Tadley & District Community Association


Tadley & District Community Association
Tadley & District
Tadley Youth Project Business Plan
Aims & Objectives
Financial Information
Operational Plans
Architects Drawings
Structure of the Association
Latest Chairman’s and Financial Reports
Project Schedule
Public Consultation
Estimated Running Costs
Feasibility Study
The Tadley & District Community Centre (TDCC) is a modern building serving
the local community of Tadley, Baughurst, Pamber Heath, Silchester and other
nearby hamlets. It is situated in Newchurch Road adjacent to Burnham Copse
Primary School on the north side of Tadley.
The building is a single storey facility comprising a large hall with a folding
dividing wall that can be used to create two separate independent halls, 2 small
conservatory type meeting rooms and 2 small halls (one currently used during
the day time as part of the nursery). The building also has a fully equipped,
refurbished kitchen and communal coffee area, and a small enclosed outside
patio area. It offers adaptable accommodation for many differing needs which
includes a community cinema, wedding receptions, private parties and keep fit
classes. TDCC also plays host to a Phase 3 Surestart Childrens Centre and
outside there are two large car parks.
The building is owned by Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council (BDBC) on a
21 year lease to Tadley & District Community Association (TDCA) who run the
Building on the continuing and growing success of the Centre, TDCA’s vision is to now provide a dedicated youth building for the young people of Tadley and
surrounding district.
The business plan is designed to achieve the following aims:
• To construct a self-contained youth building which provides a safe neutral
environment for young people where they can enjoy activities and programmes
that are effective in addressing the issues that are significant to their lives as
they move into adulthood
• To form and maintain links with partners so the above aim may be realized
• To encourage new enterprises and community initiatives that can deliver specialised training, apprenticeship, mentoring, employment and life style
opportunities for Tadley and district’s young people where there are identified gaps in such provision
• To assist young people in designing and setting up their own enterprises in collaboration with other public, private and voluntary sectors
TDCA is committed to engaging with the youth of Tadley and adjoining parishes
and to providing them with constructive activities and youth club sessions. BDBC
updated their Community Safety and Development Review in 2009 and identified
Tadley as an area with limited youth facilities and activities. Additionally,
BDBC’s Leisure and Recreation Needs Assessment consultation identified a
need for additional and better youth provision. Surveys carried out by Tadley
Town Council in the past have identified a need for a youth facility in the Tadley
area. TDCA have also identified a similar need and have been running youth
activities at the Centre for the past two years on a Thursday evening with, at
times up to 100 young people attending. Outreach work is also done by the
Association on a Wednesday evening, based at the Hurst Science College.
The youth are now outgrowing the Centre and need their own space in order to
grow and develop. Recent acquisition of land at the rear of TDCC by BDBC
from Hampshire County Council (HCC) now gives the opportunity of constructing
a self-contained youth building. BDBC owns the freehold on the proposed site,
that will be added to the existing lease to TDCA which already manages the
Centre, the new youth building will also be overseen by TDCA.
Architects have been appointed following a local tendering process to develop
concept sketches and plans for the building and its site. The Tadley & District
Youth Council and youth club attendees have provided ACB Design (the architects)
with a detailed description of their requirements for a youth building (Appendix 1).
The ground floor would be set up “café-style” with a server area and tables and
comfortable chairs, with a double height multipurpose hall and side rooms for
smaller group discussions or private interviews. The first floor would have another
multipurpose hall, storage areas, more side rooms and a music studio. The design
of this building will foster a sense of ownership among young people.
The youth building will:
provide a safe, comfortable, neutral and informal social gathering place for
young people in the evenings and at the weekend
compliment other youth provision in the area
incorporate access to the internet, provide a film, live music and events
space and meeting rooms
offer young people the opportunities to pursue their own interests in IT,
music, film making, dance etc.
the café will operate on a social enterprise basis, offering experience and
training opportunities for young people
provide a base for young people related services which can be used by a
range of professionals to deliver services to, and with, young people
Tadley was a small village that has over the past seventy years seen significant
development. Prior to World War 2 little had shaped the community, with the
outbreak of war, land owned by the Manor House, Aldermaston, located to the
north of the village, was purchased by the Ministry of Supply and used to
construct an airfield for the US Army Air Force. Prior to D-Day the airfield was a
staging post for US forces.
Following the war the airfield was used by the British Overseas Airways
Corporation to train flight crews. In the early 1950's the Government designated
RAF Aldermaston as the home for a top secret facility to develop the UK's
nuclear weapon capability. As a result a whole new community was developed
on the outskirts of the airfield for housing to accommodate staff working at this
new establishment. Many buildings that had been constructed for the US forces
prior to the invasion of Europe were reutilised and used as community buildings.
