Youth Entrepreneurship Manual


Youth Entrepreneurship Manual
Implementing Entrepreneurship
Lincoln County, Oregon High Schools
Compiled by:
Amanda Remington
Justin Overdevest
Table of Contents
Letter of Introduction
Table of Contents
Section I. Background and History
Section II. Establishing New Programs
Establishing New Programs Overview
Youth Entrepreneurship Survey
5 Ways to Get Students to Complete the Youth Survey
Timeline of Events
Section III. Career Related Learning Requirements
Diploma and CAM requirements Overview
Diploma and CAM requirements from ODE
Section IV. NFTE Requirements
Section V. Instructor NFTE Certification
Section VI. Student Recruitment
Student Recruitment Overview
Sample Poster
Section VII. Application Process
Student Application Overview
Sample Application for Students
Section VIII. Classroom Volunteers
Section IX. Presentations and Competitions
PowerPoint Presentations by Students Overview
Presentations by Students Year One
Presentations by Student Year Two
Sample Presentation Agenda
Sample Presentation Assignment
Business Plan Competition
Section X. Lessons Learned
Section XII. Summary
• Teach students how to write a business plan, determine if their business idea is feasible,
and provide them with the skills necessary to successfully start their own business.
• Offer experiential learning opportunities to help students connect classroom lessons
with real life experiences.
This program is designed for high school students and is composed of two pieces:
1. A high school youth entrepreneurship class. The class works best if it is taught
over the course of one full year. We have had the best success when the course
has been taught as an in-school class for 5 days a week during one regular
period per day. Successful after-school models, though, do exist, and elements
of NFTE can be incorporated into an existing business or life-skills class.
2. A school based enterprise (SBE). The SBE can be developed by students in the
entrepreneurship class. Part two of this guide will help you learn more about
how to create a successful school based enterprise.
We use the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) curriculum for high
school youth entrepreneurship classes. The introductory NFTE class is a full year course that
teaches the “basic” portion of starting a small business.
The NFTE Mission: NFTE teaches entrepreneurship to young people from lowincome communities to enhance their economic productivity by improving their
business, academic, and life skills.
Materials used for the class include:
• “How to Start and Operate a Small Business” Textbooks, to be re-used each
school year.
• “How to Start and Operate a Small Business” Workbook for each enrolled
student, to be replaced each school year.
• “Entrepreneurs in Profile” books, to be re-used each school year
• Instructor’s Manual for each NFTE certified instructor.
For the 2006-2008 school years, the Oregon Coast Community College Small Business
Development Center can provide all materials free to Lincoln County schools through funds
from the W.K. Kellogg foundation. If you are interested, please complete the “Request for
Proposals” included in this guide. If you are unsuccessful with your proposal or have a
program outside of Lincoln County, materials may be purchased directly from NFTE through
their website at Discounts are provided to certified NFTE instructors.
Background and History
The creation of a youth entrepreneurship class for high school students in Lincoln County was
a long time in the making. A number of organizations reviewed the potential for youth
entrepreneurship at all grade levels and analyzed the potential for starting programs. An
advisory group of the Oregon Coast Community College Small Business Development Center
(OCCC SBDC) decided to move forward with a high school program, teaching business basics
through NFTE by partnering with Waldport High School.
Instructor and Volunteers
The OCCC SBDC contracted with a part time substitute teacher, Jayne Stallons, to teach the
first NFTE course. Over the 2004 winter break, Jayne attended a three-day NFTE training to
become certified to teach the course. Following her return, she held a workshop for community
members, the Waldport Rural Community School director, and OCCC SBDC staff to become
familiar with the structure of NFTE. These attendees were all expected to volunteer in the
classroom for a specified number of hours, teaching the sections they were most familiar with.
Additionally, an AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps*VISTA member were both available to assist
with the initial NFTE class.
Materials and Space
NFTE materials, including books, workbooks, supporting materials, and teacher manuals, were
purchased by the OCCC SBDC. Space in the Waldport Rural Community School (RCSP)
building was donated for the first class.
Student recruitment
Prior to the start of the first NFTE class, Jayne began recruiting students. She hung posters on
the walls, made a presentation to each class at the high school, and spent a few lunch periods
tracking down students in the hallway that she thought might benefit from the class. All
interested students were given applications that were collected within two to three weeks of
this initial contact. A group of adults, including Jayne, the SBDC director, and the RCSP
director then gathered to review applications and interview all applicants. Ten-minute
interviews were conducted with each applicant.
Following the interviews, Jayne chose a class period based upon where the greatest number of
applicants had openings in their schedules. 7th period allowed fifteen of the applicants to attend
and was thus settled on for the spring term. While it would have been ideal to have set the class
period prior to interviewing students, we did not get the class listed in the high school schedule
in time. Once the class period was established, students were scheduled by the Waldport High
School office to join the class, and notified of the changes to their schedules.
First NFTE class
In the fall of 2005, the first NFTE class began at Waldport High School. While the class started
with fifteen students, three would eventually drop the course, leaving a total of twelve.
Throughout the course of the semester, this group of twelve students learned the skills
necessary to start and maintain a small business. Students in the class were required to either
complete a business plan for their own business idea or start a school based enterprise, the
WHS Kayak Shack. Half of the students worked on the school based enterprise, which was
launched during the summer of 2005 (additional school based enterprise history can be found
in section two of this manual). Half of the students wrote their own business plans for sole
proprietorships or partnerships. These plans included: a skateboard manufacturing company
called Dehumanization, Polisticks: your worst political nightmare t-shirt design, Caitlin’s PJ’s
and more, Eckman Paddleboats, and JD’s Detailing. All business plans were presented in
PowerPoint at the conclusion of the class to local community members, SBDC staff,
classmates, and the instructor. Although the business plans showed a good deal of work by the
students, they were simply the framework for a business plan and required additional time and
attention to determine feasibility.
The Waldport Chamber of Commerce, with support from the Economic Development Alliance
of Lincoln County, utilized BizTech software, an online version of NFTE, to conduct an afterschool entrepreneurship course for youth and adults. Instruction was delivered by two local
volunteers. The Chamber encountered a number of technical problems with the BizTech
software during the course of the year and chose not to continue offering the service. They do
not recommend BizTech for use in the classroom. BizTech is currently in the process of
revising defects encountered and the new version may prove to be useful in the future.
Second NFTE Class
Following the conclusion of the first NFTE class, the part-time instructor left the district. A
new instructor, Jan Weeks, stepped in to continue the class. Jan is a full time teacher at
Waldport High School. Funding for the NFTE position became the responsibility of Waldport
High School in the second year. Significant changes were made in year two in response to the
lessons learned in year one. The class grew to a full year, rather than a one semester course,
and was staffed by a full time, rather than part time, instructor.
