How to complete PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment
How to complete PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment
Instructions for PAYG withholding payers How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment Instructions to help you complete PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment (NAT 70868) for payments made from 1 July 2012 WHEN TO USE THIS FORM If you make an employment termination payment (ETP), you need to ensure that you withhold the correct amount from the payment and report this on the correct ETP payment summary form. Use this form if you make an ETP from 1 July 2012 to: ■■ an employee whose employment has been terminated ■■ a non-dependant because of an employee’s death ■■ a dependant because of an employee’s death if the taxable component of the payment exceeds the ETP cap (the ETP cap is $175,000 for the 2012–13 income year and $180,000 for the 2013–14 income year) ■■ a trustee of a deceased employee’s estate. If more than one type of ETP is made, you will need to complete a separate payment summary for each payment. For more information, see ‘Employment termination payment (ETP) codes’ on page 4. If the ETP is for a payment made before 1 July 2012, you must use the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment (NAT 70868-04.2008) form. You will also need to refer to the earlier How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment (NAT 70996-04.2011) instructions available on our website at NAT 70996-08.2013 Do not use the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment form for amounts you have withheld from any of the following payments: ■■ salary or wages paid to an employee, company director or office holder ■■ under a labour hire arrangement or other specified payment ■■ under voluntary agreements to withhold ■■ for supplies where an Australian business number (ABN) was not quoted ■■ superannuation lump sums ■■ super income streams ■■ personal services income attributed to an individual. To obtain copies of the forms and instructions for any of the above payments: ■■ visit ■■ phone our publications ordering service on 1300 720 092 – you must quote your ABN to use this service. HOW TO COMPLETE THE FORM Payment summary for year ending 30 June You must: ■■ write each letter in a separate box ■■ use a black pen ■■ use BLOCK LETTERS. You must show the year as a four-digit figure. For example, show the year ending 30 June 2014 as 2014 and not 14. Amending a payment summary You cannot change the information on a payment summary after you have either: PAYG payment summary■■–given it to the payee Show all amounts in whole dollars – do not show cents. ■■ provided your PAYG withholding payment summary annual For example, show an amount ofemployment $122.76 as $122.termination payment report to us. 708680612 When you send termination the paymentpayments summarymade to us from as part of your s form for employment 1 July 2012. If you find a mistake with any of the amounts or ETP codes pay as you go (PAYG) withholding payment summary annual afterversion giving the payment summary to the payee or us, you must or employment termination payments made prior to 1 July 2012, use the earlier of this form NAT 70868-04.2008. report, send the ‘ATO original’. We cannot accept photocopies complete a new payment summary, marking the amending a sectionsor duplicates. of this form must be completed. For help, refer to How to complete the PAYG payment – employment payment summary boxsummary as shown. ation payment form (NAT 70996). You do not have to complete every field. For example, where an amount has not been paid or withheld, leave those boxes blank. Are you amending a payment summary you have already sent? If so, place X in this box. ent summary for year ending 30 June on A: Payee details and payments When you complete an amended payment summary you must do all of the following: ■■ complete all payee, payment and payer information on each amended payment summary ■■ send it to us ■■ give a copy to the payee. surname or family name given name(s) residential address You must show the payee and payer information as it was on Postcode the original paymentState/territory summary. You must send the ‘ATO original’ to the address listed in the PAYG payment summary statement (NAT 3447). town/locality Day Month Year If the payee or payer information was incorrect, do not prepare a new payment summary. Advise the payee as soon as possible. Document the correct details and keep them in your files. There is no need to advise us of the corrected details. .00 TOTAL TAX WITHHELD $ , , or tax withheld Where payment amounts amounts have changed, you may also need to complete an amended PAYG payment summary statement (NAT 3447). date of birth (if known) e’s tax file number Day Month Year of payment le component $ , , X .00 If the payee loses their payment summary, do not issue a new one. $ Give them a photocopy of your own . copy showing all the Tax free component , summary.00 details from the, lost payment rough all the codes before selecting one that describes the type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you will complete a separate payment summary for each code. enet ETP DESCRIPTION ETP made because of one of the following: ■ early retirement scheme ■ genuine redundancy ■ invalidity ■ compensation for – personal injury – unfair dismissal – harassment – discrimination Other ETP not described by R, for example, golden handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for unused2sick leave, payment for unused rostered days off Multiple payments for same termination CODE DESCRIPTION S You made a code R payment to your employee in a previous income year for the same termination P You made a code O payment to your employee in a previous income year for the same termination ATO original yment termination payment (ETP) code Death benet ETP CODE DESCRIPTION D Death benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased B Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the complete the PAYG payment deceased andHow youtomade a termination paymentsummary – employment termination payment to the non-dependant in a previous income year for the same termination For employment termination payments made prior to 1 July 2012, us Both sections of this form must be completed. For help, refer to How termination payment form (NAT 70996). Payment summary for year ending 30 June Section A: Payee details and payments Payee’s surname or family name Payee’s given name(s) Payee’s residential address Suburb/town/locality PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment SECTION A: PAYEE DETAILS AND PAYMENTS Payee’s tax file number Day Month Year 708680612 You must show the tax file number (TFN) the payee quoted in Payee’s date of birth (if known) Use this form for employment termination payments made from 1 July 2012. this field. For example, show a nine-digit TFN as: If the payment is due to the death of an employee, For employment termination the payee is one of the following:payments made prior to 1 July 2012, use the earlier version of this form NAT 70868-04.2008. Payee’s tax file number TOT 9payment 8 7 summary 6 5 4 3 2 1 ■ ■ trustee for the deceased estatePAYG Both sections of this form employee’s must be completed. For help, refer to How to complete – employment payment summary – the PAYG ■ ■ non-dependant of the deceased employee termination payment form (NAT 70996). employment termination paymentDay Month Year ■■ dependant of the deceased employee. Are this you amending a payment summary you code 708680612 To help us process form, you must substitute the TFN Date of payment Payment summary for year ending 30 June have already sent? Ifif: so, place X in this box. with one of the codes listed below Use this form for employment termination payments made from 1 July 2012. If you are the trustee for the deceased employee’s estate, ■■ a new payee has not made a TFN declaration, but 28 days include your details details at payee’s surname or made family prior name. Section A: Payee and payments For employment termination payments to 1 July 2012, use the earlier version of this form NAT 70868-04.2008. .00 Tax free c Taxable component have not passed, use$111 111 111 , , Payee’s surname or family name Both sections of this form must be completed. For help, refer to■■How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment the payee is under 18 years of age and earns $350 or less termination payment form (NAT 70996). payment (ETP) code ment summary – PAYG paymentEmployment summary – a week, use termination 333 333 333 PAYG payment Payee’s name Payee’s given name(s) Are youbefore amending a one payment summary youof codes selecting that describes the type If m ■Read ■ the through payee all is the an Australian Government pensioner, use ent termination payment employment termination payment Payment year ending 30 June Separate thesummary surname orfor family name from the given name need to complete a separate payment summary for each code. have already sent? If so, place X in this box. employment term 708680612 708680612 444 444 444 (or names) and print in the boxes. For example, show Jane Payee’s bene m 1 JulyUse 2012. this residential form for address employment termination payments made from 1 July ■■Life the2012. payeet ETP chose not to quote a TFN and has not claimed Multiple pa Section A: Payee details and payments Mary Covers as: Use this form for employment termination payments made from 1 July 2 an exemption from quoting a TFN or NAT does70868-04.2008. not fit into any CODE DE CODE DESCRIPTION uly 2012,Payee’s useFor employment the earlierorversion of this form payments NAT 70868-04.2008. made prior to 1 July 2012, use the earlier version of this form surname familytermination name For employment termination payments made prior to 1 July of the above categories, use 000 000 000. Suburb/town/locality State/territory Postcode S2012, Yo R ETP made because of one of the following: payment summary – the PAYG efer to How Both complete of theS this PAYG form payment must be summary completed. –PAYG employment For help, refer to How to ■complete payment summary – employment C toOsections V E R early retirement scheme pre Both sections of this form must be completed. For help, refer to How ■ genuine redundancy termination Payee’s given payment name(s) form (NAT 70996). employment termination payment P Yo termination payment form (NAT 70996). Total tax withheld ■ invalidity Day Month 708680612 pre Are you amending a payment summary Year you Arewithheld youforamending a dollars. payment summary you ■total compensation J A N E M A R Y Show the tax in whole Payment summary forsent? year ending 30 June – personal injury have already If so, place X in this box. have already sent? If so, place X in this box. Payee’s date of birth (if known) Use this form for employment termination payments made from 1 July 2012. Payment summary for year ending 30 June Payee’s residential address Death bene – unfair For example, showdismissal $12,672.70 as: – earlier harassment For employment termination payments made prior to 1 July 2012, use the version of this form NAT 70868-04.2008. CODE DE Section A: Payee details and payments Payee’s residential address discrimination Section A:– Payee details and payments Suburb/town/locality State/territory Postcode Both offamily this form must be completed. to Other complete the PAYG summary –6 employment Payee’s surname or name This is sections the address for the recipient of the payment.For Youhelp, mustrefer to How Payee’s tax file number $ payment TOTAL TAX WITHHELD example, 1 2golden 7 2 .00 D De O surname ETP not described by R, for Payee’s or family name , , termination payment form (NAT 70996). handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for B De show the street number and name, suburb/town/locality, state unused sick leave, payment for unused rostered days off de or territory and postcode separately inMonth the Day Year Are you amending a payment summary you Payee’s given name(s) Day Monthboxes provided. Year to Payment summary for year ending 30 June Payee’s given name(s) have already sent? If so, place X in this box. for Date of payment Payee’s date of show birth (ifthe known) For example, address 2 Bell St, Ablem WA 6999 as: For more information about withholding from N De Payee’s residential address Section A: Payee details and payments de ETPs,residential refer to Tax table for employment termination Payee’s address . . 