Document 6465132
Document 6465132
UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED PAGE B12 — FRIDAY. JANUARY 3. 1997 USEDDRIVECAR SUPER CENTER ON ALL 7 A brand new board Hillside's 'hit man' The Board of Chosen Freeholders welcomes two new members and picks new* leadership,' Page B1. A township resident has a shot at a Grammy Award with his new 'Color by Mallets,' Page B3. Rixon returns Columnist gives an insightful examination of personal trials See Page 6. , PREFERRED USED VEHICLES 88 CAMRY ASKING S4.995 ASKING $9,550 ASKING $5,395 88 ACCORD "SS ASKING S21,495 .«C Ti^*SE. fJCX£r$ CiCT- ST "Your Best Source For Community Information" RAHWAY, N.J., VOL.7 NO.14—THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1997 A WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER" ASKING $6,444 J-.92BERE1TA r 9 5 I N T E G R A LS• A S K I N G SI 5,495 '93C--1500- 9425iTCONyER!SIOW .OTM-iNT T GLASS: eJc«E7s. City ASKING S 1 2 T 4 9 5 -JJ*3 MAN ) *CJ V'^J •*?• 77**2 , .. ;M SEATS $=>' v ai^ Highlights o Tournament' a • > • The Rahway Branch YMCA- • will sponsor its. first Volley Ball Toiiniamcnt on Jan. 24 from 6 to 11,p.m.'The YMCA is looking for eight teams of six toeight adults per team. Registration is on a first-come first-play hasis. All icanis must be rcgis-. tered by Jan. 22. There arc no registration fees or team fees. Por more information, call the Rahway YMCA at 388-0057. • • —I O •92 JETTA G.L. ASKING 37,990 '94 INTEGRA LS '92 ELDORADO ASKING S12,495 ASKING SI 3,995 •94VILLAGER MINI.VAN o -< ASKING S14,795 ' .-.•. i n= 4 . ; > . * ; - ^ - s * \ s "f s ?/ * c T GLASS.- PUCXETS. CLOTH INT, •o LLl S f S Stamp services •93PROTAGELX V ,- A 4 : s . 1 1 Several stamp-buying services lhal help postal cusltimcrs yearround.are particularly handy. •. Stamp. services enable customers j.o_receive, their stamps-vial'. - v . delivery within a few days by filling out a form Uial can b e obtained' from mail carriers. The ASKING S8.444 ; ; * , *^-O-T5*'.S P-6& AC, S'J . aoof CLQ'MJV T.GLASS . •93 WRANGLER 93 MAXIMA GXE •88 635 CSI. ASKJNG S11,888 ASKING $10,995 <i i*c vis- " ; i i ! f : [IV I S ROUTE 22 EAST M "•- •'•' at'SpringfieldAcura'".' " •ANDA^^S^HWDILW^" FOR INSTANT CREDIT • '' "Call Mr.-Walters:'; SPRINGFIELD, NJ USED CARS WARRANTY^ 3 6 MONTH/36.000-MILI- • ;\3'.E-TR-N;-:^.-.-EiXE. • i'zS-.\'j ' 201-912-9000 AGURA USEDACURAS"Come see me for a #1 DEAL ' frpm your #1 DEALER!" Carmen Catena- HI Si: I HI'! hpj- irv. : '37 INTEGRA LS 4DS GOLS 53ISTEGSA LS 3 DR SILVER elections and will be the only Repuyears and the first time that, . Ai this time, the Republicans and voice of dissent is not only condoned, blican on the council: it's encouraged. My job is not to we've had a majority like this.'But Democrat Jerry Coleman, now retired The Democrats' majority will stay muzzle voices, whether they arc pro- now the pressure's- on."- .' from the council, tried to introduce a in place until at least 1998: Only, the administration or con." number.of cuts, saying city governAbout his new colleagues, Jones • scats of Saliga, Mionc and Jones arc ment was "top-heavy" with adminiAfter the meeting, Jones said of the said, "Fm anxiousjo work wiih them. up for election this year; even if the strators and that there were a number Democratic majority: "We have an They scem'like very motivated people Republicans were able' to capture of unnecessary items that could be cut 8M majority and it's time to produce. and I'd like togivc lhem.any help they these three seats, they would still be in or shif/ed around When these cuts I've been on the council for three need.".' . ' a 5-4 minority on the council. were not approved, they voted against ""I'm just happy that we can work . the municipal budget at. least four times, delaying the budget process by together now, that we're all swom in several months'. • . and get this city working," said Scat-' uro after being sworn in: But the Republicans have said that "We're hoping to work together the five new Democrats, if elected, with everybody, including Janusz," The following is'Mayor James loolcirig forward to the future! as the would simply be rubber stamps f o r said Scaturo, adding, "We're looking Kennedy's Stoic of the City address . 