Scheduling in the Second Year
Registration for the class was problematic, leading to a struggle to locate students at the last
minute when classes resumed in the fall. Miscommunication regarding whether the class had
been entered into the schedule caused the class to be passed over. In addition, the new
instructor had not yet attended NFTE training and thus did not realize the importance of the
recruitment process prior to the listing of the course in the school schedule. The problem was
made acutely aware to us when, returning to school after the summer, the instructor realized
that no students were registered for the class. Due to the short time frame as a result of lastminute recruiting, the students did not go through the crucial interview process. Also, the class
was mixed between those who were interested in starting a business and those who were not,
making the first semester very difficult. In this first semester the students worked on a
Smoothie Business, selling smoothies at lunch times and during athletic events. The majority
of these students dropped out of the class and/or school by the end of the semester.
Spring Term
Recruitment had to be undertaken in the spring as a result of the difficulties faced in keeping
committed students in the class during the fall term. As of the time this youth manual was
written, this class was ongoing. The instructor was experiencing greater success with her new
students. In the first month all of the new students had already created a rough PowerPoint
describing their business plan for the Smoothie Business, Irish Island Fruit Smoothies.
Current Efforts
Currently, we are building the infrastructure to begin expanding our youth program to
additional high schools for the 2007-2008 school year. If you are interested in any information
about ongoing activities, please contact the Oregon Coast Community College Small Business
Development Center at 541-994-4166.
Learn from our experiences! If you are trying to teach the NFTE basics and create a
school based enterprise, your class will need to last a full year. One semester does not allow
enough time for students to grasp the business concepts fully.
Establishing New Programs
If you do not already have a youth entrepreneurship program, there are a couple of steps
that may be useful in establishing a program.
Conduct a survey of students
Before starting a youth entrepreneurship class is may be helpful to conduct a survey of
Why conduct a survey?
• The survey will help you determine the degree of interest students have in
participating in this type of class.
• It will help you to understand the students’ views on starting their own
businesses and clarify what they would need from a class.
• It can provide useful data to influence those who are not certain a youth
entrepreneurship class is needed.
In order to assist you in conducting a survey of youth, a sample survey is attached. A list of
tips for distributing the surveys and getting students to complete them is also attached.
Approach the school/ school district
After completing a survey, it may be necessary to convince school administration to get on
board with the plan. A couple of tools that will help you gain approval from administration
• Results of your youth entrepreneurship survey of students.
• Information about Career Related Learning Requirements. For more
information see the Career Related Learning Requirements section on pages 16
through 20.
• Statistics about the impact of NFTE youth entrepreneurship classes. Information
can be found on the NFTE website at
• Funding resources. For Lincoln County schools, funds are available for the
2006-08 school years. Funds are awarded based upon the merit of applications.
A “Request for Proposal” for these funds is located at the back of this manual.
Locate an Instructor
If you are not going to be the primary instructor, it will be necessary to locate and train an
instructor to teach the NFTE course. Information about training through NFTE University
can be found in the instructor certification on page 26.
Find Adult Support
An committee of key adult volunteers and community members can help advise a new
instructor and help with the development of a program.
Learn from our experiences! Instructors with experience in business, especially
those who have operated their own business, will be able to relate to the material more
easily than those without business experience.
[organization name] is administering this survey as part of an effort to learn about high school
students’ views regarding starting a business. This information will be used to help us
determine how we can best assist high school students that would like to start their own
business. We would appreciate about 10 minutes of your time to complete this survey.
1. Age: _______________________
2. Gender: Male ________
Female __________
3. How easy do you think it is to start your own business?
Very easy [ ]
Easy [ ]
Challenging [ ]
Almost Impossible [ ]
4. Would you like to start your own business someday?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Not possible considering my career choice [ ]
5. If yes, what kind of business would you like to start?
6. Would a college education help you succeed in starting and growing your own
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Not sure [ ]
7. Why do you think people start their own business?
Independence [ ]
Have an idea and want to see it in action [ ]
To make money [ ]
Laid off from a company/unemployed [ ]
Other, please specify: __________________________________
8. What do you think is the most likely explanation for people who do NOT want to
start a business?
Other interests [ ]
Not enough money to get a business started [ ]
Too much work [ ]
Fear of failure [ ]
Government obstacles [ ]
Other, please specify: __________________________________
9. What do you believe is the best resource to learn how to start a business?
Government sources or non profit organizations [ ]
Internet [ ]
Friend or family member [ ]
Books or magazines [ ]
Classroom [ ]
Other, please specify: ___________________________________
10. Of all the possible ingredients for business success, which one is the most
Hard work and determination [ ]
Good employees [ ]
Connections (knowing the right people) [ ]
Good product or service [ ]
Capital (money) [ ]
Good location for the business [ ]
Customers [ ]
Other, please specify: ________________________________
11. Do you think there is more job security owning your own business or working for
a company?
Owning your own business [ ]
Working for a company [ ]
About the same for both [ ]
12. Would you be interested in taking a class to develop the skills to run your own
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Maybe [ ]
13. Would you be interested in participating in an after school activity to develop the
skills to run your own business?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Maybe [ ]
Thank you for completing our survey! If you would like more information about starting
your own business, please leave your contact information below or contact [organization name
and telephone number].
5 Ways to Get Students to Complete the “Youth Entrepreneurship Survey”
1. Offer an incentive for students to complete the survey. For example, each student
completing a survey could be entered into a drawing for a small prize such as a $5 gift
certificate to a local restaurant.
2. Set up a table before classes begin, during the lunch hour, or immediately after students
are released to distribute surveys.
3. Make an announcement before classes begin over the PA. Make sure students know
where they can get the survey.
4. Design flyers to announce that you are conducting a survey and when/where students
can participate.
5. Take surveys around to each class individually, with instructor’s approval.
Timeline of Events
Suggested Timeline to Start a Youth Entrepreneurship Program
February March
Survey of Administration
January February
April May
Instructor to
Teach Class
of Students
June July August
Instructor Trained at
NFTE University*
Applications Due/
Open for
October November
NFTE texts
First Class
As this illustration demonstrates, it will take about two years to fully implement a youth entrepreneurship program. In this example, we
are starting a class in the fall term of 2008. If you have a different start date in mind, enter the start date into the calendar above and
work backward. It is crucial that activities, such as recruitment, take place in the timeframe suggested (one semester prior to the start of
the class).
* NFTE trainings are conducted throughout the year. You will save money on travel if you send an instructor to a local training during
the summer. However, it is possible to have an instructor trained during the winter months prior to the beginning of a class.
Career Related Learning Experiences:
Diploma and CAM Requirement
Youth entrepreneurship activities can easily fulfill Oregon’s new educational requirements
for students. Under the new requirements, students must complete an educational plan. One
piece of that plan includes “career-related learning experiences.” One way in which
students can gain career-related learning experiences is through the experiential learning
activities of the NFTE program. Another way is through the establishment of school based
enterprises. Both can be provided in a youth entrepreneurship program.
