T R U S T Strategies for Building Trust and Involvement
T R U S T Strategies for Building Trust and Involvement
T R U S T Strategies for Building Trust T O O L K I T and Involvement Why Trust Matters companies are getting stronger; leaders are getting By Linda Stewart, President and CEO, Interaction Associates are more willing to trust each other and collaborate. credit for navigating tough times; and employees But the bad news, which should be keeping leaders As the U.S. economy strengthens, however unevenly, up at night, centers around a growing trust gap: business leaders are facing a central challenge with Employees’ trust in management is lagging. More important implications: How are you bridging the specifically: leaders are getting low marks from trust gap with employees? The answer to this has employees for decision-making transparency, broad implications for your business results. managing change, listening to employees, giving What trust gap, you might ask? feedback, and learning from mistakes. Over the past three years, Interaction Associates Our Building Trust survey goes beyond just has been tracking trust issues on the job through trust to include key indicators for leadership and our annual workplace survey, Building Trust in collaboration — pointing to how high-performing Business. The results of our 2011 survey have companies achieve key business results by good news and bad news for senior leaders who emphasizing all three. At Interaction Associates, are focused on results. First, the good news: we are in the business of helping clients achieve Employee confidence is growing around issues like greater and more sustainable levels of business ROI company financial health, leadership effectiveness, by concentrating on a different ROI — Return on and organizational collaboration. In other words, Involvement. 1 © Interaction Associates 2 We stress a critical principle for achieving excellent ROI: Involved employees share in the responsibility to deliver strong results. In other words, we know that deeply engaged employees and a collaborative culture of shared responsibility for success leads to impressive business outcomes. Said more pointedly, from the employees’ perspective, in highly collaborative and engaged workplaces: We care. We have skin in the game. We deliver results. So, what about that trust gap? In terms of ROI as we measure it — employees who distrust leaders are not highly engaged; they don’t feel a shared responsibility for success – so no skin in the game, and no responsibility for results. Whether you know this intuitively or have read study after study over the last ten years, there is no denying the involvement factor can make or break your business. We believe that companies must go beyond Linda Stewart is President and CEO of Interaction Associates, Inc. She is a senior executive with more than 25 years’ experience building, leading, and improving profitable companies in fastpaced global environments – including as a senior executive leader for several divisions of one of the world’s largest financial services companies. Her experience includes a strong history of building high-performing, loyal teams that consistently exceeded performance expectations — a key measure of Return on Involvement that is central to the collaborative and results-oriented cultures and leaders that Interaction Associates develops for clients. engagement to the place where everyone shares in the responsibility for executing the business plans and delivering results. Return on Involvement is a simple but powerful concept that, when executed properly, results in the traditional ROI: return on investment. As a 25-year senior business executive with a strong bias for results, I know the importance of both ROIs — and I know how critical it is that leaders build trust with employees in order for teams to excel, to ensure everyone has more skin in the game and to deliver your business results. I hope this toolkit is helpful to you. Please reach out to us at 617.535.2700 if we can be of assistance. © Interaction Associates 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Why Trust Matters The evolving business world demands a new level of mutual trust 5 Facilitating Trust What leaders need to know for maximizing trust 8 Individual Trust Assessment Use this assessment to discover your own trust gaps 10 Giving Feedback: Key to Building Trust Five steps for giving strong, regular, and consistent feedback 12 Delegating to Others How delegating builds trust and empowers employees 17 Decision Making and Trust Involve people in decisions to heighten trust © 2011 Interaction Associates, Inc. Trust Toolkit All rights reserved. This work, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, including photocopy, for internal use or for sale without written permission from the copyright holder. San Francisco ph 415.343.2600 Boston ph 617.535.7000 www.interactionassociates.com Regardless of how we define trust, the one common element that warrants the attention of leaders and organizations is this: Whenever we choose to trust, we give something of inestimable value. Facilitating Trust: What Leaders Need To Know Trust describes an attribute of our relationship to a surprising number of things. We talk about trusting a person, for example: “I would trust her with my life.” We may talk about trusting an object: “You expect