00 Tax free Taxable component $ $S T R 2 surname Bcomponent E L L name Payee’s or family , website at00 , E E T, , payments (NAT 70980) available on our . T De Payee’s tax file number Suburb/town/locality State/territory Postcode State/territory TOTAL TAX WITHHELD $ , Postcode 00 , Suburb/town/locality Employment termination payment A B L E M WA (ETP) code6 9 9 9 Payer’s Aust Section B: Payer details ATO original 2 5 0 9 2 0 1 2 ATO original ATO original ATO original 0 1 0 5 1 9 6 3 NAT 70868-06.2012 ATO original Payee’s given name(s) Day Year Read through all the codes before selectingMonth one that describes the type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you will You must also complete this section Day summary Month Year need to complete a separate payment for each code. Date of payment Day Month Year Payee’s residential address Date of payment Payee’s date of birth (if known) Payer’s name (use the same name that appears on your activity statement) Multiple payments for same termination Life bene t ETPof birth Payee’s date Payee’sthe date of birth known)the payment to the payee. To use this Show date you(ifmade Provide information$if you have it. Leave blank if the .00 CODE .2012. DESCRIPTION CODEthis DESCRIPTION 00 Taxable component Tax free component $ form, the date of payment must on or ,after 1 JulyPostcode , , , beState/territory Suburb/town/locality payment is a death benefit termination payment. You made a code R payment to your employee in a R ETP made because of one of the following: .00 SUse .00 the format DDMMYYYY. Payee’s tax fileretirement number$ $ same termination TOTAL TOTAL TAX WITHHELD ■ WITHHELD early scheme , previous income year for the , , , Use theTAX format DDMMYYYY, for example: Payee’s tax file number Employment termination payment (ETP) code TO ■ genuine redundancy PFor example, You made ashow code Othe payment to your employee in a Day Month Year payment date of 25 September 2012 as: ■ invalidity Read through all the codes before selecting one that describes the type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you will Month Year previous income year for the same termination ■ compensation for Day DECLARATION Day Month Year need to complete a separate payment summary for each code. Payee’s date of– birth (if known) personal injury Date of payment Death bene tthat ETPthe information given on this form is complete and correct. I declare – unfair dismissal Datepayments of payment Multiple for same termination Life benet ETP – harassment Signature of authorised person CODE DESCRIPTION – discrimination CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION .00 .00 Tax .00 . Tax free Taxable component component component $number $ , $ to a dependant D free Death bene ETP paid of the,deceased .00 00Tax free ,example, , golden , theforfollowing: Payee’s tax file TOTAL TAXatWITHHELD component $ $,to your Other ETP not described S Taxable You made code R payment employee in a , RO ETP made because of oneby ofR, , , , gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for B Death bene t ETP paid a non-dependant of the ■ handshake, early retirement scheme previous income yeartofor the same termination sick leave, payment for unused off deceased and you made a termination payment ■ unused genuine redundancy Employment termination payment (ETP)rostered code days Day Month Year P Employment You made a termination code O payment to your employee in a to the non-dependant in a previous income yearcode payment (ETP) ■ invalidity of payment. Read If more through all one thecode codes applies before the payment, one that you describes will the type of payment.for the same If more than one code the payment, you will previous income year applies for the to same termination termination Date of than payment ■ compensation for to selecting Read through all the codes before selecting one that describes the type of payment. need to complete a separate payment summary for each code. – personal injury N need Death paid to payment a non-dependant theeach code. Death bene t bene ETP t ETP to complete a separate summaryoffor – unfair dismissal Multiple Life payments same termination Multipledeceased payments for same termination benet–for ETP .00 CODE .00 harassment Taxable component Tax free component $ $ LifeDESCRIPTION bene t ETP1 Multiple n70868-06-2012_js23887.indd , , , , of the deceased – discrimination T Death benet ETP paid to a trustee estate CODE CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION D CODE DeathDESCRIPTION benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased CODE O Other ETPRnot described byofR, forfollowing: example, S Employment You a code payment your employee in code a golden S You made a code R payment to your employee in a R made ETP made because ofto one the termination payment (ETP) gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for Payer’s business number or Section B: Payer details B Australian bene t ETP paid for to(ABN) athe non-dependant ofpayer the number (WPN) RDeath ETP made because of one ofwithholding thetermination following: S ■income early retirement previoushandshake, year for scheme the same termination previous income year same unused sick leave,before payment for unused rostered daysthe off