Organization Focus/Description Session Time
Organization Focus/Description Session Time
Organization Focus/Description Session Time Required How to apply COMMUNITY SERVICE - HUMANITIES American Red Cross 150 Amsterdam Avenue NY, NY 10023 212-875-2158 American Red Cross in Greater New York is a humanitarian organization, led by volunteers, that provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities administrative based according to dept. needs - may grow w/proven work ethic. Min. of 25 hrs. over 2 months. E-mail a request for a N.Y. Youth Group volunteer application, submit, and if you're contacted an interview will follow. [email protected] For more info call Sasha Pinero: 1-877-733-2767 x2158 Deadline - rolling. American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 424 E. 92nd St. NY, NY 10128-6804 212-876-7700 Mission - provides effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the USA. Summer and on-going volunteer 6 months for 8hrs per opportunities. Responsibilities - working month. with animals - playing with cats to help reduce their stress. Basic training of dogs. Must be 14-17 for cats. 18 or older for dogs. Maybe some admin. work. Call 646-291-4580 press 1 for info./orientation line - instructions follow. Deadline - rolling. Bottomless Closet NYC 545 Eighth Ave. 12th Fl. NY, NY 10018 212-563-2499 Bottomless Closet's focus is to provide interview skills, business clothing, and ongoing career development and support programs to New York City women on public assistance, as well as other economically disadvantaged women. Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities. Ages 16 and up. student's schedule. Responsibilities - admin. tasks, organizing clothes, keeping reference library in order, may grow with proven work ethic. Call Patrycja Warda - Program Manager to schedule an interview. 212-563-2499 Deadline - rolling. Burden Center for the Aging Headquarters 1484 First Avenue New York, NY 10021 212-879-7400 The Burden Center for the Aging, Inc. promotes the well-being of elderly residents of the Upper East Side of Manhattan through a broad array of direct social services and volunteer programs oriented to individual, family and community needs. They are dedicated to supporting the efforts of older people to remain in their own homes living independently, safely and with dignity. Summer and on-going volunteer Flexible but at least 1 hr Application on website under "volunteer" opportunities. Responsibilities a week and 2 hrs. for heading - Friendly Visiting and Grocery Shopping for meal days. Deadline - rolling. the homebound, Meal service and socialization at the Carter Burden Luncheon, Meals-on-Heels Saturday delivery program to the homebound, Telefriend - telephone outreach to homebound seniors from home. Children's Hope Foundation 11 Park Place, Suite 1203 New York, New York 10007 212-233-5133 Children's Hope Foundation, a volunteer driven organization, improves the quality of life for children, youth and their families affected by HIV and AIDS by meeting their medical and social needs. Summer volunteers. Summer Carnival Flexible but at least 2 fundraiser in August for 500 kids and 100's hrs a week. 2 or 3 of volunteers; students can work w/the opening to work with events coordinator in the summer on event special events planning tasks or just work actual event. coordinator on an onOn-going - Pearls of Hope Knitting Project - going basis - this would blankets made for HIV youth. be more hours amount of time has not been set yet . Others can do one-time projects and then work at the carnival. General volunteer application on website under "support our work" - the individuals have to notate Summer Intern for Summer Carnival or Pearls of Hope knitting project on the application and send it in or submit online. If chosen, get called back for interview Deadline - early spring or ASAP. Citizens' Committee for Children of New York, Inc. (CCC) 105 East 22 Street New York, NY 10010 212-673-1800 x20 For 60 years, Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York, Inc. (CCC) has been providing a voice for children, especially poor and vulnerable children and children with special needs. As New York City’s only locally-based, multi-issue child advocacy organization, CCC stands up for children because we know that our future is entrusted to them. Fall/Winter and Spring Program Youth Action Community Leadership Course - a CCC program that challenges young people in NYC to make the city a better place for children, youth and their families. Through a 9 week Leadership Course - combing research, field work, lectures and discussions, YouthAction NYC members learn to identify and research problems that affect their lives and the lives of other New Yorkers. Usually Mondays 47pm for 9 weeks, but check on day/time update for fall. Coalition for the Homeless 129 Fulton Street New York, NY 10038 212-776-2090 Coalition for the Homeless is the nation's oldest advocacy and direct service organization helping homeless men, women, and children. They are dedicated to the principle that decent shelter, sufficient food, affordable housing, and the chance to work for a living wage are fundamental rights in a civilized society. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. The Grand Central Food Program (GCFP) is the Coalition's mobile soup kitchen that provides 800 hot, nutritious meals at 25 separate sites every night of the year. GCFP and its dedicated corps of volunteers form a lifeline for hundreds of homeless individuals and families as well as the poor and working poor who face hunger on a daily basis. Once a week would be If interested to help call Fraser good but flexible to Bresnahan - 212-776-2090 student's schedule Deadline - rolling. Friday and Sunday nights have popular time slots. Fresh Youth Initiatives (FYI) 2201 Amsterdam Avenue Storefront South New York, New York 10032 212-781-1113 FYI's mission is to support and encourage young people in Washington Heights to design and carry out community service projects, develop leadership skills, fulfill their potential and realize their dreams. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities - help plan community service projects, lead community service projects, tutor academics to younger students. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. Girls for Gender Equity 1360 Fulton Street Suite 314 Brooklyn, NY 11216 718-857-1393 Girls for Gender Equity is committed to the physical, psychological, social and economic development of girls and women. Through education, organizing and physical fitness, Girls for Gender Equity encourages communities to remove barriers and create opportunities for girls and women to live self-determined lives. Fall/Winter and Spring volunteer Days/ hrs. flexible - to opportunities. Help the coaches run the be worked out with after-school sports teams made up of coach. elementary and middle school students. Nov -Winter - basketball team. Spring to end of June - boxing and soccer. Also there are mentor group programs to talk about social issues - how to be a good team player - can assist teacher with this, in addition to tutoring opportunities. Need to call and express volunteer interest to Joanne Smith or Mandy Van Deven 718-857-1393 or go on website and fill out application - Deadline - rolling. Girls Incorporated of NYC 64 Beaver Street Suite 121 New York, NY 10004 212-531-7620 Girls Incorporated of New York City is an independent affiliate of Girls Incorporated®. Their mission is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Their primary emphasis is reaching the underserved girls of New York City ages 618 through partnerships and direct service programs. They advocate for gender equity on behalf of girls. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities - must be 16-18 yrs old. Responsibilities could range from admin, to help around the office, to special projects. Send a letter of interest to Jennifer Weidenbaum - Associate Exec. Director [email protected] or check for application updates on website Deadline - rolling. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. E-mail or call Ari Sussman - Youth Action Coordinator for an application. [email protected] 212-673-1800 ext. 20 Fall Deadline - mid - September. E-mail a letter of interest to: [email protected] - you do not have to be from Washington Heights to apply. Deadline - rolling. Help USA 5 Hanover Square New York, NY 10004 212-400-7013 HELP USA is the nation's largest non-profit Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible to builder, developer and operator of opportunities. Help at the shelters. student's schedule. transitional housing with comprehensive, on-Reading to the kids in day care or playing site human services for the homeless with them to provide human interaction and serving more than 5,400 homeless and low- support. Other one-time activities can also income individuals each day and over 9,300 occur if they have special events. each year at twenty facilities throughout the country. In addition to operating fourteen housing facilities in the New York metropolitan area. Call or e-mail Michelle Nevius 212-400-7013 or [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Lenox Hill Hospital 100 East 77th St. NY, NY 10021 212-434-2600 Lenox Hill Hospital, on Manhattan's Upper East Side, is a 652-bed, fully accredited, acute care hospital and a major teaching affiliate of NYU Medical Center. Founded in 1857, the Hospital has earned a national reputation for providing the highest quality care, training new physicians, contributing to progress in research, and offering innovative community outreach programs. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Diff. areas to help - assist medical and nursing staff, Transport and escort patients within the hospital; and in recovery rooms and the Emergency Room; Read stories to pediatric patients; Distribute books and magazines to patients; Staff the Information Desk in the hospital lobby; Meet and greet hospital visitors; Help at a health fair or other community event. Application is on website under "how you can help" - or call 212-434-2600 to request application forms. Deadline - rolling. Lighthouse International The Sol and Lillian Goldman Building 111 East 59th Street New York, NY 10022-1202 212-821-9406 The mission of Lighthouse International is: to overcome vision impairment for people of all ages through worldwide leadership in prevention, rehabilitation services, education, research, and advocacy. Summer volunteers. Ages 16 and up. At least one day a week In July they have programs to help vision from 9-3 for the month impaired individuals. Assist teachers of July. conduct class, play board games, help with outing and trips. Call Carmella Chessen to express interest - 212-821-9406. Need to fill out application and be interviewed. Deadline - beginning of June. National Organization for Women NOW-NYC, 150 West 28th Street Suite 304 New York, New York 10001 212-627-9895 The National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. Since its founding in 1966, NOW works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities administrative based at first, but could grow to work in the field promoting the work of NOW to the public. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. E-mail a letter of interest to Sonia Ossorio - she will contact individuals to interview. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. New York Cares 214 West 29th Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10001 212-228-5000 New York Cares meets pressing community needs by mobilizing caring New Yorkers in volunteer service. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Must be 18 to apply. Volunteer projects are team-based and flexibly scheduled. Virtually every volunteer interest is covered: homelessness, hunger, kids, education, seniors and the elderly, HIV/AIDS, the environment, urban renewal, and more. You can serve once a week, once a month, or from time to time–on an enormous variety of short- and long-term projects. To learn more sign up for a one-hour volunteer orientation, sign up link is on the website homepage and/or under the "volunteer" header - Must be 18 to apply. Check website for orientation schedule. Three consecutive hours during the day or two consecutive hours in the evening each week. A minimum commitment of six months or 60 total hours of service. Project Sunshine 102 West 38th Street, 8th floor New York, New York 10018 212-354-8035 Project Sunshine is a non-denominational, not-for-profit organization, which provides numerous free programs and services to children with cancer, AIDS, and other lifethreatening illnesses. Summer and on-going volunteer. N/A "Kids for Kids Projects" - Organize a chapter or group of other teens to create craft kits/projects to be distributed to children as they wait for their doctor appointments (Donating the craft materials would be appreciated, but if not possible, project sunshine will reimburse expenses with collected receipts - only after being approved as a volunteer). Organize a toy drive or band-aid drive (colleting character band-aids that would cheer kids up). Please note - students can't work directly with children in the hospital until turning 18. Send a letter of interest, describing some basic info. about yourself and why you'd like to volunteer/what you feel you can contribute by doing these projects for Project Sunshine to Caitlin Moses Project Coordinator [email protected]. Deadline - rolling. Read Foundation One Penn Plaza 250 West 34th Street, 36th Floor New York, NY 10119 212-849-6831 READ employs research-based educational methods to prepare at-risk* children to become proficient readers. READ achieves its mission by recruiting and training teens to teach reading skills to their younger peers who are struggling readers. Must begin as a volunteer during the After school - 3:30 to school year program, if it goes well, 5pm two days a week students can apply for paid summer from Oct. to Jan. program. READ pairs elementary students identified as having reading difficulties one-on-one with teen tutors trained to use a research-based reading curriculum. They must maintain solid academic records and act as positive role models. Tutors are trained to provide reading instruction and to make reading enjoyable and meaningful for students. Application on website under "tutor application" - Deadline - mid September for fall applicants. The Food Bank for NYC 90 John Street, Suite 702 New York, NY 10038-3239 Distribution Center Hunts Point Cooperative Market 355 Food Center Drive Bronx, NY 10474 718-991-4300 The Food Bank For New York City, a member of America's Second Harvest and the only food bank in the city, was founded in 1983 to coordinate the procurement and distribution of food donations from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and government agencies to organizations providing free food to the city's hungry. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities - break down and repackage bulk food and nonfood products into sizes more suitable for distribution to the city's food programs at the Food Bank's Bronx warehouse. Volunteers also help the warehouse services department sort through, assess the quality of and repack products received from food drives held throughout the year. Can also work at soup kitchens and delivering food packages. No minimum required, but once you’re a volunteer you have call 2 weeks beforehand to schedule time slot you want to work. Application to volunteer on website under heading "how to help" You can also e-mail [email protected]. Deadline - rolling. The Lower East Side Club 212-982-1633 x101 Lower East Side Club - providing a place where girls 8-18 can grow, learn, have fun, and develop confidence in themselves and their ability to make a difference in the world. Innovative arts, athletic, cultural, lifeskills and career oriented programming. General Club on-going. You can join only if you live or go to school on the lower east side. Volunteering is open to all - The Mentor Works program is actively recruiting junior and senior high school students to mentor 4th through 8th Grade girls and boys students of PS 188. For mentor program at least an hour 2 dys a week after school or evenings. Also some special Saturday cultural trips. To join club you need to fill out a form e-mail, call or go to office for info. Mentor program starts in November application to volunteer on website under "our programs" or call/e-mail Jenny Dembrow - Director of Programs to express interest to tutor. Interviews will be conducted w/interested individuals. [email protected] 212-982-1633 x101 Deadline - rolling. Visions 500 Greenwich Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10013-1354 212-625-1616 x108 VISIONS' purpose is to develop and implement programs to assist blind and visually impaired people of all ages to lead independent and active lives in their homes and communities. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. VISIONS’ Intergenerational Volunteer Program recruits and trains high school students to assist seniors who are blind. Working in pairs, the teens travel (after school and during school vacation days) to the homes of seniors who are blind to visit, read, shop, do errands and/or escort them to appointments in the neighborhood. These friendly visits help to decrease the loneliness and isolation often experienced by homebound elders. At least 3 days a week, but prefer 5 days. For school year - must be able to get to the VISIONS office by 3:15 pm or earlier and willing to travel throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx. Departure from 500 Greenwich St. NYC Runs until 5:30pm. $12 a day stipend during the school year and transportation reimbursement. Info. on website under "volunteer opportunities" - - or e-mail/call Elizabeth Lee - Volunteer Coordinator. Must be punctual, reliable, mature, and have good reading and verbal communication skills. [email protected] 212-625-1616 x108 Deadline - rolling. COMMUNITY SERVICE - ARTS Arts Genesis 154 Christopher Street Suite 2A New York, NY 10014 212-696-2787 Artsgenesis is a non-profit arts-in-education organization whose mission is to create and conduct arts programs that enliven and transform learning, curriculum and schools. No formal program - need to inquire if Days/hrs. flexible to there are current opportunities or student's schedule. special projects to help on. If so, they would most likely be admin tasks in marketing, arts programming or development. E-mail Kary Krinzman - Program Director a letter of interest and inquire if there are any current opportunities/or call to inquire - [email protected] 212-696-2787 Deadline - rolling. Bang on a Can 80 Hanson Place, 7th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 718-852-7755 An arts administration organization focused on music contemporary, classical and avant garde - they've presented more than one hundred and fifty musical events in New York City. They produce concerts, records, present performers, design and host residencies and much more. Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities - learning about art student's schedule. administration focused on music. Responsibilities - admin. tasks in according to what special projects are at hand - in June they have an big concert that requires help. E-mail Philippa Thompson - Program Manager a letter of interest and inquire if there are any current opportunities/or call to inquire. 