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1 DIELS ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 167016 OREGON, OH 43616 e-mail at [email protected] VISIT OUR WEB PAGE AT CATALOG 28C JANUARY 2016 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE CHECK OUT OUR WEB PAGE FOR LATEST ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PERIODIC SPECIAL OFFERS. PRODUCTS: Listed on the following pages are the Kits, Plans, and accessories currently available. Number gaps in kits and decals reflect items that are not available any longer. All plans are flying models separated into the following categories: Peanut scale, non-scale, and larger scale flying model drawings. All plans have been designed from 3 views, photos, and other reference material of the actual aircraft. Some have enlarged tail surfaces for better flying characteristics. Scale references are included and where possible scale markings are also included. Also included are any special building instructions and separate printed parts sheets so you don’t have to cut up the plans or go get extra copies made. Prototypes of all models have been built to verify the accuracy of the drawings. However, we don’t claim infallibility so if you find a mistake somewhere please let us know so we can correct it. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: MINIMUM ORDER $10 PLUS S&H All orders must include US funds only. Make checks or money orders payable to Diels Engineering, Inc. WE NOW ACCEPT PAYMENT BY PAYPAL. Calculate your order amount, e-mail us to verify the amount, and then use your PayPal account to send your payment. OHIO ORDERS: All Ohio orders include sales tax based on the tax rate for the area you live in. PLANS ORDERS: Add 25% postage. Minimum postage $6.00. No extra SHIPPING AND HANDLING COSTS-USA: Unless specified by the customer all orders will be shipped via Post Office. For UPS add an additional $10 per order. KIT ORDERS: Kit orders add $10 for the first kit and $2.00 for each additional kit on the same order. USA shipments only. PLANS ORDERS:Plans orders add 20% for postage with a minimum of $4. No extra postage if ordered with kits. ACCESSORIES ORDERS: Canopies, Decals, and other accessories add 20% or $5 minimum for postage. No extra postage if ordered with kits. SHIPPING AND HANDLING COSTS-CANADA & MEXICO: All orders will be shipped via International First Class mail. postage if ordered with kits. KIT ORDERS: Kit orders add $11 for the first kit and $3 for each additional kit on the same order. CANOPIES, DECALS & ACCESSORIES: Add 25% per order or $7 minimum for postage. No extra postage if ordered with kits. SHIPPING AND HANDLING COSTS-OVERSEAS: All orders shipped International First ClassMail. PLANS ORDERS: CONTACT US FOR AN ESTIMATE. KIT ORDERS: CONTACT US FOR AN ESTIMATE. CANOPIES, DECALS & ACCESSORIES: CONTACT US FOR AN ESTIMATE. DEALER INQUIRIES: Dealer inquiries accepted. Send for information on your business letterhead. NOTE: SOME ITEMS MAY BE OUT OF STOCK TEMPORARILY OVER THE LIFE OF THIS CATALOG. SOME OLDER KITS AND DECALS ARE SUBJECT TO BEING RETIRED BASED ON DEMAND WHEN CURRENT SUPPLIES RUN OUT. CHECK WEB PAGE FOR LATEST INFO ON ITEMS IN LIMITED QUANTITIES OR OUT OF STOCK. INDEX SUBJECT ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------LASER CUT KIT DESIGNATION DESCRIBED --------PRICE LIST-KITS, PLANS, CANOPIES, DECALS-----COMPLETE AND SHORT KITS DESCRIBED ---------COMPLETE PRINTWOOD AND LASER CUT KITS -SHORT KITS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE---------------PEANUT SCALE PLANS LISTING------------------------LARGER SCALE PLANS LISTING------------------------ORDER BLANKS---------------------------------------------- PAGE: 1 2 2-3 3 4-6 7-9 10 10-12 13 2 COMPLETE LASER CUT KITS NOW AVAILABLE We started our line of laser cut complete kits and short kits with subjects from our print wood line that have been out of stock after our stocks of print wood have been used up. In many cases the original designs have been modified slightly and have additional drawings and instructions. As we go into this new line the kit numbers will be the same as the old kits with the suffix -LC added to the kit number. In the future any new kit designs will continue with the next kit number in line and a -LC added. PRICE LIST INCLUDING KITS, PLANS, CANOPIES, DECALS, SHORT KITS, AND PRINTWOOD AND LASER CUT WOOD SETS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PART NUMBERS OF ITEMS WITH LASER CUT WOOD HAVE AN -LC SUFFIX PRICE LIST FOR KITS, SHORT KITS, & PRINTWOOD OR LASER CUT WOOD. KITS LC-Laser Cut PART # PLANE PRICE K-1 F4B-2 $32.95 ***K-2 LA-5/7 $30.95 ***K-3 F8F-2 $30.95 K-4 P-40(P) NA K-5 A8/A12 $35.95 K-6 4 IN 1 N/A K-7 SBC-4 $33.95 ***K-8 TBD-1 $37.95 K-9 SS II $16.00 ***K-10 J7W1 $31.95 ***K-11 F4F $32.95 ***K-12 F6F $32.95 ***K-13 F4U $32.95 K-14 FR-1 $17.00 ***K-15 F-86D $32.95 ***K-16 F-100 $32.95 ***K-17 LACEY $20.00 ***K-18 ZERO $32.95 ***K-19 TA-152 $32.95 K-20 O-47 $32.95 ***K-21 ME-109 $32.95 ***K-22 DO-335 $41.95 ***K-23 F7F $42.95 ***K-24 C.202 $32.95 K-25-LC SB2U $42.95 ***K-26 BF2C-1 $32.95 ***K-27 KI-27 $30.95 K-28-LC F3F $36.95 K-29-LC TYPHOON $41.95 ***K-30 F2A $32.95 K-31-LC KI-43 $36.95 K-32 TBY-2 $39.95 ***K-33 B7A2 $35.95 K-34-LC SBD-3/5 $42.95 K-35-LC B5N2 $42.95 K-36-LC P-39 $36.95 K-37-LC Ki-44 $36.95 ***K-38 TBF $39.95 K-39-LC D3A1/2 $47.95 K-40-LC P-47D/N $41.95 K-41-LC J2M3 $36.95 K-42-LC P-40B/C $36.95 K-43-LC Ki-84 $37.95 K-44-LC SB2C-4 $48.95 K-45-LC Ki-30 $44.95 K-46-LC P-66 $37.95 K-47-LC P-36A $37.95 NS-1 DAVEY $18.00 ***Denotes items are temporarily out of stock but have a long lead time. Comments OOS OOS Retired Retired OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS Short Kits Short Kit # SK-1 ***SK-2 ***SK-3 SK-4 SK-5 SK-6 ***K-7 ***SK-8 SK-9 ***SK-10 ***SK-11 ***SK-12 ***SK-13 SK-14 SK-15 ***SK-16 ***SK-17 ***SK-18 ***SK-19 SK-20 ***SK-21 ***SK-22 ***SK-23 ***SK-24 SK-25-LC ***SK-26 ***SK-27 SK-28-LC SK-29-LC ***SK-30 ***SK-31-LC SK-32 ***SK-33 SK-34-LC SK-35-LC SK-36-LC SK-37-LC ***SK-38 SK-39-LC ***SK-40-LC SK-41-LC ***SK-42-LC ***SK-43-LC SK-44-LC SK-45-LC SK-46-LC SK-47-LC SK-NS-1 LC-Laser Cut Name F4B-2 LA-5/7 F8F P-40 (P) A-8/A-12 4 IN 1 SBC-4 TBD-1 SS-2 (P) J7W1 F4F F6F F4U FR-1 (P) F-86D F-100 LACEY ZERO TA-152 O-47 Bf-109E DO 335 F7F C.202 SB2U BF2C-1 KI-27 F3F TYPHOON F2A KI-43 TBY-2 B7A2 SBD3/5 B5N2 P-39 KI-44 TBF D3A1/2 P-47 J2M3 P-40B/C KI-84 SB2C-4 KI-30 P-66 P-36A DAVEY DOP-Decal Option price when purchased with a short kit Decals DOP Price $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $9.00 $17.00 $30.00 $15.00 $16.00 $6.00 $15.00 $18.00 $17.00 $16.00 $9.00 $18.00 $21.00 $16.