type of payment. deceased and youcode made a termination paymentyouBranch ■ than early retirement scheme Read through all the codes selecting one that describes If more one applies to the payment, will ■ genuine redundancy You must also complete this section to the non-dependant in a previous year P need You to made codea O payment to yoursummary employeefor in each a P You made a coderedundancy O payment to yourincome employee in number a ■ genuine complete separate payment code. ■ ainvalidity P for the same termination previous■income year forfor the same termination previous income year for the same termination ■ invalidity compensation Payer’s name (use the same name that appears on your activity statement) Multiple payments for same termination Life benet–ETP ■ compensation for personal injury N bene Death bene t ETP paid to a non-dependant of the Death How bene ETP – unfair t ETP to tcomplete the PAYG payment summary – employment termination paymentDeath 3 – personal injury dismissal Death be CODE deceased DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION – unfair dismissal – harassment CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION – harassment – discrimination CODE T Death bene t ETP R paid to a trustee ofemployee the deceased S You made a code payment to your in a estate R ETP made because of one of the following: – discrimination D Death bene t ETP paid to ascheme dependant of the deceased D Death bene t ETP year paid for to athe dependant of the deceased ■ early retirement previous income same termination Section A: Payee details and payments PAYG paymentUse summary – this form for employment termination payments made from 1 July 2 employment termination payment Payee’s surname or family name For employment termination payments708680612 made prior to 1 July 2012, Use this form for employment termination payments made from 1 July 2012. Both sections of this form must be completed. For help, refer to How Payee’s given name(s) termination form of (NAT For employment termination payments made prior to 1 July 2012, use the payment earlier version this70996). form NAT 70868-04.2008. Both sections this form must be completed. For help, refer toPayment How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment summary for year ending 30 June Payee’s residentialof address termination payment form (NAT 70996). Suburb/town/locality Payment summary Section A: Payee details andState/territory payments Are you amending a payment summary you Postcode for year ending 30 June Section A: Payee details Day and payments Month Payee’s surname orhave familyalready name sent? If so, place X in this box. Year Payee’s given name(s) Payee’s surname or family name Payee’s date of birth (if known) Payee’s residential address Payee’s given name(s) $ payment TOTAL TAX WITHHELD Employment termination , (ETP) ,codes Suburb/town/locality Payee’s component tax file number Taxable .00 ATO original Payee’s residential address Include the total of the payment, less the tax free component. Read through all the information below before selecting the Day Year PAYG payment summary – the type of employment termination Show the taxable component in wholeMonth dollars. code that best describes Date of payment Suburb/town/locality State/territory Postcode employment termination Day Month Year payment being made.payment For example, show a taxable component of $34,221.89 as: 708680612 payment summary – Payee’s date of birth (if known) Use this form for employment termination payments.00 made from 1 July 2012. . component Tax free component $ ymentTaxable termination payment $ Day , 3 4 2 2 1 Month , Year , payment, 00 If more than one code ,applies to the you 708680612 For employment termination payments made prior to 1 July 2012, use the earlier version of this form NAT 70868-04.2008. will need to complete a separate payment summary for Payee’s date of birth (if known) ade fromFor 1 July 2012. termination file number death ETPs to a dependant of the deceased, Employment (ETP) code Bothbenefit sections of paid thispayment form must be completed. For help, referPayee’s to Howtax to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment TO each code. include amount over the ETPform capthat in the taxable to 1 Julyonly 2012, use the earlier of(NAT this NAT 70868-04.2008. termination payment form 70996). Read through all the codesversion before selecting one describes the type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you will Day Month Year component. Thea ETP cappayment is $175,000 for for theeach 2012–13 need to complete separate summary code. income Are you$amending a payment help, refer Payee’s to How to the PAYG payment summary – employment TOTAL TAX WITHHELD 00 taxcomplete file number year. The ETP cap is $180,000 for the 2013–14 income year. Payment summary for year ending 30 June , , Date ofpayment payment Is this a life benefit have alreadyETP? sent? If so, place X in this box. Multiple payments for same termination Life benet ETP A life benefit ETP is a lump sum payment made to a living For example, show the component of a death CODE DESCRIPTION Day Month Yearbenefit Are taxable you amending a payments payment summary you CODE DESCRIPTION Section A: Payee details and employeecomponent in consequence employment being .00 employment termination payment of $200,000 paid on Tax free $ of their have already sent? If so, place X in this box. Date S Taxable You made a code R payment to your employee ,in a R of payment ETP made because of one of the following: , terminated. Where no payment has made to your Payee’s surname or family name 25 September to a scheme dependant as: ■ early2012 retirement previous income year for the same been termination employee in a previous income year for the same termination, ■ genuine redundancy Employment (ETP) code Pthen made a termination code Ocode payment to code your employee in a .00 Tax .00 best ■ invalidity