In the case of TDCC the old gymnasium was adapted for community use and
included a small hall with staging, and a function room. As the area grew to meet
demand a wooden portacabin type structure was added to the rear car park as
an additional meeting room. By the 1980's the building had reached its sell by
date and was in need of replacement as it was subjected to much vandalism.
In 1994 a brand new purpose designed facility was constructed by BDBC at a
cost of £1m and incorporated many facilities including a wooden sprung floor to
the two main halls. The building also features access facilities for all age groups
and disabilities.
Tadley now has a population of 11,473 with a hinterland (Baughurst, Pamber,
Aldermaston and Silchester) population of 7038 (2011census) and serves a
youth population between the ages of 10 and 19 of 2173 (2011 census). There
is one secondary school in the area, the Hurst Community College with a
population of 962 pupils.
The primary purpose of the TDCA is to bring together all local residents, local
authorities, voluntary and other organisations to provide education and
recreation facilities with the object of improving the conditions of life for local
people without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious
or other opinions.
The TDCA which is a registered charity maintains and manages the Community
Centre. The Association aims to promote the building as a focal point of the
local area by providing a wide variety of resources and services for the
community including preschool provision, health activities and clinics, senior
citizens clubs, parent and toddler groups, community cinema, lifelong learning
and youth activities. Where necessary, partners are sought to facilitate these
The TDCA strives to identify needs in the local community and use its influence
to create a place where local resident’s needs are met. The management of the
TDCA is currently structured as follows:
Users & Members Forum - Body elected from user groups and
membership and meets twice yearly to ratify changes to constitution etc.
Trustees Management Committee - Body elected at the AGM,
responsible for day to day management and running of the Centre and
meets usually every six to eight weeks.
The strengths of the Association lie in the diverse and experienced team of
volunteers that sit both on the Members & Users forum and on the Managing
Trustee Committee. The main asset of the Association is the Centre Manager,
the administrative volunteers and the volunteer youth worker, who have
continually built up the youth activities which take place in the Centre.
ACB (the architects) have carried out a feasibility study which has consulted
with local people and users of the facility to assess the most efficient and
effective use of the land and as to how the youth building will be incorporated
into the existing site (but as a separate building). The building will be
sustainable and is to be of dual use for the wider community when not be
accessed by the youth (particularly during term time and day time).
Consultations with members of the Tadley & District Youth Council and the
young people at recent youth club sessions were very positive, with some good
ideas for the detail of the design.
The Construction Phase
There are four main partners working together to deliver the building:
1. Young people who attend youth activities at the Community Centre and the
Tadley & District Youth Council who have experience of working with TDCA and
TTC. They are extremely good at making sure their views are known.
2. TDCA has been working closely with young people who attend the youth
activities at the Centre and has a volunteer youth worker who oversees
3. TTC has strived to understand the needs of young people and has a long
history of supporting them to achieve their aims. This is evidenced by the past
provision of play areas, a skateboard park with CCTV, an aerial runway, a multiuse games area, an annual Christmas event and close working ties with the
Tadley & District Youth Council. In 2007 the Town Council carried out a town
survey which included surveys specifically aimed at children in the age groups 7
- 16.
4. Turbary Allotment Charity (TAC) may under the terms of its Charity
Commission scheme apply any surplus income for any charitable purpose for the
general benefit of the inhabitants in the area. The Trustees believe this is a
worthy scheme for them to fulfil this objective.
The Delivery Phase
There are three main partners working together to run the building:
1. TDCA will have the overall management responsibility for the youth building
through the Trustee Management Committee (see Appendix 2) which operates
within the guidelines and standards of the Charity Commission and to the
objects set out in the TDCA Constitution.
2. Organisations will be used to deliver the activities decided by young people
and a range of advice and information services, such as:
Tadley & District Youth Council
Basingstoke Voluntary Services youth services
Independent people
TASTE (youth section of Community Church)
Hurst Community College, possibly pupil support, work with excluded
pupils, cooking lessons, life skills, music sessions
Burnham Copse School
Bishopswood School
Tadley School
BDBC Streetz initiative
Young carers group
HCC youth work
3. Funding partners to sponsor the facility and the café, such as:
 Sainsburys
 Tesco
 Costa Coffee
It is hoped to attract more partners in time:
Hampshire Constabulary to foster good relations
Tadley & District Chamber of Trade to support the development of the facility as
a social enterprise
The aims and objectives are:
secure land to the rear of the Centre for the provision of a youth building Achieved
consult with residents and encourage involvement in the youth building –
Ongoing (see Appendix 6)
develop community partnerships in order to provide a youth building – In
to provide a safe and neutral environment for young people
explore sponsorship opportunities
generation of income through café sales, to run as a social enterprise
along semi-business lines giving young people opportunities including
volunteering, training and wider business possibilities, with young people
as managers and customers not clients.
recruit a wide range of volunteers
youth building be maintained and managed by the TDCA with support
from Tadley & District Youth Council
further development of the relationship with young people and the
promote the use of the building by other groups supporting young people
to increase evening sessions and half term activities, potentially weekend
optimize use of the building during the day when not in use by young
It is anticipated the capital cost of the building will be in the region of £687000.
