Natural Progesterone Deficiency and Estrogen Dominance


Natural Progesterone Deficiency and Estrogen Dominance
Natural Progesterone Deficiency and
Estrogen Dominance
The two main sex hormones in women are estrogen and progesterone. Like testosterone,
estrogen and progesterone are produced in both men and women, although in substantially
different quantities. Progesterone is made from pregnenolone, which is synthesized from
cholesterol naturally in the body, and is produced in several places within the body of both sexes.
In women, progesterone is produced primarily in the ovaries just before ovulation, with levels
increasing rapidly after ovulation. It is also produced in the adrenal glands of both sexes, and in
the testes in males. In women, progesterone levels are highest during the ovulation period (day
13-15 of the menstrual cycle). It is responsible for the growth of the cells in the uterus lining
which enables the implanting of a fertilized egg. Its purpose is to sustain the newly fertilized egg
implanted in the lining of the uterus. Should fertilization not occur, the secretion of progesterone
decreases and menstruation begins. Approximately 20-25mg per day of progesterone is produced
during a woman's monthly cycle, with up to 400mg produced daily during pregnancy. During
menopause, the total amount of progesterone produced radically drops to less than 1% of the premenopausal levels.
Progesterone plays a critical role in hormonal synthesis. In addition to being the precursor (a
substance from which another substance is formed) to estrogen, it is also the precursor of
testosterone and another critical hormone, the adrenal hormone cortisol. Cortisol is essential for
stress response, sugar and electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and general survival, and also
promotes survival and development of the embryo and fetus. Cortisol in turn, acts as a precursor
to many important steroid hormones, and helps to regulate a broad range of biological and
metabolic effects in the body. During chronic stress, for example, progesterone production is
lowered as the body favors cortisol production to reduce stress.
Progesterone's counterpart, Estrogen, is also produced in the ovaries, and also in adrenal and fat
tissues. Its role is to regulate the menstrual cycle, promote cell division, and be primarily
responsible for the development of secondary female characteristics during puberty. In nonpregnant, pre-menopausal women, only 100-200 micrograms of estrogen is secreted daily
however, during pregnancy, much more is produced. During menopause, the amount of estrogen
in the body declines by about 50 to 60 percent. Production, however, is augmented in the
adrenals and in the fat cells.
Normally, estrogen and progesterone work in synchronization with each other, opposing each
other in their actions, and working to achieve hormonal harmony in both sexes.
Functions of Progesterone
The hormones estrogen and progesterone have a very close relationship. Estrogen is a very
stimulatory hormone, and natural progesterone tempers the stimulatory effects of estrogen,
acting as an antagonist (opposite of) to estrogen. For example, estrogen can cause breast cysts,
while progesterone protects against breast cysts. Estrogen enhances salt and water retention,
while progesterone is a natural diuretic. Estrogen has been associated with breast and
endometrial cancer, while progesterone is considered to be a cancer preventive. These effects of
natural progesterone on estrogen are further summarized in the list of effects of both hormones in
the table below.
Estrogen Effects
Builds up uterine lining
Stimulates breast tissue
Increases body fat
Salt and fluid retention
Depression, headache/migraine
Interferes with thyroid hormone
Increases blood clotting
Decreases libido
Impairs blood sugar control
Increases risk of endometrial cancer
Increases risk of breast cancer
Slightly restrains bone loss
Reduces vascular tone
Progesterone Effects
Maintains uterine lining
Protects against fibrocysts
Helps use fat for energy
Facilitates thyroid hormone action
Normalizes blood clotting
Restores libido
Regulates blood sugar levels
Protects from endometrial cancer
Probable prevention of breast cancer
Stimulates bone building
Propagates growth of embryo
Precursor of corticosteroid production
Most notably, high amounts of estrogen are known to induce a host of metabolic disturbances,
which progesterone is known to counterbalance. Therefore, when this balancing mechanism is
dysfunctional, a multitude of health related problems can arise, and a condition known as
Estrogen Dominance.
