Document 6499783


Document 6499783
Vol. 37
Mount Vernon, Ohio, March 17, 1932
No. 11
"Isn't this mission work in China a piece of foolishness?" It was an American sailor who asked the question
one morning as we talked with him. He was thinking of
some missionaries who had recently been captured by
bandits, and of property that had been destroyed by communists, and perhaps he had heard too, of some disciples
in China who had followed mainly to obtain the loaves
and the fishes. His question still rang in our ears even
after the sound of the words had died away.
In giving him an answer we had called attention to
the fact that Christians belong to the army of Christ
and therefore are to obey all of his commands, including
the one to "Go . . . into all the world, and preach
the gospel." Of course he saw nothing foolish about
obeying the command of his superiors when ordered to
China to protect American interests in Chinese waters.
Neither is there anything foolish about Christian soldiers
obeying orders given by their Superior even when it means
coming to a land like China to advance the Cross and
kingdom of Christ.
Of course it isn't foolishness, this work of preaching
Christ in a land where millions still are without the joy
and peace that comes from owning Him as a personal Saviour, and consequently know nothing of the happiness it
affords to render loving, grateful service to Him. But
yet we would like to ask you candidly, how would you
answer the question? Would you have your missionaries
back--home again? Would you have the responsibility of
taken from your shoulders? Would
forwarding this
you close your eyes and ears to the needs of those you
might help to save, because the obstacles and difficulties
are so numerous and so great? Would you be excused
from bearing any longer the cross of Christ? The spirit
answers promptly no! no! no! And yet how weak the
human flesh, and how frail!
It is not necessary to offer resistance either active or
semi-passive in order to show that we consider the mission
enterprise a piece of foolishness. How do you answer
the question today? You answer it by the way you pray
for the advance of the Cross of Christ, by the earnestness or coldness you manifest in beseeching Heaven to care
for your representatives in these distant lands, and by the
spirit of sacrifice or of selfishness with which you assist
or hinder the Master's work.
If you could know the courage it brings to our hearts
here in China to know that you actively approve of the
mission work and pray daily for its advance, and that you
are giving liberal offerings, often giving till it hurts, so
that we can all stay at our posts of duty — well, you
would thank God and take courage, and just keep on
giving and praying. — Nanking, China.
Raymond H. Hartwell.
Coming to Jersey City over the Pennsylvania or
Lehigh Valley R. R., you change at. Manhattan Transfer, taking a tube train to Journal Square. From Journal Square to the Y. W. C. A., 270 Fairmont Ave.
where the meetings are to be held at what is known as
the Y. W. C. A. Auditorium, either a Bergen Avenue
Bus or Jackson Avenue street car may be taken right at
the Square. Get off at the corner of Bergen and Fairmont Avenues, which is just three doors from the main
entrance of the Y. W. C. A.
Those coming over the Lackawanna or D. L. & W.,
get off at the Jersey City Station, take shuttle train to
Journal Square. Coming over the B. & 0. or Central,
get off at New York Station, which is just two blocks
from the Courtland Street tube entrance, take tube to
Journal Square. Coming over the Erie R. R., get off
at Jersey City Terminal, take tube right from station to
Journal Square. Coming over the New York Central,
get off at Grand Central Station, New York City, take
shuttle train to 33rd Street, and transfer to Hudson
Tunnels, and take train for Journal Square.
The Reception Committee will have desk space in the
front lobby of the Y. W. C. A., and will be there prepared to locate delegates any time beginning Tuesday
morning, March 29.
The Y. M. C. A. will have about 35 rooms available
(single) for ministers at the customary rate of $1.00 per
night. A limited number of rooms both single and double
may be secured in private homes within easy access of the
Auditorium. These will cost from $1.00 to $1.50 per
night per person. (The Y. M. C. A. is only about two
blocks from the Auditorium.)
The Plaza Hotel, which faces Journal Square will
give us the same Convention rates as quoted previously;
namely, room without bath, twin beds. single $2.50 oer
day, double $4.00; room with bath $3.50 single, $5.00
double. A very few rooms with shower $3.00 single,
$4.50 double per day. About 40 rooms only will be
available in the Plaza. Splendid cafeteria service is to
be had in both the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.
Any desiring rooms at Jersey City during the union
session, please write to Elder H. J. Detwiler, 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, New Jersey.
F. H. Robbins.
The Disarmament Conference
is being reported for the Signs of The Times by Elder
Arthur S. Maxwell, of London. His first report will be
the feature article for the color Signs, dated March 29,
and will be followed by others giving the detailed study
of this important world conference.
Columbia Union Visitor
W. P. Elliott, President
W. B. Mohr, Sec'y-Treas.
411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, D. C.
Some of the Potomac Potters
We quote a few of the interesting items about our
church schools from the Potomac Potters, a news bulletin
issued monthly by Sister Sorensen, secretary of our Educational Department:
"I visited the Lynchburg and Richmond schools recently. I am very much pleased with the work being
done in both of these schools.
"During the holidays the Lynchburg school-room
was painted. The ceiling is cream, and the woodwork a
pale green. The teacher's desk, chair, and the recitation
bench were also painted. We have a beautiful school room
in Lynchburg. It is a class A school. The enrollment
in the Richmond school is the largest that it has been the
six years we have been in this conference.
