CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME – How to use TCM for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment in your clinic. Introduction Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a relatively common illness, with severely disabling symptoms. Thus, CFS places a substantial burden on patients, their families and carers, and hence on society. Estimates of the combined direct costs (for diagnosis and management) and indirect costs (from lost productivity) to the Australian community are over $525 million annually. (Loblay et al., 2002) In the absence of effective Western medical treatments, as well as identifiable causative factors, this paper discusses the application of specific theories and treatment approaches of traditional Chinese medicine to this disorder. CFS IN WESTERN MEDICINE Definition ‘Fatigue’ is defined as a pervasive sense of tiredness or lack of energy that is not related exclusively to exertion. It is accompanied by feelings of muscle weakness, slowed movements and slowed central nervous system reactions. Physical fatigue can also lead to a sense of mental exhaustion, with reduced cognitive functions (such as memory and attention). It is a common and usually transitory symptom. (Loblay et al., 2002) CFS, on the other hand, is defined as unexplained severe chronic or relapsing fatigue that has persisted for longer than 6 months; it causes impaired overall physical and mental functioning and is accompanied with other specific mental and physical symptoms. The accompanying symptoms must either persist or recur during the course of the illness and do not predate the fatigue. The diagnosis of CFS requires the presence of four or more of the following symptoms in addition to fatigue: • Impaired short term memory or concentration • Sore throat • Tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes • Muscle pain • Multi-joint pain without arthritis • Headaches of a new type, pattern, or severity • Unrefreshing sleep • Post-exertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours (Fukuda, et al., 1994) The main differential diagnoses are: neuromuscular disease, cardiac or respiratory disease, primary sleep disorders, and major depression. Other less common causes of severe fatigue must also be excluded, e.g. infection, malignancy, thyrotoxicosis, Crohn's disease, hypothyroidism, sleep apnoea; connective tissue disease, and drug misuse (prescribed or illicit). (Loblay et al., 2002; Cunha, 2010; Tolan & Stewart, 2011) Epidemiology © Sun Herbal While prolonged fatigue is a common presentation with a prevalence around 20% (Loblay et al., 2002), the prevalence of CFS in the community is around 0.2 – 0.4%. (NICE Guideline Development Group, 2007). CFS predominantly affects young adults (25 – 45 years), most commonly in females. It occurs in individuals from all socioeconomic groups. (Straus, 2007) Clinical Features of CFS CFS generally arises suddenly in a previously active individual. It begins with a ‘flu-like illness, or an acute stress which is subsequently followed by a state of unbearable exhaustion, accompanied by other symptoms, including headache, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle and joint aches and feverishness. These symptoms are generally interpreted by the patient as evidence of a persisting infection and medical help is sought. However, the medical practitioner is unable to find any source of the symptoms and assures the patient that there is no serious disease present. The symptoms persist and other features of the syndrome start to manifest, e.g. disturbed sleep, difficulty in concentration, depressed mood. After 6 months CFS is diagnosed. Most patients are able to continue their usual family, work and social commitments, albeit at a substantially reduced level, while substituting increased rest for their normal leisure and recreational activities. Some will become unable to continue working and a minority will require assistance with the activities of daily living. A prolonged course of illness may leave the patient in a state of ‘isolation, frustration, and pathetic resignation’. (Straus, 2007) Symptomatology The major symptom of CFS has the following specific features: • Lasts longer than six months • May be either persistent or relapsing. • Is disabling, leading to a substantial reduction in previous levels of occupational, educational, social or personal activities. • Is unexplained (i.e. not due to a medical or psychiatric condition or over-exertion) • Is not much relieved by resting and is seriously worsened by physical or mental exertion (Fukuda, et al., 1994) A study of patients diagnosed