Sensitivity analysis for production planning model of an oil company Thesis Yu Da
Sensitivity analysis for production planning model of an oil company Thesis Yu Da
Sensitivity analysis for production planning model of an oil company Thesis By Yu Da Supervised by Assoc. Professor Tibor Ill´ es E¨otv¨os Lor´and University Faculty of Natural Sciences 2004 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take occasion to thank MOL RT. for giving me the opportunity so that I could join in the research work and, besides, for supporting me by a ten month scholarship. I am beholden to Assoc. Prof. Ills Tibor, my supervisor, who let me take part in the project of MOL RT. and gave me many pieces of good advice. Last but not least, I thank my friends, Csizmadia Zsolt, Nagy Mariann, Mincsovics Gergely for their help. 1 CONTENTS Contents Introduction 3 1 Linear Programming Problems 1.1 The primal and dual linear programming problems 1.2 The basis and basic solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Duality Theory for Linear Programming . . . . . . 1.4 The Geometry of Linear Programming Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 4 . 7 . 8 . 11 2 Linear Programming Pivot Algorithms 2.1 Simplex Method and its variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Criss-Cross Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Monotonic Build-Up Simplex Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 16 17 3 Degeneracy in Linear Programming 3.1 The Case of Degeneracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 (Primal) Degeneracy and Nondegeneracy 3.1.2 Dual Degeneracy and Nondegeneracy . . 3.2 Geometry of Degeneracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Anti cycling Pivot Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Perturbation method . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Lexicographic Methods . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Bland Pivoting Rule . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 The Alternative optimal Solutions . . . . . . . . 19 19 19 20 21 23 25 27 33 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Parametrical Linear Programming 4.1 The Parametric Cost Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Parametric Right-Hand-Side problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Resolution of Cycling in The Parametric Simplex Algorithms 4.3.1 Resolution of Cycling in the Parametric Right-HandSide Simplex Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Resolution of Cycling in the Parametric Cost Simplex Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . 39 . 45 . 47 . 48 . 49 5 Sensitivity Analysis 51 5.1 The Fundamental Principle of the Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5.2 The sensitivity analysis of coefficients of the objective function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2 CONTENTS 5.3 5.4 The sensitivity analysis of constant on the right-hand-side The sensitivity analysis of data in the matrix . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 The change of one matrix element . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Adding a new variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Adding a new constraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Analysis of an oil production planning model 6.1 Short analysis about the structure and size of the model 6.2 Flow Chart of solution by the PIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 The oil industrial product planning model . . . . . . . . 6.4 Problems about the model and the appropriate analysis . 6.4.1 Local optimum and alternative optimal solution . 6.4.2 Infeasibility and being unbounded . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Model collecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 User documentation about the analyzing program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 57 57 59 59 . . . . . . . . 63 63 66 68 69 72 74 75 77 INTRODUCTION The optimization or mathematical programming is the branch of mathematics dealing with methods of optimization of some decision variables which are restricted by given constraints. Interest in optimization methods and their applications has become very widespread. They are used in almost all area of the industry. Still, the applications must not be isolated from theory, otherwise the solutions can be inaccurate, inexact or even turn aside from the truth. Therefore, it is always necessary for all the applied mathematicians to give mathematical arguments and analysis for each step of resolution process in order to approximate the real life problems in a correct way. In this thesis, a production planning model of an oil company and related topics, like solution methods, important properties of the problem etc. are introduced. This is a typical example for applying optimization in the real life. In order to discuss the model in-depth, the specification of linear programming, linear programming pivot algorithms, degeneracy are studied in the first three sections. Afterwards, sensitivity analysis, parametric programming are presented. Computer programs have become essential tools by modelling and analyzing as in the case studied. In the last part of this thesis the documentation of our program are included, with which it is possible to analyze the model and the solutions. Our program is an LP modelling and analyzing tool for general purpose. The linear programming problem can be described by defining it’s constraints and variables. The program uses the mps file format, as the models were given in this format. With the program we can modify the model description, e.g. any value given in the model can be altered, the order of the variables can be changed, the objective function can be transformed to a constraint. With the program we can read the solutions of the model and check, whether the solution really satisfies the constraint conditions. Furthermore, if the solution is outside of the feasible solution set the right-hand side can be changed by a single click to make it feasible. 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS 1 4 Linear Programming Problems In this section we introduce two forms of linear programming problems, primal and dual. One say that a linear optimization problem consists of optimizing, a linear function over a certain domain. The domain is given by a set of linear constraints. Here we give the definitions of basic solution, basis, duality, etc. The feasibility problem is shown, the duality theorems are discussed, and the connection between the geometry and algebra of linear programming problems are also talked in this section. 1.1 The primal and dual linear programming problems Linear programs are usually stated and analyzed in the standard forms: min cT x Ax = b (P ) x ≥ 0 where c is vector in Rn , b is a vector in Rm , A is an m × n real matrix with rank(A) = m, and x ∈ Rn is the unknown vector..We call this problem as the primal linear programming problem. Simple devices can be used to transform any linear program to this form. For example, given the problem min cT x Ax ≤ b we can convert the inequality constraints to equalities by adding a vector of slack variable s and writing: min cT x Ax + s = b . s ≥ 0 For the standard formulation, we will assume throughout that m ≤ n. Otherwise, the system Ax = b contains redundant rows is infeasible. Given the data c, b and A, which define the standard primal problem, using that we can give another closely related problem: max yT b AT y + s = c (D) s ≥ 0 5 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS where y ∈Rm and s ∈Rn A is an m × n real matrix with rank(A) = m. This problem is called the dual linear programming problem. If the solution set of the given linear programming problem in primal form is denoted by P, then P , which is called as primal feasible solution set, can be defined as follows: P = {x ∈ Rn : Ax = b, x ≥ 0} and also if we denote the solution set of linear programming problem in dual form by D, the dual feasible solution set, then D := (y, s) ∈ Rm+n |yA + s = c , s ≥ 0 . The linear programming problem in standard form may be written in tableau form in the pivot algorithms, in next section we will talk more about linear programming pivot algorithms : A c b ∗ First let us recall some basic concepts of linear algebra, which are necessary for understanding pivot algorithms. For more detail see [4]. Let ai ∈ Rm be the ith column of the matrix A. Denote the set of indices belonging to vectors ai by I. Then I = {1, 2, ..., n} . Definition 1 A linear combination of the vectors {ai |i ∈ I } is any vector b ∈ Rm of the form X b= λi ai i∈I where λi ∈ R, for all i ∈ I. Using this definition the generating system is definable, which can express any vector in the set. Definition 2 Let IG ⊂ I be given. The set {ai |i ∈ IG } is called a generating system of {ai |i ∈ I } if any ai , i ∈ I G (I G = I \ IG ) can be expressed as a linear combination of vectors {ai |i ∈ IG } . That means the set {ai |i ∈ I } is spanned by the vectors {ai |i ∈ IG } . 6 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS Suppose, that IG ⊂ I contains the indices of a generating system. Then X aj = aij ai , for j ∈ I G . i∈IG Using this previous expression we can produce the following tableau, which is called short pivot tableau: IG aj .. . IG ai · · · aij .. . ··· Now, let us introduce the primal full pivot tableau, which is used in solving the primal linear programming problems. IG ai IG aj .. . .. . · · · aij .. . .. . IG ai 1 0 ··· 0 .. . 0 ... ··· 1 .. . 0 .. ··· 0 . 0 1 In the tableau, the aij 6= 0 element is called a pivot element, the row i ∈ IG is called pivot row, while column j ∈ I G is called pivot column. A pivot operation and pivot step is uniquely defined by the pivot element. The primal pivot operation consists of • a series of elementary row operations on primal pivot tableau, to transform the pivot column into one containing an entry of 1 in the pivot row (i ∈ IG ) and an entry 0 in all the other rows. • exchange the unity vector obtained in the pivot column (j ∈ I G ) by −akj /aij when k 6= i and with 1/aij when k = i. • IG := (IG \ {i}) ∪ {j} and I G := (I G \ {j}) ∪ {i} . The result of the pivot operation can be summarized in the following theorem. 7 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS Theorem 3 If ars 6= 0 then ar , r ∈ IG can be exchanged with as , s ∈ I G in the following way: 1. a0sr = 1 ars is 2. a0ir = − aars a rj 3. a0sj = − ars 4. a0ij = aij − 0 i ∈ IG , i 6= s 0 j ∈ IG , j 6= r arj ais ars 0 0 i ∈ IG , i 6= s, j ∈ I G , j 6= r The proof can be find in [2][1]. 1.2 The basis and basic solution Assume, that a IG ⊂ I generating system is given. Obviously, if there exists another set IG0 , that IG ⊂ IG0 ⊂ I, then IG0 is also a generating system. But if IG is linear dependent, then IG0 can not be linear independent. Definition 4 The set {ai ∈ Rn : i ∈ I} of vectors, where |I| ≥ 2, is said to be linearly independent, if there does not exist vector ar , r ∈ I which can be expressed as a linear combination of the vectors {ai ∈ Rn : i ∈ I\ {r}} . Thus, if |I| = 6 ∞, then the smallest generating system is linearly independent. Definition 5 If a system of vectors {ai |i ∈ IB } IB ⊆ I is a linearly independent and also generating system of {ai |i ∈ I } , then it is called a basis. Let A be an m × n real matrix (m ≤ n) and the matrix A has m linearly independent columns. Let us define by IB the set of indices of such m columns, and by AB the corresponding m × m submatrix of A. In this case AB is nonsingular, therefore invertible. The columns of A which indices are not in the IB form an m × (n − m) submatrix AN of A, the corresponding index set is denoted by IN . If a nonhomogeneous linear equation is given as Ax = b then we may split the unknowns into two different vector according to the index sets IB and IN . The vector xB contains those variables which indices are in IB , so, the xB is the corresponding basic vector, while xN the nonbasic vector. Thus, x = (xB , xN ). In the similarly way, c = (cB , cN ), in which cB is the row vector of the basic cost coefficients. Then the nonhomogeneous linear equation can be expressed as 8 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS AB xB + AN xN = b Using the invertibility of AB we can solve the equation as −1 xB = A−1 B b − AB AN xN −1 If xN = 0 and xB = A−1 B b then the solution x = (AB b, 0) is called as primal basic solution corresponding to the given basis AB . If A−1 B b ≥ 0 then the basic solution x = (xB , xN ) is called as basic feasible solution and the AB is called as primal feasible basis. We denote BFS for basic feasible solution. m The vector y =A−T is called dual basic solution. Then the B cB ∈ R T −T vector sN = cN − AN AB cB and if the condition sN ≤ 0, is satisfied, then AB is called dual feasible basis, and the solution (y, s) is called dual feasible solution. The solutions are optimal if they are both primal and dual feasible. An equivalent form to the standard form in linear programming problem with the consideration for the definition in above is: T −T min z = cTB A−1 B b+ cN − AN AB cB xN −1 (P ) xB + A−1 B AN xN = AB b xB , xN ≥ 0 The pivot tableau, which belongs to AB basis, is as follows: 1.3 A−1 B A A−1 B b T cN − (cTB A−1 B A) −cTB A−1 B b Duality Theory for Linear Programming The primal and the dual problems are generally two distinct linear programming problems. (It is notable, that there is a small class of linear programming problems called self-dual linear programs. Any linear programming problem in this class is equivalent to its dual.) However, there is close relation between them. Theorem 6 (Weak duality theorem). Let us consider a primal-dual pair of linear programming problems and let x ∈ P and (y, s) ∈ D. In the primaldual pair of linear programming problems, let x be a primal feasible solution and (y, s) the dual feasible solution. Then cT x ≥ bT y, thus xT s ≥ 0, and equality holds only if x(c − AT y) = 0. 9 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS Corollary 7 The primal objective value of any primal feasible solution is an upper bound to the maximum value of the dual objective in the dual problem. The dual objective value of any dual feasible solution is a lower bound to the minimum value of the primal objective in the primal problem. If the primal problem is feasible and its objective function is unbounded below on the primal feasible solution set, then the dual problem cannot have a feasible solution. If the dual problem is feasible and its objective function is unbounded above on the dual feasible solution set, then the primal problem cannot have a feasible solution. If the solution set of the given linear programming problem in primal form is denoted by P ∗ , then P ∗ , which is called as primal optimal solution set, can be defined as follows: P ∗ : = x∗ ∈ P : cT x∗ ≤ cT x, ∀x ≥ 0 If we denote the optimal solution set of linear programming problem in dual form by D∗ , the dual optimal solution set. D∗ := (y∗ , s∗ ) ∈ D : bT y∗ ≥ bT y, ∀(y, s) ∈ D . Assume, we have x ¯ ∈ P, (¯ y, ¯ s) ∈ D and cT x ¯ = bT y ¯, thus x ¯T ¯ s = 0. In ∗ ∗ this case x ¯ ∈ P and (¯ y, ¯ s) ∈ D . Let us define the optimal value as ζ. Consequently P ∗ = x ∈ Rn |Ax = b, x ≥ 0, cT x = ζ . The optimal criterion with the basic solution is: if AB is primal and dual feasible basis then −1 ∗ T −1 T ∗ x = (xB , xN ) = (A−1 B b, 0) ∈ P and (y, s) = (cB AB , c − (cB AB A) ) ∈ D . On the other hand, if the basis is infeasible, we have following criteria. Primal infeasibility criterion: if A−1 B b i < 0, and A−1 B A (i) ≥ 0 i ∈ IB then the primal problem cannot have a feasible solution, thus P = ∅. 10 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS Let us consider it in the pivot tableau. According to the pivot tableau belong to AB basis and the primal infeasibility criterion, it is depicted as following: i ⊕ ... ⊕ Dual infeasibility criterion: if T < 0, c − (cTB A−1 B A) j and − A−1 B A j ≥ 0 j ∈ IN then dual problem cannot have a feasible solution, thus D = ∅. Let us consider it in the pivot tableau. According to the pivot tableau belong to AB basis and the dual infeasibility criterion, it is depicted as following: : : − j In conclusion, we have the following optimality criterion. For the detailed proof, see[1][3][2]. Theorem 8 (Sufficient optimality criterion) If x∗ and (y∗ , s∗ ) are a pair of primal and dual feasible solutions satisfying cT x∗ = bT y∗ , then x∗ is an optimal feasibility solution of the primal and (y∗ , s∗ ) is an optimal solution of the dual.Thus (x∗ )T s∗ = 0, and x∗ ∈ P ∗ , (y∗ , s∗ ) ∈ D∗ . The converse of this sufficient optimality criterion is the strong duality theorem. Theorem 9 (The strong (fundamental) duality theorem) In a primal-dual pair of linear programming problems, if either the primal or the dual problem has an optimal solution, then the other does also, and the two optimal objective values are equal. 