25 Annual Old-Time Music Jam Virginia Weekend July 26-28 Create Your
25 Annual Old-Time Music Jam Virginia Weekend July 26-28 Create Your
Volume 17, Issue 7 Celebrating Piedmont Carolinas Music Since 1982 25th Annual Old-Time Music Jam Virginia Weekend July 26-28 ters of jammers scattered all about For the past 24 years, Tom and Barthe farmhouse yard – creating little bara Phlegar have invited Folk Socipockets of music everywhere. Muety members to escape from Charsicians start picking Friday night lotte’s heat and humidity and spend and continue playing until the last a weekend sharing community and folks leave on Sunday. The centertraditional music in the green piece of the weekend is Saturday mountains of Virginia. This year’s evening’s covered dish meal. BarCFS Old-Time Music Jam Virginia becue is provided, with guests Weekend takes place Friday, July bringing complementary side 26th, through Sunday, July 28th. If dishes. Afyou’ve never been before, go ter supper, this year, bethe music cause we expect resumes and that this will be dancing bethe last Virginia gins! Jam Weekend! We are so grateFolks are ful to the Phlewelcome to gars for hosting camp in the thousands of rough on the music lovers farm. Or through 25 they can You’ve arrived when you see the barn! years. choose to stay in one of the many hotels The weekend on the Phlegar Family within a fifteen-to-thirty-minute Farm near Pearisburg, Virginia ofdrive from the farm. fers a relaxed, family-friendly, gathering of folks who share a love of The Phlegars charge no admission, traditional acoustic music. Some but do ask for donations to help are novice players; some are lifewith expenses for barbecue, paper long pickers. Others are simply lisproducts, and Porta-Jon rentals. teners. Most play old-time, bluegrass, or gospel tunes. Some are If you know you’re attending, friends, relatives, and neighbors of please call Tom or Barbara at 704the Phlegars. Others are strangers 535-2154 by July 15th to let them from several states away. All are know you’re going. Tom says to welcomed. come, even without an RSVP – just be sure to bring a dish to This is no fiddler‘s convention – no share at Saturday supper. Plan, contests or competition. Just clustoo, to take chairs and instruments. (Continued on page 3.) 1 July 2013 Create Your Own Phlegar Farm Memories This Summer! By Cathey Franklin I had heard about the music weekend at Phlegar Farm for years before I ever got around to attending it. (In the spring of 2011), when I heard fellow CFS Board member Ramona Moore Big Eagle say that she wanted a travel buddy to go with her to this event, I jumped at the chance. To begin with, the ride from Charlotte to the Phlegar Farm in Virginia is glorious, with some of the prettiest mountain scenary to be found anywhere. The view from our motel in the nearby tiny town of Pearisburg was breathtaking as well, as the area is sorrounded by mountain ranges. Ramona and I even found several things we wanted to do right there near the motel; Ramona hit the Goodwill across the street, and I hit the motel pool! The drive from Pearisburg to the farm takes you along gravel roads, off the beaten path. When arriving on the grounds, the sounds of great old-time music greet you as you seek out a place to park in the adjacent field. The only problem is deciding which music jam to visit first! Ah, but then Mr. Pig and all the (Continued on page 4.) FOLK CALENDAR Charlotte Folk Society Mission The purpose of the Charlotte Folk Society, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and an Arts & Science Council grant recipient, is to promote the ongoing enjoyment and preservation of traditional and contemporary folk music, dance, crafts, and lore. Hire Musicians For Your Next Event The Charlotte Folk Society has extensive resources to help you with your special event or conference – anything from just a taste of this region’s Appalachian musical heritage to a full evening of music and dance with audience participation. Call Karen Singleton at 704-3645433 to arrange for entertainment and/or instruction at reasonable rates. CFS Member Discounts Please support these merchants who offer Charlotte Folk Society members a 10% discount on their purchases. Present your membership card at the time of purchase: AC Accounting (Allen Cooke) CD Warehouse Smiling Moon Guitars The Violin Shoppe Wax Museum Rob Webster, Santa Cruz Guitars Woody’s (Rock Hill and York) The musician’s friend, Visit http://hetzler. homestead.com. CFS Partners Aldersgate Allen Tate Agent Becky Herring Arts & Science Council Charlotte Museum of History Photographer Daniel Coston Si Kahn Levine Museum of the New South Maxx Music Myers Park Baptist Church The Neighborhood Theatre The Swannanoa Gathering Storytellers Guild of Charlotte The Violin Shoppe Tosco Music Party WGWG-FM WTVI-TV Folk Calendar Contributors Thanks go to Jody Mace, John Doyle, Nuala Kennedy, and Tom Phlegar for photos in this issue. Thanks to Bill Cooke for putting together the dance calendar. We appreciate Hat and Dan Thompson for labeling and stamping the newsletter for mailing every month. Contact Wanda Hubicki at 704-563-7080 or [email protected] to contribute calendar listings. Charlotte Folk Society Annual Membership Fees Individual $30 Student $20 Family $40 Senior Individual (62+) $25 Senior Family (62+) $35 Sustaining $50 Sponsor $100 Benefactor $250 Patron $500 Lifetime $1000 Affiliate Organization $35 2 CFS Folk Calendar Folk Calendar is a publication of the Charlotte Folk Society. No articles may be reproduced without the permission of the Society. Deadline for all submissions is generally the 20th of the month preceding publication. Contact Wanda Hubicki at 704-563-7080. Submit articles by email at [email protected], or by U. S. mail at 3610 Country Club Drive, Charlotte, NC 28205. All rights reserved. 2013 Board of Directors President: Tom Covington 704-334-0778 Vice President: Vacant Secretary: Bethli Miescher-Clemens 704-892-4914 Treasurer: Christa Winfrey 704-366-1355 Members at Large Mark Clemens 704-892-4914 Dennis Frost 704-532-8846 Ramona Moore Big Eagle 704-568-6940 Karen Singleton 704-364-5433 Sue Eldridge 704-364-8858 Sara Spencer 704-375-3042 Cathey Franklin 704-525-3256 Junior Board Members Annika Bowers 704-821-8184 Davy Fee 704-236-3285 Isabelle Young 704-243-3871 Newsletter Editor & Publicist Wanda Hubicki 704-563-7080 Webmaster Ed Gebauer 704-886-5371 Founder and Board Member Emeritus Marilyn Meacham Price 803-548-5671 Charlotte Folk Society Events Information 704-372-FOLK (704-372-3655) FOLK CALENDAR (Old-Time Jam Weekend, cont’d from page 1.) The weekend is a family event, so please leave distilled spirits at home and limit the malted beverages. Travel time from central Charlotte is about three hours. Visit our website at www. folksociety.org to see a slideshow of photos from past Jam Weekends. Directions to Phlegar Family Farm from Charlotte: Alternate Route in Case of Heavy Traffic Saturday traffic can be very heavy, resulting in long delays due to travelers returning north from Myrtle Beach. Congestion usually occurs at the intersection of I-81 and I-77, about 20 miles north of Hillsville, and will back up five to eight miles, causing delays of an hour or more. (Note: it’s a good idea to pick up a state road map, available at the Virginia Welcome Center on I-77.) Follow the directions below to avoid delays. 1. Take I-77 North to I-81 (in Virginia); about 134 miles from Charlotte. 2. I-81 North to Exit 98 (Route 100); about 25 miles. 3. Route 100 North to Pearisburg, Virginia; about 20 miles. Go to first stop light. Turn right on Route 460 East. (Note: motels are one-half mile farther North on Route 100, past stoplight; Holiday Motor Lodge, 540-9211551, and Plaza Motel, 540921-2591.) 4. Route 460 East will beFlat footin’ after Saturday night potluck come four lanes at edge of town. Go past Wal-Mart on left and 1. On I-77 North in Virginia, take cemetery on right; about 3 miles. Exit 14. Go East on Route 58 to 5. Bear right continuing on 460 Hillsville. Go straight through East over a bridge which crosses the town past stoplight. New River. 2. About one-fourth mile past the 6. After bridge, go up the hill. stoplight, bear left on Route 221. Turn left on State Route 635. You Route 58 continues straight; do not will see a sign that reads “White follow it. Rock Recreation Area”; about 1.5 3. Follow Route 221 for approximiles. mately 2 miles. 7. At the bottom of a long hill and 4. Turn left on Route 100. (Only before starting back up another hill, left turn possible, as Route 100 deadturn right on State Route 626 (dirt), ends on Route 221.) Follow for which is now called Dry Branch about 20 miles to I-81. Road; about 1 mile. 5. Take I-81 North to Exit 98 at 8. After traveling on this dirt road Dublin, which connects to Route through heavy woods, you will 100 North. open up into cleared fields. Partial 6. Follow steps 3 through 8 in the remains of an old barn will be on earlier instructions in this article. the right. The gate and driveway to The Phlegar Farm is set in the beauthe house and gathering place are tiful Virginia mountains, with easy beside the barn. Look for a sign. access to the New River. You may want to extend your weekend and 3 enjoy some recreation, while you’re there. Float trips (tubing, canoeing, fishing, etc.) on the New River are available through Tangent Outfitters in nearby Pembroke, Virginia (phone 540-6264567). Located on the premises is an excellent café with deli sandwishes and a full eat-in or take-out menu. This is a full service, onestop location for everything outdoors, including clothing, equipment, fishing supplies, etc., as well as convenience items and selfservice gasoline. Christmas In July: Half-Price CFS Memberships Each July and August, we offer new and renewing members a chance to enjoy six months of membership at half the usual cost. It’s easy – just visit www. folksociety.org and and join online, using a credit card, or download a membership form and mail it in with your check. You’ll receive a monthly newsletter from now through December. We have a terrific lineup of Gathering performers for the 2013 – 2014 season – representing the diverse interests of our members. Join or renew now. Enjoy the satisfaction of supporting CFS and realizing our mission! If there’s someone you’d like to introduce to the Folk Society, this is the perfect time to give them a gift membership. Share the joy! FOLK CALENDAR (Memories, continued from page 1.) trimmings are being set up on tables behind the barn, and before you know it, food becomes the focus! Being partly a potluck meal, there's plenty for everyone, whether you're a vegetarian like me or a meat 'n' taters type. At different times during the day or evening, there might be a special offering for visitors. I had a great time introducing adults and children to the basics of how to do a clogging step while accompanied by live music provided by fine musicians such as Tom Hanchett and Tom Estes. A large board placed on the ground near the barn made a great dance floor! Ramona Moore Big Eagle (who is