A brief description of these new requirements, as stated by the Oregon Department of
Education, is attached. It includes:
• Education plan and education profile: describes what an education plan is and what
is required of students/school districts in developing a plan.
• Career-Related Learning Standards: describes the standards used for career-related
learning experiences, a common feature of each student’s plan.
• Career-Related Learning Experiences: describes the components and types of
career-related learning experiences. Youth entrepreneurship falls under school
based-learning experiences.
Diploma and CAM Requirement
Oregon Department of Education, September 2005
Education Plan and Education Profile
Develop an education plan and build an education profile.
The education plan and education profile process assists students in pursuing their personal,
academic, and career interests and post-high school goals. The education plan serves as a
“road map” that guides the student’s learning through high school and prepares him or her for a
successful transition to next steps after high school. The education profile serves as a
“compass” that documents progress and achievement toward a student’s goals and helps that
student stay on course as he or she monitors progress an adjusts the education plan as needed.
It is the student’s responsibility, with parental guidance, to develop, review, and manage his or
her education plan and profile. The school is responsible for providing the opportunity for each
student to develop his or her education plan and profile in grades 7-12 (OAR 581-022-1120).
Parents/guardians, school personnel, and community partners provide support and guidance to
the student to foster development and promote progress toward learning and transitions to the
student’s next steps. Flexibility in the process enables students to change their plans as their
interests and goals evolve along the way.
Education Plan Requirements Common Features
Documentation of personal progress and achievement toward:
• CIM academic standards
• Career-related learning standards
• CAM extended application standard
• Career-related learning experiences
• Graduation requirements
• PASS proficiencies*
* Proficiency-based
Admission Standards System (PASS) is the admissions system of the Oregon University
System that is aligned with the K-12 content standards and benchmarks. For information see website
Career-Related Learning Standards
Demonstrate career-related knowledge and skills.
The career-related learning standards (CRLS) are fundamental skills essential for success in
employment, college, family and community life. These skills are taught throughout the
curriculum, integrated with academic learning, and emphasized in the students’ career-related
learning experiences.
Career-Related Learning Standards and Criteria
Personal Management
• Exhibit appropriate work ethic and behaviors in school, community, and workplace.
• Identify tasks that need to be done and initiate action to complete the tasks.
Plan, organize, and complete projects and assigned tasks on time, meeting agreed upon
standards of quality.
• Take responsibility for decisions and actions and anticipate consequences of decisions
and actions.
• Maintain regular attendance and be on time.
Problem Solving
• Apply decision-making and problem-solving techniques in school, community, and
• Identify problems and locate information that may lead to solutions.
• Identify alternatives to solve problems.
• Assess the consequences of the alternatives.
• Select and explain a proposed solution and course of action.
• Develop a plan to implement the selected course of action.
• Assess results and take corrective action.
• Demonstrate effective communication skills to give and receive information in school,
community, and workplace.
• Locate, process, and convey information using traditional and technological tools.
• Listen attentively and summarize key elements of verbal and non-verbal
• Give and receive feedback in a positive manner.
• Read technical/ instructional materials for information and apply to specific tasks.
• Write instructions, technical reports, and business communications clearly and
• Speak clearly, accurately and in a manner appropriate for the intended audience when
giving oral instructions, technical reports and business communications.
• Demonstrate effective teamwork in school, community, and workplace.
• Identify different types of teams and roles within each type of team; describe why each
role is important to effective teamwork.
• Demonstrate skills that improve team effectiveness (e.g., negotiation, compromise,
consensus building, conflict management, shared decision making and goal-setting).
Employment Foundations
• Demonstrate academic, technical, and organizational knowledge and skills required for
successful employment.
• Apply academic knowledge and technical skills in a career context.
• Select, apply, and maintain tools and technologies appropriate for the workplace.
• Identify parts of organizations and systems and how they fit together.
• Describe how work moves through a system.
• Describe the changing nature of work, workplaces, and work processes on individuals,
organizations and systems.
• Demonstrate dress, appearance, and personal hygiene appropriate for the work
environment and situation.
• Explain and follow health and safety practices in the work environment.
• Explain and follow regulatory requirements, security procedures, and ethical practices.
Career Development
• Demonstrate career development skills in planning for post high school experiences.
• Assess personal characteristics related to educational and career goals.
• Research and analyze career and educational information.
• Develop and discuss a current plan designed to achieve personal, educational, and
career goals.
• Monitor and evaluate educational and career goals.
• Demonstrate job-seeking skills (e.g., writing resumes, completing applications, and
participating in interviews).
Career-Related Learning Experiences
Participate in career-related learning experiences as outlined in the education
Career-related learning experiences are structured educational experiences that connect
learning to the world beyond the classroom. They are planned in the student’s education plan
in relation to his/her career interests and post-high school goals. Experiences provide
opportunities in which students apply academic, career-related, and technical knowledge and
skills and may also help students to clarify career goals. Communities small and large, rural
and urban can support quality career-related learning experiences. Partnerships with local
employers and community organizations provide a variety of opportunities, building upon the
community’s strengths and resources. Beyond the local community, regional opportunities help
increase the school’s capacity, and technology offers expanding possibilities worldwide.
Career-related learning experiences can take place in a variety of ways and places- in school,
the workplace, or in the community. Most importantly, these experiences are about learning,
not about the type of experience or the place.
Required Components for Career-Related Learning Experiences
1. Career-related learning experiences are outlined in the student’s education plan.
• Experiences relate to the student’s personal and career interests.
2. Career-related learning experiences are structured around learning goals with identified
• Clear guidelines and expectations for the student are set up in advance.
• Standards are identified that the student is preparing to meet.
• Students may demonstrate career-related learning, extended application, academic,
and technical knowledge and skills.
3. Student learning is evaluated based upon identified outcomes.
• Student progress and achievement toward standards and other learning goals are
evaluated by appropriate school and/or career-related learning site providers.
Types of Career-Related Learning Experiences
Work-Based Learning
Structured learning in the workplace provides students an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills in
the work environment and gain an understanding of workplace expectations. Work-based learning
includes experiences in both the private and public sectors, including for example, internships,
structured work experience (paid or unpaid), clinical practicums, and mentorships.
Service learning provides structured experiences in organized community service projects that meet
actual community needs, while demonstrating academic and career-related knowledge and skills.
Students design service-learning projects collaboratively with community partners.
Field-Based Investigations
Field-based investigations include extended projects that involve fieldwork and substantive contact with
adults in business and community institutions that have expertise in the area of study. Students are
guided in the pursuit of solutions to real world problems.
School-Based Learning
School-based experiences provide application through student-managed business enterprises, projects,
or other activities on campus. They engage students in complex, real life problem solving and situations
that are academically rigorous and empower students as active learners. These may include, for
example, project-based learning, school-based enterprises, school newspaper or yearbook, student
leadership activities, and workplace simulations.