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS 11 Consider the primal and dual problems discussed in the weak duality theorem, we saw that the minimum value of cT x is greater than or equal to the maximum value of bT y. In the strong duality theorem, it stated, that the minimum value of cT x is equal to the maximum value of bT y. This explains the names weak, strong duality theorems. The optimality criterion can also be formed as follows: Ax = b x ≥ 0 y A+s = c s ≥ 0 xT s = 0 T 1.4 The Geometry of Linear Programming Problems Let us take a look at an important relationship between the algebraical and geometrical viewpoints of linear programming problems, it will help us to understand the problems and the solution methods more better. The feasible solution set of an linear programming problem defined by the linear constraints is geometrically a convex polyhedron, an intersection of halfspaces. In order to introduce the relationship, it is necessary to define the extreme points, which play an important role in solving problems related to convex polyhedra. Definition 10 Let Γ be a convex subset of Rn . A point x ∈ Γ is called an extreme point of Γ if it is impossible to express it as a convex combination of two other distinct points in Γ. That means, x is an extreme point of Γ iff x1 , x2 ∈ Γ and 0 < λ < 1 such that x = λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 implies that x = x1 = x2 . An extreme point of the convex subset are the points that do not lie on a straight line between two other points in the set. In many linear programming literatures, extreme points defined in an algebraic way are called basic feasible solutions. Here we have theorem to explain the connection. Before that let us give a definition of basic feasible solutions in another form. Definition 11 Let K be the set of feasible solutions of (P). The feasible solution x ∈ K is called basic feasible solution for (P) iff the set of column vectors of A that x uses is linearly independent, that the {aj : j, such that xj > 0} is linearly independent set. 1. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS 12 In the following theorem, we will see, that extreme point and basic feasible solution are the same, only defined from different viewpoints For more detail and proof about the following theorem see [3] [2] [1] Theorem 12 Let K be the set of feasible solutions of (P). Assume, x ∈ K is an extreme point iff it is a basic feasible solutions of (P). On the other hand, if we assume, that the optimal value of problem (P) is finite, then the optimal value is taken at extreme point as well. The extreme points: 2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PIVOT ALGORITHMS 2 13 Linear Programming Pivot Algorithms In this chapter we introduce three pivot algorithms for linear programming problems. Simplex Method, which was developed by George B. Danzing(1947), is used today widely in many linear optimization application areas. CrissCross Method was worked out by Tam´as Terlaky(1986)[5]. The last one is the Monotonic Build-Up Simplex Algorithm For Linear Programming (1991)[7], which is established by Kurt M. Anstericher and Tam´as Terlaky. 2.1 Simplex Method and its variants This is an algorithm that can be used to solve any LP in standard form. Althrough, there are example, e.g. Klee-Minty problem, for which simplex method use exponencially many iterations, but it is used the most widespread nowadays. For the simplex method, suppose the start feasible basic vector is denoted as (x1 , ..., xm ). Definition 13 The primal linear programming problem is in canonical form if the following two conditions are satisfied: 1. b ≥ 0 2. the matrix A contain an m × m unity submatrix where A ∈ Rm×n , b ∈ Rm , c ∈ Rn , x ∈ Rn . Primal Simplex Method Let the primal linear programming problem be given in the canonical form. 2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PIVOT ALGORITHMS 14 Initialization AB is an primal feasible basis; IB and IN index set of the basic and nonbasic indices begin while Ic := {i : c¯i < 0} = 6 ∅ do choose the entering arbitrary variable r ∈ Ic if Ir := {i ∈ IB : a ¯ir < 0} = ∅ then STOP D = ∅, the dual infeasibility criterion is satisfied else K := arg min ¯bj /¯ ajr , such that a ¯jr > 0 choose the leaving arbitrary variable s ∈ K Pivot on a ¯sr endif endwhile STOP: the solution is optimal end Let introduce a definition, which is used in the algorithm. Definition 14 The (¯bs /¯ asr ) = min ¯bj /¯ ajr , such that a ¯jr > 0 is called minimum ratio test. b Obviously, that 0 ≤ a¯blrl ≤ a¯jrj for all j ∈ Ir , thus the value of the objective function is decreasing after each pivot iteration. Let us see the following pivot tableau before the pivot iteration: .. . .. . ··· a ¯lr .. . c¯r ··· · · · ¯bl z0 Suppose we chose a ¯lr as the pivot element, according to the algorithm, we have c¯r < 0, a ¯lr > 0 and ¯bl ≥ 0. After the pivot iteration, we obtain new z = z0 − c¯r¯bl /¯ alr , since c¯r¯bl /¯ alr ≤ 0 that results in z new ≥ z0 . Since we reading out with negative sign the value of the objective function, therefore the increase here means decrease in reality. Hence in each iteration, objective value does not increase. 2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PIVOT ALGORITHMS 15 The primal simplex algorithm start with a primal feasible basis and move to a terminal basis by walking through a sequence of primal feasible bases along the edges of the set of feasible solutions. All the bases with the possible exception of the terminates basis obtained in the primal algorithm are dual infeasible. At each pivot iteration, the primal algorithm makes an attempt to reduce dual infeasibility while retaining primal feasibility However, the dual simplex algorithm does just the opposite. Dual Simplex Method The dual simplex method starts with a dual feasible, but not certain a primal feasible basis. At each pivot iteration, this algorithm tries to reduce primal infeasibility while retaining dual feasibility. If a primal feasible basis is reached, the dual simplex algorithm terminates. Initialization AB is an dual feasible basis; IB and IN index set of the basic and nonbasic indices begin while Ir := i : ¯bi < 0 6= ∅ do choose the arbitrary leaving variable r ∈ Ir if Ic := {i ∈ IN : a ¯ri < 0} = ∅ then STOP P = ∅, the primal infeasibility criterion is satisfied. else K := arg min {−¯ cj /¯ arj , such that a ¯rj < 0} choose the arbitrary entering variable s ∈ K Pivot on a ¯rs endif endwhile STOP: the solution is optimal end According to the primal method, for the dual simplex algorithm, we define also the dual simplex minimum ratio test, which is used in the algorith. Definition 15 The minimum ratio −(¯ cs /¯ ars ) = min {−¯ cj a ¯rj , such that a ¯rj < 0} is called dual simplex minimum ratio test. There are a lot of specialized literature discuss about simplex methods. Here we do not want to go in detail. Let us see the next poivot algorithm, Criss Cross method. 2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PIVOT ALGORITHMS 2.2 16 Criss-Cross Method This algorithm is introduced by Tam´as Terlaky[5]. However, it is not known, whether Criss-Cross algorithm perform numerically well or not, but this is the first algorithm which solves general primal linear programming problem in one phase starting from any, not necessarily primal or dual feasible basis. If the basic solution is optimal we are ready, else a primal or dual infeasible variable is chosen. After pivoting we obtain a new basis, in which this variable becomes both primal and dual feasible. The process is repeated until optimality is reached or the condition of primal or dual infeasibility is established(see,[6]). Criss-Cross Algorithm: Let the initial basis AB , be given. Let IB and IN denote the basic and nonbasic indices, respectively, (I = IB ∪ IN ). Initialization AB is an arbitrary initial basis; IB and IN index set of the basic and nonbasic indices begin while I¯ := i : ¯bi < 0 or c¯i < 0 6= ∅ do r := mini∈I¯ i if (r ∈ IN ) then if Ir := {i ∈ IB : a ¯ir > 0} = ∅ then STOP D = ∅, the dual infeasibility criterion is satisfied else s := minj∈Ir j and IB := ((IB \ {s}) ∪ {r}) Pivot on (s, r) position endif else (r ∈ IB ) if Ir := {i ∈ IN : a ¯ri < 0} = ∅ then STOP P = ∅, the primal infeasibility criterion is satisfied else s := minj∈Ir j and IB := ((IB \ {r}) ∪ {s}) Pivot on (r, s) position endif endif endwhile STOP the current solution solves the problem end Now, there are more variations about the proof about criss-cross type pivot rules. E.g. see [8]. 2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PIVOT ALGORITHMS 2.3 17 Monotonic Build-Up Simplex Algorithm This algorithm begins with a basic feasible solution, and any nonbasic variable having a negative reduced cost, the pivot rule produces a sequence of pivots such that ultimately the originally chosen nonbasic variable enters the basis and all reduced costs which were originally nonnegative remain nonnegative. The pivot rule thus monotonically builds up to a dual feasible, and hence optimal basis. For more details see [7] The MBU Pivot Rule Given any feasible basis. For (P) problem the pivot rule is: Initialization AB is an arbitrary initial basis; IB and IN index set of the basic and nonbasic indices begin while I¯ := {i : c¯i < 0} = 6 ∅ do choose s ∈ I¯ as driving variable; θ1 := 1, θ2 := 0 while θ1 > θ2 ∅ do if a ¯is ≤ 0, i = 1, ..., m, then STOP D = ∅, the dual infeasibility criterion is satisfied else let r := arg mini ¯bi /¯ ais : a ¯is > 0 and θ1 = |¯ cs | /¯ ars endif if a ¯rj ≥ 0, for every j, with c¯j ≥ 0, then Pivot on (s, r) position θ2 = +∞. else let t := arg minj {¯ cj /¯ arj : c¯j ≥ 0 and a ¯rj < 0} and θ2 = c¯t / |¯ art | endif if θ1 > θ2 then pivot on a ¯rt and xt as the blocking variable else pivot on a ¯rs endif endwhile endwhile STOP the current solution solves the problem end The result of a pivot in the last ”if” in the algorithm will be a basis which is neither primal nor dual feasible. This pivot selection can also be viewed as ”dual” pivot, since the purpose of such a pivot is to maintain as much dual feasibility as currently exists. The Dual MBU Pivot Rule 2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PIVOT ALGORITHMS 18 The dual MBU rule can easily be derived from he primal rule, and has the ”build-up” feature with respect to the number of nonnegative primal variables. Assume an initial dual feasible basis is available. Initialization AB is an arbitrary initial basis; IB and IN index set of the basic and nonbasic indices begin while I¯ := i : ¯bi < 0 6= ∅ do choose r ∈ I¯ as driving row; θ1 := 1, θ2 := 0 while θ1 > θ2 ∅ do if a ¯rj ≥ 0, i = 1, ..., m,then STOP P = ∅, the dual infeasibility criterion is satisfied else let s := arg minj {¯ cj / |¯ arj | : a ¯rj < 0} and θ1 = ¯br /¯ ars endif if a ¯is ≤ 0, for every j, with ¯bi ≥ 0, then θ2 = +∞. else let q := arg mini ¯bi /¯ ais : ¯bi ≥ 0 and a ¯is > 0 and θ2 = ¯bq /¯ aqs endif if θ1 > θ2 then pivot on a ¯qs and q as the blocking row else pivot on a ¯rs endif endwhile endwhile STOP the current solution solves the problem end Certain, there are also many other linear programming algorithms, for example, interior point method, ellipse method. Some of them can be applied more effective, others can give us exact theory background. About that I do not want to go into details. However, all the pivot algorithms can occur degeneracy, which is talked in next section. 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 3 19 Degeneracy in Linear Programming In the proceeding section several linear programming pivot algorithms are introduced. However, all of them have the same weak point, the degeneracy, which can occur the algorithm into cycling, so that it will not terminated for ever. It’s description can be find in many literature, e.g. [11][3][1], etc. In the first part of this section we are going to discuss about the degeneracy in detail, also in geometry sense. After that several anticycling pivot rule are introduced. Final, one important attribute of degeneracy, alternative optimal solutions are talked about. 3.1 The Case of Degeneracy In the fist section, we have given the Linear programming problem in the standard form as: min cT x Ax = b (P ) x ≥ 0 where c and x are vectors in Rn , b is a vector in Rm , and A is an m × n real matrix rank(A) = m. The degeneracy in linear programming can also be classified in primal and dual. 3.1.1 (Primal) Degeneracy and Nondegeneracy A basic feasible solution (BFS) of a linear programming problem in standard form is said to be (primal) degenerate if the value of at least one of the basic variables is zero. Suppose x∗ is a BFS of (P), and the rank of A is m. Since any set of m + 1 or more column vectors in Rm is linearly dependent, the number of positive variables x∗j cannot exceed m. The solution x∗ is said to be a nondegenerate BFS of (P) or primal nondegenerate BFS, if exactly m of the x∗j are positive. If the number of positive x∗j is less than m, x∗ is known as a primal degenerate BFS of (P). If x∗ is a nondegenerate BFS of (P), the column vectors of A corresponding to positive x∗j form a basis of (P) for which x∗ is the associated basic solution. If x∗ is a degenerate BFS of (P), the set of column vectors of A corresponding to positive x∗j is linearly independent, but does not consist of enough vectors to form a basis. It is possible to expand this set with some more column vectors of A to a basis. 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 20 Hence a nondegenerate BFS has a unique basis associated with it. A degenerate BFS may have many bases associated with it. A primal feasible basis AB of (P) is said to be a primal nondegenerate basis if A−1 B b > 0. It is said to be a primal degenerate basis if at least one of the components in the vector A−1 B b is zero. Let us see it in the pivot tableau: i ... + + 0 + .. . + In a degenerate BFS, if we perform the standard pivot operation to improve the objective value, the minimum ratio can turn out to be zero. When this happens, the pivot operation just changes the basic vector, but the BFS corresponding to it and the objective value remain unchanged. In the next pivot step might the same happens and after a series of such pivot steps, it might return to the basic vector which started these degenerate pivot steps, e.g. AB1 → AB2 → ... → AB1 . In such a case, it is said that the algorithm cycle due to degeneracy. In a nondegenerate BFS the values of all the basic variables are positive. Therefore, the minimum ratio in a pivot step from a nondegenerate BFS is always positive and such a step in the course of the simplex algorithm is guaranteed to result in a strict decreasing in the objective value. Since the objective value never increases in the course of the algorithm, once a strict decrease in it occurs, we will never go back to any previous basis in subsequent steps. The cycling can never begin with a nondegenerate BFS. 3.1.2 Dual Degeneracy and Nondegeneracy A basis AB of (P) is said to be dual degenerate, if the reduced costs coefficient of at least one nonbasic variable is zero in the canonical tableau with respect to the basis AB . A basis AB of (1) is said to be dual nondegenerate, if the reduced costs coefficient of all the nonbasic variable are nonzero in the canonical tableau with respect to the basis AB . 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 21 −, −..0..−, − j A linear programming problem is said to be dual nondegenerate if in every solution (y∗ , s∗ ) for y∗T A + s∗ = c in which the variables are y and s∗ , at least n-m of the s∗j are nonzero; otherwise, it is dual degenerate. If (P) is dual nondegenerate, then the reduced cost coefficients of all the nonbasic variables will be nonzero in the canonical tableau with respect to any bases for (P). A sufficient condition for (P) to have a unique optimal solution is that there exist an optimal basis for (P) that is dual nondegenerate. Suppose an optimal solution is obtained when an linear programming problem is solved. If some of the nonbasic variables have zero reduced cost coefficients in the final optimal canonical tableau, that means there is dual degeneracy. In this case, alternative optimal solutions for the problem can be obtained by bringing a nonbasic variable with zero reduced costs coefficients into the basis . We will discuss about the alternative optimal solution later. 3.2 Geometry of Degeneracy A primal feasible basis AB of (P) is said to be a primal nondegenerate basis if all the components in the vector A−1 B b are nonzero. The linear programming problem is said to be totally (primal) nondegenerate if every basis for (P) is nondegenerate. Equivalently, (P) is totally nondegenerate if b cannot be expressed as a linear combination of any subset of m − 1 of less column vectors of A, that is, if b does not lie in any subspace that is the linear hull of a set of m − 1 or less column vectors of the matrix A. 1 0 0 0 1 Example 16 A = 0 1 0 1 , b = −1 0 0 1 1 0 In this example, b can be expressed as a linear combination of a1 and a2 . Hence, this problem is primal degenerate. Also any bases for this problem 22 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING that includes a1 and a2 as basic vectors is a degenerate basis. The problem becomes primal nondegenerate if b does not lie on any of these four planes in the picture. x3 A3=(0,0,1) A1=(1,0,0) x1 b=(-1,1,0) A2=(0,1,0) A4=(1,0,-1) x2 The problem (P) is degenerate if b is in a subspace that is the linear Pm−1hull of a set of m − 1 or less column vectors of A. There are at most r=1 nr subsets of column vectors of A with m − 1 or less column vectors in them. The linear hull of each of these subsets if a subspace of dimension m − 1 or less. The problem (P) is degenerate if b lies in one of these subspaces. When A is fixed, the set of all b that make (P) degenerate is the set of all b that lie in a finite number of subspaces of dimension m − 1 or less. Thus almost all b will make (P) nondegenerate. Also if (P) is degenerate, there are methods what would make (P) nondegenerate. For example b can be perturbed to a point in its neighborhood that is not in any of the finite number of subspaces. We will discuss these methods later. We know, that if a basic solution is nondegenerate, it suits an unique feasible basis, however if it is degenerate, it will be determined by more feasible bases. As a consequence of this relationship, a linear programming problem with given standard form has maximum (nm ) feasible bases, so the number of its bases solution can not exceed (nm ), hence the polyhedron will not have more than (nm ) vertices. As we know, P ∗ = x ∈ Rn |Ax = b, x ≥ 0, cT x = ζ . So, the set of optimal solutions of an linear programming problem is a convex polyhedron. It is easily to proof, that if the problem has more optimal value, then it is dual degenerate. 