here - CORA Calgary Classic
here - CORA Calgary Classic
5th Annual January 21-24, 2016 Winsport Arena - Canada Olympic Park Calgary, Alberta ToAllCORACalgaryClassicParticipants,OfficialsandVolunteers. “Whatalong,strangetripitsbeen…”–TheGratefulDead Itshardtobelievethathereweareinour5thAnnualCORACalgaryClassicalready.Itseemslike justyesterdaythatwewerehavingourdiscussionswiththeEssoGoldenRingTournament aboutmakingmoreroomforthekidsandcreatingourowntournamentfortheadultdivisions. We,beingthetournamentcommittee,hopethatinthatshorttime,we’vehelpedcreatean exciting,funandcompetitivetournament.Wesetthebarincrediblyhighrightoffthebatwith ourgoalofbeingthepremiereadulttournamentanywhere.Wecontinuetosetthatbarhigher andhighereachyear. Wehavelotsofplansforthingstomakethistournamentevenbiggerandbetter.Your continuedparticipationinspiresustokeepimproving! TheOpendivisionofringettehascomesofarovertheyears.Thistournamenthasproventhat fact.Thelevelofcompetitionhasjumpedevenfromthefirstyearofthistournamenttonow! Thistournamentistheshowcaseforeveryonetoseethatringetteisn’tjustforkids!! Itsbeenanhonortobeinvolvedwiththistournamentsincedayone,andI’mincrediblyproud ofthethingswehaveaccomplishedsofar.I’malsoincrediblyexcitedtoseewhatwecandoin thenextfiveyears!! ThanksagainsomuchforyourparticipationandIhopetoseeyouallnextyear!! EricForst CORACalgaryClassicTournamentCo-Chair 2016CORACLASSIC-MASTERGAMESCHEDULE RR1 RR2 Day Thurs Thurs RR3 RR4 RR5 RR6 RR7 RR8 RR9 RR10 RR11 RR12 RR13 RR14 RR15 RR16 RR17 RR18 RR19 RR20 RR21 RR22 RR23 RR24 RR25 RR26 RR27 RR28 RR29 RR30 Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri 22-Jan-16 RR31 RR32 RR33 RR34 RR35 RR36 RR37 RR38 RR39 RR40 RR41 RR42 RR43 RR44 RR45 RR46 RR47 RR48 RR49 RR50 RR51 RR52 RR53 RR54 RR55 RR56 RR57 RR58 RR59 RR60 RR61 RR62 RR63 RR64 RR65 RR66 RR67 RR68 RR69 RR70 Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 23-Jan-16 GameType MainTournamentArena:Winsport-COPArenas(B&C&D) Arena HenryViney NES Start 7:00:00PM 8:00:00PM 22-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD 22-Jan-16 VSQ1 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC 22-Jan-16 VSQ1 22-Jan-16 COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC 12:00:00PM 12:15:00PM 12:30:00PM 1:15:00PM 1:30:00PM 1:45:00PM 2:30:00PM 2:45:00PM 3:00:00PM 3:45:00PM 4:00:00PM 4:15:00PM 5:00:00PM 5:15:00PM 5:30:00PM 5:30:00PM 6:15:00PM 6:30:00PM 6:45:00PM 6:45:00PM 7:30:00PM 7:45:00PM 8:00:00PM 8:45:00PM 9:00:00PM 9:15:00PM 10:00:00PM 10:15:00PM Date 21-Jan-16 21-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC 23-Jan-16 NES 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC 23-Jan-16 NES 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC 23-Jan-16 NES 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD 23-Jan-16 Shouldice 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 7:00:00AM 7:15:00AM 7:30:00AM 8:15:00AM 8:30:00AM 8:45:00AM 9:30:00AM 9:45:00AM 9:45:00AM 10:00:00AM 10:45:00AM 11:00:00AM 11:15:00AM 12:00:00PM 12:15:00PM 12:15:00PM 12:30:00PM 1:15:00PM 1:30:00PM 1:30:00PM 1:45:00PM 2:30:00PM 2:45:00PM 3:00:00PM 3:45:00PM 4:00:00PM 4:15:00PM 5:00:00PM 5:15:00PM 5:30:00PM 6:00:00PM 6:15:00PM 6:30:00PM 6:45:00PM 7:30:00PM 7:45:00PM 8:00:00PM 8:45:00PM 9:00:00PM 9:15:00PM End Duration DIV Home Away 8:00:00PM 60 9:00:00PM 60 OB OB Lions Edge Assault FSU 1:00:00PM 60 1:15:00PM 60 1:30:00PM 60 2:15:00PM 60 2:30:00PM 60 2:45:00PM 60 3:30:00PM 60 3:45:00PM 60 4:00:00PM 60 4:45:00PM 60 5:00:00PM 60 5:15:00PM 60 6:00:00PM 60 6:15:00PM 60 6:30:00PM 60 6:30:00PM 60 7:15:00PM 60 7:30:00PM 60 7:45:00PM 60 7:45:00PM 60 8:30:00PM 60 8:45:00PM 60 9:00:00PM 60 OB OC OA OA OB OC OA OB OC OA OB OB OC OB OA OC OB OA OC OA OB OC OB OB OA OC OA OA Defiance Storm WestHillhurst'US' ReginaJetts Assault Madhatters MRAlumni Avalanche Craze Heat Defiance Ruckus Penguins AirdrieAbsolut Zone5Experience RockyfordRush Gladiators Blitz RockyfordRingers WestHillhurst'US' Blaze SaskatoonBlues Ruckus Edge Heat EdenwoldMisfits EdmontonRelit UofCDinos Blaze SaskatoonBlues Zone5Experience Blitz Gladiators EdenwoldMisfits UofLPronghorns EdmontonHornets EdmontonKnighthawks UofCDinos LethbridgeBabesOnBlades FSU St.AlbertExtreme Lions EdmontonRelit Madhatters EdmontonNorthShoreFury St.AlbertCrew Storm MRAlumni EdmontonHornets Craze BeaumontAdrenaline MedicineHatSmash ReginaJetts St.AlbertExtreme UofLPronghorns St.AlbertCrew 9:45:00PM 60 10:00:00PM 60 10:15:00PM 60 11:00:00PM 60 11:15:00PM 60 8:00:00AM 60 8:15:00AM 60 8:30:00AM 60 9:15:00AM 60 9:30:00AM 60 9:45:00AM 60 10:30:00AM 60 10:45:00AM 60 10:45:00AM 60 11:00:00AM 60 11:45:00AM 60 12:00:00PM 60 12:15:00PM 60 1:00:00PM 60 1:15:00PM 60 1:15:00PM 60 1:30:00PM 60 2:15:00PM 60 2:30:00PM 60 2:30:00PM 60 2:45:00PM 60 3:30:00PM 60 3:45:00PM 60 4:00:00PM 60 4:45:00PM 60 5:00:00PM 60 5:15:00PM 60 6:00:00PM 60 6:15:00PM 60 6:30:00PM 60 7:00:00PM 60 7:15:00PM 60 7:30:00PM 60 7:45:00PM 60 8:30:00PM 60 8:45:00PM 60 9:00:00PM 60 9:45:00PM 60 10:00:00PM 60 10:15:00PM 60 OB OB OB OC OC OB OB OA