"Last Thursday I spent with the three Takoma Park
teachers. A great deal of remodeling in being done in
their respective rooms; and cupboards, radiator shelves,
etc. are being added. A new heating plant has been put
in. We hope some day to have a new building for this
school. In the meantime we are glad to have improvements made. The faithful work of our Takoma Park
teachers is much appreciated. The enrollment is the highest ever. In fact, we could not put on a Children Ingathering Campaign in the Takoma Park church for the
school rooms are now too full. Once each week Mrs.
"'Lodge ana Mrs. Norton take a group of girls for a swim
in a good pool in the city.
"Wednesday of last week Professor Russell went with
me to visit our colored school — Union Academy. They
are crowded for room too. When the building was built
three years ago, the total enrollment was 42. Now they
have 87 enrolled. A fine spirit prevades the rooms. Our
four teachers are doing excellent work. We rated the
school and found it shy just a few points of being in the
A class. It will be there ere the year closes, I am sure.
Miss Skinner's room — Primary — gained 18 points
over last year, and Miss Henry's room — Grammar —
gained 29. Every two weeks the city library delivers a
box of 100 books to the school. The teachers look them
over carefully, and are able to find in the lot a good
supply of supplementary readers.
"Miss Walker reports that Brother Herbst, one of
the Arlington members, is teaching woodwork to her boys.
Brother Herbst is a carpenter and meets with the class
every other Sunday for two hours. Time and space will
not permit me to tell you how Miss Walker got the tools
for the class. It is an interesting story, and again verifies
the old adage, 'Where there is a will, there is a way.'
"Just this little note from a letter received from. Mrs.
Bane at Buena Vista, one of our new schools: .
" 'I know you will rejoice with us because of the influence of the church school. When Brother Coon gave
the invitation for those who wanted to be Christians, four
of our pupils came to the front. Please say to Brother
Sorensen that these are Missionary Volunteers in the
"Brother Brownell writes interesting letters from
Konnarock. There are many hardships and trials, but
he finds his rich reward as he looks into the forty-five
young faces before him in the school-room. They are
eager to learn and do."
Sabbath School Convention
A convention of the Colored Sabbath Schools of Washington D. C. and Alexandria Va. was held in Washington Friday and Sabbath Feb. 19-20, 1932. There was
a large attendance, and a deep interest was shown in the
daily program.
The Convention was opened Friday evening by Mrs.
C. P. Sorensen, Sabbath School Secretary ni the Potomac
Conference. After an address of welcome from Mrs.
Conelly, the superintendent of the "First" Sabbath School
and a response from Dr. Eva B. Dykes, superintendent
of the Ephesus Sabbath School, the presiding officer presented the speakers for the evening: Elder J. C. Thompson and Miss R. D. Guinther of the Sabbath School
Department of the General Conference; Elder A. E.
Webb, Pastor of the "First" Church, —and the writer.
The Sabbath School as a soul-winning agency was presented from different angles by the various speakers. The
thought was emphasized that the Ward of God is the
active agent in the conversion of sinners and the development of Christians and the study of that Word is
the center, the very heart of all Sabbath School effort.
This opening meeting was held at the "First " Church.
Not having a building large enough to accommodate these
Sabbath Schools, they met in their respective places of
worship Sabbath morning. Elder J. C. Thompson addressed an interesting audience at, the "First" Church.
The audience at Ephesus was so large as to prevent the
formation of classes at the Sabbath School hour. Brother
C. P. Sorensen, of the Missionary Volunteer Department
of the Potomac Conference, took charge of lesson study
period and taught the day's lesson. Three infants were
enrolled in the Cradle Division. The sermon was delivered by Elder W. R. French of Washington Missionary College.
The afternoon session was held at Ephesus ; the sacred
edifice was filled beyond its seating capacity. At this meeting interesting topics on Sabbath School work were presented for discussion by Miss D. Skinner, Dr. E. B.
Dykes, Mrs. Helen Seegland and Mrs. E. Nell; the discussion which followed each paper revealed the interest we
had in the topics presented. Ministers and conference
officials remained throughout the convention, and rendered
valuable help. Elder Thompson took charge of the Question Box and in about thirty minutes answered more than
a score of questions on Sabbath School work. Special
musical selections were rendered at each meeting. Those
who attended this convention believe that the time was
profitably spent, and the result will be seen in our Sabbath
J. Geishom Dasent.
Columbia Union Visitor
Official Organ of the Columbia Union
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Issued 50 times a year by the Mt. Vernon College Press
Price fifty cents per year in advance '
Entered as second-class matter March 25, 1908, at the
post office at Mt. Vernon Ohio. under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879.
Address all subscriptions and make all payments to
your Book and Bible House.
All copy must reach our office by V. ,dnesday morning
of the week preceding the date of ablication. Whenever possible copy should be typ - ritten and doublespaced.
Columbia Union Visitor
Vol. 3
No. 8
Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Reported by the News Class
H. H. Hamilton, President
Lively Chapel Programme
Bicentennial Celebration Will Be Theme of
1932 Yearbook
"Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist?" was the question asked by Professor French in opening his chapel
lecture recently. This presention was one in a series
presented by the department of theology in which it aims
to stress every point of doctrine believed by Seventh-day
Adventists, just as a minister would stress and present
them if he were giving a series of lectures in a hall or tent
effort. Elder Shoup, the college pastor, began the series.
He was followed by Elder Farley. The speaker to follow
Professor French will be Dr. B. G. Wilkinson.