the Storytellers Guild of Charlotte President) enchanted listeners with several of her special tales as well. An interactive storyteller, Ramona keeps her audience totally attentive. The focus throughout this wonderful weekend is music and more music. If you just can't get enough of listening (like me) or playing (whether you are a novice or accomplished musician), this is the venue for you! As long as there are listeners, there are probably musicians who will continue to play for you. And what a great place to learn from other musicians and to have the chance to jam with those who you might not otherwise get to jam with. And if you want to dance? Dance to your heart’s delight! Before heading back home, we explored some of the area around Pearisburg. We agreed that the next time we go to Phlegar’s Farm, we will plan to stay an extra day or two in order to further explore the area. There are great places to hike, swim, and eat in the vicinity. Ask Tom Phlegar to direct you to his son's nearby general store where you can find delightful souvenirs as well as enjoy a wonderful meal. Tom and Barbara Phlegar deserve a huge amount of gratitude from CFS members and from music lovers in their vicinity for hosting this wonderful event annually. This is a costly effort, and it would mean so much if every attendee this summer would consider making a generous donation (since this event is free!) to help the Phlegars offset the cost of hosting the weekend. My intention is to attend the Phlegar Farm music weekend again this summer. It will be another great one, and will be even better if you attend! Editor’s Note: Both Cathey Franklin and Ramona Moore Big Eagle are planning be at Phlegar’s Farm on Saturday. No doubt they’ll be sharing stories and clogging lessons again this year! Folk Music at Polk July 13th! North Carolina State museums and historic sites are offering visitors a mix of history, skilled craft artists, and North Carolina culture on second Saturdays this summer. The President James K. Polk State Historic Site (12031 Lancaster Highway, Pineville) is presenting Music of the Nineteenth Century on Saturday, July 13th, 10 AM to 3 PM. Admission to both the program and the site are free. Various genres of music popular during President Polk’s administration will be performed by Marilyn Price (guitar) and Pam Garcia (banjo); Tom Hanchett (fiddle) and John Cone (guitar), of the Flat Possum Hoppers old-time string band; Janet Dyer (fiddle and/ or bowed psaltery); and Julie Harris (guitar and/or harp). Marilyn Price will have percussion instruments to loan to children to join in the music. 4 September 27-29 Celtic Music Weekend At Wildacres Retreat By Tom Walsh I hope that you can join us for the “first annual” Celtic Music Weekend at Wildacres Retreat, September 27-29, 2013, sponsored by the Charlotte Folk Society. Registration will be limited to 20 musicians. Wildacres is a beautiful conference center in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, about a mile from the Blue Ridge Parkway, near Little Switzerland, North Carolina. They have delicious food, and every room has its own private bath. You can see more about Wildacres on their website www.wildacres.org. We will begin with registration at 4 PM on Friday and end whenever everyone has had their fill of playing on Sunday. In between, there will be sessions and more sessions, plus two Saturday workshops led by U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion Jamie Laval. The workshops will encourage playing by ear. Jamie will also present a concert on Saturday evening for our entertainment. You can see more about him on his website at www.JamieLaval.com, including reviews of his workshops. A friend of mine told me the other day that he has attended more than 30 workshops at the Swannanoa Gathering over the years, and Jamie’s was at the very top of his list. FOLK CALENDAR For more information, or to request a registration form, email [email protected]. The Violin Shoppe Donates Guitar for 2013 CFS Raffle! Cost of the entire workshop (two nights, five meals, sessions, two workshops, Saturday night concert) is $248. A deposit check for $100 must accompany your application. Full payment of the remainder is due on or before August 15. Thanks to the continued generosity of Glen Alexander and David McGuirt, proprietors of The Violin Shoppe, Inc., the Charlotte Folk Society will raise funds through an instrument raffle again this year. The Registration Form lists a sample of Jamie Laval’s workshop topics. The topics chosen will be the ones most requested by registrants, and are not restricted to those listed. We are very appreciative of the Violin Shoppe donation to CFS of a Wood Song Model DCE-HS Acoustic Guitar with padded gig bag. This will be an unforgettable weekend! Beautiful instrumental music in a beautiful setting! The Dreadnought Cutaway Electric guitar is beautiful, with a reddish-to-golden sunburst gloss finish. The top is solid Sitka spruce. The neck is mahogany, the sides, back, bridge, and fingerboard are rosewood. It has beautiful inlay, an onboard tuner, Check out their extensive and a pickup allowing it selection of violins in all to be plugged in. David price ranges. The Violin McGuirt describes it as Shoppe has a fiddle for “playing like a dream.” every budget – from $200 You will find detailed specifications here: Wood Song DCE-HS to $5000. They are a licensed dealer for both www.woodsongguitars. Eastman and Loar guitars and mancom/products/details/w/ dolins. Services include expert reinstrument/3/Dreadnoughtpair, restoration, and re-hairing for Cutaway-Electric. The Wood Song violins, violas, cellos, and basses. Model DCE-HS retails for $550. Charlotte Appalachian Dulcimer Club Meetings The Charlotte Appalachian Dulcimer Club meets after every secondFriday CFS Gathering with a beginner-friendly jam. Loaner instruments are available if you want to try your hand. If you have a dulcimer you’d like to play, bring it with you and we’ll get you tuned up and playing in no time! Look for us in the office around the corner from the sanctuary on the second floor after the August 9th Gathering concert. The Club also has a weekly Friday morning Dulcimer Jam in the Arboretum area if you’re interested. For more information about either the weekly or monthly sessions, contact Mark Willingham at 980-2548059. The guitar will be on display and raffle tickets will be available to purchase at monthly secondFriday Gatherings, beginning in August. For your convenience, buy tickets online at www. folksociety.org. Tickets cost $3 each or $15 for six. Drawing of the winning ticket will take place during the Folk Society’s Annual Holiday Potluck, 5 tentatively scheduled for Sunday, December 8th, at Dilworth United Methodist Church, 605 East Boulevard, in Charlotte. Ticket holders need not be present to win. For tax compliance reasons, the raffle winner must fill out a W-9 form before receiving the instrument. The winner is responsible for all resulting income taxes, if any. The Violin Shoppe is located at 2112 East Seventh Street. Folk Society members receive a 10% discount. Be sure to take your CFS member card when shopping. For detailed information about instruments, accessories, and services offered, visit www.theviolinshoppe. net. The Violin Shoppe offers traditional and bluegrass fiddle lessons, as well as classical violin and cello lessons, including the Suzuki Method. Instruction for guitar, banjo, mandolin, Dobro, bass, and bodhran is also available. Award-winning musicians/instructors, Glen Alexander and Jon Singleton, make The Violin Shoppe a destination for both traditional and bluegrass students. FOLK CALENDAR July 23rd House Concert Features John Doyle and Nuala Kennedy Celtic music lovers have a remarkAmerica with her singing, dancing, able opportunity you are unlikely to and playing, see repeated to enjoy a concert by two headliners. On Tuesday, July "Kennedy doesn't so much imbibe 23rd, John Doyle and Nuala Kenor inhale as swallow, whole and nedy will perform in the Cornelius unadulterated, melodic and rhythhome of Mark and Bethli Miescher mic influences from beyond her Clemens. This very kith and kin. A delispecial evening gets cious mix of influunderway at 7:30 PM. ences abound, withAdmission is $20 per out ever sacrificing person. Space is limmusical identity." – The Irish Times ited; advance reservations are required. From a musical famMake yours by contactily in Dublin, John’s ing Bethli at emieinfluences include [email protected] or well known English 704-892-4914. Direcfolk singers Nic tions will be given with Jones, Martin Carthy, reservations. Guests Richard Thompson, are invited to bring the Nuala Kennedy and The Watersons; beverage of their Scottish singers Dick choosing and a dessert Gaughan and John Martin; and felto share. low Irishmen Paul Brady and Al O’Donnell as well as his Currently touring Noble father, Sean Doyle – Stranger, her third solo probably the biggest release on Nashville's influence of all. John Compass Records Label, went on the road as a Nuala Kennedy is an Irish pro at sixteen with the singer and flute player group Chanting with hauntingly beautiful House, which he vocals, adventurous informed with Susan strumentation, and an McKeown and which imaginative mix of influeventually included ences. Nuala grew up in such great players as Dundalk, County Louth, Seamus Egan, Eileen a musical area which has Ivers, and Donogh long historical links with Hennessy. John went Scotland and where she John Doyle on to form the highly was a member of a local acclaimed super group, Solas, ceilidh band, Ceoltoiri Oga Oghriwith Seamus Egan, John Williams, alla. The combination of the best Karan Casey, and Winifred Horan, influences of the two cultures, Scotwhich took the folk and Celtic muland and Ireland, is what has made sic worlds by storm, in no small Nuala the artist she is today. A conpart due to John’s powerhouse summate performer wih a buoyant rhythmic guitar style and innovapersonality, she has simply extive arrangements. ploded on to the scene in North 6 Milestones: Legends Of The Doc Watson Clan By Wanda Hubicki Milestones: Legends of the Doc Watson Clan, a four-CD set and a photo book, were released in April of this year. Nancy Watson, Doc Watson’s only daughter, labored for three years to compile the material, with some input from her father.. I recently listened to an hour-long program of selections from Milestones streamed on BluegrassCountry.org. First off, the sound quality was excellent. Recordings made in the Watson are not your average home recordings! I was struck by the sense of the intimacy they created. I felt like one of the Watsons, listening to conversations and family stories recounted between songs and tunes. As eclectic as Doc’s on-stage selections were, these CDs still hold surprises. “I’m so happy that my project is finally seeing the light of day,” commented Nancy Watson. “ I’m looking forward to inviting everyone to be part of the family for a bit.” Created, conceived, and compiled by Nancy Watson and produced by Roy Andrade, a member of