OB OA OA OC OC OA OC OB OC OB OB OB OB OA OA OA OB OC OB OB OC OA OC OA OB OB OA OB OB OC OC OC Avalanche LethbridgeBabesOnBlades Lions Gladiators Defiance EdmontonHornets RockyfordRush Penguins EdmontonKnighthawks RockyfordRingers EdmontonNorthShoreFury AirdrieAbsolut BeaumontAdrenaline MedicineHatSmash Blitz Heat Ruckus Edge UofLPronghorns Zone5Experience EdmontonRelit WestHillhurstUS St.AlbertExtreme MadHatters Storm Craze ReginaJetts UofCDinos SaskatoonBlues EdmontonKnighthawks Blaze Avalanche Penguins EdenwoldMisfits EdmontonHornets LethbridgeBabesOnBlades Assault EdmontonNorthShoreFury AirdrieAbsolut Gladiators FSU BeaumontAdrenaline Heat St.AlbertCrew MRAlumni EdmontonRelit WestHillhurstUS UofLPronghorns MedicineHatSmash Ruckus RockyfordRingers Craze Avalanche Defiance LethbridgeBabesOnBlades Blaze RockyfordRush EdenwoldMisfits UofCDinos Blitz MadHatters Penguins St.AlbertCrew ReginaJetts Assault AirdrieAbsolut EdmontonNorthShoreFury Lions Zone5Experience MRAlumni FSU MedicineHatSmash Edge BeaumontAdrenaline RockyfordRingers SaskatoonBlues RockyfordRush St.AlbertExtreme Storm EdmontonKnighthawks Mini-Game#1 Sun 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB 7:00:00AM 7:30:00AM 30 OB Mini-Game#2 Sun SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 F1 F2 F3 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB 7:45:00AM 8:15:00AM 30 OB 24-Jan-16 75 9:45:00AM 75 10:00:00AM 75 11:15:00AM 75 11:30:00AM 75 1:00:00PM 75 2:45:00PM 75 4:15:00PM 75 24-Jan-16 WHH 7:15:00AM 8:30:00AM 8:45:00AM 10:00:00AM 10:15:00AM 11:45:00AM 1:30:00PM 3:00:00PM 3:45:00PM 8:30:00AM 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaC Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun 5:00:00PM 75 OA OC OA OC OB OB OA OC OB 24-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 2ndRankedRR2ndPlaceOB Team TopRankedRR2ndPlaceOB Team 1stWhitePool 1stGreenPool 1stRedPool 1stBlackPool 1stRedPool 1stGreenPool WinnerSF1 WinnerSF2 WinnerSF5 3rdRankedRR2ndPlaceOB Team WinnerMiniGame#1 2ndRedPool 2ndBlackPool 2ndWhitePool 2ndGreenPool 1stBluePool WinnerMiniGame#2 WinnerSF3 WinnerSF4 WinnerSF6 OpenA-RedDivision Heat 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 12 14 15 20 22 24 31 99 AshleyMcGaw LindseyMoore KarlyBaxter DelaineyHart TracyO'Connell RevaMuise CaleyMineault CarlyLavender SerenaPluto PamBalderston JoleneCulkin BriannaCole ChelseaHallick AngieCrosby'G' ShaePrefontaine AmieNacie'APG' JoanieKennedy'AP' CandaceHenkel'AP' AlysiaLathwell'AP' SamanthaMacGregor'AP' JesseyBrittany'AP' TeresaMcAlpine'AP' HC AC ChrisBlean RobbieO'Connell Blitz 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 31 61 91 HC AC AC MGR St.AlbertCrew 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 35 HC AC AC MGR SamCowan JacqulineJohnston StephanieBolduc'C' NicoleTaylor LauraZubick KennedieWolosyn AshleaChykerda JacquelynCenaiko KatieFenton'C' ShaleighKlebak AndieMacMillan RyleyChies DianadeJong JordanHodge KiraNyhuis KelliJardine TayaTweeten NicoleMorin'C' MadiMora PatTerris'AG' JoleneMorin'G' NormMorin TravisSawchuk ErinSawchuk KathrynHicks TamaraAnderson'G' KimberlyVeale MeaghanWade ChelseaClark KaelynShields'A' StephanieDent'A' KateHunter LisaGaumont MartinePettem ChelseaDolan DanielleHargreaves StacyJohnson HeatherTanaka KelseyBarrie TaraMarquardt KelseyHammond AliCronin'A' JodyNouwen'C' KelseyBoudrias'G' LindsayLovse JamieHatchette JackieRichards RandyPace JoanHammond StephanieDent ReginaJetts 2 3 6 7 8 10 13 16 19 24 30 HC AC TRAINER AbbieTreslan StephEbel'A' JaydSavage AlisonPollock ChelsieCoxford DainaSeymour'C' AllisonDancey'A' NatashaZeller JenBloome JaimeBawden JessDickin'G' AlisonHalverson AlisonPollock DainaSeymour MandyBoersch UofCDinos 1 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 35 HC AC AC MGR EllenHoban'G' StephanieBalerud LeahWells ToriGeorge SarahKoop ClaireHinse HalleighWard KennedyYounger MadisonBonsel AmberZittlau BeccaFuller KristenJensen CassieBerryman RosieGrover JasperGreysson-Wong AshleyMillar MorganKeane JustinaLem'G' MurrayPettem DanielleHargreaves ScottFuller KimFuller OpenA-WhiteDivision WestHillhurst'US' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 23 KenzieField AshleyBoos AmandaDry'C' JasmineChan CourtneyJaques'C' TatumWensink ChelseaRobertson SarahMerla'C' AlyssaStradeski ChelseaCurran TaylorOdynski MaddyArmstrong JillLafrance KylieGrover EmilyRenneberg PaigeMcCarthy AshleyMcLeod'G' HC AC AC BobCurran KimGrover SarahMerla MountRoyalAlumni 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 30 HC MGR EdmontonRelit 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 15 16 19 22 30 77 91 HC AC AC MGR AmeliaTowns NikiGeddes MeganChristensen MariaThompson'C' DanielleHolt JamieMurphy JanineHelland'C' KellyThomsen JessicaMiddleton KarleeCarbert BronwenHarvey'C' EllerySapko KelseyNiles AngelaDorval HeatherKonkin ShelleyVandenbrand ShelleyDerewianka MariaThompson JanineHelland BronwenHarvey JamieMurphy BlairOlsen NicolaJosephs MichelleCox'A' TaniaMcCormack StephCook'C' MelissaKorpach