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $13.00 $20.00 $24.00 $13.00 $29.00 $15.00 $13.00 $24.00 $25.00 $16.00 $23.00 $23.00 $18.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.00 $22.00 $26.00 $30.00 $25.00 $22.00 $22.00 $23.00 $32.00 $30.00 $23.00 $23.00 $9.00 Comments $3.00 $2.00 OOS N/A $5.00 OOS OOS OOS $0.25 $2.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $0.50 OOS $4.00 $2.50 $2.50 $3.00 $4.50 $3.00 $4.00 $3.00 $3.50 $6.00 OOS OOS $6.00 $5.00 OOS $4.00 $5.00 $3.00 $6.00 $3.00 $5.00 $2.00 $6.00 $3.00 $4.00 4..00 $4.00 $4.00 $6.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 None OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS OOS PART # D-1 D-2 ***D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 ***D-8 D-9 D-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 ***D-15 D-16 D-17 D-18 D-19 D-20 D-21 D-22 D-23 D-24 D-25 ***D-26 D-27 D-28 D-29 D-30 D-31 D-32 D-33 D-34 D-35 D-36 D-37 D-38 D-39 D-40 D-41 *D-42 D-43 D-44 D-45 D-46 *D-42 DL-101 PLANE F4B-2 LA-5/7 F8F-2 PRICE $8.00 $4.00 OOS N/A A8/A12 $6.00 N/A SBC-4 $7.00 TBD-1 OOS SS II $0.25 J7W1 $4.00 F4F $8.00 F6F $12.00 F4U $8.00 FR-1 $3.00 OOS F-86D F-100 $8.00 LACEY $6.00 ZERO $5.00 TA-152 $6.00 O-47 $9.00 ME-109 $7.00 DO-335 $10.00 F7F $6.00 C.202 $7.00 SB2U $12.00 OOS BF2C-1 KI-27 $5.00 F3F $12.00 TYPHOON $6.00 F2A $12.00 KI-43 $11.00 TBY-2 $10.00 B7A2 $7.00 SBD-3/5 $12.00 B5N2 $7.00 P-39 $10.00 Ki-44 $5.00 TBF $12.00 D3A1/2 $7.00 P-47 $8.00 J2M3 $7.00 P-40B/C $9.00 Ki-84 $7.00 SB2C-4 $12.00 Ki-30 $6.00 P-66 $7.00 P-36A $7.00 SWIFT OOS 3 PRICE LIST CONTINUED PLANS CANOPIES PLANS CONTINUED PART # PLANE P-1 FW -56 PRICE $4.00 PART # P-50 PLANE TU-2 PRICE $10.00 PART # C-2 PLANE LA-5/7 PRICE $3.00 P-2 SBN-1 $4.00 P-51 SM-79 $10.00 C-3 F8F-2 $4.00 P-3 V-143P $3.00 P-52 F4B-2-P $3.00 *C-4 P-40 $3.00 P-4 N-23 $3.00 P-53 SB2A2-L $5.00 C-5 A8/A12 $5.00 P-5 XF7B-1 $4.00 P-54 DO335-W $10.00 *C-6-1 F2A-2 $3.00 P-6 P- 26- P $4.00 P-55 J7W1 $5.00 *C-6-2 MB-152 $3.00 $3.00 P-7 FS $3.00 P-56 TBD-1 $7.00 *C-6-3 P-66 P-8 P- 61- P $4.00 P-57 A8/A12 $10.00 *C-6-4 J2M3 $3.00 P-9 SB2C-P $3.00 P-58 FR-1 $4.00 C-7 SBC-4 $5.00 P- 10 LO $5.00 P-59 C- 46-38 $10.00 C-8 TBD-1 $8.00 P- 11 P- 66- P $3.00 P-60 P-40 $4.00 C-10 J7W1 $4.00 P- 12 SB2A2-P $3.00 P-61 BR $4.00 C-11 F4F $4.00 P- 13 BF $3.00 P-62 C- 46-46 $7.50 C-12 F6F $4.00 P- 14 F2A-2-P $3.00 P-63 MSA-1-1 $6.00 C-13 F4U $4.00 P- 15 V-143W $4.00 P-64 P-61- L $8.00 *C-14 FR-1 $3.00 $6.00 P- 16 P-66-W $4.00 P-65 F4F $6.00 C-15 F-86D P- 17 SB2A2-W $4.00 P-66 F6F $6.00 C-16 F-100 $6.00 P- 18 SS-II-P $3.00 P-67 F4U $6.00 C-18 ZERO $5.00 P- 19 FF $3.00 P-68 LACEY $5.00 C-19 TA-152 $3.00 P- 20 XA-32A $4.00 P-69 F-86D $8.00 C-20 O-47 $8.00 P- 21 OS2U-P $4.00 P-70 F-100 $9.00 C-21 ME-109 $4.00 P- 22 J2M 3-P $4.00 P-71 ZERO $6.00 C-22 DO-335 $4.00 P- 23 LA-5/7 $5.00 P-72 TA-152 $6.00 C-23 F7F $4.00 P- 24 C.202-W $5.00 P-73 ME-109 $6.00 C-24 C.202 $4.00 P- 25 SBC-4 $6.00 P-74 DO335-S $5.00 C-25 SB2U $8.00 P- 26 J22B-P $4.00 P-75 CATO $4.00 C-26 BF2C-1 $4.00 P- 27 XC-31 $4.00 P-76 SW IFT $6.00 C-27 KI-27 $4.00 P- 28 M SA-1-P $3.00 P-77 NAVION $6.00 C-28 F3F $4.00 P- 29 C.202-P $4.00 P-78 SB2U $10.00 C-29 TYPHOON $5.00 P- 30 WW $8.00 P-79 KI-27 $6.00 C-30 F2A-2 P- 31 F3F-2 $6.00 P-80 KI-43 $6.00 C-31-1 KI-43-1 P- 32 HT $10.00 P-81 TBY- 2 $10.00 C-31-2 KI-43-2/3 $4.00 P- 33 MB152-P $3.00 P-82 B7A2 $7.00 C-32 TBY-2 $12.00 P- 34 MB152-W $4.00 P-83 SBD-3/5 $8.00 C-33 B7A2 $8.00 P- 35 O-47 $10.00 P-84 B5N2 $8.00 C-34 SBD-3/5 $7.00 P- 36 F7F $10.00 P-85 P-39 $7.00 C-35 B5N2 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 P- 37 F8F-2-W $5.00 P-86 Ki-44 $7.00 C-36 P-39 $7.00 P- 38 F2A-2-W $10.00 P-87 TBF $10.00 C-37 Ki-44 $7.00 P- 39 P- 40 P- 41 NT SS-II-W F8F-2-P $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 P-88 P-89 P-90 D3A1/2 P-47D/N P-40B/C $10.00 $10.00 $8.00 C-38 C-39 **C-40-D TBF D3A1/2 P-47-R.B. $12.00 $9.00 $6.50 P- 42 P- 43 BF2C-1 F4B-2-W $5.00 $4.00 P-91 P-92 Ki-84 DAVEY $8.00 $8.00 **C-40-N C-41 P-47-BUB J2M3 $6.50 $6.50 P- 44 OS2U-W $5.00 **P-93 SB2C-4 $13.00 C-42 P-40B/C $7.00 P- 45 J2M3- W $7.00 P-94 Ki-30 $10.50 C-43 Ki-84 $7.00 P- 46 J22B-W $5.00 P-95 P-66 $11.00 C-44 SB2C-4 $10.00 P- 47 P-26-W $4.00 P- 48 FF-W $5.00 *P-49 SB2C-W $6.00 *This plan is an older design of the SB2C enlar ged from P-9 and P-96 P-36A $11.00 **This plan is a totally new design of the SB2C. based on m ore accurate C-45 Ki-30 $9.00 C-46 P-66 $7.00 C-47 P-36A $7.00 * These are peanut canopies. **R.B.=RAZORBACK D, BUB=BUBBLETOP D & N Complete and Short Kit Descriptions All Laser Cut Complete Kits contain printed plans, building instructions, precision laser cut balsa parts, balsa strip wood, plastic canopy, plastic prop with hardware, rubber motor, lightweight tissue, and decals or plain paper color copies of insignias and/or markings as noted. Some kits may have added parts as noted. All Printwood Complete Kits contain printed plans, building instructions, printed wood parts, balsa strip wood, plastic canopy, plastic prop with hardware, rubber motor, lightweight tissue, and decals or plain paper color copies of insignias and/or markings as noted. Some kits may have added parts as noted. Short kits contain plans, printwood or laser cut wood, and vacuum formed canopies where required. 4 COMPLETE KITS NOW AVAILABLE KIT # 1. BOEING F4B-2 (ARMY P-12C). 1929/1930 Navy (Army) fighter, predecessor to the F4B-4. 1/24 scale, 15” span. Kit contains printed plans, building instructions, printwood and stripwood, plastic prop with hardware, rubber motor, lightweight tissue, and 4 color decals. KIT # 2. LAVOCHKIN LA-5FN/LA-7. Russian WW2 fighter. Build either version. 1/24 scale, 16-1/2” span, from plan #23. Kit contains printed plans, building instructions, printwood and stripwood, plastic canopy, plastic prop with hardware, rubber motor, lightweight tissue, and OUT OF STOCK decals. KIT # 3. GRUMMAN F8F-2 BEARCAT. U. S. Navy late WW2 and post war fighter plane. 1/24 scale, 18” span, from plan #37. Kit contains printed plans, building instructions, printwood and strips, plastic canopy, plastic prop with hardware, rubber motor, lightweight tissue, and complete decal sheet. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 5. CURTISS A-8/A-12 SHRIKE. 