718-852-7755 [email protected] Deadline - rolling. BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange 421 5th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11215 718-832-0018 BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange—arts and Summer Junior Counselor positions artists in progress - is a multi-arts non(age 14+) for their Summer Arts profit organization in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Program for ages K-14. A travel stipend is Their mission is to provide a nurturing, year-given. If you do well, you can then grow to round performance, rehearsal and be Senior Counselor (age 16+) next educational venue in Brooklyn that semester/year and be paid an hourly wage. encourages artistic risk-taking and Responsibilities -assist in the establishing stimulates dialogue among diverse of daily schedule, provide options for constituencies. afternoon optional program, assist with snack, assist in weekly trips, assist in management solutions for participating children. Early July to mid August, hours will be 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Two additional days of training and planning will be scheduled for June 2006. E-mail Julie Betts for application [email protected] Deadline - hiring starts in March - but you can contact to be a back up if someone fell through. Caribbean Cultural Center 408 W. 58th Street New York, NY 10019 212-307-7420 The Caribbean Cultural Center houses a resource and research center, an art gallery, and an international gift shop that features books, music and video recordings, handcrafted jewelry, instruments and other authentic art from throughout the African Diaspora. Two days a week about 15 hrs a week - at least for the whole summer or one semester during the school year. Can also get on a list to be a helper for specific events. E-mail or call - Manuela Arciniegas Director of Education to schedule an interview. [email protected] 212-307-7420 x3010 Deadline - rolling. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities - working in communications and with the public answering phones and e-mails. Assisting teaching artists, be a exhibit tour guide, help in the gift shop, work with education and development depts., etc. Children's Art Carnival 62 Hamilton Terrace New York, NY 10031 212-234-4093 x16 To foster creative thinking through the arts; to stimulate the love of learning and motivation for education; and to provide beauty and discipline in the lives of young people, both human and physical. Summer volunteer opportunities assisting on the completion of various art projects for the organization - could be work on a video documentary and journal publishing project - depends on what is current. Hrs - Mon. - Thurs. 104pm may have some flexibility to arrange to student's schedule if show dedicated to that arrangement. City Arts 525 Broadway, Suite 700 New York, N.Y. 10012 212-966-0377 CITYarts empowers children by bringing them together with professional artists to create public art that addresses civic and social issues, impacts their lives, and transforms their communities. Since its founding in 1968, CITYARTS has engaged nearly 100,000 New Yorkers of all ages and backgrounds in the process of designing and creating more than 250 murals, mosaics and sculptures. Special emphasis is given to neighborhoods where access to and participation in the arts is limited. Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities depending on the space student's schedule. available for current projects. Some tasks may be helping artists with organization tasks and/or mentoring the kids. Help staff run workshops. Sometimes assist with painting the murals. It varies depending on the projects at hand. Call and ask to speak to Dina Solomon or e-mail a letter of interest. 212-966-0377 [email protected] or [email protected]. Deadline - rolling but the sooner the better. Community Works 55 West End Avenue NY, NY 10023 212-459-1854 Community Works was founded in 1990 with the mission to forge links between diverse cultures and communities, to improve educational attainment, and to extend the benefits of the arts to all people. CW has grown from a small, grassroots organization to become one of the largest providers of quality arts, literacy and mentoring programs to schools and community groups around New York City. No formal program - need to inquire if Days/hrs. flexible to there are current opportunities. Help student's schedule. with admin. tasks and maybe on-site assistance. E-mail Randy Kennedy - Director of Operations, a letter of interest and if accepted, they'll schedule an interview [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Eyebeam 540 W. 21st Street, (between 10th and 11th Avenues) New York, NY 10011 212-937-6580 x230 Eyebeam engages cultural dialogue at the intersection of the arts and sciences. Its goal is to forge an understanding of the relatedness of these practices, which are becoming increasingly significant engines of cultural production. Fall volunteer opportunities. Assist teaching artists for the Girls Eyeview program for middle school students you will help w/classroom management, help with projects, sit in on critiques, etc. Girls Eyeview overview - middle school students work with a female teaching artist to develop individual and group projects investigating female issues and media messages regarding women and girls. Project content is developed via in-depth discussions regarding feminist art and history, trips to local art institutions and shows, female guest speakers who can speak to the career possibilities for women with the skills taught in the GEV program, and weekly critiques. Final projects are presented during the last day of the program in a professional critique setting to a council of local female artists working in the same vein as the projects produced. E-mail a letter interest to Liz Slagus Director of Education - [email protected] Deadline - begin submitting in August until Sept. 15th. Start date not set yet, will know more info in August - but program runs 3 to 4 weeks need to be able to help after school - a couple of days per week about 20 to 30 total hrs for the whole program. E-mail a letter of interest or call Jose Ortiz - Program Coordinator [email protected] 212-234-4093 x16 Deadline - 1st week in June. Here Arts Center Admin. offices temp. relocated 212-647-0202 HERE Arts Center supports artists' independence within an interdependent community. The HERE community provides the artist with access, arts management innovation, and nonprofit enterprise. Since 1993, HERE has been one of New York's most prolific producing organizations, and today, it stands at the forefront of the city's presenters of daring new hybrid art. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities may range from individual giving/memberships, production, marketing and programming depends on what openings are available at the time of inquiry. Flexible - they'd like 3 days a week but also open to discussion usually lasts 3 months. Kids Creative 242 West 61st Street, Suite 5A New York, NY 10023 212-591-2253 Kids Creative is a nonprofit organization that fosters confidence, creativity, conflict resolution and a strong sense of community in children through arts education and entertainment. Summer and on-going intern The summer program opportunities. Teaching artist internship is 8:30-5:30 for 6 openings for Kids Creative Create-A-Play weeks, July 5-August Program - work w/students in grades pre- 11 K to 5 - help produce original musicals, The after school (fall music videos and other artwork. Create-A- and spring) internships Play has after school programs in schools vary in time. and a 5-week summer camp. Send a resume and/or letter explaining why you want to apply to the Kids Creative teaching internship and why you think it would be a good match for your skills and interests. You can also e-mail your info.: [email protected] Mail: 242 WEST 61ST STREET, STE 5A, NY, NY 10023 Fax: (646) 485-5123 Summer Deadline - April 30th Fall Deadline - August 30th Make a Better Place 70 Orchard Street Ground Floor New York, NY 10002 212-228-2131 Make A Better Place (MABP) is an awardwinning nonprofit organization that develops and leads arts and learning programs for young people and provides training and curriculum for the professionals who serve them. Summer and on-going intern opportunities. Assist teaching artists with program implementation and preparation. Development Intern assisting development department with fundraising, grants writing and research. E-mail a letter of interest and resume to Recruiting Manager [email protected] Summer Deadline - May 15 Fall Deadline - July 15 Publicolor 114 East 32nd Street, Suite 900 New York, New York 10016 212-213-6121 Publicolor's mission is to catalyze change in inner-city schools and neighborhood facilities though the power of color and collaboration. Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities. Students gain the student's schedule. marketable skill of commercial painting. They transform public spaces in neglected schools and neighborhood facilities through the powers of vibrant color and organized collaboration. Thoughtful designs with color create visual order in often chaotic spaces energizing the people and bringing a sense of calm through this visual landscape. Sociedad Educativa de las Artes (Society of Educational Arts) Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center 107 Suffolk Street, 2nd Floor New York, New York 10002 212-529-1545 Founded in 1985 in Puerto Rico, the Society Summer and on-going volunteer of the Educational Arts, Inc./Sociedad opportunities. Responsibilities in the Educativa de las Artes, Inc. (SEA) is a not- office, box office, marketing, production. for-profit Hispanic/Bilingual Arts-inEducation Organization dedicated to the empowerment and educational advancement of children and young adults. SEA is considered one of the most culturally diverse Arts-in-Education Organizations in New York, with a professional bilingual Artist/Teacher staff that represents over 15 Latin American countries. Varies based on the volunteers availability and the needs of the organization. Flexible but they'd like minimum of 10 hrs. a week. E-mail a letter of interest to Noah Diamond - Box Office Manager [email protected]. Summer Deadline - Contact by early May. E-mail a letter of interest to Verushka [email protected] or [email protected] Summer Deadline - late spring - best if can come as a small group. Call to inquire and/or e-mail resume and letter of interest to Annette Cortes Director of Edu./Press [email protected] 212-529-1545 Deadline - rolling. * Note - is a great website to research for additional community service opportunities. YOUTH LEADERSHIP Do Something 24-32 Union Square East 4th Floor South New York, NY 10003 Do Something is a nation-wide not-for-profit organization whose mission is to give young people the tools, inspiration, and opportunity to make a difference. Do Something operates the programs: Challenges, and the BRICK Awards®. Each of their programs are designed to foster youth leadership, citizenship, and character - they want young people to get off their sofas and into their communities to do something about the problems they see. They focus on three action areas: community building, health, and the environment. On-going independent youth leadership Individual project projects - opportunities in the following based. areas: Monthly Challenges: Do Something provides monthly “challenges” in 3 areas: community building, health, and the environment. Challenges can be afterschool activities or in-school class projects, undertaken in groups or alone, and they never require any money to execute. Do Something BRICK Awards® & Do Something Grants: Through the BRICK Awards and the grants program, Do Something celebrates young people who have dared to dream up and pursue their own community change ideas. Do Something has distributed over 1 million dollars to these amazing young people. The Magazine: Do Something: The Magazine is giving a face to community service. Currently distributed gratis, it is the only public service magazine distributed nationally. Many of the articles are written by kids, and the production is extremely professional. Log onto website to learn about and get involved in projects or apply for a grant to "Do Something" for your community and make a difference in our world. Project Deadlines - rolling. 2006 Spring Grant Deadline - May 15th. Future Voters of America 205 East 69th Street 1A New York, NY 10021 www.futurevotersofamerica.or g 212-535-8326 x2 The Future Voters of America Party, Inc. is dedicated to developing and implementing an innovative approach which will empower youth, ages 12-17, enabling them to have an impact on the American political agenda. The commitment of the Future Voters of America is to model this structure so that youth across the Nation attain a personal voice in American public life. The FVAP will provide an American political home that unites young people on youth-centered issues, promotes active citizenry, and fosters life-long patriotism and national spirit. On-going - Political leadership projects - Tuesday meetings and Meetings every Tuesday afternoon as projects develop between 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Pace figure out a schedule. University Midtown Campus 515 Fifth Avenue between 45th and 46th Streets to link up with other politically charged youth. Annual New York City Youth Congress Leadership Program - an in depth training including guest speakers, issue orientated sessions and leadership of Future Voters itself. The New York City Youth Congress is a real Congress which passes real resolutions that also get worked on by Future Voters Leadership and other schools organizations government offices all pulling together. Go to a Tuesday meeting - call 212-535-8326 x2 or e-mail Francine [email protected] for more information. Check website for update on times/location Deadline - rolling. Kids Meeting Kids 324 West 96th Street New York, N.Y. 10025 212-663-6368 Kids Meeting Kids Can Make a Difference brings together young people across all racial ethnic and class lines so they can get to know one another, work together and help one another to make our neighborhoods, our cities and our world safer, more peaceful and loving places. Kids Meeting Kids is unique in the fact that it is run by and for young people ages 7 to 21. We work on projects that promote youth development, leadership training, non-violent solutions to conflict, children's rights, intergroup harmony, conflict resolution, both local and international cooperation and work for positive social change. On-going - Political projects - run by kids 12 to 20 at a time - They run workshops at their schools, work on office projects, organize issues for projects such as Children's Congress set up in April, 2002 of kids from all over the world at UNICEF at the United Nations on issues of violence and children's rights. -Kids spoke out against violence, land mines and child soldiers at the United Nations they've held Vigils outside the U.N. to urge the grownup leaders to keep their promises. -They've organized a "March For Children's Rights" on May 8th, 2002 that included hundreds of children and adults, fighting for children's rights. Days/hrs. flexible - but it's independent work so need to be very responsible and committed to join. One World Youth Project P.O. Box 1315 Marstons Mills, MA 02648 www.oneworldyouthproject.or g 508-428-8460 One World Youth Project is a global sisterschool initiative connecting middle and high school in the United States with schools from around the world in learning partnerships that emphasize cultural exchange, youth leadership, and community service. One World Youth Project is entirely run and operated by young people called Project Ambassadors (ages 17 to 22). Currently there are twelve Project Ambassadors from the United States, India, Morocco, and Ethiopia. During the school year - Project 5 to 6 hrs a week. Ambassadors - need to be very independent and committed to project One World Youth Project reflects both cultural exchange and community service with a focus on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Throughout the year, participating students get to know the young people and community of their sister-school/group through internet message-board communication, penal letters, film and monthly curriculum. Students learn about the UN Millennium Development Goals using free curriculum resources; over the course of a year they work with their sisterschool to design and implement a collaborative service project that helps to meet one (or several) of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Shine 210 Forsyth St. North Store Front New York, NY 10002 212-777-1303 SHiNE empowers teens to use creative self-On-going - youth leadership ideas - If Individual project expression to create social change, you have an idea to make a difference based. embrace diversity, and promote tolerance Shine can help guide you in the tools you and harmony. SHiNE aims to help create need to make your project for social an actively engaged network of youth, change happen - research the website for working together toward a society that is details on starting projects or ideas to get free of hate, discrimination and violence. involved in, applying for grants to start an Art, music, technology and sports are used idea, etc. - Written almost to build self-esteem and inspire creative exclusively for teens by teens, self-expression and action. is the nucleus of all activity at SHiNE. SHiNE’s core programs, plus the website make up, what they call, the SHiNE Circuit. The Circuit is made up of Ambassadors, Challenge Grants, SHiNE Express!, the SHiNE Network/Club programs and their new Artist in Residence Program. To find out about current needs on upcoming projects call office 212-663-6368 - speak with Mary Sochet or e-mail [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Applications to become a Project Ambassador are available in the late spring of every year on the website They also have high school youth mentor middle school students involved in the project, e-mail [email protected] for more information. Research the website for details on starting projects or ideas to get involved in, applying for grants to start an idea, etc. - If you have an idea you can e-mail Bridget Jordan to ask questions or to get more info. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Youth Venture 434 W. 33rd St. 12th Fl. NY, NY 10001 212-261-4396 Youth venture is an emerging national nonprofit organization whose mission is to invest in the ideas and capacity of youth, ages 12-20, to create, launch, and lead sustainable community-benefiting organizations. On-going - Youth Venture helps young Individual ventures people to create, lead and launch social thus independent time ventures, providing them with up to $1,000 needs to be managed. in seed funding. Need to know how to make your venture sustainable so if you couldn't do it anymore - how would it get passed along and stay running. • Makes a difference in the community • Youth Created, Led and Managed • Designed to be a lasting/ ongoing organization • Involves a strong team of young people • Has clear, attainable goals • Credible plan and budget and a strategy to evaluate progress and community impact • Team members have the energy and skills to make the venture a success • Involves an Ally committed to the venture independence and success • Team members know right from wrong, and are trustworthy and responsible Application online If chosen need to make a 10 minute presentation to a panel. Deadline - rolling. PARKS/GARDENS Brooklyn Botanic Garden 1000 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225 718-623-7200 Growing from its humble beginnings as an ash dump in the late 1800s, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden has come to represent today the very best in urban gardening and horticultural display. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities vary some physical garden work in the Discovery Garden, help w/public programs and special events. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. Application on website under "support BBG" section and "volunteer at BBG" section. Deadline - rolling. Brooklyn Center for Urban Environment Tennis House Prospect Park Brooklyn, NY 11215-9992 718-788-8500 For over 25 years, Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment has engaged young minds in activities that promote curiosity and exploration of New York City’s urban environments. Every year nearly 100,000 children, youth, and adults discover urban ecology, history, architecture and design through Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment's hands-on science and literacy activities. Summer volunteer opportunities beginning of June - Dev. materials for public, assist teachers, admin. work, light custodial work to keep things organized for public - check out website to see programs they run. Flexible - between 4 20 hrs a week. Flexible to which days except closed on Saturday. Contact Nisha Bryan - Assistant Director of HR 718-788-8500, x256. Need to send cover letter, resume - if contacted an interview will be arranged. Summer Deadline - early spring ASAP City Parks Foundation 1234 Fifth Ave - Rm 232 New York, NY 10029 212-360-2746 City Parks Foundation is the only independent, nonprofit organization to offer park programs throughout the five boroughs of New York City. We work in over 700 parks citywide, presenting a broad range of free arts, sports and education programs and helping citizens to support their parks on a local level. Two different summer intern opportunities - 1) Hook Productions City Park’s Foundation’s Technology Initiative After School Program based at the Red Hook Recreation Center in Brooklyn. The Program combines training in audio and video production with academic support and life skill lessons for middle and high school students. Responsibilities include: Help produce materials/assist team members in the production of audio and video for Hook Productions participants and current HP participants, project manage, assist educators in teaching lessons, conduct outreach phone calls, promotion, etc., be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and the Internet, accompany the group on all field trips. 2) Education Dept. - Learning Gardens Intern - as part of a team, the Educational Intern will help deliver interdisciplinary educational programs in parks, schools and alternate sites that blend environmental science and nature-related topics with core subjects. Hook Productions could change but usually Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3pm to 8pm. Learning Garden Interns - dys./hrs. flexible to plan. Send a cover letter and resume to: Education Department Interns City Parks Foundation 1234 Fifth Ave. Rm - 232 New York, NY 10029 Summer Deadline - rolling, but the soon the better. New York Aquarium Surf Avenue & West 8th Street in Brooklyn, NY 11224. 718-265-3450 As the only aquarium in New York City and part of the largest network of metropolitan wildlife parks in the country, the New York Aquarium holds a special place in the mission of the Wildlife Conservation Society - To save wildlife and wild places around the globe. Summer volunteer opportunities At least 2 dys a week students go through a week training and 9:30 to 5:00pm. then will have responsibilities such as helping at the touch pool with small sea animals and educating visitors about them. Work at an exhibition to run a Q & A session for visitors - why it's important to protect the animals. Must be 16 - call aquarium - 718-2653450 - or go online - - for application information. Summer Deadline - mid June. NYC Parks and Recs. Arsenal West 24 West 61st Street New York, NY 10023 212-408-0275 Camp Counselors at NYC recreation centers. Summer volunteer opportunities unpaid camp volunteer - if students prove themselves, can lead to paid job in future years. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. Partnerships for Parks Arsenal West 24 West 61st Street New York, NY 10023 212-408-0216 Mission to spur more community support for and involvement in New York City's parks. Strengthen, support and start neighborhood park groups; link them together so that they can learn from each other and be stronger collectively; and promote parks in general so that people will join in efforts to restore and preserve them. No formal summer programs - more Flexible but once a opportunities to help on special events week would be good. during the year, (such as the Great Halloween Party in Central Park, the Easter Eggstravaganza) but students could begin a connection by helping out on smaller projects in the summer - no guarantee of projects, need to inquire if there is a need. Contact Leah Worrell - outreach coordinator for Lower Manhattan/East & West Villages. She can direct students to smaller organizations that support the parks and may need volunteers over the summer. [email protected] 212-408-0216 Summer Deadline - May or early June. Prospect Park Alliance 95 Prospect Park West New York, NY 11215 718-965-8960 Prospect Park is a 585-acre urban oasis located in the heart of Brooklyn. The masterpiece of famed landscape architects Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, who also designed Central Park. Popular activities range from skating to birding to pedal boating to just picnicking on the Long Meadow on a beautiful day. The Park also boasts a stunning variety of natural and geological features. Brooklyn's only forest is here, along with a complex water system, rolling meadows and shaded hillsides. On-going volunteer opportunities Days/hrs. flexible to but especially in Spring, Summer & student's schedule. Fall. Woodland restoration, including cleaning, greening and planting / Visitor outreach and education, including leading guided tours / Office help / Special Skills: Carpentry, Photography, Information Technology / Working with children and nature at the Audubon Center. Also can ask about Youth Programs/Projects - at the youth center. Call or e-mail letter of interest to James Green - Volunteer Office Manager. [email protected] 718-965-8960. Summer Deadline - Volunteer info. sessions held in March. Prospect Park Zoo 450 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11225 718-399-7324 The Prospect Park Zoo opened on October 5, 1993, becoming the fifth facility in Wildlife Conservation Society's unique network of wildlife parks in New York City. Summer volunteer tour guide. Are you For Summer 80 hrs. a teen interested in wildlife? Then consider min. usually works out becoming a Prospect Park Zoo Discovery to 3 dyes a week. Guide! Teen volunteers help to maintain a friendly atmosphere for zoo visitors by staffing exhibit areas, assisting with special events, and talking to the public. Zoo internships can satisfy school community service hours, be applied toward school credit (check with your school), provide a first experience in the animal field, or be a satisfying part of a summer vacation. Applications are on website - under the Education link - go to Prospect Park Volunteers section - labeled - Discovery Guide Application. Must be at least 15 years old, have a strong interest in wildlife and conservation, and have taken a high school level biology, wildlife, or environmental science course. Summer Deadline - Interviews start at the end of March. Applicants are advised to apply ASAP as the program is quite competitive. Queens Botanical Garden 43-50 Main Street Flushing, NY 11355 718-886-3800 x204 Queens Botanical Garden (QBG) is set on 39 acres in the heart of New York City's largest borough. More then 60 years after its birth as an exhibit at the 1939 New York World's Fair, QBG continues to welcome an international audience with rose, bee, herb, and perennial gardens, changing displays, and public programs accessible to all. Summer volunteer opportunities - help plant and harvest garden, water, weed, mulch. Work with mentors in other departments, accounting, development, etc. Call or e-mail Jeannemarie Hendershot w/letter of interest - applications might also be online. 718-886-3800 x204 [email protected] Summer Deadline - mid-April. For interns - 8 weeks 5 dys a week - hrs. to be determined. Volunteers - hrs. more flexible. E-mail or call Eddie Carlson - he will see which Manhattan centers need volunteers. An application must be filled out and interview conducted. [email protected] 212-408-0275 Summer Deadline - Application should be filled out in May or early June. Socrates Sculpture Park 32-01 Vernon Blvd. Long Island City, NY 11106 718-956-1819 Socrates Sculpture Park is an internationally renowned outdoor museum and artist residency program that also serves as a vital New York City park offering a wide variety of public services. Summer volunteer opportunities assist teaching artists for the Summer Artmaking Workshop. Set up art supplies, support art making programs, etc. Sometimes there are other community events too. Wave Hill West 249th Street and Independence Avenue (front gate) 675 West 252nd Street (mailing) Bronx, NY 10471-2899 718-549-3200 x227 Wave Hill maintains award-winning gardens and greenhouses; manages an urban woodland; provides environmental education for City children, teachers, and over 110,000 visitors annually; offers arts activities for children that strengthen environmental awareness; and presents exhibitions, concerts, lectures and workshops that examine the aesthetic response to nature. Summer volunteer opportunities Days/hrs. flexible to Woodland rehab, work with children on student's schedule. family art projects, gift shop, admin. Work Art Program 9-3pm 5dys a week. Sculpture workshop 11-4pm. Hrs. flexible to student's schedule Email a letter of interest to Tara Sansone . [email protected] Summer Deadline - mid May E-mail Liz Sharp a letter of interest [email protected] Deadline - rolling. WRITING Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) Peter Jay Sharp Building 30 Lafayette Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11217 718.636.4100 BAM is a thriving urban arts center that Fall - critical writing program -Young brings international performing arts and film Critics Institute - 12 to 15 high school to Brooklyn. juniors and seniors become critics of performances at BAM's New Wave Festival. Students work with a master teacher to learn about the performing arts and hone their critical writing skills. Past guests have included The New York Times critics Ben Brantley and Frank Rich, New Yorker's Joan Acocella and Alex Ross, and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner. An anthology of student reviews is compiled at the end of the course. Essays included in this anthology will make excellent writing samples for students applying to colleges. An intensive eight-week Application will be online at the end of curriculum location summer - find it under Education link and takes place after school Young Critics Institute - at BAM - once a week 4-Deadline - as soon as application is 6pm. online - ASAP Call to check in on updates as to when it will be posted - 718-636-4100 Children's Press Line 163 Amsterdam Ave PMB #149 New York, NY 10023-5001 212-501-1118 Children's Press Line is a youth journalism program that trains kids to be journalists who advocate for their peers through the mainstream media. Articles are printed in NYC's Amsterdam News and they are part of Scripps Howard News Service that prints their column once a month in papers across the country. Open to all children who live in the New York City area. New member trainings every other month on a Saturday afternoon. Training session is 4 hrs - in that time it's seen if the students really want to commit to the program - if yes, they can sign up for stories and get involved. Ongoing - Journalism Program Reporters, editors, staff, parents and readers submit an idea on a CPL RAP sheet. The idea should be Current, have a Point, give kids Leverage with decision makers, be Relevant, have Appeal and be a topic CPL journalists are Passionate about. Kids research the idea through online and primary sources. With the help of staff and volunteers, the journalists identify key individuals or groups to interview. Next, potential interviewees are contacted and interviews are scheduled. The story is placed on the monthly newsletter and journalists call to sign up for the story or they come in to the monthly bureau meeting. Go to website for more details - Attend training session - for more info. go to website - or call 212-501-1118 ask about info. for the writer or editor training session. Deadline - rolling. High Five 1 East 53rd Street New York NY 10022-4200 212-750-0555 The Teen Reviewers and Critics (TRaC) Program is High 5's after school program. TRaC offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to learn about the arts while improving their writing skills. Classes combine seminars, reading and discussion of reviews and critical writing on the arts, writing workshops, outings to arts events, and visits from professional artists and critics. TRaC instructors are also professional writers, artists and critics. Scenarios USA 80 Hanson Place, Suite 305 Brooklyn, NY 11217 718-230-5125 Scenarios USA asks teens to write stories Writing contest for teens - from Jan. to N/A about issues that shape their lives. In the April any NYC student can enter. past five years, 7,500 teenagers have responded to the Scenarios’ ‘What’s the Real Deal?’ writing contest, with raw, honest and revealing insights. They have written about peer pressure, body image, pregnancy scares, HIV/AIDS, self-esteem, friendship and commitment. Twelve of these stories have been made into highquality short films in partnership with the youth writers and some of Hollywood’s finest filmmakers. Send scripts to: Scenarios USA 80 Hanson Place, Suite 305 Brooklyn, NY 11217 Deadline - can send scripts from Jan to April. Teen Ink Teen Ink has no staff writers; they depend on teens to send writing, art and photos. There is no charge to submit or be published and anything you submit will be considered for Teen Ink's magazine, book series and website. Check out the submission guidelines on the website before you submit, including special instructions for sending art and photographs. Deadline - rolling. Teen Voices Online Based in Boston, MA For over 13 years, Teen Voices has published the voices of thousands of teen girls on topics that really matter — health, politics, social justice, and much more. Teen World News Critical writing program during the TRaC meets once a school year. Runs in the Fall and Spring week from 4:30 to 6:30, semester. Focus is on critical writing and for eight weeks. thinking. If you don't have a lot of Workshop meetings experience with the arts, MultiTRaC offers are held in midtown and an introduction to dance, theatre, music downtown Manhattan and visual arts - great starting place for locations. Once every critical writing fundamentals. Dance other week TRaC goes TRaC (hosted by Dance Theater on an evening or Workshop) and Visual Arts TRaC (hosted weekend outing to an by ArtTable) offer students with strong arts event. Venues are writing skills and some experience as arts- located throughout goers the opportunity to deepen their NYC. understanding of a single discipline. Fast TRaC is our advanced multidisciplinary course for students considering careers in writing and the arts. 20 student accepted in multi-tracs and 15 students in single tracs. Submit writing for the website. Send N/A your art, poems, stories and reviews of your favorite (and least favorite) movies, books, colleges and websites. Have you done community service recently? Have you written a great essay for a college application? Send it in! Got an opinion? Tell the world! Submit writing and/or artwork for the N/A magazine and website.