Technology-Based Learning
Using a variety of technological tools, such as video conferencing, Internet, and e-mail, mentorships
can provide individual guidance and project assistance by employer and community partners.
NFTE Requirements
In order to use the NFTE model in your youth entrepreneurship class, you
must adhere to NFTE’s minimum requirements as outlined below.
The following items are required to be a NFTE program (and for students to be
NFTE alumni).
It generally takes at least forty hours to complete these requirements:
1. NFTE Certified Teacher (NFTE CET) leads the program.
2. NFTE text (or BizTech) completed – “Basic” portion, as defined below.
3. A completed NFTE written “Basic” Business Plan, as defined below.
4. Each student presents his/her business plan.
5. One additional experiential activity (from list provided below) completed.
Experiential activities (choose at least one):
If your time and resources are limited, the items in bold are recommended because they
provide hands-on ways to learn the important business concepts.
- participate in a wholesale -– retail (selling event) project.
- visit a local business (wholesale, retail, manufacturing or service)
- conduct a community walk about (used to illustrate opportunity recognition)
- involve volunteer business plan coaches
- invite guest speakers on various topics
- visit a bank (learn about banking, credit and loans, etc.)
- interview an entrepreneur
- play a trading, negotiation and magazine game
- conduct market research outside of school
- apply for business license and sales tax ID #
- visit a university
- visit a local chamber of commerce
Please note that this list defines the minimum components required, and that if time and
resources permit, NFTE highly recommends the intermediate or advanced level of the text and
business plan. We especially encourage the full program experience (hands-on activities, guest
speakers, fieldtrips, etc.) outlined in the Teacher Resource Guide lesson plans and sample
1. NFTE CET (Certified Entrepreneurship Teacher) leads program
Certified Entrepreneurship Teachers (CETs) are trained through a three or five day
NFTE University program. CETs are the primary instructors in the classroom.
2. NFTE text (or BizTech) completed – “Basic” portion
All classes must cover the basic section of How to Start and Operate a Small Business: 9th
Revised Edition (chapters 1-14), How to Start and Operate a Small Business: Fundamentals
(chapters 1-14) or BizTech (chapters 1-8). Another possibility is The Young Entrepreneur's
Guide to Starting and Running a Business published by Random House (chapters 1-16).
We highly encourage teachers to use the syllabi and lesson plans provided in the Teacher’s
Resource Guide, which include games, hands-on activities, guest speakers and fieldtrips,
which represent the full NFTE experience.
3. A completed NFTE written “Basic” Business Plan
You may use the 9th edition workbook, pages 75-96 or the Fundamentals Business Plan
workbook - filled out or typed-up in a separate document. You may also use NFTE’s online curriculum, BizTech, and complete the Basic BizPlan chapters. Last, you may use the
Random House book, pages 236-248. The business plan PowerPoint presentation template
provided by NFTE for business plan competitions can be an addition to, but not a substitute
for, completion of a written Basic business plan in the workbook or in BizTech.
4. Each student presents her/his business plan
Every student presents his or her business plan to the class (using the NFTE BizPlan
PowerPoint Presentation Template or a presentation template created by the NFTE
CET). A presentation of a business plan is a summary of key areas with brief talking
points from which one elaborates. The Plan must be evaluated by the teacher with
feedback provided to the students so they can learn how to build on or improve their
plan. (Please refer to the NFTE Business Plan Competition Judge Form for some
Please note:
• A business plan competition is highly encouraged. A competition is defined as:
every student presents his/her business plan (using the NFTE BizPlan
PowerPoint Presentation Template) to a panel of “judges” for a “prize”.
“Judges” can be teachers, classmates, NFTE alums within the school, other
school members, or volunteers from outside the school such as former guest
speakers, funders, entrepreneurs or community leaders. This lends a measure of
formality and helps build support for the program. “Prizes” can be a certificate
(made on a teacher’s computer), trophy or a monetary award depending on the
program’s resources.
• For NFTE citywide or national business plan competitions/awards, both the
intermediate or advanced written plan and PowerPoint presentation are required.
5. One additional experiential activity completed
An explanation of these activities is provided in the Teacher Resource Guide and/or the
Program Guide.
Why are both a written plan and a presentation of a written plan required?
What are the differences?
A written plan is required because it indicates whether a student comprehends the material in
the text and can translate it into a plan for their own business. It also helps youth build writing
skills. Business plan development helps them organize thoughts, convey thoughts (in narrative,
spreadsheets, and tables, etc.) and use proper grammar. In addition, it provides youth with a
formal business plan at program’s end. Our goal is for students to understand the needed
components of a business plan and have a tool they can use after the program ends. For
example, a student needs a full written plan to run the business, raise or borrow capital, or
recruit board members. It may also be used in a portfolio for job interviews and college
A presentation of a business plan is a summary of key areas with brief talking points from
which the student elaborates. Preparing and delivering presentations help youth build
communication skills such as how to distill information into talking points, listen to and answer
questions and present oneself professionally. Youth also have the opportunity to create other
visual displays and be creative in the way they convey the key elements. A wordy, detailed
description copied from the written plan is not a good presentation, nor should the presenter
simply read from the presentation slides.
NFTE Teacher Education Programs:
Becoming a Certified NFTE Instructor
In order to teach a NFTE class, there must be a lead instructor certified to teach NFTE. An
instructor can become certified through any “NFTE University” teacher education program.
NFTE provides three to five day teacher education programs for a $950 registration fee per
participant, plus travel costs.
During the school year, NFTE hosts three-day programs at its headquarters in New
York City, and at select program offices.
NFTE Headquarters
120 Wall Street, 29th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Tel: 800-368-6383
Fax: 212-232-2244
During the summer, NFTE holds four and five day programs, hosted at university
partner campuses nationwide.
o Babson College
o Carnegie Mellon University
o Georgetown University
o Stanford University
o University of Tampa
o Yale School of Management
o New York University
o European Business School London
o Columbia University
o University of Iowa
Applications for programs are managed by the NFTE program offices. For more
information on the teacher education program and training dates, contact your program
office. For Oregon, the program office is located in San Francisco at:
Bay Area NFTE office
Jenna Payne, Director of Programs
275 Fifth Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103-4120
Tel: 415-644-0844
Fax: 415-541-8590
Learn from our experiences! We have had teachers attend both the three and five day
trainings. While it may be difficult to get away for the full five days, it is well worth the extra
time and expense.
Recruiting Students
Why do you need to recruit students?
Recruiting students is one of the most important actions you can take to ensure the success
of your youth entrepreneurship program. Both of the individuals we have had teach the NFTE
class emphasized the necessity of this process. While the class can be taught with students who
have not demonstrated any interest in entrepreneurship, the program will have a greater chance
of success with motivated students. You must hit the hallways and market the program in order
to locate the students that may be interested in starting their own business.
Strategies for recruitment
• Provide information during a school assembly
• Use the school announcements to let students know about the new class
• Create posters to place in the hallways. A sample poster is attached.