with CFS gives the approximate frequency of the following accompanying symptoms: • • • • • • • • • Difficulty concentrating Headache Sore throat Tender lymph nodes Muscle aches Joint aches Feverishness Difficulty sleeping Psychiatric problems © Sun Herbal 90% 90% 85% 80% 80% 75% 75% 70% 65% • Allergies • Abdominal cramps • Weight loss • Rash • Rapid pulse • Weight gain • Chest pain • Night sweats (Straus, 1988) 55% 40% 20% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% Theories of causes While several possible causes for CFS have been proposed, none have been shown to have a definitive causal relationship to the condition. These include infection due to viral agents such as EBV, HHV-6, coxsackievirus B, spumaviruses, and human T-cell leukemia virus strains; or bacteria such as Chlamydia pneumonia. (Cunha, 2010) Treatments As there are no effective drugs for the treatment of fatigue, medications are directed at the management of symptoms (e.g. headache, muscular pain, depression). Drugs such as analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) and antidepressants are generally given on a trial basis in order to determine whether the benefits outweigh the adverse effects. At the time of writing there is no clear evidence to support the generalized use of antidepressants or corticosteroids. (Reid et al., 2008) There is evidence that graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are effective in patients with CSF. (Reid et al., 2008) Patients are advised to continue with low level activity and to avoid becoming inactive. Restoration of a normal sleep cycle is an important part of patient management, although there is no direct evidence of benefit to CSF patients. (Loblay et al., 2002) As with other chronic and debilitating illnesses, psychological and social support is required in order to assist the patient in adjusting to the impact of the condition on physical, mental, financial and social well-being. Prognosis In children and adolescents, the vast majority will recover or improve, with a disease duration of 2-4 years. (Loblay et al., 2002; Tolan & Stewart, 2011) In adults only 20 – 50% showed improvement in the medium term (12 – 39 months) and only 6% recovered. (Reid et al., 2008) Adults who have had CFS for more than five years tend to remain symptomatic. People with CFS are at increased risk of psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. Concurrent psychological disorder, somatic symptoms, high levels of fatigue and a low sense of control over symptoms are associated with poorer outcomes. (Loblay et al., 2002) CFS IN TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE © Sun Herbal As the major symptom is severe and debilitating fatigue, some authors and researchers focus almost exclusively on deficiency syndromes in CFS. (Flaws & Sionneau, 2001, pp. 141-5; Flaws, 2002; Chen et al., 2010) However, when consideration is given to the overall symptom picture, together with antecedent history (in most cases) of an acute infection, it becomes apparent that retained pathogens (e.g. Heat and/or Damp) play a major role in the pathogenesis of this disorder. Indeed, a careful analysis of the presenting symptoms, as discussed above, leads to the conclusion that both deficiency, as well as excess of pathogenic factors underlies most presentations of CFS. (Maciocia, 1991; Maciocia, 2010) Moreover, the mixed results of clinical studies that focus exclusively on deficiency syndrome-patterns in CSF, with treatments based solely on tonifying herbs, (Chen et al., 2010) speak against an overly simplistic interpretation of CSF symptomatology. Pathogenesis of CSF Invasion of exogenous pathogens in a patient with some form of deficiency is the fundamental etiology in this condition. The pathogens may be relatively mild or strong and they may lodge at various levels in the body. The pre-existing deficiency may take different forms and it is universally exacerbated by the disease process, beginning with the pathogenic invasion and continuing with the resultant disruption to normal organ functions and the generation of internal pathogens (such as Damp, Phlegm and Heat). © Sun Herbal KEY TCM CONCEPTS Deficiency – Excess Deficiency refers to an insufficient quantity of something that should normally be present in the body, or a decline in functional activity. A deficiency condition is one in which the body's vitality is insufficient to sustain normal functioning and to resist pathogens. ISuch conditions may be due to lifestyle factors or may arise during or after a systemic illness. Deficiency is generally described in relation to the Qi, Blood, Body Fluids, the