23 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING Theorem 17 Let us assume that a problem (P) is given. Suppose that the optimal value has been obtained at several vertices, then the convex combination of these optimal solutions is also an optimal solution. In this case the problem (P) is dual degenerate. How many optimal solutions does a linear programming problem have, the following corollary will give an answer for this question. Corollary 18 Let us assume that a problem (P) is given and that the feasible solution set, P is bounded. If there is at least two optimal solutions, then these are infinite number of optimal solutions, too. 3.3 Anti cycling Pivot Rule We know, if the linear programming problem is degeneracy, then the algorithm may cycle. That means, the algorithm goes through a series of bases, and return to the basis which started the degenerate pivot steps. Therefore, the iteration will never end. To prevent this phenomenon several methods are found. E.g. perturbation method, lexicographic method, or Bland pivoting rule. At first let us see a cycling example. Example 19 Let us see an example for cycling and perturbation method: maximize subject to 10x1 − 57x2 − 9x3 − 24x4 0.5x1 − 5.5x2 − 2.5x3 + 9x4 + x5 = 0 0.5x1 − 1.5x2 − 0.5x3 + x4 + x6 = 0 x1 + x7 = 1 The initial tableau is: 1. x5 x6 x7 c x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 0.5 −5.5 −2.5 9 1 0 0 0.5 −1.5 −0.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 −57 −9 −24 0 0 0 b 0 0 1 0 The pivot rules: (1) The entering variable will always be the nonbasic variable that has the largest positive coefficient in the object function row. 24 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING (2) If two or more basic variables compete for leaving the basis, then the candidate with the smallest subscript will be made to leave. Now, the entering variable should be x1 After the first iteration: 2. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x1 1 −11 −5 18 2 0 0 x6 0 4 2 −8 −1 1 0 x7 0 11 5 −18 −2 0 1 c 0 53 41 −204 −20 0 0 After the 3. x1 x1 1 x2 0 x7 0 c 0 b 0 0 1 0 second iteration: x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 0 0.5 −4 −0.75 2.75 0 1 0.5 −2 −0.25 0.25 0 0 −0.5 4 0.75 13.25 1 0 41 −98 −6.75 −13.25 0 After the third iteration: 4. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x3 2 0 1 −8 −1.5 5.5 0 x2 −1 1 0 2 0.5 −2.5 0 x7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 c −29 0 0 18 15 −93 0 b 0 0 1 0 After the fourth iteration: 5. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x3 −2 4 1 0 0.5 −4.5 0 x4 −0.5 0.5 0 1 0.25 −1.25 0 x7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 c −20 −9 0 0 10.5 −70.5 0 b 0 0 1 0 After the fifth iteration: 6. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x5 −4 8 2 0 1 −9 0 x4 0.5 1.5 −0.5 1 0 −1 0 x7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 c 22 −93 −21 0 10.5 −24 0 b 0 0 1 0 After the sixth iteration: b 0 0 1 0 25 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 7. x5 x6 x7 c x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 0.5 −5.5 −2.5 9 1 0 0 0.5 −1.5 −0.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 −57 −9 −24 0 0 0 b 0 0 1 0 Since the basic variables after the sixth iteration are same than the initial basis, the method will go through the same six iterations again and again. This is known as cycling. The cycling can occur only in the presence of degeneracy: since the value of the objective function increases with each nondegenerate iteration and remains unchanged after each degenerate one, all the iterations in the sequence leading from a basic variables set to itself must be degenerate. 3.3.1 Perturbation method Suppose a degenerate linear programming problem is given, one method to avoid algorithm cycling is to modify the data a little. Such methods are called perturbation methods. The basic variables currently at zero would most likely assume small nonzero values if the initial right-hand side b, changed slightly. If the change is very small, the problem could be considered unchanged for all practical purpose. One such perturbation that makes (P) nondegenerate is to replace b by b(ε) = b + (ε, ε2 , ..., εm )T , where ε is an arbitrarily small positive number. Theorem 20 Given any b ∈ Rm , there exists a positive number ε0, such that whenever 0 < ε < ε0, min cT x Ax = b(ε) (P ) ε x ≥ 0 the perturbed problem(Pε ) is primal nondegenerate. Proof : Let AB1 , AB2 ,...,ABl be all the bases for (Pε ). Then l = the bases number. r r r Let A−1 Br = (β ij ). Since ABp is regular (β i1 , ...β im ) 6= 0, i = 1...m. ¯ r = A−1 b. Then Let b Br n m is 26 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING A−1 Br b(ε) = − br1 +β r11 ε + ... + β r1m εm .. . − brm +β rm1 ε + ... + β rmm εm for i = 1...m, and r = 1...l, the polynomial, ¯bri + β ri1 η + ... + β rim η m is a nonzero polynomial in η. Therefore, it has at most m roots. If ε is not equal to one of these roots, then ¯bri +β ri1 ε + ... + β rim εm 6= 0. The collection of the roots of all these polynomials in η is a finite set consisting of at most lm2 real numbers. Hence, it is possible to choose a positive number ε0 such that the roots set contains no element belonging to the open interval 0 < ε < ε0 . By the construction of the set and the positive number ε0 , it is clear that in any basic solution of (Pε ) all the bases variables are nonzero and, hence, that (Pε ) is nondegenerate whenever 0 < ε < ε0 . Suppose (P ) is degenerate. The general strategy is as follows. Replace b by b(ε) and get the perturbed problem. We know that there exists a positive number ε0 such that for all 0 < ε < ε0 (Pε ) is nondegenerate. Thus for all ε that are positive but arbitrarily small, (Pε ) can be solved by applying the simplex algorithm with no possibility of cycling occurring. It is not necessary to give ε any specific value as long as it is treated as arbitrarily small, which will mean that it is strictly smaller than any other positive number with which it may be compared during the course of the algorithm. Theorem 21 If AB is a feasible basis for (Pε ), then AB is a feasible basis for (P ), as well. −1 ¯ Proof : Let A−1 B = (β ij ) and b = AB b. Then ¯ A−1 B b(ε) = ¯b1 + β ε + ... + β εm 11 1m ¯bm + β m1 ε + ... + β mm εm Suppose AB is a infeasible basis for (P ), that means, there are some i , ¯bi < 0, then there exists such small ε, for which ¯bi + β ε + ... + β εm < 0, so i1 im ¯ ≥ 0 for all i. So AB must be a feasible we obtain a contradiction. Hence b basis for (P). 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 3.3.2 27 Lexicographic Methods The perturbation and the lexicographic methods are closely related to each other. The lexicographic method can be seen as an implementation of the perturbation method. Definition 22 A vector a = (a1 , ..., an ) is said to be lexico-positive if a 6= 0 and if the first nonzero component of a is positive. Let us indicate this by a 0. The vector a is said to be lexico-negative (a ≺ 0) if −a 0. Given two vectors a = (a1 , ..., an ) and b = (b1 , ..., bn ), a b if a − b 0. Theorem 23 AB is a feasible basis for (Pε ), with arbitrarily small ε ⇐⇒ (¯bi , β i1 , ...β im ) 0 for all i. Proof : AB regular implies, that (β i1 , ...β im ) 6= 0, i = 1...m. So the vector (¯bi , β i1 , ...β im ) is nonzero for all i. When ε is arbitrarily small, the sign of ¯bi + β i1 ε + ... + β im εm is the same as the sign of the first nonzero coefficient in this polynomial, the first nonzero component in (¯bi , β i1 , ...β im ). So ¯bi + β i1 ε + ... + β im εm is positive if the first nonzero component in the vector (¯bi , β i1 , ...β im ) is positive. With this theorem it is easy to test the feasibility of a basis for (Pε ). There is no need to give any specific value to ε. There is required only the right hand-side vector and the inverse of the basis to test the feasibility. −1 ¯ Let AB be a basis for (P), A−1 B = (β ij ), b = AB b. The basis AB is ¯ ≥ 0, the basis AB is called lexico (primal) feasible if (primal) feasible, if b ¯ (bi , β i1 , ...β im ) 0 for each i = 1 to m. If AB is a nondegenerate feasible basis ¯ > 0, and obviously AB is automatically a lexico feasible basis for for (P), b (P). If AB is a degenerate feasible basis for (P), it is lexico feasible iff the first nonzero entry in (β i1 , ...β im ) is strictly positive for every i such ¯bi = 0. In conclusion, every feasible basis for perturbated problem(Pε ) for arbitrarily small ε is automatically lexico feasible to (P). Conversely a feasible basis for (P) is feasible for (Pε ) for arbitrarily small ε iff it is lexico feasible for (P). Lexico Primal Simplex Algorithm. Suppose AB is a feasible basis for (Pε ), A−1 B = (β ij ) and the nonbasic variable xj will be brought into the basic vector. ¯ aj = A−1 B aj is the pivot column. If a ¯ij > 0 for some i, then there is a unique lexico minimum among the nonempty set of vectors ¯bi , β i1 , ...β im /¯ aij : i, such that a ¯ij > 0 . 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 28 Assume, that ¯bi , β , ...β aij = ¯bk , β k1 , ...β km /¯ akj i 6= j, i1 im /¯ then ¯bi , β , ...β ¯ij /¯ akj ¯bk , β k1 , ...β km , i1 im = a but the A−1 B is nonsingular matrix. The minimum ratio in the pivot step in solving (Pε ) is as follows − m /¯ aij : i, such that a ¯ij > 0 min bi +β i1 ε + ... + β im ε Thus when ε is small, the pivot row is uniquely determined, independent from the actual value of ε. Lexico Primal Simplex Minimum Ratio Pivot Row Choice Rule: Initialization AB is a primal feasible basis, i.e., xB ≥ 0; the entering variable is xj begin aij : i, such that a ¯ij > 0 ) = 1 then If (I0 := min ¯bi /¯ STOP then the minimum is unique, the pivot row is determined. else p := 1 whileIp = min {β in /¯ aij : i ∈ In−1 } = 6 1 do n := n + 1 (the next row) endwhile endif STOP: the pivot row is determined end −1 ¯ Let A−1 B = (β ij ) , b = AB b and cB is the row vector of basic cost coefficients. The appropriate dual solution is y = cTB A−1 B and the object T¯ value is cB b. The corresponding basic vector ¯b1 + β ε + ... + β εm 11 1m xB = .. . ¯bm + β m1 ε + ... + β mm εm all nonbasic variables are zero. The objective value z¯0 = z¯ + y1 ε + ... + ym εm 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 29 Suppose the nonbasic variable xj is the entering variable for this pivot step. Let us denote the objective value after the pivot step with z1 , then we obtain m c¯j β jt c¯j (¯bj + β j1 ε + ... + β jm εm ) c¯j ¯bj X t = z¯ + + ε (yt + ) z1 = z¯0 + a ¯ij a ¯ij a ¯ij t=1 For arbitrarily small ε, z1 < z¯0 . Consequently, c¯j β j1 c¯j β jm c¯j ¯bj z¯ + , y1 + , ...ym + ≺ (¯ z , y1 , ...ym ) . a ¯ij a ¯ij a ¯ij Remark 1 A basis is feasible to (Pε ) if the values of all the bases variables are lexico positive. When this happens, we say that the basis is lexico feasible. The algorithm begins with a lexico feasible basis and all the bases in the course of the algorithm will be lexico feasible. The termination criteria and the pivot column choice are the same as under the regular simplex method. When a leaving variable has been selected, the pivot row is chosen by the the lexico minimum ratio rule. It determines the entering basis variable uniquely. There is a strict lexico decrease in the vector (¯ z , y1 , ...ym ) after each pivot step. Hence a basis that appeared once can never reappear and cycling cannot occur. The algorithm must terminate after a finite number of pivot steps. When the simplex algorithm terminates, the terminal tableau is a terminal tableau for (Pε ) for all ε < ε0 . The terminal basis for (Pε ) obtained by the simplex algorithm with the lexico minimum ratio rule is also a terminal basis for (P ). Example 24 Now let us see, how we solve the previous cycling problem with the perturbation method: The initial tableau should be: 1. x5 x6 x7 c x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 b 0.5 −5.5 −2.5 9 1 0 0 ε 0.5 −1.5 −0.5 1 0 1 0 ε2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 + ε3 10 −57 −9 −24 0 0 0 0 30 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING The entering variable is again x1 . The constraints x5 ≥ 0, x6 ≥ 0, and x7 ≥ 0 limit the increase of x1 to 2ε, 2ε2 and 1 + ε3 . Since 2ε2 < 2ε < 1 + ε3 , ε , the leaving variable is x6 . 2. x5 x1 x7 c x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 b 0 −4 −2 8 1 −1 0 ε − ε2 1 −3 −1 2 0 2 0 2ε2 0 3 1 −2 0 −2 1 1 − 2ε2 + ε3 0 −27 1 −44 0 −20 0 20ε2 3. x5 x1 x3 c x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 b 2 0 2 0 4 1 −5 2 2+ε − 5ε + 2ε3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 + ε3 0 3 1 −2 0 −2 1 1 − 2ε2 + ε3 0 −30 0 −42 0 −18 −1 1 + 18ε2 + ε3 This is the optimal tableau for the perturbed problem. It may be converted into the optimal basis for the original problem by simply disregarding all the terms involving ε. The lexicographic method is that implementation of the perturbation method in which ε is symbol, and quantities are compared by the lexicographic rule. It is always possible to choose the leaving variable by the lexicographic rule: there is always one that is lexicographically smaller than or equal to all the others. At any time, when the terms involving ε are deleted, then the tableau for the perturbed problem reduces to a tableau for the original problem. Theorem 25 The simplex algorithm terminates, if the leaving variable is selected by the lexicographic rule in each iteration. Proof : We should prove that nondegenerate problem will be constructed. Therefore, we need only consider an arbitrary row: X xk = (r0 + r1 ε + ... + rm εm ) − dj xj j ∈I / B and prove that at least one of the m + 1 numbers r0 , r1 , ..., rm is different from 0. If dj = 1 and di = 0 for all basic variables xi i 6= k, results: n+m X j=1 dj xj = r0 + r1 ε + ... + rm εm 31 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING The slack variables, xn+i = bi + εi − n P aij xj (i = 1, 2, ...m). j=1 We get the equation n X dj xj + j=1 m X dn+i bi + εi − i=1 n X ! aij xj = r0 + r1 ε + ... + rm εm j=1 which holds for all choices of numbers x1, x2, ..., xn and ε, ..., εm . Write it as ! n m m m X X X X dj − dn+i aij xj + (dn+i − ri ) εi = r0 − dn+i bi j=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 consider that the coefficient of each xj , εi, according to the right-hand side, must equal zero. Thus dn+i = ri i = 1, 2, ..., m m P dj = dn+i aij j = 1, 2, ..., n i=1 If all the numbers r1 , ..., rm were equal to zero, then dn+i = 0 for all i = 1, 2, ..., m and dj = 0 for all j = 1, 2, ..., n,treat in contradiction with the fact that dk = 1. 