• Speak directly with students that you think may have entrepreneurial abilities
• Speak to student advisors, counselors, and other teachers involved with
scheduling students for classes
• Attach quotes from successful entrepreneurs to treats. On the back, write
information about your class. Place these in a basket at the front desk.
Tip 1: Engage students in your entrepreneurship class to help with recruitment. If you
don’t have an entrepreneurial class yet, bring in students from another high school’s
class to help with recruitment.
Tip 2: Use local volunteers to help with recruitment if students are not available.
Our experiences:
In the first year the instructor recruited students one month prior to the start of the semester.
She created posters to hang in the hallways, gave presentations to each class, and spent some
time walking around the hallway speaking with students. The students recruited for the class
were mixed in terms of their academic standing, grade level, involvement in school activities,
and economic background. They all had in common, though, the desire to be their own boss.
Result: Few students dropped the class. All of those completing the class were selfmotivated and created a business plan for a business idea.
In the second year, the instructor did not have time to recruit students in advance of the class.
A volunteer spent the first week of the class recruiting, setting up an interactive informational
table in the hallway. This last minute recruitment effort led to a class filled with students. But
the reason students joined was as likely to be that they didn’t like other classes offered during
the period as it was that they wanted to join the entrepreneurship class.
Result: Most of the students recruited dropped the class at semester. Recruitment had to
be undertaken again for the second semester.
Learn from our experiences! Recruit the semester prior to the beginning of your class.
Ask your Student Advisor about Fall Term Classes.
To enroll, a completed application will be required.
Student Application
Why must students apply?
Immediately following your general recruitment efforts, you should conduct a student
application process. The application process is not used to “weed out” students, but to:
• Provide students with a valuable educational experience. The process of applying for
the class mimics the application process used by employers.
• Make the students feel as though they earned the right to be in the class.
• Help you learn more about what your future class may be interested in, their business
and entrepreneurial skills or background, and to get an idea of what might excite and
interest them about the class.
• Locate students interested in starting their own businesses. The class requires a certain
amount of self direction. While the instructor can provide daily assignments and
interesting exercises, it takes the student’s personal motivation to make the course
The application process consists of:
1. A double sided application completed by the student. The application asks a series of
brief essay questions and asks the student to rate her/his skills as an entrepreneur. Two
variations of the application form are attached. The application should be given to the
student before registering for the course. You will need to set a due date for the
application that allows enough time for you to interview and select the student and
allows enough time for the student to then register. Translation: start early!
Tip 1: Give the student about two weeks to complete the application. Send/make
frequent reminders one week before the due date. Expect to do a final collection on
the last day the forms are due.
Tip 2: Engage students currently in your entrepreneurial course to help recruit and
collect applications.
2. A ten-minute interview with each applicant. The interview should be conducted by the
instructor and may be attended by two to three community members to help make the
process feel more “real” to students. It should be kept small and intimate to avoid
frightening the applicants. For the interview the instructor will need to:
a. Send students information about the time and place of the interview and what
they can expect at least one day in advance.
b. Schedule the interviews back-to-back. Students may be called out of class (if
this is an option) or can come in during their lunch period.
c. Hold the interviews in an empty break room or classroom.
3. After completing the application and interview process, you will need to notify students
that they have been accepted into the course. They will need to make any necessary
additions or changes to their schedule as appropriate. Provide the student with
encouraging feedback about the application and interview.
Entrepreneurship: How to Start and Operate a Small Business
Student Application- DEADLINE Friday, <date>
For the <year, e.g. 2004-2005> Course
Scheduling for this course will be determined after all the applicants have been screened.
Name: ______________________________________________ Class Year: _________
Address: _____________________________________________ Phone: ____________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
1. Why do you want to take this class?
2. What skills and/or knowledge do you hope to gain by taking this class?
3. What will your classmates gain by having you participate in this class?
4. Briefly list any jobs, internships, and/or volunteer experiences you have participated in.
5. List any hobbies and/or extra-curricular activities you are involved in.
6. What are your plans for after graduation from high school?
7. What are your goals or vision for your future?
Please complete “How much of an Entrepreneur are YOU?” on the reverse of this page. Thank
Please return completed application to <teacher name>.
How much of an Entrepreneur are you?*
Highly Motivated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sticking to a task or goal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Risk Taking
Willing to take chances
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Life and work in order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sure of yourself
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Able to convince others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Open, truthful
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Eager to win
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coping with new situations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Empathy with others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Able to keep goals in mind
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date ______
Total Score ____
*Adapted from The National Federation of Independent Businesses, Entrepreneur Series, 1983.
Entrepreneurship: How to Start and Operate a Small Business
Student Application for the 2005-2006 Entrepreneurial Course
This form must be completed and returned to <teacher name>.
Name: ______________________________________________ Class Year: _________
Address: _____________________________________________ Phone: ____________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
Why do you want to take this course on entrepreneurship?
What skills and/or knowledge do you hope to gain by taking this class?
Have you ever had your own business or had a good idea for one? Please explain.
Please complete “How much of an Entrepreneur are YOU?” on the reverse of this page. Thank
How much of an Entrepreneur are you?*
Highly Motivated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sticking to a task or goal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Risk Taking
Willing to take chances
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Life and work in order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sure of yourself
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Able to convince others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Open, truthful
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Eager to win
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Coping with new situations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Empathy with others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Able to keep goals in mind
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date ______
Total Score ____
*Adapted from The National Federation of Independent Businesses, Entrepreneur Series, 1983.
Classroom Volunteers
The NFTE model encourages using community members as volunteer instructors in the
classroom. It also encourages developing connections between students and business
people in their community. There are a number of ways you can use volunteers and
promote community interaction. A few methods are listed below.
How do I promote interaction between students and the community?
Visit local businesses
A visit to a local business can help your students generate ideas for their own
businesses, learn what is required to create a successful business, or find out more
about their competitors. Ask your students what they are interested in and visit
competitors, or visit a business that could generate lots of different ideas. Focus on
opportunity recognition exercises that will help your students think critically about
what type of business they could create. These visits are good to set up for the first
couple of weeks of the class when students are fresh and looking for ideas.
To arrange a visit, call the owner of the business you wish to visit at least two
weeks in advance. Let her/him know:
ƒ that you are the instructor for a youth entrepreneurship class that teaches
students how to start their own businesses
ƒ that you are interested in bringing a group of students over for a tour of
the business and Q&A session with the owner
ƒ the number of students you propose bringing
ƒ the time you wish to visit, which will be the period during which you
regularly hold the class
If the owner agrees to a visit, determine a date when you would be able to come. At
least two days prior to the visit, call the owner again to confirm the visit as
Prior to the visit you will need to:
ƒ arrange for transportation to the business
ƒ arrange for a substitute teacher if you will be away for more than one
class period
ƒ send permission slips home to parents and ensure that all come back
with valid signatures
ƒ prepare students for the visit, what to expect, and what they are expected
to get from it. Let them know if there will there be an assignment related
to the visit.
