pregnant women, infants, and toddlers from low-income families. Families receive weekly home visits focusing on activities for the baby or toddler, parenting skills, and family service information. ELIGIBILITY: Families must have income at or below 100% of the federal poverty level. Services are available for children with disabilities. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOUNTAIN COUNTY WARREN COUNTY 301 Fourth Street 16 Railroad Street Covington, IN 47932 Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.793.0833 765.764.7249 FAX: 765.793.0835 765.762.6375 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 4 pm Mon - Fri. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Create, exercise, evaluate, and update the County’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to provide relief for victims of the elements (natural and manmade disasters) through coordination with federal and state relief agencies for material and monetary assistance. Facilitate inter discipline/inter agency coordination in time of disaster. Coordinate with Indiana and US Department of Homeland Security. Fountain County is part of the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program. FAMILY CRISIS SHELTER, INC. P.O. Box 254 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 PHONE: 795.362.2030 or 800.370.4103 FAX: 765.362.3315 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: 24 Hour Service SERVICES AVAILABLE: Crisis hotline available to anyone in crisis or seeking information or referrals. Community education and training are available as requested. Services offered to victims of abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault include: legal advocacy, sexual assault advocacy, residential shelter, transitional living, and support group for women and children. Services are free and available to men, women, and children regardless of age or economic status. FAMILY NUTRITION PROGRAM / FOUNTAIN COUNTY (PURDUE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION ) 301 4th Street Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.2297 765.793.5008 FAX: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: As needed 20 hours per week SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides training and services on basic nutrition needs, meal planning, food safety, and budgeting. Also can give referrals to other agencies and services available in the community. Services are provided to at-risk audiences, birth thru seniors, with no income guidelines or applications. FAMILY NUTRITION PROGRAM / WARREN COUNTY (PURDUE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION) 14 Railroad Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.3231 HOURS: Monday - Friday 8: 00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: The Family Nutrition Program provides free and confidential training to individuals or groups on nutrition, meal planning, food safety and budget FAMILIES UNITED, INC. PO Box 340 303 South Perry Street Attica, IN 47918 PHONE: 765.762.0611 On Call/Emergencies: 888.482.0213 765.762.1753 FAX: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides in-home casework and supervised visitation: individual, family, and marriage counseling; hope and recovery groups for victims, offenders, and caretakers of abuse cases; and anger management classes. Administers the Healthy Families Program, which provides in-home education to parents of newborns in Fountain and Warren Counties. FIRST STEPS OF MID-NORTH INDIANA 2000 Greenbush Street Lafayette, IN 47903 PHONE: 877.811.1644 / 765.420.1404 FAX: 765.420.1406 WEB ADDRESS: SERVICES AVAILABLE: First Steps is an early intervention program that provides services to children (up to age three) with development delays. A variety of services are available based upon a child’s needs. Call for a free developmental evaluation. FOUNTAIN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SERVICES 981 East State Street, Suite A Veedersburg, IN 47987 PHONE: 765.294.4080 FAX: 765.294.4315 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Office investigates all child abuse and neglect reports in Fountain County. Coordinates services for children who have been abused or neglected and their families. Entry point for people wanting to adopt. Entry point for people wanting to be foster parents. FOUNTAIN COUNTY DIVISION OF FAMILY RESOURCES 981 East State Street Veedersburg, IN 47987 PHONE: 765.294.4126 FAX: 765.294.4126 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Determine eligibility for public assistance programs including: Food Stamps, TANF, Medicaid, Impact, and Hospital Care for the indigent. FOUNTAIN COUNTY MENTORING, INC. 505 Washington Street, Suite D Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.7339 SERVICES AVAILABLE: Fountain County Mentoring, Inc. places positive adult role models with at-risk children. They spend time together and try to develop a relationship that can possibly help guide them into making right choices. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE CENTER (DIVISION OF CAP, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA) 1307 Pearl Street Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.4871 765.793.5310 FAX: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: A full service Senior Center. Hot meals served Monday through Friday at 12 noon. Two delivery routes for homebound meals throughout Fountain County. Lots of information sharing, referrals, and social activities. HEAD START CENTER (DIVISION OF CAP, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA) 1327 Second Street Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.0473 FAX: 765.793.4884 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: The Fountain/Warren Head Start Program offers preschool experiences for low-income children ages 3-5 and their families. Children receive developmental and health screenings, nutritious meals, and high quality early learning environments. Families are linked to other community services to assist them in becoming more self-sufficient. Services available for children with disabilities. HEALTH DEPARTMENT (FOUNTAIN/WARREN COUNTY) 208 South Perry Street Attica, IN 47918 PHONE: 765.762.3035 FAX: 765.762.6520 E-MAIL: [email protected] SERVICES AVAILABLE: * Immunizations * Issues birth and death certificates (fee charged) * Health Education * Conducts Environmental related inspections * Investigation of animal bites HOMEMAKER PROGRAM (DIVISION OF CAP, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA) 22 West Second Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.0420 765.762.2428 FAX: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provide house cleaning, laundry, cooking, errands, and assistance with bathing. Most clients receive 2-4 hours per week. Assignments come from Area IV Agency. MAC VAN (DIVISION OF CAP, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA) 22 West Second Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.0420 FAX: 765.762.2428 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Transportation for Fountain and Warren County residents– age 60 and over, age 55 and handicapped, Medicaid recipients, and younger handicapped persons. Focus on medical appointments Demand-response system Donations encouraged Three vans at Covington and three vans at Williamsport. OFFICE OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION 111 North 4th Street Lafayette, IN 47901 PHONE: 765.423.2276 FAX: 765.423.2701 HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Assists adults with disabilities to establish and reach vocational goals, provides diagnostic and evaluation, physical/mental restoration, job training and placement, and supporting services. PATRIOT ACTIVITY CENTER 1222 South State Road 263 West Lebanon, IN 47991 PHONE: 765.893.4445 FAX: 765.893.8354 WEB ADDRESS: HOURS: Monday - Thursday 6:00 - 8:00 am & 6:00 - 9:00 pm Friday 6:00 - 8:00 am Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday 1:00 - 6:00 pm SERVICE AVAILABLE: The PAC offers individual and group physical fitness activities and programs. Facilities include a weightlifting and cardio fitness center, a walking/running track, three indoor courts, and exercise room. Free to Warren County residents. Membership fees charged to non-residents. PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF LAFAYETTE 1016 East Main Street Lafayette, IN 47901 PHONE: 765.742.9073 FAX: 765.742.1811 WEB ADDRESS: HOURS: Mon. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Tues. 11:30 am - 7:00 pm Wed. 8:30 am - 1:30 pm, Thurs. 10:30 am - 7:00 pm Fri. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Sat. 8:30 am - 1:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides testing for STD’s to men and women, birth control, pregnancy testing, gynecological exams, breast exams, pap smears, emergency contraception, premarital blood screening, information and referrals. Sexuality education programs are provided to youth and adults. Sliding fee scales. Medicaid accepted and other insurances. PURDUE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION FOUNTAIN COUNTY 301 4th Street Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.2297 FAX: 765.793.5008 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Supply resources and educational resources from University based research and resources. Available for programming. PURDUE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION WARREN COUNTY 14 Railroad Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.3231 HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: The Warren County Purdue Extension Office provides educational information and programs on: nutrition and health, money management, parenting, yard and garden, youth and leadership development, and agriculture. SEEGER MENTORING PROGRAM “COMMUNITY ALLIANCES TO PROMOTE EDUCATION” 1222 South State Road 263 West Lebanon, IN 47991 PHONE: 765.893.4445 FAX: 765.893.8354 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Seeger High School is the host for CAPE Mentoring Program. Adult volunteers in the community work with selected students beginning in their sophomore year and continuing through graduation. Students receive instruction in time management, money management, resume development, goal setting and career planning, etc. The mentors serve as role models and assist with college entrance and scholarship applications. One $1,000 scholarship is awarded each year to a student in this program. For additional information, call the Seeger Guidance Department at 893-4445. TIPPECANOE COMMUNITY HEALTH CLINIC 1716 Hartford Street Lafayette, IN 47904 PHONE: 765.742.1567 FAX: 765.429.6961 WEB ADDRESS: SERVICES AVAILABLE: Pregnant women with Medicaid or without insurance will begin prenatal care at TCHC. Pregnant women are encouraged to call the clinic to schedule a prenatal cluster appointment to begin prenatal care as soon as they know they are pregnant. TOBACCO PREVENTION AND CESSATION PROGRAM (DIVISION OF CAP, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA) 418 Washington Street Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.4881 Ext. 34 FAX: 765.793.4884 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Serve as a resource for tobacco education and prevention efforts in the community. Provide cessation services to adults and youth. TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SCHOLARS PROGRAM 150 West Market Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 PHONE: 317.233.2100 WEB ADDRESS: SERVICE AVAILABLE: Provide early intervention programming and college readiness. Students must be enrolled as 7th or 8th graders. WABASH VALLEY OUTPATIENT SERVICES 101 Suzie Lane Attica, IN 47918 PHONE: 765.762.6187 765.762.6188 FAX: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Evenings Available) SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provide outpatient counseling for children and adults. Will prescribe psychoactive medications when appropriate. Also provides in home and school based case management. Adjusted fees possible. Many services partially or fully covered by Medicaid, Medicare, or insurance. WARREN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CHILD SERVICES 20 West Second Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.6125 / (after hours -765.762.2249) 765.762.8017 FAX: HOURS: 8:00 am - 4:40 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Child Protective Services. Services to prevent potential or address active abuse and neglect of children. WARREN COUNTY DIVISION OF FAMILY RESOURCES 20 West Second Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.6125 765.762.8017 FAX: HOURS: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides Medicaid, TANF, and Food Stamps Assistance for Children with Special Health Care Needs Hospital Care for the Indigent WARREN COUNTY LEARNING CENTER “COMMUNITY ALLIANCES TO PROMOTE EDUCATION” 26 East Second Street Williamsport, IN 47993-1147 PHONE: 765.764.1880 765.764.1882 FAX: WEB ADDRESS: HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Closed: Saturday and Sunday, Holidays Evenings: June and July SERVICES AVAILABLE: * Continuing Education Classes: Computer Personal Development Enrichment Some classes are free, scholarships available. * Meeting Rooms Available * FREE Adult Basic Education/G.E.D. and Family Outreach with FREE childcare. *WorkOne Express Site: FREE Employment Connection with Employment Counselor Wednesdays 1:00 - 4:30 pm and Fridays 8:00 am - Noon. LIFELONG LEARNING ♦ EDUCATION ♦ WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Summer Time Enrichment Programs (S.T.E.P.) “Edventures” Who: Warren County Kids (next year 1st through 7th graders) Location: Warren County Learning Center, 26 E. Second St., Williamsport Dates: First Tuesday and Thursday in June through end of July (six weeks) Hours: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Cost: $2.00 per week snack fee, program is free Contact: Dee Roderick - 764.1880, E-Mail: [email protected] Activities: Learning and educationally fun enrichment activities taught by local teachers. Flyers are sent home with students in April. Registration on a “first come, first served” basis. WEST CENTRAL REGIONAL COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS 101 N. Main Veedersburg, IN 47987 PHONE: 765.294.3100 FAX: 765.294.3111 HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: West Central Regional Community Corrections provides the courts in Fountain, Warren, Parke, Montgomery, and Vermillion Counties in Indiana cost effective alternatives to incarceration through home detention and community service programs. Provide a temporary holding facility for juveniles who are having a momentary crisis at home or going to court. WILLIAMSPORT/ATTICA AREA SENIOR CENTER, INC. 306 Ross Avenue Williamsport,, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.762.6779 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: *Meals on Wheels *Daily Hot Meals for Seniors over 60 *Senior Enrichment Activities WIC CLINIC (DIVISION OF CAP, INC. OF WESTERN INDIANA) FOUNTAIN COUNTY WIC CLINIC 1325 Second Street Covington, IN 47932 WARREN COUNTY WIC CLINIC 22 West Second Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.793.3676 FAX: 765.793.5309 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: 1st Monday & 3rd Tuesday of the month 10:30 am - 7:00 pm Other Mondays & Tuesdays 8:30 am - 5:00 pm PHONE: 765.762.2427 FAX: 765.762.2428 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Thursday 8:30am-noon, 1:00 - 5:00 pm 4th Thursday 10:30am- 3:30 pm, 4:30 - 7:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides nutrition education, nutritious foods, and health care referrals. Serving infants and children through age five. Serving prenatal, postpartum, breastfeeding and formula feeding women. APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER 501 Jefferson Street Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.4070 HOURS: Monday and Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Free pregnancy tests. Information about pregnancy, adoption, and abortion. Post– abortion and pregnancy loss peer counseling. All services are free and confidential. ACCEPT WALK-INS AND APPOINTMENTS. YWCA DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION PROGRAM 605 N. 6th Street Lafayette, IN 47901 PHONE: 765.423.1118 / 888.345.1118 765.742.0075 FAX: E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Crisis Line and Shelter 24/7 Office Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Agency provides emergency shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence with A 24-hour crisis line. A legal advocate can help with protective orders and legal questions. Support groups include: TLC parenting class, CHOICES women’s anger management class, and Reflections self-esteem/domestic violence. A Hispanic Advocate on staff. The outreach staff provides training and education to adults and children on the topics of domestic violence, sexual assault, and personal safety. COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS FOUNTAIN COUNTY ATTICA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION A Fund of the Covington Community Foundation PO Box 161 Attica, IN 47918 Phone: 765.764.1259 E-mail: [email protected] COVINGTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, INC. Affiliate Funds in Fountain County PO Box 175 Covington, IN 47932-0175 Phone: 765.793.0702 E-mail: [email protected] SOUTHEAST FOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION A Fund of the Covington Community Foundation PO Box 95 Veedersburg, IN 47987 Phone: 765.294.4115 WARREN COUNTY WARREN COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, INC. 31 North Monroe Street Williamsport, IN 47993-1117 Phone: 765.764.1501 E-mail: [email protected] Website: FOOD/SHELTER/CLOTHING ASSISTANCE American Red Cross Area Sharing Kindness (ASK), Attica Armory Attica United Methodist Church Attica United Methodist Thrift Shop Church of the Nazarene Community Action Program Family Crisis Shelter Friendship Circle Center Fountain County Ministerial Association Goodwill in Crawfordsville Habitat for Humanity Pine Village Food Pantry Veedersburg Church of God Food Pantry Wesley Thrift Shop in Crawfordsville Williamsport/Attica Area Senior Center 765.362.3103 765.762.2634 765.464.4244 765.762.5325 765.893.4182 765.793.4881 800.370.4103 765.793.4871 765.294.4423 765.364.9371 765.793.4401 765.385.2582 765.294.4423 765.362.7353 765.762.6779 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES FOUNTAIN COUNTY 301 Fourth Street Covington, IN 47932 Assessor Auditor CASA Program Circuit Court Clerk Commissioners Emergency Management *License Branch Probation Department Prosecuting Attorney Purdue Extension Recorder *Sheriff Treasurer Voter Registration 793.3481 793.2243 793.5000 793.3301 793.2192 793.2243 793.0833 294.2129 793.3287 793.2411 793.2297 793.2431 793.3545 793.3691 793.2192 WARREN COUNTY 125 North Monroe Street Williamsport, IN 47993 Assessor Auditor Circuit Court Clerk *EMS Office *Highway Garage *License Branch Probation Department *Prosecuting Attorney Recorder *Rescue Right to Know *Sheriff Surveyor Treasurer Voter Registration Zoning Director 764.4528 762.3275 762.3604 762.3510 762.0911 762.6181 764.4500 762.3640 764.4422 762.3174 762.6350 762.7242 764.4367 762.2611 762.3562 762.2834 762.6311 *not located @ courthouse HOSPITALS /CLINICS Arnett Clinic Urgent Care North 2600 Greenbush St., Lafayette, IN 765-448-8000 / 800-899-8448 Arnett Clinic Urgent Care South Old U.S. 231 South, Lafayette, IN 765-448-8000 / 800-899-8448 Arnett Clinic Urgent Care 2995 Salisbury St., W. Lafayette, IN 765-448-8000 / 800-899-8448 Carle Clinic 2300 N. Vermilion St., Danville, IL 61832 217-431-7600 Carle Foundation Hospital 611 W. Park St., Urbana, IL 61801 217-383-3311 Christie Clinic 600 Sager St., Danville, IL 61832 217-442-8611 Danville Polyclinic Ltd. 707 N. Logan Ave., Danville, IL 61832 217-446-6410 / 800-637-1983 Danville Polyclinic Ltd. 416 Union St., Covington, IN 47932 765-793-2122 Home Hospital 2400 South St., Lafayette, IN 765-447-6811 Indiana University Hospital 550 N. University Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-274-5000 Methodist Hospital I-65 at 21st St., Indianapolis, IN 46206 317-962-2000 Planned Parenthood 1016 E. Main St., Lafayette, IN 47901 765-742-9073 Provena United Samaritans 812 N. Logan Ave., Danville, IL 61832 217-443-5000 / 800-297-0797 Medical Center Riley Hospital for Children 702 Barnhill Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46202 800-248-1199 Sigma Medical Group 2323 Ferry Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 765-449-5080 St. Clare Medical Center 1710 Lafayette Rd., Crawfordsville, IN 47933 765-362-2800 St. Elizabeth Medical Center 1501 Hartford St., Lafayette, IN 765-423-6011 317-338-2273 St. Vincent Children’s Hospital 2001 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 St. Vincent Hospital 2001 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-338-2345 St. Vincent Williamsport Hospital 412 N. Monroe St., Williamsport, IN 47993 765-762-4000 St. Vincent North Clinic 1731 Ringer Lane, Williamsport, IN 47993 765-762-.4170 St. Vincent South Clinic 440 W. Songer Lane, Veedersburg, IN 47987 765-762.4180 812-232-0021 Terre Haute Regional Hospital 3901 S. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN 47802 Tippecanoe Community 1716 Hartford St., Lafayette, IN 47904 765-742-1567 Health Clinic Union Hospital 1606 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN 47804 812-238-7000 Unity Heathcare 1345 Unity Place, Lafayette, IN 47905 765-447-8133 Unity Immediate Care Center 1321 Unity Place, Lafayette, IN 47905 765-446-1362 / 800-790-4009 VA Illiana Heath Care System 1900 E. Main St., Danville, IL 61832 217-554-3000 / 800-320-8387 West Central Community Hospital 801 S. Main St., Clinton, IN 47842 765-832-1234 Woman’s Clinic 2316 South St., Lafayette, IN 765-447-6969 /800-733-6944 LAW ENFORCEMENT Benton County Sheriff 884.0080 Fountain County Sheriff 793.3545 Warren County Sheriff 764.4367 Benton County Prosecutor 884.1511 Fountain County Prosecutor 793.2411 Warren County Prosecutor 764.4422 Benton County Probation 884.1236 Fountain County Probation 793.3287 Warren County Probation 762.3640 Community Corrections 294.3100 Attica Police Department 762.2449 Covington Police Department 793.3311 Veedersburg Police Department 793.3545 Williamsport Police Department 764.1520 Indiana State Police 765.463.1515 Lafayette Post 800.382.7537 Warren Co. Child Protective Services 762.2249 After Hours 762.2449 Fountain Co. Child Protective Services 294.4126 After Hours 294.4080 LIBRARIES (Public) Attica, 305 S. Perry St. Covington, 622 Fifth St. Kingman, 123 W. State St. Veedersburg, 408 N. Main St. West Lebanon, 200 N. High St. Williamsport-Washington Township, 28 E. Second St. 765.764.4194 765.793.2572 765.397.3138 765.294.2808 765.893.4605 765.762.6555 LOCAL COORDINATING COUNCILS Local Coordinating Councils (LCC) bring together the community to reduce alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems. The (LCC) provides grants to organizations working on problems