25.000 residents nf Rahway preKennedy's agenda.. . at it as a team, not a political paity." ai the Jan I. City Council rcorganir, pare for the 21st century. What per. Janusz, one of the most vocal oppoc o u n c i l • • • ' . • "I'm very pleased, obviously," said zation meeting. ' haps holds' the' most promise for .With incurnbent Democratic . Democratic. Mayor James Kennedy.' nents of Kennedy, said the new counDuring this year's presidential Railway over tlie next two years is • Councilmembers-at-large Nancy Sali"I haven't had the luxury of working cil would be "like 1939 Germany, the .campaign, one of the more popular that the City Council, which has new world order." He added that Kenga, Sal Mione 'and Jim Jones, it also wjth a cooperative council." slogans was President Clinton's been plagued in the past for. its par—r-give-the—BeiTibcrats a- commandrng- •:——Durmg-the~clcction*campaigrrlaja ned.y_w ^gridlockr 8-1 majority over the Republican on. ••.ye^.-._ihe';Pc'n»<^s\-acciised.'-g : ie\-.'!» u n c i l '' i l s m e x c u s e '.nl h e f m u r e century," As I enter my seventh now poised to deliver to all cityRepublicans of holding up thework- ;•..'• According to Jones, who was year in Office, I, like the President, residents the agenda of tax stabilithe Council. Frank Janusz, incumbent • 2nd Ward councilman, was the only -ings-tif city government, especially- elected council president at the meet-. See MAYOR Page 2 am not looking back to the past but Republican to. survive November's • during the 1996-97 budcet process. ."• ing, "I want everyone to know that'the nitirc than the face value of the stamps. can also be used for telephone'orders by •. calling (800). STAMP-24 as Visa and Mastercard are accepted. - . , J - j T H V * 3 . & - C v l AUTO TRANS; f - S U * C , CLOTH 'N.T..7 PASSESC.EH ;5 TO IMTCB ; ....-. Tree collection . Rahway residents- will be able to dispose of their Christmas trees until Jan. 22 on their firsj regular, garbage day of the week only...-Residents must place trees at tlie. curb -with all decorations removed. Trees placed in plastic bags Vill not be. collected.- All trees collected, will be sen! to a mulching/composting, facility. Christmas trees scheduled for roHt'rrir-^rS (Ml \:\n ^ 0 will ht' MixGENiJL-t OS GRAN!*: AUTHORIZED SALES OUTLET IN NEW JERSEY FOR YEARS... We do it with PRICE, A HUGE INVENTORY SELECTION & AWARD-WINNING SERVICE! S5LEGEjlDLS2.ORHFD_' BRAND NEW 3RANC 1 97ACURAC i' i.EG£NS-i 4X(RCASHMERE ?4 INTEGRA'-S 2 BR GRANITE'• PROMT WHEEL DRIVE • AIR CONDITION • MOON ROOF-ABS BRAKES ' . 2-Door, Pow'Steer/Ani/Winds/Dr Lks.; CttisseControl..AM/FM/ 15 Valve--cy DOHC 5-Spd,'S:d "rans /Opt." . \=VSQO'cC: j ; CD-Compact Disc Player, 1'6-Valve Fuel Inject: 4-Cy! and lots more1 MSRP:$22,545.: VIN #VL01297S. LEASE •^T'..'97's -E-SE- i collected on"Jan. 21. For more • information, call the Office of Recycling ar S27-215').•- . • i'4 LEGEHJLS.4 PR'BUCK • .' NEW-LUXURY SPORTS COUPE j 52 LEGEND JDR SLACK j 52L£QENOL2BSROSai'O0:- 55lMtG«LS4DR EMERALD | | S.VlGO.-G^.DflElAK- ...•55LEGEND.4DRC.ASHHEPEJ ' - 55 INTEGRA LS 3 D.S RED' KL£GEND'LS4_pR.G^r,TE ' 55.L£GEf;D'LSrDR BLACK ' AARP meets . . ;. ••.•The next, meeting-of the -Railway AARI' Chapter (>07 will be today at 12:30.p.m.'At Ihe S'ciiu'r Citi/e'n Center. 1306 l;i>li'.rbrot>k Ave. There will be an executive lx>;ird. -meeting al 1.1'.a.m. l"or more uiformalion.. call }S2-185(>. "'N7EGBiLS3DR«D'-.:':--3^DRDESERTMIST ;:?3LEGEfiD.L4DRBLAGK- SPECIAL FINANCING! FIRST TIME BUYERS COLLEGE GRADS WE WILL PAY,OFF ANY LOANS LEASE RETURN HEADQUARTERS 0M YOUR PRESENT TRADE-IN. INCLUDING EARLY TERMINATION! WE NEED GARS AND TRUCKS] • JUGUESLEBICE&BAIDUU •. -M£ PAY CASH FOR A l l WAKESAND MODELS FREE! • SERVICE LOANER CARS • 24-HR. R O A D S I D E ASSISTANCE «a , . . - , „ , , • PARTIAL ACURA LISTING... MANY" OTHERS .IN STOCK! