The Capitole Record - The Nation`s Capital Chapter of The Society
The Capitole Record - The Nation`s Capital Chapter of The Society
Volume XXXVII No 6 December 2012/January 2013 The Capitole Record Sign Up for David Vernon Class Congratulations to the 2013 Executive Board When January 19, 2013 Time: 10:00 A.M. Where: Hermitage Auditorium 5000 Fairbanks Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 (703) 820-2434 What: Bring: Lunch: Fusion Blending w/David Vernon (see pg. 7 & 8) Normal Painting Supplies Surface Canned Goods for Donation A Dish to Share Your Badge A-D Main Dish E-K Dessert L-R Salad S-Z Appetizer DIRECTIONS TO THE HERMITAGE From the Woodrow Wilson Bridge: From the Beltway, take I-395 and go about 4.4 miles. Take Exit 4B West (Seminary Road/Route 716). Take a right at the second stop light onto Beauregard Street. Take a left at the first stop light onto Fillmore Street and go 1 block. Turn left into the Hermitage parking lot. From the Cabin John Bridge: From the Beltway, take Exit 52B East (Little River Turnpike/Rt. 236) and go 4.1 miles. Turn left onto Beauregard Street and go 2.1 miles. Turn left on Fillmore Street and go 1 block. Turn left into Hermitage parking lot. Parking: Please park only in the Visitors Lot. Just behind the Visitors Lot is an additional lot you may use. To get to the auditorium go through the lobby and take the elevator down one level or use the stairs. Auditorium is on your right If you plan to participate in the David Vernon fusion blending class, you need to sign up before the January meeting. To sign up email or call John or Marie Kirzl at: [email protected] (703) 644-1805 Visit our web site at The Capitole Record THE NATION'S CAPITAL CHAPTER 2013 EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Kathy Denneler (703) 361-3179 [email protected] Vice President: Betsy Griner (703) 478-3680 [email protected] Secretary Becky Benton (703) 821-2691 [email protected] Treasurer: Peg Altemus (703) 938-3651 [email protected] Membership Secretary: Ann Davis (703) 356-8485 [email protected] December 2012/January 2013 Page 2 2013 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Art Scholarship Award: Cheryl Saggers (703) 670-2705 [email protected] Art Show: Community Service: Kathy Denneler (703) 361-3179 [email protected] Finance: Peg Altemus (703) 938-3651 [email protected] Founders Medallion Award: Ann Davis (703) 356-8485 [email protected] Get-a Way Public Relations—MD: Historian: Public Relations—VA: Luncheon: Nominating: Fran Schmitt (703) 450-4171 [email protected] Parliamentarian Betsy Thomas (301) 384-5652 [email protected] Seminar: Sunshine: Barbara Gloeckner (703)759-3227 [email protected] Ways & Means: Lorraine Lasch (703) 670-5238 [email protected] Web Master BJ Grey (703) 491-5073 [email protected] Maryland Representative: Mary Steingesser (410) 992-4338 [email protected] Virginia Representative: Kathy Bacskay (703) 339-6532 [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Marie & John Kirzl 703 644-1805 [email protected] SUBMISSIONS TO THE CAPITOLE RECORD NEWSLETTER: All information and advertising is due by the 1st of February, April, June, August, October, and December. Members and honorary members are welcome to drop the Editor a line on any subject they wish to share with the membership. The Capitole Record exists for the benefit of the membership of The Nation's Capital Chapter of The Society of Decorative Painters. All articles and advertisements should reflect the purpose of the newsletter in providing information and education for the entire membership. Please e-mail all news of interest, Chapter exchange newsletters, and any advertising copy to: [email protected] or mail them to John Kirzl 7211 Ashview Drive, Springfield, VA 22153; (703) 644 1805 ADVERTISERS: Please send checks only made payable to NCC of SDP. DISPLAY ADS: Advertiser must provide electronic or camera-ready copy. Limit one full-page ad per issue per advertiser. YEARLY SINGLE ISSUE • 1/8-page (2-1/4 x 3-1/4) $18.00 $ 4.00 • 1/4-page (4-1/2 x 3-1/4) $30.00 $ 6.00 • 1/2-page (4-1/2 x 7) $60.00 $12.00 • Full page ---$20.00 SUNSHINE CIRCLES: Not for advertising but for NCC member's Get Well wishes, Secret Painting Pal messages, Birthday, Anniversary, Thank You, Congratulatory, and similar messages— no charge. Must be 25 words or less. NCC web site: - any questions or comments about the web site contact Webmeister BJ Grey (703) 492-2666 [email protected] The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 President’s Notes Thanks to all the 2012 board members for all the hard work they put in this year. We have a new year upon us and the 2013 board hopes to have a successful year but we cannot do it without all of your help. We have several committees that need chairs: art show, luncheon for example. Please think about chairing one of our