complete either Rpayment or O, whichever code Taxable component freeYou component $ 2 5 0 0 0 Payee’s given name(s)for previous income $ year for the same termination , , , ,selecting ■ compensation Read through allpayment the codes being before made. one that describes the type of payment. describes the – personal injury ATO original need to complete Death bene t ETP a separate payment summary for each code. – unfair dismissal payment (ETP) code Employment termination Payee’s– residential address harassment benet ETP CODELifeDESCRIPTION – alldiscrimination Read through the codes before selecting that describes the type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you will $25,000 is the amount over theone ETP cap of $175,000 CODE DESCRIPTION D Death benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased need to complete a separate payment for each code. forO the 2012–13 income summary Other ETP not described R, for example, golden Suburb/town/locality State/territory Multiple CODE Postcode S handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for RDeath ETP made because one of the following: B bene t ETP paid to of a non-dependant of the Multiple payments for same termination Life bene t ETP unused sick leave, payment for unused rostered days off ■ early deceased andretirement you madescheme a termination payment CODE to the non-dependant DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION ■ genuine redundancy in a previous income year State/territory Postcode P ■ invalidity for the same termination Day Month Year Tax-free component S You made a code R payment to your employee in a R ETP made because of one of the following: ■ compensation for ■ early previous for same termination Payee’s dateretirement of birth (if scheme known) N Death bene t ETP year paid to athe non-dependant of the – income personal injury Death be ■ genuine redundancy deceased – unfair dismissal r P You made a code O payment to your employee in a ■ invalidity You do not have to complete this field. – harassment CODE previous income same T Death bene t ETP year paid for to athe trustee of termination the deceased estate ■ compensation for – discrimination – personal injury .D00 Death bene t ETP Payee’s tax dismissal file number $ for example, TAXnot WITHHELD unfair O TOTAL Other ETP described golden , (WPN) , payer Payer’s Australian business number (ABN)byorR, withholding number Section B:–– component Payer details The tax-free consists of the: harassment handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for B CODE DESCRIPTION Branch – discrimination unused sick leave, payment for unused rostered days off Month ■■ pre-July 1983 segment .00 must also this sectionYear number $Daycomplete TOTAL TAXYou WITHHELD D Death bene t ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased , O Date Other ETP not described by R, for example, golden, ■■ invalidity segment. of(use payment Payer’s name the gratuity, same name that appears your activity statement) handshake, payment in lieu ofon notice, payment for B Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the Is this payment part of a paymentpayment made in an earlier sick leave, payment for unused rostered days off deceased and you made a termination N Show theunused tax-free component in whole dollars. to the non-dependant in a previous income year income year for the same termination? . .00 00 Taxable component $ Tax free component $ termination , , in an , of $6,594.55 For example, show a tax-free component as: If thefor the same life benefit ETP is related to a, payment made T Nearlier Death beneyear t ETPfor paid to same a non-dependant of the income the termination of employment, .00 Tax free . Employment termination payment (ETP) code 00 component $ deceased then complete either details code S or code P, whichever code best Payer’s Au , , Section B: Payer Read through all the codes before selecting one that describes the type T ofdescribes payment. more onebeing code applies thedeceased payment, estate you will the payment made. Death Ifbene t than ETP paid to a trustee oftothe DECLARATION need to complete a separate payment summary for each code. You must also complete this section I declare that the information given on this form is complete and correct. Payer’s Australian business number (ABN) or appears withholding payeractivity number (WPN) Multiple payments same termination bene t ETP Section B: Payer details Payer’s name (use thefor same name that on your statement) Signature authorised person e type of payment. Ifof more than one codethe applies to thecomponent, payment, you will Life For help calculating tax-free refer to Branch CODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION our Employment termination payment calculator available You must also complete this section number Date on ourpayments website at Multiple for same termination S You made a code to your employee R (use ETP of one of theonfollowing: DayR payment Month Year in a Payer’s name themade samebecause name that appears your activity statement) ■ early retirement scheme previous income year for the same termination CODE DESCRIPTION ■ genuine redundancy P You made a code O payment to your employee in a ■ invalidity S You made a code R payment to your employee in a previous income year for the same termination ■ income compensation forthe same termination previous year for DECLARATION – personal injury Death benet ETP dismissal P You made–a unfair code O payment to your employee in a I declare that the information given on this form is complete and correct. – harassment previous1income year for the same termination n70868-06-2012_js23887.indd 22/06/12 4:36 P CODE of DESCRIPTION Signature authorised person – discrimination DECLARATION Death benet ETP D Death benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased O theOther ETP not described R, for example,and golden I declare that information given on thisby