- short stories (not too long - esp. stories with girl character in teen situations), personal essays, poetry. Also artwork - sometimes art assignments given based on subject matter at hand. Teen world news web site is dedicated to Submit writing for the web. Teens can N/A connecting teen across the globe. It's a submit their writing anytime to be place for teens to learn about news that reviewed and possibly posted. Comments affects them and to swap ideas on are published as short as a single sentence everything from human rights to hot fashion and articles as long as 800 words. Write trends. It's also a place for adults to find out to tell what's going on in your part of the what teens are talking about. world ... or what you think about an international news event ... or just what book you're reading. Applications on website under "TRaC" heading - - check website for updates or e-mail [email protected] for info. Fall Deadline - beg. of October. Spring Deadline - end of Feb. Go to website for more info. to submit online and/or get address to send in submissions - Deadline - rolling. Submit your story or comments to [email protected] Include your full name, age, and where you live in all e-mails. Deadline - rolling. Theater Development Fund (TDF) Play by Play Online Student Newsletter 1501 Broadway 21st Fl. NY, NY 10036-5652 212-221-0885 Play by Play is TDF’s student theatre newsletter. Written by and for high school students it features reviews, stories, interviews with theatre artists as well as information about student discounts and internship opportunities. Play by Play has an annual circulation of 128,000 (32,000 per issue) and is distributed to every public high school in New York City (210 schools) and to hundreds of arts organizations in New York and nationwide. Writer for newsletter during the school year - unpaid. Newsletter is published quarterly during the school year and each May an additional insert, 4 to 6 articles per issue. Accepted students work with an editor; they're matched up to article assignments - reviewing shows/writing articles. Due to limited number of articles, you might only write one - if an exceptional job is done future opportunities may arise. During article assignment, could be an intense one or two weeks until deadline is met - depends on each case. E-mail your name, grade, school, contact info., cover letter, and a writing sample (as close to a review/journalist style as possible) to: [email protected] If chosen, you will also be called and interviewed by the editor. Deadline - rolling. Young People's Press Major online publication of Young People’s Press, a North American news service (newsrooms in Toronto and North Bay, Ontario) that empowers a large network of youth and young adult writers to have a voice in the mainstream media and a space at the table of public opinion. YPP articles have been published in approximately 220 newspapers in Canada and 300 papers in the United States as well as on many Internet sites. We want to showcase the stuff young peoples care about, be it pop culture, politics or social issues. Submit writing for the web. Young N/A People’s Press is a free service that accepts non-fiction submissions from youth and young adults between the ages of 14 and 24. The work can be a feature story, opinion piece, first-person story or profile of a youth making a difference. An editor will work with you via e-mail to get you published – it’s that easy. Either send us something you have written already, or think of an articles or articles you would like to write. E-mail a summary of the piece and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. You can mail or fax any of your work, or send a digital copy. YPP's Submission Guidelines are on the website for more details - Mail: 374 Fraser Street North Bay, ON P1B 3W7 Fax: 705-495-6747 E-mail: [email protected] Young Playwrights Inc. 431 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10016 212-594-5440 National Playwriting Competition - write a play to be read and evaluated in writing by a theater professional; selected writers will come to New York for our Writers Conference to work with some of this country's most exciting theater artists. Your play might even be produced Off Broadway in the Young Playwrights Festival! Writing Contest - December deadline - N/A You must be 18 years old or younger (as of the deadline). Style, subject, and length are up to you, but collaborations of more than three writers will NOT be accepted. Original plays only. No screenplays, musicals or adaptations. You may submit more than one play. Scripts must be typed and stapled, with numbered pages. Mail plays, postmarked on or before December 1, 2007 National Playwriting Competition Young Playwrights Inc., Dept. WEB Post Office Box 5134 New York NY 10185 No email submissions! Scripts must be submitted by the author, not by a teacher or parent. The title page must list your name, date of birth, home address (including zip code and apartment #), email, and phone number. Please keep your original script and submit a copy. Scripts will not be returned. Check website - under competitions - to make sure address is updated. Deadline - December 1st. Young Playwrights Inc. 431 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10016 212-594-5440 WRITE A PLAY! NYC, the New York City School Playwriting Contest, is open to all NYC students. Plays are judged in three categories: elementary, middle, and high school. All entrants receive a Certificate of Merit, a written evaluation of the play, and an invitation to the annual Awards Ceremony. Writing Contest - March deadline N/A Plays must be submitted by students, not teachers. There are no restrictions on length, style, or subject, but collaborations of more than three writers will NOT be accepted. Screenplays and musicals are not eligible, nor are adaptations. Scripts should be typed and stapled, and pages must be numbered. Mail plays, postmarked on or before March 2Oth. WRITE A PLAY! NYC Young Playwrights Inc., Dept. WEB Post Office Box 5134 New York NY 10185 Scripts must have a cover page with: title of play, playwright’s name, home address (with apartment # and zip code), phone number, school, grade, and date of birth. Submit a copy of your play and keep the original. Scripts will not be returned. Check website - under competitions - to make sure address is updated. Deadline - March 20th Youth Communication NY Center, Inc. 224 W. 29th St. New York, NY 10001 212-279-0708 Youth Communication helps teenagers develop their skills in reading, writing, thinking, and reflection, so they can acquire the information they need to make thoughtful choices about their lives. They publish magazines and have writing workshops. New Youth Connections (or NYC) is a general interest teen magazine written by and for New York City youth. Writing and illustration workshops. New Youth Connections and Represent have a six-week summer writing workshops, a dozen youth are competitively selected to participate in each. The writers receive intensive training and write articles for publication in the fall and winter issues of the magazines. There is also a two-week summer illustration workshop - application same as for the writing workshop. Also throughout the year publications are illustrated by a staff of teen artists and photographers, under the supervision of a professional illustrator and art instructor. Plus Any young person 15—20 who lives in New York City is eligible to write for the magazines during the year. Many writers on New Youth Connections (NYC ), receive school credit. Applications on website in early April for summer writing and illustration workshops -there will be a link on the homepage.- submit online or by mail. By phone you can contact Hope Vanderberg about writing for the magazine during the year - 212-2790708 x106 For illustrating during the year Joanne Pendora 212-279-0708 x108 Deadlines - late May for the writing workshops, and late June for the illustration workshops. For summer some flexibility bet. MondayThursday, 12-6 p.m. For during the year, writers come to the office 5 to 20 hours per week, typically for one semester. Teens in the illustration workshops meet yearround, usually in twiceweekly 3-hour workshops. MEDIA/FILM Downtown Community Television Center 87 Lafayette St. New York, NY 10013 212-966-4510 DCTV pursues its educational mission by introducing members of the community to the basics of electronic media through hundreds of free or low-cost production courses and access to broadcast-quality production equipment. Summer Intensive Workshops & Two-day a week Internships - through the medium of commitment for 3 documentary filmmaking - students learn months. how to shoot w/camera, research, edit, direct, etc. Interns help in all areas of the Center’s operations, from administration to technical support. In exchange, interns are given access to DCTV’s facilities to pursue individual projects during designated hours. E-mail [email protected] for more info. about when current application will be available, but should be online by Feb. Submit application and selected students will be interviewed. Also check website info. listed under "About" section. Fill out the internship application, attach your résumé and a brief cover letter describing your interests and why you'd like to work in the selected department at DCTV. Send to: Attn: Internships DCTV 87 Lafayette St. New York, NY 10013 You may also e-mail your résumé, cover letter, and completed application: [email protected] Projected Deadline is May or 1st week of June. Educational Video Center 120 W 30th Street, 7th Floor New York, New York 10001 212-465-9366 Media arts center that teaches documentary video production and media analysis to youth. The mission is to creative and community based use of video and multimedia as a means to develop the literacy, research, public speaking and work preparation skills of at risk youth. During the school year - High School Documentary Workshops. EVC students learn media analysis and video documentary production on state-of-the-art equipment during a semester-long workshop. Students earn high school credit for their work while they develop production skills such as script writing, interviewing, camera work and editing. 12 students accepted per semester. Apply by calling the first couple of weeks Fall '06 school year or the beginning of the Spring semester. Contact Miriam Neptune or Ivana Espinet - Directors of Documentary Workshops both at 212465-9366 x13 Deadline - beginning of Fall or Spring semesters. They work with public schools that will allow a student to attend 1:30 to 4:30 M-Th.- they communicate with guidance counselor to check if schedule will work. Film Society of Lincoln Center Walter Reade Theater 165 West 65th Street (north side of west 65th Street) New York, NY 10023 212-875-5610 The Film Society is best known for two world-class international festivals – the New York Film Festival (the most famous and prestigious in the country), and New Directors/New Films (celebrating new cinematic artists). It runs a state-of-the-art year-round cinema, the Walter Reade Theater (capacity: 268), and publishes the country’s most respected cinematic journal, Film Comment. Summer and on-going intern Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities - admin. work and helping student's schedule. in different depts. according to current projects - Development/Fundraising, Film Festivals, Film Comment magazine, Press/Publicity, Graphic/Web Design, and Marketing. E-mail letter of interest to [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Ghetto Film School P.O. Box 1580 Bronx, New York 10459 718-589-5470 South Bronx training facilities for hands-on production and cinema studies courses. GFS student work has been featured at dozens of film and video festivals around the globe, as well as E!, ABC News Now, Independent Film Channel, CNN and the BBC's Talking Movies. 9 week intensive film workshop course - 9 weeks M-Th 10-5 students learn how to write, cast, direct from starting after July their own short films. They also visit other 4th till 1st week in Sept. studios in Manhattan and speak with Students that professionals in the industry. 18 students successfully complete accepted. At the end some films may get the project will get a screened at Lincoln Center. Students can $500 training stipend. also continue into Fall and Spring There is also a $1,000 internships. scholarship jury prize f/a panel jury viewing the short films. Application on website - Fill it out and submit online or by mail - selected students are called back for interview. Contact for questions Stosh Mintek [email protected] Deadline - check website for timeline but usually in April. Global Action Project 4 West 37th Street, 2nd Floor NY, NY 10018 212-594-9577 Since 1991, Global Action Project (G.A.P.) has provided media arts and leadership training for thousands of young people living in underserved communities, from New York to Croatia to Guatemala to the Middle East and beyond. Our mission is to provide youth with the knowledge, tools, and relationships they need to create powerful, thought-provoking media on local and international issues that concern them, and to use their media as a catalyst for dialogue and social change. Fall/Winter and Spring after school video production programs for youth, ages 14-19, who come from underserved communities (for example: communities without access to video making equipment, communities underrepresented in the media such as communities of color, immigrant and refugee youth, lowincome youth and their families, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender youth.) Youth will produce at least one collaborative video with other youth (groups are between 12-15) on an issue that concerns them and their communities. They will use their video as a tool to educate and bring about discussion about the issue and to advocate for positive social change through screenings, workshops, collaboration with community organizers and activists, filmmakers and other media activists. After school video production program at two schools; the George Washington High School Campus in Washington Heights and the Baccalaureate School for global Education in Astoria, Queens. You must be a current student at either of these schools in order to apply. Apply by sending an email or calling the Program Director, Teresa Basilio at [email protected] or 212-594-9577. Deadline - recruitment begins in September for the 2006-2007 programs. Urban Voices video program runs twice a week (days/times tbd) from Oct to June and meets at their mid-town space - youth who attend NYC public high schools can apply . Immigrant and Refugee Youth video program open to youth who are either immigrants or refugees to this country and who want to work on issues related to immigration and who identify themselves in some way as an “immigrant” (from another country). This program runs once a week (day/time tbd)and meets at our mid-town space. After school video programs run twice a week after school in the school building (days/times tbd). MNN Youth Channel 537 West 59th Street New York, New York 10019 212-757-2670 x330 Provide trainings and hands on experience in all aspects of public access television and video production. With a strong emphasis on media education, media production and youth media distribution we empower young people to see themselves as participants of media and not just consumers. While working directly with youth from NYC we are also providing an outlet for youth media nationwide and globally. On-going program - YOUTH M.I.C is a youth program providing young people with high-quality training in media making and in community service. In this program, 7-8 youth receive advanced media-making and media-communication training. Program participants learn skills (i.e. video-making, web-production, multi-media presentations, etc.), and use these skills as they partner with established and grassroots arts, cultural, and community organizations. Show is aired on TimeWarner network channel 78 and Manhattan Neighborhood Network channel 34. In summer - dys. flexible but at least 10 hrs a week bet. 10am6pm for three months. School year schedule based upon student classes. First check on-line for an application - but if it's not there yet you can also e-mail [email protected] and express your interest for an application. Summer Deadline - contact at least by May 15th but sooner the better. Paper Tiger Television 339 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10012 212-420-9045 Paper Tiger Television is an open, nonprofit, volunteer video collective. Through the production and distribution of public access series, media literacy/video production workshops, community screenings and grassroots advocacy PTTV works to challenge and expose the corporate control of mainstream media. PTTV believes that increasing public awareness of the negative influence of mass media and involving people in the process of making media is mandatory for long term goal of information equity. Summer and on-going intern Commit to at least one opportunities. Some responsibilities day a week, but prefer participation in one Paper Tiger committee three. (pre-production, distribution, fundraising, office support), contribution to a Paper Tiger video production, keeping a journal, checking your collective mail box. PTTV is an opportunity for those with self direction. The intent is to learn from each other - encourage taking initiative while respecting collective process. There is no hand-holding at PTTV though they will guide you through the process and make accessible the necessary tools. Where you take this experience is ultimately up to you. Planned Parenthood/Teen Wire 434 West 33rd Street New York, NY 10001 212-261-4365 is an award-winning sexual health Web site for teens. They are committed to giving you the facts about sex so that you can use this information to make your own responsible choices. They provide honest and nonjudgmental information about sexuality in language you can understand with the hope that you will use this knowledge to reduce your risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. During the school year - Hosts for online radio program. Write, create and act in radio plays which are posted on teenwire - no previous knowledge of sexual health is required. Two hours a week Call Ellen Friedrichs for application. paid $10 and hour and 212-261-4365 get pizza and soda each Deadline - rolling. meeting. Reel Works The Prospect Park YMCA 357 Ninth Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 718-768-7100 x139 Reel Works Teen Filmmaking, an independent non-profit in partnership with the Prospect Park YMCA. Fall and Spring- they choose twelve New York City teens for a free, 16 week documentary workshop. Classes meet at the Prospect Park YMCA in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Wednesday’s 4-6pm. In Applications online - addition, there are 3 Tentative Fall Deadline - October 1st required Saturday but check website for updates. classes and an optional Final Cut Pro Editing class starting midterm. 1st step - Fill out online application Afterwards, they'll contact applicants and ask for a more detailed response (could be a few paragraphs) of why the applicant is interested in working with Paper Tiger. Afterwards an interview is set up and a decision is made a few weeks after. Deadline - rolling. THEATER COMPANIES All Stars Project 543 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 212-941-9400 All Stars Project sponsors community and experimental theatre, develops leadership training and pursues volunteer initiatives that build and strengthen communities. Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities. Help to produce student's schedule. community talent shows; work in the theatre on costumes, sets, tech, house staff, audience development, marketing and fundraising; organize special events. Volunteers provide the nuts and bolts support to the business, public relations and graphic design departments. One of the biggest volunteer needs is house staff - helping to staff performances in three on-site theatres. House staff includes ushering, house managing, working in café, taking tickets, staffing security posts and more. All volunteers receive training and work as part of an ensemble consisting of youth and adults. Amas Musical Theatre 115 MacDougal Street, Suite 2B New York, NY 10012 212-563-2565 Amas Musical Theatre is a non-profit, multi- Summer and on-going intern Days/hrs. flexible to ethnic theatrical organization located on opportunities. Responsibilities can vary student's schedule MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village from admin. support, clerical, phones, min. 5 hrs a week. founded in 1968 by Ms. Rosetta LeNoire. fundraising, to Production support Rosetta's vision for Amas is grounded in assisting in reading workshops, main non-traditional, multi-racial production, stage and technical rehearsals - lighting, education and casting. Amas is devoted to sound tests, running errands to supporting the creation, development and professional Edu. programs - the teen academy on production of original musical works and to weekends and during the week in summer the training and encouragement of new being teacher assistants and helping with musical theatre talent. tech. during shows. E-mail Mr. Jan Hacha - Managing Director a letter of interest and a resume stating your background and areas of interest/past focus. [email protected] Summer Deadline - May 15th Fall Deadline - August 15th Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts 2900 Campus Road (& Hillel Place) Brooklyn, NY 11210 718-951-4600 The Center is finding new audiences and new artistic flavors. But the vision that gave Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts the artistic energy to bring to its Brooklyn audiences the world of art and beauty at affordable prices, still empowers it today. Summer and on-going opportunities - 9 to 5 two or three days but on an as needed basis. Could be a week (20 to 30 hrs). administrative work or marketing and PR projects - not a formal program - need to check in and see what's available at the time. Call Rhea Smith to inquire if there's an intern need. 718-951-4600 x26 Summer Deadline - contact by May. Cherry Lane Theatre 38 Commerce St. New York, NY 10014 212-989-2020 Cherry Lane Theatre serves as a lab for the development of new American works. Their focus is the playwright as central to the dramatic event and the text as intrinsic to theatrical innovation and excellence. As New York's longest-running Off-Broadway theater, the Cherry Lane has helped to define American drama, fostering quality theater that is daring and relevant, for over 80 years. Summer and on-going internship opportunities - internships offered in Production/Operations, Set Design, Costume Design, Development, General Management, and Marketing/Advertising for marketing/advertising, intern needs some Photoshop/Illustrator skills. E-mail or send Faye Armon - Intern Coordinator - a resume and a letter of interest stating your schedule and three goals you'd like to achieve from the internship. [email protected] or Intern Coordinator Cherry Lane Theatre 38 Commerce St. New York, NY 10014 Summer Deadline - June 30th Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule but they'd like 15-20 hrs. a week. New volunteers start by attending a seminar at ASP headquarters located at 543 West 42nd Street (between 10th and 11th Avenues). Check website for updated times, but currently - Mon. 12:00 pm, Tues. 6:30 pm, Thurs. 