Immediately after asking the . opening question Professor French read the text in Matthew which says, "We
remember that that deceiver said, while He was yet alive,
after three days I will rise again." Building his argument
upon this text, the speaker contended that its fulfillment
made him a Seventh-day Adventist. It was because
this Man Jesus prophecied His death, and because the
accusers were afraid of Him, and because His prophecy
came to pass. "Prophecy," continued the speaker, "has
a strange way of coming to pass." Upon the fulfilment
of this first prophecy hinges the fulfilment of the prophecy of Jesus' second coming, and the fulfilment of all
the prophecies that deal with the end of the world. Did
the first one come to pass? Will the others come to pass?
They will, just as surely as the first. "Do you see that
I must believe in two comings of Jesus?" asked Professor
French of his listeners. Because Jesus went just a little
farther than any man; because He went to Calvary; because He went to the tomb; because His prophecies have
a strange way of coming to pass, that is why I am a Seventh-day Adventist, I cannot honestly deny it."
"But," he continued, "you notice they called Him a
deceiver even while He was in the tomb—Joseph's new
tomb." Christ has been held up as a liar by many of the
world's self-righteous pharisees right down to our time.
To-day with all the knowledge and advancement credited
to this civilization, we still cling to the century-old habit
of calling truth deception, and falsehood anything but
its rightful name. There are many people today who advocate doubts concerning the truths of Christianity.
Their actions still call Christ a deceiver. Too, there are
many who come in the clothing of saints, teaching doctrines without foundations. Scientists, so called, ask that
they may have facts concerning the Christian religion
upon which to base conclusions. They ask for demonstrations of the resurrection so that they may believe.
These same people will cling to a theory of the evolution
of life without any evidence, or demonstrable facts.
From here on the speaker showed by examples and illustrations that he cannot believe in any part of the theory
of evolution, or in any other Christ than the true Christ
and still be a Seventh-day Adventist.
"The Book of Golden Memories," the College annual,
was the theme of a "pep" meeting held in chapel Wednesday, March 2. This year's annual is a departure
from the precedent set by previous college year books.
It truly ought to be a real "book of golden memories" for
it is to obtain the spirit of our national celebration—the
bicentennial. The National Capital, George Washington, and other items of national importance will be presented. The book will be made up entirely of pictures.
The only type in the book will be the type used in headlines, tables, and captions. It will contain the individual
picture of each student and faculty member. There will
be a group picture of the board as well as other groups.
The class of graduating nurses is a feature of this year's
book. Details of unusual interest, which are held in
secret by the staff, promise to make this year's book a
bigger and better annual in every way. Let's boost it!!
Many "pep" talks, interspersed with lively music by
the college band marked the close of a very successful
subscription campaign. The girls led by James French
and the boys led by Dixie Pruette fought a stiff battle for
the lead.. The Halcyon Club turned in 101 subscriptions at one turn of the page. So great was the boost
that the young men under the leadership of Miss Pruette
never fully recovered from the avalanche. The young
women retained the lead with 390 subscriptions. In all,
nearly 750 subscriber's names are entered on the annual
circulation files as the result of the two-week campaign.
The program of the hour was under the leadership
of Paul Eldridge, the campaign manager. He was assisted by Florence Eldridge, Maynard Bourdeau, Max
Shoup, and the two team leaders—Dixie Pruette and
James French. The music consisted of marches and the
college song. The band was under the direction of Professor Johnson.
News Notes
Three speeches and two musical selections composed
the George Washington program given by the Public
Speaking Class under the direction of Professor Thiel.
The program was part of a class exercise and was given
in the chapel during the regular class recitation period.
Raymond Borgman, officiated as chairman of the meeting.
Because of the crowded conditions of College Hall,
the College Board of Trustees has voted that a new building be constructed. This new building will concern the
normal and the science departments. It will give room
for practice teaching and laboratories. At present these
departments are crowded beyond capacity and comfort.
A photographic studio has been set up in Columbia
Hall by the staff of the "Book of Golden Memories." All
students, (except college seniors as well as faculty members) may have their pictures taken here for the annual.
The seniors and the members of the faculty will go to the
studio in the city which does the work for the annual
from year to year. Judging from the crowd which moves
up and down the steps leading to the studio, these are days
of rushing business. Max Shoup and Maynard Bourdeau,
who have charge of the studio, are doing expert work.
Columbia Union Visitor
H. J. Detwiler,- President
C. H. Kelly, Seey-Treas.
1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J.
First Regional Soul-winning Convention
The first of the 1932 New Jersey Conference Home
Missionary Department's "Soul-winning Conventions"
representing the two southern districts of the Conference
opened at Bridgeton S. D. A. Church, on Sabbath evening
at 7:45 p. m., February 19th, with a sermon by Elder
E. A. 1VIanry, Home Missionary Secretary of the Columbia Union Conference.
On Sabbath morning, February 20th, after the combined Sabbath school which was led by Sister Lottie L.
Conger acting as superintendent for all the members of
the churches represented at the Convention, which were
Bridgeton, Jericho, Ramah, 'Vineland, Cape May Court
House and Pleasantville,—Elder Manry conducted the
fifteen minute missionary service. At the eleven o'clock
hour• Elder H. J. Detwiler gave an inspiring sermon on
Revelation 13, bringing us down to the time when an
image is being made to the 'Beast power in the U. S.
At two-forty-five p. m., Elder S. R. Haynes, district
superintendent of Bridgeton, led out in a song service.
