portfolio A l e x A n d e r ... w o r k s A m p...
portfolio A l e x A n d e r ... w o r k s A m p...
Alexander Tibus portfolio work samples 2012 project customer Logo design BB Promotion GmbH The new logo of the Cologne Summer Festival expresses sound and rhythm. project Logo design Technologies AG, IKV Technologies Japan K.K. customer IKV Identity design for a German IT company and its Japanese subsidiary. TIBUS / FESTER PORTFOLIO 2009 project customer Logo design INAREA Aedes is an Italian real-estate company. The logo is to visualize healthy, natural growth. project Logo design NAREA Logo-Entwicklung für einen Wohnungsbaugesellschaft im Auftrag der Designagentur INAREA AEDES customer TIBUS / FESTER PORTFOLIO 2009 16 von 23 project customer Logo design Questico AG Questico’s new logo expresses a welcoming, amiable brand. project customer Stationary Questico AG project Corporate design manual Questico AG customer project Corporate design manual Questico AG customer Single pages define design guide lines briefly. A handy folder allows quick update of content. project New year compliment card NEUJAHRSKARTE Eigenauftrag The concept is to »recycle« ads found in magazines. Single words were cut out and arranged into a novel message. TIBUS / FESTER PORTFOLIO 2009 3 von 23 project New year compliment card NEUJAHRSKARTE Eigenauftrag TIBUS / FESTER PORTFOLIO 2009 4 von 23 project New year compliment card Colleagues and students contributed their wishes in Arabic, Chinese, English and in form of illustrations on sticky notes. project customer Logo for “The Gelman Project“ Tokyo Type Directors Club The Tokyo TDC asked for a logo in black and white to use it in a publication on Alexander Gelman. project Ambiva type study Ambiva creates the illusion of type by showing the characters’ shade only. It can be read in words whereas isolated letters are hard to define. project »Type Design Inside Grids«, 82 pages, soft cover Degree project The book analyses grid-based typefaces in a historical context. It classifies them, deconstructs font creation processes and finally deals with the question: Which communicative benefits are provided by such type? project »type design inside grids«, 82 pages, soft cover Degree project project Wirefox type design »Wirefox examines the relationship between text and texture. The greater the distance from which you are looking at the opposite page, the clearer the text will appear.« M. Hillner, Virtual Typography, AVA Publishers 2009, p. 135 project Wirefox type design »Wirefox comes in two variations. Wirefox-Up uses an ascending line pattern, Wirefox-Down a pattern of falling diagonals. Tibus (…) corrected the (…) strokes in some areas to even out the visual appearance of letters.« M. Hillner, Virtual Typography, AVA Publishers 2009, p. 135 »Type between the Lines« Posters, 540 x 720 mm Announcement of degree project-presentation project One silkscreen and three print colors on various papers generate a wide range of variations. n vum PLUS TYPOGRAPHY Gordo by Doma, www.doma.tv project Wirefox font promotion Interview mit / with Prof. Uwe Loesch Presso Wirefox Noa iF-Award Handmade typography Typophonie Luba Kalligrafie Intensivtraining / Calligraphy training ECAL – We make fonts 40 44 46 48 49 50 52 54 56 58 Fashion Designer Nastassia Bichan created the dress, Lucas Fester took the photograph and Oliver Klyne used it to design the front page of Novum magazine’s report title. project Magazine cover design Novum – world of graphic design customer Novum assigned me to design the cover for their typography issue. project Airport Orientation Westiform Holding AG customer Westiform was researching a guiding system for their client, Frankfurt Airport. In co-operation with Prof. Reinhard Haus I examined the utility of Wirefox integrating information with the landing field. project TOKYOBERLIN graphic Maki Shimizu is an illustrator from Tokyo who lives in Berlin. Collaborating with her inspired me to design this graphic. THANK YOU
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