Document 6493977


Document 6493977
APRIL 2 5 ,
Snowbirds return as ice goes out When dinosaurs ruled
>r a
The ice went out on Mirror Lake
sometime between Monday evening,
April 21, and some lime on Tuesday,
April 22 Unfortunately, my date was
April 26 Congratulations to those
people who picked the right date and
will win some cash while at the same
time supporting the Lake Placid
Volunteer Ambulance Service
Tuesday morning was
gloomy at 7 3 0 a.m., and
the temperature was only
in ihe low 40s When I
drove up Olympic Drive, it
looked as if the ice was out
on Mirror Lake At V:Ml
a.m., when I passed b>
again, a deep layer of fog
had risen o\er Mirror Lake
- and lake Placid as well
- so I could not be certain it in> iic out obser
\ance *as correct. Lasers
D! tog were also visible in
the \alleys between the
distant peaks As usual,
my camera was home
As I prepare «o send
this column through cyber
morning, what my grand
mother called "poor man's
manure" is accumulating on the
ground It's s n o w i-ortunately. it
won't IJSI long - I hope
A belated Welcome Home" to all
Snowbird-- who went south tor a bnet
vucjtion That greeting includes any
one who spent vacation time anywhere trom Schroon lake to key
We>t and .it points in between Wasn't
it nue to lind on vour return that most
areas were Iree ot snow even though
there wjs \till M- on the lake Sunday
aliernoon and MIOW capped mountains
It you looked carefully, you might
have noticed a tew crivuses brightening some gardens and the green tips ot
future Dowers seeking the sunshine
School* reopened Monday and both
students and teachers are now tackling
the task i'I wrapping up. in jpproviruatelv lu weeks, another year ot
acquiring and presenting knowledge
ered should call 523-5320 early
Military burial at Arlington
Mrs L-lise "Dixie" timer (Fred)
Fountain, who resided in Lake Placid
for more than 20 years, will be buried
with full military honors in Arlington
National Cemetery on Friday. May 2
at about 2 p.m.
Dixie served as a
dental hygienisi in the
Navy during World War
11 At the time of her
death on Oct. 23. 2002.
she was a resident of the
Kncore Senior Village in
Phoenix. An/ Her son
Fountain and Norma
lean Smith, all ot Lake
Placid, as well as other
\imily members, will be
attending the ceremony.
which will be followed
b> a reception at the
•t a
will be finding bits ot
Lake Placids history in
this column Ihe material will be
gleaned trom the pages of the Lake
Placid News 1 hope my readers, especially our new second home residents.
as well as our younger residents, will
enjoy them
The year was 1953: 50 years ago
•Headline or May 15: Placid »
Library Reopens Monday. Two New
"Remodelling and renovating ot the
l.ake Placid Library has been completed, and on next Monday the library will
The enure lower fUnvr. which
hitherto had been useless except for
storage space, has been completely
transformed Overlooking the lake,
under the upstairs reading porch, there
is now a spacious reterence study
room, attractively finished in knotty
pine wall covering It is well lighted by
large windows lacing the lake and by
windows set in the wall which parti
tions it from ihe new children's n^or:;
Mrs Ida 1 ivkw(H>d. the librarian <JKO
the town historian be tore the late Mary
Mackenzie* and the Board ot Trustee-.
have stated this room, when not in gen
eral use. is available to the community
tor organization meetings "
•Headline of May 15
McDonald's Farm Due To Open
Wednesday. July I
A solid claim to the title
Upcoming events
The l a k e 1'lacu: \ o l u n t e e i l i r e
D e p a r t m e n t will host a s p a g h e t t i s u p
per this S a t u r d a y at the l u c h o u s e
located on the c o r n e r ot R i v e r Street
I'-MI'DMITJ a n d O l d Military R o a d
l"he> w ill he scrv ing t r o m s p m until
all are s e r v e d h>! a c h a r g e ot S " tor
a d u l t s and S s tor s e n i o r s and c h i l d r e n
b e t w e e n s and 12 v e a r s C h i l d r e n
under tive are s e r v e d w i t h o u t c h a r g e
\ n v o n e w i s h i n g to h a v e l o o d deliv
Smith earns master's degree
Angeline .'smith, daughter •>! Gary
and Norma Jean Smith of Lake Placid,
will receive her masters in vocal
tn May from
Iniversity in Washington. D C She is
a graduate ot St Michael's College in
Lssev Junction. Yt Be tore studying
tor her master's. Angeline served a
year in AmenCorp in Albany
Some area Web sites
The Arts Council ol Northern New
York, which covers F.ssex and Clinton
counties. list> all the events and pro
grams being ottered this summer and
the remainder ot the year on its V*eb
site - artsnorth org
Champlain com
numerous opportunities n> discover
interesting offerings about the areas
close to and abutting this beautitul
Thoughts for the week
in the same Ian
The one person who is worse than a
quitter is the person who is afraid to
It you have to choose between
pleasing another person and pleasing
(iod. choose dod He's more likely to
1 have been overwhelmed with the Paleozoic en, about 300 auUtot yean,
response to last week's coiama about but nobody ever does.
