Learn How To Play Cocktail Piano


Learn How To Play Cocktail Piano
Learn How To Play Cocktail Piano
So you want to learn how to play cocktail piano? As one who has served as a
cocktail pianist for a variety of venues, including weddings, corporate
engagements, private parties, cruise lines, and other interesting events, I've
had a lot fun performing for people. The art of cocktail piano puts you in the
"pilot's seat" perhaps more than any other scenario. I say this primarily
because you are assuming a musical capacity that does not require the
interaction of other musicians. Of course, playing with others offers rewards
that go beyond the scope of this article. That said, as a cocktail piano player,
it's all up to. Yes, everything.
Does this place a heavier responsibility on the solo pianist playing cocktail
music? Yes it does, but along with that goes a whole lot more freedom. Quite
frankly, though it's really up to the preference of the individual, one might say
that because of this freedom, the responsibility is lighter as well in the sense
that there is no need to remain as structured as one would in a band
environment. If a tempo change is desirable, you're free to do it. If you want to
change keys, you can do it. If you want to pause in the middle of a song, you
can do that as well. Of course, you can play completely out of time and still
have people marvel at your artistry. Yes, a solo cocktail pianist, sometimes
referred to as a lounge pianist, really has quite a luxury.
When it comes to putting yourself across as a competent cocktail pianist,
learning the art can be a whole lot easier than some beginners perceive.
Actually, it can one of the easiest musical performing scenarios that you can
work your way into rather quickly. Let's consider some of the essentials if you
aspire to hone your skills as a cocktail player.
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Some ingredients you will want to become familiar with are:
1) Familiarity with the melody and chord changes of a song ("Chord changes"
is a term that simply refers to the chordal structure of a song. Easier way to
think about it: the chords to the song:))
2) Confidence with all 7th Chords
3) Familiarity with piano chord voicings* for 7th chords, 9th chords, 11th
chords, and 13th chords
4) Ability to improvise
5) A playful attitude :)
* Simply put, a "chord voicing" or "voicing" is the chord structure that results by
manipulating the chord tones of a chord by rearranging them, doubling them,
eliminating them, etc.
There are two elements of that list above that are flexible: #3 and #4. I say this
because, although you will want to eventually get a handle on some jazz piano
chords and voicings as well as improvisation for the purposes of fills and
more, it is certainly not necessary to be familiar with them to any extravagant
degree before you actually enjoy creating your own tasteful piano
arrangements and even venturing on to playing for wedding ceremonies and
the like. You see, that's what's so grand about all this. You never learn it all,
which is something to be thankful for because as long as you can present a
song in a tasteful fashion, you can fully appreciate your current level of
proficiency while still remaining open to enhancing your cocktail piano style.
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Let me provide a case scenario: let's say the song you're playing is Alfie by
Burt Bacharach and Hal David (a song that happens to be a personal
favorite). You know the melody... you know how to play the basic 7th chords,
even if you are only familiar with them in root position. In addition, let's say
that you have no experience with improvisation and your familiarity with chord
voicings is almost none. Can you still present yourself in a way that portrays
you as a tasteful cocktail player?
The answer is yes. I have to share something at this point: I wish I had a
nickel for each and every person out there who aspires to either perform as a
cocktail pianist or simply play at home for enjoyment in a cocktail piano
fashion yet has not yet attempted to nurture his or her ambition primarily
because they've underestimated their capacity to pull it off based on false
information they were exposed to or negative ideas of their own that they
subscribed to. At the same time, I also wish I had the opportunity to sit with
each of these individuals for just one hour. At the very least, if you were one of
those people, you would leave our session knowing that your desire is not
only possible but more than just probable. You'd be on your way with optimism
and enthusiasm.
I really feel that way. I'm so compelled to help in this area, that I made it my
mission to accomplish the 2nd best thing by creating video sessions that
continue to instill confidence in people in countries all around the world. The
satisfaction I get from corresponding with these fellow music lovers and
learning about their success in this regard is beyond explanation.
Okay, you've decided that learning how to play cocktail piano is a goal of
yours. For starters, pick a favorite song of yours. one whose chords you are
familiar with. Choose a ballad since you'll want something slow. Here's why:
playing within a slow tempo is conducive to allowing yourself enough time to
consider how to handle the next situation. Also, you can usually play a ballad
without keeping time (in rubato fashion) while still putting the tune across in a
professional manner. Either way, you have the luxury of "practicing" while still
reaping the benefit of sounding good to yourself, which is certainly an
incentive for continuing on your journey with enthusiasm.
Pick a song that you can visualize yourself performing in an actual
environment. Let's say you've been hired as a wedding pianist and you're right
there at the reception behind the piano at that baby grand in the corner as
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people are enjoying the dancing, chit-chat, and rituals. I think you get the
idea... put yourself in the picture!
Play the melody and accompany that melody with right hand chords as you
already feel comfortable playing them.
When you at this point, then consider what can be done to make for a more
tasteful piano arrangement. Now, this is important: Thank does not mean you
necessarily have to play more. Often times, it means playing less.
An example of this? If you've taken advantage of ProProach or any of my
Sneak Peeks sessions, you realize that taking a couple of chord tones away
from that Cmaj7 chord can actually make that melody mean more rather than
A Cmaj7 chord consists of:
Simply choosing the play a shell will create a thinner texture while giving
respect to that melody, which is of utmost importance. The shell being referred
to is:
That's right. Instead of playing the 1, 3, 5, and 7 of the chord, playing only the
1 and 7 works quite nicely.
Given this, we now have a very simple cocktail piano chord strategy that you
can put to use right away and here it is: play through the entire song, melody
with right hand and shells with the left hand. Yes, play that "1-7 shell" over
each and every chord of the song.
