Document 6468283
Document 6468283
THE CITIZEN-ADVERTISER, AUBURN, N. Y.# TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29. I t t S Pegs Ten APAM& 9*0WN§Y ^cu£ WPf It's common sense to heat your house the economical, effortless way with high grade Fuel Oil from Adams & Browne. Better heating is yours right from the start. ©urn ©OQJ- RlCH.HUt HJitkOlL PV o25^X J-735* ^ 2 H NORTH ST. . A U R U R . N N.V. ►V*0</U R€ THAHUfOL tOKTuAl T **" TAHUfULL land Hi# °y "Largest in Auburn — Is. Ready for Christmas with more dolls, all kinds of spring horses, desks, table and chairs sets, rocking chairs, doll carriages and strollers, more science toys, more exciting games . . . and a t Hislop's the price Is right. 1 LAY-AWAYS ARE WELCOME Free Giant Kiddie Cartoon Pre-Christmas Party Saturday A. M., D e c 10,195S, a* Schifw's Auburn Ttater F T M Tickets May B* Obtained in HISLOP'S TOY DEPT. , Club Newt Orqanuotioe* For the Women On the Go Toastmasters Club' Receives Auburn Charter Horn* Hints SoctCil E\ents Ft Dix Chapel Scene of Nuptials Mlaa Barb* a Ann Mcl>«*imott, dauKbter of \!r. and Mrs Jot.<*ph L. Mi I't-rmott of Port Le>dt<n. Jatfpb Rol*Tt H ltcn«<>n. mm »f Mr Hud Sir* f J r{i«-kw<>l| 4 l i H « k f - N Y . l>ec*me the b<id« ut t«">rn«' Ai«-. « « * promoted tn pruulf Hr«i i "an* w h i p *er lug v»tth tut' James Vans* ore. son of .\U». ir<l Muiine IH»UU l'>n at Kiiiit->lii> K:i\, IIHMHII lie fur* eulvring the Joseph \ a n a i o r t - of Auburn and the late Mr Vanarorn Saturday service in Jul>, 1V5 (. he uttenli*.! \\e*t lli.'b S. ln>»l • 9 • • • In a doubh* ring cr»-uiony in th<t ( HcU'kah 1 -•-l^e '<OTi will l> n«> >t* .n uuiil ley iiitr Kr.tln> at Roman Catholic Chapel, Ft. Dix, 1? North M Mi» K«IWMIII L. Arnold m.<l i l l * < lawle IK .„-)ierty an- «-o- N J. ■ tiHirinpii «'< •: i • 11111: < c III'U'IK art* Mi" AltU'l il<* l>al fi K>«"lh *1»* The bride K-lccted a dress of l*-lla I«i*lier. Mrs h'lw.ird I. Arnold ami .Mr* Mead • (.> iford. l i t t l e candlrlight brcx ddc. She carried work and < hr:*iman mrd* Mi* Kn<! Klxnn :md Mm l.ullr JOIHUMHI. a white pra>ur book topp*<d with , amlj . Mm I IIIIMII II«ii>' ><*r. Mm l i m r t v llo.i.dand ati<! \.r* r*iauk a white o n hid and Mtphanotis. Mrs. Robert Matuncrxuk of i'o\> iiM-nd, apron* i l l * Mini < II.HHUT*. #TI<* Mr* l»nn ll<>lr\ white fU'phMiila Mrs M"»- Mr* !>•«> M-oUi and Mi* Aan-n l'i< ki-ut will rail S>racu«e was matron of honor. for donation* A I'hriMMiHh M.iriy fur iiieinl* ra will tw \N eiitii-vla) . Rt-dmoud McPbllmy of Syracuse was bt-ht man * r>.-.•. . ' 1 . at Ovid Fellows Hall, 40 Slate St . with Mr* Uatalord iu charge The bride attended Port Leydcn of the program. Central School and Plattsburg Auburn To*«4masters C l e b 1 M 2 received its charter last Bight at it* official "coeaing State Teachers College. She is teaching In Syracuse party" la Springtide Ina. The orgsnixatIon la a unit la the 8 4 t h District, Toastmasters Laterwational. The bridegroom attended West Taking part In the p r e w n t a t l o a were Harold K. Curraa of 8yrarase, district governor; Walter P . High School and Cornell Univer Mr and Mr». Patrick J Curtin Quian, president of the Auburn group; Lawrence E. Tucker, aocretary-treaaurer; P a n ! L. Magi]I. sity. Before entering the «er\ioe of 14 Mattie St. have announced vice president and chairman for attendance and* membership; Robert L. Jones. Hyracuae, Central he was in the General Electric the e n g a g e m e n t of their daughter. training program at Electronics New York Area governor, presented the charter to President (Juinn; Robert 1. Nolan, sergeant a t . Miss Mary J. Curtin. to Robert T. Park, Syracuse. arms, and William J. Zabon, r i c e president and program chairmen. T