Wool Length Short Wool (<6 weeks wool)1 Time of Application Long Wool (>6 weeks wool)2 LICE CONTROL CHART 6 weeks10 6 weeks-10½ months months wool wool Long Wool (>6 weeks wool)2 COOPERS SHEEP LICE CONTROL CHART Freshly shorn (<24 hours after shearing) Wool Length Application Time of Method Wool Length Application Time of Application Application Method Speed of Lice Control Application Method Speed of Lice Control Products Short Wool (<6 weeks wool)1 High Volume Spray-on Ready-to-Use Backliner BackPlunge/Shower Dip Freshly shorn 1 weeks wool Short Wool (<6 linerweeks wool)2-6 (<24 hours after shearing) Mixing required 6 weeks-6 months Ready- wool to-Use Hand BackJetting liner 6 weeks10 months Readywool to-Use Backliner Slow11 Readyto-Use Backliner 11 Rapid Knockdown Hand Jetting Medium Readyto-Use Backliner Slow11 Slow Medium Rapid Knockdown Slow11 IGR Slow IGR Medium SP Rapid Knockdown ML6 ML Hand Jetting PARAMAX® BLOWFLY AND LICE 5 OP 2 months8 IGR 6 months OP 6 months IGR 6 months IGR 6 months SP 2 months8 ML6 6 weeks ML 6 weeks Nil93 IGR 4 3 SP days 5 21OP days Nil IGR 14OP days 42 IGR10 days Nil IGR Nil SP 6 7ML days 7 ML days Wool WiThhoLdinG eSi7 PeriodS 6 months Nil9 2 8 months 14 days 2 8 months 21 days 6 months Nil 6 months 42 days 6 42 months days10 6 months Nil 2 8 months 7 days 6 weeks 7 days 6 weeks 7 days Meat Wool Nil9 6 months 3 days 2 months8 21 days 2 months8 Nil 6 months 14 days 6 months 42 days 6 10 months Nil 6 months Nil 2 months8 7 days 6 weeks 7 days 6 weeks eSi7 Meat Nil9 Nil9 14 days 3 days 21 days 21 days Nil Nil 42 days 14 days 42 days 42 10 days10 Nil Nil 7 days Nil 7 days 7 days 7 days 7 days WiThhoLdinG Chemical PeriodS Meat Group 1. P roducts registered for lice control in short wool sheep are capable of achieving lice eradication if administered correctly to susceptible lice strains. However, to obtain their lice 7 9 eSicontrol Nildemonstrate 14detectable days lice at2120days Nil claim, trials had to no weeks after treatment. 2. T o obtain a long wool lice control claim, trials had to demonstrate >95% reduction in lice numbers following treatment. If these products are used the farmer will need to treat these sheep again after shearing with either an off-shears backliner or short wool dip. 3. Insect Growth Regulator. 4. Synthetic Pyrethroid. 5. Organophosphate. 6. Macrocyclic Lactone. 7. Export Slaughter Interval. ® Registered trademark VANQUISH® 4 SP 2 months8 Chemical Products Group Wool lice) STRIKE® 3 IGR 6 months Products WiThhoLdinG PeriodS MAGNUM® ASSASSIN® Hand Jetting STRIKE® Slow 6 weeks-10½ months wool EUREKA GOLD® 2-6 weeks wool Slow Dip (upPlunge/Shower to 14 weeks are Rapid required Knockfor down sheep to Plunge/Shower Dip be lice free) Slow (up to 14 weeks are Rapid required Knockfor down Slowto sheep (up to 14 be lice weeks free) are Rapid required Knockfor down IGR OP sheep to be lice free) CLOUT-S® High Freshly shorn Rapid Volume (<24 hours after shearing) Medium knockSpray-on Slow (up to 6 down Ready-to-Use Backliner Back(up to 14 weeks (up to 6 liner weeks are weeks Mixing are High required are required required Volume to required for Spray-on control to sheep to Ready-to-Use Backliner Backsuscontrol be lice Rapid liner ceptible susfree) Medium knockMixing lice) ceptible Slow (up to 6 down required lice) (up to 14 weeks (up to 6 weeks are weeks are required are required Rapid to required for Medium knockcontrol to Slowto sheep (up to 6 down suscontrol (up to 14 be lice weeks (up to 6 ceptible susweeks free) are weeks lice) ceptible are required are lice) required to required for 3 4 IGR SP OP control to5 sheep to suscontrol be lice ceptible susfree) lice) ceptible ReadyReady6to-Use weeksto-Use Hand Hand Jetting 6 weeks-6 months 10 6 weeks-10½ months BackJetting BackLong Wool (>6 weeks wool)2 months wool liner wool liner wool MAGNUM® Speed of Lice Control Chemical Group 2-6 weeks wool 6 weeks-6 months wool 8. These products have a default 2 month wool withholding period whilst the APVMA Sheep Ectoparasite42 review is being finalised. 42 days Nil 10 9. When used off-shears. days 7 days 7 days 10.When used on long wool sheep. 11.Aids in the control of body lice infestations when used at long wool rate. 7 days SHEEP LICE CONTROL CHEMICALS AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA Chemical Group Application Timing and Method Features Coopers Products Non Coopers Products Organophos-phate (OP) Synthetic Pyrethroid (SP) Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) Off shears high volume pour-on backliner Off shears pour-on backliner Off shears pour-on backliner Hand jetting in long Plunge/shower dip wool sheep in short wool (>6 weeks wool) (<6 weeks wool) Short wool saturation dip Long wool pour-on backliner Plunge/shower dip in short wool (<6 weeks wool) Plunge/shower dip in short wool (<6 weeks wool) Hand jetting in long wool sheep (>6 weeks wool) Off shears/Long wool pour-on backliner Kill lice quickly after Kill susceptible lice contact quickly after contact Macrocyclic Lactone (ML) Prevents the Kill lice quickly after Causes rapid and development of contact severe dehydration immature lice of lice following treatment. Up to 14 weeks are required for sheep to be lice free. Eureka Gold Clout-S Magnum Paramax Multi-Purpose Concentrate for Sheep ASSASSIN Vanquish Strike Coopers blowfly and lice Wham* Off shears: Cypercare*; Outflank*; Spurt*; Kleenklip*; 4 Farmers Cypermethrin 25 Backliners: Zapp*; Magik*; Triffik*; Clipguard*; Virbac IGR Pour-On; Epic*; Exit*; 4 Farmers Triflumuron 25; WSD Command Pour-On; Exilice*; Stampede*; Cannon* Extinosad* Pour-On; Zinjet* Saturation Dips: Fleececare*; Crusader*; Duodip* Notes on Rotation Rotation is the process of alternating chemicals from different chemical groups. Therefore, to rotate, you should be using a product from another chemical group, not just a different brand from within the same chemical group. Magnesium Fluorosilicate N/A Flockmaster* MKII; Splash; X-Lice Washdown*