Following the visit, thank the business owner for meeting with your students. A
thank you directly from the students works even better. Spend part or all of the next
class session discussing what the students noticed during their visit.
Learn from our experiences! Videotape and/or take pictures of your excursions and your
students reactions. It will help you promote the class for following years.
Have your students complete a community profile
One opportunity recognition exercise that students can undertake that will get them
to interact with others in the community is a community profile. Students should
spend some time thinking about what is available in their community currently and
what they find lacking that they could provide as an entrepreneur. They should
speak with other members of their community about what these members think
makes their community unique and what it is missing. The students can then take
the responses from their community and begin to think like an entrepreneur in
identifying possible business opportunities. For instance, if a number of people the
students speak to mention that they have a hard time getting to the store, maybe
there is room for a grocery delivery service in town.
Encourage business owners to act as mentors
You can establish relationships with local business owners by pairing them with
students in your class. These owners can act as business mentors for your students.
This process is potentially very time consuming. If you have a program that helps
set-up internships or job shadowing experiences with students, it is recommended
that you rely on them for assistance. This option is mentioned because it has the
potential to be valuable to students, but currently it is not being utilized in our
Have students conduct business and market research
The process of developing a business plan in the NFTE class will require students
to interact with their community and competitors while researching their business.
This should happen naturally, but it will require the instructor’s encouragement.
The instructor will need to set aside class time or assign homework that will give
students the time and opportunity to conduct their research. Such research could
include such things as:
ƒ Speaking with competitors about what products/services they offer
ƒ After identifying a target market, conducting a survey of the market to
determine if the potential customer would be willing to purchase the
product or service.
Invite local community members to view PowerPoint presentations by students
Both NFTE instructors have invited community members to attend presentations by
their students. These presentations explain the basic facts about the student’s
business idea before the student completes a final written business plan. Each year,
the instructor has taken a different approach in using this tool. A complete
explanation of the approaches can be found in the “PowerPoint Presentations by
Students” section.
Ask local community members to be judges for a Business Plan Competition
Consider holding a business plan competition and asking local community members
to judge the competition. More information on how to organize a business plan
competition is included in the “Business Plan Competition” section of this
Learn from our experiences! Inviting community members to presentations by
students can be a great tool for building support for your program and encouraging for
How do I utilize volunteers in the classroom?
Step One: Educate volunteers
Educating volunteers prior to the start of your NFTE class is a vital part of the program if you
wish to use these volunteers to help you with instruction. Professionals from the business
community, in assisting with instruction, can bring years of experience as well as new insight
into your class. This can be especially helpful in the first year as you become familiar with the
new curriculum. If you have decided not to use volunteers to assist with instruction, but rather
want to ask them in as guest speakers or mentors, you may skip this section and go on to step
If you wish to use a large number of volunteers to help with instruction, consider holding a
community workshop to teach them the NFTE basics. The workshop should be designed to fit
your needs, but some of the things you should consider are:
• Length of the workshop
It will take about a half day to do a complete training for your volunteers.
• Who to invite
First, think about who will have the time and experience to assist you. An
individual currently starting or running a small business may not be able to get
away from their business. It may be appropriate to ask them to be a guest speaker or
for a tour of their operation, but they likely won’t have the time to teach. However,
someone who has recently retired may be more likely to have the time to dedicate to
helping with your class. Next, think about your strengths and weaknesses in
teaching the material. Are you really good at teaching students how to design a
marketing plan but all thumbs when it comes to financial statements? Consider
contacting a retired accountant, your local Small Business Development Center
(SBDC) or Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE). Some likely contacts
that you can try are:
ƒ SBDC. To find contact information for your local office go to:
ƒ SCORE. To find your local SCORE chapter go to:
ƒ Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Near the bottom of
the page is a form to search for local contacts.
ƒ Local Chamber of Commerce. They will know local businesses.
ƒ Local community college or university. They may have business
students that would be willing to assist you in the classroom.
• When to hold the workshop
Setting a day and time for the workshop can be tricky, especially if the material you
wish to cover will take a number of hours. If you already have volunteers in mind,
ask them what would be the best day and time for them that will also work within
your own time constraints. If you are setting up a workshop prior to volunteer
recruitment, consider what other commitments your volunteers are likely to have.
Are they likely working during the day? During the evening? Are there community
events or meetings that you need to avoid?
Where to hold the workshop
The best place to hold the workshop is in the classroom in which you will be
teaching. This allows volunteers time to become familiar with their surroundings. It
will also make it easier for you to explain where things are and for your volunteers
to visualize their roles.
Food and beverage
Consider providing light snacks and water, or ask your volunteers to bring their
own, especially if it will be a longer workshop. Also, remember to allow time for
breaks during the workshop.
What to cover
This workshop should help the volunteer understand the basics of the youth
entrepreneurship program including how the class is run and a basic overview of
what students will learn. It is not intended to explain exactly what a volunteer
would do in a specific class period as that is explained in the lesson plan. Rather, it
should give an overview of the main sections to give them an understanding of how
to present material to the students. Included in the topics you cover in the workshop
should be:
ƒ School rules and regulations
ƒ Overview of class, such as when and where it meets
ƒ Overview of NFTE, including the mission and objectives
ƒ NFTE materials used in the class and contents of the NFTE book
ƒ Student requirements for completing the class
ƒ How to use the instructor’s materials
Bring NFTE textbooks, workbooks, teacher’s manuals, paper, and pens.
Clearly outline expectations for your volunteers. If they complete this training will
they be asked to complete a certain number of hours in the classroom? Will they be
responsible for a full lesson plan on the days they are available?
Background check
This is a good time to gain your volunteers’ consent to perform a criminal
background check on them, if this is required by the district or of concern to you.
Make certain to have the necessary paperwork available at the workshop.
Learn about your volunteers
The workshop is an ideal time to discover the strengths of your volunteers.
Learning these strengths is essential for helping you determine when and how they
can help you in the classroom. Also, this time should be used to determine when a
volunteer would potentially be available based on her/his current schedule.
If you want to use only one or two volunteers in the classroom, you may meet with the
volunteers individually to review the necessary material, determine strengths, and gain consent
to a background check, if necessary.
If you choose to utilize volunteers to help teach, it is a good idea to have a second instructor’s
manual on hand as a loaner. The instructor’s manual does a good job of working out individual
lesson plans.
Step Two: Bring in your volunteers as guest instructors or guest speakers
When you are at a point that you can use a volunteer in the classroom you should:
• Make initial contact with the volunteer. Let them know:
1. What time you would like them to come to class. Confirm that they will be
available for the date and time you want at least two weeks in advance.
2. What you have been covering in the class and how you think they can assist
you. Explain what you would expect from a presentation and ask the volunteer
if they are comfortable delivering a presentation to address the issue(s).