What about "when small pmvmlikr
To review, T rex. whose ctotest liv- mammals ruled the world?" In the
ing kin are the crocodile and the birds of memoir era, there were these little
prey, has been ignomiaiotisfy branded possumesque Marsupials thai ale
as a mere scavenger and carnoc eater by dwosaar eggs, perhaps coatnbauaf to
some paleontologists, notably Jack the demise of the terrible ttzardt. They
were nocturnal neat raiders, wife good
Others argue, however, that tncer- vision and a keen seate of satelj.
atops evolved with heavy armor and
Scientists hypothesize aU of dais
horns for protection against T rex. the information bom larta. which is aat aVy
only dino of the day equipped to hunt nave found of these creatures so far
this huge herbivore
1 hypothesize.
No. no, say the scavenger
agaia MMlfMf by
theory crew, triceratops
t*th. the following
horns and bony neck guard
creation between two of
were only sexual display
riese early nre-poaaamf:
headgear, not weapons
"I'm sick and tared of
Some scientists even go so
: rex ntlKg a e world!
far as to conjecture that the
it's a big bully, taking I
skin covering on some cerver everybody else's |
atops' crests might have
• til AH he does ts
flushed bright red. in a manner reminiscent of Rudolfs
is head"
nose, during courtship rituals
"He's jast jeatoat he
(rutting season*
doesn't have sexual d*sThere is no longer any
need to argue about religion
why do we
and politics at Sunday dinalways have to eat so
ner All 1 have to do is menlate'' I doa't know if I'm
tion the current controversy
in the mood for diaotair
over whether T rex was h a
eggs Those T. rex nests
Martha Aden
predator 2> a scavenger or 3)
smell tembte ~
1 and 2 of the above, and
"Don't worry 1 hear
instantly the table is embroiled in an the dinosaurs are all going exunct anyargument You have no idea what way Some of mem are turning into
strong opinions people hold about birds "
"Good Serves them nght "
For example, my daughter. Molly,
People also nave strong optaioas
who was home for Laster. cried out about sexual display headgear Virtually
"Mom' How can you say T rex wasn't without exception, one scientist insists.
a scavenger'"' as if 1 had accused one of structures on the head are used for sexher dearest friends of murder or listen- ual display He cites antlers on deer aad
ing to the wrong music or something
horns on mountain goats
Humans always want to get in oa the
As I tried to tell Molly. 1 have not
taken sides on this ii>sue v\ ho knows, at act Consider false nose-aad-glasses
this late date, what I rex might ha\e combinations, fake devil's boras aad
been up to back in the carboniterous beanies with propellers I read a high
school dress code that outlaws all clothperiod •'
Although, if you look at a tyran- ing with attitude, including "caps with
nosaunis skeleton, something tells you slogans, doo-rags. hairbags and loag.
wisps ot hair ~ We need to clamp down
that you wouldn't want to run into one
more on SDH in our schools
Oh dear. 1 wonder it it bites' Come on
And why are scientists always saying
"You cant find SDH stores in Keene
"when T rex ruled the world'"" 1 mean. Valley." my fnend Vince said. He and*
I «er\ much doubt whether tyranno>aurs his wife Barbara came up from
were capable even ol sell-rule, much Manhattan for Easter "Maybe Lake
less ruling the whole wide world
Placid or Plaits burgh You might have
Stomping around waving your little to go to Montreal Of course, there are
hands, shakmc your head and roaring SDH places in Brooklyn and Queens.