me to cross the gorge on that bridge?!” We can trust (or not) a situation, a company’s brand, or a celebrity endorsing a product. By Jay Cone Regardless of how we define trust, the one common element that warrants the attention of leaders and organizations is this: Whenever we choose to trust, we give something of inestimable value. In this article, I talk briefly about why it’s worthwhile to pay attention to trust and then describe a framework for understanding what people want in return for their trust. I conclude with practical tips for leaders who want to facilitate trusting relationships and create a work environment where trust thrives. Facilitating Trust: What Leaders Need To Know intentionally avoiding me. The distrusted leader Getting the Benefit of the Doubt versus Getting Second Guessed against me. If trust is ultimately about giving something of value, what exactly is it that we’re giving, and what makes it so valuable? The gift I offer when I choose to trust we idiomatically refer to as “giving the benefit of the doubt.” Essentially, when I trust, I’m choosing to hold the belief that something good will happen instead of holding the belief that something bad will happen, even when the available facts make either outcome equally likely. I’m positively disposed toward that which I trust, so that at the point in time I’m required to act I’m betting on a favorable - or at least, a harmless - outcome. Because we hold a world-view that our interests are being protected, we ascribe positive asks for a report, and I assume she is checking up on me, or gathering ammunition to be used Our true relationship to our leaders generally falls somewhere in between these extremes. The point here is to consider the implications to the organization when I freely give the benefit of the doubt, versus the implications of my secondguessing what leaders are up to. Our Trust Profile – How we Assess Trustworthiness A deeper look at one theory of motivation sheds light on what each of us needs in order to trust. David McClelland considered three different attributes (Achievement, Control, and Affiliation) as distinct categories of needs we each have. In an organizational setting, we can think of McClelland’s attributes as: Results, Process, and Relationship (RPR). Results intentions to a trusted leader, and look for ways to reinforce our beliefs. The trusted leader is late for an appointment, and I assume something unavoidable is preventing her from arriving on Shared Responsibility for Success time. The trusted leader asks for a report, and I assume that she is preparing for a critical meeting and wants to feel prepared. When I’m unwilling to give the benefit of the doubt - or worse, when I fear something bad will happen - I begin to “second guess” the actions of a leader. Instead of ascribing positive intentions, I speculate about hidden agendas or motives that do not necessarily align with my interests. The distrusted leader is late for an appointment, and I assume she doesn’t value my time, or is © Interaction Associates Process Relationship Results satisfaction relates to our desire to strive for a goal or accomplish a task. Process satisfaction relates to our desire for predictability and influence. Relationship satisfaction is about our needs for rapport: how we’re treated, and the extent to which we feel valued, included, and safe. To find out how you might score using this framework, please complete the Trust Assessment on page 8. 6 Applying McClelland’s attributes to trust, we can At other times, I may pay exclusive attention to begin to see how our personality dictates the my relationships and let deadlines slip. Generally, criteria we follow when making an assessment however, I’m clear about what it takes for me of trustworthiness. If results matter to me, then to consider an individual trustworthy. Those I will consider an individual trustworthy based who demonstrate over time that they share my on whether commitments are met. If I can count priorities among attention to results, process, and on you to do what you say you’re going to do, I relationship are most likely to get the benefit of will trust you. In other words, like me, you place a the doubt from me. value on accomplishing what you set out to do. Leaders who want to be viewed as trustworthy If process matters to me, then I will consider an by a diverse group of people should pay equal individual trustworthy based on the predictability attention to 1) doing what you say you’re going of that person’s approach to things. If the way to do, 2) having a clear, consistent, and well you plan, strategize, sequence, and organize your communicated approach, and 3) demonstrating approach makes sense to me, then I will trust that how people feel about their work and their you. Like me, you If trust is ultimately about giving something of value, what exactly is it that we’re giving, and what makes it so valuable? value having a consistent and orderly process, so I know what to expect. If relationship matters to me, then I will consider an individual trustworthy based on how he/ she treats me and others. If you’re inclusive, encourage openness, and you demonstrate empathy, then I can trust you. Like me, you value people’s feelings and consider how decisions and situations will impact people, so I know you’ll look out for me and my interests. Of course, we apply all three