LarissaKorpach SamanthaMaclean KellyFoster MelanieWakutz ColtannaBruvall ClaireErickson AshleyDrozdowski'A' JoelleScott NiciBogstie StephanieHamilton'G' AshleyDrozdowski StephanieCox UofLPronghorns 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 31 HC AC MGR B'tinaGraham ShelbyBrennen'C' RachelWilliams PaigeSchreiber SarahHall KendraHorvath ShylaBruvall MarikoBoulet KianaAlthen MikaylaKaiser'C' Ashley-RayeMikes MeganLecavalier TaylorKraft JenaHeal ChantalChawn'C' SydneyHofstra'G' AlainaPyde'G' MerylMcKinnon TrevorHall TaylorKraft Zone5Experience 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 41 HC AC AC MGR MorganPenrod'G' KelseyNessel ShereenKuehn AlannaCranston ChelseaCranston'A' SophieKeegan SydneyChodan AinslayKerr KaitlinHillier KelseyGuse AshleyPeters'C' KierstenMoulding TaylorParker TashaBryenton'C' MelFioriello'G' SydneyCranston'AP' PaulPeters RobCranston ChrisBroadhurst RobCranston RR5 RR6 RR9 RR12 RR17 RR20 RR22 RR27 RR29 RR30 Day Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri RR38 RR40 RR41 RR44 RR52 RR53 RR54 RR60 RR62 RR65 Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 23-Jan-16 SF1 SF3 F1 Sun Sun Sun 24-Jan-16 GameType Date Arena COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC Start 12:30:00PM 1:15:00PM 2:30:00PM 3:45:00PM 5:30:00PM 6:30:00PM 6:45:00PM 9:00:00PM 10:00:00PM 10:15:00PM COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaB End Duration DIV Home Away 1:30:00PM 60 2:15:00PM 60 3:30:00PM 60 4:45:00PM 60 6:30:00PM 60 7:30:00PM 60 7:45:00PM 60 10:00:00PM 60 11:00:00PM 60 11:15:00PM 60 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA WestHillhurst'US' ReginaJetts MRAlumni Heat Zone5Experience Blitz WestHillhurst'US' Heat EdmontonRelit UofCDinos Zone5Experience Blitz UofLPronghorns UofCDinos EdmontonRelit St.AlbertCrew MRAlumni ReginaJetts UofLPronghorns St.AlbertCrew 9:45:00AM 10:00:00AM 10:45:00AM 12:00:00PM 2:30:00PM 2:45:00PM 3:00:00PM 5:30:00PM 6:15:00PM 7:30:00PM 10:45:00AM 60 11:00:00AM 60 11:45:00AM 60 1:00:00PM 60 3:30:00PM 60 3:45:00PM 60 4:00:00PM 60 6:30:00PM 60 7:15:00PM 60 8:30:00PM 60 OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA Blitz UofLPronghorns EdmontonRelit ReginaJetts Heat MRAlumni WestHillhurstUS UofCDinos St.AlbertCrew Zone5Experience Heat Zone5Experience WestHillhurstUS UofCDinos St.AlbertCrew EdmontonRelit UofLPronghorns Blitz ReginaJetts MRAlumni 7:15:00AM 8:45:00AM 1:30:00PM 8:30:00AM 75 10:00:00AM 75 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaC 2:45:00PM 75 OA OA OA 1stWhitePool 1stRedPool WinnerSF1 2ndRedPool 2ndWhitePool WinnerSF3 Blitz UofC St.Albert Regina TotalPoints Win-3pts 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 REDPOOL Heat Heat Tie-1point Blitz UofC St.Albert Regina WHITEPOOL WHH WHH MRAlumni Experience Relit UofL MRAlumni Experience Relit UofL TotalPoints Win-3pts Tie-1point Result OpenB-RedDivision Blaze 2 6 7 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 25 27 30 31 HC AC MGR MGR Avalance MeganAylesworth ErinBanning DanielleHall KatelynHall CarlyHetland BrookeKalbhen JennLowe TeresaMcAlpine MegMcPherson'G' PaigeNixon TatumPetryshen JolenePinsent CaitlynRobinson ShelbyRobinson TaylorRobinson KarenSondergard ZoeUrness HayleyKenyon JadeFischer'AG' TarynGlimpel'AP' CharmaineRichter'A' ShawnaSyverson'A' HaileyRichter KerryBoake ErinDerraugh KinsleyMcWhinnie MeghanTucker ShannonHartwell BethYoung SiobhanTaylor MariahBrown KelsiUrban AmandaCorbett CarrieWilliams'C' TerilynSmith ShannonLindsay'G' BrittanyDick'G' 3 3 3 4 6 7 8 9 12 13 15 19 20 22 27 86 91 MarleyKaniewski'APG' MegMcPherson'APG' ChelseaBrochu'G' AmandaSlomka CharleneSims AngelaCruickshank AllisonBannicke AmyMacCalloch JamieBillinton CharPriddey AshleyWeber BrittLoh'C' DebYoung MichelleCaron'C' KarlaSkog JessicaBower'C' JessicaSparrow TraceyPlunkett CarrieWilliams AlSyverson HC AC BrittanyLoh MichelleCaron EdmontonHornets 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 17 18 19 27 66 Defiance MichelePaquette'G' BriennePatton'AG' KimAskew KelsieLake LizzieBurrell JoslynVavrek JacieLougheed NoemiHaynes MariaWall DanaCalvert DeliaDixon MadisonReis CherylMeger DanielleMcBeth KristenDeys KayleeNorman ShannonFleury KiraSmith TaranMalcolm'APG' ShannonFleury LethbridgeBabesOnBlades 5 6 7 16 17 18 22 24 26 27 28 29 31/34 31/34 32 35 HC AC BryannaBerghs SarahBecker KelseyLogan Kim KaylaBouchard'A' RaeganGraff'C' MaddyLee'A' TaylaHatton KelseyMahon CassidyShashak NinaLowe PattiDick AmyMudri'AG' JarrettGraff'AG' DarciDynes SamRichardson KelseyLogan CherylGraff HC AC MGR JimRobinson TrevorHall CarolynPinsent OpenB-GreenDivision TriwoodGladiators 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 20 27 31 33 55 HC AC AC MGR RobynMorris AllyMorberg KathyLeonard MoniqueVanLaar TerryShydlowski CoryLewis LizKusler StaceyMcNichol MeghanJasper BrigitteBedard CherylBabin ErinKrushelniki TracyWake JackiePorcu KimZizakovic TrishRogers LisaFlorence MichelleSills EdWahl KathyLeonard TracyWake TracyWake CalgaryAssault 