committees. If you have any new ideas please let a board member know. The board wants to do some new and exciting activities. The January meeting is featuring David Vernon as our instructor, painting strawberries and daisies using Traditions paints and Fusion Blending brushes. We appreciate David taking his time to show us the Fusion Blending brushes. At every general meeting we are collecting canned goods for a homeless shelter; in Virginia; we are taking the canned goods to the Carpenter’s Shelter in Alexandria. If you know of a shelter in Maryland and are willing to deliver the canned goods to the shelter please let me know. If we cannot find a shelter in Maryland then the canned goods will go to the Carpenter’s Shelter. The Carpenter’s Shelter is a family shelter. When I delivered the food and toys from the October meeting there were 51 adults and 26 children staying at the shelter. The Beth Wagner seminar has been postponed. We are working on another date; we will let you know soon when that will be. I hope your holidays are wonderful and you are surrounded by your loved ones. See you in January. Kathy D President Page 3 THANK YOU I'd like to thank the chapter for the lovely Maureen McNaughton painting. It arrived at Sandy's house a few days after the meeting, and we went to Michaels to purchase a mat and frame for it. It's gorgeous! And thanks to Sandy, for loaning me her version until Maureen's arrived. I really appreciate the work and enthusiasm the entire chapter put into all our meetings and events this year. I'm grateful that our strategy worked to keep our membership numbers even with last year, and that everyone seemed to enjoy participating. I'm looking forward to serving as Virginia Rep. Kathy Bacskay MEMBERSHIP If you are planning on doing the free membership this year please send Ann Davis a form that says you are planning to do the free membership so we can keep you in our data base and see that you get the newsletters and email about chapter happenings. Ann Davis FOUNDERS MEDALLION The Founders Medallion will not be presented this year since we have had no letters of nomination. Ann Davis The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Page 4 The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Nation’s Capitol Chapter General Meeting Minutes of the Meeting November 17, 2012 The meeting was held in the Hermitage, Alexandria VA. PRESIDENT: Kathy Bacskay called the meeting to order at 10:45 a.m. One guest was present. Kathy thanked everyone and noted that there was lots of participation in community service projects and great turn-outs for the luncheon and get-away this year. She noted that the SDP Conference information is posted online and the Juried Art Display deadline is coming soon. Kathy asked for committee chair reports. V.P. REPORT: John Kirzl introduced the ornament projects for today, in colored pencil and acrylics, with 3 teachers: John Kirzl, Lorraine Lasch, and Kathy Bacskay. In January, David Vernon will conduct fusion blending with Traditions paints. TREASURER: Peg Altemus distributed a treasurer’s report showing a balance of $15,135.11. MOTION--MINUTES: Kathy Bacskay moved that the minutes be approved as printed in the newsletter. Kathy Denneler seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. MD REP: Mary Steingesser displayed Linda Dudley’s project for December 1 in the Beltsville Library. See the newsletter to reserve a space. With changes in fees to rent meeting spaces in Maryland locations, Mary has been researching alternatives. She asked members to share leads. VA REP: Betsy Griner said Sandy Scales will have an April paint-in. Other activities will be planned when they can be scheduled in conjunction with Maryland activities. MEMBERSHIP: Membership will again be free this year with the obligation to paint 1 treasure box and 2 gifts for the Hermitage by the luncheon in July 2013. Ann Davis needs notice from members who elect to use this arrangement for membership. NEWSLETTER: Submissions are due by December 1, or sooner. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Thanks to everyone who brought canned goods and toys for the Carpenter’s Shelter. Page 5 Be sure to take treasure boxes and Hermitage gift wooden pockets to paint with any design. FOUNDERS MEDALLION: No candidates were nominated to Ann Davis. LUNCHEON: Reservations have been made at the Holiday Inn in MD for 2013 and the Dulles Holiday Inn in VA for 2014. Get Away: Kathy Bacskay thanked everyone who took part in Get Away. She welcomes suggestions to improve the experience. No plans have been made for another one, yet. PUBLIC RELATIONS, MD: Ann Pielert and Linda Dudley said the October display at Aspen Library was well-received. PUBLIC RELATIONS, VA: David Vernon has been promoting decorative painting, and hosting the Juried Art Exhibition for