the Bluegrass and Old Time Country Music Studies faculty at East Tennessee State University, the set boasts 94 unreleased songs and stories by Doc and other family members—plus collages of more than 500 Watson family photos. “This set is a broad and personal offering from within the Watson FOLK CALENDAR family itself and is presented with such care,” Andrade adds. “It is both eclectic and traditional, and presents Doc Watson as he has never been heard before, but also features other members of the Watson Family. It is a pleasure to help Nancy see this through.” The collection is not a repackaging of earlier releases. These are home recordings spanning the years from 1954 to 2007. It is music and commentary, most of it recorded for personal entertainment, that was previously unavailable outside the Watson family. The album is jointly annotated by Andrade, who, in addition to his academic achievements was a founding member of the Reeltime Travelers, and the renowned musician and scholar Jody Stecher. Milestones is available at http:// www.docwatsonmilestones.com. 2013 CFS Ice Cream Social & Jams The CFS Old-Time Music Jam & Ice Cream Social will take place this year on Saturday, September 7, 1-4 PM. Please, save the date! We are partnering with the Charlotte Museum of History, our host. Events will take place on the grounds of the Hezekiah Alexander Homesite, 3500 Shamrock Drive, in East Charlotte. The Storytellers Guild of Charlotte will again join with us to offer an an old-fashioned afternoon of family fun! As a special addition to the day, George Washington will visit the Alexander Homesite and greet visitors! Sally Barris House Concert & Workshop July 26th & 27th Nashville singer/songwriter Sally Barris is performing in Charlotte on her way to teaching songwriting classes at the Swannanoa Gathering Contemporary Folk Week. CFS member Katie Oates is presenting Sally Barris in concert in her Dilworth home on Friday, July 26th. at 6:30 PM. The $30 admission includes dinner. RSVP to [email protected]. Directions will be given with reservations. Sally Barris will lead a Songwriting Workshop on Saturday, July 27th, 1-5 PM. The cost is $30. The workshop also takes place in Katie Oates' home. RSVP to [email protected]. Directions will be given with reservations. The workshop is open to all ages, all levels, and all styles. Have your song seriously listened to and critiqued. Get advice on the art and craft of songwriting. Learn how to write a song about anything, anytime, anywhere. Bring one song to sing live or on a CD; bring extra copies of your lyrics. Attend both the concert and workshop for $50. Sally Barris is an A-list Nashville songwriter who has had songs covered by such top-level artists as Kathy Mattea, Martina McBride, and Lee Ann Womack. Her song Let The Wind Chase You, recorded by Trisha Yearwood and Keith Urban, received a Grammy nomination for vocal collaboration in 2009. While her writing credits mightily impress, fans and peers are most captivated by Sally’s bright spirit and expressive moun7 tain soprano. Learn more about Sally and sample her music on her website: http://www.sallybarris. com. "Her soulful folk soprano is equal parts mountain rustic and ethereal poet." - Music Row Magazine Sally Barris "Barris knows how to write lyrics that are as forthright as a stream of clear water and how to support them with melodies that share that quality." - Dirty Linen “Sally Barris has a voice like sparkling crystal. You could have knocked me over with a feather the first time I heard her. Her writing is from a deep, yet innocent, place and her point of view is just a bit off center. I am excited for her, she is standing at the beginning of her journey in this town, with all of it ahead of her. It reminds me of the first time I heard Beth NielsonChapman or Nanci Griffith. It’s going to be fun to watch.” - Kathy Mattea We are so fortunate as to have a musician and songwriter of Sally Barris’ caliber coming through Charlotte on her way to teaching at Swannanoa. Do take advantage of her being in town – whether you’re a songwriter yourself, or you just love to listen to live acoustic music! FOLK CALENDAR Singer/Songwriter Joe Crookston In August 4th House Concert Acclaimed singer/songwriter Joe Crookston performs in a house concert hosted by Common Chord Concerts on Sunday, August 4th. He’s heading to Charlotte straight from the Swannanoa Gathering, where he’s teaching classes in songwriting and performance during Contemporary Folk Week. Visit Joe’s website at http:// joecrookston.com. Guests are invited to gather at 4:30 PM; Joe plays at 5 PM. The suggested donation is $15. This concert will be in the north part of Charlotte; the address will be provided upon RSVP. Email [email protected] to reserve your spots. http:// www.commonchordconcerts. com/event/details/joecrookston/ From Ithaca, New York, Joe is recognized as a standout in the folk music world. His 2008 CD, Able Baker Charlie & Dog received the most airplay of any folk acoustic recording and was awarded “Album of the Year” by the International Folk Alliance in Memphis, Tennessee. He received a yearlong songwriting grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to travel throughout New York State, collect stories, and write original songs. His 2004 album, Fall Down as the Rain, was featured on NPR’s “All Songs Considered” and was chosen by Performing Songwriter Magazine as a Top-12 DIY release. Watch a video of Fall Down as the Rain at http://youtu.be/ KrdlYftMn94 Joe’s songs are inspired by stories, and just about anything might show up in them. “I’m inspired by great stories, Taoist parables, drunken roosters, rutabagas, life, death, slaves, troubled teens, Robert Frost, falcons, everything,” Joe says. His shows are high energy, very rhythmic, musical, and fun. Don’t miss this one! “This is not reviewers hype…this guy is flat out good” – Rodger Nichols of The Dalles Oregon Chronicle Joe Crookston “With all the performers out there, an artist has to go beyond good… and Joe does.” – Sing Out Magazine “Joe Crookston is decidedly one of today’s standout troubadours. On Darkling & the BlueBird Jubilee, he sings the heart pure, he sings the soul holy, he sings the mind unshackled, and he sings the world loud and true.” – Roots Music Examiner Other Upcoming Common Chord Concerts House Shows: Friday, July 12th: Mipso Saturday, August 10th: Paleface Visit www.commonchordconcerts. com for more information on these shows, and email [email protected] to RSVP. 8 Two New Books From Photographer & Writer Daniel Coston Daniel Coston, our favorite photographer, is a busy man! His book There Was A Time: Rock In The 1960s In Charlotte, And North Carolina, co-authored with Jacob Berger, is now out through Fort Canoga Press. You can find the book at the website therewasatimebook.blogspot.com, or you can purchase the book at Amazon. com. Daniel’s other new book, North Carolina Musicians: Photographs And Conversations, will be available in mid-July through McFarland Publications. This book features 140 of his photos, nineteen interviews, and his stories about working with musicians throughout North Carolina. The book is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com. Southpark Magazine will be excerpting parts of the book in their July issue. Daniel expects to be traveling the state this summer in support of this book. Daniel Coston's career in photography began accidentally. A magazine writer, he began taking photographs for his stories when the regular photographer was unavailable, and his contacts as a writer led him to invitations to take pictures of local musicians. Over the past sixteen years, his life-long fascination with the sounds of North Carolina music drew him to begin documenting the musicians in his adopted state. North Carolina Musicians: Photographs And Conversations is a col- FOLK CALENDAR lection of the best photographs, as well as the stories behind them. From Doc Watson to Ben Folds, musicians of all genres are represented here in the studio, in concert, at festivals, and at home. He also interviewed members of the Avett Brothers, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Squirrel Nut Zippers, and many more. Visit http://www. danielcostonphotography.com to view Daniel’s portfolio and catch his latest news! Final Notes We offer our sympathy and prayers to Ed Gebauer for the loss of his brother, Paul, in March. Long-time CFS member Joe Riggs died June 10th and the June 14th Gathering was dedicated to his memory. Joe was a member of Marilyn Price’s CPCC Jam Class and an autoharp musician and enthusiast. A group of Folk Society musicians honored Joe’s wishes to have a selection of old-time tunes and train songs performed at his June 22nd memorial service. Marilyn Meacham Price was joined by Pam Price Garcia, Tom Kelleher, Dot Lorenz, Carole Outwater, Karen Singleton, and Ruth Kee Wherry. We offer our sincere sympathy to Ellie Riggs, Joe’s wife, and Jessica Riggs Lannine, Joe’s daughter, as well as the rest of his family. Corine Waterman, long-time Folk Society member, autoharp player, and participant in Marilyn Price’s fourteen-year-long Jam Class passed away on July 7th at her home in Newland. We extend to her husband, Don, and her children, grandchildren, and siblings our heartfelt sympathy on their loss. Charlotte Folk Society Celtic Sessions By Ed Gebauer Each month folks who enjoy playing Irish and Scottish music gather together in what are called Celtic Music Sessions. The Charlotte Folk Society sponsors both Slow and Intermediate learner sessions for those that come and play. Information about the Slow Session can be found at www.folksociety.org/ celticsession_slow.shtml, and may be the perfect place for you to play if you are: a beginner who wants to learn to play Celtic tunes (though we assume you know how to play your instrument); you're not a beginner, but you're new to Celtic tunes and want to ease in; you're not a beginner, but you want a slow pace to work on some techniques; you're conversant in one instrument, but want to dabble in another. At the Regular Intermediate Session, we play from an expanded list of tunes, and it is the place to be for working your tunes up to speed, freeing oneself from the sheet music, and adding the signature styling to the melodies that make this music so special. You can learn all about the Regular Session by visiting www. folksociety.org/celticsession.shtml. At these website locations, you can download copies of the music we'll play and sign up to be on the monthly email distributions that share where these sessions will be held. Or, you can contact John Goldsbury directly at [email protected]. Hope to see you there! 