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 21 41 96 97 98 HC AC MGR TiaStewart'G' JeanineStott'G' JenniferCoutts SandyRobert MarenTroitsky LauraLaRiviere JanineGrant JuliaGascoine JessicaLesway CarrieMitchell AmyBarnett BreannaCoupland'C' JessicaJackson'A' ChristineKerr LauraMills TaylorClark ElizabethMerritt KatieBrownlee'A' BobKerr BreannaCoupland KatieBrownlee Lions 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 00 HC AC MGR DanielleProulx KaraDowaniuk KaylaHicks AlannahMorton TaylorSakon AlyO'Grady JelisaRushton JulieGrey'G' StephanieMcIntosh EmilyRobb MichaelaBienert MaddiWright ShannonWright'C' AliciaHayden SarahRobb ChantelleOsborn KellyPruden HollyHyatt'C' RobinMcIntyre LauraNiedermayer'C' GeorgeWright'G' PatWright MikeRippe LynnRobb EdmontonNorthShoreFury 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 76 77 93 HC AC MGR KellyGiese'G' LaurenStang-Germain AllisonWalker StephanieFrandensen LiaNyberg'C' AbbyHaney Leigh-AnnePowers TerraPattison'A' LindsayDavidson AlyssaKopec JennaCalver MeganOgle HeatherCherniak LizMurphy'A' CherBarbazuk AmandaMacAlpine MichellePlante JenDavidson LenMurphy BillHaney LyndaSopka AirdrieAbsolut 2 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 21 22 24 25 29 88 HC AC AC MGR KellyBoudreau ChristineAndrews ChelseaKanderka BriannaHodkinson NicoleCoyes StephanieChristmas JuliaTimm LaureenCurrie HopeBoychuk LisaKloster TheresaRansom ShannaLeavitt ShannonHutchison JoanieKennedy ShannonMabley'G' CorrineDavis JulietteGrey'AP' AudreyArnal'AP' SteveHutchison NicoleCoyes IveahHutchison KellyBoudreau OpenB-BlueDivision Ruckus 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 22 30 HC MGR FSU KristiEldridge AndreaSmith'C' SarahLivingstone DanielleDillon JessicaPollard BrittneyDouglas ShaeVandenElsen KellyKlapko SamanthaMacGregor CandaceHankel'C' LaurenRoa BrittanyJessey KatieDoran ChristyWay AmieNacci AdelleYoung'APG' JessicaStadel'AP' JulieGrey'AP' 1 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 19 24 25 26 27 28 34 VanessaWallace'G' DanielleBakke'A' JaneBeaton KatieFoden SophiaRoth NicoleRose SolanaPelland'A' KelseyLewis KieraChristiansen DanielleMarsh MeganWillerth LindsaySnelgrove BeckyBenson'C' AllisonSaade KaileyLynch SarahBryant AmandaFedirchuk 2 3 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 19 21 29 30 44 69 82 AnneKnoechel AlisonEgan BrynStagg ChelseaPalaschak BreannaShorter JessicaMarinucci DanielleSears ChristinaEbel AngelaBurger MarrisaCamp ErinMurphy RobinWittner KailynBaum'C' KirstenStagg CarleeBojarski'G' KimAndjelic CassyJohnson PepsiKeith DonKlapko HollyClark HC AC SueBenson DanielleBakke HC AC AC AC AdrianShorter RichardWittner ScottFuller KenStagg MedicineHatSmash BeaumontAdrenaline 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 33 NiconaBrost AshelyBohonas'C' KimScott'C' ElishaTilleKush ErinMacDonald KennedyWilson ToriJohnson DakotaStrangland KendraStern MahalaBoychuck KaytySmith'C' LindseyHart HeatherKempthrone JurneeElliott JessicaBerger MakiClift KelcieWilson'G' 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 KylieBegon LanaGrapentine'A' CarmenTessier SarahFarley StefanieKirincic AlexandraKirincic'A' LarissaWilhelm AddieHobbins SarahScheerschmidt ChantelRobertson AspenScott SybilDanyk-White LandynCarr LaurenBrunet'A' EmilyBreunesse SabrinaBreunesse CorahBasnett JenniferGardner'G' DavidYip RhondaWilson RonWilson HC AC AC MP DaneHobbins DennisCarr BrentScott DennisCarr HC AC TRAINER Edge RR1 RR2 Day Thurs Thurs RR3 RR7 RR10 RR13 RR14 RR16 RR19 RR23 RR25 RR26 Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri 22-Jan-16 RR31 RR32 RR33 RR36 RR37 RR39 RR46 RR48 RR49 RR50 RR51 RR55 RR57 RR58 RR63 RR64 RR66 RR67 Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 23-Jan-16 Mini-Game#1 GameType Arena HenryViney NES Start 7:00:00PM 8:00:00PM COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB 12:00:00PM 1:30:00PM 2:45:00PM 4:00:00PM 4:15:00PM 5:15:00PM 6:15:00PM 7:30:00PM 8:00:00PM 8:45:00PM 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB 23-Jan-16 NES Date 21-Jan-16 21-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 End Duration DIV Home Away 8:00:00PM 60 9:00:00PM 60 OB OB Lions Edge Assault FSU 1:00:00PM 60 2:30:00PM 60 3:45:00PM 60 5:00:00PM 60 5:15:00PM 60 6:15:00PM 60 7:15:00PM 60 8:30:00PM 60 9:00:00PM 60 9:45:00PM 60 OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB Defiance Assault Avalanche Defiance Ruckus AirdrieAbsolut Gladiators Blaze Ruckus Edge Blaze Gladiators EdmontonHornets LethbridgeBabesOnBlades FSU Lions EdmontonNorthShoreFury EdmontonHornets BeaumontAdrenaline MedicineHatSmash 8:00:00AM 60 8:15:00AM 60 8:30:00AM 60 9:45:00AM 60 10:30:00AM 60 10:45:00AM 60 1:15:00PM 60 2:15:00PM 60 2:30:00PM 60 2:30:00PM 60 2:45:00PM 60 4:45:00PM 60 5:15:00PM 60 6:00:00PM 60 7:30:00PM 60 7:45:00PM 60 8:45:00PM 60 9:00:00PM 60 OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB OB Avalanche Lions Defiance EdmontonNorthShoreFury BeaumontAdrenaline Ruckus Blaze EdmontonHornets Assault