SDP. SEMINAR: Rebecca Hotop invited the membership present to pick the pieces for Beth Wagner’s May seminar. She has found a source for pieces priced at about $1 each for the Saturday meeting project of painting on suede. Seminar prices will be determined in future meetings. SUNSHINE: Barbara Gloeckner was pleased to report that she has not heard of any family illness or sadness this month. WAYS ‘N MEANS: Lorraine Lasch thanked everyone for the fabulous offerings for the raffle today and all through this year. NEW BUSINESS: Kathy Bacskay thanked the board and committee chairs for this past year’s efforts. Rebecca Hotop mentioned Maureen McNaughton’s website brush and pattern packet sale through November. More discussion ensued on new charges for rental spaces in Maryland. Mary Steingesser will reserve Beltsville Library for the next meeting while the membership researches other options for the remainder of the year. Ann Davis offered to teach a tulips yard sign paint-in the 3rd Saturday in February in Maryland if there is enough interest. The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 General Meeting Minutes (continued) Peg Altemus suggested changing the bylaws to accept electronic election ballots instead of mailing hard copies. Next year’s board will consider. BJs Wholesale has Betty Caithness cards for sale. ELECTION: Fran Schmitt assembled the slate for next year’s board: Kathy Denneler as President, Betsy Griner as V.P., Peg Altemus as Treasurer, Becky Benton as Secretary, Mary Steingesser as MD Representative and Kathy Bacskay as VA Representative. MOTION: Betsy Thomas moved to elect the board by affirmation. John Kirzl seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. INSTALLATION: Lorraine Lasch introduced and installed the new board, offering each a carnation of welcome. Kathy Bacskay adjourned the meeting at 11:53 a.m. and passed the president’s gavel to Kathy Denneler. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Benton Secretary to NCC COMMUNITY SERVICE We are continuing our program of bringing food to the Carpenters shelter in Alexandria. We would like you to bring canned goods to the General meetings. If you know of a shelter in Maryland and are willing to deliver the canned goods to the shelter please let me know. Thanks in advance for your generosity. Kathy Denneler Community Service Chair CANCELLATIONS If a meeting needs to be cancelled due to weather or other unforeseen events, notification will be posted on the website. We will also use a phone tree and email (if we still have power) to notify members NOVEMBER MEETING Nation’s Capitol Chapter Executive Board Minutes of the Meeting November 2012 The November Executive Board meeting was conducted via email: Agenda items for November 17, 2012, General Meeting. Address Maryland Beltsville library meeting costs at general meeting. Have the general membership select Beth Wagner seminar pieces at November 17 2012 meeting. Based on email exchanges between Hermitage and Rebecca Hotop concerning more groups vying for space at the Hermitage, suggest to the 2013 Board that they explore alternatives in Virginia as a contingency. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Benton Page 6 Secretary Instructions for the border of the Santa ornament: Basecoat with a coat of Yellow Ochre. Paint with Emperor's gold. Shade on the gold border next to the Santa with Burnt Umber to make the ornament look dimensional. Kathy The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Page 7 JANUARY MEETING PROJECT Strawberry and Daisy Fusion Blending Taught by David Vernon January 19, 2013 There is no charge for this class. David will provide DecoArt Traditions paint, patterns, line drawings and written instructions. (Thank you, David!) David encourages you to use your own surface which must be 12’’ diameter. He will bring PREORDERED PLATES with him. He will also bring the Scharff 910 series Fusion Blending brush which you may either pre-order or purchase before class. Prices are listed at the end of this article. Contact David at [email protected] to order items. Students should provide their usual acrylic supplies to include a #6 filbert, a #8 filbert, and a Fusion Blending Brush. The Fusion Blending brush is a Scharff Aqua Flow Series 910 ($13.65 including tax). You can prepay for this brush or buy one from David at the meeting. Prep: Before class, seal and basecoat your surface with Carbon Black. Trace on the pattern. Plate information is as follows: Ceramic bisque Coupe plate cost = $12.60 includes tax 14 inch Double beaded Narrow Rim plate = $23.63 includes tax Checks for these items or for a prepaid Scharff 910 Fusion Blending brush should be made to PAMPERED PALETTE. If you plan to take this class, you need to sign up. David needs advance notice so he will have enough supplies for class. Sign up by