The real work of the convention started with Elder
Manry's presentation of the topic: "Organizing the
Church for Soul-winning Work." He stressed the
thought that our forces must be organized to do a larger
and more thorough work. There must be organization,
training of bands, and after the Topical Bands are instructed, then a laboratory experience in soul-winning
direct in the 'Bar necessary to see resurts. Elder
Milton G. Conger, conference Home Missionary Secretary and the chairman of the convention, gave many, good
points on making the 15 minute service count in winning
souls. There was free discussion on this point. "How to
Win Souls With Our Literature," was ably discussed by
Elder G. W. Holman and Brother. C. H. Kelley, our
New Jersey Conference Treasurer. After the Sabbath
closed there was a display of our books, tracts, and literature for our members to utilize in their soul-winning
Sunday morning Elder Manry lead out with the topic:
"Greater Evangelism Through Enlistment and Training
of Great Numbers of our Lay-members." He showed
how many would leave the- ranks of Satan if the laity
would arouse and do the work as outlined in the Spirit of
Sister Lottie L. Conger read a very, instructive paper,
prepared by Sister Lillie Britton, of the Camden church,
on "How the Church Home Missionary Secretary can
Help Soul-winning Endeavor Through Right Methods
of Handling Church Missionary Business."
The writer was called upon to present, "Winning
Souls Via Welfare Work," and cited some resultful experiences in the field. In this connection there was much
animated discussion and helpful conclusions relating to
Dorcas Societies, and varied ways of conducting welfare
Elder Manry led out in the afternoon session with
an increased attendance. The following topics were presented and discussed : Home Bible Study League—Bible
Readings, and Winning Souls Through the Health Reform. The Convention closed with a great amount of
inspiration gained, and a determination to enlist every
lay-member in soul-winning service, thus hastening Jesus'
William F. Schmidt.
Soul-saving investments
Winter gone—birds chirping, trees budding, tiny flowers peeping through to warm sunlight after a long winter's nap.
It was on such a Sabbath morning as -this that the
superintendent of the Burlington English' Sabbath school
called our attention to the Investment Fund. We had
planned and worked on previous years, but never with
such a determination as in' 1931. From the youngest
, to the oldest, each member felt the necessity to help lift,
the load. "Forward" was the watchword.
The children sold pansy plants and small twenty-five
cent books furnished by a sister who distributed them
among the Juniors who would return the money to purchase more books, each time doubling their money. This
same sister and husband also did their part by saving and
sacrificing, mending their garments to make them last
longer, bringing as their offering about nine dollars. One
family rented their garage and received fifty cents per
week carrying a neighbor to his work. Their endeavor
resulted in forty-four dollars for the fund. A sister sewed
for others and instead of having her hair shampooed she,
did the work herself bringing as her offering twenty-nine.
One member plowed gardens and added eighteen dollars to the fund, while his good wife sold Life & Health
and other magazines and papers and rags, making a total
of about twenty-two dollars for this family. Another
sister who lives on a farm about two miles from town, and
who is employed every day, decided to give all the car fare
she could save. Several of the brethern and other kind
friends who own autos drove her to her place of employment. When this means of travel was not-available;
many times she walked and saved ten cents fare each time
which resulted in about eight dollars for the Investment
Fund. Many other ways were used but for lack of space
cannot be related.
Let us get a glimpse of the Sabbath morning when
the funds were gathered in. A program in which the
needs were presented was liven,—recitations, readings,
special music, and then the offering. Oh, how happy we
all were when the secretary' reported a total of one -hundred fifteen dollars ($115.00) received for our 1931 Investment Fund! No doubt, you, dear reader, think-nur
efforts were worth while? How thankful we felt for
God had, surely blessed abundantly. And right then and
there each one decided to start another Investment Fund
at once! May all our Sabbath schools. pray and work
together to increase our gifts to missions through the Investment Plan, and then blessed by our Father in Heaven
may .we unitedly make 1.932 our banner year...
Marie Beatty.
To My Redeemer
Oh Lord, I need Thee every day,
I stretch my arms to Thee;
Thou art a solace for each care
That hovers over me.
I'm weary and the world looks sad
With grief and much despair;
My only solace is Thy love
And tender soothing care.
My joys in life are very few,
My task is almost done,
I hope to meet Thee on the height
Whene'er the battle's won.
—By Donald W. McKay.
Columbia Union Visitor
A. E. King, Sec'y-Treas.
C. V. Leach, President
Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Special Announcement
Stirring events are happening these days, effecting
even the homes of the wealthy, and shaking the foundations of nations. Truly we are living in troublous times.
You are invited to a soul-stirring sermon by Elder 0. A.
Tait, editor of the "Signs of the Times," on the all absorbing subject, "A Survey of World Conditions" and
what they indicate concerning the "time of trouble."
Elder Tait will speak with authority on this topic, and
we earnestly invite all who can possibly do so to go to
Nearby churches are requested to arrange
hear him.
for auto loads to visit the church nearest you, as given in
the following list:
Sunday, March 20, 7:30 p. m. - Toledo, 385 Orchard
St., Toledo, Ohio.
Monday, March 21, 7:30 p. m. - Cleveland, 5700
Hough Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Tuesday, March 22, 7:30 p. m. - Mt. Vernon, Academy Chapel, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Wednesday, March 23, 7:30 p. m. - Dayton, Corner
Ferguson & Superior, Dayton, Ohio.