1930’s single engine attack plane. 1/24 scale, 22” span. This kit builds either version. Kit contains printed plans (2 sheets, 4 pages), complete building instructions, lightweight tissue, printwood and stripwood, plastic prop and hardware, and complete decal sheet covering an aircraft of each version. KIT # 11. GRUMMAN F4F WILDCAT. WW2 US Navy fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 19” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. Contains the usual high quality stuff, printed plans, printwood, building instructions, extra documentation, 3-views, plastic canopy, decals for 3 different aircraft, prop and hardware, stripwood, lightweight tissue. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 12. GRUMMAN F6F HELLCAT. WW2 US Navy fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 21.42” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. Contains the usual high quality stuff, printed plans, printwood, building instructions, 3-views, plastic canopy, 4 color decals, plastic prop and hardware, stripwood, lightweight tissue. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 13. VOUGHT F4U CORSAIR. WW2 US Navy and Marine fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 20.5” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. Contains the usual high quality stuff, printed plans, printwood, building instructions, 3-views, plastic canopy, 4 color decals, plastic prop and hardware, stripwood, lightweight tissue. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 14. RYAN FR-1 FIREBALL. Peanut scale kit. 13” wingspan. US Navy post WW2 fighter with a radial engine in the nose and a jet in the tail. This kit has all the usual Diels kit stuff, plastic canopy, decals, plans and instructions, 1/20 stripwood and printed wood, Japanese tissue, plastic prop and hardware. KIT # 7. CURTISS SBC-4 BI-PLANE HELLDIVER. Last US Navy combat bi-plane. Late 1930’s dive-bomber relegated to non-combat duties in early WW2. From plan #25. 1/24 scale, 17” span. Kit contains printed plans, instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, plastic prop and hardware, complete decal sheet for US Navy and Marine versions. KIT # 8. DOUGLAS TBD-1 DEVASTATOR. Early WW2 US Navy torpedo bomber. 1/24 scale, 25” span, from plan # 56. Kit contains printed plans, instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, plastic prop and hardware, complete decal sheet for several US KIT # 15. Sabre “Dog” version from the 1950’s in 1/24 scale, designed for rubber power. The radome nose makes it a natural for rubber power. Wingspan is 18.54”. Kit includes plastic canopy, 4 color decals, printwood, stripwood, printed plans and instructions, plastic prop and hardware, and lightweight tissue. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 16. KIT # 9. NORTH AMERICAN F-100 SUPER SABRE JET. Famous jet of the 1950’ and 1960’s. STOCK 1/24 scale, 19-3/8” span, designed OUT OF for rubber power. Includes all the usual OUT OF STOCK Navy versions. NORTH AMERICAN F-86D SABRE JET. The stuff, plastic canopy, 4 color decals, printwood, stripwood, plans and instructions, prop and hardware, and Japanese tissue. Fly it with the prop provided, or whip fly it, or hand launch glider. SUPERMARINE SPARROW II. Peanut scale kit. The Sparrow was a 1920’s parasol wing British lightplane built for a special competition. This peanut kit spans 13” and includes all necessary materials including printwood, stripwood, Japanese tissue, box type fuselage construction, printed plan and complete building instructions. From plan #18. KIT # 10. KYUSHU J7W1 SHINDEN. WW2 experimental Japanese canard fighter. 1/24 scale, 18-1/4” span. Kit contains the usual printed plans, complete building instructions, reference 3-views, plastic canopy, decals, printwood, stripwood, prop and hardware, lightweight tissue, etc. From plan #55. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 17. THE HOMEBUILT LACEY M-10. Homebuilt lightplane. This kit was designed for the beginner who has built a Peck ROG or Delta Dart or other first model and wants to transition into a scale model. The kit spans 16” and can be built with either sheet balsa fuselage sides or as a stick and tissue model with the parts to build it either way. Kit contains lightweight tissue, balsa printwood, stripwood, printed plans (2 sheets), complete instructions, decals, plastic prop, rubber, and hardware. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 18. MITSUBISHI A6M2 ZERO. WW2 Japanese fighter plane. 1/24 scale, about 18” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. Contains the usual high quality stuff, printed plans, printwood, building instructions, 3-views, plastic canopy, decals, plastic prop and hardware, stripwood, lightweight tissue. OUT OF STOCK 5 KIT # 19. FOCKE-WULF TA-152H. WW2 German fighter plane, late long wing development of the FW-190D9. 1/24 scale, 23-11/16” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2”. Contains printwood, stripwood, lightweight tissue, plastic canopy, printed plans, building instructions, plastic prop and hardware, and complete decals. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 20. NORTH AMERICAN O-47. Mid-1930’s to WW2 monoplane US Army observation plane. This is from plan #35 and is in 1/24 scale, 23-1/8” span. Contains printwood, stripwood, lightweight tissue, printed plans (two sheets), plastic canopy, plastic prop and hardware, and 4 color decals for several aircraft. KIT # 21. MESSERSCHMITT Bf-109E. WW2 German fighter from the battle of Britain. This kit is from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2”. Contains printwood, stripwood, lightweight tissue, plastic canopy, printed plans, building instructions, plastic prop and hardware, OUT OF STOCK and decals. KIT # 22. DORNIER Do 335 PFEIL (ARROW). WW2 KIT # 27. NAKAJIMA KI-27 “NATE”. Late 1930’s and WW2 Japanese Army Air Force fighter, 1/24 scale, 18.56” span. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheet with instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 28-LC. LASER CUT KIT. GRUMMAN F3F-2. Late 1930’s U.S. Navy Biplane Fighter. The Gulfhawk version is also shown and the parts provided may build either version. 1/24 scale, 16” span. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheet with instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, plastic canopy, 4 color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. KIT # 29-LC. HAWKER TYPHOON IB. WW2 British Fighter and Attack plane. 