associated with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Education on substances is available upon request. Meetings are open to the public. FOUNTAIN COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Contact: Kathy Walker, Chair PO Box 103 Covington, IN 47932 PHONE: 765.793.4881 E-MAIL: [email protected] HOURS: Meetings are every other month on the first Tuesday WARREN COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Contact: Roy Stroud, Chair 31 North Monroe Street Williamsport, IN 47993 PHONE: 765.764.1501 E-MAIL: [email protected] MEDICAL SERVICE PROVIDERS OPTICAL SERVICES (EYE DOCTORS): Dr. Subodh C. Debnath/Crawfordsville Eye Clinic Satellite Office at St. Vincent Williamsport Hospital 412 North Monroe Street, Williamsport 765.762.4056 Evans, Piggott, and Finney Eyecare 211 South Perry Street, Attica 514 3rd Street, Covington 765.762.2652 765.793.4535 PHYSICIANS (GENERAL/FAMILY PRACTICE MEDICAL DOCTORS): St. Vincent North Clinic 1731 Ringer Lane, Williamsport 762.4170 Dr. Steven Fischer Dr. William Ringer Dr. Sean Sharma NP Maureen Socha St Vincent South Clinic - 440 Songer Lane, Veedersburg 762.4180 Dr. Tahir Hafeez Dr. Kathryn Lubak NP Maureen Socha Danville Polyclinic - 416 Union Street, Covington 793.2122 Dr. Kevin Patel Dr. B. Malhotra Dr. Peter Petrich - 401 South Perry Street, Attica 762.2421 Dr. Joseph A. Furr - 203 E. Main, Hillsboro 798.3995 For a complete listing of Outpatient Physicians at St. Vincent Williamsport Hospital call 762.4000 or visit the website at DENTISTS: Dr. Homer Faucett 5th Street Veedersburg 294.2237 Myers Dental Clinic 904 S. Council Street Attica 762.2621 Dr. E.J. Martin 1302 Pearl Street Covington 793.4680 Dr. Jon Inman 116 E. 2nd Street Williamsport 762.3755 310 W. NEWSPAPERS Commercial News, Danville Fountain County Neighbor, Attica Journal and Courier, Lafayette Journal Review, Crawfordsville Review Republican, Williamsport The Messenger, Attica 271.446.1000 765.762.2411 800.456.3223 765.362.1205 765.762.3322 765.762.2411 NURSING HOMES Covington The Waters of Covington 765.793.4818 Attica Woodland Manor Nursing Center 765.762.6133 Williamsport Health and Rehabilitation Center 765.762.6111 PRESCHOOLS WILLIAMSPORT DAY SCHOOL LITTLE PEOPLE PRESCHOOL 448 East Fourth Street 20 East Third Street Williamsport, IN 47993 Williamsport, IN 47993 765.762.0520 765.762.2976 BI-COUNTY PRESCHOOL 200 East Jackson Street Attica, IN 47918 765.764.4244 LITTLE PEOPLE PRESCHOOL 207 South Jefferson Street PO Box 41 Pine Village, IN 47975 765.385.5346 COVINGTON NURSERY SCHOOL FIRST BAPTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1125 Liberty Street 518 Fifth Street Covington, IN 47932 Covington, IN 47932 765.793.7660 765.793.2365 COVINGTON SCHOOL CORP. VEEDERSBURG PRESCHOOL PRESCHOOL 301 North Newlin Street 1110 Seventh Street Veedersburg, IN 47987 Covington, IN 47932 765.294.2654 765.793.2254 FOUNTAIN/WARREN HEAD START 1327 Second Street Covington, IN 47932 765.793.0473 BI-COUNTY SPECIAL NEEDS PRE-SCHOOL 1327 Second Street Covington, IN 47932 765.793.9206 / 765.362.4022 PHARMACIES CVS Pharmacy Jackson St.& Union St., Attica CVS Pharmacy 511 Third St., Covington Denny’s Pharmacy 500 S. Grant Ave., Fowler 30 S. Main St., Otterbein Ladd Rexall Drug 102 W. McConnell, Oxford Swadley Drug 300 S. Perry St., Attica 762.3390 793.4511 884.1520 583.4395 385.2166 762.3287 SUPPORT GROUPS The Warren-Fountain Support Group for People with MS and Caregivers meets on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30 am. The Fountain-Warren Support Group for People with Disabilities and Caregivers meets the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm. Contact: Suzann Shackleton Phone: 765.385.2478 SCHOOL CORPORATIONS ATTICA CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL CORPORATION Web Address: ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 205 E. Sycamore Street Attica, IN 47918 Phone: 765.762.7000 Fax: 765.762.7007 ATTICA JR. - SR. HIGH SCHOOL 211 East Sycamore Street Attica, IN 47918 Phone: 765.762.7000 Fax: 765.762.7017 ATTICA ELEMENTARY 500 East Washington Street Attica, In 47918 Phone: 765.762.7000 Fax: 765.762.7019 BENTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION Web Address: ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 405 South Grant Avenue Po Box 512 Fowler, IN 47944 Phone: 765.884.0850 Fax: 765.884.1614 OTTERBEIN ELEMENTARY 111 West Oxford Street Otterbein, IN 47970 Phone: 765.583.4401 Fax: 765.583.2428 FOWLER ELEMENTARY 305 East Second Street Fowler, IN 47944 Phone: 765.884.0310 Fax: 765.884.0299 BOSWELL ELEMENTARY 414 West Main Street Boswell, IN 47921 Phone: 765.869.5523 