Thursday, March 24, 7:30 p. m. - Cincinnati, 1018
Locust St., W. H., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Friday, March 25, 7:30 p. m. - Springfield, 29 E.
Mulberry St., Springfield, Ohio.
Sabbath, March 26, 11:00 a. m. - Columbus, 26 N.
21st St., Columbus, Ohio.
It is hoped that all our churches will do their best
to invite their friends to this meeting, and endeavor to
use as many "Signs of the Times" this year as you possibly can. "More Signs, More Souls" is a fact today.
George Butler, Ohio H. M. Sec'y.
H. E. Garrarde, Sec'y-Treas.
W. A. Nelson, President
Greensburg, Pa.
(P. 0. Box 235)
Newell Building
It Shall Return After Many Days
Brother Wallenkamp of Cedar Lake Academy worked
in Crawford County last summer with good success. Recently he sent a letter containing the following experience
which is typical of scores of letters received right along.
"One very hot day last summer I sauntered up to
a home where I was met by the lady who invited me in.
A canvas was given her for 'Our Day.' Due to financial
conditions she was unable to order the book but she
stated that a paper called Present Truth had been coming
to her week by week, which paper discussed things in a
very similar way. She stated that she liked the paper
ever so much and that it was the finest piece of literature
that had ever entered her home. After she and her husband finished reading the paper they sent it to their
daughter-in-law who, in turn, sent it week by week to
her people. Brother Crawford, it brought joy to my
heart to know that the silent little messenger was entering
so many homes. In fact there is no way to measure the
good that is being accomplished by the weekly visits of
Present Truth.'
R. E. Crawford.
News Notes
Last Sabbath, Elder Rowe baptized 12 new believers. He has a baptismal class of 20 others,' most of
whom will be baptized in two or three weeks. All of
these new believers are the result of Elder Rowe's winter
effort in the Pittsgurgh No. 2 Church. At the meeting
last Sunday night, the attendance was so large that all
the standing room was taken.
Brother E. D. Thompson, local elder of the NewCastle Church has been holding in the church for a number of weeks, meetings for the public. He reports that
one family is already keeping the Sabbath and requests
The interest at Elder King's Sunday night services
continues to increase. Last Sunday night the attendance
was the largest to date. Many interested ones are attending the Sabbath services. All the members are talking
about the wonderful meetings, and the church is very
much encouraged.
At the Titusville effort, special tithe envelopes are
passed out to the congregation. A number are paying
their tithe each week. This is a new method and it is
proving a success.
Brother Belote reports four new Sabbath keepers at
W. M. Robbins, President
W. H. Jones, Sec'y-Treas.
3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Penna.
The Effort in Scranton
The evangelistic effort in Scranton conducted by Elder
R. M. Spencer, superintendent of the Tioga district, is
meeting with good success. Brother Spencer broadcasts
at 3:30 on Sunday afternoon over station WGBI and
preaches Sunday evening in the Seventh-day Adventist
church, located at Wyoming and New York streets. The
splendid messages which have been delivered over the radio
are well received by the people of Scranton and the surrounding communities. Many letters and phone messages expressing appreciation for the sermons and songs
are coming in daily. The splendid offerings, at the Sunday evening meetings are expressive of the deep interest
and appreciation on the part of the people for these special meetings. The church has been well filled with interested listeners which is unusual for the Scranton church.
Our evangelistic effort in the Garrick Theatre at
Norristown, conducted by Elder M. R. Coon, is creating
a greater interest from week to week. Professor H. A.
Miller, Professor Victor Johnson and Miss Lindy from
the musical department of the Washington Missionary
College were present Sunday night, March 6, and assisted
greatly with several beautiful instrumental numbers which
were much appreciated. Brother Coon informs us that
one hundred strangers were present at the first Sabbath
meeting held Sabbath, March 5. The Norristown believers are of strong courage and are praying- for a good
harvest of souls.
Wm. Robbins.
Columbia Union Visitor
In The Young People's Circle
Colporteur Reports
(Continued from page 7)
The North Philadelphia Young Peoples' Society have
set out upon a program to evangelize their section of the
great city of Philadelphia, by means of the Present Truth.
Each week there is to be delivered personally to one thousand homes in the vicinity of the church, a current Present
Truth number. The Young People are planning to visit
these homes each week for twenty five weeks, and by so
doing present the main doctrinal points of our faith. We
ask your prayers that the seeds of truth sown by the means
of the printed page, may bring forth an abundant harvest
of souls who accept this Message.
A short time ago the North Philadelphia Young People's Society organized a Sunshine Band. The purpose
of this group is to visit the aged and infirm who are confined in large homes in the city, and bring sunshine and
gladness to their hearts. Already the Band visited two
homes, and presented a varied program of instrumental
music, singing, short talks and readings. The last meeting
was held in the main Chapel of the Evangelical Home.
About one hundred and fifty aged folks gathered to hear
the program. At the close of the service, the matron
arose and expressed her appreciation, and invited us to
come again. The member in charge of the literature gave
a Signs of the Times, or Present Truth to each individual.
Thirty eight members of the Y. P. Society took part in
the program, and all felt it was a Sabbath afternoon well
spent. Please remember the work of this organization in
your prayers, that many saddened hearts may be cheered,
and as they read the literature given to them, many may
see the light of truth and accept this wonderful Message.
