“Now let me show you how to make a really... THE RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Inc) May 2008
“Now let me show you how to make a really... THE RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Inc) May 2008
May 2008 THE RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Inc) “Now let me show you how to make a really BIG hole in the carpet” Registered by Australia Post Print Post Publication No. PP63219/0021 CORRESPONDENCE: CLUB OFFICIALS President: Pauline Sadler Vice-President: Stephen Kendall Secretary: Kate Nicholls Treasurer: Joanna Kendall 08 9367 4542 All correspondence (including advertising copy, which must be accompanied by a cheque or money order for the correct fee) should be addressed to: The Secretary RRCWA(Inc) PO Box 631 CANNINGTON WA 6987 Email: [email protected] 08 9279 7816 08 9451 1582 08 9279 7816 COMMITTEE: (Elected to 31 October 2008) Tanya Brooker 08 9498 0914 Wendy Monks 08 9256 4625 (Elected to 31 October 2009) Marion Banks 08 9621 2075 Sue Gale 08 9339 0916 (Elected to 31 October 2010) Sandra Taylor 08 9490 8890 Mandy Thomson 08 9439 5985 Website: http://rrcwa.com Webmaster: [email protected] This publication is copyright. Except as expressly provided in the Copyright Act 1868, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written permission from the Club or the authors of individual articles. ADVERTISING RATES for MEMBERS (NON-MEMBERS ADD 50%) Half Page Full Page Per Issue without photograph $ 8.00 $10.00 OTHER CLUB OFFICIALS Per Year without photograph $18.00 $31.00 Show Secretary: Sandra Taylor Breed Recorder: Marion Banks Trophy Steward: Sandra Taylor Score Keeper: Sandra Taylor Rescue Officer: Sandra Taylor Tattoo Officer: Kate Nicholls Public Relations Officer: Stephen Kendall Per Issue with photograph $18.00 $25.00 Per Year with photograph $25.00 $37.00 Property Officer/Librarian: Sandra Taylor Mandy Thomson Editor: Marion Banks Webmaster: Marion Banks CDC Delegates: Sandra Taylor NRRC Delegates: Pauline Sadler Stephen Kendall Fund Raising Stand. Committee (Chair): Sandra Taylor Editorial Stand. Committee (Chair): Marion Banks Ethics Stand. Committee (Chair): Pauline Sadler NO PHONE CALLS AFTER 9PM THANK YOU Committee meetings are held at regular intervals and all members are welcome to attend. Please contact the Secretary for the time and place for the next committee meeting if you wish to come along. 1 Advertising on Front Cover $50.00 Artwork appreciated—Please note size of copy to be no wider than 175mm. Artwork and/or photographs may be submitted by hard copy or on diskettes or CDs. Please forward a stamped, self addressed envelope for return of any such items which you wish to be returned to you. NEW CHAMPION / OBEDIENCE / AGILITY / JUMPING / ENDURANCE AWARDS ARE ENTITLED TO A FREE 1/2 PAGE PHOTO ADVERTISEMENT THE WESTERN RIDGE ADVERTISING: Publication of advertising material in the Western Ridge in no way implies recommendation by the RRCWA(Inc.). Advertisers are warned it is their responsibility to be able to substantiate any statements or claims made in advertisements. The RRCWA(Inc.) makes every endeavour to ensure that statements are not printed which are known to be untrue, but it is not always possible for us to check. The publisher is liable if he knowingly prints material that is incorrect or misleading. The advertiser is liable if he causes incorrect or misleading material to be printed. THE ONUS OF PROOF IS ON THE ADVERTISER BOOKS AVAILABLE The Rhodesian Ridgeback in Australia by Mrs Pauline Sadler The Definitive Rhodesian Ridgeback by Mr D Helgesen Available from the RRCV PO Box 7109 Karrigal Centre KARRINGAL VIC 3199 The Rhodesian Ridgeback Indaba An Omnibus of Rhodesian Ridgebacks At Home and Abroad—Dog Tails By Miss JN Murray Available from the author 5 Melbourne Rd, YEA VIC 3717 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 Table of Contents A Big Thank You and an Update 12 Birthday Greetings 14 Calendar 2009 12 Calendar Submission Form 15 Dog Trivia 6 Juliette de Bairacli Levy’s Saviour Tea 13 Photos from the Show Day 8 –10 Pointscore Competition—2008 7 President’s Report 3 RRCWA—Champ. Show Results 11 RRCWA Open Show Results 8 Thank You from Josh 5 Tishan and the “Downsizing” 6 Vale—Koninklik Groot Voog (Kundi) 13 View from the Ridge 4 Welcome New Members 3 Winter Walk 5 A big thank you to Pauline Sadler for the photo of Dusty and one of her babies which appears on the front cover. We’re always looking for more photos for the front page so keep them rolling in. Save your best for next year’s calendar. A submission form for the