Fax: 765.869.4384 OXFORD ELEMENTARY 405 North Fifth Street Oxford, IN 47971 Phone: 765.385.2223 Fax: 765.385.1534 BENTON JR. - SR. HIGH SCHOOL 4241 East 300 South Oxford, IN 47971 Phone: 765.884.1600 Fax: 765.884.8445 COVINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Web Address: 518 Fifth Street Covington, IN 47932 Phone: 765.793.2365 Fax: 765.793.3911 COVINGTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION Web Address: ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 601 Market Street Covington, IN 47932 Phone: 765.793.4877 Fax: 765.793.5209 COVINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 514 Railroad Street Covington, IN 47932 Phone: 765.793.4451 Fax: 765.793.5217 COVINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1110 Seventh Street Covington, IN 47932 Phone: 765.793.2254 Fax: 765.793.5214 COVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 1017 Sixth Street Covington, IN 47932 Phone: 765.793.2286 Fax: 765.793.5200 METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT OF WARREN COUNTY Web Address: ADMINISTRATION OFFICE ELEMENTARY 101 North Monroe Street Williamsport, IN 47993 Phone: 765.762.3364 Fax: 765.762.6623 WARREN CENTRAL 1224 South State Road 263 West Lebanon, IN 47991 Phone: 765.893.4525 Fax: 765.893.8355 PINE VILLAGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILLIAMSPORT ELEMENTARY 3756 East State Road 26 206 East Monroe Street Pine Village, IN 47975 Williamsport, IN 47993 Phone: 765.385.2651 Phone: 765.762.2500 Fax: 765.385.0124 Fax: 765.762.0371 SEEGER JR. - SR. HIGH SCHOOL 1222 South State Road 263 West Lebanon, IN 47991 Phone: 765.893.4445 Fax: 765.893.8354 SOUTHEAST FOUNTAIN SCHOOL CORPORATION Web Address: ADMINISTRATION OFFICE ELEMENTARY SOUTHEAST FOUNTAIN 744 East U.S. Highway 136 Veedersburg, IN 47987 Phone: 765.294.2254 Fax: 765.294.3200 780 East U.S. Highway 136 Veedersburg, IN 47987 Phone: 765.294.2216 Fax: 795.294.3206 FOUNTAIN CENTRAL JR. - SR. HIGH SCHOOL 750 East U.S. Highway 136 Veedersburg, IN 47987 Phone: 765.294.2206 Fax: 765.294.3204 SCHOOL SERVICES BI-COUNTY OPPORTUNITY CENTER 45 East 650 North Attica, IN 47918 PHONE: 765.762.2257 765.762.6455 FAX: E-Mail: [email protected] HOURS: 7:45 am - 4:00 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides alternative education to students in grades 6-12 who are referred from the following school corporations: Attica Consolidated Schools, Covington Community Schools, and M.S.D. of Warren County Schools. COOPERATIVE SCHOOL SERVICES 116 North VanRensselaer Street Rensselaer, IN 47978 PHONE: 219.866.8540 or 1.800.832.3394 219.866.4668 FAX: SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides public school special education services to children WEST CENTRAL INDIANA SPECIAL SERVICES COOPERATIVE 808 West Pike Street Crawfordsville, IN 47933 PHONE: 765.362.4022 FAX: 765.364.3243 SERVICES AVAILABLE: Provides public school special education services to children ages 3-21. ages 3-21. SUMMER CHILDREN PROGRAMS SUMMER PARK PROGRAMS ATTICA Location: Ravine Park Dates: 1st Tuesday after Memorial Day through end of July Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 Noon, Monday - Friday Cost: FREE to children that have completed K-6th grade. Contact: Cindy Mason - 294.4126 Head Counselor: Jennie Douglas Activities: Organized games, swimming, fieldtrips, crafts, movies, snacks, and community and outside programs. COVINGTON Location: Covington Park Dates: June 1st through June 30th Hours: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Monday - Friday Cost: FREE for 2nd - 6th graders. Contact: Lori Brewer - 793.4881 Activities: Games, swimming, crafts, special speakers, and community field trips. VEEDERSBURG Location: Hub Park Dates: 1st Tuesday after Memorial Day through end of July Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 Noon, Monday - Friday Cost: FREE Contact: Cindy Mason - 294.4126 Activities: games, crafts, swimming, community fieldtrips, snacks and special programs. WARREN COUNTY Location: Williamsport Park Dates: First Monday in June through end of July Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon, Monday - Friday Cost: Minimum Fee for K - 7th grade students. Contact: Vickie Strickler - 764.4414, E-Mail: [email protected] Activities: Games, theme weeks, fieldtrips, guest speakers, swimming, and recreational fun Summer Time Enrichment Programs (S.T.E.P.) “Edventures” Who: Warren County Kids (next year 1st through 7th graders) Location: Warren County Learning Center, 26 E. Second St., Williamsport Dates: First Tuesday and Thursday in June through end of July (six weeks) Hours: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Cost: $2.00 per week snack fee, program is free Contact: Dee Roderick - 764.1880, E-Mail: [email protected] Activities: Learning and educationally fun enrichment activities taught by local teachers. Flyers are sent home with students in April. Registration on a “first come, first served” basis. TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES SERVICES AVAILABLE: provide possible assistance for rent, utilities, medicine, and food for those residents in need. FOUNTAIN COUNTY TRUSTEES CAIN DAVIS FULTON JACKSON LOGAN MILLCREEK RICHLAND SHAWNEE TROY VAN BUREN WABASH Gary McGrady Michael Bossaer Kandy Peach Richard L. Rodgers Jack L. Sorters Sandra S. Dawson Melanie A. Fay Donna N. Wheeldon Bruce G. Gee Judith A. Leek Tony E. Jacobs 765.798.6590 765.762.0927 765.397.8295 765.397.3587 765.762.3605 765.397.8137 765.295.0042 765.762.3951 765.793.2035 765.294.2490 765.793.2260 WARREN COUNTY TRUSTEES ADAMS JORDAN KENT LIBERTY MEDINA MOUND PIKE PINE PRAIRIE STUEBEN WARREN WASHINGTON Jerry McCoskey Joy Hetrick Marla Simpson John Swanson Dann Keiser Byron L Berger Edie Foust Roger Eberly Melyssa Leak Marsha Wagoner Janet S. Zak Donna Lyon 765.385.5166 765.986.2101 765.793.3827 765.764.4225 765.764.4051 765.793.3876 765.893.4869 765.385.5167 765.869.4447 765.893.4324 765.762.1303 765.762.6412 UTILITIES Attica Utility Billing/Clerk City Building, Attica 765.762.2467 Covington Utility Billing 1329 Second Street, Covington 765.793.2331 Covington Electric Department Canal Street, Covington 765.793.2421 Williamsport Utility Office 29 North Monroe Street, Williamsport 765.762.3257 Tipmont REMC 1.800.726.3953 Warren County REMC 15 Midway Street, Williamsport Office-765.762.6114 Service Dept.-1.800.872.7319 Vectren 1.800.227.1376 Cinergy/PSI Engery 1.800.521.2232 Northern Indiana Public Service Co. 1.800.464.7726 Veedersburg Light & Water Co. 100 South Main Street, Veedersburg 765.294.2728 WATER/SEWAGE Attica Sewage Plant City Building, Attica 765.762.3664 Covington Street & Water Second Street, Covington 765.793.3588 Covington Sewage Plant 765.793.4955 Veedersburg Light & Water Co. 100 S. Main Street, Veedersburg 765.294.2728 Veedersburg Wastewater Treatment Plant 48 W. Trestle Road, Veedersburg 765.294.2570 Williamsport Utility Office 29 N. Monroe Street, Williamsport 765.762.3257 Williamsport Wastewater Treatment Plant Old River Road, Williamsport 765.762.3570 ERH Enterprises-Sewage Company Roberts, Kingman 765.397.8451 Kingman Water Works State, Kingman 765.397.3921 Hillsboro Sewer 2080 E. US Hwy 136, Hillsboro 765.798.2244 AT & T 1.800.222.0300 SBC Indiana 1.800.742.8771 TOLL FREE NUMBERS Alzheimer's Disease Hotline Adult Abuse Hotline Aging & In-Home Services Advocacy Unit Al-Anon Family Group Alcohol Information Line American Association of Kidney Patients American Brain Tumor Association American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Heart Association American Lung Association Asthma & Allergy Foundation Cancer Information Service Center for Disabilities Child Abuse Hotline Children's Special HealthCare Hotline Civil Rights Commission Cornelia DeLange Syndrome Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Epilepsy Foundation of America Family Crisis Shelter Hotline Hoosier Healthwise Hotline Hospice Link Indiana Family Helpline IN*Source Leukemia Society of America Lupus Foundation of America March of Dimes Medicaid Complaint Hotline Medicare Helpline National Alliance for the Mentally Ill National Arthritis Foundation Hotline National Down Syndrome Congress National Easter Seal Society National Fragile X Foundation National Mental Health Information Center National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Organization for Rare Disorders National Runaway Hotline Poison Control Center Road Conditions Hotline Spina Bifida Association Of America State Information Center Tourette’s Syndrome Association United Cerebral Palsy Association United Scleroderma Foundation WCLC August, 2006 800.272.3900 800.992.6978 800.992.6978 800.356.9996 800.252.6465 800.749.2257 800.886.2282 800.227.2345 800.228.2897 800.229.1503 800.586.4872 800.727.8462 800.422.6237 800.437.7924 800.442.4453 800.475.1355 800.628.2909 800.223.8355 800.334.4823 800.332.1000 800.370.4103 800.889.9949 800.331.1620 800.433.0746 800.332.4433 800.955.4572 800.558.0121 888.663.4637 800.446.1993 800.647.8089 800.950.6264 800.283.7800 800.232.6372 800.221.6827 800.688.8765 800.789.2647 800.344.4867 800.999.6673 800.621.4000 800.382.9097 800.261.7623 800.621.3141 800.457.8283 800.237.0717 800.872.5827 800.722.4673
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