h e clnb is d e r o t c d t o Improve Hitchens. BOO of Mr and Mrs. ment in public s p e a k i n g . (C-A P h o t o ) John Hitchena of 4 ! Seymour St. Mlaa Curtin If a graduate of • * Holy F a m i l y High School and « senior student at Auburn Mem orial Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. Hitchena attended Central High School and served four City and area leaders h a v e ' ' years with rhe I'.S. NaTy. He It scheduled two Informal m e e t i n g s ' fcssVe* ~-~~>~%employed at Ruston'a f o o d Mar this week to discus* more public SCHKXECTADT <.*>— A Jurist houa'ng at Melone Village and a I ket. has lisked the Appellate Division flood control program for Owasco No date has been vet for the of s t a t e Supreme Court and the Lake and Outlet. , wedding. district attorney to Investigate t h e The m e e t i n g s will be m o s t l y of • • • handling of estates by Harold I. The A l b u r n Contract Bridge Blessing, a prominent Scnenee- an Informative nature, w i t h n o , i m m e d i a t e action expected. j Club announced today the win tady attorney. The City C o u n c i l , Auburn ners of its w e e k l y duplicate g a m e In an opinion yesterday. Surro at the E l k s Club. Mr. and Mrs. gate William W. Campbell of Housing Authority s n d o t h e r In- ' N O D O W N PAYMENT NEEOfD H. J. Wenborn of Syracuse won Schenectady County said Blessing terested groups will c o n r e n e at , 7 : 3 0 p m. today at City Hall t o ' top honors in the North-South had testified at a referee's hearing 50 ChrysHK 4-Dr. Sedan (Royal) . . . $495 group. Mrs. Nina Speikhoff and that he "wrongfully converted" review rourh s k e t c h e s of a pro- j Herbert Resnick were in second of an estate of which he was exee- posed addition to Melone Village, i The Council has Indicated its ; | 51 Ford Station Wagon (8-pass.) . . $300 ■tor. place. In the East-West group. WL M. aCugwletos Basil Mitchell of Auburn and' Campbell ordered that 112.584 approval of about 80 new housing ' be paid by the estate of Mrs. Mar- units there, but a . formal r o t s 1 ! | 49 Morcury 4-Dr. Sod., 2-tono groan. $225 William Brennan Sr. of Genera M M Mary J. Ceroa 2 - I O M brows garetta H. Fryer to the estate of will be taken only after a detailed took first plaee. In second place were Mrs. J a m e s Clynes and Ken- Boyle and J a m e s Clynes, all of Lucy Van Derpool plus Interest plan is prepared. from Aug. IS. 1 J U . He ordered : 49 Studobakor 4-Door Sedan $195 neth Doyle tied w i t h Miss Teresa Auburn. | At 1 0 : 3 0 a.m. tomorrow, the Blessing to pay the Van Derpool Council will meet with surround • • • • • ; 48 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sod. (green) $175 estate $201 plus Interest from the i n g town supervisors for a con Local 1 0 8 5 . Textile Workers Tninn, will give a Christmas party same date. ference on a $ 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 flood con 49 Nash 4-Dr. Sed. (600) $175 for the children of employes of the Colombian Rope Co, at 2 :30 p. r». Blessing declined t o comment trol plan for p w a s c o Lake and Saturday. Dec 10. at the Roman Hall. There will be refreshments, \ on the case. 48 Ford 2-Dr. Sed. (grey) $150 Outlet prises and movies. An adults' party Isolated for 8 p. m I»ec. 17. The i He is grand master of the Grand U.S. Army engineers will be program will Include dancing, entertainment, food and beverages. The \ 47 nymoath 4-Dr. Sed. (blue) $125 f committee In charge inclodes John Arpino, Harold T. Smith, Frank Council, Royal and Select Masters present to explain the plan and Ma muscle. Patsy Cofranclsco. Anthony Batata. James Caruana, John ' of the 8tate of New York, a answer questions. Local Interests Masonic organisation, and is a Ruta. John Hansen, Pat Curtin and Peter I'anko. < former president of the Schenec would have to pay S 59.000 for CAeiio&t • « • • • I tady Kiwanis Club. His father, the project, with the rest coming from t h e federal g o v e r n m e n t . : Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bennett. 