9 Greater Charlotte Ukulele Meetup By Timothy Scott Williams The ukulele is enjoying a current wave of popularity, appealing to folks of all ages and backgrounds and lending itself to many different genres of music. The Greater Charlotte Ukulele Meetup reflects this diversity. We have members from all over the world, some of whom are experienced musicians and many that are just learning. We meet at various venues around the Charlotte area to develop skills, play different types of music, and socialize. There is no pressure on members to perform for live audiences, but for those so inclined we also look for performance opportunities, and some of our members recently played our first festival this past April 20th (the Charlotte World Parade & Festival http://www. worldparadefestival.org/index. html). If you are interested in learning more and/or joining our meetup group, visit http:// www.charlotteuke.com. We meet on the third Saturday of each month at 1 PM at The Roasting Oven and Grill, 855 Gold Hill Road, Fort Mill, South Carolina. Our next meeting is on July 20th. FOLK CALENDAR July 20th CFS Slow Jam At Carl J. McEwen Historic Village By Ed Gebauer The Charlotte Folk Society OldTime Slow Jam meets next at 10:30 AM on Saturday, July 20th, at the Carl J. McEwen Historic Village, 7601 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, in Mint Hill. While we're out ”under the trees,” it may be a good idea to bring along your favorite jamming chair! Note: in keeping with the historical and compact nature of the museum property, this setting is not ideal for pets, amplified instruments, or unattended children. Visit the Carl J. McEwen Historic Village website at www.minthillhistory.com. We'll still do our hour of tunes in the announced key just like we always have. But when we're finished, the regular Mint Hill Farmer’s Market Jam starts up, and we can keep on playing! Still casual! Still welcoming! Still the best way ever to get started playing your instrument! You can learn all about the Charlotte Folk Society Slow Jam by visiting our website at www. folksociety.org/slowjam.shtml. There, you'll find all the music we play as well as mp3 files you can download and, with your instrument, play along. If you're new to the idea of an OldTime Instrumental Slow Jam, here are the particulars! Led by fiddler Ed Gebauer, the group will meet on the third Saturday of each month and this is where beginning players of all acoustic instruments are introduced to old-time dance tunes at a gentle pace. This is the place to start learning to jam with other players after learning those first few chords on your guitar or banjo; or your first tune on your lead instrument. Please check out the Slow Jam web page at www. folksociety.org/slowjam.shtml to see the tunes we'll be playing each month. In July, we'll be playing the tunes in the key of D! If you were a long-time or even a part-time participant in the Slow Jam when it happened at the Great Aunt Stella Center, I certainly hope you'll make the new habit of trekking over the Carl J. McEwen Historic Village to join us in the jamming there! If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at: [email protected]. Keep on playin’! Willow Grove Old-Time Jam August 3rd Mint Hill Old-Time Jam Summer Schedule By Rita Hartmann The Mint Hill Old Time Jam takes place each Saturday, May through September, at the Carl J. McEwen Hsitoric Village Farmers’ Market, 10 AM to 1 PM. Jams are open and acoustic. The Village is located at 7601 Matthews-Mint Hill Road (Route 51) in downtown Mint Hill. Look for the red cushions in front of the Doctor’s Museum. That’s the place! Come out and jam with us. Newcomers are welcome. Check with Rita Hartmann at 980949-8687 if you need more information. Queen City Bluegrass Jam At Aldersgate Join fiddlers Bill Williams and Dwight Moody on the first Saturday of every month from 2 PM to 4 PM in the Activities Room at the Willow Grove Retirement Center, located at 10043 Idlewild Road, Matthews, NC. The Queen City Bluegrass Jam meets every other Saturday, 2-4 PM, at the Asbury Care Center at Aldersgate, 3800 Shamrock Drive, (between Eastway Drive and Sharon Amity Road) in east Charlotte. The next jam will take place on Saturday, August 3rd. For information, call Bill Williams at 704-5736154 or 704-517- For the exact meeting dates each month, contact Jerry Leonard at [email protected]. Or, join the group at www.meetup.com in order to keep current. Search on that site for “Charlotte Beginner Bluegrass Jam.” 10 FOLK CALENDAR Calendar All calendar listings are subject to change and should be verified. Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, NC. 828-225-5851; www.theorangepeel.net Ovens Auditorium, 2700 E. Independence Blvd., Charlotte. 704-335-3100; www. ovensauditorium.com/default.asp?ovens=11 VENUE INFORMATION Puckett’s Farm Equipment, 2740 W. Sugar The Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St., Asheville, Creek Rd., Derita, NC. 704-597-8230; www. NC. 828-348-5327; www.myaltamont.com puckettsfarm.com The ArtsCenter, 300-G E. Main St., Carrboro, NC. 919-929-2787; www.artscenterlive.org Purple Onion, Hwy. 176, Saluda, NC. 828749-1179; www.purpleonionsaluda.com Belk Theater, Blumenthal Performing Arts Ctr., 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte. 704-372-1000; www.blumenthalcenter.org Ri~Ra Irish Pub, 200 N. Tryon St., Charlotte. 704-333-5554; www.rira.com Blue Ridge Music Center, milepost 213, Blue Ridge Parkway, 700 Foothills Rd., Galax, VA. Call 276-236-5309, ext. 112; visit www. blueridgemusiccenter.org. Rodi, 245 W. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia, NC. 704-864-7634; www.rodiworld.com Stage Door Theater, 5th & College Sts., Charlotte. 704-372-1000; www.blumenthalcenter. org The Comet Grill, 2224 Park Rd., Charlotte. 704Summit Coffee, 128 S. Main St., Davidson, 371-4300. NC. 704-895-9090; www.summitcoffee.com Diana Wortham Theatre at Pack Place, 2 Pack The Sylvia Theater, 27 N. Congress St., York, Place Square, Asheville, NC. 828-257-4530; SC. 803-684-5590; www.sylviatheater.com www.dwtheatre.com The Visulite Theatre, 1615 Elizabeth Ave., Don Gibson Theatre, Theatre, 318 S. WashingCharlotte. 704-358-9200; www.visulite.com ton St., Shelby, NC. 704-487-8114; www. DGshelby.com CALENDAR LISTINGS The Double Door Inn, 218 E. Independence THRU AUG 18, Art in Clay: Masterworks of Blvd. Charlotte, NC. 704-376-1446; www. North Carolina Earthenware Exhibit, NC Mudoubledoorinn.com seum of History, 5 East Edenton Street, RalThe Evening Muse, 3227 N. Davidson St., Chareigh. Free admission. 200 objects made by lotte. 704-376-3737; www.theeveningmuse.com Piedmont potters in the 18th and 19th centuFairview Ruritan Club Concerts, Fairview Rd., ries. 919-807-7900; www.ncdcr.gov/ncmoh/ Home.aspx SR821, Galax, VA. 276-238-0376; www. fairviewruritan.com Mineral Springs Music Barn, 5901 Eubanks St., Fiddle & Bow Society Series, Community Arts Mineral Springs, NC 28108. 7 PM, $8; 12 & Café, 411 W. 4th St., Winston-Salem, NC. 336under free with adult. Contact Steve Whitesell 724-9393; www.fiddleandbow.org at 803-517-4404. www. mineralspringsmusicbarn.com/index.html The Garage, 110 West 7th St., Winston-Salem, NOW CLOSED! NC. 336-777-1127; www.the-garage.ws JULY 9, Red Rocking Chair (Michael Reno Harrell, Jack Lawrence, Tom Kuhn & Dale Meyer) (Tuesdays), Comet Grill, 8:30-11:30 PM. JULY 9, Lemonds Family Bluegrass Band (Tuesdays), Skyland Family Restaurant, 4544 South Blvd., Charlotte, NC. 6-8 PM. 704- 5226522. JULY 10, Bluegrass with Dixie Moon, Puckett’s Farm Equipment, 8 PM. JULY 11, Peter Rowan, High Rock Outfitters, 13 S. Main St., Lexington, NC. 8 PM, $TBD. 336-248-4444; www.highrockoutfitters.com JULY 11, Whitewater River Jam w/Town Mountain, U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 7-10 PM, FREE. Parking $5/car. 704-3913900; http://usnwc.org/category/riverjam êêJULY 11, The Testosterones ( Glen Alexander, David Grant, Randy DeBruhl, Dave Ballenger), The Pizza Peel & Tap Room, 4422 Colwick Rd., Charlotte. 8-10 PM. 704-714-8808; www. tapandpeel.com êêJULY 12, Mipso, Common Chord Concerts, Venue in north part of Charlotte. Gather at 7:30 PM; concert at 8 PM. Suggested donation $12. To reserve spots for any show, email [email protected]. Put the name of the performer in the subject line and mention the number of spots you need. You’ll receive a response saying if you’re confirmed for the show or on a wait list, and the address. JULY 12, John Dee Holeman & Tad Walters, Blues Out Back Concert Series, Gaston County Museum of Art & History, 131 W. Main St., Dallas, NC, 6:30-8 PM, Free. www. gastoncountymuseum.org JULY 12, Battle Axe Band, Twilight at the Tater JULY 7-13, Swannanoa Gathering Traditional Shed, Tater Shed, 105 Park Dr., Simpsonville, Song Week, Warren Wilson College, SwanSC. 8 PM, Free, donations accepted. 864-430nanoa, NC. 828-298-3434; www. 1003 The Handlebar, 304 E. Stone St., Greenville, SC. swangathering.com 864-233-6173; www.handlebar-online.com/ JULY 12-13, MusicFest ‘n Sugar Grove w/ JULY 8, Find Your Muse Open Mic with feaindex.asp Carolina Chocolate Drops, The Kruger Brothtured artist Abbey Elmore Band, The Evening ers, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver, Richard Jack of the Wood, 95 Patton Ave., Asheville, Muse, 8 PM, $3. Watson & Charles Welch, The Snyder Family, NC. 828-252-5445; http://jackofthewood.com/ The Cockman Family, Whitetop Mountain JULY 8, Open Bluegrass Jam, hosted by AnKnight Theater, 430 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC. Band & many more, Sugar Grove, NC. www. thony Scruggs, Stowe Park Gazebo, 24 S. Main 704-372-1000; www.blumenthalcenter.org musicfestsugargrove.org St., Belmont, NC, 7-9 PM, free; beginners to McGlohon Theatre, Spirit Square, 345 N. Col- advanced and listeners welcomed. Bring a JULY 12-14, Uncle Dave Macon Days, Canlege St., Charlotte, NC. 704-372-1000; www. folding chair. Contact Anthony Scruggs at nonsburgh Village, Murfreesboro, TN. Compeblumenthalcenter.org [email protected] tition, concerts, dance, jamming. 800-716-7560; th The Neighborhood Theatre, 511 E. 36 St., www.uncledavemacondays.com JULY 9, Charlotte Nashville Songwriters AsCharlotte, NC. 704-358-9298; www. sociation International Meeting (second neighborhoodtheatre.com JULY 12-14, Red Wing Roots Music Festival Tuesdays), The Well Church & Coffeehouse, w/The Steel Wheels, Robin & Linda Williams, Old Rock School, 400 Main St. West, Valdese, 220 West Main St., Pineville, NC, 7 PM. ConDel McCoury Band, Tim O’Brien, Sam Bush, NC. Call 828-879-2129; visit www. tact Carl Dews at [email protected]. Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Ana Egge, The bluegrassattherock.com http://nsaicharlotte.com Duhks, Claire Lynch Band, Town Mountain, Grey Eagle Tavern & Music Hall, 185 Clingman Ave., Asheville, NC. 828-232-5800; www. thegreyeagle.com 11 FOLK CALENDAR Calendar, continued Lost Bayou Ramblers & more, Natural Chimneys Park, 94 Natural Chimneys Lane, Mount Solon, VA. http://redwingroots.com Grass Strings, The Arts Center, 8 PM, $9-13. JULY 17, Bluegrass with Toby Creek, Puckett’s Farm Equipment, 7 PM, $8. Purchase tickJULY 13, The Loudermilks w/Kenny Roby ets online at www.charlottemusicawards.org/ (Americana/roots/singer/songwriter), Double tickets.cfm Door Inn, 9 PM, $8, $10 under 18. êêJULY 18, Glen Alexander (fiddle), David JULY 13, Tarheel Hoedown w/Riley Baugus McGuirt (guitar & mandolin) & Scot Cavi& Ira Bernstein, The Stuart Brothers, Blue ness (fretless bass), The Pizza Peel & Tap Ridge Music Center, 7 PM, $10. Free flatfoot- Room, 4422 Colwick Rd., Charlotte. 