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Don't fall into the trap of judging the results here. You are really accomplishing
two things:
1) You are playing a "thin" sound texture with the left hand that never
overpowers the melody
2) You are setting yourself up for transforming some of those shells into some
really great sounding piano chord voicings. Simply taking advantage of
ProProach Lesson #1 will begin to make this obvious : )
Play those left hand shells delicately. It makes all the difference. Also, there
will be times when that melody is low enough in the register so as not to allow
that 7 of the shell being played. You can simply play the root if playing that
shell an octave lower is too "muddy" or you can play the entire melody an
octave higher and this will provide a wide open area for that left hand to do its
thing freely.
By the way, even if you are not familiar with all the chords of a song, making it
a point to learn to play these shells over those chords can be an eye opener
for you.
I have created several piano tutorial programs to help you in this regard and, if
you've taken advantage of any already, it's likely you've sensed that I've had a
ball creating them. I would consider it a pleasure and a privilege if you would
consider joining me at those keys for some educational fun.
As a cocktail pianist, your opportunities are rather open: corporate parties,
private parties, weddings, showers, birthdays... you name it. I haven't seen a
cocktail piano player in the middle of the ring on WWE Monday Night Raw yet,
but who knows? Whether your goal is to provide wedding reception music for
a cocktail hour, a lounge pianist in a fine restaurant, cocktail jazz piano for a
night club, or simply to enjoy a sense of professionalism in your playing under
your own roof, please understand that it's not only possible but highly likely if
you will take it upon yourself to keep things fun and expose yourself to some
techniques and concepts via some cocktail piano lessons and tutorials that will
help you along with your achievement.
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You will want to establish a repertoire of songs for variety, whether playing
professional or for your own enjoyment, of course. Although you will want
more, make a list of perhaps 10 songs that you will look forward to including in
your repertoire. Keep it interesting by mixing it up, most of them being ballads
for now for reasons mentioned earlier.
How about taking things a little further with that left hand. This will be easy
since you will simply alternate between playing those shells and the full chord.
For example, play the shell for measure #1 and #2 and then play the full chord
for measure #3. Experiment with different combinations and allow your ears to
be receptive as they enjoy making distinctions, which leads you to making
preferences. Even with this much, you will amaze yourself with how musical
you can be. You can add even more interest by playing the chord tones
So, if you are using the shell, play the 1 on beat one and hold it through beat
two. Then play the 7 on beat 3. Also do this when using the entire chord,
perhaps the 1, 3, 5, and 7 on beats one, two, three, and four, respectively.
Taking advantage of the sustain pedal while having fun with this will add a
whole dimension to your piano playing!
Your cocktail piano style will mature over time this is a great way to launch
things. Applying the simple strategies above, combined with playing even less
at times (including playing no chord sometimes to highlight that melody), will
lead to confidence. What is significant is:
1) You're making music that sounds good now
2) You're laying the foundation for so many great discoveries to follow
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As a next step that will serve as a significant one when it comes to making
those cocktail piano standards more interesting is to become acquainted with
playing the guide tones of each of those seventh chords with the right hand
while playing the root with the left. The guide tones are the 3 and 7 of each
chord. For example:
Cmaj7 will be played like this:
Left hand: C in bass area
Right hand: E and B
Playing the 3 below the 7 creates a fifth interval while playing the 7 below the
3 creates a fourth interval. Both are equally acceptable and the context of the
music and your personal preferences will come into play as to which one to
play. You will serve yourself well by familiarizing yourself with both
combinations as you play those 7 chords.
Let's once again refer to that first measure of Alfie in which the chord is Cmaj7
and the first melody note is a G, which is the fifth of the chord. Playing the G
at the top of the chord voicing structure keeps it in the spotlight and it
becomes easy to see that the choice to use here of the two would be:
(right hand)
(left hand)
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This simple voicing strategy explained above is one to be investigated and
implemented, as it will set the stage for more great cocktail piano sounds to
follow. Consider using this chord voicing approach along with those mentioned
earlier to lay a nice foundation for yourself. Applying everything that has been
mentioned up to this point to a favorite ballad of yours is a great beginning. Do
the same for other songs. Your confidence will absolutely soar as you do this
since you'll be familiarizing yourself with applying the concepts through
various chord changes to the point where the piano chord techniques you are
using will refined to such a point of your natural way of approaching a ballad.
Your development doesn't stop here, of course. It's just a beginning... and a
very strong one!
This concept of learning one chord voicing at a time and applying it over and
over is irreplaceable when it comes to gaining confidence and mastery in the
area of piano styling. Students of my piano chord voicing program ProProach
quickly see the value of this as they apply each weekly lesson to a favorite
song of theirs and start realizing their own piano playing maturity before their
very own eyes. Once going through the 24 week process, returning to the
beginning and taking another journey through the program amplifies the
benefits like one cannot imagine. The lessons are viewed from a more mature
perspective each time. Remember, it's not like competing in the home run
derby to see how many points you can score or like you have the pressure of
appearing on the courts at Wimbledon... it's about allowing your maturity and
artistry to gradually unfold.
As you increase your repertoire, you'll be playing those same tunes over and
over with added perspective gained from your further investigation of
rudiments like piano chords, voicings, improvisation, and fills. Thus, your very
own personal cocktail piano style will inevitably develop in a very natural way.
Whether you find yourself serving in the capacity of wedding pianist, playing
background jazz for a corporate affair, or you're under the chandelier of your
very own living room filling your home with music, your enjoyment and
appreciation of your continous progress will serve as incentive for wanting to
become more and more absorbed in this wonderful art of playing cocktail
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And remember...
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