PREAMBLE We are the Houston Chapter of the Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle... chapter is comprised of members from all branches of the...


PREAMBLE We are the Houston Chapter of the Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle... chapter is comprised of members from all branches of the...
We are the Houston Chapter of the Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle Association (CVMA). Our
chapter is comprised of members from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride
motorcycles as a hobby. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our
country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help veteran care facilities provide a warm meal,
clothing, shelter, and guidance, or simply to say “Thank You.” and “Welcome Home.”
CVMA membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service), Support
Members (those who have non-combat military service, and have a sincere dedication to helping
veterans) and Auxiliary Members (spouses of Full Members). Our organization has members in
nearly all 50 states and living abroad. Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces,
with several serving in combat areas now.
We sponsor and/or participate in many motorcycle-related charity events each year, and as a
non-profit organization, donate to various veteran care facilities and veteran charities.
Houston Chapter 23-4, Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle Association, publishes and declares the
following as the By-Laws governing said Houston Chapter 23-4, Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle
Section: 1 Name
This association shall be known as Houston Chapter 23-4, Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle
Association, hereinafter referred to as “Chapter”.
Section 2: Emblem and Logo
1. The emblem/logo used by the Chapter shall be that specified in the National CVMA ByLaws, Article I, Section 2, incorporated herein and made part hereof by reference.
2. Other than authorized support memorabilia approved by the Chapter Commander; no
person other than Full, Support and Auxiliary members shall wear items bearing the
CVMA emblem/logo.
Section 3: Jurisdiction and Principle Office
1. This Chapter operates under the control of the Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle
Association, hereinafter referred to “CVMA”, By-Laws, Article 10.
2. The CVMA Jurisdiction of the Chapter shall be Houston and surrounding areas as
deemed by the State Representative. The principle office of the Chapter shall be located
with the current Chapter Commander and within the boundaries of the Jurisdiction
specified above.
Section 4: Authority
The supreme power of this Chapter shall be vested in the CVMA.
Section 5: Chapter Government
Subject to the provisions of the CVMA By-Laws, the government of this Chapter shall be vested
in the membership, the Chapter BOD and the lawful orders of the Chapter Commander.
Section 6: Objectives
1. The objectives of the Chapter include support of veterans and their organizations and to
improve communication and camaraderie between other motorcycle groups; promoting
interest in various forms of motorcycle activity associated with veterans; raising
awareness of the plight of POWs and MIAs and the health problems of veterans (and
their families) returning from combat theaters; conducting functions and activities in a
manner consistent with high moral, legal and ethical values.
2. IRC Section 501(c)(19) Purposes. Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association is
organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and/or scientific purposes as
specified in Section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code, including, for such
purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt
organizations under section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 1: Qualifications
1. The qualifications, requirements and rules for Full Members shall be as specified in the
CVMA By-Laws, Article 3, Section 1, which are incorporated herein and made a part
hereof by reference.
2. A person satisfying the below listed qualifications is eligible for membership in the
1. Is a member in good standing of the CVMA.
2. Is of good character.
3. Is a combat veteran of a foreign war and is able to prove such status by Form DD214, Form ERB or other military document.
4. Owns and operates a motorcycle in road-worthy and safe condition with an engine
displacement of 500 cubic centimeters or more.
5. Rides a minimum of 1,000 miles per year, verifiable by odometer check.
Section 2: Dues
1. CVMA dues are as prescribed by the CVMA By-Laws, Article 4. CVMA shall determine
deadlines, from time to time, for payment of renewable membership dues. CVMA dues
shall be paid to State Representative or online.
2. Chapter dues are $10.00 per annum, which will be retained by the Chapter for its
discretion, due and payable in February of each year. Chapter dues shall be paid to the
Chapter Treasurer.
1. Dues for Chapter members that are deployed in a war zone shall be waived.
2. Dues for new members will cover the balance of current year; with the exception
of dues for new members joining after November first will be considered as paid
for the balance of the current year and for the following year.
3. New members purchasing patches of the Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle Association will
be done so at cost plus shipping and handling.
4. Chapter Charter members may wear the “Chapter Original” patch designating that they
are an original full member, auxiliary member or support member, of the Houston
Chapter of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association on or before December 31,
Section 3: Life Membership
1. CVMA Life Memberships are as prescribed by the CVMA By-Laws, Article 3, Section 1,
2. Chapter Life membership qualifications include:
1. Three years active membership in the Chapter, all in good standing.
2. Participation in one CVMA sanctioned event each year.
3. Attendance at one Chapter Meeting per year.
3. Chapter Life Membership Fee. The fee for Life Membership shall be $75.00, which in no
case shall be refunded in part or in whole.