9 Bradley S t . hare announced '<the late Alexander T. Blessing, > the birth of an 8 lb.. 9 os. girl. Joyce Porotby. born NOT 22 at Mercy ' served as mayor or Schenectady Hospital. Mrs. Bennett is the former Miss Dorothy Kilmer. | and district attorney of Schenec USED CAI SALEStOOM — 47 MARKET ST. • • • • • I tady County. Opes M r y I o j * - • pj«. — S a t t - S f%omm 3.9*17 The regular meeting of the Aurelios Fire Department will be at ' In the opinion. Campbell said 8 : 3 0 p. m. Friday at Ea.«t Fire Hoiu«e. Members are urged to turn : Referee Del B. Salmon had re ^»»»se»»s*>»»«»»#»»»ee»i'»s«'»»»»»»»ii»»e»i»»»»»»»»»»»*e»e»»»»»»e»» in telerisfcm tickets stubs snd dance money DrtU is scheduled for ' ported that csaets belonging to W e T Dec. 5 and 19. and a coimty meeting for Dec 13. the Van Derpool estate had been JACKAOXVT1.IJ5, F l a , OP) — located la th* estate of Mrs. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Alex W. Lang. RD. 3. hare announced the birth of Fryer. He said this was "demon I Vandarbllt and Auburn will play strated clearly by t h e testimony In the U t h Gator Bowl football a s 8 lb. son. Dale Richard. Sunday at Mercy Hospital. of Attorney Blessing before the . g a m e Dec. 31. • • • • • . Auburn has a Southeastern Mr. and Mrs. SteTen Scofteld, chairmen of the door prises committee referee." The subrogate said Blessing Conference record of S - l - i and for the Union Springs Neighborhood FT A dance Friday at th*. school, ! anoooDce* that there will be round and square dancing from 9 p. nv : was "duty-beund a s executor and an overall record of 8-1-1; Vaaas an officer of this court to con derbtlt 5-3 and 7-3. to 1 p. m. serve the funds and assets of this Mr. and Mrs. Richard Traiani. of 2 17 Vi W. Genesee S t . hare an estate and not to a s e the money NO WORRY OVER POSTAGE FOR GRAND EATING — RRTTER TRY f M . . . nounced the Mrth Friday at Merry Hospital of a 7 lb. eon. Paul Joseph. for the payment of her personal financial obligations to Mrs. Mrs. Traiani is the former Mlaa Marie CaUlfano. I1JOX (A*—Small fry in thla Fryer." • • • • • Mohawk Valley community w o n t The Grace Episcopal Church anginal C&rtstma* baa-iar, rummage h a r e to worry about the postage and f o c i sale will be at 1 0 : 3 0 a. m. Dec. 1 0 at Smith's Jewelry Store, in dealing direct with Santa Claus 1 Union Springs. this year Firemen will scoop up the let The Fellowcraft Club of St. Paul's Lodge 121. Ft.* M. announced ters from a special mailbox in a today that the "Yellow Dog degree" » i l i be conferred op Master Masons city park and deliver them to who mlah to receive It at 8 p m. Friday in the Doric room of Masonic Santa on the hook and ladder Temple. truck. flarret V. McMillan. 27 Park Cayuga County 4-H Dairy Club will meet at 1 3 0 p. ta Saturday ! at the Beacon Milling Co. dairy farm south of Cayuga to dhkuss calf Ave . ye»terday returned an en feeding and management and calf barn records. Dr. Lew Mix. club velope containing $1*3 in cash ' BALLOON'S U. S. CHOICE « U M — SWIFTS PREMIUM adrfeor. will glre the instruction. . and cheek for $40 to its owner. RESTAURANT ' • « • • • I Trank 2. Jaworskt. of 20 TrankThe Arts 'n Crafts Home Bnresu I'nlr will hare its November ' lin St., police reported. SS W'aVilngton Street ( birthday party at 1 2 : 3 0 j> ni tomorrow ar the Woman's 1'nion i;uc«ts Mr Jaworskt told police he of honor mill'be Mrs. Clair