form is complete correct. CODE DESCRIPTION handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for B Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the Signature of authorised unused person sick leave, payment for unused rostered days off deceased and you made a termination payment D Death benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased to the non-dependant in a previous income year for the sameDate termination for B Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the Day Month Year ff deceased and you made a termination payment N Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the to the non-dependant in a previous income year deceased for the same termination n70868-06-2012_js23887.indd 1 T Death bene t ETP paid to a trustee of the deceased estate N Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the deceased 4 How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment Payer’s Australian business number (ABN) or withholding payer number (WPN) Section B: Payer details T Death bene t ETP paid to a trustee of the deceased estate n70868-06-2012_js23887.indd 1 22/06/12 4:36 P Branch You must also complete this section number ATO original ATO original NAT 70868-06.2012 NAT 70868-06.2012 NAT 70868-06.2012 6 5 9 4 Payee’s date of birth (if known) Payee’s tax file number TOTAL TAX WITHHELD Day Month $ .00 , , Year Date of payment Taxable component $ , , .00 Tax free component $ , .00 , Employment termination payment (ETP) code Multiple payments for same termination Life benet ETP CODE DESCRIPTION R description ETP madeshown becauseabove of one that of theisfollowing: The currently on the ■ early retirement scheme paper ETP payment ■ genuinesummary redundancyfor ETP codes S and P ■ invalidity has changed. Until the paper ETP payment summary is compensation for updated, use■ the following description for codes S and P – personal injury when completing yourdismissal employee’s payment summary. – unfair – harassment – discrimination Multiple payments for same termination O Code ATO original Read through all the codes before selecting one that describes the type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you will need to complete a separate payment summary for each code. Other ETP not described by R, for example, golden handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for Description unused sick leave, payment for unused rostered days off This is a code R payment and you made one of the following payments to your employee in a previous income year for the same termination: ■■ a code R payment ■■ a code O payment Section B: Payer details ■■ a transitional termination payment. DESCRIPTION IsCODE this payment a death benefit ETP? S are You madethe a code to your employee in a If you paying ETPRtopayment a person because of another previous income year for the same termination person’s death, select either codes D, B, N or T, whichever made a code O paymentbeing to yourmade. employee in a codeP bestYou describes the payment previous income year for the same termination Death benet ETP CODE DESCRIPTION D Death benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased B Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the deceased and you made a termination payment to the non-dependant in a previous income year for the same termination N Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the deceased S su employment term Payer’s Australian business number (ABN) or withholding payer number (WPN) T Death benet ETP paid to a trustee of the deceased PAYGestate payment Type of death benefit Branch AUse death (code D) is anypayments of the following: thisbenefits form fordependant employment termination made from 1 July 2 number P This is a code O payment and you made one ■■ the deceased person’s spouse or de facto spouse Payer’s name (use the same name that appears on your activity statement) For employment termination payments made prior to 1 July 2012, of the following payments to your employee ■■ the deceased person’s former spouse or former in a previous income year for the same Both sections of this form must be completed. For help, refer to How de facto spouse termination: termination payment formchild (NATaged 70996). ■■ the deceased person’s less than 18 ■■ a code R payment ■■ any other person who was a dependant of the deceased Payment summary for year ending 30 June ■■ a code O payment just before they died ■■ a transitional termination payment. DECLARATION ■■ any other person the deceased had an interdependency Section A: Payee details and payments I declare that the information given on this form is complete and correct. relationship with just before they died. NAT 70868-06.2012 You must also complete this section Signature of authorised person Transitional termination payments were certain ETPs paid to an employee under an employment contract entered into before 10 May 2006. They were taxed concessionally if paid before 1 July 2012. For more information about transitional ETPs, refer to Transitional termination payments available on our website at n70868-06-2012_js23887.indd 1 For example, Joe’s employment was terminated on 30 April 2013 and he is entitled to a $200,000 ETP. The ETP was made under an early retirement scheme. On 1 May 2013 (2012–13 income year) Joe’s former employer paid $150,000 of his entitlement. On 31 July 2013 (2013–14 income year) Joe receives the remaining $50,000 of his entitlement. His former employer completes the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment (from 1 July 2012) (NAT 70868) for the 2013–14 income year for the remaining $50,000 paid in that year. They select code S as they had made a code R type payment to the employee in a previous income year for the same termination. Payee’s surname or family name Spouse of the deceased includes all of the following: Date ■Payee’s ■ another person (whether of the same sex or opposite sex) given name(s) Month with whom the deceased Day was in a relationship thatYearwas registered under a law of a prescribed state or territory Payee’s residential address ■■ another person (whether of the same sex or opposite sex) who lived with the deceased on a genuine domestic basis Suburb/town/locality in a relationship as a couple. 