Yin, the Yang or the Zang-fu organs. The concept of Excess has two aspects: a) The presence of too much of something that is normally present in the body (both in terms of substance as well as functional activity) b) The presence of something that should not be present at all. All retained pathogens are regarded as a form of excess. An excess condition is one in which either: an exogenous pathogen invades the body; there is over-activity of a body function or an organ system; there is an accumulation of one or more endogenous pathogens. Interior – Exterior This describes the location of the disease process. The Exterior of the body comprises the skin, subcutaneous tissues, skeletal muscles and the upper respiratory tract. The Interior of the body comprises the internal organs systems. Exterior diseases are caused primarily by exogenous pathogens, such as Wind, Cold, Heat or Damp. Interior diseases may be due to emotional imbalance, lifestyle factors, internally generated pathogens, or pathogens that have come from the Exterior and moved internally. The clinical features vary greatly depending on which internal organ system is affected. Invasion by exogenous pathogens There are six exogenous pathogens: Wind, Cold, Heat, Damp, Dryness and Fire. They are said to originate as a result of extreme or untimely climactic conditions, which penetrate the body’s defenses to lodge in the Exterior of the body. When present in the body they cause Excess type diseases. The disease process is initially located in the Exterior of the body and is referred to as an Exterior type of disease. If not properly treated (e.g. with antibiotics) they may penetrate the Interior of the body and cause an Interior disease. Developm ent of endogenous pathogens The endogenous pathogens include Wind, Cold, Heat and Fire, Damp and Dryness, which affect the Interior of the body. Endogenous pathogens may arise due to the penetration by an exogenous pathogen into the Interior of the body. They may also arise due to dysfunction of the internal organs, which leads to disruption to the normal functions of the Qi, Blood or body Fluids. The clinical manifestations of each of the endogenous pathogens are similar to those of its exogenous counterpart. In addition, Phlegm, stagnant Qi and stagnant Blood may be generated internally through impaired function of organs or vital substances (i.e. the Qi, Blood and body Fluids). Fever (fa re) In TCM ‘fever’ refers to subjective sensations of heat that may or may not be accompanied by a measurable rise in core body temperature. © Sun Herbal Thus, the underlying causes of CSF are twofold, involving retained pathogens on the one hand, and severe deficiency on the other. The retained pathogens (i.e. pathogenic factors that the body is unable to expel) originate from outside the body (‘exogenous’ pathogens) in the form of an infection or ‘invasion’ through the body’s defenses by one or more of Cold, Heat or Damp. Under normal circumstances the invading pathogens are restricted to the Exterior and do not affect the internal organs, located on the Interior. However, in patients with preexisting deficiency syndromes, (especially if the Kidney is deficient), the invading pathogen may penetrate directly to the Interior or ‘get stuck’ midway between the Exterior and the Interior, giving rise to a specific set of signs and symptoms. A third possible scenario would be when, during the course of an acute pathogenic invasion (generally described as a viral infection in Western medicine), the pathogen has not been completely cleared and works its way into the Interior. Patients with a preexisting deficiency or those who do not take sufficient rest and/or receive inappropriate care during the acute stage are vulnerable to this process, which eventually leads to disruption of internal organ function and the subsequent development of endogenous pathogens (such as Damp, Heat and Phlegm). Moreover, such patients become more susceptible to further episodes of invasion by exogenous pathogens. Thus a twofold vicious cycle is generated with repeated low grade infections together with internal organ disruption by pathogens. Maciocia describes three main pathogenetic pathways in CSF: Residual Pathogenic Factor, Latent Heat and Lesser Yang Pattern (Maciocia, 1991; Maciocia, 2010) As an understanding of each of these pathological processes is necessary for accurate diagnosis, a brief description follows. Residual Pathogens As described above, in some patients who experience an invasion by exogenous pathogens (such as Wind, Cold, Heat or Damp), the pathogen manifests symptoms of an Exterior disorder (e.g. acute