2 Lexico Dual Simplex algorithm At first, we shall eliminate a variable from a positively dependent pair of variables. We say, that two variables xp and xq are positively dependent if there exists a α > 0 constant, that the column vector of xp in the original tableau is α times the column vector of xq . Let y = xp +αxq , eliminate both xp and xq from the problem and introduce y into the problem. The result is an LP with variables less than (P). If y ¯ is the value of y in an optimal solution of the reduced problem, then replace y ¯ in that solution by x ¯p and x ¯q , that x ¯p +α¯ xq = y ¯. Especially x ¯p = 0 and x ¯q = y ¯. Thus if the LP contains a positively dependent pair of variables, one of the variables in the pair can be deleted by setting it equal to zero. If (P) is not totally dual nondegenerate, the dual simplex algorithm applied on (P), starting with a dual feasible basic vector, can cycle. The basis AB and the corresponding basic vector xB are dual feasible for (P) if c¯j ≥ 0 for each j = 1 to n. The basis AB and the corresponding basic vector xB are said to be lexico dual feasible for (P) iff (¯ cj , ≥ a ¯1j , ..., a ¯mj ) 0 for each j = 1 to n. Obviously, if (P) is totally dual nondegenerate, every dual feasible basis for (P) is lexico dual feasible and vice versa. If (P) is not totally dual nondegenerate, a basis AB is lexico dual feasible for (P) only if all of the reduce 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 32 cost coefficients are nonnegative. And the topmost nonzero entry in every column of the canonical tableau is strictly positive in every column, in which the reduce cost coefficient is zero. In order to resolve dual degeneracy in the Dual Simplex Algorithm the pivot column choice rule is to apply. The initial basis and all the bases obtained during this algorithm are lexico dual feasible. Pivot Column Choice Rule to Resolve Dual Degeneracy in the Dual Simplex Algorithm: Initialization xB lexico dual feasible basic vector AB is a corresponding basis. the leaving variable is xr begin If (I0 := min {¯ cj /¯ arj : j, such that a ¯rj < 0}) = 1 then STOP then the minimum is unique, the pivot row is determined. else s := 1 whileIs = min {¯ ani /¯ arj : j ∈ In−1 } = 6 1 do n := n + 1 (the next column) endwhile endif STOP: the pivot column is determined end In this algorithm is the pivot row chosen according to the dual simplex algorithm discussed in the second section, suppose it is row r. If the primal infeasibility criterion is satisfied, (¯ ar1 , ..., a ¯rn ) ≥ 0, then the problem is infeasible. On the other hand, if there exists j, that a ¯rj < 0, then the entering variable is xs , that (¯ cj , a ¯1j , ..., a ¯mj ) (¯ cs , a ¯1s , ..., a ¯ms ) = lexico min , j, that a ¯rj < 0 −¯ ars −¯ arj If the lexico minimum is not unique, let S := {i, i tied for it} . The set of all variables xj for j ∈ S are pairwise positively dependent in this case. Select any one of the variables xs for some s ∈ S as the entering variable into the basic vector xB , set all other xj for j ∈ S, j 6= s equal to zero. Delete them and the corresponding column vectors. The column vector of xs is the pivot column. If xB is a lexico dual feasible basic vector, and the pivot column is chosen by the above procedure, then the basic vector obtained after this pivot remains also lexico dual feasible. The vector (−¯ z , ¯b1 , ..., ¯bm ) undergoes a strict lexico decrease in the pivot step. If (P) is solved by the dual simplex algorithm, which starts with a lexico dual feasible basic vector, determines the 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 33 pivot column in each pivot step by this procedure, then cycling cannot occur and the algorithm must terminate after a finite number of pivot steps. And it satisfies one of the termination conditions in the dual simplex algorithm. 3.3.3 Bland Pivoting Rule In the preceding section we have discussed the lexico minimum ratio rule. One disadvantage of that is it may require the entries in the basic inverse in each step. If the problem is solved using the product form of the inverse, computing the basic inverse is computationally expensive. Another method for resolving degeneracy has been developed by R.G.Bland[9]. In this method, both the pivot entering nonbasic variable and the leaving basic variable are selected uniquely by the rule. The method requires that a ordering of the variables in problem be chosen before the algorithm is initiated. According to Bland, this ordering can be arbitrary, but once it is selected, it is fixed and cannot be changed after the algorithm is initiated. But, the recent research showed, that the order of the variables need not to be fixed in the beginning, let us just thinking about the new criss-cross algorithm[8]. In each pivot step, the entering nonbasic variable and the leaving basic variable are chosen to be the first variables that are eligible to enter and leave the basic vector in that step, when the variables are examined in the specific ordering chosen for the variables. Without any loss of generality we assume that the specific ordering chosen for the variables is the natural order x1 , x2 , ..., xn . In this case, Bland’s entering and leaving variable choice rule is called the least subscript or least index rule. Theorem 26 (R.G.Bland) The simplex method terminates when the entering and leaving variables are selected by the least index rule in each iteration. Proof : We need to show that cycling can not occur, when the smallest subscript rule is used. Because if the simplex method fails to terminate, then it must cycle. Suppose the algorithm cycle on the basis sequence of iterations AB0 , AB1 , AB2 , ..., ABk , such that AB0 = ABk in a sequence of degenerate iteration. Let xl have the largest subscript among the variables, which are nonbasic variable in some bases and basic variable in some bases. In the basis sequence AB0 , AB1 , AB2 , ..., ABk there is a basis AB , where xl was the leaving variable, and xs was the entering variable. Because of the assumption, that the algorithm is cycling. In the sequence AB0 , AB1 , AB2 , ..., ABk , AB0 , AB1 , AB2 , ..., 34 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING ABk , there have to be another basis A∗B , where xl was the leaving variable. Therefore, we can record AB as X x i = bi − aij xj (i ∈ IB ) j ∈I / B and the objective function value z=v+ X cj xj j ∈I / B The iterations between AB and A∗B are degenerate, so the objective function z has same value v. Thus, z may be recorded as z=v+ n+m X c∗j xj , j=1 c∗j = 0 whenever j ∈ IB∗ . This equation will be satisfied by every solution of AB , especially xj = 0, j ∈ / IB and j 6= s, xi = bi − ais xs (i ∈ IB ), z = v + cs xs for every xs . Thus we obtain X v + cs xs = v + c∗s xs + c∗i (bi − ais xs ) i∈IB therefore (cs − c∗s + X c∗i ais )xs = i∈IB X c∗i bi i∈IB for every xs . The right-hand side of the last equation is a constant independent of xs , conclusion X cs − c∗s + c∗i ais = 0. i∈IB xs is entering variable in AB , according to the entering variable choice rule cs > 0. The vector xs is not entering variable in IB∗ and s > l, so we have c∗s ≤ 0. Therefore we get c∗r ars < 0 for some r ∈ IB . As r ∈ IB , so c∗r 6= 0, so r ∈ / IB , since xl has the largest subscript, r ≤ l. But r 6= l, because xl is leaving variable in AB , als > 0 and so c∗l als > 0. Now r < l and xr is not entering variable in A∗B . Thus c∗r ≤ 0, we have c∗r ars < 0 above, we obtain ars > 0. As all the iterations between AB and A∗B are degenerate, both of the two bases write down same solution. xr is zero in both pivoting tableau of the two bases, because xr is nonbasic variable in A∗B , so br = 0. Thus xr should 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 35 be the leaving variable in AB , but we choose the xl , even though r < t. Here we get the contradiction. The difference between the lexicographic minimum ratio version and the Bland’s version of the simplex algorithm is: The lexicographic minimum ratio starts with an initial lexico primal feasible basic vector, the entering variable is random, but the leaving variable must be chosen by the lexico minimum ratio test. On the other hand, the Bland’s pivoting rule begins with any feasible basis, in each pivot iteration the entering or the leaving variables are uniquely selected by the rule. 3.4 The Alternative optimal Solutions Suppose an optimal solution is obtained when an linear programming problem is solved. Let xs be a nonbasic variable in the final optimal canonical tableau, if reduce cost c¯s = 0, and if the operation of bringing xs into the basic vector involves a nondegenerate pivot step, this step yields an alternative optimal BFS. The alternative optimal bases are obtained by bringing into an optimal basic vector any nonbasic variable with a zero reduce cost coefficient. Therefore, the sufficient condition for (P) to have a unique optimal solution is: Theorem 27 If there exists an optimal basic vector for an linear programming problem, whose reduce cost coefficients of all the nonbasic variables are strictly positive, then the corresponding BFS is the unique optimal solution of this LP. The set of optimal solutions of the primal problem is P ∗ := x ∈ Rn |Ax = b, x ≥ 0, cT x = ζ . • If P ∗ = , then it does not have any optimal solution. • If P ∗ 6= , then the linear programming problem has any optimal solution. • If |P ∗ | =1,then it has a unique optimal solution. • If |P ∗ | ≥2,then it has alternative optimal solution. 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING Example 28 Let us see 4x1 x1 maximize 2x1 subject to x1 The initial full 1. x1 x2 s1 1 −1 1 1 2 1 c 4 3 36 the following linear programming problem + 3x2 − x3 + x4 − x2 + 2x3 + x4 ≤ 8 + x2 + x3 − x4 = 10 + x2 − x3 + x4 = 16 x1 , x2 , x, x4 ≥ 0 tableau is: x 3 x 4 s1 b 2 1 1 8 −1 1 0 10 1 −1 0 16 −1 1 0 0 Consider, the objective function is maximal, using the least script pivoting rule, the variable x1 shall enter the basis, because c¯1 = 4 > 0. The leaving variablecan be determined by ratio test: 16 , = min {8, 10, 8} = 8. So the pivot element is a ¯11. min 18 , 10 1 2 2. x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 b x1 1 −1 2 1 1 8 0 2 −3 0 -1 2 0 3 −3 −3 −2 0 c 0 7 −9 −3 −4 −32 3. x1 x2 c x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 b 1 0 1 0 1/3 8 0 0 −1 2 1/3 2 0 1 −1 −1 −2/3 0 0 0 −2 4 2/3 −32 4. x1 x4 x2 c x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 b 1 0 1 0 1/3 8 0 0 −1/2 1 1/6 1 0 1 −3/2 0 −1/2 1 0 0 0 0 0 −36 The basic variables are x1 , x4 , x2 . The nonbasic variables are x3 , s1 . The optimal basic solution is x¯1 = (8, 1, 0, 1) and the optimal objective function value is 36. In this pivot tableau the reduce cost coefficients are zero, the optimal solution is dual degenerate, thus, there exists alternative optimal solutions. If we pivot continuously, with the entering variable x3 : 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 5. x3 x4 x2 c 37 x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 b 1 0 1 0 1/3 8 1/2 0 0 1 1/3 5 3/2 1 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 −36 The solution can be read from this pivot tableau: x¯2 = (0, 13, 8, 5). But if the entering variable is s1 , the optimal solution will be x¯3 = (6, 4, 0, 0). 5/ . x1 s1 x2 c x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 s1 b 1 0 −2 −2 0 6 0 0 −3 6 1 6 0 1 −3 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 −36 Further more, the convex combination of the optimal basic solutions are also optimal solutions of the original problem. For instance: 1 1 x¯ = x¯1 + x¯2 = (4, 7, 4, 3) 2 2 and the corresponding value of object function is 36. Consider the pivot ordering is as follows: x2 ≺ x3 ≺ x1 ≺ x4 ≺ s1 , then we have: 10 . x2 x3 x1 x4 s1 b s1 -1 2 1 1 1 8 1 -1 1 1 0 10 1 1 2 −1 0 16 c 3 −1 4 1 0 0 20 . s1 x2 c 30 . s1 x2 x3 c x 2 x 3 x 1 x 4 s1 b 0 1 2 2 1 8 1 −1 1 1 0 10 0 2 1 −2 0 16 3 2 1 −2 0 −30 x2 x3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 x 1 x 4 s1 b 3/2 3 1 15 3/2 0 0 13 1/2 −1 0 3 0 0 0 −36 In this pivot table, we can read out the another optimal solution x¯4 = (0, 13, 3, 0) vector. 3. DEGENERACY IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING 38 Assume a linear programming problem is given, if it is dual degenerate, then it has alternative optimal solution. There are some methods, using them the alternative optimal solutions can be found. 1. Several data in the problem should be modified a little. So-called perturbation method. 2. The ordering of linear programming problem data should be modified, in other words, the rows and columns in pivot table should be permutated. Fukuda and Namiki showed the result in linear complementarity problem. [10] 3. Assume the objective value of a linear programming problem is obtained, then the objective function can be fixed with the objective value. We add this as a constraint condition to the other condition. Then we get a optimal solution set in a implicit way. 4. Assume the objective value of a linear programming problem is obtained, if the problem is dual degenerate. We can pivot continuous to get other alternative solutions. 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING 4 39 Parametrical Linear Programming In linear programming problems that are arising from applications, the numerical data often represent only rough estimates of quantities that are inherently difficult to predict. It often happens that the coefficients of the objective function or the right-hand-side constants are not precisely known at the time the problem is being solved. For example, market prices may fluctuate, supplies of raw materials and demands for finished products are often unknown in advance, and production may be effected by a variety of accidental events such as machine breakdowns. Each variation changes its objective function, and thus, creates a new problem. Since each of these new linear programming problems might possibly represent the actual situation, it is useful to find out how the optimal solutions vary with the changes in data. The special literature can be find in [3][1][11]. Since we are dealing only with linear models here, it is assumed that the coefficients of the objective function or the right-hand-side constants vector vary linearly with the parameters. Let us see the case where there is only one parameter λ. Such problems, in which are more parameters, are much more difficult problems. The two types of parametrical linear programming are parametric cost problem and parametric right-hand-side problem. 4.1 The Parametric Cost Problem The problem to be solved is of the following form: min zλ (x) = (c+λc0 )T x (Pobj ) Ax = b x ≥ 0 where c and x are vectors in Rn , b is a vector in Rm , the matrix A is an m × n real matrix assume, rank(A) = m. The λ is a parameter, that takes real values. In (Pobj ) if z(x) = cT x and z 0 (x) = c0T x, then zλ (x) = z(x) + λz 0 (x). For any fix value of λ, (Pobj ) is a standard linear programming problem. If AB is a feasible basis for (Pobj ), it is an optimal basis for a specified value of λ if all the reduce cost coefficients are nonnegative for that value of λ. The updating operation can be carried out by treating each cost coefficient as a function of λ,without giving any specific value for it. All of there reduce cost coefficients will turn out to be functions of λ, and AB is an optimal basis for all values of λ that keep all the relative cost coefficients be nonnegative. In the tableau we write the parametric objective function in two rows. One row 40 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING contains the constant terms of the objective function, corresponding to z(x). The another row contains all the coefficients of λ in the objective function, corresponding to z 0 (x). As followings: a11 .. . · · · a1j .. . · · · a1n .. . b1 .. . am1 c1 c01 · · · amj · · · cj · · · c0j · · · amm · · · cn · · · c0n bm 0 0 The question of the feasibility of (Pobj ) does not depend on λ , since λ affects only the objective function in (Pobj ). Thus if (Pobj ) is infeasible for some λ , it is infeasible for all values of λ and it terminates. The parametric cost simplex algorithm begins with an optimal basis for (Pobj ) for some fixed value of the parameter λ, for example λ = 0 and then solves (Pobj ) for all values of λ, using only primal simplex pivot steps. Assume, for specified value of λ (= λ0 ), the problem is solved. Let xB = (x1 , ..., xm ), associated with the basis AB , be an optimal basic vector. If cB , c0B are the cost vectors associated with the basic vector xB , y = cTB A−1 B −1 A and y0 = c0T . The relative cost coefficient of x as a function of the j B B parameter λ is c¯j = cj − yT a·j and c¯0j = c0j − y0T a·j If the parameter λ satisfies the condition c¯j + λ¯ c0j ≥ 0 for all j. Then the basis AB is still the optimal basis. Therefore a necessary condition for AB to be an optimal basis is c¯j ≥ 0 ∀j such c¯0j = 0 The optimality criterion for AB to be optimal.¯ c0 is c¯j + λ¯ cj ≥ 0 for all j. 0 0 0 If c¯j > 0, consequently λ ≥ c¯j /¯ cj . If c¯j < 0, then λ ≤ c¯j /¯ c0j . Let o n −¯ c λB = min c¯0 j : j, such that c¯0j < 0 j = λB = +∞ n min −¯ cj c¯0j if c¯0j ≥ 0 for all j o : j, such that c¯0j > 0 = −∞ if c¯0j ≤ 0 for all j Definition 29 The interval λ : λB ≤ λ ≤ λB = λB , λB is called as the optimal interval, AB is an optimal basis. The value λB is called as the lower characteristic value of the basis AB . The value λB is called as the upper characteristic value of the basis AB . 41 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING If λB < λB , the optimal interval of the basis AB is empty and AB can never be an optimal basis. If the optimality interval of a basis AB is nonempty, for the λ ∈ λB , λB , an optimal basic feasible solution is: The basic vector: xB All nonbasic variables Optimal objective value Optimal dual solution = = = = ¯ = A−1 b b B 0 z¯ + λ¯ z0 y + λy 0 Therefore, in the optimal interval, the optimal solution is the same, but the optimal objective value is a linear function of λ. If the λ outside the optimality interval of AB , then AB is not an optimal basis for the linear programming problem. Assume, λ > λB , AB is a primal feasible basis for the parametric problem (Pobj ) with an nonempty optimal interval. Suppose, λB is finite and index 0 ck /¯ ck . When λ > λB , then c¯k + λ¯ c0k < k attains the minimum, then λB = −¯ 0, therefore xk has to be brought into the basic vector. If the a ¯ik ≤ 0 for all i, then the dual infeasibility criterion is satisfied, that means, the parametric objective function z(x) is unbounded below on the set of feasible solutions, when λ > λB . If the unboundedness criterion is not satisfied, using the simplex algorithm, suppose xr is the leaving variable, xk is the entering variable. We obtain a new basis AB¯ . The optimal interval of AB¯ is another interval that has its left end point same with λB , the right end point of the previous basis AB¯ . Similar is the situation, in which λ < λB . Remark 2 To obtain optimal solutions of (PCP) for λ > λB , after the entering variable xk is determined, the leaving variable has to be determined by the primal simplex minimum ratio test in order to retain primal feasibility. When there is a tie, the leaving basic variable can be chosen arbitrarily among those eligible, but this could result in cycling at the value of λ = λB . The algorithm could then keep going indefinitely through a cycle of feasible bases, everyone of which is only optimal for λ = λB . We will return to this problem a bit later. Example 30 Let us solve the following parametric linear programming problem: 42 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING max (3 − 6λ)x1 + (2 − 5λ)x2 + (5 + 2λ)x3 x1 + 2x2 + x3 ≤ 430 3x1 + 2x3 ≤ 460 subject x1 + 4x2 ≤ 420 xj ≥ 0 (j = 1, 2, 3) At first let λ = 0, then the initial pivot tableau is: 1. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1 x5 x6 1 3 1 2 0 4 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 430 0 460 1 420 −3 −2 −5 6 5 −2 0 0 0 0 0 0 c c0 x6 b 0 0 2. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 b x2 x5 x6 1/2 3 −1 1 0 0 1/2 2 −2 1/2 0 −2 0 1 0 0 0 1 215 460 −440 c c0 −2 7/2 0 −4 1 0 −9/2 −5/2 0 0 0 430 0 −1075 3. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 b x2 x3 x6 −1/4 3/2 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1/2 −1/4 0 1/2 −2 1 0 0 1 110 230 20 c c0 4 41/4 0 0 0 1 0 −5/2 2 9/4 0 1350 0 −40 Now, in case λ = 0 we obtain the optimal solution x∗1 = (0, 100, 230, 0, 0, 20)T . If the following conditions are satisfied, the optimal solution is also optimal for the parametric problem. c¯1 c¯4 c¯5 + λ¯ c01 = 4 + + λ¯ c04 = 1 − + λ¯ c05 = 2 + 41 λ 4 5 λ 2 9 λ 4 ≥ 0 ⇒ λ ≥ ≥ 0 ⇒ λ ≤ ≥ 0 ⇒ λ ≥ −4 41/4 −1 −5/2 −2 9/4 43 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING n o −4 −2 and λ1B = max 41/4 , 9/4 = − 16 . 41 16 2 Thus in the case, that all λ are in the interval − 41 , 5 , the optimal solution of original parametric LP problem is x∗1 , the value of objective function is z1∗ = 1350 − 40λ. 1 Consequently, λB = min n −1 −5/2 o = 2 5 If λ > 25 , then c¯4 + λ¯ c04 ≥ 0 condition is not satisfied, we shall bring the x4 into the basic vector, according to the minimum ratio rule x2 is the leaving basic variable, so we obtain the following pivot tableau: 4. x1 x2 x3 x4 x3 x6 −1/2 3/2 1 12 0 4 c c0 9/2 9 -2 5 x4 x5 x6 b 0 1 0 1 −1/2 0 1/2 0 0 0 0 1 200 230 420 0 0 0 0 0 1150 0 460 5/2 1 The current optimal solution is x∗2 = (0, 0, 230, 200, 0, 420)T , according to the definition of λB and λB : −9/2 2 −5/2 2 2 λB = +∞ and λB = max , , . 9 5 1 we obtain also the value of objective function is z2∗ = 1150 + 460λ, for all λ ∈ 25 , +∞ . If λ < −16 , then c¯1 + λ¯ c01 ≥ 0 condition is not satisfied, we shall bring 41 the x1 into the basic vector, according to the minimum ratio rule x6 is the leaving basic variable, so we obtain the following pivot tableau: 4. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 b x2 x3 x1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1/4 3/2 −1 −1/8 −1/4 1/2 1/8 −3/4 1/2 205/2 215 10 c c0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 -2 1310 0 31/4 -23/8 -41/8 -285/2 44 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING The current optimal solution is x∗3 = (10, 205/2, 215, 0, 0, 0)T . If the following conditions are satisfied, the optimal solution is also optimal for the parametric problem. c01 = 5 + 31 λ ≥ 0 c¯1 + λ¯ 4 23 0 c¯4 + λ¯ c4 = λ ≥ 0 8 41 0 c¯5 + λ¯ c5 = -2 − 8 λ ≥ 0 according to the definition of λB and λB : 2 16 0 3 , =− and λB = min −23/8 −41/8 41 λ3B = max −5 31/4 =− 20 . 31 we obtain also the value of objective function is z3∗ = 1310 − 285/2λ, for all 16 λ ∈ − 20 , − . 31 41 , then c¯4 + λ¯ c04 ≥ 0 condition is not satisfied, we shall bring If λ < −20 31 the x1 into the basic vector, according to the minimum ratio rule x6 is the leaving basic variable, so we obtain the following pivot tableau: 5. x1 x2 x3 x4 x2 x4 x1 0 0 1 1 0 0 −1/6 2/3 2/3 0 1 0 c c0 0 0 0 −10/3 0 −31/6 x5 x6 b −1/12 1/4 −1/6 −1/2 1/3 0 205/2 215 10 0 5/6 1/2 1780/3 0 −19/12 −5/4 −3760/3 The current optimal solution is x∗4 = (460/3, 200/3, 0, 430/3, 0, 0)T , according to the definition of λB and λB : −1/2 20 10/3 5/6 4 λB = min − , ,− =− and λ3B = −∞. 31/6 19/12 5/4 31 20 we obtain also the value of objective function is z4∗ =, for all λ ∈ −∞, − 31 . Now we have solved the whole parametric LP problem, the solution is in the following tableau: 45 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING optimal interval the optimal solution the value of objective function 1780 −∞, − 20 ( 460 , 200 , 0)T − 3760 λ 31 3 3 3 3 20 16 , 215)T λ − 31 , − 41 (10, 205 1310 − 285 2 2 16 2 − 41 , 5 (0, 100, 230)T 1350 − 40λ 2 , +∞ (0, 0, 230)T 1150 + 460λ 5 4.2 Parametric Right-Hand-Side problem Now let us see another type parametric linear programming problem, so called parametric right-hand-side problem. min z(x) = cT x Ax = b+λb0 (Pb ) x ≥ 0 In the parametric right-hand-side problem, the constraints involve the parameter λ. However, it can be verified from standard results in linear algebra that if either b and b0 or both do not lie in the linear hull of the columns of A, then Ax = b + λb0 has a solution for at most a single value of the parameter λ. This is a trivial case, hence we assume that both b and b0 are in the linear hull. Therefore, if a constraint in Ax = b + λb0 is redundant for some value of λ, then it is redundant for all values of λ, and it can be eliminated. Thus we can assume rank(A) = m. We write the parametric right-hand-side problem in the original tableau: a11 .. . am1 c1 · · · a1j .. . · · · a1n .. . b1 .. . b01 .. . · · · amj · · · cj · · · amm · · · cn bm 0 b0m 0 The parametric right-hand-side simplex algorithm begins with an optimal basis for (Pb ) for some fixed value of the parameter λ, for example λ = 0 and then solves (Pb ) for all values of λ, using only dual simplex pivot steps. Let xB is an optimal basic vector for some specified value of λ = λ0 and the AB is the associated optimal basis. Let cB be the corresponding reduce ¯ = A−1 b, b ¯ 0 = A−1 b0 , and z¯ = cB A−1 b, z¯0 = cB A−1 b0 . Since cost vector, b B B B B AB is an optimal basis when λ = λ0 , therefore AB is dual feasible. The parameter λ appears only in the right-hand-side constant vector, hence dual 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING 46 feasibility of a basis is independent of λ. Thus, AB is an optimal basis for the parametric right-hand-side problem for all values of λ for which it is primal ¯ b ¯ 0 ≥ 0. feasible, that is, for all λ satisfying b+λ The basis AB is primal feasible when λ = λ0 , we must have ¯bi +λ¯b0i ≥ 0 for all i. Therefore a necessary condition for AB to be an optimal basis is ¯bj ≥ 0 ∀j such ¯b0j = 0 The optimality criterion for AB to be optimal is ¯bi +λ¯b0i ≥ 0 for all i. If ¯b0i > 0, consequently λ ≥ ¯bi /¯b0i . If ¯b0i < 0, then λ ≤ ¯bi /¯b0i . Let n o −¯bi 0 ¯ λB = min ¯b0 : i, such that bi < 0 i = +∞ n if ¯b0i ≥ 0 for all i o −¯bi 0 ¯ λB = min ¯b0 : i, such that bi > 0 i = −∞ if ¯b0 ≤ 0 for all i i if λB > λB , AB will never be a primal feasible basis for any λ. Contrary, if λB ≤ λB then the λB , λB interval is called characteristic interval or the optimal interval of the basis AB . For all values of λ in this optimal interval, the BFS xB is an optimal solution. In this interval, the optimal objective value and the values of the basic variables in the optimal BFS vary linearly in λ. If λB is finite and we have to solve the problem in case λ > λB , with the assumption, that index k attains the minimum in the definition of λB , then λB = −¯bk /¯b0k and for such λ, which λ > λB , ¯bk +λ¯b0k < 0. If the primal infeasibility criterion (¯ arj ≥ 0 for all j) is satisfied, then the problem is infeasible whenever λ > λB . In spite of that, if the primal infeasibility criterion is not satisfied, then we can make a dual simplex pivot step in the rth row. It gives a consecutive optimal basis AB˜ , whose characteristic interval to the right of λB . The same procedure is repeated with the new basis AB˜ until optimal solutions are obtained for all required λ > λB Return to the original basis AB , suppose λB is finite, we have to solve the problem in case λ < λB and t attains the maximum in the definition of λB . The primal infeasibility criterion (¯ atj ≥ 0 for all j) is not satisfied for λ < λB , a dual simplex pivot step is made in the t th row, and the procedure continued in a similar manner. Remark 3 As pointed out in the preceding remark about the parametric cost simplex algorithm, in trying to get optimal solutions for λ > λB , if there is a tie in the dual simplex minimum ratio test for the choice of the pivot column, 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING 47 and the choice is made arbitrarily, cycling can occur at that value of λ = λB here, too. The same thing can happen when trying to get optimal solutions for λ < λB . Methods for resolving this problem of cycling will be discussed later. Lemma 31 Every parametric right-hand-side problem is the dual of a parametric cost problem and vice versa. Let us see some properties of the optimal objective value function in parametric linear programming problems. Theorem 32 The optimal objective value in a parametric right-hand-side linear programming problems is (1) a piecewise linear convex function of the parameter, if the objective function is being minimized in the problem (2) a piecewise linear concave function of the parameter, if the objective function is being maximized in the problem. Theorem 33 The optimal objective value in a parametric cost linear programming problems is (1) a piecewise linear concave function of the parameter, if the objective function is being minimized in the problem (2) a piecewise linear convex function of the parameter, if the objective function is being maximized in the problem. For the proof of these Theorem or Lemma, see [1]. 4.3 Resolution of Cycling in The Parametric Simplex Algorithms Consider the parametric right-hand-side linear programming problem. Let us solve it with simplex algorithm. For solving this problem, the parametric right-hand-side simplex algorithm starts with a basis AB that is optimal for a fixed value of λ, and determines the optimality interval of AB. If λB 6= +∞, let J = i : i ties for the minimum in the definition of λB . It selects an r ∈ J and performs a dual simplex pivot step in row r in the 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING 48 canonical tableau with respect to the basis AB . This yields an adjacent basis AB˜ that is also optimal for λ = λB . The lower characteristical value of the basis AB˜ is λB , and the algorithm continues with AB˜ . However, cycling may occur at λ = λB . 4.3.1 Resolution of Cycling in the Parametric Right-Hand-Side Simplex Algorithm Let I = {1, 2, ..., m} and xB be an optimal basic vector, for which the optimality interval is λB , λB . The method for resolving cycling in the parametric right-hand-side simplex algorithm requires the use of the lexico dual simplex algorithm, what we have discussed in the third section. Assume, the initial basic vector xB is lexico dual feasible. The AB is the associated basis, and ¯ = A−1 b, b ¯ 0 = A−1 b0 . Suppose λB < +∞, let T = i : i such ¯bi +λ¯b0i = 0 b B B and J = i : i such ¯bi +λ¯b0i = 0 and ¯b0i < 0 , the set of i that tie for the minimum in determining λB . So J ⊂ T. As long as λ = λB , any pivot step performed in rows i ∈ T , beginning with xB will not change the primal basic solution, because when the basic variable in the pivot row is zero in the basic solution, the pivot step is a primal degenerate pivot step that leaves the primal basic solution unchanged. Denote xB˜ is any dual feasible basic vector containing all the variables xj for j ∈ I\T as basic variables. Suppose ˜ and b ˜ 0 are the associated right-hand-side constant vectors. As conclusion, b the basic solution with respect to xB˜ at λ = λB is ˜ b ˜ 0 = b+λ ¯ Bb ¯0 xB˜ = b+λ and all of the nonbasic variables are equal 0. For all i ∈ T, ˜bi +λB ˜b0i = 0, and for i ∈ / T, ˜bi +λB ˜b0i > 0. Thus the upper characteristic value associated with xB˜ is > λB if ˜b0i > 0 for all i ∈ T. In order to obtain optimal solutions for values of λ > λB , we consider the subproblem at λ = λB as follows: P T min c¯i xi i∈I\T / P T 0 ¯ a ¯ji xi = bj j∈T (SP RHSP ) i∈I\T / xi ≥ 0 i∈ / I\T The (xi : i ∈ / I ∩ T ) vector is a dual feasible basic vector for (SPRHSP). The subproblem can be solved by the lexico dual simplex algorithm in a finite number of steps without the possibility of cycling. If this process terminates by satisfying the primal infeasibility criterion in some row, that same row satisfies the primal infeasibility criterion for the original problem for values 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING 49 ¯ B . On the other hand, if it terminates with an optimal basic vector, of λ > λ (xj : j ∈ D), then the basic vector (xj : j ∈ D ∪ (I\T )) is an optimal basic vector for the original problem at λ = λB , for which the upper characteristic ¯B . value is > λ However, it is not necessary to solve the subproblem separately. It can be carried out on the original problem itself. At each pivot, it is necessary to check whether the updated b0j ≥ 0 for all j ∈ T . If so, the subproblem pivots are done and we resume the parametric right-hand-side simplex algorithm. If not we continue the subproblem pivots by selecting the pivot row as any arbitrary row in which the present updated b0j ≥ 0, and the pivot column is choosed by the lexico dual simplex minimum ratio test. After at most a finite number of such subproblem pivots steps at λ = λB this procedure will ¯ B , or find either determine, that the original problem is infeasible for λ > λ an optimal basis for it at λ = λB , for which the upper characteristic value is ¯ B . And then the parametric right-hand-side simplex algorithm greater than λ can be continued in the same way. In similar way we can use the method to determine optimal solutions for λ < λB . 4.3.2 Resolution of Cycling in the Parametric Cost Simplex Algorithm Let I = {1, 2, ..., m} and xB be an optimal basic vector, for which the optimal interval is λB , λB . The method for resolving cycling in the parametric cost simplex algorithm requires the use of the lexico primal simplex algorithm, what we have discussed in the third section. Assume, the initial basic vector xB is lexico feasible. The AB is the associated basis, and ¯ c = c − cB A−1 c0 = c0 − c0B A−1 B A, furthermore ¯ B A. Suppose λB < +∞, let 0 c0i = 0 and c¯0i < 0}, the T = {i : i such c¯i +λ¯ ci = 0} and J = {i : i such c¯i +λ¯ set of i that tie for the minimum in determining λB . So J ⊂ T. Denote xB˜ is any primal feasible basic vector containing all the variables xj for j ∈ T as basic variables. Suppose ˜ c and ˜ c0 are the associated updated cost vectors. So, for all j ∈ T, c˜j +λ˜ c0j = 0, and c˜j +λ˜ c0j > 0 if j ∈ / T . The vector xB˜ is another optimal basic vector at λ = λB value. Thus the upper characteristic value associated with xB˜ is greater than λB if c˜0j > 0 for all j ∈ T. In order to obtain optimal solutions for values of λ > λB , we consider the subproblem at λ = λB as follows: 50 4. PARAMETRICAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING min P a ¯Tji xi c¯Ti xi i∈T ≥ 0 P = ¯bj i∈T xi i∈T (SP CP ) The vector (xi : i ∈ / I) is a lexico primal feasible basic vector for (SPCP). The subproblem can be solved by the lexico primal simplex algorithm in a finite number of steps without the possibility of cycling. If this process terminates by satisfying the primal infeasibility criterion in some column, that same column satisfies the unboundedness criterion for the original problem for ¯ B . On the other hand, if it terminates with an optimal basic values of λ > λ vector, the same basis is an optimal basis for the original problem (Pb ) at ¯B . λ = λB , for which the upper characteristic value is greater than λ It is not necessary to solve the subproblem separately. It can be carried out on the original problem itself. At each pivot, it is necessary to check whether the updated c0j ≥ 0 for all j ∈ T . If so, the subproblem pivots are done and we resume the parametric cost simplex algorithm. If not we continue the subproblem pivots by selecting the pivot row as any arbitrary row in which the present updated b0j ≥ 0, and the pivot column by the lexico primal simplex minimum ratio test. After at most a finite number of such subproblem pivots steps at λ = λB this procedure will either determine that the original problem is unbounded below in the original problem (Pb ) ¯ B , or find an optimal basis for it at λ = λB , for which the upper for λ > λ ¯ B . And then the parametric cost simplex characteristic value is greater than λ algorithm can be continued in the same way. In similar way the method can be used to determine optimal solutions for λ < λB . 