£250000 has been pledged by the TAC and TTC has already pledged £50000.
TTC is to hold a ballot (run by Electoral Reform Services) in February and March
2014 and it is anticipated this will show support for the project. If the outcome of
the ballot is positive then TTC will take out a Public Works Loan for £250000.
TDCA are actively seeking additional funding for the anticipated shortfall in
funding. One source of funding being explored is the Local Infrastructure Fund
being administered by BDBC, there is potentially up to £175,892 funding for the
parishes of Tadley, Baughurst, Silchester and Pamber available. This is subject
to agreement from adjoining parishes and also gaining support from Borough
BDBC has already provided a grant of £10,300 to enable the feasibility study to
take place.
Recent changes to VAT rules apply a zero rating to new builds for charitable
For the fitting out of the building, existing equipment and facilities will be used
initially. This will be updated over a 12 to 18 month period of the building being
opened. The finance for this would be raised through separate fundraising.
Continued funding of youth work and support for community premises within the
Tadley is promised by HCC and £6000 is currently received per annum for this.
Basingstoke Voluntary Services youth services will take over the running of the
youth services.
It is hoped that Tadley and adjoining parishes will also contribute towards the
provision of youth work in the area.
It is expected that the new youth building overheads and utility bills will be in the
region of £32,500 per annum and that this will be more than offset by the costs of
lettings. Income received through youth activities for the period 1/1/13 – 31/12/13
was £13,286 and expenditure was £8,171.
Revenue will be generated through the café facility. The charge for refreshments
will be slightly above cost but not at commercial rates.
There will be modest charges for special events and film showings, determined
by the young people organising the events. Additional revenue will be generated
through lettings relating to meeting room space, the music/activity room, and live
events spaces.
Sponsorship will be sought for training and social enterprise and for some core
TDCA will develop a ‘mixed economy’ to support the revenue costs to include:
 Rental income - long-term and short-term space use within the building
 Project/programme grant funding with overhead costs built in
 Other self-generated income from events and programmes
Ground Floor
Entrance - Door stewarding will be in place for special events and Friday and
Saturday evenings.
Café - This is the core offer, a modern café venue for young people to gather
informally. It will include a modern café servery, of the kind available in
commercial coffee bar chains, serving hot snacks and drinks at slightly above
cost price. The area will have a range of soft seating, tables, chairs, internet
facilities and TV.
Kitchen area - To prepare food for café, to train individual young people in basic
catering skills, food storage area.
Double height multipurpose hall - This will be used for a variety of events such
as film screenings, live performances, music rehearsal, discos, dance and art.
WCs and storage areas.
Activity pod and side room – These will be used for informal gathering and
breakout sessions.
Small meeting/activity room – This will be used for advice and information e.g.
Basingstoke Voluntary Services youth services work and Sexual Health
Consultation room – This too will be used for advice and information,
Secure outside garden area, partially undercover - To be used as outdoor social
space, equipped for barbecues in the summer and lighting for the winter. It may
house a small vegetable plot to provide salad and vegetables for the café.
Upper Floor
Multipurpose hall - This will be used for a variety of events such as film
screenings, live performances, music rehearsal, discos, dance and art.
WCs and storage areas.
Small meeting room – For use by young people and delivery partners.
Music studio - To be used for recording, mixing and production.
Breakout space – For informal gatherings.
Opening Hours
The building will be available from 9am - midnight for use. The upstairs rooms
will be available for hire throughout that time for booked activities. Downstairs
will be available for booked activities when not open as a cafe.
The aim initially is to open the cafe:
Monday - Thursday evenings 4pm - 10pm (with hot food until 8pm)
Friday evening 4pm - 11pm
Saturday afternoon 1pm - 5pm
Saturday evening 6pm - 11pm
Sunday 1pm - 10pm
These hours have been drawn up in discussion with young people. Morning
opening is not considered a core priority, and specific funding will be sought for
extended opening during school holidays depending upon other partnership
activities in the building. The closure between afternoon and evening opening
on Saturday is to provide for clearing up and rearrangement prior to evening
If sufficient revenue is not available the focus will be on weekend opening of the
cafe as an informal venue. Work will go on to secure funding and partnerships to
deliver services to young people across the week and to enable the café to open
weekday afternoons and nights.
Staffing Structure
A staffing structure has been developed to enable the core opening hours to
take place and to give the capacity to respond flexibility to funding availability for
changes to opening hours. This reflects the semi-commercial nature of the cafe
and building where young people are treated as customers and the desire to
offer young people with volunteer and training opportunities. The cafe work and
trainee opportunities will be overseen by the Centre Manager.