Symptoms of Low Progesterone
Progesterone deficiency is seen in premenopausal and perimenopausal women, but also in
younger women, and in men. In younger women, progesterone deficiency manifests itself as
Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS. The most common symptoms of low progesterone are:
Vaginal Dryness: Women in the peri-menopausal or menopausal phase frequently experience
vaginal dryness due to the deficiency of progesterone, a primary cause of painful intercourse,
lack of drive, and low libido
Fatigue: Fatique, exhaustion, constant tiredness, are a primary symptom of low progesterone
Depression: Low progesterone can lead to chronic depression
Insomnia: Low progesterone can lead to insomnia and adrenal fatique
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): If you are experiencing new symptoms of PMS that you have
not experienced before, such as mood swings, anxiety, et cetera, you may be experiencing the
early symptoms of low progesterone
Memory Loss: If you are experiencing short or long-term memory loss, you may be suffering
from estrogen dominance or low progesterone
Irregular Menstrual Cycle: Irregular, frequent or heavy menstruation is a key symptom of
progesterone deficiency
Weight Gain / Weight Fluctuation: If you are experiencing abnormal weight gain, especially
around the abdomin, or if your weight is fluctuating rapidly, it may be due to progesterone
Other symptoms of low progesterone and estrogen dominance include, but are not limited to:
joint pain
urinary tract infection
intestinal cysts
appetite changes
reduced libido
migraine headaches
loss of sex drive
fibrocystic breasts
mood swings
heavy bleeding during menses
hot flashes
hair loss
irregular menstrual cycles
thinning hair
slow thyroid
fluid retention
difficulty with concentration
There are four primary factors that contribute to this hormone inbalance.
The Four Main Causes of Progesterone Deficiency
Medical Prescriptions
Birth control pills contain a large amount of prescription hormones, compounding the imbalance
by increasing the amount of estrogen in the body. Progestin, which is used in hormone
replacement therapy, is not the same as natural progesterone, and has been shown to increase
cancer rates.
The fast paced, stressful, lifestyle of today's women taxes their bodies, robbing them of natural
progesterone. Stress has also been found to affect a woman's ability to ovulate, limiting or
altogether halting the production of progesterone. Studies have revealed that by the age of 34,
almost half of all women have low progesterone.
What we eat plays a huge role in the increase of estrogen, particularly for non-vegetarians. Our
feedsupply of chicken, beef, and pork are fed estrogen to make them grow larger and be more
commercially valuable so that they can be transported to market more quickly. This estrogen
finds its way into the human body adding to the imbalance of progesterone and estrogen in our
human bodies. A diet high in refined starches, sugars, and processed foods also contribute to
hormone imbalance.
Another common cause of estrogen dominance is exposure to false estrogens, or xenoestrogens,
found in our environment. Xenoestrogens are synthetic estrogen-like substances that differ from
estrogens produced by living organisms, but that imitate or enhance the effect of estrogens.
There are an almost infinite number of sources of these pseudo-hormones, including hair care
products, plastic bottles, birth control pills and spermicides, plastic food wraps, cosmetics,
mineral oil (baby oil), commercially raised meats, styrofoam cups, all artificial scents,
detergents, pesticides and herbicides, paints, lacquers and solvents. Many of these xenoestrogens
are known carcinogens, and are also known to damage the immune system and disturb homonal
balance. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by them, as we ingest or are exposed to these
products on a regular basis.
Other Causes
Some of the other causes of progesterone deficiency or estrogen dominance are hypothyroidism,
hyperthyroidism, adrenal gland disorders, hormone replacement therapy, and other disorders.
Best Methods of Protection against Progesterone Deficiency
and Estrogen Dominance
A recommended first step in correcting estrogen dominance is the use of a USP-grade all-natural
progesterone cream (USP stands for United States Pharmacopoeia, indicating that stringent tests
were performed for quality assurance). The product should be provided in a hermetically-sealed,
airtight container to prevent oxidation, and be formulated of a 100% botanical (plant-derived)
Monitor your dietary intake of high-estrogen foods. Whenever possible, buy organic meats, and
avoid skin care products that contain mineral oil, and use of petroleum-based products. Replace
refined sugars, starches, and foods high in petrochemicals with organic raw fruits, vegetables,
and whole grains.
