Dental Health with Oil Swishing By Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.


Dental Health with Oil Swishing By Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.
Dental Health with Oil Swishing
Evidence That Oil Pulling Eradicates Harmful Bacteria
By Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D.
Well Being Journal
you normally would. Oil pulling can be done one to three
times a day, on an empty stomach. Just before meals is a
good time.
The coconut oil acts like a cleanser. When you put it in
your mouth and work it around your teeth and gums, it
“pulls” out bacteria and other debris. It acts much like the
motor oil you put in your car engine. The motor oil picks
up dirt and grime. When you drain the oil, it pulls out the
dirt and grime with it, leaving the engine relatively clean.
Consequently, the engine runs smoother and lasts longer.
Likewise, when we expel harmful substances from our
mouths, our teeth and gums work better and last longer.
We have billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites living in our mouths. There are over 600 species of
bacteria alone that make our mouths their home. Many
of these bacteria produce toxins as by-products, which
damage the teeth and irritate the gums, causing inflammation and bleeding. An overgrowth of these bacteria leads
to tooth decay and gum disease,
and eventually tooth loss. Discolored teeth, plaque (bacteria colonies), tarter (calcified plaque),
Good news! You can now say “good-bye” to tooth decay,
gum disease, bad breath, loose teeth, and bleeding and
receding gums, and say “hello” to a bright white smile
and healthy pink gums. How is this possible? With coconut oil!
Believe it or not, a spoonful of coconut oil can clean
your teeth more thoroughly than brushing, flossing, and
gargling with antiseptic mouthwash. In addition, it will
help prevent tooth decay better than fluoride, without the
toxic side effects.
Some people brush their teeth using coconut oil, but
I’m not talking about using coconut oil as a replacement
for toothpaste. I’m talking about a whole new way to
keep your teeth white and your breath fresh, and prevent
tooth decay and gum disease. The method I’m referring
to is called oil pulling. Never heard of it? Well, it’s about
time you had.
Oil pulling really isn’t new. It is a modified version
of oil gargling, which comes from Ayurvedic medicine
and dates back thousands of years. Various oils have
been used for oil gargling, but for oil pulling, coconut oil
works best.
The process of oil pulling is very simple. You put a
spoonful of coconut oil into your mouth and swish it
around for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. The coconut
oil is “worked” in the mouth by pushing, pulling, and
sucking it through the teeth. As you work the oil, it
sucks up bacteria, toxins, pus, and mucous. Don’t
swallow it! When you are finished pulling, spit it into
the trash. I don’t recommend discarding it in the sink
or down the toilet because over time the oil may build
up and clog the pipes. After spitting, rinse your mouth
with water.
Oil pulling is best done first thing in the morning before eating breakfast. After eating, brush your teeth as
November/December 2008
“Green” Laundry
On the Early Show (August 14,
2008), Plenty magazine’s associate
editor, Jessica Tzerman, shared tips
on how to help people go “green”
while doing their laundry and buying
laundry products.
• Do full loads of laundry—conventional washing machines can
use up to 40 gallons of water
per wash.
• Use a cold rinse since this
saves on energy and will lower
the greenhouse emissions.
• Line dry if possible or invest in a
drying rack instead of a carbonemitting dryer.
When choosing a laundry detergent:
• Pick a detergent that lists all
• Get fragrance-free detergents—
the perfumes used to scent
them can contaminate drinking
• Buy a detergent that is two to
three times concentrated. This
saves on packaging, energy,
and cost.
• Choose detergents that are formulated to wash in cold water.
When looking for a stain remover,
choose one that is made from plantbased ingredients and biodegradable materials, with no alcohol or
added perfume.
When choosing a fabric softener,
follow the same rules. Avoid artificial
perfumes and aim for plant-based
An offering of organic laundry
products and their prices can be
found along with the full story at
D.D.S., P.S.
(253) 564-2722
November/December 2008
cavities, bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, and chronic bad breath are all signs of
an overgrowth.
Despite regular brushing, flossing, and the use of antiseptic mouthwashes,
tooth decay and gum disease are major health problems. Gum disease and tooth
decay are among the most prevalent microbial diseases of mankind. According
to a study in the British medical journal The Lancet, gum disease affects up to
90 percent of the population.1
Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows
that moderate gum disease is found in 40 percent of children over the age of
12 years; nine out of every ten people have tooth decay; and, get this, 33 percent of adults over the age of 65 have lost all of their natural teeth. That is an
incredible statistic. That means that by the time you reach 65, your chances of
having lost all of your teeth are one out of three! The odds that you will have
lost at least half of your teeth by this age are somewhere around 50 percent.
Instead of pulling teeth, dentists are opting to perform root canals whenever
possible. A root canal is performed when a tooth
is so badly infected that it dies. The lifeless tooth
is hollowed out and filled, but remains in place.
A spoonful of
Approximately 40 million root canal treatments
coconut oil
are performed in the US each year. At this rate
can clean your everyone in this country could have at least five
root canals by the time they reach age 50. Obviteeth more
ously, we need to take better care of our oral
Teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and they
than brushing, will if you take care of them. As Weston A.
