MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR HOW-TO-GUIDE MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR by Black River Imaging provides an easy way for customers to place orders for money envelopes. Money envelopes consist of two sides: On one side, is a list of package contents and pricing, along with studio information and payment details. On the reverse side, the envelope can be ordered in one of four colorful, pre-printed designs; Starting Lineup (sports), Capture the Dream (sports), Picture Day (pre-school), and Showtime (dance or cheer). We also have a blank envelope, handy for other non-sport events. MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR allows the photographer to build a layout of packages, add-on’s, and prices, and select which of the five envelope designs they want. You can create your own price list by either: Using our built-in standard layout to enter your package contents & prices Importing your own custom PDF layout created in another program Importing a custom PDF created by BRI (go to or call customer service on 1-888-321-4665 for information & pricing) MIMIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS IBM compatible PC Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (not compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME or 2000) Min. 512MB RAM (1GB or higher recommended) Min. 5GB free hard drive space Internet connection to transfer orders 1 FIRST TIME USERS When you first use MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR, you will need to set the data path for storing orders. The data path stores your order details and PDF files. It should not be used for storing images or other types of files. In most cases it is best to create a new folder on your C:\ drive purely for sports orders. To set the data path click EDIT on the main screen and select SET PATH FOR STORING ORDERS. Select the drive and folder you wish to use or click MAKE NEW FOLDER to make a new folder for your order data on the selected drive, or just select an existing folder. Click OK to accept the selected location. (You may skip the rest of this page if you already have SportsPix-XE installed, as all settings will be transferred to MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR automatically) Next, you will need to enter your Customer Information. On the main screen, click EDIT, and select EDIT CUSTOMER INFORMATION. Be sure to fill in all fields including the credit/debit card information. If you wish, an option is provided to password protect your card information. This is useful if multiple people enter orders on the computer and you wish to limit who can see this sensitive information. As a security precaution you will not be asked for your three-digit security code until you send an order. If you do not wish to do this on every order, click STORE CSC NUMBER under the EDIT menu to keep the code in memory. If you forget this password, simply click the button marked RESET PASSWORD & CLEAR CC INFO. This will clear out all credit card data and allow it to be re-entered and a new password created. Once all information is entered, click EXIT to go back to the main menu. 2 STEP 1: STARTING AN ORDER There are two ways to submit an order through MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR: Use MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR to type in & define your packages and add-on items using our standard money envelope layout. Import your own custom PDF into MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR to place your money envelope order. METHOD 1: TO BEGIN AN ORDER USING OUR STANDARD LAYOUT Click FILE on the main menu and select BEGIN A NEW PDF. Next, type a name for your new money envelope layout. Remember to keep the length of the name less than 30 characters, and do not use any special characters, such as: !+@?=^{}&,[]*:%~;#`‘$/“()\<>|. It is ok to use hyphens, underscores or spaces. Click OK to proceed. CREATING YOUR LAYOUT & DEFINING YOUR PACKAGES All of the information that will print on your money envelope is entered on this screen. Our standard layout allows you to enter up to six main packages (A-F), and up to 20 add-on items (GZ). The main packages can contain up to eight different items/lines per package. In addition, you can type up to three lines of studio contact information at the top of the envelope, and up to three lines of instructions or information below the packages. VIP PRICING is a special pricing system that allows the photographer to take advantage of 15%75% discounts on a wide range of our most popular products. Whenever a customer orders a package containing one of our 52 pre-designed Lab Packs, any additional items added to a package or sold as an add-on, will be sold at a discounted rate. Lab Packs cost $4 and are built around the most popular packages used by photographers. The discounted add-on items are arranged into $1, $3, $6 & $10 price tiers. To qualify for VIP Pricing, you will need to include a Lab Pack in at least one of your packages, and only frames that order one of these packages will be eligible for the discounted rates. To help you in building your packages, you can click on PRICING INFORMATION on the menu bar for a list of Lab Packs, Add-on items, and prices. When selected, these screens will stay open for your convenience while creating your order. 