1/24 scale, 21.79” span. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheet with instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. KIT # 30. BREWSTER F2A BUFFALO. PRE-WAR & WW2 US German heavy fighter. This twin-engine fighter (in push-pull configuration) was introduced late in WW2 and saw only limited use before the war ended. The model is in 1/24 scale, 22-9/16” span. Since both motors are in the fuselage both motors are designed to be powered. this complete kit includes 2 double sided sheets of plans and instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, decals, lightweight tissue, plastic props, and hardware Navy, British, and Finnish Fighter. 1/24 scale, 17.5” span. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, 6 color decals (3 Countries), lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. Plans show all major versions, F2A-2,-3, B-239, & B-339. KIT # 23. KIT # 31-LC. LASER CUT KIT NAKAJIMA OUT OF STOCK GRUMMAN F7F TIGERCAT. Late WW2 and Korean War US Navy twinengine fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 25.75” span, from plan #36. Designed for rubber power for both engines. Contains the usual high quality stuff including 2 double-sided sheets of plans and instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, decals, lightweight tissue, plastic props, and hardware. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 24. MACCHI C.202 FOLGORE. WW2 Italian fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 17.7” span, from plan #24. Designed for rubber power the complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheet with instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, Italian decals and labels, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 25-LC. LASER CUT KIT.VOUGHT SB2U VINDICATOR. WW2 U.S. Navy Dive Bomber, 1/24 scale, 21” span. Designed for rubber power the complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheet with instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, 4 color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. KIT # 26. CURTISS BF2C-1 (HAWK III). 1935 U.S. Navy Fighter Bomber and export fighter, 1/24 scale, 15.8” span. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheet with instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, 5 color decals for both US Navy and Chinese Hawk III versions, lightweight tissue, OUT OF STOCK plastic prop, and hardware. OUT OF STOCK Ki-43 OSCAR. WW2 JAPANESE ARMY AIR FORCE Fighter. 1/24 scale, 18.87” span. All major versions, Mk-I, MkII, & Mk-III are shown on the plans. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. KIT # 32. CONSOLIDATED TBY-2 SEAWOLF. WW2 U.S. NAVY TORPEDO BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 28.47” span. 180 were built but war ended before they could see action. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. KIT # 33. AICHI B7A-2 RYUSEI “GRACE”. WW2 JAPANESE NAVY ATTACK BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 23.63” span. This fine attack bomber came a little to late to have an impact on the outcome of the war. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, printwood, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 34-LC. LASER CUT KIT. DOUGLAS SBD-3/5 DAUNTLESS. WW2 U.S. NAVY AND MARINE DIVE BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 20.77” span. Famous for sinking 4 Japanese aircraft carriers at Midway. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, turned wheels, and hardware. 6 KIT # 35-LC. LASER CUT KIT. NAKAJIMA B5N2 “KATE”. WW2 JAPANESE NAVY ATTACK/TORPEDO BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 25.46” span. This was the first line attack/torpedo bomber for the IJNAF at the beginning of the war. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, LASER CUT WOOD, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, tissue, plastic prop, KIT # 36-LC. LASER CUT KIT. BELL P-39 AIRACOBRA. WW2 U.S. ARMY AIR FORCE AND RUSSIAN FIGHTER 1/24 scale, 17” span. Used in the Pacific theater in early WW2. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, LASER CUT WOOD, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. KIT # 37-LC. LASER CUT KIT. NAKAJIMA Ki-44 “TOJO”. WW2 JAPANESE ARMY AIR FORCE FIGHTER. 1/24 scale, 15.5” span. Designed as a high-speed interceptor. The complete kit contains the usual high quality stuff including plans sheets with instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, plastic canopy, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop, and hardware. KIT # 38. GRUMMAN TBF/TBM AVENGER. WW2 US NAVY TORPEDO BOMBER. Became the best torpedo bomber of the war. 1/24 scale, 27.08" span. Build any version from the TBF-1 through TBM-3E. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, printwood, stripwood, color decals, turned foam wheels, lightweight tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy, turret, and tunnel gun position. OUT OF STOCK KIT # 39-LC. LASER CUT KIT. AICHI D3A1/2 "VAL" WW2 JAPANESE NAVY DIVE-BOMBER. The Val was the Japanese Navy's front line dive-bomber at the beginning of WW2. Build either version from the kit. 1/24 scale, with a 23.85” wingspan. Based on an original design by Nate Sturman. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, turned nose block, turned foam wheels, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy with extension for D3A2 version. KIT # 40-LC. LASER CUT KIT. REPUBLIC P-47D/N THUNDERBOLT. WW2 US ARMY AIR CORPS FIGHTER. Called the “Jug” it was one of the best fighters of the war.. 1/24 scale, 20.39" span for the D version and 21.28” span for the N version.. Build any one of the D or N versions from the kit.. The kit includes 2 double sided printed plans sheets with complete instructions, LASER CUT WOOD, stripwood, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopies for razorback or bubbletop versions. KIT # 41-LC. LASER CUT KIT. MITSUBISHI J2M3 "JACK" WW2 JAPANESE NAVY LAND BASED FIGHTER INTERCEPTER. Some saw action in the Philippines but most were used in homeland defense. 1/24 scale, with a 17.71” wingspan. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy. KIT # 42-LC. LASER CUT KIT. CURTISS P40B/C WARHAWK. WW2 US ARMY AIR CORPS FIGHTER. The P40B/C was the front line Army Air Corps fighter when the U.S. entered WW2. It was used by the British as the Tomahawk IIA or IIB. Our model is in 1/24 scale having a wingspan of 18.65”. The kit includes all the usual good stuff Diels’ kits are known for, including, printed plans with complete instructions, LASER CUT WOOD, stripwood, color decals for U.S. Army version, Japanese tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy. KIT # 43-LC. LASER CUT KIT. NAKAJIMA Ki-84 “FRANK" WW2 JAPANESE ARMY FIGHTER. The Ki-84, Hayate (Hurricane) code named “Frank” was generally regarded as the best Japanese fighter of WW2. The first batches were sent to China, and then later moved to the Philippines. Our model is in 1/24 scale, with a 18.45” wingspan. The kit includes all the usual good stuff Diels’ kits are known for, including, printed plans with complete instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, color decals, Japanese tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy. KIT # 44-LC. LASER CUT KIT. CURTISS SB2C-4 HELLDIVER. FEATURING THE NEW ALIGN-OTAB CONSTRUCTION. WW2 US NAVY DIVE BOMBER. The SB2C was designed to replace the SBD but production and testing problems delayed its entry into the war until late 1943. Our model is in 1/24 scale having a wingspan of 24.88”. This is a totally new design and not to be confused with the older plan P49 which was an enlargement of an older peanut plan. The kit includes all the usual good stuff Diels’ kits are known for, including, printed plans (6 sheets) with complete instructions,laser cut wood, stripwood, color decals for most U.S. Navy versions, Japanese tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy. KIT # 45-LC LASER CUT KIT. MITSUBISHI Ki-30 "ANN" WW2 JAPANESE ARMY AIR FORCE LIGHT BOMBER. The Ann saw most of its action in China before America entered the war.Some saw action in the Philippines. 1/24 scale, with a 23.89” wingspan. The kit includes printed plans (4 sheets) with complete instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy. KIT # 46-LC LASER CUT KIT. FEATURING THE NEW ALIGN-O-TAB CONSTRUCTION. VULTEE P-66 VANGUARD, WW2 US ARMY AIR CORPS FIGHTER. This plane saw only limited stateside use by the US and most were shipped to China and used by the Chinese Air Force. The kit, 1/24 Scale, 17.92” wingspan, includes printed plans (3 sheets) with complete instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy. COMING FIRST QUARTER 2016 KIT #47-LC LASER CUT KIT. FEATURING THE NEW ALIGN-O-TAB CONSTRUCTION. CURTISS P-36A HAWK. Pre and WW2 USAAF and others fighter. 1/24 scale, 18.65” span. The kit includes printed plans (3 sheets) with complete instructions, laser cut wood, stripwood, color decals, lightweight tissue, plastic prop and hardware, rubber, and molded plastic canopy. 7 SK-11. GRUMMAN F4F WILDCAT. WW2 US Navy fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 19” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying OUT OF STOCK Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. SHORT KITS NOW AVAILABLE SK-1. 1929/1930 Navy (Army) fighter, predecessor to the F4B-4. 1/24 scale, 15” span. Kit contains printed plans, building instructions, and printwood. SK-2. Contains printed plans, printwood, building instructions, extra documentation, 3-views, and BOEING F4B-2 (ARMY P-12C). plastic canopy. SK-12. GRUMMAN F6F HELLCAT. WW2 US Navy fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 21.42” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. Contains printed plans, printwood, building instructions, 3-views, and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK LAVOCHKIN LA-5FN/LA-7. Russian WW2 fighter. Build either version. 1/24 scale, 16-1/2” span,STOCK from plan #23. Kit contains OUT OF printed plans, building instructions, printwood and plastic canopy. SK-3. SK-13. VOUGHT F4U CORSAIR. WW2 US Navy and Marine fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 20.5” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. Contains printed plans, printwood, building instructions, 3views, and plastic canopy GRUMMAN F8F-2 BEARCAT. OUT OF STOCK U. S. Navy late WW2 and post war fighter plane. 1/24 scale, 18” span, from plan #37. Kit contains printed plans, building instructions, printwood and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK SK-4. SK-14. The P-40B/C was the front line Army Air Corps fighter when the U.S. entered WW2, peanut scale, 13” span, from plan #60. Kit contains printed plans, building instructions, printwood and plastic canopy. SK-5. RYAN FR-1 FIREBALL. Peanut scale kit. 13” wingspan. US Navy post WW2 fighter with a radial engine in the nose and a jet in the tail. This kit has plastic canopy, plans and instructions, and printwood CURTISS P-40B/C Peanut Scale. CURTISS A-8/A-12 SHRIKE. 1930’s single engine attack plane. 1/24 scale, 22” span. This kit builds either version. Kit contains printed plans (2 sheets, 4 pages), complete building instructions, printwood and plastic canopies. SK-15. NORTH AMERICAN F-86D SABRE JET. The Sabre “Dog” version from the 1950’s in 1/24 scale, designed for rubber power. The radome nose makes it a natural for rubber power. Wingspan is 18.54”. Kit includes plastic canopy, printwood, printed plans OUT OF STOCK and instructions, and plastic canopy. SK-16. NORTH AMERICAN F-100 SUPER SABRE JET. Famous jet of the 1950’ and 1960’s. 1/24 scale, 19-3/8” span, designed for rubber power. Kit includes plastic canopy, printwood, plans and instructions. OUT OF STOCK SK-7. CURTISS SBC-4 BI-PLANE HELLDIVER. Last US Navy combat bi-plane. Late 1930’s dive-bomber relegated to non-combat duties in early WW2. From plan #25. 1/24 scale, 17” span. Kit contains printed plans, instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. SK-8. DOUGLAS TBD-1 DEVASTATOR. Early WW2 US Navy torpedo bomber. 1/24 scale, 25” span, from plan # 56. Kit contains printed plans, instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK SK-9. SK-17. THE HOMEBUILT LACEY M-10. Homebuilt lightplane. This kit was designed for the beginner who built a Peck ROG or Delta Dart or other OUT has OF STOCK first model and wants to transition into a scale model. The kit spans 16” and can be built with either sheet balsa fuselage sides or as a stick and tissue model with the parts to build it either way. Kit contains printwood, printed plans (2 sheets), complete instructions. SK-18. MITSUBISHI A6M2 ZERO. WW2 Japanese fighter plane. 