Gernet, Y.-- P.- Leader. Stroudsburg
On a recent Sabbath, the church was filled and some
standing, to witness another baptism at Stroudsburg.
Eleven adults were baptized, eight of them joining the
local church. Several others signified their intention of
being ready for the next baptism while yet others offered
themselves in a new consecration.
The most of these new converts resulted from the
effort of Elder Coon last year and the faithful Bible work
of Mrs. Lydia Kester during the past few months. This
inflow of souls surely keeps the spiritual atmosphere on a
high level in the Stroudsburg church. Motto: Let's pray
for more souls.
H. A. Vandeman.
Your Best
"Just do your best, it matters not how small,
How little heard of; just do your best.
Our God above, He knows it all,
.And in His great plan you count as one.
Just do your best until the work is done,
Just do 'your best; though poor, despised, forsaken,
Let not your faith be shaken.
Just do your best. If in the wild,
Hot rush for wealth and place, you do not excel,
Why fret? Just do your best, and do it well.
God does not forget. Press on,
Nor doubt nor fear. Just do your best,
Reward will come to those who stand the test."
L. W. Kurz, Field Missionary Secretary
Week Ending February 27.
Place Book
W. Yonson, Baltimore
W. Yonson, (Feb. 26)
J. A. Hayes, Baltimore
J. Gibson, Baltimore
Mrs. A. Powell, Baltimore
Mrs. S. Adams, Baltimore
Mrs. M. Hall, Baltimore
J. E. Jones, Rock Hall
Mrs. A. Thomas, Wilmington RH
Mrs. M. Webster, WilmingtonSCC
Mrs. J. Fairfax, Wilmington SCC
Mrs. J. Russell, Baltimore _ OD
Mrs. I. Black, Baltimore
Mrs. M. Queen, Baltimore
Mrs. J. Steward, Baltimore
Mrs. E. Bannister, Baltimore OD
M. McCleary, Baltimore
Mrs. B. Russell, Baltimore
Clyde Tritch, Hagerstown
Totals 17 colporteurs
unless accompanied by certified checks, money orders, cash
or stamps and approved by conference president or worker, will be given no attention. Personal checks not accepted. Approved advertisements will be published at the rate
of one cent for each word or initial, with a minimum
charge of 25 cents, rate the same for additional insertions.
Address, Columbia Union Visitor, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.,
AN OPPORTUNITY: There is an opportunity for
several young women to enter a one- year's course in
Practical Nursing in a well-equipped 50-bed Hospital,
For information address:
Middletown Sanitarium,
Middletown. N. Y.
AN OPPORTUNITY FOR STEADY EMPLOYMENT: Representatives wanted in every place to represent us in sale of ladies' full fashioned silk hosiery made
by Southern Junior College at Ooltewah, Tennessee.
Write for particulars and give selling experience to
Collegedale Hosiery Mill, Collegedale, Tennessee.
FOR SALE: Desirable property near Sanitarium and
College. 7 roomed house all modern improvements; cottage
in rear; many shade trees; 2nd lot. Owner moving to
country. J. Konigmacher, 72 Flower Ave., Takoma Park,
D. C. Bus passes door.
WANTED:Place in Adventist home; no out-door
work; wish an answer at once. Can come at. once
Wages right; for further particulars write. Have aged
husband to support. Would like children to board and
care for at home at reasonable prices. Mrs. Harvey B.
Smith. Office box 23, Smithburg, Md
WANTED: Work on farm by the year, by Adventist
man. Married and experienced in general farm work.
Can furnish good references. Write C. A. Wilson, R. F.
D. No. 9, Defiance, Ohio.
WANTED: Place on farm or in good Adventist home
for two motherless boys, aged 15 and 12. For further
information write to C. V. Leach, Box 517, Mt. Vernon,
FOR SALE OR TRADE: 8 roomed house, gas and
electricity, well outside and cistern water in he house;
about an acre of land, good garden spot, fruit trees,
large barn, other out-buildings. 5 minutes walk to Academy. Reasonable terms. Would trade for farm. Adam
H. Durichek, Route 5, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Columbia Union Visitor
Week Ending March 5, 1932
This is the work the Lord would have His people do at this time.- C. E., p. 5
E. M. Fishel, Union Field Secretary
I. M. Evans, Field Missionary Secretary
Place Book Hrs. Orders Del'd.
E. C. Alexander, Cincinnati PP 32
Mr. & Mrs. Beckwith, HamiltonPF 40
OD 32
John Booth, Portsmouth
Hance Curnutte, Portsmouth OD 29
GC 43
S. E. Curry, Celveiand
GC 11
D. D. Day, Findlay
Mrs. W. S. DeLany, ClevelandRJ 17
Lillian Fox, Lucas Co.