attributes to varying degrees based on the situation, the context, and the people involved. At times, I’m focused on the goal and may ignore the people and the process. © Interaction Associates colleagues matters. Jay Cone has spent the past 25 years focusing on leadership development, strategic thinking, and innovation learning processes. Prior to joining Interaction Associates, Jay worked in the food service industry as a training manager, Human Resources director, and internal consultant. Jay has presented at the National Restaurant Association’s National Show, The Southwest Food Expo, and the Texas Restaurant Association’s Educational Foundation Management Conference. His articles on leadership development have appeared in Training Magazine, The Training and Development Journal, and The American Society for Training and Development’s Best of Customer Service Training. Jay served on the editorial review committee for David Straus’ book, How to Make Collaboration Work,and contributed to Chip Bell’s book on building partnerships, Dance Lessons. 7 Trust Assessment RATE FROM: 1 This assessment is designed for use with the guidelines outlined in “Facilitating Trust,” by Jay Gordon Cone. 2 3 4 5 A completely accurate description Very inaccurate Part 1 Part 2 Fill in the number that represents the degree to which you believe the statement accurately describes the person or team you’re rating. Fill in the number that represents the degree to which you believe the statement accurately describes the current situation you’re considering. Regarding the person or team I lead… Regarding our current situation… Willingly takes risks................................................... The stakes are low – the worst that could happen isn’t that bad................................................................... Expresses optimism, often describes the benefits the future will bring................................................... The situation is familiar...................................................... Has formal or informal power/has influence over others................................................................. The people involved share similar views and opinions about things.................................................................... Always expresses faith that things will work out........ The people involved have aligned interests and goals..... Willingly shares personal thoughts and feelings........ The people involved tend to look out for one another..... Rarely expresses concern over “what the boss will think”................................................................... Leadership’s actions and decisions are fairly predictable...................................................................... Safety score (average of the ratings above).......... People are well informed about what’s going on.............. Certainty score (average of the ratings above).......... Part 3 5 Plot the “Safety Score” and the “Certainty Score” on the graph below. SAFETY What the person or group being asked to trust wants from their leaders… 4 Transparency Rapport Empathy Appreciation 3 2 1 The survey and graph are based on the research of Robert F. Hurley as described in his article The Decision to Trust; Harvard Business Review, September 2006 © Interaction Associates 5 4 3 2 1 C E R TA I N T Y 8 Facilitating Trust: What Leaders Need To Know Tips for Building Trust After assessing a team or an individual using the linked survey, you’ll end up with a coordinate that falls into one of the quadrants on the graph. Each quadrant suggests a unique strategy. Each strategy has a number of tactics, or tips, a leader can employ: To Increase Transparency (high safety, low certainty) • Express the rationale for your actions and decisions (see Levels of Involvement in Decision Making*). • Externalize your thought process: “I’m trying to figure out . . . and right now I’m thinking that ... “ • Hold frequent meetings to communicate both what’s known and what’s not known. To Increase Appreciation (low safety, high certainty) • Focus on what’s working. • Say “Thank you.” • Learn what matters to the people with whom you work. • Offer appropriate rewards and recognition (see Celebrating Accomplishment*). To Increase Empathy (low safety, low certainty) • Listen actively without judgment (see inquiry techniques). • Share your own feelings about facing uncertain situations. • Check your understanding: “Are you saying that . . . ?” To Increase Rapport (high safety, high certainty) • Learn about the personal histories and interests of people. • Share personal information about yourself and your vision of success (see Sharing an Inspiring Vision*). • Enjoy relationship-building activities not specifically related to getting work done. Naturally, all the above ideas would be helpful in any set of circumstances for building productive working relationships. Thinking through how individual styles and changing situations impact people’s willingness to trust will help you set priorities for change management and communication. *These strategies are taught, modeled, and practiced in Interaction Associates’ leadership development workshop Facilitative Leadership®. © Interaction Associates 9 Feedback is the oil in the engine of teamwork: keep it flowing and the engine can operate at a high level with no damage; let it dry up and your engine could