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! I ARE YOUR I M A l O i i DISCOl DEALER! CALL MR. WALTERS NO CREDIT. BAD CREDIT. BANKRUPTCY-. REPOSSESSION-. NO PROBLEM! ITS O.K.! ALLCRBMT APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTEDNO 1XCEPTI0HSI •Wespeak English 'Spanish • Russian 'Italian ••Portuguese/ Hebrew • Arabic & other la. j - a u FOR IMMEDIATE - PRtCEQtXJTlS; • CREDIT APPROVAL . • INVENTORY SELECTION Prices include all pajd by a consumer except for taxes. S45Q bank fee. reg. and he fees 1st. mo's payment and 1 mo's. security deposit required .36 mb. lease with $999 Down Payment 15c p per mile over 12,000 miles with 1st option to purchase: Integra is 36 x mo pymnt. is"36 x mo. payment "7-Day g RSat $10'.417... Totai.of . payments py pymn C L - a t $14,879. Total of payments p y Program witr ' 200 mile limit in conjunction with 1x only exchange vehicle of same or higher value- This aefmust be presented at time of deposit and within'3 days of this ad's date for advertised prices "S1000 cash back on SLX:for previous Acura owners.v .• _ •;. -. •. ..•••• / ••'-. -.-•• . • • •-.••/• . : ' . • '" Firewood available • J'lie DeparliiK'iil of Public Work's invites city residents who have a need for firewood to slop by the department offices, located at 999 Hart St.,'from 9 a.m. to--.v30-p.rn. Monday •• „ lhroiii:h l-'ndav _. Rahway' residents must signin. :n the office, then they are welcome to all the free -wood chips'that they can earn', While supplies last! Due to insurance requirements, no chainsasvs.'.'. splitting, or other work will be allowed, on the premises. F o r . . " further information, call 827-2060. • .. Program completion The Rahway.'Department of. , Public Works would like to _. '. thank all residents, lor their cooperation in the leaf collection program of 1996. For fuither -.' information, call '827-2060. CALL (908) 686-9898 <* inu-r l/n' four difiit wkction - GURfflNTSD APPROVflL!! NO CREDIT..; BAD CREDIT... NO CREDIT REJECTS... BANKRUPTCY... REPOSSESSION... JUDGMENTS... NO PROBLEM! IT'S O.K.!! TWO SECTIONS - 25 CENTS ' >000 1666 1900 3170 Tirrle & Temperature Downtown Rahway Events Lottery Results L-ocal Movie Theatres Infosource niCF IMFOHMATIQN SERVICE i ,'i/i "-!' . •..••••-' Of " " Ilihwiy l'ro 1 nr.i By Scan Daily Staff Writer The Democrats officially took the reins of city government last week. Five new Democrats, all nevcomcrs to the council, were s r during the City Council's reorganiEation meeting last Thursday. They were Robert. Rachlin, representing the 1st Ward, Jerome Scaturo'for the 3rd •Ward, Dave Brown for the 4th Ward, . Qcanna Tilton for the 5th Ward and Donald Andcrgcn for the '6th Ward. Last Thursday's meeting completes the overwhelming victory the D c n w crais pulled off. in November's elections, winning five of six seatson the applications for tests Kennedy sets goalsy seeks to bridge gap Kennedy appoints -twmsetf-to UCUA By Scan Daily StafTWriter Last year,' Rahway had one of its City Councilmanreprescnting the city in the Union County Utilities 'Autlwrity. .;•_ By Chris Suswal Managing Editor '•-'.-• •This year, ihc mayor, himself coulcl Local police departrnenLs' have be doing it.. good news for those interested in becoming involved with law Democratic Mayor James Kennedy enforcement. has appointed himself as a commisThe New Jersey Department of sioner to the UCUA, an appointment Personnel has announced an exami• that was approved.almost unanimousnation for law enforcement officer ly by the new Democratic-controlled lilies. Union County •police departcouncil last Thursday. Kennedy will J ments currently.have applications, •be replacing former 4th Ward. Demohut the closing dale forfilingthe cratic Councilman Chester Holmes on forms, with required, fees, is Jan. the UCUA. '. • The form enables the applicant to be.ccinsidered for all entry level law nforcement titles listed. Trie range includes: municipal police officer! campus police officer, park police officer, housing police officer, county police officer. Sheriff's officer, county.corrections officer, and stale corrections officer recruit. Some of these titles include a separate (itle distinction of bilingual in Spanish and English. The titles are based on 'residency requirements and'-nceds of appointing authorities. Tlie requirements for law