Document 6482707
Document 6482707
GPE Vendors DRX All Models technical handbook Update: 02110103 CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY The firm GPE vendors srl Via Toniolo, l9l2l 61032 Fano (PU) declares of its own responsibility that the product: Food and other things VENDING MACHINE DRX-20, DRX-25, DRX-300 DRX-40, DRX-50 and DFD3oC To which this declaration refers, complies with the following regulations: o o o . . o o o EN 292partl - September 1991 EN 292 part 2 - September 1991 EN 60335-1st June 1988 and variations 2,5,6, A51, A52, A53, A54, A55 EN 60335-2-24th June 1989 EN 60555-2ndNovember 1988 EN 60555-3rd January 1989 and variation A1 EN 55014 April 1994 EN 50082-1 October 1992 And therefore it meets the essential requirements of the directives: 98 137 I CEE. 73 123 ICEE. 89 t33 6t CEE FANO 18-07-2005 G.P.B. Vendors VENDTNG MACHINES INSTRUCTIONS: Interventions on any electricai or electronic parts can only be carried out by qualified persons, in full observance of requlations. Before operating, disconnect the plug from the socket. The socket must have earthing The line voltage must not suffer changes of +l- 10% of its nominal value. During transport, the machine must stay in an upright position. The machine must be positioned at least l0cm from the wall. The machine works even if not complete with all its shelves. COOLING SYSTBM: . The temperature is controlled by probe and logic board. Use only refrigerant gas type R404A Recommended temperature: + 7Z"C (which corrispondends to +i0oc in the bottom shelf and +l6oC in the top shelf) Automatic defrostins. Electronic protection against overwork of the compressor. Power of the compressor: Il4hp (DRX-25/30 version), 1/3 I{P (DRX-40/50 version). G.P.E. Vendors VENDING MACTIINtrS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The logic board DRF63A allows the complete management of the vending machine (refrigerated or not) with a maximum of 63 different products. The same logic board can be used for the entire range of spiral and disc vending machines. It is necessaty only to select the category of machine in the programming menu (DRX-40/50 for machines with maximum 63 spirals, DRX-25/30 for all other spiral machines and DFD-3C for disk machines). Also available is the operation of the lift system (optional) with programmable levels according to the tray height. The logic board allows the possibility to connect all of the most popular payment systems (coin mechanism. banknotes validator, electronic keys and Executive changers) managing them contemporaneously allowing also mixed payments. The keyboard allows the selection of products in the most immediate way; the illuminated, 16 character LCD type display allows the visualizing (in different languages) of the product chosen, the relative price and the eventual residual money owed for the sale. All the parameters of work programmed during installation are memorrzed on a EEprom memory which guarantees integrity even in the most demanding work environs. TECHNICAL FEATURES . . . o o o o o o o . . o o o o 42 drfferent products organised on 7 shelves with 6 spirals (DRX-25/30) Sales of 63 different products organised on 7 shelves with 9 spirals (DRX-40/50) Operation of the lift system with distinct height levels for each tray 76 pole interface for parallel coin mechanism with 6 channels (supply 24V) 10 pole interface for parallel coin mechanism with 6 channels (supply 12V) Parallel interface for banknotes validator with 4 channels (supply 12V) Serial interface "current loop" for EXECUTIVE changer system "Price Holding" option for EXECUTIVE with maximum 250 price lines Fossibility of using contemporaneously different payment systems 16 character illuminated LCD display with trimmer for regulating contrast Choice of different languages with relative currency symbol 9 key Keyboard for programming logic board and sales products Management of the cooling system with temperature control (disconnectable by dip-switch) "free sales" and "timed sales" functions, selected by dip-switch Registering of total take for all systems of payment and total sales Management of error and breakdown conditions, visualized on the display Sales of G.P.E. Vendors VENDING MACHINES FUNCTIONS OF THE DIP-SWITCH All parameters of work of the DRF63A logic board are programmable on the EEprom memory (rvhich is present in the logic board) using the display and keyboard as an interface operator. Only some options can be selected operating on the 6 way