seize up or fail completely, potentially beyond repair. While most leaders would agree with this analogy, most do not ensure that regular feedback is a part of their organization’s culture. They miss an easy way to make performance improvements, improve morale, increase trust, and develop employees. Feedback is avoided for many reasons: fear of an emotional reaction, fear of retaliation, or the lack of a strategy for having the conversation. The problem is, the issue that is driving a need for feedback will not go away on its own, but tends to get worse until the person cannot stand it anymore. This leads to “drive-by” feedback: a quick hit of why you are driving me crazy, then a quick escape. On the receiving side, even employees who want to improve fear having to defend themselves or agree to something they do not really believe. The solution lies in leadership modeling of feedback, and the use of some simple but powerful guidelines for giving, or better yet, exchanging, feedback. It is an organizational truism that the higher one goes in an organization, the less feedback one gets. So start by asking for feedback from others, and then be very careful 5 not to get defensive. Then try to act in a visible Steps To Feedback way on the feedback. This will show the organization you are willing to “go first” and lead the way before you ask others to make a change. If feedback is the “breakfast of champions,” you will need to eat the first meal yourself. By Michael Papanek 5 Steps To Feedback Successful feedback must be focused on three key dimensions: results, process, and relationship. The feedback must increase results, use a clear process, and lead to enhanced, rather than diminished, relationships. This can be done by following these guidelines: 1. Choose when to give the feedback. If you are too angry or upset yourself, you will not be able to give the feedback in a respectful way. Wait until you cool down. Also, find a time and place which allows the employee to hear the feedback (especially negative) in private and a time when they can handle it emotionally, but do not wait so long that they can no longer act on the input. Positive feedback should be given quickly, when the employee is still “sweating from the effort.” 2. Describe the behavior in as objective language as possible and be specific. Words like “bad attitude” will not be understood and will seem judgmental. 3. State the impact of the behavior on you, the team, the goal, the client, etc. Saying what the impact is allows the receiver of the feedback to better Michael Papanek is a Senior Consultant with Interaction Associates. He has been a trainer, facilitator, coach, and collaboration consultant to clients in high-tech, retail, healthcare, and financial services, as well as local, state, and federal governments. Most recently, Michael has led the “reinvention” of IA’s model for delivering value to our clients, using emerging technologies to help our clients gain more value and impact from IA’s collaborative tools and strategies. understand why they should change or at least consider the input. 4. Make a suggestion or request. You may ask them to change a behavior that is not working, to continue or do more of an effective behavior, or to simply understand your point of view. “You are not well organized” is a criticism, not feedback. Have a concrete action in mind so the employee has a clear path to improvement. 5. Lastly, check for understanding and be open to alternative views. There may be relevant facts of which you are unaware and asking for a response avoids just dumping on the employee and damaging the relationship. © Interaction Associates 11 Whether you’re a leader at your company, or you help develop them, the practice of delegating to others successfully is both an art and a science. And the upside to your organization is huge: Effective delegation can empower and engage employees, fuel initiatives, and spur energy and creativity. What’s more, delegation clears a leader’s crowded plate of things that someone else can do, so you can focus on the things you must do. When a leader excels at delegating, How to Delegate Successfully ownership and accountability take off, too. According to a former client, Steve Arneson, who is also the author of Bootstrap Leadership: 1. Delegation is your most precious management resource. It allows you to get more work done and frees you up to focus By Jamie Harris on critical tasks. 2. Get good at delegating – now. You won’t survive doing everything yourself; start getting the team involved. 3.Once you delegate, step back. You’re giving others the assignment, and also the authority to do it their way. They might not do it exactly as you would, but that’s OK – they might do it better! Delegating is critical to a leader’s success, and are delegating; be clear with yourself and the yet many leaders struggle to do it effectively. employee that you are simply assigning a task with Delegating unsuccessfully is far more common, a defined outcome and defined way to accomplish and there are different ways to see how it fails. One it. Honest clarity will benefit both parties. is where the leader has delegated decisions and actions, and then does not accept the resulting Assuming you really do intend to delegate decisions or actions of the employee. Another responsibility and authority for some key decisions common type