calendar is on the last page of the magazine. It’s great to have so many people contributing articles for publication. Keep up the good work everybody. The critiques and “Official” photographs from the Show will be published in the next issue of the magazine. In the meantime, enjoy the more relaxed photos in this issue. Please keep Kate Nicholl’s husband Pete in your thoughts. Pete has been seriously ill in hospital for a while but he seems to be on the mend now. All our good wishes go to Pete for a full recovery. Until next time Marion THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 2 President’s Report Dear Members In the last report I mentioned Sunday morning listening on ABC Radio National, and this time I am going to talk about it again! I usually do the ironing on Sunday morning, so find that listening to the radio quite therapeutic. Watching TV while I am ironing leads to disaster, and don’t ask how I know this for a fact. The report that attracted my attention on this occasion was about the huge rise in allergies, to such things as peanuts (in particular), dairy products etc, in children. The House of Lords in England (the highest court in the United Kingdom) has said in a recent case that it is no longer good advice to tell parents that newborn babies should not be given any exposure whatsoever to things like peanuts and dairy products in case they are allergic to them. This is because some research is now indicating that far from reducing these allergies, it may be precisely what is making them worse on the basis that very early exposure while the immune system is developing is in fact what prepares the body for the future. Seemingly doctors are now in a quandary about what to tell parents of newborns, so some are refusing to give any advice at all on the matter. A while ago I discussed some research indicating that intestinal parasites seemed to reduce allergies, asthma and the likes of irritable bowel syndrome. There is a doctor in the USA, who, having tested himself first with tapeworms, is actually infesting his patients with tapeworm (in a controlled way!!) and having good results in combating allergies, asthma and the likes of irritable bowel syndrome. As I said last time, why shouldn’t the same apply to dogs with respect to the increase in allergies? As with all things there has to be balance, but I do wonder if perhaps we over protect our best friends with worming tablets, cleanliness, manufactured foods etc etc? This brings me to the Secretary’s Report which appeared in the last magazine. Kate mentioned feeding a natural diet to dogs, and talked about the connection to illness etc in our dogs. I am convinced of the connection. For a couple of years now the red meat I feed my dog(s) (which is only one part of the daily diet) is for humans (the cheapest mince or whatever is available) because I became very concerned at the preservatives in the ‘not for human consumption’ pet meat that we used to buy. While some brands of this pet meat are probably OK, others have preservatives that are surely not at all good for long term health. And yes, I do also worry about the hormones, antibiotics etc in the meat for humans, but at the moment I hope this may be lesser of two evils. Kate also talked about Juliette de Baïracli Levy’s book “The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat”; I have a copy (bought 20 years ago!!), and it is a fascinating book. Some of it I wonder about, for example she claims to have cured rabies, and certainly it would be difficult to access many of the fresh herbs to which she refers, but the book does provide a lot to think about. She is extremely against things like inoculations for parvovirus and worming tablets, and offers remedies for these and for distemper. She does actually mention Ridgebacks when she is giving her cure for Parvovirus – classing Ridgebacks among the breeds who ‘have remained more “natural” and less domesticated’ and thus able to feed their puppies for as long as sixteen weeks (harmful early weaning being part of the Parvovirus problem according to her). Some of her remedies, such as her ‘saviour tea’ are great, and her absolute belief in such things as honey, oatmeal and raw meat is persuasive. If only one could just take a deep breath, have faith (and time) and do as she recommends … Until next time. Pauline Welcome New Members Russell & Carole HODDER of THORNLIE Garrick ALLEN & Victoria SADLER of EAST VICTORIA PARK Stephen JONES of LESMURDIE John BECK Of SHOALWATER Brian & Rachel ADAMS of DARLINGTON Kate CAMPBELL Of CARNARVON 3 Jan MIDDLETON