1/24 scale, about 18” span, from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2” from the 1970’s. Contains printed plans, printwood, building instructions, 3-views, and plastic OUT OF STOCK SUPERMARINE SPARROW II. Peanut scale kit. The Sparrow was a 1920’s parasol wing British lightplane built for a special competition. This peanut short kit spans 13” and includes printwood, printed plan and complete building instructions. From plan #18. SK-10. KYUSHU J7W1 SHINDEN. WW2 experimental Japanese canard fighter. 1/24 scale, 18-1/4” span. Kit contains printed plans, complete building instructions, reference 3-views, plastic canopy, and printwood. From plan #55. OUT OF STOCK canopy.. SK-19. FOCKE-WULF TA-152H. WW2 German fighter plane, late long wing development of the FW-190D-9. 1/24 scale, 23-11/16” span, from the Model OUT OF STOCK Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2”. Contains printwood, plastic canopy, printed plans, and building instructions. 8 SK-20. NORTH AMERICAN O-47. Mid-1930’s to WW2 monoplane US Army observation plane. This is from plan #35 and is in 1/24 scale, 23-1/8” span. Contains printwood, printed plans (two sheets), and plastic canopy. SK-21. OUT OF STOCK MESSERSCHMITT Bf-109E. WW2 German fighter from the battle of Britain. This kit is from the Model Builder Book “Flying Scale Models of WW2”. Contains printwood, plastic canopy, printed plans, and building instructions. SK-30. BREWSTER F2A BUFFALO. PRE-WAR & WW2 US Navy, British, and Finnish Fighter. 1/24 scale, 17.5” span. The kit contains plans sheets with instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. Plans show all major versions, F2A-2,-3, B239, & B-339. OUT OF STOCK SK-31-LC. NAKAJIMA Ki-43 OSCAR. WW2 JAPANESE ARMY AIR FORCE Fighter. 1/24 scale, 18.87” span. All major versions, Mk-I, MkII, & Mk-III are shown on the plans. The kit contains plans sheets with instructions, laser cut wood, and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK SK-22. SK-32. CONSOLIDATED TBY-2 SEAWOLF. WW2 U.S. NAVY DORNIER Do 335 PFEIL (ARROW). WW2 German heavy fighter. This twin-engine fighter (in push-pull configuration) was introduced late in WW2 and saw only limited use before the war ended. The model is in 1/24 scale, 229/16” span. Both motors are in the fuselage both motors are designed to be powered. Kit includes 2 double sided sheets of plans and instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy, TORPEDO BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 28.47” span. 180 were built but war ended before they could see action. The kit contains plans sheets with instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK SK-23. SK-33. AICHI B7A-2 RYUSEI “GRACE”. WW2 JAPANESE NAVY ATTACK BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 23.63” span. This fine attack bomber came a little to late to have an impact on the outcome of the war. The kit contains plans sheets with instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. GRUMMAN F7F TIGERCAT. Late WW2 and Korean War US Navy twinengine fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 25.75” span, from plan #36. Designed for rubber power for both engines. Kit contains 4 sheets of plans and instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK OUT OF STOCK SK-24. SK-34-LC. LASER CUT KIT. DOUGLAS SBD3/5 DAUNTLESS. WW2 U.S. NAVY AND MARINE DIVE BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 20.77” span. Famous for sinking 4 Japanese aircraft carriers at Midway. The kit contains plans sheets with instructions, laser cut wood, and plastic canopy. MACCHI C.202 FOLGORE. WW2 Italian fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 17.7” span, from plan #24. Designed for rubber power the complete kit contains plans sheet with instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK SK-25-LC. LASER CUT KIT. VOUGHT SB2U VINDICATOR. WW2 U.S. Navy Dive SK-35-LC. LASER CUT KIT. NAKAJIMA B5N2 “KATE”. WW2 JAPANESE NAVY ATTACK/TORPEDO BOMBER. 1/24 scale, 25.46” span. This was the first line attack/torpedo bomber for the IJNAF at the beginning of the war. The kit contains plans sheets with instructions, laser cut wood, plastic canopy. Bomber, 1/24 scale, 21” span. Designed for rubber power the complete kit contains plans sheets with instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. SK-26. CURTISS BF2C-1 (HAWK III). OF STOCK 1935 U.S. Navy Fighter Bomber and export fighter, 1/24 scale, 15.8” span. The kit contains plans sheet with instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. SK-27. NAKAJIMA KI-27 “NATE”. Late 1930’s and WW2 Japanese Army Air Force fighter, 1/24 scale, 18.56” span. The kit contains plans sheet with instructions, printwood, and plastic canopy. OUT OF STOCK SK-36-LC. LASER CUT KIT. BELL P-39 AIRACOBRA. WW2 U.S. ARMY AIR FORCE AND RUSSIAN FIGHTER 1/24 OUT OF STOCK scale, 17” span. Used in the Pacific theater in early WW2. The kit contains plans sheets with instructions, printwood, plastic canopy, and hardware. SK-37-LC. LASER CUT KIT NAKAJIMA Ki44 “TOJO”. WW2 JAPANESE ARMY AIR FORCE FIGHTER. 1/24 scale, 15.5” span. Designed as a high-speed interceptor. The kit contains the plans sheets with instructions, laser cut wood, plastic canopy, and hardware. SK-28-LC. LASER CUT KIT. GRUMMAN F3F-2. Late 1930’s U.S. Navy Biplane Fighter. The Gulfhawk version is also shown and the parts provided may build either version. 1/24 scale, 16” span. The kit contains plans sheet with instructions, laser cut wood, and plastic canopy. SK-38. GRUMMAN TBF/TBM AVENGER. WW2 US NAVY TORPEDO BOMBER. Became the best torpedo bomber of the war. 1/24 scale, 27.08" span. Build any version from the TBF-1 through TBM-3E. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, printwood, turned foam wheels, and molded plastic canopy, turret, and tunnel gun OUT OF STOCK SK-29-LC. HAWKER TYPHOON IB. WW2 British Fighter and Attack plane. 1/24 scale, 21.79” span. The kit contains plans sheet with instructions, laser cut wood, and plastic canopy. position. 9 SK-39-LC. LASER CUT KIT. AICHI D3A1/2 "VAL" WW2 JAPANESE NAVY DIVEBOMBER. The Val was the Japanese Navy's front line dive-bomber at the beginning of WW2. Build either version from the kit. 1/24 scale, with a 23.85” wingspan. Based on an original design by Nate Sturman. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopy with extension for D3A2 version. SK-40-LC. LASER CUT KIT. REPUBLIC P47D/N THUNDERBOLT. WW2 US ARMY AIR CORPS FIGHTER. Called the “Jug” it was one of the best fighters of the war.. 1/24 scale, 20.39" span for the D version and 21.28” span for the N version.. Build any one of the D or N versions from the kit.. The kit includes 2 double sided printed plans sheets with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopies for razorback or bubbletop versions.. SK-46-LC. LASER CUT KIT. VULTEE P-66 VANGUARD, WW2 US ARMY AIR CORPS FIGHTER. This plane saw only limited stateside use by the US and most were shipped to China and used by the Chinese Air Force. The kit, 1/24 Scale, 17.92” wingspan, includes printed plans (3 sheets) with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopy. SK-47-LC. LASER CUT KIT. CURTISS P-36A HAWK. Pre and WW2 fighter. 1/24 scale, 18.65” span. The kit includes printed plans (3 sheets) with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopy.From Kit #47-LC. SK-41-LC. LASER CUT KIT. MITSUBISHI J2M3 "JACK" WW2 JAPANESE NAVY LAND BASED FIGHTER INTERCEPTER. Some saw action in the Philippines but most were used in homeland defense. 1/24 scale, with a 17.71” wingspan. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopy. SK-42-LC. LASER CUT KIT. CURTISS P40B/C WARHAWK. WW2 US ARMY AIR CORPS FIGHTER. The P40B/C was the front line Army Air Corps fighter when the U.S. entered WW2. It was used by the British as the Tomahawk IIA or IIB. Our model is in 1/24 scale having a wingspan of 18.65”. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopy. SK-43-LC. LASER CUT KIT. NAKAJIMA Ki84 “FRANK" WW2 JAPANESE ARMY FIGHTER. The Ki-84, Hayate (Hurricane) code named “Frank” was generally regarded as the best Japanese fighter of WW2. The first batches were sent to China, and then later moved to the Philippines. Our model is in 1/24 scale, with a 18.45” wingspan. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, printwood, and molded plastic canopy. SK-44-LC. LASER CUT KIT. CURTISS SB2C4 HELLDIVER. WW2 US NAVY DIVE BOMBER. The SB2C was designed to replace the SBD but production and testing problems delayed its entry into the war until late 1943. Our model is in 1/24 scale having a wingspan of 24.88”. This is a totally new design and not to be confused with the older plan P49 which was an enlargement of an older peanut plan. The kit includes printed plans (6 sheets) with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopy. SK-45-LC. MITSUBISHI Ki-30 "ANN" WW2 JAPANESE ARMY AIR FORCE LIGHT BOMBER. The Ann saw most of its action in China before America entered the war.Some saw action in the Philippines. 1/24 scale, with a 23.89” wingspan. The kit includes printed plans (4 sheets) with complete instructions, laser cut wood, and molded plastic canopy. NON-SCALE FLYING MODELS KIT # NS-1. DAVEY FUN FLYER. HIGH WING CABIN MODEL. Designed with box construction this model is for fun building and flying and makes an excellent intermediate stick model. The model has a 28.1” wingspan. The kit includes all the usual good stuff Diels’ kits are known for, including, printed plans with complete instructions, printwood, stripwood, Japanese tissue, plastic prop and hardware, and rubber. SHORT KIT K-NS-1. DAVEY FUN FLYER. HIGH WING CABIN MODEL. Designed with box construction this model is for fun building and flying and makes an excellent intermediate stick model. The model has a 28.1” wingspan. The kit includes printed plans with complete instructions, and printwood. 10 PLANS LIST PEANUT SCALE PLANS (13” WINGSPAN MAXIMUM) #P10. LOCKHEED MODEL 9 ORION--1931-1934 single engine PLAN # passenger plane. Good Detail. /DESCRIPTION #P1. FW-56 STOSSER-- #P26. SWEDISH F.F.V.S. J22B--WW2 fighter. version also used by the A.V.G. (Flying Tigers). #P27. KREIDER-REISNER (FAIRCHILD) XC-31--1934 German advanced flight trainer. Not recommended for beginners. #P11. VULTEE P-66 VANGUARD--WW2 U.S and single engine cargo plane. Only one built. Chinese fighter. #P2. BREWSTER SBN-1-Pre-war US NAVY monoplane divebomber. Saw some use as a trainer in WW-2. #P12. BREWSTER SB2A-2 BUCCANEER (BRITISH BERMUDA)--WW2 Navy/Marine dive-bomber. 750 built but only some used as trainers. #P28. 1917 MORANESAULNIER A-1--WW1 French #P75. LFW CATO MODEL L “BUTTERFLY”--This peanut scale plan was purchased from Ed Toner. The plan is drawn for a Brown A-23 CO2 engine but is readily convertible to rubber power. fighter. NON-SCALE PLAN #P3. VOUGHT V-143--Pre-war #P29. MACCHI C.202 “FOLGORE”--WW2 Italian fighter monoplane export fighter. #P4. NORTHROP N-23 #P60. CURTISS P-40B/C WARHAWK--WW2 Army fighter, #P13. BLACKBURN FIREBRAND--British Torpedo (approx 3/8”=1’). #P61. BOOTH RANGER-Fictional airplane from the Bill Barnes magazine stories. Span 19-3/16”. Bomber PIONEER--Tri-motor post war cargo plane. Only one built. #P33. BLOCH MB-152--WW2 (approx 3/8”=1’). French fighter. #P5. BOEING XF7B-1, 1930’s experimental Navy fighter. #P14. BREWSTER F2A-2 BUFFALO--Pre-War and WW2 US #P92. DAVEY FUN FLYER. Span 28.1”. Navy fighter. #P39. NIEUPORT TRIPLANE--WW1 experimental #P6. BOEING P-26 “PEASHOOTER”--US Army 1930’s fighter. Some saw WW2 service in Philippines. #P18. SUPERMARINE SPARROW II--1920’s British French fighter, not produced. LARGER SCALE PLANS lightweight. #P41. GRUMMAN F8F-2 BEARCAT--WW2 and later US #P7. FAIREY SPEARFISH-- #P19. FAIREY FULMAR Mk I--British WW2 Navy Fighter. Navy fighter. British experimental WW2 torpedo bomber. Never went into production #P20. BREWSTER XA-32A-Experimental WW2 US Attack plane. #P52. BOEING F4B-2 (ARMY P-12C)--1929-1930 Navy #P15. VOUGHT V-143--Prewar monoplane export fighter. 18” span. Enlarged from plan 3. #P16. VULTEE P-66 VANGUARD--WW2 fighter. 1/24 scale, 18” span. Enlarged from plan 11. fighter plane, predecessor to the F4B4. #P8. NORTHROP P-61A AND P-61E-- Black Widow and E model which led to the F-15 Reporter. #P21. VOUGHT OS2U KINGFISHER--Observation #P9. CURTISS XSB2C HELLDIVER--WW2 Navy dive- Navy observation plane (land version). #P17. BREWSTER SB2A-2 BUCCANEER--Enlarged from #P58. RYAN FR-1 FIREBALL--Post WW2 Navy fighter. Had piston engine in nose and jet in tail. Used on carriers. bomber. Pre-production Model. #P22. MITSUBISHI J2M3 RAIDEN--Japanese fighter plane (called Jack). plan 12. 18” span. Walnut Scale. #P23. LAVOCHKIN LA5FN/LA-7--Russian WW2 fighter, 16-1/8” span, 1/24 scale. 2 sheets, combination plan. Both versions included. 11 #P24. MACCHI C.202 FOLGORE--WW2 Italian fighter. #P48. FAIREY FULMAR Mk I--British Navy fighter, 1/24 scale, 23- 17-11/16” span, 1/24 scale. 3/16” span. #P38. BREWSTER F2A-2 BUFFALO--Pre-War and WW2 #P25. CURTISS SBC-4 HELLDIVER--Last US Navy combat bi-plane. Navy dive-bomber, pre-WW2. 1/24 scale, 17” span. British “Cleveland”. 