C T at racks senior parking


C T at racks senior parking
Cat Tracks
september 14, 2007
volume 12 issue 1
mulvane, kansas
Style & fashion tips
for girls AND guys!
senior parking
meet the newspaper staff
(they’re pretty cool)
be sure to check the litterbox!
Find Your Way: don’t get caught up in
the drama
next issue: fall homecoming, sports highlights, and all your favorites!
campus life
The parking priviledged
story and photos by: jackie schwemmer
Kristin Fielding and
Robin Carmichael
What do you think?
I would group all the
seniors together and give
them their own section of
the parking lot.
I would change the
specific time we had to Josh Carroll
paint them. I wanted
to choose what day to
paint mine.
Kristen Lervik
I think it gives seniors more
school spirit and is a great way
to start the school year.
Brandy Stapleton
Guess who?
A. Travis Imel
B. Brandyn Hart
C. Eric Batman
D. Ryan Malanchuk
I think they should build an
entire lot just for the seniors!
Caleb Hatfield
kristy ebersole
heather branson
axel costello
chance carmichael
jamie thomas
katie holladay
jackie schwemmer
robin carmichael
life editor
photography editor
opinion editor
deputy photo editor
sports editor
copy editor
activities editor
1. C, 2. D, 3. A, 4. B
On the cover: Student Council vice president Wade Hock
poses in a parking stall.
All views expressed in the opinion section are
those of the writer. These views do not reflect
those of the Mulvane school district or the
Cat Tracks staff. Letters to the editor are
accepted and printed on a space available
basis. All letters must be typed and doublespaced. The Cat Tracks staff reserves the right
to edit all letters for length and content.
staff bios
The Life of Jamie Dean Thomas by Jackie Schwemmer
Q: What do you do in your spare time?
A: Fly airplanes with my dad.
Q: Do you have a job? What do you do there?
A: I work at Wichita Mortuary Services and
drive escort vehicles. I also work at Uncle Bill’s
as a cook.
Q: If you were any animal what would you be?
A: I would be an eagle because they can fly.
Q: What is you favorite movie?
A: Space Balls because it’s really funny and stupid.
Q: Do you have any quotes or mottos you live by?
A: “Life is hard but it’s even harder when you are stupid,” by Mr. Huss.
Get to Know Heather Better
by Chance Carmichael
Q: Why are you on the newspaper staff?
A: I love to write, to get to know new
people, and I want to do this in college.
I want to write a few books when I’m
old and grey. I want people to experience
reading something they care about.”
Q: Which do you prefer: dancing or writing?
A: I do both, because I love them both equally. I
don’t plan on dancing after high school. When I
dance, it’s like the world is disappearing and I love
all of the Klassy Kats. Both are outlets of frustration.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: I love pasta and tacos. Because pasta gives me the
energy I need and tacos are tasty. My mom makes
them all the time.
Q: If you could grow facial hair, what would you grow?
A: I wouldn’t grow anything because I hate hair! The only hair
that is okay on your face is the hair on your head!”
Swimmin’ with Schwemmer
by Axel Costello
Q: What activities do you do outside of school?
A: I take dance classes and take care of my
Q: If you could change one thing in the
world, what would it be?
A: I would get rid of all sickness and disease.
Q: What things can’t you live without?
A: Mascara and Big Sexy hair spray.
Q: What are you obsessed with?
A: I’m obsessed with heels because I’m short
and because there cute and come in many colors.
Q: Who is your idol?
A: Aubrey O’Day because she has big hair and is gorgeous.
Factuals about Axel by Heather Branson
Q: Are you named after anyone?
A: “My mom went through the baby book backwards. When she
found Axel she knew.”
Q:Where do you want to go to college, and what do you want to
get a degree in?
A: K-State or Fort Hays. I want to get a Bachelors
degree in business for sure, and maybe degree in
chiropractic care.
Q: Why do you like to take pictures?
A: I like to catch emotion of people in the moment. I like pictures in general.
Q: If you were an animal what would you be
and why?
A: A hawk. I don’t know why; to fly high?
Q: If you could read anyone’s mind, whose
would it be?
A: A CEO of a company, to learn how to make
money. I would like to know when the stock market is going up
or down.
Your Chance to Know Chance
by Katie Holladay
Q: What activities are you involved in at MHS?