of SERPENTINE Jackie BONEHAM of LAKELANDS THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 View from the Ridge Some pretty strange things have happened to me in the last few months, I can tell you. I had some puppies, and this accounted for why I had been feeling so fat, so hungry always and so out of sorts that just going upstairs at home made me puff and pant. Being my first experience of these matters, the puppies came as quite a surprise to me, but not, apparently, to my humans who had for some time before THAT HORRIBLE DAY been trying to force me to sleep in a nasty big wooden box which they referred to as the ‘whelping box’. It was no substitute for my proper bed which has a soft comfortable mattress and nice blankets. I try not to think too much about THAT HORRIBLE DAY because it ranks up there in awfulness with the day I got hit by the car. Anyway, I am only going to say that on THAT HORRIBLE DAY I felt really bad from early morning right through to the night time, but by the end of it instead of there being one of me there were seven of us. Once there were seven of us I saw the point of the wooden box, and it became my home for several weeks. A few days after THAT HORRIBLE DAY I actually got the hang of the motherhood thing and I quickly became very good at it. I loved my little babies dearly and took very great care of them. I washed them, fed them and never once trod on any of them even though it did get very crowded in that wooden box as the six of them became inexplicably larger and more active by the week. When the puppies started being given solid food, my humans and I had some issues about my feeding regime. Until then I had been fed vast quantities of food – I couldn’t believe my good fortune – but the supply started dwindling as the puppies started to be given all sorts of yummy things which I was not allowed to touch (or not when my humans were watching anyway). I insisted on being given the same number of meals as the puppies, so I did end up with lots of food over the day, even though I could still have managed lots more. I must say that I really enjoyed playing with the puppies for hours on end but they did eventually begin to take over my life in every possible way. They found my real bed which had been given back to me complete with the comfortable mattress and nice blankets, and they annexed it entirely so I couldn’t get on it and had to retire to the awful wooden box. They ate my pitiful quantities of food as well as their own (I was fed separately but had to be really quick because they could find me anywhere). They managed to be absolutely everywhere and all at once so I could never be on my own, and as well as the toys bought just for them they took all my toys as well including my dear old Kong. I knew they couldn’t destroy the Kong but the squeaking chicken I did have to confiscate and hide from them because enough is enough. The chicken is yellow with red feet and beak, and it is flat with its little legs sticking straight out so it looks like a Peking Duck. Actually it was bought by one of the new puppy owners for the puppies to play with, but I decided I wanted it and that was that as far as ownership was concerned. I still have it now and I carry it round carefully in my mouth so it doesn’t squeak, or I run down the corridor and jump on it from a great height, stamping on it with my front paws so it squeaks extremely loudly and makes everyone jump. The puppies are all gone to their new homes now and I do quite miss them, especially my favourite one Romeo. He stayed on with us for a couple of weeks after the others, which was great. I did think it might be OK if he stayed on permanently, but then he started using my very precious TV watching cozy bed (different to my other bed mentioned earlier) and I realized that there was room for only one of us. One of the girl puppies has gone to a human family member and she comes back here a couple of times a week to visit so I can have my fill of playing and being a mummy again. When all is said and done I am really happy to have my bed(s) back, my food back, my toys back and my life back. Last week we even went for one of our great long walks in the bush - the first real walk since the puppies were born - and I realized what I had been missing. Bye for now, THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 4 Thank You from Josh We would like to thank all those that have given support and well wishes to Josh’s recovery. Special thanks to Leanne. Also to Kathy for the lovely hamper of doggy treats and to Sandra for the beautiful print, (pictured