51 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 5 Sensitivity Analysis Suppose we have a linear programming problem in practice, which is given in standard form (P), and an optimal solution is obtained for it. The data in A, c, b are estimated from practical considerations. Sometimes after the final optimal solution has been obtained, they have to be changed, other way, extra constraints or variables have to be added into the model. The chapter Sensitivity analysis deals with the problem of obtaining an optimal solution of the modified problem, which starts with the optimal solution of the original problem. It is also called postoptimality analysis. Now let us consider the problem, in which only one data changes once a time. If several changes have to be made, make them one at a time. For more detail about this topic, see [1][11][3]. In the previous section we have already seen two types of postoptimality analysis, parametric right-hand-side problem and the parametric cost problem. In this section we discuss various other types of postoptimality analysis. At first, let us see the fundamental principle of the sensitivity analysis. Then we will discuss about the sensitivity analysis in coefficient of objective function, right-hand-side, and matrix. 5.1 The Fundamental Principle of the Sensitivity Analysis Assume, a linear programming problem is given in standard form (P). From the first section, we know, if a basic solution x = (A−1 B b, 0) satisfied the following two conditions, then it is a optimal solution for the problem (P). xB = A−1 B b ≥ 0. sN = cN − ATN A−T B cB ≤ 0. (feasibility) (optimality) Let us recall the pivot table in this case. A−1 B A A−1 B b T cN − (cTB A−1 B A) −cTB A−1 B b If the data in the pivot tableau satisfied the previous conditions, then the basic solution is optimal, and the correspond basis AB is an optimal basis. Sometimes we have to modify the data in the problem, so it is useful to find out how the optimal solutions and the optimal basis vary with the 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 52 changes in data. For instance, the change in b can influence, whether the xB = A−1 B b ≥ 0 is satisfied yet. The change in c has an effect, whether the optimality condition sN ≤ 0 is granted still, and the change in data in A can influence on both of the two conditions. To analysis how these modified data affect on the optimal solutions, is the job of sensitivity analysis. The analysis bases on the obtained solution and basis, this is why, it is also called postoptimality analysis. The basic theory of sensitivity analysis is to check, whether the two conditions are satisfied still after the change of the data. Summarize the task of sensitivity analysis is: Find out the change limits of data, in other words the stable interval, so that remain the optimal solution or optimal basis. If the change of data exceed the limits in the previous point, bases on the original optimal solution or basis, how to obtain the new optimal solution quickly. As mentioned above, in practical problem, the following data or condition modify frequently 1. the coefficient of the objective function, cj 2. the right-hand-side constant, bi 3. the data in matrix aij, consisting introducing an additional constraint or new variable. In following, we will discuss about the effect of the changes of data on optimal solution. 5.2 The sensitivity analysis of coefficients of the objective function From the pivot tableau, we can read out, that the change of coefficients in the objective function may vary the sj ,it may effect, whether the optimality condition is satisfied. There are two possibilities in this area. First, when the corresponding variable is in basis, and second, when the corresponding variable is nonbasic. Suppose xr is a variable that is not in the optimal basis AB . Assuming that all the other cost coefficients except cr remain fixed at their specified values, determine the interval of values of cr , within which AB remains an 53 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS optimal basis. If the cost coefficient of nonbasic variable xr is changed from cr into cr + ∆cr , then the basis AB remains an optimal basis as long as c¯0r = cr + ∆cr − cTB A−T ¯r ≤ 0, B a consequently, ∆cr ≥ −¯ cr . The reduced cost coefficients of all the other variables are independent of the value of cr , hence they remain nonnegative. If the new value of cr is not in the closed interval [−¯ cr , +∞], xr is the only nonbasic variable that has a negative reduced cost coefficient in the modified problem. We shall bring xr into the basis and continue the algorithm until a terminal basis for the modified problem is obtained. Example 34 Suppose the optimal solution for the following linear programming problem is obtained, [11]. min −x1 − 5x2 − 3x3 − 4x4 2x1 + 3x2 + x3 + 2x4 ≤ 800 5x1 + 4x2 + 3x3 + 4x4 ≤ 1200 subject to 3x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 + 3x4 ≤ 1000 xj ≥ 0 (j = 1, 2, 3, 4) and we have the optimal tableau: opt x1 x5 x4 x2 c x2 x3 x4 1/4 2 −3/4 0 −13/4 0 −2 1 11/4 13/4 0 11/4 x5 x6 x7 b 0 1 0 1 1/4 −1 0 1 −1 0 −3/4 1 100 200 100 0 0 1/4 1 1300 The questions are: (1) To remain the current optimal basis, what is the stable interval of the value of c1 and c3 ? (2) If the value of c1 change to 5, what is the optimal solution? From the optimal table, we can read out, that c¯1 = 13 and c¯3 = 11 . To 4 4 remain the optimal basis, ∆cr ≥ −¯ cr has to be satisfied. So we get ∆c1 ≥ − 13 4 13 17 0 0 and ∆c3 ≥ − 11 , namely c = c + ∆c ≥ −1 − = − and c = c + ∆c ≥ 1 1 3 3 1 3 4 4 4 11 23 −3 − 4 = − 4 . 54 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS If c01 = −5 < − 17 , then it is in outside of the stable interval, the optimal 4 solution can not be the same. The newvalue ofthe reduce cost coefficient is 1/4 0 0 T −1 c¯1 = c1 − cB AB a ¯1 = −5 − (0, −4, −5) 2 = − 43 < 0, so the nonbasic −3/4 variable x1 should be the entering variable x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 b 100 200 100 x5 x4 x2 1/4 2 −3/4 0 −13/4 0 −2 1 11/4 0 1 0 1 1/4 −1 0 1 −1 0 −3/4 1 c −3/4 0 0 0 11/4 1/4 1 1300 continuous the simplex algorithm, we obtain the new optimal table: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 b 75 100 175 x5 x1 x2 0 1 0 0 −3 −1/8 0 −1 1/2 1 2 3/8 1 1/8 −7/8 0 1/2 −1/2 0 −3/8 5/8 c 0 0 0 2 3/8 5/8 5/8 1375 Now, suppose all the cost coefficients except cp , which is a basic cost coefficient, remain fixed at their present value. Determine the interval of values of cp for which AB remains an optimal basis. Since cp is a basic cost coefficient, any change in cp changes the dual solution corresponding to the basis AB , and all the reduce cost coefficients. Suppose cp changes into c0p = cp + ∆cp , because p ∈ IB , thus (cB + ∆cB )T A−1 B A = −1 = cTB A−1 B A + (0, ..., ∆cp , ..., 0)AB A T ap1 , a ¯p2 , ..., a ¯pn ), = cTB A−1 B A + ∆cp (¯ and c¯0p = cp − cTB A−1 ¯p − ∆cp a ¯pj = c¯p − ∆cp a ¯pj B a (j = 1, 2, ..., n). If we want, that the optimal solution remains, then the following condition has to be satisfied: ¯pj ≥ 0 c¯0p = c¯p − ∆cp a (j = 1, 2, ..., n). 55 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS From that we can obtain, if a ¯pj < 0, then ∆cp ≥ c¯p /¯ apj and if a ¯pj > 0, then ∆cp ≤ c¯p /¯ apj . Therefore, max {¯ cp /¯ apj |¯ apj < 0} ≤ ∆cp ≤ min {¯ cp /¯ apj |¯ apj > 0} . j j If the changed data is not in the interval any more, then we shall continue the algorithm. Example 35 For the previous example the stable interval of basic variable x2 is: 13/4 1/4 11/4 1 max , ≤ ∆c2 ≤ min , −3/4 −3/4 11/4 1 thus − 13 ≤ ∆c2 ≤ 1, if the − 16 ≤ c02 ≤ −4, then the optimal solution remains. 3 5.3 The sensitivity analysis of constant on the righthand-side In the linear programming problem (P) suppose we want to determine the interval of values of one of the right-hand-side constants, assume br , for which the basis AB remains optimal. −1 Due to xB = A−1 B b and z = cB AB b, the changing of bi influences the primal feasibility of the original optimal solution and the optimal value. Hence, AB remains dual feasible. Suppose the right-hand-side constant br changes into b0r = br + ∆br and assume the other data in the problem stay fixed, then the solution changes according into x0B = A−1 B (b + ∆b), in which b = (b1 , b2 , .br .., bm )T and ∆b = (0, ..., ∆br , ..., 0)T . In this case, 0 .. . −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 0 xB = AB (b + ∆b) =AB b+AB ∆b =AB b+AB ∆br = . .. 0 ¯ −1 ¯ b1 a1r ∆br b1 + a−1 1r ∆br .. .. .. . . . ¯ −1 ¯ ∆b = bi + air ∆br = bi + a−1 r , ir . .. .. .. . . −1 −1 ¯bm ¯bm + a ∆br amr ∆br mr 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 56 −1 −1 th in which (a−1 row in inverse matrix A−1 1r , a2r , ..., amr ) is r B . If the optimal basis AB remains optimal, then the feasibility condition x0B ≥ 0 has to be satisfied, or in other words, ¯bi + a−1 ∆br ≥ 0 (i = 1, 2, ..., m). ir −1 ¯ −1 From that we can conclude, if a−1 ir > 0, then ∆br ≥ −bi /air and if air < 0, then ∆br ≤ −¯bi /a−1 ir . Therefore, ¯ ¯ bi −1 bi −1 max − −1 air > 0 ≤ ∆br ≤ min − −1 air < 0 . air air Remark, that in the optimal pivot table, the inverse matrix A−1 B can be read out in the place of initial basis. After b changed into b + ∆b, if the optimal basis is not changed, then the optimal value is: ∗ −1 z0 = cTB A−1 B (b + ∆b) = z + cB AB ∆b If the changed data is not in the interval any more, then we shall continue the dual simplex algorithm, until a new optimal basis is obtained. Example 36 Let us continous the previous example 35, from the optimal pivot tableau, the A−1 B can be read out: 1 1/4 −1 A−1 1 −1 . B = 0 0 −3/4 1 Then the stable interval of value of b1 , b2 , b3 ,are: ≤ ∆b1 ≤ +∞, namely, max − 100 1 −100 ≤ ∆b1 ≤ +∞; 100 , − 200 ≤ ∆b2 ≤ min − −3/4 , namely, −200 ≤ ∆b1 ≤ 400 ; max − 100 1/4 1 3 max − 100 ≤ ∆b3 ≤ min − 100 , − 200 , namely, −100 ≤ ∆b3 ≤ 100. 1 1/4 1 If ∆b3 = −150, then the original optimal solution will be not more optimal, not evenly primal feasible. x0B x5 = x4 = A−1 B (b + ∆b) = x3 250 1 1/4 −1 800 = 0 1 −1 1200 = 350 , 850 −50 0 −3/4 1 57 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS and 250 z0 = cB A−1 B (b + ∆b) = (0, −4, −5) 350 = −1150 −50 Let us write down these new data into pivot tableau instead of the previous data, then we get the following pivot table: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 b x5 x4 x2 1/4 2 −3/4 0 −13/4 0 −2 1 11/4 0 1 0 1 1/4 −1 0 1 −1 0 −3/4 1 250 350 −50 c 13/4 0 0 0 1150 11/4 1/4 1 This pivot table is dual feasible, but not primal feasible, let us make a dual pivot iteration x1 x5 x4 x2 c x2 x3 x4 x5 1/4 1/3 −7/3 1 4/3 5/3 1 −4/3 −11/3 0 1 0 0 3 −1/3 11/3 x6 x7 b 1 0 0 0 −2/3 0 1/3 1 −4/3 700/3 850/3 200/3 0 0 4/3 3400/3 Now we get x0∗ = (0, 0, 0, 850 , 700 , 200 , 0)T 3 3 3 and the optimal value is z 0∗ = 3400/3. 5.4 The sensitivity analysis of data in the matrix This analysis deal with the change of one matrix element, adding constraints, or adding variables to the linear programming problem. Let us discuss them one after another. 5.4.1 The change of one matrix element According to in which column the altered element is the case can be categorized in the following: changes in the coefficients in a nonbasic column vector or in a basic column. Changes in the coefficients in a nonbasic column vector Let xj be a variable that is not in the optimal basis of the given linear programming problem. And aij is one of the coefficients in the column vector 58 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS of xj . The question is, if all the other data in the problem except aij remain fixed at their present values, what is the stable interval of values of aij within which AB remains an optimal basis. Since xj is a nonbasic variable, a change in aij does not affect the primal feasibility of AB . A change in aij can only change the reduce cost coefficient of xj . aj + ∆¯ aj , then Suppose the coefficients of xj , ¯ aj changes into ¯ a0j = ¯ aj , aj + ∆¯ aj ) = c¯j − cTB A−1 a0j = cj − cTB A−1 c¯0j = cj − cTB A−1 B ∆¯ B (¯ B ¯ f orj = 1, 2, ..., n the value of c¯0j has to be nonnegative, so that AB remains an optimal basis, in other word, cTB A−1 aj ≤ c¯j (j = 1, 2, ..., n). B ∆¯ Especially, if ∆¯ aj = (0, ..., ∆aij , ..., 0)T , −1 cTB AB −1 1 , ..., cTB AB 0 .. . T −1 , ..., c A B B m ∆aij i . .. 0 ¯j , = cTB A−1 B i ∆aij ≤ c from that, we obtain if cTB A−1 B if −1 cTB AB i i > 0, then ∆aij ≤ c¯j / cTB A−1 B < 0, −1 then ∆aij ≥ c¯j / cTB AB i i . That determines a closed interval for ∆aij , as long as ∆aij is in this interval AB remains an optimal basis. But if it is outside this interval, make the change, bring xj into the basis, and continue with the application of the algorithm until a new optimal basis is obtained. Changes in the coefficients in a basic column vector Suppose xj is a basic variable, the change of its coefficients ¯ aj , can have . Therefore it influences on not effect on both basis AB and the inverse A−1 B only the optimality of the solution, but also the feasibility, both of the two condition discussed in the beginning of this section. Here we won’t introduce the general solution, in this case, the solution depends on the chaged pivot table. 59 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 5.4.2 Adding a new variable Suppose a new variable xn+1 has to be added to a given linear programming problem, the corresponding cost value is cn+1 , and column vector in the matrix is an+1 = (a1,n+1 , a2,n+1 , ..., am,n+1 )T . Then we shall attach xn+1 as an nonbasic variable, and add the following column to the original optimal table, a ¯1,n+1 a ¯2,n+1 ¯ an+1 = A−1 a = .. B n+1 . a ¯m,n+1 and an+1 , c¯n+1 = cn+1 − cTB A−1 B ¯ in this way, we obtain the new pivot tableau. A−1 B A ¯ an+1 A−1 B b T cN − (cTB A−1 B A) c¯n+1 −cTB A−1 B b If c¯n+1 ≥ 0, then the original optimal solution remains optimal, otherwise continue with the application of the algorithm until a new optimal basis is obtained. 5.4.3 Adding a new constraint Consider the linear programming problem (P) and the optimal basis AB for it. Suppose the additional constraint is am+1,1 x1 + am+1,2 x2 + ... + am+1,n xn ≤ bm+1, in which am+1,j (j = 1, 2, ..., n) and bm+1 are constant. Let P 0 denote the set of feasible solutions of the modified problem, then P 0 ⊂ P. Then z(x∗ ) = min {z(x) : x ∈ P} ≤ min {z(x) : x ∈ P 0 }. Hence, if x∗ ∈ P 0 , the x∗ satisfies the additional constraint, x∗ remains optimal to the modified problem. On the other hand, x∗ does not satisfy the additional constraint, then x∗n+1 = −(am+1,1 x∗1 + am+1,2 x∗2 + ... + am+1,n x∗n ) + bm+1 < 0 in which, xn+1 is the slack variable corresponding to the new additional constraint. 60 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS The modified problem is min subject to n P z(x) = cj xj + 0xn+1 j=1 A 0 x b . = (m+1) xn+1 bm+1 a 1 xj ≥ 0 (for all j) To solve that we shall add one row and one column to the original optimal tableau, that the slack variable xn+1 can be added as a basic variable. In the column according to the xn+1 there is only one ”1” in the row according to the basic variable xn+1 , and in the same row, the constants am+1,j have to be written under the corresponding variable xj (j = 1, 2, ..., n). In the bigger pivot tableau, pivot iteration should be made in the (i, i) position, i ∈ IB is basic index, because the new row destroys the unit matrix in the pivot tableau. Notice, this pivot tableau is obtained by adding a row and a column to the original optimal table. This is why all of the computation are only in the new row. After these pivot steps a new pivot table is obtained. From this pivot table, we can read out, that the reduced cost coefficients remain the same, thus the modified problem is still dual feasible. If A−1 B bm+1 ≥ 0, then it is still primal feasible, it means also, that the optimal solution remains optimal. But if it is negative, then we can solve the problem by using the dual simplex algorithm. To understand more about this problem and the method, let us consider the following example. Example 37 Let us add the constraint 4x1 + 2x2 − 2x3 + 4x4 ≤ 600 to the example in subsection 5.2. The original optimal table is: opt x1 x5 x4 x2 c x2 x3 x4 1/4 2 −3/4 0 −13/4 0 −2 1 11/4 13/4 0 11/4 x5 x6 x7 b 0 1 0 1 1/4 −1 0 1 −1 0 −3/4 1 100 200 100 0 0 1/4 Now let us add a row and a column into it. 1 1300 61 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS x1 x2 x3 x4 0 −13/4 0 −2 1 11/4 x5 x6 x7 x8 b 0 1 0 1 1/4 −1 0 1 −1 0 −3/4 1 0 0 0 100 200 100 x5 x4 x2 1/4 2 −3/4 x8 4 2 −2 4 0 0 0 1 0 c 13/4 0 11/4 0 0 1/4 1 0 1300 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 b After the pivoting: x1 x2 x5 x4 x2 x8 1/4 2 −3/4 −5/2 0 −13/4 0 −2 1 11/4 0 1/2 0 1 0 0 1 1/4 −1 0 1 −1 0 −3/4 1 0 −5/2 2 0 100 0 200 0 100 1 −400 c 13/4 0 0 0 0 x1 x2 11/4 x3 x4 x5 1/4 x6 1 x7 x8 b 60 40 220 160 x5 x4 x2 x∪6 0 1 0 1 0 −16/5 0 −9/5 1 13/5 0 -1/5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 −4/5 1/10 0 −1/5 2/5 0 2/5 −3/10 1 −4/5 −2/5 c 3 0 0 0 0 14/5 6/5 1300 1/10 1260 So, the optimal solution is x∗ = (1, 220, 0, 40, 50, 150, 0, 0)T and the optimal value is z ∗ = 1260. Now suppose the additional constraint is an equality am+1,1 x1 + am+1,2 x2 + ... + am+1,n xn = bm+1 . If the optimal solution x∗ satisfies the additional constraint, then it remains the optimal solution, otherwise we can write the coefficients into the pivot tableau and solve the problem by using the simplex algorithm. Remark 4 When we add a constraint to the problem, the rank of the matrix usually increases. If the additional constraint is an inequality, the slack variable becomes just a basic variable. On the other hand, if the additional 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 62 constraint is an equality, there is no slack variable to become a basic variable, so we need a auxiliary variable as a basic variable. After that, we use the two stage simplex algorithm to eliminate it. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 6 63 Analysis of an oil production planning model The linear programming system Aspen PIMS construct from the problem a file in MPS format, MPSPROB.mps. We analyze the big size oil production planning model in the structure and quantitative considerations. The analysis is especially in the feasible and local optimal viewpoints. With CPLEX we tried solve this model with several linear programming methods, unfortunately, each of them signal the infeasibility of the model. During the analysis we want chiefly find out the reasons, what can occur the infeasibility. The solution structure and the optimal value could vary, hanging up the applied method, if the model were feasible. We processed an article from Michael A. Tucker, (LP modelling-Past, Present and Future), taking feasibility and mathematical model into consideration. In the article author gives a summary of the spreader model methods in oil industry and their numerical experiences in past, present and future. In order to analysis file in mps format, we introduce the mps linear programming, industrial standard construction. The PIMS program applies recourse model, with that we obtain alternate optimal solutions. We analyze them in the consideration of objective function and structure. Beside that we examine, how much do the solutions, which are obtained by recourse model, hurt conditions. We come to the conclusion, that the solutions hurt great percentage of the conditions. In order to obtain more accurate model and solutions, it was essential to make a analyzing system, with which the feasibility can be checked, the structure of MPS file can be changed. In this section we will also discuss about this analyzing program, which is developed in C++ programming language for windows platform. We will see also it’s documentation. 6.1 Short analysis about the structure and size of the model Currently, we use the Aspen PIMS program to make the product planning models and also with it’s help to solve the models. The Aspen PIMS is a commercial LP systems, which is registered trademark of Aspen Technology, besides there are Petrofine, registered trademark of KBC Process Technologies and GRTMPS, registered trademark of Haverly System, theses system are all developed for the oil industry in order to generate the product planning model. We will discuss about the program and it’s background in the next part of our section. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 64 The Aspen PIMS program makes us linear programming models in MPS format, which is a description about industrial standard linear programming problems, used in spreader area. This format is adopted by most commercial codes, and is not restricted to the MPS series of codes developed originally for IBM computers. For more information, see [12] Now, let us see a short survey of the structure and qualitative properties of a linear programming model file, which are generated by PIMS. Our analysis is based on this file. At first, let us have a look at the structure of the input matrix, which can be read out in the following picture. •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit During this color picture is the structure easy to understand. The blue points represent the number, which value is -1. The red points is +1. And any other non-zero value are symbolized with black points. As appropriate, the null elements are not drawn on the picture. The green zone means, that the right-hand-side constant of that constraint condition is non-zero. The violet columns appropriate to the negative coefficients in the objective function, and the yellow columns appropriate to the positive coefficients in the objective function. It is noticeable, that somewhere covers one point up another in the picture, this is due to the big size of the input matrix and the accuracy. In the followings let us look over some characteristic data. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL The number of decision variables: The number of constraint conditions: The number of non-zero elements in the input matrix The number of elements having value 1 The number of elements having value −1 The number of positive elements (but not 1) The number of negative elements (but not 1) The number of equality conditions: The number of smaller or equality conditions: The number of smaller or equality conditions: The number of neutral conditions (objective function): Conditions according to the value of right-hand-side constants the right-hand-side constant is 0: the right-hand-side constant is nonnegative: the right-hand-side constant is nonpositive: the right-hand-side constant is 1: the right-hand-side constant is −1: the right-hand-side constant is greater than b (b 6= 0) the right-hand-side constant is smaller than b (b 6= 0) The number of nonnegative variables The number of free variables The number of variables with fix value The number of variables having lower bound The number of variables having upper bound Variables having zero coefficients in objective function Variables having positive coefficients in objective function Variables having negative coefficients in objective function Variables with fixed positive coefficients in objective function Variables with fixed negative coefficients in objective function 65 6471 5601 37603 6318 3630 6774 20881 5051 295 239 16 5051 238 167 0 0 1 128 6345 41 85 3329 3346 6250 149 72 41 41 First of all, it is worth to consider, that a lot of important decision variables, which have non-zero coefficients in objective function, are prominently fixed in the model. In the viewpoint of results, the most important variables are those, belong to them the coefficients in objective function are non-zero. The number of such variables is small related to the whole problem, in out example, the number is only about two hundred. Among them 72 coefficients are negative, in the case of maximal objective function, such variable play important roles. While the positive coefficients are 149, (such variables model generally the realization decision.) 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 66 We can remark here similar proportion between the right-hand-side constants with value 0 and with value non-zero. According to the analysis very many constraint (5051) have right-hand-side constants with value zero. Such equality conditions represent generally balance conditions, processes, by accident material balance. The constraint conditions with none-zero righthand-side constants, which number is 129, model in general the qualitative or quantitative conditions. It is important to highlight the big number of fixed variables, it is 85 such variables. The overwhelming majority of such variables, according to the data 82, belong to non-zero coefficients in the objective function, in other words, they can be treated as essential decision variables. Such conditions with fixed value will not participate in the optimum. Similar consideration deserves about the big number of neutral conditions, which is 16. According to the description about MPS format about the linear programming problems [12], the neutral conditions are objective functions. Another possibility is, if some conditions are set to be neutral, then they don’t participate in the optimal process. In other words, they are deleted in the viewpoint of results. In our MPS file belong the 16 neutral rows, there are 2 objective functions, are 14 constraint conditions. Any other conclusions can be also followed from the structure of MPSPROB.mps file. It is remarkable, there are a lot of null elements in both objective function and right-hand-side of the LP model. That tell us, this problem is both primal and dual degenerate. Consequently, it is numerically difficult to handle. In other words, if the problem has optimal solution, then it is very likely that, the problem has more alternate optimal solutions of different constructions. 6.2 Flow Chart of solution by the PIMS Now let us inspect, how are the product planning models for oil industry produced with the help of the PIMS programming system. We shall consider it with modelling aspects, optimization aspects and respectively solution analysis aspects. At first, let us have a look at the following picture about the flow chart of solution, which can give us a more accurate, reasonable consideration about the current modelling steps. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 67 Flow Chart PIMS Data collection and processing Choice of algorithm, parameter settings LP generation Distributive Recursion Solving LP by XPressMP Solution report In the previous subsection, we have known, that the PIMS program is used to generate product planning models. Actually, PIMS is only a modelling language program, which can generate the model in lots of formats, e.g. mps format, about this format we have already discussed. Now through the previous picture, the structure of the PIMS program is perspicuous. At first, the collected data should be sent to PIMS as input data. It gives users options to choose the algorithms and parameters. With the initial data the PIMS generate us a linear programming problem. Because, there are nonlinear constraints in the model, they are linearized, with guessed values. After that, PIMS calls the XPressMP Linear programming solver to solve the problem. If XPressMP find it unsolvable, then the algorithm enters in a so called distributive recursion, which modify the value of some data in the matrix or in the right-hand side. Afterwards, PIMS begins the cycle from the parameter setting again. The cycle is go through, until XPressMP can solve the modified model, or PIMS find this problem is ”strong infeasible”, which means, the problem is still unsolvable after many cycle iterations. As previously mentioned, there are nonlinear, nonconvex constraints in the model, which are linearized with approximated values. This progress can not only occur numerical instability but also infeasibility, which means, that the modified problem is unsolvable. A bit later we will discuss about linearization in detail. Here about the distributive recursion (DR) we do not want to spend more words, because of the lack of specialized literature about commercial technique, it is for us still like a black box. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 6.3 68 The oil industrial product planning model Let us have a look more closer, in more detail at oil industrial product planning model. We will see what a role does the linear programming problem in that model play. In order to be more familiar with oil industrial product planning model, we found reference material. Unfortunately, because this area involves many commercial aspects, very few material are public. This section is based on the article from Michael A. Tucker [13]. During this article the past, present, future of the roles of linear programming in oil industrial model are easy to survey. Due to the substantial change of the LP modelling systems, non-linear distributive recursion techniques have been developed, swing cuts have been semi-automated, multi-period and multi-refinery modelling capabilities have been improved, reformulated gasoline blending capabilities have been incorporated into the systems. Because of the substantial change of LP model structure, the yield-driven models with stream properties are moved to recursed property-driven models. In past, one typical oil industrial model are characteristic of the followings. The crude unit models were presented by a series of yield structures for each crude. The characteristics were: • Each cutting scheme had , including max naphtha, max kerosene, etc. a separate yield structure for each crude. • The major side-cuts from each crude (and from certain cuts from each cutting scheme) are unique streams, with unique names and unique (fixed) qualities. • The crude assay table data was generally generated by a crude assay system containing a library of crude oils. Yields and properties from the assay system were generally those predicted from laboratory TBP distillations. The downstream process unit sub-models were also represented by series of multiple yield structures. In the interest to distinguish one crude from another, hundreds of yield structures for process unit sub-model are frequently generated to represent each possible crude side-cut at multiple operating conditions and multiple cutting schemes. In many case, between 4 and 20 versions of each product stream might the process unit be structured to produce. The main characteristics about this type models are the followings: • Generally, there were 3 to 10 times as many individual streams in the model as there were streams in the ”real”refinery. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 69 • Generally, there were 10 to 20 times as many final product blending options as there were actual component blending options available in the ”real” refinery. The models having the above mentioned characteristics tended to overoptimize the processing and blending of individual crude and their associated side-cuts throughout the refinery. Those models frequently overstated the value difference among individual crudes. The distributive recursion(DR) are found to handle such problems, that is based on the ideas of Bill Hart mathematician 1 . The distributive recursion technique provides the critical linkage between upstream changes in pool qualities to the quality changes in the downstream destinations. Early versions of the DR technique were slow and difficultly manageable, today, it has become more faster, better and more reliable. Currently, there is an infinite variety of modelling techniques being used in different companies. We can categorize current modelling in the various areas of the LP model structure. The distributive recursion techniques are frequently used to set the properties of the most important products. The base, feed property drivers, and operating variable shifts all contain coefficients that calculate the appropriate recursed product properties. In such model, the coefficients can be either fixed or determined by recursion. In general, if the properties of products remains relatively constant regardless or the feed or operating shifts, then the property may be fixed, otherwise, they may be determined by recursion. The application of distributive recursion has eliminated the need for multiple versions of the same stream. The obtained streams match more closely the streams in the ”real” refinery. 6.4 Problems about the model and the appropriate analysis In the most of the current oil industrial linear programming models have some degree of pooling and property recursion. The distributive recursion technique requires initial estimations for some data. the distributive recursion is a method for nonlinear programming problem. As many nonlinear programming method, there will be risks of local optimal solution, in other words, the solution is optimal only in the own surrounding, not in the view of the whole problem. In such a case, the value and features of solutions depend on the initial estimated value, which is determined by the recursion, 1 Bill Hart, a senior mathematician from Haverly Systems. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 70 depend on the applied recursion technique, depend evenly on the properties of the applied linear programming method. Example 38 Example for Nonlinear modelling technique: Suppose, one con2 x2 +...+bk xk ≤ 0, where x1 + x2 + ... + xk > 0 straint is : b1 xx1 1+b +x2 +...+xk It follows that b1 x1 + b2 x2 + ... + bk xk ≤ 0. It is important to emphasize, that the local optimal phenomenon is not a property the linear programming problem. In every linear programming problem, all optimal solutions are at the same time global optimal. The local optimal phenomenon is caused by the nonlinear technique underlying the distribute recursion. The distributive recursion technique may change the constraint matrix and the right-hand-side vector of the original linear problem. The following picture shows us an example for local optima: The phenomena of Local Optima Caused by nonlinear nonconvex modeling techniques In a case for model containing moderate degree of recursion, one situation between the following two may occur: • The model users have experienced local optimal problems, and they know about the existence of local optimum. • The model users don’t know the existence of local optimal problems, however, the local optimum exist, but they have not yet been discovered by accident or testing. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 71 According to our experience, almost every such model, which uses the recursion, have local optimum problem. This is a very serious problem, that can evenly lead to a lack of confidence in the results of model. Although local optimum problem in linear programming model supplied with recursion technique cannot be completely eliminate, but they can be managed. The handing of this problem can be a combination of the followings: • Good built model structure, which avoid unnecessary recursion iterations, • Correctly set the initial estimated values and recursion control parameters. The system default recursion control parameters are not always the best settings. • Testing for, searching and then analyzing the local optimal conditions. Finding the conditions under which the local optimal occur and correcting these conditions. There is a trend for the applied oil industrial linear programming problems, that more and more multi-period and multi-refinery models are used. However, we have to call the attention, that such recursed models are susceptible to be unstable, when attempting to use both multi-period and multi refinery in the same case. There are also limitations on the use of multi-refinery. In general, no more than 3 refineries may be attempted with recursed models. Such model using big size recursion can be unstable, as represented in the following picture. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 72 At the present time, there are two main best practice methods for monitoring LP performance, maintaining and updating LP models. First is an overall refinery backcasting process, which may be used to identify overall model weaknesses, for example, refinery gain higher than actual, any profit opportunities. Backcasting is to compare the actual results of the previous month with the plan and an actuated LP case, where the LP attempts to match the actual results. The second major activity is for process engineers to monitor their process units on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Lab samples, along with plant historian data are used to compare the actual process unit results against the LP predicted results for the same period. Process engineers and planners monitor and compare the actual against the LP predicted and decide if the LP submodel needs updating. In most cases, a process simulator model may be re-calibrated and used to generate the LP base and delta correctors on an asneeded basis. With this technique, process unit sub-models may be updated as frequently as several times a year using plant data and tuned simulator models. For the problems, one possible solution is suggested. To work out simulator interfaces, with them, the LP system may be directed to an outside application during each recursion pass. This outside application may be as simple as a single non-linear equation or as complex as several large complex process simulation models. The current concept is that model coefficients that were early static, now become dynamic, in other words, changing after each recursion iteration. The correctors are calculated externally from the model and built it back into the model. These yield correctors are not updated during recursion. In such way, the LP model predicted yields become less accurate, if the LP optimized feed deviates significantly from the base feed quality assumptions. With the help of simulator interface, the linear feed property correctors may now be calculated and updated during each recursion pass. This improves the accuracy since the final converged solution of the LP more closely matches the results of the simulation prediction. However, the risk of local optimal solutions may increase. Since more and more coefficients are determined by the recursion method, furthermore the initial assumptions for feed quality become increasingly important as they may influence the final solution. 6.4.1 Local optimum and alternative optimal solution As we saw, one of the most important problems of the oil industrial product planning model is the existence of local optimal solutions. In principle, the 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 73 local optimum problem belongs to nonlinear programming and never occurs in linear programming. In general, a big size nonlinear programming problem is very difficult to solve, especially, due to the local optimums. It is hard to gain the global optimal solution. If we are in an optimal solution, we are not able to decide, whether we are in the global optimum or in a local one. In addition, we have no information about other local optimums or the global optimum at all. In many commercial LP systems, such like Aspen PIMS, the nonlinear distributive recursion techniques have been enhanced in the linear programming models. This exactly means, that we transform the nonlinear programming system to a linear programming model with the help of the distributive recursion technique. The algorithm starts with initial estimated data. If the produced linear programming model is not good enough, then the data should be modified until the model can be solved. As follows, the solution of the produced linear programming model usually differs from the solution of the original nonlinear programming problem. If the model is made through many recursion iterations, it is possible, that completely different problem is solved than the original one. Consequently, it is essential to verify, whether the obtained solution is really the solution of the original problem. In the second section we have discussed, that a linear programming problem can have alternative optimal solutions, when it is dual degenerate. In our mps file, it is to note, that there are a lot of zero elements in both the objective function and the right-hand-side of the LP model. That shows us, that this problem is both primal and dual degenerate. If such a linear problem has an optimal solution, then it also has alternate optimal solutions besides due to the dual degeneracy. So, the model is difficult to handle numerically. Suppose, a linear programming problem is given, the question is, how can we obtain the alternative optimal solutions of it. The answer are followings: • It is known from the literate of linear programming that when the columns of the input matrix or tableau of the problem has been permuted and applied the same algorithm. If the linear problem is dual degenerate, exist alternative optimal solutions, then different optimal solution might be computed depending on the permutation. • As we have mentioned in the second section, if there exist alternate optimal solutions, then the convex combinations of them are also optimal solutions. • If we make from the objective function an equality constraint, and add a new objective function to the problem and solve it again, then the 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 74 objective value for the original problem remains. Because of the change in structure, we can find alternate optimal solutions. • If we solve the problem with pivot algorithm, and we have decided, that the problem has alternate optimum, then we can get alternate optimal solutions during continuous pivot iterations. • If we solve the problem with different algorithms. In practise, it is very useful to find different alternate optimum. Because of the different structure of the solutions, the comparing and analyzing can help us make more appropriate decisions. We know about the alternate optimal solutions of the linear programming problem, that the objective values of the different alternate optimal solutions are same. However, if we change the structure of the original oil industrial product planning nonlinear programming model , e.g. the columns permutation, then we can also gain different optimal solutions from the recursed linear programming problems. But it is remarkable, that the objective values of that solutions are generally not equal. The explanation about that is follows, from the same nonlinear programming problem with different structure, different linear programming problems are obtained by the recursion. The optimal solutions of such linear programming problems are generally only the local optimal solutions of the initial nonlinear problem. As we have mentioned, that the local optimum is a difficult manageable problem for nonlinear programming. But at the same time, the local optimal solutions comprise much useful information, with that we can make more accurate decisions. Unfortunately, in current market, there is not such a reliable program for the big size nonlinear programming problems as the CPLEX2 software for linear programming systems. At first we did not have any tools to obtain and analyze the local optimum, even the CPLEX can not show us the alternative optimum solutions automatically. On the other hand, a serviceable tool, which can give us the alternative optimal solutions, are very demanding. 6.4.2 Infeasibility and being unbounded We know, that the oil industrial product planning problems generally leads to nonlinear programming with given objective functions. Nonlinear constraints are usually replaced with linear constraints with guessed data. So we get a 2, CPLEX solves a linear programming problem even with great size in primal simplex, dual simplex and newton barrier method. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 75 linear programming problem. Such problems are solved by the commercial LP systems, like Aspen PIMS, in which the distributive recursion technique is applied. Some data, which represent the nonlinear constraint function, of the initial linear programming model, are estimated and not exactly. If it is necessary, the distributive recursion changed the guessed, or estimated data of the problem, until the model is solvable, sometimes even many recursion iteration are adopted. Unfortunately, this process involves such risks, that a slightly different problem can be solved than the original. It can evenly happen, that the PIMS find, the modified, recursed problem is infeasible or even unbounded, so it can not solve the problem, as well. To avoid these dangers, as we mentioned above, we shall pay more attention to set more accurate initial model, avoid unnecessary recursions. Beside these attempts, it is quite essential to take the necessary steps to analyzing the problem and the solutions. For example, it is important to answer the questions like: are they really the solutions of the original problem, how many conditions are not satisfied, how situate the solutions related to the feasible solution set. Therefore, such a post analyzing, checking system, which contains the functions as mentioned above, is unavoidably required. 6.5 Model collecting Above we have talked about the program system PIMS, its technique, its advantages and disadvantages. We have also discussed about the problem in detail. Now it is time to summarize our analyzing and collecting steps of model. In the following the flow chart with the completed necessary complementary steps can be seen. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 76 Completed Flow Chart PIMS Data collection and processing Report, classifying changes Choice of algorithm, parameter settings LP generation Distributive Recursion Solving LP by XPressMP Solution report Solution analysis, parameter resetting Look-back analysis It is noticeable, that the model analysis is a sufficient step to get correct initial model before all the algorithm steps. Because our model has a huge size, in order to update it regularly, the automation is necessary. The following viewpoints are important for a correct model. • Zero constraints • Repeated constraints • Always true constraints • Mistype possibilities • Badly scaled rows • Free, only once occurring variables • Neutral rows • Fixed variables • Tight cone-like constraints In the step Solution Analysis, parameter resetting, we shall test the model. Suppose our LP solver is fixed, and the implementation of DR is 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 77 analyzed. According to the above discussed, the initial nonlinear programming model is solved as sequential LP-s with the linearization by DR. With the help of many local optimum, deterministic algorithms, we shall analyze many different guessed values, different parameters, different LP methods, so that we can get more accurate optimal solutions. The sensitivity analysis belongs also to this analysis step. As we have seen in the last section, the sensitivity analysis and parametric programming are post-optimal algorithms, it makes the modification of the final linear programming model easier. For the time being, the distributive recursion seems like to be a black box for us. However, we have to make checking analysis, so that we can be more and more familiar with it. We know, if the PIMS find the model is unsolvable, then it enters the DR, which changes some values of the data, we want to know how does it work. So, we can build the model with different guessed initial values, or we change the right-hand side vector after the algorithm according to the bounds, then the new model should be solved with PIMS again. Of course such check and report after optimization shall be completed by automate program. In final, the look-back analysis should not be ignored. The changed model by DR may not identify the original problem. The look back analysis should be made on the modified model. We want to know, whether the realized production is feasible, what would be the corresponding objective value, what are the correct guessed values for the realized production. 6.6 User documentation about the analyzing program In the last part of this thesis, let us have a look at the analyzing program, which is developed as a tool for our analyzing, studying about the qualification of the solutions, it is also able to give the possibility for getting more local optimum and alternative optimal solutions of the models. At first, we will talk about the problem statements and the goal of the system. Afterwards, the system requirement and general user’s guide of the program are presented. Problem statement and the goal of the system The task of the system or the problems to solve are the followings: Handling MPS file data directly Principle tasks: • Be able to read mps format file, loading mps file. 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 78 • Be able to modify the structure of the linear programming model. E.g. the order of the variable can be changed, the objective function can be transformed to a condition. • Be able to read solution of that model • Be able to check, whether the given solution satisfies the constraint conditions, which is determined by the model • Be able to count out the right-hand-side vector according to the given solution • Be able to count out, how far is the solution away from the feasible solution set of the model, if it is necessary • Be able to change the right-hand-side, if the solution is outside of the feasible solution set • Be able to modify the model and the mps file. • Be able to save the counted right-hand-side vectors • Be able to save the modified model • Be able to compare MPS models • Be able to regenerate RHS values from solutions, because the distributive recursion have changed the constraint matrix • Be able to permute data to find alternate optimal solutions • Be able to compare structure and value of obtained alternate local optimal solutions • Be able to fixe value of objective value, and defining new objective function: a way to find alternate optimal solutions of LP problem System requirements Hardware requirements : • Pentium II & Celeron Processor • 5 MB storage capacity on hard disk • 64 MB RAM 6. ANALYSIS OF AN OIL PRODUCTION PLANNING MODEL 79 • Mouse Software requirements : • Windows 98 or later version General user0 s guide Starting the program : Starting the program with double click at the mpseditor.exe file, or Run mpseditor.exe file. The functions: From menu file open, we can give the input mps file. In order to check, whether one solution is feasible, the program can read the solution through the button ”VectorInput”. The button on the right side, ”Ax=b” give us the corresponding ”b” vector. Using the scroll, we can glance through the rows, or columns, concurrently, the objective function, bounds for variables and bounds for constraints. Because of the big size, it is more efficient to use the search button, if we want to check one special row, or column. On the vector ”x” and ”b”, there are two pop-up menu, on which we can save the hurt bounds into a txt file, or change the bounds according to the vector ”x” or ”b”, then the modified model can be saved in mps format. If there are more objective functions, we can choose which appear on the screen. On the followings, the screen shot of the program can be viewed. REFERENCES 80 References [1] Katta G. Murty, Linear Programming, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, (1983) ISBN 0-471-09725-X. ´s Tibor, Line´aris Programoz´as, k´ezirat, (2002). [2] Ille ´tal, Linear Programming, W.H.Freeman, New York, [3] Vasek Chva (1980), ISBN 0-7167-1195-8. [4] Fried Ervin, Algebra I. (Elemi ´es line´aris algebra), , National Textbook Publisher stock company, Budapest, (2000) ISBN9-6319-1176-4. ´s, Egy v´eges criss-cross m´odszer ´es alkalmaz´asai, MTA [5] Terlaky Tama SZTAKI Tanyulm´anyok 179/1986, Budapest, (1986). ´s, Criss-cross methods: A fresh view [6] Fukuda K. and Terlaky Tama on pivot algorithms, Mathematical Programming 79 369-395, (1997). ´s, Monotonic Build-Up [7] Kurt M. 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