4. Unable to ride. Life members, if for health reasons, at the member’s discretion, are
unable to ride a motorcycle, shall remain members in good standing with all the
privileges pertaining thereto.
Section 4: Resignation
Resignations shall be made verbally or in writing to the Chapter Commander or Executive
Officer. Upon acceptance of such resignation, the resigned member shall turn in to the Chapter
his/her back-patch and shall cease wearing or use of items bearing the CVMA emblem/logo. A
resigned member shall be given a five day “grace period”, to rescind his/her resignation without
repercussions or prejudice. After such “grace period”, a resigned member shall be deemed a new
member and shall be subject to the new member requirements.
Section 5: Disability.
1. Upon such member’s request; a non-life member who becomes infirm, disabled or
otherwise unable to ride a motorcycle and is in good standing for five consecutive years
shall be entitled to keep the CVMA back-patch and be retired as a Life Member in good
standing with the Chapter.
2. No such member shall be eligible to hold office within the Chapter Executive Board of
Section 6: Auxiliary Members
The qualifications, requirements and rules for Auxiliary Members shall be as specified in the
CVMA By-Laws, Article 3, Section 2(a), which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof
by reference
Section 7: Support Members
The qualifications, requirements and rules for Support Members shall be as specified in the
CVMA By-Laws, Article 3, Section 2(b), which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof
by reference.
Section 8: Verification of Eligibility
The Chapter and the CVMA shall verify the eligibility qualifications of any proposed new
member whose military service records appear questionable, e.g., altered and/or illegible.
Section 9: Attendance at Events
Each member shall attend at least one event hosted by the Chapter each year. With prior
approval of the Chapter Commander a qualifying event may be with another chapter or state.
Section 10: Conduct and Discipline
All members shall conduct themselves in a manner that is not an embarrassment to them, the
Chapter, the CVMA, or the United States of America. Bringing dishonor upon the Chapter
and/or the CVMA in action, word(s), or deeds constitutes a breach of acceptable conduct. Failure
to abide by these By-Laws or the CVMA By-Laws is a breach of acceptable conduct. Violation
of these standards may range from a verbal or written warning to revocation of membership.
WE DO NOT HAVE COLORS! We do not prospect. We do have membership fees.
Section 11: License and Insurance
Every member shall possess a valid State driver’s license with motorcycle endorsement and
liability insurance as required by the State of registration of the vehicle.
Section 1: Elected Officers
1. Commander. The Commander will preside over all meetings of the Chapter, serve as
Chairman of the Chapter Board of Directors, be a member of all committees, schedule
meetings of the Chapter and the Chapter Board of Directors, schedule elections consistent
with these By-Laws, and carry the directives of the Chapter Board of Directors. A
“Commander” or “CO” patch shall be worn for recognition.
2. Executive Officer. The Executive Officer shall be second in command and shall carry
out the duties of the Commander in his absence and shall be a member of the Chapter
Board of Directors. The Executive Officer shall coordinate all committees, and supervise
plans for all Chapter events. An “Executive Officer” or “XO” patch shall be worn for
Secretary. The Secretary shall record minutes, include attendance of every meeting of
the Chapter and Chapter Board of Directors, and be a member of the Chapter Board of
Directors. He/she will be the point of contact for all new applications to ensure the
correct paperwork (to include motorcycle license and proof of insurance) is in order
before releasing it to the State Representative. The Secretary maintains sign in sheets for
the meetings and events, and assists the Commander and Executive Officer in planning
events. The Secretary shall handle routine correspondence as directed by the Chapter
Commander. A “Secretary” or “Adjutant” patch is authorized for wear.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Chapter and maintain
accurate records of receipts and expenditures of the Chapter and have it ready to present
at each Chapter meeting. The Treasurer shall maintain the Chapter accounts, including
but not limited to the checkbook and shall insure that all checks are signed by two
persons, either the Treasurer and/or the Commander and/or the Executive Officer. The
Treasurer shall be a member of the Chapter Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall
ensure that the Financial Operating Policy, promulgated from time to time by the Chapter
Board of Directors, is strictly enforced. A “Treasurer” or “Quartermaster” patch is
authorized for wear.
