GANO GOLD ORG www.o m HOW TO O DO BUSINESS IN N NIGERIA This docum ment is design ned to help you better und derstand your OG Business.. For more deetailed or additional informatio on, please conssult our Policies and Proced dures, visit, or ch heck our webssite at 1. Countrie es where Organo Gold is officcially open. 2. Compan ny information. 3. OG prod ducts available in Nigeria. 4. Product registration in n Nigeria. 5. Requirements for beco oming an OG D Distributor in N Nigeria. 6. Registration procedure e for becomingg an OG Distrib butor in Nigeriaa. 7. Registration of a busin ness entity (DBA A) as an OG Distributor in Niggeria. 8. Promottional Builder p packs available in Nigeria. 9. Promotional Builder Upgrade packs aavailable in Niggeria. 10. OG pro oduct informattion. 11. Producct prices, retail prices, CV, and d PV/QV inform mation for Nig eria. 12. VAT in Nigeria. 13. Acceptted payment m methods. 14. Autosh hip. 15. Trainin ng on the OG Compensation P Plan. 16. Commiission Payments. 17. Accoun nt Opening for Distributors. 18. Releasiing products to o Distributors iin Nigeria. 19. Proced dure for producct return/exchaange in Nigeriaa. 20. Proced dure for Repurcchases (Buy Baack) upon cancellation or term mination of thee Distributor A Agreement in Nigeria. 21. Contacct information. May 005, 2014 ORG GANO GOLD www.o m 1. Countrie es where Orga ano Gold is offiicially open. Organo Go old is open in n Canada, USA A, Jamaica, Mexico, Domini can Republic, Peru, Ecuado or, United Kingdom, Austria, Be elgium, Cypruss, France, Germ many, Greece, Hungary, Irelaand, Italy, Neth herlands, Poland, Slovenia, R Russia, Kazakhstan n, Czech Repub blic, Spain, Ukrraine, Malaysiaa, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailaand, Japan, Australia, New Zeealand Kenya, Porrtugal, Singapo ore and Nigeriaa. 2. Compan ny information n. ORGANO G GOLD PRODUC CTS NIGERIA LIIMITED Address: 31/37 Toyin St 3 reet, Ikeja, Laggos, Nigeria Toll Free (C Customer Supp port): +234 708 80 6018 15 Order Entrry and Registration: +234 1 4 453 3389 Office hours: Monday‐Frriday 9:00 am tto 6:00 pm; Saturday 9:00 am m to 2:00 pm N Nigeria Time ducts that are available in Niigeria. 3. OG prod 1. Organo Gold Gourmett Black Coffee. 2. Organo Gold Gourmett Mocha. 3. Organo Gold Gourmett Latte. e. 4. Organo Gold Gourmett Hot Chocolate ea. 5. Organo Gold Green Te 6. Organo Gold Café Supreme 7. Organo Gold King of Coffee n Nigeria. 4. Productt registration in The OG prroducts sold in n Nigeria are in n compliance w with the local directives and d are registereed with the Naational Agency forr Food and Dru ug Administratiion and Contro ol (NAFDAC). 5. Requirements for becoming an OG D Distributor in Nigeria. 1. Applic cant must be a resident of Niggeria. 2. Applic cant must be at a least 21 yeaars old and haave full legal ccapacity to co ontract as in effect under th he civil sphere e of Nigeria. 3. Applic cant agrees to abide by the o official Company Policies andd Procedures aand warrant th hat they understand the co ompensation re equirements sp pecified in the Organo Gold CCompensation Plan. 4. Applic cant must provide a copy of o governmentt issued ID (i. e. Internation nal Passport, N National ID, D Driver’s Licensse, Voter’s ID or Student’ss ID) during enrollment e fo r income rep porting purposses. It is thee sole respon nsibility of the e applicant/Diistributor to ensure e that thhey are functtioning within the scope off their presen nce in Nigeria. 5. Registtration procedure for becom ming an OG Disttributor in Niggeria pplicants must visit Organo G Gold Nigeria offfice to presentt filled registraation form together with a copy of 5.1 Ap any go overnment issu ued ID. 5.2 Ap pplicants who o wish to regiister online must m enroll th rough the Intternet via Orggano Gold Weebsite, Replicating Website or Distributor Back Office (O On any one of tthese three sitees, select Nigeria in the menu) May 005, 2014 ORG GANO GOLD www.o m p requirement to be ecome a Distributor is that oof a Business Entry Kit, which includes: o one (1) The only purchase Starter Kitt Folder, Prod duct brochure, Compensatio on plan brochhure, application form, pin n, pen, writingg pad, products samples and 1 yyear back officce access. ation of a busin ness entity (DB BA) as an OG D Distributor in N Nigeria. 