A: Theatre, scholars bowl, K-Cat, MHS Radio 99.5, thespians,
and journalism.
Q: What do you do outside of school?
A: Write poetry and stories. I have written over 200 poems. I like
to hang out with Ben Holladay and watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I hang out with Wade Hock and do crazy things. I update my
xanga blog regularly.
Q: Who has been your biggest influence in life?
A: I know that it’s cliché, but my mother. She has pursued her
dreams by opening businesses often and she has developed my
sister’s and my taste in music and movies since we were kids.
Q: Why are you in journalism?
A: I like to write and I like to put words together
and make them sound good. Words are my tool.
I like to inform the masses of interesting stories.
Q: What do you like best about being a senior
at MHS?
A: The best thing about being a senior is being
able to say it. I like how everybody knows
each other and we’re all friends.
On Holiday with Ms. Holladay
by Jamie Thomas
Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: Little feeder mice…but not the white ones.
Q: Where do you work?
A: I don’t have a job. But I worked at Braums for three days and
Aeropostale for one.
Q: What do you drive?
A: I have a really cute teal Ford Escort.
Q: What is your favorite class?
A: Newspaper. It’s a way to say things to a wide
audience without being obnoxious.
Q: Who has had the biggest influence on your life?
A: My parents, because they’re there no matter
what. They taught me that honesty is important. They will always accept you.
Q: If you were trapped in Towne East, what
store would you spend the most time in?
A: Hot Topic, because it’s comfortable in there.
campus life
story by: chance carmichael
ives ruined by
drugs. Cutting to get
rid of pain.
Relationships ruined.
Being shunned by your
best friends. Drinking
and driving. School
shootings. Fitting in.
These are all issues
exaggerated and addressed in teen dramas like Degrassi: The
Next Generation, One
Tree Hill, and Laguna
Beach. However, these
things can and do
happen everyday.
Of course, there’s
a fine line between
drama and reality, but
some high school students find themselves
in these kinds of situations before they put
on the mortar board.
When looking at teenagers from a developmental psychological
standpoint, adolescence is one of the
most confusing parts
of a person’s life.
Questions like “Who
One of the
problems I’ve
faced is
Students cope with the
daunting trials and
turmoils of high school
am I?” and “Who do
I want to be?” plague
teenagers as they
trudge into adulthood.
“One of the biggest
problems I have faced
is accepting myself,”
admits a senior girl.
Depression, stress,
self esteem issues, and
anger almost go hand
in hand with today’s
teenagers. Overcoming these problems
and finding his or her
way are some of the
biggest problems for
Whether a freshman or senior, over
20% of adolescents
suffer from depression
in high school. Fitting
in and finding a path
in high school is as
simple as figuring out
one’s interests. Studies show that friends
help people live longer and that boost
should be enough to
help a lonely student
make it through high
Also, when speaking from a psychological standpoint, one
of the most obvious
things about fitting
in is being recognized
in what one loves. For
instance, if a girl likes
to dance then she’ll
strive to be the best
and be recognized
for it. The ego is why
campus life
Problems & Solutions
Some problems MHS students have faced and how they have dealt
with them. Results from anonymous surveys given to student body.
“Having an abusive,
“My biggest
“Not being skinny.
problem is my
Society makes us
He hit me, would
identity. I wanted
girls think that you
to be myself, not have to be super-skinny
E [my older brother].” to get a boyfriend.”
spread rumours.”
“Just with me being a girl.
“Getting taken away
Like none of my friends
from my parents. I’m
getting along and the
not allowed to go back second someone leaves
to them. I was really
the room, someone feels
the need to completely
close to my Mom.”
bash them.”
“I think that people
“I don’t respond to
“I can go and visit them
“I try to ignore it, but
“I tried talking to
around me have
anything they say.
when I turn 18, but
it’s all over T.V.,
the school and the
realized that
ignore it, because I
magazines. So, I praise police. No one would
although I have a
that they probably
God for the body he do anything so I ended
brother that doesn’t
do the same to me. So,
accepted my foster
gave me and know I’m up switching schools.”
make me his
try my best to avoid it.”
made in his image.”
people do what they
do, and there’s no
trouble in respecting
There are those
out there who do not
have friends. Joining
a club, an activity, or
engaging in conversation in class can help
with that.