erifor;. cement applicants include:- The Board <if Chosen. Freeholders They will do so Feb. 12. '' _. According to Kennedy, his duties The Union County Utilities Authority continues running the incinerator in Rahway and • •will be the same as any other commiswill have Mayor James Kennedy as a commissioner. . .. :. ' -' • sioner. But, he said, possible changes on the horizon in New jersey's waste Regarding Railway's relation to the ness elsewhere at that time. If the . her" pulls out of the UCUA and sends flow laws "can affect the economy-of UCUA.'he said, "That's pretty much' its trash to another, possibly the city, so 1's key that the . incinerator loses enough Business, it complete. .I'm just looking at the ' may be unable to pay its more than unlicensed trash disposal facility, that chief administrator should be close to h e a l t h , . a n d welfare • of other (he-other customers of the UCUA will this." . •'.'.-.-. ' - ' . " S200 million in bonds and would have communities.".' '• .-" : • . •. to'default on them. • . ' not be liable for any legal .problems . . The 'changes stem from'a ruling by -.But a number of people opposed This affects the city government • that develop. Supreme Court Justice Joseph IrSnas Kennedy's appointment to the because the city receives '.millions of There' have been suggestions that UCUA." tha< the waste flow laws in New ''dollars a year in host community fees • the. UCL/A also import trash from out : Jersey are unconstitutional. These .for having, the. incinerator based in According to Peter Bufoff, a memside-sources. One of the-largest outlaws gave tile UCUA incinerator a Rahway. • • ".' side sources could be New York City, ber of the Union .County Concerned • An applicant must meet, the virtual monopoly on garbage disposal Kennedy said he wants to look into which wil| he closing its Fresh Kills -•Citizens,: the' UCUA "is the enemy ot residency requirement of the in Union County. • the City, of Rahway audio have May. (lie UCUA keeping Elizabeth and •landfill in a few- years^ '• • appointing jurisdiction and may be or'Kennedy on that,is. a conflict ol ..The laws will be overturned in as '. other communities as customers, pos'When asked about that. Kennedy required to maintain continues resiinterest. • . little as two years and the-City of Eli- sibly by charging lower rates for the said. "As much as we're looking out dency in ihal-juris'dictibn up to and larger customers. He said he also '•Now the city will have jr.* rep zabeth, the UCUA's biggest customfor. our health and welfare, we're including.the date of the appoint-, wants to make sure that, if a "mem- looking- at -the-big picture." er, has alrea'dv; vowed to take its. biisiSee KENNEDY. I'aue menl. For'jurisdictions that do not have specific'residency ordinances, eligibility-is open to all rcsideiilsof ' - . • ! Board wants to keep tuition students in district • Applicants must be graduates from high school; vocational high school or must have possession of '•air approved -High School-Equiva-r lent.'Certificate. Those who will graduate by Juric'30 will be eligible for' this announcement. . t e n d e n t , of S c h o o l s Bernard By Sean Daily Ruekgauer. ' Staff Writer ...... Ihere:ire,ib'oui.40 ofthem.inRah- •„ _.... TheWinfieldPark boardis cpnsid-_ way's school system, yet the Board of •.ering proposals for studies of other school districts,' including Clark, . Education is committed to keep them. Kenilworth and Cranford. They are the grade 9-12 students These studies will compare, among from Winfield Park that attend R a h ; -.'• The applicantmust be 18 years other things, score's on standardized way High School, and whether they of age by the Jan. 31 cjosing date tests such as the High School Profistay in the Rahway school system was for filing applications. ciency Test and Scholastic '.Assess-, ' the subject of a special joint meeting • Appomtees.may be required tb ment Test, curriculum, advanced of the Rahway and Winfield -Parkpj>s t h r o u g h medical a n d .placement courses and demographics. school boards on Tuesday.