7. Registra At the mom ment, a busine ess entity cannot register as aan OG Distribu tor. You can only register as an individual. packs available e in Nigeria. 8. Promotiional Builder p There are three Promotional Builder P Packs available e in Nigeria: B ronze, Silver, o or Gold. You ccan choose thee pack that best suits your need ds. The purchasse of Promotio onal Builder Pa cks is optional. 9. Promotiional Builder U Upgrade packss available in N Nigeria. There are three Promottional Builder Packs upgrade es available in Nigeria: Bron nze to Silver, B Bronze to Gold d, and Silver to Gold. G You can choose c to upggrade to the pack p that best suits your neeeds. The purch hase of Promo otional Builder Paccks is optional.. 10. OG pro oduct informattion. Please visitt our website w www.organogo Also, visit the Docum ments section in your BackOffice for more informatio on. 11. Producct prices, retaill prices, CV, an nd PV/QV information for Niigeria. This inform mation can be ffound in the BaackOffice unde er Documents ‐‐ Nigeria. 12. VAT in Nigeria. A 5% Value e Added Tax is applicable to aall purchases. methods. 13. Acceptted payment m ‐ Online paayment (Debit card only) ‐ Bank tran nsfer/Bank dep posit: Account n name: Organo Gold Productss Nigeria Limite ed Account n number: 01495 590539 Bank: Guaaranty Trust Baank Bank Sortt Code (if requiired): 0581521 191 Account b branch: Lagos, Nigeria Account A Address: 98 Aw wolowo Rd., So outh‐West Ikoyyi, Lagos, Nigerria. IMPORTA ANT: Order num mber and distrributor ID num mber must be w written on the “remarks” secction. ‐ Mobile App payment: name: Organo Gold Productss Nigeria Limite ed Account n Account n number: 01495 590539 Bank: Guaaranty Trust Baank Bank Sortt Code (if requiired): 0581521 191 IMPORTA ANT: Order num mber and distrributor ID num mber must be w written on the “remarks” boxx. If no “remarrks” box prese ent on the mob bile app, choosse from other p payment methhods. ‐ In‐store p payment (POS): Debit card/Crredit card with h ID for verificaation. May 005, 2014 ORG GANO GOLD www.o m 14. Autosh hip. Autoship p program is tem mporarily unavaailable. 15. Trainin ng on the OG C Compensation Plan. A copy of the Compensaation Plan can be found in yyour BackOfficce under the D Documents secction. Please co ontact your Upline Sponsor if yo ou require furtther clarificatio on regarding thhe details of th he Compensation Plan. Your Upline Sponsor will be able to explain the plan n and answer aany questions. 16. Commission Paymen nts. ‐ Monthly commission/bonuses are paid p via Locall Bank Transfeer on the 20tth day of thee month (or cclosest succeedingg business day)). ‐ Weekly ccommission/bo onuses are paid via Local Bank Transfer onn the 2nd Thursday followin ng every comm mission period. Please notte that the com mmission payo out system is in i Naira and aan administration fee of 2.50 0 USD applies every time a com mmission is treaated. In accord dance with the e tax rules, Orggano Gold Nigeeria is obliged tto deduct 5% of the commissio on as withholding tax for remittance to the Nigerian tax a uthorities. 17. Accoun nt Opening forr Distributors. Opening a bank account is a requireme ent to register at Organo Go ld Nigeria. Disttributors are h highly encouraged to obtain deb bit cards to enssure speedy trransaction whe en purchasing and doing reggistrations onlin ne or in‐store (POS). The same b bank account iis where comm missions will be e credited. 