22/06/12 Child of the deceased includes all of the following: Monthchild of theYear ■■ an adopted child, stepchild Day or ex-nuptial deceased Payee’s date of birth (if known) ■■ a child of the deceased’s spouse ■■ someone who is a child of the deceased within the meaning Law Act 1975 (for example, a child who is of the Family Payee’s tax file number considered to be a child of a person under a state or territory court order giving effect toDay a surrogacy Monthagreement). Year TO ofbenefits payment ADate death non-dependant is any person who does not fall into one of the categories of dependant listed above. .00N. component $ to a non-dependant, IfTaxable the payment was made , select code , Employment termination payment (ETP) code Tax free N Read through all the codes before selecting one that describes the type of payment. need to complete a separate payment summary for each code. Life benet ETP Multiple CODE CODE R How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment DESCRIPTION ETP made because of one of the following: ■ early retirement scheme ■ genuine redundancy ■ invalidity ■ compensation for – personal injury – unfair dismissal S 5 P Death be ee’s tax file number TOTAL TAX WITHHELD $ Payment summary for year ending 30 June Day ear Month Year 00 Are you, amending,a payment summary you have already sent? If so, place X in this box. of payment Section A: Payee details and payments $ .00 , , Payee’sTOTAL given name(s) TAX WITHHELD $ oyment termination payment (ETP) code Tax free component .00 , , $ .00 , , through all Payee’s the codes before selecting residential address one that describes the type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you will o complete a separate payment summary for each code. benet ETP Suburb/town/locality E .00 DESCRIPTION Tax free component Multiple payments for same termination $ , , CODE ATO original Payee’s surname or family name ble component State/territory .DESCRIPTION 00 Postcode ATO original ETP made because of one of the following: S You made a code R payment to your employee in a Day Month Year previous income year for the same termination ■ early retirement scheme ■ genuine redundancy Payee’s date of birth (if known) ■ invalidity he type of payment. If more than one code applies to the payment, you P will You made a code O payment to your employee in a previous income year for the same termination ■ compensation for – personal injury Death bene t ETP AFTER YOU COMPLETE THIS FORM – unfair dismissal Multiple payments for same termination .00 – harassment PAYG payment summary$– employment termination payment Payee’s tax file number TOTAL TAX WITHHELD You do not have to withhold an amount from a CODE DESCRIPTION , , CODE DESCRIPTION – discrimination (NAT 70868) is self-duplicating and includes copies for: death benefit termination payment paid to the trustee of benet ETP Death paid to a dependant of the deceased You madebya R, code R payment to your employee in aD Other ETP not described for example, golden Day Month Year ■ ■ us a Sdeceased estate. However, you must issue a payment previous income year for thepayment same termination handshake, gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, for B Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the summary to the trustee forrostered the taxable Date of payment ■ the payee unused sick leave, payment for unused days offcomponent and deceased and ■ you made a termination payment P You made a code O payment to your employee in a in a previous income year includeprevious the payment parttermination of your PAYG to the non-dependant incomesummary year for theas same ■■ the payer. for the same termination withholding payment$summary annual report. .00 .00 Taxable component Tax free component $ Death bene t ETP , , , Youpaid must: N Death benet ETP to a non-dependant of ,the deceased CODE DESCRIPTION ■■ give the payee a copy of this payment summary within Employment termination payment (ETP) code T Death benet ETP14 days paid to a of trustee of the deceased estate the payment being made D Death benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased CODE ■■ DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION retain the Payer copy and keep this for five years. s name (use same name that on activity statement) Death bene tappears ETP paid toyour a non-dependant of the Show your Asthe aN payer, you must have either an ABN or WPN. deceased S You made a code R payment to your employee in a ETP made because of on oneyour of theactivity following: ABNR or WPN as it appears statement. ■ early retirement scheme previous income year for the same termination T Death benet ETP paid to a trustee of the deceased estate ■ genuine Payees noOlonger have to employee lodge a copy For example, showredundancy an ABN of 12 345 678 912 as: P You made a code payment to your in a of their ■ invalidity previous income year for thetheir same termination payment summary with income tax return. ■ compensation for Payer’s Australian business number (ABN) or withholding payer number (WPN) – personal injury Death bene t ETP Branch – unfair dismissal ion number LARATION – harassment CODE DESCRIPTION – discrimination re that the information given on this form is complete and correct. statement) D Death benet ETP paid to a dependant of the deceased ure of authorised O person Other ETP not described by R, for example, golden Branch handshake, number gratuity, payment in lieu of notice, payment for B Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the Date unused leave, payment for unused rostered days off branch deceased and you made a termination