^ psychological/psychia.tric They could also include comparisons Winfield Park, a K-8 school disexaminations. •. of tuitions for out-of-district students. trict; has a long-standing agreement to . • Driig screening through urinal Some Rahway board members fell 1 mandatory during the pre- • send its high-school grade students to that such a comparison^ would be Rahway in exchange .for an out-ofemployment hiring stage and again unfair, pointing out that only one of during training pursuant to the district tuition. According- to board the named towns, kenilworth, is conPresident Edward Henderson, this tuiattorney general's Law Enforcesidered by the state Department of tion is about $8,300; he could not conrnent;Drug Screening Guidelines. Education to be similar to Rahway. firm whether this'.amount was per• Appointees to bilingual posiBut Ruekgauer said,'"I think that student or for all of the Winfield Park Jions mus^ b e a b l e t q r e a d , .write .Winfield -should_send~its..children-, " ' . ~~" " " speak, understand and communi- "students. . ' " ' . - ' where they have a good chance of betAccording 'to' the- Winfield Parkcate in English and Spanish. Canditer-grades." dates' wilbbe tested for Spanish lan- ^ Board of Education, no plans have The Winfieid Park board said that guage a b i l i t y at time of been made >ei to send its students "tfiese studies indicate no "dissatisfaceeriification. . elsewhere. tion"' with the Rahway school system.: "We don't know what's-going to .Indeed, Winfield Park board president Jurisdictions include Clark, Elihappen, but you should know that we Robert Heuser,seemed mystified as to zabeth, Hillside, Linden, Rahway why his board was beginning these are considering studies that will Roselle. Union Township, and studies. explore options that were unavailable Union' Countv. "1 really and honestly and truly see in 1995." said Winfield Park Superin- , .v <•• referendum..- Because of this, both Ctark and KeVnlworth are to become K-12 instead of K-.X districts and'will According to Ruekgauer. the stu1 take up ownership ot the high schooti that are based in both tov.n>. • '. dies stem, from two unrelated incidents. •' . . Winfield Park has been.-exploring this issue since before their school One was a fire at VVmfield School in April of 1995. the only public; burnt'down: but the Rahwav 'school . rx<ard has not been able to deal vcn. school in Winfield Park This fire .' destroyed . about two-thrids ot" the much uiih it. accordms; to Henderson, build and left only the portion dedi- because of.problem-y.ith grades and the search'for a neu supenntendeni cated to grades 6-8 standing To this "" The Winii'eld" Pirki ' hi<ar.d brunt ' day, Winfield Park's lower ^grades hold .their classes a: the facilities' .of. \»iin ii ^ number vi questions that it Air.!- irs-wcredb.N lheRahv.j> Board' . the. Polish Cultural Foundation in . : hciLCjti^.r.. -.including,.questions, ot • Clark. ; ' . . ' . h rier iht h Rih Rh K'irJ would like ..After the fire. V>'infield Park wanted to rebuild the school .and con-• \Vin:leld Park's vhoi>l build.. 1. tiniie with its' K-S operstior.v. but * is :-;r--^-Ws:r Rahv*a> w^uiJ help pa\ denied approval"p/' the DOE "Rw •:.••:: i n i ' s i u i i s me -Aheiher members' DOE did tfJis.' said Ruekiauer. '-.. >- ~ -s .r^ > -a'rvl- «h>->uld SII in on each that the students like it here." he said, adding that its "mostlythe adults that ,-^- - 7 v.. p . .,f;* .T-,^1 • ing with other districts." This - .overturned a >ear later and the DOF. granted • permission to V»'infie!J : rebuild: but asked them to keep :.v» '. ine into alternatives •'. Around this lime, the dissolution •:: the ..Union Count) Regional High School District, comprising six school districts including Clark and Kenilworth, was approved in a special .'i-rr-im)fIi*.-'s •>. R J : < J ; rs-jiJ '^J~ unable to ±r:~-:: •"•.'--. ju-j.»li.nv nul Hender„ - -r.<-.-.M?J .r i-vnt committee to - ^ • ' . • I ' j C T T . ' H - n ^ anj to come up ' •*-,:' iiV'A*'-" i: such u comrruttce .-.-ri: tornv^. Henderson said that'he -vuid *.uu :; to so irut it wan-get in tv*o meetings before > whoul Kiard elections and so that ii will"he "less^pressured." .' ~