AirdrieAbsolut FSU MedicineHatSmash Avalanche LethbridgeBabesOnBlades Assault EdmontonNorthShoreFury FSU Edge LethbridgeBabesOnBlades Gladiators EdmontonHornets AirdrieAbsolut MedicineHatSmash Edge Avalanche LethbridgeBabesOnBlades EdmontonNorthShoreFury Gladiators BeaumontAdrenaline Ruckus Defiance Blaze AirdrieAbsolut Lions MedicineHatSmash BeaumontAdrenaline 7:30:00AM 30 OB 2ndRankedRR2ndPlaceOBTeam 3rdRankedRR2ndPlaceOB Team 23-Jan-16 NES 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC 23-Jan-16 NES 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD 7:00:00AM 7:15:00AM 7:30:00AM 8:45:00AM 9:30:00AM 9:45:00AM 12:15:00PM 1:15:00PM 1:30:00PM 1:30:00PM 1:45:00PM 3:45:00PM 4:15:00PM 5:00:00PM 6:30:00PM 6:45:00PM 7:45:00PM 8:00:00PM Sun 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB 7:00:00AM Mini-Game#2 Sun 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB 7:45:00AM 8:15:00AM 30 OB TopRankedRR2ndPlaceOBTeam WinnerMiniGame#1 SF5 SF6 F3 Sun Sun Sun 24-Jan-16 75 1:00:00PM 75 24-Jan-16 WHH 10:15:00AM 11:45:00AM 3:45:00PM 11:30:00AM 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaB 5:00:00PM 75 OB OB OB 1stRedPool 1stGreenPool WinnerSF5 1stBluePool WinnerMiniGame#2 WinnerSF6 Defiance Avalanche Hornets Lethbridge TotalPoints 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 REDPOOL Blaze Blaze Win-3pts Tie-1point Defiance Avalanche Hornets Lethbridge GREENPOOL Gladiators Lions Airdrie Assault Fury TotalPoints Gladiators Win-3pts Tie-1point Lions Airdrie Assault Fury BLUEPOOL Ruckus Ruckus FSU Edge MedicineHat Beaumont FSU Edge MedicineHat Beaumont TotalPoints Win-3pts Tie-1point Result OpenC-GreenDivision RockyfordRingers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 19 26 44 77 KimSalt'G' LindsayJensen TaraKathol KelliePoppe AshleySayles JulieWallace ShantelCook LaceyKoester NicoleRobinson KarenKoester'A' JeanetteBailey'AP' AmandaMiller CourtneyO'Keefe JillKathol'C' BradieMunro NatalieGregory StephanieNelson PaigeNelson'APG' HC LarryCook SouthCalgaryStorm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 42 HC AC AC MGR Craze G 5 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 31 34 HC AC MGR EdmontonKnighthawks ChelseaHolman JacquelynSpackman KathleenRicketts CrystalBartkowski SarahKirkpatrick BelindaBall JanellArbour BethVanWouw LeanneWilkie ChristianeGauthier SherriRogers LindsayDillon ChristinSchaab JoanHinton AllyClark AdelleYoung'G' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 MalloryAiken VinnieO'Callaghan'G' AshleyRutherford AlineDesrosiers'AG' MelissaPickell'C' AmandaNathanail'A' JenniferMcLean PamelaSecord BrittanyEarl ReneeGable VivianeForest LeahShewchuk DominiqueJohnstone'A' AmandaMiddlemiss MorganMcKinney ClaireMcFee KandisDickhaut MegganBennett UdoRover RoyHolman AllisonClark GaryFreed HC AC DominiqueJohnstone VinnieO'Callaghan SaskatoonBlues ErinDavis CydneyHope AlysiaLathwell RhondaCarter FionaRamsey LindseySullivan CassidyHides JamieTurner KendraBillington LeahThomson LoriPilling HayleyBrett ChristineRau DanielleDecoff KailaMeister KaylaAtchinson SaraHope AmyMcGuey 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 TerriEns'G' KaleighMcNeill'C' JenPeters'C' KimNording NadiaRoth TarrynWillis TashaUhryn JaclynLesko SarahCruse DeborahKies'C' ReneeHoban SteffanieDriedger BrittanySmith TerlynneMcKay LianaRegehr LoriPilling JimHope WesErnst HC AC AC DeborahKies MarilynWilkenson KaleighMcNeill OpenC-BlackDivision RockyfordRush 4 7 8 10 12 13 15 18 19 21 22 23 28 29 30 33 99 DebbieKnudsen LindsayCraig NicoleTurner'A' CarlyMelcher BrittanyWegner RobynArmstrong MalloryNelson AlexKathol AngelaMaclean KristinFoldi'C' JennaHarriman CaleyHarriman AlicenEleniak MelissaBraybrook PaigeNelson'G' LaurelCarlson KatieSchadlich'A' HC FredArmstrong EdenwoldMisfits 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 17 22 27 33 55 58 63 66 88 RuthWatch JessicaRomanski JessieKoch CareyTiefenbach EronKathol JenniferHanks FayeRenner-Scott AurilSkolney BreDeren DeannaPekrul KaylaMcFie JulieLemoine LornaKathol ShawnaLechnerRemael JanessaMann BeckyArndt KelseyBone NicoleHofer HC DarylWatch Madhatters 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 14 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 HC MGR MelissaTarget'G' AshleyNewbon CathyLecuyer KatieDavies TinaStewart AndreaSottiaux SarahMoir StephanieDavey AnnieCarbonneau VictoriaPataki SuzanneDowney MarnieCampbell'C' ShelbyWatson AlainaNewbon KimArndt'A' RebaHopf VanessaStobart PaigeWytinek'AP' LeanneBaker'AP JenSzabo'AG' 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 22 27 31 41 43 77 AmyHayden KStrachan JustineJohnson RebeccaDunlop TammyHnatiuk CProvencher KristynO'Byrne AlysonJohnson TaarnaGordon EmilyMireault MadelineGallant MichelleGaudet KaylaWenzel S-LYasui MarleighGallant IngridUlrich'G' CecileDeGagne StephanieRaddatz KatelynCoulter JudyRenneberg SuzanneDowney HC AC DarrylJaques TerryYasui St.AlbertExtreme 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 31 HC AC AC MGR NWRagingPenguins