Price, D.D.S., showed in his book Nutrition and
flossing, and
Physical Degeneration, people can have healthy
gargling with
teeth and retain all of them, even into old age.
For most people, regular brushing and flossing
isn’t enough. Oil pulling, on the other hand, is
extraordinarily effective at removing harmful
bacteria and protecting the teeth and gums so
that they remain healthy for a lifetime.
A study published in the Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry
demonstrates the effectiveness of oil pulling compared to other forms of oral
The subjects in the study had mild to moderate gum disease and plaque accumulation, typical of the population as a whole. They were instructed to continue their normal home oral hygiene practices, along with oil pulling. Oil pulling
was performed once each morning for a period of 45 days. Plaque levels and
the severity of gum disease were assessed periodically during the study. The
subjects were instructed to suck and pull the oil through their teeth for 8-10
minutes daily.
At the end of the 45 days, no adverse reactions to the teeth or soft tissues in
the mouth were found, indicating that the procedure caused no physical harm.
Most people would have assumed this, but the study gave confirmation. Plaque
formation was significantly reduced, with most of the reduction coming during
the later half of the study, indicating that the longer you do the treatment, the
better the results. Gingivitis (i.e., gum disease) was also significantly reduced
in all subjects, decreasing by more than 50 percent. The researchers rated the
changes as “highly” significant.
Mouthwashes have been shown to reduce plaque by 20-26 percent and gingivitis by about 13 percent. Tooth brushing reduces plaque by 11-27 percent and
gingivitis by 8-23 percent.3 Oil pulling beats them both. Data from this study
Well Being Journal
Solar Power
Stores Energy
shows that oil pulling reduced plaque by 18-30 percent and gingivitis by an
amazing 52-60 percent. The reduction in plaque using oil pulling is only slightly better than that from antiseptic mouthwashes and brushing, but reduction in
gingivitis is two to seven times better. So, oil pulling significantly outperforms
brushing and mouthwash as a means of oral cleansing. If the subjects had oil
pulled for 15-20 minutes daily, as is normally recommended, and done it over a
With the ever-increasing costs of
longer period of time, the results would have undoubtedly been even better.
power and growing concerns over
While oil pulling can significantly reduce plaque and gingivitis, the authors
carbon emissions and global climate
caution it shouldn’t be used in place of tooth brushing, but can be an effective
change, clean alternative sources of
supplemental aid in a daily oral hygiene regimen.
energy will become more important
Oil pulling isn’t only good at preventing oral infections, but can actively fight
than ever.
them as well. The oil pulls the infection (bacteria, toxins, and pus) out of the
For decades, one of the most
tissues, allowing the body to heal itself. Inflammation is quieted, gums stop
prominent methods of producing
bleeding, loose teeth tighten, and pain and sensitivpower for your own home has been
ity vanish. Teeth become whiter, and gums become
solar, but it’s been limited both by
pinker and healthier looking.
Oil pulling
costs and by technical limitations,
Many people can attest to the effectiveness of
as solar power generally has been
isn’t only good
oil pulling. “I have always had sensitive and really
useful only when the sun is out.
weak teeth,” says Tumi. “About three months ago,
at preventing
However, researchers at the MasI had a root canal and crown on a tooth on my left
sachusetts Institute of Technology
side and was due to fix the opposite one on my right oral infections,
hope to change all that.
side.” She discovered oil pulling soon after the denbut can
Under their Solar Revolution Projtal work and began pulling daily. “You can imagine
ect, scientists at MIT have develmy surprise after a couple of weeks when I noticed
actively fight
oped a way to utilize solar energy to
that I was actually chewing food on my right side
split water into oxygen and hydrothe whole time I was eating lunch! No tingling feelgen, to later be recombined and
ing and just an overall healthy feel in my mouth.”
produce power in household fuel
Barbara had four teeth extracted and soon therecells. This would allow energy to be
after started having trouble with almost all the rest of her teeth. She began oil
stored in an efficient and cost-effecpulling daily. “The result is unbelievable,” says Barbara. “My mouth is no lontive way, essentially eliminating the
ger out of alignment, no pain, and my teeth are as white as when I was a child...
daytime-only limitations of current
I wish I knew about it before I had four teeth pulled; oh well, better late than
solar technology.
If this new MIT-developed process
Stephanie is another satisfied oil puller. “I have been using oil pulling for
is a commercial success, we may all
about a month,” she says. “A few days after I started, I had a dental appointbe powering our homes with solar
ment and showed early stages of gum disease (pockets that measured 6 in at
photovoltaic cells and fuel cells
least five places). They wanted me to have $1000 worth of scaling and root
within the next ten years. Off-site
planing with antibiotics injected into the pockets. I told them I would think
generation of electricity may become
about it, knowing that I would keep oil pulling. I went to my follow-up apa thing of the past.
pointment yesterday and I only had one pocket that was still a 6; the rest had
Read more at: www.ens-newswire.
decreased. Anywhere the hygienist would poke my gums before, they would
bleed, and now they are much better. The hygienist told me to keep doing what
I’m doing, so I confessed about the oil pulling, which she had actually heard of
and now plans to try after seeing the difference in my gums.”