• At least two days prior to your class:
1. Follow up with a reminder to the volunteer.
2. Determine the audio-visual needs of the volunteer and if they will need copies
of handouts made.
3. Gather information from the volunteer that will help you prepare an introduction
to the class that adequately explains the experience and knowledge the volunteer
has to offer.
• Notify students in advance that they will be hearing from a local community member.
Let the students know what is expected of them during and after the volunteer’s
• The day a volunteer is scheduled to appear:
1. Arrange for a student to meet the volunteer at the front desk if the volunteer is
required to sign-in
2. Have students prepare nametags if you think it will help the volunteer
3. Provide an introduction of the guest
4. Thank the guest for their time
PowerPoint Presentations by Students
In order to complete the NFTE requirements, each student must present her/his business
plan. We recommend that these presentations be made in the presence of classmates, the
instructor, volunteers involved with the program, community members, and parents. Both
of the instructors teaching our NFTE course chose to have their students prepare
presentations for this type of group. A description of each presentation is provided in this
section with any supporting materials the instructors used. These descriptions should give
you an idea of how to help your students develop a similar event.
Presentations by Students
Year One
During the first year of the NFTE class, students were required to present their business plan
only once before a group of community members, students, and teachers during the final week
of class. Each presentation incorporated all of the research and planning the student had
completed on their business plan.
• Invitations
Invitations were extended to community members who had been guest speakers over
the course of the semester. E-mails were sent by the instructor notifying these
individuals of the date, time, and location of the presentations.
• Location of event
The event was held at Waldport High School in the multimedia/computer room. This
was the only location that allowed for projection of the presentations. A row of chairs
was set up in front of the screen for visitors.
• Timing
Students presented their business plans over the course of a single class period during
the last week of school.
• Structure of the presentations
The instructor introduced the students and gave a brief overview of the NFTE class.
The students then proceeded to present their business plans, followed by a brief
question and answer session.
• Requirements of the students
Presentations were graded. Each student was required to have the following elements
in their PowerPoint:
ƒ Business name
ƒ Business profile with mission statement, type of business, and legal
ƒ Economics of one unit with the definition of one unit, selling price per
unit, cost to produce one unit, and gross profit per unit
ƒ Market analysis describing the target market
ƒ List of competitors and explanation of the business’s competitive
ƒ Marketing plan
ƒ Monthly sales projection
ƒ Start-up investment, including where items could be purchased
ƒ Financing strategy for start-up investment
ƒ Average monthly operating costs
ƒ Projected yearly income statement
ƒ Return on Investment and Break Even Analysis
ƒ Business and educational Goals
ƒ Philanthropy plan
ƒ Intellectual property to include a logo, and any needs for patents,
copyrights, or trademarks
ƒ Time management plan
Length of time required for student preparation
The students began working on their individual business plans halfway through the
semester. It took approximately two weeks for them to put their written information
into a PowerPoint presentation and make corrections as recommended by the
Handouts/Materials given to visitors:
Mechanism for feedback
Students were given verbal feedback immediately following their presentation. Due
to the fact that there was only one set of presentations and that they were given at the
end of the year, there was not time allowed for students to make changes in the
classroom setting in response to the feedback. If the class had been able to do
presentations twice during the semester, the students would have been able to respond
to changes before their final event
Learn from our experiences! Invite community members to a presentation by
students halfway through the project in addition to a final event. The mid-way
presentations will allow students to make changes to their business plans in response to the
feedback they receive before they create a final document.
Presentations by Students
Year Two
During the second year, the first set of presentations was given one month into the second
semester, just after new students were recruited. Since this class is still ongoing, the students
have not yet given final presentations. However, creating opportunities for presentations early
in the second semester allowed students to receive feedback from experienced business people,
react to this feedback and change their plans accordingly.
The first set of presentations assigned by the instructor was a competition to arrive at a name
and product for the school based enterprise, a Smoothie Business. Presentations were given
over the course of two days, with one day for follow-up. Each presentation incorporated all
research the students groups had done up to that point.
• Invitations
Invitations were extended to five individuals with previous involvement with the
class. Invitations were made by the instructor via e-mail.
• Location of event
The WHS home-ec room was the initial meeting location for the invitees. Students
produced their smoothies in the home-ec room, served their guests, then brought them
to the multimedia center for the main presentations.
• Timing
Presentation took place over the course of two days. An explanation of the class and
two presentations by student groups occurred on the Friday before spring break. The
remaining presentations were given the Monday after spring break because some
students needed additional preparation.
• Structure of the presentations
The presentation program was entirely student-run. An agenda describing the
sequence of events is attached.
• Requirements of the students
A description of the assignment given to students is attached.
• Length of time required for student preparation
Many of the students presenting had been in the class for only about one month.
• Handouts/Materials given to the visitors (samples are attached)
ƒ Agenda
ƒ Assignment description
ƒ List of competitors
ƒ Feedback sheets
• Mechanism for feedback
Students were given verbal feedback immediately following their presentation. In
addition, feedback was given to the entire group at the conclusion of each day. Each
individual attending the presentations received a packet which included a page for
recording comments. The attendees were asked to return on the third day (Tuesday
after spring break) to share these comments with the students. This class period was
led by one of the students, which was an impressive aspect of the program. Additional
thoughts were provided by the visitors via e-mail. These comments were read and
discussed the following day.
a. Meet the students
b. Enjoy a cool and delicious smoothie
Introduction- (student name)
a. Introduction of new and old students
b. Explanation of the business
PowerPoint Presentation about the class
Explanation of class assignment- (student name)
Introduction to first presentation- (student name)
a. presentation by (student names)
Introduction to second presentation- (student name)
a. Smoothie
b. Presentation by (student names)
Introduction to third presentation- (student name)
a. Smoothie
b. PowerPoint presentation by (student names)
VIII. Introduction to fourth presentation- (student name)
a. Smoothies
b. PowerPoint presentations by (student names)
Introduction to fifth presentation- (student name)
a. Smoothie
b. PowerPoint presentation by (student names)
Introduction to sixth presentation- (student name)
a. Smoothie
b. PowerPoint presentation by (student names)
Entrepreneurship PowerPoint Assignment
Worth 150 Points
Prize: $20.00 or a Pizza Party for the Company who wins
Create a PowerPoint presentation. You may work by yourself or you may work in a group.
Focus on the product you are selling. Come up with an appropriate name for your
business that REPRESENTS who you are, what you’re all about, and what you are
Things to include in your presentation:
- Company Name
- Logo
- Slogan
- Attire your workers will wear
- Mission Statement
- New Recipe using frozen fruit, please
ƒ Ingredients
ƒ Amounts/weights/sizes
- COGS (Cost of Goods) for 1 unit
- Sales Price- compare your price to other companies
- Incorporate video
- Incorporate music
- Serving your drink to the class
- Make a sample of your drink to serve to the class
- Include a presentation on why you came up with your recipe: market
research/consumer requests
How it will be graded
- spectacularness
- originality
- practicality
- creativity
- tastefulness= meaning- can we show it to everyone
- tastefulness= meaning- is the recipe delicious
- appropriateness
- team work!!