8-10 PM. ing workshop on main stage with Ira Bern704-714-8808; www.tapandpeel.com stein at 6 PM; free with concert ticket purchase. êêJULY 18, Songwriters Round featuring host Rob McHale & Guests, Summit Coffee, 8 JULY 13, Whitewater River Jam w/Mipso, U. PM. Takes place on outdoor stage if weather is S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitefair; indoors if weather is inclement. water Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 7-10 JULY 18, Patty Griffin Tribute to Benefit the PM, FREE. Parking $5/car. 704-391-3900; Urban Ministry Center w/Shana Blake, Etta http://usnwc.org/category/riverjam Lea, Rick Spreitzer, Donna Duncan, Reeve Coobs, Amissville, John Dungan, Jill Dineen êêJULY 13, Mint Hill Old-Time Jam & many more, The Evening Muse, 8 PM, $8-10. (Saturdays), Ashcraft Schoolhouse, Carl J. McEwan Historic Village, 7601 MatthewsJULY 18, Bluegrass Thursday Night, Allison Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC. 10 AM-1 PM; Free open jam. Gar & Rita Hartmann at 704- Creek Presbyterian Church, Family Life Center, 5780 Allison Creek Rd., York, SC, Doors 496-4321 or [email protected]. open 6 PM. Hamburgers & hotdogs for sale http://www.celebrationofseagrovepotters. 6:30 PM. Music 7-9 PM, FREE. 803-366-1302; com www.allisoncreekbluegrass.com êêJULY 13, Music of the 19th Century feaJULY 18, Whitewater River Jam w/Holy turing Marilyn Price, Pam Garcia, Tom Ghost Tent Revival, U.S. National Whitewater Hanchett, John Cone, Janet Dyer & Julie Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Harris, James K. Polk State Historic Site, 12031 Lancaster Hwy., Pineville, NC. 10 AM- Charlotte, NC, 7-10 PM, FREE. Parking $5/ car. 704-391-3900; http://usnwc.org/ 3 PM, Free. category/riverjam JULY 13, Deeper Shade of Blue (bluegrass), Mt. Gilead Bluegrass Music Barn, 108 N. JULY 19, Mike Strauss Trio, Rodi, 8-10 PM. Main St., Mt. Gilead, NC 27306. 7:30 PM, $7 JULY 19, Friction Farm (Country/folk/pop Adults; 12 & under Free. Music Barn hours: 6:30-10 PM. Light refreshments for sale. 910- duo) w/Keeley Filgo (English blues singer) opening, Fiddle & Bow Society, Community 220-6426; www.mgmusicbarn.com/index. Arts Café, 8 PM, $12. html JULY 14, Irish Session with Carroll Brown, RiRa The Irish Pub, 6:30 PM. JULY 14, BattleAxe Band, Greenville Museum Of Art, 420 College St., Greenville, SC. 2-3 PM, Free. 864-271-7570 JULY 14-20, Swannanoa Gathering Celtic Week, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, NC. 828-298-3434; www.swangathering.com JULY 19-20, Alleghany County Fiddler’s Convention, Higgins Agricultural Fairgrounds, Sparta, NC. Competition, jamming. 336-3634383; www.alleghanyfiddlersconvention.com JULY 20, New Orleans Festival w/Carolina Gator Gumbo, Zydeco YaYa, The Iguanas, The Neighborhood Theatre, 7 PM, $10-12. Dance, food & more. êêJULY 20, Charlotte Folk Society Old-Time Jam, In front of the Ira V. Ferguson Country Store, Carl J. McEwan Historic Village, 7601 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC. 10:30 AM; Free open jam. Bring a chair. Tunes in JULY 16, Tim Gordon Plays Dexter Gordon, the key of D. Ed Gebauer at [email protected]. Visit www.folksociety.org/ The Jazz Room, Stage Door Theater, 6 PM, slowjam.shtml for tune list & details. $10. JULY 15, Find Your Muse Open Mic with featured artists Jon Hogan & Maria Moss, The Evening Muse, 8 PM, $3. JULY 17, Jean Luc Leroux & Co. and The JULY 20, Whitetop: Passing It On w/Crooked 12 Road Ramblers and Whitetop Mountaineers, Blue Ridge Music Center, 7 PM, $10; ages 12 & under Free. JULY 20, Greater Charlotte Ukulele Meetup, The Roasting Oven & Grill, 855 Gold Hill Rd., Fort Mill, SC, 1 PM, Free. Visit http://www. charlotteuke.com to learn more & to join the group. JULY 20, Artistic Café, Jim Rivers Hall, Wedgewood Church, 4800 Wedgewood Dr., Charlotte, NC. 6:30-8 PM, Free admission; donations to benefit The Restored Dreams Project are appreciated. Burger, veggie burgers & hot dogs available to purchase; 6-6:45 PM. Variety show. Contact Cathey Franklin at clognnut@hotmail. com (Note: 2 “n’s” in address) or call 704-5253256 for questions or if you wish to perform. JULY 20, Whitewater River Jam w/Common Foundation, U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 7-10 PM, FREE. Parking $5/car. 704-3913900; http://usnwc.org/category/riverjam JULY 20, Cabin Creek Bluegrass Band, 108 N. Main St., Mt. Gilead, NC 27306. 7:30 PM, $7 Adults; 12 & under Free. Music Barn hours: 6:30-10 PM. Light refreshments for sale. 910220-6426; www.mgmusicbarn.com/index.html JULY 20, Wood Pines, The Evening Muse, 8 PM, $8-10. JULY 20 Truckstop Preachers w/Mike Strauss Band opening, Double Door Inn, 10 PM, $10. JULY 21, Irish Session with Acme Celi, RiRa The Irish Pub, 7-9 PM. JULY 21, Charlotte Jazz Orchestra Rehearsal, The Excelsior Club, 921 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte. 4–5:30 PM; Free. 704-334-5709; http:// excelsiorclub.net êêJULY 23, Nuala Kennedy & John Doyle House Concert, Home of Mark & Bethli Mischer Clemens, Cornelius, NC. 7:30 PM, $20. Limited seating; reservations required. Guests are invited to bring the beverage of their choice and a dessert to share. Make reservations by contacting Bethli; call 704-892-4914 or email [email protected]. Directions will be given with reservations. JULY 25, Whitewater River Jam w/Honey Island Swamp Band, U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 7-10 PM, FREE. Parking $5/car. 704391-3900; http://usnwc.org/category/riverjam êêJULY 26, Nashville Singer/Songwriter Sally Barris House Concert, Dilworth home of Katie Oates, 6:30 PM, $30 Admission includes dinner. Combo price of $50 for those attending both Saturday workshop & Friday concert. Res- FOLK CALENDAR Calendar, continued ervations required. RSVP to [email protected]. Directions given with reservation. JULY 26, Kickin’ Grass, The Evening Muse, 8 PM, $6-8. êêJULY 26-28, 25th Annual Old-Time Music Jam Virginia Weekend, Phlegar Family Farm, near Pearisburg, VA. Jamming, dancing, Sat. night covered dish dinner w/BBQ. Bring chairs, instruments & a covered dish to share. Free; small donation requested of all to cover expenses. RSVP to hosts Tom and Barbara Phlegar: 704-535-2154. êêJULY 27, Songwriting Workshop with Nashville Songwriter Sally Barris, Dilworth home of Katie Oates, 1-5 PM, $30. . Combo price of $50 for those attending both Saturday workshop & Friday concert. Open to all ages, all levels, all styles of songwriting. Bring one song to sing live or on a CD with extra copies of your lyrics. Here’s a chance to have your song seriously listened to and critiqued. Get advice on the Art & Craft of Songwriting. Learn how to write a osng about anything, anytime, anywhere. Reservations required. RSVP to [email protected]. Directions given with reservation. JULY 27, Donna Duncan Band, Double Door Inn, 9 PM, $10. JULY 27, Whitewater River Jam w/Mike Strauss Band, U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 7-10 PM, FREE. Parking $5/car. 704-391-3900; http://usnwc.org/category/ riverjam JULY 27, Real Deal Bluegrass w/Big Country Bluegrass, Marshall Brothers, High Road, Blue Ridge Music Center, 7 PM, $10. JULY 27, Nuala Kennedy & John Doyle, The ArtsCenter, 8 PM, $16-20. JULY 28, Celtic Session & Ceili, The Dandelion Market, 118 W. 5th St., Charlotte, 5-7 PM. JULY 28, Irish Session with Acme Celi, RiRa The Irish Pub, 7-9 PM. JULY 28, Craver, Watson, Hicks & Newberry, The ArtsCenter, 7 PM, $12-16. JULY 28, High Lonesome Strings Bluegrass Association featuring Fret High and Ice Cream Party, Stonefield Cellars Winery, 8220 NC Hwy. 68 North, Stokesville, NC. 2 PM, Free. 336-202-1536; www. highlonesomestrings.org JULY 28-AUG 3, Swannanoa Gathering Guitar Week and Contemporary Folk Week, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, NC. 828-298-3434; www.swangathering.com JULY 30, Catawba River Bluegrass Association Jam, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Gastonia, NC. 7 PM, Free. Contact Mike McDonald at m. [email protected] with questions. AUG 1, Whitewater River Jam w/Paper Bird, U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 7-10 PM, FREE. Parking $5/car. 704-391-3900; http://usnwc.org/ category/riverjam AUG 1, Bluegrass Thursday Night, Allison Creek Presbyterian Church, Family Life Center, 5780 Allison Creek Rd., York, SC, Doors open 6 PM. Hamburgers & hotdogs for sale 6:30 PM. Music 79 PM, FREE. 803-366-1302; www. allisoncreekbluegrass.com AUG 1-3, 86th Annual Mountain Dance & Folk Festival w/Trantham Family, Southern Highlanders, Cockman Family, Stoney Creek Cloggers, Don Pedi & many more, Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place, Asheville, NC. 7 PM; $20/ night Adults; $10 ages 12 & under. 7-10 PM. All 3 nights $54 Adults; Children $24. 828-257-4530; www.dwtheatre.com AUG 2, Irish Singer & Multi-instrumentalist Sean Keane, Neighborhood Theatre, 8 PM, $10-15. AUG 2-11, Virginia Highlands Festival, Abingdon, VA. Music, arts, photography, antiques, living history, performing arts. www. vahighlandsfestival.org AUG 3, Beausoleil with Michael Doucet, The Neighborhood Theatre, 8 PM, $22-25. AUG 3, Whitewater River Jam w/Overmountain Men, U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Parkway, Charlotte, NC, 7-10 PM, FREE. Parking $5/car. 704-391-3900; http:// usnwc.org/category/riverjam êêAUG 3, Willow Grove Old-Time Jam, Willow Grove Retirement Center, 10043 Idlewild Rd., Matthews, NC. 2-4 PM. Call Bill Williams at 704573-6154 or 704-417-2822 (cell). AUG 4, Charlotte Blues Society BlueSunday, The Double Door Inn, 8 PM, $5 non-members, Doors open 7 PM. Call Jeri Thompson at 704-488-9608. www.charlottebluessociety.org AUG 4, The Black Lillies, The Evening Muse, 8 PM, $12-15. AUG 4, Hymn Sing, Myers Park United Methodist Church, 1501 Queens Rd., Charlotte. 5:30 PM, 13 Free. Congregational singing; requests will be sung. If you play an instrument, email Nancy Hamff at [email protected]. All are invited for a free, hot supper after singing. Call 704-376-8584 with any questions. AUG 4, Music on the Mountain: Balsam Range and Cullen’s Bridge, Blue Ridge Music Center, 7 PM, $15; ages 12 & under Free. AUG 4, Craicdown, bE. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Rd., Wake Forest, NC. 5 PM, Free. www.pinecone.org êêAUG 4, Joe Crookston House Concert, presented by Common Chord Concerts, North Charlotte venue, 5 PM, $15 donation. RSVP to [email protected]. www. commonchordconcerts.com AUG 4-10, Swannanoa Gathering Mando & Banjo Week, Fiddle Week, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, NC. 828-2983434; www.swangathering.com AUG 5, Rock Hill Nashville Songwriters Association International Meeting, Thursdays Too Restaurant Private Room, 147 Herlong Ave., Rock Hill, SC. 7 PM. 803366-6117; http://thursdaystoo.com AUG 7, Tosco House Party Open Mic, The Evening Muse, 8 PM, $3. AUG 8-10, Old Fiddlers Convention, Felts Park, Galax, VA. Competition, jamming, concerts. 276-236-8541; www. oldfiddlersconvention.com AUG 8-11, Camp DoReMi, Wildacres Retreat, Little Switzerland, NC. Workshops, jamming, shape note singing. 