upper respiratory infection), but is not expelled due to inappropriate treatment, lack of rest and care, and possibly also a pre-existing deficiency. Subsequently the pathogen penetrates to the Interior and disrupts normal organ functioning, generating Damp and possibly also Heat which continue to disrupt organ function – exacerbating both the deficiency condition as well as the endogenous pathogens. Additionally, as the Exterior has become weakened in this process, there is increased susceptibility to further pathogenic invasions. Pathogenic Damp often ‘seeps’ into the muscles, causing the characteristic muscle aches and pains that are experienced by most CSF patients. Hence the traditional mandate to rest (and avoid over-exertion), consume a light, easily digestible diet and refrain from sexual activity during and immediately subsequent to an acute pathogenic attack. With these simple steps, together with timely treatment, we can assist our patients to avoid the above scenario. © Sun Herbal It should be noted that a common cause of residual pathogens is the routine use of antibiotics by general practitioners in the ‘treatment’ of acute viral infections. Latent Heat In some patients, specifically those with a deep level deficiency, such as Kidney deficiency, the pathogen is able to penetrate directly to the Interior, without resistance and without any manifest symptoms. Here it incubates, transforming into Heat and appearing several months later when, due to some sort of stress on the body (such as overwork, lack of sleep, emotional strain, or a subsequent invasion by exogenous pathogens) it becomes active both in the Exterior as well as the Interior. These patients have the characteristic signs of feverishness and irritability. Lesser Yang (shao yang) Stage Disorder In this scenario the pathogen lodges in the body at a level that is midway between Exterior and Interior. As in the Latent Heat pattern, the underlying cause is deficiency, which compromises the body’s ability to resist and expel pathogens. The characteristic symptom is alternating sensations of heat and cold. When the pathogen moves towards the Exterior the patient feels cold and when it moves towards the Interior the patient feels hot. Other typical clinical signs are the enlarged lymph nodes and a wiry pulse. Deficiency Syndrome-Patterns In CSF the following deficiency syndrome-patterns are commonly seen: • Qi deficiency • Blood deficiency • Yin deficiency • Yang deficiency Deficiency patterns generally occur in combinations and often present with empty Heat signs, that is to say signs that are suggestive of the presence of a Heat pathogen, but which are solely due to deficiency. Such signs include fever, dry mouth and throat and a red tongue. It is important to distinguish this type of Heat presentation from that due to the presence of pathogenic Heat, which is a type of excess (as opposed to deficiency). The key distinguishing features of deficiency Heat are: • The presence of clear signs of deficiency • Relatively mild signs of Heat • Absence of a pathological tongue coat (i.e. it is not thick or greasy) • Pulse is very thin and/or weak The Treatment Plan During the course of treatment, after the pathogens have been cleared, the patient will manifest signs of deficiency. At this time it is important to commence more intensive treatment with tonifying herbal medicines. One major clinical difficulty that is frequently encountered is to know when this point has been reached. Because symptoms are often vague and intermittent, and because the desire for relief from fatigue is universally expressed by patients, many of whom have heard stories of ‘miraculous’ Chinese tonic herbs (such as Ginseng, Astragalus and He Shou Wu), it is very tempting to give strong tonics too early. © Sun Herbal The nature of the pathogen is generally latent, hidden or moving between body levels. This is why patients may appear to be deceptively better, while still harboring pathogenic factors. Therefore it is best to continue giving treatment aimed predominantly at clearing the pathogens for 10 to 20 days after the excess pathogenic factors appear to have been completely resolved. If any signs indicatinmg the presence of pathogens return during treatment with tonifying medicines, they should be discontinued and replaced with the appropriate clearing herbal formulas. To summarize the important points relevant to planning treatment: • Every case is characterized by both a deficiency (of Qi, Yang, or Yin) and an excess (usually Damp or Damp-Heat). • The deficiency and the excess are never equal, one always predominates. • If deficiency predominates, treat