is when a leader doesn’t “let go” in regard to the work to be done, then there is a and continues to micromanage how the work is useful discipline that will increase your chances done, which is often worse than not delegating. of success. Delegation is a form of management Unsuccessful delegation results in frustrated conversation that involves certain key components employees, rework, disempowerment, and a for success. Understanding and practicing these vicious spiral of declining trust. key components in a thoughtful way, in a spirit of shared responsibility, works for both the leader How do you make delegation work? and the employee. First, understand the difference between assigning a task and delegating responsibility coupled with A flexible “Big Picture” model is helpful for moving authority. If you feel there is only one right way from problem to solution, as depicted in the to get something done, or only one way you will circle-arrow-circle model below. This framework accept, then simply assign the task with great summarizes the components of a successful precision, including “how” you want it to be delegation conversation: done. In this situation, don’t pretend that you The Situation: Problem or Opportunity The Manager-Employee Conversation Prepare Set Up • Desired Outcomes • Topics and Flow • Big Picture © Interaction Associates Conduct Follow Up Engage • The Task and Goal • Rationale for Employee’s Selection • Expectations and Parameters • Resources • Communication Successful Outcomes Complete • Summary of Agreements • Immediate Next Steps • Meeting Plus/Delta 13 How to Delegate Successfully Clear agreements about how and when the employee and the leader will communicate about the work give both parties a sense of security and help reduce the tendencies toward micro-management and intrusion by leaders about how the work is going. As a leader, you need to be clear on “The Big A simple statement Picture.” What is the problem or opportunity that of the Desired calls for some delegation of responsibility? In Outcomes might general terms, what is the outcome are you looking sound like this: “In for? As a leader, you must make a conscious this conversation choice about who you’re delegating to. Does I want to delegate he/she have a particular expertise? Is this an a specific opportunity for stretch and growth of the person? responsibility “Drive-by” delegation, i.e., choosing a person to to you, be sure delegate something important to just based on you have a full happenstance or mere expedience, often leads understanding of to disappointment. With the Big Picture in mind the project and and a reasoned choice of employee, the facilitative my constraints, leader will then plan for an effective conversation and agree on what including three phases: Set Up, Engage, and support you may need to get the job done.” The Complete. “topics and flow” could be as simple as “First let me describe the Big Picture and what this is Setting Up the Conversation all about in general terms. Then I’ll define the A delegation conversation basically is a meeting job I want you to take on and we can discuss the but, as in any meeting, the facilitative leader parameters and constraints I have in mind and wants to be sure all participants understand the any questions you have. Then we’ll talk about your objectives and agenda of the meeting before ideas about support and resources you think you diving directly into the content. At the beginning might need and come up with agreements on how of any conversation with a senior manager an we’ll communicate about this project while you’re employee is often wondering: What’s this about? working on it. How does that sound to you?” Why me? Where is this conversation going? Taking a few minutes at the beginning to describe The The Engage Phase Big Picture provides context. Laying out a simple In the Engage phase, the task and goals are defined agenda gives a roadmap for the conversation. This as well as the expectations, constraints, and set-up part of the conversation will help answer requirements the leader has relating to the task. A the employee’s natural questions and allow the frequent breakdown in delegation occurs when the employee to focus on the content rather than leader has not sufficiently thought through what continue to be distracted by the questions and his/her expectations, boundaries, and constraints uncertainties in his or her head. actually are — or, after having done so, fails to communicate them effectively. © Interaction Associates 14 Lacking understanding of expectations or level of detail that will be exchanged? At what constraints, the employee goes off and does what points will the leader provide feedback, course he/she thinks is the right thing, only to find out that corrections, reviews, approvals? Who else needs to the result is not accepted because of something in be communicated with during the work, and how the leader’s mind she didn’t know about because will that communication be conducted? the leader failed to tell her. In discussing the expectations, boundaries, and constraints it is On to Completion important that you encourage lots of questions and Here, in the spirit of “Go Slow to Go Fast,” the allow challenges. This is an important part of the facilitative leader will slow down to check for shared responsibility for success. The employee understanding of