like J Spielberg animation doesn't real- but you need I D to prove you re 18 "
ly make you a great ruler At least there
Oh no. I hear raised voices tn tbe livprobably wasn't a lot of governmental ing room Sounds like Vince. Molly aad
red tape back in those days
I'ncle Joe fighting about SDH crest
Really, you might as well say "when flushing again I'm heading out the back
tnlobites ruled the world." since trilo- way
Have a good week.
bites were around lor the entire
Find outwhat your heirlooms are worth at theAntique Critique
Gabby Lincoln update:
History bits
Adirondack^' will be staked out by
this report on July I with the official
opening of its newest tourist showplace. Old McDonald's Farm
Announcement of the forthcoming
was made by Julian Reiss,
treasurer and founder of another
tourist stop. Santas Workshop
Dozens of workmen
are creating Old McDonald's Farm on
a 210-acre site along Route 86 to
Saranac Lake " (Today the Charcoal
Pit Restaurant stands on the entrance
site to the farm.)
"Na/arenes Jo Build New Church,
Dismantle Old
".. Plans now call tor the erection
ol a new building to the south ot the
old church in the front of the lot on
which the parsonage is located This
lot has a 50 loot frontage and with the
relocation ol the driveway will be a
large enough site This will leave an
excessage of frontage on Main Street
ot ft6 I 2 feet which will be sold, if
possible, the lot tor sale being 280
feet deep "
• \d of May 15: Grand Opening J V \ Shell Service Station - across
from the Olympic Arena — OwnerOperator John Viscome." (Now a
vacant lot owner by the Nicola's*
Box <O. Jay. NY I2*MI Best
wishes to our North Country
angel tor continued healthy and
bnght days ahead
The annual meeting ot the
North Ja\ Cemetery Asstviation
G»ibby had a great Laster ihe
Lastei Bunny \isjte<J her leaving
tier lots ot great treats, and then
she went to her grandparents tor a
delicious dinner
\nrui has
^ ••-.• • .it * p m o n A p n l 2 "
intomied me that she is Ju;: . >k
• the home ot Ken
and starting to he like
• ,: Norma Joy on
he! old seit again
-.•ihng Mill 'Hill
Met dov. tor's visit
rioad in Au Sable
uent well and the
orks Plans will be
dot tors said they
to clean up
wan! (iabhy out ot
school lot two niore
she must
I very one is welreturn to Vermont on
> ome to attend
May I. when she will
have another ( A l
scan and lung scan
James Hackett. son
Hopefully, once all
ol Steve Hackett
the test results JLTC in.
and Kxisti Coolidge
ckvlors will be able
Rvan was born at
to determine what the
problem is (iabby
Center on Apnl l^>
did receive good
Deanna Santor
Me weighed in at K
news this week Jus;
lbs 1 3 4 o/ and
beMre she was diagnosed. she was going to have her measured 21 inches long
ear« pierced ()nce the diagnosis Grandparents are Bonnie and Bill
wa>. made, the doctors decided it Hackctt and \ al and PK Coohdge
o1 Au Sable Porks Great-grandvwas too risky to have this done
Alter the transplant they feared parents are Ed and June Venene
ol Keeseville and Paul Coohdge
infection On her last visit, how
ever, she was given the go-ahead,
so she and her dad have a date to
get her cars pierced She is also
very anxiously awaiting her sixth
birthday on May 5 Gabby welcomes cards at Gabtn Lincoln.
ot Au Sable Forks
The Au Sank Forks Fire
Department Ladies Auxiliary will
host a chaperoned dance tor fourth
fifth and sixth grades at the finr station at 6.30 p m on Apnl 25
Refreshments will be available
Birthdays this week.
April 21: Michaci Douglas
and Paul Coolidge share their
special day today
April 22: 'Bradley Pray.
Chaunteile I hemen and Gerald
F.stes ali get best wishes today
April 23: Man in Bombard
ceiebrate> todav
i Butch >
Kougeau. Christopher Sorrel I
and Madison Bedard all get cake
and candles today
April 25: Louis Garso gets
besi wishes today
April 26: Tim Snow and Tom
Hamilton celebrate today, along
with mv co-worker Olivia Drake
April 27: Ann Rooney and
Alexis Lovely are our birthday
girls today
Anniversaries this week
April 21: Rob and Lisa
Lincoln celebrate today
Me I v m
Kathleen Seguin celebrate today
Special thoughts and
prayers to dearly departed
members of our community:
April 25: Marco Lanzonj
April 27: Stephen Sheffield
A shower was held for
Dianne Drake at the fire station
on Apnl 7 Sixty guests gathered and enjoyed a delicious
and cake
received many lovely gifts trom
her many tnends Dianne and
her husband David suffered a
great loss to their home in a tire
Congratulations to seaman
Brian Doyle. I'mted States Coast
Guard, who was recently named
2002 I'mted States Coast
Guardsman of the Year tor
I SCG Station Rtvhesier Brian
is a 2oni graduate ot AVCS He
is the M>n ot Cindy and Ricky
Doyle ol Keeseville and grandson of Joyce Shambo. tormer
resident ot Au Sable Forks Great
job Brian1
Bob Ross classes will be held
April 26: Tupper Lake Ivy
Terrace. H u m
April 27: s<traru«c Town Hall.