dip-switch DSW1. The DSV/I dip-switch allows to configure the working conditions of the logic board according to the followine table: DIP-SWITCH OFF 7 4 5 6 ON PARAMETERPROGRAMMING VISUALIZATION OF TAKINGS AND SALES SALES BY CREDIT INSERTION FREE SALES PERMANENT REMAINING CR,EDIT TIMED REMAINING CREDIT REFzuGERATOR EXCLUDED LOGIC BOARD TEST PROGRAM REFRIGERATOR INCLUDED All dip-switches can be moved while the logic board is working without the necessity to switch off and back on the machine. allows access into the program facilities of the work parameters of the machine (product prices, credit values of coin mechanism channels etc.). In the following paragraph, visualization and modifìcation of these parameters will be explained in detail. Dip-switch 2 allows the visualization of the total takings from all payment systems present; the value visualized is expressed in base units, therefore to know the total amount you must multiply this number by the base unit. To re-set the value of the totalizer press keys "7" arrd "9" of the keyboard at the same time. By pressing key "1" you can see the the copy of the non re-settable total takings;pressing key "1" againyou can see the number of sales effected; the value of this totahzer can be re-set by keys "7" and "9". Pressing again key "1" you can see the copy ofthe nonresettable sales totalizer. Dip-switch 3 in the ON position allows free sales i.e. the possibility of selling without credit. Dip-switch 4 in the ON position sets up the automatic re-set of any remaining credit after a fixed time which can be programmed (10-240"). Dip-switch 5 in the ON position switches off the refrigerator; in absence of the temperature probe it is necessary to disconnect the refrigerator to avoid a "probe breakdown" signal. Dip-switch 6 activates the test ptogram of the machine; it is advisable to leave this dip-switch always in the OFF position. During the normal use of the machine, the dip-switches 1, 2 and 6 must be kept in the OFF position; the activation of these will cause the logic board to suspend sales and enter into service mode. Dip-switch 1 PROGRAMMING OF THE PARAMETERS For the programming of the work parameters in the EEprom memory it is necess ary to momentarily move dip-switch 1 into the ON position; thus entering into the facility "programming of parameters". The programmable parameters are presented one by one on the display with their current value, according to a continuous list; to move inside the list and make eventual modifications of the parameter values, you need to use the keyboard present for sales. Holding pressed down the relevant keys the values are quickly modified (with linear increasing of speed). The following table shows the functions carried out by the keyboard in the normal phase of work (sales) and in the phase of programming the parameters: KEY SALES PROGRAMMING I NEXTPARAMETER 2 PREVIOUS PARAMETER 3 4 SELECTION OF 2 DIGIT PRODUCT (11.79\ INCREASINGVALUE 5 WITH IMMEDIATE SUPPLY DECREASINGVALUE 6 7 RECALL PRE\IIOUS PARAMETER VALTIE 8 MEMOzuZE VALUE 9 RE-SET VALUE Keys " 1" a1ld "2" allow to move (backwards and forwards) in the opportune parameter of the list, keys "4" and"5" modify (up/down) the value of the parameter, key "9" re-sets the value of the parameter, key "7" recalls the value memorized in the previous parameter and finally key "8" confirms the value. Attention. changing the value present on the display does not alter the contents of the EEprom memory; the set value is programmed permanently in the memory only after pressing the confirmation key "8". At any time during the phase of modifying parameters it is possible to exit by putting dip-switch I back to the oFF position: only values confìrmed by key "S" will have changed. G.P.E Vendors VENDING MACHINES Programming the "Price Holding" option to "Yes" also activates the list of "price lines" associated with every single product. Be sure to have also programmed the real prices of each product in the machine and to have imposed the same prices in the EXECUTIVE payment system. Here follows the list of parameters which can be modified with respective field validity: o Product price 11 (0 + 10000 base units) o Product price 79 (0 + 10000 base units) o Language (nation with currency symbol) o Base currency (0 o Number of decimal places (0 o Base curency of channels 1-6 of validators (0 o Base cuffency of channels 7-10 of validators (0 o Waiting time for re-setting of residual credit (10 + 240 seconds, 30" advised) . Refrigerator