While watching a
teen drama, it’s easy
to see that having
. . . my friends and
the people I hang out
with accept me.
friends helps cope
with things. Being a
teenager is one of the
toughest periods in
life – having to deal
with not being a child
anymore; wondering
what who you are and
what you’ll be; and
everything else on top
of it – so, finding the
right path to go down
in high school is as
simple as having good
friends and finding
your niche.
“I’ve realized just
recently that my
friends and the people
I hang out with accept
me for and don’t care
if I don’t participate
in some activities. If
you have a problem
[with me], then don’t
hang out with me.”
AreWe Just a Teen Drama ?
The Next Generation
Over 50 students surveyed
anonymously shared
problems with
Degrassi characters
> Drugs & drinking
> Teen parents
> Self mutilation
> Abusive
> Stress
Rumours <
Grief <
Eating disorders <
Jobs <
Love triangles <
Racism <
sports & activities
60-second sport spot
Football: A strong start at
2-0 going in to this week.
Home game tonight against
Buhler, next week’s game at
Volleyball: Tournament
here all day on Saturday;
come support the Wildcats!
The freshman team is off to
a 6-8 start.
Soccer: Team got their first
win of the season last week
against Circle 6-2. This
week’s games are against
Andover Central here on
Cross-country: Paving the
way to state appearance!
David Roberts set a new
school record and has taken
first place in two meets. The
boys team finished first as a
team at every meet keeping
team scores. Next meet at
Lake Afton next Thursday.
Golf: The girls have been
doing well so far. “I expect
great things from us, and
believe we have a good
chance of going to state,”
said senior Maria Mejia.
Next meet is Monday at
Kristy Ebersole
The offense, including running back Aaron Elston #17, lineman Justin
Leatherman #77 and tight end Levi Hein #33, prepares to battle the
Valley Center defense. MHS won last week’s competition 30-20.
What’s what?
Find out about upcoming school activities
story by: Katie Holladay
Quill Type:
Members have volunteered
to sell tickets at the gates
for every home varsity game
and home volleyball games.
The list of accepted new
members will be posted
around Ocotber 1.
The group will be holding
the second annual Piein-the-Face event during
the fall homecoming pep
assembly on September
28. Seventy-five percent of
the money raised with this
event will go to Greensburg High School technology department. The other
twenty-five percent will
be kept by our TSA Chapter for funding their event
The Stuco regional conference will be September 19.
Mrs. Damm is asking for
monetary donations from
every member to help pay
club fees. The group is
planning to continue face
painting at home football
Fall Musical:
This year’s fall musical is
Annie. Official dates of the
production are November
15, 16, and 17. The show
will NOT have pre-ordered
tickets this year.
MHS marching band has
been fundraising for their
trip to the Alamo Bowl in
December. September 15
and 16 they are having “Run
for the Border,” which students are collecting pledges
for. “Cow patty bingo” will
be on September 28. Simultaneous car washes will be
held on September 29. And
coming in October is the
“Horror of Muldoon High.”
Members are planning
their area project which is
focused on enthusiasm. This
project will be presented at
the regional conference in
On October 12 members are
hosting their annual Red
Cross Blood Drive.
Officers this year are:
president: Melissa Geer,
vice president: Shannon
Nelson, secretary: Lachelle
Branine, treasurer: Sarah
Low, vice president of
membership: Kayla Phillips,
public relations: Heather
Branson, recreation leaders:
Carol Bentley and Kaitlin
Adams, Stuco rep: Emily Nesbitt, advisor: Mrs.
BEST Robotics:
Members had their kickoff day where they learned
their goals for this year’s
competition. The team must
make a robot that will pick
up and carry different items.
Each item is worth a different amount of points, and
there will be several of each.
Four teams’ robots at a
time will compete together
within a three minute time
period to try to earn the
most points.
trends & fashion
F a s h i o n
at the
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What i
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What k ble in? Je t makes me
comfor mething th lf, I feel mo
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feel go
story and photos by:
heather branson & jackie schwemmer
clothes from American Eagle
This year is filled with color, patterns, and creativity; as
the clothes to the left illustrate. Patterns like plaid, argyle,
polka dots, and floral prints are coming back into style.
Play around with different items to mix and match
outfits. Dress up a plain shirt with some cute plaid shorts
and ballet flats for example.
Accessories are big in personalizing an outfit. Try to
make a boring outfit more creative by using jewelry.