706-7698782; www.campdoremi.org êêAUG 9, Charlotte Folk Society Gathering Concert & Jams with Singer/ Songwriter Kate Campbell, 926 Elizabeth Avenue, Charlotte, NC. 7:30 PM, FREE; donations appreciated. Doors open 7 PM. Free parking. www.folksociety.org êêAUG 9, Charlotte Appalachian Dulcimer Club Free Dulcimer Tune-Up; Strings Provided, Great Aunt Stella Center, 926 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte, following the CFS concert, approx. 8:30 PM, free. Call Mark Willingham for information: 980254-8059. AUG 9-10, Ola Belle Reed Festival w/ Sheets Family Band, Wayne Henderson & Charles Welch Tribute to Doc Watson, Big Country Bluegrass, Elkville String Band & more, Lansing Creeper Trail Park, Lansing, NC. Admission by donation. 336-3844000; www.olabellefest.com FOLK CALENDAR Calendar, continued AUG 9-11, 35th Annual Oak Grove Folk Music Festival w/Robin & Linda Williams, Tom Paxton, The Black Lillies, Ed Miller, Sally Barris & Don Henry, Oak Grove Theater, 845 Quicks Mill Rd., Verona, VA. Weekend ticket $50. Daily tickets available. 540-885-3000; www. theaterwagon.com AUG 9- OCT 26, Foodwares: Pottery for Storage and Preparation (Exhibit), North Carolina Pottery Center, 233 East Ave., Seagrove, NC. Open Tues.-Sat.; 10AM-4PM. Admission $2 Adults; $1 9th-12th Grade Students; Others Free. 336-873-8430; www.ncpotterycenter.org AUG 10, John Dee Holeman & Tad Walters, Sertoma Amphitheatre, Bond Park, 801 High House Rd., Cary, NC. 6 PM, Free. www. pinecone.org AUG 13, Muriel Anderson, Americana Stage, Grind Café Coffeehouse, 136 W. Union St., Morganton, NC, 7:30 PM, $20. To reserve seats, contact Clint Bernard at 828-368-0381 or 828443-2544 day of show; or email [email protected] AUG 15, Robin & Linda Williams, CoMMA (City of Morganton Municipal Auditorium), 401 S. College St. , Morganton, NC. 7 PM, $5-10. Buy tickets: 800-939-SHOW or online at www. commaonline.org/index.php/tickets AUG 16, Jon Shain & Lightnin’ Wells (blues), Fiddle & Bow Society, Community Arts Café, 8 PM, $12. AUG 17, Red Clay Ramblers, Joy Performance Center, 202 Railroad Ave., Kings Mountain, NC. 8 PM, $20-25; reserved seating. Purchase tickets online at TicketsNC.com or by phone at 704-472-7762. AUG 17, Sundown Blues: John Dee Holeman, Williette Hinton & Lightnin’ Wells. Blue Ridge Music Center, 7 PM, $10; ages 12 & under Free. AUG 23, Dove & Grammy Winner Michael English (lead singer Gaither Vocal Band), The Foundation Performing Arts and Conference Center, Isothermal Community College, 286 ICC Loop Rd., Spindale, NC. 7 PM; Adults $20. Tickets: 828- 286-9990; www.isothermal.edu/ foundation/contact AUG 23, Byron Hill and Wil Nance, Fiddle & Bow Society, Community Arts Café, 8 PM, $12. AUG 25, High Lonesome Strings Bluegrass Association presents Wood Family Tradition, Clyde Davis Memorial Stage, Hagan-Stone Park, 5920 Hagan-Stone Park Rd., Pleasant Garden, NC. 2 PM, Free. 336-202-1536; www. highlonesomestrings.org SEP 14-15, 19th Annual Festival of India, Belk Theater, Noon-7 PM, $7 Adults, Children 10 & younger Free. Performances, cultural information, Indian food court, children’s activities. http://indiafestival.iacofcarolinas.org CONTRA DANCES Charlotte Dance Gypsies, Chantilly Community Bldg., 2101 Shenandoah Ave., Charlotte. Potluck 6:30 PM, lessons 7:30 PM, dance 8-11 PM, $8, students $5. Gretchen at 704-537-1377 or Dean at 704-361-6387; www. charlottedancegypsies.org JULY 17: Waltz Wednesday; free instruction by Lesly Bowers & Dennis Spring to recorded music. JULY 27: Good ’n’ Plenty w/Charlotte Crittenden calling. Charlotte Country Dancers, Chantilly Community Bldg., 2101 Shenandoah Ave., Charlotte. Every Monday evening. Lesson 7:30 PM. Dance 8-10 PM, $7. www. charlottedancegypsies.org Bands & Callers TBA. The Grey Eagle, Haywood Rd. & Clingman Ave., Asheville, Mondays, 8 PM, $5. Call 828232-5800 for details; visit www. oldfarmersball.com JULY 8: Perpetual c-Motion w/Beth Molaro. JULY 15: Free Raisons w/Tamara McGovern. JULY 22: Contraversial w/Charlotte Crittenden. JULY 29: Hot Sonata w/Diane Silver calling. AUG 5: Expresso w/John Combs calling. Boone Country Dancers, Apple Barn, Valle Crucis Conference Ctr., Valle Crucis, NC. Lessons 7:30, dance 8 PM, $7; wear soft-soled shoes. Bob Oelberg at 828-265-2627; www. boonecountrydancers.org. JULY 13: Hands Four w/Connie Carringer. Carolina Song & Dance Assn., Carrboro Century Ctr., Greensboro St., between Weaver & Main, Carrboro, NC. Lessons 7:30 PM, Dance 8-11 PM, $8. Call 919-967-9948 for directions. Visit http://csda-dance.org/index.htm JULY 19: Buz Lloyd Dance w/Band & Caller TBA. Columbia Traditional Music and Dance, Arsenal Hill Park Bldg., Laurel & Lincoln Sts., Columbia, SC. Lessons 7 PM, Dance 7:3010:30 PM, $8. Call 803-796-8935 or visit www. contracola.org. NO JULY DANCE. Fiddle & Bow Country Dancers, The Grange, Guilford School Rd., off I-40 E, Greensboro. Lessons 7:30 PM, Dance 8-11 PM. Call Carol Thompson at 336-272-3245 or email George Segebade at [email protected]. Visit website at http://feetretreat.com JULY 20: Entwyned w/Ken Gall calling. 14 Fiddle & Bow Country Dancers, Clemmons Civic Club, 2870 Middlebrook Dr., Clemmons, NC. Every Tuesday; Dance 8-10 PM, $6; $4 students. See contact info above. JULY 9: Pilot Mountain Bobcats w/George Segebade calling. JULY 16: Toast Tones w/Kristin Seibert. JULY 23: Entwyned w/Ken Gall calling. JULY 30: Reel Shady w/Lindsay Morris. Harvest Moon Folk Society, River Falls Lodge, near Marietta, SC, Set up 5 PM, Potluck 6:30 PM, lessons 7:30 PM, dance 8-11 PM, $8, Children free. Call Terry Pizzuto at 864-639-6113 or email [email protected]; www.harvestmoonfolk.org JULY 12: Advanced Dance w/Carolina Dingos & Seth Tepfer calling. Experienced dancers only! JULY 13: Eel House w/Seth Tepfer calling. JULY 20: Good ‘n’ Plenty w/Cis Hinkle. JULY 27: The Red Wellies w/Cary Ravitz. Harvest Moon Folk Society CityDance, Landmark Hall, 156 Landmark Dr., Taylors, SC. Lessons 7:30 PM, dance 8-11 PM, $8, Children free. Call Terry Pizzuto at 864-6396113 or email [email protected]; www. harvestmoonfolk.org. JULY 26: Good ’n’ Plenty w/Kristin Seibert. Old Farmer’s Ball, Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa, NC, Thursdays, Lessons 7:30 PM, Dance 8 PM, $6. Beginning & intermediate music jam Thursdays, 7:30 PM. Information: 828-299-8823/828-2987821 or visit www.oldfarmersball.com JULY 11: Eelhouse (Alaska) w/Seth Tepfer. JULY 18: Ceili Dance w/Swannanoa Gathering Celtic Week Staff & Maldon Meehan calling. JULY 25: Appalachian Square Dance w/ Swannanoa Gathering Old-Time Week Staff led by Erynn Marshall & Brad Leftwich & Phil Jamison calling. AUG 1: Boom Chuck w/Diane Silver. AUG 8: Squares & Contras w/Swannanoa Gathering Mando & Banjo & Fiddle Weeks Staff & Michael Ismeno and David Kaynor calling. Triangle Country Dancers, Carrboro Century Ctr., Greensboro St., between Weaver & Main, Carrboro, NC. Lessons 7:30 PM, Dance 8-11 PM, $9. Dance hotline: 919-286-6624; questions 919-220-8411. www.TCDancers. org JULY 12: Eel House w/Louie Cromartie. AUG 3: Footloose/Contrazz Dance; Contrazz w/Diane Silver calling. Triangle Country Dancers, Reality Center. 916 Lamond Ave., Durham, NC. Lessons 7:30 PM, Dance 8-11 PM, $8. Dance hotline: 919-286-6624; questions 919-220-8411. www. TCDancers.org JULY 26: Good ’n’ Plenty w/Kristin Seibert. FOLK CALENDAR Calendar, continued DANCE WEEKENDS AUG 23-25, Splash Dance Weekend, Camp Merri-Mac, Black Mountain, NC. Open Bands & Callers. Info: email [email protected] or visit www.oldfarmersball.com/SplashDance/index. php SEP 6-8: MoonDance, Table Rock State Park, Pickens, SC. Hot Point String Band & Curious George w/Beth Molaro & Robert Cromartie calling. www.harvestmoonfolk.org ONGOING EVENTS MONDAYS Find Your Muse Open Mic, The Evening Muse, 8 PM, $3. 1st MONDAYS Open Bluegrass Jam, Belmont Soda Shop, 31 Main St., Belmont, NC, 7-9 PM, free; beginners to advanced and listeners welcomed. Contact host Anthony Scruggs at [email protected]. Nashville Songwriters Association International Meeting, Thursdays Too Restaurant Private Room, 147 Herlong Ave., Rock Hill, SC. 7 PM. 803-366-6117; http://thursdaystoo.com 4th MONDAYS Wilkes Acoustic Folk Society, Watson Stage, Wilkes Community College, Wilkesboro, NC, 7 PM; www.wilkesfolks.org TUESDAYS Charlotte Scottish Country Dance Society, Selwyn Ave. Presbyterian Church, 2929 Selwyn Ave., Charlotte, 7:30-9:30 PM, donation. Call 704-366-9260 or 704-333-6917. Community Singers of Charlotte Practice, Sharon Presbyterian Church, 5201 Sharon Rd., Charlotte, 7-8:30 PM, free. Carol Raedy at 704367-2536. Check for updates at www. charlottecommunitysingers.org Lemonds Family Bluegrass Band, Skyland Family Restaurant, 4544 South Blvd., Charlotte. 6-8 PM. 2nd TUESDAYS Nashville Songwriters Assoc. International, Workshop Meeting, The Well, 220 Main St., Pineville, NC, 7 PM. Call Fiona MacAllister at 704-483-1671; http://.NSAICharlotte.com. LAST TUESDAYS Catawba River Bluegrass Association Jam, Bethlehem Baptist Church, 3100 Bethlehem Church St. (just off South New Hope Rd.), Gastonia, NC, 7-9 PM. Open jam; all welcome. Contact Mike McDonald at m. [email protected] WEDNESDAYS Too Wet to Plow (Chris Sekerak, Pam Englebert, Josh Campbell & Michael Plumley), Philosopher’s Stone Tavern, 7th & Caswell Sts., Charlotte, 7 PM, no cover. 704-350-1331. Bluegrass, Puckett’s Farm Equipment, 2740 W. Sugar Ck. Rd., Derita, NC. 9-11 PM. No cover. 704-597-8230; www.puckettsfarm.com. Bluegrass, Old-Time Country, Folk & Gospel Jam Session, Cabarrus Co. Senior Ctr., 331 Corban Ave., SE, Concord, NC. 6-9 PM. Open to the public; free. 704-920-3484. Old-Time Jam, Jack of the Wood, 95 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC. 6 PM. 828-252-5445; http://jackofthewood.com 1st WEDNESDAYS Tosco House Party (open mic), The Evening Muse, 3227 N. Davidson, Charlotte, 8 PM, $3. Host John Tosco. www.toscomusicparty.org. THURSDAYS Open Mic, Puckett’s Farm Equipment, 2740 W. Sugar Ck. Rd., Derita, NC. 8 PM. Bluegrass Jam, Jack of the Wood, 95 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC. 6 PM. 828-252-5445; http://jackofthewood.com 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS Bluegrass Thursday Night, Allison Creek Presbyterian Church, Family Life Center, 5780 Allison Creek Rd., York, SC, Doors open 6 PM. Hamburgers & hotdogs for sale 6:30 PM. Music 7-9 PM, free. 803-366-1302; www. allisoncreekbluegrass.com 3rd THURSDAYS Songwriters Round, hosted by Rob McHale, Summit Coffee, 128 S. Main St., Davidson, NC. 704-895-9090; www.summitcoffee.com FRIDAYS Bluegrass Jam, E. H. Montgomery General Store, 750 Saint Stephens Church Rd., Historic Gold Hill, NC. 7-9 PM. Call Vivian Hopkins: 704-279-5674. www.historicgoldhill.com/ eh_montgomery_general_stor.htm Charlotte Appalachian Dulcimer Club, home of Carol Rousey, 9:30 AM-Noon. Call Carol at 704-321-2020 for directions. English Country Dance, Matthews Orthodox Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 2701 Rice Rd. (off Idlewild Rd.), Matthews, NC, 7-9 PM. Free. 704-309-7649 or [email protected]. 