payment If a business hassick one ABN but multiple branches, each Day Month in a previous Year income year to the non-dependant may have an individual branch number. Show your branch for the same termination ATO original SECTION PAYER DETAILS Read through B: all the codes before selecting one that describes the type of payment. If morethe thanATO one code applies to the you will ■■ send original to us as payment, part of your PAYG withholding nt for B to complete Death bene t ETP paid to a non-dependant of the need a separate payment summary for each code. number (ABN) or withholding payer number (WPN) on details off B: Payer deceased and you made a termination paymentPayer’s Australian businesspayment summary annual report by 14 August, following the Payer’s Australian business number or Branch to the non-dependant in a previous income(ABN) year Multiple end payments same termination Life bene t ETP You must also complete this section of theforincome year number for the same termination withholding payer number (WPN) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 number in the boxes provided. If you do not have a branch number, leave the boxes blank. correct. Payer’s name Section B:name Payer Show your asdetails it appears on your activity statement. Date Day Month Year You must also complete this section For example, show ABC Pty Ltd as: js23887.indd 1 N Death benet ETP paid to a non-dependant of the deceased T Death benet ETP paid to a trustee of the deceased estate 22/06/12 4:36 PM Payer’s Australian business number (ABN) or withholding payer number (WPN) Branch number Payer’s name (use the same name that appears on your activity statement) A B C P T Y L T D 22/06/12 4:36 PM NAT 70868-06.2012 Declaration Only the payer or a person authorised to sign on the payer’s DECLARATION behalf You cangiven printonorthis type the name ofand thecorrect. person I declarecan thatsign. the information form is complete authorised to sign the form. You must keep details of the Signature of authorised person authorised person with your records. Date Day n70868-06-2012_js23887.indd 1 6 Month Year 22/06/12 4:36 PM How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment Lodging your payment summary information electronically If you have an Auskey and your payroll software meets our specifications, you can submit your payment summary annual report to us electronically using the Business Portal. It is a quick and secure way for you to meet your lodgment obligations. You can use the Business Portal to lodge your: ■■ PAYG payment summary annual report ■■ activity statements ■■ TFN declarations ■■ annual investment income reports ■■ quartley TFN declaration reports ■■ superannuation statements and reports. ORDERING PAYG WITHHOLDING PAYMENT SUMMARIES To order more copies of PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment (NAT 70868) for payments made from 1 July 2012 and other PAYG payment summaries: ■■ visit ■■ phone our Publications Distribution Service on 1300 720 092 at any time. You must quote your ABN to use this service. For more information about the Business Portal and our other online services, visit our website at You can also lodge using electronic media such as disks, CD‑ROMs or DVDs. For more information on lodging using electronic media, refer to How to lodge your pay as you go (PAYG) withholding annual report electronically (NAT 3367). If you provide your PAYG withholding payment summary annual report to us electronically, you do not need to: ■■ send copies of payment summaries to us, or ■■ complete a PAYG payment summary statement. How to complete the PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment 7 MORE INFORMATION For more information about ETPs, visit our website at If you need more information about PAYG withholding, you can: ■■ visit our website at ■■ phone us on 13 28 66 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you do not speak English well and need help from the ATO, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, phone the ATO through the National Relay Service (NRS) on the numbers listed below: ■■ TTY users, phone 13 36 77 and ask for the ATO number you need ■■ Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users, phone 1300 555 727 and ask for the ATO number you need ■■ internet relay users, connect to the NRS on and ask for the ATO number you need. OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU We are committed to providing you with accurate, consistent and clear information to help you understand your rights and entitlements and meet your obligations. If you follow our information in this publication and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we must still apply the law correctly. If that means you owe us money, we must ask you to pay it but we will not charge you a penalty. Also, if you acted reasonably and in good faith we will not charge you interest. If you make an honest mistake in trying to follow our information in this publication and you owe us money as a result, we will not charge you a penalty. However, we will ask you to pay the money, and we may also charge you interest. If correcting the mistake means we owe you money, we will pay it to you. We will also pay you any interest you are entitled to. If you feel that this publication does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies to you, you can seek further assistance from us. We regularly revise our publications to take account of any changes to the law, so make sure that you have the latest information. If you are unsure, you can check for more recent information on our website at or contact us. This publication was current at August 2013. © AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2013 You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products). PUBLISHED BY Australian Taxation Office Canberra August 2013 JS 27871
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