RJ 21
H. W. Gigax, Lucas Co.
GC 29
Fred Hannah, Columbus
BP 35
Edith Hanvey, Toledo
BR 41
A. D. Lee, Cleveland
R,J 43
Paull Lipscomb, Mansfield
C. McCampbell, Cuyahoga Co. RJ 39
Marabel McClead, Painsville BTS 7
Mrs. C. A. Norton, Youngst'nMisc 10
R. S. Schoonard, Miami Co. GC 34
RJ 37
H. C. Sealy, Lucas Ca.
OD 30
Louis Shandor, Cleveland
W. A. Widmer, Cleveland BTS 40
Mildred Wilson, Cincinnati BTS 38
608 $270.35 $155.55
Totals 21 colporteurs
J. R. Ridenour, Field Mission ary Secretary
OD 45
C. Dornburg, Pittsburgh
W. A. Higgins, Cannonsburg OD 45
DR 43
L. Adams, Somerset
DR 43
F. D. Adams, Somerset
RH 41
U. Bracy, Pittsburgh
OD 39
Charles Peters, Pittsburgh
G. S. Buttermore, Uniontown OD 37
OD 37
J. Batt, Homestead
E. J. Hughes, Butler, Pa. WCS 27
OD 24
R. R. Haight, Warren, Pa.
A. Worker, Pittsburgh
RJ 23
L, Lefler, Pittsburgh
WC 20
Wm, Seigle, Altoona
WC 16
E. Downs, Mt Braddock
Misc. 12
E. Mossburg, Melcroft
OD 25
C. Dahlman, Pittsburgh
M. Mook, Pittsburgh
A. Worker, Erie,
OD 36 41.45 146.50
*C. Dornburg, Pittsburgh
*G. S. Buttermore, Con'lsville OD 32
*E. Mosburg, Melcroft
WCS 10
560 $554.65 371.95
Totals 21 colporteurs
John A. Bee, Field Missionary Secretary
J. I. Britt, Associate Secretary
Week Ending February 27.
R. Robinson, Norfolk
GC 41
R F. Perciful, Washington RJ 40
H. C. Wilcox, Hampton
G. N. Downes, Norfolk
BR 40
GC 37
Mrs. Robinson, Norfolk
R. S. Finch, Lynchburg
Misc. 30
Mrs. Faye, Washington
Mag. 28
BR 23
Mrs. Myles, Washington
Mrs. Britt, Washington
BR 22
C. B. Braxton, Washington
RJ 21
H: S. Baskerville, Washington DR 20
Mrs. Shorter, Washington
GC 20
Margaret Cosby, Newp't N'sL&H 12
Mrs. Cardwell, Newport News RJ 12
Mrs. Puree. Washington
BR 10
Mrs. Nell, WaAington
Mrs• Dixon, Washington
Mrs. Simms, Washington
Paul Arkebauer. Washington Mag. 8
Lucy Johnson, Wash;ngton RJ
*Mrs. Shorter- Washington GC 8
*Mrs. Myles, Washington
BR 42 39.00
Totals 21 colporteurs
483 $518.35 $146.30
F. Thumwood, Field Missionary Secretary
Place Book Hrs . Orders Del'd.
SCC 14
Mrs. E. Gibbs, Cranford
E. Freeman, Newark
WCS 10
Mrs. M. Isaac, W. Point
BR 35
*Wm. Fitschen, J. City
WCS 19
H. Coburn, Elizabeth
Misc 23
F. Frankel, Elizabeth
Mrs. R. Harras, Jersey City WC 22
Mrs. A. Glinkin, Clifton
BS 16
Mrs: C. Dolan, Paterson
Mag. 12
Misc 38
K. Asplund, Elizabeth
J. Martin, Newark
*Mrs. R. Harras, J. City
WCS 18
H. Waddington, L. Branch
J. Gould, E. Orange
OD 30
W. Mundy, Newark
OD 36
W. Haring, Morris Co.
WCS 25
J. Cheripko, Newark
GC:OD 38
Mrs. J. Jenssen, Paterson
Mrs. L. Penniwell, Montclair SCC 29
Mrs. M. Harvey, Montclair SCC 15
F. Myers, Newark
PP 40
*Back reports.
Totals 21 colporteurs
0. C. Weller, Field Missionary Secretary
Virgil Gibbons, Associate Secretary
Joe Ledoni, Phila.
OD 60
Carrie Morris, Phila.
OD 44
Mamie Holmes, Phila.
OD 42
Had. Filkill, Phila.
RJ 42
M. Hollenbaugh, Millerburg ,GC 41
Wm. F,. Manbeck, Lebanon
OD 41
I. H. Johnson, Millerburg
GC 40
Ernest Williams, Phila.
RJ 40
C. W. Loernz, Hazleton
OD 40
Frank Fields, Phila.
DR 39
H. G. Lewis, Nanticoke
OD 37
David Warner, Phila.
DR 35
Eliz. Winston, Phila.
DR 35
Anna Falwell, Phila.
OD 30
Rosa Boykins, Chester
OD 26
Jacob Wright, Phila.
WCS 26
Ella Wright, Phila.
RJ 21
Geo. Miller, Tower City
RJ 20
Annie Lowe, Phila.
OD 20
Gertrude Jordan, Phila.
RJ 20
Ada Hampton, Phila.
RJ 19
Evelyn Gernet, Phila.
BTS 17
James Street, Phila.
RJ 15
Mrs. Chas. Knorr, Phila.
OD 15
Samuel L. Keiter, Tower City RJ 14
John A. K. Lichty, Fullerton GC
J. W. Seitz, York
*W. E. Smith, West Grove
*C. H. Dahlman, Media
Misc 12
*M. Hollenbaugh, Millerburg
GC 36
*Back reports.
Totals 30 colporteurs
Geo. H Carter, Field Missionary Secretary
C. H. Carter, Parkersburg
RJ 44
Geo. H. Carter, Parkersburg RJ 52 68.00
Mrs. J. A. F9rd, Morgantown RJ 40
Laura Moyer, Hollidays Cove RJ 26
Totals 4 colporteurs
When the strongholds of kings shall be overthrown.
when the arrows of wrath shall strike through the hearts
of His enemies, His people will be safe in His hands.P. K. p. 176.