7:00 pm, and Sat.2:30 pm. Under the website volunteer section - you can sign up for a session - or e-mail [email protected] or call Julie Lenner 212941-9400 x336. Deadline - rolling. Classic Stage Company 136 East 13th Street New York, NY 10003 212-677-4210 x16 Classic Stage Company is the awardwinning Off-Broadway theatre committed to re-imagining the classical repertory for a contemporary American audience. CSC presents plays from the past that speak directly to the issues of today. Fall volunteer opportunities - ushers for 2 days a week - for shows - also possibly assisting with admin. work hrs. admin. support or working on special flexible projects depending on current needs. In exchange for ushering get to see shows for free. E-mail Lisa Barnes - General Manager a letter of interest. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Developing Artists 48 West 21st St. 4th Fl. NY, NY 10010 212-929-2228 Developing Artists create and develop original theater written, directed, produced and performed by young adults. As a multidisciplinary ensemble, they recognize young artists of all ages in a variety of technical and creative roles to give rise to an original production. Their mission is to represent the culture we live, express the challenges we face and introduce the voices we know through our respect for theater. Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities - work in production or student's schedule. admin. tasks according to current projects at hand. E-mail a letter of interest to Jinn S. Kim Managing Director [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Goh Productions 239 East 5 Street, Suite 1-D New York NY 10003-8544 212-777-3891 GOH Productions is a producing and presenting organization that has operated out of Manhattan’s East Village since the mid-1970s. The organization creates, produces and presents original works by artists working in the areas of experimental theater, dance, music, performance, folk art, film and the visual arts, or any combination thereof. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities - opportunities in admin, promotion, design. During productions backstage work, rehearsals, production assistants. Days/hrs. flexible but E-mail letter of interest to Bonnie Stein during production at Executive and Artistic Director least 10-15 hrs. a week. [email protected] or call - 212-777-3891 Summer Deadline - May. Jean Cocteau Repertory 330 Bowery NY, NY 10012 212-677-0060 Since its founding by Eve Adamson in 1971, Jean Cocteau Repertory has concentrated on the production of classic theatre by a resident company of actors. Attracted by timeless works of the past and present, the company seeks to create what the great playwright and director Cocteau called a “poetry of the theatre" where all elements of live performance fuse into a total, cohesive experience. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities -Production - helping the crew, set construction, or Office work - Press releases, marketing/mailings. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. Love Street Theater 435 E 85th St. 2F New York, NY 10028 212-288-9731 Love Street Theatre is a AEA showcase company specializing in producing classics. We are also are dedicated to providing rewarding performance opportunities for women. Spring volunteer opportunities - they To be discussed in will be producing a show in May and need interview. help with leafleting, ushering and other diverse jobs. E-mail Julie Halpern a letter of interest. [email protected] Spring Deadline - they will start interviewing in March - so contact ASAP if you want to be more involved. Mabou Mines Development Foundation 150 First Ave. NY, NY 10009 212-473-0559 Mabou Mines is an avant-garde theater company that emphasizes the creation of new theater pieces from original texts and the use of existing texts from the stage point of view. Summer and on-going volunteer Days/hrs. flexible - but opportunities. Responsibilities need to have answering correspondence, helping to consistency in it. create press kits, scanning photos on to zip disc, answering phone and general work. Some computer knowledge would be helpful. E-mail Joe Stackell - General Manager a letter of interest, describing what goals you would like to achieve by having the internship. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. E-mail letter of interest and/or resume to Melanie Hopkins - General Manager. Re: which areas you want to help with (Production or Office) and why [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Manhattan Theater Club 311 West 43rd Street, 8th floor NY, NY 10036 212-399-3000 x256 For more than three decades, Manhattan Theatre Club has been the creative and artistic home for America's most gifted theatrical artists, producing works of the highest quality by both established and emerging American and international playwrights. During the school year playwriting program called "Write Now!" 12 highly motivated high school students learn about the art and craft of playwriting. Through weekly after-school sessions conducted by master playwright/mentors participants develop plays by bringing in successive drafts for critique by the leaders and the group. The program culminates in a rehearsed reading of the participants work by professional actors for an audience of family and friends. Estimated time f/ mid Oct. to mid Dec. Once a week for two hours (usually on weds from 4pm-6pm). MCC Theater 145 West 28th Street, 8th Floor NY, NY 10001 212-727-7722 MCC Theater brings together exceptional theater artists to produce works that force us to reexamine the world we live in through the unique perspectives of extraordinary writers. MCC Theater is dedicated to discovering and developing challenging, engrossing theater to present on their main stage, while simultaneously nurturing the development of emerging young voices through their literary and education programs. Fall - Theater workshops - MCC Weekly workshops. Theater Youth Company - an afterschool program for New York City youth ages 14 -20 interested in acting and playwriting. Students come from throughout the city to participate in weekly workshops led by theater professionals. To apply interviews are conducted every fall. More information about the application/interview process is distributed to the Youth Company’s mailing list. Questions about the Youth Company, or to join the mailing list, contact: Catherine Ward 212-727-7722 (ext. 26) [email protected] Deadline - The Education & Outreach Department conducts interviews for the Youth Company every fall specific info comes by being on mailing list. Moose Hall Theater Company Inwood Hill Park Peninsula New York, NY 10034 917-918-0394 MTHC produces the Inwood Shakespeare Festival (ISF). ISF provides free outdoor theatre in Inwood, which is located in the northern section of Manhattan. Utilizing the venue of Inwood’s beautiful parks, they showcase classical and contemporary theatre, dance and music for a culturally mixed population, many of whom are experiencing, live theatre for the first time. Summer volunteer opportunities. No formal program but willing to work with teens. Performance set up, electrical lines, sound system, lights, distributing programs, breakdown, prop building, etc. Will guide in the process, but student needs to be self motivated and independent. Send letter of interest to Catherine Bruce Technical Director: [email protected] Summer Deadline - beginning of May New Perspective Theatre Company 750 Eighth Ave. Suite 601 NY, NY 10036 212-730-2030 New Perspectives was founded in 1991as a multi-racial ensemble dedicated to using theater as an agent for positive social change. Summer and on-going volunteer Flexible but they'd like opportunities. Responsibilities in admin., minimum of 10 hrs. a sitting in on rehearsals, helping with sets week. and props, technical areas, etc. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. Contact Sarah (if she is no longer there, ask for the current education intern) at 212-399-3000 x 256 or [email protected]. Ask to be put on the mailing list to get a flier for details or ask how to apply to "Write Now!". Deadline - early October or a few weeks before program's start date. E-mail resume and/or letter of interest to Melody Brooks - Artistic Director - letter should include what you'd like to be doing and/or get out of the internship. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Nicu's Spoon PO Box 2058 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163-2058 Founded in early 2001, Nicu's Spoon is dedicated to producing socially relevant theatrical works that present new ideas, challenge definitions, and touch the heart in an unexpected way. They celebrate the collaborative spirit in developing productions that are pertinent for today's "global" and rapidly changing world. Summer volunteer 2006, Production Asst. for 'Cherish' (US Premiere of a New Zealand work) - a play dealing with Gay and Lesbian issues to be presented in the village (probably at the Bank St. theatre). Rehearsals in May and performs for three weeks in June. Will assist director and designers and producer with a variety of duties including media & marketing, production meetings, rehearsals, our summer reading series, etc. Fall volunteer of 2006, Asst. Stage Manager/Production Asst. for 'Buried Child' (revival of the 1979 Pulitzer Prize winner) to be performed at the Looking glass theater on West 57th during October. Rehearses in Sept and runs for three weeks in October. Will assist with actors, props, stage set up and management, production meetings, rehearsals and our Fall reading series, etc. During rehearsal its roughly 4 evenings per week from 7-10pm (mon-thur) and in performance it is wedsun or tues through sat. Rehearsal period is 4 weeks and performance is three weeks. Apply by contacting [email protected] and attach a resume if you have one. If not, write a half page about why you want to be involved, what you hope to learn, and what you can see yourself doing 5 years from now. Summer Deadline - April 1st Fall Deadline - July 15th NY Artists Unlimited 212 West 14 Street, Suite 2A New York, NY 10011 212-242-6036 or 212-228-2886 NY ARTISTS UNLIMITED, founded in 1982, is dedicated to taking professional theatre to under-served audiences. The company focuses on works that evoke dignity of the individual and sanctity of the human spirit. A multicultural nonprofit company, they tour self-contained to the ethnically-specific and diverse neighborhoods of New York City and the Northeast. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities would range - admin., Internet research, graphic artists, marketing/PR, stage work, crew, etc. 15 hrs. min per week - Send letter of intent/inquiry to Artist days flexible Director Melba LaRose: [email protected] 212-242-6036 or 212-228-2886 Deadline - rolling. NY Classical Theatre 741 West End Avenue, Suite1-E New York, NY 10025 917-561-7180 or 212-252-4531 New York Classical Theatre's mission is to reinvigorate and create audiences for the theatre by presenting free or low cost productions of popular classics and forgotten masterpieces in non-traditional public spaces for residents and visitors to the City. Current programming consists of two plays staged during a four-month residency in Central Park--a total of 32 performances every summer. Summer Interns for their summer Central Park productions - assist with costumes to PR to rehearsals to props, etc. Must commit to one 8 E-mail a letter of interest and resume to week period of 4 hrs. a [email protected] day for 6 dys. Make sure to Attn: Intern Coordinator. Deadline - March 15th or ASAP if it's past that date. Pearl Theatre Company 80 St. Marks Place New York, NY 10003 212-505-3401 Pearl Theatre Company is a resident company, and we produce a full range repertory strongly rooted in the classics. Summer and on-going volunteers if projects available. Responsibilities admin. support. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. E-mail a letter of interest to Leigh Goldenberg [email protected] Summer Deadline - May 1st Fall deadline - August 1st Queens Theater In the Park Flushing Meadows-Corona Park Flushing, NY 11352 718-760-0064 Musicals, plays, dance, concerts or film-it's all available at Queens Theatre in the Park. Performances are held at either the Main Stage Theatre or the smaller cabaret/black box studio. Summer volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities - admin. filing, phones, clerical work. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. E-mail Gail Koelln a letter of interest [email protected] Summer Deadline - mid May Rattlestick Productions, Inc. 224 Waverly Place New York, NY 10014 212-627-2556 The Rattlestick Theater is committed to the creation, development and production of new plays. Their mission is to provide a positive, nurturing experience for emerging playwrights, present diverse and challenging plays that otherwise might not be produced, foster the future voices of the American theater. Summer and on-going intern opportunities. Responsibilities could include phones/mail, etc., script readers group, house management, database management and entry, fundraising, community development (working with local merchants on tie-ins and the like) and researching foundations, etc. Opportunities to see production work if they're in production at the time. MUST be good on the computer. At LEAST 4 weeks and preferably 6 - 20 hrs per week minimum. If a show is running, must be able to house manage at least 2 shows per week which would involved either evening or weekend work. Riant Theater P.O. Box 1902, NYC 10013 646-623-3488 The Black Experimental Theatre (BET) a.k.a. The Riant Theatre is a theatre that entertains as well as teaches by nurturing and developing new works by playwrights that encompass the historic and social progression of the Afro-American and the contributions the Afro-American has made in the United States. Summer and on-going volunteer Summer hrs flexible - Application online under heading "get opportunities. Responsibilities - admin, at least 3 hrs a day 3 to involved" - PR/Marketing, Ushers, Artistic, Props etc. 5 dys a week. Deadline - rolling. Ripe Time South Oxford Space 138 South Oxford Street Ste. 4D Brooklyn, NY 11217 718-622-3650 Ripe Time develops and presents ensemble-driven theatre infused with rich language, visual power and physical rigor. The company is devoted to the creation of and experimentation with performance that bridges the gap between dance and theatre. Their work ranges from collaboratively created original theatre pieces to new adaptations of novels and stories to dynamic staging of classic plays. Summer intern opportunities. Responsibilities could include Artistic Project Coordination, Funding and Grant Research, Maintaining Company Correspondence, Assisting with Grant Writing/Preparation, Researching Venues for National/International Touring, Mailing List/Database Maintenance, Accounting Assistance, Preparing Marketing Materials, Direct Assistance to Artistic Staff. Individuals should be organized, detail-oriented, self-motivated and able to multi-task. Strong computer and writing skills are important. Synapse Productions 220 East Fourth Street New York, NY 10009 212-674-2716 Synapse Productions is a non-profit theatre company dedicated to presenting provocative theatre that makes people think and gets people talking. Synapse creates work that challenges and inspires their audience to see the world in a different light. Fall through Spring interns - usually Days/hrs. flexible to only college age interns, but open to student's schedule. discussions about high school age. Responsibilities range - Stage Management, Scenic Artist Intern, Costumes Intern, Electrics Intern, Sound Intern, Development and Marketing Intern, Literary Intern, Company Management Intern - Go to website for a full descriptions of these programs - under the heading "Get Involved" - Part time Internships last between 2-4 months - minimum 10 hours of work per week. Start and end dates are flexible. E-mail Sandra Coudert - Managing Director a letter of interest and resume. State your interests, goals, past experiences/skills and what you'd like to get out of this internship. [email protected] Deadline - rolling - but the sooner you apply the better. Mail or fax a resume and cover letter to: Catherine Ward, Associate Artistic Director, Ripe Time 138 South Oxford Street #4D, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Fax: 718-398-2794 [email protected] Deadline - rolling - but the sooner you apply the better. Email or send a letter indicating the type of internship you're interested in to Ginevra Bull - Artistic Director. State the type of internship you're looking for, which semester you're available, how much time you could commit, and a resume if you have one. [email protected] Synapse Productions 220 East 4th Street New York, NY 10009 Deadline - rolling except no summer internships. Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre 79th St. and West Drive Central Park New York, NY 10023 212-988-9093 The Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre was imported from Sweden in 1876 and became the home of a traveling puppet production company. Since 1973, when a permanent theater was constructed inside the Cottage, hundreds of thousands of children and families from around the world have enjoyed its original marionette productions. The Theatre’s productions are based on classic fairy tales and offer an enriching theatrical and educational experience for children ages 3-9. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities. Responsibilities include - 1) Office assistant; helping out with the everyday operation including answering the telephone, filing, taking reservations and dealing with the general public on the telephone. 2)Theatre assistant; helping out with ushering and greeting audiences etc. Candidates should enjoy working with children and be able to function in a professional theatre environment. 2-5 days a week - can be worked out with student's schedule. Weekdays 10am to 3pm and weekends from 12 noon until 3pm. E-mail a letter of interest to Bruce Cannon [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Teatro IATI 59-61 East Fourth St. #6 New York, NY 10003 212-505-6757 Teatro IATI (International Theater arts Institute) is a New York based, non-profit theatre organization established in 1968 dedicated to the production of theater works in Spanish for children and adults audiences, which it performs on its home base of NYC and on tour in the US and abroad. Fall volunteer opportunities for High School Seniors only. Work on productions, help director during rehearsals, work w/actors, admin. help taking notes, phone calls, etc. 3 months - 15-20 hrs a week preferred, but willing to discuss flexibility. E-mail a letter of interest to Vivian Deangelo - Artistic Director or call with inquiries. [email protected] or [email protected] 212-505-6757 High School Seniors only. Fall Deadline - end of July. The Actors Theatre Workshop 145 West 28th Street, 3rd Fl. New York, NY 10001 212-947-1386 x 3 The Actors Theatre Workshop is an established pioneer in non-profit theatre that produces classical and contemporary plays, develops new dramatic works, trains and develops actors, writers and directors while making a difference in the lives of homeless children and the community at large. ATW was founded over two decades ago in a studio on Manhattan's upper west side. In 1990, with an outpouring of public and private support, ATW built a new theatre complex and performance space in Chelsea. Summer and on-going volunteer opportunities - usually take college age but willing to consider serious high school students. Business management training in running a non for profit theatre. Support theatre admin. tasks, development, and production activities depending on current projects at hand. A good phone manner and computer skills are essential. Also, opportunities to help with ATW's Builders of the New World program - an award-winning education, theatre and mentorship program bringing together professional artists and business professionals to provide an educationally enriching experience for 8 to 12 year old homeless and at-risk children. During the summer 40 hrs. per week for summer months. For fall 20 hrs. per week for 4 months. If your schedule does not allow for such hrs. - an alternate time commitment may be considered, but you must propose the alternate schedule in you cover letter and state why this would be needed. E-mail a letter of interest and resume to Sean Barry - HR Manager. [email protected] Deadline - rolling but the sooner the better. The Barrow Group Theatre Company 312 W. 36th St. 4W NY, NY 10018 212-760-2615 The Barrow Group (recipient of the Drama Desk Award for Off-Off Broadway Excellence) is a non-profit theater organization that serves as an artistic home for some of New York's finest actors, directors, playwrights, and designers. Summer and on-going internship Schedule flexible but opportunities. Responsibilities - admin, they like minimum of development, education, literary, reception, 10 to 15 hrs a week. technical, marketing/PR, box office, etc. Email or send resume and letter of interest to Eric Paeper - Executive Director. [email protected] Postal Mail: The Barrow Group Theatre Company 312 W. 36th St. 4W NY, NY 10018 Deadline - rolling. The Civilians 1412 Broadway #1965 New York, NY 10018 212-730-2019 The Civilians is a production company that develops original projects based in the creative investigation of actual experience. The Civilians works with a multidisciplinary group of Associate Artists who generate ideas and collaborate on the development of new work. Interns - usually only college age, but open to discussions about high school age. Summer of '06 the company will be away for part of the summer, but during end of June to end of July there may be possibilities to help on the administrative side. Interested applicants in arts management or administration can apply. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. E-mail Kyle Gorden with a letter of interest. [email protected] Deadline - early May to make summer schedule. The Culture Project 45 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012 212-253-7017 The Culture Project is one of New York’s most prominent off-Broadway theater companies with an abiding commitment to presenting dramatic works that explore today’s defining social and political issues. The Company provides a creative home to a diverse array of artists who share its passion for amplifying the voices of the disenfranchised, disaffected and politically marginalized. An important component in its annual programming is its women’s theater festival, Women Center Stage. Summer and Fall volunteer Prefer 20 hrs a week opportunities for High School Seniors but willing to discuss only. Admin. work - file, answer phone, flexibility. research projects, prop shopping, costume shopping, front of house responsibilities, etc. E-mail Lauren Saffa a letter of interest. [email protected] Summer Deadline - May 15th Fall Deadline - August 15th. High School Seniors only. The Dream Theater 484 W. 43rd St. 14Q New York, NY 10036 212-564-2628 The Dream Theatre presents both new plays and classics that explore all nature of violence in a world that dreams of peace. We hope to transform, uplift, and inspire and to elevate the art form of the theatre, to return it to its original mission as a sacred rite, a place for spiritual rejuvenation and catharsis. They especially honor and encourage plays written by or about women. Summer intern opportunities - Stage Days/hrs. flexible to managing, assistant stage managing, student's schedule. mailings and e-mailings for shows and fundraisers, graphics, acting, sound and lighting design assistants, computer/office help, secretarial, database maintenance,etc. E-mail a letter of interest to Andrea Leigh Artistic Director [email protected] Can also call for info. (212) 564-2628 Deadline - rolling. The New Victory Theater c/o the new 42nd Street 229 W. 42nd Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10036 646-223-3092 The December 11, 1995 opening and dedication of The New Victory - New York's oldest active theater - has marked a new era for 42nd Street. For more than one hundred years, the theater has symbolized, and survived, the mercurial fortunes of this fabled street. Now as before, its reemergence - this time as a theater for young audiences - signals the next and newest wave of popular entertainment on the block. Summer, Fall and Spring Apprentice Program for high school students (ages 16+). The New 42 Apprentices are assigned to a department depending on their personal fields of interest, along with a staff assessment of where they can learn and contribute most effectively. Working alongside theater staff and technicians, students gain experience in performing arts administration through paid work placements including seminars/workshops designed to establish a firm foundation for their future as emerging professionals. In addition, apprentices meet weekly with members of The New Victory Education Department to review the program's curriculum, and are required to maintain a professional portfolio of their written and graphic work, journal entries relating to specific assignments and a Learning Plan outlining areas they wish to further explore. Summer 2006 program dates - Monday, July 3rd, 2006 to Friday to August 18, 2006. For fall and spring, you MUST be able to work during regular office hours - Mondays through Fridays anytime between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. Weekend and evening hours may be required depending on placement. Accepted high school students are expected to work between 10 to 15 hours each week. High School Apprentices will receive an hourly wage. Alternatively, if your school provides credit for Apprenticeships, The New Victory will coordinate w/your career counselor or academic advisor to make all necessary arrangements. Application on website under "Education" header and then "Jobs" header Summer Deadline - June 5, 2006 The Play Company 321 West 44th Street Suite 802 New York, NY 10036 212-398-2977 The Play Company is an international theatre for new writing that develops and produces adventurous new plays by writers from all over the world. Play Co. "thinks globally" about culture and ideas, and "acts locally" by connecting our New York City community with a whole world of plays. Summer intern opportunities - admin. help, production work, marketing, special events - tasks depend on current projects on hand. Days flexible according to student's schedule but at least 10 hrs. min per week. E-mail Lauren Weigel a letter of interest and a resume. State your interests, goals, past experiences/skills and what you'd like to get out of this internship. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. The Public Theater 425 Lafayette St., NY, NY 10003 212-539-8621 As the nations foremost theatrical producer of Shakespeare and new work, The Public Theater is dedicated to achieving artistic excellence while developing an American theater that is accessible and relevant to all people through productions of challenging new plays, musicals and innovative stagings of the classics. Shakespeare Lab Jr. - each summer The Public Theater provides free 4 day Shakespeare workshops. Students entering 10th grade and above can join to experience the backstage workings of a major American theater company. Students talk about the language, scenes, practice acting/speaking, ends with a presentation for family/friends. The workshops take place during the month of August. Each workshop is 4 days long, running from Tuesday to Friday, 15pm. 15 students per session - can't repeat session. Contact Kiera Zoubek for info. [email protected] 212-539-8621 Check by spring (April/May) on when info. will come out and get on mailing list - students get accepted on a first come, first serve basis. The WorkShop Theater 312 West 36th Street Fourth Floor East NY, NY 10018 212-695-4173 x2 The WorkShop exists to build great plays developing new theatrical works by supporting a structured creative process that takes scripts from their initial inspiration, through various sit-down and three-day staged readings to early runs of promising work. Summer intern - no formal program need to inquire if there are current opportunities or special projects to help on. If so, they would most likely be in marketing/PR or Production. Days/hrs. flexible to student's schedule. Contact Elysa Marden - Artistic Director to ask if there are any current opportunities - writing a letter of interest would also be a good idea. 212-695-4173 x2 [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Theater Resources Unlimited 309 West 104th Street, 1D New York, NY 10025 212-864-3753 An arts service organization, Theater Resources Unlimited provides a variety of support services to performing artists, producers and artistic directors. Summer intern opportunities Days/hrs. flexible to Database maintenance and input, assist to student's schedule. organize food and logistics for monthly panel discussions, house staff work, maybe some tech. work during play readings. Need to know Mac based computer system. E-mail Bob Ost - with letter of interest. [email protected] Summer Deadline - April 30th Theatreworks USA 151 W. 26th Street, NY, NY 10001 212-647-1100 x149 Camp Counselors for Camp Theatreworks, Summer camp counselor positions a summer day camp for young people age 8-must be 16 - unpaid to start can grow to 15, allows kids to “get in on the act” through paid position in future years. total immersion in theatre arts at New York City’s premier rehearsal/audition venue, Chelsea Studios. July 17-28, 2006 Vital Theatre Company 2162 Broadway, 4th floor at 76th Street, New York, NY 10024 212-579-0528 It is the mission of Vital Theatre Company to provide a thorough developmental process for emerging and established playwrights of every age by providing opportunities for writers, actors, designers and directors to practice their craft and create an avenue of learning for the artists of tomorrow. Vital Theatre Company strives for its theatre to impact young audiences, adult audiences and students in all five boroughs, to allow the theatrical imagination to change and affect their lives. Summer volutneer opportunities assist on education dept. admininstration duties. Fall, Winter, Spring volunteer opportunities - theater administration in various departments and/or ushering. Need to discuss at time Fill out volunteer form and submit on of interview. website Form is found under "contribute" heading then scroll down to "donate your time" to find form. Deadline rolling. York Theater The Theatre at Saint Peter's 619 Lexington Avenue (at 54th Street) New York, NY 10022 212 935-5824 x18 The York Theatre Company is the only theatre in New York City - and one of the very few in the world - dedicated to developing and fully producing new musicals and preserving neglected, notable shows from the past. For over three decades, the York's intimate, imaginative style of producing both new and neglected classic musicals has resulted in critical acclaim, multiple awards and nominations, and acclamation from artists and audiences alike. Summer and on-going intern opportunities - York Theater Co. had broad-based, administrative internships to highly mature, motivated and outgoing high school students interested in theatre, musical theatre in particular. Their interns engage in script evaluation, marketing research, box office support, administrative support, errand running and other duties as assigned. They work with every department, and every day is a little different. During the summer, they ask for a 30-40 hour commitment but they work with students individually to find a schedule that can be managed. Send or fax a letter of interest and/or a resume to Jim Wordsworth - Camp Theatreworks Director [email protected] Fax # - 212-924-5901. Summer Deadline - July 1, 2006 but the sooner the better. Send a letter of interest, describing what goals you would like to achieve by having the internship and your specific interests in the theatre, as well as a resume to Brian Blythe [email protected]. Deadline - rolling. MUSEUMS American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street NY, NY 10024-5192 212-769-5185 The American Museum of Natural History's mission is to discover, interpret, and disseminate - through scientific research and education - knowledge about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe. Summer internship program with small stipend if program is completed. Also a school year session offered - different deadlines. Inside View High School Internship Program - Career Development - learning how to conduct yourself in a work environment - not science orientated, but in the setting of AMNH. Meet with Museum scientists and other staff members from a wide range of departments, and get a close-up view of their mentors’ career paths. Participate in individual and group projects concerning career development. Use state-of-the-art technology in their own departments. Visit the Halls and corridors of the Museum to see behind the scenes. For Summer (Late Call or e-mail Tiffany Fludd in Education June to early August) M-to request an application Th. 10-5 and Friday [email protected] afternoons - stipend is 212-769-5185. available if program is Summer deadline projected for 1st completed. For school week in March - check on update. year 6 hrs a week. School year internship (Nov. to May) deadline - October. American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street NY, NY 10024-5192 212-769-5141 The American Museum of Natural History's mission is to discover, interpret, and disseminate - through scientific research and education - knowledge about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe. High School Science Research Program - during the school year with perhaps a one week orientation in Aug. It's a two year commitment taking classes for a year (out of 6 class sessions - 3 or 4 need to be completed) and then applying for an internship the following year. Take classes about science for a year (topics covered - astronomy to landscape drawing to archaeology to genetics, etc.) to then be able to apply for an internship the following year to either 1) Work with a mentor usually grad. students or curators on research projects - be exposed to advanced scientific material and research techniques or 2) Work in museum with interactive activity tables - explaining facts to kids that come by. One class session runs 2-4 hrs a week for 5 weeks. Must be able to come to museum from 4-6pm or on the weekends. Check website under "Children, Youth, and Families Tab" to check about program, but info. may not be updated. Currently students can e-mail [email protected] to be put on the mailing list and be sent a registration form. Pick science classes you want to take on the registration form and send it back to be picked by a lottery - last year out of 125 places 2/3rd got a class. Deadline - send in registration form ASAP over the summer - first class session begins in Sept. Brooklyn Children's Museum 145 Brooklyn Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11213 718-735-4400 x104 The mission of the Brooklyn Children's Museum is to engage children in educational experiences through innovation and excellence in exhibitions, programs, and use of its collection. The Museum encourages children to develop an understanding of and respect for themselves, others and the world around them by exploring cultures, the arts, science and the environment. Summer Museum Team Volunteers - a year long program - can start in summer for 9th and 10th graders. Participants learn to work directly with the public as gallery, workshop, and public program assistants. They also have an opportunity to explore careers through field trips and artist/scientist-in-residence programs. Need to inquire in interview for updates but usually Tues. - Sat. 4-6pm at least 3 afternoons a week. Call Racheal Zaslow - Coordinator of Adolescent Programs to set up an interview appointment and pick up an application. 