DalPay Internet Billing Merchant Boarding Guide Penny Auction


DalPay Internet Billing Merchant Boarding Guide Penny Auction
DalPay Internet Billing
Penny Auction
Merchant Boarding Guide
Version 1.1
Last revision: 01/07/2011
For public release
Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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Version 1.1
Last revision: 01/07/2011
For public release
Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 5
SUPPLIER ACCOUNT FEATURES.................................................................................. 6
DIRECT MERCHANT ACCOUNT FEATURES ................................................................... 6
DALPAY CERTIFIED PENNY AUCTION PLATFORMS ..................................................... 7
DALPAY CHECKOUT INTEGRATION ............................................................................. 8
DALPAY DIRECT INTEGRATION .................................................................................. 8
FIGURE 1: SUPPLIER ACCOUNT BOARDING PROCESS ................................................ 9
FIGURE 2: DIRECT ACCOUNT BOARDING PROCESS .................................................. 10
CONTACT DALPAY .................................................................................................... 11
Version 1.1
Last revision: 01/07/2011
For public release
Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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Revision History
Change Notice
Jan 1, 2009
July 1, 2011
Introduction update,
Supported platforms
First release
p. 5, 7
PCI DSS 2.0 applies
PCI DSS 1.2 applies
The latest version of this document can be downloaded here:
Version 1.1
Last revision: 01/07/2011
For public release
Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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This boarding guide gives an overview of the boarding process for new DalPay
merchants from initial application to processing of live transactions.
If you are an established business with at least 6 months processing history
and sales of at least USD 40,000 per month you will qualify for a direct
merchant account. (An operating company within the EU/EFTA is required.)
If you are a startup business with business plan, or site with less than USD
40,000 per month in sales, you qualify for a supplier account. (Companies
from all countries* accepted.) Sole traders are not accepted for penny auction accounts.
The boarding process differs between account types. Typical boarding time for
supplier accounts is 48-72hrs. For direct accounts it is 2 weeks.
DalPay Supplier Account Boarding Process
1. Submit application online.
2. Receive rate offer (typically within 48hrs).
3. Pay Account Compliance Fee (USD 1 or equivalent).
4. Complete DalPay profile online.
5. Install DalPay Checkout payment module or custom integration.
6. Complete website content (terms and conditions, etc.)
7. Sign-off of website and test orders by DalPay Risk Department.
8. Go live to accept payments.
9. FedEx profile and supporting documents to DalPay.
10. Receive wires weekly, two weeks in arrears.
DalPay Direct Merchant Account Boarding Process
1. Submit application form.
2. Receive rate offer (typically within 1 week).
3. Sign merchant agreement and pay application fee (USD 300).
4. FedEx merchant agreement plus supporting documents to DalPay.
5. Sign-off of supporting documents by acquiring bank.
6. Install DalPay Direct payment module or custom integration.
7. Complete website content (terms and conditions, etc.).
8. Sign-off of website and test orders by acquiring bank.
9. Go live to accept payments.
10. Receive wires weekly, one week in arrears.
*Exceptions are countries under sanction, and designated high risk countries.
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Last revision: 01/07/2011
For public release
Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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Supplier Account Features
Businesses Supported
Operating Company
Processing History Required
Business Plan Required
Minimum Sales Per Month
Minimum Amount Wired Weekly
Average Rate Offer
Toll Free Support by Merchant
Toll Free Billing Support
Anti-fraud Scrubbing
Inter-regional Liability Shift
Protection (Visa and MasterCard)
Startup businesses accepted
All countries
Not required
Yes if no processing history
Startup businesses accepted
USD 500/GBP 300/EUR 400
4.9% plus USD 0.40 per transaction
Not required but recommended
Provided by DalPay
Provided by DalPay
Yes for all 3-D Secure attempts
even if card is not enrolled*
Apply Here:
Direct Merchant Account Features
Businesses Supported
Operating Company
Processing History Required
Business Plan Required
Minimum Sales Per Month
Minimum Amount Wired Weekly
Average Rate Offer
Toll Free Support by Merchant
Toll Free Billing Support
Anti-fraud Scrubbing
Inter-regional Liability Shift
Protection (Visa and MasterCard)
Established businesses
EU/EFTA company (UK, Cyprus etc.)
6 months of processing history
USD/GBP/EUR 40,000
4.4% plus USD 0.40 per transaction
By merchant
By merchant
Yes for all 3-D Secure attempts
even if card is not enrolled*
Apply Here:
DalPay’s own PCI DSS Level 1 certified platform (the highest level of payment
service provider compliance) acts as gateway and processor for both solutions.
*Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode. If a US cardholder is not enrolled
for 3-D Secure you still receive the same chargeback protection as if they
were, for both Visa and MasterCard transactions.
Version 1.1
Last revision: 01/07/2011
For public release
Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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DalPay Certified Penny Auction Platforms
The following platforms are technically certified for DalPay Checkout and
DalPay Direct. Accelerated boarding is available for these platforms,
potentially reducing technical integration time to 24 hrs or less.
Scriptmatix phpPennyAuction
Innosoft Penny Auction Code
Digital Fruit Penny Auction Software
Other platforms are supported, but accelerated boarding may not be available.
(We are integrated with several privately licensed white label penny auction
solutions available to higher volume sites. Inquire to [email protected] .)
Up to two hours of integration support over Skype is provided free of charge to
help you to integrate DalPay with your site and complete website compliance.
Expedited technical support for custom integration with non-certified platforms
is charged at our usual rate of EUR 80 (approx USD 100) per hour with a two
hour minimum.
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Last revision: 01/07/2011
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Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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DalPay Checkout Integration
DalPay Checkout is our hosted payment processing solution that securely
handles all steps in processing a transaction, including:
Collection of customer payment information through a secure hosted form,
Generation of a receipt page with a copy to the customer by email,
Secure transmission to the DalPay payment gateway for transaction processing,
Secure storage of cardholder information according to the PCI DSS.
DalPay Checkout does not require merchants to collect, transmit or store
sensitive cardholder or bank account information to process transactions.
DalPay Checkout is equivalent to Authorize.net’s SIM (Server Integration
Method) or Simple Checkout.
DalPay Direct Integration
DalPay Direct is our most flexible payment processing solution that gives the
merchant control over all the steps in processing a transaction, including:
Collection of customer payment information through a custom application,
Merchant side generation of a receipt to the customer,
Secure transmission to the DalPay payment gateway for transaction processing,
Secure storage of cardholder information according to the PCI DSS.
DalPay Direct is equivalent to Authorize.net’s AIM (Advanced Integration
Which Integration Method For My Penny Auction Site?
Integration varies case by case, but in general if
you are a startup business you will implement a
payment module for DalPay Checkout.
If you are an established penny auction site you
will implement DalPay Direct.
Version 1.1
Last revision: 01/07/2011
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Copyright © 2011 Snorrason Holdings ehf
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Figure 1: Supplier Account Boarding Process
Version 1.1
Last revision: 01/07/2011
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Figure 2: Direct Account Boarding Process
Version 1.1
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Contact DalPay
1-888 552 3852
Office Hours
9am-4pm GMT Mon-Fri.
DalPay is a division of
Snorrason Holdings, a
privately held company
headquartered in Dalvík,
Kennitala: 570305-0180
(Icelandic Enterprise
D&B DUNS Number:
Version 1.1
Our Office at "The Harbour Square Building",
Hafnartorg, Dalvík, Iceland:
Last revision: 01/07/2011
For public release
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