the key agreements reached needs to have crystal clarity about expectations during the conversation, discuss and build and constraints. By thinking them through agreement on next steps, and at least occasionally together, the employee can actually help the leader ask for some feedback from the employee about clarify and communicate his or her thoughts what worked and what could be done better in the more clearly, but only if the leader encourages conversation. Complex delegations with multiple and supports meaningful questions and dialogue. important agreements are of course typically put A frequent flaw here is when leaders assume into writing. understanding simply because he/she says but is not questioned by the employee (yet not Following Through really understood). Often the hardest something which is perfectly clear to the leader part comes next — The art and science of delegation, like any other, requires conscious practice. Other key topics, as indicated in the framework, you need to step include why the person was selected for the back and follow the delegation, resources, and communication. agreements that Obviously the more these topics are clear and were made, especially mutually understood up front, the less time you about the when and how of communication around will have to spend down the road dealing with the work. And when the employee brings back issues and problems. Clear agreements about the results, you need to accept the outcomes so how and when the employee and the leader will long as they are consistent with the expectations communicate about the work give both parties a and parameters that were agreed upon at the sense of security and help reduce the tendencies beginning. When you change your mind and toward micro-management and intrusion by reject decisions or work that is consistent with the leaders about how the work is going. When will communicated expectations and parameters, the check-ins and reports be expected? What is the stage has been set for frustration and mistrust that © Interaction Associates 15 How to Delegate Successfully will have a long and counter-productive life in the future relationship between leader and employee. A simple story will help to clarify how this framework provides real and lasting value. I recently taught this model and related inquiry and advocacy skills to 12 mid-level managers in a large and complex public agency. They were requested to consciously practice using the framework in a delegation conversation between two sessions of the learning process. When they returned to the next session all 12 said using the framework to prepare for conduct a delegation conversation was extremely valuable to them. Comments included: “It forced me to really choose the right person.” “Thinking about my constraints helped me to overcome my usual tendency to micromanage people so I could let go.” “When I had the conversation, and encouraged my employee to ask questions about my expectations, he got really engaged and excited about the task. I could see how motivated he was getting as we had more dialogue and answered his questions.” The art and science of delegation, like any other, Jamie Harris is Chair of the Board and a Senior Consultant with 15 years’ experience in organizational consulting, facilitation, and design and delivery of collaborative skills training, primarily in the financial services, health care, hi-tech, and public service sectors. He has a BA in Political Science and Economics and JD from Yale University. Before joining IA, Jamie had 24 years’ experience in business law, during the last 15 of which he served as managing partner of his San Francisco firm. He is a member of the Organization Development Institute, the California Bar, and the American Bar Association. His published work has appeared in Executive Excellence, H.R.com, Harvard Business School Mentoring series, and The International Association of Facilitators Handbook, among others. requires conscious practice. The purpose of the framework is to focus attention on the key elements that need to be considered and practiced just like music theory focuses on the key chords and scales that have to be practiced to play jazz. In leadership as in music, the best improvisations are based on careful preparation. © Interaction Associates 16 In the 2011 Trust In Business Results findings, we learn that leaders are getting low marks from employees for decision making and transparency. Results like these indicate a lack of simple, basic decision making skills. And in particular: the skills needed to make good decisions that stick. There are two primary places where business decisions break down: 1. In the group, where the decisionmaking process doesn’t work. 2. Organizationally - beyond the decision- Decision Making and Trust making leader or group. In order to help managers rise in the estimations of their employees, let’s first look at a couple of very common problems with decision making inside the group, and By Patty McManus propose what to do about them. Decision Making and Trust Scoping a Decision Often, a group leaps into making a decision before it The antidote to this problem is to use a framework has effectively scoped the decision at hand. In other that we call the Levels of Involvement™. words, the boundary of the decision is so unclear that each team member is seeking agreement on a different