– how to make it? European Research Area Institute for Nuclear Studies
– how to make it? European Research Area Institute for Nuclear Studies
European Research Area – how to make it? Institute for Nuclear Studies Świerk / Warsaw 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 1 IPJ staff: 460 people 200 100 50 2007 2006 2005 60 - IFJ PAN 60 - Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw 56 - IF PAN 50 - Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw 47 - Faculty of Physics, Jagiellonian University 44 - Medical University of Wasaw 42 - IPJ 2004 0 2003 I cathegory Hirsch index: 7th in Poland* 150 2002 250 2001 300 papers 10 research units: ~150 researchers, including 29 professors 18 assoc. profs. 78 PhD *) 2000-2008, R.Kierzek, www.ibch.poznan.pl 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 2 Research programme Domains: nuclear physics particle physics neutrino physics astroparticle physics plasma physics Projects: FAIR LHC, ILC T2K, LAGUNA p of the Sky, POLAR, GRIPS ITER, W7-X FLASH, XFEL Technologies: nuclear accelerator detector material informatics Applications: energy medicine environment safety & security art history 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 3 Accelerator technologies Advanced technologies developed for science, used for application in medicine & industry Contract for structures of 60 MeV accelerator for proton teraphy TOP, Frascati 15.05.2009 Prototype warm cavities 1.3 GHz for Tesla-FEL, DESY, Hamburg Accelerator target for Isolde, CERN, Genewa G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 4 Accelerator Coline nomination 2007 Table Polkam TBI Award 2008 Accelerators for industry and medicine Sterylisation Radioteraphy Radiography 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 5 IPJ awards Prof. Marek Moszyński detector research 2007 - MNiSW award „for distinguished achievements in applied research”. 2009 – IEEE Distinguished Lecturer MNiSW & PAP award for IPJ: „Science popularizer of the year” 6500 students/year visiting Świerk Science festivals and exhibitions Press articles and news service 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 6 The dark side • Infractructure mostly from 1960-ties • Very low budget CEA France: IPJ Poland: 3 300 000 000 € budget (55% from government) 2 700 000 € budget 1 100 000 € grants 15 322 employees 3 500 scientists 310 employees* 140 scientists 215 000 € / person 940 000 € / scientist 12 000 € / person 27 000 € / scientist factor 18 factor 35 *) excluding selfsupporting commercial units 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 7 Poland has no National Laboratories! Three kind of scientific units in Poland: Universities Institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) R+D units (JBR) Missing element: national laboratories Full chain from basic to applied research Large research infrastructure for the whole country Result: 15.05.2009 No appropriate funding channel for large infrastructures No research infrastructure on European scale G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 8 Time for changes! Set the goal Prepare the plan European Research Area ESFRI Roadmap Ensure resources European Structural Funds for Poland in 2008-2013 1.3 billion € for research infrastructures Do it! 15.05.2009 In kind contribution to XFEL & FAIR (22M€ + 22M€) Proposal for Polish Free Electron Laser POLFEL - node of EuroFEL network (former IRUVX) G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 9 Bright side of Europe 15.05.2009 New Berlin wall EuroFEL network Dark side of Europe G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 10 EuroFEL network 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 11 Free Electron Laser @ Świerk 4th generation light source driven by electron accelerator © DESY 3D-imaging: molecules & nanostructures © DESY Material studies: dense plasma properties © DESY © DESY Spiroplasma melliferus 15.05.2009 www.polfel.pl Novel technologies: surface modification Live sciences: biological cell imaging Continuous e- beam E= 600 MeV Beam power (peak): 0.22 GW G.Wrochna, 12 Radiation wavelength: UV →Institute 9 nm for Nuclear Length: up to 400 m Studies Pulse length: < 100 fs in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl Cost: 100 M€ - 200 M€ (1-6 stations) Technology Park at Świerk Świerk 2013 Technology Park (A+B) Nuclear technologies for energy, medicine, environment new materials, safety+security • academic support • innovative companies • incubator, labs • administrative support 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 13 EU structural funds for Poland 55 bln € „Innovative economy” – 1.3 bln € for research infrastructures 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 14 1.3 bln € for research infrastructures? Distribution: Misunderstanding what is large infrastructure Nontransparent procedure Fuzzy criteria Diffused responsibility Result: Most of the money already distributed Funds dispersed for buildings and table-top equipment No single large research device funded 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 15 What is large infrastructure? Large office buildings? Large number of table-top devices? Something called „bio-nano-techno center”? New law for research funding defines large infrastructure as „scientific apparatus exceeding 500 000 PLN” (~110 000 €) Missing factor 1000 ! 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 16 example review 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 17 POLFEL review R+D potential for economy: 5/12 Synchrotrons revolutionized many technologies FELs have even higher potential Priority of beneficiary research: 10/15 Reseach program: 8/15 IPJ is the builder, one should judge users IPJ scientific output has been shown This is ESFRI recommended project Funding of operation: 4/8 15.05.2009 What is expected? G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 18 If not POLFEL – what else? ESFRI Roadmap infrastructures will be located mainly in old Europe „New Berlin wall” How to expand European Research Area? 15.05.2009 The concept of regional infrastructures ESFRI document on „regional issues” – end 2008 12 coutries made proposals Poland proposed nothing G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 19 Is there a future for science in Poland? Is there a future for Poland? 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 20 Polish research in 2015 – which way? 15.05.2009 G.Wrochna, Institute for Nuclear Studies in Świerk, www.ipj.gov.pl 21