H 30 a m
All students must pre-register
by calling instructors Debbie
Rhino and Pat Tender at 6475558
Antique Critique is returning
to the American Legion from 1
to t> p m on Apnl 27 Clean your
attic and basement and bring all
treasures to tuve them appraised
tor $1 each This event u. sport
sored by the Rotary Club, and
food will be available Contact
Shirley Thomas at 647-5947 for
more inf ormatMB
A very u o p m e d Don aad
Shirley Funua were fmesti, of
honor at a birthday party held for
them at Hoty Name School gym
on Apnl 12 This event was hosted by their family A beautiful
buffet was served to the 100
guests in attendance The delicious cake wa.s made by Mary
F;ilen Walker The guests of
honor will remember this occasion lor many years to come
Shirley celebrated her special
day on Apnl 1 5. and Don celebrated on Apnl 19
Gordon, daughter of Ellen and
Jon Gordon, who was named to
the CVAC Volleyball All-Star
Team Division II Honorable
mention went to teammate Kelly
Bedard Great job girls'
A daughter. Cameran Bsielle.
was born to Heidi and Rex
\ an Valkcnburg of Au Sable
Forks Cameran was born at
CVPH MedjcaJ Center on Apnl
12 Grandmothers are Karen
VanVaikenburg. both of Au
Sable Forks
The Au Sable Forks Far
Department proudly announrrs
firefighter Michael Cros*. son at
Michael aad Karea Cms* of Fern
Lake, was awarded tbe NYS
Volaaieer Recrwoaeat Service
Scholarship award. Mirhari A
very deserviag of tan award, at
aot oary a h e i very dednaied
aeafcer of tie five ikaatiiwai
bataaard worker b o * • «caooi
aad oat He w& a pradaatc of
AVCS aad »
Community College Michael
was awarded S1.000 for both fail
and spring semesters. Great job.
Michael, and wishing yoa COBturned success m year rote as a
firefighter and student
Hats off to the members of the
Au Sabk Forks Fire Departmeat
Ladies Auxiliary who made tac
Easter Egg Hunt so sucoessfaJ oa
Easter Sunday Tbe hole egg
hunters in attendance aad a great
tune collecting aU die eggs and
finding tbe treasures mude.
Special thoughts and prayers
to Dan McDonald, wao * 01 at
this tune
Special tfwaghn aad prayers
to oar area deployed troops
are members af
LepoaMM Alargebaaai
ptctares are oa duaiay
with flags made by
Breiia Tnoar
coaatry mcladi
Army: Pwer Farrefl. Navy;
Trevor Aao. Army: Rodary
Rhino. Army: Patrick Qaamu
Army Saaae Lecanc. Aa* Force:
Max Thwarts UL Navy. USS
Rooaevdc Charles Robare. Air
Force, aad Beajmma Bj
H i Bra feme, mwe a
How to prune your flowering shrubs
plant is actively
growing from when
the t*u4* begin to
swell aaul
Pruning shrubs
helps keep them
healthy and vigor
oas. controls their
height aad shape.
and increases the
amoaat of flowers
aVy prodace
time toaraae ts jasi
before the bads
becaase the
of the
Praamg u c be
af the year
except from mid
'fvil flower Many
extensive praaiag. it woald be that * actaairy slows
best to sacrifice tome of this heahag process
Most flowenag
years bkvxn aad prune heiore
shoots from
the bads hive opened so yoa
coald better see what yoa were
Make sure they are sharp and ct
cleanly. A jagged edge or torn tw
heal much more skJwty and may
allow time lor diseases to enter
than does a smooth, dean cut
nave aamb mai me amaa? aaaav Tma aa^pn m i