decision. You can recognize this is going Delegate with Constraints once. • There is lots of wheel-spinning, and people are talking about the same issue in different ways. • People are in agreement about the overall issue, but fighting about details. c ba k* fal l • The group appears to be deciding six things at Level of Ownership on in your team when: Consensus Gather Input from Group and Decide Gather Input from Individuals and Decide Decide and Announce The solution is to ask the question: “What is it we’re Level of Involvement trying to decide?” In the case of the purchase of a * Fallback can be to any other level product, is the decision to purchase it, explore its feasibility, or make a recommendation to senior Using the Levels of Involvement helps you reflect management? Come up with a clear statement on a variety of factors that influence the decision, of what you are deciding, and carry on from so that you can choose to involve the appropriate there. If there are several steps to the decision, people at the right level of input and influence. Its break it down into its smaller agreements before power comes from thinking through HOW it should proceeding. be made, and WHO should be involved, before making the decision. You can increase ownership, Nailing the Decision Making Process empower employees, gain their trust, and get a high Another issue to consider is that often the decision- Return on Involvement when you use this model. It making process isn’t clear. The leader believes she will also help you avoid consensus paralysis. is getting input, and makes the decision based on that input. But the members of the group think One of the most important things a leader can do they are making the decision. This sets up false is be transparent and explicit about how much expectations. When the leader makes a decision or how little involvement she is seeking – so that is contrary to the input, the team doesn’t that expectations are realistic and confusion is understand. What they thought they supported, minimized. they don’t. © Interaction Associates 18 Breakdown Dead Ahead! The solution here is for the group to know the Now what about the decisions that break down outside the group, in the larger organization? Many business decisions are made by, or influenced by, a team - where people are representing the interests of constituencies inside or outside the organization. But these team members may not have the expertise or be fully equipped to represent these other group’s stakes. They may decide to implement something that isn’t feasible The solution here is for the group to know the options, define the problem, and agree on a certain few milestone points where it will check in with key stakeholders. because of technical, legal, financial, or other options, define the problem, and agree on a certain few milestone points where it will check in with key stakeholders. These points should be built into an involvement map, so everyone knows when they’ll occur, who will be involved, and how the input will be used. These key input points should be predictable to everyone involved. These simple, actionable methods are not a cure for every bad decision. But together they form a powerful way to move forward with confidence. They definitely increase the odds of making wise choices, knowing when agreements are made, and keeping decisions sticky, not squishy. barriers. Sometimes people rush into a decision for expediency’s sake, but the decision can’t pass the reality test. If the leader or team members had checked in with the handful of people who had the needed expertise, they would have been able to represent these vital points of view and decide on a reasonable solution. The challenge is that organizations are trying to build structures and processes that support faster decision making. Over-reliance on consensus slows things down; not to mention that it can drive everyone crazy! But common decisionmaking structures built for speed don’t always accommodate badly-needed input. So a decision is Patty McManus is a Senior Consultant who has worked in the fields of Organization Development and Learning for over twenty years. In the first ten years of her career she was an internal consultant at UC Berkeley, Kaiser Permanente, and Apple Computer. Since she joined IA in 1997, she has consulted across a broad range of clients and projects. In addition, she has held several leadership positions in IA over the years. She holds a BA in General Psychology, an MS in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology (both from San Francisco State University) and did postgraduate internships at Kaiser Permanente and the Stanford Business School. made without that key input. © Interaction Associates 19 Interaction Associates is a 40-year innovator helping global organizations build collaborative cultures and achieve excellence in a new measure of ROI —Return on Involvement —where employees go “beyond engagement” to share responsibility for business results. We develop leaders at all levels and focus on building proficiency in collaboration, strategic thinking, and self-awareness. With offices in Boston and San Francisco, our services include organization-wide consulting, learning solutions, and coaching. For more info: www.interactionassociates.com © Interaction Associates 20
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