The voluntary staffing roles have been designed as they would for the
management of a commercial venue. The aim is to find people who can run
facilities who also have an aptitude for working with young people and who are
willing to support young people as leaders and entrepreneurs. The roles for
young people will provide opportunities to develop experience of work and basic
The voluntary professional roles identified are:
Youth Building & Café Facilities Manager
Youth Building & Café Catering Manager
Youth Building & Café Cleaning Manager
The roles for young people have been identified as:
Youth Building & Café Trainee Catering Assistant
Youth Building & Café Trainee Cleaning Assistant
Youth Building & Café Trainee Admin Assistant
The policy and general management of the Centre shall be directed by a User’s
and Members Forum which shall not meet less than twice a year. Its
membership shall comprise of Honorary Officers: President, Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, (who are also the
respective officers of the Association)
One representative appointed by each:
Affiliated Group
Statutory Authority
8 representatives of individual members
The Users and Members Forum have delegated powers to the Trustees
Management Committee to deal with the day to day running of the Community
Centre. The Trustees Management Committee meets approximately once every
six to eight weeks.
The Secretary of the Trustees Management Committee is not an honorary post
as they are paid a salary.
The lease for the Community Centre is held by two holding trustees, the
President of the Association – Warwick Lovegrove and David Leeks
Holding Trustees
Cllr David Leeks
Warwick Lovegrove (President)
To hold lease of the Centre
To preside over the AGM (President)
Trustee Management Committee
Chairman - Adrian Noad, Vice Chairman – Avril Burdett, Treasurer – Tony
Flahive, Secretary - Nicki Barry, Elected Trustees - Pam Terry, Linda Mead,
Chris Reader, Doug Horsley, Cllrs Musson, Tucker and Quelch
To direct the policy and general management of the affairs of the
Association as charity trustees, have the power to enter into
contracts for the purposes of the Association on behalf of all
Exercise on behalf of the Association any or all of the powers
enumerated in Clause 3 of the Constitution.
Tadley & District Community Centre Staff
Manager – Mandy Atkinson
Administration – Helen Middleton, Joanne Blunden, Jo Page
Accounts – Nicki Barry
Caretaker – Mark Endersby
To manage the centre on behalf of the Trustees Management
Committee and within the realms of responsibility determined
by the Trustees Management Committee.
Users & Members Group
To provide a platform for consultation and discussion on
policy and general management of the affairs of the
Association and to act as a voice for the area of benefit in
ensuring that the Association is achieving its objects
enumerated in Clause 2 of the Constitution
February 2014 Submit Planning Application
March 2014 Submit Building Regulations application
March 2014 Tender process commenced
April 2014 Contractor appointed
Summer/Autumn 2014 Work commences on site
Revenue budgets agreed
Launch event for community leaders
Online presence / promotional video development
Partnership development with other users
Instruct interior design team and finalise fit out specifications
Procure fittings
Lettings list begins to firm up
Spring/Summer 2015 Building completion
07/11/2012 Cllrs Slimin and Lovegrove hold surgery. Asked the question: Do
you think we should have a Youth Centre in Tadley? Response: 67 Yes 1 No
and 3 No answer
04/05/2013 Cllrs Quelch and Slimin hold surgery
02/06/2013 Tadley Town Council and Tadley & District Community Association
have stands at Treacle Fair with publicity
06/07/2013 Cllrs Flahive and Moss hold surgery
20/08/2013 Press release sent to all local papers and radio stations
20/08/2013 Cllr Burdett did interview with BBC Radio Berkshire
22/08/2013 Article in Newbury Weekly News
29/08/2013 Article in Basingstoke Gazette
05/09/2013 Article in Basingstoke Gazette
05/09/2013 Article in Newbury Weekly News
07/09/2013 Cllrs Ballard and Moss hold surgery. Asked the question: Do you
think we should have a Youth Centre in Tadley? Response: 10 Yes 1 No
03/10/2013 Architects hold briefing session with approximately 65 young
03/01/2014 Tadley & District Community Association invite all the local
parishes to a preview of the plans
04/01/2014 Tadley Town Council and Tadley & District Community Association
hold a surgery with a preview of the plans
02 & 03/2014 Tadley Town Council holds ballot run by Electoral Reform Services
(Figures based on 43 percent of CC space unless *)
Income - Hall Hire
Grants & Donations
Vending Machine Commission
Half Term Activities
Youth Activities (inc café income)
10000 *
148 *
19919 *
Repairs - General Maintenance
Service Contracts
Travelling & Training
Postage & Carriage
Office Stationery
Office Equipment
Youth Club
Net Profit/(Loss):
12742 *
Water, gas and electric are anticipated to be significantly lower as the build is to
be sustainable.
Repairs are also anticipated to be significantly lower.