2 Sheets. #P30. WESTLAND WHIRLWIND--British WW2 Navy fighter, 1/24 scale, 17-1/2” span. Newly redesigned includes all versions of the F2A. #P40. SUPERMARINE SPARROW II--1920’s British lightweight, 1/24 scale, 17” span. #P49. CURTISS XSB2C HELLDIVER—PREPRODUCTION VERSION-WW2 US Navy dive-bomber. 1/24 scale, 24-7/8” span. Enlarged from plan P9. #P50. TUPOLEV TU-2-WW2 Russian twin-engine bomber. 1/24 scale, 31” span, 2 sheets. twin-engine fighter, 1/20 scale, 27” span, for twin rubber, or CO2 or Electric. biplane fighter with retract gear. 1/24 scale, 15-15/32” span. #P31. GRUMMAN F3F-2--US #P51. SAVOIA MARCHETTI SM.79 SPARVIERO--WW2 Italian 3 engine bomber, rubber powered all 3 engines. 1/24 scale, 34-25/32” span, 3 sheets. Navy fighter and Gulfhawk version combination plan. 1/24 scale, spans 16” and 14-1/2”. 2 Sheets. #P43. BOEING F4B-2 (ARMY P-12C)--1929/1930 Navy (Army) Fighter plane, predecessor to the F4B-2. 1/24 scale, 15” span. #P53. BREWSTER SB2A-2 span, 2 sheets. BUCCANEER (BRITISH BERMUDA)--WW2 Navy/Marine dive-bomber, used for training only. 1/24 scale, 23-1/2” span. #P34. BLOCH MB-152--WW2 #P54. DORNIER Do 335 PHEIL (ARROW)--German French fighter. 1/24 scale. 17-9/16” span. #P35. NORTH AMERICAN O-47--Pre-WW2 observation plane, mid-wing monoplane. 1/24 scale, 231/8” span. #P36. GRUMMAN F7F-3 TIGERCAT--Twin engine US Navy WW2 and later fighter. 1/24 scale, 25-3/4” span. Twin rubber cargo plane famous for flying the “Hump”. 3/8”=1’ scale, 40-1/2” span, 2 sheets. #P62. CURTISS C-46 COMMANDO--Same as #59 above but reduced in scale to approx 1/46 scale, 28” span, 2 sheets. #P42. CURTISS BF2C-1 HAWK III (F11C-3)--1933 Navy #P32. HAWKER TYPHOON-British fighter, 1/24 scale, 21-1/16” #P59. CURTISS C-46 COMMANDO--WW2 twin-engine #P44. VOUGHT OS2U KINGFISHER--Navy WW2 observation plane (land version) 1/24 scale, 17-15/16” span. WW2 twin-engine push-pull heavy fighter. 1/24 scale, 22-9/16” span. #P55. KYUSHU J7W1 SHINDEN--WW2 Japanese #P45. MITSUBISHI J2MS RAIDEN--Japanese WW2 fighter experimental canard design fighter. 1/24 Scale, 18-9/32” span. #P64. NORTHROP P-61A AND P-61E BLACK WIDOW AND “E” MODEL--Enlarged from plan #8, 1/24 scale, 33” span, 2 sheets. #P65. GRUMMAN F4F WILDCAT--WW2 US Navy fighter. 1/24 scale, 19” span. #P66. GRUMMAN F6F HELLCAT--WW2 US Navy fighter. 1/24 scale, 20.42” span. #P67. VOUGHT F4U CORSAIR--WW2 US Navy/Marine fighter. 1/24 scale, 20.5” span. plane (called Jack), 1/24 scale, 17-3/4” span. From kit 41. #P56. DOUGLAS TBD-1 DEVASTATOR--late 1930’s and #P46. SWEDISH F.F.V.S. J22B--WW2 fighter plane, 1/24 scale, 16.5” span. early WW2 US Navy torpedo bomber. Pulled from combat after Midway. 1/24 Scale, 25” span, 2 sheets. #P68. LACEY M-10--Civilian experimental homebuilt lightplane. 1/15 scale, 16” span. Can be built 2 ways. Good for beginners. #P69. NORTH AMERICAN F-86D SABRE JET--Dog version #P37. GRUMMAN F8F-2 BEARCAT--WW2 and later US #P47. BOEING P-26 PEASHOOTER--1/24 Scale, 14- Navy fighter, 1/24 scale, 17-59/64” span. 3/16” span. Enlarged from plan 6. #P57. CURTISS A-8/A-12 SHRIKE--1930’s US Army attack monoplane, combination plan showing both versions. 1/24 scale, 22” span, 2 sheets. of the F-86 USAF fighter jet. 1/24 scale, 18.54” span. For rubber power. 12 #P70. NORTH AMERICAN F-100 SUPER SABRE--USAF jet fighter of the 50’s and 60’s. Rubber powered, 1/24 scale, 19.38” span. #P81. CONSOLIDATED TBY-2 SEAWOLF--WW2 U.S. Navy Torpedo Bomber. Plan from Kit #32. 1/24 scale, 28.47" span. #P71. MITSUBISHI A6M2 ZERO--WW2 famous Japanese Zero 40.1/24 scale, 20.39” (D) & 21.28”(N) span #P90 CURTISS P-40B/C WARHAWK--WW2 Army fighter. 1/24 scale, 18” span. #P82 AICHI B7A-2 RYUSEI “GRACE”--WW2 Japanese Navy #P72. FOCKE-WULF TA152H--WW2 German fighter, variant #P89 REPUBLIC P-47 D/N THUNDERBOLT. Plan from kit attack Bomber. Plan from Kit #33. 1/24 scale, 23.63" span fighter, version also used by the A.V.G. Plan from kit #42, 1/24 Scale, 18.65” span. of the FW-190 D9 with long wing. 1/24 scale, 23-11/16” span. #P83. DOUGLAS SBD-3/5 DAUNTLESS. Plan from kit #P91. NAKAJIMA Ki-84 “FRANK”—WW2 Japanese Army 34.1/24 scale, 20.77” span. Fighter. Plan from kit #43. 1/24 scale, 18.45” span. #P73. MESSERSCHMITT Bf-109E--WW2 German fighter. 1/24 scale, approx 16.19” span. #P84. NAKAJIMA B5N2 KATE—WW2 Japanese torpedo #P74. DORNIER Do 335--Plan bomber. Plan from kit 35. 1/24 scale, 25.46” span. #54 reduced to 3/8”=1” scale, 16.9” span. See plan P54 for sketch. #P76. GLOBE SWIFT--Plan #P85 BELL P-39 AIRACOBRA. Plan from kit 36.1/24 scale, 17” span from Kit # LEK-101. #P77. RYAN NAVION--Plan from Kit # LEK-102. #P93. CURTISS SB2C-4 HELLDIVER---WW2 U. S. Navy dive bomber. Plan from Kit #44. 1/24 scale, 24.9” span, totally new design. 6 sheets. #P94. MITSUBISHI Ki-30 “ANN”—Pre-war and WW2 Japanese Army Air Force light bomber. Plan from Kit #45. 1/24 scale, 23.9” span. 4 sheets #P86. NAKAJIMA Ki-44 "TOJO"-WW2 Japanese FIGHTER. Plan from kit 37. 1/24 scale, 15.5" span. #P95. VULTEE P-66 VANGUARD--WW2 fighter. 1/24 #P78. VOUGHT SB2U VINDICATOR--WW2 Navy Dive scale, 18” span. Totally new design from Kit #46-LC. #P87. GRUMMAN TBF/TBM AVENGER. WW2 US NAVY Bomber. Plan from Kit #25. 1/24 scale, 21” span. 2 Sheets: TORPEDO BOMBER. From Kit 38. 1/24 scale, 27.08" span. #P96. CURTISS P-36A HAWK WW2 fighter. 1/24 scale, #P80. NAKAJIMA KI-43 OSCAR--WW2 Japanese Fighter. Plan from Kit #31. 1/24 scale, 18.87” span. All versions shown on plan. 18.65” span. Totally new design from Kit #47-LC. #P88. AICHI D3A1/2 "VAL" WW2 JAPANESE NAVY DIVEBOMBER. From Kit 39. 1/24 scale, 23.85” span. USA OREGON, OH 43616 P.O. BOX 167016 DIELS ENGINEERING, INC. SEND ORDER TO: ORDER SUB-TOTAL TOTAL FOR ORDER SHIPPING & HANDLING OHIO RESIDENTS ONLY--LOCAL SALES TAX SUB-TOTAL MINUS DISCOUNT(IF ANY APPLIES) DESCRIPTION QUAN REQ'D USA OREGON, OH 43616 P.O. BOX 167016 DIELS ENGINEERING, INC. SEND ORDER TO: ITEM COUNTRY: COUNTRY: ITEM CITY, STATE, ZIP CITY, STATE, ZIP TOTAL PRICE ADDRESS: ADDRESS: PRICE EACH ADDRESS: ADDRESS: QUAN REQ'D NAME: NAME: ORDER SUB-TOTAL PRICE EACH TOTAL FOR ORDER SHIPPING & HANDLING OHIO RESIDENTS ONLY--LOCAL SALES TAX SUB-TOTAL MINUS DISCOUNT(IF ANY APPLIES) DESCRIPTION ORDER BLANK PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW ORDER BLANK PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW 13 TOTAL PRICE 14 DIELS ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. BOX 167016 OREGON, OHIO 43616 DATED MATERIAL-OPEN AT ONCE HERE IS THE CATALOG YOU REQUESTED