above) which we will have framed. Josh entered his first Obedience Trial qualifying and came first amongst seven others. A great start to his new adventures. By the way - Rogan proudly elected himself as the Distribution Officer of the hamper. Peter & Stephanie de Jong Winter Walk This year’s winter walk will take place In mid to late August– date TBA We’re looking for suggestions about where to go this time DO YOU KNOW ANY GOOD WINTER WALKS? If you do, please contact Sandra on 08 9490 8890 or Kate on 08 9451 1582 or Email [email protected] With your suggestion by Monday 16th June 2008 5 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 Tishan and the “Downsizing” Tishan celebrated her 10th birthday on 23rd February 2008 at our new property in the Hills. I guess “downsizing” occurs to many of us when “freedom” beckons and retirement looms. It was decided that 42 acres was just too much responsibility to leave when travelling. After viewing 10 properties we finally purchased the 5 acre block we were taken to view first by the Real Estate Agent. I heard George telling a friend that we “really had bought our land for the horse to live out his old age.” As some of you would know moving from a larger acreage to a smaller one also means that all the things that were kept “just in case” now have to be considered for disposal by sale or many visits to the landfill. We finally moved on 1st February with 4 truckloads of furniture and equipment. Good job the new place has a huge shed and 2 stables! Of course none of this concerned Tishan who settled into the house immediately. After an initial sniff around she could not fmd any sign of the cat that had previously lived here so relaxed and watched us with interest as we unpacked over 100 boxes of worldly goods. Why do we need so many things? Having settled in it was time to venture out on daily exercise. We are so lucky to be within easy walking distance of a regional park and natural bush land walks. Wildlife is abundant and kangaroos are within metres every day. This amazed me as we are now closer to sub- urbia that before. Ridgies do not need any prompting to give chase when a kangaroo pops its head out from the bush consequently I have developed muscles on my arms from hanging on to Tishan’s leach. Since I told you about Tishan’s skin problem I have started her on a daily Omega 3 fatty acid supplement which has cured her dry, itchy skin and given her shiny eyes and she loves it-well it does go in her mouth! Also no more Zyrtec required. At the end of 2007 I noticed a lump on her toe. A visit to our vet resulted in an surgery to remove it. After a biopsy I was informed that the tumour was not malignant but that lumps at e transition between the cells of the pad and the toe have a tendency to turn “nasty” so I was relieved that I had noticed the deformity early. Keep a watch for similar lumps on the toes of your dog, as they are very easy to miss. Dogs tend to have health problems as they age just like humans) and earlier this year her left eye began to tear constantlyanother visit to the vet determined that she was growing a second set of eyelashes which were rubbing against her cornea causing irritation. Hopefully the surgery will cure her problem but as more lashes can grow I have to be vigilant as I can imagine how painful the condition would be. Oh well it is time for our walk-Tishan says that she will need a retread if I walk her anymore. Sonia Soans • Rin Tin Tin was the first American dog movie star and signed his own contracts for 22 movies with a paw print. The first living being to travel in space was a small mixed breed dog named Laika, who gave her life orbiting the earth in the Russuan Sputnik in 1957. • John F Kennedy’s Terrier, Charlie, sired 4 puppies with Laika’s daughter, Pushinka. Toto’s roll in The Wizard of Oz was played by a female Cairn Terrier named Terry. • Dogs do not have an appendix. Dog Trivia • • THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 6 Pointscore Competition—2008 Results after Round 5 NAME OF DOG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTOWNER Santasi Mwai 12 12 10 2 1 37S Taylor Rebelridge All That Jazz (Jazz) **** 10 10 1 6 1 28M Banks & T Brooker Koninklik Kazemda 6 6 6 2 6 26M & L Walker Santasi Mashama 2 2 1 10 6 21S Taylor Santasi Sabutha (Ch) (Amy) 2 3 12 1 3 21S Taylor Skiska Ginger Harbinger (Ch) (Shinda) 3 2 2 12 1 20K Werner Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring - - - - 12 12R Green Ch Ujamaa Mufasa (Mufasa) - - - - 10 10M & J BensonLidholm Ch Koninklik Grootyshond (Rogan) - - - 6 2 8P & S De Jong Covaines Redistedibear (Bear) 2 2 1 2 1 8T Brooker Usakose Ive Got the Edge (Lenko) **** 1 3 - 1 2 7P & E Case Drumrigel The Turbonator (Boz) 1 1 1 1 1 5R & S Martin Lalapanzi Veldt King (Bosley) 2 2 - - 1 5W Monks & C Nicholls Londoloza Sheenesalegend (Delta) 1 1 - - 3 5P & E Case Tyandroma Saris Diesel (Diesel) 2 1 - 1 1 5T Nugent Koninklik Kiziah 1 1 - 1 1 4M & L Walker Londoloza Phurstmpresion **** 1 1 - - 2 4P & E Case Londoloza Phurstnbloom **** - - - - 4 4J & K Young Tyandroma Draz Saigh Sar (Sally) **** 1 1 - 1 1 4Tyandroma Kennels Tyandroma Saris Berry (Pink) **** 2 2 - - - 4T Nugent Usakose Goodhevens Above - - - 2 2 4JP Hill Ch Koninklik Skarlaken - - - - 2 2M & L Walker Macumazahn Ocean Pearl - - - - 2 2M & L Walker Ozrhode Kulula Force - - - - 2 2JP Hill Tyandroma Nalas Bizet (Sari) - - - 1 1 2T Nugent Tyandroma Star Whisperer (Zephyr) - - - 1 1 2Tyandroma Kennels Mopane Thaba Chenza **** - - - - 1 1F & A Wordsworth Round 1 The Advance Western Classic—29th February 2008 –Snr A Capitramo Neto (Brazil) Round 2 The Optimum Western Classic—29th February 2008—Snr GF Quiles (Brazil) Round 3 Tracker Dog Charity Show— 29th March 2008—Mrs M McArdle (WA) Round 4 Hound Club of WA—20th April 2008— Ms J Lees (Vic) Round 5 RRCWA—3rd May 2008– C Currie (SA) [CAPRIVI] Rounds Remaining Round 6 Winter Festival—11th July 2008—P Machen (Canada) Round 7 Winter Festival— 12th July 2008—TBA Round 8 Hound Club of WA—TBA Round 9 Royal Agricultural Show—TBA Round 10 Canine Fund Raisers—TBA **** Indicates Brown nosed RRs 7 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 RRCWA(Inc) Open Show—3rd May 2008 Judge: Mrs Jan Benson-Lidholm [BOWBRIDGE] Best in Show: Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring (owned & bred by Rosemary Green) Runner Up Best in Show: Santasi Mwai (owned & bred by Sandra Taylor) Best Dog: Tyandroma Saris Diesel (owned by Tanya Nugent & bred by Tyandroma Kennels) Reserve Best Dog: Ch Usakose Ive Got The Edge (owned by Peter & Liz Case & bred by Sharron Taylor) Best Bitch: Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring Reserve Best Bitch: Santasi Mwai Best Baby Puppy in Show: Usakose Goodhevens Above (owned by Julie Hill & bred by Sharron Taylor) Best Opp. Baby in Show: Tyandroma Star Whisperer (owned & bred by Tyandroma Kennels) Best Minor Puppy in Show: Covaines Redistedibear (owned by Tanya Brooker & bred by Colin & Lorraine Churton) Best Opp. Minor in Show: Londoloza Phurstmpresion (owned & bred by Peter & Liz Case) Best Junior in Show: Santasi Mwai Best Intermediate in Show: Ozrhode Kulula Force (owned by Liz Case & Julie Hill & bred by Ozrhode Kennels) Best State Bred in Show: Tyandroma Saris Diesel Best Aust. Bred in Show: Ch Santasi Subatha (owned & bred by Sandra Taylor) Best Opp. A/Bred in Show: Lalapanzi Veldt King (owned by Kate Nicholls & Wendy Monks & bred by Kate Nicholls) Best Open in Show: Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring Best Opp. Open in Show: Ch Usakose Ive Got The Edge Best Headed Dog: Lalapanzi Veldt King Best Headed Bitch: Ch Chilolo Mint RH Julep (owned & bred by Rosemary Green) Best Gaited: Santasi Mwai Besr Ridged: Mopane Thaba Chenza (owned & bred by Frank & Anita Wordsworth Congratulations to all the Winners The weather put on a stunning display for our two shows, as can be seen from the photograph below, and the scene was set for a very successful event. Everybody seemed to be enjoying the day and there were a number of members of the public who came along to have a look at our lovely RRs. All the members made them very welcome and they went away with a good impression of our Club, our Members and our dogs. Thank you to everybody for making such a success of the day. There are more photos on the following pages. The “official” photos will be available when the critique is published. THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 8 Photos from the Show The Trophy Table. Sandra and Beryl getting things ready for the action. Just before the show started (That’s our Judge on the right. Liz Case with Lenko and Jayla. Spectators with their RRs from New Zealand Allan Brooker with Bear chatting To new Members Russell and Carole Hodder. Hopefully their Zulu will be hitting the Show ring in the near future. Peter de Jong with Josh (well and truly recovered from his big operation) 9 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 Anita Wordsworth with a group of spectators. Tania Larsen with her latest puppy. Tanya Nugent with Diesel during judging. Peter de Jong with Rogan during judging, Boz and Kiara waiting for their turns. Some friends of exhibitors. Sally, Musik and Jazz, wishing they were somewhere else! Tracey THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 Thank you to Bob Martin for taking the photos and to Allan Brooker for the use of his camera. 