2nd FRIDAYS **Charlotte Folk Society Gathering (AugustJune), Great Aunt Stella Center, 926 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte. Concert, song circle & jams. Free & open to the public; donations appreciated. 7:30 PM. 704-563-7080; www. folksociety.org. Charlotte Appalachian Dulcimer Club, Great Aunt Stella Center, 926 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte. After Folk Society concert, app. 8:30 PM. Mark Willingham at 980-254-8059. 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS Boots-N-Slippers Square Dance, Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, 7407 Steele Ck. Rd., Charlotte. 8-10 PM. Call 704-525-1940. SATURDAYS Morning Jam Session, Cook Shack, Union Grove, NC. Exit 65 off I-77 North; turn west; travel 2 miles; sits on left of road. Call Pal Ireland at 704-539-4353 for directions. 15 Mint Hill Old-Time Music Jam, Farmer’s Market, Carl J. McEwen Historic Village, 7601 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. (Route 51), Mint Hill, NC. Open jam; 11-1 PM; free. Rita Hartmann: 980-949-8687 or [email protected]. Bluegrass Jam Session, Pat’s Gourmet Coffee Shop, 166 North Main St., Mooresville, 9 AM-1 PM. Call 704-662-6299. Old-Time & Bluegrass Jam Session, Dixie’s Coffee Roasters, 102 S. Main St., China Grove, NC. 9 AM- Noon. Contact The Rev. Greg Yeager at 704-754-6288. 1st SATURDAYS Willow Grove Old-Time Jam, Willow Grove Retirement Center Activities Room, 10043 Idlewild Rd., Matthews, NC, 2-4 PM. Call Bill Williams at 704-573-6154/704-5172822 (cell). 3rd SATURDAYS Greater Charlotte Ukulele Meetup, The Roasting Oven and Grill, 855 Gold Hill Road, Fort Mill, 1 PM. To join the group/ learn more, visit www.charlotteuke.com. Old Time Square Dance (Traditional Appalachian style), Denton Civic Ctr., W. Salisbury St., Denton, NC. Bluegrass & oldtime bands, 7-10:30 PM, $5 adults. 336-4722802; www.dentondance.net/dentondance Folklife Demonstrations and Traditional Artists & Musicians, Historic Hagood Mill, 3 miles N of Pickens, SC, off Hwy. 178, on Hagood Mill Rd. www.co.pickens.sc.us. EVERY OTHER SATURDAY Queen City Beginners Bluegrass Jam, Asbury Care Center Living Room, Aldersgate, 3800 Shamrock Dr., east Charlotte, 2-4 PM, free. Email jerryleonard@yahoo. com for meeting dates/search “Charlotte Beginner Bluegrass Jam” at www.meetup.com. SUNDAYS Live Celtic Music at Ri-Ra, The Irish Pub, 208 N. Tryon, 7-9 PM, food available, no cover. 704-333-5554. 1st SUNDAYS Charlotte Blues Society, Double Door Inn, 218 E. Independence Blvd., Charlotte, 8 PM, $5. Concert & open mic blues jam. 704455-5875. 2nd SUNDAYS Storytellers Guild of Charlotte, Wedgewood Church Social Hall, 4800 Wedgewood Dr., Charlotte, 3:30-5 PM, Free. 704-5686940. MEETINGS TO RESUME IN SEPTEMBER. 3rd SUNDAYS Dixieland Jam Sessions, Fraternal Order of Police Hall, 1201 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, 6-9 PM, free. Dinner & bar service available. Triad Scottish Fiddlers & Friends of North Carolina Monthly Meeting, 3 PM, Location TBA. Contact Debbie Morris at 336-2488629 or [email protected]. http://sites. google.com/site/triadscottishfiddlers/ FOLK CALENDAR Announcing! 2013-2014 Folk Society Gathering Season Charlotte Folk Society second-Friday Gatherings at the Great Aunt Stella Center (GASC), 926 Elizabeth Avenue, are family-friendly and open to the public. Gatherings are free; donations are appreciated and essential to presenting this series in GASC. The front doors open at 7 PM; concerts begin at 7:30 PM and last about one hour. Refreshments, jams, a song circle, and the Charlotte Appalachian Dulcimer Club follow the concert. Parking adjacent to GASC is free. Accessible entry and an elevator are available through the ground floor door on the parking lot side of GASC. Kate Campbell August 9: The daughter of a Baptist preacher from Sledge, Mississippi, Kate Campbell spent her formative years in the very core of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. The indelible experience of those years have shaped her heart, character, and convictions ever since. As a child of the South, her musical tastes were forged in the dampered, smoky fires of soul, R&B, Southern rock, country, and folk music. Her endearing, clear-water vocal delivery, eloquent gift for storytelling (which has drawn repeated com- parisons to such bastions of the Southern writing tradition as Flannery O’Connor, Eudora Welty, and William Faulkner), and easy command of a full-range of American music styles, have combined to earn Campbell recognition as a formidable talent by critics, musicians, and a discerning public. http://www. katecampbell.com September 13: The Whitetop Mountaineers are a young duo, Martha Spencer and Jackson Cunningham. Both live in Whitetop, Virginia, among the highest mountains in the state. Their families include some of Southwest Virginia’s most accomplished and respected old-time musicians - legendary fiddler and luthier Albert Hash and Thornton & Emily Spencer of The Whitetop Mountain Band. Martha and Jackson are carrying forward the family tradition. Their shows feature old-time country duet singing, up-tempo old-time fiddle, clawhammer banjo, bluegrass mandolin, and guitar instrumentals as well as high energy Appalachian dancing. The duo have performed throughout the United States, the UK, Ireland, and Australia, including such venues as: MerleFest, Smithsonian Folklife Festival, and the National Folk Festival in Richmond. http:// www.whitetopmountaineers. com/fr_home.cfm October 11: Legendary organizer and musician Si Kahn and The Looping Brothers, a popular German trio who perform in the tradition of The Louvin Brothers, team up for a bluegrass concert. Si Kahn is known all over the world 16 by fans of American folk music. He has performed in concerts and festivals in the United Kingdom and European countries, as well as the United States. His body of work includes 18 albums of original songs for adults and children. A songwriter as well as performing and recording artist, Si's songs of family, community, love, work, and freedom have been recorded by more than 100 artists and translated into half a dozen languages. Such songs as Aragon Mill, Gone Gonna Rise Again, and Go To Work On Monday have become part of the oral tradition the world round. Si Kahn and The Looping Brothers have recorded a CD, Aragon Mill: The Bluegrass Sessions, which will be released in 2013 and their Folk Society appearance will be part of a limited U.S. tour. http://www.sikahn.com; http:// www.youtube.com/watch? v=CdEBhGHxIv4 The Stray Birds CD cover November 8: The Stray Birds make their Charlotte debut at our Gathering. The young Americana trio, rooted in traditional music, but breaking new ground, made an impact in the musical world with their first, self-titled release. In naming The Stray Birds as one of the Top 10 Folk & Americana Albums of 2012, National Public Radio said: “New bands seeking to make a lasting impression on a nationwide audience are often inclined to lay it all on the line from FOLK CALENDAR the get-go. Unleash the full throttle of your instrumental gifts through intense solos and voice-stretching vocal performances, and perhaps folks will have no option but to listen. There's more grace and artfulness, though, in exercising restraint, as The Stray Birds do beautifully on their self-titled debut. Clearly these are players with chops, songwriters with a fierce command of their craft. But they also seem to have a grip on when to lend a hand, and when to let the songs fly on their own. This record was certainly one of the finest debuts of the year from a band to watch.” http:// thestraybirds.com December 8 (tentatively): Holiday Jam & Potluck Scott Ainslie features a short performance of seasonal selections by Little Windows, the duo of Mark and Julee Glaub Weems. They draw on both Appalachian and Irish traditions, with a special focus on unaccompanied ballads and the exploration of the spiritual nature of song and harmonic sound. Dilworth United Methodist Church, 605 East Boulevard, Charlotte. 4:00-9:45 PM. Bring a dish to share or donate $5/ person towards expenses. Song circle & jams before and after dinner. http:// www.littlewindows.net January 10: The annual CFS Young Talent Showcase highlights the impressive talents of our young musicians. Featured performer will be 2013 Marilyn Meacham Price Scholarship recipient Lando Pieroni. February 14: Scott Ainslie has followed his passion for the blues ever since, as a teenager, he heard bluesman John Jackson perform in 1967. He straight away took up playing the guitar and never looked back. A traditional acoustic blues singer, guitarist, historian, and songwriter with personal roots in the Civil Rights era and a great affection for cross-cultural exchange, Scott is a powerful musician, a fine singer, and a masterful storyteller. He has studied with elder musicians on both sides of the color line – in the old-time Southern Appalachian fiddle and banjo traditions, as well as with black gospel and blues musicians. http:// scottainslie.com March 14: Cuppa Joe & the Big Cigar Band is a Charlottebased bluegrass band that created a sensation on the CFS Folk Stage at Festival in the Park last year. They love playing music together and have fun playing for live audiences. Band members include Michael York (banjo), David Woodie (fiddle, vocals), David Grant (guitar, lead vocals), Justin Powell (bass, vocals), and Drew Parrot (mandolin). They’re a local super group of experienced singers and players who have played a variety of genres with lots of bands through the years. They say to expect bluegrass with bounce – fast movin’ flat-out pickin’ and grinnin’! https://www.facebook.com/ BigCigarBluegrassBand April 11: Singer/songwriter Danny Ellis was born in Dublin, Republic of Ireland. When he was eight, his mother placed him in Artane Industrial School, an orphanage run by the Christian Brothers. He left Artane at 16 and became a professional trombonist, playing with Irish show bands, eventually becoming a session player for the famed Abbey Road Studios in Eng17 land. In 2009 he released the album 800 Voices, an autobiographical account of his time in the orphanage. Storyteller Connie Regan Blake says of 800 Voices, "It may just be the most powerful storytelling through music and stories I have ever experienced.” JPF, the largest independent music awards, honored him with the Lyricist of the Year award in 2009. Danny has three other CDs to his credit. The most recent, released this year, is Rest Yourself. Danny Ellis now lives in Asheville. http://www. dannyellismusic.com/home.cfm May 9: The New Southern Ramblers from Asheville formed in 1982 as the stringband that backed up the inimitable Tennessee oldtime fiddler Ralph Blizard until his death in 2004. Band members include John Herrmann (fiddle), Gordy Hinners (banjo), Phil Jamison (guitar), and Meredith McIntosh (bass); all perform vocals. Hinners and Jamison also toured extensively as Green Grass Cloggers and will show some of their dance moves during this exciting concert. https://myspace.com/ newsouthernramblers June 13: The popular Charlotte Folk Society Members’ Showcase returns to shine a spotlight on our many talented member musicians! CFS Gatherings are made possible, in part, with funding from the Arts & Science Council and the North Carolina Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Cultural Resources, and the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art. FOLK CALENDAR Cuz’s Corner By Dennis Frost Welcome, friends, to another edition of Cuz’s Corner! Can you believe that about a year ago we had to cancel the CFS ice cream social due to those dry, scorching 1-0-4 degree temperatures that had folks wondering if they were living in Charlotte or Las Vegas? This year the norm is rain, rain, and more rain, but being an avid gardener, I won’t complain . . . well, except for the blossom-end rot on those beautiful tomatoes. Not to let the rain and gloomy conditions get us down, we’ll forge ahead with all the news and views from the regional music scene. The weather broke back on the third weekend in June and we made the journey up to beautiful Grayson Highlanda State Park in Virginia for the wonderful Wayne Henderson Festival. While some great festivals over the years have morphed into “bottom Line” events, Waynefest maintains its musical integrity year after year. You see, proceeds from this event go to Wayne’s scholarships, which strive to ensure the survival of traditional music through the fingers of young, Appalachian children. By the end of the day, as the sun is beginning to hide behind those 5000 foot peaks and the sky turns hews of amber and pink, you get this wonderful feeling that you have been part of something unique and special. This year the headliners were the wonderful Rosanne Cash and her husband, John Rosenthal. They delivered a powerful set that was a mix of tunes from her last disc, The List, and new material from a new project they are writing and recording – I can’t wait! Rosanne is one of those singers that gets to the end of the set and I realize I haven’t taken a breath since the first note of the first song. By the way, the duo made the drive down from Nashville to benefit Wayne’s scholarship program – how cool is that? etc., go to www.musiccityroots. com and click on the big ole roots radio box around 7:00 on Wednesday night, and bam, you are all set! If you’ve been reading this column for a while, you probably have picked up on the fact that I really Next week we head up to the Shehave a love and respect for the nandoah Valley for the first ever young artists that are a part of the Red Wing Music Festival (July 12current “folk process,” adding 14) and I can’t wait! This might be their unique stamp to the music. the best first year lineup in the hisFor this month’s tory of roots music reviews, the vetfestivals and is loerans simply rock cated in one of the and are showing prettiest spots in Virus again how it’s ginia. Because it is done! Peter located in a state Rowan started his park (Natural Chimcareer in the early neys), the ticket sales to mid-sixties as will be held to 3000 one of Bill folks, so the festival Monroe’s Bluewill be a small, intigrass Boys with mate experience. If the likes of Richyou want your mind ard Greene and blown, check out the Bill Keith. In the incredible lineup at years following, www.redwingroots. “Cuz” (Credit Daniel Coston) he set out on com. By the way, the nothing other festival is hosted by our friends, than a musical odyssey exploring The Steel Wheels, so gas up the folk, rock (Earth Opera, Seatrain), car and join the growing Charlotte hippygrass (Old & in the Way), (and Statesville, I believe) continSouth American traditions, Texgent up to the “Big Valley!” Mex, Reggae, and about any musical genre he absorbed along the In related Virginia news, we underway. His songwriting is highly restand Robin Williams (Robin & nowned and his songs must keep Linda Williams) suffered a nasty the royalty checks rolling in. Refall and cracked a number of ribs cently he has been circling back to and punctured a lung. The good his bluegrass roots and his new news is that he is mending and will release, The Old School, definitely probably be back with Their Fine is a prime example. This wonderGroup by the time you read this! ful new recording pays homage to artists like The Stanley Brothers, I apologize for not mentioning this Bill Monroe, Jim & Jesse McReybefore, but if you haven’t already, nolds, The Osborne Brothers, and do check out the Music City Roots others that crisscrossed America in live webcast from Nashville’s Lovebroken-down vehicles for relaless Café every Wednesday at 7 tively little money to play their PM. Hosted by Jim Lauderdale, music. Except for his cover of the this show always features the best Civil Rights anthem O, Freedom, in live roots/Americana week after these are all originals accompanied week. To bring this wonder conby great pickers and a few of the cert series to your computer, tablet, remaining old schoolers like Del 18 FOLK CALENDAR McCoury, Jesse McReynolds, and Bobby Osborne. His tribute to Doc Watson, Doc Watson Morning, simply brings a tear to my eyes at every listening. The line “Drive all night, shave in cold water, hold your hand up high and smile” in the first tune sets the mood for a project that gets Cuz’s highest recommendation. êêêêê Nobody can write a song and then deliver the song like the great Guy Clark. I must admit that with recent health concerns and his losing his wife and mentor, Susanna, I didn’t really know what to expect when I picked up his new disc, My Favorite Picture of You. With a shaky hand I slipped the CD into the player and sat there in amazement as I proceeded to be blown away by not only the songs, but the beauty of the record. Simply accompanied by Verlon Thompson, Shawn Camp, and Bryn Davies, this record is lean and just plain wonderful. Did I mention the songs? Wow! This CD is packed with one great line after the other, but my favorite goes like this: “She got her heart broke by a banjo man - now she’s had about all the bluegrass she can stand.” The album title is just perfect, as I think Guy’s forte is indeed taking a snapshot of his character’s lives when they are at the proverbial crossroads of life. So, if you see me at a stop light singing, I’m probably singing along with Guy! êêêêê For that road trip this summer, I’d recommend a listen to the new recording from Delbert McClinton and Glen Clark, two more crusty veterans that began their careers together more than 40 years ago in their native Texas and have now reunited for their new Blind, Crippled and Crazy disc. Most of these songs come from the perspective of, as the line says, not being old, but having been around a long time. This album is pure Texas boogie and is a delight, especially driving down the proverbial “lost highway!” êêêê Let me finish with a young duo from Charleston, South Carolina that fuses indie rock with equal parts of folk, alt-country, and Americana. They call themselves Shovel and Rope and their first disc, Oh Be Joyful, satisfies my search for a sound that is just a bit different from the norm. The instrumentals are refreshingly lean, the songs are strong and their “edgy” harmonies are awesome. I admit that this CD sat in a stack for more than a few weeks until I noticed that when the Americana nominations came out, they were nominated for Duo/Group of the Year, Emerging Artist of the Year, as well as Song and Album of the Year. Believe me, I was soon listening to this wonderfully odd recording and loving it! Although not for everyone, I think that it is a keeper for the more adventurous listener! êêêê1/2 Finally, if you are a fan of either traditional or contemporary Celtic music, you would be absolutely crazy to miss the July 23rd house concert with John Doyle and Nuala Kennedy at the home of Mark and Bethli Clemens. This is about as good as it’s ever going to get, as both artists are legends in the making and are appearing together this one special night . . . Oh, my! This is hands down Cuz’s Gig of the Month, so be there or be square! Reservations at 704-892-4914. That’s it for now, so get out there and catch a gig, go to a festival, hug a child . . . you get the picture! Until next time! Cuz Tell Cuz about your favorite music! Call him at 704-532-8846 or email him at [email protected]. 19 Catawba River Bluegrass Assn. Jam July 30th The Catawba River Bluegrass Association sponsors an open jam at 7 PM the last Tuesday of each month at Bethlehem Baptist Church, 3100 Bethlehem Church Street, in Gastonia. The next jam takes place on Tuesday, July 30th. Contact Mike McDonald at [email protected] with questions. The association has pages on both Facebook and Meetup.com. From the group’s Meetup.com page: Our group is searching for the perfect jam. We are bluegrass enthusiasts and practicing musicians. We treat everyone with respect. Come when you can; have a good time. Join The Refreshments Team! Refreshments Volunteer Coordinator Justine Koch needs some more folks to join her committee. This group of folks seems to always be having a good time. If you enjoy shopping or baking and meeting our visitors, please consider helping with this important aspect of hospitality for our Gathering guests. Just bring your receipts for purchases and see Wanda Hubicki for reimbursement. Please contact Justine at [email protected] if you would be interested in volunteering. Please put “FS Refreshments” in the subject line. FOLK CALENDAR Free Member Ads 1918 Gibson Mandolin $1200. 1982 Flatiron Bouzouki $1100. Call John Wofford at 704-537-7230. For Sale: Two Appalachian Lap Dulcimers Handcrafted by Harold Miller. Two: 8” X 34”; $250 each. Beautiful woods. Free Bamboo; either cut poles or dig out plants. Call Marilyn Price at 803548-5671. What Hath God Wrought! Four kitties – all spayed/neutered & vaccinated for rabies - seeking loving, homes. One calico and three tuxedos (“the triplets“), black with white bibs and paws. Carpe diem! Call Stephen Jordan at 704287-3055 to arrange a visit to meet some amazing felines! Next Month . . . CONTACT MARK PONISCHIL FOR RENTAL INQUIRIES 704-944-6014 [email protected] Join CFS E-Mail List Using Your SmartPhone Tuesdays-Fridays 10 AM – 6 PM Saturdays 10 AM – 4 PM A FIDDLE FOR EVERY BUDGET More than 30 in stock $200-$5000!! Expert repair, restoration, rehairing – Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass Loar Mandolin, A Style $379!! Bluegrass & Old-Time Instruction By Glen Alexander & Jon Singleton 10% FOLK SOCIETY DISCOUNT 25th Annual CFS Virginia Jam Weekend, Phlegar’s Farm, July 26-28 Join Mr. Pig at the CFS OldTime Music Jam Weekend on Phlegar’s Farm, July 26-28! KATE CAMPBELL Acclaimed mSouthern Singer/Songwriter Friday, August 9th, 7:30 PM Great Aunt Stella Center 926 Elizabeth Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28204 Independence Blvd. Great Aunt Stella 926 Elizabeth Ave. McDowell Street Parking Lot 704-373-0551 www.theviolinshoppe.net Recording King Adirondack Dread $700!! Charlotte Folk Society PO Box 36864 Charlotte, NC 28236-6864 www.folksociety.org Deck 2112 EAST 7TH STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28204 Kings Drive 20