with tonification • If excess predominates, treat by expelling Damp or Damp-Heat. • Key symptoms of excess pathogenic factors are muscle aches, swollen lymph glands, a thick tongue coating and a full and/or slippery pulse. • Key symptoms of deficiency are a weak or fine pulse and the tongue with a thin or absent coating (i.e. without a thick coating). TREATMENT PROTOCOLS Damp (or Damp-Heat) in the Muscles Key clinical features: Muscle aches and heaviness, nausea, bloating, vaginal discharge, loose stools, thick tongue coat. Herbal treatments: a) With Heat (dry or normal stools, yellow tongue coat): Classic formulas: Lian Po Yin (Coptis and Magnolia Decoction); Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan (Citrus Pill to Eliminate Stagnation) Prepared formulas: Bowel Detox Formula + Ping Wei San (Magnolia & Ginger Combination) b) No Heat, preponderance of Damp (loose stool, white or cream colored tongue coat): Classic formulas: Huo Po Xia Ling Tang (Agastache, Magnolia, Pinellia & Poria Decoction) Prepared formulas: Gastro-Aid Formula + Wu Ling San (Hoelen Five Formula) c) Predominance of GIT symptoms (bloating, belching, nausea): Combine one of the above protocols with: Prepared formulas: Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan (Cyperus & Cardamon Formula) d) With pronounced deficiency (emaciation, weak and thin pulse): Combine one of the above protocols with: © Sun Herbal Prepared formulas: Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Screen Formula) e) Follow up (select one of the following tonifying formulas, also see below): Prepared formulas: Energy Tonic Formula; Qi & Blood Tonic Formula Acupuncture: SP-9; SP-6; BL-22; REN-12; REN-9; LI-11 (Damp-Heat); SP-3; ST-8. (Even or reducing method) Lesser Yang Stage Disorder Key clinical features: Alternating fever and chills (sometimes feeling hot and sometimes feeling cold), enlarged lymph nodes, redness on the tongue, wiry pulse. Herbal treatments: a) Initial treatment – until there are no signs of Lesser Yang stage disorder present: Classic formulas: Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decocotion) + Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle Qi Decocotion) Prepared formulas: Resistance 2 Formula + Energy Tonic Formula b) Follow up (prepared formulas): Energy Tonic Formula (general use) or Resistance Formula (frequent infections) or Hair Growth Formula (with signs of premature ageing) Acupuncture: TB-5; DU-14 (even method); ST-12; TB-13 (reducing method) Deficiency of the Qi with ‘empty’ Heat Key clinical features: Subjective feelings of heat or low-grade fever; pale tongue with a thin white coat, weak pulse (not rapid). Relatively short history of CFS. Herbal treatments: a) General use: Classic formulas: Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decocotion) + Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle Qi Decocotion) Prepared formulas: Resistance 2 Formula + Energy Tonic Formula b) Combinations: With frequent infections (add one of the following to the above protocol): Classic formulas: Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Wind Screen Powder) Prepared formulas: Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Screen Formula) OR Resistance 1 Formula © Sun Herbal Acupuncture: ST-36; LI-10; SP-6; BL-20; BL-21; REN-6; LU-9; DU-12; BL-13; DU-20; HE-5. (reinforcing method); PC-5; DU-14 (for empty Heat; use even or reducing method) Deficiency of the Qi and the Blood Key clinical features: Fatigue, poor memory and concentration, poor appetite and digestion, palpitations, poor sleep, mild anxiety, dull headaches that are worse when tired, pale tongue, weak and thin pulse. No history of viral infection, no signs of Heat. Relatively short history of CFS. Herbal treatments: a) Younger patient: Classic formulas: Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang (Ginseng Formula to Nourish the Qi & Blood) Prepared formulas: Qi & Blood Tonic 1 Formula b) Middle aged to elderly patient Classic formulas: Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan (Seven Treasures Elixir for Beautiful Whiskers) + Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Gentleman Decoction) Prepared formulas: Hair Growth Formula + Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Major Herbs Combination) Acupuncture: ST-36; LI-10; SP-6; BL-20; BL-21; BL-15; BL-18; REN-6; DU-20; HE-7; REN-4; KI-3 (reinforcing method). Deficiency of the Qi and the Yin Key clinical features: Feelings of heat in the afternoon or early evening, night sweats, hot sensations in palms, soles and centre of the chest, red tongue that may have cracks, little or no tongue