Sergeant at Arms. The Sergeant at Arms shall maintain order at all Chapter meetings,
functions, and rides/runs. He shall verify each person’s membership in good standing at
meetings before business requiring votes of the membership takes place. While every
member is responsible for their own actions, the Sergeant at Arms is looking out for the
Chapter’s actions as a whole. He/she will speak directly to any member or guest at any
event if their actions may jeopardize or call into question the integrity of the Chapter’s
reputation. The Sergeant at Arms shall be a member of the Chapter Board of
Directors. A “Sergeant at Arm” or “SAA” patch shall be worn for recognition.
Public Relations Officer. The Public Relations Officer will maintain a file containing
the Chapters mission, tax ID numbers, and copies of event fliers (at a minimum) and have
it ready to present at each meeting and all Association functions. He/she will be in charge
of all the Chapter publicity, in conjunction with and approved by the associations
Commander. Duties will include: Historian, Chapter file, pictures, newspaper articles, TV
and radio announcements and the Chapter web site. A “Public Relations” or “PR
Officer” patch is authorized for wear.
Section 2: Appointed Officers and Chairmen
1. From time to time, the Commander may appoint officers and chairmen, specifying the
duties thereof, including but not necessarily limited to Program Chairmen, Assistants to
Elected Officers, Road Captains, Chaplain and Liaison Officers to other organizations.
2. Chaplain. The Chaplain shall be appointed by the Chapter Officers and is the spiritual
leader of the Chapter. His duties include leading the prayer at all Chapter events. Also,
the Chaplain shall be available for counseling, religious, and spiritual guidance as needed
by the members. A “Chaplain” patch is authorized for wear.
3. Road Captain. Road Captains are appointed by the Chapter Executive Board of
Directors. The Road Captain will plan routes for rides and meetings. He/she will ensure
the routes are safe for use by large groups of motorcyclist and that no major construction
will prevent the use of said routes. He/she will be the point of contact when working with
police escorted rides. He/she will be responsible for a headcount at the start point and at
the arrival point for all Chapter members. He/she will brief riders on safety, stops along
the way, any tolls associated with rides, and time hacks before the start of each ride. A
“Road Captain” patch is authorized for wear.
Section 3: Attendance of Officers
1. All elected and appointed officers shall make every reasonable effort to attend every
meeting, event, and function of the Chapter. Such officers and chairmen should notify the
Commander or Executive Officer when they are unable to attend a meeting, event, or
2. At a minimum, the Commander, Executive Officer, and Sergeant at Arms shall make
every reasonable effort to attend the Region 3 Texas Confederation of Clubs and
Independents meetings, hereinafter referred to as “COC” and report relevant information
back to the Chapter no later than the next regular Chapter meeting. All other officers are
encourages to attend regular COC functions.
3. Officers that accumulate three consecutive meetings un-excused absences shall be
deemed to have abandoned their held office and election shall be conducted as soon as
possible to fill such office.
4. At the Commander’s discretion, deployed officers may retain their position until either
they return from deployment, or said elected position is up for regular election. The
Commander shall appoint an interim officer per Article III, Section 2. A.
Section 1: Composition
1. The Chapter Executive Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as “Chapter BOD”
shall consist of the elected officers specified in Article III, Section 1.
2. In keeping with the CVMA mandate to remain a neutral organization, no member of the
Chapter BOD shall be a member of any M/C, Motorcycle Club.
Section 2: Duties
The Chapter BOD shall set operating policies for the Chapter. It shall hear discipline matters,
sentence and enforce punishments for offences by members. It shall fill vacancies in Elected
Section 3: Executive Board of Directors
The Chapter BOD shall meet at the call of the Commander. A quorum for a Board of Directors
meeting shall be no less than three directors.
Section 4: Elections and Timing
1. Nominations to the Chapter’s BOD shall be made no later than the Chapter’s regular
November meeting each year.
2. Elections shall be made no later than the Chapter’s regular January meeting.
Section 5: Term of Office
1. Officers will assume office immediately after the Chapter’s regular January meeting.
2. The term of office shall be 12 months or until their successors are duly qualified.
3. Consecutive terms are permitted and there is no limit on the number of terms an officer
may serve.
Section 6: Qualifications
Article III, Section 5. B. withstanding, all members shall be eligible to hold any office in the
Chapter, provided that such members are in good standing and have been in good standing for at
least one year. Officers shall remain in good standing for the entire term for which they have
been elected.