3 ADDING PACKAGES & ADD-ON’S PACKAGE INFORMATION - Type the package cost next to the package letter in the upper-right of the screen. Next, enter the description of the items in the package. The text will print exactly as you type it, so be sure to check your spelling and punctuation as this is not done by the lab. The length of the text line is limited and will be determined by the characters used (i.e. the letter “W” will use up more space than the letter “I”, especially if using ALL CAPS). To go to the next line, press ENTER on your keyboard, and a new text field will appear. You can remove a line of text by double-clicking on it. To go to the next package letter, you can either click the NEXT PACKAGE button, or press ENTER twice on your keyboard when on an empty text field. You do not need to use all six packages (A-F) on your envelope, and these will appear blank if no text or price is entered. ADD-ON ITEMS - Click NEXT PACKAGE until you reach package “G”. E enter the package cost plus one line of text for the description. Click NEXT PACKAGE to go to the next addon/package. BUSINESS NAME, BUSINESS ADDRESS & BUSINESS PHONE – Use these fields to add your studio contact information to the top of the envelope. As in the example, the BUSINESS NAME field will be printed in BOLD. The BUSINESS ADDRESS & BUSINESS PHONE fields do not need to be used only for that purpose. As you can see from the example, the address & phone can be put on one line, and the BUSINESS PHONE field could be used for an e-mail or web address. PAYMENT INFORMATION & ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS – Use these lines to add instructions below the package list. You are free to use them for any purpose that you desire. STARS ON TOP OF PAGE – Click this checkbox to add a “Star” motif to the top of the envelope. SPORTS FIELDS NEEDED - Click this checkbox to include sports fields on the bottom section of the envelope for trader card stats. If you are shooting an event such as a prom or dance recital that does not need these fields, you may uncheck this box. STEP 2: VIEWING & PROOFING YOUR MONEY ENVELOPE LAYOUT 4 Once all data has been entered, you will need to view the final PDF of your money envelope layout to check for errors. Click Make PDF to view and/or print out your PDF so that you can check for errors or layout problems. Please note that what you see on this PDF is exactly what will be printed by the lab, so it is very important to check the layout thoroughly as the lab is not responsible for any typing errors or missing information. If errors are found, you can go back to the DEFINE PACKAGES screen at any time to edit the layout. 5 STEP 3: UPLOADING & PLACING YOUR ENVELOIPE OIRDER Once you are certain that the layout is correct and that you are ready to place your order, click the UPLOAD ORDER button. You will be prompted to verify that you have checked the layout for errors and asked if you want to proceed. If you are not ready to send the order, click NO; otherwise click YES to place your order. On the ORDER DETAILS screen, you will need to fill out the quantity of envelopes needed (minimum order is 100), and select which envelope design you want by clicking the checkbox next to the image. Click on a shipping method to select it. Money Envelopes are considered a resale item, and as such, shipping charges will be applied to all orders based on weight & shipping zone. You may also add any customer service notes or special instructions for this order. If you are ready to send your order, click SAVE AND CONTINUE, otherwise click EXIT - DO NOT CONTINUE to go back to the main menu. 6 If you did not store the 3 or 4 digit security code for your credit card, you will be prompted to enter it at this time. Click OK to send the order, and you will see the TRANSFERRING FILES window Once the transfer is complete, the window will close and you will be returned to the main menu screen. *** YOUR ORDER FOR MONEY ENVELOPES HAS NOW BEEN PLACED *** METHOD 2: IMPORTING YOUR OWN CUSTOM LAYOUT AS A PDF FILE If you do not want to use our standard layout, you may create your own custom envelope in another program and then import the finished PDF into the MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR software. Please note, you will not be able to edit a custom PDF in the MONEY ENVELOPE CREATOR software, and will need to go back to whichever program it was created in to make changes. To import your custom layout, you will need to copy your finished PDF file into the same folder you set for storing your money envelope orders (if you do not remember this location, you can click EDIT on the main menu, and select SET PATH FOR STORING ORDERS). Click on FILE on the main menu and select IMPORT A PDF (NON-EDITABLE). You will then be asked if you wish to proceed. Click YES to continue, or NO to go back to the main menu. 7 From the list of available PDF files found in your storage folder, highlight the desired file and select IMPORT. The chosen layout will then be imported into the software. To order from this layout, click File on the main menu and select WORK ON EXISTING PDF to order as normal. PLACING A REORDER You can reorder from a saved envelope layout at any time by clicking TOOLS on the main menu and selecting UPLOAD AN ORDER. If you need to make changed to an existing envelope layout, click File on the main menu and select WORK ON EXISTING PDF. The envelope data can then be changed as needed before sending. If you have previously sent the layout as an order, you will be prompted to verify that you are sending as a new order. Click YES to place the new order, or NO to return to the main menu. If you require further assistance using SPORTSPIX-XE, please contact Black River Imaging customer service at 1-888-321-4665 or by e-mail at [email protected] 8