Columbia Union Visitor
Office, 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, D. C.
Telephone, Shephard 3163.
Secretary-Treasurer •
Educational Secretary
Field Missionary Sec'y
Home Missionary Sec'y
Missionary Volunteer Sec'y
Religious Liberty Sec'y
F. H. Robbins
E. J. Stipeck
E J. Stipeck
J P Neff
E M Fishell
E. A. Manry
J. P. Neff
A J. Clark
F. H. Robbins, C. V. Leach, W. A. Nelson, W. M. Robbins, W. P.
Elliott, H. J. Detwiler, D. A. Reese, J. P. Neff, B. G. Wilkinson,
D. W. Reavis, Dr. A. W. Truman, H. H. Hamilton, E. M. Fishell,
E. A. Manry, E. J. Stipeck.
A Word to Subscribers
We take this occasion to thank our COLUMBIA UNION
VISITOR readers, for their interested, and sympathetic support of our union paper. We receive letters expressing
,your appreciation of the paper and we are glad that its
visits to your reading table are anticipated and welcome.
We believe and are thankful, as you say, that its weekly
message of the progress of our beloved work in your
own local field, and in your union, are a source of en-conragement- to. yqu• Some haVe expressed:,.appreciation
Of the general articles of helpfulness, including those of
the tri-monthly Medical Number; some have mentioned
the page given every other week' to reports from our
college; while some watch eagerly for the news notes of
interest to local fields. For this steady, flow of reports and
contributions we are indebted to our local and union conference workers, whose efforts are always on the alert,
to inform you of the movements of the work.
And for the expense, which is involved in publishing
the VISITOR we are indebted to our local conferences.
Each conference is willing to see to it that every member
of every church receives the VISITOR, free of charge to
himself personally. This expense is necessarily very heavy
on the conferences, even when every one, whose subscription is paid for, is receiving the paper. But much greater
becomes the expense, when two or more papers go to one
person, or when they go to the wrong address. Many
hours each week are spent, by a competent person, on
the VISITOR subscription list of 6000 names, in an effort to
keep- all addresses 'accurate and in good condition. But
success in this depends largely on the cooperation of our
Subscribers. If you are receiving 2 copies of the VISITOR,
at one address; or if you have moved and have not sent
notice of your change of address; or if you know of any
aPet wrongly addressed; or if you are" not receiving the
paper at all, and wish to, will you please send notice of
that to your conference office. They in turn will notify
the ViSrroR office and thus eliminate the confusion of two,
perhaps conflicting notices. Your conference secretary
will notify us and with that one notice we will be able
to make an accurate correction.
We are confident that this "word to the wise is sufficient" and that your cooperation will mean a more accurate
VisiToRi mailing list -and better insurance in the future,
for your receiving your own paper regularly each week.
(In 1932)
Observing- Seventh-day Adcentists have seen a-marked
change of late in the attitude of many persons toward our
Ears formerly deaf are
people and our publications.
now keen to every Bible explanation of world conditions.
Doors heretofore -closed to our workers and our literature
are now open. Never have the opportunities nor the
facilities fOr meeting them been larger. Never in all the
history of our work has there been a time when it seemed
that God Was more definitely touching hearts and making
them impressionable than now. It is our day of opportunity, and from our homes and lives the light of truth
should be shining out in clear, strong rays. God calls
upon us to go forth with His Word and His love in our
hearts, and the "literature in our hands," to those who
are longing and waiting for help.
"The things of this world, are soon to perish. This
is not discerned by those who have not been divinely enlightened. 'Consecrated men and women must go forth
to sound the warning in the highways and byways. You
are God's spokesman. You are to speak the truth
to perishing 'Souls."'
"Literature in our hands." That is why our leaders
are now suggesting that we each endeavor to sell "a-book
a month." True, we are all busy with our many duties,
but could we not with carefUl planning make the effort
to sell at least one book a month (small, or large), to a
neighbor, or friend, or merchant, or stranger? Who can
tell what may be accomplished in that simple act each
Month? Will you not think it.over prayerftilly, and then
write your Book:: and Bible H
- ouse. secretary for intnr:
Illation as suitable book:S.- for such
; HeivilT be
to you.
glad to assist
Ernest Lloyd.
God calls for Christian families to go into the dark
places of the earth, and work wisely and perseveringly
for those who are enshrouded in spiritual gloom.—P. K.
p. 172.
ColuMbia-Union Conference-Notice is hereby given that the fourth quadrennial
session of the Columbia Union Conference of Seventhday Adventists will be held at Jersey City, New Jersey,
March 30' to .April 9, 1932. The first, meeting will
be called Mardi 30 at 9:30 A.M. At this session officers-will be elected, plans laid for our future work, and
other business considered.
F. H. Robbins, Pres.
E. J. Stipeck, Sec.
Columbia Union Conference Association •
Notice is hereby given that the fourth quadrennial
session of the Columbia Union Conference Association
of Seventh-fday Adventists of Washington, D. C., will
be held at Jersey City, New Jersey, April 4, 1932 at
10:30 A.M., at which time trustees will be elected for
the ensuing quadrennial period, and for the transaction
of such other business as may properly come before the
F. H. Robbins, Pres.
E. J. Stipeck, Sec.