Section 7: Vacancies
Officers becoming not in good standing during their term of office shall have sixty days to
become in good standing or they shall be deemed to have abandoned the office to which they
were elected. Should an elected office become vacant for any reason, a Chapter election will be
held as soon as possible to fill the remaining term of the vacant office.
Section 8: Multiple Offices
Chapter officers shall not hold more than one elected office concurrently. Any member may hold
one elected office and one or more appointed offices concurrently.
Section 1: Regular Meetings
1. The Chapter membership shall meet once every month at a time and place scheduled by
the Commander. The Commander may cancel a regular meeting in the event of inclement
weather or other unusual event or circumstance. In such case, reasonable effort will be
made to notify all members of the cancellation.
2. The time, place, and location of each Chapter meeting shall be established no later than
the week prior to the previous regular Chapter meeting.
3. Each member is encouraged to participate in regular Chapter meetings and bring items up
for discussion that will enhance the betterment of the Chapter, as well as the good order
and discipline of its members.
1. Agenda items should be presented to the Chapter Commander the week prior to
each regular Chapter meeting.
2. The Commander shall publish to the Chapter BOD the agenda for each regular
Chapter meeting no later than the Friday prior to each regular Chapter meeting.
3. At the Commander’s discretion, items not on the published agenda will either be
discussed at the current regular Chapter meeting or placed on the agenda for the
following regular Chapter meeting.
4. A quorum for a regular Chapter membership meeting shall be three Chapter Officers.
Section 2: Rules
1. Procedural matters shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, unless otherwise
amended and provided for in these By-Laws.
2. With the exception of the Chapter Commander, all Full Members present shall vote on
matters pertaining to the Chapter; the Chapter Commander will vote only in the event of
a tie.
Section 3: Special Meetings
1. Special membership meetings may be called by the Commander or by three or more
members. In such event, reasonable advance notice of such special meeting shall be
provided to each member of the Chapter.
2. In order to promote proper conduct around other clubs by our membership, each member
is encouraged go to COC meetings.
Section 4: Mentorship
1. Every member will be responsible for reading, understanding, and following the
guidelines set out by the CVMA’s Protocol 101.
2. An older member within the Chapter will be assigned to each new member, this mentor
will be there for any guidance needed or questions the new member may have.
Section 1: General Delegates
Delegations shall be elected by the Chapter, but are subject to the approval of the Chapter BOD,
to represent the Chapter at any convention, meeting, rally, or other assembly that may be deemed
necessary, and all delegations are authorized to exercise only those powers specifically vested in
them by the Chapter BOD.
Section 1
1. Any proposed amendment to these By-Laws may be acted upon at any membership
meeting, provided that a copy of any said proposed amendment shall be provided to each
Chapter member sixty days prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment may
be acted upon.
2. Any such proposed amendment shall be declared adopted upon a two-thirds vote of the
3. Approved and accepted amendments will be forwarded to the State Representative and
the CVMA for review and will take effect immediately upon approval.
Section 1: Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the Chapter, after liabilities have been paid, the assets of the Chapter shall
inure to the benefit of the State Representative.
Section 2: Conflicting Provisions
1. The intent of the Chapter By-Laws is to add to and clarify for local government the use of
CVMA By-Laws while never taking away from the authority of the CVMA.
2. If there is a conflict between the provisions of these By-Laws and the By-Laws of the
CVMA, the provisions of the CVMA By-Laws shall govern.
3. If such conflict should ever occur, Chapter By-Laws shall be amended in order to
dissolve such discrepancy.
Section 3: Unenforceable Provisions
If any provision of these By-Laws is held unenforceable or invalid by a higher Combat Veterans’
Motorcycle Association authority or a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions
shall be unaffected by such holding.
Section 4: Financial Operating Policy
The Chapter BOD shall develop and maintain a Financial Operating Policy governing the
management and procedures for the handling of Chapter funds. Such policy shall be reviewed
by the membership annually.
Section 1: Requirements
Detachments are sponsored by and accountable to the Chapter. The formation of detachments
must be voted on during a scheduled chapter meeting. The members desiring to start a
detachment must meet the following qualifications:
1. Eight people that are active in chapter 23-4 and ride together.
Prior to submitting paperwork for a detachment, the members interested in forming a detachment
must host three organized rides for the chapter and chapter officers.