Do you notice what the opposite
sex wears? Yes
If so, what kind of clothes do
you prefer? It’s all good, as long as it
Do you like natural make-up? Or
glamorous make-up? I like the
glamorous eye shadow, it looks tight
When you’re out and about, what
catches you attention? I think hair
does, many people have cool styles of hair
What is your least favorite apparel in the opposite sex? Sweats
or Hollister shirts
What kind of clothes do you feel
comfortable in? Jeans and a t-shirt
Now, for the gentlemen, instead
of throwing on a grungy T-shirt, put
on a nice screen tee or polo. Grabbing something nice over a worn out
T-shirt takes the same amount of
time and effort. When dressing up,
you can wear button up shirts with
a collar. A pair of brown, black, or
white classic sneakers work great!
It’s most important to be comfortable but confident in what you
are wearing. Try new things like
different patterns, styles, and colors.
Guys can dress up their outfits
with simple accessories like hats,
watches, or belts.
AE knit riding
cap, $17.50
AE pretty hearts
necklace, $15.50
AE preppy dot
belt, $17.50
G e n t s
AE cropped
trench, $59.50
L a d i e s
What’s HOT
AE treasure
choker, $12.50
AE vintage belt,
AE motocross
jacket, $69.50
AE reversible
knit hat, $19.50
the litterbox
just 4 fun:
the meaning of emoticons
:-) Smiley face. The mother of all emoticons. It’s the oldest,
the most tired and certainly the most used, but this happy
face isn’t going anywhere. Use it to dull the edge of your
sarcasm or just let people know you’re A-OK!
;-) The wink. Oh, you sneaky devil. Although this looks
similar to the smiley face, it’s actually loaded with meaning
and innuendo. That means you probably shouldn’t use it
with your mom or your poker buddies.
:-$ Money mouth. Nobody knows what this one means.
When you talk, does money spill out? Are your words
worth their weight in collectable coins? Or, are you
flashing some virtual gold teeth? Our money is on leaving
this one alone.
:’( Cry. Well, if you’re actually crying over an IM, then
you either have emotional problems or you’re a cowardly
relationship-breaker-offer. But barring that, the crying face
is mostly used as a funny way to say that you were hoping
for a different answer. However deep that tear goes, only
you will know.
Reference: The Mobile User’s Guide to: The New Social Ettiquette
jamie’s random fact
Congratulations to the cast of “Annie”
The fall musical “Annie”
will be led by the cast of
Kyla Ball as Annie, Chance
Carmichael as Oliver
Warbucks, Rachel Boden as
Grace Farrell, Megan Reed
as Miss Hannigan, Michael
Pagels as Rooster, and
Aerica Van Dorn as Lily.
Other student actors in
the musical include: Abby
Beamer, Noelle Lewis,
Brittnnee Wiley, Brooke
McDowell, Emily
Davenport, Paige Shrauner,
Patrick Randolph, Crystal
Simmons, Wade Hock,
Jevin McWithey, Seth
Mundt, Landon Jackson,
Rylee Dulaney, Amanda
Ryan, Jeremy Cline, Corey
Aldershof, Allyson
Geschwentner, Lindsay
Mills, Kim Bouchard,
Kristen Campbell, Sadie
Davenport, Kayla Loper,
Sarah Stengl, Bethany
Thrash, Kyleen Condon,
Lorey Douglas, Nick Valin,
Tamara Vasko, Shavon
Stephens, Brittany Kendall,
Josh Dennison, Tricia
Simmons, Jessy Wilson,
Clara Strunk, Lauren
Johnston, Taylor Hanna,
Jessica Smith, Cara Simoni,
Carissa Phillips.
More details will follow
as the November 15-17 show
dates get closer.
When opossums are playing ‘possum, they are not “playing.”
They actually pass out from sheer terror.
Reference: http://www.randomfacts.org/facts-310-10/
joke of the month
“I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where
the Self Help section was. She said if she told me it would
defeat the purpose.”
-Comedian Dennis Miller
January 7, 1990
August 31, 2007
Lindsey “Linz” Moser
wanted: comic artist (or someone funny with good ideas)
guest writers (submit your own work to showcase)
show off your talent to the world!
(ok, that’s exaggerating, but you get the point)
see Ms. Ebersole ASAP if interested