Hooker and Mr*, r Euevne «'arper<ter Sr lost the envelope tn the vicinity O Dinner Mask Mm Asnes Donaldson wiP be chairman. After the party the members of Lincoln and South Sts. yester-' will work on a handmade quilt for the <*hrl*»ma« poor basket. . day He was advised to place an STEAKS i • • • • • | advertisement in THE CITIZENSTOCK The Auburn Kiwanis Clnb * i 1 benn its r*»o>mheT n>epfnc* at ADVERTISER. He did so. -and YOU noon Thursday at the o*l*vne Hotel with an address hy Kiwanutn Mr McM'llan who found the un YOUR CAN James p. Beardsley nhirh also wi'l feature a film on "Arch'tecture marked envelope at the base of V S A™ Tl-.ts is the st«rv of the progress made In the I'm ted Statea a tree, contacted the owner. H e ' EAT NOW by architects In the designing and modeling of architecture of all types. refused a $50 reward. ALL MEAT especially buildings. Meanwhile, another loss went uncorrected. Miss Frances Wal lace IT Haveffs Are . told police SMOTHER THOSE STEAKS IN THESE yesterday that she lost a blue | FRESH, SNOW-WHITE change puree containing $ i 0 , a 11 XORTH 8 T . e n d yon'll be thanked many ttmee after ffcr TRU s-sua cameo ring, and a rosary. CULTIVATED Miss Mary J. Curiin Is Engaged . Probe of Estates Handling Urged Flood Control, Housing Addition Meets Se | Deal Your Way With Northway \ REAL BUYS E> ITORTHtUAY Gator Bowl Feature Auburn, Yahderbilt f !■ ALL DAY WEDNESDAY I lost Ad Brings Prompt Results In Cash Recovery BE SENSIBLE — Desks Cord ToMot Card* Tops 90TQ r l S B W l MMCJl SSrtS Loop Racjs Rexnssmtf CtMsrs Rockers Gossip Tones* TV Tobfos • Honocta S h o p the place w h e r e yonr little dollar cowota SCHRECK BROS. FURNITURE 1 4 * 1 4 4 - 1 6 Kent Genesee HC TH. n - 0 7 S l DAIRYLEA Cream Cow pokes start their day with the land of breakfast that you get when you pour rich, flavorful DAJBYiEA cream over you/ morning cereal % Makes any cereal taste better . . . builds body tissue . . . replaces the energy you use up. So pour it on, Pardner! And be sure it's DAIRYLEA cream — the finest money can buy. Wednesday Special! 150 VELVET HATS Phone 3-6283 Roq. Vokws to 2 . t t Mrs. Stansfield Rites Services for Mrs. William J ?tansfleld of !!<> 8. Seward Are , who died Saturday, were at 2 30 p m today at the A J Rolling Funeral Home with the Rev Rob ert S. S t a m f i e l d . paitor of the Second Baptist Church, officiat ing Committal »erric*a were at Bradley Chapel. Burial was In Fort Hill Cemetery. Spanish sherry wines, is the only be left indefinitely without damaging hardiest of all wine that can exposed to s i r its taste. Experiments hsr» shown thst hosrt gain weight faster, specially •luting hot weather. If s i r e n night lights. HYE POINTS HARDWARE WINDOW GLASS, DU* PONT PAINTS, a*. GEN ERAL HARDWARC 4 0 l e w s ) St, Dtai S-SCS1 COSMAN'S Tobacco Shop for BEATIE JET LIGHTERS 3-PIECE CHROME eisoirs (|ost M » odott lew. CWdrew t sol so) — Moh ooosrty oos) sios. Tabes ' I Q=l *•**••■. a' /v^Vf MILK PRODUCTS To FEEl better, LOOK better, SLEEP becter . . . drink 3 glasses of DoiryHea Milk every day. Millinery Dept. Main ROOT Schreck Bros. Furniture 14.14Vi.14 Rgejt Gooosoo S4. PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization ToL 2-S731 with CVISION's PdfCompressor I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IFS STEAK DAY! Mohican Finest Quality Western Steer STEAKS BONELESS-NO WASTE ROUND or CUBE 75 Mushrooms* 49 AND HOW IS THIS DESSERT — PS AND CHSfSll OYIN MESH . DEEP DISH APPLE • PINEAPPLE or LEMON MERINGUE re 49c Pies s- "• 39 MOHICAN MEADOWRROOK N. Y. State * Rick • FloAforoo Cheese • A NNE GIFT! M O U I M M t M f\ Super Market Cook Book ~ » * y c ij yOU €AT BSTTEft rVr/FrV YOU I I G? $* 121 GENESEE STREET PHONE 1-4211