718-735-4400 x104 Deadline - set up an interview by late spring - interviews will start in April or May. Brooklyn Museum of Art 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-501-6226 The Brooklyn Museum, housed in a 560,000-Summer work-study program - in square-foot, Beaux-Arts building, is the exchange for assisting teaching artists in second-largest art museum in New York classes for students ages 6 to 9, students City and one of the largest in the country. Its can attend a Gallery/Studio Program teen world-renowned permanent collections art course free of charge. Also year round include more than one million objects, from museum apprentice internships - check ancient Egyptian masterpieces to museum site for info. contemporary art. Children Museum of Manhattan Tisch Building 212 West 83rd Street New York, NY 10024 212-721-1223 CMOM inspires children and families to learn about themselves and our culturally diverse world through the arts, literacy, media & communications, science & the environment and early childhood education. Summer camp assistant - unpaid 2 days a week ages 16 and above. Assist with teaching minimum for 4 to 6 programs (topics depend on exhibits for weeks. summer camp students ages 4-13. If they're comfortable, they can grow to teach programs themselves. There are other internships during the school year w/stipends - Junior staff internship. Applications forms on website under "outreach & internships" header or call 212-721-1223 x236 Deadline - need to apply after April but before end of school year - may be earlier this year - need to check back. Dahesh Museum of Art 580 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 212-759-0606 The Dahesh Museum of Art is the only institution in the United States devoted to collecting, exhibiting, and interpreting works by Europe's academically trained artists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Summer and on-going volunteers - no Days/hrs. flexible to formal program - need to inquire about student's schedule. current needs - working in education dept., working with the public, interacting with students/kids, designing materials for kids programs, etc. Send a letter of interest - (why you want to volunteer and reference coming from WET Risk Takers program) by postal mail to: Dahesh Museum of Art 580 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Attn: Laura S. McGowan Education Department Deadline - rolling. Guggenheim Museum 1071 Fifth Ave. (at 89th St.) NY, NY 10128-0173 212-423-3532 The mission of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation is to promote the understanding and appreciation of art, architecture, and other manifestations of modern and contemporary visual culture; to collect, preserve, and research art objects; and to make them accessible to scholars and an increasingly diverse audience through its network of museums, programs, educational initiatives, and publications. Fall and Spring High School Program Once a week from 3:45 to use technology as an interpretive to 6pm for 7 weeks. tool to learn and respond to art. It is Plus open studio time. exhibition linked - a current museum exhibition is chosen, the students study that artist and produce their own creative works for the web. Small material fee for class - but only if needed, possibly could be waived after speaking with Rosanna Flouty. To see past student's work - Application info. should be online - but if not updated you can also call Rosanna Flouty Educational Manager for New Media to apply - 212-423-3532. Fall Deadline - early Sept. Merchant's House Museum 29 East Fourth Street New York, NY 10003 212-777-1089 Built in 1832, the Merchant's House Museum is a unique survivor of Old New York. Home to a prosperous merchant family for almost 100 years, it is complete with its original furniture, decorative objects, clothing, and personal memorabilia. Summer and on-going volunteer Minimum 4 hrs. per opportunities - start as a tour guide, over month but must commit time could help with research and to a year. exhibitions. E-mail Eva Ulz - Edu. Coordinator a resume and cover letter - include relevant experience - i.e.. public speaking, theater experience - wearing 19th cent. costumes, etc. [email protected] Summer Deadline - late April/early May. The For summer classes in July and August weekday and weekend classes - need to check schedule closer to that time. Application should be on website under "work study program for teens" - but if not updated you can also e-mail [email protected] to request an application. Summer Deadline - late May. Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10028 212-570-3961 In formation since 1870, the Metropolitan Museum's collection now contains more than two million works of art from all points of the compass, ancient through modern times. In July and during the school year the Metropolitan Museum of Art offers students free classes held after school and on weekends. High school students have the rare and special opportunity to study original works of art in the Museum with instructors from the Education Department. All classes ask students to be active participants in understanding and appreciating works of art, and to look and respond through discussion in the galleries or through the creation of their own works of art in the studio. Different one day classes found in the museum's brochure Museum Kids Learning Curve. Call 212-570-3961 and ask to be put on the high school brochure mailing list. The summer brochure w/July classes should be out late winter to early spring. You register to try and get a class - fills up quickly so best to register as soon as you get brochure. Museum of Chinese in the Americas 70 Mulberry Street, 2nd floor New York, NY 10013 212-619-4785 The Museum of Chinese in the Americas (MoCA) is the first fulltime, professionally staffed museum dedicated to reclaiming, preserving, and interpreting the history and culture of Chinese and their descendants in the Western Hemisphere. Summer and on-going intern opportunities - 5 to 20 hrs per week. admin. support. If students have design skills, there may also be opportunities to design promotional materials and invitations, etc. Pick up a museum application at the museum or e-mail Beatrice Chen Education Curator w/ a resume and cover letter requesting a museum application. [email protected] Summer Deadline - May 1st. Museum of Modern Art 11 West 53 Street New York, NY 10019-5497 212-708-9400 Founded in 1929 as an educational institution, The Museum of Modern Art is dedicated to being the foremost museum of modern art in the world. Summer High School Internship Program - exposes high school students to museum work and imparts valuable and practical job skills. In addition to their work in a Museum department, interns participate in an educational program consisting of lectures by Museum staff and visits to other arts organizations. Space is limited - preference is given to students with prior museum or administrative experience. Program runs from the last week of June through the first week of August. Students may work from three to five days a week. Six-week paid internship is open to students in NYC public high schools who will be entering Eleventh or Twelfth Grade in Fall 2006. Application on website - under the "Education" header and then "High School Programs" section Deadline - April 25, 2006. Museum of Modern Art 11 West 53 Street New York, NY 10019-5497 212-408-6453 Founded in 1929 as an educational institution, The Museum of Modern Art is dedicated to being the foremost museum of modern art in the world. Summer art program - In The Making: Summer at MoMA -Exploration of modern and contemporary art through a unique integration of art making, observation, writing, and discussion. Each class combines studio activities and ongoing dialogue with artists and MoMA staff, field trips throughout the city, special tours of the Museum’s collection, writing exercises, and expert art instruction from MoMA educators. Collaborative and individual art and writing activities provide a space for students to create their own works of art that will be presented in a small culminating exhibit. 3 days a week for half a day for 6 weeks - July to 2nd weekend in August. Application projected to be on website in early February under the "Education" header and then "High School Programs" section - Put note on application that you are part of the Risk Takers program. Must at least be going into 10th grade to apply. Deadline - April 7th. For questions or info. contact Marit Dewhurst [email protected] or call 212408-6453 Also check out MoMA website for many other free high school student programs during the school yearagain under Education section - High School Programs. Museum of Television and Radio 25 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019 212-621-6600 The museum of Television and Radio has a collection of 75,000 programs-including newscasts, public affairs programs, documentaries, performing arts programs, comedy and variety shows, sports, children's programming and commercial advertising-covering more than 70 years of television and radio history. Each year, the museum, using radio and television programs from the collection, organizes major exhibitions, screening and listening series, seminars and education classes that focus on topics of social, historical, popular or artistic interest. Summer and on-going volunteer Days flexible but at opportunities - Greet and direct visitors. least 3-4 hrs a day. Archiving press articles - cut, paste, xerox and archive. Museum of the City of New York 1220 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10029 212-534-1672 x3389 The Museum of the City of New York embraces the past, present, and future of New York City and celebrates its cultural diversity. Volunteers considered for the Frederick A. O. Schwarz Children's Center but no formal program depends on current projects at hand. Can inquire if special projects are going on, otherwise only admin. tasks would be available. Museum of the Moving Image 35 Avenue at 36 Street Astoria, New York 11106 718-784-4520 The Museum of the Moving Image is dedicated to educating the public about the art, history, technique, and technology of film, television, and digital media and to examining their impact on culture and society. Summer and on-going volunteers Days/hrs. flexible to opportunities - high school seniors student's schedule. only. Responsibilities could include ushers for theater, coat check, visitor services, membership dept., admin work, etc. New York Hall of Science 47-01 111th Street Queens, NY 11368 718-699-0005 x 387 The New York Hall of Science is New York City’s hands-on science and technology center. The Hall features more than 400 hands-on exhibits. Explore the wonder and excitement of biology, chemistry and physics. Summer volunteer opportunities Science Career Ladder Program, high school students assist in the Preschool Place and Scholastic’s The Magic School Bus Activity Area with children and families creating science related arts and crafts projects. Every semester you get evaluated and can lead to paid position. The Hudson Waterfront Museum a.k.a. the Waterfront Museum 290 Conover St. at Pier 44 Brooklyn, NY 11231 718-624-4719 The Hudson Waterfront Museum a.k.a. the Waterfront Museum was created in 1986 to insure public waterfront access and to provide maritime/environmental education and cultural arts programs aboard an historic vessel. Through partnerships with diverse groups that include area schools, harbor/environmental agencies and community/education leaders, the Museum offers low-cost programs and resources. The Museum is housed aboard the Lehigh Valley Railroad Barge #79, (Barge #79.) She is the last surviving wooden, covered railroad barge in America and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Summer volunteer opportunities - two Days/hrs. flexible to performance series that utilize volunteers, student's schedule. a CIRCUSundays in June and SUNSET MUSIC SERIES, Friday nights in July. Group tours usually by appointment but they're considering general open hours for the coming year. Also help is need with mailings, administrative duties, and routine maintenance projects around and on the vessel. E-mail resume and letter of interest to Bob Eng. [email protected] Summer Deadline - early May. Must be a High School Senior going into college following Sept. to apply. Days/hrs. to be planned E-mail Franny Kent and ask if any according to schedule opportunities are currently available of work to be done. [email protected] or call - 212-534-1672 x3389. Deadline - rolling. E-mail Chris Gioia a letter of interest: [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Must be a High School Senior to Apply. Work on weekends E-mail letter of interest to Deoranie 9:45 to 6pm Sat. or Sun. Ramrattan - if space is available, interviews are scheduled. [email protected] Some required items - working papers, valid picture ID, SS Card, etc. If space is filled can be put on a waiting list. Summer Deadline - June 19th. E-mail or send a resume and letter of interest to David Sharps, President, describe your skills and areas of interest. [email protected] 290 Conover St., Brooklyn, NY 11231. Summer Deadline - rolling. The Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust 36 Battery Place Battery Park City New York, NY 10280 646-437-4303 The Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust honors those who died by celebrating their lives cherishing the civilization that they built, their achievements and faith, their joys and hopes, and the vibrant Jewish community that is their legacy today. Fall Apprentice Program - this training leads to paid positions for the following summer. The High School Apprenticeship Program offers New York City public high school students a challenging program of work and study as they learn about Jewish heritage, the Holocaust, and what goes on "behind-the-scenes" at a museum. Noted scholars and Museum professionals lead seminars which explore 20th century Jewish history in the context of the Museum's collection and mission and prepare Apprentices for summer jobs at the Museum. From February through May, Apprentices participate in afterschool seminars twice a month. From July through mid-August, Apprentices have fulltime paid positions at the Museum. Application on website Interested applicants must complete the student application form and essay questions, obtain a school transcript, and request a language arts or social studies teacher to complete the attached recommendation form. For questions contact Maureen Keren 646-437-4303 [email protected] Fall Application Deadline - Nov. 15 The Noguchi Museum 32-37 Vernon Boulevard Long Island City, New York 11106 718-204-7088 Created by Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988), The Noguchi Museum opened in 1985, presenting a comprehensive collection of the artist's works in stone, metal, wood, and clay, as well as models for public projects and gardens, dance sets, and Akari Light Sculptures. The Museum-chartered as The Noguchi Museum is housed in thirteen galleries within a converted factory building and encircles a garden containing major granite and basalt sculptures. Summer and on-going - Teen Advisory Board - a small group of teens gather to collaborate with the Museum's education department in the development of educational programs for teens/youth in the community. The TAB is great for those interested in art, museums or social action and community issues. The TAB members will get familiar with the Museum's collection, participate in individual/group hands-on art making experiences and consider/conceive of the Museum's role in the lifes of teen's today. Fall & Spring - Making Your Mark MYM is a studio art based program that incorporates learning to look at art work and objects into the curriculum. This program is designed for students who are interested in building upon or creating a portfolio of their own work for future endeavors. Teen Advisory Board -To apply to the Teen Advisory Board monthly or bi-monthly e-mail a letter of interest to Heather basis (depending on Brady - Head of Education: season and program [email protected] objectives). Deadline - rolling. Making Your Mark - To apply to Make Your Mark teens runs in the fall and must complete an application and have at spring for 12 week least one letter of recommendation by an installments - meeting educator or advisor who knows them once per week in the well. Deadline - Check the afternoons. website at for up to date information or contact the education department for an application at 718-204-7088 x203. Whitney Museum 945 Madison Avenue at 75th Street New York, NY 10021 212-570-7745 The Whitney Museum houses one of the world's foremost collections of twentiethcentury American art. The Permanent Collection of some 12,000 works encompasses paintings, sculptures, multimedia installations, drawings, prints, and photographs—and is still growing. Tour Training - starts in fall - Youth Insights Tour Guide - unpaid - a yearlong program at the Whitney Museum of American Art that gives high school students the opportunity to think about art in new ways. Teens are trained in the museum setting to lead interactive tours, conduct dialogues with artists, and engage in discussions with teens, families, and senior citizens. Leads to paid position in July. 6-12 hours per week from September to June and then full-time in July. Paid minimum wage. Wyckoff House Museum 5816 Clarendon Road Brooklyn, NY 11203 718-629-5400 The Wyckoff House, which dates back to 1652, is the oldest building in New York State. It was built by Pieter Claesen Wyckoff, who came to America in 1637 as an illiterate indentured servant, but soon became a successful farmer and the wealthiest person in the area. Summer volunteer opportunities At least 2 hrs bilearn about historic house maintenance & weekly. preservation, help at events, public programming, preparing materials in edu. dept. garden help, etc. Application on website Website application for next fall will be updated in March and deadline will be sometime mid-June. E-mail a letter of interest to Kathy Chan. [email protected] Summer Deadline - rolling. MUSIC Diller-Quaile School of Music 24 East 95th Street New York, NY 10128 212-369-1484 x34 Diller-Quaile's mission is to teach music in a way that develops the innate musicality in each student and inspires participation for a lifetime. The Diller-Quaile School of Music is a thriving community music school comprised of the Early Childhood, Instrumental/Vocal, Adult, Teacher Training, and Outreach Departments. Summer volunteer opportunities classroom assistants for Diller-Quaile Summer Music Study Program. Music program for kids 4-10 yrs. old. Assist with instructing kids and helping in the classroom - ok not to have a music background to be an assistant. Program runs week after 4th of July for 5 weeks - 4 dys a week Mon-Thurs. 9-3pm. Flexible to arrange schedule to help within these times. Call Mr. Mallory Miller if interested to apply. 