18. Releasing of productts to Distributo ors in Nigeria. Distributorrs can visit Orggano Gold Nige eria office at 31 1/37 Toyin St, Ikeja, Lagos orr log on to Orggano Gold website to place theirr orders. Payment can be don ne through the e following opttions: distributor must present hiss debit ‐ In‐store Payment (POS) – after placcing an order at the sales ccounter, the d edit card for payment. p For credit cards, they must bee accompanied d by any govvernment issueed IDs card/cre (Internattional Passporrt, National ID D, Driver’s Lice ense or Voterr’s ID). Once p payment is do one, distributo or will proceed to releasing co ounter to claim m products. ‐ Bank Traansfer – after p placing an orde er in‐store, online or over thhe phone, distrributor must viisit the nearest bank or accesss his account online to perform the tran nsfer and conntact Organo G Gold office 48 8‐72 hours after the transfer was done to vverify the paym ment. After con nfirmation of ppayment, distributor must vissit the office to o claim productss. App Payment – – after placing an order in‐sto ore, online or oover the phone, distributor m must do the trransfer ‐ Mobile A using hiss handset and contact Organo Gold office e 48‐72 hours after the tran nsfer was donee to verify payyment. After con nfirmation of p payment, distributor must vissit the office too claim produccts. Payment (Debit Card Only) – – after placing an order and paying online,, the distributo or must visit O Organo ‐ Online P Gold office to claim pro oducts by pressenting the ord der number an d an ID to the releasing coun nter. May 005, 2014 ORG GANO GOLD www.o m 19. Proced dure for product return/exch hange in Nigeria. he distributor or retail custom mer must follo ow the followin ng procedures:: To return aa product for replacement, th no contents orr caked contents). ‐ Only deffective productt must be returned for replaccement (sealedd sachets but n er must bring tthe product toggether with copy of official innvoice/receipt at Organo Gold Nigeria Sales ‐ Custome Center aand surrender tto Receiving an nd Dispatchingg Unit (RDU). U In‐charge will check producct for any defecct like empty s achets inside tthe box (sealed d but no contents) ‐ The RDU or caked d contents. eck the date of invoice and exxpiry date of reeturned product. ‐ RDU In‐ccharge will che manufacturing, same product will be issued to the custom mer as replacem ment. ‐ If defectt was found to be from the m Defectivve product cann not be replaced by different merchandise hhaving differen nt value and co ommissionablee volume. must be accomp plished by In‐charge showingg “Quantity of Products”, “Deescription”, “Date of ‐ A replacement form m e” and “Remarrks”. Purchase m must be forw warded to the O Operations Maanager for app roval. ‐ The form ed form will retturn to RDU for releasing of rreplacement p roduct. ‐ Approve ent within 30 d ays from the d date of purchasse. ‐ Defectivve product musst be returned for replaceme ‐ After 30 days, no product will be entitled for replaccement. dure for Repurchases (Buy Baack) upon canccellation or te rmination of tthe Distributorr Agreement in n 20. Proced Nigeria. Please refe er to the Policie es & Procedure es posted in yo our BackOfficee under Docum ments‐Nigeria. 21. Contacct Information. Please visit our website at an nd log into yoour BackOffice. There, you w will find inform mation ent of your bussiness, the com mpensation plaan, OG produccts, all policies and procedurees, the regarding tthe developme Terms and d Conditions, aand event updates. Also, we e highly recom mmend for you u to speak witth your local O Organo Gold indep pendent Distributor for the most thorouggh answers to questions abo out Organo Go old products aand/or business opportunity. Distributors support: Help desk: http://supportt.organogold.c com Email: nige eria@organogo Toll Free (C Customer Supp port): +234 708 80 6018 15 Order Entrry and Registration: +234 1 45 53 3389 May 005, 2014 ORG GANO GOLD www.o m Hours: Office hours: Monday‐Friday 9::00 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday 9:00 am to 2:000 pm Nigeria Time time Languages available: Engglish In order to o receive a quiccker response, we recommen nd you to cont act Distributorr Support by em mail. Order entrry and new reggistrations: Phone: +23 34 1 453 3389 Email: nige eria@organogo Languages available: Engglish May 005, 2014
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