10 RRCWA(Inc) Champ. Show—3rd May 2008 Judge: Mrs Cheryl Currie-Thompson (SA] [CAPRIVI] Best in Show: R/Up Best in Show: Dog CC (16): Res DCC: Bitch CC (24): Res BCC: Best Baby Puppy: Best Opp. Baby Puppy: Best Minor Puppy: Best Opp. Minor Puppy: Best Puppy: Best Opp. Puppy: Best Junior: Best Opp Junior: Best Intermediate: Best Opp: Intermediate: Best State Bred: Best Opp. State Bred: Best Aust. Bred: Best Opp. Aust. Bred: Best Open: Best Opp. Open: Best Brown Nosed: Best Veteran: Best De-Sexed: Best Brace: Best Headed Dog: Best Headed Bitch: Best Headed Overall: Best Gaited: Best Ridge: Best Sire’s Progeny: Most Successful Breeder: Breeder of Best in Show: Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring (Owned & bred by Rosemary Green) Ch Ujamaa Mufasa (Owned by Matt & Jan Benson-Lidholm & bred by Ujamaa Kennels) Ch Ujamaa Mufasa Koninklik Kazemda (Owned & bred by Michael & Leanne Walker) Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring Santasi Mashama (Owned & bred by Sandra Taylor) Usakose Goodhevens Above (Owned by Julie Hill & bred by Sharron Taylor) Tyandroma Star Whisperer (Owned & bred by Tyandroma Kennels) Londoloza Phurstnbloom (Owned by Ken & Joyce Young & bred by Peter & Liz Case) Covaines Redistedibear (Owned by Tanya Brooker & bred by Colin & Lorraine Churton) Koninklik Kazenda Koniniklik Kiziah (Owned & bred by Michael & Leanne Walker) Santasi Mashama Drumrigel The Turbonator (Owned by Bob & Sue Martin & bred by Tanya Brooker) Santasi Azizi (Owned & bred by Sandra Taylor) Ch Santasi Subatha (Owned & bred by Sandra Taylor) Ch Londoloza Sheenesalegend (Owned & bred by Peter & Liz Case) Ch Koninklik Grootyshond (Owned by Peter & Stephanie de Jong & bred by Michael & Leanne Walker) Ch Macumazahn Ocean Pearl (Owned by Michael & Leanne Walker & bred by Paula Edgar) Ch Santasi Inja (Owned by Mark Starcevich & bred by Sandra Taylor) Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring Ch Ujamaa Mufasa Ch Usakose Ive Got The Edge (Owned by Peter & Liz Case & bred by Sharron Taylor) Ch Santasi Ahlulu (Owned & bred by Sandra Taylor) Ch Santasi Ahlulu Koninklik Kazemda & Koninkik Skarlaken (Owned & bred by Michael & Leanne Walker) Ch Santasi Inja Santasi Mashama Santasi Mashama Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring Ch Chilolo Eternity Ring Ch Mopane Mamo Indodana (Owned & bred by F & A Wordsworth Rosemary Green & Sandra Taylor Rosemary Green Congratulations to all the Winners and a Big Thank You to all exhibitors for supporting our show and making the day such a success 11 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 A Big Thank You and an Update Our latest family member Chief has been with us for a few months now and he has very quickly adapted and settled. He has decided - after placing us on a period of probation - that he is quite happy to adopt us as his new family. We consider ourselves very honoured. He is quite a character and a little bit of a larrikin. He has a great sense of Ridgeback humour. Like most Ridgebacks he has an excellent time clock and reminds us promptly of the most important things in his day……his walk time and of course his feed time. He has become great friends with Kahale, our long time RR companion, who has very definitely accepted him on her own terms ☺ They definitely won’t share a bed…… ever ! …… but they do share everything else including a great liking of the occasional treat and the conspiracy skills needed to wangle as many as possible from us. He has beautiful manners when it matters the most and he knows how to be on his best behaviour when a doggy treat is in the offing as you can see….. You didn’t honestly think that we get this kind of devoted attention without a treat :) So Bob and I just wanted to say a Big Thankyou to the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club and it’s Rescue Service in particular to Anita Wordsworth who put so much time and effort into placing Chief in our care and making sure that everyone got on well together and things went smoothly. Thank you also to Frank Wordsworth who helped to convince Kahale that it really was going to be a good idea and what a great friend Chief would be, while at the same time helping to teach Chief some good manners around an old lady. (Kahale, not me, by the way!!). We are so pleased and proud to have Chief as part of our