212-369-1484 x34 Deadline to call - end of June. InterSchool Orchestras of NY 1556 Third Avenue, Suite 601 New York, NY 10128 212-410-0370 The Interschool Orchestras of New York gives young people ages 6 to 19 the opportunity to let their musical talents blossom, in the absence of or in addition to their own school's programs. ISO's five orchestras and ensembles rehearse in Manhattan and allow children at various levels of ability to play together in appropriate groups. Auditions for ISO Symphony and Symphonic band ($75 registration fee to audition). Auditions for new musicians are held in early Sept. For advanced students, The ISO Symphony The Symphony appears in major concert halls in New York City. Recent performances have been at Avery Fisher and Alice Tully halls, Symphony Space, the New York Botanical Garden and Carnegie Hall. The orchestra also presents community concerts in neighborhood centers, churches, schools and museums. Membership is by audition only. A registration fee but no tuition is required from students who win a place in this 100% scholarship ensemble. ISO Symphonic Band - Intermediate and advanced level wind, brass and percussion players interested in exploring band repertoire will enjoy this Brooklyn-based ensemble. The band plays many community concerts and also performs in major halls. Membership is by audition, or by permission of the conductor. There is a registration fee but no tuition fee. Good technical and sight-reading skills are required. Rehearsals - once a week from 4:15pm6:30 - check website for updated days of the week. Auditions begin 1st week of Sept - on website - - under "contact us", get onto mailing list to receive news over the summer or check website for audition deadline updates.To schedule an audition, download the registration form on the website - fill it out and mail it, with the $75 registration fee to ISO, 1556 Third Avenue, Suite 601 New York, NY 10128. You will be called to schedule an audition. For questions, call 212-410-0370. Candidates at all levels are required to play a scale and a classical piece of their own choosing that represents their most accomplished repertoire, and to sight read. (For more details about the audition procedure/levels of the various ensembles, see their Guidelines for Admission on the website.) The audition determines placement and seating. Deadline - ASAP before Sept 1st but check website for more info. NY Youth Symphony 850 Seventh Avenue Suite 505 New York, NY 10019 212-581-5933 Founded amid citywide cutbacks in arts education funding in 1963, the New York Youth Symphony promotes the study of instrumental music through programs in orchestral, chamber and jazz performance, conducting and composition. The orchestra performs many times throughout the year in venues such as Carnegie Hall and the Colden Center at Queens College. NY Youth Symphony Auditions in Sept. $60 registration fee to audition. Seven programs to audition for: Orchestra Program Chamber Music Program Jazz Program Apprentice Conducting Program Making Score Program First Music First Art If accepted, students are enrolled on meritbased, full tuition scholarships. Students may incur some fees, depending on the program, but even in those instances, students may apply for work-study subsidies. Various according to program - check website for details. www.nyyouthsymphony. org A fully completed application form and fee are required before an audition can be scheduled. Application on website or call (212) 581-5933, Monday-Friday 10am-4pm. After submitting your application, call (212) 581-5933 after July 11th to schedule an appointment. Deadline to Apply - July. Can also inquire about office work or helping at concerts - contact Nicholas Jaster - Operations Manager [email protected] DANCE Ballet Hispanico 167 West 89 Street New York, NY 10024 212-362-6710 ext. 25 Founded in 1970 by Artistic Director Tina Ramirez, Ballet Hispanico is the foremost dance representative of Hispanic culture in the United States, with a professional company which tours nationally and internationally; a school of dance unique in its emphasis on ballet, modern and Spanish dance as its core curriculum; and extensive programming for public schools, both in New York and around the country, called "Primeros Pasos." Summer intern opportunities - assist with admin. tasks - archiving event/donor files and research, database update, organize supplies and video & book library. Support development department in fundraising and/or special events. Work behind the scenes on the summer dance program for youth - production, costuming, and other opportunities as they develop. Flexible according to student's schedule but at least 15 hrs. min per week. E-mail Madeline Kilroe a letter of interest and a resume. State your interests, goals, past experiences /skills and what you expect to achieve from this internship experience. [email protected] Summer Deadline - mid to end of May. Dance Theater Workshop 219 W.19th St. NY, NY 10011 212-691-6500 Dance Theater Workshop remains vigorously committed to maintaining its uncompromising mission: to identify and nurture talented emerging and mid-career artists working in diverse cultural contexts; to stimulate a broader audience and public context for these artists and their work; and to offer opportunities for these artists by providing an interactive community laboratory for the imagination and its essential, practical application to the world around us. Summer and on-going intern opportunities - check website under "about" heading for dept. descriptions but opportunities of exposure can range from marketing, programming, operations, development, finance, production, artistic services, etc. Would like 15-20 hrs per week but also flexible to student's schedule - at least 3 month commitment. Send a resume and/or letter of interest (what dept. you're interested in and why, what are your goals, etc. ) by postal mail to: Dance Theater Workshop Attn: Internship Coordinator 219 West 19th Street New York, NY 10011 Deadline - rolling. Groove with Me Mailing Address: 70 East 3rd Street, #9 New York, NY 10003 Studio Address: 2271 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10035 212-987-5910 Groove With Me, Inc. is a youth development organization using free dance classes and performance opportunities as a tool to instill in young women the leadership, pride, spirit of cooperation, creativity, joy and discipline needed to confront the adversity in their daily lives and throughout their future development. On-going dance classes if space is Need to check current available. Each level of dance classes at dance class schedule. Groove With Me adheres to the New York State Art Standards for Dance. Students will not only be able to engage in the process of dance, but be knowledgeable about what they are doing and able to discuss their participation. Space is limited - not guaranteed a spot. Call first to see if space is available: 212-987-5910. If there is space you must get an application to be filled out by your parent or guardian. If you are 18 you can register yourself. Any questions contact Meredith Sherman - Program Director. NY Theater Ballet 30 East 31st Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10016 212-679-0401 The Company has become the nation's most widely-seen chamber ballet ensemble and one of its most highly respected. It offers a distinctive classical repertory which includes contemporary choreography as well as classical works by many of the greatest and most esteemed choreographers of this century. Summer volunteer opportunities - but Flexible - minimum 2 more opportunities during 1/2 to 3 hrs. one day a performance season Sept. to May. week. Elevator operator - bring students/guests up to 5th floor, operate door buzzard. Help at special events and performances. Possibility of formal internship being developed - ask about progress. E-mail letter of interest/resume to Joey Stocks - Executive Director. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Pascal Rioult Dance Theater 246 West 38th St. 8th Fl. NY, NY 10018 212-398-5901 Focus on Modern and Contemporary Dance. Summer volunteers - no formal Days/hrs. flexible to program - depends on needs at the time - student's schedule. can vary from office admin. work /researching to performance prep. assistance and rehearsals or special events. E-mail a letter of interest to office manager, Hope Ewing, to request an interview. [email protected] Questions call - 212-398-5901 Deadline - rolling. ARTS/SCIENCES Lower East Side Printshop 306 West 37th Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10018 212-673-5390 The Lower East Side Printshop, established in 1968, is a New York City based not-forprofit print workshop that promotes excellence in printmaking by offering opportunities for a broad and diverse range of participants to create, learn, and collect prints. Summer intern opportunities - the At least one full day Printshop’s internships offer opportunities (10am-6pm) per week to learn printmaking skills, gain for at least 3 months. collaborating experience, meet exciting artists and instructors, study contemporary art, and get an insider’s perspective on the New York City print community. Interns are expected to have some working knowledge of printmaking. Regular attendance and a commitment to the program are required. E-mail a resume & letter of interest to Lyra Kilston. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Urban Glass 647 Fulton Street Brooklyn, NY 11217-1112 718-625-3685 UrbanGlass is a not-for-profit international center for the creation and appreciation of new art made from glass. It seeks to promote the use of glass as a medium for creative endeavor in art, craft and design; to foster excellence in the field by providing a critical context for the glass art movement; to offer professional opportunities, high quality facilities and expertise to all artists; and to engender public appreciation of glass. Summer work study program Responsible to clean shop, learn to cut and weld metal, work with refractory, how to maintain studio - admin. Work. A work study program - for every three hours you work you gain an hour in the shop to take a course or to work on your own if you have previous knowledge. Usually 80 hrs. per work study program. Can be flexible on schedule with a consistent pattern. E-mail Brian Kibler a letter of interest. [email protected] Deadline - rolling. Rockefeller University PreCollege Science Education Program Box 53 The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 212-327-7431 Founded by John D. Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was incorporated on June 14, 1901. It was the first institution in the United States devoted solely to biomedical research--to understanding the underlying causes of disease. Today, renamed Rockefeller University, it is one of the foremost research centers in the world, contributing to 23 Nobel Prizes as well as numerous other awards. Summer Scientific Reading and Writing Course (STRAW) was designed by a team of outreach teachers, scientistmentors, and high school students to help you maximize your lab know-how. You will learn how to read scientific journals, write your research report in standard scientific style, and show & tell others why your research is important in a short PowerPoint and a more open-ended poster presentation. Opportunity to apply to volunteer in a lab under a mentor. July 5th to Sept. 1st. Application on website: Mondays - 3:15-5pm under Tuesdays - Fridays 9- "Applications and online requests". 11am with additional Deadline - rolling but the sooner the hrs. on certain calendar better before program start date. days. Estimated times check website treach for complete breakdown of Summer 2006 calendar - under "important dates" header. PAID PROGRAMS Camp Broadway 145 West 45th Street, 7th Fl. New York, NY 10036 Lesley Mazzotta - Producing Director 212-575-2929 Theatre-loving kids come to New York City’s Great White Way and are introduced to the world of Broadway and all aspects of putting a show together show in a professional, interactive and theatrical environment. This one-of-a-kind program fosters teamwork, discipline, commitment and support. Lesley is open to discussions about providing one scholarship - I didn't go into further details, I told her WET would contact her directly to discuss. Yes - camp program for kids and teens- they require sincere motivation and yearning to experience working and training as a Broadway professional. The stars of Camp Broadway can best be described as young people who have a love of the performing arts, a Scholarships are available - usually Check website for given to 50% of students in their updates - but usually programs - call to discuss. over a five-and-a-half week period, the Origins students research, write, rehearse, and perform. After choosing a slice of New York City history to investigate at a local historical institution, students create an original theatre piece with the help of a professional playwright and director. The Summer acting school that has a fee - Fee-based summer scholarships may be available - contact acting school provides Jinn Kim to inquire. 3 hrs of acting and 2 hrs of workshops - from writing, directing, stage lighting, dancing, etc. $400 for a workshop. City Lights Youth Theater 300 West 43rd Street, Suite 402 New York, NY 10036 Spoke to Alicia Andrews Program Associate [email protected] but Paula Meyer is Artistic Director [email protected] 212-262-0200 Founded in 1991, City Lights Youth Theatre's mission is to provide young people from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to participate in theatre experiences in order to develop confidence, responsibility, teamwork, and a greater sense of self and community. Performing arts classes, full-scale productions, and inschool residencies engage children and teens, ages 3-19, in the collaborative process of creating and performing theatre. Developing Artists 48 West 21st St. 4th Fl. NY, NY 10010 Jinn S. Kim - Managing Director [email protected] 212-929-2228 Young artists of NYC determined to create and develop original theater written, directed, produced and performed by young adults. As a multi-disciplinary ensemble, they recognize young artists of all ages in a variety of technical and creative roles to give rise to an original production. Their mission is to represent the culture we live, express the challenges we face and introduce the voices we know through our respect for theater. International Center of Photography 1114 Ave. of the Americas at 43rd St. New York, NY 10036 Bianca Bockman 212-857-0059 the International Center of Photography is a Fee-based photo classes through out museum and school dedicated to the the year and summer - scholarships understanding and appreciation of available - call to discuss. photography. ICP creates programs of the highest quality to advance knowledge of the medium. These include exhibitions, collections, and education for the general public, members, students, and professionals in the field of photography. Session 1: July 17 - 21, 2006 Session 2: August 7 - 11, 2006 Contact Lesley to discuss. Check website for updates but for last summer '05 - Mondays through Fridays from 10:00am to 4:00pm starting Wednesday, July 6, ending in final performances Thursday, August 11, Friday, August 12, and Saturday, August 13. Apply online check website for deadlines, but usually end of May. Scholarship forms also online. www.clyouththeat - click on summer programs section. Acting school - in August 3 days a week for the whole month. Call to reserve a class, then fill out on-line form to submit with payment. Contact Jinn about scholarships. Jinn@developinga International Center of Usually class runs one day a week for 3 Photography is a hours- check website for updates. museum and school dedicated to the understanding and appreciation of photography. ICP creates programs of the highest quality to advance knowledge of the medium. These include exhibitions, collections, and education for the general public, members, students, and professionals in the For more information, call: 212-857-0061, email: teen_academy@i, or visit online at: Very competitive need to apply for scholarship as soon as possible. New York Film Academy 100 E. 17th St. New York, NY 10003 Tori 212-302-5127 Yes - high school Different sessions and dates throughout summer camps are the summer. Can be a one week designed for students workshop or six weeks program. with little or no previous filmmaking, acting, or animation experience. They are intensive, short term courses that fully immerse students in the craft of writing, directing, casting, shooting, acting in, editing, and animating their own films. Programs range from a weekend to 6wks. Weekend and 1 wk Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls The Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls will $500 for tuition on a sliding scale. Yes - a week in August - Week in Aug. - days and hours for 2006 P.O. Box 23856 be a non-profit educational arts program They'd like students to pay if they are programming will not finalized yet. Brooklyn, NY 11202-3856 serving girls ages 8-18 from a range of able to do so - as it helps support the consist of daily socio-economic, racial, cultural, and ethnic program expenses - but if they can't - instrument instruction, Spoke to Maria Cincotta backgrounds in New York City. The goes by a sliding scale according to band practice, and volunteer coordinator program will offer girls the chance to learn their funds - can go as low as $20 but workshops on a variety [email protected] how to play musical instruments, write need to show verification if they can't of topics, from sound but Karla Schickele is Program songs, perform, and participate in teamafford tuition. engineering and Director building activities in a supportive songwriting to [email protected] environment that fosters self-esteem, selfdefense. At the end of personal contact info. confidence, creativity, tolerance, and the week, camp bands General contact collaboration. will perform at a recital [email protected] concert at a 718-930-2225 (Maria's # don't professional music give out) venue. Tuition - $500 on a sliding scale. School of Cinema & Socapa summer programs range in length Yes - range from two Performing Arts Teen Camps from two to six weeks, founded in 1998, week programs to six Tribeca Film Center SOCAPA has become one of the premier weeks on different 375 Greenwich Street visual and performing arts programs in the schedules. Estimated New York, NY 10013 world offering programs in film, acting, Fees dance and photography. 2 wks - $1,950 212-941-4057 3wks - $2,950 Was not able to reach, but 6 wks - $5,400 info. here if you'd like to Equipment fees from contact. $250 to $500. ACTeen 35 W. 45th Street New York, NY 10036 212-391-5915 Was not able to reach, but info. here if you'd like to contact. The Academy is a learning center for individuals who want to explore film and video arts or performance for the screen and stage. For students ages fourteen to seventeen, the New York Film Academy offers a pre-college enrichment experience that is unparalleled. ACTeen develops dedicated preprofessionals into technically proficient, versatile, and marketable actors. Combining theatrical discipline with spontaneous, effective on-camera acting techniques, students learn to successfully transverse both film and theater media with skill and professionalism. Tori needs to present request for scholarships to the board. She says it take a lot of time to get a response from them and only she can approach them. She said WET could contact her to go over the specific details or compose a letter to present to the board. Yes - range from two week programs to six weeks on different schedules. Estimated Fees 2 wks - $1350 to $1450 3wks - $2,000 to $2,150 4 wks -$2,325 to $2,525 6 wks Sat. only - $300 Follow notes about contacting Tori for scholarships inquiry. Application on website www.williemaero - print out and send to address on site. Due date not finalized yet but around mid to late spring - May or June.