StaciFudge JaclinCassios RachealLoerke SarahOlivieri HannahElliott TaraPlawucki SarahFox-Junker CarmenYoung KendraTreichel JessieWiebe LachelleFarris CassieRenouf LeanneWayne DeannaMarler CorrineSlocombe JodiPadolas MaggieGinther TeaGaudetdeLestard HannahElliott TaraPlawucki LachelleFarris HannahElliott RR4 RR8 RR11 RR15 RR18 RR21 RR24 RR28 Day Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri RR34 RR35 RR42 RR43 RR45 RR47 RR56 RR59 RR61 RR68 RR69 RR70 Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 23-Jan-16 SF2 SF4 F2 Sun Sun Sun 24-Jan-16 GameType Date 22-Jan-16 Arena COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaB 22-Jan-16 VSQ1 22-Jan-16 VSQ1 22-Jan-16 COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 Start 12:15:00PM 1:45:00PM 3:00:00PM 5:00:00PM 5:30:00PM 6:45:00PM 7:45:00PM 9:15:00PM End Duration DIV Home Away 1:15:00PM 60 2:45:00PM 60 4:00:00PM 60 6:00:00PM 60 6:30:00PM 60 7:45:00PM 60 8:45:00PM 60 10:15:00PM 60 OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC Storm Madhatters Craze Penguins RockyfordRush RockyfordRingers SaskatoonBlues EdenwoldMisfits SaskatoonBlues EdenwoldMisfits EdmontonKnighthawks St.AlbertExtreme Madhatters Storm Craze St.AlbertExtreme 9:15:00AM 60 9:30:00AM 60 12:00:00PM 60 12:15:00PM 60 1:15:00PM 60 1:30:00PM 60 5:00:00PM 60 6:15:00PM 60 7:00:00PM 60 9:45:00PM 60 10:00:00PM 60 10:15:00PM 60 OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC RockyfordRush EdmontonKnighthawks St.AlbertExtreme Storm SaskatoonBlues Penguins RockyfordRingers EdenwoldMisfits MadHatters RockyfordRingers RockyfordRush Storm Penguins RockyfordRingers MadHatters Craze EdmontonKnighthawks EdenwoldMisfits Craze RockyfordRush Penguins SaskatoonBlues St.AlbertExtreme EdmontonKnighthawks 1stGreenPool 1stBlackPool WinnerSF2 2ndBlackPool 2ndGreenPool WinnerSF4 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaC 23-Jan-16 Shouldice 23-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC COP-ArenaD 8:15:00AM 8:30:00AM 11:00:00AM 11:15:00AM 12:15:00PM 12:30:00PM 4:00:00PM 5:15:00PM 6:00:00PM 8:45:00PM 9:00:00PM 9:15:00PM 8:30:00AM 10:00:00AM 3:00:00PM 9:45:00AM 75 11:15:00AM 75 24-Jan-16 COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaB COP-ArenaC 4:15:00PM 75 OC OC OC Storm Knighthawks Craze Blues TotalPoints Win-3pts 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 23-Jan-16 24-Jan-16 GREENPOOL Ringers Ringers Tie-1point Storm Knighthawks Craze Blues BLACKPOOL Rush Rush Madhatters Penguins Misfits Extreme Madhatters Penguins Misfits Extreme TotalPoints Win-3pts Tie-1point Result INFORMATION for the 2016 CORA CALGARY CLASSIC – please keep this page. TOURNAMENT RULES General Rules Player Affiliation Rules 1. The Official Rules of Ringette Canada will apply unless For ALL Teams: stipulated otherwise in these Tournament Rules. 2. Teams must be ready to go on the ice ten (10) minutes before game time. Teams not iced within two (2) minutes of the referee's whistle being blown to start the game will forfeit the game. However, the game will be played as an exhibition. 3. Score sheets are to be picked up at the control desk of the arena. They are to be completed and signed by the coach at least fifteen (15) minutes before game time and returned to the control desk. The coach is responsible for verifying that the roster on the scoresheet is correct. 4. In the case of conflict in uniform color, the VISITING team must change their uniforms. 5. Length of halves shall be 20 minutes with a two (2) minute break between halves. 6. In medal games, the higher place team shall be HOME. 7. Teams must declare goaltender(s), captains and alternate captains on the gamesheet by indicating (G), (C), (AC). 8. Teams MUST declare affiliated players on game sheets by indicating (AP) on the game sheets for which those players are used. 10. Good sportsmanship will be stressed throughout the tournament. Any TEAM accumulating MORE THAN 30 Penalty Minutes in any ONE GAME shall see the head coach or acting coach from that game suspended for their next tournament game.(No grievances will be accepted). A MATCH penalty will automatically result in suspension from all subsequent tournament games. 11. Game scores will be displayed on the time clock, posted in arenas, and recorded for tie breaking procedures, with a MAXIMUM SEVEN GOAL difference. Affiliated Players may be used to replace regular team members unable to attend the tournament. Gamesheets are checked at the control centre for proper use of affiliated players. Teams are required to strike the names of players who are not participating in a game from the gamesheet to ensure proper verification. When using an affiliate the name(s) of the player(s) and their jersey number must be written in the appropriate space on the gamesheet (at the bottom of the team roster under "AFFILIATES") The Maximum number of players listed on a gamesheet: NOTE: "players" includes goaltenders, skaters and affiliates. When using no affiliates ................................................. 