coat. Herbal treatments: a) General use: Classic formulas: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Rehmannia Six Ingredients Pill) + Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle Qi Decocotion) Prepared formulas: Yin Tonic Formula + Energy Tonic Formula Combinations i) With Dryness (dry mouth, eyes, skin, throat, nose, etc.) Prepared formulas: + Zhi Yin Gan Lu Yin (Rehmannia & Asparagus Formula) ii) With pronounced or stubborn Heat signs Prepared formulas: Use Empty Heat Formula instead of Yin Tonic Formula © Sun Herbal Acupuncture: LU-9; Ren-17; BL-43; BL-13; Du-12; REN-12; ST-36; SP-6; KI-3; KI-6; LU-7; REN-4; BL-23; BL-52 (reinforcing method). Deficiency of the Yang Key clinical features: Feelings of cold, increased sensitivity to the cold, low back pain, polyuria, nocturia, pale and swollen tongue with an overly wet appearance. Long history of CFS. Herbal treatments: a) General use: Classic formulas: Fu Gui Ba Wei Wan (Aconite, Cinnamon and Rehmannia Pill) + + Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Tonify the Middle Qi Decocotion) Prepared formulas: Rehmannia Eight Vitality Formula + Energy Tonic Formula b) With slow metabolism and/or pronounced edema Prepared formulas: Thyrotone Formula + Rehmannia Eight Vitality Formula c) Follow up: Classic formulas: You Gui Wan (Right Restoring Pill) + Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Wind-Screen Powder) Prepared formulas: Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Screen Formula) + Zhuang Yang Yi Jing Wan (Epimedium & Ginseng Formula) Acupuncture: Du-4; REN-4; ST-36; BL-23; BL-52; LI-3; KI-7 (reinforcing method with moxa). CONCLUSION A recent systematic review concluded that there is no evidence supporting the use of Chinese herbal medicines in the treatment of CSF. (Adams et al., 2009) This was based on the fact that none of the studies published up until 2008 met the inclusion criteria, due to the presence of ‘serious flaws in the conduct and reporting of clinical studies conducted in China …. both for conventional medicine and TCM’. This situation is slowly being rectified, and two newly published Chinese studies provide some evidence that various combinations of Chinese herbal medicines may indeed be effective in the treatment of CFS. (Zhang et al., 2009; Cho et al., 2009) However, much of the research fails to clearly address the issues discussed above, in that treatments need to be specifically staged and also tailored to the individual patient, both in terms of the initial condition as well as response to treatment. It is difficult to imagine how such a study could be designed so as to satisfy the stringent and restricting criteria of evidence based (Western) medicine. Thus, we need to rely on the current best available evidence: the opinions of experts based upon their clinical experience. In this article I have attempted to bring together the works of eminent Western TCM authorities, together with the clinical experience of my own colleagues and mentors. © Sun Herbal CLINICAL COMMENTARY In assessing patients with CFS it is most important to recognize that, although the main symptom is severe fatigue, this does not always mean that the main problem is one of deficiency, to be treated with tonic herbal formulations. In most cases there is the presence of one or more pathogenic factors, that must be cleared before intensive treatment with tonics can be successfully given. The key diagnostic features, which should alert the practitioner to the presence of pathogens are: muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, a thick coating on the tongue, full and/or slippery pulse. In addition, if the symptoms immediately worsen when tonifying medicines are given, it is safe to assume that pathogens are still present, and treatment should be directed at resolving them. Patients who are impatient and want quick relief from the fatigue should be encouraged to ‘stick with the program’ and wait until it is appropriate for them to take tonifying herbal medicines. Obviously there is no ‘quick fix’ for CFS, and Chinese herbal treatments together with acupuncture are time tested therapies that offer a good chance for improvement or recovery in the long term. © Sun Herbal REFERENCES Adams, D., Wu, T., Yang, X., Tai, S., Vohra, S. (2009).Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs for the treatment of idiopathic chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. Chen, R., Moriya, J., Yamakawa, J., Takahashi, T., Kanda, T. (2010). Traditional Chinese Medicine for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 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