Progesterone deficiency has many unpleasant side effects, and can lead to serious and lifethreatening health conditions. Hormone replacement therapy and certain prescription
medications can compound the problem of estrogen dominance. Making simple changes in your
diet, avoiding harmful personal and home care products, and adding a natural progesterone
cream can help to alleviate unpleasant symptoms and prevent against more serious health
Estrogen Dominance and Low Progesterone in Men
When we hear the term estrogen dominance, we naturally assume it to be a condition suffered
only by women. We would be wrong. Estrogen dominance can also affect a men's health, and
can result in the same harmful consequences.
How Men Develop Estrogen Dominance
Hormonal balance is as essential to a man's health, as a women's. As with women, an essential
balance of testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen play a key role in their optimum health, and
many of the same factors that contribute to a woman's imbalance in levels of estrogen,
progesterone, and testosterone also impact a man's, including obesity, alcoholism, and
environmental factors, one of the most common. As with women, men are exposed to many
harmful environmental substances called xenoestrogens, substances that mimic estrogen.
Xenoestrogens are found all around us - in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the products
we use.
Commercially raised beef, poultry, and pork often comes from animals that have been treated
with steroids to make them grow bigger, more rapidly, and make them more commercially
marketable. Non-organic produce is also tainted with xenoestrogens from the pesticides used in
farming. Xenoestrogens are also found in a seemingly endless array of paints, personal care
products, detergents, artificial scents, styrofoams, plastics, and a host of other items found in our
daily lives. Constant exposure to these substances can lead to estrogen dominance.
Problems Faced by Men with Estrogen Dominance
Testosterone levels are highest in men when they are young. As men begin to age, testosterone
levels begin a natural decline. Unlike a woman's menopause, when estrogen levels plummet over
months to very low levels, men's “andropause” is a gradual decline of testosterone levels,
approximately 1% to 2% percent per year, over years. Combined with the constant bombardment
of xenoestrogens, which our bodies cannot differentiate from natural estrogen, and a declining
level of testosterone, estrogen builds up and can become the dominant hormone, causing
numerous health problems, such as:
Weight gain, especially around the abdomen and chest
Mood swings
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
Decreased fertility
Erectile dysfunction
Hair loss
Prostate and breast cancer
How Men Can Fight Estrogen Dominance and Low Progesterone
To avoid these problems, men need to restore and maintain a healthy hormonal balance. There
are several things you can do to regain control of the hormones in your body.
Decrease your exposure to as many xenoestrogens as possible.
Change your Eating Habits
If you eat meats, start buying certified organic meats or those labeled “hormone-free”, and
introduce more organic produce such as raw into your diet.
Avoid Processed Foods
These foods are high in petrochemicals. Replace refined sugars, starches, and foods high in
petrochemicals with organic raw fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Avoid Plastic and Styrofoam In place of common styrofoam or plastic plates, forks, and cups,
use ceramic dishes or china, and don't microwave or store food in plastic containers.
Reduce your Dairy Intake
Cut down on dairy products. Dairy products are often high in estrogen because cows are
frequently milked when they are pregnant and estrogen levels are at their highest. Use rice or
almond milk instead.
Cleaning Products and Paint Protection
Wear gloves when handling paints or solvents such as paint thinner or rubbing alcohol, as these
products are petroleum based and high in xenoestrogens. Use natural household cleaners
whenever possible, and buy laundry detergents that are free of scents and dyes. Simply put, you
can avoid the problems of estrogen dominance by living a more natural lifestyle and making a
few minor adjustments. By following a few simple guildelines, you can restore your body to a
normal, healthy hormonal balance - even if you already suffer from estrogen dominance.