18 players When using affiliate(s) as skater(s) only......................... 12 players When using affiliate skater(s) plus an affiliate goalie… ............................................. 13 players When only using an affiliate goalie ................................. 18 players For ALL Teams: Affiliate players must be registered on your TRF (team registration form - or your provincial equivalent for teams outside of Alberta) as per the Ringette Alberta Operating Policies and Procedures. A maximum of 5 affiliate players can be used in any one game. For OUT-OF-PROVINCE Teams: A. A team may have affiliated with it, a player (other than a goaltender) in a lower level of the same age group and or player(s) of the same level in a lower age group. from within the same community or boundary. (For example, an OPEN “A” team may have affiliated with it, OPEN “B” players or U19 “A” players. However, an Open "B" team may NOT have an U19 "A" player affiliated with it). B. A team may have affiliated with it, a goaltender in the same or lower level (for example, an Open B team may have affiliated with it another Open B goaltender, an Open C goaltender, or an U19 “A” goaltender. C. No more than five (5) affiliated players per game. .D. All Affiliated Players must be registered with your provincial ringette association. 12. Any team wishing to file a protest may do so by submitting their request in writing, along with $250, to the CORA Calgary Classic Control Centre. Notification of a protest must be received within one hour of the incident occurring to enable sufficient time to deal with the protest. A grievance committee will meet to deal with any protests received. (If the protest is upheld the $250 will be refunded). No game protests involving referee judgment will be accepted. THE REFEREE'S DECISION SHALL BE FINAL. 2016 CORA CALGARY CLASSIC TOURNAMENT INFORMATION PACKAGE 2 INFORMATION for the 2016 CORA CALGARY CLASSIC – please keep this page. TOURNAMENT RULES for TIE BREAKING team with the least penalty minutes shall be declared the highest position, the team with the second least penalty minutes shall be next, the team with the third least penalty minutes shall be next, etc. Round Robin Team Standing Rules POINT STRUCTURE – During the round robin, games tied at the end of regulation time shall end in a tie. Teams receive three (3) points for a win, and 1 point each for a game that ends in a tie. At the completion of round robin play, teams will be ranked according to the total points in all games played. Breaking of Ties in Team Standings Note: Regardless of game score, only a SEVEN goal difference will be credited in applying these rules. When two or more teams have an equal number of points after round robin play, the teams will be ranked according to the following rules: A. In cases where the tied teams have played an equal number of games against each other, the winner of more game(s) between each other during the round robin will be declared the highest position. B. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the difference between goals for and against in games between the tied teams in round robin play. The team with the highest positive difference shall be ranked highest, the team with the second highest positive difference shall be ranked next, the team with the third highest positive difference shall be ranked next, etc. C. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the least goals against in games between the tied teams in round robin play. The team with the least goals against shall be declared the highest position, the team with the second least goals against shall be next, the team with the third least goals against shall be next, etc. D. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the difference between goals for and against in all games played in the round robin. The team with the highest positive difference shall be ranked highest, the team with the second highest positive difference shall be ranked next, the team with the third highest positive difference shall be ranked next, etc. E. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the least goals against in all games played in the round robin. The team with the least goals against shall be declared the highest position, the team with the second least goals against shall be next, the team with the third least goals against shall be next, etc. F. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the highest ratio of goals for divided by the sum of goals for plus goals against for games between the tied teams in round robin play. The team with the highest ratio shall be ranked highest, the team with the second highest ratio shall be ranked next, the team with the third highest ratio shall be ranked next, etc. G. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the highest ratio of goals for divided by the sum of goals for plus goals against for all games played in the round robin. The team with the highest ratio shall be ranked highest, the team with the second highest ratio shall be ranked next, the team with the third highest ratio shall be ranked next, etc. H. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the least total penalty minutes for all games played in the round robin. The 2016 CORA CALGARY CLASSIC TOURNAMENT INFORMATION PACKAGE I. If still tied, teams shall be ranked according to the time required to score their first goal for all games played in the round robin. The team scoring the earliest goal shall be ranked highest, the team scoring the second earliest goal shall be ranked next, the team scoring the third earliest goal shall be ranked next, etc. J. If still tied, teams shall be ranked by a coin toss. NOTE: Each step of the tie breaking rules shall apply to all teams involved in the tie. ie. According to rule B, the White team has a difference of 5 goals, the Red team has a difference of 3 goals and the Blue team has a difference of 2 goals. White team shall be ranked highest, Red team next and Blue team shall be third among these tied teams. If three (3) or more teams are involved in the tie, the tie breaking procedure shall only revert to A if teams are still tied after the application of subsequent rules. ie. according to rule B, the White team has a difference of 5 goals, the Red team and the Blue team are still tied at 3 goals difference. White team shall be ranked highest, revert to rule A to break the tie between the Red & Blue teams. "WILD CARD" teams in the Open B division will be the second place team (tie breakers will apply if necessary to determine the second place team) in each pool and they will proceed to the mini-games. Once the three 2nd place teams are identified, they will be ranked against each other using tie breaker rules. The winner of the second mini-game (top ranked 2nd place team vs. winner of mini-game # 1) will advance to the semi-finals. Breaking of Tie Scores in Tournament Games • If a game is tied at the end of a QUARTER, SEMI OR FINAL GAME, the teams will immediately play two five (5) minute stoptime, SUDDEN VICTORY, 5 on 5 (plus a goaltender) periods. Possession of the ring will be decided by a coin toss in the first overtime period and the other team will receive the ring for the start of the second overtime period. • If no goals are scored in the overtime periods, a three player shootout will be used to determine a winner. Should teams remain tied at the end of the best of three shootout, one additional player from each team will shoot until a winner is determined. One player may not shoot more than once in a shootout unless all players on the team have shot once. Mini-Games • 10 minute periods fully played - 5 on 5 skaters. If still tied after 10 minutes, there will be a two minute break followed by a second 10 minute 'sudden victory' period - 4 on 4 skaters. If still tied after the second 10 minute period, a 3 person shoot out will occur. Each team will be allowed one time out per mini-game. The break between mini-game # 1 and mini-game # 2 will be 15 minutes. NOTE: Penalties assessed in regulation or overtime play shall carry-over to the next period. Time-Outs: Each team is entitled to: ONE 30-second timeout per regulation game & ONE additional 30-second timeout in overtime. 3 THANK YOU’S!!!! The Calgary Open Ringette Association and CORA Calgary Classic tournament committee would like to say thank you to a number of people and groups who helped bring this tournament together. We would like to welcome all officials to the fifth annual CORA Calgary Classic! We are thrilled to have such a strong commitment from officials from all over the country, and look forward to welcoming everyone back again next year. We thank you all for your commitment to developing your officiating skills, and hope that you have a great experience here with us. Without you, the officials, this tournament would not be possible. Once again, thank you! On Ice Officials Erin Shaw Alex Hanes - ONT Angela Burger Bob Curran Luc Melanson - NB Kristi Puszkar Emily Webb Alan Gordon - PEI Kristi Eldridge Harry Clements Catherine Trembley Holly Beiko Jasper Greysson-Wong Mike Morris Rick Hann Kim Wittner Sylvie Bohemier Nicole Laursen Adrian Shorter KC Williams A special thanks goes out to the many volunteers who contributed their time to making this tournament a success. Without your help, events like this can’t happen. We are incredibly lucky in Calgary to have such a strong support for ringette!! And last, but by no means least, we have had many donations and support from local businesses. We’d like to recognize: Westjet EPCO One Eyed Mutant Projects Starbucks TPS – Jupiter, Florida Terry Yasui Winsport Canada – COP Four Points Sheraton – Calgary West Esso Golden Ring Tournament Copper Point Resorts Sandman Hotel & Suites - Calgary West Crowfoot Veterinary Hospital THANK YOU!!!!! See you in 2017 for the 6th Annual CORA Calgary Classic!!
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