temperature set-point (3 -: 30'C, 12'C advised) o Selection of machine type (DRX-25/30, DRX-40/50, DFD-3C) o Lift height level, tray 1 o Lift height level, tray 7 o Enabling of the "Price Holding" function for EXECUTIVE (sending of the "Price Line" value) . Price Line product 11 (1 + 250) (only if the "Price Holding" is enabled) o Price Line productT9 + 1000) (l - 3) + 1000 base units) - 10000 base units) (0 disables the relevant tray) + 250) The programming of value 0 as the price of a product excludes same from sales: therefore program all un-used products at 0. It is also advisable to program to 0 the values of all validator channels not used. 5 G.P.E Vendors VENDING MACHINES It is possible to recall the default setting (factory values) of all parameters of the memory proceeding as follows. Switch the machine off and then back ón again with dip-switctr i in position ON and contemporaneously pressing down keys "3" atrd "6" . Await the visuaiization on the display of the activation of the default parameters. I n I -l \i U I Èl Pi ul@ L=a n o c l o tr I I o .Ó, ù) Èo òO ò< '3 O E U o c <l (o - 1', O ,nO ol Ei ùO cn -l .l n ì >i hx òfr url <j o- úi< ) ÀJ o^ _^() "u O )) tv K of-,) ^9 Q r 9ù $ :\ Y' f rI s -) U O u ts Z N U Ò -È I a I 6 E U & L f U) v o 4 v F o: U!f z> z o U z a O >0a F z O N Qt, zd Òv >-; 6 I È(o I P n iL tl io !ù io o i3 éó ò< )u ìq 10 tq I I É O F À o ú O o ù- TY OO t ,nO ;,i < I I I I a I ilP f--; -) c0 qr u o- o- ; l; É aJ o J I - C ) aJ i z i lp tt tt f., c\ ll \r ll il À \q) ú -u< ì> òU 3H fó úF rt s:{v u )) O Nr o ó,; l) [ rrto ó o ú o Z z E i; rJ cl o0a o a z E ts f o u o zo z U <(l NL >q -z f! _** >i; I o tt o m =;> v o o Y sè z r"t- I o \ytr; I <tu1 zu óa zz si (FFE úlfÉ*rúeR$ Tel +39 0721 854535 - fax $9 A72L 855200 - www.gpssendors"it DRF-25,DRF:30, D RX- 20, D RX- 25,D RX-30,DRX-40, - D qpeiave*dors"it RX- 50 WHAT TO DO IF... GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS . after t.anspoÌt, before switching on the machine, verifo that the flat cable connections are well inserted . be careful not to mix up the 14 PIN flat cables (one is for the keyboard, the other for &e display) r clean the outlet of the waste water container at least once a year REFRtrGERATOR qTOUP iF THE REFRIGERATOR DOESNT REFRIGERATE: 1. chect< if the compressor, condenser fan {external radiator} and internal fans (black} are working properly Z. check that the temperature ís prqrammed oroperly (around 14"C) 3. if so, the refrigerator may have lost some gas; in this case, the interventlon of a refrigerator technician to refill it is sufficient: check the plate that specifies the type of gas used: for the DRF models the gas is usuaiiy R22 and you will need 3209r for the refili: for the DRX-20i25/30 the gas is R404A and you will need 2709r for the refill iF NEITHER THE 1. FANS NOR THE COMPRESSOR TURN... check the 6A fuse iF THE FANS TURN BUT THE COMPRESSOR DOESNT... 1. check the contact relay. Try to jump it to see if the compressor works. If the compressor and the radiator fan still don't work, it is necessary to check the wiring of connectlons. IF IT APPEARS'PROBE ERROR''... 1. check if there is a false contact of the probe cables and the logic board. There is rarely a real problem with the probe. iF THE INTERNAL FANS DONT WORK... 1. In 7Ao/a of the machines with serial numbers starting with 506rc< to 705rc< (year of construction 19951992) it may be the outlet of the waste water container which ís blocked and the 2 black fans could turn in the water and be damaged. You should re-open the outlet and enlarge it to a diameter of B mm and replace the 2 fans. SPIRAL GEARMOTORS IF THE GEARMOTOR DOESNT WORK... 1. Check that the flat cable of the tray is not damaged externally (most likely case) Z. If this is not the problem, you will need to replace the gearmotor iF NO GEARMOTORS IN THE WHOLE MACHINE WORK, but the rnachine still sells... L. it means that one of the trays flat cables has a shori circuit on the power supply. You wiil have to disconnect all the flat cables and re-inseft them one by one until you find the defective one, which is to be replaced. MODELS DRX3OI5O LIFT (ONLY THE YERSIQ'.'S WITH LIFT)I IF IT I5 . . . . NECESSARY TO SUBSTITUTE THE GEARMOTOR.., make sure the gearmotor is 116 cycles; remove the circuÍt printed LIFT; uns€rew the supporl stirrup of the "encoder" disc and reffiove Lhe gearmotor; install the new gearmotor and put everything back together again.
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