One of the first things people notice
when they begin oil pulling is the improvement in the appearance of their teeth.
Compliments Of:
Besides teeth becoming whiter, persistent
Groton Dental
Spa Dentistry
stains and discolorations often fade. “The
& Family
thing that I am so excited about,” says
 S. th St, Ste , Tacoma, WA 
Katie, “[is that] on four of my bottom
• biological dentistry () -
493-495 Main Street
teeth, at the base of the gums, I had bad
• headaches, TMJ & facial pain
MA 01450
decay stains. It looked so ugly to me, and
• porcelain veneers •  hour
teeth whitening
I’ve been really self conscious about it for
• nutrition
& homeopathy -•
limited orthodontics
years. Well, after the first three pulls, they
is a valuable resource
• mercury free restorations
Debra B. Hopkins, DDS, PC
Well Being Journal
November/December 2008
Galileo’s Lawyer
Courtroom Battles in
Alternative Health,
Complementary Medicine and
Experimental Treatments
“Galileo’s Lawyer [by Richard
Jaffe] tells the story of medical
mavericks, that is to say health
care practitioners who use unconventional, alternative, unapproved,
experimental or integrative medical modalities on conditions like
cancer, heart disease, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s
disease and other conditions.
Many of these practitioners use
dietary or nutritional supplements,
herbal remedies or homeopathic
products to treat disease or for
disease prevention. Many of the
treatments used by medical mavericks are not approved by the
FDA [Food and Drug Administration]. The government, insurance
companies and the medical establishment sometimes try to stop
these practitioners from treating
patients through the use of medical board proceedings, criminal
actions and civil lawsuits. This
book tells the story of the fight
between alternative or complementary health practitioners, their
patients and the government.”
—Richard Jaffe. For more see
Compliments Of:
Groton Dental Wellness Spa
of Chelation
Kirkland (425) 820-0547
Port Townsend (360) 385-4555
November/December 2008
are 80 percent gone! My dentist told me that there was nothing he could do for
them. But I guess he didn’t know about oil pulling!”
Chronic bad breath is a sign that the mouth is overrun by potentially harmful
bacteria. Brushing and antiseptic mouthwashes provide only temporary relief
and often only mask the odor. “Not a morning passes without me working
this remedy,” says Sweet. “The first thing I noticed was the lack of a morning
breath, and a continuous fresh breath throughout the day.” Oil pulling puts a
quick end to bad breath. For that reason alone, oil pulling is enormously useful.
For some people, the results from oil pulling are almost immediate, while for
others, the battle lasts longer. The reason for this is due not only to the amount
of bacteria in the mouth but to the type as well. Some people have a larger
number of the more troublesome microbes, including viruses and fungi. Our
diet plays a very important role in determining the microbial populations growing in our mouths. Sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed vegetable oils
contribute to an imbalance in our oral flora.
The simple oil pulling procedure described
here is a good start, but for optimal oral health
Sugar, refined
you also need a good diet, one rich in whole
foods, as advocated by the Price-Pottenger Nucarbohydrates
trition Foundation ( The details
and processed
of the oil pulling process, along with dietary
recommendations, aids for healing chronic invegetable oils
fections, and a procedure for detoxing heavy
contribute to an metals for those who have amalgam (mercury)
fillings or root canals, are outlined in the book
imbalance in
Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing
the Body through Oral Cleansing.
our oral flora
If you follow the suggestions as described
above and in this book, when you reach the age
of 65, or 75, or even 105, you will continue to
enjoy eating the foods you love using all of the teeth you currently have. If you
teach these principles to your children, they will buck the trend in dental health
and grow to adulthood retaining all their teeth, just as nature intended. ∆
Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D., is a certified nutritionist and naturopathic physician. He is the
author of 20 books including Coconut Cures and Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and
Healing the Body through Oral Cleansing. He serves as the director of The Coconut
Research Center, All of Dr. Fife’s books are available
1.Pihlstrom, B.L., et al. Periodontal diseases. Lancet 2005; 366:1809-1820.
2.Amith, H.V., et al. Effect of oil pulling on plaque and gingivitis. JOHCD 2007;1:1218.
3.Tritten, C.B., and Armitage, G.C. Comparison of a sonic and a manual toothbrush
for efficacy in supragingival plaque removal and reduction of gingivitis. J Clin Periodontol 1996; 23:641-648.
Passion is UncontainabLE
“Passion is not a mistress that can be kept. It knows no boundaries,
no containment. It does not discriminate between the young and old.
It flaunts itself in confidence. It rejects prejudice and fear. It cannot be
silenced. It cannot be stopped. It just cannot.”
—Resa Steindel Brown in The Call to Brilliance: A True Story to Inspire Parents
and Educators (Fredric Press, Thousand Oaks, California)
Well Being Journal