family so thankyou once again for considering us and giving us the opportunity to take another Ridgeback Boy into our hearts ☺ Regards Dianne and Bob Graves. Calendar 2009 You out did yourselves with this year’s calendar but let’s make the next one even better. Submit your entries using the submission form on the last page of this magazine or email your submission to [email protected] to reach the Committee by Monday 16th June 2008 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 12 Juliette de Bairacli Levy’s “Saviour Tea” from The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat (paperback) published by Faber & Faber 1985 edition. This is taken from her section on parvovirus and is a consolidation of what she says. I have found it useful for bitches when they are have just given (or are still giving) birth and need something more fortifying than water but not solid. It is also useful for sick or stressed dogs of any age, and once they have tasted it they seem to come back for more even if they will not eat or drink anything else. Fresh (or boiled) water Honey Glucose Sea salt She says: ‘the exact formula to every tablespoon measure is: into the barley and sage water add one level teaspoon of pure honey, and one of glucose, and half or less of a small teaspoon of sea salt. If the salt is ejected use less. The tea should be used as an internal soother and fortifier; an emetic is not required’. solution of sage tea’ (p.200), but there is no further detail given of either sage tea or barley water! In the book there is no recipe for sage tea (that I can find anyway). As Juliette de B L is very scathing about the dried or powdered herbs and will only use fresh herbs, For the barley water you can soak pearl barley overnight and drain off the water for use in the mix. I generally use just boiled water or barley water (if I have time to buy the pearl barley and soak it) with honey, glucose and a very small pinch of salt. I give only small amounts, a cupful, at any one time, but frequently (every half an hour) and am lazy about measuring quantities. So probably for a cup of water(barley if I have it) I would add a tablespoon of honey, a couple of teaspoons of glucose (for some reason we always seem to have a packet of powdered glucose in the cupboard) and a small pinch ordinary salt. I don’t see why this would not work well for people too, and I think she based her recipe on one used for children suffering from dysentery! In fact she also says: ‘Use barley water instead of plain water and make the barley water with an extra strong l VALE Pauline Sadler k “KUNDI” KONINKLIK GROOT VOOG 21ST SEPT 1997—20TH FEB 2008 Kundi, you were so very special and a part of the family like a child. You will be missed so much, not only by family but also by friends. Rest in Peace. j i The Committee and Members of the RRCWA(Inc) extend their sincere sympathy to Anneli Repo and family for the loss of their beloved Kundi 13 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 Y MA y ra r Mu rsby A e ILM Ov W IA MK C ZU ASS K LU IE JU FA INZ C Ni c A a NE BO ME K se ho lls R S B en BE OO LEY ell dal l HA TH GA M H o NN AN N nk AH Y N ich s 8 o i c Ni h lls ch ol ol l s ls TED A L BE A OSC THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008 RCH A M und RL gren 14 2009 Calendar 2009 I wish to submit a photograph for inclusion in the RRCWA(Inc) Calendar for 2009. I acknowledge that if my submission is successful I will be invoiced an amount of $50.00 which will be payable within 30 days of receipt. I understand that should I fail to meet the payment deadline my photograph will not be included in the calendar. I wish to be included for consideration for the front cover and understand that I will be invoiced an amount of $100.00 if my submission is successful. I wish the caption of the photograph to be YES NO AS BELOW SELECTED BY THE COMMITTEE I understand that the Committee reserves the right to alter the above caption if it is not considered to be suitable for publication. My photograph is ENCLOSED or EMAILED TO [email protected] Copyright to the photograph belongs to: ___________________________________ My contact details are: Signature: __________________________________ Name: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Town/Post Code: __________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________ Email: __________________________________ Please forward this form to: THE SECRETARY RRCWA(INC) PO BOX 631 CANNINGTON WA 6987 CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS—16th JUNE 2008 15 THE WESTERN RIDGE MAY 2008