Business Plan Competition
Once you have developed a strong program, consider holding a business plan competition at
the end of each school year for the students who have completed the class with a written
business plan. In the first two years our program did not conduct a business plan competition
since we were still working out the program basics. It is our goal to hold a competition in the
third year, with the winning concept receiving $1,000 in start-up capital. The following
information should provide a simple framework for such a competition.
• Planning
Prepare for the business plan competition early as you will need to ask for donations for
awards and recruit volunteers to assist you during the competition. Judging of the
business plans can take place in advance of the competition with the event being a way
for the students to proudly present their work to the community and celebrate their
• Expectations of Students
As a result of completion of the NFTE course, students should have a completed
business plan. For the competition they should be expected to:
ƒ Dress up
ƒ Provide a polished, written copy of their business plans
ƒ Prepare a PowerPoint presentation and speech
Also, the students should be intricately involved in planning the event. They can help to
develop a program for the evening and send invitations. Students should also determine
who they would like to MC the event and formally request the involvement of this
• Invitations
Invitations should be extended three weeks in advance of your planned competition.
You may request that invitees respond at least two weeks in advance if they wish to
attend or you may leave it as an open invitation. Consider inviting:
ƒ Parents/Guardians and family of your students
ƒ Teachers
ƒ Administrators
ƒ Community Members, including the mayor, city councilors, and
chamber of commerce board of directors.
ƒ Representative from each of your local banks
ƒ Volunteers with your program
• Location of the Event
Consider holding the event in your school gym or media center. The area must provide
adequate seating for the guests you have invited and have the capabilities to support
AV equipment. Consider an area that will allow you to provide refreshments after the
• Timing
The event should be held on an evening prior to graduation and a few days before
classes end.
• Presentation Requirements
In order to host the event you will need to make sure that you have the following
AV equipment
podium with sound system
Programs for guests
Video and camera to record the competition and take still pictures.
Request that one of your volunteers or another student take on this
responsibility to leave you free to deal with event details.
You will need to locate a panel of judges for the competition and develop a criteria
for judging. If a local bank is sponsoring the prize, at least one representative of the
bank should be involved with selection. Judges should not have personal connections
to students and should be knowledgeable about business creation. Potential judges
ƒ Bank
ƒ Individuals who work with private, non profit, or government business
assistance programs
ƒ Small business owners
Give judges written plans in advance of the competition. Criteria for judging should be
based upon things such as:
ƒ Can the student clearly present her/his business concept? Is this concept
based on sound research and analysis?
ƒ Is the business idea viable?
ƒ Has the student identified a market for the service or product?
ƒ Does the business provide a new, unique, or improved service or
ƒ Has the student provided realistic cash flow and sales projections?
ƒ Does the business have the potential to be profitable?
Ask local banks to provide funds for start-up capital for the winning business. Ask
banks at the beginning of the school year to provide these funds and make sure that the
donation is prominently acknowledged. The award should be made to the student at the
conclusion of the evening and distributed to an account which they can access for
continued education or business needs. Have certificates printed for all students
completing a plan.
Invite the media to attend the event. Provide additional recognition for your students at
graduation, an assembly, or awards banquet as appropriate.
Lessons Learned
Length of Class
If you are trying to teach the NFTE basics and create a school based enterprise, your class will
need at least a full year of instruction. One semester does not allow enough time for students to
grasp business concepts and develop a finalized business plan.
Instructor Training
We have had teachers attend both the three and five day NFTE University trainings. While it
may be difficult to get away for the full five days, it is well worth the extra time and expense.
Recruiting Students
Recruit students the semester prior to the beginning of your class. Spending time recruiting
students beforehand will pay off when the class is in session.
Student Applications
Have students go through an application process. Whether you have students fill out an
application, attend an interview, or both, they will feel as though they have earned the right to
be part of the class. It is also a valuable educational exercise for students to take part in.
Record Experiences
Videotape and/or take pictures of your class, field trips, and events. It will help you promote
the class for following years. It can also be useful for developing presentations to gain school
district and community support.
Multiple Student Presentations
Invite community members to oral presentations by students. It will help build support for your
program and provide a means for your students to get feedback about their ideas. Try to
arrange for students to do at least two presentations, one mid-way through their project and one
at the end.
This is part one of two of the youth entrepreneurship manuals developed by the Oregon Coast
Community College Small Business Development Center. It was designed to lead you through
creating or improving a NFTE youth entrepreneurship class. Part one of this manual can be
used in conjunction with our second manual, which deals with the creation of School Based
Enterprises. As mentioned before, please utilize the information provided in a manner that
makes sense for your local community and environment. Most of the lessons learned can be
transferred to a wide array of programs, both in-school and after-school.
If you have any questions about our youth entrepreneurship programs, please contact the Small
Business Development Center.
Contact Information:
Oregon Coast Community College
Small Business Development Center
1206 SE 38th Street
FAX 541/996-4958
CAM- Certificate of Advanced Mastery. “The Certificate of Advanced Mastery (CAM) is an
award earned by students who have demonstrated rigorous application of knowledge and skills
in preparation for their post-high school goals.” – ODE
CET- Certified Entrepreneurship Teacher. A CET is the primary instructor for a NFTE class
and is trained through a NFTE University program.
CIM- Certificate of Initial Mastery. “The Certificate of Initial Mastery CIM) is an award
earned by students who have met performance standards on state tests and classroom work
samples in English/language arts, mathematics, and science.” - ODE
CRLS- Career Related Learning Standards. Information about CRLS can be found in the
“Career Related Learning Requirements” section.
LCSD- Lincoln County School District.
NFTE- National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship. “NFTE teaches entrepreneurship
to young people from low-income communities to enhance their economic productivity by
improving their business, academic and life skills.”
OCCC- Oregon Coast Community College.
ODE- Oregon Department of Education.
PASS- Proficiency- based Admission Standards System.
RCSP- Rural Community School Program.
REAL- Rural Entrepreneurship Through Action Learning. REAL offers experiential
entrepreneurship education programs for students from Kindergarten through Post-Secondary
RSVP- Retired Senior Volunteer Program. “RSVP connects volunteers age 55 and older with
service opportunities in their communities.”
SBDC- Small Business Development Center. Provides one-on-one counseling, training and
information referral to help start, grow, and retain small business.
SBE- School Based Enterprise.
SCORE- Service Corps of Retired Executives. SCORE provides free counseling to help
encourage the formation, growth, and success of small businesses.
VISTA- Volunteers in Service to America. A national service program in which individuals
serve for one year to create and expand programs that ultimately bring low-income individuals
and communities out of poverty.
WHS- Waldport High School.