contacting: John or Marie Kirzl. [email protected], (703) 644-1805 (This is a wonderful opportunity. Don’t miss it!) DISCLAIMER Various paints, finishes and solvents are used at meetings, paint-ins, seminars etc. Please evaluate your health status before choosing to participate in any activity where they are used. NCC of SDP assumes no liability for health status while using any painting-related products. The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Page 8 PATTERN AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR JANUARY PROJECT The surface can be any surface you would like to paint the design and it must have a 12 inch painting surface. The surface should be painted carbon black then trace the design on the surface. We will be using DecoArt Traditions Acrylics which David will be bringing with him to the meeting. Brushes: A regular #6 or #8 Filbert (David uses both sizes but you may want to us only one size. Whichever you prefer). A #6 or #8 water color Filbert brush for the Fusion Blending technique and a liner brush. David uses a 5/0 liner but that is just because he prefers that brush. You can use whatever liner brush you are comfortable using. If anyone has any questions, please email David Vernon at [email protected] The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Page 9 The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 February 16, 2013 MARYLAND PAINT IN Page 10 Ann Davis "It’s Spring" (Acrylics - Original pattern by Judy Ribitich) Beltsville Library 10:00am - 3:00pm Register: A $7.50 check payable to NCC of NSTDP must accompany registration to pay for the class. (Payment refundable upon attendance) Supply Fee: $5.00 (make checks payable to Ann Davis). Includes: pattern, photo, and instructions Bring Paints, Surface, Regular painting supplies, lunch - drinks will be supplied Surface: $25 for metal sign stand and two wood pieces (make checks payable to Ann Davis) or use a surface of your choice. If you order from Ann, she will bring the piece to January meeting.. If you sign up at the January meeting, Ann will arrange to get the piece to you. You can also order from Painters Paradise at a higher cost. Surface is 8 1/2” X 12”. Paints: Decoart Paint Asphaltum Saffron Yellow Tuscan Red Reindeer Moss Cadmium Red Light Avocado Raw Sienna Avocado Plantation Pine Golden Straw Cadmium Yellow Snow White Jade Green Midnight Green Splendid Gold Prep: Base your board with Golden Straw and let dry Tape off 1” on the left side and then measure in 3 1/2" from the outside edge also on the left side and tape off again. This will be your stripe of 2 1/2". Stipple the stripe with Asphaltum. While still wet pick up Splendid Gold and stipple this into the Asphaltum. If you over work it and lose your Gold let it dry and redo. Remove the tape and allow to dry. Put on the pattern and I will see you in class. Contact: Mary Steingesser (410) 992-4338 [email protected] Directions to Beltsville Library: From 495 Beltway, take Exit 25 (Rt. #1 North) go approx. .75 miles. Turn left onto Montgomery Road. Go four blocks. to Sellman Road. Turn Right - library is on the right The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 PAMPERED PALETTE SEMINARS 2012 Maureen McNaughton - December 6-9 2013 Dorothy Dent - February 1, 2, & 3, 2013 (Oils) Sandy Scales - March 1, 2, & 3, 2013 (Maureen McNaughton Pattern) John Dunn - April 6-9 Arlene Linton - May 3, 4, & 5, 2013 Neadeen Masters - June 28, 29, & 30, 2013 Priscilla Hauser - July 26, 27, & 28, 2013 Tatiana Sholokhova August 23-25 Sandy Scales - September 6, 7, & 8, 2013 (Betty Caithness Pattern) Annette Dozier - October 4, 5, & 6, 2013 (Acrylic) Brenda Stewart - November 1, 2, & 3, 2013 [email protected] THE 2013 EXECUTIVE BOARD Page 11 THANK YOU Thank you to Linda Dudley for teaching the December Maryland Paint-in! The piece was truly De-e-e-licous! I'm happy to say that mine is done and is quite appetizing. I don't know that we're ready for snow, but I'm sure all her students now have a hankering for chocolate covered strawberries. Thank you again, Linda! Mary Steingesser WANTED -JO SONJA PAINTS Thanks to all who have contributed. The paints will come in handy. We are still in need of paints, so if you have some extra and would like to contribute, here is the information: I have been helping out with the Ft Belvoir Church program for painting icons. The Church has been providing Jo Sonja paints, brushes, boards, patterns and instructions free for the ladies of the church. If you have any paints you would be willing to donate, please contact Marie Kirzl, (703) 644- 1805 or [email protected] The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Page 12 THE NATION’S CAPITAL CHAPTER, #99034 Name ___________________________________ Nickname: _____________________ Address _________________________________ E-mail _________________________ City ___________________________ State ____ Zip ________ Birthday _____/_____ Phone H _____________ W _____________ C _____________ Fax # _____________ New* ____ Who introduced you to our chapter? ________________________________ Renew ____ Year Joined _________ SDP# ____________ Year Joined __________ Do you live within 25 mi. of the Capital Beltway? YES ____ NO ____ Would you be able to bring other members to/from meetings? YES _____ NO _____ Do you teach? YES ____ NO ____ What medium(s)? ________________________ Membership dues are paid annually, and are currently $0.00, if complete community service projects by the July meeting; $20 if do not complete community service projects. Please complete this form and mail it to: The Nation’s Capital Chapter; Membership Secretary; Ann Davis 1532 Cedar Ave McLean, VA 22101-3516 . If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call (703) 356-8485. *TO BE A MEMBER OF NCC, YOU MUST ALSO BE A MEMBER OF SDP. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY A MEMBER OF SDP, PLEASE COMPLETE AND SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING FORM. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Cut along this line SOCIETY OF DECORATIVE PAINTERS Name ______________________________ New/Renew ___ If renewing, ID# _______ Address ____________________________ City, State, Zip _______________________ Phone (H) __________________________ (W) ________________________________ Do you teach? _____ Mediums? ______________________________________________ Dues are paid annually, and are currently $50.00. (Dues are not prorated, and are payable each year between December 1st and 31st for the next year.) Please mail this form with your check, made payable to SDP in the amount of $50.00. Mail To: SDP 393 N. McLean Blvd. Wichita, KS 67203 The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Page 13 2013 CALENDAR January February March April May Combined 2012/2013 Board Meeting TBD Board Meeting 10th TBD TBD Paint In Sandy Scales Board Meeting 12th General Meeting Hermitage 19th General Meeting Beltsville 16th July Board meeting 14th TBD General Meeting Luncheon 20th Holiday Inn MD August HOOT 13 - 18 Columbus, OH General Meeting Hermitage 18th SDP Annual Conference 13-18 St. Charles, Ill. October November Board meeting 15th TBD Board meeting 10th TBD General Meeting Hermitage 21st General Meeting Election of Officers Beltsville 16th December February January Amanda Davis Jennipher Davis Pam Kaiser Carol Rohrbaugh Sandy Scales Diane Crean September June 1/5 1/19 1/19 1/20 1/27 1/29 Happy Birthday Fran Schmitt Ranny Overby Debi Stoll Lynne Morgan Scottie Foster Linda Dudley Ruth Sentelle Brenda Starr Cheryl Saggers 2/8 2/11 2/13 2/14 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/25 The Capitole Record December 2012/January 2013 Page 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Birthdays -----------------------------------13 Calendar ------------------------------------13 Cancellations --------------------------------6 Chapter Meeting ----------------------------1 Community Service ------------------------6 Directions --------------------------------1,10 Disclaimer -----------------------------------7 Editor’s Desk ------------------------------14 Executive Board & Committee Chairs --2 Executive Board Meeting Minutes ------6 Founders’ Medallion ----------------------3 General Meeting Minutes --------------5,6 January Meeting Project ----------------7,8 MD Paint In -------------------------------10 Membership --------------------------------3 NCC & SDP Renewal Forms -----------12 President’s Notes --------------------------3 Thank You ------------------------------3,11 Treasurer’s Report -------------------------4 FROM THE EDITORS’ DESK As we reflect on 2012 how can we not celebrate all that the year offered? We painted with exceptional teachers, joined friends both old and new for an outstanding Luncheon, traveled to Williamsburg for a great Get a Way, and had a year of learning how to improve our artistic skills. 2013, under the guidance of the new board, already is shaping up to have some neat surprises We start the New Year by having David Vernon teach us fusion blending. Kindly let us know if you will be staying to paint at the January meeting.You can E us at [email protected]. David needs to have a count, as he will be providing products for the class. So keep your calendar free for the 3rd Saturday in January, March, May, July, September, October and November, and join your friends for some great painting and fun. To one and all the happiest that the holidays have to offer with family and friends. Be safe in your travels. Warm regards and Merry Christmas Marie and John ”Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has yet to come. We have only today. ~Mother Teresa Let us begin.”